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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15801 The true vse of armorie shewed by historie, and plainly proued by example: the necessitie therof also discouered: with the maner of differings in ancient time, the lawfulnes of honorable funerals and moniments: with other matters of antiquitie, incident to the aduauncing of banners, ensignes, and marks of noblenesse and cheualrie, by William Wyrley. Wyrley, William, 1565-1618. 1592 (1592) STC 26062; ESTC S120446 88,285 157

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ashamed of their differences but laide them foorth largely to the view neither do I esteeme it a shame wherby any man should couet to hide the same to be descended as a yoonger brother sithence that euerie brother hauing the like parents is as well descended as the eldest and therefore as good a Gentleman though not so rich as he And the more is his honor if without the helpe which by reason of his patrimonie the elder hath he can aduance himselfe into place of office or dignitie whereby he may raise an other florishing familie of the same surname And therefore you my masters that be yoonger brothers neuer hide your differences by putting foorth a little cressant or a peeping mollet but vse some faire large deuise sithence in truth your estimation is by your rising to be had in as good a regard as if you were the elder And now being in speech of yoonger brothers and their differences I haue obserued two kinds of them which the antiquitie vsed besides the aforesaid one was that such as were aduanced by Kings Princes or other great Lords did manie times beare some part of the deuise of him who aduanced them by way of addition vnto the marke of their owne familie which serued verie aptlie to distinguish them from their elder house The other was that diuers did adde vnto the marke of their owne house some part of the deuise of that familie from which their mothers descended and both these two kinds of differings are in my minde greatly to be commended not onely for that they may be made large and apparent and for that cause serue very properly to the vse for which Badges are ordained but also that the one makes manifest a gratefull minde in him that is aduanced to his prince or lord of whom he receiued benefit and by reason thereof linketh them togither in a kinde of amitie which seldome or neuer is worne out and by that meanes a great strengthening it is vnto both houses The other not onely serueth to vnite the families which haue matched togither in the foresaid loue and amitie and thereby worketh the like effect but besides it sheweth the certainty of the dessending of the said yoonger brother out of both the said houses and also giueth knowledge of the time thereof whereby if any title of inheritance be at any time cast vpon the yoonger brother either descending from ancestor of the fathers side or mothers it giues him a testimonie of his title and witnesseth vnto the world the truth of his descent by the continuall bearing of that deuise so that this kind may many times worke profit to the bearer and auoid many troubles and sutes and therefore into one of these kind of differings could I wish our yoonger brothers which from hencefoorth shal be aduanced to inuest them selues as being both honorable faire certaine and profitable But now it may be obiected that the order in vse sheweth plainly ynough the diuersitie of brothers as the cressant a second the mollet the third that by this means the matters are made certaine to this I answere that first the time is not by this means signified neither can it be known which of the Cressant bearers was the vncle or nephew And further it is a very vsuall matter for euery new Riser at this day if he can find that there is any of the like Surname that beareth marke presently to vsurpe the same with a Cressant or some such difference so that for my owne part I do seldome credit such kinde of differinges nor their bearers vnles it be by some other testimony or proofe made manifest which cannot be counterfetted so well in the other deuise except the riser should be throughly acquainted with the descent of him whose line he seeketh to intrude himselfe into and besides it may be the sooner espied by them of the true line forbidden nor the other dare for feare thereof so soone venter the committing of a falsitie But what a confusion is it when you shall see the second of a second brother and sometimes an other second from him to cluster one Cressant vpon an other many times three or foure one on horsebacke vpon an other where as by the aforesaid bearing of the difference from the Prince Lord or mothers family a man may better distinguish the brothers and set downe for a second a third and fourth c. And after from those againe in a fairer larger and more apparent manner And the more apt am I to speake against these ordinary differences as they are called knowing them to be but new inuentions and any of them as ordinaries in fashion as now they are neuer vsed before the time of King Henrie the sixt before which time men were much more warie and discreet in bearing of their marks and in foreseeing that no intruders should enter into their families nor that any should lay away or remoue their differings without speciall warrant or license of them that thereby might be preiudiced for a Labell being much in vse for the heire apparent to wear as his difference during his fathers life was seldome remooued to the second brother but when the inheritance went vnto the daughters of the elder brother and then the second was permitted to beare the same for his difference as being the heire male of his familie and as one that remained in expectancie yet might not the second brother vse to intrude himselfe into the absolute signes of his house the inheritance being in his neeces or kinswomen as appeared in the case betweene Gray of Ruthine and Hastings which was this Iohn Lord Hastings married to his first wife Izabell one of the sisters and heires of Almerie de vallence Earle of Penbrooke by whom he had issue Iohn Hastings after Earle of Penbrooke Elizabeth married to Roger Lord Gray of Ruthin and some other children which needs not to be spoken of for that as I take it al the lines of them failed before the extinguishing of the line of the said Iohn Earle of penbrooke after such issue being had the said Izabell Vallence died and the said Iohn Lord Hastings tooke to a second wife Izabell the daughter of Hugh Spenser by whom he had issue Hugh Hastings and Thomas and then died and left as heire Iohn his son by his first wife who was Earle of Penbrooke as I haue said erected by reason of his mothers inheritance which Iohn Earle of Penbrooke married and had issue an other Earle of Penbrooke who also married and had issue a third Earle of Penbrooke but in the end all the line of the said Iohn Hastings first Earle of Penbrooke of that familie fayling there arose a question betwixt the heires of Roger Gray and Elizabeth his wife being sister of the whole blood and the heires of Hugh Hastings brother of the halfe blood to the said Iohn Earle of Penbrooke for the inheritance of the Hastings But Gray recouering the same by the law
I spake Bloys hearing what was don By him and how he sieged strong Alroy And with sharpe war the countrie doth destroy Told king Charls who aiding cosen Bloys Sent sir Bertram Glesquine who doth intreat Knights such he knew of whom he had good choyse Him to assist in ventrous warlike feat Sir Bertrams praises now were waxen great King Charls him had in reuerence and account In praisfull vertues cause he doth surmount Yoong Earle Mountfort of their assemblie hard Seald letters into Acquitaine doth send To some good knights telling how he fard Especially he writ to me his frend Willing my presence helpfull to defend His heritage I soone agreed to go If my good prince would say it should be so I licence craue for this departaunce If that thereby I might not breake the peace The prince said no breach and releasaunce Gaue vnto me and others who not cease Him to beseech my numbers to increase Through Xanton Poyictow I passe vnto Alroy Friendly welcomd with no little ioy Of Earle Iohn and many a valiant knight Accouting all themselues in safetie now So long as me amongst them haue they might My counsaile their opinions so allow And t was not long ear some plaine told hus how Sir Charls Bloys accompaned doth aduaunce In best appoint that hath been seene in Fraunce And faste approcht which newes when so I knew I placed me where comming I behold A seemely band as eie did euer vewe And goodly dight as hart desier cold Oftlie returning vnto freends I told That I had seene of noblenes the flower For discipline in ordring of a power One cannot cast a gloue from off his hand But it on Launce will or on basnet light So properly in order plast they stand Their leader is a Lord of great insight They haue vs taught our battails soone to dight My friends then said sir you our Chieftaine are Please you command and all we will prepare Though yoong Earle were soueraine in the place To Martiall buisnesses yet I tend By princely letters from King Edwards grace To me he wild the Earldome to defend Heedy for this my time here well to spend Three battails then I ordred with good hast And in the first sir Robert Canole plast Lord of Duriuall hardie Britton borne Sir Oliuer Clisson the next doth guide Whom Lion white in red crownd doth adorne The third fresh Earle with whom my selfe abide Him well t' aduise for doute what might betide Reregard of fiue hundred men I made To sir Hugh Caueley these few words I said Sir knight this companie I appoint to you Withdraw your selfe and chuse some peece of ground From thence not buge vnlesse you plainly vewe Vs to disrout then hasting in that stound Vs reunited to place retier you round Lately left there tending like do stay More better seruice can no man do this day When stout sir Hue all hard my speeches passe Right shamefast waxt and thus in haste replide Such charge to take he neuer minded was With feruent words flatlie the same denide Halfe angrie asking what weaknes I espide In bodie his with foremost not to fight Willing the gifter to some other wight Aduisedly to him I answered Your valour sir I passing tried know Your high desiers I throughly measured Strong ablenes to fight in foremost row Bicause right sage and wise your selfe I know This charge I giue wishing you that place In which you shall acquier thankefull grace With honor and applause amongst the best And furthermore I faithfull promise giue To you sir knight to grant the first request You shall demaund if that Iohn Chandos liue My rightfull treating herein do not depriue This noble soldier too kt still in dispite He might not in the front of battaile fight Whose setled minde to see well neare I weepe Him to that passe it commen was I told He or my selfe the reregard must keepe Which better was allow his iudgement