True LIST of the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the Parliament That met at Westminister the 20th of March 1689 90. As they have been Return'd into the Crown-Office in Chancery Published by Authority Note that those that have this Mark * were not Members of the late PARLIAMENT Bedfordshire 4. THE Honourable Edward Russel Esq * Thomas Browne Esq Town of Bedford * Sir Will. Francklin Knt. Thomas Hillersdon Esq Thomas Hillersdon Esq Thomas Christie Esq Berks 9. Sir Henry Winchcombe Bar. * Sir Humfrey Forster Bar. Borough of New-Windsor * Sir Christopher Wren Knt. * Baptist May Esq Borough of Reading Sir William Rich Bar. Sir Hen. Fane Knt. of the Bath Borough of VVallingford William Jennens Esq * John Wallis Esq Borough of Abington * Symon Harcourt Esq Bucks 14. The Right Honourable Thomas Wharton Esq The Right Honourable Richard Hampden Esq Town of Buckingham Sir Richard Temple Knight and Baronet * Alexander Denton Esq Borough of Chipping-Wicomb William Jephson Esq Thomas Lewes Jun. Esq Borough of Aylisbury Sir Thomas Lee Bar. Thomas Lee Esq Borough of Agmondesham Sir William Drake Knt. Edmond Waller of Beconsfield Esq Borough of VVendover Richard Beake Esq * John Backwell Esq Borough of Great Marlow * James Chase Esq * Sir Will. Whitelocke Knt. Cambridge 6. Sir Levinus Bennet Bar. Sir Robert Cotton Knt. University of Cambridge Sir Robert Sawyer Knt. * The Honourable Edward Finch Esq Town of Cambridge Sir John Cotton Bar. * Granado Pigott Esq Chester 4. Sir John Mainwaring Bar. Sir Robert Cotton Knt. City of Chester * Sir Thomas Grosvenor Bar. * Richard Leving Esq Cornwal 44. The Honourable Francis Roberts Esq The Right Honourable Hugh Boscowen Esq Borough of Dunhivid alias Launceston The Right Honourable William Harbord Esq The Honourable Bernard Granville Esq Borough of Leskard Sir Bourchier Wray Knight of the Bath and Bar. * Emanuel Pyper Esq Borough of Lest withiel * Sir Bevill Grenville Knt. Walter Kendall Esq Borough of Truro Sir Henry Ashurst Bar. Henry Vincent Esq Borough of Bodmin Sir John Cutler Knt. Bar. Nicholas Glynn Esq Borough of Helston Sir John St. Aubin Bar. Chatles Godolphin Esq Borough of Saltash Sir John Carew Bar. * Richard Carew Esq Borough of Gamelford Ambrose Manaton Esq Henry Manaton Esq Borough of Port-Higham alias VVestlow Edward Seymour Esq Jonathan Trelawny Esq Borough of Grampound âohn Tanner Esq âalter Vincent Esq Borough of Eastlow âharles Trelawny Esq âenry Trelawny Esq Borough of Penryn âamuel Rolle Esq Alexander Pendaââis Esq Borough of Tregony Sir John Tremaine Knight Serjeant at Law âugh Fortescue Esq Borough of Bossiny * Samuel Travers Esq Sir Peter Colleton Bar. Borough of St. Ives James Praed Esq * William Harris Esq Borough of Foway Jonathan Rashleigh Esq Shadrach Vincent Esq Borough of St. Germans Daniel Elliot Esq * Henry Fleming Esq Borough of St. Michael * Francis Scobell Esq Anthony Rowe Esq Borough of Newport * The Right Honorable Charles Lord Cheyne John Speccot Esq Borough of St. Mawes Sir Joseph Tredenham Knt. Henry Seymour Esq Borough of Kellington Sir John Coryton Bar. * Francis Fulford Esq Cumberland 6. Sir George Fletcher Bar. Sir John Lowther of Whitehaven Bar. City of Carlisle Jeremiah Bubb Esq * Christopher Musgrave Esq Borough of Cockermouth * Sir Orlando Gee Knt. * Sir Wilfrid Lawson Bar. Derby 4. Sir Gilbert Clarke Knt. * Henry Gilbert Esq Town of Derby The Honourable Anchitell Gray Esq * Robert Wilmot Esq Devonshire 26. Francis Courtenay Esq Samuel Rolle Esq City of Exeter Sir Edward Seymour Bar. Christopher Bale Esq Borough of Totnes Sir John Fowell Bar. Henry Seymour Esq Borough