Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

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lord_n earl_n edward_n robert_n 15,558 5 8.7612 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17808 Annales the true and royall history of the famous empresse Elizabeth Queene of England France and Ireland &c. True faith's defendresse of diuine renowne and happy memory. Wherein all such memorable things as happened during hir blessed raigne ... are exactly described.; Annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum regnante Elizabetha. English. Book 1-3 Camden, William, 1551-1623.; Darcie, Abraham, fl. 1625.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1625 (1625) STC 4497; ESTC S107372 510,711 833

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of_o spain_n die_v the_o judge_n of_o england_n have_v no_o power_n over_o he_o but_o he_o be_v condemn_v according_a to_o the_o form_n of_o nihil_fw-la dicit_fw-la because_o no_o man_n can_v free_v himself_o from_o the_o law_n of_o the_o country_n where_o he_o be_v bear_v nor_o renounce_v his_o natural_a country_n nor_o his_o prince_n and_o suffer_v as_o a_o traitor_n guienne_n there_o be_v then_o for_o certain_a year_n controversy_n between_o the_o portugal_n and_o the_o english_a during_o the_o commerce_n between_o they_o and_o the_o moor_n for_o pure_a gold_n from_o the_o year_n 1552._o in_o that_o part_n of_o africa_n call_v guienne_n and_o other_o who_o have_v first_o discover_v those_o coast_n hinder_v as_o much_o as_o they_o can_v by_o force_n of_o arm_n so_o as_o they_o fight_v sometime_o by_o sea_n and_o detain_v ship_n on_o both_o side_n but_o sebastian_n king_n of_o portugal_n be_v new_o come_v to_o age_n to_o make_v a_o peace_n send_v francis_n gerard_n into_o england_n who_o make_v a_o covenant_n with_o the_o queen_n almost_o in_o these_o very_a word_n that_o a_o perfect_a amity_n may_v be_v make_v and_o free_a commerce_n have_v on_o both_o side_n the_o one_o shall_v not_o attempt_v any_o thing_n to_o the_o prejudice_n of_o the_o other_o nor_o lend_v succour_n to_o their_o enemy_n rebel_n or_o traitor_n the_o merchandise_n money_n and_o ship_n which_o be_v under_o arrest_n to_o be_v restore_v and_o queen_n elizabeth_n to_o gratify_v the_o king_n of_o portugal_n prohibit_v the_o english_a to_o use_v any_o navigation_n in_o the_o sea_n or_o to_o the_o land_n which_o the_o portugal_n have_v conquer_v and_o that_o if_o they_o shall_v do_v otherwise_o it_o shall_v be_v upon_o their_o own_o peril_n if_o the_o portugal_n shall_v deprive_v they_o both_o of_o good_n and_o life_n the_o kingdom_n of_o portugal_n and_o argarbe_n also_o the_o isle_n of_o azore_n and_o madera_n except_v in_o which_o free_a navigation_n be_v permit_v this_o year_n w._n parr_n marquis_n of_o northampton_n die_v be_v very_o old_a peaceable_o depart_v this_o life_n a_o man_n much_o conversant_a and_o well_o read_v in_o the_o delectable_a study_n of_o music_n and_o entertainment_n of_o lover_n and_o other_o courtly_a iucundity_n who_o be_v first_o raise_v to_o the_o dignity_n of_o baron_n parr_n of_o kendal_n afterward_o he_o marry_v anne_n bourchier_n sole_a daughter_n &_o heir_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o essex_n at_o the_o same_o time_n when_o the_o king_n marry_v his_o sister_n and_o afterward_o b●_n edward_n make_v marquis_n of_o northampton_n under_o the_o reign_n of_o marie_n he_o be_v condemn_v of_o high-treason_n for_o take_v arm_n on_o the_o behalf_n of_o jane_n grey_n who_o be_v bring_v in_o by_o subornation_n to_o be_v queen_n but_o be_v short_o after_o pardon_v and_o restore_v to_o his_o inheritance_n as_o he_o be_v afterward_o to_o his_o honour_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n he_o have_v no_o child_n but_o left_a to_o be_v his_o heir_n henry_n herbert_n earl_n of_o pembroke_n his_o other_z sister_n son_n john_n jewel_n jewel_n a_o man_n of_o a_o excellent_a spirit_n and_o exquisite_a learning_n in_o theology_n and_o of_o great_a piety_n die_v the_o same_o year_n be_v hardly_o fifty_o year_n of_o age_n descend_v of_o good_a parent_n in_o devonshire_n and_o commendable_o bring_v up_o in_o corpus_fw-la christi_fw-la college_n in_o the_o university_n of_o oxford_n who_o in_o queen_n mary_n reign_n be_v banish_v into_o germany_n and_o afterward_o by_o queen_n elizabeth_z be_v make_v bishop_n of_o salisbury_n put_v forth_o in_o the_o year_n 1562._o a_o apology_n for_o the_o english_a church_n and_o most_o learned_o defend_v the_o protestant_n religion_n against_o harding_n who_o be_v fall_v from_o it_o in_o two_o volume_n in_o our_o own_o tongue_n which_o be_v now_o translate_v into_o the_o latin_a ireland_n ireland_n at_o that_o time_n be_v quiet_a enough_o for_o john_n per●t_v precedent_n of_o monster_n have_v so_o ransack_v john_n fitz-morris_n who_o have_v pillage_v kilmalocke_o that_o he_o be_v constrain_v to_o hide_v himself_o in_o cave_n and_o in_o the_o end_n as_o we_o shall_v relate_v hereafter_o bring_v to_o beg_v pardon_n with_o humble_a submission_n ireland_n sidney_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n return_v into_o england_n fitz-william_n who_o have_v marry_v his_o sister_n succeed_v in_o his_o place_n the_o fifteen_o year_n of_o her_o reign_n 1572._o anno_fw-la dom._n 1572._o the_o beginning_n of_o a_o new_a year_n bring_v forth_o a_o new_a tragical_a spectacle_n to_o the_o inhabitant_n of_o london_n for_o in_o the_o palace_n of_o westminster_n a_o scaffold_n be_v erect_v from_o the_o one_o end_n to_o the_o other_o with_o a_o tribunal_n upon_o it_o and_o seat_n on_o either_o side_n the_o like_a have_v not_o be_v see_v for_o eighteen_o year_n before_o hall_n thither_o upon_o the_o sixteen_o day_n of_o january_n be_v thomas_n howard_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n conduct_v between_o owen_n hopton_n lieutenant_n of_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n and_o peter_n carew_n knight_n before_o who_o be_v bear_v the_o fatal_a axe_n with_o the_o edge_n forward_o upon_o the_o tribunal_n be_v seat_v george_n talbot_n earl_n of_o shrewsbury_n constitute_v lord_n high_a steward_n of_o england_n for_o that_o day_n upon_o either_o side_n of_o he_o be_v place_v the_o noble_n appoint_v commissioner_n which_o we_o call_v peer_n to_o wit_n reynold_n grace_n earl_n of_o kent_n tho._n ratcliff_n earl_n of_o sussex_n henry_n hastings_n earl_n of_o huntingdon_n francis_n russell_n earl_n of_o bedford_n henry_n herbert_z earl_n of_o pembroke_n edw._n seimor_n earl_n of_o hartford_n ambrose_n dudley_n earl_n of_o warwick_n kingdom_n robert_n dudley_n earl_n of_o leicester_n walt._n deu●reux_n viscount_n of_o hereford_n edward_n lord_n clinton_n admiral_n william_n lord_n howard_n of_o effingham_n chamberlain_n william_n cecil_n lord_n burghley_n secretary_n arthur_n lord_n grace_n of_o wilton_n jea._n blount_n lord_n mountioy_v will._n lord_n sands_n tho._n lord_n wentworth_n william_n lord_n bourrowe_n lewes_n lord_n mordant_n john_n pawlet_n lord_n s._n john_n of_o basin_n robert_n lord_n rich_a roger_n lord_n north_n edm._n bruges_n lord_n chandos_n oliver_n lord_n s_o john_n of_o bletso_n tho._n sackuill_n lord_n buckhurst_n and_o will._n west_n lord_n de-la-ware_n arraignment_n silence_n be_v command_v the_o commission_n be_v read_v import_v the_o power_n give_v to_o the_o judge_n then_o carter_n chief_a king_n of_o herald_n deliver_v into_o his_o hand_n a_o white_a wand_n which_o he_o present_o after_o deliver_v to_o the_o groom_n porter_n who_o stand_v by_o do_v hold_v it_o erect_v the_o whole_a time_n of_o the_o court._n silence_n again_o command_v the_o lieutenant_n of_o the_o tower_n be_v bid_v to_o bring_v forth_o his_o charge_n and_o present_v the_o duke_n before_o the_o seat_n of_o justice_n who_o forthwith_a appear_v on_o either_o side_n be_v the_o lieutenant_n of_o the_o tower_n and_o peter_n carew_n next_o of_o all_o he_o that_o carry_v the_o axe_n the_o edge_n thereof_o turn_v from_o the_o duke_n silence_z the_o three_o time_n proclaim_v the_o clerk_n appoint_v for_o the_o act_n of_o judgement_n thus_o speak_v to_o the_o duke_n thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n late_o of_o kenninghale_n in_o the_o county_n of_o norfolk_n hold_v up_o thy_o hand_n when_o he_o have_v hold_v up_o his_o hand_n the_o say_a clerk_n read_v aloud_o the_o crime_n of_o which_o he_o be_v accuse_v that_o be_v to_o say_v that_o in_o the_o eleven_o year_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o afterward_o the_o duke_n have_v treacherous_o hold_v counsel_n to_o depose_v the_o queen_n from_o her_o kingdom_n to_o take_v away_o her_o life_n and_o to_o invade_v the_o realm_n by_o raise_v of_o war_n and_o bring_v in_o troop_n of_o stranger_n that_o notwithstanding_o he_o have_v certain_a knowledge_n that_o mary_n late_a queen_n of_o scot_n have_v arrogate_a to_o herself_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n accusation_n with_o the_o title_n and_o arm_n thereof_o yet_o have_v he_o treat_v unknown_a to_o the_o queen_n of_o a_o marriage_n betwixt_o they_o and_o contrary_a to_o the_o promise_n under_o his_o hand_n and_o seal_n have_v lend_v unto_o her_o certain_a large_a sum_n of_o money_n that_o he_o have_v assist_v and_o succour_v the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n westmoreland_n marquenfield_n and_o other_o notwithstanding_o that_o he_o have_v good_a notice_n that_o they_o have_v raise_v rebellion_n against_o the_o queen_n and_o be_v chase_v into_o scotland_n that_o in_o the_o thirteen_o year_n of_o the_o queen_n reign_n by_o letter_n he_o demand_v succour_n of_o the_o pope_n pius_fw-la quintus_fw-la swear_v enemy_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o the_o spaniard_n and_o duke_z de_fw-fr alva_n to_o set_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n at_o liberty_n and_o re-establish_a the_o roman_a religion_n in_o england_n final_o that_o he_o have_v relieve_v and_o aid_v heris_fw-la a_o scottish-man_n and_o other_o enemy_n
and_o scottish_a jesuit_n do_v suggest_v diverse_a thing_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n the_o french_a labour_n to_o hinder_v the_o league_n the_o king_n of_o scot_n propound_v condition_n he_o be_v not_o deter_v by_o the_o french_a king_n james_n answer_n to_o they_o the_o league_n of_o fast_a friendship_n a_o conspiracy_n against_o queen_n elizabeth_n how_o discover_v ballard_n return_v into_o france_n ballard_n send_v back_o into_o england_n meet_v with_o babington_n he_o instruct_v he_o in_o the_o stratagem_n babington_n receive_v letter_n from_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n he_o write_v back_o to_o she_o she_o answer_v he_o his_o associate_n in_o the_o conspiracy_n babington_n give_v to_o every_o one_o his_o task_n they_o confer_v together_o their_o vanity_n babington_n in_o care_n to_o bring_v in_o the_o foreign_a aide_n send_v ballard_n to_o work_v for_o he_o insinuate_v with_o walsingham_n deceit_n by_o deceit_n deceive_v giffard_n discover_v all_o the_o conspiracy_n send_v the_o letter_n he_o receive_v to_o walsingham_n ballard_n upon_o his_o departure_n be_v take_v babington_n solicit_v for_o ballards_n liberty_n fall_v into_o the_o same_o net_n get_v himself_o out_o lie_v in_o a_o wood_n harrow-hill_n they_o be_v find_v and_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o conspirator_n all_o discover_v the_o q._n of_o scot_n keep_v with_o a_o guard_n and_o separate_v from_o her_o servant_n her_o coffer_n with_o letter_n send_v to_o the_o queen_n giffard_n send_v into_o france_n die_v miserable_o the_o traitor_n come_v to_o judgement_n be_v punish_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n her_o secretary_n examine_v the_o king_n of_o france_n be_v advertise_v sundry_a opinion_n how_o to_o dispose_v of_o the_o scottish_a queen_n by_o what_o law_n she_o shall_v be_v judge_v commissioner_n appoint_v to_o hear_v the_o cause_n a_o commission_n grant_v to_o that_o end_n book_n 6._o 6._o william_n poulet_n marquesse_n of_o winchester_n edward_n de_fw-fr vere_n earl_n of_o oxford_n lo_o high_a chamberl●ine_n of_o england_n george_z talbot_z earl_n of_o shrew●bury_n earl_n martial_n henry_n gr●y_a earl_n of_o kent_n henry_n st●●●●y_o earl_n of_o derby_n william_n somerset_z earl_n of_o worcester_n edward_n manner_n e._n of_o rutland_n ambrose_n du●ley_n e._n of_o warwick_n master_n of_o our_o ordnance_n henry_n herbert_z earl_n of_o pembroke_n robert_n dudley_n e._n of_o leicester_n master_n of_o our_o horse_n henry_n e._n of_o lincoln_n charles_n l._n howard_n high_a admiral_n of_o england_n anthony_n viscount_n montagu_n henry_n cary_n baron_n of_o hunsdon_n lo._n chamberlain_n of_o our_o household_n henry_n nevil_n baron_n of_o abergaveny_n edward_n lord_n zouch_n edward_n parker_n l._n morley_n will._n l._n cobham_n lord_n warden_n of_o the_o cinque_fw-fr port_n edward_n l._n stafford_n arthur_n lord_n grace_n of_o w●lton_n john_n l._n lumley_n john_n l._n stu●ton_n william_n l._n sands_n henry_n l._n w●ntworth_n lodowick_n l._n mordant_n john_n l._n saint_n john_n of_o bletso_n t●●mas_n sackvill_a baron_n of_o buckhurst_n henry_n l._n compten_n henry_n lo._n cheney_n sir_n francis_n knoll_v knight_n treasurer_n sir_n jacob_n crofts_n knight_n controller_n sir_n christ_n hatton_n vice-chamberlaine_n sir_n francis_n walsingham_n our_o secretary_n of_o state_n william_n dau●son_n esq_n our_o second_o secretary_n sir_n ralph_n sadler_n knight_n chancellor_z of_o our_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n sir_n walter_z mildmay_n knight_n 〈◊〉_d aim_n poulet_n knight_n governor_n of_o our_o island_n of_o sarsey_n all_o our_o tr●sty_n &_o belove_a privy_a counsellor_n and_o sir_n christopher_n w●ay_n knight_n l._n chief_a justice_n of_o the_o common_a plea_n john_n w●●sey_n esq_n our_o secretary_n for_o the_o latin_a sir_n edmund_n anderson_n knight_n l._n chief_a just_o of_o our_o bench_n sir_n roger_n manwood_n chief_a baron_n of_o our_o exchequer_n sir_n thomas_n gawdy_n and_o sir_n william_n pickering_n commissioner_n come_v to_o she_o she_o answer_v the_o letter_n upon_o the_o sudden_a book_n 3._o add_v the_o next_o day_n to_o her_o answer_n she_o refuse_v her_o trial_n exception_n against_o the_o new-made_a law_n sir_n christopher_n hatton_n persuade_v she_o to_o appear_v her_o tergiversation_n she_o yield_v at_o last_o to_o appear_v and_o answer_v the_o manner_n of_o the_o sit_v the_o lord_n chancellor_n speak_v to_o she_o her_o protestation_n record_v proceed_v she_o deny_v the_o former_a allegation_n copy_n of_o letter_n show_v extract_v out_o of_o babbingtons_n confession_n she_o deny_v they_o they_o urge_v she_o with_o the_o confession_n of_o savage_a and_o ballard_n she_o blame_v walsingham_n walsingham_n make_v his_o apology_n charles_n paget_n letter_n be_v produce_v and_o babington_n and_o the_o testimony_n of_o her_o secretary_n she_o object_v against_o their_o credit_n argue_v about_o transfer_v the_o kingdom_n she_o excuse_v herself_o for_o have_v give_v morgan_n a_o annual_a pension_n by_o pension_n give_v to_o the_o scottishman_n she_o offer_v the_o duke_n of_o guise_n and_o her_o son_n pledge_n for_o her_o liberty_n the_o lord_n burghley_n answer_v she_o interrupt_v he_o he_o proceed_v letter_n show_v again_o she_o interrupt_v their_o read_n affirm_v her_o secretary_n be_v not_o to_o be_v credit_v she_o be_v accuse_v again_o for_o transport_v the_o kingdom_n she_o condemn_v her_o secretary_n as_o perjure_a sir_n thomas_n egerton_n the_o queen_n solicitor_n demonstration_n she_o crave_v a_o hear_n i●_n open_a parliament_n sentence_n pronounce_v against_o she_o some_o suspect_v the_o credit_n of_o the_o secretary_n or_o duty_n declaration_n that_o the_o sentence_n against_o the_o q._n of_o scot_n do_v nothing_o prejudice_n her_o son_n a_o parliament_n hold_v the_o banish_n of_o traitor_n confirm_v the_o state_n approve_v &_o confirm_v the_o sentence_n and_o desire_v the_o publication_n thereof_o the_o queen_n answer_v she_o desire_v they_o to_o find_v out_o some_o other_o remedy_n their_o answer_n to_o she_o her_o reply_n to_o they_o the_o q._n of_o scotland_n be_v certify_v of_o her_o judgement_n the_o ambassador_n of_o france_n slay_v the_o publish_n of_o the_o sentence_n notwithstanding_o it_o be_v publish_v the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n carry_v herself_o with_o a_o resolute_a courage_n she_o move_v a_o request_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n opinion_n of_o the_o q._n of_o scotl._n cause_n in_o her_o behalf_n against_o she_o the_o q._n of_o scotland_n son_n intercede_v for_o she_o some_o scot_n against_o she_o the_o k._n by_o letter_n and_o message_n and_o propound_v some_o thing_n considerable_a as_o the_o k._n of_o france_n do_v by_o his_o ambassador_n bellieures_fw-fr reason_n for_o the_o qu._n of_o scotland_n answer_n to_o his_o reason_n the_o ambassador_n of_o france_n attempt_v queen_n elizabeth_n life_n stafford_n discover_v the_o enterprise_n to_o the_o council_n the_o ambassador_n deny_v it_o the_o ambassador_n mild_o rebuke_v whether_o a_o ambassador_n be_v to_o discover_v the_o attempt_n if_o he_o know_v any_o to_o be_v commit_v against_o the_o prince_n to_o who_o he_o be_v send_v but_o grace_n the_o scot_n more_o she_o weigh_v these_o business_n the_o courtier_n persuade_v she_o by_o reason_n and_o by_o example_n she_o be_v notwithstanding_o suspensive_a &_o perplex_v with_o doubtful_a fear_n she_o command_v a_o warrant_n to_o be_v draw_v for_o the_o execution_n her_o council_n send_v secret_o the_o q._n of_o scotl._n prepare_v herself_o for_o death_n she_o be_v bring_v to_o the_o scaffold_n her_o speech_n to_o meluine_v her_o steward_n to_o the_o earl_n her_o last_o word_n the_o epitaph_n the_o providence_n of_o god_n plain_o see_v in_o her_o death_n elizabeth_n be_v sorry_a therefore_o and_o grieve_v thereat_o be_v angry_a with_o her_o council_n they_o urge_v he_o upon_o his_o own_o confession_n the_o queen_n sergeant_n reprove_v he_o the_o judge_n opinion_n upon_o his_o fact_n the_o l._n grace_n defend_v he_o sentence_n give_v against_o he_o he_o make_v request_n to_o the_o commissioner_n davison_v his_o particular_a apology_n the_o indignation_n of_o the_o nation_n of_o scotland_n suggestion_n use_v to_o the_o king_n qu._n elizabeth_n endeavour_v to_o appease_v they_o by_o what_o reason_n sir_n francis_n drake_n be_v send_v into_o spain_n to_o prevent_v the_o come_n of_o the_o jnuincible_a navy_n for_o the_o invasion_n of_o england_n his_o expedition_n the_o great_a carraque_fw-la saint_n philip_n be_v take_v the_o profit_n which_o the_o english_a receive_v thereby_o the_o east_n indies_n company_n thomas_n cavendish_n circuit_n the_o earth_n stanley_z and_o york_n traitor_n new_a kind_n of_o duel_n bring_v into_o england_n with_o what_o success_n the_o state_n of_o the_o unite_a province_n do_v blame_v the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n the_o state_n send_v for_o leicester_n again_o to_o raise_v the_o siege_n before_o sluice_n leicester_n be_v molest_v leicester_n go_v about_o to_o make_v himself_o lord_n over_o their_o city_n he_o be_v call_v home_o again_o the_o title_n of_o his_o excellency_n leicester_n distribute_v medailles_n coin_a en_fw-fr memory_n of_o his_o person_n to_o those_o of_o his_o faction_n the_o estate_n do_v put_v in_o leicester_n place_n prince_n maurice_n of_o nassau_n leicester_n faction_n in_o the_o low-countries_n russell_n suspect_v leicester_n avoid_v his_o adversary_n accusation_n the_o death_n of_o the_o lord_n nevil_n baron_n of_o abergavenny_n and_o the_o duchess_n of_o somerset_n be_v very_o age_v and_o sir_n ralph_n sadler_n also_o sir_n thomas_n bromley_n the_o earl_n of_o rutland_n die_v and_o sir_n christopher_n hatton_n be_v make_v lord_n high_a chancellor_n william_n fitz-williams_n lord_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n for_o the_o same_o time_n the_o reason_n why_o it_o be_v a_o difficult_a thing_n to_o war_n against_o jreland_n book_n 3._o 1588._o a_o wonderful_a and_o admirable_a year_n great_a preparation_n be_v in_o hand_n in_o spain_n to_o assault_v and_o invade_v england_n by_o what_o counsel_n the_o reason_n why_o they_o consult_v about_o the_o mean_n how_o to_o assault_v and_o subdue_v england_n preparation_n in_o flanders_n traitor_n hate_v the_o pope_n assistance_n preparation_n in_o england_n by_o sea_n and_o land_n consultation_n for_o defence_n and_o concern_v the_o papist_n at_o home_n the_o king_n of_o scotland_n alacrity_n against_o the_o spaniard_n book_n 3·_n conference_n of_o peace_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n commissioner_n send_v to_o that_o end_n into_o flanders_n proposition_n of_o the_o english_a answer_v complaint_n make_v unto_o the_o duke_n of_o parma_n the_o conference_n break_v up_o the_o spanish_a armada_n 28._o maij._n set_v forth_o and_o be_v disperse_v set_v out_o again_o the_o english_a navy_n set_v out_o the_o first_o fight_n the_o ability_n of_o the_o english_a flee_v flee_v cantabrica_n peter_n valdes_n take_v the_o ship_n of_o oquenda_n take_v the_o english_a admiral_n providence_n the_o three_o fight_n knight_n create_v for_o their_o valour_n by_o the_o right_n honourable_a charles_n howard_n earl_n of_o nottingham_n lord_n high-admirall_n diverse_a nobleman_n and_o knight_n of_o england_n join_v themselves_o with_o the_o english_a fleet_n before_o calais_n the_o spanish_a fleet_n lie_v at_o anchor_n and_o rest_v betwixt_o calais_n and_o dover_n the_o duke_n of_o parma_n be_v send_v for_o again_o by_o the_o spaniard_n he_o be_v unprepared_a the_o good_a service_n of_o the_o hollander_n who_o hinder_v parma_n from_o join_v his_o force_n with_o the_o spanish_a navy_n the_o spaniard_n amaze_v fly_v confuse_o hugh_n moncada_n slay_v the_o four_o combat_n the_o spaniard_n resolve_v to_o return_v home_o by_o the_o north-sea_n the_o queen_n visit_v she_o campe._n condition_n offer_v unto_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n money_n coin_a in_o memory_n of_o this_o famous_a victory_n tout_fw-fr ainsi_fw-fr comme_fw-fr l'on_n dit_fw-fr de_fw-fr caesar_n il_fw-fr est_fw-la venv_n il_fw-fr at_fw-fr vev_n il_fw-fr at_fw-fr vincy_n on_o peu_fw-fr dire_fw-fr de_fw-fr mesme_fw-fr de_fw-fr l'espagnol_n auss_o que_fw-fr il_fw-fr est_fw-la venv_n il_fw-fr at_fw-fr vev_n mais_fw-fr qui_fw-fr pis_n est_fw-fr il_fw-fr even_o est_fw-la enfvy_n aulieu_n que_fw-fr caesar_n estoit_fw-fr victorieux_fw-fr misery_n of_o the_o spaniard_n in_o jreland_n cause_n of_o the_o defeat_n the_o spaniard_n take_v patient_o this_o overthrow_n queen_n elizabeth_n cause_v a_o general_a thanksgiving_n to_o god_n for_o it_o and_o public_a rejoice_v in_o england_n praise_v those_o who_o be_v of_o the_o english_a navy_n the_o public_a joy_n be_v increase_v by_o the_o good_a news_n which_o come_v out_o of_o scotland_n the_o death_n of_o robert_n dudley_n earl_n of_o leicester_n his_o dignity_n and_o title_n his_o disposition_n and_o manner_n leicester_n good_n be_v sell_v berghen_fw-mi ap_fw-mi zoom_n besiege_v by_o the_o duke_n of_o parma_n who_o raise_v the_o siege_n innovation_n in_o england_n martin_n mar-prelate_n and_o other_o scandalous_a book_n begin_v of_o a_o great_a rebellion_n in_o jreland_n ambassador_n in_o denmark_n the_o emperor_n of_o russia_n most_o favourable_a to_o the_o english_a
annal_n and_o then_o by_o my_o last_o will_n to_o bequeath_v they_o to_o my_o honourable_a friend_n james_n augustus_n thvanus_n who_o have_v begin_v a_o history_n of_o his_o own_o time_n with_o great_a truth_n and_o modesty_n lest_o that_o as_o stranger_n be_v wont_a he_o a_o man_n most_o dear_a unto_o i_o shall_v like_o a_o traveller_n in_o a_o foreign_a country_n be_v ignorant_a of_o our_o affair_n but_o this_o resolution_n i_o be_v force_v i_o know_v not_o by_o what_o fate_n to_o alter_v for_o a_o great_a part_n be_v send_v unto_o he_o some_o few_o year_n past_a when_o they_o be_v like_o rough-drawn_a picture_n scarce_o begin_v deform_v with_o blot_n &_o imperfect_a place_n swarm_v with_o error_n &_o patch_n thrust_v in_o as_o they_o fall_v from_o a_o hasty_a pen_n &_o ill_o use_v by_o transcriber_n out_o of_o these_o he_o take_v &_o as_o it_o be_v inter-weaved_n some_o thing_n into_o the_o eleven_o and_o twelve_o tome_n of_o his_o history_n have_v first_o polish_v they_o by_o add_v alter_v substract_a but_o all_o with_o good_a judgement_n according_a to_o that_o order_n of_o the_o work_n which_o he_o propose_v to_o himself_o for_o he_o intend_v a_o universal_a history_n of_o his_o own_o time_n select_v some_o few_o thing_n concern_v england_n and_o ireland_n ommit_v many_o thing_n not_o only_o fit_a but_o peradventure_o necessary_a for_o we_o to_o know_v and_o i_o have_v hear_v that_o beyond_o the_o sea_n the_o history_n of_o english_a affair_n be_v much_o and_o not_o without_o reproach_n desire_v i_o therefore_o betake_v i_o to_o my_o intermit_a study_n read_v all_o over_o again_o correct_v add_v diverse_a thing_n refine_v the_o elocution_n yet_o without_o affectation_n for_o it_o suffice_v i_o if_o i_o may_v place_v this_o book_n like_o a_o picture_n in_o water_n colour_n unskilful_o do_v in_o a_o commodious_a light_n but_o when_o all_o be_v do_v i_o be_v much_o perplex_v &_o irresolute_a whether_o i_o shall_v publish_v it_o or_o not_o but_o censures_n preiudice_n hatred_n obtrectation_n which_o i_o foresee_v to_o display_v their_o colour_n and_o bid_v battle_n against_o i_o have_v not_o so_o much_o deter_v i_o as_o the_o desire_n of_o truth_n the_o love_n of_o my_o country_n and_o the_o memory_n of_o that_o princess_n which_o deserve_v to_o be_v dear_a and_o sacred_a among_o english_a man_n do_v excite_v i_o against_o those_o who_o shake_v off_o their_o allegiance_n towards_o their_o prince_n and_o country_n do_v not_o cease_v beyond_o the_o sea_n to_o wound_v aswell_o the_o honour_n of_o the_o one_o as_o the_o glory_n of_o the_o other_o by_o scandalous_a libel_n conceive_v by_o the_o malice_n of_o their_o own_o heart_n &_o now_o which_o they_o stick_v not_o to_o confess_v be_v about_o to_o publish_v a_o book_n to_o remain_v to_o posterity_n as_o a_o monument_n of_o their_o wickedness_n as_o for_o i_o i_o desire_v nothing_o more_o than_o to_o be_v like_o myself_o &_o they_o like_v themselves_o succeed_v age_n will_v give_v to_o every_o one_o their_o deserve_a honor._n i_o confess_v with_o sorrow_n that_o i_o have_v not_o do_v so_o well_o as_o the_o height_n of_o the_o argument_n require_v but_o what_o i_o can_v i_o have_v do_v willing_o to_o myself_o as_o in_o other_o write_n so_o neither_o in_o these_o have_v i_o give_v satisfaction_n but_o i_o shall_v hold_v it_o more_o than_o sufficient_a if_o out_o of_o a_o earnest_a desire_n to_o conserve_v the_o memory_n of_o thing_n of_o truth_n in_o relate_v they_o &_o instruct_v man_n mind_n with_o that_o which_o be_v wise_a and_o honest_a i_o shall_v be_v rank_v only_o among_o the_o low_a writer_n of_o great_a thing_n whatsoever_o it_o be_v at_o the_o altar_n of_o truth_n i_o dedicate_v and_o consecrate_v it_o to_o god_n my_o country_n and_o posterity_n ❧_o to_o the_o true_a mirror_n and_o patterne_n of_o prince_n the_o most_o high_a and_o mighty_a charles_n prince_z of_o great_a britainne_n etc._n etc._n sir_n i_o can_v not_o but_o shelter_v this_o history_n under_o your_o most_o renown_a name_n for_o to_o who_o can_v i_o commit_v the_o story_n of_o she_o who_o whilst_o she_o live_v be_v the_o joy_n of_o england_n the_o terror_n and_o admiration_n of_o the_o world_n but_o to_o your_o highness_n who_o be_v the_o fame_n and_o honour_n of_o this_o spacious_a hemisphere_n &_o great_a britain_n both_o hope_n &_o solace_n by_o your_o princely_a valour_n &_o constant_a virtue_n no_o less_o dread_v and_o admire_v abroad_o than_o fear_v &_o belove_v at_o home_n a_o true_a admirer_n &_o humble_a observer_n of_o your_o divine_a worth_n a._n darcie_n to_o the_o high_o bear_a princess_n frances_n duchess_n dowager_n of_o richmond_n &_o lenox_n this_o noble_a princess_n father_n be_v thomas_n lord_n howard_n create_v viscount_n bindon_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n the_o first_o year_n of_o her_o reign_n second_o son_n to_o thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o to_o the_o noble_a prince_n her_o cousin_n thomas_n earl_n of_o arundel_n &_o surrey_n earl_n martial_n of_o england_n this_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n the_o duchess_n of_o richmond_n and_o lenox_n grandfather_n have_v two_o wife_n the_o first_o be_v the_o noble_a princess_n anne_n daughter_n to_o king_n edward_n the_o four_o by_o which_o he_o have_v issue_n a_o young_a prince_n who_o die_v young_a the_o other_o be_v the_o lady_n elizabeth_n daughter_z to_z edward_z stafford_z duke_z of_o buckingham_z by_o who_o he_o have_v issue_n the_o lord_n henry_n h●ward_n who_o son_n succeed_v to_o the_o dukedom_n of_o norfolk_n which_o duke_n elder_a son_n philip_n howard_n be_v by_o queen_n elizabeth_n al●o_v create_v and_o summon_v in_o parliament_n where_o he_o sit_v as_o earl_n of_o arundel_n be_v the_o primary_n earldom_n of_o england_n in_o the_o right_n of_o his_o mother_n sole_a daughter_n and_o heir_n to_o henry_n fitzallen_n earl_n of_o arundel_n he_o be_v this_o noble_a earl_n father_n thomas_n viscont_n bindon_n and_o a_o daughter_n who_o be_v duchess_n of_o richmond_n and_o somerset_n countess_n of_o nottingham_n aunt_n to_o the_o now_o duchess_n of_o richmond_n and_o lenox_n this_o say_a duke_n of_o norfolk_n after_o a_o long_a sickness_n take_v his_o journey_n peaceable_o to_o heaven_n at_o his_o palace_n in_o kinninghall_n in_o norfolk_n the_o first_o year_n of_o queen_n mary_n and_o to_o the_o illustrious_a favourer_n of_o virtue_n true_a mirror_n of_o honour_n and_o exact_a pattern_n of_o nobility_n william_n earl_n of_o hartford_n &c_n &c_n and_o to_o the_o noble_a lady_n frances_n his_o princely_a countess_n this_o earl_n grandfather_n lord_n edward_n seimor_n son_n to_o edw._n duke_n of_o somerset_n be_v restore_v to_o his_o honour_n &_o patrimony_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n who_o create_v he_o earl_n of_o hartford_n and_o baron_n of_o beauchamp_n in_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n the_o second_o year_n of_o her_o reign_n this_o noble_a countesse_n grandfather_n also_o be_v create_v earl_n of_o essex_n etc._n etc._n by_o qu._n elizabeth_n the_o 14._o of_o her_o reign_n he_o die_v in_o ireland_n 1575._o and_o be_v magnificent_o bury_v at_o carmarden_n in_o wales_n where_o he_o be_v bear_v edward_n earl_n of_o dorset_n baron_n of_o buckhurst_n and_o to_o his_o noble_a sister_n the_o lady_n anne_n beauchamp_n and_o the_o lady_n cecilia_n compton_n this_o illustrious_a earl_n and_o honourable_a lady_n grandfather_n be_v a_o most_o prudent_a and_o learned_a man_n for_o his_o heroic_a desert_n and_o princely_a descent_n from_o a_o ancient_a and_o true_a noble_a blood_n be_v create_v by_o q._n elizabeth_n baron_n of_o buckhurst_n next_o by_o her_o majesty_n install_v in_o the_o royal_a order_n of_o the_o garter_n one_o of_o she_o intimate_v privy_a counsellor_n &_o lord_n high_a treasurer_n of_o england_n etc._n etc._n chancellor_n of_o the_o university_n of_o oxford_n he_o die_v in_o whitehall_n 1608._o theophilus_n lord_n clinton_n earl_n of_o lincoln_z anno_fw-la 1572._o edward_n lord_n clinton_n lord_n high_a treasurer_n of_o england_n be_v create_v earl_n of_o lincoln_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n for_o his_o noble_a merit_n and_o faithful_a service_n to_o his_o sovereign_a lady_n the_o same_o day_n her_o majesty_n create_v sir_n walter_n deureux_fw-fr earl_n of_o essex_n he_o die_v the_o eight_o day_n of_o january_n anno_fw-la 1585._o and_o be_v with_o great_a solemnity_n bury_v at_o windsor_n to_o this_o right_n honourable_a lord_n theophilus_n earl_n of_o lincoln_n he_o be_v great_a grandfather_n thomas_n earl_n of_o suffolk_n knight_n of_o the_o most_o honourable_a order_n of_o the_o garter_n this_o worthy_a earl_n second_o son_n to_o thomas_n howard_n the_o last_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n by_o his_o martial_a valour_n be_v princely_a virtue_n and_o by_o queen_n elizabeth_n create_v lord_n howard_n of_o walden_n and_o take_v place_n in_o the_o high_a court_n of_o parliament_n among_o the_o peer_n as_o baron_n of_o walden_n and_o q._n
for_o the_o restitution_n of_o calais_n fol._n 95._o attempt_v to_o fly_v away_o ibid._n peace_n make_v in_o france_n ibid._n war_n proclaim_v between_o france_n and_o england_n ibid._n the_o queen_n offer_v to_o give_v haure_n de_fw-fr grace_n for_o calais_n fol._n 96._o the_o english_a soldier_n be_v afflict_v with_o the_o plague_n ibid._n haure_n de_fw-fr grace_n beleaguer_v by_o the_o french_a fol._n 97._o article_n for_o haure_n the_o grace_n restitution_n fol._n 99_o the_o soldier_n come_v over_o infect_v london_n and_o other_o place_n in_o england_n with_o the_o plague_n ibid._n another_o marriage_n propound_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n fol._n 100_o queen_n elizabeth_n recommend_v robert_n dudley_n unto_o she_o for_o a_o husband_n ibid._n the_o french_a divert_v the_o queen_n from_o it_o fol._n 101._o the_o baron_n of_o grace_n die_v and_o the_o bishop_n of_o aquila_n ibid._n the_o spaniard_n against_o the_o english_a fol._n 102._o the_o lord_n william_n paget_n die_v ibid._n the_o supreme_a dignity_n of_o honour_n in_o england_n fol._n 103._o the_o death_n of_o henry_n manner_n earl_n of_o rutland_n ibid._n and_o also_o of_o the_o lady_n frances_n brandon_n duchess_n of_o suffolk_n ibid._n anno_fw-la m.d.lxiiii_o the_o article_n of_o peace_n conclude_v between_o france_n and_o england_n 1564._o fol._n 106._o the_o french_a king_n install_v in_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n fol._n 107._o the_o english_a and_o hollander_n ill_o use_v in_o spain_n ibid._n a_o mart_n establish_v by_o the_o english_a in_o edinburgh_n fol._n 108._o robert_n dudley_n create_v baron_n of_o denbigh_n and_o earl_n of_o leicester_n who_o accuse_v sir_n nicholas_n bacon_n fol._n 110._o cambridge_n honour_v with_o queen_n elizabeth_n presence_n ibid._n diverse_a opinion_n about_o england_n succession_n fol._n 111._o lenox_n send_v for_o by_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n ibid._n the_o true_a descent_n and_o extraction_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o lenox_n ibid._n leicester_n treaty_n of_o a_o match_n with_o scotland_n queen_n fol._n 114._o 1565._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxv_o the_o lord_n darley_n journey_n into_o scotland_n where_o he_o be_v belove_v of_o the_o queen_n fol._n 116._o queen_n elizabeth_n consent_n require_v about_o that_o marriage_n fol._n 117._o throckmorton_n send_v to_o hinder_v it_o fol._n 118._o lenox_n and_o darley_n re-called_n out_o of_o scotland_n who_o excuse_v themselves_o and_o the_o queen_n marry_v with_o the_o lord_n darley_n fol._n 119._o queen_n elizabeth_n endure_v it_o with_o moderation_n but_o some_o scot_n take_v distaste_n about_o that_o marriage_n fol._n 120._o the_o emperor_n be_v a_o suitor_n for_o his_o brother_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n fol._n 121._o as_o the_o queen_n of_o sheba_n come_v to_o see_v solomon_n so_o the_o rare_a virtue_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n bring_v cecilia_n queen_n of_o sueden_n big_a with_o child_n from_o the_o further_a part_n of_o the_o north_n to_o see_v so_o complete_a a_o majesty_n ibid._n creation_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o glencarne_n ibid._n nicholas_n arnold_n send_v deputy_n into_o ireland_n fol._n 124._o the_o death_n of_o sir_n thomas_n chaloner_n fol._n 125._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxvi_o 1566._o thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o robert_n earl_n of_o leicecester_n be_v honour_v with_o the_o chief_a order_n of_o knighthood_n of_o france_n fol._n 126._o the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n in_o voluntary_a exile_n fol._n 127._o the_o english_a carry_v both_o their_o arm_n and_o courage_n to_o the_o hungarian_a war_n fol._n 127._o the_o happy_a birth_n of_o king_n james_n ibid._n queen_n elizabeth_n rejoice_v much_o thereby_o visit_v oxenford_n and_o hold_v a_o parliament_n fol._n 128._o the_o state_n solicit_v she_o to_o marry_v and_o declare_v her_o successor_n fol._n 129._o the_o great-ones_a modest_o and_o the_o popular_a sort_n eager_o fol._n 130._o queen_n elizabeth_n be_v thereby_o anger_v fol._n 131._o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n right_n to_o england_n apparent_a fol._n 134._o bishop_n ordination_n confirm_v ibid._n bedford_n earl_n ambassador_n from_o queen_n elizabeth_n to_o the_o christen_n of_o king_n james_n in_o scotland_n fol._n 135._o the_o death_n of_o john_n masson_n and_o sir_n edward_n sackuille_n fol._n 136._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxvii_o 1567._o the_o murder_n of_o the_o lord_n darley_n who_o be_v marry_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n fol._n 137._o buchanan_n condemn_v for_o falsehood_n by_o the_o state_n of_o scotland_n fol._n 138._o james_n prior_n of_o saint_n andrew_n the_o queen_n bastard-brother_n discontent_v for_o want_n of_o great_a advancement_n return_n into_o scotland_n ibid._n he_o seek_v to_o be_v regent_n of_o scotland_n whereof_o be_v frustrate_a he_o oppose_v against_o the_o queen_n and_o make_v his_o ambition_n open_o and_o evident_o know_v fol._n 139._o he_o be_v create_v earl_n of_o murray_n he_o persecute_v the_o great_a man_n of_o scotland_n and_o dissuade_v the_o queen_n from_o marriage_n fol._n 140._o he_o take_v arm_n against_o she_o after_o she_o be_v marry_v and_o fly_v into_o england_n he_o seek_v to_o sow_v discord_n between_o the_o queen_n and_o her_o husband_n the_o lord_n darley_n fol._n 141._o the_o murder_n of_o david_n rice_n in_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n sight_n fol._n 142._o murray_n be_v repeal_v fol._n 142._o earl_n morton_n fly_v into_o england_n fol._n 143._o dissension_n between_o the_o king_n and_o the_o queen_n fol._n 144._o earl_n bothwell_n and_o other_o murder_v the_o queen_n husband_n ibid._n earl_n bothwell_n commend_v to_o the_o queen_n for_o her_o husband_n ibid._n testimony_n of_o the_o murder_n of_o the_o lord_n darley_n fol._n 145._o earl_n bothwell_n be_v free_v of_o the_o murder_n of_o the_o king_n fol._n 147._o he_o marry_v the_o queen_n ibid._n they_o conspire_v both_o against_o he_o and_o the_o queen_n ibid._n earl_n murray_n retire_v into_o france_n fol._n 148._o earl_n bothwell_n be_v expel_v ibid._n the_o queen_n be_v imprison_v ibid._n queen_n elizabeth_n by_o throckmorton_n complain_v thereof_o to_o the_o confederate_n ibid._n they_o consult_v what_o be_v to_o be_v do_v with_o the_o queene-prisoner_n fol._n 149._o throckmorton_n defend_v the_o queen_n cause_n ibid._n the_o scot_n maintain_v the_o contrary_a out_o of_o buchanan_n reason_n fol._n 150._o they_o extort_v from_o their_o queen_n a_o resignation_n of_o the_o government_n fol._n 151._o james_n the_o six_o consecrate_v and_o inaugurate_v king_n fol._n 152._o earl_n murray_n return_v into_o scotland_n ibid._n he_o prescribe_v the_o queen_n what_o she_o shall_v do_v fol._n 153._o he_o be_v establish_v regent_n or_o viceroy_n ibid._n some_o of_o the_o murderer_n of_o the_o king_n be_v put_v to_o death_n ibid._n they_o acquit_v the_o queen_n of_o all_o suspicion_n fol._n 154._o the_o queen_n of_o england_n and_o the_o king_n of_o france_n labour_v to_o procure_v her_o liberty_n fol._n 154._o queen_n elizabeth_n demand_v the_o restitution_n of_o calais_n ibid._n the_o french_a maintain_v how_o they_o ought_v not_o to_o do_v it_o fol._n 155._o sir_n thomas_n smith_n answer_n to_o the_o french_a fol._n 157._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxvii_o the_o earl_n of_o sussex_n be_v send_v to_o the_o emperor_n fol._n 160._o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n hinder_v it_o represent_v to_o the_o queen_n all_o the_o discommodity_n that_o may_v happen_v if_o she_o marry_v a_o stranger_n ibid._n article_n of_o the_o marriage_n propound_v fol._n 162._o ambassador_n send_v from_o the_o emperor_n of_o muscovia_n fol._n 163._o the_o english_a open_a the_o way_n to_o go_v to_o russia_n by_o sea_n fol._n 164._o the_o company_n of_o muscovy_n merchant_n institute_v ibid._n a_o secret_a message_n from_o the_o emperor_n of_o muscovie_n fol._n 165._o the_o death_n of_o nicholas_n wotton_n and_o of_o the_o duchess_n of_o norfolk_n ibid._n shan_n o-neale_n raise_v trouble_n and_o rebell_v fol._n 166._o sir_n henry_n sidney_n arm_n against_o he_o and_o discomfit_n he_o fol._n 167._o shan_n reassumes_a courage_n he_o use_v cruelty_n to_o his_o man_n fol._n 168._o he_o mean_v to_o yield_v ibid._n he_o be_v slay_v fol._n 169._o turlogh-leinich_a proclaim_v o-neale_n by_o the_o queen_n permission_n ibid._n hugon_n nephew_n to_o shan_n who_o be_v afterward_o baron_n of_o dungannon_n receive_v to_o grace_n for_o a_o opposite_a to_o turlogh_n ibid._n trouble_n in_o munster_n fol._n 170._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxviii_o 1568._o the_o papist_n absolve_v many_o fol._n 171._o the_o innovator_n show_v themselves_o and_o procure_v unto_o themselves_o thereby_o the_o odious_a style_n of_o puritan_n fol._n 172._o the_o second_o civil_a war_n in_o france_n ibid._n the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n commend_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_z for_o a_o husband_n fol._n 173._o the_o english_a ambassador_n use_v disgraceful_o in_o spain_n ibid._n hawkins_n ill_o entreat_v by_o the_o spaniard●_n in_o america_n ibid._n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n escape_v out_o of_o prison_n fol._n 174._o she_o be_v vanquish_v ibid._n her_o letter_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n fol._n 175._o she_o write_v again_o fol._n 177._o queen_n elizabeth_n
praise_v of_o those_o who_o be_v of_o the_o english_a navy_n ibid._n public_a joy_n increase_v by_o good_a news_n out_o of_o scotland_n ibid._n leicester_n good_n be_v sell_v 289_o bergen_n ap_fw-mi zone_n besiege_v by_o the_o duke_n of_o parma_n ibid._n who_o raise_v the_o siege_n ibid._n innovation_n in_o england_n ibid._n martin_n mar-prelate_n and_o other_o scandalous_a book_n 290_o finis_fw-la the_o history_n of_o the_o most_o high_a mighty_a and_o invincible_a princess_n 1558._o queen_n elizabeth_n of_o most_o happy_a and_o never-dying_a memory_n or_o annal_n of_o all_o the_o most_o remarkable_a thing_n that_o happen_v during_o her_o bless_a reign_n over_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n and_o ireland_n etc._n etc._n the_o first_o year_n of_o her_o reign_n anno_fw-la 1558._o after_o that_o for_o certain_a hour_n know_v the_o decease_n of_o queen_n mary_n have_v be_v conceal_v the_o peer_n prelate_n and_o commons_o of_o england_n be_v at_o that_o time_n assemble_v together_o in_o parliament_n first_o notice_n be_v give_v to_o they_o of_o the_o upper_a house_n which_o be_v in_o a_o manner_n strike_v silent_a with_o grief_n and_o astonishment_n for_o a_o while_n but_o they_o present_o after_o rouse_v up_o their_o spirit_n and_o amaze_a sense_n moderate_v their_o mourning_n with_o joy_n either_o not_o to_o seem_v altogether_o sad_a or_o sorrowful_a that_o queen_n elizabeth_n succeed_v the_o crown_n or_o else_o joyful_a that_o by_o the_o death_n of_o queen_n mary_n the_o succession_n thereof_o fall_v to_o her_o majesty_n so_o they_o bend_v their_o care_n to_o public_a affair_n and_o with_o a_o common_a accord_n and_o firm_a resolution_n conclude_v and_o agree_v that_o by_o the_o law_n of_o succession_n in_o the_o 35._o year_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o elizabeth_z be_v &_o aught_o to_o be_v declare_v true_a and_o legitimate_a heir_n of_o the_o kingdom_n therefore_o at_o that_o instant_a nicholas_n heath_n lord_n archbishop_n of_o york_n and_o lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n carry_v the_o first_o news_n to_o those_o of_o the_o lower-house_n give_v they_o to_o understand_v with_o much_o sorrow_n and_o sigh_n that_o death_n prevent_v the_o course_n of_o nature_n have_v deprive_v they_o of_o a_o queen_n no_o less_o favourable_a to_o the_o roman_a religion_n then_o kind_a and_o love_a to_o the_o common_a wealth_n and_o that_o each_o member_n of_o the_o vpper-house_n have_v receive_v such_o extreme_a grief_n thereby_o that_o they_o seem_v to_o be_v comfortless_a without_o hope_n of_o consolation_n if_o god_n through_o his_o special_a grace_n &_o favour_n towards_o the_o english_a nation_n have_v not_o reserve_v for_o they_o elizabeth_z another_o daughter_z to_z king_n henry_n the_o ●_o to_o succeed_v her_o sister_n and_o that_o her_o right_a to_o the_o crown_n be_v so_o evident_a and_o true_a that_o no_o man_n can_v nor_o aught_o to_o make_v any_o doubt_n or_o question_v thereof_o and_o that_o the_o peer_n and_o prelate_n of_o this_o realm_n have_v all_o with_o one_o accord_n and_o voice_n determine_v that_o she_o shall_v be_v forthwith_o publish_v queen_n and_o proclaim_v sovereign_n if_o they_o be_v so_o please_v to_o condescend_v thereunto_o which_o word_n be_v scarce_o utter_v the_o whole_a assembly_n immediate_o with_o a_o common_a acclamation_n cry_v aloud_o arm_n god_n save_o queen_n elizabeth_n that_o her_o reign_n may_v be_v long_o and_o happy_a and_o immediate_o the_o whole_a parliament_n rise_v she_o be_v open_o proclaim_v queen_n by_o sound_n of_o trumpet_n first_o in_o westminster-hall_n and_o then_o soon_o after_o through_o the_o whole_a city_n of_o london_n by_o the_o title_n of_o queen_n of_o england_n france_n and_o ireland_n and_o defendresse_fw-fr of_o the_o faith_n with_o the_o happy_a applause_n and_o joyful_a shout_n of_o all_o the_o people_n undoubted_a presage_n true_o most_o happy_a for_o indeed_o no_o prince_n be_v ever_o cherish_v of_o his_o people_n and_o subject_n with_o more_o ardent_a and_o constant_a love_n and_o zealous_a affection_n than_o this_o queen_n be_v nor_o none_o receive_v and_o welcome_v with_o more_o respect_n and_o joy_n than_o she_o have_v be_v nor_o bless_v and_o pray_v for_o with_o more_o vow_n and_o prayer_n so_o often_o iterate_v as_o this_o happy_a princess_n have_v be_v all_o her_o life_n time_n chief_o when_o she_o show_v herself_o in_o public_a or_o open_o abroad_o queen_n elizabeth_n be_v about_o five_o and_o twenty_o year_n of_o age_n when_o her_o sister_n die_v but_o she_o be_v so_o rare_o qualify_v by_o adversity_n and_o so_o well_o accomplish_v and_o accommodate_v by_o experience_n which_o be_v most_o effectual_a tutor_n that_o she_o have_v purchase_v prudence_n and_o judgement_n far_o above_o the_o capacity_n of_o her_o age_n and_o of_o her_o pregnant_a wit_n and_o admirable_a wisdom_n she_o give_v sufficient_a proof_n and_o worthy_a testimony_n in_o the_o election_n and_o choice_n that_o she_o make_v of_o her_o privy_a councillor_n for_o she_o take_v into_o her_o privy_a council_n council_n the_o aforesaid_a nicholas_n heath_n archbishop_n of_o york_n a_o prelate_n no_o less_o prudent_a then_o modest_a and_o discreet_a william_n poulet_n marquesse_n of_o winchester_n lord_n high_a treasurer_n of_o england_n henry_n fitzallen_n earl_n of_o arundel_n francis_n talbot_n earl_n of_o shrewsbury_n edward_n stanley_n earl_n of_o derby_n william_n herbert_n earl_n of_o pembroke_n edward_n baron_n of_o clinton_n lord_n high_a admiral_n the_o lord_n howard_n baron_n of_o effingham_n lord_n chamberlain_n sir_n thomas_n cheney_n sir_n william_n peter_n sir_n john_n mason_n sir_n richard_n sackuile_n knight_n and_o nicholas_n wotton_n deane_n of_o canterbury_n all_o which_o have_v be_v privy_a councillor_n to_o queen_n mary_n and_o profess_v she_o own_o religion_n she_o adjoin_v to_o they_o by_o temporize_v according_a to_o the_o time_n these_o undername_v who_o be_v all_o protestant_n and_o have_v have_v no_o office_n at_o all_o nor_o charge_n of_o government_n in_o queen_n mary_n reign_n william_n parr_n marquesse_n of_o northampton_n francis_n lord_n russell_n earl_n of_o bedford_n thomas_n parr_n edward_n rogers_n ambrose_n cave_n francis_n knollys_n and_o william_n cicill_n who_o before_o have_v be_v secretary_n to_o king_n edward_n the_o six_o a_o noble_a gentleman_n most_o wise_a understanding_n and_o judicious_a who_o learning_n and_o worth_n exceed_v many_o other_o and_o a_o little_a after_o she_o bring_v in_o sir_n nicholas_n bacon_n who_o she_o make_v lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n she_o so_o order_v and_o temper_v they_o in_o place_n with_o all_o those_o which_o succeed_v since_o in_o such_o sort_n that_o they_o be_v true_a faithful_a and_o affectionate_a to_o her_o majesty_n and_o she_o always_o free_a and_o not_o subject_a to_o any_o religion_n at_o these_o happy_a beginning_n her_o first_o and_o chief_a care_n be_v to_o re-establish_a the_o protestant_a religion_n the_o which_o as_o much_o by_o the_o instruction_n and_o knowledge_n that_o she_o have_v receive_v thereof_o from_o her_o infancy_n as_o also_o by_o her_o own_o particular_a judgement_n she_o firm_o hold_v and_o maintain_v to_o be_v very_o true_a and_o most_o conformable_a to_o the_o holy_a scripture_n and_o to_o the_o sincerity_n of_o the_o primitive_a church_n &_o so_o effectual_o resolve_v in_o her_o heart_n to_o settle_v and_o re-establish_a the_o same_o that_o she_o employ_v to_o that_o purpose_n some_o of_o her_o councillor_n be_v the_o most_o intimate_a &_o with_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o other_o lord_n of_o her_o most_o honourable_a privy-councel_n she_o take_v order_n that_o the_o port_n &_o haven-towne_n shall_v be_v fast_o shut_v secure_v and_o fortify_v the_o tower_n of_o london_n she_o commit_v to_o the_o care_n of_o one_o who_o fidelity_n and_o loyalty_n have_v be_v full_o approve_v a_o new_a commission_n she_o send_v to_o thomas_n earl_n of_o sussex_n affair_n lord_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n who_o with_o a_o garrison_n of_o three_o hundred_o and_o twenty_o horse_n and_o one_o thousand_o three_o hundred_o and_o sixty_o foot_n yield_v in_o submission_n the_o whole_a country_n which_o otherwise_o have_v not_o be_v quiet_a nor_o peaceable_a also_o the_o like_a commission_n she_o send_v with_o a_o clause_n or_o restraint_n not_o to_o confer_v any_o office_n to_o judge_n and_o magistrate_n for_o to_o hinder_v the_o convocation_n of_o the_o assembly_n of_o the_o jurisdiction_n by_o the_o authority_n there_o appoint_v new_a justice_n and_o sheriff_n she_o likewise_o establish_v in_o each_o county_n and_o take_v order_n that_o no_o money_n nor_o coin_n shall_v be_v transport_v by_o exchange_n out_o of_o the_o realm_n to_o foreign_a nation_n beyond_o sea_n and_o that_o the_o preacher_n shall_v desist_v and_o abstain_v from_o treat_v of_o question_n or_o dispute_v about_o controversy_n in_o religion_n and_o withal_o concern_v state-affair_n out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n she_o give_v order_v that_o ambassador_n shall_v be_v send_v to_o all_o
start-ups_a and_o their_o country_n yield_v as_o a_o prey_n to_o stranger_n this_o carry_v they_o violent_o into_o a_o manifest_a rebellion_n rebellion_n and_o they_o be_v the_o first_o who_o disturb_v the_o public_a peace_n of_o this_o kingdom_n which_o have_v continue_v unshake_a for_o the_o term_n of_o eleven_o year_n under_o the_o happy_a reign_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n they_o be_v bold_o and_o powerful_o incite_v hereunto_o by_o nicholas_n morton_n a_o priest_n send_v from_o the_o pope_n to_o denounce_v queen_n elizabeth_n for_o a_o heretic_n and_o therefore_o deprive_v of_o all_o power_n and_o government_n sudden_o likewise_o they_o diwlge_v by_o a_o public_a manifestation_n that_o they_o take_v up_o arm_n to_o no_o other_o end_n declaration_n but_o to_o set_v up_o again_o the_o religion_n of_o their_o ancestor_n to_o remove_v from_o about_o the_o queen_n bad_a councillor_n to_o restore_v the_o duke_n and_o some_o other_o great_a man_n who_o be_v dismiss_v of_o their_o place_n and_o dignity_n to_o former_a liberty_n and_o grace_n but_o as_o for_o the_o queen_n majesty_n they_o will_v attempt_v nothing_o against_o she_o but_o vow_v that_o both_o then_o and_o at_o all_o time_n they_o will_v persevere_v and_o continue_v her_o most_o obedient_a subject_n they_o write_v also_o to_o the_o papist_n disperse_v throughout_o the_o whole_a kingdom_n to_o join_v their_o force_n together_o but_o in_o stead_n of_o cohere_v to_o they_o the_o most_o part_n send_v to_o the_o queen_n papist_n both_o their_o letter_n and_o the_o bearer_n all_o the_o particular_a man_n of_o the_o kingdom_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n himself_o both_o their_o service_n and_o mean_n and_o to_o be_v employ_v against_o they_o so_o that_o upon_o this_o occasion_n she_o make_v a_o just_a trial_n of_o her_o subject_n singular_a and_o unspotted_a fidelity_n and_o of_o god_n rare_a clemency_n and_o protection_n for_o which_o she_o give_v he_o great_a and_o unfeigned_a thanks_n bible_n the_o rebel_n go_v present_o to_o durham_n the_o next_o episcopal_a see_v where_o they_o rend_v and_o trample_v under_o foot_n the_o sacred_a bibles_n and_o book_n of_o the_o liturgy_n write_v in_o the_o english_a tongue_n as_o they_o light_v upon_o they_o in_o the_o church_n afterward_o they_o celebrate_v mass_n wheresoever_o they_o go_v they_o levy_v and_o bring_v into_o the_o field_n many_o man_n under_o fly_a colour_n colour_n wherein_o be_v paint_v in_o some_o the_o five_o wound_n of_o our_o lord_n in_o other_o the_o chalice_n of_o the_o eucharist_n robert_n norton_n a_o venerable_a and_o grave_a gentleman_n who_o be_v old_a and_o bald_a carry_v the_o cross_n with_o the_o colonel_n ensign_n they_o come_v by_o small_a day_n march_n to_o chiffordmore_n which_o be_v not_o far_o from_o wetherbie_n where_o make_v a_o general_a muster_n of_o their_o army_n upon_o the_o two_o and_o twenty_o day_n of_o their_o rebellion_n they_o can_v make_v no_o more_o but_o six_o hundred_o horse_n number_n and_o four_o thousand_o foot_n and_o when_o they_o hear_v that_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n for_o who_o releasement_n out_o of_o imprisoment_n they_o have_v principal_o take_v up_o arm_n be_v conduct_v from_o tudberie_n to_o coventrey_n a_o strong_a city_n and_o commit_v to_o the_o guard_n and_o custody_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o shrewsburie_n and_o huntingdon_n that_o the_o earl_n of_o sussex_n of_o the_o one_o side_n of_o they_o have_v raise_v a_o mighty_a army_n to_o set_v upon_o they_o that_o sir_n george_n bowes_n lay_v at_o their_o back_n with_o choose_a and_o main_a troop_n and_o have_v fortify_v bernard-castell_n and_o how_o the_o earl_n of_o cumberland_n and_o the_o lord_n scrope_n have_v man_v and_o secure_v carlisle_n and_o daily_o levy_v more_o force_n they_o retire_v from_o those_o quarter_n and_o return_v speedy_o in_o a_o manner_n the_o same_o way_n they_o come_v they_o come_v before_o rabie_n which_o be_v the_o principal_a house_n and_o seat_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o westmoreland_n castle_n from_o whence_o depart_v they_o strait_o beleaguer_v bernard_n castle_n which_o in_o a_o short_a time_n yield_v to_o they_o for_o want_v of_o provision_n &_o victual_n all_o and_o sir_n george_n bowes_n with_o robert_n bow_v his_o brother_n and_o all_o the_o soldier_n of_o the_o garrison_n issue_v out_o with_o their_o arm_n they_o be_v former_o proclaim_v traitor_n by_o sound_n of_o trumpet_n the_o same_o very_a day_n my_o lord_n of_o sussex_n accompany_v with_o the_o earl_n of_o rutland_n &_o the_o lord_n of_o hunsdon_n euers_n and_o willoughby_n of_o parham_n march_v against_o they_o with_o seven_o thousand_o man_n when_o they_o see_v they_o be_v come_v to_o ackland_n be_v terrify_v and_o daunt_v they_o fall_v to_o flight_n and_o fall_v back_o towards_o hexham_n fly_v which_o place_n also_o leave_v speedy_o they_o cross_v along_o by_o unbeaten_a path_n that_o so_o they_o may_v creep_v covert_o under_o the_o hedge_n and_o come_v to_o the_o castle_n of_o naworth_n where_o understand_v that_o the_o earl_n of_o warwick_n and_o the_o lord_n clinton_n vice-admiral_n follow_v close_o at_o their_o heel_n with_o twelve_o thousand_o man_n draw_v out_o of_o the_o south_n part_n of_o england_n the_o two_o earl_n flee_v into_o the_o near_a part_n of_o scotland_n with_o a_o few_o man_n unknown_a to_o the_o rest_n where_o the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n obscure_v himself_o for_o a_o while_n about_o harclaw_v in_o the_o little_a country_n hamlet_n among_o the_o grymes_n most_o notable_a thief_n who_o deliver_v he_o afterward_o into_o the_o earl_n of_o murray_n hand_n the_o earl_n of_o westmoreland_n find_v some_o mean_n to_o hide_v himself_o about_o carry_n furnhurst_n and_o bucklie_o and_o at_o last_o escape_v into_o flanders_n with_o some_o other_o english_a in_o his_o company_n where_o he_o live_v a_o long_a but_o a_o poor_a life_n upon_o a_o small_a pension_n which_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n allow_v he_o the_o rest_n save_v themselves_o some_o by_o flight_n some_o by_o lurk_v in_o hole_n and_o den_n for_o example_n and_o terror_n six_o inferior_a magistrate_n be_v hang_v at_o durham_n and_o other_o among_o which_o one_o plumtree_n a_o priest_n be_v a_o man_n of_o great_a note_n there_o be_v former_o execute_v at_o york_n digbie_n falthrope_n death_n bishop_n and_o povenham_n and_o certain_a month_n after_o christopher_n and_o thomas_n norton_n brethren_n be_v put_v to_o death_n at_o london_n and_o some_o other_o in_o other_o place_n banish_v after_o this_o the_o most_o apparent_a &_o notable_a rebel_n be_v condemn_v of_o high_a treason_n and_o banish_v as_o namely_o the_o earl_n of_o north._n &_o westm_n the_o countess_n of_o north._n the_o daughter_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o wigorne_n edward_n dacres_n of_o morton_n john_n nevil_n of_o leverserg_n io._n swineborne_n tho._n marquenfield_n egre._n ratcliff_n brother_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o sussex_n char._n nevil_n ro._n norton_n of_o nortonconnier_n christ_n marmaduke_n and_o thomas_n of_o the_o family_n of_o the_o norton_n ro._n and_o na._n tempest_n george_n stafford_n and_o about_o some_o forty_o other_o of_o noble_a and_o worthy_a house_n who_o conviction_n and_o banishment_n be_v confirm_v by_o the_o whole_a house_n of_o parliament_n and_o pardon_v grant_v to_o some_o who_o have_v no_o estate_n nor_o ever_o go_v out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n and_o thus_o the_o flame_n of_o this_o rebellion_n be_v in_o a_o short_a time_n quench_v chiapine_n vitelli_n who_o be_v privy_a to_o it_o as_o i_o tell_v you_o before_o open_o admire_v the_o same_o in_o the_o presence_n of_o her_o majesty_n and_o many_o great_a man_n of_o the_o kingdom_n but_o no_o doubt_n inward_o grieve_v this_o rebellion_n be_v so_o easy_o and_o sudden_o suppress_v and_o that_o so_o his_o own_o come_n into_o england_n take_v so_o little_a effect_n rebellion_n from_o the_o combustion_n of_o this_o rebellion_n thus_o cover_v and_o extinguish_v as_o out_o of_o the_o ash_n of_o that_o former_a fire_n a_o little_a flame_n begin_v to_o kindle_v at_o naworth_n in_o cumberland_n near_o to_o the_o valley_n of_o severus_n which_o be_v raise_v by_o lau._n dacres_n second_o son_n to_o geor._n lord_n dacres_n of_o gilesland_n this_o man_n after_o the_o death_n of_o the_o young_a lord_n dacres_n his_o nephew_n because_o he_o be_v the_o son_n of_o his_o elder_a brother_n be_v angry_a that_o so_o large_a a_o patrimony_n shall_v by_o law_n descend_v unto_o his_o niece_n who_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n their_o father_n in_o law_n have_v betroth_v to_o his_o three_o son_n he_o commence_v suit_n against_o they_o but_o perceive_v that_o it_o will_v come_v to_o no_o prosperous_a issue_n on_o his_o side_n he_o secret_o combine_v with_o the_o rebel_n and_o attempt_v to_o carry_v away_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n but_o all_o in_o vain_a but_o the_o rebel_n be_v defeat_v soon_o than_o he_o expect_v and_o proclaim_v traitor_n open_o while_o himself_o