should Confusd he staid yet take the charge he would For which salt teares distill from manly eies Departs to ground that fittest he espies A Baron rich in Britton there did dwell Lord Beumanoyr a prisoner safely sworne Vs English too which thought he might do well Spending his time fell strife might out be worne To passe between of both sides was he borne By his spent trauell so much he brought to pas As one whole day and night of truce there was Gay Phoebus lodgd faire Luna prest in place Our English soldiers most requested me Largely telling the poorenes of their case With much expence that I should not agree To peace determined to win or die By battaile to whom I easely giue consent As one thereto by inclination bent Chast Cynthia gon Aurora blushed Lord Beumanoyr betime was stirring From his campe toward vs his footings sped In hope to speed I soon departing We salued at our first incountring He wild I would indeuor to accord These parties for the goodnes of our Lord. Contrarie to his iust desiering I answered good sir of Beumanoyr I counsell that you haste retiering From whence you came our companies deuoyr Is you t' inclose and slaie as destroier Of their desiers they so hate talke of peace Therefore herein your best is for to ceace And furthermore tell to sir Charls of Bloys Earle Iohn this day will Duke of Britton be Or slaine abide shunning other choise When this rich Baron hard these words of me Said Chandos Chandos as good will as yee Or your yoong Lord my Lord hath to the fray Calme peace yet offereth if you said not nay We both depart and both to friends returne I scarcely ariud Earle Mountfort asked What newes for he in longing thoughts doth burne I told him now that he was hardly tasked But fairest truth I fouliest masked Lord Beumanoyr hath sent you word by me This day your foe will Duke of Britton be Or else this day he will not breath at all Which message told he colour seemd to change Willed t' aduance and streight to battell fall T' inflame his courage I from truth did range Somwhat to make the matter seeme more strange I said aduise whether you will fight or leaue Yes by Saint George our banner forward heaue Lord Beumanoyr his answer likewise framd Saying he had the prowdest langage hard Of me that euer erst foorth to Bloys he namd What were my words but more he plain declard How that all right I said clean him debard From truest title to great dukedome quite He doth reply God knowes whose is the right The Ermine banners of the dukedome right Were placed ech gainst other orderly To see braue Lords vnder their pennons dight All beat with Arms bedecked properly So feateously both battels beautify As to the gaser well it might appeere That all the Vallewer in the world was heere As raging tides about some Ilsland meet In stredned channell forced by a prime With like incounter both our battels greet Like bustling rage was shewed at
the same Pleasant musicke to sound mild victors name Armed knight true staie of commonwealth Selfe gouerning in goodly temperaunce Conseruer of her cheefest states in health Good winner of her peacefull plesaunce For lawyer none could plead his ordinaunce Vnles thy armed bodie did defend Him and the thing whereto his speech doth tend Departed life the Prince my heire remaind Vnto my goods which great esteemed were Foure hundred thousand Franks which I had gaind In wars pursuit of body I had no heire On expert knight King Edward loued deare Sir Allain Bocquesels who bare in shield of gold A Lion blew that siluer fret did fold Saint Saluiours lands sir Godfrey Harcourts Late he bestowd and sir Thomas Percie My office had and thus coy fortune sourts Some now aloft and then cast downe we see Thus gasing stages euer filled bee He was he is he is vp and now he is downe He liues he dies here is here was the towne Ah throughfare full of balefull miseries Hard passage couerd with sharp thretning rocks Vile toilsome life subiect to destinies Mad fools on stage whom flouting fortunes mocks Poore silly sheepe to slaughter led by flocks Drunke peeuish men whom safties thought confound Dreaming they neuer shall consume in ground As silent night brings quiet pawse at last To painfull trauels of forepassed day So closing death doth rest to labors cast Making of our toilfull worke a stay Thoughts griefes sad cares are bandon then away In pomp and glory though braue daies we spend Yet happie none vntill be knowen his end FINIS WILLIAM WYRLEY CAPITALL DE BVZ THE HONORABLE LIFE AND LANGVISHING DEATH OF SIR IOHN DE GRALHY CAPITALL DE BVZ one of the Knights elected by the first founder of the Garter into that noble order And somtime one of the principall Gouernors of Guyen Ancestor to the French King that now is LOVE is a thing that cannot be compeld Nor further wrested then his liking growes Not mines of wealth nor honors glory weld Nor blandisment with hir faire pleasing shoes Not gastfull death from which great horror growes Not lothd imprisonment nor loue of libertie Nor sad conceits plungd in perplexitie The more you striue the more you vainely striue Thinking to mooue a constant setled mind Such one as seeks not after gainfull thriue But firmely doth his thoughts to honor bind And troubles makes him faster for to twind Fast gaged band of loue and scornes to liue More rather then the same he will vnriue Rather then that one iot of plighted truth Good valiant hart will swerue from voud behest It suffer will much woe and pining ruth With endles griefes and torments ouer prest For true loue dwels but in a valiant brest Harboreth but in high Heroique thought For cowards loue is fickle light and nought Record my selfe a knight in Gascoine borne And to the house of Foix by wife allide Germaine Remond from him fame did adorne With Phoebus surname for his wittie guide His honor wealth estate were bruted wide For errant knights such as braue Arms professe Right welcome these strange knights his chiefest gesse And vnder him I first gan Arms to wear Learnd faire to ride and tame the raging steed To don my helme and couch my thretning spear To brandish sword to serue his maisters need That daring foe by these his end might reed To weld resisting shield with gold bedight On sables crosse fiue siluer scallops bright The English partie strongly I maintaind And euer armd against the crowne of Fraunce Much honor praise and noblenes I gaind Most highly me king Edward did aduaunce Deckt in his knightly Garter gay I praunce Mongst first elected is my name enrold And euer went my valure vncontrold At Poicters field in battelous aray I raunged was among the hardie knights My shining pennon wefting I display Amid the throngs in thickest of the fights On whom soeuer my sad axe it lights Is either feld or slaine or prisoner bound So dealt I death and many a dolefull wound Sir Charls D'artoys and many knights were tane By me and mine that ransoms rich we gaine For through the presse I pressing made a lane Of ventring Arms delighted with the paine No trifling heere nor leasure was to faine But fight or die or yeeld with foule reproofe Defend assaile for honor and behoofe The battaile wone our furie all was laid In such triumphant iolitie we groe That ech one thinks him selfe so well apaid As numbers of our captiues we let goe On their gagd faiths we trust them euen soe Word and deed deare Christian blood is saude The conquest ours the thing we onely craud The noble mind nought but the conquest seeks And where the quarrels but for titles cause Faire wars should be not like reuenging Greeks Whom scattered blood and fier made to pawse For as our God is iust in all his lawes Plagues the murtherous and bloodthirstie mind With blood for blood as those fell Greeks did find I ouer passe the taking of King Iohn His yoongest son and many a great estate The numbers slaine of Erles and Lords ech one But fortune here did yoong Lord Barckeley mate Pursuing foe with swift and speedie gate With courage stout through too much courage lost His iorney did a Barons ransom cost A squier he spide to void the field in hast Well mounted braue he after him doth hie The French lookt backe and was not much agast Though fine in Armes the Lord he dight espie In field of gneuls ten formed croslets bee Of siluer bright a cheuron them betweene Full knightly Lord one might him easly deeme This skilfull squier a warie man at Armes Practisde in fight and heedy in his deed The Lord venterous dreadles of all harms Fast spurring coms as he that thought to speed But fortune him a little faild at need Right poysent bloe he stroke and haples mist For th 'others checke hit right vpon his wrist Th'incountring stroke did force his sword to fall Into the field the Lord dismounted streight As he no misaduenture could apall But as he stoupt the squier by cunning sleight Picketh his sword and pearst his thies with weight Iohn Helens light the Lord his prisoner swore Drew out his sword and from the field him bore Such doth of wars the rare aduentures fall Most sonst to loose when least we do mistrust Now was blacke prince so buissie t'order all His great affairs abstaine a space he must From Armes but I lest that mine Armour rust With cosen Foix to war in Pruce do wend Where Sarisines soules full fast to hell we send Like Christian knights on miscreants we war High honor gaine and home we ment returne But now in France was falne so foule a iar To heare the same ech honest eare would burne The pesant French did at the gentle spurne No Scythian nor lothd Parthian act So monstrous euer both for forme and fact This clownish rabble by troups assembled Vntill that they six thousand were