of Plymouth The Right Honourable Sir John Maynard Knt. The Honourable John Greenville Esq Borough of Oakhampton William Cary Esq Henry Nortleigh Esq Borough of Barnstable * Sir George Hutchins Knt. * Arthur Champneys Esq Borough of Plympton * Richard Strode Esq * George Parker Esq Borough of Honiton * Sir Will. Drake Kt. and Bar. Sir Walter Yonge Bar. Borough of Tavistock The Honourable Robert Russel Esq Sir Francis Drake Bar. Borough of Ashburton * Sir Richard Reynell Knt. and Bar. * William Stawell Esq Borough of Clifton Dartmouth and Hardness Joseph Herne Esq William Hayne Esq Borough of Berallton Sir Francis Drake Bar. * John Swinsen Esq Borough of Tiverton Samuel Foote Esq * Thomas Bere Esq Dorsetshire 20. Thomas Strangeways Esq Thomas Freke Esq Town of Pool Sir Nathaniel Nappier Knt. and Bar. Sir John Trenchard Knt. Borough of Dorchester Sir Rob Nappier Knt. Bar. * James Gould Esq Borough of Lime-Regis * Henry Henley Esq John Burridge Esq Borough of VVeymouth Sir John Morton Bar. Michael Harvey Esq Borough of Melcom Regis Henry Henning Esq * Nicholas Gould Esq Borough of Bridport * John Michel Esq * Stephan Evance Esq Borough of Shafton alias Shaftsbury Sir Matthew Andrews Knt. Edward Nicholas Esq Borough of VVareham Thomas Erle Esq William Okeden Esq Borough of Corf-Castle Richard Fownes Esq * VVilliam Culliford Esq Durham 4. * Sir Robert Eden Bar. VVilliam Lambton Esq City of Durham * VVilliam Tempest Esq George Morland Esq Essex 8. Henry Mildmay Esq * Sir Francis Masham Bar. Borough of Colchester Samuel Reynolds Esq * Edward Cary Esq Borough of Maldon Sir Thomas Darcy Bar. Charles Mountague Esq Borough of Harwich * The Right Honorable Charles Lord Cheyne Sir Thomas Middleton Knt. Gloucestershire 8. Sir John Guise Bar. Sir Ralph Dutton Bar. City of Gloucester William Cooke Esq * William Try Esq Borough of Cirencester The Right Honourable Henry Powle Esq * Richard Howe Esq Borough of Tewksbury Richard Dowdeswell Esq The Right Honourable Sir Henry Capell Knt. Herefordshire 8. Sir John Morgan Bar. * Sir Herbert Croft Bar. City of Hereford Paul Foley Esq Henry Cornwall Esq Borough of Lempster Thomas Conyngesby Esq John Dutton Colt Esq Borough of VVeobly John Birch Esq * Robert Price Esq Hertfordshire 6. Sir Thomas Pope Blount Bar. Sir Charles Cesar Knt. Sir Thomas Pope Blount Bar. Ralph Freeman Esq Borough of St. Albans Sir Samuel Grimston Bar. George Churchill Esq Borough of Hertford Sir William Cowper Bar. * Sir William Leman Bar. Huntingtonshire 4. The Honourable Robert Mountague Esq * John Driden Esq Borough of Huntington The Honourable Sidney Wortly alias Mountague Esq * The Honourable Rich. Mountague Esq Kent 10. The Honourable Sir Vere Fane Knight of the Bath Sir John Knatchbull Bar. City of Canterbury Sir William Honywood Bar. Henry Lee Esq City of Rochester * Sir Joseph Williamson Knt. * Francis Clarke Esq Borough of Maidston Sir Thomas Taylor Bar. * Thomas Ryder Esq Borough of Quinborough Sir John Bankes Bar. Robert Crawford Esq Lancashire 4. The Right Honourable Charles Lord Brandom Gerrard * The Honourable James Stanley Borough of Lancaster * Roger Kirby Esq Thomas Preston Esq Borough of Preston in Amounderness The Right Honourable Robert Ld. Willoughby of Eresby Christopher Greenfeild Esq Borough of Newton * The Honourable George Cholmondely Esq Sir John Chichley Knt. Borough of Wiggan * Sir Richard Standish Knt. * Peter Shakerly Esq Borough of Clitheree Anthony Parker Esq * Roger Kenyon Esq Borough of Leverpool The Right Honourable Richard Lord Colchester Thomas Norris of Speak Esq Lescesser 4. The Right Honourable Bennet Lord Sherrard
