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A05269 The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as also by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland. Burghley, William Cecil, Baron, 1520-1598.; Leigh, Richard, 1561?-1588, attributed name.; Mendoza, Bernardino de, 1540 or 41-1604. 1588 (1588) STC 15413; ESTC S108408 47,041 60

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1 397. A Biscaine wrecked before Ostēd 1. 000.   The day after the fight there sank two Venetians 2 843.   A great Biscaine forced by two of the Queenes ships to perish at Newhauen 1 000.     Ships Men   Total of these ships 15 4791.   Totall of both these losses 32 10185. Whereof there are prisoners in England Zeland at the least 1000. besides a great multitude of men not here accounted that were slaine in the fight and that haue died of famine as by the examinations aforesaid appeareth Beside many ships not yet heard of thought to be lost       In what termes England standeth in the opinion of the Catholiques The Spanish preparation three yeeres in making The Duke of Parmas army in Flaunders No forreine force coulde inuade England without a strong party in England Hope of victorie by the Spanish Army with assistance of a partie in England this Sommer All Spanishe hope fallen in nine daies The Catholiques doubt of their cause seeing the hād of God is against the Armie Many English Catholiques mislike of the Popes reformatiō by force The vntimely publishing of the intended conquest before the Spanish nauy was redy did great hurt The heartes of all sorts of people enflamed against the Spaniards vaunting to conquer the land The vntimely publication of the Popes Bull did hurt to the common cause Cardinall Allens bookes haue done much hurt to the intended inuasion and conquest The Cardinals rash violent writing missiked by the Catholiques The multitude of bookes published to shewe the greatnes of the Spanishe Nauy did also hurt The forewarninges of the Armadas greatnes caused the Queene to put all her Realme in force beyond all former The Armies made readie Nauie England in euery quarter of the realme The Maritime Countries prouided at lading places with twenty thousand men All the bands were vnder the principal Knights of the realme compounded of the most mightie men being their tenants and seruants A strange report of the wealth of a band of souldiers An error of the Catholique fugitives in the number of their partners in England A consent and concurrencie of Papistes and Protestants to withstand the conquest The gentlemen Recusants in Elie offer to aduenture then liues against all inuasions whatsoeuer without respect of Pope or other potentate The Recusants are not put in danger of their liues for their religion but are fined at summes of money The Iesuits are not executed for religion but for treasons The Seminaries for the most part come disguised like Ruffians Babington suffered for his treasons voluntarily cōfessed not for religion though at his death hee professed the Romane religion A multitude of gentlemen suspected to be Papists yet neuer indangered of their liues Many of the Priests that are sent into the realm are yong rash of leude life A great strēgth of the English Nauie by the Shippes of the port townes that did serue without wages Two notable lies printed in Paris and imputed to Don Bernardin Mendoza A most manifest lie printed in Paris of a Spanish victory when it was altogether an English victorie Mendacia of Mendoza The state of the Nauie of England this Sommer L. Haward L Admirall L. Henry Seymour Sir Francis Drake L. Tho. Haward L. Sheffeld The fight of the English Nauie with the Spanish The flying away of the Spanish Nauie The Spaniards prisoners say that Christ shewed himself a Lutheran in this Sommer voiage of the Spanish Nauie God shewed no sauour to the Spanishe Nauy from the beginning to the ending Don Pedro de Valdez Captaine Generall of the Armada of Andaluzia Hugo de Moncada Generall of the Galliasses of Naples Diego de Pimentelli Captaine of the Galleon named S. Matthew A consideration what may be done the next yeare to renew this Action The 3. hopes conceiued against Englād are nowe all frustrated The Englishe Nauie will be stronger the next yeare Offer of Hollanders and Zelanders to ioine with the English Nauie Iustinian Nassau Admiral of Holland with sixe and fortie ships of warre ioyned to the English Nauie against the D. of Parma Argumentes to proue no miscontentment of the people towards the Queene The prouidēce of the Queene to make her Realme strong The Queenes being in the Army in Essex when moste daunger was threatned by the enemies landing The notable Applause of the people to the Queene for her presence in the Campe. The singing of Psalmes by the English Army in the Campe. An Army prouided for the Queene beside the Army readie to withstād the landing of the enemie Great power of Horsemen brought by the Nobilitie to attend on the Queenes person The Viscount Mountagues shewe of horsemen was the first