THE TRVE VSE OF ARMORIE Shewed by Historie and plainly proued by example the necessitie therof also discouered with the maner of differings in ancient time the lawfulnes of honorable funerals and moniments with other matters of Antiquitie incident to the aduauncing of Banners Ensignes and marks of noblenesse and cheualrie By William Wyrley Imprinted at London by I. Iackson for Gabriell Cawood 1592 TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS AND OTHERS THE professors of martiall discipline NOBLES and Gentlemen I will salute you with a sentence of mine Author sir Iohn Froysard The aduentures of armes saith he are so diuers and so far oftentimes beyond expectation as that their effects causeth great admiration which saying of his caused me with the more attention to read ouer his works and finding the same most truly prosecuted through the whole course of his historie but especially in the actions and aduentures of two famous Capitains Sage and Imaginatiue the one sir Iohn Chandos and the other sir Iohn Grayllie by name commonly called the Captall de Buz it delighted me as a louer of honor and cheualrie to note downe their seuerall fortunes with some reasons of their falles as men may gesse at the iudgements of God and hauing enterprised the publishing thereof haue dedicated these my labors such as they be to your honorable societie which doings of mine though they may seeme to some men friuolous and not woorth your regard yet doubt I not but you shall finde matter of benefit valuable to the time you shall therein bestow both by way of imitation and vertuous aemulation as being a subiect that may stir your woorthie endeuors to the honor of God your dutifull seruice of hir Maiestie the benefit of your countrie and your owne eternall glorie I haue been carefull to set downe as my maner is the Standards pennons cote armours and other marks of honor to the end it may publikely be knowen of what necessitie the vse of them is as being for that cause first ordeined how and in what maner they are to be vsed and to whom they do of right most chiefly and properly appertaine and belong And these matters being well conceiued as indeed without such tokens no martiall discipline can be exercised no armie ranged no attempt of any companie atchieued and so by consequence no conquest made nor so much as any Common-wealth whatsoeuer defended neither from outward enimies ciuill discord nor the rebellion of any plebeian rout be the same neuer so simple rude or of small esteeme it will I hope reduce into estimation a matter both of honor order and necessitie which now through the abuse thereof is so far run into contempt as that of many men it is holden for a thing of no price but thought to be a very mockerie and a matter of no other sequence than to set vp vaine and fantasticall glorious fellowes into a pride and to drawe from them some small summes to certaine persons into an office instituted which no doubt was by the wisest and best gouerned states at the first deuised and generally by all of any policie receiued to a most necessarie end yet thinke they as it is now in vse it serueth but onely for that purpose And indeed I must by the way complaine that certaine of the said officers or others pertaining to them either for want of skill or maintenance or otherwise for their gaine haue committed faults not iustifiable whereby they haue brought a matter of great honor into defame and iniured thereby the Commonwealth and brought both others that haue managed those affaires with more discretion and themselues into obloquie But these faults and errors and some others also spoken of in this dedication instituted to that purpose will in the handling of this matter more easily appeere and the thing be I hope reformed either by the good endeuors which the officers vnderstanding thereof will vse or else by the magistrate when he shall haue knowledge of such the abuses as he may be informed of And first that Guydhomes ensignes and marks of armorie be of necessitie let it be but considered whether wars be somtimes of necessitie to be taken in hand or not and surely I thinke there is none of so very meane capacitie but will yeeld vnto it that they be especially defensiue and in some cases also offensiue which as a thing granted I will ouerpasse And then I say further that wars being lawful and of necessitie it must also be granted that the same must be made by companies and bands of men ouer which some must command and the rest obey and then will it follow that for the oredring diuiding of those to the best aduantage standards and banners must be allotted to euery companie to the end they may draw togither in their strength and performe such actions as they shall be cōmanded thus may you see the necessitie And for the vse it doth also appeer that sithence some must be commanders it is of importance that they be known both by the persons ouer whom they command generally by al and that so perspicuously that vpon euery sudden occurrent the meanest simplest common soldier may thereby know euerie particular officer and captaine that hath charge for which purpose our ancestors deuise was that such men should weare some such coate of marke ouer his armor as whereby they might be easily discerned to be the same persons which indeed they were and where somtimes when occasion so offered it selfe they were forced to vse pauishes for their defence whereby a great part of the marke which was vpon their vesture was shadowed from sight it was thought necessarie that their markes should be also laide vpon their shieldes the commanders of horse-men their faces being for the most part couered they added to the crests of their helmets some further distinction to be the better also knowen by thus much for the ordinance and vse of armorie And hereby also may it appeere to whom they do properly belong and appertaine namelie to Kings Princes Archbishops Bishops Earles Barons Lords of prouinces and fees Knights officers in the Armie Nauie or peece and generallie to all that haue charge ouer bands and companies of soldiers And now sithence from hencefoorth manie of my speeches will tend to the discouerie of such things as I take to be abused erronious or faultie wherein I may peraduenture not square in opinion with some others and being my selfe no officer or of any authoritie whereby I should haue cause to deale in these affaires I will therefore first beseech your honors and all others to whom it may appertaine that if anie thing shall passe my pen which shall be offensiue that they wil conceiue no woorse of it then I meane which is but to bring these matters of armorie into question to the ende that if anie thing be amisse as I for my part thinke that manie things are that then the same may be reformed but if happelie
thing Full seauen months the armie held their ground Within which time so many braue assaies For to defend so many practise found In forraging so many goodly fraies Such skirmiges and that such sundrie waies To win the same as Greekes had neuer more When they strong Ilion planted were before This Castle strongly seated is betweene Two sliding streames that vessels well may beare Enuironed with gawdie meddow greene Vpon the which right bitter bickering are Oft on the riuers fight they without feare Sir Gualter Mannie chiefe of the English band Full expert knight on water or on land This courteous knight sage imagenatiue Found to his foes much warlike buisnes Right warilie affaires doth he contriue For sure defence of honor spotles Couragious knight and valiant doubtles Yellow banner he shewd three Cheurons blacke An English Lion on the highmost stake Whilst thus thassailaunt and defendaunt striue Euery day some practise new to doe The King of England maks hast to ariue Hearing declard his friends besiged so Conueniently he hasts himselfe to go To rease the Duke from Hamton port he saild Contrary wind made that his purpose faild For where he thought in Gascoine to take land Sir Godfrey Harcourt causd him change his mind Whose reasons being by grauest counsell scand And likte bicause contrary was the wind A faire large bay in Constantine we find Cald Hogg saint vast from shipping well ariud In Battails three our Armie is contriud Toward wealthfull Cane we onward hold our way And all the Countrie wast with sword and fier The Earle of Tankervile made with vs a fray Fast to the towne we forst him to retier After taken by his owne desier Within the towne of which we Masters were And Countrie round all trembled fast with feare Our soueraine determinde in his mind To passe through France to Callis if he could The Castle of Poys we in the way do find Rease assault and easly gaine the hould Nothing so strong might dure our forcement bould Absent the owner of the fort away Spoild was the towne bicause they false did play Two damesels faire were in this Castle found Of bewtie rare and of fine tender age Who rudely Rauisht had been in that stound Saue that Lord Basset and my selfe in rage Did them defend and by aduisement sage Safely protect and brought before the King Which them receiud and thankt vs for the thing Right princely he and sweetly intertaind These Virgins causing them to be conuaid To Corby towne high praise hereby we gaind Ech armed Knight who Knighthood true hath waid Will suffer no foule act done silly maid A souerain praise it is to armed Knight Outragious acts to hinder by his might What wight vile sin forbids not if he may Consents and giltie is to wicked ill The King doth march to Callis seeking way The riuer of some we are attaind vntill Where Godmare say a Knight of warlike skill Hauing in charge from soueraigne to keepe The passages where water was not deepe The Knight obeyd and Knightly did his best Due woorthie praise ech man doth well deserue That to his power fulfils his Princes hest Tho tickle fortune seeme oft times to swerue As vnto him who leader like did serue Strong Archer shot so whely all togither From kept defence the Frenchmen they deseuer When this Baron I meane sir Godmare say Sawe this huge mischiefe light amongst his men What he can helpe when fortune sayeth nay Fairly withdrew the best he could as then Its wisedome good for ech commander when Things crosse fall out to gouerne so his will That he the more for lesser do not spill Into the water brauely did we mount Which at that time passed with channell loe Where ouerthrowne Knights were of good account The passage won dame fortune fauored so To be admierd how she can ouerthroe Thus we Blanchtaque by noble courage gaine Gladded with ioy in lew of passed paine Thus when we had acquierd the further banke The gratious King as duety doth requier To mightie God yeeldeth most humble thanke Highly inflamed King Philips boyling yer In streete to close vs was his chiefe desier Angerly vexed with Lord Godmare fay Till sir Iohn Henault doth his rage allay Foorth hould we martch to Cressie in Ponthew The King his mind the Campe should there be staid Well informed the Frenchmen him pursew A space pondring lastly to vs said This Land my mothers dower should haue staid It giuen was therefore here make I choice To challenge it from Philip of Valoys And for that we were scarcely one gainst eight We warely batteled at aduantage Th'assayling tempter by fine skilfull sleight Of warlike heed for to indammage Three battailes ordred for knightly vsage i th first the Prince and Earle of Warwicke were In guls a fes six croslets gold did beare Sir Reignald Cobham strongly armd in red Three sable stars plast on a Cheuron gold Sir Barthelmew Burwash in like colour sped Gold ramping Lion queue doth forked hold Amongst these first my name is also told Sir Richard Stafford in gold shield did beare A gulie Cheuron and blew Labell faire With vs there were eight hundred men at Armes Two thousand Archers Brigands a thousand Purposely bent to worke fell enimies harms i th second did th' earle of Northanton stand With men at Armes iust numbred to our band Twelue hundred Bowes in gold Lord Basset dight Three Rubie piles a quarter ermins bright Faire clad in Armes seuen hundred the king With bowmen thousands two for gard abide Well pointed and directed euerie thing Our second battell moude somwhat aside Vs first to second as the time espide The king withdrew him to a windmill hill Where he and his all day they stooden still When as the French thus heard of our addresse They forward came bedect right sightly It pleasure was taview their noblenesse Their gilded armors glistering brightly To fight with them stird vs more lightly High valerous mind where enterprise is braue Would conquer honor and due praises craue Too long to tell the fierce incounters made The puissant strength or courage of the foe How euerie prince in order doth inuade Or how the arrowes flew like flakes of snowe Or how the horse their masters ouerthrow Or how we were oppressed so with might As that we sent vnto the king a knight Requesting him with his fresh power to aid His tender sonne so fiercely fought withall What slaine or wounded is my sonne he said That thus they send and for my succour call Neither the knight then tell him that he shall Replide the king his first worne spurs obtaine To him and his the honor shall remaine When as we heard this answer vs resent As lions fell with fasting mawes near pinde Amongst the herds new come do fellie rent The sillie flocke such like our vs finde For many liues from bodies we vntwinde Fourscore banners deiected to the ground And sixscore knights were there prostrated found And thirtie thousand of the