to_o consider_v among_o yourselves_o whether_o he_o be_v to_o be_v hold_v guilty_a or_o no_o and_o to_o give_v up_o your_o verdict_n according_a to_o conscience_n and_o honour_n they_o likewise_o withdraw_v themselves_o at_o his_o command_n themselves_o consult_v together_o after_o a_o while_n they_o return_v to_o their_o place_n then_o the_o lord_n high_a steward_n begin_v at_o the_o low_a say_v lord_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr ware_n be_v thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n guilty_a of_o the_o crime_n of_o laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la for_o which_o he_o be_v here_o arraign_v at_o the_o judgement-seate_n de-la-ware_n rise_v up_o and_o lay_v his_o hand_n on_o his_o breast_n he_o answer_v guilty_a the_o like_a do_v every_o one_o in_o order_n be_v demand_v then_o be_v the_o duke_n again_o bring_v before_o the_o tribunal_n to_o who_o the_o lord_n high-steward_n in_o this_o manner_n speak_v thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n you_o be_v here_o arraign_v for_o diverse_a crime_n of_o laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la and_o have_v submit_v yourself_o to_o god_n and_o these_o peer_n by_o every_o one_o of_o who_o you_o be_v pronounce_v guilty_a be_v there_o now_o any_o cause_n why_o judgement_n shall_v not_o be_v pronounce_v the_o duke_n answer_v the_o will_n of_o god_n be_v do_v that_o will_v be_v judge_n between_o i_o and_o my_o false_a accuser_n then_o every_o man_n be_v silent_a the_o edge_n of_o the_o axe_n be_v turn_v towards_o the_o duke_n and_o barham_n in_o the_o queen_n name_n require_v the_o lord_n high-steward_n to_o pronounce_v his_o judgement_n which_o he_o with_o tear_n in_o his_o eye_n according_a to_o the_o form_n pronounce_v in_o these_o word_n duke_n forasmuch_o as_o you_o thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n be_v accuse_v of_o the_o crime_n of_o laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la have_v plead_v not_o guilty_a and_o submit_v yourself_o to_o the_o judgement_n of_o these_o peer_n who_o declare_v you_o guilty_a the_o whole_a assembly_n adjudge_v you_o to_o be_v commit_v back_o to_o the_o tower_n from_o thence_o to_o be_v draw_v upon_o a_o sledde_v through_o the_o city_n to_o the_o place_n of_o execution_n there_o to_o be_v hang_v and_o cut_v down_o half_o dead_a then_o to_o have_v your_o bowel_n take_v out_o your_o head_n cut_v off_o and_o your_o body_n quarter_v into_o four_o part_n who_o head_n shall_v be_v at_o her_o majesty_n dispose_n and_o at_o the_o queen_n pleasure_n but_o god_n be_v merciful_a unto_o your_o soul_n the_o duke_n have_v hear_v this_o sentence_n with_o a_o mind_n full_a of_o courage_n he_o say_v this_o sentence_n be_v pronounce_v against_o i_o as_o a_o traitor_n my_o confidence_n be_v in_o god_n and_o the_o queen_n hope_v that_o if_o i_o be_v deprive_v of_o your_o company_n i_o shall_v rejoice_v with_o they_o in_o heaven_n and_o so_o will_v prepare_v myself_o for_o my_o death_n i_o desire_v no_o other_o thing_n but_o that_o the_o queen_n will_v show_v herself_o propitious_a to_o my_o child_n and_o servant_n and_o be_v careful_a for_o the_o payment_n of_o my_o debt_n these_o be_v the_o particular_n that_o pass_v in_o these_o affair_n which_o i_o have_v here_o declare_v because_o it_o be_v expedient_a for_o our_o posterity_n that_o in_o great_a matter_n the_o less_o occurrence_n shall_v be_v remember_v a_o few_o day_n after_o death_n barney_n and_o marter_n be_v put_v to_o death_n for_o have_v conspire_v against_o the_o death_n of_o certain_a of_o her_o majesty_n council_n and_o plot_v the_o freedom_n and_o liberty_n of_o the_o duke_n one_o herle_n be_v privy_a thereunto_o and_o of_o the_o same_o company_n but_o he_o soon_o reveal_v the_o same_o and_o as_o he_o be_v bring_v face_n to_o face_n before_o barney_n true_o say_v barney_n thou_o have_v prevent_v i_o but_o of_o a_o hour_n for_o if_o thou_o have_v not_o so_o soon_o discover_v it_o i_o purpose_v to_o have_v do_v it_o and_o so_o now_o shall_v i_o be_v in_o thy_o place_n to_o accuse_v thou_o and_o thou_o in_o i_o to_o be_v hang_v this_o conspiration_n and_o other_o plot_n which_o be_v practise_v to_o set_v the_o prisoner_n at_o liberty_n be_v the_o cause_n that_o a_o parliament_n be_v forthwith_o summon_v at_o which_o time_n the_o queen_n create_v walter_n d'_fw-fr eureux_fw-fr create_v earl_n of_o essex_n for_o that_o by_o his_o great_a grandmother_n he_o be_v descend_v from_o the_o bourchier_n sometime_o earl_n of_o essex_n and_o edward_n lord_n clinton_n who_o have_v large_a possession_n in_o lincolnshire_n earl_n of_o lincoln_n her_o majesty_n likewise_o make_v john_n pawlet_n of_o basin_n son_n to_o the_o lord_n marquis_n of_o winchester_n henry_n compton_n henry_n cheyney_n and_o henry_n norrice_n peer_n of_o england_n summon_v they_o into_o the_o vpper-house_n there_o to_o have_v their_o voice_n and_o after_o to_o bear_v the_o title_n of_o baron_n elect_v among_o other_o act_n it_o be_v make_v felony_n to_o intercept_v ruinate_v or_o burn_v any_o of_o her_o majesty_n ship_n kingdom_n fortress_n or_o harbour_n item_n it_o be_v enact_v that_o whosoever_o shall_v attempt_v to_o set_v at_o liberty_n any_o person_n or_o person_n commit_v by_o her_o majesty_n express_a command_n or_o which_o have_v trespass_v against_o her_o majesty_n or_o be_v hold_v suspect_v to_o have_v offend_v if_o the_o party_n be_v not_o indict_v he_o be_v to_o be_v punish_v with_o only_a loss_n of_o good_n in_o stead_n of_o life_n and_o imprisonment_n during_o her_o majesty_n pleasure_n if_o indict_v with_o death_n if_o condemn_v to_o be_v hold_v guilty_a of_o treason_n but_o as_o necessity_n bring_v in_o decree_n for_o the_o time_n so_o the_o state_n think_v good_a they_o shall_v be_v temporary_a or_o during_o the_o queen_n life_n but_o as_o new_a practice_n be_v daily_o discover_v so_o they_o serve_v to_o hasten_v on_o the_o duke_n punishment_n which_o notwithstanding_o be_v yet_o defer_v some_o five_o month_n more_o or_o less_o nor_o before_o can_v either_o the_o lower-house_n of_o parliament_n the_o lord_n of_o the_o privy-councell_n or_o the_o importunacy_n of_o preacher_n aggravate_v how_o great_a and_o eminent_a danger_n there_o be_v overcome_v her_o majesty_n merciful_a clemency_n behead_v the_o four_o day_n of_o june_n by_o eight_o a_o clock_n in_o the_o forenoon_n the_o duke_n be_v bring_v to_o a_o scaffold_n build_v upon_o the_o tower-hill_n whereupon_o be_v mount_v and_o alexander_n nowell_n deane_n of_o saint_n paul_n who_o be_v appoint_v his_o comforter_n have_v request_v the_o confuse_a people_n to_o be_v silent_a he_o say_v among_o many_o other_o word_n that_o i_o hear_v these_o it_o be_v not_o strange_a to_o see_v some_o suffer_v death_n in_o this_o place_n although_o that_o since_o her_o royal_a majesty_n begin_v to_o reign_v i_o be_o the_o first_o and_o i_o pray_v god_n i_o may_v be_v the_o last_o with_o that_o the_o people_n cry_v all_o aloud_o amen_n then_o continue_v his_o speech_n he_o say_v i_o know_v well_o say_v he_o the_o peer_n of_o the_o realm_n have_v just_o judge_v i_o worthy_a to_o die_v death_n nor_o have_v i_o purpose_v to_o excuse_v myself_o i_o have_v treat_v i_o free_o confess_v in_o matter_n of_o great_a importance_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n without_o the_o privity_n of_o my_o sovereign_n which_o i_o ought_v not_o to_o have_v do_v and_o for_o that_o i_o be_v first_o commit_v and_o have_v have_v my_o liberty_n upon_o my_o humble_a submission_n i_o pass_v my_o faithful_a promise_n that_o i_o will_v never_o more_o confer_v with_o she_o yet_o i_o do_v i_o confess_v which_o torment_v my_o conscience_n but_o i_o neither_o promise_v nor_o swear_v as_o they_o say_v at_o the_o lord_n table_n i_o go_v and_o but_o once_o to_o ridolfe_n but_o with_o no_o intent_n of_o conspiracy_n against_o her_o majesty_n for_o it_o be_v well_o know_v that_o i_o have_v great_a deal_n with_o he_o upon_o my_o account_n and_o reckon_n i_o find_v he_o envy_v the_o present_a peace_n of_o the_o land_n and_o be_v very_o subtle_a in_o plot_v project_n of_o mischief_n twice_o there_o come_v letter_n to_o my_o hand_n from_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n to_o which_o i_o never_o give_v consent_n nor_o to_o the_o rebellion_n in_o the_o north._n i_o renounce_v papistry_n after_o i_o taste_v the_o sweet_a of_o religion_n and_o reject_v the_o pope_n doctrine_n i_o embrace_v the_o true_a religion_n of_o jesus_n christ_n believe_v whole_o and_o sole_o in_o his_o precious_a blood_n my_o saviour_n and_o redeemer_n yet_o i_o can_v deny_v but_o many_o of_o my_o family_n and_o familiar_n be_v addict_v to_o the_o romish_a religion_n wherein_o if_o i_o have_v offend_v god_n the_o church_n and_o protestant_n i_o beseech_v he_o and_o they_o to_o forgive_v i_o then_o after_o they_o have_v sing_v a_o psalm_n or_o two_o he_o say_v with_o a_o loud_a voice_n into_o thy_o hand_n o_o lord_n i_o commend_v my_o spirit_n then_o embrace_v henry_n
worth_a moreover_o that_o her_o majesty_n can_v find_v no_o reason_n w●y_n spain_n shall_v hinder_v her_o subject_n and_o those_o of_o other_o prince_n from_o sail_v to_o the_o indies_n that_o she_o can_v not_o be_v persuade_v that_o they_o be_v his_o own_o although_o the_o pope_n have_v never_o so_o much_o give_v they_o to_o he_o that_o she_o acknowledge_v no_o such_o prerogative_n in_o the_o pope_n much_o less_o the_o least_o authority_n as_o to_o oblige_v prince_n who_o owe_v he_o no_o obedience_n at_o all_o under_o his_o to_o power_n invest_v &_o put_v the_o spaniard_n as_o in_o fee_n and_o possession_n of_o that_o new-world_n also_o that_o she_o can_v not_o see_v how_o he_o can_v derive_v the_o least_o right_n but_o by_o those_o descont_n and_o land_v here_o and_o there_o of_o his_o subject_n who_o build_v there_o small_a cottage_n to_o inhabit_v and_o name_v the_o promontory_n thing_n nevertheless_o that_o can_v purchase_v no_o propriety_n so_o that_o by_o virtue_n of_o such_o donation_n of_o other_o man_n good_n which_o in_o equity_n be_v nothing_o worth_a and_o of_o this_o propriety_n that_o be_v mere_o imaginary_a he_o can_v just_o hinder_v other_o prince_n to_o negotiate_v in_o those_o region_n but_o they_o without_o infringe_v any_o way_n the_o law_n of_o nation_n may_v lawful_o bring_v in_o colony_n in_o those_o part_n that_o be_v not_o yet_o inhabit_v by_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n subject_n since_o prescription_n without_o possession_n be_v of_o no_o validity_n even_o as_o to_o sail_v upon_o the_o main_n ocean_n that_o the_o use_n of_o the_o sea_n as_o of_o the_o air_n be_v common_a to_o all_o and_o that_o public_a necessity_n permit_v not_o it_o shall_v be_v possess_v that_o there_o be_v nor_o people_n no_o particular_a that_o can_v challenge_v or_o pretend_v any_o other_o right_o therein_o nevertheless_o since_o this_o back_o great_a sum_n of_o money_n be_v pay_v back_o to_o piedro_n s●b●re_v a_o spaniard_n who_o style_v himself_o attorney_n for_o the_o recovery_n of_o the_o gold_n and_o silver_n though_o he_o can_v show_v no_o such_o letter_n of_o procuration_n or_o receipt_n and_o it_o be_v discover_v but_o too_o late_a that_o he_o make_v no_o retribution_n at_o all_o to_o particular_n but_o spend_v it_o against_o queen_n elizabeth_n upon_o the_o spaniard_n east indies_n who_o maintain_v the_o war_n of_o flanders_n while_o sir_n francis_n drake_n circuit_v so_o prosperous_o the_o world_n jacman_n and_o pet_n renown_a pilot_n send_v by_o the_o merchant_n of_o london_n with_o two_o ship_n do_v seek_v with_o less_o happy_a success_n a_o short_a way_n or_o passage_n to_o sail_v into_o the_o east_n indies_n by_o the_o sea_n of_o cronie_n but_o have_v past_o some_o mile_n beyond_o the_o isle_n vaigat_n they_o find_v ebb_v and_o flow_v so_o uncertain_a so_o many_o shelf_n and_o so_o great_a store_n of_o ice_n that_o they_o can_v not_o possible_o go_v any_o further_a have_v much_o ado_n to_o return_v england_n at_o the_o beginning_n of_o this_o year_n die_v henry_n fitzallen_n earl_n of_o arundel_n and_o with_o he_o the_o name_n of_o that_o most_o noble_a house_n which_o have_v flourish_v in_o honour_n above_o three_o hundred_o year_n son_n to_o richard_n fitzallen_n spring_v from_o the_o albans_n ancient_a earl_n of_o arundel_n and_o sussex_n in_o the_o reign_n of_o edward_n the_o first_o which_o title_n they_o have_v without_o creation_n in_o regard_n of_o the_o possession_n which_o they_o have_v of_o the_o castle_n and_o lordship_n of_o arundel_n this_o man_n be_v heap_v with_o honour_n have_v be_v a_o privy-councillor_n to_o all_o the_o king_n under_o who_o he_o live_v and_o perform_v great_a office_n unto_o his_o end_n under_o henry_n the_o eight_o he_o be_v governor_n of_o calais_n martial_n of_o the_o army_n at_o bullen_n and_o lord_n chamberlain_n at_o the_o inauguration_n of_o edward_n the_o six_o he_o be_v lord_n martial_n of_o england_n in_o which_o charge_n he_o continue_v at_o the_o coronation_n of_o queen_n marie_n and_o be_v after_o make_v lord_n high-constable_n lord_n steward_n of_o her_o house_n and_o precedent_n of_o her_o council_n under_o queen_n elizabeth_n he_o be_v make_v the_o second_o time_n lord_n steward_n and_o when_o he_o begin_v to_o grow_v old_a he_o seek_v to_o marry_v she_o for_o which_o he_o lose_v much_o of_o her_o favour_n afterward_o he_o intermeddle_v in_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n matter_n and_o open_o withstand_v the_o marriage_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n he_o profess_v himself_o a_o open-hearted_n man_n and_o make_v it_o appear_v that_o he_o love_v not_o the_o french_a and_o will_v often_o say_v that_o his_o father_n dwell_v in_o sussex_n neighbour_n unto_o france_n will_v teach_v he_o not_o to_o believe_v they_o he_o have_v three_o child_n by_o katherine_n his_o wife_n daughter_n to_o thomas_n grace_n marquis_n of_o dorset_n which_o child_n he_o survive _v henry_n be_v young_a and_o of_o great_a hope_n die_v at_o b●axels_n jane_n who_o be_v wife_n to_o the_o lord_n lumley_n and_o marry_o who_o marry_v thomas_n howard_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o bare_a unto_o he_o philip_n earl_n of_o arundel_n of_o who_o we_o will_v speak_v in_o his_o own_o place_n arthur_n lord_n grace_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n ireland_n be_v go_v against_o the_o o-conores_a who_o be_v stir_v up_o new_a trouble_n in_o ophalia_n by_o law_n execute_v hugh_n o-moloy_a a_o seditious_a man_n and_o pacify_v this_o country_n and_o that_o of_o magohiganore_n and_o ocaroles_fw-fr and_o in_o the_o very_a bud_n crush_v a_o great_a conspiracy_n that_o be_v a_o grow_a and_o begin_v to_o spread_v for_o some_o of_o the_o chief_a family_n in_o lemster_n and_o many_o other_o that_o be_v original_o english_a drive_v partly_o by_o the_o affection_n they_o bear_v to_o the_o romish_a religion_n and_o partly_o for_o their_o hatred_n to_o the_o newcome_a english_a who_o since_o their_o come_n have_v exclude_v they_o contrary_a to_o the_o law_n from_o all_o government_n and_o magistracy_n as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v natural_a irish_a have_v conspire_v to_o kill_v the_o lord_n deputie_n and_o his_o family_n to_o surprise_v the_o castle_n of_o dublin_n wherein_o be_v all_o the_o provision_n of_o war_n and_o to_o kill_v all_o the_o english_a that_o be_v in_o ireland_n and_o this_o conspiracy_n be_v so_o close_o carry_v that_o it_o be_v never_o confer_v upon_o with_o more_o than_o two_o in_o a_o company_n nevertheless_o among_o so_o many_o complice_n it_o come_v to_o light_v and_o be_v extinct_a with_o the_o death_n of_o a_o few_o man_n and_o among_o they_o of_o chief_a note_n be_v i._o nogent_n baron_n of_o fiske_n a_o man_n singular_a in_o fame_n and_o life_n who_o be_v as_o the_o irish_a report_n seduce_v by_o the_o craft_n of_o those_o that_o envy_a he_o and_o his_o conscience_n assure_v himself_o of_o his_o innocency_n choose_v rather_o comfort_n though_o the_o deputy_n promise_v to_o give_v he_o his_o life_n if_o he_o will_v confess_v himself_o guilty_a to_o die_v a_o innocent_a by_o a_o infamous_a death_n than_o to_o live_v in_o infamy_n for_o betray_v his_o innocency_n and_o very_o howsoever_o the_o truth_n of_o this_o business_n be_v in_o itself_o the_o queen_n be_v much_o offend_v with_o the_o lord_n grace_n for_o the_o death_n of_o those_o man_n who_o the_o earl_n of_o sussex_n be_v more_o offend_v therewith_o for_o rare_o be_v true_a love_n between_o great_a one_o the_o more_o stir_v up_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o cruelty_n which_o before_o he_o have_v use_v towards_o the_o spaniard_n which_o yield_v and_o now_o against_o subject_n that_o he_o have_v diminish_v the_o glory_n of_o his_o princess_n and_o augment_v the_o number_n of_o her_o enemy_n howbeit_o he_o forbear_v not_o to_o terrify_v turlough-leinich_a who_o begin_v to_o raise_v tumult_n in_o ulster_n and_o drive_v he_o to_o condition_n of_o peace_n whereby_o he_o likewise_o bring_v the_o obrin_n the_o omore_n and_o the_o cavanaghy_n suppress_v rebel_n in_o lemster_n humble_o to_o desire_v peace_n and_o to_o offer_v hostage_n these_o matter_n of_o ireland_n though_o time_n do_v much_o disjoin_v they_o for_o the_o help_n of_o memory_n i_o have_v think_v to_o put_v they_o together_o scot_n in_o scotland_n some_o minister_n and_o some_o of_o the_o great_a one_o consider_v the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n of_o who_o i_o have_v speak_v to_o be_v strong_a in_o the_o king_n favour_n stir_v up_o james_n stuart_n of_o ochiltrie_a captain_n of_o the_o guard_n who_o carry_v the_o title_n of_o earl_n of_o arran_n i_o know_v not_o by_o what_o grant_n from_o james_n hamilton_n earl_n of_o arran_n a_o man_n of_o a_o unable_a spirit_n for_o which_o cause_n he_o be_v ordain_v his_o tutor_n to_o be_v his_o emulator_n but_o the_o king_n quick_o reconcile_v they_o when_o this_o will_v not_o succeed_v they_o bring_v he_o as_o much_o as_o
in_o they_o lay_v to_o be_v in_o hatred_n within_o the_o kingdom_n and_o accuse_v he_o to_o qu._n elizabeth_n to_o be_v send_v by_o the_o guize_n to_o overthrow_v religion_n to_o procure_v the_o liberty_n of_o the_o captive_a queen_n and_o to_o disunite_v the_o amity_n which_o be_v between_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n and_o scotland_n england_n they_o be_v easy_o believe_v and_o notwithstanding_o that_o he_o purge_v himself_o by_o letter_n to_o the_o queen_n and_o make_v profession_n of_o the_o protestant_n religion_n serious_a deliberation_n be_v hereupon_o take_v in_o england_n he_o the_o council_n of_o england_n be_v afraid_a that_o he_o will_v oppress_v those_o scot_n that_o stand_v best_a affect_v to_o the_o english_a and_o favour_v the_o incursion_n which_o be_v make_v upon_o the_o border_n and_o allure_v the_o king_n to_o marry_v in_o france_n or_o elsewhere_o unknown_a to_o the_o english_a and_o that_o the_o king_n now_o in_o his_o youth_n will_v molest_v the_o affair_n of_o england_n and_o be_v come_v to_o more_o maturity_n of_o age_n will_v assume_v the_o title_n of_o king_n of_o england_n as_o his_o mother_n have_v do_v which_o if_o he_o do_v the_o danger_n will_v fall_v more_o heavy_o from_o he_o than_o from_o his_o mother_n in_o regard_n his_o birth_n give_v he_o a_o assure_a hope_n of_o two_o kingdom_n and_o gain_v more_o friend_n to_o favour_v his_o cause_n and_o that_o the_o scot_n train_v up_o in_o the_o civil_a war_n and_o the_o war_n of_o the_o low-countries_n be_v more_o expert_a to_o learn_v warlike_a office_n therefore_o from_o hence_o it_o be_v think_v good_a by_o some_o mean_n or_o other_o to_o infringe_v the_o favour_n and_o authority_n that_o lenox_n have_v with_o the_o king_n or_o to_o drive_v he_o out_o of_o scotland_n and_o that_o without_o delay_n he_o because_o rumour_n be_v give_v out_o that_o balfour_n be_v send_v for_o out_o of_o france_n who_o have_v find_v i_o know_v not_o what_o write_v of_o his_o own_o hand_n to_o convince_v he_o of_o the_o murder_n of_o the_o king_n father_n to_o ruin_n morton_n and_o that_o he_o have_v for_o no_o other_o end_n obtain_v the_o government_n of_o the_o castle_n of_o dunbriton_n but_o to_o set_v in_o stranger-force_n into_o britain_n or_o to_o transport_v the_o king_n into_o france_n it_o be_v likewise_o say_v that_o he_o have_v persuade_v the_o king_n to_o resign_v the_o kingdom_n to_o his_o mother_n who_o have_v be_v unjust_o and_o by_o a_o most_o wicked_a example_n depose_v by_o her_o subject_n after_o have_v take_v her_o faithful_a promise_n to_o resign_v it_o by_o and_o by_o after_o unto_o he_o again_o by_o a_o lawful_a resignation_n which_o will_v be_v a_o solid_a confirmation_n to_o he_o and_o a_o mean_n to_o extinguish_v all_o faction_n and_o make_v he_o know_v to_o all_o to_o be_v lawful_a king_n after_o this_o sir_n robert_z bow_n treasurer_n of_o berwick_n he_o be_v send_v into_o scotland_n to_o accuse_v lenox_n of_o these_o thing_n before_o the_o king_n and_o his_o council_n and_o to_o advertise_v the_o king_n of_o the_o eminent_a danger_n thereof_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o have_v be_v admit_v he_o demand_v that_o lenox_n may_v for_o a_o while_o be_v remove_v from_o that_o place_n but_o the_o council_n will_v not_o agree_v unto_o it_o as_o be_v a_o thing_n new_a and_o unheard_a of_o to_o cause_v one_o of_o the_o king_n council_n to_o be_v put_v out_o from_o the_o council_n without_o show_v cause_n also_o they_o make_v a_o doubt_n whether_o or_o no_o the_o queen_n have_v give_v he_o that_o in_o charge_n express_o and_o therefore_o will_v he_o to_o show_v his_o instruction_n which_o he_o refuse_v to_o do_v save_v to_o the_o king_n and_o to_o one_o or_o two_o other_o and_o see_v that_o he_o can_v not_o be_v hear_v he_o be_v present_o call_v back_o and_o take_v leave_v of_o the_o king_n when_o it_o be_v little_o think_v on_o complain_v that_o the_o wholesome_a admonition_n of_o a_o well-deserving_a queen_n be_v reject_v it_o short_o after_o alexander_n hume_n be_v send_v from_o scotland_n to_o excuse_v these_o matter_n he_o have_v not_o admittance_n to_o the_o queen_n but_o be_v send_v to_o the_o lord_n burghley_n treasurer_n who_o grave_o and_o succinct_o give_v he_o to_o understand_v he_o that_o it_o be_v not_o any_o contempt_n of_o his_o person_n that_o be_v cause_n why_o the_o queen_n will_v not_o permit_v he_o to_o see_v she_o know_v very_o well_o by_o experience_n that_o he_o be_v well_o affect_v to_o religion_n to_o his_o prince_n and_o country_n and_o most_o studious_a for_o the_o peace_n of_o both_o the_o kingdom_n but_o out_o of_o a_o just_a sense_n and_o sorrow_n for_o the_o contempt_n which_o be_v show_v towards_o her_o majesty_n and_o of_o the_o trust_n of_o her_o ambassador_n who_o have_v contain_v himself_o within_o the_o prescribe_a bound_n of_o his_o legation_n lay_v all_o the_o blame_n upon_o the_o new_a and_o ill-advised_n councillor_n excuse_v the_o king_n as_o not_o be_v of_o age_n to_o have_v much_o experience_n and_o wish_v he_o to_o lend_v a_o ear_n to_o the_o holy_a and_o wholesome_a counsel_n of_o the_o queen_n who_o true_o bear_v he_o a_o maternal_a affection_n and_o not_o to_o make_v less_o account_n of_o they_o than_o of_o those_o from_o a_o french_a kinsman_n the_o king_n of_o france_n his_o subject_n who_o labour_v to_o marry_v he_o to_o a_o french_a woman_n of_o the_o romish_a religion_n and_o peradventure_o go_v about_o now_o the_o hamilton_n exult_v to_o be_v design_v the_o king_n lieutenant_n let_v the_o king_n say_v he_o remember_v that_o no_o passion_n be_v more_o fervent_a than_o ambition_n and_o let_v the_o scot_n remember_v what_o trouble_v the_o french_a have_v cause_v in_o scotland_n if_o the_o queen_n by_o her_o wisdom_n and_o power_n have_v not_o prevent_v it_o so_o hume_n be_v send_v back_o into_o scotland_n and_o all_o of_o purpose_n to_o strike_v terror_n into_o the_o king_n and_o to_o make_v he_o believe_v that_o the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n have_v some_o pernicious_a design_n against_o he_o and_o the_o kingdom_n nevertheless_o within_o a_o while_n after_o morton_z imprison_v who_o be_v most_o addict_v to_o the_o english_a be_v accuse_v by_o arran_n laesa_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la and_o cast_v into_o prison_n the_o end_n of_o the_o second_o book_n of_o the_o annal_n and_o history_n of_o that_o mighty_a empress_n queen_n elizabeth_n of_o most_o happy_a and_o bless_a memory_n the_o history_n of_o the_o most_o high_a mighty_a and_o euer-glorious_a empress_n elizabeth_n invincible_a queen_n of_o england_n ireland_n etc._n etc._n true_a defendresse_fw-fr of_o the_o faith_n of_o immortal_a renown_n and_o never-dying_a fame_n and_o memory_n or_o annalle_n of_o all_o such_o remarkable_a thing_n as_o happen_v during_o her_o bless_a reign_n over_o her_o kingdom_n of_o england_n and_o ireland_n as_o also_o such_o act_n as_o past_a betwixt_o her_o majesty_n and_o scotland_n france_n spain_n italy_n germany_n and_o the_o netherlands_o the_o three_o book_n faithful_o translate_v out_o of_o the_o french_a and_o ●●●●isht_v in_o english_a with_o the_o king_n leave_n and_o authority_n grant_v by_o his_o most_o excellent_a majesty_n to_o abraham_n darcie_n 1●96_n to_o the_o every_o way_n noble_a and_o accomplish_v with_o all_o virtue_n sir_n edward_n conway_o the_o king_n secretary_n of_o state_n sir_n william_n harvey_n lord_n harvey_n baron_n of_o rosse_n sir_n orace_n vere_n sir_n arthur_fw-fr throckmorton_n sir_n robert_n mauncell_n sir_n francis_n popham_n sir_n william_n mounson_n sir_n richard_n weston_n the_o right_a virtuous_a &_o generous_a sir_n thomas_n dignity_n hatton_n and_o christopher_z 1590._o hatton_n sir_n carry_v elizabeth_n raleigh_n edward_n seal_n wray_n esquire_n i_o here_o presume_v to_o consecrate_v to_o your_o perpetual_a honour_n this_o book_n which_o under_o the_o honourable_a shield_n of_o your_o noble_a protection_n i_o have_v seek_v to_o shelter_v ancestor_n know_v the_o fame_n of_o this_o heroic_a empress_n to_o be_v no_o less_o dear_a unto_o you_o than_o your_o illustrious_a person_n be_v careful_a to_o propagate_v to_o all_o posterity_n your_o clear_a and_o untainted_a name_n which_o by_o your_o pious_a life_n and_o religious_a conversation_n you_o have_v engrave_v in_o the_o temple_n of_o eternity_n your_o virtue_n can_v but_o cherish_v this_o history_n which_o contain_v the_o life_n of_o so_o matchless_a a_o queen_n who_o divine_a perfection_n the_o whole_a world_n admire_v as_o one_o who_o be_v the_o perfect_a pattern_n of_o princess_n and_o the_o true_a mirour_n &_o honour_n of_o virgin-kinde_n i_o confess_v many_o far_o better_a able_a than_o i_o a_o stranger_n can_v have_v discharge_v this_o enterprise_n with_o far_o more_o skill_n and_o both_o in_o smooth_a and_o more_o elegant_a term_n if_o they_o have_v be_v willing_a to_o honour_v their_o labour_n and_o industry_n with_o so_o rare_a
contract_v a_o marriage_n between_o she_o and_o philip._n then_o again_o into_o spain_n to_o the_o say_v philip_n there_o to_o cause_v he_o to_o ratify_v the_o convent_v article_n also_o for_o queen_n elizabeth_z he_o go_v ambassador_n to_o the_o emperor_n maximilian_n there_o likewise_o to_o contract_v a_o match_n between_o she_o and_o charles_n duke_n of_o austria_n he_o be_v lord_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n governor_n of_o the_o northern_a province_n of_o england_n also_o the_o queen_n chamberlain_n chief_a justice_n in_o eire_n of_o all_o her_o majesty_n forest_n park_n and_o chase_n beyond_o the_o river_n trent_n famous_a for_o the_o victory_n he_o have_v obtain_v against_o the_o hebrides_n and_o scot_n that_o make_v spoil_v of_o the_o frontier_n die_v at_o london_n after_o he_o have_v be_v afflict_v with_o a_o long_a disease_n leave_v no_o issue_n behind_o he_o albeit_o he_o have_v have_v two_o wife_n the_o lady_n elizabeth_n wriothes_o and_o the_o lady_n francis_n sidney_n and_o his_o brother_n henry_n succeed_v he_o in_o the_o earldom_n henry_n wriothes_o likewise_o earl_n of_o southampton_n pay_v like_o tribute_n unto_o death_n a_o man_n much_o devote_a to_o the_o roman_a religion_n southampton_a and_o to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n which_o he_o buy_v with_o the_o anger_n of_o his_o queen_n and_o restraint_n or_o liberty_n he_o be_v son_n to_o tho_n wriothes_o who_o for_o his_o try_a virtue_n by_o henry_n the_o 8_o from_o the_o dignity_n of_o baron_n of_o wriothesly_a of_o tichfield_n and_o knight_n of_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n be_v advance_v to_o that_o sovereign_a greatness_n of_o be_v chancellor_n of_o england_n and_o appoint_v he_o one_o of_o the_o supervisor_n of_o his_o last_o will._n and_o by_o edward_n the_o 6_o he_o be_v grace_v with_o the_o style_n of_o earl_n of_o southampton_n he_o leave_v by_o his_o wife_n daughter_n of_o anthony_n browne_n viscount_n montague_n henry_n his_o son_n that_o succeed_v he_o and_o a_o daughter_n marry_v to_o thomas_n lord_n arundel_n baron_n of_o wardour_n shipwreck_n about_o the_o same_o time_n sir_n humphrey_n gilbert_n knight_n a_o man_n acute_a and_o deliberate_a esteem_v industrious_a both_o in_o peace_n and_o war_n be_v by_o the_o rage_a ocean_n deprive_v of_o life_n return_v from_o the_o north_n part_n of_o america_n which_o we_o call_v newfoundland_n whither_o he_o a_o little_a before_o have_v sell_v his_o patrimony_n make_v a_o voyage_n in_o hope_n to_o build_v there_o a_o colony_n and_o there_o by_o the_o sound_n of_o a_o trumpet_n proclaim_v the_o country_n to_o be_v under_o the_o english_a regency_n country_n for_o sebastian_n cabot_n in_o the_o year_n 1497_o under_o the_o reign_n of_o henry_n the_o 7_o make_v the_o first_o discovery_n thereof_o and_o then_o divide_v the_o land_n several_o to_o his_o companion_n but_o he_o be_v teach_v too_o late_o by_o the_o devour_a sea_n and_o default_n of_o mean_n which_o force_v he_o to_o break_v off_o his_o design_n teach_v other_o also_o by_o his_o example_n that_o it_o be_v a_o matter_n of_o great_a difficulty_n by_o the_o expense_n of_o a_o private_a man_n to_o plant_v a_o colony_n in_o far_o distant_a country_n then_o he_o and_o other_o blind_a in_o their_o own_o error_n have_v to_o their_o utter_a overthrow_n persuade_v themselves_o canterbury_n upon_o the_o same_o instant_n edmund_n grindal_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n metropolitan_a and_o primate_n of_o england_n be_v blind_a and_o age_a above_o sixty_o year_n breathe_v his_o last_o who_o at_o his_o return_n from_o exile_n which_o he_o endure_v under_o the_o reign_n of_o queen_n mary_n be_v first_o invest_v bishop_n of_o london_n than_o archbishop_n of_o york_n and_o final_o of_o canterbury_n live_v much_o honour_v with_o the_o favour_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n until_o by_o the_o foul_a deceit_n and_o treachery_n of_o his_o enemy_n he_o be_v suspect_v to_o be_v a_o favourer_n of_o the_o conventicle_n of_o those_o turbulent_a minister_n and_o such_o as_o be_v call_v prophet_n but_o the_o reason_n be_v indeed_o because_o he_o condemn_v as_o unlawful_a the_o marriage_n of_o julius_n a_o italian_a physician_n with_o another_o man_n wife_n which_o much_o distaste_v the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n england_n such_o small_a mean_n as_o he_o have_v gather_v he_o bestow_v in_o the_o sound_n of_o a_o school_n at_o saint_n bee_n in_o cumberland_n where_o he_o be_v bear_v and_o to_o the_o advancement_n of_o learning_n on_o both_o the_o university_n the_o english_a beside_o be_v bind_v to_o he_o for_o the_o bring_n in_o of_o tamariske_n or_o tamarin_n into_o england_n for_o have_v find_v by_o experience_n that_o it_o be_v a_o sovereign_a remedy_n against_o the_o great_a and_o indurate_a passion_n of_o the_o spleen_n he_o be_v the_o first_o that_o cause_v it_o to_o be_v plant_v there_o john_n whitgift_n be_v his_o successor_n canterbury_n be_v advance_v from_o the_o sea_n of_o worcester_n to_o the_o archbishopric_n of_o canterbury_n a_o man_n of_o singular_a goodness_n and_o learning_n he_o obtain_v much_o commendation_n for_o his_o justice_n in_o the_o precedency_n of_o wales_n and_o likewise_o for_o his_o great_a doctrine_n in_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o ecclesiastical_a policy_n which_o by_o his_o worth_n wisdom_n and_o patience_n he_o daily_o increase_v the_o queen_n who_o hold_v for_o a_o maxim_n that_o she_o ought_v not_o to_o be_v more_o remiss_a in_o ecclesiastical_a affair_n then_o in_o politic_a above_o all_o command_v he_o to_o re-establish_a the_o discipline_n of_o the_o church_n of_o england_n that_o as_o then_o lay_v dismember_v by_o the_o connivency_n of_o prelate_n the_o obstinacy_n of_o innovator_n and_o by_o the_o power_n of_o some_o great_a one_o whilst_o some_o minister_n covert_o impugn_a the_o authority_n of_o the_o queen_n in_o thing_n ecclesiastical_a separate_v the_o administration_n of_o the_o sacrament_n from_o the_o preach_n of_o the_o word_n use_v to_o their_o own_o fantasy_n new_a rite_n of_o service_n in_o their_o private_a house_n utter_o condemn_v the_o lethargy_n and_o the_o appoint_a manner_n of_o adminish_v the_o sacrament_n as_o be_v in_o many_o thing_n contrary_a to_o the_o holy_a scripture_n and_o therefore_o many_o refuse_v to_o go_v to_o church_n but_o open_o become_v schismatic_n the_o papist_n all_v this_o while_n applaud_v they_o and_o draw_v many_o to_o their_o party_n as_o though_o there_o have_v be_v no_o unity_n in_o the_o church_n of_o england_n to_o abolish_v which_o thing_n and_o to_o reduce_v they_o to_o a_o unity_n he_o propound_v these_o article_n to_o the_o minister_n by_o they_o to_o be_v subscribe_v church_n first_o that_o the_o queen_n have_v sovereign_a power_n over_o all_o those_o that_o be_v bear_v within_o her_o dominion_n of_o what_o condition_n so_o ever_o they_o be_v and_o that_o no_o other_o stranger_n prince_n or_o prelate_n aught_o to_o have_v any_o power_n either_o civil_a or_o ecclesiastical_a within_o her_o majesty_n realm_n second_o that_o the_o book_n of_o common_a prayer_n and_o that_o of_o the_o ordination_n of_o bishop_n and_o priest_n contain_v not_o any_o thing_n contrary_a to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n but_o may_v be_v lawful_o use_v and_o that_o they_o shall_v use_v that_o and_o no_o other_o form_n of_o prayer_n or_o administer_a of_o the_o sacrament_n three_o that_o they_o shall_v approve_v and_o allow_v of_o the_o article_n of_o the_o synod_n hold_v at_o london_n the_o year_n 1562_o publish_v by_o royal_a authority_n and_o shall_v hold_v they_o as_o conformable_a to_o the_o word_n of_o god_n but_o it_o be_v incredible_a what_o controversy_n and_o disputation_n arise_v upon_o this_o what_o hatred_n and_o reproach_n he_o endure_v of_o the_o factious_a minister_n what_o trouble_v and_o injury_n he_o suffer_v of_o certain_a nobleman_n who_o by_o place_v man_n unfit_a in_o the_o church_n increase_v their_o estate_n or_o else_o have_v hope_n upon_o the_o good_n of_o the_o church_n but_o by_o his_o constancy_n and_o patience_n he_o overcome_v all_o difficulty_n use_v for_o his_o motto_n this_o which_o he_o choose_v not_o rash_o vincit_fw-la qui_fw-la patitur_fw-la neither_o be_v the_o church_n only_o toss_v and_o turmoil_v by_o those_o people_n within_o the_o realm_n but_o by_o other_o who_o have_v leave_v the_o kingdom_n as_o by_o r._n browne_n a_o cambridge_n divine_a of_o who_o the_o new_a sectary_n be_v call_v brownist_n schismatic_n and_o by_o r._n harison_n master_n of_o a_o inferior_a school_n for_o these_o man_n presume_v to_o judge_v of_o religion_n according_a to_o their_o own_o imagination_n by_o certain_a book_n which_o they_o set_v forth_o at_o that_o time_n in_o the_o country_n of_o zealand_n and_o disperse_v through_o many_o place_n in_o england_n utter_o condemn_v the_o church_n of_o england_n as_o no_o church_n which_o book_n notwithstanding_o be_v prohibit_v by_o royal_a authority_n and_o strong_o confute_v by_o many_o learned_a man_n and_o two_o
and_o leicester_n his_o brother_n tho_o starkey_n gerard_n gore_n and_o other_o merchant_n of_o london_n to_o recompense_v their_o loss_n which_o they_o have_v sustain_v in_o africa_n be_v to_o all_o other_o prohibit_v to_o traffic_v in_o mauritania_n cesariense_n for_o the_o space_n of_o ten_o year_n which_o mulley_n hamet_n xerisi_n receive_v into_o protection_n in_o the_o begin_n of_o this_o year_n die_v edward_n lord_n clinton_n high_a admiral_n lincoln_n who_o in_o the_o year_n 1572_o be_v by_o queen_n elizabeth_n create_v earl_n of_o lincoln_n he_o be_v honourable_o inter_v at_o windsor_n henry_n his_o son_n succeed_v he_o in_o his_o honour_n but_o charles_n howard_n lord_n of_o effingham_n chamberlain_n to_o the_o queen_n in_o the_o admiralty_n and_o to_o he_o in_o his_o office_n succeed_v the_o lord_n carie_n baron_n of_o hunsdon_n governor_n of_o barwick_n who_o a_o few_o year_n before_o supply_v the_o place_n of_o fra_n russell_n earl_n of_o bedford_n bedford_n the_o second_o earl_n of_o that_o family_n a_o nobleman_n true_a professor_n of_o religion_n and_o virtue_n who_o have_v over-lived_n three_o of_o his_o son_n edward_n john_n and_o francis_n and_o have_v but_o one_o living_n who_o be_v lord_n russell_n baron_n of_o thornaugh_n and_o three_o daughter_n all_o three_o countess_n one_o marry_v to_o the_o earl_n of_o warwick_n the_o second_o to_o the_o earl_n of_o bath_n and_o the_o three_o to_o the_o earl_n of_o cumberland_n he_o die_v of_o a_o gangrene_n the_o next_o day_n after_o his_o son_n francis_n be_v slay_v upon_o the_o border_n of_o scotland_n as_o before_o be_v relate_v and_o be_v inter_v with_o john_n his_o father_n at_o cheney_n in_o buckingham-shire_n to_o he_o succeed_v edward_n son_n to_o francis_n his_o three_o son_n about_o the_o end_n of_o this_o year_n the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n be_v out_o of_o a_o itch_a desire_n of_o rule_n and_o glory_n holland_n easy_o persuade_v by_o those_o which_o study_v more_o to_o assure_v their_o own_o fortune_n and_o power_n in_o the_o court_n than_o his_o honour_n pass_v with_o great_a pomp_n and_o state_n into_o the_o netherlands_o with_o this_o title_n general_n of_o her_o majesty_n auxiliary_a troop_n he_o have_v also_o some_o command_n over_o the_o navy-royall_a his_o lordship_n be_v accompany_v with_o the_o earl_n of_o essex_n the_o lord_n touchet_n baron_n of_o audley_n and_o the_o lord_n north_n baron_n of_o kertling_n with_o sir_n william_n russell_n sir_n tho._n shirley_n sir_n arthur_n basset_n sir_n walter_z waller_n sir_n gernase_n clifton_n and_o many_o other_o knight_n attend_v on_o by_o a_o choose_a company_n of_o five_o hundred_o gentleman_n the_o queen_n at_o his_o departure_n forbid_v he_o to_o entertain_v a_o thought_n of_o any_o thing_n which_o will_v be_v unworthy_a either_o of_o she_o or_o of_o the_o place_n which_o he_o be_v seat_v in_o instruction_n she_o command_v he_o to_o learn_v with_o all_o possible_a diligence_n what_o garrison_n the_o estate_n maintain_v how_o and_o by_o what_o mean_v and_o her_o majesty_n still_o be_v careful_a &_o good_a to_o the_o soldier_n charge_v he_o to_o know_v by_o what_o art_n they_o enhance_v &_o put_v down_o the_o value_n of_o their_o money_n for_o in_o that_o art_n they_o excel_v all_o other_o lest_o the_o soldier_n shall_v receive_v that_o at_o a_o high_a rate_n than_o they_o can_v put_v it_o off_o for_o she_o admonish_v he_o to_o cut_v off_o all_o provision_n from_o the_o enemy_n and_o to_o his_o power_n restrain_v the_o dunkirk_n which_o much_o infest_a the_o sea_n final_o she_o recommend_v to_o his_o trust_n the_o nobility_n of_o that_o country_n and_o above_o all_o the_o child_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n the_o nine_o and_o twenty_o year_n of_o her_o reign_n 3._o anno_fw-la dom._n m.d.lxxxvi_o dudley_n earl_n of_o leicester_n land_v at_o flushing_n be_v first_o by_o his_o nephew_n sir_n philip_n sidney_n governor_n of_o that_o city_n honourable_o receive_v and_o after_o by_o all_o the_o town_n of_o zealand_n and_o holland_n with_o all_o sort_n of_o honour_n acclamation_n triumph_n devote_a panegyric_n banquet_n estate_n and_o such_o like_a thing_n and_o be_v in_o the_o month_n of_o july_n come_v to_o the_o hage_n the_o court_n of_o holland_n the_o estate_n general_a so_o they_o be_v call_v by_o letter_n patent_n give_v to_o he_o the_o sovereign_a command_n and_o absolute_a authority_n over_o the_o unite_a province_n with_o the_o title_n of_o governor_n and_o captain_n general_n of_o holland_n zealand_n and_o the_o unite_a and_o confederate_a province_n then_o be_v salute_v of_o all_o with_o the_o attribute_n of_o his_o excellence_n and_o tickle_v with_o flattery_n as_o if_o he_o have_v be_v seat_v in_o the_o high_a and_o ample_a degree_n of_o honour_n he_o begin_v to_o assume_v royal_a and_o kingly_a thought_n of_o majesty_n thereat_o but_o the_o queen_n be_v high_o offend_v that_o the_o estate_n have_v impose_v and_o receive_v he_o with_o such_o exceed_a honour_n with_o a_o little_a letter_n abate_v the_o swell_a wind_n wherewith_o he_o be_v puff_v up_o then_o when_o he_o least_o thought_n thereof_o and_o these_o be_v the_o content_n you_o shall_v understand_v by_o this_o messenger_n which_o we_o have_v express_o send_v unto_o you_o he_o with_o what_o contempt_n you_o have_v behave_v yourself_o against_o our_o pleasure_n we_o have_v not_o think_v that_o you_o a_o man_n we_o have_v raise_v from_o the_o dust_n and_o favour_v above_o all_o other_o will_v have_v violate_v in_o so_o great_a a_o matter_n our_o command_n with_o so_o great_a contempt_n even_o in_o a_o matter_n which_o so_o much_o and_o near_o concern_v we_o and_o our_o honour_n but_o though_o against_o your_o duty_n you_o have_v make_v so_o little_a respect_n of_o our_o honour_n yet_o think_v not_o that_o we_o be_v so_o gross_o negligent_a in_o the_o repair_n thereof_o that_o we_o can_v pass_v over_o so_o great_a a_o injury_n with_o silence_n and_o oblivion_n therefore_o we_o command_v you_o that_o you_o set_v apart_o all_o excuse_n incontinent_o according_a to_o the_o faith_n and_o duty_n wherein_o you_o be_v bind_v unto_o we_o perform_v all_o whatsoever_o heneage_n our_o under-chamberlaine_n shall_v in_o our_o name_n declare_v unto_o you_o except_o you_o will_v draw_v upon_o your_o head_n a_o great_a danger_n in_o other_o letter_n which_o she_o send_v to_o the_o estate_n general_a she_o thus_o reason_v that_o they_o without_o her_o advice_n or_o privity_n also_o have_v to_o her_o reproach_n transfer_v upon_o leicester_n the_o absolute_a rule_n of_o the_o unite_a province_n notwithstanding_o she_o herself_o have_v refuse_v the_o same_o and_o have_v manifest_o declare_v to_o all_o the_o world_n that_o she_o have_v but_o only_o give_v aid_n and_o succour_n to_o her_o afflict_a neighbour_n and_o not_o in_o any_o wise_a take_v any_o command_n unto_o she_o and_o therefore_o she_o advise_v they_o to_o despoil_v leicester_n of_o that_o absolute_a authority_n since_o she_o have_v prescribe_v to_o he_o his_o limit_n not_o that_o she_o think_v their_o cause_n be_v not_o to_o be_v defend_v but_o that_o she_o may_v keep_v safe_a her_o honour_n which_o then_o her_o life_n she_o rather_o esteem_v the_o estate_n answer_v that_o they_o be_v much_o aggrieve_v themselves_o that_o in_o give_v to_o leicester_n without_o her_o advice_n the_o absolute_a rule_n they_o have_v offend_v her_o majesty_n and_o request_v she_o to_o mitigate_v the_o offence_n by_o the_o necessity_n of_o matter_n remonstrate_v to_o she_o that_o of_o necessity_n that_o authority_n must_v have_v be_v transfer_v upon_o one_o or_o other_o for_o the_o avoid_n of_o trouble_n neither_o be_v the_o authority_n such_o as_o that_o word_n absolute_a do_v seem_v to_o infer_v see_v that_o principality_n and_o severaigne_a rule_n with_o the_o dignity_n of_o governor_n still_o remain_v entire_a among_o the_o people_n but_o to_o revoke_v the_o power_n which_o have_v already_o be_v transfer_v will_v be_v a_o mean_n to_o precipitate_v the_o netherlands_o into_o extreme_a danger_n by_o these_o letter_n of_o the_o estate_n and_o those_o of_o leicester_n which_o he_o as_o one_o well_o skill_v how_o with_o feign_a tear_n and_o grief_n to_o reobtain_v the_o favour_n of_o so_o gracious_a and_o mild_a a_o princess_n have_v write_v in_o a_o sorrowful_a stile_n this_o offence_n by_o little_a and_o little_o vanish_v into_o oblivion_n in_o the_o mean_a space_n leicester_n receive_v the_o contribution_n of_o of_o the_o province_n and_o establish_v military_a law_n and_o whilst_o he_o labour_v to_o impose_v new_a tax_n upon_o their_o commerce_n he_o stir_v up_o the_o hate_n of_o the_o people_n against_o he_o now_o have_v charles_n earl_n of_o mansueld_a by_o order_n from_o the_o duke_n of_o parma_n governor_n for_o the_o spaniard_n in_o flanders_n for_o the_o space_n of_o some_o few_o month_n beleagerd_v grave_a a_o town_n in_o brabant_n situate_v
force_v to_o yield_v and_o indeed_o the_o state_n have_v true_o reserve_v that_o sovereign_a degree_n and_o power_n which_o they_o at_o first_o have_v give_v he_o by_o word_n will_v not_o furnish_v he_o with_o a_o great_a and_o sufficient_a army_n and_o he_o dain_v not_o to_o subject_v himself_o to_o particular_n of_o small_a rank_n and_o note_n who_o under_o the_o name_n of_o state_n strive_v to_o domineer_v over_o he_o notwithstanding_o that_o their_o governor_n have_v the_o same_o authority_n that_o charles_n the_o five_o have_v over_o his_o commander_n of_o the_o low-countries_n from_o thence_o derive_v open_a hatred_n on_o both_o side_n the_o which_o discover_v themselves_o yet_o apparent_o after_o that_o he_o have_v mention_v to_o agree_v upon_o with_o spain_n for_o their_o ear_n abhor_v and_o their_o heart_n detest_v the_o very_a name_n of_o peace_n as_o prejudicial_a and_o obnoctious_a to_o their_o affair_n city_n even_o as_o then_o he_o perceive_v his_o authority_n to_o diminish_v he_o have_v recourse_n to_o fraudulous_a deceit_n and_o resolve_v to_o breed_v faction_n with_o the_o people_n there_o and_o to_o make_v himself_o master_n of_o the_o city_n of_o leyden_n with_o other_o town_n but_o be_v frustrate_v of_o his_o hope_n of_o the_o loss_n of_o some_o with_o his_o man_n &_o to_o the_o great_a discontentment_n that_o this_o action_n provoke_v queen_n elizabeth_n send_v for_o he_o he_o give_v over_o the_o government_n and_o free_a administration_n of_o the_o state_n of_o the_o unite_a province_n again_o and_o be_v deride_v and_o laugh_v at_o of_o many_o but_o most_o by_o those_o who_o envy_v he_o have_v forsake_v the_o title_n of_o his_o excellency_n which_o never_o any_o englishman_n have_v take_v upon_o he_o before_o he_o faction_n leicester_n upon_o his_o departure_n for_o england_n distribute_v for_o a_o perpectuall_a memory_n of_o his_o person_n to_o such_o as_o be_v of_o his_o faction_n a_o medaille_n or_o piece_n of_o gold_n which_o he_o have_v cause_v to_o be_v coin_a on_o the_o one_o side_n there_o be_v his_o picture_n on_o the_o other_o a_o flock_n with_o some_o lose_a sheep_n a_o dog_n who_o go_v from_o they_o turn_v back_o his_o head_n to_o look_v on_o they_o as_o if_o it_o be_v for_o pity_n with_o this_o inscription_n je_fw-fr quit_v malgre_fw-fr moi_fw-fr i_o forsake_v to_o my_o grief_n and_o near_o it_o this_o non_fw-fr point_fw-fr le_fw-fr troupeau_fw-fr mais_fw-fr les_fw-fr ingras_fw-la not_o the_o flock_n but_o the_o ungrateful_a and_o questionless_a he_o intend_v to_o invade_v the_o netherlands_n dominion_n for_o himself_o but_o those_o nation_n have_v not_o only_o keep_v by_o their_o care_n and_o diligence_n the_o liberty_n which_o they_o hold_v by_o their_o ancestor_n whole_o to_o themselves_o against_o the_o spaniard_n might_n who_o war_n as_o well_o with_o their_o art_n and_o deceit_n as_o with_o their_o good_n as_o likewise_o against_o the_o french_a and_o english_a by_o craftiness_n &_o policy_n yea_o against_o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n himself_o who_o act_v the_o fox_n part_n but_o also_o they_o have_v it_o marvellous_o increase_v by_o the_o favour_n of_o their_o neighbour_a friend_n and_o which_o be_v more_o worthy_a admiration_n be_v that_o whereas_o other_o country_n be_v ruinate_v by_o the_o war_n these_o unite_a province_n be_v enrich_v thereby_o the_o state_n establish_v in_o his_o room_n nassau_n for_o governor_n of_o the_o unite_a and_o confederate_a province_n prince_n maurice_n of_o nassau_n then_o about_o twenty_o year_n of_o age_n son_n to_o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n by_o his_o wife_n the_o lady_n anne_n de_fw-fr saxe_n daughter_n to_o that_o heroic_a elector_n maurice_n and_o queen_n elizabeth_z establish_v in_o leicester_n stead_n peregrine_n bartue_n lord_n willoughby_n of_o eresby_n general_n of_o the_o english_a auxiliary_a force_n which_o then_o be_v in_o the_o low-countries_n who_o those_o of_o leicester_n faction_n much_o trouble_a for_o the_o garrison_n of_o geertruiden-berg_n worcom_n nerden_n heusden_n &_o above_o all_o that_o of_o middlebourgh_n be_v at_o the_o english_a devotion_n excite_a trouble_n under_o pretext_n that_o they_o have_v swear_v loyalty_n and_o obedience_n to_o the_o queen_n and_o sir_n william_n russell_n governor_n of_o flushing_n have_v draw_v to_o his_o side_n the_o inhabitant_n of_o the_o town_n of_o emuid_n and_o of_o camp_n be_v mistrust_v by_o the_o estate_n to_o have_v a_o determination_n to_o reduce_v the_o whole_a island_n of_o zealand_n under_o the_o english_a suspect_v and_o this_o suspicion_n be_v increase_v the_o more_o by_o the_o come_n of_o england_n lord_n high_a admiral_n out_o of_o england_n who_o though_o he_o much_o labour_v to_o pacify_v these_o trouble_n the_o state_n nevertheless_o possess_v with_o fear_n dissemble_v not_o their_o mistrusting_n but_o witness_v it_o both_o open_o to_o the_o world_n by_o certain_a piece_n of_o silver_n which_o ingenious_o they_o cause_v to_o be_v coin_a and_o stamp_v with_o the_o figure_n of_o two_o earthen_a pot_n swim_v upon_o the_o sea_n according_a to_o the_o ancient_a apologue_n with_o this_o inscription_n si_fw-mi nous_fw-fr nous_fw-fr hurton_n nous_fw-fr nous_fw-fr casseron_n if_o we_o knock_v one_o at_o another_o we_o shall_v be_v break_v and_o private_o by_o letter_n which_o they_o write_v to_o the_o queen_n who_o be_v most_o careful_a of_o they_o and_o yet_o in_o nothing_o forgetful_a of_o herself_o can_v prudent_o foresee_v those_o infinite_a danger_n then_o apparent_a the_o spanish_a fleet_n be_v then_o imminent_a command_v the_o lord_n willoughby_n to_o bring_v into_o submission_n such_o english_a as_o excite_v or_o stir_v up_o trouble_n to_o be_v punish_v by_o the_o state_n which_o he_o most_o happy_o perform_v with_o the_o prince_n maurice_n of_o nassau_n leicester_n be_v then_o back_o accusation_n and_o quick_o find_v out_o that_o the_o baron_n of_o buckhurst_n and_o other_o prepare_v themselves_o to_o accuse_v he_o to_o have_v ill_o administrate_v the_o affair_n of_o holland_n and_o that_o therefore_o he_o ought_v to_o come_v into_o judgement_n before_o the_o council_n table_n wise_o withdraw_v himself_o private_o to_o the_o queen_n and_o prostrate_v himself_o humble_o at_o her_o foot_n beseech_v her_o majesty_n to_o testify_v and_o speak_v for_o he_o conjure_v she_o not_o to_o receive_v ignominious_o he_o who_o she_o have_v send_v magnificent_o neither_o to_o bury_v live_v and_o see_v him_z who_o she_o have_v raise_v from_o the_o dust_n he_o by_o these_o sweet_a and_o eloquent_a speech_n calm_v so_o her_o discontent_n that_o moderate_v the_o anger_n of_o her_o wrath_n she_o receive_v he_o into_o her_o favour_n as_o before_o therefore_o be_v call_v in_o question_n and_o bring_v before_o the_o council_n table_n he_o whereas_o he_o shall_v have_v appear_v in_o a_o humble_a manner_n according_a to_o the_o custom_n of_o other_o take_v his_o place_n among_o the_o lord_n of_o her_o majesty_n privy-councell_n and_o as_o the_o clerk_n have_v begin_v to_o read_v the_o chief_a article_n of_o his_o accusation_n interrupt_v he_o complain_v they_o have_v do_v he_o wrong_n to_o have_v restrain_v those_o public_a instruction_n grant_v unto_o he_o to_o private_a one_o and_o in_o appeal_n to_o the_o queen_n judgement_n avoid_v and_o annihilate_v all_o accusation_n whereby_o his_o adversary_n be_v much_o indignate_v but_o they_o break_v their_o anger_n in_o silence_n in_o this_o year_n in_o the_o month_n of_o february_n die_v henry_n abergavenny_n lord_n nevil_n baron_n of_o abergavenny_n grandchild_n of_o edward_n nevil_n who_o in_o king_n henry_n the_o sixth_n reign_n enjoy_v the_o title_n of_o baron_n of_o abergavenny_n by_o his_o wife_n who_o be_v only_a daughter_n &_o heir_n to_o r._n lord_n beauchamp_n earl_n of_o wigorn_n and_o baron_n of_o abergavenny_n by_o who_o right_a the_o daughter_n and_o heir_n of_o this_o henry_n lord_n nevil_n challenge_v the_o title_n and_o honour_n of_o this_o ancient_a barony_n have_v a_o memorable_a suit_n in_o law_n about_o it_o with_o edward_z nevil_n the_o next_o heir-male_n to_o the_o say_a lordship_n to_o who_o the_o castle_n of_o abergavenny_n be_v legacy_v by_o testament_n and_o since_o the_o honour_n and_o title_n of_o the_o same_o barony_n be_v confer_v and_o confirm_v unto_o he_o by_o act_n of_o parliament_n where_o he_o take_v place_n among_o the_o peer_n of_o that_o high_a court_n as_o the_o first_o baron_n of_o england_n age_v there_o die_v also_o in_o the_o same_o year_n and_o month_n four_o noble_a person_n both_o illustrious_a and_o famous_a the_o first_o be_v the_o lady_n anne_n stanhop_n duchess_n of_o somerset_n about_o ninety_o year_n of_o age_n wife_n to_o edward_n seymor_n late_a duke_n of_o somerset_n and_o protector_n of_o england_n this_o duchess_n by_o mere_a envy_n and_o hate_v she_o bear_v to_o the_o lady_n katherine_n parr_n queen_n of_o england_n and_o dowager_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o excite_v diverse_a tragedy_n in_o
elizabeth_n partly_o to_o requite_v his_o warlike_a exploit_n for_o she_o employ_v he_o in_o sundry_a sea-seruice_n to_o his_o immortal_a honour_n and_o commendation_n make_v he_o knight_n of_o the_o garter_n charles_n earl_n of_o nottingham_n baron_n of_o effingham_n anno_fw-la 1597_o the_o 23._o of_o octob._n the_o lord_n charles_n howard_n for_o his_o princely_a desert_n and_o illustrious_a birth_n be_v create_v by_o q._n elizabeth_n earl_n of_o nothingham_n likewise_o for_o his_o worthy_a service_n do_v to_o his_o prince_n and_o country_n in_o generous_o repel_v spain_n invincible_a navy_n of_o 88_o be_v lord_n high_a admiral_n as_o also_o for_o his_o martial_a valiancy_n in_o the_o sack_n of_o cadiz_n with_o the_o earl_n of_o essex_n her_o majesty_n honour_v he_o with_o the_o gartet_n the_o noble_a order_n of_o knighthood_n john_n baron_n of_o elsemere_n viscont_n brackley_n earl_n of_o bridge-water_n this_o noble_a earl_n father_n sir_n thomas_n egerton_n viscont_n brackley_n baron_n of_o elsemere_n lord_n high_a chancellor_n of_o england_n be_v a_o noble_a man_n of_o admirable_a part_n excellency_n well_o see_v in_o the_o law_n of_o england_n industrious_a in_o state_n affair_n which_o move_v q._n elizabeth_n to_o choose_v he_o her_o majesty_n solicitor_n anno_fw-la 1583._o and_o for_o his_o other_o desert_n anno_fw-la 1593._o she_o knight_v he_o next_o she_o make_v he_o master_n of_o the_o roll_n and_o final_o lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n anno_fw-la 1594._o william_n earl_n of_o salisbury_n etc._n etc._n and_o william_n earl_n of_o excester_n etc._n etc._n sir_n william_n cecil_n for_o his_o grave_a wisdom_n and_o excellent_a virtue_n be_v by_o q._n elizabeth_n create_v baron_n of_o burghley_n he_o be_v also_o one_o of_o her_o majesty_n privy_a council_n lord_n high_a treasurer_n and_o chancellor_n of_o cambridge_n university_n he_o be_v these_o two_o noble_a earl_n gra●●_n father_n both_o issue_v of_o two_o of_o his_o son_n william_n baron_n of_o compton_n earl_n of_o northampton_n this_o noble_a earl_n grandfather_n sir_n william_n compton_n wa●_n for_o his_o worthiness_n create_v baron_n compton_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n to_o the_o no_o less_o illustrious_a than_o noble_a henry_n lord_n cary_n baron_n of_o hunsdon_n viscont_n rochfort_n and_o the_o noble_a lady_n elizabeth_n barkeley_n now_o marry_v to_o sir_n thomas_n chamberlain_n henry_n cary_n lord_n chamberlain_z to_z queen_n elizabeth_z his_o cousin_n for_o he_o be_v the_o son_n of_o william_n carie_n esquire_n to_o the_o body_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o by_o the_o lady_n mary_n bullen_n his_o wife_n sister_n to_o queen_n anne_n bullen_n the_o mother_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n this_z henry_n be_v by_o queen_n elizabeth_n create_v lord_n carie_n baron_n of_o hunsdon_n also_o by_o her_o majesty_n make_v knight_n of_o the_o garter_n one_o of_o the_o lord_n of_o her_o privy_a council_n and_o governor_n of_o berwick_n to_o this_o noble_a lord_n henry_n viscont_n rochfort_n he_o be_v grandfather_n and_o this_o illustrious_a lady_n barkley_n be_v his_o only_a daughter_n and_o heir_n rob._n lord_n willoughby_n of_o eresby_n baron_n of_o perke_n and_o henry_n west_n baron_fw-fr de_fw-fr la_fw-fr war_n peregrin●_n the_o father_n to_o this_o generous_a lo_o willoughby_n be_v restore_v in_o his_o ancestor_n honour_n by_o qu._n elizabeth_n who_o create_v he_o baron_n willoughby_n of_o eres●y_n the_o 14._o of_o her_o ra●gn_n 1582._o before_o thou_o send_v he_o with_o the_o garter_n to_o the_o king_n of_o denmark_n be_v the_o son_n of_o the_o duchess_n of_o suffolk_n sole_a daughter_n and_o heir_n to_o the_o lo_o willoughby_n of_o eresby_n also_o sir_n william_n west_n this_o lord_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr war_n grand_a sire_n be_v create_v baron_fw-fr de_fw-fr la_fw-fr war_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n be_v nephew_n to_o thomas_n west_n lord_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr war_n and_o knight_n of_o the_o garter_n in_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_n day_n who_o die_v without_o issue_n anno_fw-la 1570._o john_n poulet_n lord_n saint_n john_n baron_n of_o basin_n heir_n apparent_a to_o the_o lord_n marquesse_n of_o winchester_n etc._n etc._n anno_fw-la 1594._o william_n poulet_n this_o noble_a lord_n grandfather_n be_v in_o the_o time_n of_o his_o father_n john_n lord_n marquesse_n of_o winchester_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n make_v a_o petre_n of_o england_n and_o sit_v in_o that_o high_a court_n of_o parliament_n among_o the_o baron_n and_o peer_n of_o the_o realm_n as_o baron_n saint_n john_n of_o basin_n he_o die_v the_o first_o day_n of_o january_n 1598._o and_o be_v sumptuous_o bury_v by_o his_o predecessor_n at_o basin_n the_o true_o pious_a lady_n frances_n wray_n countess_n dowager_n of_o warwick_n and_o the_o lady_n elizabeth_n daughter_n and_o sole_a heir_n to_o francis_n lord_n norice_n late_a earl_n of_o berkshire_n viscount_n thame_n and_o baron_n of_o ricot_n wife_n to_o the_o right_n noble_a &_o worthy_a edward_n wray_n esqu_n sir_n christopher_n wray_n for_o his_o great_a desert_n &_o the_o noble_a family_n from_o whence_o he_o be_v derive_v be_v by_o qu_n elizabeth_n knight_v and_o for_o his_o rare_a wisdom_n be_v expert_a in_o the_o law_n be_v advance_v to_o his_o great_a praise_n and_o immortal_a fame_n to_o diverse_a honourable_a dignity_n in_o this_o kingdom_n first_o he_o be_v make_v lord_n chief_a justice_n of_o england_n and_o then_o lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o privy_a seal_n he_o be_v one_o of_o her_o majesty_n most_o prudent_a counselor_n and_o father_n to_o this_o religious_a countess_n dowager_n of_o warwick_n also_o grandfather_n to_o these_o noble_a brother_n sir_n john_n wray_n knight_n edward_n wray_n and_o nathanaell_n wray_n esquire_n anno_fw-la 1572._o sir_n henry_n norrice_n be_v for_o his_o noble_a worth_n create_v by_o queen_n elizabeth_n baron_fw-fr norrice_n of_o ricot_n he_o be_v this_o noble_a lady_n elizabeth_n wray_n her_o grandfather_n dudley_n lord_n north_n baron_n of_o kirtling_n and_o to_o the_o virtuous_a lady_n his_o only_a sister_n the_o lady_n mary_n conningsby_n anno_fw-la 1594._o roger_n lord_n north_n baron_n of_o the_o ancient_a baronry_n of_o kirtling_n for_o his_o virtue_n and_o prudency_n be_v in_o gracious_a favour_n near_o q._n elizabeth_n who_o respect_v he_o much_o make_v use_v of_o his_o faithful_a service_n in_o diverse_a honourable_a affair_n of_o importance_n anno_fw-la 1574._o he_o be_v by_o her_o majesty_n send_v ambassador_n extraordinary_a into_o france_n to_o give_v king_n henry_n the_o three_o good_a counsel_n and_o to_o condole_v with_o his_o majesty_n after_o the_o death_n of_o k._n charles_n the_o nine_o and_o although_o this_o nobleman_n be_v not_o create_v baron_n by_o q._n elizabeth_n yet_o i_o have_v erect_v these_o line_n to_o his_o noble_a and_o immortal_a memory_n for_o his_o virtue_n sake_n and_o for_o the_o duty_n and_o humble_a service_n which_o i_o must_v ever_o owe_v to_o his_o illustrious_a grandchild_n the_o lord_n north_n sir_n john_n north_n captain_n roger_n north_n gilbert_n north_n and_o the_o noble_a lady_n conningsby_n to_o the_o honour_n of_o the_o right_n worshipful_a sir_n arthur_n capell_n &_o his_o noble_a son_n and_o the_o noble_o descend_v ralph_n sadleir_n esquire_n of_o standen_n in_o hertfordshire_n this_o worthy_a knight_n be_v the_o last_o which_o her_o majesty_n knight_v also_o this_o noble_a esquire_n father_n sir_n thomas_n sadleir_n son_n to_o sir_n ralph_n sadleir_n be_v the_o last_o knight_n banneret_n of_o england_n chancellor_n of_o the_o duchy_n of_o lancaster_n and_o privy_a counsellor_n to_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o edward_z the_o six_o queen_n mary_n and_o queen_n elizabeth_n a_o preparation_n and_o introduction_n to_o the_o history_n the_o all-glorious_a side_n all-vertuous_a incomparable_a invict_v and_o matchless_a pattern_n of_o prince_n the_o glory_n honour_n and_o mirror_n of_o woman_n kind_n the_o admiration_n of_o our_o age_n elizabeth_n queen_n of_o england_n be_v by_o the_o father_n side_n true_o royal_a be_v daughter_n to_o henry_n the_o eight_o grandchild_n to_o henry_n the_o seven_o and_o great_a grand_a child_n to_o edward_n the_o four_o of_o the_o mother_n side_n indeed_o unequal_a yet_o noble_o descend_v and_o have_v many_o great_a alliance_n spread_v through_o england_n and_o ireland_n her_o great-grandfather_n be_v jefferay_n of_o bolene_n descend_v from_o the_o famous_a house_n of_o norfolk_n who_o in_o the_o year_n 1457._o be_v mayor_n of_o london_n and_o be_v then_o grace_v with_o the_o dignity_n of_o knighthood_n a_o man_n of_o much_o integrity_n and_o of_o such_o reputation_n that_o thomas_n baron_n of_o hoo_n and_o hastings_n knight_n of_o the_o order_n of_o s._n george_n give_v he_o his_o daughter_n and_o heir_n to_o wife_n he_o be_v of_o so_o great_a mean_n that_o he_o marry_v his_o daughter_n into_o the_o famous_a house_n of_o the_o chenies_n heidon_n and_o fortescue_v he_o leave_v a_o great_a patrimony_n to_o his_o son_n and_o by_o will_n give_v a_o thousand_o pound_n sterling_a
