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lord_n duke_n earl_n marquis_n 16,891 5 10.6193 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16133 The bayte [and] snare of fortune Wherin may be seen that money is not the only cause of mischefe and vnfortunat endes: but a necessary mean to mayntayne a vertuous quiet lyfe. Treated in a dialoge betwene man and money. Bieston, Roger. 1556 (1556) STC 3055.5; ESTC S91099 12,163 22

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the maner his soule to encombre Wherby he renieth God and wilfully offendeth For thee by night and daye withouten slepe or slombre All vices he auaunceth no vertue he entendeth The poore for all his pouertie by thee his porcion spendeth The world goeth to wretchednes by thee and to destruction By thee to fowle enormitie all goeth and there it endeth For to all wretched wickednes thou art induction Money THou speakest I perceyue without consideracion So cruelly to blame me of all enormitie Mine armes in dede thou blasest in an homely fashion Marke well my wurdes a whyle now I pray thee Where seest thou any man that is of grauitie Blaspheming his God or swearing by his name Neuer in thy life this lesson take of me But riotours and rybaldes that haue no dread of shame The wise man that loueth his honour and good fame Blasphemyng his maker thou shalt hym neuer here In play disporte and pastyme in gladnes and in grame He hath respect to sadnes his reason is so nere But baratours and brayneles brybours met in fere Theyr maker they dismember and on his name they wunder At table at tauerne at churche and euery where Great horror is to hear howe they rent hym asunder Man THou myghtest be a minion to kepe good company For tounge thou hast ynough thy matter to susteyne If I vnto thy purpose consent woulde or applie Thou wouldest say here that Iesus our kyng and souerayne Is not by thee offended yes yes I tell the plaine By night of tunes a million and muche more by the daie Who woulde to thee geue credence a foole he wer certaine For thou art full of ficcion thy wurdes be false alwaie But answer nowe my question penie I thee praie That thinkest thee so myghty so sterne so gay and stoute Yelde me a solucion to this that I shall saie Concerning a matter wherof I stande in doute Thou sayest that by thy maistrie thou bringest muche aboute And of thy wurthie valour great ●ost doest thou blowe What is thy puissaunt power I praie thee speake it oute For this is all the matter that I woulde of thee know Money WEll doe I vnderstand thy purpose and intention And also perceiue theffect of thy demaunde It is not so harde nor of so high inuencion But yf thou wer in Tems in midwarde of the sande I shoulde full well assayle it ere thou mightest cum to land ▪ My valour and power thy question is to knowe It is no littel matter thou shalt it vnderstande I am of noble fame beloued with high and lowe Vpon the churche of God great substance I bestowe The ministers that seuer hym be all at my wages The poore haue my succour in hunger frost and snowe I feede both horse and man in holy pilgrimages For faier yong lusty maydens I purchase mariages Whan Churches and chapels be falling in dekay I must make reparacion with masters and with pages My helpe must nedes be had or els there is no pay Man WIth wordes thou wouldest susteine that no good dede Is doen without thee thine aide or assistens Which all I denye and shall it proue for nede That euer been thy wordes vnworthy of credence Vntrue art thou euer and by thy false pretens Doest teache men the trace of all iniquitie Prouoking him euen to inconueniens And plounging his heart in great perplexitie Affirme wouldest thou faine by thy peruersiti● That man cannot be saued from endles paine Without thy fauour thine aide and amitie Wherin I say no reason doeth remaine Full many a soule more pitie it is certaine Is damned by thee to euerlasting fire And many one moe in ioye should euer raigne If they should leaue thy loue in hote desier Money REgarde man and consider as reason wil discerne How I as of my selfe can nothing doe ne say In thee lieth al the dede that hast me to gouerne Wherfore if thou of thy lightnes thee list by night or day To leade me that am blinde no streite but croked way The fault if we fall is thine not mine in dede To order me aright it is no childes play Looke therfore ere thou leape the better shalt thou spede I am the post and piller vnto all Adams seede The father of the faith sumtime is made by me The Pope I meane Gods vicar and captaine of his crede Great Emperours and Kinges I crowne in magestie Duke Marquise earle baron and Lordes of eche degree Riche Cardinals Archbishops the bishop and his Deane Abbot Priour prouest the bailife with his fee All that haue promocion may thanke me and my meane Man O Money full of vanitie thou makest me all dismayed Considering and knowyng thy fraude and faculties Wherwith full nere the worlde is destroyed and decayed Men be I graunt full of vice and vanities In townes in boroughes in castels and cities But this notwithstandyng at last Atropos kerueth A sunder theyr heartes as she that without pitie is So goeth the corps to earth the soule as it deserueth By arrogance oultrageous thy tounge on vanting swerueth Saving that by money be pourchased high estates Bothe Emperour and Kyng at last by death he sterueth That auayleth it then theyr floreyns and ducates Eche prince and prelate the darte of death chekmates Record may be taken of Ceasar and Pompeus Of Alexander of Arthure and Hector past theyr dates Of Charlemayn gentle Iosue and Iudas Machabeus Money THy wysedome to redresse and spirites to reuiue And of thy troubled reason to make a reformacion Of Adam thy fyrst father sumwhat I shall discryue Immortall was he made by God at his creation But after that by Sathanas subtyl instigacion He fed hym with the frute therwith he dyd transgression And so becam he mortal for death tooke dominacion And mortall still continueth of man the hole succession Sith death on father Adam thus tooke his fyrst possession He proudely executeth his priuilege eche houre On prelate prince and poore man he vseth his oppression Indifferently he dealeth as wel with ryche as poure As soone the young as olde he dayly doeth deuour To caytyfes he is comfort for al disease he cureth Aboue all kynges and Capitanes he is a conqueront His pryde shall neuer perish whyle the worlde endureth Man O money all thy wurdes I do well vnderstand But nothyng to my pourpose doe I in them espy Thy sayinges to deny styll will I take in hand And sum what on thy backe of charge yet lay shall I. I knowe to thyne opinion eche person will applye For al men are glad to haue thyne alliaunce The poore is deceyued the ryche hath gaynes therby Men fauoure thy faulse fygure and haue therin affiaunce The rychman oppresseth the pore by his puissaunce And whan the poore fyndeth hym self at indigence Wrongfully intreated and dryuen to penaunce His reason than he leaseth his wit and intelligence Turmentyng hymself by great impacience His maker he blasphemeth all halowes he despyteth And who causeth all this inconuenience