common sort With sir Reignald Cobham three Heraulds sent Searching the fields of truth to giue report For to be slaine so fully were we bent To fight when as we hard the Kings intent Some Knights yet thought he dealt but ouer hard That of his succour we were so debard This happie day by noble valiantnes We vanquished immortall fame we gaind And so the King held on his purposes To Callis where as we long time remaind That stoutest Knights garding the towne constraind Surrender make of Callis to his will All which he doth with English people fill Duke Hanniball when as graue senate sent And him home cald to aid his natiue soyle From Italy with no lesse anguish went Then did Duke Iohn from Aguillon recoyle Long hauing lean was loth to suffer foyle But his sad father wild him thence in hast Vs to resist that much his Countrie wast How turning times do trauerse humane course From ruffling war to calmest quietnes And doth allay the mightiest rage and force Appearing plesant temperat stilnes Freed of Tumult stur or buisnes For clanging trumpet and harsh armors sound Daintie blis and meriment is found For Cardnall Guy of Bullen he was sent As legate into Fraunce well doth intreat Firme peace between the kings vntill was bent Their raged minds t' endure without deceat Twixt them and theirs till two yeers out were beat Home went our king but Britton was except Where two braue Ladies cruel wars they kept The one of Mountfort intitled Countesse Whose husband dide a prisoner late in France Redoubted Lady of great valientnes Sharp wars maintaind for all hir Lords mischance Amason like would ride with sheild and Launce Defend hir selfe with battelous axe in fist Threatning blowes bestow and well resist On swelling seas puissance hath she tride In stormie fight amongst the mightiest With enimies blood the marble waters dide With braue Bundutia or Viragoes best Great Edelsleda or the woorthiest Of manly dames that wouen maile haue worne She may compare for valerous adorne Th' other possest a Lions hart in brest Little Inferiour to hir couragious foe Sir Charls of Bloys hir husband now did rest A prisoner fell fortune would it so Gainst whom she oft hir mightie power did shoe These warlike dames hard wars do still maintaine T'on for hir sonne th' other for husbands gaine The two yeers truce expierd King Phillip died And Iohn his sonne was Crowned in his sted Our Prince of Knights when he his time espied Surnamed blacke from England is he sped And into Gascoine warlike Knights he led Whose vertue good and courage did abound And for no death would flee on foote of ground To Thoulous and Carcasson led his host Late before the Riuer of Garron past Hauing burned and spoyled all the cost With pillage store and prisners fiaunct fast To Burdeux safe returned at the last Tho th' earle of Arminack and th' earle of Fois Had Countries charge with soldiers of some chois The prince fresh in the flowers of his youth So much desierd to follow martiall deeds As duly to recount of him the truth His noble thought thereon he onely feeds Right busie Lord to sow wilde otes his seeds A second rode doth into Berry make And countrie round at pleasure spoile and take King Iohn informed of our chevachaunce His sommons cald but first of all he sent Three Barons wise t' aduise our ordinaunce Lord Craon Bowciqualt and the Herment Cald of Chaumount who ordred their intent Vs to intrap abushment one they plast From which we droue them to a castle fast Cald Remorentine the prince doth me command To go persuade these foresaid knights to yeeld I salued them which done I do demand Surrender of the castle which they held Vnto my Lord that matters so would weld Of curtesie vnto his rendred foe Of custome vsed in like case to shoe This rendring mart they thought too bad to make All three men of prooued valure much In silken white that puffing blast did shake Blacke egle spred whose either head doth tuch The banners sides sir Bowcequalts was such That foorth he hoised wefting in the winde Thinking he doth himselfe in safetie finde Plaine said he would no follie such commit As to become a prisner without cause Trusting right well himselfe for to acquit But morrow morne they yeelded without pause Thereto compeld by raging fiers lawes Of well conceiued hope they were beguild Their fortresse left forsaken and exild Like sparkling lightning droue by southern blast Scorching all it findeth in hit power The valerous prince proceedeth with like waste In burning Townes in raising many a Tower Such hideous stormes he on the French doth shower Rich spoiles we gained and great booties wone Without controle of ought which we had done The valiant and renowmed king of Fraunce When as he hard our Prince in field to be Vowed to fight in armes to prooue his chaunce And carefull was by Poyicters towne least we Should there repasse or that he should vs see Woorthie king most woorthie glorious crowne Right valiant Lord though Fortune now did frowne He sommoned braue Dukes stout Earles and Lords In batteled armes before him to appeere With so much haste as hastie speed affords Encountring strength against vs foes to reare Resolud to fight as one deuoid of feare No spare of coste to furnish his intent Loftie thoughts on vengfull battaile bent When this great masse of men all mustered were The battailes three ordained out of hand Gay duke of Orleaunce first well gouernd there Where sixe and thirtie wauing banners stand Long pennons twice so many there were fand Beate with fine armes of euerie Lord and knight Most glorious vnto the gasers sight Charls duke of Normandie had second guiding The third stout king and there drest to behold Faire knights in glistering armors shining Proud stamping steeds richly trapt in gold High placed crests that hautie helme doth hold Trim flower of France in their braue araie For gallantnes here present were full gaie Ordred did mount on steed as white as snowe Of courage like the king that on him sate Knightly armd ride foorth from ranke to rowe With smiling grace his men to animate Did pleasing and right stirring words relate So Castor like with kingly resemblaunce And kindled heat his speech he did aduaunce My Lords in parle at Parris when you be Your English foes you stoutly menace Desiring that so happie day to see To find them ranged in some open place Heere is the thing apparant to your face The onely thing that you so much did craue The English plast in open field you haue And as the king was in this parlaunce Lord Ribamount who had our battels seen Sent for that cause to view our guidaunce Approcht the king saying sir as I ween Your enimies in one battell placed been Are men at arms two thousand as I gesse Fiue thousand fiue hundred archers no lesse Right sagely they and warily ordred ar With bowmen they
haue all the hedges lind None can approch the streights the watching bar We hard aduenture and perilous find If we assaile the king requiers his mind Which way were best for he ment to inuade Then presently all things were readie made As thus the king prepared was to fights The cardnall of Perigourt came in hast Full lowly on his knees toth king resits How dangerously he might deere subiects wast Pondring if it pleasd his grace to cast With him all his peers his enimies wear A desperate remnant waying what was thear Willing the King to giue him leaue to prooue Whether the Prince so to him would agree Peace might be had the Prince thereto did mooue If with his honor it might concluded be Faire offers made king Iohn would none but he Himselfe and more a hundred in his field Of his owne choice as prisners all should yeeld Whilst busie cardnall spent this day in vaine It being truce some speciall knights did ride Their foes to view and maner of their traine I riden foorth returning me espide Lord Cleremount who quicklie to me hied Chandos quoth he how long thus haue you borne My sole deuise and for your owne it worne We both were clad in vestments wrought as one A Ladie blew in glistering Phoebus raies I then replid its onely mine alone And none of yours whereto the Frenchman saies You English ianglers vse such speech alwaies Of your grosse wits can nothing new deuise What others weare is pleasing to your eies But if the truce withheld not I would prooue It whole were mine and that you did me wroong Why sir I said to morrow I le not remooue From of the field I will be in the throng But if it chance I meete you them among I le make it good for all your fluent tong That properly to me it doth belong Contrarie vnto sacred vsage I was not in my armes inuested Ware strange deuise too great abusage And an others which he not disgested No knightly minde should be infested With error such his owne armes not to weare But found conceits and others toys to beare Too cruell I causd this braue noble kild The morrow when hydeous was the fray For checking me I made his blood be spild His murther I commanded that same day Prouiding that no ransome he should pay For which God would the like to hap to me In my discourse as you shall plainly see What greater burden to a noble mind Then to be clogged with murtherous thought What mightier harme can braue captains find Then when their noble doings are foorth sought That they vnto their fame such blame haue brought This cholerike action oft I did repent When God on me threw equall punishment When labring Cardnall could no truce obtaine He did depart but we that day had spent Right busily did ech deuise ordaine That best was thought or Art could best inuent Eight thousand we that in this iourney went Threescore our foes mongst which two thousand knights Full goodly Armd t' aue seene these gorgeous sights The morrow day when blushing sunne did rise Great pleasure t was thus to behold vs dight One of the things that most delights mans eies Is for to see a glistering Armie bright Faire drest