to_o the_o poor_a of_o london_n and_o two_o hundred_o to_o the_o poor_a of_o norfolk_n he_o have_v to_o son_n william_n bolene_n who_o be_v make_v one_o of_o the_o eighteen_o select_a knight_n of_o the_o bath_n at_o the_o inauguration_n of_o richard_n the_o three_o to_o who_o tho._n earl_n of_o ormond_n who_o be_v have_v in_o so_o great_a estimation_n with_o the_o king_n of_o england_n that_o he_o only_o of_o all_o the_o peer_n of_o ireland_n have_v place_n and_o voice_n in_o the_o parliament_n and_o before_o the_o baron_n of_o england_n give_v he_o his_o daughter_n and_o coheir_n to_o wife_n he_o have_v by_o she_o beside_o the_o daughter_n which_o he_o marry_v to_o shelton_n caltrop_n chair_n and_o sackuil_n be_v very_o rich_a and_o of_o renown_a race_n tho._n bolene_n who_o be_v but_o a_o youth_n thomas_n howard_n than_o earl_n of_o surrey_n and_o afterward_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n a_o famous_a warrior_n choose_v he_o to_o be_v his_o son_n in_o law_n and_o give_v he_o his_o daughter_n elizabeth_n to_o wife_n henry_n the_o eight_o employ_v he_o in_o two_o honourable_a embassy_n after_o have_v make_v he_o treasurour_n of_o his_o house_n knight_n of_o the_o order_n of_o saint_n george_n and_o viscount_n rochfort_n afterward_o earl_n of_o wilton_n and_o ormond_n and_o lord_n privy_a seal_n he_o bolene_n among_o other_o child_n have_v anne_n bolene_n who_o be_v send_v in_o her_o tender_a year_n into_o france_n be_v servant_n to_o mary_n of_o england_n wife_n to_o lewis_n the_o 12._o afterward_o to_o claudia_n of_o britain_n wife_n to_o francis_n the_o first_o and_o after_o her_o death_n to_o mary_n of_o alencon_n who_o from_o her_o cradle_n be_v a_o special_a favourour_n of_o the_o protestant_n religion_n in_o france_n afterward_o she_o be_v return_v into_o england_n and_o entertain_v to_o be_v one_o of_o the_o queen_n maid_n of_o honour_n in_o the_o twenty_o year_n of_o her_o age_n king_n henry_n be_v eight_o and_o thirty_o fall_v vehement_o in_o love_n with_o she_o for_o the_o modest_a behaviour_n which_o accompany_v her_o beauty_n and_o the_o french_a jollity_n which_o season_v her_o modesty_n but_o not_o be_v able_a to_o overcome_v her_o chastity_n he_o seek_v to_o have_v she_o to_o wife_n in_o hope_n to_o have_v a_o lineage_n by_o she_o now_o before_o to_o take_v this_o matter_n a_o little_a more_o deep_o after_o he_o have_v live_v seventeen_o year_n with_o katherine_n his_o wife_n who_o be_v of_o a_o pious_a conversation_n and_o of_o the_o spanish_a gravity_n but_o subject_a to_o aborsement_n that_o of_o all_o her_o child_n she_o bring_v forth_o none_o live_v but_o marry_o he_o begin_v to_o distaste_v she_o by_o the_o cunning_a practice_n of_o cardinal_n wolsey_n bolone_a who_o be_v then_o raise_v to_o the_o high_a degree_n of_o power_n and_o authority_n about_o the_o king_n but_o in_o some_o fort_n over_o sway_v by_o his_o own_o affection_n for_o be_v displease_v with_o charles_n the_o five_o emperor_n nephew_n to_o katherine_n because_o he_o have_v deny_v he_o the_o archbishopricke_a of_o toledo_n and_o then_o aspire_v to_o the_o papasie_a his_o hatred_n to_o he_o and_o his_o love_n so_o affectionate_o carry_v towards_o the_o french_a king_n he_o so_o wrought_v that_o he_o purpose_v a_o wife_n for_o henry_n out_o of_o france_n the_o king_n be_v prone_a to_o his_o pleasure_n prepare_v this_o scruple_n of_o conscience_n wife_n that_o the_o marriage_n which_o he_o have_v contract_v with_o katherine_n who_o before_o have_v be_v wife_n to_o his_o brother_n arthur_n be_v forbid_v by_o the_o divine_a law_n although_o pope_n julius_n the_o second_o have_v give_v a_o dispensation_n for_o it_o afterward_o he_o do_v inculcate_v into_o the_o king_n ear_n how_o great_o he_o have_v offend_v god_n in_o marry_v katherine_n and_o how_o grievous_a a_o sin_n he_o shall_v wallow_v in_o if_o he_o keep_v she_o that_o he_o have_v incur_v the_o sentence_n of_o excommunication_n that_o god_n have_v pour_v his_o wrath_n upon_o so_o unlawful_a a_o marriage_n not_o suffer_v a_o male_a to_o live_v that_o be_v beget_v of_o she_o and_o that_o if_o there_o be_v not_o a_o lawful_a heir_n assign_v to_o the_o kingdom_n no_o other_o thing_n be_v to_o be_v expect_v but_o that_o those_o mortal_a and_o cruel_a war_n which_o have_v be_v but_o late_o lulll_v asleep_a shall_v be_v awaken_v with_o new_a slaughter_n of_o his_o people_n and_o therefore_o that_o he_o ought_v for_o the_o take_v away_o of_o all_o scruple_n from_o his_o conscience_n to_o repudiate_v she_o and_o that_o by_o assure_v himself_o of_o a_o successor_n in_o a_o lawful_a line_n he_o shall_v provide_v for_o the_o safety_n of_o his_o soul_n which_o and_o likewise_o year_n have_v be_v pollute_v with_o incest_n for_o so_o many_o of_o his_o kingdom_n these_o reason_n cause_v the_o king_n to_o entreat_v pope_n clement_n the_o seven_o to_o depute_v some_o to_o take_v knowdedge_n of_o this_o cause_n and_o either_o to_o confirm_v the_o dispensation_n by_o authority_n of_o holy_a scripture_n or_o absolve_v he_o of_o the_o sentence_n of_o excommunication_n and_o to_o declare_v this_o marriage_n to_o be_v of_o no_o force_n and_o that_o it_o may_v be_v lawful_a for_o he_o to_o marry_v any_o other_o woman_n who_o he_o shall_v think_v fit_a notwithstanding_o any_o canon_n to_o the_o contrary_n hereupon_o the_o pope_n delegate_n cardinal_n wolsey_n and_o the_o cardinal_n of_o campepe_n to_o who_o he_o secret_o give_v a_o bull_n to_o this_o effect_n that_o he_o approve_v of_o the_o king_n vow_n and_o grant_v his_o request_n so_o far_o as_o god_n will_v give_v he_o leave_v if_o the_o marriage_n which_o he_o have_v contract_v with_o katherine_n shall_v be_v find_v unlawful_a and_o so_o declare_v to_o be_v but_o this_o bull_n be_v to_o be_v conceal_v or_o publish_v according_a to_o the_o success_n of_o the_o emperor_n affair_n in_o italy_n then_o these_o question_n begin_v to_o be_v move_v every_o where_o whether_o it_o be_v lawful_a for_o a_o man_n to_o take_v his_o brother_n wife_n or_o it_o be_v prohibit_v by_o the_o divine_a law_n whether_o the_o pope_n dispensation_n can_v make_v it_o lawful_a or_o no_o and_o when_o many_o academy_n of_o christendom_n and_o the_o most_o learned_a man_n have_v give_v their_o opinion_n and_o resolve_v that_o such_o a_o marriage_n be_v repugnant_a to_o the_o law_n both_o of_o the_o old_a and_o new_a testament_n howsoever_o the_o pope_n dispensation_n may_v legitimate_a it_o the_o king_n become_v more_o passionate_o amorous_a of_o the_o lady_n anne_n of_o bolene_n then_o ever_o and_o the_o cardinal_n repent_v himself_o too_o late_o of_o what_o he_o have_v begin_v grow_v discontent_v and_o wrought_v so_o under_o hand_n expedition_n that_o the_o pope_n by_o his_o pontifical_a authority_n refuse_v to_o confirm_v the_o opinion_n of_o the_o academy_n and_o by_o delay_n after_o delay_n the_o business_n be_v draw_v into_o length_n both_o at_o rome_n &_o in_o england_n the_o cardinal_n fear_v bolene_n who_o for_o the_o love_n that_o she_o bear_v to_o the_o evangelicall_a doctrine_n hate_v his_o proud_a and_o insolent_a carriage_n and_o the_o pope_n fear_v the_o emperor_n who_o at_o that_o time_n be_v powerful_a in_o italy_n who_o maintain_v to_o his_o utmost_a power_n the_o cause_n of_o katherine_n his_o aunt_n neither_o will_v the_o pope_n provoke_v henry_n because_o he_o have_v late_o employ_v both_o his_o pain_n and_o penny_n to_o redeem_v he_o from_o the_o emperor_n man_n who_o keep_v he_o prisoner_n henry_n boil_v in_o choler_n for_o this_o refusal_n yet_o dissemble_v it_o both_o by_o ambassador_n and_o letter_n continual_o solicit_v like_a and_o humble_o pray_v the_o pope_n and_o after_o he_o the_o prelate_n and_o peer_n of_o england_n by_o request_n sign_v with_o their_o own_o hand_n which_o they_o cause_v to_o be_v carry_v and_o present_v at_o his_o foot_n to_o confirm_v by_o his_o apostolical_a authority_n what_o the_o two_o academy_n of_o england_n of_o paris_n and_o many_o other_o and_o very_o learned_a and_o most_o entire_a man_n both_o within_o and_o without_o the_o realm_n have_v set_v down_o for_o a_o truth_n and_o be_v ready_a to_o mainiaine_n it_o both_o by_o word_n and_o writing_n represent_v unto_o he_o that_o it_o will_v be_v a_o remarkable_a unhappiness_n if_o he_o shall_v not_o obtain_v this_o favour_n from_o the_o apostolical_a sea_n he_o be_v the_o only_a man_n that_o have_v employ_v his_o sword_n his_o pen_n his_o word_n and_o power_n to_o defend_v the_o authority_n of_o the_o pope_n and_o resist_v many_o that_o strive_v against_o it_o shall_v be_v the_o only_a man_n to_o be_v deny_v the_o benefit_n of_o it_o and_o therefore_o they_o conjure_v he_o to_o grant_v it_o for_o fear_v that_o intestine_a war_n shall_v rise_v for_o the_o right_n of_o succession_n notwithstanding_o the_o clergy_n fear_v lest_o the_o
pity_v she_o fol._n 178._o the_o privy-councell_n consult_v of_o it_o ibid._n the_o council_n resolve_v she_o shall_v be_v retain_v in_o england_n fol._n 179._o the_o countess_n of_o lenox_n complain_v of_o she_o ibid._n the_o baron_n of_o heris_fw-la intercede●_n for_o she_o fol._n 180._o earl_n murray_n be_v command_v to_o yield_v a_o reason_n of_o the_o queen_n depose_n ibid._n deputy_n for_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n fol._n 181._o other_o for_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n ibid._n lidingtons_n declaration_n to_o the_o scot_n ibid._n the_o protestation_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n fol._n 182._o a_o declaration_n for_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n fol._n 183._o the_o answer_n of_o the_o king_n deputy_n fol._n 184._o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n reply_n 185._o murray_n refuse_v to_o yield_v a_o account_n of_o the_o queen_n depose_n fol._n 188._o authority_n of_o the_o commissioner_n revoke_v fol._n 189._o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n glad_a ibid._n new_a commissioner_n grant_v ibid._n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n will_v not_o submit_v her_o cause_n to_o their_o hear_n but_o upon_o condition_n fol._n 190._o the_o proceed_n dissolve_v ibid._n debate_v about_o the_o government_n of_o scotland_n fol._n 191._o murray_n offer_v to_o marry_v the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n yet_o disperse_v rumour_n against_o she_o fol._n 192._o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n be_v suspect_v ibid._n the_o three_o civil_a war_n in_o france_n fol._n 193._o the_o french_a and_o fleming_n make_v england_n their_o refuge_n and_o be_v the_o first_o that_o make_v bay_n &_o say_v &_o other_o light_n stuff_v linen_n and_o woollen_a fol._n 194._o the_o beginning_n of_o the_o war_n in_o the_o low-countries_n ibid._n ferdinando_n aluares_n duke_n of_o alva_n constitute_v supreme_a governor_n fol._n 195._o money_n send_v into_o the_o low-countries_n detain_v in_o england_n ibid._n the_o englishman_n good_n detain_v and_o seize_v upon_o in_o the_o low-countries_n fol._n 196._o the_o like_a do_v to_o the_o fleming_n in_o england_n fol._n 197._o the_o death_n of_o roger_n askam_n ibid._n anno_fw-la m.d.lxix_o a_o proclamation_n touch_v good_n detain_v by_o the_o duke_n of_o alua._n 1569._o fol._n 198._o a_o declaration_n against_o the_o say_a proclamation_n ibid._n practice_n against_o cecil_n fol._n 199._o the_o money_n former_o detain_v in_o england_n be_v demand_v by_o the_o duke_n of_o alua._n fol._n 200._o free_a traffic_n establish_v at_o hamborough_n for_o the_o english_a ibid._n doctor_n story_n take_v ibid._n the_o duke_n of_o alva_n enrage_v against_o the_o english_a ibid._n man_n of_o war_n call_v in_o fol._n 201._o traffic_n of_o russia_n hinder_v ibid._n the_o liberty_n of_o the_o english_a in_o russia_n ibid._n their_o traffic_n into_o russia_n fol._n 202._o and_o into_o persia_n by_o the_o caspian_a sea_n ibid._n a_o russian_a ambassador_n come_v into_o england_n fol._n 202._o alliance_n with_o russia_n fol._n 203._o the_o emperor_n of_o muscovia_n and_o russia_n be_v irritate_v and_o inflame_v against_o the_o english_a ibid._n murray_n appease_v the_o friend_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n fol._n 204._o rumour_n spread_v throughout_o scotland_n against_o murray_n ibid._n queen_n elizabeth_n be_v diligent_a and_o do_v endeavour_n to_o quench_v such_o false_a rumour_n fol._n 205._o she_o deal_v by_o letter_n concern_v her_o restore_n fol._n 206._o a_o marriage_n intend_v between_o the_o prince_n of_o scotland_n and_o margaret_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n only_a daughter_n fol._n 207._o murray_v proprsition_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n ibid._n throckmortons_n counsel_n fol._n 208._o proposition_n of_o the_o match_n make_v by_o leicester_n to_o the_o duke_n fol._n 209._o the_o article_n of_o marriage_n propound_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n ibid._n she_o agree_v to_o they_o in_o some_o manner_n fol._n 210._o a_o design_n to_o free_v the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n fol._n 211._o notice_n be_v give_v thereof_o to_o queen_n elizabeth_n ibid._n the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n reveal_v the_o whole_a business_n to_o the_o queen_n at_o tichfield_n fol._n 212._o she_o rebuke_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n ibid._n the_o duke_n depart_v the_o court_n without_o leave_n ibid._n cecil_n find_v out_o the_o matter_n fol._n 213._o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n go_v into_o norfolk_n ibid._n fear_v cause_v in_o the_o court_n through_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n fol._n 214._o he_o return_v to_o the_o court_n ibid._n murray_n discover_v the_o business_n ibid._n the_o duke_n and_o other_o be_v imprison_v fol._n 215._o their_o complice_n crave_v pardon_n fol._n 216._o libel_n against_o the_o marriage_n ibid._n chapin_n vittelli_n come_v into_o england_n and_o why_o ibid._n rebellion_n in_o the_o north_n by_o northumberland_n and_o westmoreland_n fol._n 217._o the_o rebel_n prteext_n fol._n 219._o their_o declaration_n ibid._n they_o write_v to_o the_o papist_n fol._n 220._o they_o rend_v and_o tread_v underfoot_o the_o bible_n ibid._n their_o colour_n and_o number_n ibid._n they_o returning_z take_v bernard_n castle_n and_o fly_v fol._n 221._o some_o be_v put_v to_o death_n fol._n 222._o some_o be_v banish_v ibid._n a_o new_a rebellion_n ibid._n the_o rebel_n be_v defeat_v fol._n 223._o queen_n elizabeth_z lend_v succour_v to_o the_o reform_a church_n in_o france_n fol._n 224._o the_o end_n of_o the_o table_n of_o the_o content_n of_o the_o first_o book_n a_o table_n of_o the_o content_n of_o this_o matchless_a and_o famous_a history_n the_o second_o book_n anno_fw-la m.d.lxx_o the_o earl_n of_o murray_n demand_v that_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n may_v be_v put_v into_o his_o hand_n 1570._o fol._n 233._o he_o pursue_v the_o english_a rebel_n and_o be_v sudden_o slay_v 234._o diverse_a opinion_n be_v have_v of_o he_o 235._o the_o scot_n and_o english_a rebel_n make_v incursion_n upon_o england_n 236._o the_o english_a take_v revenge_n thereof_o 237._o and_o succour_v those_o of_o the_o king_n party_n in_o scotland_n ibid._n they_o take_v the_o castle_n of_o hamilton_n 238._o the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n be_v establish_v viceroy_n of_o scotland_n 239._o the_o king_n of_o spain_n give_v succour_n against_o those_o who_o be_v of_o the_o king_n side_n ibid._n the_o lord_n setone_n his_o embassage_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o alua._n 239._o the_o answer_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o alua._n 241._o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n be_v set_v at_o liberty_n who_o labour_v the_o liberty_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n 242._o they_o consult_v about_o the_o freedom_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n 243._o the_o sentence_n of_o pope_n pius_n the_o five_o against_o queen_n elizabeth_n 245._o rebellion_n in_o norfolk_n as_o soon_o end_v as_o begin_v 249._o felton_n punish_v for_o stick_v up_o the_o pope_n bull._n ibid._n the_o papist_n and_o great_a part_n contemn_v the_o bull._n ibid._n diverse_a be_v imprison_v 250._o sussex_n choose_v a_o privy_a counsellor_n 251._o treaty_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n ibid._n the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n answer_n to_o the_o proposition_n of_o the_o english_a 253._o they_o can_v agree_v 254._o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n require_v help_v to_o free_v the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n 255._o the_o death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o cumberlend_n ibid._n the_o death_n of_o nicholas_n throcmorton_n 256._o rebellion_n in_o ireland_n quench_v before_o they_o see_v the_o day_n ibid._n stukley_n fly_v out_o of_o ireland_n 257._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxi_o the_o royal_a exchange_n name_v fol._n 258._o 1571._o the_o creation_n of_o baron_n burghley_n ibid._n the_o manner_n of_o create_v baron_n 259._o letter_n from_o the_o pope_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n ibid._n edict_n of_o the_o scot_n against_o the_o authority_n royal_a condemn_v by_o queen_n elizabeth_n 260._o the_o demand_n of_o the_o english_a for_o the_o freedom_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n 261._o the_o english_a refuse_v the_o offer_n of_o the_o scot_n 261._o alteration_n among_o the_o scot_n 262._o complaint_n of_o the_o scot_n against_o the_o english_a ibid._n a_o remembrance_n send_v from_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n 263._o the_o counsel_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n 265._o the_o attempt_n of_o other_o 266._o a_o great_a earthquake_n ibid._n the_o embassage_n of_o baron_n buckhurst_n 267._o a_o proposition_n of_o a_o match_n between_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n ibid._n the_o hope_n which_o they_o conceive_v with_o the_o article_n of_o marriage_n 268._o the_o answer_n ibid._n to_o what_o end_n this_o marriage_n be_v propose_v 270._o they_o haste_v the_o marriage_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n 271._o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n and_o other_o commit_v 272._o money_o send_v into_o scotland_n ibid._n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o other_o commit_v to_o the_o tower_n 274._o proposition_n touch_v a_o ambassador_n answer_v 276._o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n question_v 277._o he_o decline_v from_o the_o english_a witness_n ibid._n
lenox_n viceroy_n of_o scotland_n be_v slay_v 279._o the_o earl_n of_o marre_n be_v elect_v viceroy_n ibid._n law_n against_o disturber_n ibid._n law_n against_o papist_n 280._o john_n story_n condemn_v to_o die_v 282._o difference_n appease_v between_o the_o english_a and_o the_o portugal_n in_o guienne_n ibid._n marquis_n of_o northampton_n die_v 283._o the_o death_n of_o bishop_n jewel_n ibid._n affair_n in_o ireland_n 284._o william_n fitz-williams_n deputy_n ibid._n anno_fw-la m.d.lxxii_o thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n be_v present_v before_o the_o noble_n and_o peer_n and_o arraign_v in_o westminster_n hall_n 1572._o 285._o the_o manner_n of_o his_o arraignment_n 286._o the_o chief_a point_n of_o his_o accusation_n 287._o the_o duke_n demand_v a_o advocate_n to_o plead_v his_o cause_n ibid._n the_o second_o article_n of_o his_o accusation_n 290._o the_o three_o article_n 292._o his_o reply_n and_o that_o he_o be_v contrary_a to_o the_o roman_a religion_n 293._o the_o letter_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n produce_v ibid._n the_o duke_n letter_n to_o his_o servant_n 294._o the_o letter_n of_o ridolph_n ibid._n of_o the_o pope_n ibid._n the_o testimony_n of_o stranger_n ibid._n the_o three_o article_n of_o his_o accusation_n 295._o the_o peer_n consult_v among_o themselves_o ibid._n the_o sentence_n of_o death_n pronounce_v against_o the_o duke_n 296._o baray_n and_o marter_n be_v put_v to_o death_n 297._o earl_n create_v ibid._n baron_n elect_v 298._o law_n establish_v for_o the_o better_a security_n of_o the_o queen_n and_o her_o kingdom_n ibid._n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n behead_v ibid._n his_o speech_n at_o his_o death_n 299._o sundry_a censure_n of_o he_o 300._o catenes_n relation_n of_o the_o precedent_a matter_n 301._o pope_n pius_n the_o five_o incense_v against_o queen_n elizabeth_n employ_v robert_n ridolph_n a_o gentleman_n of_o florence_n into_o england_n 301._o he_o persuade_v the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o spain_n against_o she_o ibid._n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n accuse_v 304._o her_o answer_n 305._o sedition_n in_o scotland_n 306._o the_o queen_n of_o elngand_fw-mi and_o the_o king_n of_o france_n endeavour_n to_o accord_v they_o ibid._n they_o differ_v in_o opinion_n ibid._n cause_n allege_v why_o the_o french_a favour_n the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n 307._o the_o queen_n of_o england_n contest_v with_o the_o french_a ibid._n the_o rebellious_a fleming_n be_v command_v out_o of_o england_n take_v the_o breele_n 310._o the_o duke_n of_o alua_n carelessness_n ibid._n the_o english_a repair_n into_o the_o low-countries_n to_o war_n ibid._n the_o dissimulation_n of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n 311._o the_o alliance_n of_o blois_n ibid._n the_o article_n of_o the_o same_o ibid._n the_o confirmation_n thereof_o 313._o mont-morancy_a admit_v to_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n 314._o he_o intercede_v to_o accord_v the_o difference_n of_o scotland_n ibid._n answer_v make_v unto_o he_o ibid._n he_o also_o treat_v of_o a_o marriage_n with_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n 315._o the_o massacre_n of_o paris_n ibid._n marriage_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o alanzon_n propound_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_n 316._o the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n behead_v ibid._n death_n of_o the_o marquis_n of_o winchester_n and_o of_o the_o earl_n of_o derby_n ibid._n cecil_n make_v treasurer_n ibid._n death_n of_o sir_n george_n peter_n 317_o queen_n elizabeth_n sick_a ibid._n her_o care_n of_o the_o public_a ibid._n she_o cut_v off_o the_o superfluous_a number_n of_o follower_n attend_v nobleman_n and_o curb_v enquirer_n after_o conceal_a land_n of_o the_o crown_n 318._o rebellion_n in_o ireland_n also_o the_o omore_n rebellion_n there_o 319._o a_o strange_a star_n 319._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxiii_o 1573._o the_o spanish_a fleet_n discomfit_v by_o the_o hollander_n 321._o queen_n elizabeth_n discharge_v her_o father_n and_o brother_n debt_n 322._o the_o papist_n trouble_v the_o commonwealth_n 323._o the_o ambassage_n of_o gondy_n count_n of_o rez_n 324._o ambassage_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o worcester_n into_o france_n 325._o the_o french_a protestant_n handle_v the_o french_a papist_n in_o england_n shrewd_o and_o the_o french_a leger_n ambassador_n complain_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_z for_o aid_v the_o protestant_n besiege_v ibid._n she_o be_v earnest_o solicit_v to_o marry_v with_o the_o d._n of_o alanzon_n 326_o she_o grant_v he_o leave_v to_o come_v into_o england_n 327._o gondy_n return_v into_o england_n and_o earl_n morton_n be_v make_v regent_n of_o scotland_n 329._o the_o english_a be_v send_v to_o besiege_v edenborrough_n 332._o the_o castle_n besiege_v yield_v 333._o kircald_a and_o other_o hang_v and_o lidington_n die_v 334._o lodowick_n zuniga_n succeed_v duke_n d'alua_fw-la 335._o burche_n heresy_n for_o which_o he_o be_v hang_v 336._o the_o lord_n of_o effingham_n the_o earl_n of_o kent_n and_o caius_z the_o physician_n die_v ibid._n trouble_n in_o ireland_n &_o the_o earl_n of_o essex_n be_v send_v thither_o 338._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxiiii_o 1574._o alanzon_n desire_v to_o visit_v queen_n elizabeth_n and_o have_v leave_v to_o come_v into_o england_n 342._o he_o suspect_v in_o france_n have_v a_o guard_n set_v over_o he_o 343._o charles_n the_o nine_o king_n of_o france_n die_v and_o the_o right_n noble_a roger_n lord_n north_n be_v send_v ambassador_n extraordinary_a to_o henry_n of_o valois_n king_n of_o france_n and_o poland_n 344._o the_o earl_n of_o huntingdon_n make_v precedent_n of_o the_o north._n 345._o a_o edict_n against_o pride_n 346._o london_n minister_n deceive_v a_o whale_n cast_v on_o shore_n thames_n ebb_v &_o flow_v twice_o in_o one_o hour_n the_o sky_n seem_v to_o burn_v 347._o 1575._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxv_o the_o league_n with_o france_n renew_v 349._o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n intend_v to_o fly_v to_o the_o protection_n of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n 352._o the_o embassy_n of_o campigni_n and_o the_o requisens_n die_v 354._o the_o death_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o chastelraut_v 357._o the_o earl_n of_o essex_n distress_v in_o ireland_n ibid._n sidney_n progress_n in_o ireland_n for_o the_o three_o time_n deputie_n there_o 358._o the_o death_n of_o peter_n carew_n 359._o 1576._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxvi_o queen_n elizab._n be_v offer_v a_o match_n by_o the_o french_a 361._o a_o confusion_n in_o the_o netherlands_o antwerp_n sack_v by_o the_o spanish_a mutineer_n 362._o the_o come_n of_o john_n d'austria_fw-la into_o flanders_n 363._o sir_n martin_n forbisher_n send_v to_o discover_v the_o strait_o in_o the_o north_n part_n of_o america_n 364._o the_o death_n of_o the_o emperor_n maximilian_n and_o of_o the_o elector_n palatine_n heavy_a to_o queen_n elizabeth_n who_o send_v sir_n philip_n sidney_n ambassador_n extraordinary_a to_o rodulphus_fw-la his_o successor_n 365._o the_o death_n of_o walter_n devoreux_n earl_n of_o essex_n and_o of_o sir_n anthony_n coke_n 367._o tumult_n in_o ireland_n and_o william_n drury_n make_v precedent_n of_o munster_n 368._o the_o queen_n take_v pity_n of_o the_o irish_a 369._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxvii_o 1577._o avstria_n incline_v to_o peace_n at_o queen_n elizabeth_n persuasion_n 370._o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n divert_v she_o from_o it_o 371._o sir_n thomas_n copley_n make_v baron_n in_o france_n 372._o john_n of_o austria_n dissimulation_n ibid._n why_o queen_n elizabeth_n covenant_v with_o the_o scot_n 373._o spain_n be_v please_v with_o it_o 375._o england_n the_o balance_n of_o europe_n 376._o priest_n maine_n execute_v baron_n of_o latimer_n and_o secretary_n smith_n of_o saffron_n walden_n die_v 377._o rebellion_n again_o in_o ireland_n and_o rorio_n oge_n be_v slay_v harington_n and_o cosby_n wound_v 378._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxviii_o 1578._o queen_n elizabeth_n care_n for_o the_o low-countries_n 380._o count_n swartzeberg_n bellieure_fw-fr and_o cobham_n deputy_n for_o france_n germany_n and_o england_n and_o for_o the_o treaty_n of_o peace_n and_o egremond_n ratcliff_n and_o his_o associate_n be_v put_v to_o death_n and_o don_n juan_n de_fw-fr austria_n die_v 381._o aniou_n duke_n pursue_v his_o intend_a marriage_n with_o qu._n eliz._n and_o leicester_n murmur_n at_o it_o 383._o the_o countess_n of_o lenox_n death_n ibid._n king_n james_n send_v a_o ambassador_n to_o queen_n elizab._n 385._o morton_n regent_z take_v upon_o he_o the_o administration_n of_o the_o realm_n again_o 386._o the_o peer_n be_v against_o he_o 387._o how_o to_o invade_v england_n consult_v by_o spain_n 387._o thomas_n stukley_n a_o traitor_n take_v arm_n against_o his_o country_n and_o be_v slay_v with_o three_o king_n 388._o william_n drury_n make_v lord_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n 389._o 1579._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxix_o cassimiere_n palatin_n son_n come_v into_o england_n 390._o queen_n elizabeth_n send_v money_n into_o holland_n 391._o one_o be_v shoot_v with_o a_o pistol_n who_o be_v in_o queen_n elizabeth_n barge_n with_o her_o majesty_n the_o french_a ambassador_n the_o earl_n of_o lincoln_n and_o sir_n christopher_n hatton_n 392._o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n come_v into_o england_n ibid._n
agree_v and_o conclude_v such_o article_n as_o be_v here_o set_v down_o almost_o in_o the_o same_o word_n that_o none_o of_o these_o sovereign_n shall_v go_v about_o to_o invade_v each_o other_o country_n second_o nor_o give_v assistance_n to_o any_o that_o shall_v intend_v any_o such_o design_n if_o any_o of_o their_o subject_n shall_v attempt_v any_o thing_n tend_v to_o that_o effect_n they_o shall_v be_v punish_v and_o the_o peace_n thereby_o not_o infringe_v nor_o violate_v the_o commerce_n shall_v be_v free_a and_o that_o the_o subject_n of_o each_o prince_n who_o have_v ship_n of_o war_n before_o they_o go_v to_o sea_n shall_v give_v sufficient_a caution_n not_o to_o rob_v each_o other_o subject_n the_o fortification_n of_o aymouth_n in_o scotland_n shall_v be_v raise_v that_o the_o french_a king_n shall_v enjoy_v peaceable_o for_o the_o space_n of_o eight_o year_n calais_n and_o the_o appurtenance_n thereunto_o as_o also_o sixteen_o of_o the_o great_a piece_n of_o ordnance_n and_o that_o time_n be_v expire_v he_o shall_v deliver_v it_o up_o into_o the_o hand_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o that_o eight_o sufficient_a merchant_n such_o as_o be_v not_o subject_n to_o the_o french_a king_n shall_v enter_v into_o bond_n for_o the_o payment_n of_o five_o hundred_o thousand_o crown_n to_o be_v pay_v if_o calais_n be_v not_o restore_v notwithstanding_o the_o right_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_z still_o to_o remain_v firm_a and_o whole_a and_o that_o five_o hostage_n shall_v be_v give_v to_o her_o majesty_n until_o such_o time_n as_o these_o caution_n shall_v be_v put_v in_o if_o during_o that_o time_n something_o may_v be_v attempt_v or_o alter_v by_o queen_n elizabeth_n or_o her_o majesty_n subject_n of_o her_o own_o authority_n command_n and_o approbation_n by_o arm_n direct_o or_o indirect_o against_o the_o most_o christian_a french_a king_n or_o the_o most_o mighty_a queen_n of_o scotland_n they_o shall_v be_v quit_v and_o discharge_v of_o all_o promise_n and_o faith_n plight_v to_o that_o purpose_n the_o hostage_n and_o the_o merchant_n shall_v be_v freeed_o if_o either_o by_o the_o say_a christian_a king_n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n or_o the_o dolphin_n any_o thing_n shall_v be_v attempt_v against_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n they_o shall_v be_v bind_v to_o yield_v she_o the_o possession_n of_o calais_n without_o any_o further_a delay_n scotland_n at_o the_o very_a same_o time_n and_o place_n and_o by_o the_o same_o deputy_n there_o be_v also_o a_o peace_n conclude_v between_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n and_o francis_n and_o mary_n king_n and_o queen_n of_o the_o scot_n whereupon_o they_o bring_v unto_o the_o english_a &_o scots_a certain_a article_n concern_v the_o grant_n of_o safe_a conduct_n for_o those_o who_o have_v spoil_v and_o robe_v the_o frontier_n and_o for_o the_o fugitive_n of_o the_o country_n about_o which_o there_o be_v a_o meeting_n at_o vpsaltington_n between_o the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n cuthbert_n tunstall_n bishop_n of_o dunelme_n gu._n lord_n dacre_n of_o grillesland_n and_o jac._n croft_n captain_n of_o the_o town_n and_o castle_n of_o berwick_n all_o englishman_n on_o the_o one_o part_n the_o earl_n of_o morton_n the_o lord_n of_o home_n and_o s._n cler._n deane_n of_o glasco_n all_o scottishman_n on_o the_o other_o part_n they_o proclaim_v throughout_o all_o england_n the_o peace_n conclude_v between_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n the_o king_n of_o france_n the_o dolphin_n and_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n which_o seem_v very_o harsh_a unto_o the_o people_n and_o conceive_v to_o be_v much_o dishonourable_a in_o regard_n that_o calais_n which_o they_o have_v lose_v be_v not_o restore_v the_o protestant_n lay_v the_o fault_n upon_o the_o papist_n calais_n and_o they_o upon_o the_o baron_n wentworth_n a_o protestant_n who_o have_v be_v under_o the_o government_n of_o queen_n mary_n accuse_v in_o that_o behalf_n and_o not_o bring_v to_o public_a hear_n be_v again_o tax_v and_o bring_v to_o judgement_n but_o upon_o hear_v be_v free_v by_o the_o sentence_n of_o the_o peer_n but_o rad._n chamberlain_n who_o have_v be_v sometime_o governor_n of_o the_o castle_n of_o calais_n and_o john_n hurleston_n of_o the_o fort_n of_o risbanc_n be_v adjudge_v to_o die_v as_o guilty_a de_fw-fr laesa_fw-la maiestate_fw-la for_o abandon_v their_o place_n howsoever_o their_o censure_n be_v remit_v the_o parliament_n be_v ready_a to_o break_v up_o those_o which_o be_v there_o think_v good_a to_o advise_v the_o queen_n forthwith_o to_o marry_v the_o great_a one_o be_v unwilling_a to_o yield_v to_o that_o marry_v for_o fear_n lest_o some_o of_o they_o may_v be_v think_v to_o make_v this_o proposition_n out_o of_o some_o hope_n which_o they_o may_v have_v for_o themselves_o have_v then_o appoint_v th._n gargrave_n deputy_n of_o the_o lower-house_n to_o deliver_v this_o message_n he_o address_v himself_o to_o the_o queen_n with_o a_o few_o choice_n man_n have_v first_o by_o way_n of_o preamble_n entreat_v admittance_n and_o excuse_v himself_o with_o the_o graciousnesse_n of_o her_o majesty_n and_o the_o importance_n of_o the_o affair_n he_o have_v to_o deliver_v by_o this_o mean_v procure_v audience_n and_o in_o this_o manner_n speak_v unto_o her_o madam_n there_o be_v nothing_o which_o we_o continual_o beg_v at_o the_o hand_n of_o god_n with_o more_o ardent_a prayer_n purpose_n than_o the_o perpetuity_n of_o that_o happiness_n which_o your_o just_a and_o vigilant_a government_n have_v hitherto_o procure_v unto_o the_o english_a nation_n but_o we_o can_v conceive_v how_o this_o shall_v always_o continue_v unless_o that_o which_o we_o can_v hope_v for_o you_o shall_v continual_o reign_v or_o by_o dispose_v yourself_o to_o marriage_n may_v leave_v child_n which_o may_v inherit_v both_o your_o virtue_n and_o kingdom_n together_o the_o almighty_a and_o good_a god_n so_o grant_v this_o madam_n be_v the_o simple_a and_o unanime_fw-la desire_n of_o all_o the_o english_a which_o be_v the_o conceit_n of_o all_o other_o every_o one_o ought_v to_o have_v a_o care_n of_o that_o place_n and_o estate_n he_o have_v and_o prince_n especial_o that_o since_o they_o be_v but_o mortal_a the_o commonwealth_n may_v be_v perpetuise_v in_o immortality_n now_o this_o eternity_n you_o may_v give_v unto_o the_o english_a if_o as_o nature_n age_n and_o your_o beauty_n require_v you_o will_v espouse_v yourself_o unto_o a_o husband_n who_o may_v assist_v and_o comfort_v you_o and_o as_o a_o companion_n participate_v both_o in_o your_o prosperity_n and_o adversity_n for_o questionless_a the_o only_a assistance_n of_o a_o husband_n be_v more_o avayleable_a in_o the_o order_n of_o affair_n than_o the_o help_n of_o a_o great_a many_o join_v together_o and_o nothing_o can_v be_v more_o repugnant_a to_o the_o common_a good_a than_o to_o see_v a_o princess_n who_o by_o marriage_n may_v preserve_v the_o commonwealth_n in_o peace_n to_o lead_v a_o single_a life_n like_o a_o vestal_a nun_n king_n must_v leave_v their_o child_n their_o kingdom_n which_o be_v leave_v they_o by_o their_o ancestor_n that_o by_o they_o they_o may_v be_v embellish_v and_o be_v settle_v and_o the_o english_a have_v never_o have_v great_a care_n than_o to_o preserve_v the_o royal_a house_n from_o default_n of_o issue_n which_o be_v fresh_a in_o memory_n when_o henry_n the_o seven_o your_o grandfather_n provide_v marriage_n for_o arthur_n and_o henry_n his_o child_n be_v yet_o of_o tender_a year_n and_o how_o your_o father_n procure_v in_o marriage_n for_o edward_n his_o son_n have_v scarce_o attain_a to_o eight_o year_n of_o age_n marry_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n and_o sithence_o how_o mary_n your_o sister_n notwithstanding_o she_o be_v deep_o strike_v in_o year_n marry_v philip_n the_o king_n of_o spain_n so_o as_o if_o the_o want_n of_o issue_n be_v ordinary_o give_v by_o god_n as_o a_o curse_n unto_o private_a family_n how_o great_a a_o offence_n be_v it_o then_o in_o a_o princess_n to_o be_v a_o voluntary_a author_n of_o it_o to_o herself_o since_o so_o many_o misery_n ensue_v thereby_o that_o they_o must_v needs_o pester_v the_o commonwealth_n with_o a_o multitude_n of_o calamity_n which_o be_v fearful_a to_o imagine_v but_o madam_n we_o this_o small_a number_n of_o your_o subject_n who_o here_o humble_a ourselves_o at_o your_o majesty_n foot_n and_o in_o our_o person_n all_o england_n in_o general_a and_o every_o englishman_n in_o particular_a do_v most_o humble_o beseech_v and_o with_o continual_a sigh_n conjure_v your_o majesty_n to_o take_v such_o order_n that_o that_o may_v not_o be_v this_o be_v the_o whole_a sum_n of_o what_o he_o speak_v unto_o she_o with_o a_o great_a deal_n of_o eloquence_n and_o more_o word_n to_o who_o in_o few_o word_n she_o answer_v thus_o in_o a_o thing_n which_o be_v not_o much_o please_v unto_o i_o all_o the_o infallible_a testimony_n of_o your_o good_a will_n and_o all_o the_o
that_o they_o shall_v forbear_v absolute_o to_o bear_v these_o arm_n by_o the_o intercession_n of_o m._n memorency_n the_o guize_n emulator_n who_o think_v it_o not_o to_o be_v any_o honour_n for_o the_o king_n of_o france_n to_o take_v any_o other_o title_n or_o to_o grave_n in_o his_o seal_n any_o other_o arm_n than_o the_o arm_n of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o show_v that_o this_o title_n alone_o be_v of_o more_o importance_n than_o many_o other_o and_o that_o the_o precedent_a king_n have_v no_o other_o when_o they_o seek_v their_o right_n in_o naples_n and_o milan_n and_o true_o from_o these_o title_n and_o these_o arm_n which_o the_o king_n of_o france_n at_o the_o instigation_n of_o the_o guize_n have_v take_v from_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n then_o under_o age_n scotland_n all_o the_o disaster_n which_o afterward_o happen_v unto_o she_o have_v flow_v from_o that_o for_o from_o thence_o come_v the_o enmity_n open_o declare_v by_o queen_n elizabeth_z against_o the_o guize_n and_o those_o which_o she_o practise_v against_o she_o private_o which_o by_o the_o subtle_a malice_n of_o man_n who_o make_v use_v of_o the_o grow_a envy_n and_o of_o the_o occasion_n which_o spring_v from_o day_n to_o day_n have_v be_v so_o foment_v on_o both_o side_n that_o nothing_o can_v extinguish_v they_o but_o death_n for_o sovereignty_n admit_v no_o companion_n and_o enmity_n against_o majesty_n be_v grievous_a a_o few_o day_n after_o english_a in_o stead_n of_o give_v four_o hostage_n for_o the_o town_n of_o calais_n as_o they_o be_v bind_v by_o the_o treaty_n of_o cambray_n they_o give_v only_o three_o the_o english_a merchant_n be_v injurious_o deal_v with_o in_o france_n one_o of_o the_o ambassador_n throgmortons_n servant_n be_v send_v to_o the_o galley_n which_o f._n great_a prior_n of_o france_n have_v take_v &_o carry_v away_o by_o force_n from_o a_o public_a place_n some_o pistol_n be_v shoot_v at_o the_o ambassador_n himself_o and_o in_o his_o own_o lodging_n and_o to_o make_v he_o the_o more_o contemptible_a he_o be_v serve_v at_o the_o table_n with_o no_o other_o vessel_n but_o such_o as_o the_o arm_n of_o england_n and_o france_n be_v joint_o grave_v on_o final_o la_o brosse_n be_v send_v into_o scotland_n with_o a_o troop_n of_o choice_n man_n galley_n be_v send_v for_o from_o marseilles_n and_o from_o the_o mediterranean_a sea_n those_o in_o scotland_n scotland_n which_o profess_v the_o protestant_n religion_n and_o qualify_v themselves_o with_o the_o title_n of_o the_o assembly_n persuade_v by_o certain_a heady_a minister_n and_o especial_o by_o knox_n a_o most_o hot_a controller_n of_o the_o royal_a authority_n that_o it_o behoove_v the_o peer_n of_o the_o realm_n to_o take_v away_o idolatry_n from_o their_o authority_n &_o by_o force_n to_o settle_v the_o prince_n within_o the_o limit_n prescribe_v by_o the_o law_n have_v already_o refuse_v to_o obey_v the_o queen-mother_n regent_n and_o regent_n though_o she_o be_v a_o modest_a and_o a_o prudent_a woman_n change_v religion_n tumultuous_o ransack_v and_o burn_v the_o sacred_a place_n &_o draw_v to_o their_o party_n hamilton_n duke_n of_o chastelraut_v the_o most_o powerful_a of_o all_o the_o kingdom_n much_o provoke_v by_o the_o wrong_n do_v by_o the_o french_a and_o many_o noble_n be_v bait_v with_o hope_n to_o have_v the_o ecclesiastical_a revenue_n insomuch_o as_o they_o seem_v not_o to_o think_v of_o religion_n but_o to_o plot_v in_o good_a earnest_n a_o revolt_n against_o the_o queen_n regent_n and_o against_o the_o french_a which_o make_v war_n in_o scotland_n and_o accuse_v james_n prior_n of_o saint_n andrew_n bastard_n brother_n to_o the_o queen_n their_o coriphea_n who_o since_o be_v count_n of_o mura_n to_o have_v covet_v the_o kingdom_n from_o his_o sister_n but_o by_o the_o holy_a protestation_n which_o he_o make_v unto_o they_o he_o take_v away_o all_o suspicion_n of_o have_v any_o other_o aim_n but_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n and_o the_o country_n liberty_n and_o that_o see_v it_o oppress_v by_o the_o queen_n regent_n and_o the_o french_a he_o can_v not_o choose_v but_o lament_v most_o bitter_o for_o it_o they_o send_v william_n maitland_n of_o lidington_n secretary_n elizabeth_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o he_o in_o a_o pitiful_a discourse_n complain_v to_o she_o that_o since_o the_o marriage_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n with_o the_o dauphin_n the_o administration_n of_o the_o kingdom_n have_v be_v change_v strange_a soldier_n spoil_v and_o ruin_v all_o the_o french_a be_v place_v in_o the_o chief_a office_n of_o the_o kingdom_n the_o castle_n and_o strong_a place_n put_v into_o their_o hand_n the_o pure_a money_n corrupt_v for_o their_o particular_a profit_n and_o that_o by_o these_o device_n and_o the_o like_a they_o fortify_v themselves_o fraudulent_o to_o take_v away_o the_o kingdom_n as_o soon_o as_o the_o queen_n shall_v be_v dead_a cecil_n who_o be_v the_o principal_a minister_n that_o queen_n elizabeth_z use_v in_o this_o business_n and_o in_o all_o other_o for_o his_o singular_a wisdom_n employ_v h._n percy_n who_o afterward_o be_v earl_n of_o northumberland_n to_o know_v what_o end_n the_o lord_n of_o that_o assembly_n propound_v to_o themselves_o what_o mean_v they_o have_v to_o obtain_v that_o which_o they_o desire_v and_o if_o one_o shall_v send_v they_o succour_n upon_o what_o condition_n may_v amity_n be_v maintain_v between_o the_o two_o kingdom_n they_o answer_v that_o they_o propound_v not_o to_o themselves_o any_o other_o end_n but_o the_o advancement_n of_o the_o glory_n of_o jesus_n christ_n and_o the_o sincere_a preach_n of_o god_n word_n to_o extirpate_v superstition_n and_o idolatry_n and_o to_o keep_v the_o liberty_n of_o their_o ancestor_n which_o they_o know_v not_o by_o what_o mean_v it_o may_v be_v do_v but_o they_o hope_v that_o god_n will_v give_v success_n to_o their_o design_n according_a to_o their_o desire_n to_o the_o confusion_n of_o their_o adversary_n and_o as_o for_o the_o entertain_v of_o amity_n between_o the_o two_o kingdom_n that_o that_o be_v the_o abridgement_n of_o their_o wish_n and_o thereunto_o vow_v their_o good_n their_o faith_n and_o their_o constancy_n they_o deliberate_v slow_o of_o these_o thing_n in_o england_n thing_n because_o the_o scot_n be_v not_o well_o furnish_v with_o money_n and_o arm_n nor_o very_o faithful_a among_o themselves_o but_o they_o consider_v that_o the_o marquis_n de_fw-fr elbeuf_n uncle_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n have_v levy_v man_n in_o germany_n by_o the_o mean_n of_o the_o ringrave_n for_o the_o scottish_a war_n that_o they_o have_v bring_v down_o into_o the_o haven_n piece_n for_o battery_n that_o the_o preparation_n which_o be_v make_v be_v great_a than_o be_v necessary_a for_o the_o restrain_v as_o be_v pretend_v of_o a_o small_a number_n of_o unarmed_a scot_n that_o the_o french_a to_o draw_v to_o their_o league_n the_o king_n of_o denmark_n promise_v he_o that_o the_o duke_n of_o lorraine_n shall_v quit_v the_o right_n which_o he_o pretend_v to_o have_v to_o his_o kingdom_n and_o that_o likewise_o the_o censure_n of_o the_o pope_n against_o the_o queen_n be_v more_o importunate_o solicit_v than_o ever_o and_o a_o sentence_n declaratory_a for_o the_o right_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n to_o england_n there_o be_v send_v upon_o the_o frontier_n of_o scotland_n one_o saddler_n a_o prudent_a man_n and_o the_o counsellor_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o northumberland_n who_o guard_v the_o south_n frontier_n and_o james_n croft_n governor_n of_o berwick_n for_o the_o council_n of_o england_n can_v not_o see_v what_o these_o thing_n tend_v unto_o except_o to_o invade_v england_n and_o to_o pursue_v by_o arm_n that_o which_o they_o attribute_v to_o themselves_o by_o their_o coat_n and_o title_n scotland_n now_o do_v they_o in_o england_n serious_o consult_v upon_o the_o business_n and_o it_o seem_v to_o they_o to_o be_v a_o very_a bad_a example_n that_o one_o prince_n shall_v lend_v aid_n and_o succour_v to_o the_o subject_n of_o another_o prince_n who_o raise_v up_o broil_n and_o tumult_n but_o it_o seem_v also_o that_o it_o be_v a_o impiety_n to_o abandon_v those_o who_o profess_v the_o same_o religion_n a_o slow_a wisdom_n to_o permit_v the_o french_a who_o be_v swear_v enemy_n to_o the_o name_n of_o english_a challenge_v the_o realm_n of_o england_n and_o enjoy_v at_o that_o time_n in_o all_o place_n a_o assure_a peace_n to_o remain_v arm_v in_o scotland_n so_o near_o england_n and_o so_o opportune_o for_o the_o invade_a of_o that_o side_n where_o noble_n and_o commons_o of_o england_n be_v most_o affectionate_a to_o the_o romish_a religion_n that_o it_o be_v to_o deliver_v cowardly_a into_o the_o enemy_n hand_n the_o safety_n of_o particular_n and_o the_o peace_n of_o the_o general_a for_o that_o cause_n it_o behoove_v not_o to_o stand_v upon_o dream_v and_o
and_o please_a to_o she_o but_o she_o can_v not_o yet_o find_v in_o her_o heart_n to_o marry_v in_o change_v her_o present_a condition_n which_o be_v unto_o she_o much_o more_o delightful_a &_o pray_v he_o to_o prove_v her_o good_a will_n in_o any_o other_o thing_n assure_v he_o that_o although_o he_o can_v not_o enjoy_v his_o desire_n nevertheless_o he_o shall_v perceive_v that_o his_o love_n have_v not_o be_v ill_o place_v and_o admonish_v he_o not_o to_o defer_v the_o time_n any_o long_o to_o make_v choice_n of_o a_o wife_n which_o may_v be_v worthy_a of_o he_o with_o this_o answer_n i._n c._n of_o finland_n return_v into_o his_o country_n after_o have_v employ_v all_o kind_n of_o mean_n to_o make_v this_o marriage_n in_o court_v her_o majesty_n importunate_o by_o bold_a demand_n use_v of_o great_a liberality_n towards_o her_o courtier_n captivate_a the_o good_a will_n of_o the_o inferior_a sort_n among_o which_o he_o often_o strew_v piece_n of_o silver_n tell_v they_o that_o when_o his_o brother_n shall_v come_v he_o will_v distribute_v large_o piece_n of_o gold_n to_o the_o common_a people_n in_o general_n nevertheless_o his_o brother_n suspect_v that_o he_o have_v make_v this_o suit_n for_o himself_o receive_v and_o entertain_v he_o ill_o at_o his_o return_n and_o obstinate_v himself_o in_o his_o design_n cease_v not_o to_o continue_v this_o suit_n two_o year_n after_o and_o make_v the_o condition_n of_o it_o to_o be_v propound_v by_o nicholas_n guildenstain_v but_o as_o he_o be_v imprudent_a and_o light_a at_o the_o same_o time_n he_o demand_v the_o daughter_n of_o philip_n landgrave_n of_o hessen_n have_v be_v refuse_v at_o last_o marry_v with_o a_o lady_n of_o mean_a condition_n but_o as_o for_o charles_n duke_n of_o austria_n he_o conceive_v such_o hope_n that_o his_o house_n already_o ally_v by_o marriage_n with_o great_a prince_n will_v be_v much_o more_o augment_v by_o the_o addition_n of_o the_o alliance_n with_o england_n and_o that_o the_o ancient_a religion_n shall_v be_v tolerate_v if_o not_o altogether_o establish_v which_o he_o so_o expect_v as_o a_o thing_n which_o he_o can_v not_o fail_v of_o and_o qu._n elizabeth_n take_v not_o at_o a_o instant_n this_o hope_n from_o he_o for_o her_o majesty_n show_v open_o to_o every_o one_o protest_v in_o the_o presence_n of_o c._n elphinstain_n and_o write_v to_o the_o emperor_n that_o of_o all_o the_o illustrious_a marriage_n which_o be_v propound_v to_o she_o there_o be_v not_o any_o more_o or_o great_a than_o that_o of_o the_o archduke_n that_o nevertheless_o neither_o the_o storm_n of_o danger_n have_v not_o power_n heretofore_o nor_o the_o favourable_a wind_n of_o honour_n can_v yet_o for_o the_o present_a divert_v she_o from_o that_o manner_n of_o life_n in_o which_o she_o have_v settle_v herself_o notwithstanding_o without_o be_v come_v so_o far_o as_o to_o renounce_v altogether_o the_o state_n of_o marriage_n and_o that_o she_o hope_v that_o god_n upon_o who_o goodness_n she_o whole_o support_v herself_o will_v address_v his_o end_n in_o that_o and_o in_o every_o other_o thing_n to_o the_o safety_n both_o of_o she_o and_o her_o subject_n holsatia_n adolphe_n likewise_o duke_n of_o holsatia_n be_v stir_v up_o by_o frederic_n the_o second_o king_n of_o denmark_n his_o nephew_n to_o hinder_v she_o from_o marry_v with_o the_o king_n of_o sueden_n and_o carry_v with_o hope_n to_o be_v able_a to_o effect_v it_o by_o the_o desire_n which_o herself_o have_v by_o her_o letter_n witness_v unto_o he_o that_o he_o be_v possess_v with_o the_o same_o affection_n towards_o the_o english_a as_o he_o have_v be_v long_o ago_o towards_o the_o spaniard_n and_o by_o the_o promise_n that_o she_o have_v most_o love_o make_v he_o he_o come_v into_o england_n where_o she_o entertain_v he_o royal_o honour_v he_o with_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n gratify_v he_o with_o a_o annual_a pension_n and_o through_o her_o extraordinary_a courtesy_n profess_v unto_o he_o her_o majesty_n oblige_v for_o ever_o a_o most_o illustrious_a prince_n who_o have_v purchase_v the_o renown_n to_o be_v a_o most_o famous_a warrior_n in_o a_o conquest_n late_o by_o he_o win_v against_o those_o of_o dithmars_n there_o be_v also_o in_o her_o kingdom_n certain_a lord_n who_o according_a to_o the_o custom_n of_o lover_n vain_o prate_v concern_v the_o marriage_n pickering_n viz._n sir_n william_n pickering_n knight_n of_o the_o order_n who_o have_v a_o indifferent_a good_a estate_n but_o honourable_o descend_v he_o through_o his_o rare_a study_n and_o affability_n have_v get_v much_o honour_n and_o no_o less_o applause_n by_o his_o ambassage_n in_o france_n and_o germany_n the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n a_o man_n of_o a_o most_o ancient_a house_n arundel_n no_o less_o great_a in_o mean_n than_o illustrious_a by_o birth_n but_o grow_v into_o year_n and_o robert_n dudley_n dudley_n the_o young_a son_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o northumberland_n who_o queen_n mary_n restore_v to_o his_o right_n and_o honour_n a_o noble_a young_a lord_n of_o most_o comely_a lineament_n of_o body_n who_o be_v as_o far_o in_o favour_n with_o the_o queen_n as_o his_o father_n and_o grandfather_n be_v general_o hate_v of_o the_o people_n out_o of_o a_o rare_a and_o royal_a clemency_n which_o she_o profess_v towards_o he_o in_o confer_v &_o heap_v honour_n upon_o he_o who_o father_n will_v have_v attempt_v her_o death_n whether_o this_o may_v proceed_v from_o some_o secret_a instinct_n of_o those_o virtue_n apparent_a in_o he_o or_o out_o of_o common_a respect_n they_o both_o be_v prisoner_n under_o queen_n marie_n or_o from_o their_o first_o procreation_n by_o a_o secret_a conjunction_n of_o the_o planet_n at_o the_o hour_n of_o their_o birth_n combine_v their_o heart_n in_o one_o no_o man_n can_v easy_o conceive_v howsoever_o it_o be_v it_o be_v most_o certain_a that_o only_a destiny_n cause_v prince_n to_o affect_v some_o and_o reject_v other_o in_o token_n of_o honour_n and_o for_o the_o testimony_n of_o her_o wellwishing_a towards_o he_o the_o first_o year_n of_o her_o reign_n favour_v after_o she_o have_v make_v he_o her_o champion_n she_o make_v he_o knight_n of_o the_o garter_n which_o among_o the_o english_a be_v the_o most_o honourable_a dignity_n of_o all_o with_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n the_o marquis_n of_o northampton_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o rutland_n at_o which_o every_o one_o wonder_v in_o the_o mean_a time_n viscount_n montaigu_n spain_n ambassador_n for_o spain_n move_v he_o of_o the_o necessity_n of_o the_o war_n of_o scotland_n and_o labour_v what_o in_o he_o lay_v to_o prevent_v the_o imputation_n of_o the_o scot_n to_o be_v rebel_n show_v he_o by_o the_o instruction_n wherein_o he_o be_v command_v but_o cold_o in_o regard_n he_o be_v a_o zealous_a professor_n of_o the_o roman_a religion_n that_o that_o which_o be_v establish_v in_o england_n be_v conformable_a and_o ground_v upon_o the_o holy_a scripture_n and_o the_o aecunomicke_a counsel_n and_o entreat_v he_o to_o renew_v the_o alliance_n of_o the_o burgundian_n former_o contract_v between_o the_o king_n of_o england_n and_o their_o predecessor_n the_o spaniard_n howsoever_o it_o be_v agreeable_a and_o usual_a among_o prince_n to_o confirm_v such_o a_o renovation_n in_o respect_n it_o give_v as_o it_o be_v life_n to_o their_o alliance_n and_o testify_v to_o the_o world_n their_o mutual_a good_a will_n and_o howsoever_o himself_o and_o charles_n his_o father_n in_o the_o treaty_n of_o marriage_n with_o mary_n queen_n of_o england_n in_o the_o year_n 1533._o be_v bind_v to_o confirm_v this_o alliance_n answer_v notwithstanding_o that_o it_o be_v needless_a lament_v the_o alteration_n of_o religion_n happen_v in_o england_n seem_v to_o distaste_v the_o raise_n of_o a_o army_n and_o root_a out_o the_o rebel_n in_o scotland_n and_o feign_a to_o be_v too_o late_o advertise_v thereof_o french_a but_o for_o all_o this_o he_o still_o oppose_v the_o design_n of_o the_o french_a who_o labour_v to_o excommunicate_v elizabeth_z and_o bring_v it_o so_o to_o pass_v that_o she_o can_v be_v no_o way_n subject_n to_o excommunication_n without_o his_o consent_n and_o to_o advertise_v she_o though_o it_o be_v too_o late_o that_o they_o ought_v for_o her_o advantage_n to_o insert_v in_o the_o article_n conclude_v with_o the_o king_n of_o france_n that_o if_o the_o french_a shall_v return_v into_o scotland_n it_o may_v be_v lawful_a for_o the_o english_a to_o expulse_v they_o and_o in_o express_a term_n to_o condition_n for_o the_o certain_a assurance_n of_o the_o restitution_n of_o calais_n the_o earl_n notwithstanding_o perceive_v well_o and_o so_o do_v the_o queen_n that_o he_o be_v displease_v as_o well_o by_o the_o circumstance_n i_o have_v relate_v garter_n as_o principal_o for_o that_o he_o re-delivered_n into_o the_o say_a viscount_n hand_n the_o token_n and_o ensign_n of_o the_o order_n
news_n i_o can_v well_o say_v whether_o the_o papist_n more_o lament_v or_o the_o protestant_n rejoice_v queen_n elizabeth_n now_o perceive_v herself_o more_o secure_a than_o ever_o before_o to_o the_o end_n that_o the_o church_n may_v subsist_v and_o increase_v in_o her_o party_n and_o that_o the_o commonwealth_n may_v more_o &_o more_o flourish_v in_o honour_n and_o riches_n proclaim_v two_o most_o wholesome_a edict_n by_o the_o first_o whereof_o she_o command_v all_o anabaptist_n and_o such_o other_o like_o heretic_n anabaptist_n who_o under_o pretence_n of_o shun_v persecution_n be_v come_v from_o country_n beyond_o the_o sea_n to_o certain_a port_n town_n upon_o the_o coast_n of_o england_n to_o depart_v the_o kingdom_n within_o twenty_o day_n whether_o they_o be_v native_a or_o stranger_n upon_o pain_n of_o imprisonment_n and_o forfeiture_n of_o their_o good_n person_n and_o by_o the_o second_o edict_n her_o majesty_n suppress_v a_o sect_n of_o sacrilegious_a man_n who_o under_o colour_n of_o extirpate_v superstition_n have_v begin_v to_o demolish_v ancient_a sepulcher_n epitaph_n and_o ensign_n of_o noble_a family_n and_o other_o monument_n of_o reverend_a antiquity_n which_o have_v escape_v the_o fury_n of_o the_o profane_a under_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o and_o king_n edward_n the_o six_o and_o to_o pull_v off_o the_o lead_n that_o cover_v the_o church_n found_v and_o moreover_o convert_v the_o monastery_n of_o westminster_n a_o most_o famous_a place_n for_o the_o sacring_a of_o the_o king_n of_o england_n and_o the_o place_n where_o the_o arm_n and_o royal_a ensign_n be_v always_o keep_v into_o a_o colledgiall_a church_n or_o as_o i_o may_v better_o term_v it_o into_o a_o seminary_n of_o the_o church_n and_o there_o institute_v one_o deane_n twelve_o prebend_n one_o master_n one_o usher_n forty_o scholar_n who_o they_o call_v the_o king_n nursery_n out_o of_o which_o there_o be_v six_o every_o year_n or_o more_o choose_v for_o the_o academy_n of_o minister_n and_o singer_n twelve_o poor_a etc._n etc._n to_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n and_o the_o increase_n of_o true_a religion_n and_o good_a learning_n and_o certain_o there_o come_v out_o from_o thence_o happy_o for_o church_n and_o commonwealth_n a_o number_n of_o learned_a man_n value_n take_v away_o by_o little_a and_o little_a whereby_o she_o gain_v great_a honour_n and_o no_o less_o glory_n the_o course_n of_o money_n mingle_v with_o copper_n and_o bring_v in_o use_n that_o which_o be_v pure_a &_o fine_a silver_n to_o restore_v the_o honour_n of_o the_o kingdom_n to_o prevent_v the_o deceit_n of_o those_o which_o both_o within_o and_o without_o this_o have_v corrupt_v the_o kind_n and_o change_v thing_n much_o available_a for_o the_o good_a of_o the_o commonwealth_n into_o coin_n of_o false_a money_n and_o transport_v the_o good_a silver_n into_o foreign_a nation_n and_o to_o abate_v the_o price_n of_o vendible_a commodity_n which_o be_v extreme_o enhance_v to_o the_o great_a prejudice_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n and_o above_o all_o for_o stipendiar_n soldier_n servant_n and_o all_o such_o as_o be_v pay_v for_o their_o labour_n by_o high_a and_o bring_v it_o most_o happy_o to_o pass_v in_o a_o few_o month_n without_o make_v any_o stir_n first_o in_o forbid_v all_o person_n to_o melt_v or_o transport_v out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n as_o well_o the_o good_a and_o pure_a money_n as_o that_o which_o be_v mingle_v with_o copper_n moreover_o in_o bring_v that_o which_o be_v so_o mingle_v to_o his_o value_n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o penny_n to_o a_o halfpenny_n the_o twopenny_a piece_n to_o three-halfe-pence_n the_o sixpence_n to_o a_o groat_n and_o the_o rest_n to_o two_o and_o a_o farthing_n because_o there_o be_v no_o more_o money_n and_o final_o buy_v they_o for_o good_a silver_n of_o all_o such_o as_o have_v any_o of_o it_o provide_v that_o they_o bring_v it_o within_o the_o time_n prefix_v in_o the_o table_n of_o money_n which_o can_v not_o be_v do_v without_o loss_n to_o she_o insomuch_o that_o we_o ought_v to_o acknowledge_v it_o to_o proceed_v from_o queen_n elizabeth_n that_o the_o silver_n be_v better_a and_o more_o pure_a in_o england_n during_o her_o reign_n then_o in_o full_a two_o hundred_o year_n before_o and_o that_o it_o be_v not_o use_v in_o any_o other_o part_n of_o europe_n she_o afterward_o cause_v good_a coin_n to_o be_v stamp_v for_o ireland_n which_o we_o call_v sterling_a of_o which_o the_o shilling_n be_v worth_a twelvepence_n in_o ireland_n and_o in_o england_n nine_o a_o matter_n indeed_o weighty_a great_a and_o most_o memorable_a which_o neither_o king_n edward_n the_o six_o can_v nor_o queen_n mary_n dare_v enterprise_n expense_n since_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o be_v the_o first_o king_n that_o ever_o cause_v copper_n to_o be_v mingle_v with_o silver_n to_o the_o great_a shame_n of_o the_o kingdom_n damage_n of_o his_o successor_n and_o people_n and_o notable_a token_n of_o his_o excessive_a expense_n since_o his_o father_n have_v leave_v he_o more_o wealth_n than_o ever_o any_o other_o king_n leave_v his_o successor_n and_o likewise_o he_o have_v draw_v abundance_n of_o money_n by_o the_o mean_n of_o tribute_n and_o impost_n without_o ground_v ourselves_o upon_o that_o which_o cardinal_n poole_n have_v leave_v in_o writing_n that_o he_o have_v draw_v more_o than_o all_o the_o other_o king_n which_o have_v reign_v since_o the_o victory_n of_o the_o normanes_n and_o heap_v up_o a_o infinite_a deal_n when_o by_o the_o power_n of_o a_o parliament_n he_o take_v unto_o himself_o all_o the_o lordship_n which_o the_o english_a be_v absent_a have_v hold_v in_o ireland_n all_o the_o first_o fruit_n of_o ecclesiastical_a live_n and_o the_o ten_o which_o be_v in_o england_n and_o ireland_n all_o the_o revennew_n gift_n and_o good_n belong_v to_o monastery_n die_v this_o year_n die_v francis_n lord_n hastings_z earl_n of_o huntingdon_n the_o second_o of_o that_o race_n who_o have_v by_o katherine_n the_o daughter_n of_o henry_n lord_n montaigue_n brother_n to_o reinald_n cardinal_n poole_n issue_n henry_n who_o succeed_v he_o and_o diverse_a other_o child_n who_o agree_v well_o in_o brotherly_a love_n but_o not_o in_o religion_n in_o ireland_n shan_n otherwise_o call_v o-neale_n a_o great_a and_o potent_a man_n in_o the_o country_n of_o ulster_n and_o lawful_a heir_n to_o coni_fw-la o-neale_n who_o surname_v himself_o baco_n which_o be_v as_o much_o to_o say_v as_o claude_n and_o be_v create_v earl_n of_o tyr-oene_a by_o henry_n the_o eight_o after_o he_o have_v put_v to_o death_n matthew_n baron_n of_o dungannon_n his_o bastard_n brother_n who_o be_v take_v for_o legitimate_a spoil_v his_o father_n of_o his_o rule_n and_o domination_n for_o which_o he_o quick_o die_v with_o sorrow_n take_v upon_o himself_o the_o title_n of_o o-neale_n cover_v his_o head_n after_o a_o barbarous_a manner_n with_o that_o he_o wear_v upon_o his_o leg_n and_o foot_n cast_v himself_o into_o rebellion_n for_o fear_n of_o be_v pursue_v by_o the_o law_n so_o as_o five-hundred_n foote_n be_v send_v out_o of_o england_n to_o join_v with_o two_o company_n of_o horse_n levy_v in_o ireland_n ireland_n against_o he_o but_o after_o have_v make_v some_o light_a skirmish_n perceive_v himself_o unable_a to_o resist_v the_o english_a and_o to_o be_v hate_v of_o his_o own_o man_n and_o that_o surly-boy_n jacob_n mac-connell_n and_o odonnell_n be_v rise_v against_o he_o he_o lay_v down_o arm_n at_o the_o persuasion_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o kildare_n his_o kinsman_n and_o promise_v to_o come_v into_o england_n to_o ask_v pardon_n as_o we_o shall_v describe_v it_o in_o a_o more_o ample_a manner_n in_o its_o proper_a place_n 1561._o the_o four_o year_n of_o her_o reign_v anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1561._o at_o the_o beginning_n of_o the_o year_n fr._n earl_n of_o bedford_n have_v be_v send_v into_o france_n to_o end_v the_o mourning_n for_o the_o death_n of_o francis_n the_o second_o to_o congratulate_v with_o king_n charles_n for_o succeed_v he_o summon_v often_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n sometime_o himself_o alone_o and_o sometime_o accompany_v with_o throgmorton_n treaty_n to_o confirm_v the_o treaty_n of_o edenborrough_n but_o all_o in_o vain_a for_o he_o can_v draw_v no_o other_o answer_n of_o it_o but_z that_o it_o behove_v and_o be_v requisite_a not_o to_o resolve_v upon_o so_o great_a a_o thing_n without_o mature_a deliberation_n and_o that_o she_o neither_o will_v nor_o can_v confirm_v it_o without_o the_o peer_n of_o scotland_n throgmorton_n nevertheless_o cease_v not_o to_o press_v she_o instant_o by_o all_o the_o mean_n he_o can_v devise_v in_o like_a manner_n the_o cardinal_n of_o lorraine_n and_o all_o the_o other_o guize_n her_o uncle_n and_o james_n her_o bastard-brother_n who_o be_v new_o arrive_v in_o france_n but_o while_o they_o thus_o do_v nothing_o but_o defer_v it_o from_o day_n to_o day_n by_o