* Sir Tho. Hesilridge Bar. Borough of Leicesten * Sir Edward Abney Knt. Lawrence Carter Esq Lincoln 12. The Right Honourable George Viscount Castleton Sir Thomas Hussey Bar. City of Lincoln * Sir John Bolles Bar. Sir Edward Hussey Bar. Borough of Boston The Right Honourable Robert Ld. Willoughby of Eresby Sir William Yorke Knt. Borough of Great Grimsby Sir Edward Ayscogh Knt. * John Chaplin Esq Town of Stamford The Honourable Charles Bertie Esq William Hyde Esq Borough of Grantham Sir John Brownlowe Bar. Sir William Ellis Bar. Middlesex 8. Sir Charles Gerrard Bar. Ralph Hawtrey Esq City of Westminster Sir William Poultney Knt. * Sir Walter Clarges Bar. London * Sir William Pritchard Knt. * Sir Samuel Dashwood Knt. * Sir William Turnor Knt. * Sir Thomas Vernon Knt. Monmouth 3. The Right Honourable Charles Lord Marquess Worcester Thomas Morgan Esq Borough of Monmouth * Sir Charles Kemeys Knt. Norfolk 12. * Sir Jacob Astley Knight and Baronet Sir William Cooke Bar. City of Norwich Thomas Blofeild Esq * Hugh Bokonham Esq Town of Lyn-Regis Sir John Turner Knt. * Daniel Bedingfeild Esq Town of Great Yarmouth George England Esq Samuel Fuller Esq Borough of Thetford The Right Honourable William Harbord Esq Sir Francis Guybon Knt. * Sir Joseph Williamson Knt. * Adam Felton Esq Borough of Castlerisling The Right Honourable Sir Robert Howard Knt. Robert Walpole Esq Northampton 9. Sir St. Andrew St. John Bar. John Parkhurst Esq City of Peterborough * William Brownlowe Esq Gilbert Dolben Esq Town of Northampton Sir Thomas Samuel Bar. Sir William Langham Knt. Town of Brackley * The Honourable Sir William Egerton Knt. of the Bath * John Blencowe Sergeant at Law Borough of Higham Ferrers Thomas Andrews Esq Northumberland 8 William Forster Esq Philip ãâã Esq Town of Newcasstle upon Tine Sir Ralph Carr Knt. * William Carr Esq Burough of Morpeth The Right Honourable Charles Lord Morpeth Roger Fenwick Esq Town of Berwick upon Tweed Sir Francis Blake Knt. * Samuel Ogle Esq Nottingham 8. Sir Scroop How Knt. William Sacheverel Esq Town of Nottingham * Charles Hutchinson Esq * Richard Slater Esq Borough of Eastretford The Honourable Evelin Peirpont Esq John Thornehagh Esq Town of Newark upon Trent The Right Honourable William Lord Eland The Honourable Nicholas Sanderson Esq Oxon 9. The Right Honourable Mountague Lord Norreys Sir Robert Jenkinson Bar. University of Oxon. The Honourable Heneage Finch Esq Sir Thomas Clarges Knt. City of Oxon. The Honourable Henry Bertie Esq Sir Edward Norreys Knt. Borough of New Woodstock Sir Thomas Littleton Bar. * Thomas Wheate Esq Borough of Banbury Sir Robert Dashwood Knt. and Bar. Rutland 2. Sir Thomas Mackworth Bar. Bennet Sherrard Esq Salop 12. The Honourable Richard Newport Esq Edward Kynaston of Oately Esq Town of Salop. The Honourable Andrew Newport Esq * Richard Mitton Esq Borough of Bruges alias Bridgenorth Sir William Whitmore Bar. Sir Edward Acton Bar. Borough of Ludlow * Thomas Hanmer Esq * William Gower Esq Borough of Wenlock Sir Wilham Forester Knt. George Weld Esq Town of Bishops-Castle * William Oakeley Esq * Richacd Mason Esq Somerset 18. * Sir Edward Phillips Knt. Nathaniel Palmer Esq City of Bristol Sir Richard Hart Knt. Sir John Knight Knt. City of Bath The Right Honourable Maurice Viscount Fitzharding Sir William ãâã Knt. City of Wells Edward Berkeley Esq * Hopton Wyndham Esq Borough of Taunton Sir William Portman Bar. * Edward Clarke Esq Borough of Bridgwater Sir Francis Warr Bar. Henry Bull Esq Borough of Minhead Francis Lutterel Esq Nathaniel Palmer Esq Borough of Ilchester Sir Edward Windham Bar. John Hunt Esq Borough of Milborn-Port * Sir Thomas Travell Knt. Sir Charles Carteret Knt. Southampton 26. The Right Honourable Charles Lord Marquess of Winchester Richard Norton Esq City of Winchester The Right Honourable William Lord Pawlett * Frederick Tilney Esq Town of Southampton Sir Charles Windham Knt. Sir Benjamin Newland Knt. Town of Portsmouth The Honourable Edward Russel Esq * Nicholas Hedger Alderman Borough of Yarmouth Sir John Trevor Knt * Charles Duncââââ Esq Borough of Petersfield Robert Michell Esq Richard Holt Esq Borough of Newport alias Medona Sir Robert Holmes Knt. Sir William Stephens Knt. Borough of Stockbridge * William Mountague Esq Richard Whithed Esq Borough of Newtown The Right Honorable Richard Earl of Ranelagh Thomas Done Esq Borough of Christ-Church Francis Gwyn Esq William Ettrick Esq Borough of Whitchurch Henry Wallop Esq The Honorable James ââââel Esq Borough of Limââââon John Burrard Eââ * Thomas Dâââ âsq Borough of Andover The Honourable Francis Pawlet of Amport Esq John Pollen Esq Staffordshire 10. The Honourable John Grey Esq * Walter Chetwind Esq City of Lichfield Robert Burdett Esq * Richard Dyot Esq Borough of Stafford John Chetwind Esq * Jonathan Cope Esq Borough of Newcastle under Line Sir William Leveson Gower Bar. * Sir Thomas Bellot Bar. Borough of Tamworth * Sir Henry Gough Knt. * Michael Biddulph Esq Suffolk 16. * Sir Samuel Barnadiston Bar. Sir Gervas Elwes Bar. Borough of Ipswich Sir John Barker Bar. Sir Charles Blois Bar. Borough of Dunwich Sir Robert Rich Knt. Bar. Sir Philip Skippon Knt. Borough of Orford Thomas Glemham Esq * Thomas Felton Esq Borough of Alborough Sir Henry Johnson Knt. William Johnson Esq Borough of Sudbury Philip Guidon Esq * John Robinson Esq Borough of Eye Henry Poley Esq * Thomas Davenant Esq Borough of S. Edmondsbury Sir Robert Davers Bar. * Henry Goldwell Esq Surrey 14. Sir Richard Onslow Bar. * Sir Francis Vincent Bar. Borough of Southwark * Anthony Bowyer Esq John Arnold Esq Borough of Blechingly Thomas Howard Esq Sir Robert ãâã Knt. Borough of Ryegate * Sir John Parsons Knt. * John Parsons Esq Borough of Guilford * Morgan Randyll Esq Foot Onslow Esq Borough of Gatton Sir John Thompson Bar. Thomas Turgis Esq Borough of Haslemere * Geo. Rodeney Bridges Esq Denzill Onslow Esq Sussex 20. Sir John Pelham Bar. Sir William Thomas Bar. City of Chichester Sir Thomas Miller Knt. Thomas May Esq Borough of Horsham John Machell Esq * Thomas White Jun. Gent. Borough of Midhurst Sir William Morley Knight of the Bath John Lewkner Esq Borough of Lewes Thomas Pelham Esq Richard Bridger Esq Borough of Shoreham Sir Edward Hungerford Knt. of the Bath * John Pery Esq Borough of Bramber * Nicholas Barbon Esq * ãâ¦ã Borough of Steyning Sir John Fagge Bar. * Robert Fagge Esq Borough of East-Grinsted The Honourable Tho. Sackvile Esq Sir Thomas Dyke Bar. Borough of Arundel William Morley Esq * James Butler Esâ Warwicks hire 6. * William Bââley Esq * Andrew âââcher Esq Câââ of Coventry * Richâââ Hopkins Esq Johâââatford Esq Borough of Warwick âââ Right Honourable William Lord Digby * William Colemore Esq Westmorland 4. The
