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A17967 The thre bokes of cronicles, whyche Iohn Carion (a man syngularly well sene in the mathematycall sciences) gathered wyth great diligence of the beste authours that haue written in Hebrue, Greke or Latine Whervnto is added an appendix, conteynyng all such notable thynges as be mentyoned in cronicles to haue chaunced in sundry partes of the worlde from the yeare of Christ. 1532. to thys present yeare of. 1550. Gathered by Iohn Funcke of Nurenborough. Whyche was neuer afore prynted in Englysh. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.; Cronica. English Carion, Johannes, 1499-1537 or 8.; Funck, Johann, 1518-1566.; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 4626; ESTC S107499 318,133 586

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in derogatyng and takyng away the aucthoritie of Emperours at his pleasure Wherfore they made congregacions also and reiectyng the byshop of Rome excommunicacion excommunicated hym lykewyse Now went the Emperoure into Italy to treate and finish this controuersy In the meane season was Rudolfus duke of Schwaben chosen Emperour of y ● contrary party in the town Phorcen whych was about the yere of oure lorde M. lxxvii The byshop of Rome sente Rudolfus a crowne wherein was wrytten thys verse Petra dedit Petro Petrus dyadema Rudolfo That is Chryst the Stone gaue the crowne to Peter Peter geueth to Rudolfe both crowne and septer Whereby he wolde sygnyfye that Christe gaue the Empyre to the byshoppe of Rome and that he lykewyse geueth it to princes Therfore came Henry haystely agayn into Germany droue Rudolfus out of Schwaben into Saxonye and foughte some battayls wyth hym by the ryuer Vnstrote in the which were slayne the byshops of Worms and Magdeburg The yeare M. lxxx was foughten the laste felde agaynste Rudolfe by Mersburge and in the same battayll was Rudolphus ryghte hande stryken of Whan euerye man nowe fled into the cytye Marsburge the hande was brought to the new Emperoure lyenge in hys bedde where the byshops stoode aboute The whyche as he sawe he sayde Lomy Lordes ye byshops thys ys the hande wherewyth I haue promysed my lord Henrye sayeth and loyaltye iudge ye your selues now howe godly ye haue counseled me to decyner from him Thys is a very myserable complaynte whyche declareth the troubled mind of the prince to haue iudged it self gilty of vprour Of this wise dyed Rudolfus about the .iiij. year of his election Whome I praye you would it not moue wythout he be of yron this so dredefull example to obey hys magistrate to beware of vproure Yet were not the byshops in the meane tyme in reste and set the sonne also against the father Hiltebrand the byshop boasted to haue sene a vision in his slepe that an vnlawfull Emperoure should dye that same yeare But thys was Caiphas prophecye for the punishment fell not vpon Henry but on the byshop of Romes adherentes After this victory came Henry to Rome and takyng in the citie by force he toke Hiltebrand the byshop and put hym from his office and in his steade was chosen the byshop of Rauenna called Clemēs and of hym was Henry the fourth crowned As for Hiltebrand died not longe after in exile Sigebertus the history writer doth not greatly prayse Hiltebrande and doth reprehende the man● dedes that he did disquiet the peaceable state of the churche and empyre without greate cause and writeth also that Hiltebrande when he was dyeng should hymselfe haue complayned it and should haue required of Henry by embassage forgeuenesse of hys trespasse Hiltebrande forbade the priestes of Germany to mary and many that were maryed caused he to be diuorced The yeare of Christe M. ciij. when Henry had vāquished the Saxons the erle of Misen Erbert was slayne whome the byshops made to truste to be Emperoure after Rudolfus Besides that when al maters of Germany and Italy were set at a stay was Henry the fyft chosen Emperoure by Henry the fourth hys father Wherefore dyd the byshoppes procure by this Henry that he shoulde ryse against his father and driue hym out of the empyre But this greued the good prince greatly Wherefore Henry the sonne makyng a leage the yeare M C. v. dyd fyrst besyege his father at Mentz but the princes refusyng to assault it Henry the sonne was fayne to departe and leauyng Mentz went with the hoost to Norinberg and gat and spoyled it in the space of two monethes The father persued the sonne and on both sydes were they a while in their campes by Regensburg but they came neuer to playne felde by reason the princes went alwaye betwene But the sonne warned the father to beware of hys owne seruauntes wherefore he fled priuely to Ludich and dyed there that same yeare But when he had lyen vnburied fyue yeares by reason of the excommunicacion or course of the Romyshe byshop he optayned absolucion and was buried at Spire There are yet wrytynges at thys houre that were sent to the kynge of Fraunce by Henry the father treatyng of the iniury of the sonne and their malice which set the sonne against the father Reade more of this tragedy in the life of Hiltebrād prynted seuerally in Englyshe Of the takyng in and possessyng the