the_o english_a who_o provoke_v hereat_o constitute_v a_o fair_a of_o english_a cloth_n and_o merchandize_n at_o embden_n in_o east_n frizeland_n as_o if_o they_o fear_v the_o spanish_a inquisition_n which_o now_o be_v enter_v into_o the_o low-countries_n and_o foresee_v that_o trouble_n will_v present_o ensue_v against_o all_o this_o the_o regent_n publish_v a_o edict_n import_v a_o express_a prohibition_n of_o all_o man_n upon_o pain_n of_o confiscation_n to_o entertain_v any_o traffic_n with_o the_o english_a at_o embden_n or_o any_o where_o else_o or_o to_o transport_v into_o the_o low-countries_n any_o merchandize_v buy_v of_o they_o difference_n guzman_n blame_v these_o proceed_n as_o be_v too_o strict_a and_o rigorous_a damageable_a both_o to_o the_o one_o and_o other_o part_n for_o this_o wise_a man_n conceive_v true_o what_o wealth_n daily_o come_v into_o flanders_n by_o mean_n of_o the_o english_a taffique_n ever_o since_o lewis_n malan_n earl_n of_o flanders_n about_o the_o year_n 1338._o by_o a_o grant_n of_o great_a immunity_n have_v draw_v the_o english_a to_o settle_v a_o mart_n or_o staple_n of_o english_a wool_n at_o bruges_n for_o ever_o since_o that_o time_n in_o a_o manner_n all_o nation_n flock_v into_o flanders_n to_o buy_v clothes_n and_o other_o english_a merchandize_n as_o also_o to_o sell_v their_o own_o there_o it_o be_v incredible_a what_o traffic_n commerces_fw-la navigation_n and_o fishing_n have_v ever_o since_o flourish_v among_o the_o fleming_n so_o as_o this_o wool_n be_v unto_o they_o a_o true_a golden_a fleece_n and_o that_o noble_a order_n of_o the_o golden_a fleece_n forch_v from_o hence_o its_o original_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o burgundy_n their_o great_a wealth_n and_o treasure_n and_o questionless_a in_o these_o very_a day_n wherein_o we_o live_v i_o speak_v according_a to_o the_o paper_n of_o account_n the_o commerce_n that_o be_v between_o the_o english_a and_o the_o fleming_n have_v amount_v to_o above_o twelve_o million_o of_o gold_n each_o year_n and_o the_o clothes_n transport_v every_o year_n to_o antwerp_n omit_v to_o speak_v of_o lead_n tin_n and_o other_o thing_n be_v estimate_v at_o five_o million_o of_o gold_n wherefore_o upon_o these_o consideration_n guzman_n employ_v all_o mean_n possible_a to_o atone_v this_o difference_n at_o last_o he_o obtain_v that_o the_o commerce_n late_o break_v off_o between_o the_o two_o nation_n may_v be_v resettled_a in_o its_o former_a state_n and_o that_o whatsoever_o have_v be_v ordain_v and_o decree_v from_o the_o first_o day_n of_o the_o first_o year_n reign_v of_o queen_n elizabeth_n both_o of_o the_o one_o side_n and_o on_o the_o other_o shall_v surcease_v till_o by_o deputy_n both_o for_o the_o one_o and_o the_o other_o party_n more_o ample_a provision_n can_v be_v make_v but_o the_o year_n follow_v when_o my_o lord_n mountaigue_n nicholas_n watton_n and_o william_n haddon_n master_n of_o the_o request_n delegate_n for_o the_o english_a montigny_n assonuil_n and_o io._n egidius_n for_o the_o fleming_n have_v begin_v twice_o to_o treat_v of_o these_o matter_n in_o the_o town_n of_o bruges_n the_o fleming_n fall_v into_o their_o precedent_n tumules_fw-la interrupt_v this_o treaty_n after_o a_o agreement_n make_v that_o this_o commerce_n and_o traffic_n shall_v be_v free_a while_o one_o of_o the_o prince_n make_v a_o opposite_a denountiation_n to_o the_o other_o the_o merchant_n of_o both_o party_n be_v advertise_v forty_o day_n before_o to_o provide_v and_o take_v some_o order_n for_o their_o live_a commodity_n these_o thing_n be_v thus_o ordain_v out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n the_o queen_n majesty_n betake_v herself_o to_o the_o pleasure_n and_o recreation_n of_o the_o country_n and_o to_o this_o end_n she_o visit_v the_o university_n of_o cambridge_n which_o be_v one_o of_o the_o two_o resplendent_a lamp_n of_o england_n where_o be_v entertain_v of_o the_o scholar_n cambridge_n with_o all_o manner_n of_o honour_n and_o take_v contentment_n in_o behold_v their_o comedy_n tragedy_n and_o exercise_n of_o arm_n she_o personal_o visit_v all_o the_o college_n and_o in_o a_o latin_a oration_n give_v they_o great_a thanks_o for_o their_o singular_a love_n and_o affection_n high_o commend_v their_o profound_a and_o diverse_a e●uditions_n exhort_v they_o to_o apply_v their_o heart_n to_o the_o study_n of_o piety_n and_o learning_n and_o for_o their_o virtuous_a stimulation_n promise_v always_o to_o favour_n and_o cherish_v they_o honour_n when_o she_o return_v the_o more_o to_o honour_n robert_n dudley_n sarlatan_n a_o special_a favourite_n of_o she_o who_o with_o a_o secret_a design_n she_o make_v choice_n of_o for_o a_o husband_n to_o the_o q._n of_o scot_n she_o create_v he_o baron_n of_o denbigh_n give_v he_o the_o castle_n of_o denbigh_n in_o property_n with_o all_o the_o appurtenance_n of_o soil_n and_o demean_n and_o the_o day_n after_o earl_n of_o leicester_n to_o himself_o and_o the_o heir_n male_n of_o his_o body_n lawful_o beget_v have_v likewise_o before_o for_o his_o sake_n confer_v upon_o ambrose_n his_o elder_a brother_n the_o dignity_n of_o baron_n of_o lisle_n and_o earl_n of_o warwick_n to_o he_o and_o his_o lawful_a heir_n male_n for_o ever_o the_o lord_n dudley_n exalt_v by_o all_o these_o supereminent_a honour_n and_o to_o currey_a favour_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n who_o he_o affect_v and_o study_v by_o all_o manner_n of_o office_n to_o deserve_v well_o of_o present_o before_o queen_n elizabeth_n bacon_n he_o accuse_v sir_n nicholas_n bacon_n lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o discuss_v the_o point_n of_o succession_n against_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n and_o that_o he_o be_v privy_a to_o a_o libel_n wherein_o that_o same_o hale_n of_o who_o before_o i_o speak_v labour_v to_o intimate_v that_o if_o the_o queen_n majesty_n of_o england_n then_o live_v die_v without_o issue_n the_o right_a of_o the_o crown_n come_v to_o the_o house_n of_o suffolk_n for_o which_o cause_n he_o be_v commit_v prisoner_n and_o as_o for_o sir_n nicholas_n bacon_n though_o he_o absolute_o deny_v it_o my_o lord_n cecil_n resolve_v to_o conceal_v what_o he_o think_v until_o the_o queen_n who_o majesty_n he_o be_v assure_v will_v never_o in_o this_o case_n impose_v on_o he_o any_o demand_n shall_v command_v he_o to_o speak_v his_o mind_n have_v much_o ado_n to_o recover_v he_o her_o favour_n and_o long_a time_n he_o be_v a_o compass_v it_o succession_n for_o nothing_o can_v be_v more_o distasteful_a to_o she_o then_o to_o hear_v any_o debatement_n about_o this_o title_n of_o succession_n but_o so_o the_o wise_a and_o wealthy_a sort_n be_v more_o careful_a and_o studious_a of_o nothing_o then_o of_o this_o they_o observe_v how_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o contrariety_n of_o religion_n the_o protestant_n transport_v with_o a_o ardent_a zeal_n hold_v opinion_n that_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n be_v of_o a_o opposite_a religion_n though_o otherwise_o her_o right_n be_v never_o so_o much_o as_o call_v in_o question_n ought_v nevertheless_o by_o the_o subtle_a construction_n of_o the_o law_n to_o be_v reject_v from_o succession_n some_o papist_n again_o and_o those_o who_o have_v reference_n to_o that_o which_o be_v just_a and_o equal_a maintain_v how_o she_o be_v to_o be_v receive_v as_o the_o true_a right_a and_o undoubted_a inheritrix_n other_o there_o be_v who_o prefer_v before_o she_o margaret_z her_o aunt_n by_o the_o mother_n side_n and_o wife_n to_o matthew_n stuart_n earl_n of_o lenox_n and_o her_o child_n of_o who_o they_o conceive_v good_a hope_n because_o they_o be_v bear_v in_o england_n all_o this_o lay_v not_o hide_v from_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n who_o to_o prevent_v it_o so_o far_o as_o be_v possible_a by_o the_o countess_n of_o lenox_n her_o aunt_n send_v for_o matthew_n earl_n of_o lenox_n to_o come_v into_o scotland_n scotland_n under_o pretext_n to_o re-establish_a and_o settle_v he_o in_o the_o inheritance_n of_o his_o predecessor_n but_o this_o be_v to_o consult_v further_o with_o he_o who_o by_o his_o wife_n mean_n obtain_v leave_v and_o letter_n from_o q._n elizabeth_n after_o he_o have_v be_v banish_v out_o of_o his_o native_a country_n for_o the_o space_n of_o 20._o year_n this_o earl_n of_o lenox_n to_o the_o end_n that_o relate_v the_o same_o from_o the_o essential_a extraction_n of_o his_o eminent_a nobility_n lenox_n i_o may_v give_v the_o better_a light_n &_o lustre_n to_o thing_n be_v descend_v from_o the_o very_a same_o race_n of_o the_o stuart_n as_o the_o royal_a progeny_n of_o the_o scot_n come_v from_o and_o moreover_o late_o by_o the_o hamilton_n of_o the_o blood-royal_a for_o marie_n daughter_n to_o james_n 2._o king_n of_o scotland_n have_v by_o james_n hamilton_n james_n who_o be_v the_o first_o earl_n of_o arraine_n &_o mary_n who_o be_v wife_n to_o matt._n stuart_n first_o earl_n of_o lenox_n of_o that_o name_n james_n earl_n of_o arraine_n
of_o desmond_n who_o have_v faithful_o promise_v to_o perform_v all_o the_o duty_n of_o a_o loyal_a subject_n and_o other_o who_o be_v break_v out_o into_o civil_a war_n to_o extinguish_v these_o controversy_n queen_n elizabeth_n call_v desmond_n into_o england_n and_o make_v he_o governor_n and_o justice_n of_o that_o province_n monster_n with_o a_o assessor_n two_o lawyer_n and_o a_o clerk_n and_o nominate_v warham_n s._n leger_n chief_a precedent_n a_o man_n that_o have_v be_v long_o conversant_a in_o irish_a affair_n about_o the_o middle_n of_o october_n the_o same_o year_n die_v thomas_n chaloner_n late_o return_v ambassador_n from_o spain_n a_o famous_a man_n bear_v in_o london_n bring_v up_o at_o cambridge_n chaloner_n who_o have_v addict_v himself_o as_o well_o to_o mars_n as_o to_o the_o muse_n and_o be_v but_o young_a get_v honour_n under_o charles_n the_o five_o in_o the_o expedition_n of_o alger_n who_o have_v suffer_v shipwreck_n and_o have_v swim_v so_o long_o that_o his_o strength_n and_o arm_n fail_v he_o save_v himself_o by_o take_v hold_n of_o a_o cable_n with_o his_o tooth_n whereof_o he_o lose_v some_o under_o edward_n the_o six_o at_o mussleborrough_n where_o he_o behave_v himself_o so_o valiant_o that_o the_o duke_n of_o somerset_n honour_v he_o with_o the_o dignity_n of_o knighthood_n and_o under_o queen_n elizabeth_n in_o a_o extraordinary_a embassy_n to_o the_o emperor_n ferdinand_n and_o four_o year_n ordinary_a ambassador_n in_o spain_n where_o he_o compose_v five_o book_n in_o pure_a and_o learned_a verse_n of_o the_o restauration_n of_o the_o english_a commonwealth_n which_o he_o call_v hieme_n in_o fumo_fw-la aestate_fw-la in_o horreo_fw-la he_o be_v honourable_o bury_v at_o saint_n paul_n in_o london_n cecil_n be_v chief_a mourner_n when_o thomas_n his_o son_n who_o live_v near_o henry_n prince_n of_o wales_n be_v very_o young_a 1566._o the_o nine_o year_n of_o her_o reign_v anno_fw-la domini_fw-la 1566._o in_o the_o beginning_n of_o the_o year_n charles_n the_o 9_o king_n of_o france_n send_v into_o england_n to_o the_o queen_n rambovillet_n with_o the_o robe_n of_o the_o order_n of_o s._n michael_n to_o be_v give_v to_o two_o of_o the_o peer_n of_o england_n who_o she_o please_v france_n she_o make_v choice_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n as_o be_v much_o more_o noble_a than_o any_o other_o and_o to_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n love_v he_o very_o well_o rambovillet_n have_v be_v for_o and_o in_o the_o name_n of_o his_o king_n place_v honourable_o at_o windsor_n among_o the_o knight_n of_o the_o order_n of_o saint_n george_n invest_v they_o solemn_o in_o the_o royal_a house_n at_o westminster_n this_o she_o take_v for_o a_o great_a honour_n remember_v herself_o that_o no_o english_a be_v ever_o honour_v with_o this_o order_n save_v henry_n the_o eight_o edward_n the_o six_o and_o charles_n brandon_z duke_n of_o suffolk_n but_o when_o she_o exact_o observe_v all_o thing_n that_o belong_v to_o the_o honour_n of_o it_o she_o be_v at_o length_n much_o displease_v to_o see_v it_o so_o vilify_v that_o it_o be_v prostitute_v indifferent_o to_o every_o man_n and_o she_o busy_v herself_o not_o only_o in_o thing_n concern_v honour_n but_o chief_o what_o be_v for_o the_o good_a of_o her_o subject_n for_o the_o air_n be_v so_o intemperate_a that_o year_n that_o experience_a man_n fear_v a_o want_n of_o corn_n and_o other_o victual_n corne._n she_o do_v not_o only_o prohibit_v any_o corn_n to_o be_v carry_v out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n but_o take_v care_n that_o great_a quantity_n be_v bring_v in_o while_o these_o thing_n past_a henry_n earl_n of_o arundel_n be_v great_a and_o powerful_a among_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o realm_n kingdom_n after_o have_v consume_v much_o wealth_n upon_o a_o vain_a hope_n to_o marry_v the_o queen_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n who_o then_o be_v in_o great_a credit_n with_o she_o and_o his_o friend_n which_o have_v fail_v in_o the_o trust_n which_o he_o repose_v in_o they_o take_v away_o this_o hope_n quite_o from_o he_o take_v leave_v of_o she_o and_o voluntary_o go_v out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n under_o colour_n to_o recover_v his_o health_n but_o in_o effect_n to_o strengthen_v himself_o against_o sorrow_n but_o the_o other_o english_a war_n who_o for_o their_o natural_a valour_n think_v themselves_o bear_v to_o live_v in_o arm_n and_o not_o in_o idleness_n see_v the_o nobility_n of_o all_o part_n do_v rise_v at_o the_o report_n of_o the_o war_n against_o the_o turk_n and_o carry_v their_o arm_n and_o courage_n into_o hungary_n among_o who_o the_o most_o remarkable_a be_v john_n smith_n cousin_n german_a to_o edward_n the_o six_o by_o the_o sister_n of_o i._o seimor_n the_o king_n mother_n h._n champernon_n p._n butshid_v r._n grevill_n g._n george_n t._n cotton_n etc._n etc._n in_o june_n follow_v the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n have_v a_o most_o auspicious_a and_o happy_a delivery_n scotland_n for_o the_o eternal_a prosperity_n of_o great_a britain_n james_n her_o son_n who_o be_v now_o monarch_n thereof_o whereof_o she_o give_v present_a notice_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n by_o john_n meluin_n queen_n elizabeth_n howsoever_o angry_a to_o see_v she_o outstrip_v she_o in_o honour_n who_o envy_v she_o as_o speedy_o send_v h._n killigrewe_n to_o congratulate_v she_o lie_v in_o rejoice_v and_o the_o birth_n of_o her_o son_n and_o to_o admonish_v she_o not_o to_o favour_v any_o long_a shan_n o-neale_n who_o rebel_v in_o ireland_n nor_o to_o assist_v roquerbay_n a_o english_a fugitive_n and_o to_o punish_v some_o thief_n that_o robe_v upon_o the_o border_n after_o have_v un-wearied_n her_o mind_n by_o a_o progress_n to_o show_v herself_o as_o favourable_a to_o the_o muse_n of_o oxford_n as_o well_o as_o of_o cambridge_n oxford_n between_o which_o there_o be_v then_o a_o sincere_a emulation_n go_v towards_o the_o university_n of_o oxford_n where_o she_o be_v magnificent_o entertain_v and_o stay_v there_o full_a seven_o day_n take_v pleasure_n in_o the_o pleasant_a aspect_n of_o the_o place_n at_o the_o beauty_n of_o the_o college_n in_o the_o spirit_n and_o learning_n of_o most_o exquisite_a scholar_n which_o pass_v the_o night_n in_o comedy_n and_o the_o day_n in_o learned_a disputation_n for_o which_o she_o give_v they_o ample_a thanks_n by_o a_o most_o sweet_a discourse_n in_o latin_a and_o a_o most_o love_a farewell_n parliament_n as_o soon_o as_o she_o be_v return_v to_o london_n the_o state_n of_o the_o kingdom_n assemble_v there_o the_o first_o day_n of_o november_n be_v the_o day_n assign_v and_o after_o have_v establish_v a_o statute_n or_o two_o they_o begin_v to_o dispute_v among_o themselves_o of_o the_o succession_n of_o the_o kingdom_n see_v that_o the_o queen_n have_v vow_v virginity_n have_v already_o reign_v eight_o year_n without_o think_v serious_o of_o a_o husband_n that_o on_o the_o one_o side_n the_o papist_n make_v account_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n who_o have_v late_o have_v a_o son_n that_o on_o the_o other_o side_n the_o protestant_n be_v divide_v some_o of_o they_o make_v account_n of_o one_o and_o some_o of_o another_o and_o every_o particular_a provide_v for_o their_o safety_n and_o religion_n presage_v the_o storm_n of_o a_o most_o fearful_a time_n if_o she_o shall_v die_v without_o assure_v a_o successor_n and_o the_o keen_a sort_n of_o spirit_n proceed_v so_o far_o as_o to_o blame_v she_o as_o if_o she_o abandon_v both_o her_o country_n and_o posterity_n and_o to_o tear_v by_o reproachful_a &_o defame_v libel_n wicked_a councillor_n therein_o and_o to_o curse_v huic_fw-la her_o physician_n because_o he_o dissuade_v she_o to_o marry_v for_o i_o know_v not_o what_o womanish_a infirmity_n the_o earl_n of_o pembroke_n and_o leicester_n be_v open_o and_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n covert_o of_o opinion_n that_o a_o necessity_n of_o marriage_n shall_v be_v impose_v upon_o she_o or_o else_o public_o to_o appoint_v a_o successor_n by_o authority_n of_o the_o parliament_n whether_o she_o will_v or_o no_o which_o cause_v they_o to_o be_v forbid_v to_o enter_v into_o the_o privy_a chamber_n or_o come_v near_o the_o queen_n who_o nevertheless_o grant_v they_o pardon_n as_o soon_o as_o they_o demand_v it_o they_o nevertheless_o be_v much_o trouble_v successor_n and_o all_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o upper_a house_n of_o parliament_n touch_v the_o succession_n all_o with_o one_o mind_n by_o the_o mouth_n of_o bacon_n keeper_n of_o the_o great_a scale_n according_a to_o the_o duty_n which_o they_o ought_v unto_o god_n the_o fidelity_n to_o their_o prince_n and_o the_o charity_n to_o their_o country_n so_o to_o do_v that_o as_o by_o her_o mean_n they_o then_o sweet_o enjoy_v all_o the_o benefit_n of_o peace_n justice_n and_o clemency_n they_o and_o their_o posterity_n may_v by_o her_o mean_n likewise_o enjoy_v the_o same_o assure_o and_o continual_o but_o
to_o substitute_n understand_v man_n to_o answer_v those_o complaint_n which_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n will_v exhibit_v against_o he_o and_o his_o confederate_n and_o to_o yield_v some_o just_a cause_n and_o reason_n of_o his_o depose_v she_o if_o not_o that_o herself_o will_v present_o set_v she_o at_o liberty_n and_o employ_v all_o her_o force_n for_o her_o re-establishment_n and_o so_o likewise_o she_o admonish_v he_o not_o to_o sell_v her_o precious_a habit_n and_o ornament_n though_o the_o state_n of_o the_o kingdom_n have_v permit_v he_o earl_n murray_n obey_v there_o be_v no_o other_o way_n to_o call_v in_o question_n his_o administration_n and_o government_n but_o those_o that_o come_v out_o of_o england_n and_o the_o great_a man_n of_o the_o kingdom_n refuse_v any_o manner_n of_o deputation_n wherefore_o he_o come_v himself_o in_o person_n to_o the_o city_n of_o york_n a_o place_n appoint_v for_o this_o proceed_n with_o seven_o of_o his_o most_o inward_a friend_n be_v deputy_n for_o the_o infant-king_n that_o be_v to_o say_v the_o earl_n of_o morton_n the_o bishop_n of_o orcades_n scot_n the_o governor_n of_o dunfermlin_n the_o baron_n of_o lindsay_n 10._o macgill_n and_o henry_n barnevay_v accompany_v with_o the_o earl_n of_o lidington_n who_o murray_n draw_v thither_o with_o fair_a promise_n in_o that_o he_o dare_v not_o leave_v he_o behind_o in_o the_o kingdom_n and_o george_n buchanan_n who_o be_v whole_o at_o his_o devotion_n and_o beck_n and_o the_o very_a same_o day_n come_v thither_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o sussex_n who_o not_o long_o before_o be_v constitute_v precedent_n of_o the_o north_n and_o sir_n ralph_n sadler_n a_o knight_n and_o one_o of_o the_o privy-councell_n who_o be_v nominate_v to_o hear_v and_o examine_v the_o cause_n why_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n be_v depose_v the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n scot_n the_o baron_n of_o levingstone_n and_o of_o boyd_n the_o governor_n of_o kenivinin_n john_n gordon_n and_o john_n corburne_n appear_v there_o for_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n who_o be_v wonderful_o wroth_a that_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n will_v neither_o see_v nor_o hear_v she_o have_v command_v that_o her_o own_o subject_n shall_v stand_v up_o against_o she_o before_o the_o commissary_n in_o that_o be_v a_o absolute_a princess_n she_o stand_v not_o bind_v except_o she_o list_v to_o make_v answer_n to_o she_o subject_n accusation_n and_o objection_n be_v assemble_v on_o the_o seven_o of_o october_n and_o read_v the_o commission_n both_o of_o the_o one_o side_n and_o the_o other_o lidington_n who_o be_v there_o present_a turn_v towards_o the_o scot_n admonish_v they_o with_o a_o marvelous_a free_a and_o plain_a discourse_n that_o see_v it_o seem_v scot_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n pretend_v no_o other_o thing_n by_o the_o authority_n she_o have_v confer_v upon_o the_o commissary_n but_o to_o stain_v the_o honour_n and_o impair_v the_o reputation_n of_o the_o queen_n the_o king_n mother_n and_o to_o interpose_v herein_o her_o own_o censure_n as_o a_o honourable_a arbitratrix_fw-la but_o that_o they_o shall_v weigh_v and_o well_o consider_v what_o a_o peril_n they_o expose_v themselves_o unto_o and_o how_o they_o be_v like_a to_o purchase_v not_o only_o the_o hatred_n of_o the_o scot_n who_o continue_v devote_a and_o affect_v to_o the_o queen_n but_o further_o the_o ill-will_n of_o other_o christian_a prince_n and_o of_o such_o affinity_n as_o she_o have_v in_o france_n in_o criminal_o accuse_v and_o hazard_v her_o reputation_n in_o such_o a_o public_a and_o iuridicall_a trial_n before_o the_o english_a swear_v enemy_n to_o the_o scottish_a name_n and_o what_o account_n can_v they_o give_v to_o the_o king_n of_o such_o a_o presumptuous_a and_o insolent_a accusation_n which_o can_v not_o but_o redound_v to_o the_o prejudice_n of_o scotland_n when_o be_v of_o ripe_a year_n he_o shall_v repute_v both_o himself_o his_o mother_n and_o country_n hereby_o dishonour_v and_o therefore_o he_o think_v it_o very_o fit_v to_o let_v fall_v this_o odious_a accusation_n of_o so_o great_a a_o princess_n except_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n have_v contract_v with_o they_o a_o mutual_a league_n offensive_a and_o defensive_a against_o those_o that_o shall_v in_o case_n molest_v or_o trouble_v they_o and_o thus_o much_o say_v he_o out_o of_o his_o loyalty_n and_o duty_n a_o scottish_a secretary_n have_v advertise_v you_o of_o hereupon_o look_v upon_o one_o another_o they_o remain_v not_o utter_v one_o word_n deputy_n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n deputy_n who_o have_v the_o honour_n to_o speak_v first_o before_o the_o take_n of_o their_o oath_n protest_v that_o though_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n think_v good_a to_o have_v the_o cause_n between_o her_o majesty_n and_o her_o disloyal_a subject_n handle_v before_o the_o english_a yet_o nevertheless_o they_o conceive_v not_o themselves_o herein_o to_o be_v under_o the_o command_n of_o any_o but_o their_o own_o princess_n see_v she_o be_v free_a and_o absolute_a and_o aught_o neither_o faith_n nor_o homage_n to_o any_o other_o the_o english_a in_o like_a manner_n protest_v how_o they_o accept_v not_o of_o this_o protestation_n to_o the_o prejudice_n of_o any_o right_a or_o prerogative_n which_o the_o king_n of_o england_n have_v heretofore_o challenge_v as_o sovereign_a lord_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o scotland_n the_o next_o day_n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n deputy_n put_v in_o their_o declaration_n in_o writing_n queen_n how_o the_o earl_n of_o morton_n mar_n and_o glencarne_v the_o baron_n of_o hume_n lindsay_n reuthen_n and_o sempil_n and_o other_o have_v raise_v a_o army_n in_o the_o king_n name_n against_o the_o queen_n herself_o take_v she_o use_v she_o disgraceful_o and_o clap_v she_o up_o in_o prison_n at_o lake-levin_a they_o break_v open_v the_o mint_n carry_v away_o all_o sort_n of_o coin_n gold_n and_o silver_n money_n or_o no_o money_n crown_v the_o king_n her_o son_n who_o be_v yet_o but_o a_o infant_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o murray_n under_o the_o title_n of_o viceroy_n or_o regent_n usurp_v his_o power_n and_o authority_n and_o seize_v on_o all_o the_o wealth_n munition_n and_o revenue_n of_o the_o kingdom_n afterward_o they_o allege_v that_o the_o queen_n be_v escape_v out_o of_o prison_n after_o she_o have_v be_v there_o restrain_v for_o the_o space_n of_o ten_o day_n denounce_v public_o upon_o her_o oath_n that_o whatsoever_o she_o have_v yield_v unto_o during_o her_o imprisonment_n be_v extort_a from_o she_o against_o her_o will_n by_o force_n threat_n and_o terror_n of_o death_n notwithstanding_o to_o provide_v for_o common_a tranquillity_n she_o have_v give_v authority_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o argathel_n eglenton_n cassil_n and_o rothsay_n to_o accord_v all_o difference_n with_o her_o adversary_n who_o for_o all_o this_o forbear_v not_o with_o a_o strong_a and_o arm_a hand_n to_o seize_v on_o her_o person_n as_o she_o retire_v by_o privy_a way_n towards_o dunbritton_n they_o slay_v the_o most_o of_o her_o loyal_a subject_n and_o for_o those_o remain_v some_o they_o carry_v away_o prisoner_n other_o they_o banish_v and_o all_o this_o for_o nothing_o but_o only_o in_o that_o they_o have_v faithful_o serve_v their_o princess_n and_o that_o for_o these_o inhuman_a outrage_n she_o be_v constrain_v to_o repair_v into_o england_n to_o implore_v of_o queen_n elizabeth_z that_o aid_n and_o succour_n which_o she_o have_v oftentimes_o promise_v she_o that_o so_o she_o may_v be_v restore_v to_o her_o country_n and_o former_a dignity_n a_o few_o day_n after_o earl_n murray_n viceroy_n and_o the_o deputy_n for_o the_o infant-king_n for_o so_o they_o be_v nominate_v put_v in_o their_o answer_n which_o be_v deputy_n that_o lord_n darley_n the_o king_n father_n be_v slay_v earl_n bothwell_n who_o be_v repute_v the_o author_n of_o this_o murder_n have_v so_o bewitch_v the_o queen_n heart_n as_o he_o carry_v she_o away_o by_o force_n remove_v she_o to_o dunbar_n and_o after_o a_o separation_n from_o his_o own_o wife_n marry_v she_o that_o the_o noble_n of_o the_o kingdom_n be_v move_v herewith_o they_o think_v they_o can_v not_o discharge_v a_o better_a office_n than_o to_o punish_v bothwell_n the_o author_n of_o this_o assassinate_n for_o all_o over_o the_o country_n it_o be_v impute_v to_o a_o general_a conspiracy_n among_o the_o principal_a of_o the_o nobility_n to_o restore_v the_o queen_n to_o her_o former_a liberty_n to_o dissolve_v this_o unjust_a marriage_n and_o to_o provide_v for_o the_o young_a king_n safety_n and_o the_o quiet_a and_o tranquillity_n of_o the_o kingdom_n when_o the_o matter_n be_v so_o exasperate_v as_o they_o be_v ready_a to_o come_v to_o handblowe_n the_o queen_n cause_v bothwell_n to_o retire_v out_o of_o the_o realm_n against_o the_o nobility_n she_o thunder_v out_o such_o threat_n and_o threaten_v such_o revenge_n as_o they_o be_v enforce_v to_o commit_v she_o
who_o queen_n elizabeth_n make_v know_v that_o she_o can_v not_o yet_o discharge_v the_o subject_n of_o scotland_n of_o the_o offence_n they_o have_v commit_v against_o their_o princess_n but_o notwithstanding_o that_o she_o will_v request_v she_o in_o their_o behalf_n and_o also_o hear_v they_o if_o they_o can_v allege_v any_o thing_n for_o their_o just_a excuse_n earl_n murray_n who_o present_o follow_v they_o absolute_o refuse_v to_o insist_v by_o accusation_n against_o his_o sister_n revoke_v but_o upon_o the_o condition_n he_o have_v mention_v at_o york_n the_o commissioner_n be_v present_o call_v home_o and_o their_o authority_n disannul_v whereof_o the_o duke_n who_o always_o favour_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n be_v very_o glad_a and_o think_v he_o have_v nothing_o more_o than_o to_o effect_v but_o only_o to_o brand_v she_o with_o a_o eternal_a infamy_n glad_a to_o exclude_v she_o with_o her_o young_a son_n from_o all_o right_n of_o succession_n to_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n and_o that_o he_o have_v avoid_v two_o danger_n for_o in_o give_v sentence_n against_o she_o he_o fear_v to_o ruin_v she_o and_o violate_v his_o own_o conscience_n and_o denounce_v judgement_n on_o her_o side_n to_o undergo_v the_o unplacable_a wrath_n of_o his_o own_o queen_n and_o of_o all_o those_o who_o for_o religion_n sake_n and_o any_o other_o consideration_n be_v opposite_a to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n but_o when_o earl_n murray_n see_v that_o the_o friend_n she_o retain_v in_o scotland_n disturb_v all_o affair_n and_o that_o his_o presence_n be_v requisite_a he_o frame_v his_o accusation_n in_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o queen_n sir_n nicholas_n bacon_n lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n clinton_n lord_n admiral_n cecil_n and_o sadler_n who_o by_o new_a letter_n be_v constitute_v new_a commissioner_n grant_v and_o to_o prove_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n culpable_a of_o her_o husband_n murder_n he_o produce_v some_o probable_a and_o conjectural_a article_n the_o deposition_n of_o some_o witness_n the_o act_n digest_v in_o the_o assembly_n of_o the_o state_n but_o above_o all_o certain_a love-letter_n and_o verse_n write_v as_o he_o affirm_v with_o the_o queen_n own_o hand_n as_o also_o he_o bring_v forth_o buchanan_n book_n entitle_v the_o discovery_n to_o be_v open_o read_v but_o the_o great_a number_n of_o the_o commissioner_n give_v not_o much_o credit_n thereunto_o it_o proceed_v from_o a_o partial_a man_n and_o one_o that_o have_v make_v sale_n of_o his_o fidelity_n as_o for_o the_o verse_n and_o letter_n because_o they_o have_v no_o name_n subscription_n nor_o date_n and_o so_o many_o impostor_n there_o be_v who_o can_v counterfeit_v other_o hand_n so_o natural_o as_o the_o one_o can_v hardly_o be_v discern_v from_o the_o other_o queen_n elizabeth_n will_v in_o no_o wise_n afford_v they_o belief_n or_o credit_n though_o she_o be_v much_o instigate_v out_o of_o feminine_a emulation_n wherewith_o that_o sex_n be_v many_o time_n violent_o transport_v remain_v satisfy_v that_o these_o accusation_n have_v impose_v upon_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n some_o reproachful_a aspersion_n her_o deputy_n hear_v that_o she_o be_v daily_o accuse_v by_o murray_n present_v themselves_o to_o make_v answer_n but_o she_o have_v now_o revoke_v their_o authority_n which_o be_v but_o delegatorie_n as_o she_o have_v be_v secret_o inform_v by_o certain_a english_a civilian_n and_o this_o she_o may_v do_v by_o law_n see_v that_o of_o the_o duke_n and_o other_o have_v be_v so_o former_o revoke_v afterward_o she_o peremptory_o refuse_v the_o new_a commissioner_n hear_n two_o of_o who_o she_o suspect_v except_o the_o ambassador_n of_o france_n and_o spain_n be_v join_v in_o commission_n with_o they_o that_o she_o may_v be_v admit_v to_o defend_v she_o own_o innocency_n open_o in_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n and_o they_o except_o murray_n be_v restrain_v &_o call_v to_o a_o trial_n aver_n how_o she_o can_v convince_v he_o and_o prove_v that_o he_o be_v the_o author_n of_o the_o lord_n darleys_n murder_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n condition_n the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n sussex_n leicester_n and_o lincoln_n esteem_v this_o to_o be_v but_o just_a and_o equal_a qu._n elizabeth_n grow_v into_o wonderful_a choler_n and_o tell_v they_o open_o that_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n can_v never_o want_v a_o advocate_n till_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n come_v short_a of_o his_o life_n and_o she_o be_v content_v to_o impart_v those_o crime_n whereof_o murray_n impute_v she_o to_o every_o one_o of_o her_o privy_a council_n and_o to_o the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n westmoreland_n shrewsbury_n worcester_n huntingdon_n and_o warwick_n who_o she_o convocate_v to_o this_o end_n under_o a_o oath_n of_o silence_n exhibit_v not_o to_o damnify_v either_o of_o the_o party_n and_o because_o murray_n be_v call_v back_o into_o scotland_n and_o it_o be_v common_o bruit_v abroad_o dissolve_v that_o boyd_n attempt_v to_o release_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n of_o her_o imprisonment_n this_o proceed_v be_v defer_v to_o some_o other_o time_n queen_n elizabeth_n so_o far_o as_o seem_v probable_a sharp_o reprehend_v the_o insolency_n of_o the_o scottishman_n in_o depose_v their_o queen_n at_o that_o time_n hamilton_n duke_n of_o chastelraut_v scotland_n come_v out_o of_o france_n send_v underhand_o by_o the_o guize_n to_o oppose_v murray_n in_o the_o government_n and_o administration_n of_o the_o kingdom_n during_o the_o young_a king_n minority_n and_o maintain_v before_o queen_n elizabeth_n that_o be_v near_o of_o blood_n to_o the_o king_n he_o shall_v be_v prefer_v before_o murray_n who_o be_v but_o a_o bastard_n contrariwise_o murray_n and_o the_o king_n ambassador_n allege_v that_o the_o government_n of_o the_o kingdom_n be_v not_o to_o be_v assign_v always_o to_o those_o near_a of_o blood_n but_o to_o such_o who_o by_o a_o general_a consent_n of_o the_o state_n be_v elect_v and_o choose_v as_o most_o sufficient_a and_o capable_a of_o that_o charge_n that_o it_o be_v a_o most_o unjust_a course_n to_o put_v the_o king_n who_o be_v young_a into_o his_o hand_n who_o by_o proximity_n of_o blood_n aspire_v to_o the_o kingdom_n may_v easy_o be_v tempt_v to_o violate_v right_a out_o of_o a_o desire_n to_o rule_v and_o reign_v and_o how_o this_o be_v great_o to_o be_v fear_v especial_o of_o the_o hamilton_n who_o have_v practise_v many_o enmity_n against_o the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n the_o king_n grandfather_n wicked_o slay_v his_o great_a grandfather_n by_o the_o father_n side_n expel_v matthew_n his_o grandfather_n out_o of_o scotland_n after_o he_o have_v reduce_v he_o to_o low_a poverty_n and_o also_o of_o himself_o who_o make_v this_o motion_n who_o with_o bitter_a and_o implacable_a hatred_n wonderful_o molest_v henry_n the_o king_n father_n and_o the_o more_o easy_o to_o enjoy_v the_o kingdom_n he_o marry_v his_o majesty_n mother_n with_o the_o king_n of_o france_n the_o which_o when_o queen_n elizabeth_n understand_v she_o make_v know_v to_o hamilton_n how_o his_o demand_n be_v most_o unjust_a and_o forbid_v he_o to_o depart_v out_o of_o england_n till_o earl_n murray_n be_v return_v into_o scotland_n murray_n a_o little_a before_o his_o departure_n be_v so_o subtle_a as_o that_o secret_o by_o his_o man_n meluin_n he_o offer_v the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n to_o marry_v with_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n and_o she_o he_o promise_v to_o re-establish_a in_o her_o kingdom_n as_o present_o we_o will_v declare_v notwithstanding_o to_o conceal_v it_o from_o queen_n elizabeth_n he_o cause_v a_o rumour_n to_o be_v spread_v that_o she_o have_v make_v over_o her_o claim_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n she_o and_o how_o this_o alienation_n be_v confirm_v at_o rome_n he_o show_v certain_a letter_n she_o have_v write_v to_o those_o of_o her_o party_n wherein_o she_o blame_v queen_n elizabeth_n for_o fail_v of_o her_o promise_n and_o vaunt_v that_o she_o expect_v succour_n otherwise_o then_o from_o she_o whether_o these_o report_n be_v true_a or_o feign_a i_o be_o not_o able_a to_o say_v but_o certain_o queen_n elizabeth_n be_v much_o move_v herewith_o who_o can_v not_o imagine_v from_o who_o she_o shall_v attend_v these_o new_a relief_n because_o civil_a war_n be_v so_o hot_o kindle_v in_o france_n as_o the_o bishop_n of_o rheims_n send_v by_o the_o king_n entreat_v she_o that_o she_o will_v not_o have_v any_o hand_n in_o those_o affair_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o alva_n who_o be_v come_v the_o year_n before_o into_o the_o low-countries_n to_o supplant_v the_o protestant_a religion_n stay_v still_o there_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o trouble_n but_o as_o afterward_o it_o prove_v apparent_a and_o as_o h._n catene_n write_v to_o cardinal_n alexandrine_n pope_n pius_n 5._o not_o dare_v to_o send_v a_o open_a nuncio_n have_v suborn_v r._n ridolpho_n a_o
both_o kingdom_n the_o peace_n of_o either_o prince_n and_o chief_o for_o the_o advancement_n of_o religion_n since_o he_o who_o be_v so_o great_a and_o worthy_a in_o queen_n elizabeth_n estimation_n shall_v make_v friendship_n between_o the_o scot_n and_o the_o english_a and_o may_v more_o easy_o persuade_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n to_o the_o true_a religion_n which_o he_o have_v embrace_v murray_n also_o by_o the_o mean_n of_o robert_n meluin_n impart_v this_o close_o to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n and_o officious_o promise_v his_o assistance_n but_o the_o duke_n answer_v that_o he_o can_v not_o determine_v any_o thing_n of_o the_o marriage_n till_o she_o can_v clear_v herself_o from_o her_o suspect_a crime_n and_o wipe_v off_o those_o infamous_a aspersion_n but_o rosse_n notwithstanding_o persist_v in_o his_o persuasion_n and_o cease_v not_o to_o draw_v he_o though_o unwilling_a to_o it_o counsel_n not_o long_o after_o nicholas_n throgmorton_n meet_v the_o duke_n in_o westminster_n who_o profess_v himself_o as_o every_o way_n oblige_v and_o bind_v to_o perform_v all_o duty_n of_o observance_n say_v that_o he_o understand_v that_o leicester_n deal_v with_o the_o duke_n concern_v the_o match_n betwixt_o he_o and_o the_o scot_n which_o seem_v strange_a and_o move_v admiration_n in_o he_o since_o leicester_n himself_o not_o long_o since_o have_v beat_v the_o same_o bush_n and_o go_v about_o it_o and_o friendly_o advise_v the_o duke_n that_o he_o shall_v put_v it_o off_o to_o leicester_n who_o former_o have_v seek_v the_o honour_n of_o that_o marriage_n but_o if_o that_o can_v not_o be_v do_v that_o he_o shall_v refuse_v it_o in_o regard_n the_o scot_n accuse_v she_o of_o many_o crime_n but_o throgmorton_n say_v that_o he_o wish_v that_o she_o may_v be_v join_v to_o he_o in_o marriage_n that_o it_o may_v be_v prosperous_a to_o religion_n and_o that_o she_o may_v whole_o and_o sole_o depend_v and_o rely_v upon_o queen_n elizabeth_n but_o i_o do_v premonish_v you_o that_o if_o you_o proceed_v in_o this_o matter_n leicester_n may_v precede_v and_o go_v afore_o you_o in_o counsel_n for_o by_o your_o own_o mean_n only_o you_o can_v procure_v the_o assent_n and_o good_a will_n of_o the_o queen_n two_o day_n after_o duke_n the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n propound_v the_o affair_n to_o the_o duke_n and_o receive_v of_o he_o the_o answer_n that_o throgmorton_n have_v forge_v and_o invent_v aforehand_o and_o when_o it_o come_v to_o the_o crime_n he_o do_v moderate_v they_o according_a to_o the_o instruction_n and_o assurance_n that_o he_o have_v receive_v of_o r._n cavendish_n of_o who_o though_o suspect_v yet_o he_o recommend_v he_o to_o the_o duke_n to_o make_v use_n of_o his_o service_n after_o this_o he_o acquaint_v therewith_o the_o earl_n of_o pembroke_n who_o give_v notice_n thereof_o to_o the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n and_o they_o all_o with_o throgmorton_n do_v write_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n recommend_v unto_o her_o majesty_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n for_o her_o husband_n as_o likewise_o murray_n have_v former_o do_v the_o duke_n himself_o also_o write_v and_o witness_v his_o love_n unto_o she_o offer_v her_o majesty_n love_o his_o humble_a service_n and_o from_o that_o time_n he_o still_o communicate_v unto_o they_o all_o such_o letter_n as_o past_a betwixt_o they_o as_o for_o they_o they_o have_v ordinary_a and_o familiar_a discourse_n with_o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n concern_v the_o mean_n whereby_o they_o can_v effectuate_v and_o bring_v this_o marriage_n to_o pass_v and_o the_o twenty_o of_o may_n 1558._o a_o proposition_n be_v make_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n by_o cavendish_n these_o ensue_a article_n be_v write_v by_o the_o own_o hand_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n scotland_n that_o she_o shall_v not_o undertake_v any_o thing_n in_o the_o succession_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n preiudicious_a to_o queen_n elizabeth_n or_o the_o issue_n her_o majesty_n may_v that_o have_v she_o shall_v pass_v a_o offensive_a and_o defensive_a league_n betwixt_o their_o two_o crown_n that_o she_o shall_v settle_v and_o firm_o establish_v the_o true_a protestant_n religion_n in_o scotland_n that_o she_o shall_v receive_v to_o her_o mercy_n all_o such_o scot_n as_o then_o be_v against_o she_o she_o shall_v revoke_v the_o assignation_n that_o she_o have_v give_v of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n manner_n and_o that_o she_o shall_v take_v to_o her_o husband_n some_o of_o the_o english_a nobility_n and_o namely_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o they_o promise_v she_o that_o in_o case_n her_o majesty_n shall_v conclude_v and_o agree_v the_o article_n to_o re-establish_a she_o anew_o in_o her_o kingdom_n with_o all_o possible_a speed_n as_o can_v be_v and_o to_o confirm_v she_o in_o the_o succession_n of_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n accord_v they_o present_o except_o that_o concern_v the_o alliance_n she_o excuse_v herself_o as_o not_o able_a to_o answer_v to_o it_o except_o she_o have_v first_o consult_v with_o the_o french_a king_n and_o concern_v the_o assignation_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n she_o protest_v that_o she_o have_v never_o make_v any_o yet_o nevertheless_o she_o will_v labour_v if_o they_o shall_v desire_v it_o that_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n shall_v renounce_v it_o admonish_v they_o to_o procure_v above_o all_o thing_n the_o will_n and_o consent_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n for_o fear_v the_o affair_n shall_v turn_v and_o be_v prejudicial_a both_o to_o herself_o and_o the_o duke_n of_o nolfolke_n as_o she_o have_v former_o experiment_v in_o the_o match_n with_o the_o lord_n darley_n private_o contract_v without_o queen_n elizabeth_n consent_n yet_o they_o nevertheless_o esteem_v fit_a first_o to_o sound_v the_o will_n and_o affection_n of_o many_o nobleman_n who_o for_o the_o most_o part_n give_v their_o voice_n and_o consent_n provide_v their_o queen_n also_o to_o grant_v she_o and_o likewise_o the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o spain_n be_v not_o against_o it_o but_o they_o only_o have_v a_o apprehension_n of_o murray_n and_o forasmuch_o as_o he_o have_v be_v the_o first_o to_o propound_v this_o affair_n promise_v to_o employ_v himself_o therein_o with_o all_o his_o might_n he_o shall_v be_v the_o first_o now_o to_o hinder_v it_o they_o yet_o notwithstanding_o be_v all_o of_o a_o mind_n that_o lidington_n who_o then_o be_v look_v for_o shall_v first_o sound_v the_o intention_n and_o disposition_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n in_o the_o mean_a while_o the_o duke_n declare_v to_o the_o lord_n baron_fw-fr of_o lumley_n all_o that_o be_v do_v and_o pass_v in_o this_o business_n and_o with_o much_o ado_n can_v he_o obtain_v from_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n leave_v to_o take_v further_a consultation_n and_o advice_n of_o his_o other_o friend_n he_o nevertheless_o make_v cecil_n acquaint_v with_o it_o the_o earl_n of_o pembroke_n consent_v thereunto_o at_o the_o same_o time_n scotland_n the_o lord_n dacray_n resolve_v in_o himself_o to_o steal_v away_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n who_o at_o that_o time_n be_v prisoner_n at_o winfield_n in_o the_o county_n of_o derby_n under_o the_o keep_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o shrewsburie_n the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n who_o be_v of_o his_o counsel_n give_v notice_n thereof_o to_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n who_o forbid_v to_o do_v it_o fear_v they_o go_v about_o to_o marry_v she_o to_o the_o spaniard_n be_v then_o upon_o hope_n to_o obtain_v the_o love_n and_o consent_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n the_o rumour_n and_o pretence_n of_o this_o match_n elizabeth_n arrive_v present_o to_o queen_n elizabeth_n ear_n be_v tell_v she_o by_o some_o of_o those_o crafty_a and_o curious_a courtesan_n who_o smell_v and_o find_v out_o soon_o the_o secret_n of_o lover_n the_o duke_n know_v it_o labour_n with_o his_o utmost_a power_n to_o make_v a_o proposition_n thereof_o to_o the_o queen_n and_o to_o that_o end_n employ_v therein_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n the_o earl_n of_o pembroke_n and_o throgmorton_n put_v it_o off_o and_o defer_v it_o from_o day_n to_o day_n as_o if_o he_o expect_v a_o fit_a time_n and_o opportunity_n but_o cecil_n see_v the_o say_a duke_n perplex_v in_o his_o mind_n counsel_v he_o himself_o to_o declare_v the_o business_n to_o the_o queen_n for_o to_o take_v soon_o away_o all_o scruple_n but_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n contrary_a to_o that_o opinion_n be_v against_o it_o promise_v he_o to_o propound_v the_o same_o to_o her_o majesty_n when_o she_o shall_v walk_v abroad_o in_o the_o field_n but_o while_o that_o he_o by_o such_o sweet_a courtesy_n defer_v the_o affair_n from_o time_n to_o time_n queen_n elizabeth_n be_v at_o farnham_n cause_v the_o duke_n to_o approach_v near_o unto_o her_o table_n and_o with_o a_o most_o grave_a and_o serious_a smile_n warn_v he_o that_o he_o who_o
diverse_a strange_a judgement_n upon_o the_o same_o and_o among_o other_o surmize_n his_o mother_n dream_n be_v then_o recall_v to_o memory_n of_o a_o lion_n and_o a_o dragon_n combat_v in_o her_o womb_n after_o she_o have_v be_v private_o know_v by_o james_n the_o five_o diverse_a be_v the_o opinion_n and_o censure_n of_o most_o man_n but_o especial_o of_o those_o of_o sound_a judgement_n and_o apprehension_n according_a to_o their_o diverse_a affection_n of_o some_o he_o be_v much_o commend_v because_o he_o be_v very_o studious_a for_o the_o expelling_a of_o the_o romish_a recusant_n out_o of_o scotland_n for_o so_o careful_o preserve_v the_o king_n be_v yet_o a_o infant_n and_o likewise_o for_o his_o great_a and_o liberal_a bounty_n to_o man_n of_o learning_n and_o above_o all_o to_o bucchanan_n on_o the_o contrary_a part_n he_o be_v of_o othersome_a great_o condemn_v because_o he_o under_o the_o colour_n and_o coverture_n of_o religion_n enrich_v himself_o and_o his_o friend_n with_o the_o spoil_n of_o the_o church_n and_o with_o a_o most_o injurious_a ingratitude_n insult_v and_o tyrannize_v over_o the_o imbecility_n of_o his_o sister_n weak_a sex_n have_v before_o oblige_v he_o to_o she_o by_o many_o benefit_n and_o of_o these_o some_o will_v presage_v through_o their_o suspicious_a conjecture_n ground_v upon_o the_o mischievous_a inclination_n which_o be_v incident_a to_o most_o bastard_n that_o that_o man_n will_v not_o spare_v the_o son_n that_o have_v bereave_v the_o mother_n of_o her_o kingdom_n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n express_v much_o sorrow_n for_o he_o because_o such_o a_o violent_a and_o unexpected_a death_n have_v snatch_v he_o away_o before_o as_o she_o say_v he_o have_v by_o serious_a repentance_n expiate_v the_o multiplicity_n of_o the_o sin_n he_o have_v commit_v against_o god_n his_o country_n and_o his_o prince_n but_o forasmuch_o as_o he_o great_o favour_v such_o english_a as_o be_v affect_v to_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n he_o be_v think_v and_o accuse_v to_o be_v a_o feign_a and_o dissemble_a politician_n england_n the_o next_o succeed_a night_n to_o this_o murder_n t._n carrey_n of_o fernihurst_n and_o walter_n a_o scottish-man_n of_o buchlui_n two_o of_o the_o hardy_a and_o valiant_a of_o those_o frontier_n and_o so_o much_o affect_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n that_o for_o their_o devout_a follow_v of_o her_o faction_n and_o party_n they_o suffer_v banishment_n with_o the_o confiscation_n of_o their_o good_n breathe_v forth_o defiance_n and_o vengeance_n against_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n because_o the_o viceroy_n in_o her_o favour_n have_v so_o cruel_o afflict_v the_o frontier_n inhabitant_n they_o violate_v the_o peace_n and_o by_o force_n enter_v into_o england_n with_o a_o rout_n of_o scottish_a and_o some_o english_a rebel_n consume_v and_o deva_v with_o sword_n and_o fire_n the_o neighbour_a country_n as_o though_o they_o will_v have_v make_v they_o desolate_a like_o desert_n whereupon_o t._n randolph_n be_v incontinent_o dispatch_v into_o scotland_n there_o in_o a_o public_a assembly_n of_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o realm_n to_o give_v notice_n of_o this_o injurious_a outrage_n and_o if_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o manifold_a trouble_n wherewith_o scotland_n be_v at_o that_o present_a encumber_v they_o can_v not_o repress_v the_o disturber_n of_o the_o peace_n the_o queen_n will_v revenge_v and_o right_v herself_o by_o force_n of_o arm_n of_o that_o insolent_a affront_n which_o she_o have_v receive_v without_o any_o way_n indamage_v other_o save_o those_o that_o have_v deserve_o incur_v her_o vengeance_n to_o this_o be_v only_o answer_v that_o as_o yet_o there_o be_v no_o viceroy_n choose_v or_o design_v among_o they_o nevertheless_o that_o the_o injury_n do_v to_o the_o frontier_n inhabitant_n may_v be_v redress_v a_o command_n be_v give_v to_o the_o lord_n of_o sussex_n to_o leavy_v a_o competent_a army_n and_o march_v against_o the_o lord_n of_o buchlui_n and_o of_o fernihurst_n to_o pursue_v and_o chase_v with_o deserve_a rigour_n only_o those_o that_o with_o the_o rebellious_a english_a have_v overrun_v &_o pillage_v those_o of_o the_o frontier_n now_o the_o earl_n of_o huntley_n and_o argathel_n that_o have_v all_o this_o while_n labour_v in_o the_o behalf_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n hear_v of_o his_o approach_n send_v unto_o he_o one_o trebon_n to_o demand_v a_o truce_n and_o that_o they_o may_v obtain_v so_o long_a respite_n until_o they_o shall_v acquaint_v queen_n elizabeth_n with_o their_o affair_n but_o they_o perceive_v that_o they_o can_v by_o no_o mean_n wrest_v he_o from_o his_o design_n they_o begin_v first_o to_o use_n threaten_n think_v to_o deter_v he_o but_o that_o not_o prevail_a they_o be_v enforce_v to_o use_v submissive_a entreaty_n that_o he_o will_v become_v a_o arbitratour_n for_o the_o abolish_n of_o certain_a ordinance_n which_o have_v be_v create_v in_o scotland_n some_o two_o year_n before_o nevertheless_o sussex_n about_o the_o midst_n of_o april_n thereof_o enter_v into_o scotland_n with_o the_o baron_n of_o hunsdon_n drury_n martial_n of_o berwick_n and_o the_o english_a army_n where_o they_o burn_v through_o the_o whole_a country_n of_o tivisdale_n the_o house_n and_o village_n of_o buchlui_n and_o carrey_n overthrow_v and_o destroy_v their_o country_n and_o utter_o ruinate_a fernihurst_n and_o cral_v two_o of_o the_o principal_a fort_n of_o t._n carrey_n at_o the_o same_o instant_n the_o lord_n scroop_n likewise_o enter_v upon_o the_o east_n part_n of_o scotland_n lay_v desolate_a on_o every_o side_n through_o the_o earldom_n of_o anaudale_n the_o possession_n of_o jonston_n &_o other_o that_o have_v in_o like_a manner_n favour_v the_o english_a rebel_n such_o be_v his_o expedition_n at_o his_o first_o come_n that_o there_o be_v 300._o house_n consume_v by_o fire_n &_o 50._o fort_n at_o least_o lay_v level_a with_o the_o earth_n party_n a_o few_o day_n after_o the_o lord_n of_o sussex_n enter_v further_o into_o scotland_n with_o the_o baron_n of_o hunsdon_n where_o they_o besiege_v the_o castle_n of_o hume_n which_o be_v the_o chief_a refuge_n of_o the_o english_a rebel_n which_o yield_v up_o as_o soon_o as_o the_o great_a artillery_n be_v plant_v against_o it_o but_o there_o be_v find_v in_o it_o but_o two_o of_o the_o rebel_n which_o they_o cause_v present_o to_o be_v hang_v and_o place_v a_o garrison_n in_o it_o drury_n be_v forthwith_o command_v to_o batter_v down_o fast-castle_n which_o be_v also_o a_o prime_a fortress_n of_o the_o baron_n of_o hume_n which_o likewise_o without_o resistance_n be_v yield_v up_o the_o english_a rebel_n then_o retire_v into_o the_o heart_n of_o scotland_n associate_v with_o diverse_a other_o rebel_n there_o with_o fire_n and_o sword_n they_o threaten_v the_o frontier_n inhabitant_n of_o england_n and_o those_o in_o like_a manner_n of_o scotland_n that_o be_v of_o the_o queen_n party_n the_o lord_n of_o sussex_n again_o send_v forth_o drury_n who_o return_v within_o seven_o day_n with_o 1200._o foot_n and_o 400._o horse_n drury_n receive_v from_o collingham_n certain_a hostage_n for_o the_o earl_n of_o angus_n of_o morton_n of_o mar_n of_o glencarne_n and_o for_o the_o baron_n of_o rewen_n and_o of_o lindsay_n who_o with_o diverse_a other_o have_v recall_v the_o english_a then_o sussex_n himself_o accompany_v with_o g._n carrey_n p._n manor_n r._n constable_n which_o he_o have_v honour_v with_o the_o order_n of_o knighthood_n with_o druray_n a._n bowes_n g._n knolles_n t._n brichwell_n r._n gam_n elrington_n carnill_a with_o other_o captain_n and_o commander_n in_o the_o army_n march_v towards_o edenborrough_n join_v his_o force_n with_o those_o earl_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o lenox_n then_o new_o return_v from_o england_n who_o before_o be_v suspect_v to_o be_v of_o the_o party_n with_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n thus_o march_v through_o limnuch_n towards_o glasco_n where_o the_o lord_n of_o hamilton_n duke_n of_o chastelraut_v have_v retire_v himself_o and_o from_o thence_o towards_o the_o castle_n hamilton_n hamilton_n which_o after_o they_o have_v mighty_o batter_v with_o the_o cannon_n and_o almost_o beat_v it_o down_o be_v yield_v up_o in_o a_o small_a space_n then_o be_v the_o house_n of_o the_o hamilton_n with_o their_o stately_a and_o magnificent_a building_n deface_v and_o consume_v with_o remorceless_a fire_n ransack_v their_o domain_n of_o cluisdale_n and_o at_o their_o chief_a manor_n house_n situate_v near_o limnuch_n thus_o the_o hamilton_n with_o the_o rest_n that_o take_v part_n with_o the_o depose_a queen_n be_v extirpated_a and_o put_v to_o flight_n the_o lord_n of_o scotland_n and_o those_o of_o the_o king_n part_n be_v ready_a to_o assemble_v about_o the_o election_n of_o a_o new_a viceroy_n they_o send_v to_o demand_v counsel_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n who_o send_v they_o this_o answer_n that_o because_o she_o will_v not_o prejudicate_v against_o