A number of great Lordes shewed their horsemen Earle of Lincolne Lord Windesore Lord Chancelour Earle of Warwicke Lord Treasurer L. Compton Earle of Leycester Lord Rich. Sir Walter Mildmay Sir Henry Cromwell Sir 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Earle of Essex with a great Band of horsemen and footemen afore the Queene at S. Iames. Course of the field Tourney Earle of Worcester Earle of Hertford Lord Audeley Lord Morley L. Dacres L. Lomeley L. Mountioy L. Sturton L. Darcy L. Sands L. Mordant Marques of Winchester Earle of Sussex Erle of Shrowsbury L. Talbot Earle of Darby L. Strange Earle of Bath Earle of Pembrokes noble offer Earle of Northumberland Earle of Cumberland Master Henry Brooke Sir Tho. Cecil Sir Wil. Hatton Sir Horatio Pallauicino M. Robert Carie. Sir Charles Blunt M. Thomas Gerard. M. Wil. Heruie Earle of Oxford M. Robert Cecil L. Dudley Sir Walter Ralegh M. Wil. Cecil M. Edward Darcy M. Arthure Gorge Earle of Huntington L. Scroope L. Darcy L. Euers Earle of Kent L. Hunsdon L. Cobham L. Grave L. North. L. Chandos L. Saint Iohn L. Buckhurst Earle of Rutland Earle of South-hampton Earle of Bedford Offer of the K. of Scots to the Queen of England Bands of horsemen and footmē erected by the Bishops The third and last hope which the Catholiques had of a partie in the realme was all frustrate The Spanishe prisoners condemne the K. purpose as being abused by the exiled Catholiques whō the Spaniards call traitors to their countrey No possibilitie to Inuade and conquere a realme without fauour of a partie inward The Spanishe prisoners condemne the enterprise and course of Don Bernardin of Mendoza Sir Frācis Englefield Lord Paget Earle of Westmerland Thomas Stukleyes abusing of the King of Spaine and the Pope newly remēbred by the Spaniardes A conclusiō by the writer to perswade an other course not by violence No hope for furtherance of the Popes authoritie by any now liuing that may succeede the Queene in the liue Royall A Conclusion what is best to maintaine the Catholike Religion in England A tolleration from the Pope for the Recusants in England Order taken by the K. of Scots in fauour of the English Daily prayers Publike praiers and giuing of thankes The seuenth of September A place neere to Smerwike where the Spaniards were defeated by the Lord Gray Michael Oquēdo was general of the squadrō of xiiii ships of Guipusque Fiue hundred drownd wherof were a hundred gentlemē and one onely saued of the whole number Seuen hundred drowned and one hundred takē prisoners Ballicrahihy Thirteene gentlemen taken Foure hundred haue sought to intrench themselues Seuēty eight were drowned and slaine Threescore taken Melaghlin Mac Cab slue foure score of them A Spanish ship of a thousande tuns burnt by the Spaniards Two other ships lost Ricaldes the Admiral in the sound of Bleskey Eight thousand Spaniards lost by fight sicknesse Two ships sonke A ship of 1000. tonne sonke of 500. persons but one saued The Kings base sonne drowned with other principall perions Fiftie Canons twēty fiue peeces of ordināce fiftie tonnes of secke thirtie thousand Duckets in gold and siluer sonke Fifteene men lost in fight vpon the Disards Fiue and twentie moe lost in the same ship Two ships lost One Galliasse cast on shore Two Gallions and one Byskeine sonke Three Venetian shippes sort beaten with shot The Spanishe Nauy sore beated with shot by the English and their tackling much spoiled The Spaniard cast their horses and mules ouer boord In the fight at Callice were slaine the Maister of the Cauallary of the Tercij of Naples Sicile The Maister of the Campe of the horsemen The Maister of the Campe of footemen And foure thousand others besides a thousand drowned The Admirall after the sight at Callice came not out of his bed in seauen weekes and more Sixe hundred Spaniards assaulted by one hundred and fifty Englishe vanquished taken prisoners * Don Piedro de Valdes taken These two remaine in England * In this vessell Don Hugo de Moncada was slaine * Don Diego Piementel taken in this
the Realme shewed euery of them seuerall strong Bands of horsemen to the great liking of the Quéene and of all the people that were there being many thousands And within two daies after that the Earle of Essex being Master of the Quéenes horse with certaine principall Gentlemen his seruants friends and followers shewed afore the Quéene aboue thrée hundred horses of al seruice and a great number of Carabins and a faire Band of footmen all Musketiers This shew excéeded in number any other particular Band and the Earle himselfe with a great number of Launces horsed and armed did run very many courses and specially with the Earle of Cumberland as they cal it the Course of the field which I had neuer séene before and did also him selfe and his company Tourney on horsebacke a very long time and caused also his Carabines and his footemen to make many skirmishes there to the great liking of the Quéene and of the multitude of people which were many thousands Amongst whom I heard many vehement