in Armes in order duely pight Prepard to ioine euen so both parties were And euer I about the Prince was nere Who Hector like in battelous Armes was clad Enuirnd as he intending to haue burnd The Greekish fleets said noble harts be glad High victorie almightie God hath turnd To fewest folkes and greatest number spurnd If we be slaine we all haue valiant friends To venge our deaths on those that worke our ends Therefore I pray ech Lord in presence now To prooue his best and haue regard to see His honor kept I heer my Lords do vow A Knight most good and resolute to be And that no chaunce shall make me yeeld or flee Most mightie Prince thy words did so inflame Our setled minds to die was but a game And as the battailes now approchen near Sir Iames Audley clad in glorious red Faire fretted gold doth to the Prince appear Requesting that for former seruice led T' is father and to him in loyall sted To giue him leaue the foremost man to be For to assaile the ventrous enimie Sweetly accords the prince to his desier Gaue him his hand and wisht him well to speed Such speciall grace that he might there acquier All present knights in vertue to exceed He chose a place to make his vow a deed And by the helpe of four right trustie squiers He woon th'achieument of his high desiers Sir Eustace Dabrigcourt fearing t' be behind Did baisse his gleaue and well imbrace his shield And as the arrow from the bow doth twind He flieth towards the enimies field An Almain knight his comming well behield In siluer targ that bare fiue roses red They strongly meet and both downe tumbled Dabscote no harme receiued by his fall But lightly vp himselfe againe doth rease Fiue Almains streight they light vpon him all At once and beare him downe with mightie feas So mongst his foes tide to a chear he staies Vntill that we that ground recouered had Losd he fard like tiger raging mad Heere lustie knights were and aduenturous As euer foming courser carried At good vertue most brauely aemulous Euer thinking too long they tarried Vntill that enimies stout they harried The venturous hart doth oft aduenture chieue That manie hearers scarcely will beleeue So hideous waxt the stur so strong the broyle So fell the fight so cruell was the shot And men at armes they stroue with forced toyle Nor shields nor armors gay defended not The bodies from the shafts who paid the scot Where right they hit and thus discomfit was Their martiall host that foremost on did pas I waited time and spake vnto the prince Sir sir passe foorth the iourneys yours I see Set on the king good fight must him conuince He valerous is I know he will not flee This day you vowd a knight most good to bee He quickly said Iohn forward le ts aduaunce We so performe we tooke the king of Fraunce With as much toile as Phillips sonne did take Darius we the French kings person wan No need there is large prosses for to make Or slaughter shew how it befell as than Or prisoners name but seuenteen earls we wan With many Lords and knights which we did gaine And near six thousand one and other slaine In this strong medle taken was a knight The Chattelon of Dampost neer alide Toth Cardnall th'inflamed prince had sight Of him humblie had I not denide Distressed Chattelon suddenly had dide The noble prince tooke in high dispite That 's maister would against him let him fight This battaile to the French maulpartuis Two leagues from Poycters cruell and furious Enduring with horrible noise and huis From prime till noone the prince desirous Like stoutest lion t' be victorious With princelike
courage foes pursues apace And many knights beares he downe in chase No heed tooke I good prisoner rich to gaine But had regard the prince so well to guide Hot fresh and yoong wherfore I ply my paine As dutie would lest harme should him betide His owne desier was I should abide His person near in thickest of the fraies He credits what I speake to my great praise All as we would glad prince did franke bestow A stately supper t'prisoner king and praid His good content though buisnes gainst him goe For your owne selfe renowmed king he said Your prowes past all those to you obaid by th true censure of our best skilled knights The soueraigne praise you wan in all the fights What triumphing in England knowne these newes At Burdeux what great reioicing seene In forren courts how honored all our crewes Where they became my seruice as I weene That heere I did was highly in esteeme About a prince men thought me meet to be As well for counsell as for cheualrie King Iohn int'England gladly was conueid On trampling steed through London doth he ride Note fortunes change a king that scepter sweid With large command through noble Fraunce doth bide In forren land there pricking him beside His conquerer on cole black hobbie plast On whom the woondring vulgars praises blast No Romain in his triumphs glorious Through citie passing with trumpets sounding More apparant appeered victorious Than our braue prince by modest riding At peoples plause with ioy abounding Remembring those high words he earst did say Neuer shall England ransome for me pay Betwixt the kings there grew agreement And if performd then backe Iohn should retier The peeres of Fraunce denide their kings intent Wherat king Edward stormd with furious yer And vowd their plague with wastfull sword and fier Vntill they grant the thing which he thought good Strongly prepard he past the swelling flud Lands at Callis thence marcheth in aray With brauerie such and shew of martiall might In goodly armors dect so fine and gay All beat with Arms fine banners tossing light On vs dan Phoebus ioyd to haue a sight With fauning face he seemd on vs to smile We fresh be seen reflexion cast the while Vndoubtedly in all the world was not More noble band than heer were present now What knight was he that honor had not got In some strange land well shone his vertue how For leader good a man might him allow Most happie realme thrise happie is that king Whose subiects fame in forren regions ring First if the prince of Wales I should recite Or Henrie Duke late Darbie Earle before Or Reignald Cobham that much renowmed knight Lord Mowbray Manny Basset with great store Lord Audley Willoughby and many more Than now I shew what if I tell my name And say that Chandos was not lest in fame Fame our names imblasoned not so far For tennise plaie or handling of a lute Nor dauncing fine or glistering as a star As women drest in most vnseemly sute Our chiefest musicke trumpe and checking flute Our daunce our march our tennise oft to feele Thundring blowes our clothing tried steele Through Picardie and Artoys spoyld we passe Int fertile Cambray making there some stay In former places found we little grasse Toward Thyriach we martch anone away Till foulding siege to Cittie Reames we lay Which countrie was so wasted and so foild That all our horse for want wel ny wer spoyld Sir Barthelmew Burwash whilst siege doth hold My selfe Lord Audley and Lord Mucedent Sir Richard Pontchardon a prudent knight and bold agreed all fowr and with our troups we went To Chalous in Campayne for ventures bent We approcht strong Cragney a castle hey Whereas two knights couragious captaines be Ton Caples cald who bare in golden sheild An ancred crosse of sables we asseild Rudely the hold from whence some one did weild A mightie stone that head a peeces peild Of Lord Mucedent but it was not feild For to reuenge his hard mischance againe Tooke the hould and all the soldiers slaine Seauen weeks at Reames the king made his abode and forrage faild and men began to want For still we knights the countrie ouer rode Whereby ech thing waxed exceeding scant Then to remooue the king and nobles mant Chalous Troys and countries neere we wast Passing the riuer Muson at the last So foorth we marcht keeping same ordinance At first ordaind to Aguyllon we came Did hauke and hunt passing in pleasaunce Oft tride our horse and vsed warlike game Which still among much did the Frenchmen tame Nothing vnlesse too hot for vs could staie T'heauie or cold but we did beare away Sweeping from hence to Paris ward apace The countie of Neuers and Gastenoys we waste Raunge at our wils continuing foorth our race Vntill that we at Burge le royne were plast Two leagues fro Paris and so the towne we facst Well famed Fraunce might waile for nought but flame Was to be found in bowels of the same Where Meroue puissant warrier raind Whom fierce Attila ouerthrew in fight Where Charls le main that many kingdomes gaind In all Europa feared for his might Vnconstant fortune taking so far flight Sometimes the yoke on others shoulders laid With biting snaffle now are strongly staid From Burg le royne to Mont le herri we In sightly wise our battailes all do draw Our constant dealing when the french Lords see Perseuering still in Fraunce to make a flawe Consuming all as fier doth the strawe Vnto a peace to mooue our king they ment Their Chaunclor and their learned counsaile sent They vnderstood our king would not depart Till pleasing peace he conquerd as he voud Which thing neere toucht duke Charls his tender hart And nobles for owne harmes too hawtie proud Faire conditions twixt them were aloud By thundring storme which God from heauen sent And knotted haile our king doth first relent A written deed at Charters there was framd Betwixt the kings their heires allies and friends In which faire townes strong castles all were namd toth king and his were giuen for amends For passed paine and so the strife it ends More Castles Townes more Cities and more ground Were giuen then in England could be found Some speeches were braue dukedome to inclose Of Britton in the charter of this peace Yet do they not of it so well dispose So as fresh wars in that place did not cease How track of time hard bound doth of release Charls thoughts vpbound within his stubborne brest Them foorth to loose supposed now his best Home went his grace soone I repasse the seas As regent and lieuetenant for my king Taking the othes possessions and the keas Of Lords Cities Castles which did wringe Some Frenchmens harts like percing adders sting Great griefe it was subiuged to be bound To strangers most vncurteous they had found I stewards bailifes and captaines do ordaine As liked me and this when I had done Came to Nyort there purposd to
