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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07494 Ciuitatis amor. = The cities loue An entertainment by water, at Chelsey, and White-hall. At the ioyfull receiuing of that illustrious hope of Great Britaine, the high and mighty Charles, to bee created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall, Earle of Chester, &c. Together with the ample order and solemnity of his Highnesse creation, as it was celebrated in his Maiesties palace of White-hall on Monday, the fourth of Nouember. 1616. As also the ceremonies of that ancient and honourable Order of the Knights of the Bath; and all the triumphs showne in honour of his royall creation. Middleton, Thomas, d. 1627. 1616 (1616) STC 17878; ESTC S112680 7,600 26

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his Highnesse who out of the goodnesse of his loue gaue the Lord Maior and Aldermen many thankes On Monday following the Lords and Peeres of the Realme being all assembled at White-hall his Highnesse then proceeded in this maner to his Creation First went the Trumpets then the Heralds and Officers of Armes in their rich Coates next followed the Knights of the Bath beeing sixe and twentie in number apparelled in long robes of purple Sattin lined with white Taffata then sir William Segar Knight aliâs Garter principall King of Armes bearing the Letters Patents the Earle of Sussex the Purple Robes the Traine borne by the Earle of Huntington the Sword by the Earle of Rutland the Ring by the Earle of Derby the Rodde by the Earle of Shrewesbury the Cappe and Coronet by the Duke of Lenox Lord Steward his Princely Highnesse supported by the Earles of Suffolke and Nottingham came bare-headed and so entred the great Hall where the King was set in his royall Throane and the whole State of the Realme in their Order the Prince made lowe obeisance to his Maiestie three times and after the third time when hee was come neere to the King hee kneeled downe on a rich Pillow or Cushion whilest sir Ralph Winwood principall Secretarie read his Letters Patents then his Maiestie at the reading of the words of Inuestment put the Robes vpon him and girded on the Sword inuested him with the Rodde and Ring and set the Cappe and Coronet on his head With which Ceremonie the Creation being accomplished the King arose and went vp to Dinner but the Prince with his Lords dined in the Hall and was serued with great State and Magnificence accompanied at his Table with diuers great Lords as the Earle of Suffolke Lord Treasurer the Earle of Arundell Lord Marshall the Earle of Nottingham Lord Admirall the Duke of Lenox Lord Steward the Earle of Penbrooke Lord Chamberlaine the Erles of Shrewsbury Darby Rutland and Sussex the Prince sitting in a Chaire at the vpper end and the rest in distance about foure yards from him one ouer-against another in their degrees all which were those that were employed in seuerall Offices of Honour about his Royall Creation At another Table in the same Rowme on the left hand of the Prince sate the Knights of the Bath all on one side and had likewise great seruice and attendance About the middest of Dinner sir William Segar Knight aliâs Garter principall King of Armes with the rest of the Kings Heralds and Pursuvants of Armes approached the Princes Table and with a lowde and audible voyce proclaimed the Kings Stile in Latine French and English thriee and the Princes in like manner twice then the Trumpets sounding the second Course came in and Dinner done that dayes Solemnitie ceased At night to crowne it with more heroicall honour fortie worthie Gentlemen of the Noble Societies of Innes of Court being tenne of each house euery one appoynted in way of honorable Combate to breake three Staues three Swords and exchange ten blowes apeece whose names for their worthinesse I commend to Fame beganne thus each to encounter other And not to wrong the sacred Antiquitie of anie of the Houses their names are heere set downe in the same order as they were presented to his Maiestie viz. Of the Middle Temple Maister Strowd Maister Izord Grayes Inne Maister Courthop Maister Calton Lincolnes Inne Master Skinner Master Windham Inner Temple Master Crow Master Vernon Middle Temple Master Argent Mast Glascocke Grayes Inne Maister Wadding Maister St-Iohn Lincolnes Inne Master Griffin Master Fletcher Inner Temple Maister Parsons Maister Brocke Middle Temple M. Bentley senior Maister Peere Grayes Inne Maister Selwyn Maister Paston Lincolnes Inne Maester Selwyn Master Clinch Inner Temple Master Chetwood M. Smalman Middle Temple Ma. Bentley iunior Ma. Bridges Grayes Inne Maister Couert Maister Fulkes Lincolnes Inne Maister Iones Maister Googe Inner Temple Maister Wilde Maister Chaue Middle Temple Master Wansted Ma. Goodyeere Grayes Inne Maister Burton Maister Bennet Lincolnes Inne Master Hitchcocke Ma. Neuill Inner Temple Master Littleton Master Treuer On Wednesday the sixt day of Nouember to giue greater lustre and honour to this Triumph and Solemnitie in the presence of the King Queene Prince and Lords foureteene right Honorable and Noble personages whose names heereafter follow graced this dayes Magnificence with Running at the Ring viz. The Duke of Lenox Lord Steward Earle of Penbroke L. Chamberlaine Earle of Rutland Earle of Dorset Earle of Montgomery Vicount Villiers Lord Clifford Lord Walden Lord Mordant Sir Thomas Howard Sir Robert Rich. Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir William Cauendish Sir Henry Rich. Hauing thus briefly described the manner of his Highnesse Creation with the honourable Seruice shewne to the Solemnitie both by the Lords and Gentlemen of the Innes of Court I should haue set a Period but that the Knights of the Bath being a principall part and ornament of this sacred Triumph I can not passe them ouer without some remembrance therefore thus much out of the Note of Directions from some of the principall Officers of Armos and some obseruation of credite concerning the Order and Ceremonies of the Knighthood The Lords and other that were to receiue the Honourable Order of the Bath repayred on Satterday the second of Nouember to the Parliament house at Westminster and there in the afternoone heard Euening Prayer obseruing no other Ceremonie at that time but onely the Heralds going before them in their ordinarie habites from thence to King Henrie the seauenths Chappell at Westminster there to beginne their warrefare as if they would employ their seruice for God especially from whence after Seruice ended they returned into the Chamber they were to suppe in their supper was prepared all at one Table and all sate vpon one side of the same euery mā hauing an Escutcheon of his Armes placed ouer his head and certaine of the Kings Officers being appoynted to attend them In this manner hauing taken their repast seuerall beds were made ready for their lodging in another rowme hard by after the same manner all on one side their beddes were Pallats with Couerings Testers or Canopies of Red Say but they vsed no Curtaines The Knights in the meane while were withdrawne into the Bathing Chamber which was the next rowme to that which they supped in where for each of them was prouided a seuerall bathing Tubbe which was lined both within and without with white Linnen and couered with Red Say wherein after they haue said their prayers and commended themselues to God they bathe themselues that thereby they might be put in minde to be pure in bodie and soule from thenceforth and after the Bath they betooke themselues to their rest Earely the next morning they were awakened with Musicke and at their vprising inuested in their Hermites habites which was a Gowne of Gray Cloth girded close and a Hoode of the same and a linnen Coife vnderneath and an Hankercher hanging at his girdle cloth Stockings soaled with
Leather but no Shooes and thus apparelled their Esquiers Gouernors with the Heralds wearing the Coates of Armes and sundry sorts of winde-Instruments before them they proceede from their lodging the meanest in order formost as the nighr before vntill they came to the Chappell where after Seruice ended their Oath was ministred vnto them by the Earle of Arundell Lord Marshall and the Earle of Penbroke Lord Chamberlaine in a solemne and ceremonious manner all of them standing foorth before their stalles and at their coming out making low reuerence towards the Altar by which the Commissioners sate then were they brought vp by the Heralds by two at once the chiefest first and so the rest till all successiuely had receiued their Oath which in effect was this That aboue all things they should seek the honour of God and maintenance of true Religion loue their Soueraigne serue their Countrie helpe Maydens Widdowes and Orphans and to the vtmost of their power cause Equity and Iustice to be obserued This day whilest they were yet in the Chappell wine and sweet meates were brought them and they departed to their Chamber to be disrobed of their Hermites weedes and were reuested in Roabes of Crimson Taffata implying they should be Martiall men the Robes lined with white Sarcenet in token of Sincerity hauing white Hattes on their heads with white Feathers white Bootes on their legges and white Gloues tied vnto the strings of their Mantles all which performed they mount on horsebacke the Saddle of blacke leather the Arson white Stirrop leathers blacke gilt the pectorall of blacke leather with a crosse Paty of Siluer thereon and without a Crupper the Bridle likewise blacke with a crosse Paty on the Forehead or Frontlet each Knight betweene his two Esquiers well apparrelled his Footeman attending and his Page riding before him carrying his Sword with the hiltes vpward in a white leather Belt without Buckles or Studdes and his Spurres hanging thereon In this order ranked euery man according to his degree the best or chiefest first they rode faire and softly towards the Court the Trumpets sounding and the Heralds all the way riding before them being come to the Kings hall the Marshall meetes them who is to haue their horses or else 100. s. in money for his Fee then conducted by the Heralds and others appoynted for that purpose his Maiestie sitting vnder his Cloth of Estate gaue to them their Knighthood in this manner First the principall Lord that is to receiue the Order comes led by his two Esquiers and his Page before him bearing his Sword and Spurs and kneeleth downe before his Maiestie the Lord Chamberlain takes the Sword of the page and deliuers it