of_o london_n for_o entertain_v clandestine_v conference_n with_o the_o earl_n of_o southampton_n a_o most_o devote_a man_n to_o the_o romish_a religion_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n sussex_n accompany_v with_o the_o lord_n scroop_n with_o company_n of_o soldier_n be_v go_v again_o into_o scotland_n burn_v the_o village_n in_o the_o valley_n of_o annandale_n ruin_v the_o castle_n of_o annandale_n which_o belong_v to_o heris_fw-la and_o the_o castle_n of_o caer-laveroc_a belong_v to_o maxwell_n who_o have_v make_v some_o pillage_n incursion_n into_o england_n and_o bring_v they_o to_o such_o distress_n who_o continue_v on_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n side_n that_o the_o duke_n of_o chastelraut_v and_o the_o earl_n of_o huntley_n and_o argathell_n send_v they_o a_o promise_n in_o write_v seal_v under_o their_o hand_n oblige_v themselves_o thereby_o no_o long_o to_o maintain_v war_n and_o to_o abandon_v the_o english_a rebel_n this_o be_v do_v he_o forthwith_o return_v and_o for_o their_o valour_n knight_v hastings_n russell_n browne_n hilton_n stapleton_n and_o musgrave_n and_o himself_o afterward_o for_o his_o approve_a wisdom_n and_o virtue_n privy-councillor_n be_v admit_v to_o be_v of_o the_o queen_n privy_a council_n elizabeth_z have_v her_o thought_n full_a of_o doubt_n with_o various_a suspicion_n by_o reason_n of_o this_o bull_n and_o norfolk_n conspiracy_n send_v unto_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n scotland_n be_v then_o at_o chettesworth_n in_o the_o county_n of_o derby_n cecil_n and_o walte●●_n mildmay_n who_o in_o regard_n the_o water_n be_v rise_v above_o measure_n it_o be_v in_o the_o month_n of_o october_n come_v thither_o with_o much_o difficulty_n to_o consult_v with_o she_o about_o the_o most_o convenient_a mean_n how_o to_o compound_v the_o variance_n in_o scotland_n for_o the_o restore_n of_o she_o to_o her_o former_a estate_n to_o secure_v elizabeth_z and_o provide_v for_o the_o safety_n of_o her_o young_a son_n she_o can_v say_v nothing_o but_o deplore_v her_o afflict_a condition_n and_o complain_v of_o the_o fraudulent_a device_n of_o count_n murray_n justify_v the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o repose_v all_o her_o hope_n on_o the_o courtesy_n of_o elizabeth_n understand_v that_o she_o have_v the_o general_a government_n of_o the_o affair_n of_o scotland_n as_o well_o as_o of_o england_n they_o propound_v unto_o she_o that_o to_o conclude_v a_o certain_a peace_n between_o the_o two_o kingdom_n she_o ought_v to_o oblige_v herself_o to_o confirm_v the_o treaty_n of_o edenborrough_n and_o disclaim_v the_o title_n and_o right_a which_o she_o pretend_v to_o england_n so_o long_o as_o elizabeth_n or_o any_o issue_n of_o her_o body_n shall_v live_v not_o to_o renew_v or_o entertain_v any_o alliance_n with_o any_o prince_n whatsoever_o against_o england_n not_o to_o admit_v any_o foreign_a troop_n into_o scotland_n nor_o hold_v any_o council_n with_o the_o english_a or_o irish_a without_o notice_n first_o give_v to_o elizabeth_n to_o send_v back_o the_o english_a fugitive_n and_o rebel_n to_o satisfy_v the_o damage_n do_v upon_o the_o frontier_n to_o make_v search_n according_a to_o the_o law_n of_o the_o murder_n aswell_o of_o darley_n her_o husband_n as_o of_o murray_n and_o deliver_v her_o son_n into_o england_n for_o a_o pledge_n not_o to_o contract_v herself_o in_o marriage_n with_o any_o english_a man_n without_o acquaint_v the_o queen_n of_o england_n nor_o with_o any_o other_o contrary_a to_o the_o ordinance_n of_o scotland_n that_o the_o scot_n may_v not_o go_v for_o ireland_n without_o leave_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n that_o for_o the_o performance_n of_o these_o thing_n the_o queen_n and_o the_o commissioner_n appoint_v for_o the_o same_o shall_v thereto_o set_v their_o hand_n and_o seal_n six_o hostage_n who_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n will_v nominate_v shall_v be_v send_v into_o england_n that_o if_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n or_o any_o other_o by_o her_o procurement_n attempt_v any_o thing_n against_o she_o she_o shall_v in_o that_o respect_n alone_o be_v cut_v off_o from_o all_o right_n which_o she_o may_v claim_v in_o england_n that_o the_o castle_n of_o hume_n and_o fast-castle_n be_v hold_v from_o the_o english_a for_o three_o year_n space_n that_o she_o shall_v deliver_v into_o their_o hand_n certain_a fort_n in_o the_o country_n of_o galloway_n or_o cantire_a to_o the_o end_n that_o the_o borderer_n on_o that_o coast_n may_v not_o invade_v ireland_n and_o last_o that_o the_o state_n of_o scotland_n shall_v confirm_v all_o these_o thing_n by_o act_n of_o parliament_n to_o these_o thing_n herself_o sudden_o with_o great_a dexterity_n and_o wisdom_n make_v answer_v nevertheless_o refer_v it_o to_o be_v answer_v more_o full_o by_o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n her_o ambassador_n in_o england_n alexander_n gorden_n bishop_n of_o galloway_n and_o to_o the_o baron_n levinstone_n depute_v by_o she_o lieutenant_n of_o scotland_n who_o afterward_o allow_v some_o of_o these_o article_n and_o reject_v other_o make_v answer_v as_o here_o follow_v that_o it_o be_v reasonable_a to_o confirm_v the_o treaty_n of_o edenborrough_n english_a and_o renounce_v the_o title_n of_o england_n during_o the_o life_n of_o elizabeth_n but_o as_o concern_v the_o ancient_a alliance_n of_o france_n it_o be_v to_o be_v consider_v that_o if_o they_o do_v not_o entertain_v that_o still_o the_o queen_n shall_v lose_v her_o dowry_n the_o 100_o arm_a man_n and_o the_o 124._o soldier_n of_o the_o scottish_a guard_n be_v archer_n the_o merchant_n scholar_n and_o many_o who_o be_v to_o have_v inheritance_n their_o pension_n and_o immunity_n which_o they_o enjoy_v shall_v be_v cast_v out_o and_o deprive_v of_o they_o and_o of_o the_o love_n and_o assistance_n of_o a_o most_o puissant_a nation_n which_o thing_n if_o the_o english_a do_v not_o ample_o satisfy_v the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n can_v in_o no_o manner_n renounce_v this_o alliance_n but_o that_o she_o will_v not_o entertain_v any_o foreign_a soldier_n unless_o such_o rebellion_n may_v happen_v which_o can_v not_o be_v suppress_v by_o the_o strength_n of_o the_o country_n that_o she_o will_v have_v no_o intelligence_n or_o keep_v correspondancie_n with_o any_o of_o the_o english_a to_o the_o prejudice_n of_o england_n provide_v that_o the_o q._n of_o england_n on_o the_o other_o side_n entertain_v none_o with_o the_o scot_n to_o the_o prejudice_n of_o scotland_n that_o if_o there_o be_v any_o english_a rebel_n and_o fugitive_n in_o scotland_n they_o may_v demand_v they_o of_o the_o scottish_a rebel_n who_o be_v for_o the_o more_o part_n near_o as_o they_o to_o examine_v by_o deputy_n the_o damage_n which_o they_o have_v receive_v and_o make_v inquiry_n according_a to_o the_o law_n of_o scotland_n of_o the_o death_n of_o darley_n and_o murray_n that_o she_o can_v not_o deliver_v the_o king_n in_o pledge_n in_o regard_n he_o be_v in_o their_o custody_n who_o under_o his_o name_n colour_v the_o rebellion_n against_o the_o queen_n that_o it_o be_v a_o strange_a innovation_n that_o a_o free_a princess_n shall_v receive_v law_n from_o a_o stranger-prince_n or_o his_o subject_n for_o her_o marriage_n that_o the_o scot_n shall_v not_o pass_v into_o ireland_n to_o any_o prejudice_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n provide_v that_o the_o irish_a be_v by_o a_o reciprocal_a law_n oblige_v not_o to_o pass_v into_o scotland_n agree_v for_o confirmation_n of_o the_o security_n to_o give_v such_o pledge_n as_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n shall_v nominate_v the_o duke_n of_o chastelraut_v and_o the_o earl_n of_o huntley_n argathell_n and_o of_o athole_n except_v furthermore_o it_o shall_v be_v in_o their_o power_n to_o exclude_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n from_o all_o right_n of_o succession_n in_o england_n if_o she_o shall_v go_v about_o to_o do_v any_o thing_n contrary_a to_o the_o right_n and_o authority_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n so_o that_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n will_v be_v bind_v in_o the_o like_a penalty_n if_o she_o shall_v do_v any_o thing_n against_o the_o power_n and_o privilege_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n they_o demand_v that_o restitution_n be_v make_v of_o castle-hume_a and_o fast-castle_n to_o the_o baron_n of_o hume_n be_v the_o lord_n to_o who_o by_o right_n they_o appertain_v and_o the_o english_a to_o hold_v they_o no_o long_o to_o deliver_v up_o the_o fort_n in_o galloway_n and_o cantire_n be_v to_o no_o other_o end_n but_o to_o minister_v a_o new_a occasion_n of_o war_n agree_v when_o these_o thing_n can_v in_o no_o wise_a be_v agree_v upon_o neither_o any_o commissioner_n come_v from_o the_o viceroy_n of_o scotland_n in_o the_o mean_a while_o it_o be_v divulge_v all_o abroad_o that_o the_o pope_n the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o the_o duke_n de_fw-fr alva_n be_v importunate_o seek_v unto_o for_o aid_n to_o set_v the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n at_o liberty_n and_o the_o english_a rebel_n the_o earl_n of_o
castle_n which_o be_v in_o scotland_n the_o hostage_n and_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n to_o renounce_v the_o title_n to_o england_n and_o the_o english_a rebel_n but_o for_o this_o matter_n enough_o be_v speak_v of_o this_o year_n and_o the_o particularity_n of_o it_o may_v be_v draw_v from_o the_o duke_n confession_n and_o the_o memorial_n send_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n write_v by_o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n own_o hand_n at_o the_o same_o time_n matthew_n earl_n of_o lenox_n viceroy_n of_o scotland_n and_o great_a grandfather_n to_o the_o king_n have_v appoint_v the_o assembly_n of_o state_n at_o sterlin_n and_o think_v to_o be_v safe_a there_o be_v surprise_v by_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o contrary_a faction_n which_o meet_v together_o by_o the_o queen_n authority_n at_o edenborrough_n and_o have_v yield_v himself_o to_o david_n spencer_n who_o labour_v very_o hard_o to_o protect_v he_o be_v slay_v with_o he_o by_o bell_n and_o cauder_n slay_v after_o have_v with_o much_o trouble_n and_o pain_n rule_v the_o kingdom_n for_o the_o king_n his_o nephew_n the_o space_n of_o fourteen_o month_n more_o or_o less_o at_o what_o time_n france_n take_v the_o queen_n side_n and_o queen_n elizabeth_z the_o king_n not_o so_o much_o to_o get_v their_o friend_n the_o victory_n as_o to_o keep_v they_o from_o be_v overcome_v queen_n elizabeth_z hope_v that_o the_o young_a king_n shall_v have_v be_v deliver_v into_o her_o hand_n and_o the_o french_a thought_n that_o dunbriton_n and_o edenborrough_n shall_v be_v give_v they_o whereupon_o some_o scottish_a merchant_n be_v very_o much_o trouble_v and_o traffic_v in_o france_n be_v deny_v they_o which_o draw_v a_o great_a party_n to_o the_o queen_n side_n in_o hope_n thereby_o to_o have_v freedom_n of_o trade_n there_o again_o in_o lenox_n his_o place_n viceroy_n by_o the_o common_a consent_n of_o the_o people_n john_n areskin_n earl_n of_o marre_n be_v elect_v viceroy_n a_o man_n of_o a_o calm_a spirit_n and_o a_o great_a lover_n of_o his_o country_n who_o be_v no_o less_o afflict_v with_o the_o turbulent_a counsel_n of_o his_o friend_n then_o by_o the_o insulting_n of_o his_o adversary_n for_o very_a grief_n die_v when_o he_o have_v govern_v thirteen_o month_n the_o iniquity_n of_o these_o time_n and_o the_o love_n which_o the_o people_n of_o england_n bear_v to_o their_o queen_n and_o country_n draw_v the_o state_n to_o westminster_n where_o they_o make_v a_o law_n to_o prevent_v the_o plot_n of_o the_o seditious_a disturber_n by_o which_o it_o be_v ordain_v by_o ancient_a authority_n that_o if_o any_o do_v attempt_v to_o ruin_v or_o hurt_v the_o queen_n to_o make_v war_n or_o excite_v other_o to_o do_v it_o in_o any_o part_n of_o her_o dominion_n or_o affirm_v that_o she_o have_v no_o right_n to_o the_o kingdom_n but_o that_o it_o be_v more_o just_o due_a to_o another_o or_o say_v that_o she_o be_v a_o heretic_n a_o schismatique_a or_o infidel_n that_o she_o do_v usurp_v the_o right_n from_o another_o that_o be_v live_v or_o that_o the_o law_n and_o statute_n be_v not_o of_o power_n to_o define_v and_o tie_v the_o right_n of_o succession_n it_o shall_v be_v crimen_fw-la laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la if_o any_o one_o during_o the_o life_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n shall_v express_o affirm_v either_o by_o writing_n or_o book_n print_v that_o any_o one_o be_v or_o aught_o to_o be_v the_o queen_n heir_n or_o successor_n except_o the_o natural_a line_n which_o shall_v proceed_v from_o she_o own_o body_n or_o that_o shall_v publish_v print_n or_o sell_v book_n write_v upon_o this_o subject_n he_o and_o his_o maintainer_n for_o the_o first_o time_n shall_v suffer_v a_o whole_a year_n imprisonment_n and_o lose_v half_a their_o good_n but_o return_v to_o the_o same_o offence_n again_o they_o incur_v the_o penalty_n of_o a_o praemunire_n which_o be_v loss_n of_o all_o good_n and_o imprisonment_n during_o life_n this_o seem_v grievous_a unto_o some_o which_o think_v that_o the_o tranquillity_n of_o the_o kingdom_n ought_v to_o be_v strengthen_v by_o the_o designation_n of_o a_o heir_n but_o it_o be_v beyond_o belief_n what_o jest_v the_o maliciously-curious_a make_v of_o this_o clause_n naturally_n beget_v of_o her_o body_n because_o the_o civil_a law_n call_v those_o child_n natural_a which_o be_v bear_v out_o of_o marriage_n and_o that_o nature_n only_o and_o not_o the_o honesty_n of_o wedlock_n beget_v they_o and_o the_o english_a law_n legitimate_a those_o that_o be_v lawful_o beget_v and_o i_o remember_v be_v then_o young_a to_o have_v hear_v it_o speak_v aloud_o that_o this_o word_n be_v press_v into_o this_o law_n by_o leicester_n that_o some_o bastard-sonne_n of_o he_o shall_v thrust_v in_o as_o one_o of_o near_a kin_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n papist_n it_o be_v also_o ordain_v that_o those_o who_o have_v by_o any_o bull_n or_o writing_n from_o the_o pope_n reconcile_v any_o to_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n shall_v undergo_v the_o punishment_n of_o crimen_fw-la laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la those_o who_o sustain_v the_o reconciler_n or_o bringer_n into_o england_n of_o agnus_n dei_n grain_n crucifix_n or_o any_o other_o thing_n consecrate_v by_o the_o pope_n of_o rome_n shall_v lose_v all_o their_o good_n and_o endure_v perpetual_a imprisonment_n and_o those_o that_o shall_v conceal_v and_o not_o detect_v these_o reconciler_n be_v hold_v guilty_a of_o misprision_n of_o treason_n furthermore_o those_o good_n and_o land_n which_o be_v convict_v for_o rebellion_n in_o the_o north_n be_v in_o the_o possession_n of_o james_n pilkinton_n bishop_n of_o durham_n who_o challenge_v regal_a power_n between_o the_o river_n of_o teise_n and_o tyne_n be_v adjudge_v to_o the_o queen_n and_o her_o successor_n because_o she_o have_v with_o great_a cost_n deliver_v both_o the_o bishop_n and_o the_o bishopric_n from_o rebel_n yet_o so_o as_o that_o in_o time_n to_o come_v it_o shall_v not_o be_v prejudicial_a to_o the_o regal_a rite_n of_o that_o church_n of_o durham_n it_o be_v also_o ordain_v that_o to_o meet_v with_o the_o insolence_n of_o such_o as_o be_v devote_a to_o the_o pope_n and_o despise_v the_o authority_n of_o the_o law_n and_o their_o obedience_n to_o their_o princess_n who_o day_n by_o day_n withdraw_v themselves_o into_o foreign_a country_n without_o the_o queen_n licence_n hope_v in_o time_n with_o a_o great_a number_n and_o to_o innovate_v something_o they_o shall_v return_v within_o a_o certain_a time_n and_o make_v their_o submission_n and_o that_o the_o fraudulent_a conveyance_n which_o they_o have_v make_v shall_v be_v burn_v so_o much_o for_o the_o papist_n on_o the_o other_o side_n by_o wholesome_a law_n they_o suppress_v as_o well_o the_o covetousness_n of_o certain_a of_o the_o clergy_n who_o as_o if_o they_o have_v be_v bear_v only_o to_o themselves_o with_o a_o notorious_a malice_n to_o their_o successor_n waste_v the_o good_n of_o the_o church_n and_o let_v out_o the_o land_n for_o many_o year_n as_o the_o impudency_n of_o other_o who_o with_o a_o desire_n to_o innovate_v oppose_v themselves_o to_o article_n of_o the_o synod_n of_o london_n for_o the_o abolish_n of_o schism_n in_o the_o year_n 1562._o it_o be_v likewise_o again_o propound_v that_o if_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n shall_v again_o offend_v the_o law_n of_o england_n she_o may_v be_v proceed_v against_o as_o if_o she_o be_v a_o peer_n wife_n of_o the_o realm_n of_o england_n but_o the_o queen_n by_o her_o authority_n hinder_v that_o from_o be_v make_v a_o law_n in_o the_o begin_n of_o june_n the_o parliament_n be_v ready_a to_o be_v dismiss_v they_o sit_v upon_o john_n story_n a_o doctor_n of_o law_n and_o spy_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o alva_n of_o who_o i_o have_v make_v mention_n in_o the_o year_n 1569._o to_o know_v whether_o john_n story_n be_v a_o englishman_n shall_v be_v find_v guilty_a laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la for_o have_v confer_v with_o a_o stranger-prince_n in_o brabant_n for_o the_o invade_a of_o his_o country_n and_o show_v the_o mean_n to_o do_v it_o the_o learned_a sort_n in_o the_o law_n do_v affirm_v that_o he_o may_v be_v accuse_v laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la whereupon_o he_o be_v call_v unto_o judgement_n for_o have_v conspire_v against_o the_o life_n of_o his_o princess_n with_o one_o prestoll_n a_o man_n much_o addict_v to_o magic_a and_o in_o give_v thanks_n at_o the_o table_n always_o curse_v she_o and_o the_o king_n of_o scotland_n to_o the_o fiend_n of_o hell_n and_o demonstrate_v to_o the_o duke_n of_o alua_n secretary_n the_o mean_n to_o invade_v england_n to_o make_v ireland_n revolt_v and_o at_o the_o same_o time_n to_o bring_v the_o scot_n into_o england_n he_o refuse_v to_o submit_v himself_o to_o be_v judge_v by_o the_o law_n of_o england_n maintain_v that_o be_v a_o swear_a subject_n not_o to_o queen_n elizabeth_n but_o to_o the_o king_n
envy_n among_o themselves_o so_o as_o neither_o of_o they_o obtain_v their_o end_n and_o purpose_n at_o that_o very_a time_n a_o please_a serenity_n seem_v to_o shine_v upon_o the_o protestant_n in_o france_n and_o charles_n the_o nine_o pretend_v only_o a_o war_n in_o flanders_n which_o he_o affirm_v to_o be_v the_o preservation_n of_o france_n and_o cover_v himself_o with_o this_o mask_n he_o feign_v as_o though_o he_o mean_v to_o contract_v alliance_n and_o amity_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n and_o the_o prince_n of_o germany_n to_o give_v some_o testimony_n herein_o of_o his_o love_n to_o the_o protestant_n who_o absolute_a ruin_n notwithstanding_o he_o covert_o intend_v and_o france_n as_o if_o he_o lean_v to_o they_o of_o the_o one_o side_n and_o the_o spaniard_n on_o the_o other_o he_o substitute_v to_o this_o end_n the_o duke_n de_fw-fr mont-morancy_a birag_v de_fw-fr anbisine_n the_o bishop_n of_o lymoges_n and_o of_o foix._n the_o queen_n of_o england_n who_o true_o apprehend_v the_o secret_a plot_n and_o stratagem_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o alva_n depute_a sir_n thomas_n smith_n and_o sir_n francis_n walsingham_n and_o article_n be_v draw_v between_o they_o whereof_o you_o shall_v see_v a_o abridgement_n in_o the_o same_o express_a word_n and_o term_n this_o alliance_n shall_v not_o tie_v prince_n ally_v same_o to_o leave_v other_o treaty_n pass_v between_o they_o so_o they_o be_v not_o opposite_a and_o contrary_a thereunto_o there_o shall_v be_v a_o confederation_n league_n and_o union_n between_o they_o to_o defend_v themselves_o mutual_o against_o all_o who_o under_o some_o pretext_n or_o any_o other_o occasion_n whatsoever_o shall_v invade_v or_o attempt_v to_o invade_v their_o person_n or_o territory_n whereof_o they_o be_v now_o possess_v it_o shall_v remain_v firm_a between_o they_o not_o only_o while_o they_o live_v but_o also_o between_o their_o successor_n so_o the_o heir_n of_o the_o first_o decease_v give_v notice_n to_o the_o suruivant_n within_o the_o space_n of_o a_o year_n by_o ambassador_n and_o letter_n that_o he_o accept_v of_o the_o same_o condition_n otherwise_o the_o suruivant_n shall_v be_v repute_v discharge_v of_o the_o observance_n of_o the_o same_o it_o shall_v be_v validious_a against_o all_o yea_o and_o even_o against_o those_o that_o be_v join_v in_o affinity_n to_o the_o one_o or_o other_o prince_n and_o against_o all_o other_o alliance_n contract_v or_o to_o contract_n if_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n be_v require_v to_o send_v succour_n by_o letter_n seal_v and_o subscribe_v with_o the_o king_n of_o france_n his_o own_o hand_n she_o shall_v be_v bind_v to_o pass_v over_o into_o france_n within_o two_o month_n after_o a_o thousand_o foot_n arm_v or_o five_o hundred_o horse_n at_o her_o choice_n who_o the_o king_n must_v pay_v from_o the_o first_o day_n of_o their_o arrival_n in_o france_n she_o be_v to_o send_v for_o the_o war_n of_o flanders_n eight_o ship_n of_o equal_a greatness_n wherein_o twelve_o hundred_o soldier_n must_v be_v employ_v with_o all_o thing_n necessary_a and_o there_o must_v be_v no_o mariner_n nor_o soldier_n but_o english_a but_o yet_o they_o must_v be_v command_v by_o the_o admiral_n of_o france_n pay_v and_o victual_v by_o the_o king_n from_o the_o first_o day_n they_o enter_v into_o service_n she_o be_v also_o to_o victual_v her_o ship_n for_o two_o month_n which_o the_o king_n be_v also_o to_o pay_v within_o two_o month_n and_o if_o the_o queen_n be_v move_v to_o any_o war_n the_o king_n have_v receive_v letter_n subscribe_v with_o she_o own_o hand_n be_v to_o send_v over_o into_o england_n or_o ireland_n within_o two_o month_n six_o thousand_o foot_n or_o at_o her_o choice_n five_o hundred_o conductor_n arm_v at_o all_o point_n who_o shall_v bring_v fifteen_o hundred_o horse_n and_o about_o three_o thousand_o foot_n with_o good_a horse_n and_o arm_n after_o the_o french_a manner_n who_o she_o must_v pray_v from_o the_o time_n they_o set_v foot_n in_o her_o country_n and_o for_o the_o war_n by_o sea_n he_o be_v to_o furnish_v eight_o ship_n with_o twelve_o hundred_o soldier_n in_o manner_n and_o form_n above_o mention_v order_n agree_v upon_o for_o succour_n and_o pay_v to_o be_v digest_v in_o writing_n run_v in_o this_o form_n that_o the_o one_o shall_v be_v bind_v to_o sell_v unto_o the_o other_o arm_n and_o all_o necessary_a thing_n to_o the_o prince_n assail_v they_o shall_v innovate_v nothing_o in_o scotland_n but_o defend_v it_o against_o stranger_n and_o permit_v they_o to_o enter_v and_o nourish_v the_o scottish_a partiality_n but_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n be_v permit_v to_o pursue_v with_o arm_n those_o among_o they_o who_o maintain_v or_o foster_v the_o english_a rebel_n who_o be_v at_o that_o present_a in_o scotland_n that_o this_o alliance_n shall_v be_v so_o take_v and_o understand_v as_o the_o only_a propriety_n and_o meaning_n of_o the_o word_n import_v each_o of_o the_o two_o prince_n shall_v confirm_v every_o one_o of_o these_o article_n by_o patent_n and_o faithful_o and_o real_o to_o deliver_v they_o into_o the_o hand_n of_o ambassador_n for_o the_o one_o and_o other_o within_o three_o month_n for_o ratification_n of_o this_o alliance_n on_o the_o behalf_n of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n thereof_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n send_v into_o france_n the_o earl_n of_o lincoln_n admiral_n with_o a_o great_a train_n of_o gentleman_n among_o which_o be_v these_o baron_n the_o lord_n dacres_n the_o lord_n rich_a the_o lord_n talbot_n the_o lord_n sands_n and_o other_o and_o the_o king_n of_o france_n send_v into_o england_n anne_n duke_n the_o mont-morancie_a and_o mounseur_fw-fr de_fw-fr foix_n with_o a_o magnificent_a train_n that_o in_o the_o presence_n of_o they_o and_o messieurs_fw-fr de_fw-fr saligna_fw-la and_o de_fw-fr la_fw-fr mottef_n his_o ambassador_n ordinary_a the_o queen_n may_v reciprocal_o confirm_v the_o same_o with_o oath_n which_o be_v perform_v at_o westminster_n the_o seventeen_o of_o june_n and_o the_o day_n after_o the_o queen_n majesty_n with_o the_o consent_n of_o the_o french_a invest_v with_o the_o order_n of_o saint_n george_n the_o duke_n de_fw-fr mont-morancy_a in_o grateful_a commemoration_n of_o the_o love_n which_o anne_n constable_n of_o france_n manifest_v unto_o she_o garter_n to_o who_o henry_n the_o eight_o vouchsafe_v the_o same_o honour_n out_o of_o the_o love_n he_o bear_v to_o the_o house_n of_o mont-morancy_a who_o carry_v the_o title_n of_o the_o first_o christian_n of_o france_n and_o be_v there_o hold_v for_o most_o noble_a scotland_n while_o mont-morancy_a remain_v in_o england_n he_o move_v certain_a proposition_n in_o the_o king_n of_o france_n his_o name_n that_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n may_v there_o find_v favour_n so_o far_o as_o it_o may_v be_v perform_v without_o danger_n that_o there_o may_v be_v a_o cessation_n of_o arm_n in_o scotland_n and_o that_o a_o concord_n may_v be_v establish_v by_o act_n of_o parliament_n and_o if_o a_o parliament_n can_v not_o commodious_o be_v summon_v that_o some_o may_v be_v elect_v of_o the_o one_o and_o other_o part_n among_o the_o scot_n to_o repair_v to_o london_n to_o settle_v affair_n with_o the_o deputy_n of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o queen_n of_o england_n he_o but_o answer_n be_v make_v he_o that_o more_o favour_n have_v be_v show_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n than_o she_o deserve_v and_o yet_o for_o the_o king_n of_o france_n more_o shall_v be_v show_v she_o though_o the_o estate_n of_o the_o kingdom_n assemble_v have_v judge_v how_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n can_v not_o live_v in_o security_n except_o some_o rigour_n be_v use_v to_o she_o that_o the_o queen_n have_v careful_o employ_v her_o whole_a power_n to_o establish_v concord_n and_o procure_v a_o cessation_n of_o arm_n have_v for_o this_o end_n late_o send_v into_o scotland_n sir_n william_n drewry_n governor_n of_o berwicke_n with_o de_fw-fr la_fw-fr croce_n the_o french_a ambassador_n but_o they_o can_v by_o no_o mean_n induce_v grange_n to_o peace_n nor_o the_o garrison_n of_o the_o castle_n of_o edenborrough_n out_o of_o the_o hope_n they_o conceive_v to_o be_v succour_v from_o france_n and_o flanders_n though_o huntley_n and_o hamilton_n arbroth_n for_o the_o duke_n their_o father_n have_v oblige_v themselves_o in_o write_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_n to_o enter_v it_o and_o other_o of_o the_o queen_n partaker_n have_v plight_v their_o faith_n and_o promise_n thereunto_o after_o these_o motive_n he_o also_o propound_v many_o other_o touch_v the_o marriage_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n but_o in_o that_o they_o can_v not_o agree_v about_o some_o circumstance_n concern_v religion_n the_o matter_n grow_v hopeless_a and_o he_o return_v into_o france_n when_o there_o be_v preparation_n of_o the_o nuptial_n anjou_n between_o henry_n king_n of_o navarre_n with_o margarite_n sister_n to_o the_o king_n of_o
france_n whereunto_o with_o notable_a dissimulation_n the_o king_n of_o navarre_n and_o the_o most_o noble_a protestant_n be_v draw_v by_o sweet_a promise_n and_o probable_a hope_n of_o perpetuate_n the_o peace_n &_o bring_v themselves_o into_o grace_n as_o also_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n and_o the_o lord_n burleigh_n be_v invite_v out_o of_o england_n under_o a_o honourable_a colour_n and_o out_o of_o germany_n the_o son_n of_o the_o elector_n palatine_n to_o the_o end_n that_o be_v entangle_v in_o the_o net_n if_o those_o of_o the_o evangelicall_a religion_n together_o with_o themselves_o be_v not_o all_o denounce_v in_o a_o instant_n yet_o they_o shall_v receive_v a_o mortal_a and_o irrecoverable_a wound_n for_o when_o the_o nuptial_n be_v solemnize_v this_o so_o expect_a and_o wish_a serenity_n be_v present_o overcast_v with_o that_o terrible_a and_o bloody_a tempest_n the_o parisian_a butchery_n paris_n and_o through_o the_o cruel_a massacre_n that_o with_o execrable_a impiety_n be_v commit_v in_o all_o the_o city_n of_o france_n against_o protestant_n of_o all_o estate_n and_o condition_n the_o which_o notwithstanding_o they_o will_v fain_o have_v cover_v with_o a_o pretext_n of_o equity_n yea_o of_o pity_n and_o to_o practice_v this_o impious_a fraud_n under_o the_o cloak_n and_o shelter_n of_o the_o edict_n impute_v to_o the_o protestant_n that_o they_o have_v wicked_o conspire_v against_o the_o king_n the_o queen_n his_o mother_n his_o brethren_n the_o king_n of_o navarre_n and_o the_o prince_n of_o the_o blood_n for_o piece_n of_o money_n be_v coin_a in_o memorial_n of_o this_o act_n which_o have_v of_o the_o one_o side_n the_o king_n effigy_n with_o this_o inscription_n virtue_n contre_fw-fr les_fw-fr rebel_n virtue_n against_o rebel_n and_o on_o the_o other_o la_fw-fr pieté_fw-fr à_fw-fr esman_n la_fw-fr justice_n pity_n have_v move_v justice_n not_o long_o before_o the_o queen-mother_n of_o france_n very_o subtle_a in_o counterfeit_v goodwill_n to_o the_o protestant_n be_v to_o understand_v the_o future_a event_n and_o credulous_a in_o astrological_a prediction_n which_o by_o the_o conjunction_n of_o the_o royal_a planet_n at_o the_o birth_n of_o her_o son_n prognosticate_v kingdom_n to_o each_o of_o they_o elizabeth_n command_v la_o mottef_n to_o break_v with_o queen_n elizabeth_z about_o the_o marriage_n of_o she_o with_o francis_n her_o young_a son_n duke_n of_o alenzon_n to_o purchase_v he_o if_o she_o can_v the_o title_n of_o a_o king_n or_o at_o least_o to_o divert_v queen_n elizabeth_n from_o aid_v the_o protestant_n in_o france_n la_fw-fr mottef_n propound_v this_o matter_n at_o kennelworth_n two_o day_n before_o the_o massacre_n of_o paris_n but_o queen_n elizabeth_z excuse_v herself_o by_o reason_n of_o the_o difference_n in_o religion_n and_o disparity_n in_o year_n for_o he_o be_v hardly_o seventeen_o year_n old_a and_o she_o above_o eight_o and_o thirty_o nevertheless_o she_o promise_v to_o deliberate_v of_o it_o and_o the_o duke_n of_o alenzon_n forbear_v not_o to_o solicit_v she_o by_o the_o procurement_n of_o fleri_fw-la behead_v in_o the_o same_o month_n thomas_n percy_n earl_n of_o northumberland_n who_o because_o of_o his_o rebellion_n flee_v into_o scotland_n have_v his_o head_n cut_v off_o at_o york_n after_o he_o be_v deliver_v into_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o lord_n of_o hunsdon_n governor_n of_o berwicke_n by_o the_o treachery_n of_o one_o morton_n who_o stand_v much_o bind_v unto_o he_o for_o many_o benefit_n when_o he_o be_v banish_v into_o england_n but_o be_v ever_o find_v grateful_a towards_o the_o afflict_a and_o as_o this_o year_n like_o a_o dreadful_a axe_n cut_v off_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n in_o the_o flower_n of_o their_o age_n a_o mild_a and_o gentle_a death_n carry_v likewise_o out_o of_o the_o world_n two_o other_o in_o their_o decrepit_a year_n who_o be_v of_o the_o most_o eminent_a nobility_n and_o of_o the_o privy-councell_n derby_n george_n pawlet_n lord_n treasurer_n of_o england_n marquis_n of_o winchester_n earl_n of_o wilton_n and_o lord_n saint_n john_n of_o basin_n who_o go_v through_o many_o great_a honour_n attain_v to_o the_o age_n of_o ninety_o seven_o year_n and_o beget_v to_o the_o number_n of_o a_o hundred_o and_o three_o child_n sir_n william_n cecil_n baron_n of_o burleigh_n supply_v his_o place_n in_o the_o dignity_n of_o lord_n treasurer_n edward_n earl_n of_o derby_n and_o baron_n of_o le_fw-fr strange_a of_o knoke_v depart_v this_o life_n with_o who_o in_o some_o sort_n die_v the_o glory_n of_o english_a hospitality_n after_o his_o commendable_a discharge_n of_o many_o honourable_a ambassy_n there_o die_v also_o sir_n george_n peter_n peter_n a_o honourable_a knight_n who_o be_v one_o of_o the_o privy_a council_n secretary_z to_z king_n henry_n the_o eight_o king_n edward_n the_o six_o queen_n mary_n and_o queen_n elizabeth_n and_o chancellor_n of_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n descend_v from_o the_o worthy_a family_n of_o exeter_n after_o that_o by_o his_o wisdom_n and_o learning_n he_o have_v collect_v a_o great_a estate_n out_o of_o his_o own_o good_n and_o the_o permission_n of_o queen_n mary_n he_o augment_v with_o annual_a revenue_n exeter_n college_n in_o the_o university_n of_o oxeford_n where_o he_o be_v a_o student_n and_o bring_v up_o the_o queen_n herself_o who_o have_v always_o live_v in_o perfect_a health_n for_o she_o never_o eat_v but_o when_o she_o have_v a_o stomach_n sick_a neither_o drink_v any_o wine_n feel_v some_o small_a grudge_n of_o infirmity_n at_o hampton-court_n but_o she_o recover_v her_o former_a health_n before_o it_o be_v almost_o know_v she_o be_v sick_a and_o be_v vigilant_a over_o matter_n worthy_a of_o a_o prince_n care_n &_o forecast_n she_o command_v that_o portsmouth_n shall_v be_v rampard_v with_o new_a fortification_n &_o her_o fleet_n increase_v with_o ship_n of_o war_n that_o at_o certain_a constitute_v time_n soldier_n may_v be_v enrol_v throughout_o the_o shire_n public_a and_o youth_n to_o be_v train_v up_o in_o arm_n though_o she_o live_v then_o in_o most_o secure_a peace_n she_o willing_o and_o with_o much_o thanks_n restore_v the_o money_n she_o have_v borrow_v of_o her_o subject_n in_o do_v of_o which_o she_o gain_v no_o less_o love_n of_o her_o people_n then_o in_o send_v forth_o two_o proclamation_n which_o she_o cause_v to_o be_v publish_v in_o the_o begin_n of_o the_o year_n in_o one_o of_o which_o she_o ordain_v that_o those_o nobleman_n shall_v be_v tax_v according_a to_o the_o ancient_a law_n that_o take_v more_o follower_n and_o retainer_n than_o be_v permit_v they_o because_o these_o their_o retainer_n &_o follower_n be_v hereby_o exempt_v from_o public_a office_n they_o maintain_v faction_n and_o many_o way_n offend_v against_o the_o law_n rely_v on_o the_o protection_n of_o the_o noble_n to_o who_o they_o have_v proffer_v their_o service_n and_o in_o the_o other_o she_o curb_v a_o ravenous_a kind_n of_o people_n call_v enquirer_n after_o conceal_a land_n ireland_n by_o revoke_v their_o warrant_n and_o constrain_a they_o to_o restore_v many_o thing_n take_v away_o for_o be_v appoint_v to_o seek_v out_o whether_o particular_a man_n conceal_v not_o some_o land_n that_o belong_v to_o the_o crown_n with_o most_o sacrilegious_a avarice_n they_o begin_v to_o seize_v on_o such_o as_o have_v heretofore_o be_v give_v by_o pious_a ancestor_n to_o parish_n church_n and_o hospital_n yea_o to_o pluck_v down_o the_o bell_n and_o lead_v wherewith_o the_o church_n be_v cover_v in_o ireland_n the_o burdensome_a authority_n of_o one_o fitton_n governor_n of_o connath_n produce_v some_o trouble_n for_o the_o son_n of_o richard_n earl_n of_o clanricard_n bring_v forth_o by_o diverse_a woman_n not_o be_v able_a to_o endure_v it_o in_o that_o they_o be_v headstrong_a and_o give_v to_o liberty_n they_o raise_v a_o rebellion_n and_o pass_v over_o seine_n make_v cruel_a incursion_n upon_o the_o inhabitant_n of_o the_o western_a part_n of_o mijs_fw-la which_o with_o many_o outrage_n commit_v they_o pillage_v and_o forage_v their_o father_n who_o be_v of_o the_o ancient_a family_n of_o bourgh_n in_o england_n venerable_o bald_a and_o of_o a_o stay_a disposition_n go_v to_o the_o deputy_n justify_v himself_o of_o this_o crime_n and_o require_v advice_n of_o the_o counsellor_n of_o ireland_n how_o he_o may_v depress_v his_o son_n that_o spoil_v and_o waste_v the_o country_n in_o this_o manner_n but_o her_o majesty_n think_v fit_a for_o public_a tranquillity_n by_o little_a and_o little_a to_o draw_v fitton_n out_o of_o connath_n and_o to_o make_v he_o treasurer_n of_o ireland_n a_o little_a while_n after_o the_o earl_n son_n defeat_v by_o the_o garrison_n which_o fall_v upon_o they_o submit_v themselves_o to_o the_o depruie_a omor_n the_o enlagen_fw-ge omor_n a_o kind_n of_o seditious_a people_n stir_v up_o also_o new_a trouble_n but_o they_o likewise_o be_v proclaim_v
they_o have_v no_o good_a intelligence_n do_v niggardly_o depart_v with_o their_o money_n discorded_a with_o the_o dutch_a in_o certain_a point_n of_o religion_n and_o that_o the_o emperor_n a_o near_a kinsman_n of_o the_o spaniard_n will_v give_v impeachment_n to_o it_o they_o also_o see_v the_o french_a so_o engage_v in_o their_o own_o civil_a war_n that_o they_o can_v find_v no_o end_n that_o there_o be_v simulate_v &_o inveterate_a hate_n between_o the_o inhabitant_n of_o the_o low-countries_n and_o the_o french_a that_o the_o brabander_n flemish_a and_o the_o neighbour_a people_n of_o france_n will_v oppose_v it_o with_o all_o their_o force_n that_o the_o commandment_n of_o the_o french_a be_v rude_a and_o burdensome_a as_o well_o as_o that_o of_o the_o spanish_a and_o that_o the_o haven_n of_o france_n be_v not_o much_o commodious_a for_o the_o navigation_n of_o the_o dutch._n but_o for_o the_o english_a that_o be_v almost_o under_o one_o parallel_n with_o the_o dutch_a who_o also_o seem_v to_o be_v of_o the_o same_o nature_n and_o religion_n with_o they_o that_o their_o language_n be_v not_o much_o different_a their_o country_n near_o adjoin_v furnish_v with_o port_n commodious_a for_o navigation_n and_o fruitful_a in_o merchandise_n that_o the_o queen_n both_o by_o sea_n and_o land_n be_v very_o powerful_a a_o mild_a and_o gracious_a princess_n temperate_a in_o her_o command_n one_o that_o will_v conserve_v their_o liberty_n and_o in_o no_o wise_a burden_n they_o with_o exaction_n they_o forthwith_o send_v into_o england_n phil._n marnix_n england_n lord_n of_o saint_n aldegonde_n i._o douza_n of_o nortwic_n paul_n busie_n and_o d._n melsen_n which_o with_o a_o honourable_a legacy_n and_o learned_a oration_n offer_v to_o the_o queen_n holland_n and_o zealand_n either_o to_o possess_v or_o protect_v as_o be_v a_o princess_n issue_v from_o the_o prince_n of_o holland_n of_o the_o blood_n of_o philip_n wife_n to_o edward_n the_o three_o daughter_n to_o william_n bavier_n the_o three_o of_o that_o name_n earl_n of_o hainaud_n and_o of_o holland_n by_o who_o second_o sister_n the_o spaniard_n come_v to_o the_o inheritance_n of_o the_o province_n thereupon_o the_o queen_n give_v a_o willing_a and_o a_o attentive_a hear_n to_o these_o thing_n but_o first_o of_o all_o she_o weigh_v and_o consider_v in_o her_o mind_n the_o cause_n which_o they_o have_v undertake_v against_o their_o lord_n and_o king_n the_o enmity_n of_o the_o spaniard_n the_o envy_n of_o the_o french_a the_o great_a expense_n and_o doubtful_a event_n of_o the_o war_n and_o also_o what_o offence_n may_v be_v take_v by_o this_o insolent_a example_n then_o she_o doubt_v whether_o by_o her_o descent_n from_o bavier_n she_o may_v make_v claim_n to_o holland_n and_o zealand_n and_o whether_o she_o may_v lawful_o contract_v a_o league_n of_o protection_n with_o the_o subject_n of_o another_o prince_n and_o whether_o they_o themselves_o can_v do_v this_o without_o the_o consent_n of_o the_o emperor_n who_o be_v sovereign_a lord_n of_o the_o fee_n then_o further_o she_o scarce_o give_v credit_n to_o what_o some_o whisper_v in_o her_o ear_n that_o the_o province_n fall_v not_o to_o the_o spaniard_n by_o hereditary_a right_n but_o by_o the_o election_n of_o the_o subject_n proffer_n final_o have_v mature_o deliberate_v upon_o these_o thing_n after_o she_o have_v respective_o render_v thanks_n to_o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n and_o the_o rest_n for_o their_o great_a good_a will_n she_o answer_v that_o she_o have_v always_o have_v a_o special_a regard_n of_o the_o honour_n and_o faith_n worthy_a a_o prince_n nor_o can_v she_o yet_o conceive_v how_o she_o can_v in_o honour_n and_o conscience_n receive_v the_o province_n into_o her_o protection_n much_o less_o into_o her_o possession_n but_o she_o will_v employ_v her_o best_a labour_n to_o mediate_v for_o a_o happy_a peace_n between_o they_o champigni_n at_o the_o same_o time_n arrive_v at_o the_o court_n john_n perenot_n of_o champigni_n from_o lodowick_n zuniga_n of_o requesens_n who_o in_o his_o name_n modest_o advise_v the_o queen_n to_o entertain_v the_o league_n between_o england_n and_o burgundy_n and_o not_o to_o intermeddle_v in_o the_o affair_n of_o the_o netherlands_o to_o who_o the_o queen_n promise_v to_o observe_v the_o league_n notwithstanding_o the_o spaniard_n have_v refuse_v to_o confirm_v it_o yet_o will_v she_o always_o provide_v for_o she_o own_o honour_n and_o safety_n if_o she_o perceive_v the_o ancient_a form_n of_o command_n among_o the_o burgundian_n to_o be_v change_v and_o foreign_a soldier_n in_o great_a number_n daily_o to_o be_v admit_v into_o the_o adjacent_a province_n die_v before_o champigni_n be_v return_v requesens_n yield_v to_o death_n and_o a_o strange_a confusion_n have_v overcast_v the_o netherlands_o the_o soldier_n deva_v all_o place_n with_o sword_n and_o fire_n and_o the_o estate_n of_o brabant_n flanders_n etc._n etc._n assume_v their_o former_a authority_n in_o the_o administration_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n which_o the_o spaniard_n by_o necessity_n be_v constrain_v to_o confirm_v to_o they_o until_o the_o come_n of_o john_n of_o austria_n who_o he_o have_v institute_v governor_n over_o the_o province_n queen_n elizabeth_n careful_o labour_v that_o the_o spaniard_n may_v receive_v no_o discommodity_n &_o conserve_v as_o much_o as_o she_o possible_o can_v the_o netherlands_n entire_a to_o he_o and_o send_v davison_n diligent_o to_o exhort_v they_o to_o a_o peace_n composition_n but_o by_o reason_n of_o outrageousness_n of_o the_o spanish_a soldier_n nothing_o be_v effect_v england_n for_o this_o whole_a year_n remain_v in_o a_o peaceable_a quiet_a except_v in_o the_o month_n of_o july_n there_o happen_v upon_o the_o southern_a border_n of_o england_n towards_o scotland_n a_o conflict_n between_o the_o borderer_n of_o either_o part_n scotland_n whereof_o the_o occasion_n be_v this_o john_n foster_n knight_n governor_n of_o the_o meridional_a frontier_n and_o at_o the_o same_o time_n of_o berwick_n also_o enter_v into_o parley_n upon_o the_o mount_n redsquire_n with_o i._o carmichell_n warden_n of_o liddisdale_n in_o scotland_n notwithstanding_o it_o be_v a_o custom_n that_o none_o but_o governor_n shall_v meet_v with_o governor_n and_o warden_n with_o warden_n as_o equal_n in_o dignity_n they_o be_v of_o either_o side_n accompany_v beside_o certain_a nobleman_n with_o a_o multitude_n of_o fugitive_n and_o malefactor_n all_o arm_a of_o which_o the_o most_o part_n quarrel_v with_o one_o another_o about_o inveterate_a and_o mortal_a hatred_n between_o they_o these_o sort_n of_o fellow_n according_a to_o their_o custom_n have_v put_v their_o horse_n out_o here_o and_o there_o to_o feed_v round_o encircle_v the_o governor_n &_o warden_n who_o when_o they_o hear_v break_v out_o into_o eager_a term_n about_o the_o send_v back_o of_o fugitive_n they_o who_o law_n be_v only_o their_o weapon_n know_v themselves_o guilty_a be_v afraid_a lest_o they_o shall_v be_v deliver_v into_o the_o hand_n of_o justice_n upon_o a_o squabble_n which_o fall_v out_o about_o the_o take_v away_o of_o a_o spur_n they_o tumultuous_o run_v to_o arm_n and_o every_o one_o to_o revenge_v their_o private_a spleen_n assail_v his_o particular_a enemy_n or_o make_v prey_n of_o his_o horse_n whether_o a_o scot_n or_o a_o englishman_n be_v the_o beginner_n it_o be_v uncertain_a at_o the_o first_o encounter_n the_o english_a repulse_v the_o scot_n and_o take_v carmichell_n but_o as_o they_o be_v too_o confident_a in_o their_o own_o force_n range_v about_o for_o booty_n and_o trifle_a pillage_n a_o troop_n of_o scottish_a succour_n sally_v out_o of_o jedbourgh_n carmichell_n escape_v and_o the_o english_a be_v put_v to_o flight_n george_n heron_n knight_n warden_n of_o tyndale_n and_o ridisdale_n with_o other_o be_v slay_v slay_v and_o the_o governor_n forster_n himself_o fran._n russell_n son_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o bedford_n and_o son-in-law_n to_o forster_n cuthbert_n collinwood_n scotland_n james_n ogle_n henry_n fenwich_n and_o many_o other_o be_v take_v and_o carry_v to_o dalquith_n in_o scotland_n where_o the_o regent_n be_v resident_a who_o courteous_o receive_v they_o but_o fear_v lest_o if_o he_o shall_v so_o soon_o permit_v they_o to_o depart_v their_o blood_n yet_o boil_v for_o the_o murder_n shall_v inflame_v their_o courage_n to_o vengeance_n and_o so_o raise_v a_o war_n between_o the_o two_o kingdom_n he_o for_o a_o time_n detain_v they_o and_o will_v not_o release_v they_o before_o they_o have_v promise_v by_o writing_n to_o appear_v at_o a_o certain_a day_n in_o scotland_n incense_v when_o queen_n elizabeth_n have_v certain_a notice_n of_o these_o matter_n she_o be_v then_o if_o ever_o anger_n have_v prevayl_v with_o she_o full_a of_o vexation_n and_o mighty_o incense_v that_o the_o scot_n which_o be_v as_o herself_o speak_v indebt_v to_o she_o for_o their_o rest_n and_o liberty_n shall_v violate_v the_o peace_n assault_n and_o murder_v the_o
english_a in_o england_n shall_v surprise_v and_o lead_v into_o scotland_n the_o governor_n of_o the_o meridional_a frontier_n and_o of_o barwick_n and_o other_o and_o not_o release_v they_o before_o they_o have_v promise_v in_o writing_n to_o return_v she_o take_v all_o this_o as_o a_o great_a injury_n and_o a_o disgrace_n do_v to_o the_o name_n of_o the_o english_a and_o to_o her_o honour_n and_o so_o much_o the_o more_o because_o the_o regent_n have_v constitute_v that_o inquisition_n shall_v be_v make_v upon_o the_o border_n of_o scotland_n whether_o those_o which_o be_v of_o the_o commission_n do_v come_v to_o the_o place_n arm_v this_o proposition_n she_o judge_v to_o come_v from_o a_o heart_n puff●_n up_o with_o enmity_n but_o that_o other_o with_o ambition_n that_o be_v to_o say_v that_o the_o regent_n shall_v prescribe_v a_o place_n of_o meeting_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n notwithstanding_o that_o she_o have_v not_o long_o before_o appoint_v a_o meetingplace_n in_o the_o city_n of_o york_n to_o the_o regent_n murrey_n neither_o can_v the_o affright_a regent_n satisfy_v the_o queen_n until_o he_o unarmed_a have_v meet_v with_o huntingdon_n deputy_n for_o england_n at_o bonderod_n a_o town_n upon_o the_o border_n and_o there_o promise_v with_o good_a office_n to_o salve_v this_o hurt_n and_o for_o the_o reparation_n of_o the_o english_a name_n he_o send_v carmichel_n his_o endear_a friend_n into_o england_n who_o for_o a_o space_n be_v detain_v there_o in_o free_a imprisonment_n at_o york_n and_o soon_o after_o be_v send_v back_o with_o honour_n and_o reward_n for_o the_o fault_n be_v find_v to_o be_v spring_v from_o forster_n while_o he_o above_o measure_v sustain_v the_o cause_n of_o a_o notorious_a malefactor_n thus_o be_v the_o queen_n reconcile_v to_o the_o regent_n who_o remain_v ever_o after_o constant_a in_o his_o friendship_n chastise_v the_o fugitive_n of_o either_o side_n to_o his_o great_a praise_n and_o the_o good_a of_o both_o the_o kingdom_n in_o this_o year_n die_v not_o any_o in_o england_n castell-herauld_n of_o any_o noble_a remark_n or_o note_n but_o in_o scotland_n the_o thrice-noble_a james_n hamilton_n duke_n of_o castell-herauld_n who_o be_v son_n to_o the_o daughter_n of_o james_n the_o second_o king_n of_o scotland_n be_v give_v as_o a_o tutor_n to_o mary_n queen_n of_o scot_n appoint_a governor_n and_o heir_n to_o the_o kingdom_n so_o long_o she_o be_v under_o age_n and_o when_o he_o have_v deliver_v she_o to_o the_o french_a he_o be_v create_v duke_n of_o castell-herauld_n in_o france_n afterward_o be_v constitute_v the_o chief_a of_o the_o three_o governor_n of_o scotland_n during_o queen_n mary_n imprisonment_n who_o cause_n while_o he_o constant_o defend_v be_v a_o open_a man_n and_o of_o a_o nature_n peaceable_a he_o be_v much_o afflict_v by_o the_o injury_n and_o plot_n of_o some_o troublesome_a spirit_n the_o earl_n of_o essex_n perceive_v himself_o much_o trouble_v jreland_n aswell_o by_o the_o ambush_n of_o turlogh_n and_o the_o lord_n of_o dungannon_n as_o also_o by_o the_o object_v difficulty_n in_o england_n and_o learn_v that_o it_o be_v deliberate_v in_o england_n concern_v his_o repeal_n he_o silent_o deplore_v the_o misrey_n whereinto_o by_o extreme_a injury_n he_o be_v precipitate_v he_o complain_v of_o the_o loss_n of_o his_o own_o and_o his_o man_n fortune_n he_o lament_v ireland_n which_o he_o persuade_v himself_o that_o with_o two_o thousand_o soldier_n he_o can_v reduce_v into_o obedience_n he_o instant_o demand_v that_o for_o his_o honour_n he_o may_v compound_v the_o matter_n with_o turlogh_n and_o have_v give_v up_o to_o the_o viceroy_n his_o command_n in_o ulster_n because_o that_o with_o that_o small_a company_n of_o man_n which_o he_o have_v assign_v he_o he_o be_v not_o of_o power_n sufficient_a to_o prosecute_v what_o he_o have_v begin_v he_o be_v present_o command_v to_o resume_v the_o same_o but_o he_o have_v scarce_o resume_v it_o and_o begin_v to_o march_v against_o turlogh_n but_o he_o receive_v letter_n of_o command_n whole_o to_o withdraw_v himself_o from_o that_o war_n and_o in_o as_o honourable_a term_n as_o he_o can_v to_o conclude_v a_o peace_n which_o be_v present_o perform_v he_o charge_v upon_o the_o scot_n of_o hebrides_n which_o have_v seize_v upon_o clandeboy_n and_o force_v they_o to_o fly_v into_o cave_n and_o have_v with_o the_o aid_n of_o norris_n surprise_v the_o island_n rachlin_n and_o slay_v 400._o of_o the_o islander_n he_o force_v the_o castle_n to_o yield_v and_o there_o place_v a_o garrison_n and_o be_v now_o in_o the_o middle_a course_n of_o victory_n he_o be_v again_o command_v beyond_o his_o expectation_n to_o resign_v his_o authority_n and_o only_o as_o a_o private_a captain_n have_v command_v over_o three_o hundred_o man_n and_o sure_o nothing_o be_v omit_v by_o the_o close_a and_o subtle_a deal_n of_o leicester_n with_o continual_a trouble_n to_o oppress_v the_o mild_a and_o peaceable_a spirit_n of_o this_o noble_a worthy_a ireland_n henry_n sidney_n be_v then_o send_v the_o three_o time_n viceroy_n into_o ireland_n when_o the_o plague_n make_v large_a havoc_n of_o the_o isle_n nevertheless_o he_o pass_v to_o ulster_n where_o many_o humble_a themselves_o to_o he_o and_o request_v with_o prayer_n their_o safeguard_n to_o wit_n mac-mahon_n mac-guir_n turlogh_n leinich_n and_o other_o as_o many_o also_o in_o lemster_n of_o the_o seditious_a family_n of_o o-conor_a and_o o-mor_a who_o by_o force_n of_o arm_n have_v hold_v their_o ancient_a possession_n in_o leise_n and_o ophale_n whereof_o by_o a_o ordinance_n they_o have_v be_v dispossess_v be_v arrive_v at_o monster_n he_o assist_v as_o a_o mourner_n to_o honour_v the_o funeral_n of_o peter_n carew_n carew_n a_o true_a noble_a knight_n and_o of_o memorable_a virtue_n who_o as_o heir_n to_o stephanide_v and_o reymond_n crasse_n who_o be_v the_o first_o conqueror_n of_o ireland_n and_o of_o the_o of_o ydorne_v have_v conquer_v by_o the_o rite_n of_o war_n part_n of_o his_o patrimony_n come_v to_o corcagh_n the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n visit_v he_o and_o with_o great_a respect_n offer_v unto_o he_o all_o willing_a and_o ready_a service_n from_o thence_o be_v carry_v to_o connach_n he_o receive_v homage_n of_o the_o son_n of_o clan-richard_n which_o be_v rebel_n and_o pardon_v all_o their_o offence_n after_o they_o have_v humble_o implore_v the_o same_o in_o the_o church_n of_o galloway_n and_o so_o he_o govern_v the_o province_n with_o great_a and_o worthy_a applause_n 1576._o the_o nineteen_o year_n of_o her_o reign_n anno_fw-la dom._n 1576._o elizabeth_n anew_o year_n beginning_n the_o two_o matchmaker_n for_o the_o duke_n of_o alanzon_n la_fw-fr mottefenelon_n and_o la_fw-fr porte_fw-fr begin_v to_o charm_v the_o ear_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n with_o sweet_a and_o amorous_a discourse_n to_o who_o reply_n be_v make_v they_o that_o it_o be_v then_o no_o time_n for_o such_o talk_n the_o duke_n be_v so_o far_o engage_v in_o the_o civil_a war_n wherewith_o france_n be_v infest_a that_o he_o can_v not_o ready_o come_v into_o england_n nevertheless_o two_o ambassador_n be_v send_v into_o france_n one_o after_o another_o netherlands_o to_o renew_v a_o fraternal_a friendship_n between_o the_o king_n and_o the_o duke_n and_o to_o dehort_v they_o from_o the_o affair_n of_o the_o netherlands_o lest_o the_o spaniard_n shall_v kindle_v a_o new_a war_n in_o france_n show_v they_o how_o easy_a a_o thing_n it_o will_v be_v to_o he_o have_v then_o a_o puissant_a army_n in_o italy_n to_o surprise_v saluce_n or_o be_v with_o his_o force_n possess_v of_o provence_n to_o command_v the_o entry_n of_o the_o mediterranean_a sea_n especial_o the_o treasury_n of_o france_n be_v so_o near_o exhaust_v of_o other_o semblable_a matter_n she_o admonish_v they_o to_o deter_v they_o from_o the_o low-countries_n for_o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n for_o his_o own_o particular_a profit_n and_o the_o hope_n of_o retain_v the_o principality_n of_o orange_n which_o be_v situate_a in_o france_n he_o cease_v not_o to_o invite_v the_o french_a into_o the_o netherlands_o and_o promise_v to_o the_o hollander_n and_o zelander_n who_o as_o if_o they_o be_v bear_v to_o the_o sea_n sea_n do_v infest_v the_o sea_n with_o their_o vessel_n purposely_o build_v for_o their_o piracy_n the_o pillage_n of_o the_o ship_n of_o the_o english_a merchant_n under_o a_o pretext_n frame_v that_o they_o relieve_v the_o dunkirk_n their_o enemy_n with_o victual_n and_o under_o borrow_a name_n transport_v into_o spain_n the_o merchandize_n of_o antwerp_n and_o other_o place_n which_o themselves_o be_v accustom_v to_o transport_v thither_o and_o for_o their_o own_o profit_n but_o now_o dare_v not_o by_o reason_n they_o know_v themselves_o guilty_a of_o revolt_n holstock_n be_v forthwith_o send_v with_o ship_n furnish_v for_o the_o war_n to_o repress_v they_o repress_v who_o take_v above_o two_o hundred_o
&_o privilege_n belong_v to_o the_o place_n be_v gather_v together_o a_o certain_a impunity_n imbolden_v they_o for_o edward_n the_o three_o have_v grant_v to_o the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n all_o regal_a liberty_n that_o the_o king_n of_o england_n have_v in_o that_o county_n except_o for_o burn_n rape_n forestallings_n and_o treasure_n find_v notwithstanding_o the_o precedent_n judge_v that_o these_o liberty_n be_v grant_v rather_o for_o the_o exercise_n of_o justice_n then_o for_o the_o protect_a of_o mischief_n valiant_o defeat_v the_o most_o select_a troop_n of_o the_o forlorn_a rebel_n which_o the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n have_v lay_v in_o ambuscado_n and_o make_v search_n through_o all_o kerria_n and_o punish_v many_o of_o they_o severe_o the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n vex_v at_o this_o and_o grievous_o complain_v to_o the_o lord_n deputie_n of_o drury_n be_v as_o well_o of_o this_o as_o of_o the_o tax_n which_o they_o call_v ceass_n this_o tax_n be_v a_o exaction_n of_o victual_n at_o a_o certain_a price_n as_o the_o glebe_n among_o the_o ancient_n for_o provision_n of_o the_o deputy_n family_n and_o the_o garrison_n soldier_n of_o this_o tax_n exaction_n he_o complain_v not_o alone_o but_o in_o lemster_n the_o most_o civil_a part_n of_o the_o isle_n the_o viscount_n bultinglas_n deluin_n hoth_n and_o trimleston_n baron_n and_o also_o other_o of_o the_o noble_a sort_n complain_v deny_v to_o pay_v it_o as_o not_o to_o be_v exact_v but_o by_o authority_n of_o parliament_n and_o thereupon_o send_v deputy_n into_o england_n who_o be_v hear_v before_o the_o council_n be_v commit_v and_o in_o like_a manner_n in_o ireland_n be_v those_o that_o send_v they_o until_o they_o submit_v to_o pay_v it_o it_o appear_v by_o the_o record_n of_o the_o kingdom_n exchequer_n to_o be_v institute_v long_o ago_o and_o be_v a_o certain_a right_n of_o majesty_n call_v royall_n prerogative_n which_o be_v not_o subject_a to_o the_o law_n compassion_n nor_o yet_o repugnant_a as_o the_o lawyer_n have_v judge_v it_o but_o the_o queen_n command_v the_o lord_n deputy_n to_o use_v a_o moderation_n in_o such_o like_a exaction_n and_o use_v the_o old_a say_n while_o they_o may_v shear_v her_o subject_n do_v not_o shave_v they_o and_o say_v moreover_o ah_o how_o great_o i_o fear_v lest_o that_o which_o bato_n in_o time_n pass_v to_o tiberius_n upon_o the_o revolt_n of_o dalmatia_n be_v object_v against_o we_o by_o the_o irish_a you_o you_o be_v in_o fault_n who_o commit_v not_o your_o flock_n to_o shepherd_n but_o to_o wolf_n 1577._o the_o twentieth_n year_n of_o her_o reign_n anno_fw-la dom._n 1577._o peace_n do_v john_n of_o austria_n perceive_v himself_o too_o weak_a for_o the_o state_n of_o holland_n strengthen_v by_o the_o amity_n of_o neighbour_n prince_n send_v gastel_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_z to_o thank_v she_o for_o the_o aid_n which_o she_o have_v offer_v he_o against_o the_o french_a &_o to_o declare_v his_o desire_n of_o peace_n it_o she_o by_z edw._n horsey_n now_o send_v the_o second_o time_n to_o he_o commend_v his_o disposition_n to_o peace_n and_o withal_o treat_v that_o the_o good_n of_o the_o english_a detain_v in_o antwerp_n may_v be_v restore_v answer_n be_v make_v very_o slow_o he_o be_v much_o distract_v as_o he_o pretend_v with_o other_o affair_n whole_o intend_v the_o perpetual_a edict_n for_o peace_n as_o they_o call_v it_o which_o scarce_o last_v a_o year_n queen_n elizabeth_n serious_o desire_v peace_n send_v sir_n thomas_n leighton_n to_o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n to_o persuade_v he_o not_o to_o labour_v or_o attempt_v any_o thing_n against_o peace_n until_o john_n smith_n who_o be_v send_v into_o spain_n to_o procure_v a_o peace_n shall_v return_v the_o prince_n of_o orange_n she_o who_o from_o his_o heart_n condemn_v this_o perpetual_a edict_n have_v opportune_o learn_v that_o don_n john_n of_o austria_n do_v endeavour_n to_o marry_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n which_o occasion_n he_o willing_o catch_v and_o by_o famier_n forthwith_o advertise_v queen_n elizabeth_n to_o avert_v she_o from_o peace_n she_o nevertheless_o as_o seem_v to_o know_v nothing_o by_o daniel_n rogers_n congratulate_v with_o don_n john_n for_o the_o perpetual_a edict_n of_o peace_n although_o she_o have_v discover_v for_o certain_a that_o by_o the_o persuasion_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o westmoreland_n and_o the_o english_a fugitive_n and_o the_o inclination_n of_o the_o pope_n and_o the_o favour_n of_o the_o guize_n he_o have_v a_o assure_a hope_n to_o attain_v to_o this_o marriage_n and_o together_o with_o it_o england_n to_o swallow_v england_n and_o scotland_n and_o have_v already_o resolve_v to_o possess_v himself_o of_o the_o isle_n of_o man_n situate_v in_o the_o irish_a sea_n as_o a_o fit_a place_n for_o the_o invade_a of_o england_n on_o ireland_n side_n and_o from_o the_o westside_n of_o scotland_n where_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n have_v many_o people_n at_o her_o devotion_n and_o in_o the_o opposite_a part_n of_o england_n to_o make_v use_n of_o north-wales_n and_o the_o county_n of_o cumberland_n lancaster_n and_o chester_n where_o the_o most_o part_n of_o the_o inhabitant_n be_v most_o addict_v to_o popery_n and_o certain_o as_o we_o have_v learn_v by_o perez_n the_o king_n of_o spain_n secretary_n austria_n carry_v away_o with_o ambition_n see_v himself_o fall_v from_o all_o hope_n of_o the_o kingdom_n of_o tunis_n have_v deal_v secret_o with_o the_o pope_n to_o pull_v down_o elizabeth_z from_o her_o throne_n to_o marry_v the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n and_o to_o subdue_v england_n and_o unknown_a to_o philip_n wrought_v with_o the_o pope_n to_o excite_v philip_n for_o the_o public_a good_a to_o the_o english_a war_n don_n john_n himself_o be_v ready_a to_o go_v for_o flanders_n this_o be_v prosecute_v in_o spain_n and_o anon_o after_o escovedo_fw-es be_v send_v from_o flanders_n to_o desire_v that_o a_o port_n in_o biskye_a may_v be_v grant_v he_o from_o whence_o with_o a_o navy_n he_o may_v invade_v england_n but_o philip_n not_o like_v these_o design_n begin_v to_o neglect_v he_o as_o a_o man_n too_o ambitious_a neither_o do_v queen_n elizabeth_n understand_v of_o these_o thing_n till_o as_o i_o have_v say_v the_o prince_n of_o orange_n do_v inform_v she_o france_n notwithstanding_o it_o want_v not_o suspicion_n that_o thomas_n copley_n a_o prime_a man_n among_o the_o english_a fugitive_n be_v commend_v to_o the_o french_a king_n by_o vaulx_n secretary_n to_o don_n john_n have_v be_v make_v knight_n and_o baron_n but_o copley_n endeavour_v to_o avoid_v suspicion_n protest_a obedience_n to_o his_o prince_n and_o that_o he_o have_v accept_v this_o title_n out_o of_o no_o other_o reason_n but_o for_o the_o great_a access_n of_o honour_n to_o his_o wife_n his_o companion_n in_o exile_n and_o that_o his_o pension_n from_o spain_n will_v be_v the_o great_a because_o a_o gentleman_n of_o title_n be_v of_o more_o esteem_n among_o spaniard_n and_o he_o think_v he_o be_v capable_a of_o the_o title_n of_o a_o baron_n his_o grandmother_n be_v the_o elder_a daughter_n to_o the_o baron_n of_o hoo_n and_o his_o great_a grandmother_n the_o elder_a daughter_n of_o the_o heir_n of_o the_o baron_n of_o welles_n austria_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n don_n john_n underhand_o prosecute_v this_o match_n and_o withal_o the_o better_a to_o cloak_v the_o matter_n send_v the_o viscount_n of_o gaunt_n ambassador_n to_o elizabeth_n who_o show_v she_o the_o article_n of_o peace_n and_o to_o demand_v a_o long_a term_n for_o the_o payment_n of_o the_o money_n which_o the_o state_n borrow_v of_o she_o this_o she_o willing_o grant_v and_o after_o treat_v with_o he_o by_o wilson_n that_o the_o damage_n which_o the_o english_a merchant_n receive_v at_o the_o sack_n of_o antwerp_n may_v be_v repare_v again_o he_o delude_v she_o and_o while_o he_o pretend_v to_o be_v busy_a about_o this_o perpetual_a edict_n of_o peace_n break_v out_o into_o war_n and_o by_o craft_n surprise_v castle_n and_o town_n and_o write_v to_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n that_o the_o wise_a course_n be_v to_o take_v the_o island_n of_o zealand_n before_o they_o lay_v siege_n to_o the_o interior_a province_n and_o be_v thus_o transport_v with_o hope_n strive_v to_o persuade_v he_o by_o escovede_n his_o secretary_n that_o it_o be_v easy_a for_o he_o to_o take_v england_n than_o zealand_n at_o length_n when_o all_o thing_n tend_v to_o war_n in_o the_o low-countries_n the_o state_n send_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_z the_o marquis_n of_o maure_n and_o adoulfe_n medkerke_n to_o borrow_v of_o she_o a_o hundred_o thousand_o pound_n sterling_a for_o eight_o month_n she_o make_v they_o this_o answer_n scot_n that_o if_o they_o can_v borrow_v it_o elsewhere_o she_o with_o the_o city_n of_o london_n will_v willing_o give_v caution_n for_o it_o provide_v that_o such_o town_n of_o the_o low-countries_n as_o she_o shall_v