this time Red sprinkling bloud our weapons doth begrime A brauer battell better fought by skill Was neuer seene our present age vntill Our enimies more than we in number were And opened vs by strength of fighting well Sir Hugh Caueley quickly succord there Beat backe fierce foes eger stout and fell Four times that the very truth to tell His siluer banner with gulie fes in sight Between three calues of sables set vs right Like armed Mars with weldie axe in hand Complet formd and full of valiantnes In hammered steele strongly do I stand Full fraught with strength as well as hardines Few durst abide me in my furiousnes The Earl I wild to do now this or that He me beleeud wherby much fame he gat On th'erle of Aucer and fierce French I set With courage such as they discomfit were To say the truth right valiant knights we met As by prooud vertue plaine they made appere Which nought auaild by strength was taken there Th'erle of Aucer Iognie and Lord of Preer Rich Norman baron ransome cost him deer Their banners torne and cast down to the ground Their companie in maruels mischiefe then In battell if that one to flee be found He causeth three if three there flieth ten If ten twentie and then a hundred men When giuen them was this stronge ouerthro On Glesquine I and sturdie Brittons go Where many a mightie feat of Arms was doon Where many heauie sounding blow was giuen Where many a prisoner rescude was and woon Where many a basnet was a sunder riuen Where many a man dead to the earth was driuen Hote Earle of Raix who maruels wrought that day I prisoner tooke and swore with me to stay Vnder my pennon was brauely taken heer Sir Bertram Glesquine then all fled that might Excepting some that held their Lord full deer Which strong vnite and sharply gan to fight But thither streight my selfe and power I dight Then was atchieued many a feat of Arms Slaine were our foes and beaten downe by swarms Heer murthered was Right noble gentle knight Sir Charls of Bloys his face towards his foes For so it was determind ouer night Ton of these Earls vnto his ending goes Our enimies the selfesame thing dispose Both parts resolud this day should be the last Betwixt these Earls and so the dice were cast No man of honor almost doth escape For when they forced were to fearfull flight Much mischiefe fell for many knights mishape For cruell slaughter happened in this fight The scambling chace eight leags endurd right Ending almost at the gate of Reans And som our friends in it good booties geans This battell finisht was neer to Alroy Whilst Phoebus in the ballance wandred The present yeer of mans eternall ioy A thousand threescore and three hundred And single four as some haue numbred Earle Montforts banner on high bush was pight Returning friends of it might haue a sight As ech commander foes left to pursue From weary chase he thither might him get Long time it was or all togither drew Much ioy was made when as we all were met My Guydhome next vnto th'earls Ermins set Sir Eustace Dabscote sir Mathew Gorney Bare palie gold and Azure euenley Sir Robert Canole sir Iohn Bouchier came Sir Walter Huet sir Hue Caueley stout For this daies seruice woorthie lasting fame Who ordred vs we ginning to disrout From mongst his friends strong foes he beateth out I wild the Earl to ioy at his good hap Since he was placed in dame Fortunes lap He said your prowes it sir knight atchiud all knights so thinke that here with vs remaine Deserued honor ought not to be depriud Next vnto God by you I battaile gaine And drinking recht a flagon glad and faine To me and said drinke now to our good speed And thus on conquest gladed thoughts do feed As ioyfull meriment was in making nowe All chaffed from the chase like wounded bore Sir Oliuer Clisson with eie beate from his browe Comes bringing with him prisners noble store Though his great wound did greeue him very sore Approching yet light from his courser downe Et fut receue cōme cheualier asses boune Now to Duke Iohn by Heraulds word was brought His late riuall dead they saw to lie Then said the Duke he shall of me be sought I rather would in such estate him spie Then for the Dukedome striuing armd to bee When slaine he sawe him couered with his shield He wept but soone I tooke him from the field More needfull cause had I to weepe alas Then he because I caused so his death And from that place I willed him to pas For sir quoth I euen thus the matter swaieth By this mans end the Dukedome with you staieth On these great Lordships fie vpon them all That are possest by others deadly fall To Guingant Towne good Earle of Bloys was borne In reuerent sort he there entombed lies Whose name the Clargie do so much adorne With martiers crowne for truths defence that dies A heauie clog might on my conscience pries That would no peace vntill this Earle were ded Almightie God causd me with like be sped For measure such as we to other meat Is oft vnlookt remeasured againe By iustest God from his tribunall seat Wherefore great Lords that now in world do raine Warelie heed what harme to selues you gaine And all your dooings peasd with temperaunce Brings quiet end freed from anoyaunce This valerous hap soone blasted was abroad How by my counsaile had Lord Mountfort don Which caused many me with praise to load When knowne how knightly we the battaile won Displeasd king Charls fraile Fortune so did run Much sorrow he for cosen Bloys doth make And much for Glesquine and for others sake Duke Mountfort letters writ of credence Vnto king Edward ioifully he sent By a Poursuuant performing diligence Found the king and shewd how buisnes went For which good newes he so his fauor bent As for a Herauld true he him allowd Surnamed Windsore fairely him indowd We hold the fields win Townes and Castles strong Wasting spoiling conquering as we go Colde king of Fraunce tooke counsaile ear too long Wise message sent Earle Mountforts minde to kno The Dukedome whether he would hold or no Of him but then Lord Latimear was sent Int ' England for to know the kings intent Which vnderstood these parties do accord That our yoong Earl should Duke of Britton be But lowly homage now he must afford Vnto king Charls and so they all agree Without heirs mals if that he hap to die It shall descend vnto the Bloys his son Still quiet now and brawling wars are done Our Irish seas do neuer rage so rough When northern windes doth on their billows smite As though they would the threatning rocks so tough Make leuell with their calmnes for dispite And ouldest pilote from passage doth affright Yet brething Zephirus can their raging slake As gentle as the meanest standing lake How soone great God can
t'high mountaine land Horse nor man scarce on their feete might stand Our armie closd in three we do deuide That one might passe whilst other two abide On munday armd like youthfull Troyilus And fresh as he in all his iolitie As stirring weldie and as cheualrous As Chaucer makes him in felicitie Past Iohn of Gaunt and with him passed I Twelue hundred pensils vnder me remaine Wrought with my armes that glisteren on the plaine On twesday past our Hector princelie Spanish Peter and Charls king of Nauare Lewis Harcourt in barons dignitie Sir Thomas Phelton well drest for war His brother William of selfe had little care King of Malorques on wensday ouer came Accompaned with Lords of peereles fame Erle Arminak Dalbreth bold Gascoynes all Pomiers Gomigines and stout Mucident And of Buiff couragious capitall Lord Clisson and sir Robert Canol went Barnerdle Sall that was to scaling bent Of Rounceuauls we haue forsake the streights Which flieng Fame to bastard Henrie beits And more how we strong Sauatar had won Placed at the entrie into Spaine When storming king all hard what we had don He sommons forst and doth such numbers gaine Entring in armes into the open plaine Which newes foreriders to the prince haue tould Who saith the bastard valiant is and bould The cherefull trumpet soundeth to addres Fresh knights furbishen armors hastelie And many squiers to stirre vp hardines The noble prince doth knight immediatelie Some made the duke and some were made by me But th'ennimie battaile doth denie before Braue Frenchmen come in number fortie score Right warlike band which bold sir Bertram led And wise sir Arnole Cleped Dandrehen With heedie toiling wairie iourney sped At Spannish campe ariuing with their men It hapt vnto king Henries brethren when They new were come to ride our hoste to vew With the attempt some haples ouerthrew Strike fierce into the Canton where I set The watch I stirring they recoile with speed Returning they with both the Pheltons met Which foorth were rid to do some valiant deed With hundreds two well Armed for their need Sir Richard Cauton sir Hugh Hastings With other knights of faire proceedings These Spaniards six thousand were no lesse And when our English once they had espide Which little mountaine t' aue had in distresse With shooting ioy amaine they toard them ride Where many a skilfull feat of war was tride But in the end they were all take but one And he too rash doth lose himselfe alone For when he saw proud Spaniards placed In leueld plaine his sharp gleiue he taketh His hard resisting sheild he soone imbraced Towards the thickest speedie hast he maketh One stroke he dead then bright sword he shaketh So vigorously in his threatning hand And stroke and foynd and lasht whilst he might stand Armed he was in red most glorious Two Ermin Lions passant crowned gold With Scottish treasure diffrence spatious His brother and his friends the fight behold And saw his ending too aduenterous bold Raging furor fair knighthood doth confound Sir William Phelton brought dead to ground Spaniards of faire aduenture ioyious The leaders were king Henries bretheren Their iourney to their brother prosperous They glad declare shew prisoners taken Great thanks he gaue and residue threaten Soft stepped foorth a soldier bold and wise Praying the king heerin to take aduise Sir saue your grace your speech I not gain say But yonder 's armed manie a prooued knight As euer rangde in battelous affray Hardie in Arms and matchles in strong might If with stout prince you do assemble fight You l find no fliers what so ere betide Twixt life and death toth vntraunce thei le abide In reuerent sort vnto your grace I speake Abstain from war let fierce enimies be Contagious aire will make their strongest weake Your countrie left behind them shall you see They pincht with want it so will chaunce that we May fight with them who present are the flower Of cheualrie of wisdom and of power Marshall replide the king I so desier The princes power with good power to meet He shall not by my fathers soule retier Till him I do in ioined battell greet Seuen thousand I haue armed head and feet Of genetors full twentie thousand more And threescore thousand which haue truly swore Me not to faile therefore sir Arnole I A basht to be may seeme to haue no cause Stout willing numbers vowd haue with me to die Yet full six daies vpon these things they pause We forward come compeld by hungers lawse The swift riuer near to the groyne we passe Where as we find a better soile for grasse At entrance first when we approched Spaine King Henrie seald letter sent our Prince Requesting knowledge and the title plaine Why so with power he sought him to conuince The Herauld was retained euer since He came till now wherein seuen weeks spent Now backe by him his answer thus he sent That his true cosen he was come to aide In rightfull cause as iustice doth desier Therefore quoth he Earle Cristmer hauing waid Your great wrong thus to the Crowne t'aspier Am come in armes but yet I faire requier You both t' accord right king to haue the crowne