citie Hierusalem IN the tyme of this Henry the fourth began the settyng forth to warre into Iewry against the Saracens and Turkes The fyrst capitayne was Godfre of Bilion prince of Lothringe or Lorain Hym accompanied the best princes and lordes of Gallia The yere M. xcix Godfre wan the citie Ierusalē and was straight waye made kyng But he refused to be crowned with a golden crowne there where Christes was crowned with a crown brayded of thornes This happened foure hundreth thre score and eight yeres before that Hierusalem was taken out of the Perses power by Heraclius But not muche aboue thirtene yeres after became the Saracens lordes of Hierusalem Many yeares after were the Saracens dryuen out of Hierusalem by the Turkes About this tyme gat the Christiās Ierusalem again and subdued many cities contreis there about They had the realme of Ierusalem lxxxviij yeares vntyll the yere of Christ a thousand one hundreth foure score seuen The Souldane wanne Ierusalem againe in the tyme of Frederick Barbarossa The chaunge of many duchyes in Germany HOw many miseries the inwarde warre of Germany whiche was sturred by the byshop of Rome wylenesse hath brought with it may easely be gathered thereby that when the princes and great men were slayne the lord shyppes and dominions were chaunged Henry the fourth gaue to the Catuly Lordes of Schwaben the lande of Baier After Rudolphus death gaue Henry the fourth the duchy of Schwaben to Frederick of Stauffen hys sonne in lawe that had maried hys daughter The auncetry or kynred of the Frankes dyed in a very shorte space Ecbertus erle of Misnia was slayne Gebhardus the father of that Lotharius whiche became afterward Emperoure was slayne also in a battaill and to conclude the power of Germane is wholy made feble and turned vpsyde downe by this debate of the princes Whan Hiltebrande was deade a byshop called Victor the third of that name was chosen out of the citie of Rome by his companions in spete of Clement But when Victor was deade a litle after by them was Vrbanus the ij chosen byshop of Rome The same returned to Ro. by their ayde that were ▪ now appointed to go to Ierusalem Being restored in the see he droue out Clemens Paschalis the ij succeded Vrbanus the .ij. Thissame was first taken by Henry the fyft Afterward did he constrayne hym to crowne hym Emperoure Henry the fyft the xvij Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christe M.
and founde in a great corne felde harde packed in belles as though they had bene stamped and beaten into them with pestelles whiche belles were conueyed thether out of the churche steples by the violence and outragiousnes ●o the saied tempest Besides this there were men and women taken vp in the stretes caried a great way of into y ● feldes In the houses were in dyuers places the dores and wyndowes lifted of from the hynges the tables subuerted and great holes made and beaten in the walles So that there was neuer suche a tempest sene before Besides this there was the same yere in the parties of Duchelād in Sommer very many sodaine fearfull tempestes with hayle lightenyng and thōder more then euer was hard of before with great colde and muche rayne which also was an occasion that the wines in many places had no good successe This yere the .viij. day of Ianuary died in Englande the lady Katherine Dowager which had ben diuorsed from the kyng by due proces of the lawe two yeres before This yere in England was Anne bulleyne quene of Englande the lorde Rochiford Nores Weston Brutō and Markes beheaded And the kyng maried lady Iane Seimour This yere also in October began in Englande a foolysh commotion in Lincolinshyre and in yorke shyre whiche by the kynges wysedome and his prudent coūsaill were appesed without bloud sheding I In the yeare of oure lorde 1536. The byshop of Geneue the duke of Sauoy besieged the citie of Geneffe because thinhabiters of the same had receiued the Gospell And when they of Genneffe admonished thinhabitantes of the towne of Berne of their cōfederaciō they of Berne sent their imbassadours to the Duke exhorting and admony shyng hym to remembre al loues faithfulnesses and confederations that had ben betwene them of a lōg tyme and requiring hym to departe from the citie of Genneffe But in as muche as their request dyd not onely take no place but also the saied duke main tayned and defended their open enemy and aduersary called Mussy Castellanus and in al this nogētyll exhortacion could serue nor preuayle they of Berne aduertised hym that they would visitie him with warres and renounced the bonde of cōfederation whiche had bene made betwene them before in so muche that they sent their capitaine called Iohn Frauncis Clauicula with an host of men wel apointed into the lande of Sauoy whiche ouercame all the lande within fewe dayes whiche the said Duke had inpossession euen from the moūtaines of Switzerland vnto the fortresse of Rodani with the two bis●oprikes of Genneffe and Lausan●a Wherein they cōstituted and established ministers to preache the gospell and ordeined rulers and magistrates according●y So that now the Switzers reposed againe their olde coastes which they had in their