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lord_n duke_n earl_n norfolk_n 14,633 5 11.9644 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20125 The noble tryumphaunt coronacyon of quene Anne wyfe vnto the moost noble kynge Henry the .viij. 1533 (1533) STC 656; ESTC S108951 5,978 14

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plate / and there was a voyde of spyce places wyne And the done the quenes grace withdrewe her into the whyte hall for that nyght / and so to Yorke place by water ¶ The sondaye in the mornynge at .viij. of the clocke the quenes grace with noble ladyes in theyr robes of estate / with al the nobles aparayled in parlyament robes / as dukes / erles / archbysshops and bysshops / with barons / the barons of the fyue portꝭ with the mayre of the cite / the aldermen in theyr robes as mātels of scarlet The barons of the fyue portꝭ bare a ryche canopy of cloth of golde / with staues of golde four belles of syluer gylt The abbot of westmynster with his rygals came in to the hall in pōtificalibus with his monkes in theyr best copes / the kynges chapel in theyr best copes / with the bysshops rychely aourned in pontificalibus / the ray cloth blewe spredde from the hygh desses of the kynges benche vnto the hygh aulter of westmynster And so euery man procedynge to the mynster in the best order / euery man after theyr degree apoynted to theyr order offyce as aperteyneth came vnto the place apoynted / where her grace receyued her crowne / with all the serymonyes therof as ther vnto belongeth And so al the serimonyes done with the solēpne masse / they departed home in their best orders euery man to the hal of westmynster / where the quenes grace withdrew her for a tyme in to her chābre apoynted / so after a certayne space her grace came in to the hall Than ye shulde haue sene euery noble man doyng their seruyce to thē apoynted in the best maner that hath ben sene in any suche serimony The quenes grace wasshed / the archbisshop of Cāterbury sayd grace Than the nobles were set to the table / therw t came the quenes seruice with the seruyce of tharch bysshop / a certayne space thre mē with the quenes grace seruyce Before the said seruyte came the duke of Suffolke high cōstable the day and stewarde of the feest on horsbacke / meruaylously trapped in aparell with rychesse Than with hym came the lorde Wyllyam Hawarde / as depute to the duke of Norfolke in the rome of the marshal of Englāde on horsbacke The erle of essex caruer Th erle of Sussex sewer Th erle of Darby cupberer Th erle of Arūdell butteller The visconte Lysle panter The lorde Bray awmoner These noble men dyd theyr seruyce in suche humble sorte fassyon that it was wōder to se the payne and dylygence of them / beynge suche noble personages The seruyce borne by knyghtes / whiche were to me to longe to tell in order / the goodly seruyce of kyndes of meate with their deuyses from the hyest vnto the lowest / there haue not ben sene more goodlyer nor honorablyer done in no mannes dayes ¶ There was foure tables in the great hall alonge the sayde hall The noble women one table / syttyng alon the one syde The noble men an other table The mayre of Lōdon an other table with his bretherne The barons of the portes with the mayster of the chaūcery the fourth table And thus all thynges nobly and tryumphantly done at her coronacyon / her grace retourned to whyte hall with great ioy and solempnyte / and the morowe was great iustes at the tylte / done by .xviij. lordes knyghtes / where was broken many speares valyauntly but some of their horses wolde nat come at their pleasure nere vnto the tylte / whiche was displeasure to some that there dyd ronne ¶ Thus endeth this tryumphe Imprinted at London in Fletestrete by Wynkynde Worde / for Iohan Goughe Cum priuilegio
¶ The noble tryumphaunt coronacyon of quene Anne / wyfe vnto the moost noble kynge Henry the .viij. FIrst the .xxix. daye of Maye / beynge thursday / all the worshypfull craftes and occupacyons in theyr best araye goodly besene toke theyr bargꝭ / which were splayed with goodly baners fresshe and newe / with the cognysaunce and armes of theyr faculty / to the nombre of .l. great barges comly besene / euery barge hauynge mynstrels makynge greate and swete armony Also there was the bachelers barge comly besene / decked with innumerable baners / and all about hanged with ryche cloth of golde / foystes waytynge her vpon / decked with a great shotte of ordynaunce / whiche descended the ryuer afore all the barges / and the bachelers barge formest / and so folowynge in good araye ordre / euery crafte in theyr degree and ordre tyll they came to Greenwyche / and there taryed abydynge the quenes grace / whiche was a wonderfull goodly syght to beholde Than at thre of the clocke the quenes grace came to her barge / and incontynent all the cytezyns with that goodly company set forth toward London in good araye / as before is sayd And to wryte what nombre of gonshot / what with chambres and great peces of ordynaūce were shotte as she passed by in dyuers places / it passeth my memory to wryte or to tell the nombre of them / and specially at Ratlyf at lyme house out of certeyne shyppes And so the quenes grace in her