Right Honourable Sir John Lowther of Lowther Bar. Sir Christopher Musgrave of Musgrave Knt. Bar. Borough of Apulby The Honourable William Cheyne Esq * Charles Boyle Esq Wiltshire 34. The Right Honourable Edward Viscount Cornbury * Sir Walter St. John Bar. City of New Sarum Thomas Hoby Esq Thomas Pitt Esq Borough of Wilton * Sir Richard Grubham How Knt. Bar. Thomas Wyndham Esq Borough of Downton Sir Charles Raleigh Knt. Maurice Bockland Esq Borough of Hindon Robert Hyde Esq * Thomas Chaffyn Esq Borough of Westbury The Honourable Peregrine Bertie Esq Richard Lewys Esq Borough of Heytesbury William Ash Esq * William Trenchard Esq Borough of Calne Henry Baynton Esq Henry Chivers Esq Borough of the Devizes * Sir Thomas Fowles Knt. Walter Grubb Esq Borough of Chipenham * Richard Kent Esq * Alexander Popham Esq Borough of Malmesbury * The Honourable Goodwin Wharton Esq * Sir James Long Bar. Borough of Criclade * Edmund Webb Esq Charles Fox Esq Borough of Great Bedwin The Right Honourable Anthony Viscount Falkland * Sir Jonathan Raymond Knt. Borough of Ludgersale Thomas Neale Esq John Deane Esq Borough of Old Sarum Sir Thomas Mompesson Knt. William Harvey Esq Borough of Wotten Basset Henry St. John Esq John Wildman Jun. Esq Borough of Marleborough Sir John Ernle Knt. Sir George Willoughby Knt. Worcestershire 9. * Sir John Packington Knt. Thomas Foley Esq City of Worcester Sir John Somers Knt. William Bromley Esq Borough of Droitwich The Right Honourable Richard Earl of Bellemont Philip Foley Esq Borough of Evesham * Sir James Rushout Bar. * Edward Rudge Esq Borough of Bewdley Henry Herbert Esq Yorkshire 30. The Right Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax Sir John Kay Bar. City of York * Robert Walter Esq Henry Thompson Esq ãâ¦ã Edw. Thompson Esq Toân of Kingââââ ãâã ãâã Joân Raâchunkâ Charles Osborne Esq Borough of Knaresborough William Stockdale Esq Thomas Fawkes Esq William Stockdale Esq * Sir Henry Slingesby Bar. Borough of Scaresborough William Thompson Esq Francis Thompson Esq Borough of Rippon * Sir Edmund Jenings Knt. Sir Jonathan Jenings Knt. Borough of Richmond * Sir Marke Milbanck Bar. * Theodore Bathurst Esq Borough of Heydon Henry Guy Esq Matthew Appleyard Esq Borough of Boroughbrigg Sir Henry Goodrick Knight Baronet Chistopher Vane Esq Borough of Malton Sir William Strickland Bar. William Palmes Esq Borough of Thriske Thomas Frankland Esq Richard Staines Esq Borough of Aldborough Sir Mich. Wentworth Knt. Christopher Tanckred Esq * The Honourable Henry Boyle Esq * John Vandenbembdie Esq Borough of Beverley Sir Michael Warton Knt. William Gee Esq Borough of North-Allerton Sir William Robinson Bar. Thomas Lascells Esq Borough of Pontefract * The Honourable Henry Dawney Esq * Sir John Bland Bar. BARONS of the Cinque-Ports 16. Port of Hastings The Honourable John Beaumont Esq * Peter Gott Esq Town of Winchelsea Robert Austen Esq Samuel Western Esq Town of Rye Sir John Austen Bar. Sir John Darrel Knt. Port of New Rumney * Sir Charles Sidley John Brewer Esq Port of Hyeth Sir Philip Butler Bar. * William Brockman Esq Port of Dover Thomas Papillon Esq James Chadwick Esq Port of Sandwich John Thurbarne Serjeant at Law * Edward Brent Esq Port of Seaford William Campion Esq * Henry Pelham Esq WALES 24. Anglesey 2. * The Right Honorable Richard Viscount Bulkeley Town of Bewmoris * Thomas Bulkeley Esq Brecon 2. Sir Rowland Gwyn Knt. Town of Brecon * Jeoffrey Jefferys Esq Cardigan 2. Town of Cardigan Hector Philips Esq Carmarthen 2. Sir Rice Rudd Bar. Town of Carmarthen Richard Vaughan Esq Carnarvan 2. Town of Carnarvan Denby 2. Sir Richard Middleton Bââ Town of Denbigh Edward Brereton Esq Flint 2. Sir Roger Puleston Knt. Town of Flint * Thomas Whitleâ Esq Glamorgan 2 ãâ¦ã ãâ¦ã iff ãâã âansell Esq Merioneth Sir John Wynne Knt. Bar. Montgomery 2. Edward Vaughan Esq Town of Montgomery Charles Herbert Esq Pembrook 3. Sir Hugh Owen Knt. Town of Haverford-west Sir William Wogan Knt. Town of Pembrook Arthur Owen Esq Radnor 2. Richard Williams Esq Town of New Radnor * Sir Standish Hartstrong Knt. In the SAVOY Printed by Edward Jones and Sold ãâã Richard Baldwin in the Old-Bayly MDCXC