spéeches against all English Papists calling them all Traitors wishing also that the Spaniards had bene there in that field with treble the number to make proofe of the value of English men all which I heard to my great griefe with many curses against all their countrimen saying that they as arrant Traitors to their natiue countrie had villanously sold as farre as in them did lie the libertie of their country to Spaniards and other Papists It behoued me not there to haue contraried any of them for surely if I had their rancour was so stirred vp by the comfort of these faire shewes of horsemen as they would there in the field in their rage haue killed me and cut me in a thousand péeces Besides these Lords aboue named there were brought to the towne other faire Bandes by the Earle of Worcester the Earle of Hertford the Lord Audeley Lord Morley Lord Dacres Lord Lomeley Lord Mountioy Lord Sturton Lord Darcy Lord Sands Lord Mordant and by euery one that were of the priuie Counsell so as by estimation there were about London at that time aboue fiue thousand horses readie to serue the Quéene besides all the horsemen that were raised in all other Countries for the Armies and the Sea coasts And besides these I heard in a very good place where I was silent that there was by accompt twise as many in readinesse with the Noble men that were absent attending on their charges in their seuerall Lieutenancies As the Marques of Winchester one counted to be the strongest man of his own furniture for Horse Armour who is Lieutenant of Hampshire with the Earle of Sussex Captaine of Portemouth and Lieutenant also of Dorcetshire Next to him is in accompt the Earle of Shrowsbury Earle Marshal of England Lieutenent of a great number of Countries and of great power of his owne both for horsemen and footmen beside the power of the Lord Talbot his sonne The Earle of Darby also though he was in Flaunders from whence he came lately yet his sonne the Lord Strange Lieutenent of Lancashire and Cheshire in his fathers absence is said to haue raised a great power of horsemen And to shew the populer affection to this Earle in his Countrey I heard it for certaine reported that when the Earle continued longer in Flanders then they liked and doubting of his returne for that they supposed that the Duke of Parma would stay him and the other Commissioners there the people of his Countrie in a generalitie did amongst themselues determine that the Lord Strange the Erles sonne and all the manhood of Lancashire and Cheshire would goe ouer the Seas and fetch the Earle home A matter for no purpose to be spoken of but to note the force of the loue which the people doe beare to the Earle who with his sonne is firmely bent against the Pope The Earle of Bath also Lieutenant of Deuonshire had as is said great forces of his owne readie to haue impeached the landing of any strangers in Deuonshire The Earle of Pembroke also being Lieutenant of Somersetshire and Wiltshire and Lord President of all Wales was ready to haue come to the Quéene with thrée hundred horsemen and fiue hundred footmen all of his owne retinue leauing all the Countries vnder his charge fully furnished I omit here to speake of the Bands of horsemen belonging to the Earles of Northumberland and Cumberland which though they were ready to haue bene shewed at the same time yet the Earles hearing of the Spanish Armie approching went voluntarily to the Sea side in all hast and came to the Quéenes Nauie before the fight afore Callice Where they being in seuerall ships of the Quéenes did with their owne persons valiant seruices against the Kings Armada And to shew the great readines in a generalitie of sundrie others at the same time to aduenture their liues in the said seruice there went to the Seas at the same time diuers Gentlemen of good reputation who voluntarily without any charge without knowledge of the Quéene put themselues into the Quéens Nauy in sundry ships wherein they serued at the fight afore Callice of which number being very great I remember that the names of some of them were these Master Henry Brooke sonne heire to the Lord Cobham Sir Thomas Cecil sonne and heire to the Lord Treasurer Sir William Hatton heire to the Lord Chancellour Sir Horatio Pallauicino a Knight of Genua Master Robert Carie sonne to the Lord Hunsdon Sir Charles Blunt brother to the Lord Mountioy But much speach is of two Gentlemen of the Court that went to the Nauie at the same time whose names are Thomas Gerard and William Heruie to me not knowen but now here about London spoken of with great fame These two aduentured out of ship boate to scale the great Galliasse wherein Moncada was and entred the same only with their Rapiers a matter commonly spoken that neuer the like was hazarded afore considering the height of the Galliasse compared to a ship boate And yet to make it more manifest how earnest all sorts of Noble men and Gentlemen were to aduenture their liues in this seruice it is reported that the Earle of Oxford who is one of the most auncient Earles of this land went also to the Sea to serue in the Quéenes Army There went also for the same purpose a second sonne of the Lord Treasurer called as I can remember Robert Cecil there went also about that time to the Seas the Lord Dudley an ancient Baron of the Realme and Sir Walter Ralegh a Gentleman of the Queenes priuie Chamber and in his company a great number of young Gentlemen amongst whom I remember the names of the heire of Sir Thomas Cecil called