from_o rome_n be_v cast_v abroad_o that_o serenity_n by_o little_a and_o little_o turn_v into_o cloud_n and_o tempest_n and_o bring_v up_o that_o law_n which_o be_v make_v in_o the_o year_n 1571._o against_o they_o which_o bring_v into_o the_o kingdom_n such_o bull_n agnos_fw-la dei_fw-la and_o grana_n benedicta_fw-la be_v token_n of_o papal_a obedience_n or_o as_o we_o have_v say_v do_v reconcile_v any_o to_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n nevertheless_o this_o law_n be_v not_o put_v in_o execution_n against_o any_o one_o in_o six_o year_n after_o although_o it_o be_v know_v to_o have_v be_v violate_v by_o many_o the_o first_o against_o who_o this_o law_n be_v put_v in_o practice_n be_v cuthbert_n maine_n priest_n execute_v a_o stubborn_a defender_n of_o the_o pope_n authority_n against_o the_o queen_n he_o be_v execute_v at_o saint_n stephens_n common_o call_v launston_n in_o cornwall_n and_o trugion_n a_o gentleman_n that_o entertain_v he_o into_o his_o house_n have_v all_o his_o land_n and_o good_n confiscate_v and_o he_o condemn_v to_o perpetual_a imprisonment_n of_o these_o and_o such_o like_a thing_n concern_v the_o church_n i_o will_v but_o give_v a_o touch_n in_o regard_n of_o other_o that_o undertake_v to_o write_v the_o ecclesiastical_a history_n of_o those_o time_n who_o i_o hope_v although_o it_o be_v scarce_o to_o be_v hope_v for_o by_o reason_n of_o exasperate_v mind_n in_o this_o division_n of_o religion_n will_v faithful_o perform_v it_o this_o year_n the_o title_n of_o baron_n of_o latimer_n latimer_n after_o it_o have_v flourish_v in_o honour_n and_o riches_n from_o the_o time_n of_o henry_n the_o six_o be_v now_o extinct_a in_o john_n nevil_n who_o have_v no_o issue_n male_a leave_v a_o ample_a inheritance_n to_o four_o daughter_n the_o elder_a of_o which_o henry_n earl_n of_o northumberland_n marry_v the_o second_o thomas_n cecil_n who_o be_v afterward_o earl_n of_o exeter_n the_o three_o sir_n william_n cornwallis_n and_o the_o four_o sir_n john_n davers_n of_o which_o come_v a_o plentiful_a offspring_n sir_n th._n smith_n one_o of_o the_o secretary_n of_o state_n die_v likewise_o die_v of_o a_o consumption_n this_o be_v his_o clymactericall_a year_n a_o man_n memorable_a for_o much_o learning_n and_o wisdom_n approve_v in_o many_o ambassy_n he_o be_v descend_v of_o noble_a parent_n at_o saffron_n walden_n in_o essex_n bring_v up_o at_o queen_n margaret_n college_n in_o cambridge_n and_o be_v come_v to_o ripe_a year_n walden_n be_v choose_v to_o be_v send_v into_o italy_n upon_o the_o king_n charge_n until_o our_o time_n many_o of_o the_o most_o hopeful_a youth_n be_v choose_v out_o of_o both_o the_o university_n and_o train_v up_o in_o strange_a country_n for_o the_o better_a adorn_v and_o enable_v of_o their_o mind_n from_o thence_o he_o return_v doctor_n of_o the_o civil_a law_n he_o be_v in_o favour_n with_o the_o duke_n of_o somerset_n protector_n of_o edward_n the_o six_o and_o make_v the_o other_o secretary_n with_o cecil_n and_o lord_n warden_n of_o the_o stannery_n deane_n of_o carlisle_n and_o provost_n of_o eton_n queen_n marie_n come_v to_o the_o crown_n take_v all_o these_o dignity_n from_o he_o assign_v he_o a_o hundred_o pound_n a_o year_n to_o live_v on_o with_o condition_n not_o to_o go_v out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n as_o soon_o as_o queen_n elizabeth_n enjoy_v the_o sceptre_n he_o be_v call_v again_o to_o the_o service_n of_o the_o commonwealth_n to_o be_v a_o assistant_n with_o the_o divine_n in_o correct_v the_o english_a liturgy_n and_o afterward_o as_o i_o have_v say_v before_o have_v with_o great_a applause_n perform_v his_o ambassy_n he_o die_v in_o the_o year_n 1571_o be_v make_v second_o secretary_n to_o the_o queen_n have_v but_o one_o only_a son_n send_v he_o to_o lead_v a_o colony_n into_o the_o barbarous_a pen-insale_a ardes_fw-la in_o ireland_n where_o he_o be_v unfortunate_o slay_v he_o take_v special_a care_n and_o be_v the_o first_o that_o procure_v a_o order_n for_o the_o diet_n of_o student_n in_o college_n and_o by_o that_o mean_n advance_v learning_n more_o than_o he_o do_v by_o his_o write_n although_o he_o leave_v a_o work_n imperfect_a de_fw-fr reipublica_fw-la anglorum_fw-la a_o singular_a book_n de_fw-fr linguae_fw-la anglicae_fw-la orthographia_fw-la another_o de_fw-fr graecae_fw-la pronunciatione_fw-la and_o a_o exact_a commentary_n de_fw-fr re_fw-mi nummaria_fw-la most_o worthy_a to_o come_v to_o light_v in_o his_o stead_n to_o the_o place_n of_o secretary_n come_v thomas_n wilson_n doctor_n of_o the_o civil_a law_n master_n of_o saint_n katherine_n near_a london_n who_o die_v within_o four_o year_n after_o ireland_n in_o ireland_n the_o omore_n o-conores_a and_o other_o who_o ancestor_n the_o earl_n of_o sussex_n lord_n deputie_n in_o the_o reign_n of_o queen_n mary_n have_v for_o wrong_n and_o offence_n do_v by_o they_o deprive_v of_o their_o inheritance_n leisa_n and_o ophalia_n neither_o have_v he_o assign_v they_o any_o other_o place_n to_o live_v in_o break_v out_o into_o rebellion_n under_o the_o conduct_n of_o rorio_n oge_n oge_n that_o be_v to_o say_v rodorick_v the_o young_a burn_v a_o little_a town_n call_v naasse_v they_o assault_v lachliny_n and_o be_v repulse_v by_o sir_n george_n crew_n governor_n but_o they_o take_v henry_n harrington_n and_o alexander_n cosbie_n in_o a_o deceitful_a parley_n which_o they_o seek_v of_o purpose_n to_o surprise_v they_o who_o when_o captain_n harpole_n go_v about_o to_o recover_v set_v upon_o a_o little_a cottage_n by_o night_n where_o rorio_n be_v and_o they_o two_o tie_v to_o a_o post_n rorio_n be_v awake_v with_o the_o noise_n give_v harrington_n and_o cosbie_n many_o wound_n in_o the_o dark_a and_o with_o a_o desperate_a boldness_n rush_v into_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o soldier_n which_o compass_v he_o round_o and_o by_o the_o benefit_n of_o the_o night_n escape_v afterward_o have_v lay_v a_o ambuscado_n for_o the_o baron_n of_o osser_n be_v take_v and_o be_v slay_v slay_v his_o neighbour_n be_v deliver_v from_o much_o fear_n 1578._o the_o one_o and_o twentieth_n year_n of_o her_o reign_n anno_fw-la dom._n 1578._o low-countries_n although_o spain_n approve_v not_o of_o the_o proposition_n that_o wilkes_n have_v make_v and_o as_o i_o late_o say_v have_v dissemble_v queen_n elizabeth_n notwithstanding_o serious_o pity_v the_o fleming_n who_o province_n be_v so_o commodious_o and_o with_o a_o mutual_a necessity_n situate_v to_o england_n have_v for_o many_o age_n adhere_v like_o husband_n and_o wife_n and_o therefore_o impatient_a to_o see_v the_o french_a under_o colour_n of_o take_v they_o into_o protection_n shall_v become_v master_n of_o they_o send_v wilkes_n at_o his_o return_n from_o spain_n to_o don_n john_n to_o advertise_v he_o that_o the_o state_n have_v call_v the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n now_o so_o but_o before_o duke_n of_o alanzon_n with_o a_o army_n of_o french_a and_o that_o it_o will_v be_v more_o safe_a for_o he_o to_o make_v a_o truce_n lest_o he_o shall_v expose_v the_o province_n to_o the_o present_a danger_n but_o he_o be_v of_o a_o fiery_a and_o warlike_a spirit_n and_o puff_v up_o with_o the_o battle_n against_o the_o state_n at_o gemblacke_a answer_v in_o a_o word_n that_o he_o neither_o think_v of_o any_o truce_n nor_o fear_v the_o french_a she_o nevertheless_o for_o her_o own_o behoof_n and_o the_o fleming_n send_v sir_n edward_n stafford_n into_o france_n to_o watch_v if_o they_o shall_v attempt_v any_o thing_n upon_o the_o frontier_n of_o the_o low-countries_n and_o how_o many_o soldier_n they_o have_v levy_v out_o of_o england_n be_v pass_v over_o i._o north_n low-countries_n elder_a son_n of_o baron_n north_n john_n norris_n second_o son_n of_o baron_n norris_n henry_n cavendish_n and_o thomas_n morgan_n with_o many_o voluntary_n there_o to_o plant_v their_o first_o rudiment_n of_o war_n casimire_n also_o son_n to_o the_o prince_n elector_n palatine_n draw_v a_o great_a army_n of_o horse_n and_o foot_n out_o of_o germany_n which_o cost_v the_o queen_n very_o much_o don_n john_n burn_v to_o assault_v the_o army_n of_o the_o state_n at_o rimenant_n before_o all_o the_o auxiliarie_n force_v of_o the_o french_a and_o german_n shall_v join_v with_o it_o fly_v upon_o they_o soon_o than_o they_o be_v aware_a of_o and_o forthwith_o make_v the_o cavallerie_n which_o be_v set_v to_o guard_v retreat_n run_v in_o upon_o the_o enemy_n as_o if_o he_o have_v be_v sure_a of_o the_o victory_n but_o they_o resume_v their_o spirit_n beat_v back_o the_o austrian_n who_o be_v turn_v towards_o the_o hedge_n and_o bush_n where_o the_o english_a and_o scottish_a voluntary_n be_v place_v strive_v to_o break_v through_o they_o but_o by_o no_o mean_n can_v they_o be_v valiant_o entertain_v by_o the_o english_a and_o scot_n who_o for_o the_o fervent_a heat_n have_v cast_v off_o their_o clothes_n and_o with_o their_o shirt_n ●yed_v between_o their_o
comfortable_a security_n by_o the_o queen_n child_n so_o often_o time_n wish_v for_o neglect_v but_o if_o these_o marriage_n be_v neglect_v it_o be_v to_o be_v fear_v that_o the_o french_a will_v be_v provoke_v the_o scot_n alienate_v the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n marry_v the_o daughter_n of_o spain_n with_o who_o he_o shall_v have_v in_o dowry_n the_o low-country_n province_n draw_v the_o king_n of_o scotland_n to_o be_v of_o their_o party_n procure_v he_o a_o wife_n to_o bring_v he_o riches_n abolish_v the_o reform_a religion_n and_o the_o english_a when_o they_o shall_v see_v no_o hope_n of_o child_n by_o the_o queen_n will_v adore_v the_o rising-sunne_n whereat_o she_o can_v not_o choose_v but_o be_v much_o torment_v in_o mind_n and_o pine_v away_o to_o death_n as_o in_o these_o day_n very_o many_o english_a fear_v a_o change_n of_o religion_n by_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n so_o be_v the_o scot_n afraid_a it_o will_v be_v with_o they_o by_o another_o frenchman_n scotland_n aimé_fw-fr or_o esme_fw-fr stuart_n lord_n of_o aubigny_n who_o at_o the_o same_o time_n be_v come_v into_o scotland_n to_o see_v the_o king_n his_o cousin_n for_o he_o be_v son_n to_o john_n stuart_n brother_n to_o matthew_n stuart_n earl_n of_o lenox_n who_o be_v the_o king_n grandfather_n and_o take_v his_o denomination_n aubigni_n aubigni_n from_o a_o house_n situate_a in_o berri_n that_o be_v so_o call_v which_o charles_n the_o seven_o king_n of_o france_n give_v in_o time_n pass_v to_o john_n stuart_n of_o the_o family_n of_o lenox_n who_o be_v constable_n of_o the_o scottish_a army_n in_o france_n defeat_v the_o english_a at_o baugency_n afterward_o slay_v by_o they_o at_o the_o battle_n of_o harrans_n and_o ever_o since_o that_o house_n have_v descend_v upon_o the_o young_a son_n the_o king_n embrace_v he_o with_o a_o singular_a good_a affection_n give_v he_o rich_a demain_v and_o admit_v he_o into_o his_o most_o intimate_a consultation_n establish_v he_o lord_n high_a chamberlain_n of_o scotland_n honour_n and_o governor_n of_o dunbriton_n first_o create_v he_o earl_n and_o afterward_o duke_n of_o lenox_n after_o have_v direct_o revoke_v the_o letter_n of_o honour_n by_o which_o in_o his_o nonage_n he_o have_v create_v robert_n bishop_n of_o cathanesse_n earl_n of_o the_o same_o place_n his_o grandfather_n three_o brother_n and_o have_v give_v he_o in_o recompense_n the_o county_n of_o march_n this_o flourish_a favour_n with_o the_o king_n protestant_n procure_v many_o to_o envy_v he_o who_o murmur_v because_o he_o be_v devote_a to_o the_o guize_n and_o the_o roman_a religion_n and_o that_o he_o be_v send_v to_o subvert_v the_o true_a religion_n this_o suspicion_n increase_v in_o regard_n he_o join_v himself_o to_o mortons_n adversary_n and_o do_v intercede_v for_o the_o revoke_v of_o thomas_n carr_n of_o fernihurst_n who_o be_v most_o if_o any_o be_v addict_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n morton_n who_o power_n be_v apparent_o fall_v strive_v in_o vain_a although_o it_o may_v seem_v that_o he_o have_v excellent_o well_o deserve_v in_o defeat_v the_o hamilton_n and_o take_v the_o castle_n of_o hamilton_n and_o daffrane_n there_o be_v at_o that_o time_n deject_a who_o stir_v up_o much_o hatred_n in_o the_o king_n against_o the_o hamilton_n object_v and_o urge_v their_o name_n as_o a_o thing_n of_o great_a terror_n so_o as_o out_o of_o a_o necessity_n they_o be_v for_o their_o own_o safety_n compel_v to_o defend_v the_o castle_n again_o the_o king_n but_o they_o be_v constrain_v to_o yield_v it_o up_o proscribe_v and_o by_o authority_n of_o parliament_n proscribe_v for_o the_o murder_a as_o well_o of_o murrey_n as_o lenox_n regent_n as_o a_o thing_n by_o they_o perform_v many_o of_o those_o flee_v together_o into_o england_n elizabeth_n for_o who_o queen_n elizabeth_z diligent_o interpose_v by_o erington_n as_o well_o for_o honour_n as_o in_o reason_n of_o justice_n that_o she_o have_v oblige_v her_o faith_n in_o the_o year_n 1573._o for_o the_o settle_n of_o peace_n that_o they_o shall_v not_o be_v call_v in_o question_n for_o those_o matter_n without_o her_o consent_n she_o also_o at_o the_o same_o time_n be_v undertake_v in_o another_o part_n of_o the_o world_n amurathes_n cham_n or_o the_o sultaine_n of_o the_o turk_n grant_v to_o william_n harburne_n a_o englishman_n and_o to_o mustapha_n beg_v bassa_n to_o the_o turk_n that_o the_o english_a merchant_n even_o as_o the_o french_a venetian_n pollander_n the_o king_n of_o the_o german_n and_o other_o neighbour_a natition_n shall_v trade_v free_o through_o all_o his_o empire_n whereupon_o they_o by_o the_o queen_n authority_n make_v a_o company_n turkey-merchant_n which_o they_o call_v turkey_n merchant_n and_o since_o that_o time_n they_o have_v use_v a_o most_o gainful_a trade_n of_o merchandise_n at_o constantinople_n angoria_n chio_n petrazzo_n alexandria_n egypt_n cyprus_n and_o other_o place_n in_o asia_n for_o drug_n spice_n cotton_n raw-silke_n carpet_n indian-dyes_a corinthian-grape_n soap_n etc._n etc._n as_o for_o that_o execrable_a impiety_n of_o hamont_n impiety_n bring_v forth_o at_o that_o time_n in_o norwich_n against_o god_n and_o his_o christ_n and_o as_o i_o hope_v be_v extinct_a with_o his_o ash_n or_o rather_o confound_v in_o oblivion_n then_o remember_v neither_o be_o i_o of_o opinion_n of_o those_o which_o think_v that_o the_o public_a have_v interest_n that_o all_o sort_n of_o vice_n poison_n and_o impiety_n to_o be_v make_v manifest_a see_v that_o he_o differ_v little_a from_o teach_v which_o show_v such_o thing_n die_v this_o year_n be_v the_o last_o of_o nicholas_n bacon_n keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n of_o england_n who_o by_o decree_n of_o parliament_n enjoy_v under_o this_o name_n the_o honour_n and_o dignity_n of_o chancellor_n of_o england_n a_o very_a fat_a man_n of_o a_o quick_a subtle_a spirit_n singular_a wisdom_n height_n of_o eloquence_n steadfast_a memory_n and_o the_o other_o pillar_n of_o the_o sacred_a council_n who_o place_n thomas_n bromley_n enjoy_v succeed_v with_o the_o title_n of_o chancellor_n of_o england_n bacon_n be_v follow_v by_o thomas_n gresham_n citizen_n of_o london_n die_v a_o merchant-royall_a and_o of_o the_o order_n of_o knighthood_n son_n to_o sir_n richard_n gresham_n knight_n who_o build_v for_o the_o ornament_n of_o his_o country_n and_o use_v of_o the_o merchant_n of_o london_n that_o beautiful_a and_o goodly_a walking-place_n which_o queen_n elizabeth_z name_v the_o royal-exchange_n and_o the_o spacious_a house_n which_o he_o have_v in_o the_o city_n he_o dedicate_v to_o the_o profession_n of_o learning_n london_n and_o constitute_v in_o the_o same_o lecture_n of_o sacred_a divinity_n of_o the_o civil_a law_n physic_n astronomy_n geometry_n and_o rhetoric_n with_o honest_a pension_n ireland_n in_o monster_n a_o province_n in_o ireland_n new_a rebellion_n be_v kindle_v by_o james_n fitz-morris_n who_o have_v before_o cast_v himself_o upon_o his_o knee_n at_o the_o foot_n of_o perot_n precedent_n of_o monster_n and_o with_o tear_n sigh_n and_o humble_a supplication_n ask_v pardon_n make_v a_o holy_a vow_n of_o fidelity_n and_o obedience_n to_o the_o queen_n he_o i_o say_v who_o find_v no_o rest_n but_o in_o trouble_n withdraw_v himself_o into_o france_n promise_v the_o king_n if_o he_o will_v lend_v aid_n to_o join_v the_o whole_a kingdom_n of_o ireland_n to_o the_o sceptre_n of_o france_n and_o restore_v the_o romish_a religion_n but_o weary_v with_o delay_n and_o in_o the_o end_n deride_v from_o france_n he_o go_v to_o spain_n and_o promise_v the_o like_a to_o the_o catholic_a king_n who_o send_v he_o to_o the_o pope_n of_o who_o by_o the_o solicitation_n of_o sanders_n a_o english_a priest_n and_o allan_n a_o irish_a priest_n spain_n both_o doctor_n of_o divinity_n with_o much_o ado_n have_v get_v a_o little_a money_n and_o sander_n the_o authority_n of_o legate_n a_o consecrate_a ensign_n and_o letter_n commendatorie_n to_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n return_n to_o spain_n and_o from_o thence_o with_o those_o divine_n three_o ship_n and_o a_o few_o soldier_n they_o come_v and_o arrive_v about_o the_o calends_n of_o july_n at_o the_o village_n of_o saint_n marie_n which_o the_o irish_a call_n smerwick_n in_o kerrie_o a-pen-insule_a in_o ireland_n and_o after_o that_o the_o priest_n have_v consecrate_v the_o place_n raise_v a_o fort_n and_o bring_v the_o ship_n near_o unto_o it_o those_o ship_n thomas_n courtney_n a_o english_a gentleman_n make_v haste_n with_o a_o ship_n of_o war_n which_o lie_v in_o a_o road_n near_o unto_o they_o by_o and_o by_o to_o assault_v and_o take_v they_o carry_v they_o away_o and_o bar_v the_o spaniard_n from_o all_o benefit_n of_o the_o sea_n john_n and_o james_n brethren_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n with_o great_a speed_n draw_v together_o a_o few_o irish_a join_v with_o their_o confederate_n fitz-morris_n and_o the_o earl_n himself_o desmond_n who_o favour_v
will_v lay_v siege_n to_o it_o he_o write_v again_o to_o the_o earl_n represent_v unto_o he_o the_o queen_n mercy_n the_o ancient_a dignity_n of_o the_o house_n of_o desmond_n the_o glory_n of_o his_o ancestor_n &_o the_o infamy_n that_o he_o shall_v leave_v to_o his_o posterity_n exhort_v he_o not_o to_o be_v taint_v with_o the_o name_n of_o rebel_n but_o return_v to_o his_o duty_n he_o to_o the_o contrary_a arm_n his_o mind_n with_o obstinacy_n and_o his_o castle_n on_o all_o side_n with_o spanish_a and_o irish_a at_o what_o time_n drury_n the_o deputy_n deputy_n die_v at_o waterford_n a_o man_n of_o approve_a worth_n who_o from_o his_o youth_n have_v be_v train_v up_o in_o the_o exercise_n of_o war_n in_o france_n scotland_n and_o ireland_n together_o with_o the_o death_n of_o the_o deputy_n die_v malbey_n authority_n in_o monster_n who_o when_o he_o have_v put_v his_o man_n in_o garrison_n go_v to_o connach_n the_o province_n of_o his_o government_n encourage_v the_o rebel_n take_v heart_n by_o the_o death_n of_o the_o deputy_n and_o deliberate_v how_o they_o may_v utter_o draw_v themselves_o from_o under_o the_o english_a command_n and_o be_v of_o opinion_n to_o block_n up_o the_o garrison_n on_o all_o side_n and_o starve_v they_o by_o famine_n james_n desmond_n then_o besiege_v adare_n where_o w._n stanley_n and_o g._n carew_n be_v in_o garrison_n but_o the_o besiege_a apprehend_v famine_n as_o the_o extremity_n of_o all_o evil_n so_o weary_v the_o besieger_n with_o often_o eruption_n that_o they_o raise_v the_o siege_n and_o give_v they_o liberty_n to_o forage_v the_o country_n near_o about_o they_o which_o they_o do_v lusty_o and_o valiant_o james_n himself_o be_v wound_v there_o in_o the_o interim_n the_o council_n of_o england_n choose_v for_o chief_a justice_n of_o ireland_n william_n pelham_n ireland_n with_o the_o authority_n of_o lord_n deputie_n until_o they_o have_v choose_v one_o and_o the_o earl_n of_o ormond_n precedent_n of_o monster_n who_o send_v the_o earl_n of_o desmonds_n son_n to_o dublin_n there_o to_o be_v keep_v for_o hostage_n pelham_n go_v towards_o monster_n send_v for_o desmond_n but_o he_o excuse_v himself_o by_o letter_n send_v by_o his_o wife_n for_o that_o cause_n duty_n ormond_n be_v send_v who_o warn_v he_o to_o send_v sanders_n the_o divine_a the_o soldier_n that_o be_v stranger_n and_o to_o deliver_v up_o into_o his_o hand_n the_o castle_n of_o carigofoyle_n and_o asketen_v to_o submit_v himself_o absolute_o and_o turn_v his_o force_n against_o his_o brethren_n and_o the_o other_o rebel_n assure_v he_o grace_n if_o he_o do_v it_o if_o not_o to_o be_v declare_v a_o traitor_n and_o a_o enemy_n of_o the_o country_n but_o by_o subterfuge_n and_o flying_n off_o he_o dally_v and_o play_v with_o these_o thing_n in_o the_o begin_n of_o november_n he_o be_v proclaim_v traitor_n traitor_n and_o guilty_a laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la because_o he_o have_v deal_v with_o foreign_a prince_n for_o the_o subdue_a and_o overthrow_v of_o the_o country_n and_o entertain_v sander_n and_o fitz-morris_n rebel_n cherish_v the_o spaniard_n which_o be_v drive_v from_o the_o fort_n cause_v faithful_a subject_n to_o be_v hang_v display_v against_o the_o queen_n the_o ensign_n of_o the_o pope_n and_o bring_v stranger_n into_o the_o kingdom_n this_o declaration_n be_v publish_v the_o lord_n chief_a justice_n give_v commission_n to_o ormond_n to_o go_v on_o with_o the_o war_n desmond_n turn_v his_o design_n into_o another_o part_n of_o the_o country_n of_o monster_n and_o sack_v yoghall_n surprise_v without_o resistance_n rebel_n a_o sea-towne_n and_o strong_a enough_o ormond_n waste_v all_o far_a and_o wide_o about_o conile_n the_o only_a refuge_n of_o the_o rebel_n bring_v away_o their_o flock_n and_o give_v they_o in_o prey_n to_o the_o soldier_n hang_v the_o mayor_n of_o yoghall_n before_o his_o own_o door_n for_o refuse_v to_o receive_v the_o english_a garrison_n fortify_v the_o town_n and_o after_o prepare_v himself_o to_o besiege_v the_o spaniard_n in_o strangicall_a but_o they_o beforehand_o withdraw_v themselves_o from_o that_o danger_n nevertheless_o the_o english_a pursue_v they_o and_o leave_v not_o one_o of_o they_o alive_a chiefe-justice_n and_o molest_v the_o rebel_n in_o all_o part_n of_o monster_n desmond_n and_o his_o brethren_n although_o they_o lay_v hide_v write_v long_a letter_n to_o the_o lord_n chief_a justice_n that_o they_o have_v undertake_v the_o protection_n of_o the_o catholic_a faith_n in_o ireland_n by_o the_o pope_n authority_n and_o the_o advice_n of_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n therefore_o they_o courteous_o warn_v he_o that_o in_o so_o pious_a and_o meritorious_a a_o cause_n he_o will_v join_v with_o they_o for_o the_o salvation_n of_o his_o own_o soul_n 1580._o the_o three_o and_o twentieth_n year_n of_o her_o reign_n anno_fw-la dom._n 1580._o the_o lord_n chief_a justice_n pleasant_o jest_v at_o these_o thing_n return_n to_o monster_n call_v thither_o the_o nobility_n detain_v they_o with_o he_o not_o suffer_v any_o to_o depart_v without_o give_v hostage_n and_o promise_v to_o employ_v all_o their_o power_n and_o aid_v with_o he_o and_o ormond_n against_o the_o rebel_n who_o speedy_o divide_v their_o force_n make_v diligent_a search_n for_o the_o rebel_n constrain_v the_o baron_n of_o lixnaw_n to_o yield_v besiege_v the_o castle_n of_o carigofoyle_n keep_v by_o jules_n a_o italian_a with_o some_o few_o spaniard_n and_o with_o their_o great_a ordnance_n have_v make_v a_o breach_n in_o the_o wall_n which_o be_v build_v but_o of_o dry_a stone_n enter_v kill_v part_n of_o the_o garrison_n hang_v the_o rest_n and_o jules_n himself_o then_o the_o castle_n of_o ballilogh_n and_o asketen_n perceive_v the_o english_a to_o approach_v set_v they_o on_o fire_n and_o leave_v they_o peter_n carew_n and_o george_n his_o brother_n be_v make_v governor_n of_o asketen_n with_o a_o new_a garrison_n of_o the_o english_a they_o waste_v the_o land_n of_o mac-aule_n from_o thence_o the_o chief_a justice_n by_o a_o watery_a mountain_n enter_v shlewlougher_n in_o kerrie_o bring_v away_o great_a quantity_n of_o cattle_n and_o defeat_v many_o rebele_n james_n death_n the_o earl_n of_o desmonds_n brother_n have_v pillage_v muske-roy_n appertain_v to_o cormag-mac-teg_n who_o the_o chief_a justice_n by_o law_n set_v at_o liberty_n as_o well_o deserve_v for_o his_o service_n against_o the_o rebel_n meet_v with_o donel_n brother_n to_o cormag_n who_o have_v slay_v many_o and_o recover_v the_o spoil_n take_v he_o be_v wound_v to_o death_n and_o deliver_v he_o to_o wararm_v s._n leger_n martial_n of_o monster_n and_o to_o walter_n raleigh_n a_o new_a commander_n they_o proceed_v against_o he_o in_o justice_n and_o have_v convince_v he_o execute_v he_o for_o a_o traitor_n and_o set_v his_o head_n for_o a_o spectacle_n upon_o the_o gate_n of_o corcage_n oppress_v the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n himself_o be_v overwhelmed_n with_o misery_n and_o no_o where_o safe_a remove_v every_o hour_n send_v his_o wife_n to_o the_o lord_n chief_a justice_n to_o ask_v pardon_n and_o employ_v his_o friend_n to_o winter_n who_o with_o a_o naval_a army_n watch_v the_o spaniard_n in_o the_o mouth_n of_o the_o haven_n that_o he_o may_v be_v transport_v into_o england_n to_o beg_v the_o queen_n pardon_n the_o lord_n chief_a justice_n hear_v that_o arthur_n lord_n grace_n ireland_n who_o be_v appoint_v deputy_n of_o ireland_n be_v land_v leave_v the_o command_n of_o the_o army_n to_o george_n bourchier_n second_o son_n to_o the_o earl_n of_o bath_n and_o by_o easy_a journey_n return_n to_o dublin_n to_o deliver_v up_o the_o government_n of_o the_o kingdom_n to_o his_o successor_n as_o soon_o as_o the_o lord_n grace_n be_v arrive_v be_v inform_v that_o some_o rebel_n conduct_v by_o fitz-eustat_a and_o phoog-mac-hugh_n the_o most_o renown_a of_o the_o famous_a house_n of_o the_o obrin_n who_o after_o their_o spoil_n and_o robbery_n make_v their_o retreat_n to_o glandilough_v five_o and_o twenty_o mile_n northward_o from_o dublin_n to_o win_v reputation_n and_o to_o breed_v terror_n at_o his_o beginning_n he_o command_v the_o captain_n rebel_n who_o be_v come_v from_o all_o part_n to_o salute_v he_o to_o gather_v troop_n and_o to_o go_v with_o he_o to_o set_v upon_o the_o rebel_n who_o be_v retire_v to_o glandilough_v a_o vale_n full_a of_o grass_n the_o most_o part_n of_o it_o fertile_a and_o fit_a to_o feed_v cattle_n situate_v at_o the_o foot_n of_o a_o steep_a rock_n full_a of_o spring_n and_o so_o environ_v with_o tree_n and_o thick_a bush_n that_o the_o inhabitant_n of_o the_o country_n know_v not_o the_o way_n in_o it_o when_o they_o be_v come_v to_o the_o place_n cosby_n the_o leader_n of_o the_o light-armed_n irish_a which_o they_o call_v kearnes_n who_o know_v the_o situation_n well_o advertise_v the_o other_o of_o the_o danger_n in_o enter_v into_o that_o valley_n
accept_v the_o challenge_n combat_n which_o two_o after_o a_o while_n traverse_v their_o ground_n to_o and_o fro_o without_o one_o drop_n of_o bloodshed_n betake_v themselves_o to_o drink_v free_o together_o and_o so_o of_o enemy_n become_v friend_n and_o part_v yet_o here_o we_o must_v not_o omit_v to_o observe_v england_n that_o our_o englishman_n who_o of_o all_o the_o northern_a nation_n have_v be_v most_o commend_v for_o sobriety_n have_v learned_a since_o these_o low-country_n war_n so_o well_o to_o fill_v their_o cup_n and_o to_o wash_v themselves_o with_o wine_n that_o while_o they_o at_o this_o day_n drink_v other_o health_n they_o little_o regard_v their_o own_o and_o that_o this_o vicious_a practice_n of_o drunkenness_n have_v so_o overflow_v the_o land_n that_o law_n proscript_n of_o restraint_n be_v usual_o make_v for_o the_o dry_n up_o of_o the_o same_o but_o while_o they_o be_v all_o this_o while_n contend_v in_o the_o low-countries_n for_o dorppe_n &_o village_n portugal_n the_o king_n of_o spain_n get_v into_o his_o hand_n the_o rich_a kingdom_n of_o portugal_n for_o henry_n which_o be_v king_n have_v pay_v nature_n tribute_n the_o year_n before_o leave_v the_o realm_n to_o diverse_a competitor_n among_o who_o philip_n king_n of_o spain_n son_n of_o his_o elder_a sister_n puissant_a enough_o in_o force_n though_o not_o in_o right_n by_o reason_n of_o his_o priority_n in_o blood_n and_o descent_n come_v of_o the_o elder_a line_n right_a and_o be_v male_a think_v with_o his_o friend_n himself_o worthy_a to_o be_v prefer_v to_o the_o succession_n of_o the_o say_a kingdom_n before_o the_o woman_n the_o young_a sort_n and_o such_o as_o do_v less_o participate_v of_o the_o blood_n the_o duke_n of_o savoy_n reject_v for_o that_o he_o come_v of_o the_o young_a sister_n farnese_n son_n to_o the_o prince_n of_o parma_n bear_v of_o the_o elder_a daughter_n of_o edward_n brother_z king_n henry_n and_o katherine_z of_o brabant_n second_o daughter_n to_o the_o say_v edward_z ground_v themselves_o only_o upon_o the_o benefit_n of_o representation_n a_o simple_a fiction_n can_v not_o annihilate_v the_o true_a title_n of_o inheritance_n nor_o intercept_v the_o king_n of_o spain_n lawful_a succession_n and_o this_o the_o spaniard_n stand_v to_o maintain_v and_o as_o touch_v don_n antonio_n prior_n of_o crates_n son_n to_o lewis_n the_o second_o brother_n of_o king_n henry_n he_o be_v ipso_fw-la facto_fw-la reject_v for_o that_o he_o be_v illegitimate_a the_o king_n of_o spain_n nevertheless_o propound_v the_o matter_n twice_o to_o his_o clergy_n and_o man_n of_o law_n to_o decide_v the_o cause_n charge_v they_o in_o the_o name_n of_o god_n and_o upon_o their_o faith_n and_o salvation_n to_o tell_v he_o free_o whether_o he_o have_v rightful_a claim_n or_o no_o to_o that_o kingdom_n they_o have_v with_o unanimous_a voice_n assure_v he_o that_o it_o be_v proper_a to_o he_o he_o quick_o put_v forth_o first_o the_o duke_n of_o alva_n put_v to_o flight_n antonio_n elect_v of_o the_o people_n and_o within_o 70_o day_n bring_v all_o portugal_n under_o his_o jurisdiction_n reject_v but_o touch_v the_o right_n of_o katherine_n de_fw-fr medicis_n the_o queen_n of_o france_n who_o claim_v it_o from_o alphonsus_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o boulogne_n for_o 320_o year_n ago_o that_o the_o spaniard_n laugh_v at_o as_o a_o title_n out_o of_o date_n and_o fetch_v from_o the_o old_a prophetess_n the_o mother_n of_o euander_n a_o thing_n injurious_a to_o so_o many_o of_o the_o king_n of_o portugal_n which_o have_v lawful_o and_o lineal_o succeed_v one_o another_o and_o therefore_o ridiculous_a to_o both_o spaniard_n and_o portugal_n whereat_o the_o queen_n incense_v with_o anger_n and_o consider_v how_o mighty_o the_o spaniard_n now_o in_o his_o ascendant_n enrich_v himself_o far_o and_o near_o by_o the_o accession_n or_o surcrease_n of_o this_o new-got_a kingdom_n his_o land_n and_o the_o east_n indies_n breed_v a_o fear_n within_o she_o to_o herself_o and_o the_o prince_n her_o neighbour_a friend_n advise_v they_o and_o among_o the_o rest_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n spaniard_n that_o it_o be_v already_o high_a time_n to_o stay_v the_o spaniard_n in_o his_o mount_n and_o to_o stop_v he_o up_o within_o his_o own_o bound_n before_o his_o ambition_n shall_v extend_v any_o further_a queen_n elizabeth_n who_o be_v not_o to_o learn_v what_o she_o have_v to_o do_v in_o that_o nature_n for_o herself_o and_o her_o friend_n and_o foresee_v how_o dangerous_a the_o grow_n great_a of_o the_o neighbour_n prince_n will_v be_v lend_v ear_n thereto_o with_o no_o light_a attention_n but_o with_o great_a and_o royal_a kindness_n entertain_v antonio_n banish_v out_o of_o portugal_n england_n and_o recommend_v to_o she_o from_o france_n think_v that_o spain_n can_v not_o take_v exception_n thereat_o because_o he_o be_v of_o her_o alliance_n issue_v from_o the_o blood_n royal_a of_o england_n and_o of_o the_o house_n of_o lancaster_n as_o she_o well_o know_v nor_o in_o any_o treaty_n that_o ever_o have_v pass_v betwixt_o spain_n and_o england_n be_v any_o caveat_n at_o all_o infer_v forbid_v england_n to_o receive_v or_o to_o have_v commerce_n with_o the_o portugal_n at_o the_o same_o time_n marriage_n for_o the_o more_o confirmation_n of_o assure_a amity_n the_o queen_n of_o france_n and_o the_o king_n her_o son_n prosecute_a the_o marriage_n of_o the_o duke_n d'_fw-fr anjou_n address_v a_o honourable_a ambassage_n into_o england_n for_o the_o consummation_n thereof_o come_v over_o françois_fw-fr de_fw-fr bourbon_n prince_n of_o daulphiné_n arthur_n de_fw-fr coss_n cont_n de_fw-fr secondigny_n marshal_n of_o france_n lovis_z de_fw-fr lusignan_n m._n de_fw-fr s._n gelais_n lansac_n salignac_n mawisser_n &_o bernarde_n brisson_n precedent_n of_o the_o parliament_n of_o paris_n and_o one_o of_o the_o learnede_a man_n of_o france_n and_o other_o who_o as_o they_o they_o be_v of_o honourable_a rank_n be_v very_o noble_o receive_v and_o banquet_v in_o a_o banqueting-house_n build_v on_o purpose_n near_o westminster_n rich_o adorn_v with_o rare_a and_o sumptuous_a furniture_n and_o titl_n and_o tournament_n proclaim_v which_o be_v present_v in_o a_o most_o princely_a manner_n by_o philip_n earl_n of_o arundel_n ferd_n lord_n windsor_n philip_n sidney_n and_o fulk_n grevill_n knight_n against_o all_o comer_n with_o sundry_a other_o courtly_a sport_n and_o princely_a recreation_n not_o necessary_o coincident_a to_o our_o history_n to_o confer_v with_o they_o concern_v these_o nuptial_n be_v appoint_v the_o baron_n of_o burghley_n lord_n high_a treasurer_n of_o england_n the_o earl_n of_o sussex_n lincoln_n bedford_n and_o leicester_n together_o with_o sir_n christopher_n hatton_n and_o secretary_n walsingham_n among_o who_o these_o matrimonial_a contract_n follow_v be_v conclude_v upon_o upon_o the_o duke_n d'_fw-fr anjou_n and_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n within_o six_o week_n after_o the_o ratification_n of_o these_o article_n shall_v personal_o contract_v marriage_n here_o in_o england_n the_o duke_n and_o his_o associate_n servant_n and_o friend_n be_v no_o english_a subject_n shall_v have_v liberty_n to_o use_v their_o own_o religion_n in_o a_o certain_a place_n in_o their_o house_n without_o molestation_n or_o impeachment_n he_o shall_v not_o alter_v any_o part_n of_o the_o religion_n now_o receive_v in_o england_n he_o shall_v enjoy_v and_o have_v the_o title_n and_o dignity_n of_o king_n after_o the_o marriage_n shall_v be_v consummate_a but_o notwithstanding_o shall_v leave_v entire_o to_o the_o queen_n the_o manage_n of_o affair_n and_o whereas_o his_o demand_n be_v that_o immediate_o after_o the_o celebration_n of_o the_o marriage_n he_o shall_v be_v crown_v king_n instant_o to_o enjoy_v the_o title_n and_o dignity_n during_o the_o government_n of_o the_o kingdom_n in_o the_o minority_n of_o their_o child_n the_o queen_n answer_v she_o will_v propound_v and_o further_o it_o at_o the_o next_o high_a court_n of_o parliament_n to_o be_v hold_v within_o fifteen_o day_n after_o the_o ratification_n letter_n patent_n and_o other_o thing_n shall_v be_v pass_v in_o both_o their_o name_n as_o in_o the_o time_n of_o philip_n and_o marie_n the_o queen_n by_o act_n of_o parliament_n shall_v ordain_v a_o annual_a pension_n for_o the_o duke_n but_o the_o valuation_n thereof_o shall_v be_v leave_v to_o her_o pleasure_n she_o will_v also_o ordain_v the_o say_a pension_n to_o continue_v if_o he_o shall_v survive_v she_o the_o duke_n in_o dowry_n shall_v bestow_v on_o the_o queen_n to_o the_o value_n of_o forty_o thousand_o crown_n per_fw-la annum_fw-la out_o of_o his_o duchy_n of_o berry_n and_o shall_v forthwith_o infeofe_n she_o therein_o as_o touch_v their_o issue_n it_o shall_v likewise_o be_v enact_v by_o parliament_n in_o england_n and_o register_v in_o the_o annal_n of_o france_n as_o follow_v that_o the_o heir_n of_o they_o as_o well_o male_n as_o female_n by_o maternal_a right_n of_o
set_v up_o in_o the_o marketplace_n at_o westminster_n off_o stubbe_n and_o page_n have_v their_o right_a hand_n cut_v off_o by_o the_o blow_n of_o a_o butcher_n knife_n with_o a_o mallet_n strike_v through_o their_o wrist_n the_o printer_n have_v his_o pardon_n i_o can_v remember_v that_o stand_n by_o john_n stubbe_n so_o soon_o as_o his_o right_a hand_n be_v off_o put_v off_o his_o hat_n with_o the_o left_a and_o cry_v aloud_o god_n save_o the_o queen_n the_o people_n round_o about_o he_o stand_v mute_a whether_o strike_v with_o fear_n at_o the_o first_o sight_n of_o this_o strange_a kind_n of_o punishment_n or_o for_o commiseration_n of_o the_o man_n who_o they_o repute_v honest_a or_o out_o of_o a_o secret_a inward_a repine_a they_o have_v at_o this_o marriage_n which_o they_o suspect_v will_v be_v dangerous_a to_o religion_n these_o thing_n pass_v within_o a_o little_a after_o the_o duke_n arrival_n in_o england_n and_o while_o he_o stay_v here_o the_o queen_n to_o take_v away_o the_o fear_n conceive_v by_o many_o that_o religion_n shall_v change_v and_o papist_n shall_v be_v tolerate_v by_o the_o importunity_n of_o campian_n the_o jesuite_n of_o who_o i_o have_v speak_v ralph_n sherw_v luke_n kirby_n and_o alexander_n brian_n who_o be_v indict_v by_o a_o act_n make_v in_o the_o 25_o of_o edward_n the_o three_o for_o attempt_v the_o ruin_n of_o the_o queen_n and_o kingdom_n for_o adhere_v to_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n the_o queen_n adversary_n for_o raise_v sedition_n in_o her_o realm_n and_o gather_v force_n together_o to_o the_o utter_a subversion_n of_o her_o dominion_n of_o which_o they_o be_v find_v guilty_a and_o so_o condemn_v for_o that_o they_o obstinate_o defend_v the_o papal_a authority_n against_o the_o queen_n they_o be_v put_v to_o death_n for_o campian_n then_o condemn_v be_v demand_v whether_o queen_n elizabeth_n be_v right_a or_o lawful_a heir_n death_n answer_v nothing_o and_o again_o if_o the_o pope_n shall_v invade_v the_o land_n whether_o he_o will_v take_v his_o part_n or_o the_o queen_n he_o open_o say_v the_o pope_n which_o he_o testify_v under_o his_o hand-writing_n after_o these_o some_o other_o be_v execute_v for_o the_o like_a matter_n and_o for_o ten_o whole_a year_n space_n together_o since_o the_o rebellion_n but_o five_o papist_n but_o i_o leave_v the_o handle_n hereof_o to_o the_o ecclesiastical_a history_n nevertheless_o with_o permission_n i_o will_v brief_o here_o observe_v and_o note_v some_o such_o occurrence_n as_o be_v adjoin_v with_o those_o of_o state_n these_o time_n be_v such_o as_o that_o the_o queen_n who_o be_v never_o of_o opinion_n that_o man_n conscience_n shall_v be_v constrain_v often_o complain_v to_o have_v be_v of_o necessity_n force_v to_o these_o punishment_n lest_o under_o a_o pretext_n of_o conscience_n and_o catholic_a religion_n needful_a she_o shall_v endanger_v herself_o and_o her_o love_a subject_n nevertheless_o her_o majesty_n believe_v not_o that_o the_o most_o part_n of_o these_o poor_a and_o miserable_a priest_n have_v plot_v the_o destruction_n of_o her_o country_n but_o that_o their_o superior_n make_v use_v of_o they_o as_o instrument_n of_o their_o mischief_n for_o as_o much_o as_o they_o which_o be_v send_v be_v whole_o subject_a to_o the_o power_n and_o authority_n of_o they_o which_o have_v send_v they_o for_o when_o as_o such_o as_o be_v now_o and_o afterward_o apprehend_v be_v demand_v increase_v whether_o by_o the_o authority_n of_o the_o bull_n of_o pius_n the_o five_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n subject_n be_v so_o free_v of_o their_o oath_n of_o allegiance_n that_o they_o may_v take_v arm_n against_o she_o whether_o they_o esteem_v she_o a_o lawful_a queen_n whether_o they_o approve_v the_o opinion_n of_o sander_n and_o bristol_n touch_v the_o authority_n of_o this_o bullaker_n to_o which_o party_n they_o will_v incline_v if_o the_o pope_n shall_v war_v against_o the_o queen_n some_o of_o they_o answer_v so_o doubtful_o other_o with_o such_o pertinacy_n and_o some_o with_o such_o prevarication_n tergiversation_n or_o keep_v silence_n so_o mock_v the_o question_n propound_v to_o they_o that_o diverse_a papist_n begin_v to_o suspect_v that_o they_o nourish_v some_o falsehood_n and_o bishop_n although_o ingenious_a most_o zealous_a for_o the_o roman_a religion_n write_v against_o they_o show_v that_o this_o cannon_n which_o have_v pass_v under_o the_o name_n of_o the_o lateran_n council_n upon_o which_o be_v absolute_o ground_v the_o oath_n of_o absolve_a subject_n from_o their_o obedience_n and_o fealty_n to_o their_o prince_n and_o for_o the_o depose_n of_o they_o be_v nothing_o else_o but_o a_o decree_n of_o pope_n innocent_a the_o 3_o which_o never_o be_v receive_v in_o england_n as_o also_o that_o that_o counsel_n be_v repeal_v and_o annihilate_v wherein_o nothing_o be_v do_v by_o the_o father_n of_o the_o same_o at_o that_o time_n the_o more_o the_o number_n of_o the_o priest_n come_v by_o stealth_n into_o england_n increase_v the_o more_o increase_v suspicion_n of_o they_o who_o secret_o practise_v to_o grope_v the_o heart_n of_o man_n preach_v that_o it_o be_v lawful_a to_o depose_v prince_n excommunicate_v mutter_v and_o murmur_v that_o such_o as_o be_v not_o of_o the_o roman_a religion_n be_v to_o be_v deprive_v of_o all_o regal_a power_n and_o dignity_n and_o that_o such_o as_o have_v take_v religious_a order_n be_v exempt_a from_o all_o obedience_n to_o prince_n nor_o be_v any_o such_o hold_v to_o be_v subject_a either_o to_o they_o or_o their_o law_n that_o the_o pope_n have_v supreme_a power_n over_o the_o whole_a world_n yea_o even_o in_o politic_a affair_n that_o the_o magistrate_n of_o england_n have_v no_o lawful_a institution_n and_o therefore_o be_v not_o to_o be_v obey_v as_o magistrate_n abroad_o and_o that_o whatsoever_o queen_n elizabeth_n have_v do_v since_o the_o publication_n of_o the_o bull_n declaratory_a of_o pius_n the_o 5_o be_v by_o the_o law_n of_o god_n and_o man_n disannul_v and_o to_o be_v hold_v for_o naught_o and_o some_o of_o they_o deny_v not_o in_o public_a hear_n that_o they_o be_v send_v for_o no_o other_o cause_n into_o england_n then_o to_o absolve_v every_o one_o several_o and_o apart_o of_o all_o oath_n of_o fidelity_n and_o obedience_n towards_o the_o queen_n as_o the_o bull_n have_v absolve_v all_o in_o general_a which_o they_o do_v in_o take_v confession_n of_o their_o reconciliation_n and_o this_o they_o seem_v to_o do_v with_o more_o ease_n in_o promise_a absolution_n from_o all_o mortal_a sin_n and_o with_o more_o security_n because_o it_o be_v do_v private_o and_o under_o the_o seal_n of_o confession_n the_o five_o and_o twenty_o year_n of_o her_o reign_n 3._o anno_fw-la dom._n m.d.lxxxii_o these_o and_o the_o like_a thing_n bring_v upon_o papist_n new_a and_o sharp_a law_n papist_n make_v by_o act_n of_o parliament_n at_o westminster_n in_o the_o month_n of_o january_n where_o all_o such_o be_v declare_v guilty_a of_o high_a treason_n which_o dissuade_v any_o of_o her_o majesty_n subject_n from_o their_o obedience_n to_o their_o prince_n or_o from_o the_o religion_n now_o profess_v in_o england_n or_o that_o shall_v reconcile_v any_o to_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n or_o which_o shall_v have_v be_v so_o persuade_v turn_v or_o reconcile_v two_o hundred_o mark_n fine_a and_o a_o year_n imprisonment_n inflict_v upon_o those_o which_o shall_v celebrate_v mass_n so_o long_o till_o they_o have_v pay_v and_o such_o as_o have_v willing_o be_v at_o any_o of_o their_o mass_n one_o hundred_o mark_n and_o one_o year_n imprisonment_n and_o such_o as_o be_v not_o find_v to_o resort_v to_o their_o own_o parish_n church_n to_o divine_a service_n for_o every_o month_n omission_n ten_o pound_n which_o be_v malicious_o understand_v and_o interpret_v by_o the_o papist_n of_o lunary_n month_n who_o before_o have_v pay_v but_o one_o shilling_n to_o the_o poor_a for_o every_o sunday_n or_o holiday_n absence_n but_o i_o refer_v it_o to_o the_o ecclesiastical_a history_n to_o entreat_v of_o these_o thing_n more_o at_o large_a flanders_n the_o duke_n d'_fw-fr anjou_n after_o some_o three_o month_n abode_n in_o england_n take_v his_o way_n towards_o flanders_n in_o the_o month_n of_o february_n queen_n elizabeth_n in_o person_n accompany_v he_o to_o canterbury_n and_o command_v the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n the_o lord_n charles_n howard_n the_o baron_n of_o hunsdon_n willoughby_n windsor_n and_o sheffeild_n sir_n philip_n sidney_n sir_n francis_n russel_n sir_n george_n bourchier_n knight_n and_o diverse_a other_o noble_a gentleman_n etc._n to_o accompany_v he_o to_o antwerp_n where_o he_o be_v create_v duke_n of_o brabant_n of_o lymbourg_n lotharing_n etc._n etc._n for_o the_o confederated_a state_n of_o flanders_n have_v from_o thence_o proclaim_v the_o king_n of_o spain_n fall_v from_o his_o principality_n for_o infringe_v their_o law_n break_v his_o seal_n cast_v down_o
subject_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n as_o i_o daily_o labour_v in_o the_o court_n for_o the_o government_n of_o saint_n katherine_n i_o receive_v letter_n from_o the_o cardinal_n commence_v wherein_o i_o find_v my_o enterprise_n much_o commend_v and_o a_o absolution_n in_o the_o pope_n name_n this_o i_o likewise_o impart_v to_o the_o queen_n what_o effect_v it_o wrought_v with_o she_o i_o know_v not_o but_o it_o give_v fresh_a courage_n to_o i_o and_o remove_v all_o scruple_n nevertheless_o i_o have_v no_o will_n to_o offer_v any_o violence_n to_o the_o queen_n if_o she_o will_v be_v persuade_v to_o deal_v more_o mild_o with_o the_o catholic_n but_o so_o often_o as_o i_o be_v to_o come_v into_o her_o presence_n i_o lay_v aside_o my_o dagger_n lest_o i_o shall_v be_v transport_v to_o murder_v she_o and_o when_o i_o consider_v her_o person_n mind_n and_o she_o true_o royal_a virtue_n i_o be_v distract_v with_o many_o doubtful_a care_n for_o my_o vow_n be_v record_v in_o heaven_n my_o letter_n and_o promise_n among_o man_n these_o thing_n do_v i_o often_o toss_v over_o in_o my_o unquiet_a mind_n she_o never_o deserve_v well_o of_o i_o indeed_o she_o save_v my_o life_n but_o if_o in_o such_o a_o cause_n have_v she_o take_v it_o away_o it_o have_v be_v tyranny_n thus_o be_v discontent_v with_o my_o estate_n and_o condition_n i_o leave_v the_o court._n he_o at_o last_o i_o happen_v on_o a_o book_n of_o alan_n against_o the_o justice_n of_o great_a britain_n out_o of_o which_o i_o be_v teach_v that_o prince_n excommunicate_a for_o heresy_n may_v be_v lawful_o deprive_v both_o of_o rule_n and_o life_n this_o vehement_o incite_v i_o to_o prosecute_v my_o purpose_n help_n this_o to_o nevil_n who_o i_o have_v invite_v to_o my_o table_n i_o read_v over_o six_o whole_a month_n before_o he_o do_v accuse_v i_o after_o this_o he_o come_v home_o to_o i_o and_o let_v we_o hear_v quoth_v he_o somewhat_o since_o we_o can_v obtain_v nothing_o of_o the_o queen_n and_o so_o he_o propound_v some_o thing_n concern_v the_o release_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n but_o quoth_v i_o a_o matter_n of_o more_o weight_n and_o more_o advantageous_a to_o the_o catholic_a church_n be_v now_o hammer_v in_o my_o head_n the_o next_o day_n he_o likewise_o visit_v i_o and_o touch_v the_o bible_n with_o his_o hand_n he_o do_v swear_v he_o will_v conceal_v and_o constant_o pursue_v all_o whatsoever_o that_o may_v be_v profitable_a to_o the_o catholic_a religion_n i_o in_o the_o same_o manner_n take_v my_o oath_n so_o we_o determine_v with_o ten_o knight_n more_o to_o set_v upon_o the_o queen_n as_o she_o ride_v through_o the_o field_n and_o there_o to_o murder_v she_o which_o thing_n till_o now_o he_o have_v conceal_v but_o receive_v news_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o westmerland_n death_n be_v transport_v with_o the_o hope_n of_o succeed_v he_o he_o forthwith_o violate_v his_o oath_n matter_n discover_v and_o accuse_v i_o this_o be_v his_o confession_n in_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o lord_n of_o hunsdon_n and_o fra._n walsingham_n privy_a counsellor_n to_o the_o queen_n acknowledge_v his_o fault_n he_o crave_v pardon_n by_o his_o letter_n to_o the_o queen_n to_o burghley_n the_o chief_a treasurer_n and_o to_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n arraign_v a_o few_o day_n after_o be_v bring_v to_o judgement_n in_o the_o palace_n of_o westminster_n and_o the_o article_n of_o his_o accusation_n be_v read_v he_o confess_v himself_o guilty_a his_o confession_n be_v record_v in_o the_o act_n judgement_n be_v demand_v to_o be_v pronounce_v against_o he_o confess_v himself_o guilty_a whereupon_o hatton_n think_v it_o expedient_a to_o satisfy_v the_o multitude_n there_o present_a that_o the_o crime_n may_v open_o be_v declare_v according_a to_o his_o confession_n which_o parry_n of_o his_o own_o accord_n confirm_v and_o desire_v the_o judge_n that_o he_o may_v read_v it_o himself_o but_o the_o clerk_n of_o the_o crown_n do_v read_v it_o with_o the_o letter_n of_o cardinal_n comese_n &_o those_o which_o parry_n have_v write_v to_o the_o queen_n to_o burghley_n &_o to_o leicester_n which_o he_o acknowledge_v for_o true_a yet_o he_o deny_v that_o he_o ever_o have_v any_o absolute_a determination_n to_o kill_v the_o queen_n but_o be_v command_v to_o speak_v if_o he_o have_v any_o thing_n to_o hinder_v judgement_n from_o be_v pronounce_v against_o he_o he_o disturbed_o answer_v as_o torment_v in_o his_o conscience_n for_o the_o crime_n which_o he_o have_v undertake_v and_o say_v i_o see_v plain_o that_o i_o must_v die_v because_o i_o be_v not_o fast_o and_o constant_a in_o my_o resolution_n be_v command_v to_o speak_v his_o meaning_n more_o ample_o my_o blood_n quoth_v he_o be_v upon_o you_o so_o the_o sentence_n of_o death_n be_v pronounce_v he_o begin_v to_o rage_n and_o summon_v the_o queen_n to_o judgement_n before_o god_n the_o five_o day_n after_o he_o be_v set_v upon_o a_o slead_n and_o draw_v through_o the_o midst_n of_o the_o city_n to_o westminster_n be_v at_o the_o place_n of_o his_o execution_n after_o he_o have_v vaunt_v how_o faithful_a a_o guardian_n he_o have_v be_v unto_o the_o queen_n he_o say_v he_o never_o have_v any_o intention_n to_o take_v her_o life_n away_o thus_o in_o boast_v manner_n death_n not_o in_o a_o word_n commit_v himself_o to_o god_n he_o be_v punish_v like_o a_o traitor_n according_a to_o the_o law_n in_o the_o great_a palace_n yard_n at_o westminster_n where_o the_o state_n of_o the_o k●ngdome_n be_v in_o great_a number_n assemble_v for_o the_o hold_n of_o the_o parliament_n i●_n this_o parliament_n some_o bishop_n either_o out_o of_o a_o desire_n of_o novation_n or_o reformation_n earnest_o persecute_v the_o ecclesiastical_a estate_n although_o the_o queen_n have_v forbid_v it_o demand_v law_n to_o repress_v the_o jurisdiction_n of_o bishop_n in_o that_o which_o concern_v the_o gift_n of_o faculty_n in_o the_o collation_n of_o the_o holy_a order_n ecclesiastical_a censure_n and_o the_o oath_n they_o take_v in_o their_o office_n propose_v a_o new_a oath_n to_o be_v take_v in_o the_o chancery_n and_o king_n bench_n that_o be_v they_o shall_v not_o counter●and_v the_o civil_a law_n of_o england_n nonresidents_a they_o require_v that_o every_o pastor_n shall_v be_v resident_a in_o his_o own_o church_n and_o dec●●med_v that_o the_o church_n of_o england_n be_v destitute_a of_o learned_a teacher_n when_o without_o doubt_v it_o can_v then_o number_v up_o more_o learned_a divine_n than_o any_o former_a age_n or_o any_o other_o reform_a church_n but_o the_o queen_n favour_v above_o all_o the_o ecclesiastical_a moderation_n reprove_v those_o novator_n as_o change_v still_o to_o worse_a and_o reject_v their_o demand_n and_o proposition_n as_o intend_v to_o subvert_v her_o prerogative_n and_o sovereign_a power_n over_o ecclesiastical_a matter_n establish_v but_o as_o for_o the_o association_n which_o i_o have_v speak_v of_o it_o be_v by_o the_o suffrage_n of_o all_o confirm_v and_o establish_v that_o four_o and_o twenty_o or_o more_o of_o the_o queen_n privy_a council_n or_o of_o the_o nobility_n choose_v by_o the_o queen_n letter_n patent_n shall_v make_v inquest_n after_o those_o that_o will_v invade_v the_o kingdom_n incite_v rebellion_n or_o attempt_v to_o offend_v or_o offer_v violence_n to_o the_o queen_n person_n for_o or_o by_o any_o one_o whosoever_o that_o shall_v lay_v claim_n to_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n and_o that_o he_o for_o who_o or_o by_o who_o any_o such_o thing_n be_v attempt_v shall_v be_v altogether_o uncapable_a of_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n and_o deprive_v of_o all_o right_a and_o pursue_v to_o the_o death_n by_o all_o the_o queen_n subject_n if_o by_o these_o four_o and_o twenty_o nobleman_n they_o shall_v be_v judge_v culpable_a of_o invasion_n rebellion_n offence_n or_o violence_n and_o so_o public_o declare_v priest_n law_n also_o be_v enact_v for_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o queen_n against_o the_o jesuit_n and_o popish_a priest_n which_o do_v then_o invent_v by_o the_o ball_n of_o pius_fw-la quintus_fw-la the_o pope_n many_o mischievous_a and_o dangerous_a matter_n that_o be_v to_o say_v that_o they_o shall_v depart_v the_o realm_n within_o forty_o day_n and_o that_o those_o which_o shall_v after_o that_o time_n come_v or_o stay_v in_o the_o kingdom_n shall_v be_v hold_v guilty_a of_o laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la and_o all_o such_o as_o witting_o or_o willing_o do_v receive_v or_o nourish_v they_o shall_v be_v guilty_a of_o felony_n felony_n for_o so_o be_v all_o capital_a crime_n under_o laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la call_v that_o those_o which_o be_v bring_v up_o among_o the_o seminary_n if_o they_o return_v not_o within_o six_o month_n after_o the_o denunciation_n make_v and_o submit_v themselves_o to_o the_o queen_n in_o the_o presence_n of_o a_o bishop_n or_o two_o justice_n shall_v be_v hold_v
guilty_a of_o laesae_fw-la maiestatis_fw-la but_o of_o those_o that_o submit_v if_o within_o ten_o year_n after_o they_o shall_v approach_v near_o to_o the_o court_n of_o the_o queen_n than_o ten_o thousand_o pace_n their_o submission_n shall_v be_v void_a that_o those_o that_o shall_v any_o manner_n of_o way_n send_v money_n to_o the_o seminary_n student_n shall_v be_v liable_a to_o the_o punishment_n of_o praemunire_n that_o be_v perpetual_a exile_n praemunire_n with_o the_o loss_n of_o their_o good_n if_o any_o of_o the_o peer_n of_o the_o realm_n that_o be_v dukes_z marquess_n earl_n and_o lord_n shall_v transgress_v these_o law_n he_o shall_v undergo_v the_o judgement_n of_o the_o peer_n whosoever_o shall_v have_v knowledge_n that_o any_o jesuit_n and_o such_o as_o have_v any_o secret_a abode_n within_o the_o kingdom_n and_o not_o make_v discovery_n of_o they_o within_o twelve_o day_n shall_v be_v punish_v according_a to_o the_o queen_n pleasure_n and_o abide_v imprisonment_n if_o any_o one_o shall_v be_v suspect_v of_o the_o number_n of_o those_o jesuit_n or_o priest_n and_o shall_v not_o submit_v himself_o to_o examination_n he_o shall_v for_o his_o contempt_n be_v imprison_v until_o he_o shall_v submit_v whosoever_o shall_v send_v his_o child_n or_o other_o to_o the_o seminary_n and_o college_n of_o the_o popish_a profession_n shall_v be_v amerce_v a_o hundred_o pound_n of_o english_a money_n all_o such_o as_o shall_v be_v send_v thither_o if_o they_o return_v not_o within_o a_o year_n and_o conform_v themselves_o to_o the_o church_n of_o england_n shall_v be_v deprive_v of_o all_o succession_n and_o enjoy_v of_o good_n in_o what_o manner_n soever_o they_o shall_v fall_v unto_o they_o if_o the_o warden_n of_o the_o port_n shall_v permit_v any_o other_o but_o saylor_n and_o merchant_n to_o pass_v beyond_o the_o sea_n without_o licence_n from_o the_o queen_n or_o six_o of_o her_o counsel_n they_o shall_v be_v deprive_v of_o their_o office_n and_o the_o master_n of_o such_o ship_n shall_v be_v punish_v with_o the_o loss_n of_o their_o good_n and_o of_o their_o voyage_n beside_o imprisonment_n for_o a_o whole_a year_n the_o severity_n of_o these_o law_n which_o be_v think_v for_o those_o time_n no_o more_o then_o needful_a do_v much_o terifie_v the_o papist_n of_o england_n and_o among_o other_o phil._n england_n howard_n earl_n of_o arundel_n the_o elder_a son_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n be_v in_o such_o sort_n affright_v that_o he_o resolve_v lest_o he_o shall_v offend_v against_o they_o to_o leave_v the_o kingdom_n three_o year_n before_o he_o be_v by_o the_o gracious_a bounty_n of_o the_o queen_n reestablish_v in_o the_o right_n and_o honour_n of_o his_o father_n but_o a_o short_a while_n after_o be_v secret_o accuse_v by_o some_o of_o the_o nobility_n and_o man_n of_o power_n he_o be_v deprive_v of_o her_o favour_n so_o be_v private_o devote_a to_o the_o roman_a religion_n he_o embrace_v a_o austere_a course_n of_o live_v this_o be_v the_o reason_n that_o he_o be_v twice_o call_v before_o the_o privy_a counsel_n and_o notwithstanding_o that_o he_o justify_v himself_o against_o all_o objection_n yet_o be_v he_o command_v to_o confine_v himself_o within_o his_o own_o house_n six_o month_n after_o or_o thereabouts_o be_v establish_v in_o his_o right_n he_o enter_v in_o to_o the_o assemble_a parliament_n but_o the_o first_o day_n before_o the_o speech_n be_v end_v he_o withdraw_v himself_o the_o parliament_n end_v he_o be_v as_o it_o be_v certain_a of_o his_o escape_n queen_n he_o write_v letter_n to_o the_o queen_n which_o he_o command_v shall_v be_v deliver_v after_o his_o departure_n wherein_o be_v contain_v a_o long_a and_o sorrowful_a complaint_n of_o the_o malice_n of_o his_o adversary_n to_o which_o he_o be_v force_v of_o necessity_n to_o give_v way_n because_o they_o begin_v to_o triumph_v over_o his_o innocency_n a_o remonstration_n of_o the_o unfortunate_a death_n of_o his_o ancestor_n first_o of_o his_o great_a grandfather_n who_o be_v condemn_v without_o answer_v for_o himself_o then_o of_o his_o grandfather_n who_o lose_v his_o head_n for_o matter_n of_o small_a moment_n and_o last_o of_o his_o father_n who_o be_v circumvent_v by_o his_o enemy_n but_o never_o transport_v with_o hate_n to_o his_o queen_n or_o country_n and_o a_o declaration_n that_o lest_o he_o shall_v prove_v a_o heir_n to_o his_o father_n infelicity_n that_o he_o may_v more_o free_o apply_v himself_o to_o the_o service_n of_o god_n and_o provide_v for_o his_o soul_n health_n he_o have_v leave_v his_o country_n but_o not_o his_o dutiful_a allegiance_n to_o the_o queen_n apprehend_v before_o these_o letter_n be_v deliver_v he_o go_v into_o sussex_n where_o be_v about_o to_o embark_v himself_o by_o the_o treachery_n of_o his_o man_n and_o discovery_n of_o the_o pilot_n he_o be_v apprehend_v and_o commit_v to_o the_o tower_n of_o london_n dead_a in_o the_o tower_n at_o that_o time_n remain_v prisoner_n henry_n percy_n earl_n of_o northumberland_n brother_n to_o thomas_n that_o lose_v his_o head_n at_o york_n a_o man_n full_a of_o a_o quick_a wit_n and_o haughty_a courage_n suspect_v private_o to_o have_v consult_v with_o throckmorton_n the_o lord_n paget_n and_o the_o guise_n concern_v the_o invade_a of_o england_n and_o free_v of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n to_o who_o he_o have_v always_o bear_v great_a affection_n in_o the_o month_n of_o june_n he_o be_v find_v dead_a in_o his_o bed_n be_v shoot_v through_o with_o three_o bullet_n under_o the_o left_a pap_n the_o door_n of_o his_o chamber_n be_v bar_v to_o he_o on_o the_o inside_n the_o next_o neighbour_a enquest_n swear_v after_o the_o manner_n by_o the_o coroner_n have_v search_v the_o body_n enquest_n consider_v the_o place_n and_o find_v a_o pistol_n in_o the_o chamber_n with_o gunpowder_n they_o examine_v the_o servant_n that_o buy_v the_o pistol_n with_o he_o that_o sell_v the_o same_o whereupon_o they_o pronounce_v the_o earl_n murderer_n of_o himself_o the_o three_o day_n after_o the_o nobility_n be_v assemble_v in_o the_o star-chamber_n where_o tho._n bromley_n chancellor_n of_o england_n succinct_o declare_v that_o the_o earl_n have_v treacherous_o consult_v against_o the_o queen_n and_o his_o country_n which_o he_o perceive_v to_o be_v discover_v and_o terify_v with_o the_o guiltiness_n of_o his_o conscience_n which_o convince_v he_o he_o become_v his_o own_o murderer_n but_o to_o satisfy_v the_o multitude_n which_o be_v always_o credulous_a of_o the_o worst_a manifest_v he_o command_v the_o queen_n attorney_n and_o her_o counsellor_n at_o law_n plain_o to_o unfold_v the_o cause_n of_o his_o imprisonment_n and_o the_o manner_n of_o his_o death_n whereupon_o popham_n chief_a attorney_n to_o the_o queen_n beginning_n from_o the_o rebellion_n raise_v in_o the_o north_n part_v sixteen_o year_n before_o demonstrate_v by_o the_o public_a act_n that_o he_o be_v arraign_v for_o the_o rebellion_n and_o for_o consult_v of_o the_o freedom_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n that_o he_o have_v acknowledge_v his_o fault_n and_o submit_v himself_o and_o be_v therefore_o amerce_v five_o thousand_o mark_n but_o the_o queen_n such_o be_v her_o gracious_a clemency_n exact_v not_o a_o penny_n from_o he_o and_o after_o that_o his_o brother_n have_v be_v deserve_o punish_v for_o the_o same_o crime_n the_o queen_n confirm_v he_o in_o the_o honour_n of_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n nevertheless_o he_o undertake_v new_a counsel_n for_o the_o deliver_v of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n the_o invade_a of_o england_n and_o overthrow_v of_o the_o religion_n and_o the_o queen_n that_o mendoza_n the_o spaniard_n have_v give_v intelligence_n to_o throckmorton_n that_o charles_n paget_n under_o the_o name_n of_o mopus_n have_v in_o private_a treat_v with_o he_o concern_v these_o matter_n in_o sussex_n that_o the_o lord_n paget_n have_v likewise_o signify_v the_o selfsame_o thing_n to_o throckmorton_n and_o be_v also_o manifest_v by_o the_o paper_n of_o chreicton_n a_o scottish_a jesuite_n and_o that_o charles_n paget_n have_v declare_v all_o to_o shelley_n at_o his_o return_n out_o of_o france_n this●gerton_n ●gerton_z the_o queen_n solicitor_n demonstrate_v that_o by_o the_o circumstance_n &_o suspicious_a care_n which_o the_o earl_n have_v to_o keep_v himself_o secret_a and_o close_a he_o show_v himself_o guilty_a of_o these_o matter_n that_o be_v to_o say_v that_o the_o earl_n know_v none_o of_o those_o to_o be_v in_o england_n that_o can_v accuse_v he_o but_o the_o lord_n paget_n who_o throckmorton_n have_v familiar_o entertain_v a_o few_o day_n after_o that_o throckmorton_n be_v intercept_v he_o prepare_v by_o the_o help_n of_o shelley_n a_o ship_n for_o paget_n to_o pass_v into_o france_n that_o so_o soon_o as_o throckmorton_n have_v begin_v to_o make_v confession_n he_o retire_v from_o london_n to_o pennyworth_n and_o forthwith_o send_v for_o shelley_n to_o he_o