to the King who puts the Belt ouer the necke of the Knight aslope his breast placing the Sword vnder his left Arme the second Nobleman of the chiefe about the King puts on his Spurres the right Spurre first and so is the ceremony performed In this sort Lord Maltreuers sonne and heire to the Erle of Arundell Lord Marshall which was the principall of this number being first created the rest were all consequently knighted alike And when the solemnitie thereof was fully finished they all returned in order as they came sauing some small difference in that the yongest or meanest knight went now formost their Pages behinde them Coming backe to the Parliament house their dinner was ready prepared in the same rowme and after the fashion as their supper was the night before but being set they were notto taste of any thing that stood before them but with a modest carriage and gracefull abstinence to refraine diuers kindes of sweet Musicke sounding the while and after a conuenient time of sitting to arise and withdraw themselues leauing the Table so furnished to their Esquiers and Pages About fiue of the clocke in the afternoone they rode againe to Court to heare Seruice in the Kings Chappell keeping the same order they did at their returne from thence in the morning euery Knight riding betweene his two Esquiers and his Page following him At their entrance into the Chappell the Heralds conducting them they make a solemne reuerence the yongest Knight beginning the rest orderly ensuing and so one after another take their standing before their Stalls where all being placed the eldest Knight maketh a second Reuerence which is followed to the yongest and then all ascend into their Stalls and take their accustomed places Seruice then beginneth and is very solemnly celebrated with singing of diuers Anthemes to the Organs And when the Time of their Offertorie is come the yongest Knights are summoned forth of their Stalls by the Heralds doing reuerence first within their Stalls and againe after they are discended which is likewise imitated by all the rest and being all thus come forth standing before their Stalls as at first the two eldest Knights with their swords in their hands are brought vp by the Heralds to the Altar where they offer their swords and the Deane receiues them of whom they presently redeeme them with an Angell in Gold and then come downe to their former places whilst two other are led vp in like manner The ceremonie performed and seruice ended they depart againe in such order as they came with accustomed Reuerence At the Chappell doore as they came forth they were encountred by the Kings Maister Cooke who stood there with his white Apron Sleeues and a chopping knife in his hand and challenged their Spurres which were likewise redeemed with a Noble in money threatning them neuerthelesse that if they proued not true and loyall to the King his Lord and Maister it must be his Office to hew them from their heeles On Monday morning they all met together nigh at the Court where in a priuate Roome appointed for them they were cloathed in long Robes of Purple Sattin with Hoods of the same all lined and edged about with white Taffata And thus appareled they gaue their attendance vpon the Prince at his creation dined that day in his presence at a side Boord as is already declared The Names of such Lords and Gentlemen as were made Knights of the Bath in honour of his Highnesse Creation Iames L. Maltreuer son and heire to the E. of Arund Algernon L. Percy son and heire to the E. Northumb. Iames L. Wriothesley son to the E. of Southhampton Edward L. Clinton sonne to the E. of Lincolne Edw. L. Beawchampe Grand-child to the E. of Hartf L. Barkley L. Mordant Sir Alexander Erskin son to the Vicount Fenton Sir Henry Howard 2 sonne to the E. of Arundell Sir Robert Howard 4 sonne to the E. of Suffolke Sir Edward Sackuil brother to the Earle of Dorset Sir William Howard 5. son to the Earle of Suffolke Sir Edward Howard 6. son to the Earle of Suffolke Sir Montague Bartue eldest sonne to the Lord Willoughby of Ersby Sir William Stourton sonne to the Lord Stourton Sir Henry Parker sonne to the Lord Mounteagle Sir Dudly North eldest sonne to the Lord North. Sir Spencer Compton sonne and heire to L. Compton Sir William Spencer sonne to the Lord Spencer Sir William Seymor brother to the Lord Beauchampe Sir Rowland St. Iohn 3. son to the Lord Saint Iohn Sir Iohn Cauendish 2 sonne to the Lord Cauendish Sir Tho. Neuill Grand-child to the L. Aburgauenny Sir Iohn Roper Grand-child to the Lord Tenham Sir Iohn North brother to the Lord North. Sir Henry Carey sonne to Sir Robert Carey And for an Honourable conclusion of the Kings Royall Grace and bounty shewne to this Solemnitie his Maiesty created Thomas Lord Elesmere Lord Chancelour of England Vicount Brackley The L. Knolles Vicount Wallingford Sir Phillip Stanhope L. Stanhope of Shelford in Nottingham-shire These being created on Thursday the seuenth of Nouember the Lord Chancellour Vicount Brackley being led out of the Councell Chamber into the Priuie Gallery by the Earle of Montgomery and Vicount Villiers the Vicount Wallingford by the Earle of Suffolke Lord Treasurer and the Vicount Lisle the Lord Stanhope by the Lord Danuers and the Lord Carew c. FINIS