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At the court at Whitehall, December the nineteenth 1679 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ... : His Majesty being willing by all means to provide that no papists or suspected papists may be harboured ...
England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.
Wing E803; ESTC R34881
C R DIEV ET MON DROIT HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE At the Court at Whitehall December the Nineteenth 1679. Present The Kings most Excellent Majesty His Highness Prince Rupert Lord Chancellor Lord President Lord Privy Seal Duke of Albemarle Duke of Lauderdale Marquess of Worcester Earl of Bridgwater Earl of Sunderland Earl of Bathe Earl of Halifax Viscount Fauconberg Lord Cavendish Lord Bishop of London M r. Hyde Lord Chief Justice North Sir Henry Capell Sir Thomas Chicheley M r. Seymour HIs Majesty being willing by all means to Provide that no Papists or suspected Papists may be Harboured or thought to receive Protection in any of His Majesties Houses Is hereby pleased to Declare in Council That a Reward of Ten pounds shall be paid unto any Person who shall Discover unto the Officers of His Majesties Board of Greéncloth any such Papist or suspected Papist who are or shall be in any of His said Houses contrary to Law As also That the Officer by whose Permission or Privity they are Harboured shall be turned out of his Place THOMAS DOLMAN LONDON Printed by John Bill Thomas Newcomb and Henry Hills Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty 1679.