ryche barge amonge her nobles / the cytezyns accompanyed her to London vnto the toure wharfe Also or she came nere the toure there was shot innumerable peces of ordynaunce / as euer was there by any mennes remēbraūces / where the kyng receyued her grace with a noble louyng countenaunce / and to gaue great thankes and prayse to all the cytezyns for theyr great kyndnesse louynge labour and paynes in that behalfe taken / to the greate ioye and comforte of all the cytezyns Also to beholde the wonderfull nombre of people that euer was sene that stode on the shore on bothe sydes of the ryuer / was neuer in one syght out of the cyte of London sene / what in goodly lodgynges and houses that be on the ryuer syde bytwene Grenwyche and London / it passeth al mennes iudgementes to esteme the infinyte nombre of them / wherin her grace with al her ladyes reioysed moche ¶ Knyghtes made at Grenwyche the sonday before whytsonday ¶ And the sondaye before this tryumphe / beyng the xxv daye of Maye / the kynge made at his maner of Grenwyche all these knyghtes Syr Christofer Danby Syr Christofer Hylarde Syr Brian Hastynges Syr Th●mas Methem Syr Thomas Butteller Syr Willyam Walgraue Syr Wyllyam Feldeyng ¶ The fryday made knyghtes of the Bathe xix whose names foloweth ¶ Also on fryday the .xxx. day of May the kynge created and made in the towre of London .xix. noble men knyghtes of the bathe / whose names folowe The lorde Marques Dorset The erle of Derby The lorde Clyfforde / sone heyre to therle of Cūberlande The lorde Ftizwater / sone heyre to therle of Sussex The lorde Hastynges / sone heyre to therle of Huntyngton The lorde Barkeley The lorde Mountagle The lorde Vaux Syr Henry Parker / sone heyre to the lorde Morley Syr Wyllyam Wyndsour / sone heyre to the lorde Wyndesour Syr Iohn̄ Mordant / sone heyre to the lorde Mordāt Syr Fraunces Weston Syr Thomas Aroundell Syr Iohan Hudelston Syr Thomas Ponynges Syr Henry Sauell Syr George Fitzwyllyam of Lyncolne shyre Syr Iohan Tyndall Syr Thomas Iermey ¶ Also the saturday the laste day of May the kynge made knyghtes of the swerde in the towre of London / whose names folowe Syr Wyllyam Drury Syr Iohn̄ Gernynghin̄ Syr Thomas Busche Syr Randolfe Buerton Syr George Caluerley Syr Edwarde Fytton Syr George Conyers Syr Roberte Nedham Syr Iohan Chaworth Syr George Gresley Syr Iohan Constable Syr Thomas Vmpton Syr Iohan Horsley Syr Rycharde Lygon Syr Iohan Saintclere Syr Edwarde Maidison Syr Henry Feryngton Syr Marmaduc Cūstall Syr Thomas Halsall Syr Roberte Kyrkham Sir Anthony Wyndsour Syr water Hubbert Syr Iohan Wyllongby Syr Thomas Kytson Sir Thomas Mysseden Sir Thom̄s Fouleshurst Sir Henry Delues Sir Peter Warburton Sir Rycharde Bulkelley Sir Thomas Lakyng Sir Water Smythe Sir Hēry Eueryngham Sir Willyam Vnedall Sir Tho. Massyngberd Sir Willyam Sandon Sir Iames Baskeruyll Sir Edmonde Trafford Sir Arthur Eyre Sir Henry Sutton Sir Iohan Nortes Sir Willyam Malorie Sir Iohan Harcourt Sir Iohan Tyrell Sir Willyam Browne Sir Nycholas Sturley Sir Randolfe Manerīg ¶ Also the sonday after whytsonday beyng trynyte sonday the .viij. daye of Iune / was made at Grenewyche these knyghtes folowynge Sir Christofer Corwen Sir Geffray Mydelton Sir Hugh Treuyneon Sir George West Sir Clement Herleston Sir Humfrey Feryes Syr Iohan Dawne Sir Richarde Haughton Sir Thomas Langton Sir Edwarde Bowton Sir Henry Capell ¶ Also all the pauementes of the cyte from Charyn crosse to the towre was ouer couerde and cast with grauell And the same saturday beyng whytson euen the mayre with all the aldermen the craftes of the cyte prepared aray in a good order to stande receyue her / and with rayles for euery craft to stande leane from prease of people The mayre mette the quenes grace at her comyng forthe of the towre / and all his bretherne and aldermen standyng in chepe And vpon the same saturday the quene came forth from the towre towarde Westmynster in goodly aray / as here after foloweth Si●e passed the stretes first with certayne straūgers / their horses trapped with blewe sylke / them selues in blewe veluet with white fethers acompanyed two two Lyke wise squiers / knightꝭ / barons baronettꝭ / knightes of the barh clothed in vyolet garmētes / edged with armyns lyke iuges Than folowyng the iuges of the lawe abbottes All these estatꝭ were to the nombre of CC. cople with more / two two accompanyed And than folowed bysshops two two tharchbysshops of yorke Cāterbury / the ambassaders of Fraūce Venyce / the lorde mayre with a mace / mayster garter the kyng of heraudes the kingꝭ cote armour vpon him with the offycers of armes / apoyntyng euery estate in their degre Than folowed two aūcyent knightꝭ with olde fassion hattes poudred on their heedes di●gysed / who dyd represent the duke of Normādy of Guyen / after an olde custome the lorde constable of Englāde for the tyme / beyng the duke of Suffolke / the lorde Willyam Hawarde the deputie for the tyme to the lorde marshall duke of Norfolke Than folowed the quenes grace in her lytter costly rychly besene / with a ryche canape ouer her / whiche bare the lordes of the fyue portes after her folowyng the mayster of her horse with a whyte spare palfray ledde in his hāde rychly apoynted Than folowed her noble