to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n and_o the_o king_n her_o son_n be_v twice_o deprive_v of_o his_o good_n and_o drive_v from_o his_o country_n and_o the_o fight_n of_o his_o child_n yet_o he_o patient_o support_v his_o banishment_n remain_v constant_a against_o all_o adversity_n and_o bear_v himself_o ever_o like_o himself_o scotland_n while_o the_o question_n of_o this_o murder_n be_v defer_v and_o a_o gentle_a disputation_n raise_v whether_o the_o twelve_o thousand_o crown_n pension_n offer_v to_o the_o king_n be_v to_o be_v account_v according_a to_o the_o english_a or_o the_o french_a account_n the_o queen_n be_v much_o incense_v for_o the_o death_n of_o russel_n and_o the_o violation_n of_o the_o safety_n and_o be_v persuade_v by_o some_o scotchman_n which_o envy_a arran_n that_o he_o be_v a_o favourer_n of_o the_o jesuit_n and_o that_o he_o strong_o labour_v in_o france_n and_o scotland_n to_o hinder_v the_o league_n that_o it_o may_v not_o be_v contract_v she_o give_v permission_n to_o the_o fugitive_a scot_n as_o angus_z with_o john_n and_o claudius_n hamilton_n marre_n and_o glan_n which_o be_v reconcile_v to_o he_o in_o their_o common_a exile_n and_o to_o the_o rest_n that_o live_v banish_v in_o england_n to_o return_v into_o scotland_n well_o furnish_v with_o money_n to_o work_v the_o ruin_n of_o arran_n court._n the_o earl_n of_o bothwell_n and_o the_o lord_n of_o humey_a humey_a coldingknoll_n and_o other_o in_o scotland_n have_v before_o promise_v they_o aid_v and_o above_o all_o maxwell_n late_o create_v earl_n of_o morton_n out_o of_o a_o certain_a hope_n he_o have_v to_o shun_v the_o penalty_n of_o the_o rebellion_n which_o he_o have_v raise_v in_o the_o country_n of_o annand_n if_o the_o earl_n of_o arran_n be_v once_o subvert_v in_o the_o very_a court_n also_o be_v patrick_n grace_n his_o bitter_a enemy_n belenden_n a_o a_o justice_n of_o the_o church_n and_o maitland_n secretary_n draw_v into_o party_n against_o arran_n the_o fugitive_n be_v enter_v into_o scotland_n they_o command_v all_o person_n by_o a_o long_a proclamation_n in_o the_o king_n name_n to_o give_v they_o assistance_n scotland_n for_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o evangelicall_a truth_n to_o free_v the_o king_n from_o mischievous_a counsellor_n and_o to_o conserve_v love_n and_o friendship_n with_o the_o english_a they_o appoint_v the_o place_n for_o their_o assembly_n at_o fawkirk_n where_o they_o muster_v 8000_o man_n arran_n who_o for_o suspicion_n of_o the_o death_n of_o russell_n be_v by_o the_o king_n command_v to_o keep_v within_o keneil_n hear_v of_o these_o thing_n he_o hasty_o retire_v to_o the_o king_n and_o accuse_v grey_a as_o the_o author_n of_o these_o enterprise_n grace_n ingenious_o excuse_v himself_o in_o presence_n of_o the_o king_n but_o while_o arran_n make_v great_a preparation_n for_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o town_n the_o enemy_n appear_v in_o readiness_n to_o scale_v the_o wall_n he_o certain_o know_v that_o they_o seek_v nothing_o but_o his_o head_n only_o they_o and_o suspect_v the_o fidelity_n of_o his_o man_n for_o he_o be_v hate_v of_o most_o he_o secret_o withdraw_v himself_o by_o the_o bridge_n the_o rest_n all_o abandon_v the_o town_n betake_v themselves_o to_o the_o castle_n with_o the_o king_n the_o fugitive_n straight_o possess_v themselves_o of_o the_o marketplace_n and_o then_o besiege_v the_o castle_n the_o king_n demand_v by_o his_o messenger_n grace_n the_o cause_n of_o their_o come_n they_o answer_v to_o submit_v ourselves_o to_o the_o king_n and_o humble_o to_o kiss_v his_o highness_n hand_n he_o offer_v to_o restore_v to_o they_o all_o their_o good_n if_o they_o will_v retire_v but_o they_o reply_v that_o they_o make_v no_o esteem_n of_o their_o good_n in_o comparison_n of_o the_o king_n gracious_a favour_n desire_v he_o to_o admit_v they_o to_o his_o royal_a presence_n the_o king_n consent_v but_o upon_o these_o condition_n that_o they_o shall_v not_o attempt_v any_o thing_n either_o against_o his_o majesty_n person_n or_o their_o line_n who_o he_o shall_v nominate_v and_o that_o they_o shall_v not_o bring_v in_o any_o innovation_n into_o the_o government_n of_o the_o kingdom_n they_o vow_v their_o life_n for_o the_o safety_n of_o their_o prince_n protest_v that_o they_o conceit_a not_o so_o much_o as_o a_o thought_n of_o bring_v in_o of_o novelty_n but_o they_o desire_v for_o their_o better_a assurance_n that_o their_o adversary_n may_v be_v deliver_v into_o their_o hand_n with_o the_o fortify_v place_n of_o the_o realm_n of_o this_o matter_n they_o consult_v the_o whole_a day_n but_o necessity_n compel_v by_o reason_n of_o the_o multitude_n wherewith_o the_o castle_n be_v full_o stuff_v king_n and_o the_o want_n of_o provision_n they_o be_v at_o last_o admit_v to_o the_o king_n and_o forthwith_o the_o earl_n of_o montrosh_n of_o crawford_n and_o of_o rothese_n the_o colonel_n stuart_n downi_n the_o brother_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o arran_n and_o other_o be_v deliver_v into_o their_o hand_n the_o earl_n of_o arran_n be_v public_o accuse_v to_o have_v conspire_v against_o the_o estate_n and_o as_o for_o themselves_o the_o king_n indulgent_o pardon_v they_o as_o good_a and_o well-deserving_a subject_n hamilton_n arbroth_n be_v establish_v governor_n of_o dunbriton_n coldingknol_n of_o the_o castle_n of_o edinburgh_n angus_n of_o tomtall_a mar_v of_o sterlin_n and_o glan_n captain_n of_o the_o king_n guard_n after_o this_o have_v by_o their_o faithful_a duty_n remove_v out_o of_o the_o king_n opinion_n all_o such_o crime_n wherewith_o their_o enemy_n have_v burden_v they_o and_o all_o suspicion_n which_o they_o have_v raise_v of_o they_o amnistie_n by_o a_o general_a amnistie_n all_o banishment_n &_o proscription_n which_o have_v for_o what_o cause_n so_o ever_o be_v adjudge_v and_o ordain_v since_o the_o coronation_n of_o the_o king_n be_v abolish_v except_v only_o those_o which_o have_v relation_n to_o the_o murder_n of_o the_o king_n father_n &_o such_o as_o be_v adjudge_v against_o the_o archbishop_n of_o glasco_n the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n and_o of_o dunblan_n and_o with_o a_o common_a &_o most_o constant_a consent_n of_o their_o mind_n the_o sovereign_a authority_n of_o the_o king_n in_o contract_v of_o a_o league_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n and_o depute_v of_o ambassador_n be_v confirm_v unto_o he_o only_o maxwell_n abuse_v this_o singular_a clemency_n of_o the_o king_n for_o have_v obtain_v by_o the_o benefit_n of_o the_o amnistie_a free_a pardon_n for_o the_o cruel_a slaughter_n and_o pillage_v commit_v upon_o the_o johnston_n yet_o such_o be_v his_o audacious_a pride_n that_o contemn_v the_o authority_n of_o the_o law_n mass_n he_o command_v the_o sacrifice_n of_o the_o mass_n to_o be_v celebrate_v at_o dunfrise_n which_o of_o nineteen_o year_n before_o have_v not_o be_v permit_v in_o scotland_n for_o which_o deed_n he_o be_v punish_v with_o three_o month_n imprisonment_n neither_o be_v in_o these_o turbulent_a time_n ireland_n next_o adjoin_v free_a from_o the_o tempest_n of_o rebellion_n for_o when_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o province_n of_o that_o isle_n be_v settle_v in_o a_o profound_a peace_n a_o great_a rebellion_n break_v forth_o in_o connach_n the_o west_n part_n of_o ireland_n proceed_v of_o the_o natural_a disposition_n of_o that_o nation_n impatient_a of_o rest_n and_o quiet_a and_o also_o of_o the_o hate_n which_o they_o conceive_v against_o rich._n bingham_n their_o governor_n complain_v that_o his_o command_n be_v sharp_a and_o bitter_a ireland_n the_o governor_n see_v the_o great_a and_o powerful_a man_n of_o ireland_n exercise_v such_o grievous_a tyranny_n upon_o the_o poor_a miserable_a people_n force_v they_o to_o acknowledge_v no_o other_o prince_n then_o they_o he_o omit_v no_o mean_n to_o restaine_v they_o and_o confirm_v the_o royal_a authority_n although_o he_o be_v often_o for_o the_o same_o odious_o accuse_v of_o cruelty_n to_o the_o queen_n and_o deputy_n thomas_n roe-bourk_n of_o the_o most_o noble_a family_n of_o bourg_n in_o england_n be_v the_o first_o that_o oppose_v himself_o &_o be_v send_v for_o to_o the_o lawful_a assembly_n in_o the_o county_n of_o may_n he_o refuse_v to_o come_v the_o governor_n for_o a_o time_n dissemble_v seem_v not_o to_o make_v account_n thereof_o but_o present_o after_o he_o command_v he_o and_o two_o other_o turbulent_a spirit_n of_o the_o same_o house_n to_o be_v apprehend_v lest_o they_o shall_v break_v out_o into_o a_o more_o dangerous_a rebellion_n thomas_n be_v slay_v in_o fight_n ere_o he_o can_v be_v intercept_v meiler_n and_o theobald_n the_o other_o two_o be_v take_v and_o hang_v and_o thus_o have_v the_o whole_a rebellion_n be_v at_o the_o beginning_n compress_v have_v not_o certain_a english_a enemy_n to_o the_o governor_n advertise_v the_o rest_n of_o that_o family_n provident_o to_o beware_v of_o the_o governor_n and_o by_o any_o mean_v not_o to_o come_v near_o he_o they_o
conclude_v and_o further_o to_o acquit_v his_o promise_n he_o determine_v to_o send_v into_o england_n the_o car_n which_o be_v suspect_v murderer_n of_o francis_n russell_n friendship_n a_o little_a after_o upon_o the_o begin_n of_o july_n the_o earl_n of_o rutland_n the_o lord_n euer_v and_o though_o randolph_n for_o the_o queen_n the_o earl_n of_o bothwell_n the_o lord_n boide_v and_o james_n humy_a coldingknoll_n for_o the_o king_n of_o scotland_n be_v assemble_v at_o berwick_n and_o there_o consummate_v the_o league_n which_o be_v call_v the_o league_n of_o fast_a friendship_n because_o the_o word_n of_o offence_n be_v displease_v to_o the_o scot_n as_o follow_v forasmuch_o as_o the_o reign_v and_o government_n of_o of_o these_o prince_n be_v fall_v into_o these_o doubtful_a and_o dangerous_a time_n wherein_o the_o neighbour_a prince_n which_o will_v be_v call_v catholic_n acknowledge_v the_o papal_a authority_n do_v contract_n league_n and_o by_o mutual_a alliance_n do_v oblige_v their_o faith_n to_o ruin_v and_o extirpate_v the_o true_a pure_a and_o evangelicall_a religion_n not_o only_o out_o of_o their_o own_o territory_n and_o dominion_n but_o also_o out_o of_o foreign_a kingdom_n to_o the_o end_n that_o those_o which_o do_v embrace_v the_o evangelicall_a religion_n may_v not_o seem_v less_o careful_a to_o defend_v and_o protect_v the_o same_o than_o those_o which_o at_o this_o time_n do_v exercise_v the_o roman_a religion_n be_v for_o the_o eversion_n &_o overthrow_n of_o it_o the_o say_v prince_n for_o their_o great_a assurance_n and_o security_n of_o their_o own_o person_n upon_o who_o safety_n depend_v the_o good_a and_o welfare_n of_o the_o people_n and_o for_o the_o conservation_n of_o the_o true_a ancient_a and_o christian_a religion_n whereof_o they_o at_o this_o present_n make_v profession_n have_v consult_v and_o agree_v to_o combine_v themselves_o in_o a_o straight_a knot_n of_o mutual_a alliance_n and_o friendship_n then_o have_v be_v till_o now_o among_o the_o predecessor_n of_o their_o majesty_n the_o first_o article_n primary_o then_o to_o the_o end_n that_o this_o so_o godly_a and_o necessary_a proposition_n of_o either_o prince_n in_o this_o turbulent_a estate_n of_o thing_n may_v come_v to_o a_o effect_n for_o the_o common_a good_a and_o propagation_n of_o the_o truth_n of_o the_o gospel_n it_o be_v convent_v agree_v and_o conclude_v that_o the_o say_v prince_n shall_v by_o this_o mutual_a and_o holy_a league_n be_v especial_o careful_a to_o defend_v and_o conserve_v the_o true_a pure_a and_o evangelicall_a religion_n which_o they_o now_o profess_v against_o all_o other_o that_o for_o the_o ruin_n thereof_o shall_v enterprise_v any_o thing_n against_o either_o of_o they_o and_o shall_v labour_v and_o endeavour_n with_o all_o possible_a diligence_n that_o the_o rest_n of_o those_o prince_n which_o be_v professor_n of_o the_o same_o religion_n may_v accord_v with_o they_o in_o this_o holy_a propound_a league_n and_o conjoin_v their_o force_n conserve_v in_o their_o dominion_n the_o true_a service_n of_o god_n and_o defend_v and_o govern_v their_o subject_n under_o the_o say_a ancient_n and_o apostolical_a religion_n the_o second_o item_n it_o be_v convent_v accord_v and_o conclude_v that_o this_o mutual_a league_n for_o the_o defend_n and_o maintain_v of_o the_o christian_a and_o catholic_a religion_n which_o at_o this_o present_a be_v hold_v by_o either_o prince_n and_o by_o the_o grace_n of_o god_n observe_v and_o nourish_v in_o their_o realm_n and_o dominion_n shall_v be_v a_o league_n of_o offence_n and_o defence_n against_o all_o those_o that_o shall_v hinder_v or_o endeavour_n by_o any_o mean_n to_o hinder_v the_o exercise_n of_o the_o same_o within_o their_o realm_n and_o dominion_n notwithstanding_o all_o treaty_n league_n of_o friendship_n and_o confederation_n pass_v between_o either_o of_o they_o and_o all_o adversary_n and_o persecutor_n whatsoever_o of_o the_o same_o religion_n that_o if_o at_o any_o time_n any_o prince_n or_o state_n whatsoever_o of_o what_o condition_n so_o ever_o he_o be_v shall_v invade_v or_o infest_v the_o realm_n dominion_n or_o territory_n of_o either_o of_o the_o say_a prince_n or_o any_o part_n of_o they_o or_o indomage_v or_o injure_v any_o manner_n of_o way_n their_o majesty_n person_n or_o subject_n or_o shall_v attempt_v these_o or_o any_o of_o these_o thing_n the_o three_o it_o be_v convent_v accord_v and_o conclude_v that_o neither_o of_o these_o prince_n receive_v intelligence_n from_o the_o person_n invade_v injure_v or_o indomage_v shall_v direct_o or_o indirect_o open_o or_o covert_o aid_n counsel_n or_o favour_n at_o any_o time_n the_o say_a invader_n or_o infestor_n in_o what_o kind_n of_o invasion_n so_o ever_o it_o shall_v be_v or_o by_o whosoever_o it_o shall_v be_v attempt_v notwithstanding_o all_o kindred_n affinity_n amity_n or_o 〈◊〉_d before_o contract_v or_o after_o to_o be_v contract_v the_o four_o that_o the_o say_a prince_n shall_v reciprocal_o send_v aid_n either_o to_o other_o in_o manner_n as_o follow_v if_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n shall_v be_v invade_v or_o molest_v by_o any_o stranger_n upon_o those_o part_n which_o be_v far_o remote_a from_o the_o kingdom_n of_o scotland_n the_o king_n of_o scotland_n after_o demand_v make_v by_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n shall_v incontinent_o and_o without_o delay_n send_v two_o thousand_o horse_n and_o five_o thousand_o foot_n or_o any_o less_o number_n according_a to_o the_o pleasure_n &_o request_n of_o the_o queen_n to_o be_v conduct_v at_o the_o expense_n of_o the_o queen_n from_o the_o frontier_n of_o scotland_n next_o adjacent_a to_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n into_o any_o part_n of_o england_n whatsoever_o the_o five_o that_o if_o the_o kingdom_n of_o scotland_n shall_v be_v invade_v or_o molest_v by_o any_o stranger_n upon_o those_o part_n which_o be_v far_o remote_a from_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n after_o demand_v make_v by_o the_o king_n of_o scotland_n shall_v incontinent_o and_o without_o delay_n send_v three_o thousand_o horse_n and_o six_o thousand_o foot_n or_o any_o less_o number_n according_a to_o the_o pleasure_n and_o request_n of_o the_o king_n to_o be_v conduct_v at_o the_o expense_n of_o the_o king_n from_o the_o frontier_n of_o england_n next_o adjacent_a to_o the_o kingdom_n of_o scotland_n into_o any_o part_n of_o scotland_n whatsoever_o the_o six_o that_o if_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n shall_v by_o any_o one_o be_v invade_v upon_o the_o north_n part_v within_o threescore_o mile_n of_o the_o border_n of_o scotland_n the_o most_o illustrious_a king_n of_o scotland_n be_v request_v and_o demand_v by_o the_o most_o excellent_a queen_n of_o england_n shall_v assemble_v all_o his_o force_n and_o troop_n to_o his_o possibility_n effectual_o and_o without_o delay_n and_o join_v they_o with_o the_o english_a troop_n shall_v pursue_v in_o all_o hostile_a manner_n those_o that_o shall_v invade_v the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n their_o favourer_n and_o assistant_n whatsoever_o for_o the_o space_n of_o thirty_o day_n together_o or_o long_o if_o occasion_n and_o necessity_n shall_v require_v according_a to_o the_o space_n of_o time_n which_o the_o subject_n of_o scotland_n be_v ancient_o accustom_v and_o to_o this_o day_n do_v hold_v for_o bring_v of_o succour_n to_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o kingdom_n the_o seven_o that_o when_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n shall_v have_v notice_n give_v he_o from_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n of_o any_o invasion_n or_o devastation_n happen_v in_o ireland_n he_o shall_v not_o only_o forbid_v the_o inhabitant_n of_o the_o county_n of_o argathel_n of_o the_o isle_n and_o place_n adjacent_a to_o the_o say_a county_n and_o the_o inhabitant_n of_o all_o other_o place_n whatsoever_o in_o the_o kingdom_n of_o scotland_n not_o to_o enter_v into_o the_o kingdom_n of_o ireland_n and_o to_o his_o power_n to_o hinder_v they_o from_o enter_v but_o also_o in_o what_o time_n so_o ever_o it_o shall_v happen_v that_o the_o inhabitant_n of_o any_o part_n whatsoever_o of_o the_o realm_n of_o scotland_n shall_v contrary_a to_o the_o intent_n of_o this_o treaty_n enter_v in_o hostile_a manner_n into_o any_o part_n of_o ireland_n with_o a_o extraordinary_a and_o unusual_a number_n of_o soldier_n the_o king_n himself_o after_o he_o have_v give_v notice_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o the_o say_a entry_n shall_v by_o a_o public_a edict_n denounce_v the_o say_v invader_n break_v in_o hostile_a manner_n into_o the_o say_a realm_n for_o rebel_n disturber_n of_o the_o public_a peace_n and_o man_n guilty_a of_o attempt_n against_o the_o estate_n and_o as_o such_o shall_v pursue_v they_o the_o eight_o that_o neither_o of_o the_o say_a prince_n shall_v give_v or_o permit_v any_o other_o in_o any_o sort_n whatsoever_o to_o give_v at_o any_o time_n hereafter_o any_o aid_n favour_n or_o assistance_n to_o any_o conspirator_n rebel_n or_o one_o revolt_v from_o
great_a princess_n manifest_o appear_v as_o some_o have_v observe_v the_o providence_n of_o god_n death_n for_o the_o thing_n which_o elizabeth_n and_o mary_n wish_v from_o the_o beginning_n and_o be_v resolve_v upon_o in_o all_o their_o design_n be_v hereby_o effect_v and_o consummate_v queen_n mary_n as_o herself_o confess_v at_o her_o death_n desire_v nothing_o more_o fervent_o than_o that_o the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n and_o scotland_n which_o be_v divide_v may_v be_v unite_v and_o join_v in_o one_o in_o her_o dear_a son_n nor_o elizabeth_n but_o that_o the_o true_a religion_n together_o with_o the_o good_a and_o safety_n of_o the_o people_n in_o england_n may_v be_v continue_v and_o maintain_v and_o england_n now_o with_o unspeakable_a joy_n and_o gladness_n acknowledge_v that_o god_n almighty_n have_v grant_v both_o their_o desire_n to_o her_o unexpected_a and_o everlasting_a felicity_n thereat_o so_o soon_o as_o report_v the_o messenger_n of_o this_o death_n have_v bring_v the_o news_n thereof_o to_o queen_n elizabeth_n who_o not_o so_o much_o as_o think_v of_o any_o such_o matter_n she_o take_v it_o most_o impatient_o her_o speech_n and_o countenance_n at_o once_o fail_v she_o through_o the_o extremity_n of_o her_o grievous_a discontent_n she_o become_v quite_o comfortless_a and_o disconsolate_a and_o attire_v herself_o in_o mourn_a weed_n bitter_o lament_v and_o shed_v many_o brinish_a tear_n from_o the_o compassionate_a river_n of_o her_o eye_n council_n she_o sharp_o rebuke_v her_o council_n and_o chase_v they_o out_o of_o her_o sight_n command_v they_o shall_v be_v question_v and_o as_o for_o william_n davison_n he_o be_v bring_v into_o the_o star-chamber_n to_o be_v try_v and_o so_o soon_o as_o her_o passionate_a anguish_n and_o excess_n of_o sorrow_n suffer_v she_o to_o write_v she_o sudden_o address_v by_o sir_n robert_n carey_n to_o the_o king_n of_o scotland_n this_o letter_n follow_v of_o her_o own_o hand-writing_n queen_n elizabeth_n letter_n to_o king_n james_n most_o dear_o belove_a brother_n will_v to_o god_n you_o do_v know_v but_o not_o feel_v with_o what_o incomparable_a sorrow_n my_o sad-afflicted_n heart_n be_v trouble_v by_o the_o late_a lamentable_a event_n which_o happen_v contrary_a to_o my_o mind_n and_o meaning_n but_o because_o my_o pen_n abhor_v the_o recital_n thereof_o you_o shall_v understand_v it_o by_o this_o my_o kinsman_n i_o beseech_v you_o that_o as_o god_n and_o many_o good_a man_n be_v witness_n with_o i_o of_o my_o innocence_n you_o also_o will_v believe_v that_o if_o i_o have_v once_o command_v it_o i_o will_v never_o have_v deny_v the_o same_o i_o be_o not_o so_o base-minded_a nor_o of_o such_o a_o degenerate_a or_o ignoble_a spirit_n as_o that_o ●ither_o i_o be_o afraid_a to_o do_v the_o thing_n that_o be_v just_a or_o to_o disclaim_v it_o be_v do_v but_o as_o it_o be_v most_o dishonourable_a in_o prince_n to_o cover_v or_o colour_v the_o conception_n of_o their_o heart_n in_o disguise_a word_n so_o will_v i_o never_o dissemble_v any_o action_n of_o i_o but_o let_v it_o appear_v in_o its_o own_o lively_a colour_n know_v this_o for_o certainty_n that_o as_o i_o be_o sure_a it_o happen_v not_o by_o any_o fault_n of_o i_o so_o if_o i_o have_v ever_o intend_v such_o a_o deed_n i_o will_v not_o have_v impute_v it_o to_o other_o nor_o can_v i_o assume_v that_o to_o myself_o which_o i_o never_o think_v the_o rest_n the_o deliverer_n of_o these_o line_n will_v impart_v unto_o you_o for_o my_o part_n i_o will_v have_v you_o believe_v that_o there_o be_v none_o more_o entire_o love_v you_o nor_o more_o studious_o careful_a for_o the_o good_a of_o you_o and_o you_o than_o myself_o if_o any_o have_v suggest_v to_o you_o the_o contrary_a be_v you_o persuade_v that_o such_o a_o one_o bear_v more_o affection_n to_o other_o than_o to_o you_o god_n keep_v you_o long_o safe_a and_o sound_a while_o sir_n robert_n carey_n be_v on_o the_o way_n with_o these_o letter_n william_n davison_n be_v bring_v into_o the_o starr-chamber_n before_o certain_a commissioner_n to_o wit_n sir_n christopher_n wray_n lo_n chief_a justice_n of_o the_o k._n bench_n who_o for_o that_o time_n be_v likewise_o make_v lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o privy_a seal_n the_o arch_a bishop_n of_o canterbury_n and_o york_n the_o earl_n of_o worcester_n cumberland_n and_o lincoln_n the_o lord_n grey_a and_o lumley_n sir_n james_n crofts_n comptroller_n of_o the_o queen_n house_n sir_n walter_z mildmay_n chancellor_n of_o the_o exchequer_n sir_n gilbert_n gerard_n master_n of_o the_o roll_n edm._n anderson_n chief_a justice_n of_o the_o common_a plea_n and_o sir_n roger_n manwood_n chief_a baron_n of_o the_o exchequer_n in_o the_o presence_n of_o these_o sir_n francis_n popham_n the_o qu._n attorney_n general_a accuse_v william_n davison_n of_o contempt_n against_o her_o majesty_n of_o the_o breach_n of_o his_o allegiance_n the_o neglect_n and_o omission_n of_o his_o duty_n for_o that_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n out_o of_o her_o royal_a clemency_n be_v unwilling_a that_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n although_o she_o stand_v condemn_v shall_v be_v put_v to_o death_n for_o certain_a cause_n best_a know_v to_o herself_o such_o as_o be_v not_o to_o be_v sound_v into_o by_o any_o other_o nor_o can_v be_v draw_v from_o she_o either_o by_o the_o importunate_a urge_v of_o the_o state_n of_o the_o land_n or_o by_o her_o council_n notwithstanding_o she_o have_v command_v the_o warrant_n for_o her_o execution_n to_o be_v draw_v for_o the_o prevent_n of_o some_o eminent_a peril_n the_o which_o she_o commit_v to_o the_o say_v william_n davison_v trust_v and_o taciturnity_n he_o be_v a_o swear_a secretary_n forgetful_a of_o his_o faith_n and_o obedience_n contemn_v her_o majesty_n command_n have_v impart_v the_o same_o ●o_o the_o council_n and_o bring_v she_o to_o execution_n without_o the_o knowledge_n or_o pri●itie_n of_o her_o majesty_n william_n davison_n such_o be_v his_o singular_a modesty_n answer_v temperate_o and_o yet_o with_o audacity_n that_o he_o be_v very_o sorry_a that_o he_o shall_v be_v thus_o troublesome_a to_o commissioner_n concern_v the_o q._n of_o scotland_n and_o the_o judgement_n give_v against_o she_o most_o grievous_a if_o it_o be_v to_o the_o impeachment_n of_o his_o credit_n if_o not_o to_o the_o final_a loss_n thereof_o which_o to_o he_o be_v all_o in_o all_o but_o this_o most_o grieve_a he_o to_o be_v tax_v of_o contempt_n against_o her_o majesty_n to_o who_o for_o her_o princely_a favour_n he_o be_v so_o oblige_v that_o his_o offence_n must_v thereby_o be_v the_o more_o intolerable_a that_o he_o confess_v himself_o guilty_a of_o the_o crime_n object_v against_o he_o that_o he_o have_v make_v shipwreck_n of_o his_o credit_n which_o he_o reckon_v equivalent_a with_o his_o life_n if_o in_o make_v his_o apology_n he_o shall_v contest_v with_o the_o queen_n he_o shall_v do_v that_o which_o be_v most_o unbeseeming_a the_o obedience_n of_o a_o subject_n the_o respect_n of_o a_o servant_n and_o the_o fidelity_n and_o reputation_n of_o a_o secretary_n he_o protest_v before_o god_n and_o the_o commissioner_n that_o he_o have_v do_v nothing_o therein_o witting_o and_o willing_o but_o what_o he_o be_v persuade_v be_v the_o queen_n will_n and_o pleasure_n wherein_o if_o by_o ignorance_n or_o negligence_n he_o have_v do_v any_o thing_n prejudicial_a he_o can_v not_o but_o for_o that_o be_v sorry_a and_o submit_v himself_o to_o the_o censure_n of_o the_o commissioner_n now_o as_o touch_v the_o particular_n whereas_o the_o queen_n blame_v he_o for_o have_v be_v overhasty_a in_o set_v the_o great_a seal_n to_o the_o mandate_n he_o avouch_v that_o she_o have_v dark_o signify_v but_o not_o express_o command_v that_o he_o shall_v keep_v it_o by_o he_o neither_o as_o he_o think_v have_v he_o trespass_v in_o matter_n of_o secrecy_n for_o that_o he_o have_v not_o impart_v it_o to_o any_o but_o the_o council_n as_o touch_v that_o that_o he_o do_v not_o revoke_v the_o warrant_n after_o the_o queen_n have_v give_v he_o to_o understand_v that_o she_o have_v alter_v her_o mind_n he_o affirm_v that_o it_o be_v agree_v upon_o by_o the_o general_a consent_n of_o the_o council_n that_o forthwith_o it_o shall_v be_v send_v away_o and_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n execute_v for_o fear_v the_o queen_n or_o state_n may_v be_v endanger_v or_o damnify_v upon_o this_o confession_n sir_n thomas_n egerton_n the_o queen_n solicitor_n have_v read_v some_o part_n of_o it_o begin_v to_o press_v he_o confession_n but_o he_o desire_v he_o to_o read_v it_o all_o thorough_a and_o not_o select_v parcel_n here_o and_o there_o though_o he_o have_v rather_o it_o shall_v not_o be_v read_v at_o all_o because_o in_o it_o be_v contain_v some_o secret_n not_o fit_a to_o be_v reveal_v oftentimes_o interpose_v these_o word_n that_o as_o he_o be_v
unwilling_a to_o contest_v against_o the_o qu._n so_o be_v he_o loath_a his_o modesty_n shall_v be_v prejudicial_a to_o the_o truth_n or_o his_o own_o reputation_n he_o sir_n thomas_n gaudy_n and_o sir_n william_n pickering_n the_o queen_n sergeant_n at_o law_n likewise_o in_o many_o and_o sharp_a speech_n rebuke_v he_o for_o that_o he_o have_v fraudulent_o abuse_v her_o majesty_n privy_a council_n as_o be_v confess_v by_o william_n cecil_n baron_n of_o burghley_n lo_o high_a treasurer_n to_o who_o doubt_v whether_o the_o queen_n have_v grant_v that_o they_o shall_v proceed_v to_o the_o execution_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n he_o affirm_v and_o protest_v she_o have_v as_o also_o he_o say_v the_o like_a to_o the_o rest_n who_o have_v subscribe_v to_o the_o warrant_n or_o mandate_n for_o the_o execution_n of_o the_o say_v q._n of_o scotland_n here_o davison_n shed_v tear_n desire_v the_o lawyer_n not_o to_o urge_v he_o any_o further_a but_o that_o they_o will_v remember_v that_o he_o be_v not_o to_o contest_v against_o the_o queen_n wherefore_o he_o whole_o submit_v himself_o to_o her_o majesty_n conscience_n and_o the_o commissioner_n censure_n fact_n sir_n roger_n manwood_n beginning_n make_v a_o historical_a relation_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n how_o from_o her_o tender_a age_n she_o have_v usurp_v the_o arm_n of_o england_n and_o so_o continue_v his_o discourse_n to_o babingtons_n conspiracy_n commend_v the_o sentence_n pronounce_v against_o she_o by_o virtue_n of_o the_o law_n make_v know_v the_o clemency_n of_o the_o queen_n and_o give_v censure_v that_o davison_n for_o his_o inconsiderate_a anticipation_n shall_v be_v fine_v at_o ten_o thousand_o pound_n and_o imprisonment_n during_o the_o qu._n pleasure_n sir_n edmund_n anderson_n argue_v that_o he_o have_v do_v right_o but_o not_o right_o otherwise_o the_o man_n be_v honest_a gerard_n be_v of_o the_o same_o opinion_n sir_n walter_n mildmay_n after_o he_o have_v declare_v with_o what_o mature_a deliberation_n and_o settle_a gravity_n they_o have_v proceed_v in_o judgement_n against_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n and_o by_o what_o great_a and_o how_o many_o entreaty_n and_o imprecation_n queen_n elizabeth_n be_v draw_v thereto_o produce_v against_o davison_n this_o passage_n out_o of_o the_o holy_a scripture_n the_o heart_n of_o the_o king_n be_v in_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o therefore_o none_o much_o less_o a_o servant_n ought_v fraudulent_o or_o covert_o to_o anticipate_v the_o determinate_a purpose_n of_o prince_n without_o who_o advice_n nothing_o ought_v to_o be_v do_v especial_o in_o matter_n of_o so_o great_a moment_n as_o be_v the_o death_n of_o a_o prince_n but_o he_o clear_v davison_n of_o malice_n yet_o reprove_v he_o as_o have_v be_v inconsiderate_a in_o prince_n affair_n and_o too_o forward_o in_o prevent_v the_o queen_n determination_n and_o for_o a_o caveat_n hereafter_o to_o man_n of_o his_o rank_n and_o place_n not_o to_o commit_v the_o like_a error_n accord_v with_o the_o rest_n concern_v his_o fine_a and_o imprisonment_n sir_n jacob_n croft_n check_v and_o chide_v he_o for_o have_v unwise_o utter_v the_o thing_n which_o he_o ought_v to_o have_v conceal_v for_o that_o prince_n impart_v that_o to_o some_o one_o of_o their_o council_n which_o they_o conceal_v from_o the_o rest_n john_n baron_fw-fr lumley_n be_v of_o opinion_n with_o the_o judge_n that_o the_o sentence_n against_o the_o qu._n of_o scotland_n be_v just_o give_v yet_o serious_o aver_v that_o in_o the_o memory_n of_o the_o precedent_a time_n it_o be_v never_o hear_v or_o read_v so_o high_a a_o contempt_n to_o have_v be_v commit_v against_o a_o prince_n that_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o council_n in_o the_o queen_n house_n at_o the_o council_n table_n where_o her_o majesty_n be_v as_o it_o be_v precedent_n of_o the_o council_n shall_v have_v decree_v such_o a_o business_n and_o that_o without_o her_o privity_n they_o and_o davison_n too_o have_v free_a access_n unto_o she_o when_o they_o please_v protest_v that_o if_o he_o have_v but_o one_o only_a son_n that_o be_v faulty_a in_o such_o a_o fact_n he_o shall_v think_v he_o worthy_a to_o be_v very_o severe_o punish_v but_o be_v persuade_v of_o the_o honest_a disposition_n of_o the_o man_n he_o will_v censure_v he_o no_o deep_o than_o other_o do_v arthur_n lord_n grace_n inflame_v with_o a_o religious_a zeal_n in_o a_o set_a speech_n yet_o somewhat_o exasperate_v except_v against_o he_o say_v he_o davison_n be_v accuse_v to_o have_v behave_v himself_o contemptuous_o towards_o the_o queen_n and_o this_o contempt_n be_v urge_v to_o the_o full_a for_o that_o he_o employ_v his_o diligence_n in_o dispatch_v the_o q._n of_o scotl._n that_o he_o bewray_v secret_n and_o conceal_v from_o the_o q._n the_o send_v away_o of_o the_o warrant_n but_o what_o be_v this_o qu._n he_o be_v so_o busy_a to_o make_v away_o be_v it_o not_o she_o i_o pray_v you_o by_o who_o life_n our_o religion_n the_o queen_n the_o kingdom_n and_o every_o one_o of_o we_o be_v in_o continual_a danger_n yet_o it_o be_v for_o she_o be_v so_o cut_v off_o that_o we_o have_v this_o day_n business_n in_o hand_n now_o my_o opinion_n be_v that_o he_o which_o have_v deliver_v our_o england_n from_o so_o great_a evil_n deserve_v to_o be_v royal_o recompense_v i_o do_v not_o think_v he_o to_o have_v reveal_v any_o secret_n for_o have_v impart_v the_o matter_n only_o to_o the_o council_n and_o magistrate_n appoint_v for_o matter_n of_o state_n who_o chief_o it_o concern_v to_o understand_v that_o and_o such_o like_a and_o which_o the_o queen_n herself_o before_o have_v utter_v to_o two_o or_o three_o if_o davison_n have_v offend_v in_o any_o thing_n it_o be_v chief_o in_o this_o that_o the_o queen_n meaning_n to_o take_v another_o course_n he_o tell_v she_o not_o that_o the_o warrant_n be_v already_o send_v away_o but_o questionless_a he_o be_v drive_v into_o a_o double_a doubt_n whether_o to_o lose_v the_o queen_n favour_n in_o send_v away_o the_o warrant_n without_o her_o knowledge_n or_o by_o recall_v it_o to_o bring_v new_a plot_n and_o peril_n to_o the_o queen_n who_o remember_v not_o how_o turbulent_a the_o time_n be_v what_o fearful_a rumour_n be_v every_o where_o disperse_v if_o any_o wrong_a or_o violence_n have_v then_o happen_v to_o the_o queen_n or_o religion_n while_o the_o mandate_n be_v in_o his_o hand_n have_v not_o the_o fault_n true_o be_v in_o he_o shall_v not_o we_o our_o wife_n and_o child_n have_v fall_v furious_o upon_o he_o shall_v we_o not_o have_v imbrue_v our_o hand_n in_o his_o blood_n have_v curse_a his_o imprudence_n and_o have_v erect_v to_o his_o eternal_a ignominy_n a_o trophy_n of_o indiscretion_n engrave_v in_o letter_n of_o blood_n what_o mulct_n or_o penalty_n soever_o you_o impose_v upon_o he_o shall_v not_o displease_v i_o but_o sure_o i_o will_v always_o hold_v he_o for_o a_o honest_a man_n this_o be_v the_o orator-like_a speech_n which_o we_o hear_v the_o lord_n grace_n make_v and_o deliver_v with_o a_o good_a grace_n and_o manly_a countenance_n the_o three_o earl_n agree_v in_o opinion_n with_o the_o rest_n concern_v the_o premise_a penalty_n inflict_v upon_o davison_n and_o with_o the_o lo_o grace_n touch_v his_o reputation_n the_o archbishop_n of_o york_n discourse_v of_o matter_n of_o religion_n and_o show_v the_o blindness_n of_o heart_n and_o natural_a corruption_n to_o be_v the_o fountain_n from_o whence_o it_o slow_v the_o lord_n grace_n of_o canterbury_n approve_v the_o act_n and_o commend_v the_o author_n of_o it_o but_o discommend_v withal_o the_o manner_n or_o circumstance_n of_o proceed_v which_o he_o have_v use_v last_o sir_n christ_n wray_n lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o privy_a seal_n have_v make_v a_o brief_a recapitulation_n of_o all_o the_o commissioner_n opinion_n confirm_v the_o penalty_n impose_v by_o they_o he_o and_o declare_v that_o although_o the_o queen_n be_v just_o move_v to_o displeasure_n have_v submit_v her_o counsellor_n to_o examination_n yet_o notwithstanding_o she_o do_v then_o pardon_v they_o acknowledge_v that_o what_o they_o have_v do_v be_v from_o a_o desire_n and_o design_n tend_v to_o the_o defence_n of_o religion_n and_o the_o state_n and_o the_o repel_v of_o eminent_a danger_n davison_n become_v humble_a petitioner_n to_o the_o commissioner_n commissioner_n that_o they_o will_v entreat_v for_o he_o not_o to_o be_v restore_v to_o the_o honourable_a place_n of_o secretary_n which_o he_o former_o enjoy_v nor_o to_o have_v his_o liberty_n grant_v he_o nor_o his_o fine_a or_o punishment_n mitigate_v but_o that_o he_o may_v yet_o be_v partaker_n of_o her_o majesty_n gracious_a favour_n the_o which_o for_o all_o this_o he_o never_o regain_v nevertheless_o she_o sometime_o supply_v and_o relieve_v his_o want_n and_o thus_o this_o davison_n a_o man_n of_o honest_a disposition_n and_o esteem_n not_o cunning_a
there_o be_v twenty_o thousand_o soldier_n disperse_v upon_o the_o south_n shore_n beside_o two_o army_n of_o choice_n train_v soldier_n be_v levy_v and_o enroll_v land_n of_o the_o one_o consist_v of_o one_o thousand_o horse_n and_o two_o and_o twenty_o thousand_o foot_n leicester_n be_v general_n and_o have_v his_o camp_n at_o tilbury_n not_o far_o from_o the_o mouth_n of_o the_o thames_n for_o the_o enemy_n have_v certain_o determine_v to_o approach_n london_n first_o and_o of_o the_o other_o which_o consist_v of_o thirty_o four_o thousand_o foot_n and_o two_o thousand_o horse_n for_o the_o queen_n guard_n she_o make_v the_o baron_n of_o hunsdon_n general_n arthur_n lord_n grey_z sir_n francis_n knollys_n defence_n sir_n john_n norris_n sir_n richard_n bingham_n sir_n roger_n williams_n knights_z great_a and_o expert_a soldier_n be_v appoint_v to_o consult_v about_o the_o land-seruice_n they_o advize_v that_o all_o those_o place_n which_o be_v fit_a for_o the_o enemy_n approach_n either_o from_o spain_n or_o the_o low-countries_n as_o milford-haven_n falmouth_n plymouth_n portland_n the_o i_o will_v of_o wight_n portsmouth_n the_o down_n upon_o the_o shore_n of_o kent_n the_o thames_n mouth_n harwich_n yarmouth_n hull_n etc._n etc._n shall_v be_v fortify_v with_o work_n and_o with_o garrison_n that_o the_o train_v soldier_n upon_o all_o the_o seacoast_n shall_v meet_v upon_o give_v a_o sign_n to_o defend_v these_o place_n they_o shall_v with_o all_o their_o endeavour_n hinder_v the_o enemy_n land_v but_o if_o he_o shall_v happen_v to_o land_n that_o they_o shall_v waste_v the_o country_n far_o and_o near_o spoil_v every_o thing_n that_o be_v useful_a that_o he_o may_v find_v no_o victual_n but_o what_o he_o bring_v upon_o his_o shoulder_n and_o to_o keep_v the_o enemy_n continual_o busy_v and_o distract_v with_o assiduous_a alarm_n and_o cry_v arm_n arm_n day_n and_o night_n but_o that_o they_o shall_v not_o fight_v till_o other_o commander_n shall_v join_v their_o force_n with_o they_o that_o among_o the_o leader_n they_o shall_v nominate_v one_o which_o shall_v command_v the_o force_n of_o every_o several_a province_n but_o it_o be_v superfluous_a to_o set_v down_o in_o particular_a what_o inland_n province_n be_v appoint_v to_o guard_v both_o the_o shore_n what_o number_n what_o arm_n and_o what_o manner_n of_o fight_n be_v prescribe_v by_o they_o about_o this_o time_n there_o be_v diverse_a who_o make_v often_o remonstrance_n to_o the_o queen_n that_o the_o spaniard_n be_v not_o more_o dreadful_a abroad_o home_n than_o the_o pontifician_n dangerous_a at_o home_n for_o that_o the_o spaniard_n have_v not_o dare_v to_o have_v enter_v into_o hostility_n with_o england_n but_o upon_o confidence_n of_o and_o from_o they_o and_o therefore_o that_o some_o pretence_n be_v to_o be_v devise_v to_o make_v they_o short_a by_o the_o head_n allege_v the_o example_n of_o henry_n the_o eight_o when_o the_o emperor_n and_o the_o french_a king_n upon_o the_o pope_n instigation_n be_v ready_a to_o invade_v england_n present_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o have_v cause_v the_o marquesse_n of_o exeter_n the_o baron_n montacute_n edw._n nevil_n and_o other_o who_o he_o suspect_v to_o favour_v the_o enemy_n to_o be_v execute_v the_o invasion_n fall_v with_o they_o but_o she_o refuse_v this_o counsel_n as_o too_o cruel_a think_v it_o sufficient_a to_o commit_v to_o prison_n to_o wisbich_n in_o the_o fen-country_n certain_a of_o the_o pontifician_n and_o those_o none_o of_o prime_a note_n neither_o and_o have_v a_o eye_n and_o a_o care_n of_o every_o place_n with_o frequent_a letter_n excite_v those_o of_o the_o nobility_n and_o gentry_n which_o be_v without_o they_o ready_a enough_o give_v instruction_n what_o be_v to_o be_v do_v in_o ireland_n by_o fitz-williams_n the_o deputy_n admonish_v the_o king_n of_o scotland_n both_o by_o his_o own_o servant_n and_o her_o messenger_n to_o be_v vigilant_a over_o the_o papist_n spaniard_n and_o spanish_a faction_n in_o his_o country_n but_o he_o well_o know_v how_o great_a a_o tempest_n and_o destruction_n threaten_v he_o out_o of_o his_o perpetual_a love_n to_o true_a religion_n and_o the_o queen_n of_o his_o own_o accord_n have_v now_o before_o refuse_v to_o give_v audience_n to_o the_o bishop_n of_o dunblan_n send_v to_o he_o from_o the_o bishop_n of_o rome_n and_o have_v cause_v a_o league_n to_o be_v make_v among_o the_o protestant_n in_o scotland_n to_o resist_v the_o spaniard_n and_o he_o himself_o march_v with_o his_o army_n into_o annand_n have_v take_v maxwel_n camp_n who_o contrary_a to_o his_o faith_n give_v be_v then_o late_o return_v out_o of_o spain_n and_o incline_v to_o the_o spanish_a faction_n cause_v he_o to_o be_v cast_v into_o prison_n proclaim_v the_o spaniard_n enemy_n and_o with_o great_a alacrity_n provide_v arm_n against_o they_o 3·_n among_o these_o great_a preparation_n of_o war_n on_o both_o side_n overture_n of_o peace_n be_v nevertheless_o make_v time_n about_o two_o year_n before_o when_o the_o prince_n of_o parma_n have_v consider_v with_o himself_o how_o difficult_a a_o thing_n it_o be_v to_o end_v the_o low-country_n war_n while_o they_o be_v daily_o aid_v with_o supply_n from_o the_o queen_n have_v by_o letter_n use_v also_o the_o assistance_n of_o james_n crofts_n a_o privy-counceller_n a_o man_n very_o studious_a of_o peace_n and_o of_o andrew_n loe_o and_o other_o serious_o negotiate_v for_o a_o treaty_n of_o peace_n and_o that_o he_o have_v authority_n from_o the_o spaniard_n to_o that_o purpose_n she_o fear_v that_o this_o be_v but_o a_o pretence_n whereby_o to_o make_v a_o breach_n of_o friendship_n betwixt_o she_o and_o the_o confederate-province_n and_o secret_o to_o draw_v they_o to_o the_o spaniard_n defer_v the_o matter_n for_o a_o time_n but_o now_o that_o the_o imminent_a war_n may_v be_v avert_v and_o avoid_v she_o resolve_v to_o treat_v of_o peace_n but_o with_o the_o sword_n in_o her_o hand_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o parma_n refuse_v not_o the_o treaty_n therefore_o in_o february_n there_o be_v send_v into_o flanders_n flanders_n henry_n earl_n of_o derby_n william_n brooke_n lord_n cobham_n james_n crofts_n controller_n of_o her_o household_n valentine_n dale_n and_o james_n rogers_n doctor_n of_o the_o law_n who_o be_v with_o all_o humility_n receive_v in_o the_o duke_n name_n they_o forthwith_o send_v dale_n unto_o he_o to_o consult_v of_o the_o place_n of_o meeting_n and_o to_o peruse_v his_o commission_n from_o the_o spaniard_n he_o appoint_v a_o place_n near_o to_o ostend_n not_o in_o ostend_n itself_o which_o be_v now_o hold_v against_o the_o king_n by_o the_o english_a and_o promise_v to_o show_v his_o commission_n at_o the_o meeting_n he_o advize_v they_o to_o be_v speedy_a lest_o something_o may_v fall_v out_o which_o may_v disturb_v or_o interrupt_v the_o treaty_n of_o peace_n richardot_n say_v open_o that_o he_o know_v not_o what_o may_v be_v do_v to_o england_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n not_o long_o after_o rogers_n be_v send_v to_o the_o prince_n by_o the_o queen_n express_a commandment_n to_o know_v certain_o if_o the_o design_n for_o the_o invasion_n of_o england_n be_v yet_o enterprise_v which_o both_o he_o and_o richardot_n seem_v to_o intend_v he_o affirm_v that_o he_o have_v not_o so_o much_o as_o think_v of_o the_o invasion_n of_o england_n when_o he_o desire_v a_o quick_a dispatch_n and_o expedition_n of_o that_o affair_n he_o blame_v in_o some_o manner_n richardot_n who_o be_v sorry_a to_o have_v utter_v any_o such_o word_n concern_v england_n invasion_n answer_v the_o twelve_o of_o april_n the_o earl_n of_o arenberg_n champigny_n richardot_n doctor_n maesie_n and_o garnier_n commissioner_n from_o the_o duke_n of_o parma_n sit_v in_o commission_n with_o the_o english_a under_o tent_n near_o the_o town_n of_o ostend_n to_o who_o they_o give_v place_n and_o precedence_n and_o after_o their_o protestation_n that_o the_o duke_n have_v full_a power_n give_v he_o to_o treat_v and_o conclude_v a_o peace_n the_o english_a propound_v to_o they_o that_o before_o all_o thing_n it_o be_v requisite_a to_o embrace_v a_o truce_n but_o they_o refuse_v it_o allege_v that_o if_o a_o peace_n be_v not_o forthwith_o conclude_v it_o will_v be_v preiudicious_a to_o the_o spaniard_n who_o since_o six_o month_n have_v to_o their_o great_a charge_n maintain_v a_o puissant_a army_n the_o english_a insist_v reply_v that_o that_o peace_n be_v promise_v before_o those_o troop_n be_v convey_v into_o flanders_n they_o answer_v again_o that_o it_o be_v true_a they_o have_v promise_v it_o six_o month_n ago_o but_o that_o it_o be_v not_o then_o accept_v moreover_o that_o it_o be_v not_o in_o the_o queen_n power_n to_o undertake_v it_o for_o the_o hollander_n and_o zealander_n who_o daily_o act_v deed_n of_o hostility_n but_o the_o english_a maintain_v that_o it_o will_v be_v general_a for_o all_o the_o queen_n dominion_n
of_o the_o army_n one_o hundred_o servant_n more_o belong_v to_o they_o or_o to_o the_o office_n of_o justice_n so_o that_o in_o the_o whole_a army_n there_o be_v twenty_o eight_o thousand_o six_o hundred_o eighty_o seven_o person_n beside_o two_o thousand_o eight_o hundred_o and_o eight_o galleyslave_n that_o tug_v the_o oar_n in_o the_o galleass_n and_o galley_n all_o these_o have_v good_a and_o sufficient_a provision_n victual_n and_o thing_n necessary_a for_o so_o great_a and_o invincible_a a_o enterprise_n which_o i_o for_o brevity_n will_v omit_v to_o show_v at_o large_a pray_v to_o god_n that_o they_o or_o other_o ambitious_a enterprise_n upon_o england_n may_v be_v still_o by_o the_o almighty_a and_o ever-saving_a hand_n of_o god_n confound_v and_o overwhelmed_n like_o pharaoh_n amen_n abraham_n darcie_n force_n to_o defend_v england_n against_o spain_n pretend_a invasion_n by_o sea._n under_o the_o command_n of_o the_o right_n honourable_a charles_n howard_n earl_n of_o nottingham_n l._n high_a admiral_n of_o england_n royal_a ship_n seventeen_o royal_a ship_n attend_v by_o twelve_o other_o warlike_a ship_n and_o six_o pinnace_n london_n ship_n send_v out_o by_o the_o city_n of_o london_n sixteen_o tall_a ship_n for_o war_n and_o four_o pinnace_n bristol_n ship_n from_o bristol_n three_o ship_n and_o one_o pinnace_n barstable_a ship_n from_o barstable_n three_o good_a ship_n and_o one_o pinnace_n exeter_z ship_n from_o exeter_n two_o ship_n and_o one_o pinnace_n plymouth_n ship_n from_o plymouth_n seven_o brave_a ship_n well_o appoint_v with_o a_o flyboat_n also_o one_o pinnace_n of_o the_o lord_n admiral_n another_o of_o the_o lord_n sheffield_n and_o one_o of_o sir_n william_n winter_n merchant_n ship_n the_o merchant_n adventurer_n of_o england_n also_o send_v ten_o lusty_a ship_n at_o their_o own_o proper_a charge_n in_o the_o british_a sea_n there_o be_v also_o sixteen_o royal_a ship_n send_v into_o the_o narrow_a sea_n under_o the_o command_n of_o the_o right_n honourable_a lord_n henry_n seymor_n with_o many_o other_o small_a ship_n bark_n and_o pinnace_n send_v out_o of_o the_o north_n and_o west_n part_n of_o england_n by_o diverse_a nobleman_n and_o other_o honourable_a person_n gentleman_n and_o merchant_n by_o land_n the_o land-force_n which_o be_v encamp_v at_o tilbury_n in_o essex_n under_o the_o command_n and_o government_n of_o robert_n dudley_n earl_n of_o leicester_n be_v these_o follow_v bedford_z shire_n out_o of_o bedfordshire_n there_o be_v seventeen_o lance_n forty_o light_a horse_n and_o five_o hundred_o foot_n send_v well_o appoint_v buckingham_n from_o buckingham_n shire_n eighteen_o lance_n fourscore_o and_o three_o light-horse_n and_o five_o hundred_o foot_n hartford_n out_o of_o hartford_n shire_n twenty_o five_o lance_n threescore_o light_a horse_n and_o one_o thousand_o foot_n kent_z out_o of_o kent_n fifty_o lance_n one_o hundred_o light_a horse_n and_o five_o thousand_o foot_n suffolk_n from_o suffolk_n fifty_o lance_n two_o hundred_o light_a horse_n three_o thousand_o foot_n essex_n out_o of_o essex_n fifty_o lance_n one_o hundred_o light_a horse_n and_o five_o thousand_o footman_n middlesex_n middlesex_n thirty_o five_o lance_n fourscore_o and_o eight_o light_a horse_n surrey_n raze_v out_o of_o surrey_n eight_o lance_n fourscore_o &_o eighteen_o light_a horse_n and_o a_o thousand_o foot_n norfolk_n raze_v in_o norfolk_n three_o thousand_o foot_n london_n out_o of_o london_n one_o thousand_o foot_n berkshire_n from_o berkshire_n come_v one_o thousand_o foot_n oxford_n from_o oxford_n shire_n one_o thousand_o foot_n more_o by_o land_n there_o be_v likewise_o raise_v out_o of_o these_o shire_n follow_v another_o army_n cosi_v of_o four_o hundred_o fourscore_o &_o one_o lance_n one_o thousand_o four_o hundred_o thirty_o and_o one_o light_a horse_n and_o thirty_o four_o thousand_o and_o fifty_o foot_n for_o the_o safeguard_n of_o her_o majesty_n royal_a person_n and_o be_v under_o the_o command_n of_o the_o lord_n chamberlain_n gloucester_n shire_n out_o of_o gloucester_n shire_n there_o be_v twenty_o lance_n one_o hundred_o light_a horse_n and_o two_o thousand_o five_o hundred_o foot_n somerset_n out_o of_o somerset_n shire_n fifty_o lance_n one_o hundred_o light_a horse_n and_o four_o thousand_o foot_n sussex_n out_o of_o sussex_n be_v twenty_o lance_n one_o hundred_o light_a horse_n &_o two_o thousand_o five_o hundred_o foot_n wiltshire_n out_o of_o wiltshire_n be_v twenty_o five_o lance_n one_o hundred_o light_a horse_n and_o two_o thousand_o three_o hundred_o foot_n berkshire_n out_o of_o berkshire_n ten_o lance_n fourscore_o and_o five_o light_a horse_n and_o five_o hundred_o foot_n oxford_n oxford_n twenty_o three_o lance_n one_o hundred_o and_o three_o light_a horse_n and_o one_o hundred_o and_o fifty_o foot_n cambridge_n cambridge_n thirteen_o lance_n forty_o light_a horse_n and_o seven_o hundred_o foot_n northampton_n northampton_n twenty_o lance_n fourscore_o light_a horse_n and_o six_o hundred_o foot_n leicester_n leicester_n nine_o lance_n threescore_o and_o ten_o light_a horse_n and_o five_o hundred_o foot_n warwick_n from_o warwick_n seventeen_o lance_n threescore_o &_o sixteen_o light_a horse_n and_o five_o hundred_o foot_n huntington_n from_o huntingdon_n six_o lance_n twenty_o six_o light_a horse_n and_o four_o hundred_o foot_n dorset_n dorset_z one_o hundred_o and_o twenty_o lance_n and_o one_o thousand_o foot_n suffolk_n out_o of_o suffolk_n be_v threescore_o and_o ten_o lance_n two_o hundred_o and_o thirty_o light_a horse_n and_o three_o thousand_o foot_n norfolk_n norfolk_n fourscore_o lance_n three_o hundred_o twenty_o one_o light_a horse_n hartford_n hartfordshire_n five_o hundred_o foot_n surrey_n out_o of_o surrey_n five_o hundred_o foot_n worcester_z worcester-shire_n four_o hundred_o foot_n southampton_n southampton_n two_o thousand_o foot_n devon_n devon_n two_o thousand_o foot_n london_n london_n nine_o thousand_o foot_n middlesex_n middlesex_n one_o thousand_o foot_n this_o true_a description_n of_o england_n and_o spain_n force_n thus_o particular_o set_v down_o be_v faithful_o gather_v for_o the_o better_a satisfaction_n of_o the_o reader_n out_o of_o sundry_a true_a english_a manuscript_n and_o french_a book_n by_o abraham_n darcie_n but_o the_o industry_n of_o the_o queen_n prevent_v both_o his_o diligence_n and_o the_o credulous_a hope_n of_o the_o spaniard_n for_o by_o her_o command_n the_o day_n after_o the_o spaniard_n have_v cast_v anchor_n in_o the_o dead_a of_o the_o night_n the_o admiral_n send_v eight_o of_o his_o worst_a ship_n daub_v on_o the_o outside_n with_o greek_a pitch_n and_o rosin_n &_o fill_v full_a of_o sulphur_n and_o other_o material_n sudden_o combustible_a under_o the_o conduct_n of_o young_a &_o prowse_n with_o a_o full_a gale_n of_o wind_n direct_o upon_o the_o spanish_a armada_n which_o as_o the_o spaniard_n see_v approach_v near_o and_o near_o to_o they_o the_o flame_n shine_v over_o all_o the_o sea_n think_v those_o burn_a ship_n beside_o the_o danger_n of_o the_o fire_n to_o be_v fill_v with_o some_o deadly_a engine_n confuse_o with_o a_o howl_n and_o fearful_a outcry_n weigh_v anchor_n cut_v their_o cable_n hoist_v their_o sail_n cry_v out_o upon_o their_o rower_n and_o strike_v with_o a_o horrible_a and_o a_o pannique_n fear_n with_o impetuous_a haste_n betake_v themselves_o to_o a_o confuse_a flight_n among_o which_o the_o admiral_n galleass_n have_v her_o rudder_n break_v and_o go_v almost_o adrift_n and_o the_o day_n follow_v make_v fearful_o towards_o calais_n run_v upon_o the_o sand_n and_o after_o a_o doubtful_a fight_n with_o amias_n preston_n thomas_n gerard_n &_o harvey_n be_v take_v hugh_n moncada_n slay_v the_o captain_n be_v slay_v and_o the_o soldier_n and_o rower_n either_o drown_v or_o slay_v they_o find_v and_o carry_v away_o a_o great_a quantity_n of_o gold_n the_o ship_n and_o ordnance_n be_v seize_v by_o the_o governor_n of_o calais_n the_o spaniard_n affirm_v that_o the_o general_n see_v these_o fiery_a ship_n come_v command_v all_o the_o fleet_n to_o weigh_v anchor_n that_o the_o danger_n may_v pass_v they_o and_o to_o take_v again_o every_o one_o his_o place_n and_o sure_o he_o himself_o take_v his_o own_o again_o after_o warn_v give_v by_o a_o shot_n which_o be_v notwithstanding_o hear_v but_o of_o a_o very_a few_o because_o the_o ship_n be_v on_o all_o side_n scatter_v be_v some_o of_o they_o in_o that_o affright_n carry_v into_o the_o north_n sea_n &_o some_o other_o on_o the_o shore_n and_o coast_n of_o flanders_n in_o the_o mean_a time_n combat_n drake_n and_o fenner_n assail_v with_o great_a noise_n of_o canonshot_n that_o part_n of_o the_o spanish_a fleet_n which_o be_v rally_v themselves_o before_o gravelin_n and_o be_v by_o and_o by_o join_v by_o fenton_n southwell_z beaston_n cross_n raymon_n and_o anon_o by_o the_o lord_n admiral_n himself_o thomas_n howard_n and_o sheffield_n the_o duke_n laeva_fw-la oquende_fw-la ricauld_n and_o other_o be_v come_v from_o the_o shore_n sustain_v as_o well_o as_o they_o can_v
1567._o the_o murder_n of_o the_o lord_n darley_n who_o be_v marry_v to_o the_o qu._n of_o scot_n buchanan_n condemn_v for_o falsehood_n by_o the_o state_n of_o scotland_n a_o digression_n from_o scottish_a affair_n james_n prior_n of_o saint_n andrews_n he_o seek_v to_o be_v regent_n of_o scotland_n be_v frustrate_v of_o it_o underhand_o oppose_v himself_o against_o the_o queen_n make_v his_o ambition_n to_o be_v open_o and_o evident_o know_v he_o be_v create_v earl_n of_o murray_n he_o persecute_v the_o great_a man_n of_o scotland_n he_o dissuade_v the_o queen_n from_o marry_v he_o take_v arm_n against_o she_o after_o she_o be_v marry_v he_o fly_v into_o england_n he_o seek_v to_o sow_v discord_n between_o the_o husband_n and_o the_o wife_n the_o murder_n of_o david_n rice_n in_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n sight_n murray_n be_v repeal_v earl_n morton_n fly_v into_o england_n dissension_n set_v between_o the_o king_n and_o the_o queen_n lord_n darley_n the_o queen_n husband_n murder_v earl_n bothwell_n commend_v to_o the_o queen_n to_o marry_v he_o testimony_n of_o the_o murder_n of_o the_o lord_n darley_n bothwell_n be_v free_v of_o the_o murder_n of_o the_o king_n he_o marry_v the_o queen_n they_o conspire_v both_o against_o he_o and_o the_o queen_n earl_n murray_n retire_v into_o france_n earl_n bothwell_n be_v expel_v the_o queen_n imprison_v queen_n elizabeth_n complain_v they_o consult_v what_o be_v to_o be_v do_v with_o the_o queen_n prisoner_n throgmorton_n defend_v the_o queen_n cause_n the_o scot_n maintain_v the_o contrary_a out_o of_o buchanan_n reason_n they_o extort_v from_o their_o queen_n a_o resignation_n of_o the_o government_n james_n the_o 6._o consecrate_v and_o inaugurate_v king_n murray_n return_v into_o scotland_n he_o prescribe_v the_o queen_n what_o she_o shall_v do_v he_o be_v establish_v regent_n or_o viceroy_n some_o of_o the_o murderer_n of_o the_o king_n be_v put_v to_o death_n they_o acquit_v the_o queen_n of_o all_o suspicion_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n and_o the_o king_n of_o france_n labour_v to_o procure_v her_o liberty_n queen_n elizabeth_n demand_v the_o restitution_n of_o calais_n the_o french_a maintain_v how_o they_o ought_v not_o to_o do_v it_o sir_n thomas_n smith_n answer_n the_o earl_n of_o sussex_n be_v send_v to_o the_o emperor_n leicester_n hinder_v it_o represent_v to_o her_o all_o the_o discommodity_n that_o may_v happen_v if_o she_o marry_v a_o stranger_n article_n of_o the_o marriage_n propound_v ambassador_n send_v from_o the_o emperor_n of_o muscovie_n the_o english_a open_v the_o way_n to_o go_v to_o russia_n by_o sea_n the_o company_n of_o muscovie_a merchant_n a_o secret_a message_n from_o the_o emperor_n of_o muscovy_n the_o death_n of_o n._n wotton_n and_o the_o duchess_n of_o norfolk_n shan_n o-neale_a raise_v trouble_n he_o rebel_v sir_n henry_n sidney_n arm_n against_o he_o he_o be_v discomfit_v shan_n reassumes_a courage_n he_o use_v cruelty_n to_o his_o man_n he_o mean_v to_o yield_v he_o be_v slay_v hugon_n who_o be_v afterward_o baron_n of_o dungannon_n trouble_n in_o munster_n book_n 1._o 1568._o the_o papist_n absolve_v many_o the_o jnnovator_n show_v themselves_o puritan_n second_o civil_a war_n in_o france_n the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n commend_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_n for_o a_o husband_n the_o english_a ambassador_n disgraceful_o use_v in_o spain_n hawkins_n ill_o entreat_v by_o the_o spaniard_n in_o america_n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n escape_v out_o of_o prison_n she_o be_v vanquish_v she_o write_v to_o qu._n elizab._n she_o write_v again_o queen_n elizabeth_n pity_v she_o the_o privy_a counsel_n consult_v of_o it_o the_o council_n resolve_v she_o shall_v be_v retain_v in_o england_n the_o countess_n of_o lenox_n complain_v of_o she_o the_o baron_n of_o heris_fw-la interce_v for_o she_o earl_n murray_n be_v command_v to_o yield_v a_o reason_n of_o the_o queen_n deposition_n deputy_n for_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n for_o the_o qu._n of_o scot_n lidingtons_n declaration_n to_o the_o scot_n the_o protestation_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n deputy_n a_o declaration_n for_o the_o queen_n the_o answer_n of_o the_o king_n deputy_n the_o queen_n reply_n murray_n refuse_v to_o yield_v a_o account_n of_o the_o queen_n deposition_n authority_n of_o the_o commissioner_n revoke_v the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n glad_a new_a commissioner_n grant_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n will_v not_o submit_v her_o cause_n to_o their_o hear_n but_o upon_o certain_a condition_n the_o proceed_n dissolve_v debate_v about_o the_o government_n of_o scotland_n murray_n offer_v to_o marry_v the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n to_o the_o qu._n of_o scot_n he_o disperse_v rumour_n against_o she_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n suspect_v the_o three_o civill-war_n in_o france_n who_o do_v good_a to_o england_n the_o beginning_n of_o the_o war_n in_o the_o low_a country_n the_o duke_n of_o alua._n money_n send_v into_o the_o low-countries_n detain_v in_o england_n the_o english_a man_n good_n detain_v and_o seize_v upon_o in_o the_o low-countries_n the_o like_a do_v to_o the_o fleming_n in_o england_n the_o death_n of_o roger_n askham_n book_n 1._o 1569._o a_o proclamation_n touch_v good_n detain_v another_o declaration_n against_o the_o former_a proclamation_n practice_n against_o cecil_n the_o money_n detain_v in_o england_n be_v demand_v free_a traffic_n establish_v at_o hamborrough_n for_o the_o english_a doctor_n story_n take_v the_o duke_n of_o alva_n enrage_v against_o the_o english_a man_n of_o war_n call_v in_o traffic_n of_o russia_n hinder_v liberty_n of_o the_o english_a in_o russia_n their_o traffic_n into_o russia_n and_o into_o persia_n by_o the_o caspian_a sea_n a_o russian_a ambassador_n in_o england_n alliance_n of_o russia_n the_o emperor_n of_o muscovia_n and_o of_o russia_n be_v irritate_v and_o inflame_v against_o the_o english_a murray_n appease_v the_o friend_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n rumour_n spread_v throughout_o scotland_n against_o murray_n queen_n elizabeth_n be_v diligent_a and_o endeavour_n to_o quench_v such_o false_a rumour_n she_o deal_v by_o letter_n concern_v her_o restore_n the_o first_o mention_n of_o of_o this_o marriage_n murray_n proposition_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n throgmortons_n counsel_n proposition_n of_o the_o match_n make_v by_o leicester_n to_o the_o duke_n the_o article_n of_o marriage_n propound_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n she_o agree_v they_o in_o some_o manner_n a_o design_n to_o free_v the_o qu._n of_o scotland_n notice_n be_v give_v thereof_o to_o queen_n elizabeth_n the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n reveal_v the_o whole_a business_n to_o the_o queen_n at_o tichfield_n she_o rebuke_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n the_o duke_n part_n from_o the_o court_n without_o leave_n cecil_n find_v out_o the_o matter_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n go_v into_o norfolk_n fear_v cause_v in_o the_o court_n through_o norfolk_n he_o return_v to_o the_o court._n murray_n discover_v the_o business_n the_o duke_n be_v imprison_v and_o other_o their_o complice_n crave_v pardon_n libel_n against_o this_o marriage_n chapin_n vitelli_n come_v into_o england_n and_o why_o rebellion_n in_o the_o north._n pretext_n of_o the_o rebel_n they_o run_v violent_o into_o a_o rebellion_n their_o declaration_n they_o write_v to_o the_o papist_n they_o rend_v and_o tread_v underfoot_o the_o bible_n their_o colour_n their_o number_n they_o return_v they_o take_v bernard_n castle_n they_o fly_v some_o be_v put_v to_o death_n the_o rest_n be_v banish_v a_o new_a rebellion_n the_o rebel_n be_v defeat_v qu._n elizabeth_n lend_v succour_n to_o the_o reform_a church_n in_o france_n france_n this_o noble_a family_n be_v honour_v with_o the_o dignity_n of_o lord_n howard_n of_o walden_n by_o queen_n eliz._n eliz._n their_o most_o ancient_a house_n be_v honour_v with_o the_o title_n of_o baron_n of_o bleso_n by_o qu._n eliz._n as_o also_o this_o noble_a countess_n husband_n predecessor_n be_v also_o grace_v with_o the_o earldom_n of_o bath_n by_o her_o majesty_n majesty_n this_o noble_a lord_n be_v most_o high_o bear_v from_o a_o most_o honourable_a blood_n be_v by_o his_o father-side_n descend_v from_o the_o illustrious_a lord_n william_n berkeley_z earl_n of_o nottingham_n viscount_n berkeley_n of_o berkeley-castell_n and_o also_o lord_n marquis_n of_o berkeley_n earl_n martial_n of_o england_n england_n a_o illustrious_a branch_n of_o the_o noble_a house_n of_o the_o carry_v create_v baron_n of_o honsdon_n by_o qu_n elizabeth_n elizabeth_n descend_v fro●_n charles_n blunt_a earl_n of_o devonshire_n lord_n deputy_n and_o lieutenant_n of_o ireland_n a_o brave_a valiant_a nobleman_n who_o expulse_v the_o spaniard_n there_o and_o compel_v the_o irish_a rebel_n to_o submission_n he_o be_v create_v baron_n of_o mountioy_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n elizabeth_n knight_v by_o queeene_v elizabeth_n at_o killingworth_n there_o be_v great_a difference_n and_o diversity_n tend_v to_o the_o manner_n of_o describe_v story_n first_o there_o be_v