Subiects to a Soueraigne all which she acquited with very Princely thanks and good spéeches I could enlarge this description with many moe particularities of mine owne sight for thither I went as many others did and all that day wandering from place to place I neuer heard any word spoken of her but in praising her for her stately person and Princely behauiour and in praying for her life and safety and cursing of all her enemies both Traitours and all Papists with earnest desire to venter their liues for her safety And besides such particular Acclamations the whole Army in euery quarter did deuoutly at certaine times sing in her hearing in very tunable maner diuers Psalmes put into forme of Praiers in praise of almighty God no waies to be misliked which she greatly commended with very earnest spéech thanked God with them This that I write you may be sure I do not with any comfort but to giue you these manifest Argumentes that neither this Quéene doth discontent her people nor her people do shewe any discontentation in any thing that they be commaunded to do for her seruice as heretofore hath bene imagined She had also an Armie of about fortie thousand footmen and of sixe thousand horsemen vnder the charge of the Lord Hunsdon Lord Chāberlein as Lieutenant of that Army made ready from the Inland partes of the Realme to be about her owne person without disarming the maritime Counties so as many marched out of sondry Countries towards her at the very time that she was in the Camp some came to the Suburbes Townes neare London whom she remaunded to their Countries because their Haruest was at hand and many of them would not be countermaunded but still approched onward on their owne charges as they sayd to sée her person to fight with them that boasted to conquere the Realme But though the greatest nomber of the said souldiours were compelled to returne yet the Captaines Leaders and the principall Knightes and Gentlemen came to the Court to offer their seruice those were gratiously accepted of her with many thankes and are now for the more part returned with a full determination and firme promise to continue their Bands in such redines as vpon a few houres warning they will assuredly returne with them in good array Beside these foresaid Argumentes to disproue the opinion of discontentment of the people which heretofore hath bene thought a great furtherance to this honorable action I will also remember you some other more notable Actions to proue both contentation and readines in all the Nobilitie of the Realme at this time that were not tyed to abide in their countries by reason of their offices as Lieutenantes and Gouernours there for Martiall seruices For assoone as it was heard that the Quéene was come nere London and that the Armies were in gathering to come out of the countries for defence of all Inuasions and reportes brought from the sea coasts of the apparance of the Spanish Nauie all the Noble men in the Realme from East and West from North and South excepting onely such great Lordes as had speciall Gouernementes in Countries that might not lawfully be absent from their charge and some few that were not able to make forces according to their desire came to the Quéene bringing with them according to their degrées and to the vttermost of their powers goodly Bands of horsemen both Launces light horsemen and such other as are termed Carabins or Argeletiers lodging their Bands round about London and maintaining them in pay at their owne charges all the time vntill the Nauie of Spaine was certainly knowen to be passed beyond Scotland And of these Noble men many shewed their Bands of their horsemen before the Quéene euen in the fields afore her own gate to the great marucile of men of good iudgement as I heard reported for that the number of them was so great and so well armed and horsed as knowing that they were no parcell of the numbers of horsemen limited in euery Countrie and put into Bands with y e Armies described it was thought before they were séene that there had not bene so many spare horses of such valour in the whole realme excepting the North part of England towards Scotland whose forces consist chiefly of horsemen The first that shewed his Bands to the Quéene was that Noble vertuous honorable man the Viscount Mountague who howsoeuer men do iudge of him for opinion in Religion yet to tell you the truth he is reported alwaes to haue professed as now also at this time he did professe and protest solemnely both to the Quéene and to all her Court in open Assemblies that he now came though he