Your selfe rich lands but if at this you frowne Then you chiefe cause of slaughter spoile and blood Which I God knowes am passing loth to shee l I wish you would well ponder of the good We offer and not trust th' uncertaine speed Of fickle chaunce so careles in hit heed Here rest your frends if that you say not nay Dated from Groyne in March the thirtith day This Herauld gon his letters red with all Sir Bertram said now shortly shall we haue A doo therefore O noble King let call Ech officer his charge to order braue The hawtie prince doth nought but battaile craue Replide the king I little do him dreed Good hope is of a furtherance to the speed Int ' three their fights the first sir Bertram lad Aduentrous French and strangers where with him Th'erls of Dancell and sanxes second had Greatly renowmed cause they late did win The third stout King martiall passing trim A hundred thousand the one and other were Right noblie seene before vp deckt appere As busie king pricketh from ranke to ranke Neerer Naueret we a little drew Where they behold vs raised on a banke From vnder which we all the vallies vew Couerd with helms whose banners some I knew Gainst me ear this reasd had they been and borne Taken and beat and all too peeces torne Sir Bertram Glesquine thimperiall egle bare In siluer gulie baston ouer all Sixe white spur rowels Dandrahen doth reare In field of red a checkered fes doth stall Of th'on and th' other colour then I call My banner for vproled I hit bring Vnto my Prince in presence Spanish king Beloued Lord behould my banner hear Vouchsafe the pains it to vnfould for me Graunting licence this day it vp to rear Thanks good Father yours
This knightly erl was as couragious As full of comfort in extremitie As any Lord that armes battelous Euer put on to quaile his enimie As braue defending prooued most plainlie Daring do what to tride armes belongeth As proudest he largest praise out throngeth This latter squier entring in my hall On bended knee doth foorth sad message tell I staide halfe dind pondring said I shall Be highly blamd and sure I do not well To suffer him lost whose valor doth excell So high allide companion at assaies To my good Lord of Cambrig woorthy praise Himselfe great Lord extraght from noble birth Presently commanding ech to horse Vnto my knights words full of pleasing mirth Most glad to see me bent to sweet remorse Grand gallop we hold a hastned corse Which newes was brought vnto the French by chaunce Fast comming I was with two hundred launce All sodenly they left oft to assaile Long wearie erle and fast away they flie These fresh gallant of hoped purpose faile Thinking not good my comming to abie Or toyled sore a battaile for to trie My drawing neere our labred friends do iudge When fast they saw away their foes to trudge Then leaping on such horses as they had Leau Puirone mounting some two on one Some walke a foote whose chaunces were so bad To lose their horse way with the Frenchmen gone In this estate we encounter them anon Slo comming onward where as great semblaunce And shew of loue made at incountraunce Saluings done low thanks both giue and take Gaie erle as blith as scaped bird from snare To Mortayn glad his reddie way doth make Accounting me cheefe cause of his welfare Saith to his frends we much beholding are To Chandos at great pleasure doth recount His scape my aide to Poycters I remount Ech one which from aduentures dangerous Is safe escaped by good accident Though losse were much beseeming dolerous Yet selfe escaping is woes bannisment The greater danger greater meriment Forpassed trauell most pleasant telling Sweet is fresh aire to lost prisners smelling Pale enuie greeues when matter wants to grieue At others weale pines more then owne mischaunce Ioyes when disaster hap doth all depriue Some mortall wight of happie pleasaunce Full sadly beweeping ech faire semblaunce Bad fauorite of blacke infernall diuell Gladly delighting in most wicked euill Cancred malice sound reasons enimie Vile enuies cheefest agent of her thought Wide blasting bellowes to raging furie For wilfull selfe mischiefe hath out sought Where ginnings bad there endings euer nought As true loues flame the minde to honor boundeth So malice rage the sences all confoundeth As lurcking sparke in hept straw inclosed Feeling winde quicke life of cresment blowing Stealing at first to strong flambes disposed His late couer with furious bestowing Both selfe and couers sooner ore throwing So lurking malice cares not selfe to burne So that others with selfe she ouerturne No state so holly free from enuies bait No man so voud but malice seeks to raine Prieng occasion the humor doth awaite Of better sort glad if she can then gaine To take reuenge to weakest humors straine Her onely heauen in black reuenge doth rest As soueraine good reuenge she counteth best An Abbey strong seuen leags from Poycters stood Called Saint Saluine a place of some defence Wherein there celd a Monke of enuious moode That his superior hated through pretence Of buisnes some one day he got him thence To the roch of Poisay where did remaine Two captains French right glad of me to gaine Caring not what or how so they might haue Knowing wicked monke to these two he came In close darke night to come of them doth craue He would restore the towne to them agame Sir Lewis saint Iulian Carlonet frame Their wils to his the towne is so betraid The knight it kept and there as captain staid False cursed monke true causer of my death What made thee gad thy ciuill cloister out Sweet contemplation vowd not thee staieth Monsterous furie stird thy thought no dout Vsing thy worke to bring my end about Hadst thou been of blessed Barnards trade Good thoughts diuine had thee more honest made I whom slie fortune neuer once did mate In high dispite tooke so foule treason don Wicked treason wrought my luckles fate The vilest plague that raineth vnder sun Goodnes neuer by thy bad working don Practising thoughts had I lost place t'regaine Forcing not how or by what subtile traine To armed knights and squiers in my charge Bout this reprince I secretly do send Bold Poytouins to me in bounties large Of louing thoughts which freely they did lend Vnto my requesting soon condescend On Newyeers eue the period of the yeere They commen are to me they loued deere Sir Richard Dangle sir Lewis Harcourt came Two golden bars that bare in field of guls Pons Dargenton Pount Chardons must I name Sir Thomas Percy the Rochelos that ruls Sir Baldwine Freuile from me he not reculs A patie crosse of red in gold he bare On which fiue losinges varrey placed are When ech braue knight with his bold ventring band Ariued were three hundred spears we found With iudgement much our great buisnes scand Poycters we left and swift away we bound None but we chiefe commanders knew the ground Where well I thought to bring fine feat to pas By wondrous hap I much deceaued was Approched close vnto saint Saluins wals In deepe diches buisie to ascending Our horses giuen to wayting boys there cals A shirling horne with sharp sownd eccoing We were discride I warely doubting Said we haue faild and willed to remount What worlds deuise is woorthy good account What practises we mortall men deuise God doth dispose as likes his pleasure best Our wise conceats right foolish doth he prise Vaine the soundest iudgements of our brest His high decrees permanently do rest We platforms lay but sequell neuer see Example plainly doth appear in me Rebounding horne shirl hard the worst I dout Casting indeed my thoughts beond the Moone Vngratious fortune me to my teeth doth flout Making my deepe pondrings all vndoone My long studies were confounded soone Mightie God my dooings laught to scorne Daunting my courage by th sounding of a horne The reasons why it sounds that proper hower From Poysay roch with onely fortie launce Came Carlonet to seeke sir Lewis power Ariuing here with vs by luckles chaunce With ioyned soldiers pointed to aduaunce This night in t Poyctow hoping there to win His horne doth winde his friend should let him in Had I taken the oportunitie Faire offered by these captains absence The towne had I surprised speedilie And well atchiued forewished pretence Against decreed fate finde no defence Wight euer could why should I hope alone To finde the grace that erst found neuer none Of these two Frenchmen their foorth outriding We ignorant euerie one retier Vnto Chauigney there purposd I some byding Good knights of Poyctow courteouslie desier I ft pleased me t'command their seruice hier I render
At saint Maquere all our striuing showne Where Iohn Maltrait Siluester Buds did hold Two hardie Brittons couragious tride and bold These two could not agree which he should part To sucker sieged frends then by accords They cuts would draw so fortune and not art Should chuse and chance the longest cut affords To Buds whereat they laugh with pleasant words Foorth he comes with twelue right hardie men Got in where we his frends full close do pen Loue of frend despiseth dangerous feare We one whole quarter of the wall downe breake Then marshalling our selues to enter there A lowly herauld they sent in haste to speake Vnto our Duke finding themselues too weake Enraged he so much in angrie minde Small was the grace that they were like to finde But then sir Richard Dangle sought for me As one to mercie greatly bent he knoeth This noble Duke toth reasons doth agree That we pronounce for deer he loude hus both So we appeased his conceaued wroth Buds his cutting a raunsome deere him cost And thus againe the French the fortresse lost Mountcounter castle in the marches stands Of Aniou and of Poictow very strong Foure leagues from Thouars two captains with bands Of men it kept offering neighbors wrong The peece toth Duke of Aniow did belong Sir Thomas Percie Poictow seneshall To come to him doth good commanders call Assembled soone three thousand armors bright From citties frends doth mightie engins bring And fiercely it assailed day and night Incessantly they battring engins fling Here were companions courage stirring Whose harts eirned ought should them resist Still toth assault they forward do persist Sir Walter Huet and sir Iohn Carswell heare Daui of Hulgreue in ermins finely clad A scuchion gules these three them well do beare And cheefest praise at this assailment had Companions three the Frenchmen greatly drad By heedy force and skilfull warie paine Won was Mountcounter neere alth'warders slaine And to these three was this faire castle giuen Strong frontier war against the French t' maintaine Booties rich from them they often driuen And patised the countrie for their gaine Idle to rest for busie wits is paine Braue captaines and good soldiers at assaies Deserue rewards as well as pleasing praies Faire Ladie Blanch the noble Henries heir Duke of Lancaster and of Darbie erle Whose titles Iohn of Gaunt did rightly beare But death his percing dart too soone did therle Bereft her life the worlds sweete orient perle In widdowers state this