chronology_n chronicle_n ephemeride_v epitomy_n rhopsody_n abridgement_n history_n and_o annal_n chronology_n have_v two_o condition_n both_o particular_a and_o necessary_a call_v by_o the_o greek_n alathea_n and_o apathia_n which_o be_v the_o truth_n of_o thing_n set_v forth_o without_o any_o passion_n the_o chronicle_n aim_v at_o the_o original_n of_o matter_n and_o to_o seek_v the_o immemoriall_n time_n from_o the_o first_o antiquity_n and_o foundation_n of_o people_n and_o nation_n as_o herodole_v for_o greece_n titus_n livius_n for_o the_o latin_a lemaire_n in_o the_o illustration_n of_o the_o gaul_n mr._n speed_v for_o england_n and_o other_o the_o ephemerides_n describe_v that_o which_o have_v be_v say_v or_o do_v betwixt_o two_o person_n rhapsodis_fw-la and_o epittonnes_n be_v short_a observation_n of_o history_n annal_n and_o history_n be_v different_a from_o all_o those_o for_o they_o describe_v all_o the_o memorable_a deed_n and_o particular_a action_n that_o happen_v yearly_o and_o from_o time_n to_o time_n such_o as_o xenophon_n be_v in_o greece_n sallust_n among_o the_o latin_n froissard_n in_o france_n and_o mr._n william_n cambden_n in_o england_n and_o so_o diverse_a other_o the_o several_a and_o yearly_a act_n must_v be_v describe_v without_o any_o passion_n or_o affection_n affection_n such_o courtesy_n from_o your_o honour_n will_v engrave_v your_o worth_n in_o the_o temple_n of_o eternity_n make_v your_o name_n thereby_o immortal_a since_o it_o be_v only_o this_o or_o such_o like_a service_n that_o can_v make_v you_o live_v again_o in_o your_o grave_n keep_v your_o noble_a fame_n fresh_a and_o your_o happy_a memory_n from_o fade_a since_o it_o will_v cause_v your_o ash_n to_o bring_v forth_o laurel_n and_o palm_n flourish_v and_o spring_v out_o of_o your_o tomb_n when_o the_o base_a ignorant_a contemner_n of_o learning_n which_o do_v abound_v in_o this_o iron_n age_n will_v wither_v and_o fade_v they_o seem_v now_o only_o to_o live_v on_o earth_n but_o to_o war_n against_o virtue_n much_o like_a unto_o worm_n in_o library_n to_o destroy_v and_o devour_v learning_n which_o they_o shall_v cherish_v book_n 2._o 1570._o the_o earl_n of_o murray_n demand_v that_o the_o qu._n of_o scotland_n may_v be_v put_v into_o his_o hand_n he_o pursue_v the_o english_a rebel_n the_o earl_n of_o murray_n be_v sudden_o kill_v diverse_a opinion_n be_v have_v of_o he_o the_o scot_n &_o rebel_n make_v incursion_n upon_o england_n the_o english_a take_v revenge_n thereof_o they_o succour_v those_o in_o scotland_n that_o be_v of_o the_o king_n party_n they_o take_v the_o castle_n of_o hamilton_n the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n be_v establish_v viceroy_n of_o scotland_n the_o king_n of_o spain_n give_v succour_n against_o those_o who_o be_v of_o the_o king_n side_n the_o lord_n setone_n his_o ambassage_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o alua._n the_o answer_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o alua._n the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n be_v set_v at_o liberty_n labour_v the_o liberty_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n they_o consult_v about_o the_o freedom_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n rebellion_n in_o norfolk_n assoon_o end_v as_o begin_v felton_n punish_v for_o stick_v up_o the_o pope_n bull._n the_o papist_n reprove_v the_o bull._n the_o great_a part_n contemn_v this_o bull._n cecil_n advise_v he_o to_o marry_v diverse_a be_v imprison_v sussex_n choose_v a_o privy-councillor_n treaty_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n the_o answer_n to_o the_o proposition_n of_o the_o english_a they_o can_v agree_v the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n require_v help_v to_o free_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n the_o death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o cumberland_n the_o death_n of_o throgmorton_n rebillion_n in_o ireland_n quench_v before_o they_o see_v the_o day_n stukley_n fly_v out_o of_o ireland_n book_n 2._o 1571._o the_o royal_a exchange_n the_o ereation_n of_o baron_n burghley_n the_o manner_n of_o create_v baron_n letter_n from_o the_o pope_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n edict_n of_o the_o scot_n against_o the_o authority_n royal_a condemn_a by_o the_o qu._n of_o england_n the_o demand_n of_o the_o english_a for_o the_o freedom_n of_o the_o qu._n of_o scotland_n the_o english_a refuse_v the_o offer_n of_o the_o scot_n alteration_n among_o the_o scot_n complaint_n of_o the_o scot_n against_o the_o english_a a_o remembrance_n send_v from_o the_o q._n of_o scotland_n to_o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n the_o counsel_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n the_o attempt_n of_o oother_n a_o great_a earthquake_n the_o ambassage_n of_o baron_n buckhurst_n a_o proposition_n of_o a_o match_n between_o elizabeth_n and_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n the_o hope_n which_o they_o conceive_v article_n of_o marriage_n the_o answer_n to_o what_o end_n this_o marriage_n be_v propose_v they_o hasten_v the_o marriage_n of_o the_o qu._n of_o scotland_n the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n and_o other_o commit_v money_o send_v into_o scotland_n he_o decline_v from_o the_o english_a witness_n lenox_n viceroy_n of_o scotland_n be_v slay_v the_o earl_n of_o marre_n be_v elect_v viceroy_n law_n against_o disturber_n law_n against_o papist_n john_n story_n condemn_v to_o die_v difference_n appease_v between_o the_o english_a and_o the_o portugal_n guienne_n the_o marquis_n of_o northampton_n die_v the_o death_n of_o bishop_n jewel_n affair_n of_o ireland_n william_n fitz_n william_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n book_n 2._o 1572._o thomas_n duke_n of_o norfolk_n be_v present_v before_o the_o noble_n and_o peer_n and_o arraign_v in_o westminster_n hall_n peer_n of_o the_o kingdom_n the_o manner_n of_o his_o arraignment_n the_o chief_a point_n of_o his_o accusation_n the_o duke_n demand_v a_o advocate_n to_o plead_v his_o cause_n the_o second_o article_n of_o his_o accusation_n the_o three_o article_n of_o his_o accusation_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n contrary_a to_o the_o roman_a religion_n the_o letter_n of_o the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n to_o the_o qu._n of_o scot_n be_v produce_v the_o duke_n letter_n to_o his_o servant_n the_o letter_n of_o ridolfe_n of_o the_o pope_n the_o testimony_n of_o stranger_n the_o three_o article_n of_o his_o accusation_n the_o peer_n consult_v among_o themselves_o the_o sentence_n pronounce_v against_o the_o duke_n barney_n and_o marter_n be_v put_v to_o death_n earl_n create_v baron_n elect_v law_n establish_v for_o the_o better_a security_n of_o the_o queen_n and_o her_o kingdom_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n behead_v his_o speech_n at_o the_o hour_n of_o his_o death_n the_o duke_n of_o norfolke_n head_n be_v cut_v off_o sundry_a censure_v of_o he_o after_o his_o death_n catenes_n relation_n of_o the_o precedent_a matter_n pope_n pius_n the_o five_o incense_v against_o qu._n elizabeth_n how_o he_o employ_v the_o english_a the_o king_n of_o spain_n the_o king_n of_o france_n the_o king_n of_o portugal_n the_o duke_n of_o alva_n oppose_v wherefore_o a_o vain_a success_n wherewith_o the_o pope_n &_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n be_v vex_v and_o angry_a the_o queen_n of_o scot_n accuse_v marry_o qu._n of_o scotland_n her_o answer_n to_o her_o accusation_n sedition_n in_o scotland_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n &_o the_o king_n of_o france_n endeavour_n to_o accord_v they_o they_o differ_v in_o opinion_n cause_n allege_v why_o the_o french_a favour_n the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n contest_v with_o the_o french_a the_o love_n and_o affection_n which_o the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o queen_n of_o england_n bear_v once_o to_o the_o queen_n mary_n of_o scotland_n grow_v cold_a the_o rebellious_a fleming_n command_v to_o go_v out_o of_o england_n they_o take_v the_o breele_n the_o duke_n of_o alua_n carelessness_n the_o english_a repair_n into_o the_o low-countries_n to_o the_o war_n dissimulation_n of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n the_o alliance_n of_o blois_n the_o article_n of_o the_o same_o confirmation_n thereof_o mont-morancy_a admit_v to_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n he_o intercede_v to_o accord_v the_o difference_n of_o scotland_n answer_v make_v to_o he_o he_o also_o treat_v of_o a_o marriage_n with_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n massacre_n of_o paris_n marriage_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o alenzon_n propound_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_n the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n behead_v death_n of_o the_o marquis_n of_o winchester_n cecil_n be_v make_v treasurer_n death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o derby_n and_o of_o sir_n george_n peter_n the_o queen_n sick_a she_o have_v a_o care_n of_o the_o public_a she_o cut_v off_o the_o superfluous_a number_n of_o follower_n which_o daily_o augment_v she_o curb_v enquirer_n after_o conceal_a land_n of_o the_o crown_n rebellion_n in_o ireland_n the_o omor_n a_o strange_a star_n book_n 2._o 1573._o the_o spanish_a fleet_n discomfit_v commerce_n between_o the_o flemish_a and_o english_a restore_v she_o discharge_v her_o father_n and_o brother_n debt_n innovator_n trouble_v the_o church_n the_o papist_n trouble_v the_o commonwealth_n their_o libel_n be_v suppress_v the_o
ambassage_n of_o gondy_n count_n of_o rez_n ambassage_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o worcester_n in_o france_n the_o sea_n be_v purge_v of_o pirate_n by_o holstoc_n the_o french_a protestant_n handle_v shrewd_o the_o french_a papist_n in_o england_n the_o french_a leger_n ambassador_n complain_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_n concern_v the_o help_n and_o assistance_n send_v out_o of_o england_n to_o the_o protestant_n of_o rochel_n besiege_v her_o majesty_n excuse_v herself_o herself_o flag_n queen_n elizabeth_n be_v earnest_o solicit_v to_o marry_v with_o the_o duke_n of_o alanzon_n her_o majesty_n hear_v of_o it_o willing_o by_o a_o double_a apprehension_n queen_n elizabeth_n grant_v leave_v to_o the_o duke_n of_o alanzon_n to_o come_v into_o england_n and_o her_o majesty_n present_o send_v he_o word_n not_o to_o come_v as_o yet_o gondy_n return_v into_o england_n earl_n of_o morton_n viceroy_n of_o scotland_n the_o king_n of_o france_n endeavour_n to_o destroy_v he_o qu_n elizabeth_n to_o defend_v he_o grange_n oppose_v the_o english_a be_v send_v to_o besiege_v it_o upon_o what_o condition_n the_o castle_n besiege_v by_o the_o english_a force_n the_o castle_n yield_v kircald_a and_o other_o hang_v lidington_n die_v peace_n make_v in_o scotland_n the_o bishop_n of_o rosse_n banish_v out_o of_o england_n absence_n innovate_v erterprise_n the_o duke_n of_o alva_n be_v call_v out_o of_o the_o low-countries_n lodowick_n zuniga_n sucseede_v he_o burches_n heresy_n martial_a law_n burch_n be_v hang_v effingham_n die_v grace_n earl_n of_o kent_n die_v caius_z the_o physician_n die_v the_o college_n of_o gonuell_n &_o caius_n trouble_n in_o ireland_n the_o earl_n of_o essex_n send_v into_o ireland_n the_o deputy_n envy_v it_o mac-phelim_a be_v take_v the_o unprofitable_a attempt_n and_o force_v of_o chaterton_n book_n 2._o 1574._o the_o duke_n of_o alanzon_n desire_v to_o visit_v queen_n elizabeth_n queen_n elizabeth_n agree_v to_o it_o he_o be_v suspect_v in_o france_n he_o be_v as_o it_o be_v prisoner_n be_v guard_v queen_n elizabeth_n comfort_v he_o charles_n the_o nine_o king_n of_o france_n die_v the_o right_a honourable_a lord_n roger_n lord_n north_n baron_n of_o catelage_n be_v send_v ambassador_n with_o a_o noble_a train_n to_o henry_n of_o valois_n the_o three_o of_o that_o name_n king_n of_o france_n &_o poland_n the_o king_n of_o france_n and_o mother_n queen_n recommend_v the_o duke_n of_o alanzon_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n they_o favour_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n against_o the_o viceroy_n morton_n she_o give_v credit_n to_o those_o who_o make_v report_n against_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n the_o earl_n of_o huntingdon_n precedent_n of_o the_o north._n a_o edict_n against_o the_o riotousness_n of_o apparel_n england_n embellish_v with_o magnificent_a structure_n the_o english_a work_n treason_n in_o holland_n they_o be_v defeat_v minister_n deceive_v a_o whale_n cast_v on_o shore_n a_o extraordinary_a flood_n in_o the_o thames_n the_o sky_n seem_v to_o be_v on_o fire_n book_n 2._o 1575._o the_o league_n with_o france_n renew_v war_n kindle_v in_o france_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n deny_v ship_n to_o requesens_n the_o entrance_n of_o the_o port_n to_o banish_v the_o dutch_a fugitive_n she_o deny_v the_o confederate_a dutch_a entrance_n into_o the_o english_a port_n requisens_n chase_v the_o rebellious_a english_a from_o flanders_n dissolve_v their_o seminary_n the_o prince_n of_o orange_n think_v to_o run_v to_o the_o protection_n of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n dissuade_v he_o the_o confederate_a dutch_a deliberate_v what_o protector_n they_o shall_v choose_v they_o have_v recourse_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n she_o deliberate_v thereupon_o she_o reject_v their_o proffer_n the_o embassy_n of_o champigni_n requesens_n die_v the_o queen_n study_v to_o bring_v the_o affair_n of_o the_o netherlands_o to_o a_o composition_n a_o conflict_n upon_o the_o border_n of_o scotland_n heron_n be_v slay_v the_o english_a lead_v as_o prisoner_n into_o scotland_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n be_v much_o incense_v the_o death_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o castell-herauld_n essex_n reduce_v into_o distress_n in_o jreland_n sidney_n the_o three_o time_n deputy_n make_v his_o progress_n in_o ireland_n the_o death_n of_o peter_n carew_n book_n 2._o 1576._o the_o french_a propound_v a_o marriage_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n she_o peace_n to_o they_o she_o labour_v to_o divert_v they_o from_o the_o netherlands_o the_o zelander_n molest_v the_o english_a by_o sea_n be_v repress_v a_o confusion_n in_o the_o netherlands_o antwerp_n sack_v by_o the_o spanish_a mutineer_n the_o queen_n labour_v a_o peace_n for_o the_o netherlands_o the_o arrival_n of_o john_n of_o austria_n in_o flanders_n the_o queen_n furnish_v the_o estate_n with_o money_n to_o continue_v the_o province_n in_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n obedience_n the_o traffic_n reestablish_v between_o england_n and_o portugal_n with_o what_o probability_n witness_v jenkinson_n a_o englishman_n bernard_n le_fw-fr tor_n a_o spaniard_n furbisher_n be_v send_v to_o discover_v the_o straight_a in_o the_o north_n part_n of_o america_n the_o death_n of_o maximilian_n the_o emperor_n queen_n elizabeth_n mourn_v the_o elector_n palatine_n die_v a_o franc_n be_v two_o shilling_n english_a essex_n death_n suspect_v the_o death_n of_o sir_n anthony_n coke_n tumult_n in_o ireland_n william_n drury_n precedent_n of_o monster_n malefactor_n pursue_v and_o punish_v ceass_n what_o it_o be_v the_o irish_a complain_v of_o exaction_n the_o queen_n have_v compassion_n book_n 2._o 1577._o austria_n incline_v to_o peace_n elizabeth_n persuade_v to_o it_o orange_n divert_v she_o austria_n seek_v to_o marry_v the_o queen_n of_o scot_n and_o by_o she_o to_o get_v the_o kingdom_n of_o england_n copley_n make_v a_o baron_n of_o france_n the_o dissimulation_n of_o austria_n he_o take_v up_o arm_n again_o elizabeth_n covenant_v with_o the_o scot_n she_o declare_v the_o reason_n of_o it_o to_o the_o spaniard_n the_o spaniard_n do_v not_o willing_o hear_v these_o thing_n don_n john_n complain_v to_o queen_n elizabeth_n of_o the_o state_n england_n the_o balance_n of_o europe_n a_o pestilent_a sickness_n cause_v by_o the_o stink_n of_o a_o prison_n maine_n a_o priest_n execute_v the_o death_n of_o the_o lord_n latimer_n secretary_n smith_n die_v saffron_n walden_n rebellion_n in_o ireland_n rorio_n oge_n rorio_n slay_v book_n 2._o 1578._o queen_n elizabeth_n be_v careful_a of_o the_o low-countries_n english_a go_v into_o the_o low-countries_n the_o embassy_n for_o the_o low-countries_n peace_n be_v irritate_v egremond_n radcliffe_n and_o his_o associate_n be_v put_v to_o death_n don_n john_n die_v anjou_n prosecute_v the_o marriage_n with_o the_o queen_n leicester_n murmur_n the_o death_n of_o the_o countess_n of_o lenox_n the_o business_n of_o scotland_n morton_n the_o regent_n admonish_v the_o king_n send_v a_o ambassador_n into_o england_n the_o sum_n of_o the_o embassage_n the_o answer_n of_o the_o queen_n morton_n take_v upon_o he_o the_o administration_n again_o the_o peer_n rise_v up_o against_o he_o the_o invade_v of_o england_n consult_v upon_o th._n stukley_n take_v arm_n against_o his_o country_n civita_fw-la vecchia_n he_o be_v slay_v in_o the_o african_a war_n william_n drury_n lord_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n sidney_n adieu_o to_o jreland_n book_n 2._o 1579._o casimire_n come_v into_o england_n the_o queen_n lend_v the_o state_n money_n semier_n solicit_v the_o marriage_n for_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n think_v on_o nothing_o but_o revenge_n one_o be_v shoot_v with_o a_o pistolet_n be_v in_o the_o boat_n with_o the_o queen_n the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n come_v into_o england_n the_o danger_n of_o the_o marriage_n the_o commodity_n of_o it_o the_o incommodity_n if_o it_o be_v neglect_v aimé_fw-fr stuart_n lord_n of_o aubigni_n come_v into_o scotland_n from_o whence_o he_o take_v the_o name_n of_o aubigni_n he_o be_v raise_v to_o honour_n he_o be_v suspect_v of_o the_o protestant_n hamiltons_n deject_a proscribe_v succour_v by_o elizabeth_n the_o society_n of_o the_o turkey-merchant_n hamonts_n impiety_n n._n bacon_n die_v thomas_n bromley_n succeed_v gresham_n die_v his_o college_n of_o london_n rebellion_n of_o james_n fitz-morris_n in_o ireland_n stir_v up_o by_o the_o pope_n and_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n favour_v by_o the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n davile_n murder_v in_o his_o bed_n sanders_n approve_v of_o the_o slaughter_n he_o fight_v with_o those_o of_o bourg_n fitz-morris_n be_v slay_v william_n of_o bourg_n make_v baron_n he_o die_v for_o joy_n john_n desmond_n kill_v the_o english_a the_o lord_n deputy_n sick_a n._n malbey_n governor_n of_o monster_n defeat_v the_o rebel_n the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n manifest_v himself_o a_o rebel_n the_o death_n of_o drury_n lord_n deputy_n the_o rebel_n thereby_o encourage_v william_n pelham_n be_v lord_n chief_a justice_n of_o ireland_n admonish_v the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n of_o his_o duty_n proclaim_v he_o traitor_n the_o earl_n of_o
ormond_n pursue_v the_o rebel_n the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n write_v to_o the_o lord_n chiefe-justice_n book_n 2._o 1580._o james_n take_v be_v wound_v to_o death_n desmond_n miserable_o oppress_v arthur_n lord_n grace_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n he_o pursue_v the_o rebel_n they_o kill_v the_o english_a italian_n and_o spaniard_n land_n in_o jreland_n they_o raise_v a_o fort._n they_o be_v besiege_v they_o answer_v to_o the_o deputy_n demand_v they_o disagree_v their_o general_n show_v himself_o a_o coward_n they_o ask_v a_o parley_n they_o yield_v upon_o discretion_n stranger_n slay_v with_o the_o sword_n the_o subject_n hang_v excess_n in_o apparel_n reform_v the_o take_n of_o malines_n in_o brabant_n the_o sacrilege_n of_o the_o english_a a_o earthquake_n the_o papist_n begin_v to_o be_v afflict_v the_o beginning_n of_o english_a seminary_n their_o doctrine_n be_v then_o think_v the_o event_n proceed_v thereof_o new_a seminary_n be_v send_v into_o england_n to_o what_o end_n jesuit_n do_v steal_v private_o into_o england_n a_o proclamation_n against_o seminary_n and_o jesuit_n robert_n person_n and_o edmond_n campian_n english_a jesuit_n come_v into_o england_n power_n grant_v to_o the_o papist_n who_o and_o what_o have_v be_v these_o jesuit_n the_o english_a fugitive_n do_v move_v and_o excite_v stranger_n to_o war_n against_o their_o prince_n and_o country_n queen_n elizabeth_n declaration_n against_o they_o the_o several_a sect_n of_o holland_n the_o house_n of_o love_n a_o proclamation_n against_o these_o sect_n francis_n drake_n his_o original_a extraction_n francis_n drake_n education_n drake_n expedition_n in_o america_n a_o vow_n john_n oxenham_n sail_v into_o america_n jsla_n de_fw-fr perlas_n john_n oxenham_n deprive_v of_o life_n fall_v from_o a_o great_a and_o famous_a enterprise_n drake_n second_o voyage_n doughtey_n behead_v pass_v the_o strait_n of_o magellan_n eclipse_n of_o the_o moon_n south_n star_n little_a cloud_n of_o magellan_n drake_n find_v booty_n both_o by_o land_n and_o sea_n meet_v by_o chance_n with_o great_a wealth_n sir_n francis_n drake_n take_v a_o spanish_a ship_n call_v shite-fire_n which_o he_o make_v shite_v silver_n he_o think_v of_o his_o return_n drake_n discoveres_fw-la a_o land_n which_o he_o call_v the_o novam_fw-la albion_n he_o arrive_v at_o the_o molucque_n fall_v into_o a_o great_a danger_n he_o pass_v beyong_o the_o cape_n of_o bona_n esperance_fw-fr return_v into_o england_n drake_n ship_n be_v consecrato_fw-la perpetual_a memory_n francis_n drake_n be_v knight_v by_o queen_n elizabeth_n the_o king_n of_o spain_n by_o his_o ambassador_n demand_v drake_n good_n which_o he_o have_v pirapirate_v he_o be_v answer_v the_o spaniard_n have_v part_n of_o drake_n money_n deliver_v back_o jackman_n and_o pet_n navigation_n to_o seek_v away_o to_o the_o east indies_n the_o death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n who_o be_v the_o first_o that_o bring_v the_o use_n of_o coach_n into_o england_n the_o lord_n grace_n repress_v the_o rebel_n in_o ireland_n innocency_n be_v a_o assure_a comfort_n rebel_n suppress_v the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n be_v envy_v of_o the_o scot_n they_o accuse_v he_o in_o england_n consultation_n hold_v against_o he_o they_o raise_v false_a report_n against_o he_o the_o scot_n will_v not_o admit_v bow_n to_o accuse_v he_o hume_n excuse_v it_o burghley_n admonition_n to_o he_o morton_n imprison_v these_o noble_a knight_n for_o their_o worth_n and_o virtue_n be_v honour_v with_o the_o dignity_n of_o knighthood_n by_o qu._n elizabeth_n most_o of_o they_o in_o that_o honourable_a &_o ever-remembred_n voyage_n of_o c._n howard_n earl_n of_o notinghan_n l._n high_a admiral_n and_o that_o renown_a soldier_n the_o late_a generous_a earl_n of_o essex_n etc._n etc._n in_o spain_n b●fore_o cadiz_n take_v &_o ransack_v by_o the_o english_a jun._n 26._o anno_fw-la 1●96_n 1●96_n their_o honourable_a predecessor_n be_v for_o their_o desert_n advance_v both_o to_o honour_n &_o dignity_n sir_n ch._n hatton_n be_v lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n under_o qu._n elizabeth_n he_o die_v in_o hatton_n house_n the_o 20._o of_o november_n 1590._o 1590._o sir_n walter_n raleigh_n knight_v and_o employ_v about_o diverse_a worthy_a affair_n of_o weight_n and_o consequence_n by_o queen_n elizabeth_n elizabeth_n wray_n lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o privy_a seal_n seal_n and_o wherefore_o it_o be_v that_o these_o noble_a person_n have_v by_o their_o worthy_a life_n purchase_a honour_n to_o their_o noble_a self_n or_o else_o their_o prodecessor_n have_v by_o their_o virtue_n deserve_v both_o honour_n and_o dignity_n from_o this_o unparalleled_a empress_n who_o as_o she_o be_v a_o true_a advancer_n of_o virtue_n and_o destroyer_n of_o vice_n do_v liberal_o bestow_v her_o royal_a gift_n of_o honour_n upon_o those_o and_o their_o ancestor_n book_n 3._o randolphe_n intercession_n for_o morton_n against_o lenox_n the_o king_n of_o scot_n his_o answer_n randolph_n complain_v to_o the_o noble_n of_o scotland_n endeavour_v to_o raise_v rebellion_n get_v he_o out_o of_o scotland_n morton_n behead_v his_o friend_n flee_v for_o england_n norris_n victorious_a in_o friezland_n be_v discomfit_v discomfit_v albanois_n a_o ridiculous_a combat_n drunkenness_n bring_v out_o of_o the_o low-countries_n into_o england_n the_o king_n of_o spain_n possess_v portugal_n by_o what_o right_a the_o queen_n of_o france_n her_o title_n to_o portugal_n fetch_v far_o and_o reject_v incit_v the_o q._n of_o england_n secret_o against_o the_o spaniard_n antonio_n banish_v portugal_n come_v into_o england_n delegate_n send_v into_o england_n from_o france_n about_o the_o duke_n of_o anjous_a marriage_n covenant_n of_o marriage_n conclude_v upon_o a_o reservation_n add_v the_o king_n of_o france_n urge_v the_o marriage_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n defer_v wherefore_o duke_n d'_fw-fr anjou_n return_v again_o into_o england_n queen_n elizabeth_n give_v a_o ring_n unto_o the_o d._n of_o anjou_n a_o motion_n of_o sundry_a conceit_n in_o court_n the_o queen_n great_o disquiet_v her_o majesty_n think_v what_o inconueniency_n may_v ensue_v in_o contemn_v and_o despise_v the_o match_n with_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n reason_n dissuade_v she_o from_o marry_v a_o book_n publish_v in_o print_n against_o the_o marriage_n the_o queen_n declaration_n against_o this_o pernicious_a libel_n the_o author_n discover_v and_o he_o that_o have_v disperse_v the_o book_n right_o hand_n cut_v off_o the_o jesuite_n edm._n campian_n with_o other_o priest_n be_v put_v to_o death_n the_o punish_v of_o catholic_n needful_a suspicion_n of_o they_o increase_v by_o their_o tergiversation_n false_a position_n spread_v abroad_o book_n 3._o new_a law_n against_o papist_n the_o duke_n d'_fw-fr anjou_n sail_v into_o flanders_n he_o be_v make_v there_o duke_n of_o brabant_n etc._n etc._n certain_a english_a revolt_n from_o he_o general_n norris_n carry_v himself_o generous_o and_o behave_v himself_o valorous_o the_o duke_n d'anjou_fw-mi depart_v from_o flanders_n with_o shame_n a_o comet_n queen_n elizabeth_n bestow_v the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n upon_o the_o king_n of_o denmark_n denmark_n or_o the_o choler_n of_o esses_n the_o merchant_n complaint_n not_o regard_v the_o treaty_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n be_v defer_v gowry_n and_o other_o begin_v tumult_n in_o scotland_n gowry_n conspiracy_n they_o intercept_v the_o king_n the_o duke_n of_o lennox_n drive_v out_o of_o scotland_n a_o embassy_n from_o the_o french_a king_n send_v to_o deliver_v the_o king_n of_o scot_n marry_o q._n of_o scotland_n her_o letter_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n the_o q._n of_o scot_n deplore_v her_o son_n intercept_n and_o her_o own_o desolation_n lidington_n and_o the_o grange_n book_n 3._o the_o duke_n of_o lenox_n return_n through_o england_n it_o be_v consult_v about_o the_o delivery_n of_o the_o q._n of_o scot_n the_o scot_n of_o the_o english_a faction_n be_v against_o it_o the_o english_a and_o french_a in_o emulation_n strive_v to_o obtain_v the_o favour_n of_o the_o king_n of_o scotland_n the_o king_n of_o scotland_n seek_v the_o love_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n the_o lord_n esme_fw-fr stuart_n duke_n of_o lenox_n repute_v a_o papist_n by_o some_o malicious_a ill-willer_n of_o he_o die_v at_o paris_n a_o true_a and_o sincere_a protestant_n the_o king_n of_o scotland_n set_v himself_o at_o liberty_n his_o majesty_n use_v kind_o those_o who_o former_o have_v seize_v themselves_o of_o his_o royal_a person_n call_v to_o the_o court_n all_o such_o noble_n as_o stand_v and_o be_v of_o his_o side_n walsingham_n be_v send_v into_o scotland_n from_o q._n elizabeth_n the_o king_n of_o scotland_n answer_v he_o free_o walsingham_n ●emonstrations_n to_o his_o sacred_a majesty_n the_o king_n answer_v they_o the_o king_n propound_v a_o pardon_n to_o those_o who_o have_v seize_v themselves_o of_o his_o person_n he_o command_v such_o as_o refuse_v it_o to_o void_a the_o kingdom_n his_o majesty_n reestablish_v the_o reputation_n and_o honour_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o lenox_n cause_v
likewise_o his_o child_n to_o return_v into_o scotland_n the_o minister_n be_v against_o the_o king_n of_o scotland_n authority_n q._n elizabeth_n obtain_v of_o the_o musconian_a emperor_n a_o peace_n for_o the_o king_n of_o sweden_n that_o emperor_n require_v a_o absolute_a alliance_n with_o england_n be_v a_o suitor_n to_o her_o majesty_n to_o grant_v he_o a_o english_a lady_n for_o his_o wife_n sir_n hierome_n bowes_n be_v send_v ambassador_n to_o he_o from_o england_n the_o emperor_n die_v a_o certain_a kind_n of_o deer_n call_v maclis_n theodore_n the_o new_a emperor_n of_o muscovia_n disallow_v the_o company_n or_o monopoly_n of_o england_n merchant_n alberto_n alasco_n a_o polonian_a nobleman_n come_v then_o to_o england_n to_o see_v queen_n elizabeth_n a_o wonderful_a and_o fearful_a earthquake_n in_o dorsetshire_n the_o death_n of_o thomas_n ratcliff_n earl_n of_o sussex_n likewise_o the_o decease_n of_o henry_n wriothesly_n earl_n of_o southampton_a sir_n humphrey_n gilbert_n knight_n drown_v upon_o the_o sea_n by_o shipwreck_n it_o be_v a_o most_o difficult_a matter_n and_o a_o very_a hard_a thing_n to_o bring_v the_o colony_n in_o far_a country_n the_o death_n of_o edmund_n grindal_n lord_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n a_o wood_n call_v tamarin_n first_o bring_v into_o england_n john_n whitgift_n be_v prefer_v to_o the_o archbishopric_n of_o canterbury_n he_o endeavour_v to_o unite_v the_o english_a church_n brownist_n schismatic_n one_o someruille_n strangle_v himself_o in_o prison_n and_o ardern_n be_v hang_v the_o english_a betray_v alost_n and_o do_v deliver_v it_o into_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o cruel_a spaniard_n a_o miserable_a end_n of_o traitor_n the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n be_v kill_v nicholas_n sanders_n a_o english_a seminary_n priest_n affamisht_a himself_o viscount_n of_o balt_a glass_n flee_v away_o out_o of_o ireland_n sir_n john_n perot_n be_v make_v lord_n deputy_n of_o ireland_n labour_v man_n be_v send_v into_o ireland_n the_o gesture_n and_o behaviour_n of_o john_n perot_n viceroy_n of_o ireland_n book_n 3._o trouble_n in_o scotland_n the_o earl_n of_o gowry_n be_v take_v the_o conspiror_n be_v disperse_v queen_n elizabeth_n succour_v some_o of_o they_o the_o king_n demand_v they_o by_o the_o league_n but_o in_o vain_a walsingham_n favour_v the_o fugitive_n hunsdon_n against_o they_o controversy_n or_o the_o power_n of_o a_o secretary_n argue_v the_o arraignment_n of_o gowry_n he_o defend_v his_o own_o cause_n he_o be_v behead_v the_o treason_n of_o francis_n throckmorton_n the_o lord_n paget_n retire_v into_o france_n the_o complaint_n of_o the_o catholic_n spy_n be_v suborn_v many_o suspect_v the_o malice_n of_o the_o papist_n against_o the_o queen_n the_o clemency_n of_o the_o queen_n towards_o the_o papist_n priest_n be_v banish_v fugitive_n demand_v of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n the_o answer_n of_o the_o king_n of_o france_n the_o spanish_a ambassador_n send_v out_o of_o england_n waade_n be_v send_v into_o spain_n be_v not_o received·_v throckmortons_n confession_n he_o deny_v all_o he_o seek_v a_o evasion_n be_v condemn_v he_o enlarge_v his_o confession_n about_o to_o d●e_v he_o deny_v all_o a_o new_a treaty_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n proposition_n make_v to_o she_o she_o answer_v she_o demand_v to_o be_v associate_v in_o the_o kingdom_n with_o her_o son_n the_o treaty_n dissolve_v by_o surmise_n a_o association_n begin_v in_o england_n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n make_v new_a proposition_n the_o scot_n of_o the_o english_a faction_n oppose_v they_o the_o insolency_n of_o the_o scotch_a minister_n against_o the_o law_n ecclesiastical_a law_n of_o scotland_n buchanan_n write_n reprove_v a_o feign_a conference_n the_o scot_n and_o english_a make_v incursion_n one_o upon_o another_o the_o embassy_n of_o patrick_n grace_n he_o be_v suspect_v of_o bad_a deal_n the_o patience_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n offend_v she_o be_v commit_v to_o new_a guardian_n she_o earnest_o seek_v for_o liberty_n thing_n plot_v against_o she_o counsel_n hold_v among_o the_o papist_n the_o death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o westmer_n land_n nevil_n a_o most_o noble●_n most_o ancient_a and_o illustrious_a name_n the_o death_n of_o plowden_n alancon_n die_v the_o prince_n of_o orange_n be_v slay_v the_o power_n of_o spain_n grow_v terrible_a book_n 3._o the_o french_a king_n invest_v with_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n be_v accuse_v of_o treason_n he_o perceive_v not_o the_o evasion_n his_o confession_n he_o consult_v with_o jesuit_n about_o the_o murder_n of_o the_o queen_n with_o the_o pope_n nuncio_n with_o morgan_n with_o priest_n with_o the_o pope_n himself_o he_o disclose_v the_o matter_n to_o the_o queen_n he_o waver_v in_o his_o mind_n alans_n book_n add_v fresh_a courage_n to_o he_o nevil_n offer_v he_o his_o help_n he_o disclose_v the_o matter_n parry_n be_v arraign_v punish_v with_o death_n law_n demand_v in_o the_o parliament_n against_o bishop_n against_o nonresidents_a the_o association_n establish_v law_n against_o jesuit_n and_o priest_n felony_n praemunire_n the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n resolve_v with_o himself_o to_o fly_v out_o of_o england_n he_o write_v to_o the_o queen_n be_v apprehend_v the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n be_v find_v dead_a the_o coroner_n enquest_n the_o cause_n of_o his_o imprisonment_n manifest_v the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n be_v lament_v of_o diverse_a queen_n elizabeth_n labour_v to_o contract_v a_o league_n with_o the_o prince_n of_o germany_n the_o like_a with_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n a_o relation_n of_o the_o death_n of_o russell_n the_o manner_n of_o his_o death_n the_o proof_n among_o the_o borderer_n the_o death_n of_o thomas_n car_n of_o fernihurst_n the_o fugitive_a scot_n be_v send_v out_o of_o england_n back_n into_o scotland_n they_o have_v intelligence_n of_o other_o remain_v in_o the_o king_n court._n they_o enter_v into_o scotland_n sterlin_n be_v take_v by_o they_o they_o be_v reconcile_v to_o the_o king_n amnistie_n maxwell_n establish_v the_o mass_n the_o rebellion_n of_o the_o bourg_n in_o ireland_n mac-william_n mac-william_n or_o sheriff_n the_o scot_n of_o hebrides_n call_v into_o ireland_n the_o governor_n labour_v for_o a_o peace_n but_o in_o vain_a he_o pursue_v the_o rebel_n and_o he_o bring_v they_o to_o submission_n next_o the_o scot_n of_o hebride_n who_o he_o do_v assault_v and_o defeat_v they_o the_o title_n of_o mac-william_n abolish_v the_o estate_n of_o the_o netherlands_o consult_v of_o a_o protector_n reason_n of_o the_o french_a side_n for_o the_o english_a they_o be_v refuse_v by_o the_o french_a the_o english_a consult_v about_o the_o protection_n the_o dutch_a offer_n themselves_o to_o the_o queen_n antwerp_n be_v yield_v up_o the_o queen_n deliberate_v with_o herself_o she_o take_v upon_o she_o the_o protection_n under_o what_o condition_n the_o queen_n publish_v the_o cause_n she_o send_v forth_o a_o navy_n to_o the_o west_n indies_n to_o divert_v the_o spaniard_n the_o town_n of_o s._n james_n take_v by_o the_o english_a from_o the_o spaniard_n a_o disease_n call_v calentura_n whereby_o many_o perish_v the_o surprise_n of_o hispaniola_n or_o saint_n dominick_n by_o the_o english_a the_o proud_a and_o audacious_a motto_n of_o the_o spaniard_n avarice_n and_o covetousness_n the_o english_a do_v assault_v the_o city_n of_o cartagena_n they_o set_v fire_n upon_o the_o town_n of_o s._n anthony_n and_o s._n helena_n they_o come_v to_o virginia_n they_o bring_v the_o colony_n thence_o tobacco_n the_o booty_n of_o the_o english_a voyage_n and_o expedition_n their_o pillage_n a_o search_n make_v for_o the_o discovery_n of_o a_o way_n to_o the_o east_n india_n india_n or_o strait_o a_o edict_n against_o woad_n the_o company_n of_o the_o barbary_n merchant_n the_o death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o lincoln_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o bedford_n the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n send_v into_o holland_n his_o instruction_n book_n 3._o absolute_a authority_n be_v give_v to_o leicester_n by_o the_o estate_n the_o queen_n offend_v thereat_o she_o expostulate_v with_o he_o with_o the_o estate_n also_o they_o excuse_v themselves_o leicester_n send_v succour_n to_o relieve_v the_o city_n of_o grave_n besiege_v but_o it_o be_v yield_v up_o the_o spaniard_n expel_v out_o of_o the_o betow_n a_o adventurous_a enterprise_n venlo_n be_v lose_v axele_n be_v take_v graveline_n attempt_v duisbourgh_n beleagerd_v which_o yield_v sir_n philip_n sidney_n be_v slay_v the_o valour_n of_o edward_n stanley_n of_o the_o house_n of_o elford_n the_o estate_n complain_v to_o leicester_n against_o himself_o he_o return_v into_o england_n the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n be_v accuse_v of_o many_o thing_n he_o answer_v they_o well_o and_o be_v but_o fyned_fw-we the_o king_n of_o denmark_n intercede_v for_o peace_n with_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n queen_n elizabeth_n answer_v she_o furnish_v henry_n king_n of_o navarre_n with_o money_n she_o desire_v a_o league_n with_o scotland_n by_o what_o counsel_n the_o fugitive_n
aimé_fw-fr stuart_n lord_n aubigny_n into_o scotland_n 393._o sir_n nicholas_n bacon_n sir_n thomas_n bromley_n sir_n thomas_n gresham_n die_v one_o after_o another_o 396._o davile_n murder_v in_o his_o bed_n 398._o the_o death_n of_o the_o lord_n druty_n deputie_n 401._o 1580._o anno_fw-la m.d.lxxx_o arthur_n lord_n grace_n make_v deputy_n of_o ireland_n 405._o the_o spaniard_n and_o italian_n land_n in_o ireland_n 406._o they_o be_v all_o slay_v and_o the_o subject_n hang_v 407._o the_o take_n of_o malines_n and_o of_o a_o earthquake_n 409._o the_o beginning_n of_o the_o english_a seminary_n 410._o person_n and_o campian_n jesuit_n come_v into_o england_n 413._o sir_n francis_n drake_n return_v into_o england_n 417._o john_n oxenham_n sail_v into_o america_n 419._o drake_n voyage_n and_o warlike_a exploit_n 424._o the_o spaniard_n demand_v his_o riches_n 428._o the_o death_n of_o fitzallen_n earl_n of_o arundel_n 430._o the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n envy_a by_o the_o scot_n be_v accuse_v by_o they_o to_o queen_n elizabeth_n 432._o alexander_n earl_n of_o homes_n baron_n of_o dunglas_n be_v send_v from_o king_n james_n to_o excuse_v it_o 434._o regent_n morton_n be_v cast_v into_o prison_n 435._o the_o end_n of_o the_o content_n of_o the_o second_o book_n the_o content_n of_o this_o royal_a and_o famous_a history_n the_o three_o book_n randolphs_n intercession_n for_o morton_n against_o lenox_n folio_n 1._o the_o king_n of_o scot_n answer_n 2_o norris_n his_o victory_n in_o freezland_n 4_o albanois_n 5_o drunkenness_n bring_v out_o of_o the_o low-countries_n ibid._n by_o what_o right_a the_o king_n of_o spain_n possess_v portugal_n ibid._n the_o qu._n of_o france_n her_o title_n to_o portugal_n reject_v 6_o antonio_n banish_v portugal_n 7_o covenant_n of_o marriage_n between_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n and_o q._n elizabeth_n conclude_v on_o 8_o the_o k._n of_o france_n urge_v the_o marriage_n and_o the_o q._n of_o engl._n defer_v 10_o qu._n elizabeth_n give_v the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n a_o ring_n 12_o the_o queen_n much_o disquiet_v 13_o reason_n dissuade_v she_o from_o marriage_n and_o a_o book_n set_v out_o against_o it_o 14_o the_o queen_n declaration_n against_o this_o pernicious_a libel_n 15_o champion_n the_o jesuite_n and_o other_o priest_n put_v to_o death_n 17_o new_a law_n against_o papist_n 18_o the_o duke_n of_o anjou_n sail_v into_o flanders_n 19_o a_o comet_n 21_o qu._n elizabeth_n bestow_v the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n upon_o the_o king_n of_o denmark_n 21_o the_o treaty_n concern_v the_o queen_n of_o scott_n be_v defer_v 22_o gowry_n and_o other_o tumult_n in_o scotland_n 23_o the_o duke_n of_o lenox_n drive_v out_o of_o scotland_n ibid._n a_o embassy_n from_o the_o french_a k._n for_o the_o delivery_n of_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n 24_o the_o qu._n of_o scotland_n letter_n to_o queen_n eliz●beth_n 25_o the_o duke_n of_o lenox_n return_v through_o england_n 33_o consultation_n about_o the_o delivery_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n 34_o the_o k._n of_o scotland_n seek_v the_o love_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o england_n 36_o the_o king_n of_o scotland_n set_v himself_o at_o liberty_n 37_o walsingham_n be_v send_v into_o scotland_n from_o queen_n elizabeth_n ibid._n the_o king_n of_o scot_n answer_v he_o free_o 38_o walsinghams_n remonstration_n to_o his_o sacred_a majesty_n ibid._n the_o king_n answer_v they_o 39_o his_o majesty_n reestablish_v the_o reputation_n and_o honour_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o lenox_n cause_v likewise_o his_o child_n to_o return_v into_o scotland_n 39_o the_o minister_n of_o scotland_n be_v against_o their_o king_n authority_n 40_o a_o peace_n obtain_v for_o the_o king_n of_o sweden_n ibid._n the_o emperor_n desire_v alliance_n with_o england_n and_o be_v a_o suitor_n to_o her_o majesty_n to_o grant_v he_o a_o english_a lady_n for_o his_o wife_n ibid._n the_o emperor_n death_n 41_o a_o polonian_a nobleman_n come_v into_o england_n to_o see_v queen_n elizabeth_n 42_o a_o wonderful_a earthquake_n in_o dorsetshire_n ibid._n the_o death_n of_o thomas_n ratcliff_n earl_n of_o essex_n 43_o sir_n humphrey_n gilbert_n drown_v by_o shipwreck_n 44_o the_o death_n of_o e._n grindall_n archbish_n of_o canterbury_n ibid._n john_n whitgift_n prefer_v to_o be_v archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n 45_o the_o english_a betray_v alost_n and_o do_v deliver_v it_o into_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o cruel_a spaniard_n 48_o a_o miserable_a end_n of_o traitor_n ibid._n the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n be_v slay_v ibid._n nicholas_n sanders_n a_o english_a seminary_n priest_n famish_a himself_o 49_o viscount_n of_o baltinglasse_n flee_v out_o of_o ireland_n 50_o labour_a man_n send_v into_o ireland_n 51_o the_o gesture_n and_o behaviour_n of_o sir_n john_n perrot_n viceroy_n of_o ireland_n ibid._n trouble_n in_o scotland_n 52_o the_o earl_n of_o gowry_n be_v take_v the_o conspirator_n be_v disperse_v queen_n elizabeth_n succour_v some_o of_o they_o the_o king_n demand_v they_o by_o the_o league_n but_o in_o vain_a 53_o walsingham_n favour_v the_o fugitive_a hunsdon_n against_o they_o 54_o the_o power_n of_o a_o secretary_n argue_v ibid._n the_o arraignment_n of_o gowry_n ibid._n he_o be_v behead_v 55_o the_o treason_n of_o fr._n throkmorton_n 56_o the_o lo_n paget_n retire_v into_o france_n ibid._n the_o queen_n clemency_n towards_o papist_n 57_o the_o priest_n be_v banish_v 58_o spanish_a ambassador_n send_v out_o of_o england_n 59_o thokmortons_n confession_n 61_o a_o new_a treaty_n with_o the_o qu._n of_o scot_n 63_o she_o answer_v proposition_n make_v unto_o she_o 64_o she_o demand_v to_o be_v associate_v to_o the_o kingdom_n with_o her_o son_n 65_o the_o queen_n of_o scott_n make_v new_a proposition_n 66_o the_o scot_n of_o the_o english_a faction_n oppose_v they_o 67_o the_o insolency_n of_o the_o scottish_a minister_n 68_o buchanan_n write_n reprove_v ibid._n the_o scottish_a and_o english_a make_v incursion_n one_o upon_o another_o 69_o patrick_n gray_n ambassage_n ib._n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n commit_v to_o new_a guardian_n 72_o council_n hold_v among_o the_o papist_n 73_o the_o death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o westmoreland_n ibid._n the_o death_n of_o plowden_n ib._n alancon_n die_v and_o the_o prince_n of_o orange_n be_v slay_v 74_o the_o french_a king_n invest_v with_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n 75_o be_v accuse_v of_o treason_n 76_o his_o confession_n 77_o he_o consult_v with_o the_o jesuit_n about_o the_o murder_a of_o the_o queen_n ibid._n he_o disclose_v the_o matter_n to_o the_o queen_n 78_o alan_n book_n add_v fresh_a courage_n to_o he_o 79_o nevil_n offer_v he_o his_o help_n ibid._n parry_n be_v arraign_v and_o execute_v 80_o law_n demand_v in_o parliament_n against_o bishop_n and_o against_o nonresidents_a 81_o law_n against_o jesuit_n and_o priest_n 82_o the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n resolve_v to_o fly_v out_o of_o england_n 83_o the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n be_v find_v dead_a ibid._n the_o cause_n of_o his_o imprisonment_n manifest_a 85_o lamentation_n for_o the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n 87_o queen_n elizabeth_n labour_v to_o contract_v a_o league_n with_o the_o prince_n of_o germany_n ibid._n the_o like_a with_o the_o king_n of_o scot_n 88_o ar●at●on_n of_o the_o death_n of_o russell_n and_o the_o manner_n thereof_o ibid._n the_o death_n of_o thomas_n car_n 90_o the_o fugitive_a scot_n be_v send_v out_o of_o england_n back_n into_o scotland_n ibid._n they_o be_v reconcile_v unto_o the_o king_n 92_o the_o rebellion_n of_o the_o bourkes_n in_o ireland_n 93_o the_o sccot_n of_o hebrides_n call_v into_o ireland_n 94_o the_o governor_n labour_v for_o a_o peace_n but_o in_o vain_a 95_o he_o pursue_v the_o scot_n and_o defeat_v they_o 96_o the_o state_n of_o the_o netherlands_o consult_v of_o a_o protector_n 97_o they_o be_v refuse_v of_o the_o french_a and_o the_o english_a consult_v about_o it_o 98_o the_o dutch_a offer_n themselves_o to_o the_o queen_n 100_o antwerp_n be_v yield_v up_o the_o queen_n deliberate_v with_o herself_o and_o take_v upon_o she_o the_o protection_n 101_o under_o what_o condition_n 102_o queen_n elizabeth_n publish_v the_o cause_n and_o send_v to_o the_o west_n indies_n to_o divert_v the_o spaniard_n 103_o james_n town_n take_v from_o the_o spaniard_n 104_o hispaniola_n or_o s._n dominick_n surprise_v ibid._n spaniard_n motto_n avarice_n and_o covetousness_n 105_o carthagena_n assault_v ibid._n saint_n anthony_n and_o s._n helena_n fire_v by_o the_o english_a 106_o booty_n of_o the_o english_a voyage_n and_o expedition_n 107_o a_o search_n make_v for_o a_o discovery_n of_o a_o way_n to_o the_o east_n indies_n ibid._n a_o edict_n against_o woad_n 108_o death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o l●ncolne_n and_o of_o the_o earl_n of_o bedford_n 109_o earl_n of_o leicester_n send_v into_o holland_n ibid._n his_o instruction_n 110_o absolute_a authority_n give_v to_o the_o earl_n of_o leyster_n by_o the_o state_n 111_o queen_n elizabeth_n offend_v thereat_o
these_o thing_n they_o resolve_v to_o drive_v the_o french_a out_o of_o scotland_n the_o english_a be_v send_v into_o scotland_n both_o by_o land_n and_o sea_n the_o death_n of_o francis_n l._n talbot_n earl_n of_o shrewsburie_n book_n 1._o 1560._o a_o treaty_n of_o peace_n in_o berwick_n martigue_n come_v and_o bring_v frenchman_n into_o scotland_n d'elbeuf_n drive_v by_o a_o tempest_n the_o spaniard_n counsel_n to_o peace_n the_o spaniard_n detain_v from_o the_o english_a their_o munition_n the_o french_a do_v endeavour_n to_o call_v the_o english_a back_n from_o scotland_n the_o french_a protest_v aga_v the_o english_a that_o they_o be_v mere_o cause_n that_o the_o peace_n be_v break_v a_o answer_n to_o they_o the_o guize_n be_v swear_v and_o profess_a enemy_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n the_o french_a offer_n to_o render_v up_o calis_n her_o majesty_n answer_n to_o they_o she_o send_v the_o lord_n viscount_n montaigue_n into_o spain_n who_o make_v know_v to_o the_o spaniard_n the_o cause_n of_o the_o war_n of_o scotland_n he_o also_o excuse_v the_o scots_a confederates_n arthur_n grace_n son_n &_o heir_n to_o the_o lord_n grace_n be_v wound_v lie_v be_v besiege_a the_o english_a repulse_v croft_n be_v accuse_v the_o queen_n regent_n of_o scotland_n die_v the_o treaty_n of_o edenborrough_n a_o peace_n be_v publish_v queen_n elizabeth_n be_v seek_v in_o marriage_n by_o charles_n archduke_n of_o austria_n by_o james_n earl_n of_o arran_n and_o by_o erric_n king_n of_o sueden_n adolphe_n duke_n of_o holsatia_n sir_n w._n pickering_n the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n robert_n dudley_n who_o she_o favour_v viscount_n montaigu_n ambassador_n to_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n he_o favour_v notwithstanding_o elizabeth_n against_o the_o french_a he_o re-delivered_n the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n he_o disdain_v to_o be_v refuse_v in_o thing_n of_o small_a importance_n the_o count_n very_o whet_v his_o indignation_n he_o incense_v the_o pope_n against_o the_o queen_n the_o pope_n write_v to_o elizabeth_n the_o pope_n pius_n the_o four_o of_o that_o name_n his_o letter_n send_v unto_o queen_n elizabeth_n by_o his_o nuncio_n vincent_n parpalia_n the_o king_n and_o queen_n of_o france_n refuse_v to_o confirm_v the_o treaty_n for_o edenborrough_n the_o reason_n francis_n the_o second_o die_v the_o edict_n of_o qu._n elizabeth_n against_o the_o anabaptist_n her_o majesty_n edict_n against_o sacreligious_a person_n the_o college_n of_o westminster_n found_v the_o coin_v bring_v to_o full_a value_n this_o be_v corrupt_v by_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o his_o lavish_a expense_n the_o earl_n of_o huntingdon_n die_v shan_n o-neale_n stir_v up_o sedition_n in_o ireland_n book_n 1._o 1561._o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n put_v off_o the_o confirmation_n of_o the_o treaty_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n deny_v passage_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n she_o complain_v to_o throgmorton_n ambassador_n from_o england_n throgmorton_n answer_n to_o the_o qu._n mary_n of_o scotland_n contestation_n between_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n and_o throgmorton_n queen_n elizabeth_n ambassador_n into_o france_n the_o queen_n endeavour_n to_o content_v qu._n elizabeth_n but_o in_o vain_a she_o return_v into_o scotland_n elizabeth_n answer_v he_o qu._n elizabeth_n press_v the_o confirmation_n of_o the_o treaty_n receive_v the_o guize_n courteous_o the_o guize_n use_v the_o english_a ill_o that_o the_o right_a to_o assemble_v a_o council_n belong_v not_o to_o the_o pope_n carne_n die_v how_o far_o a_o ambassador_n ought_v to_o bear_v a_o offence_n qu._n elizabeth_n prepare_v thing_n necessary_a for_o war_n qu._n elizabeth_n husbandry_n s._n paul_n steeple_n burn_v the_o death_n of_o earl_n bathon_n book_n 1._o 1562._o pole_n have_v under_o examination_n katherine_n grace_n imprison_v he_o be_v fine_v he_o be_v fine_v the_o guize_n practice_n against_o elizabeth_n h._n sidney_n be_v send_v into_o france_n after_o into_o scotland_n they_o deliberate_v the_o interview_n of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n which_o put_v she_o in_o doubt_n unless_o it_o be_v upon_o certain_a condition_n the_o cardinal_n of_o lorraine_n propound_v a_o marriage_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n queen_n elizabeth_n endeavour_v to_o divert_v she_o from_o it_o give_v her_o reason_n she_o excuse_v the_o french_a fugitive_n the_o death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o oxford_n defend_v his_o cause_n book_n 1._o 1563._o fifteenth_n ten_o subsidy_n the_o prence_n of_o condé_v take_v in_o the_o battle_n of_o dreux_n the_o king_n answer_n hostage_n give_v for_o the_o restitution_n of_o calais_n attempt_v to_o fly_v away_o peace_n make_v in_o france_n war_n proclaim_v between_o the_o french_a and_o the_o english_a the_o qu._n majesty_n offer_v to_o surrender_v haure_n de_fw-fr grace_n for_o calais_n the_o english_a soldier_n molest_v with_o the_o pestilemce_n haure_n de_fw-fr grace_n beleaguer_v and_o assail_v by_o the_o french_a article_n for_o the_o restitution_n of_o haure_n de_fw-fr grace_n france_n rejoice_v for_o recovery_n of_o haure_n de_fw-fr grace_n the_o english_a soldier_n bring_v the_o plague_n into_o london_n and_o other_o part_n of_o england_n marriage_n again_o propound_v to_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n recommend_v dudley_n for_o her_o husband_n the_o french_a divert_v she_o they_o insult_v over_o their_o queen_n the_o baron_n of_o grace_n die_v and_o the_o bishop_n of_o aquila_n the_o spaniard_n against_o the_o english_a lord_n paget_n die_v the_o supreme_a dignity_n of_o honour_n in_o england_n death_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o rutland_n duchess_n of_o suffolk_n book_n 1._o 1564._o article_n of_o peace_n accord_v on_o between_o the_o english_a and_o the_o french_a the_o king_n of_o france_n install_v in_o the_o order_n of_o the_o garter_n the_o english_a ill_o entreat_v in_o spain_n and_o in_o the_o low-countries_n the_o mutual_a complaint_n of_o the_o english_a and_o flemish_a english_a merchant_n prohibit_v in_o the_o low-countries_n the_o english_a constitute_v a_o fair_a or_o mart_n at_o embden_n guzman_n labour_v to_o atone_v this_o difference_n queenè_fw-la elizabeth_n visit_v the_o university_n of_o cambridge_n robert_n dudley_n raise_v to_o honour_n dudley_n accuse_v bacon_n diverse_a opinion_n about_o the_o point_n of_o succession_n the_o queen_n of_o scot_n cal●_n home_n the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n into_o scotland_n the_o descent_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n cause_n of_o the_o repeal_v of_o the_o earl_n of_o lenox_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n endeavour_n to_o prevent_v the_o qu._n of_o scot_n project_n another_o commendation_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n a_o treaty_n of_o marriage_n between_o the_o queen_n of_o scot_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n book_n 1._o 1565._o darley_n go_v into_o scotland_n he_o be_v belove_v of_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n ask_v qu._n elizabeth_n consent_n deliberation_n upon_o it_o throgmorton_n be_v send_v to_o hinder_v he_o be_v answer_v lenox_n and_o darley_n be_v re-called_n out_o of_o scotland_n they_o excuse_v themselves_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n marry_v the_o lord_n darley_n the_o earl_n of_o murray_n and_o other_o murmur_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n endure_v it_o with_o moderation_n some_o scot_n take_v distaste_n about_o the_o marriage_n they_o be_v put_v to_o flight_n they_o be_v maintain_v in_o england_n they_o counsel_v the_o qu._n of_o england_n to_o marry_v the_o emperor_n recommend_v his_o brother_n it_o cause_v hatred_n to_o grow_v in_o the_o court._n the_o queen_n reconcile_v they_o tamworth_n not_o admit_v they_o answer_v by_o writing_n cecillia_n queen_n of_o sueden_n come_v into_o england_n creation_n of_o the_o earl_n of_o glencar_n viceroy_n and_o justice_n of_o ireland_n affair_n of_o ireland_n discord_n between_o the_o earl_n of_o desmond_n and_o ormond_n chief_a precedent_n of_o monster_n the_o death_n of_o sir_n thomas_n chaloner_n book_n 1._o 1566._o the_o duke_n of_o norfolk_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o leicester_n knight_n of_o the_o order_n of_o france_n provision_n of_o corne._n the_o earl_n of_o arundel_n go_v out_o of_o the_o kingdom_n the_o english_a carry_v their_o arm_n and_o their_o courage_n to_o the_o hungarian_a war_n the_o birth_n of_o king_n james_n the_o six_o of_o scotland_n the_o queen_n of_o england_n rejoice_v visit_v the_o university_n of_o oxford_n hold_v a_o parliament_n the_o state_n solicit_v she_o to_o marry_v and_o to_o declare_v her_o successor_n the_o modesty_n of_o the_o great_a one_o the_o popular_a sort_n eager_o the_o queen_n be_v angry_a she_o sweeten_v the_o move_v spirit_n give_v back_o part_n of_o the_o subsidy_n chide_v the_o state_n make_v it_o plain_o to_o appear_v that_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n have_v the_o right_a of_o succession_n the_o ordination_n of_o bishop_n be_v confirm_v promoter_n suppress_v the_o earl_n of_o bedford_n send_v ambassrdour_n to_o the_o queen_n of_o scotland_n for_o the_o baptise_v of_o her_o son_n the_o death_n of_o i._o mason_n and_o sir_n r._n sackuile_n book_n 1._o