was very sickly and in age with a full resolution to liue and die in defence of the Quéene and of his countrie against all Inuaders whether it were Pope King or Potentate whatsoeuer and in that quarell he would hazard his life his children his lands and goods And to shew his minde agréeably thereto he came personally himself before the Quéene with his Band of horsemen being almost two hundred the same being led by his owne sonnes and with them a yong child very comely seated on horseback being the heire of his house that is the eldest sonne to his son heire a matter much noted of many whom I heard to commend the same to sée a grandfather father and sonne at one time on horsebacke afore a Quéene for her seruice though in truth I was sory to sée our Aduersaries so greatly pleased therewith But I cannot conceale it from your Lordships knowledge because I thinke this Noble man is knowen vnto you hauing bene vsed as an Ambassadour to the King Catholique many yeares past by this Quéene as I haue heard to require confirmation of the treaties of amitie betwixt both their Fathers And of this Noble mans conditions I thinke there be some others of whom there is no accompt to be made that they will giue sauour to any attempt against the Quéene or to any Inuasion of the Realme There were also many at the same time that made shewes of great numbers of seruiceable horses whereof though it be no comfort to you to heare yet is it good that you be not abused for lacke of knowledge how the present state is here that you may better iudge hereafter what may be done to recouer this late losse and dishonour At this time the Earle of Lincolne and the Lord Windesore with some Knights and Gentlemen with them shewed their Bands as the Lord Montague had done and after them the Lord Chancelour shewed goodly Bands of horsemen and footmen at his owne house very manie and strong And within one or two daies after the Earle of Warwicke the Lord Burghley Lord Treasurer the Lord Compton and in the end of the day the Earle of Leycester and the Lord Rich besides sundry Knights of
William Cecil of Edward Darcy Arthure Gorge and such others with the rehearsall of whom I do not comfort my selfe but only to shew you how farre we haue bene deceiued to thinke that we should haue had a partie here for vs when as we sée both by land and Sea all sorts of men were so readie of their owne charges without either commandement or entertainement to aduenture their liues in defence of the Quéene and the Realme And for the Earle of Huntingtons forces being Lieutenant Generall in the North it is reported that he hath put in readines for an Armie in Yorkshire and other Countries commonly limited to serue against Scotland to the number of fortie thousand well armed footemen and neare hand ten thousand horsemen to come to him if any occasion of Inuasion should be in the North partes to whom are ioyned with their forces thrée Lordes in the North the Lord Scroop Lord Darcy and Lord Euers There are also diuers other Lordes that are Lieutenants of Countries that haue in readinesse of their proper charges good numbers of horsemen As the Earle of Kent Lieutenant of Bedfordshire the L. Hunsdon Lord Chamberlaine Lieutenant of Norfolk and Suffolk the Lord Cobham Lieutenant of Kent the Lord Gray of Buckinghamshire the Lord North of Cambridgeshire Lord Chandos of Glocestershire Lord S. Iohn of Huntingtonshire Lord Buckhurst of Sussex and so by this particuler recital not vnméet for your knowledge it is to be noted what disposition the Nobilitie of the Realme had at this time to haue withstood all Inuasion And if percase you shall peruse your ordinary Catalogue of the grrat Lordes of the Realme you shal find that these are the substance of all the great Lords sauing thrée young Earles within age Rutland Southhampton and Bedford all thrée brought vp in peruerse religion And so remaineth to be spoken of the Earle of Arundel who is in the Tower for attempting to haue fled out of the Realme by prouocation of him that now is Cardinall Allen who howsoeuer he may be affected to the Catholique religion yet I heare most certainly that he offereth his life in defence of the Quéene against all the world And where accompt was made to haue a partie in this Realme which by these former relations appeare could not be possible the whole Nobilitie being assured to the Quéene and the force of the people not violently bent that way In this very time was offered to the Quéene as great a partie for her to come to her seruice and defence of the Realme as out of all Christendome she could not haue to all respects a stronger Which was the King of Scots who hearing of the intended Inuasion of the Realme sent a Gentlemā to the Quéene with his letter as I credibly heard to offer her all the power that he had to defend her her Realme and if she so would he would come in his owne person and hazard his owne life to defend this Realme against all Inuaders for Religion or any other pretence whatsoeuer So by this you may sée what accompt may be made