hautie duke did bide When he thaffairs of Gascoyne had in guide Don Peter king of Castile and of Spaine Slaine he left two daughters heirs behinde Which Ladies yoong in great distresse remaine Lest froward bastard vnkle should them finde Sir Guiscard Dangle had this thing in minde Imparts to me these Ladies titles faire Then to the duke both we the same declare Perswading him to comfort their distresse He speciall knights of good account foorth sends Declaring how for their behoofulnes It was he so himselfe to them commends And for their safetie all his thoughts attends They come he likes the eldest doth he wed Thus of a wife and kingly title sped Till September with vs he made his staie Then into England purposd he to saile My selfe Mucident and Lespaire the swaie He left of Gascoyne hoping to preuaile So with the king as that we should not faile Of succors when the spring time did returne He gon in Gascoine made I my soiorne The sommer prochaine truely to record Was to vs sent much succors and reliefe By th'erle of Penbroke and many a noble Lord Which all was lost vnto our heauie griefe No worser dispite or blinder mischiefe Could haue befalne the erle two daies did fight In Rochell hauen in the townsmen sight Yet could not sir Iohn Arden Seneshall There at that time perswade the paultrie maire With any of his the erle to helpe at all But like a broking varlet dasht with feare Or traitrousnes no reasons foorth could steare In daintie ermins armed was this knight Gold and azure in fes faire chekered right I hard of this and thither hide amaine And many knights of England willing bent The Lords of Gascoyne with their gallant traine Of noble harts fraught with hardiment We come too late our enimies tooke Le vent Which made me storme and fret with anger sad That they and we so hard mischaunce had had The Constable French assembled mightie power With him the dukes Berrie and Burbon both Gay erls and Lords drest for warlike stower In gaining forts his time he whole bestoth Besieged one made sir Iohn Deuereux wroth Saint Seuer namde at Poicters he did bide When as the siege Saint Seuer doth betide Sir Thomas Percie he earnest doth desier To further that his men may rescude be Who condescends to that most iust requier So foorth they come and both encounter me Shewing the state of friends extremitie The ground and strength that French foemates hield We purposed to seeke them in the field So foorth to friends we letters sent in haste good numbers gaine and for the rescue pace Our enimies receiue these newes at last Which mightily their courage doth abace No will they had t'meete vs in open place Our friends ignorant of our present post Yeelded and our desiers were wholie lost When sir Iohn Deuereux of this yeelding hard He chaft and stampt for his the castle was And thus with vs our Poyctaine buisnes fard Thus wauering fortune too and fro doth pas Worldly triumphs are like to flowering gras Whose fragrant smels and hewe at suns vprise With liked fauor vades ere night and dies No knight that cloths himselfe for wars affaires That alwaies can atchiue his harts request All are alike to fortune none she spares Her coiest darlings oft she makes distrest Now is she sloe and then too forward prest She dandles him and then on him she frowns Here spades she giues and there she deales her crowns Oftenest times when least we do mistrust With some od toy are soonest ouertane Euerie hower ech daring captaine must Be well resolud for to attend her wane Often she sports to bring vs to our bane Yet noble minds must still despise her might Braue honor liues maulgree so wicked wight It is a world to marke the iollitie Of seamen floting in the Liquid sea His careles thought of dredles ioperdy His buisie prattle his so plesant lay Full merrie mate like gladsome bird in may Fairely forward with spredded canuas flies Like him that would attaine the hautie skies Of all the liues led vnder Phaetons wheele He thinkes none can compare in blisfulnes With his such tickling ioy his hart doth feele And laughing pride at present happines Right cherefully whistles to their buisnes His company not any helliers end Hawser booling but soone he will amend Scarce little chip shall lie vpon the hatch But for the swabber hastely doth call Cleane and fine ech buisnes to dispatch Then to his ioy a fresh
which pertaind to him of right King Charls well nie excepting him had all The Brittons harts now so it did befall His castle siegd gaue hostage for a staie To yeeld it vp not rescude by a daie Sir Hue Brooe that this strong fortresse heild That marchet made who bare in banner red On siluer cheuron three roses of the feild Sir Robert here ariued in that sted Before the rendring day expired A herauld French Constable sent to kno Hostage whether they would redeeme or no. Sir Robert flatly held not any one In absence his his castle so should mart Thanswerd messenger backe is lightly gone Tould his Lords they make him soone depart And shew sir Robert if he so do start His hostages ech one should hedded be Herauld he said saie to thy Lords from me Three knights one squier in prison here I haue If they a hundred thousand frankes would giue And mine do die no one of these thest saue The French of life the hostages depriue Which seene sir Robert a scaffold made beliue His prisners brought in duke of Aniou sight Their harmles heds he caused off to smite The siege brake vp this execution done The castle with sir Robert doth remaine True hostage true prisners death haue won Such chaffring brought good harts their deadly paine But noble captains such rigor should refraine Lest when their frends they need in such like cace They make refusall doubting the disgrace Iustice oft from ancient custome growes Affection seldom lookes with single eie Strict iustice like iniurious dealing showes Hard law to make the innocent creature die And yet good right appeered for to be God loues not right which doth to rigor tend Neither of both their crueltie can defend I likewise heard how noble Iohn of Gaunt Ariud at Callis with puissant power Puissantly the Frenchmen doth he daunt Fearfull makes both towne and many a tower Numbers my old acquaintance in that stower As Chanoyne Robersart sir Hue Caueley Sir William Bewchamp sir Henrie Percie Sir Walter Huet sir Steuen Gousenton With many more which some did to me name Sir Lewis Clifford sir Richard Pontchardon To heare of whom to sorrow brought some game I hopt and wisht the French that they might tame But in their cheuachey a venture did befall That was at Parris talkt with ioy of all Fowrscore horse of sir Hue Caueleys band Were ridden foorth aduentures for to trie The Lord of Busiers doth it vnderstand The Lord of Chin sir Iohn Buell these three With sixscore launce against them ridden be Lord Chin was slaine through his great hardines Which to his friends was cause of heauines Thus when they were assembled in such sort Right felonous and cruell was the fray And many a deed was don of good report Chin his banner disueloped that day Which seen the English orgulous words did say Gainst Lord Cowcie which English houerd still Who was in Austrige warring at his will This Chin did raise Lord Cowcies faire deuice Which was six bars of varrey and of red This was the same or difference small so nice and slender that mongst them this error bred Which now were either taken slaine or fled All men of yoonger house that banners bear Should haue their difference glistring large and fair I likewise heard the flower of all our pride The valiant Prince of Wales departed life No earthly thing so good may alwaies bide Nor honor such preuailing ouer strife Where glories most mischaunce is euer rife Great things great fals and far abroad are blown Low things low fals their fallings are not known His falling known was fall of all my ioy His death depriuer of my comfort chiefe His losse the loder of my sad annoy His want the wanting of my freed reliefe Ah filching death thou felonous bloodie thiefe Bereauer of my sole deliueraunce Dispoiler of my worldly pleasaunce For could it be that any marshallist Such one as loud to cloth himselfe in Arms But honorable presence thine he mist And many waies thy losse did worke his harms And froward mischiefs backward on him swarms Farwell fairst flower of Plantagenets line Adiew all comfort to this life of mine Full many treaties had the English now Made with the French which came to small effect Some of my friends oftimes did tell me how In these their parleys they had of me respect Yet did no good which made me to suspect That neuer I my weldie Arms should don For griefe wherof I pine away with mone The yoong Earle Saint Pole and three other knights In exchange they offerd for me alon Which Lord Comigines tane had in faire fights by th subtill traine of sir Iohn Harleston By his coursers bountie sir Hue Chatelon Was saud or else he had full dearly paid Bicause from England he was late mistraid The matter thus after we came from Spaine And that the quarrels fresh gan to renew All things to strife and battaile woxt againe The French at first the countie of Ponthew Regaine this Lord of Chatelon named Hue Vnwares he doth sir Nicholas Loudine rest His prisner and by slight he him surprest When as the valiant duke of Lancaster At Callis riud new come from Turnehen Intending the Frenchmen proud to master He fast prepard to make a rode agen With store of squiers knights and noblemen Trauasing Fraunce vp and downe at pleasure In burning spoiling and gaining treasure If oppression to minde valiant Be offered by wisdoms warie guid It so couerneth through much discontent As if euer happie chaunce betide It shoes the fier close couered it doth hide And breaketh foorth into reuenging flame If euer good occasion mooue the same Deepe rooted malice doth not lightly die When as the duke passed by Abuile To Louaines mind repard the iniurie That Chatelon had done to him erewhile Sir Nicholas laid a bushment by a wile Neere to the towne for all the streights he knew Whole three yeers space he vsed them to vewe Sir Hue Chattelon at that instant bode Within the towne as gardant of the same Near vnto it he knew the English rode Then of the crossebowes he bare the maisters name Them to aduise he thought was for his fame Only ten and armed saue his head He came where as the tending bushment stead When valiant Louaine saw his shield of guels Three varey pales on chiffe of loued gold A martlet blacke himselfe he scarcely ruels For ioy the man quoth he I most desier would In all the world I comming do behould The ransome deere to him this yeer I paid Shall rendred be if that he may be staid And foorth he breaks the Frenchmen in that sted Do maruell much from whence doth noise proceed One cried Chatelon yeeld or thou art ded To whom said he to Louaine now with speed Replied sir Nicholas ioying at his deed Being knightly armd in red fresh to behold A siluer fes tween many billets gold And to the host in iolitie retiers Prowd of his prisner afterward