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lord_n earl_n henry_n howard_n 15,468 5 12.4371 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04581 Nova Britannia offering most excellent fruites by planting in Virginia : exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. Johnson, Robert, fl. 1586-1626. 1609 (1609) STC 14699.5; ESTC S889 22,243 35

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enterprize first began and not otherwise And as for the diuisions of landes at seuen yeeres ende which some may obiect will be little worth and vnequally d●uided let them vnderstand that no man shall haue his lot entirely in one place to be al of the best or al of the worst but each man shall haue proportionably to his aduentures in thrée or foure distinct differences that may bee made in the goodnes or badnes of the groundes by Commissioners equally chosen by the Aduenturers héere and the Planters there and as for the value and little worth now of those grounds in Virginia we know that in England within these thirty or fortie yeeres the yéerely rent of those grounds in many places were not worth fiue shillings that now do goe for fourtie and more And howsoeuer those grounds in Virginia are now but little worth indéede yet time and meanes will make them better considering how they passe our grounds in England both in regard of the soile and clymate fitte for many precious vses And also in how many seuerall places we purpose to plant our Colony and not to bestow our costs vppon Iames-towne onely and vpon the grounds lying thereabout and to let al the rest lie barren for seeing his Maiestie hath graunted to our Colony as much circuite of ground as all England almost we purpose God willing if wee may be supplied with sufficient meanes to settle out of hand sixe or seuen plantations more al vpon or neare our main-riuer as capitall townes twenty miles each from other and euery plantation shall manure and husband the lands and grounds lying néere vnto it and alotted for the circuite thereof and shall all endeuour for a ioynt stocke and shall be still supplied from hence with more money and prouisions and against any publike iniury shall be ready to vnite and ioyne themselues together and by this mea●es wee shall come to haue our Diuident in landes of worth and well manured which will be eyther bought or rented of vs at a good value by the planters or by such as intend hereafter to inhabite there as also by these seueral plantations which happly one place better fitting then another wee shall bring forth more seuerall sorts of Marchandize and be also better fortified and besides the Planters will be in such hope to haue their owne shares and habitations in those lands which they haue so husbanded that it will cause contending and emulation among them which shall bring foorth the most profitable and beneficiall fruits for the ioynt stocke Whereby vndoubtedly we shall be soone fréed from further expence our gaines will grow and our stocke encrease we shall fell our tymber saw our planck and quickly make good shipping there and shall returne from thence with good imployment an hundred saile of good Shippes yearely all which good and much more wee shall withstand and bring our selues into a laborinth if wee pinch and spare our purses now therefore not to holde you longer with many wordes being neere Exchange time as I take it remember what I haue said in prouing my proposition and take my conclusion in a word or two Séeing our prouocations are so many our cause and title good auaunt all idle oracles that seeke to bar vs The wisedome of the wisest saith in these cases VVhatsoeuer thy hand shall find to doe do it with all thy might Our forefathers not looking out in time lost the prime and fairest proffer of the greatest wealth in the world and we taxe their omission for it yet now it falles out that wee their children are tryed in the like there being yet an excellent portion left and by Diuine prouidence offered to our choice which seeing we haue armes to embrace let it not be accounted hereafter As a prize in the hands of fooles that had no hearts to vse it The honour of our nation is now very great by his Maiesties meanes and wee his subiects cannot enlarge and vphold it by gazing o● and talking what hath béene done but by doing that good which may bee commended hereafter if we sitte still and let slip occasions we shall gather rust and doe vnfeather our owne wings committing the folly of the wise Romanes heerein that in time of their glory flowing with the Conquestes and spoiles of the world and hauing gotten the Goddesse Victoria to Rome they clipt her wings and set her vp among their Gods that shée might take her flight no more as shee had formerly done from the Gretians and others and so effeminating their valour with idlenesse and security it brought confusion and ruine to their state Let not such a prize of hopefull euents so lately purchased by the hazard of our valiant men in the déepe Seas of forreine dangers now perish in the Hauen by our neglect the liues of our friends already planted and of those noble Knights and Gentlemen that entend to goe shortly must lie at our mercy to be reléeued and supplied by vs or to be made a prey vnto others though wee feare not the subiects of any Prince in amity that they will offer wrong vnto vs And howsoeuer we heare tales and rumours of this and that yet be not dismaid for I tell you if we find that any miscreants haue wronged or goe about to hurt our few hundreds there we shall be ready to right it againe with many thousands like the giant Anteus whose often foiles renued his strength the more And consider well that great worke of fréeing the poore Indians from the deuourer a compassion that euery good man but passing by would shew vnto a beast their children when they come to be saued will blesse the day when first their fathers saw your faces If those vndaunted English and Scottish Captaines that so often ventured their liues and spilt their blood to reconquer Palestina from the Turks and Sarazens had séen the gappe so open in their daies and the way leading to so many goodly purchases certainely it had not now béene left for vs to doe How strange a thing is this that al the States of Europe haue béene a sleepe so long that for an hundred yeres and more the wealth and riches of the East and West should runne no other current but into one coffer so long til the running ouer spread it selfe abundantly among a factious crew of new created Friers and that to no more speciall end then with instigating bloody plots to pierce the heart of a Christian State and true Religion It is long since I read in a little treatise made by Frith an English Martyre an excellent foretelling touching the happinesse of these Northerne Ilands and of great wonders that should bee wrought by Scots and English before the comming of Christ but I haue almost forgotten and cannot readily call it to mind as I would and therefore I omitte it now Protesting vnto you it would bee my griefe and sorrow to bee exempted from the company of so many honorable minded men and from this enterprise tending to so many good ends and then which I truely thinke this day there is not a worke of more excellent hope vnder the Sun and farre excelling all circumstances wayed those Noble deeds of Alexander Hercules and those heathen Monarks for which they were deemed Gods among their posterity And so I leaue it to your consideration with a memorable note of Thomas Lord Howard Earle of Surry when K. Henry the eight with his Nobles at Douer tooke shipping for Turwin Turney and bidding the said Earle farewel whom he made Gouernour in his absence the Story sayth the Nobleman wept and tooke his leaue with teares an admirable good nature in a valiant minde greeuing to be left behinde his Prince and Peeres in such an honourable seruice FINIS