of any vayne promises made in the name of this King And because you shall perceiue that I haue good meanes to haue intelligence of any other forces of the Realme for defence thereof it is most certaine as I heare and I haue séene a List or Rol of a great number both of horsemen and footmen which the Bishops of the Realme haue of their owne charges with the cōtribution of the Clergy raised vp in Bandes of horsemen and footmen which are to be led by Noble Gentlemen at the Quéenes nomination and these Bandes must be vaynely termed Milites Sacri As to the last point of the thrée foundations of the principal hope conceiued whereupon the Inuasion was chiefly grounded and taken in hand which was most certainly and generally beléeued that there should be found here in the Realme a strong partie of Catholiques against the Quéene to ioyne and assist the Inuaders vpō the appearing of the Spanish Nauie by my former relations of the generall great feruent loue of the people towardes the Quéene and of the great offers of seruice now made by the whole Nobilitie of the Realme this their foundation may appeare to haue bene wrong laied onely by imaginations as it were vpon a quick sand or rather as flying in the aire And yet it appeareth very truely that no small accompt was made hereof by the King of Spaine and by his principall Ministers for there is nothing at this present more vniuersally with one lamentable voyce spoken of by all the multitude of the Spaniardes now here prisoners yea by the chiefest of them then that they now euidently sée that the King their Maister was with such informatiōs greatly abused yea rather betrayed For they say there was no mā of value in all this Army but he heard it constantly affirmed and so deliuered for comfort of all that serued therein before they were shipped that they should not be afrayed of any resistance to land in England for that there was good assurance geuen to the King that they should finde a strong Armie of Catholiques ready in their fauour assoone as euer their Nauie should be séene vpon the Sea coast so they all here say they were incouraged to come to this iourney otherwise many of them sweare they would neuer haue come on shipbord so vnlikely they say it was and against all reason to Inuade a Realme with opinion to conquere it without both some title of right and a partie also but specially without a good sure partie And therefore now finding this report very false many of these prisoners do by name curse you as being the Kinges Ambassadour as him they say who vpon the opinion of the knowledge which you had gotten in England was therein more credited then any other and had these many yeares together tempted the King their Maister vpon hope and other such like perswasions to attempt such a matter as this was being vtterly in all wisedome to haue bene condemned without some certaintie of this latter part specially to haue had a strong partie here They also curse all such Englishmen as haue fled out of this Countrie whom they spare not to call arrant Traitors for offring the sale of their Countrie to the Pope and the King of Spaine And these prisoners adde also that they were borne in hand that this Countrie was so open to march in and so weake to withstand any force and the people so miserable as they thought the Conquest thereof had bene of no more difficulty then the ouercomming of a nomber of naked Indians was at the beginning of the Conquest thereof by King Ferdinand And now for strength of this countrie and people many of these prisoners hauing bene brought from the Sea coastes hether to
after a Portingall Gallion ouertaking this ship told vnto those of this ship that there were xxv ships of the whole Nauie passed away with the Duke and that the rest then remaining of the whole Nauy were dispersed by this tempest some eight in one company and foure in another and thus dispearsedly passed on the seas But how many ships remained after their departure from the coast of Scotland of the whole Nauy this examinat can not tell He saith that after this first tempest which was about xxv dayes now past growing of a Southwest wind they had sundry tēpests before they were lost with variable winds sometime one way and sometimes an other The reexamination of Emanuell Fremosa 17. September 1588. EManuel Fremosa mariner examined the same day saith that the day next before the great tempest in which the Duke was seuered from them being a very calme day him selfe counted the Nauie then remaining which then were about lxxviij saile in all when they were farthest of in the North they were at lxii degrées Northward and were then about foure score leagues and somewhat more from any land and at the Northwest part of Scotland Cape Clere being then from them South and by West and this was about foure or fiue dayes before the said great tempest and from that time vntill the same tempest they had the winde most West and West Southwest and sometimes West Northwest but that not very long he saith that it was knowne to very few of the Nauy that the Prince the Kings base sonne was in this Nauie vntill they came to Callice where this Prince about the time of the fight was said to take him selfe into a little boate vpon the coast of Callice but before that he kept him selfe as priuate in the Dukes owne ship as it was said and not noted or spoken of in the Nauy vntill then But he saith there was a great Prince an Italian that was a chiefe man in a great Argosie very wel furnished who before their comming to the English coast did very often banket the Duke and the other great men of the Nauy This Argosie was called the Ratte he saith he did not perceiue if this shippe were in this Fléete the day before the said tempest or not but he saith this being a famous ship it was often demanded if she were in their company and it was answered that she was he saith the chiefest of the treasure that serued for the pay was as he heard in the Galliasse that arriued on the shore at Callice and in a shippe of Siuil made in Galisia called the Gallega of about vij hundred tonnes in which Don Pedro de Valdez was which was taken on the South coast The examination of Pierre Carrea Flemming HE saith that in the ship that he came hither in called Saint Iohn a Galliō of nine hundred tonnes besides Iohn Martin de Ricalde there are fiue Captaines Don Iohn de Lune Don Gomes de Galanezar Don Pedro de Madri the Count of Parades Don Felice and there is also an Italian Marquesse of Piemont called the Marquesse of Faruara He saith also that the Admirall after such time as the fight was at Callice came not out of his bed vntill this day seuen nights in the morning that they ranne vpō the shore He saith his Admirall is of Biskeye either of Bilbo or Allerede and of lxii yeares of age and a man of seruice He saith that there were in this nauie of the old souldiers of Naples vnder the conduct of Don Alonso de Sono of the old souldiers of Sicile vnder the conduct of Don Diego de Piementell● whose ship was lost néere Callice There was also Don Alonso de Leua maister of the cāp of the Cauallery of Millan he saith there is a bastard sonne of King Phillips of xxviii yeares of age in this Fleete in the ship with the Duke called the Prince of Ascule in Italie who passed from thē in a Pinnace about Callice as he tooke it By other Aduertisements of the fourteenth of September it is certified to the Lord Deputie of Ireland from the Earle of Tyron being at his Castle of Dongannon that vpon intelligence brought to him of the landing of certaine Spaniards in the North of Ireland he sent two English Captaines with their bandes towardes them to the nomber of an hundred and fiftie who found them at Sir Iohn Odogherties towne called Illagh and there discouering their nomber to be aboue six hundred did that night encamp within a musket shot of them and about midnight did skirmish with them for the space of two houres in which skirmish the Spanish Lieutenant of the field and twentie moe of the Spaniardes were slaine besides many that were hurt The next day following they did offer skirmish agayne to the Spaniardes whereupon they all yelded and so as prisoniers were caried to Dongannon to the Earle who meant to send them to the Lord Deputie being iudged to be men of good value and one thought to be a man that hath had some great charge and conduct of men for many yeares whereof the Lord Deputie will geue knowledge as soone as they shall be brought to Dublin There may be some errours in the writing of the Spanish names in English because the same are written by way of interpretation but there is no errour in the nombring of the persons that are either dead or aliue 26. September 1588. SHIPS AND MEN SONKE DROWned killed and taken vpon the coast of Ireland in the moneth of September 1588. In Tyreconnell In Loughfoyle 1. ship 1100 men Of that ship and others that escaped In Connaught In Sligo hauen 3. great ships 1500 In Tireawley 1. ship 400 In Clere Iland 1. ship 300 In Finglasse 1. ship 400 In Oflartie 1. ship 200 In Irrise 2. ships The men fled into other vessels In Galway bay 1. ship 70 In Munster In the Shennan 2. ships 600 In Traylie 1. ship 24 In Dingle 1. ship 500 In Desmond 1. ship 300 In the Shennan 1. ship burnt The mē embarqued in another shippe     Totall 17. ship of men 5394. AFORE THE LOSSE OF THE FORE-said seuenteene ships in Ireland there perished in Iuly August fifteene other great ships in the fight betwixt the English and Spanish Nauies in the narrowe seas of England where no one English Vessell or person of any reputation perished or was taken   Ships Men   First Gallies 4 1622.   Neare Ediston by Plimouth at the first conflict 1 0000.   The same time was distressed taken Don Pedro de Valdes ship 1 422. These two remaine in England At the same time by fire a great Biscaine ship 1 289. Afore Callis spoiled the principall Galeasse of Naples 1 686.   In the conflict was sonke a great Biscaine 1 000.   The Gallion S. Philip. 1 532. These two forced into Flushing being sore beaten by the English great shot The Gallion S. Matthew