power many yeres before But there were within the space of a moneth very many Castelles and strong-holdes destroied by the Switzers among the wi●h also the olde strong clausa Rodani builded by the Emperour Iulius otherwise called Iulius Cesar ▪ to stoppe vp barre the way of the Switzers for commyng into Fraunce and had bene hetherto inuincible was quite ouerthrowen and destroied Of this battaill of y ● citesens of Berren apeared a good sygne a litle before where about .iiij. hundreth men of Berne Newebourgh other quarters of Switzerlande preuely beyng called together were sent thorough by pathes to ayde and strengthen the citie of Geneue which helde a notable battaill conflict with the men of Sauoy For when they were for lacke of victuals cōstrained to come forth out of the moūtaines they were assaulted by their aduersaries being strong about .xv. hundreth men which moued the said .iiij. hundreth men to battaill constrained them to fyght Insomuche that they as hūgry faint as they were layde so about them defended themselues in such sorte as they slew about iiij hūdreth of their enemies put the rest to flight with the hoste which was not farre of being in nombre about .v. hundreth men so that they obtained a fre and a sure passage to accomplishe their iourney hauing lost on their side ten mē one womā which was slayne with her sonne as she was fighting be sydes her husbande Here must I make mencion al so of the constancie that was in the people of Berne ▪ in that they coulde neither by power be feared nor yet by prayers and great giftes be prouoked to leaue the defence of their confederates For when the Emperour very earnestly offred them peace and attempted dyuers and sundry wayes to brynge them to an vnitie and by threatenynges and minaces to mollyfie them they proceded neuertheles to assiste their frendes and to set them at libertie But when Fraunces the Frenche kyng studied by many giftes to allure them and by great promyses to prouoke them to assiste him in his warres be gonne against themperoure and the Dukedome of Mylan they caused his imbassadours and messengers to auoyde out of their citie declaring vnto thē that the kyng ought to content hymselfe with the couenaunt and confederation whiche he had with them already that is that they should not endamage hym These thynges passed in Swicherlande Sauoy in the beginning of the sayd yere But the Frenche kyng proceded with his army to recouer the lande of Sauoy and to take possessiō of all that he came nygh for he pretended to clayme the heritage of the same Dukedom by his mothers syde Then fled the duke to the Emperour who at that season intended to kepe his Easter at Roome with the Pope as he did For vpon maundy thursday he wasshed the fete of twelue pore mē as their costume is yet at this day fed them and serued thē at the boorde in his owne person and in fine gaue them the vessels and disshes being of syluer wherwith they were serued Thus do suche Lordes and potentates counterfaith the outwarde actes dedes of our sauiour Christe after thexample of Apes But in their hartes where Goddes worde ought to be earnestly embraced learned and folowrd and not the preceptes and tradicions of men they are vtterly against Christ and clene contrary to his doctrine God graunt them ones to be illumined with the lyght of his Gospell that the poore flocke and congregation of Christe may be brought to a perfect vnitie Amen Now when the feaste of Easter was past the Emperours maiestie made his complaint before the Pope and his Cardinalles concernyng the greate iniuries whiche the Frenche kyng had inferred and committed againste hym all ready and yet pretended to do by the reason whereof he was vtterly cōstrayned against his will to defende his quarel and to warre against hym And to moue the Popes moste holy fatherhoode God forgeue me that I do hym wronge to holde on his syde and to take his parte he rehearsed vnto hym all the euilles and wicked feates whiche Fraunce had
his horsse hys ●wearde fell out of hys sheeth and wounded hym so sore in the one syde that he dyed This example sheweth that God suffreth tyrauntes not very longe For he lyued not much more than one yeare after Cyrus nother left he anye heyre after hym and of thys wyse is he cleane deade It is truely a pyteous thynge and greatly to be bewayled that in so lytle a space the kingdome of the Perses is taken from the posteritie of Cyrus The rule of the empyre remayned neuerthelesse wyth Cyrus bloude For Darius had wedded Cyrus doughter the whyche neuerthelesse was also of Cyrus bloud Of the punishment of a wicked iudge NO prince is of so desperate hope which doth not at any tyme some laudable or honest thynge For God doeth garnishe the offyce of a gouernour or high officer and maketh that other whyles notable and necessary thynges are done necessarely for the conseruation of publyke administration Cambyses is alowed in all historyes for thys one ●ede for the which he is worthy to be praysed He had a gouernour in the fore part of Asia called Si●amnes he heard saye that this iudge iudged vniu●●ly beynge corrupt wyth gyftes of mony Wherefore he caused him to be slayne and the skynne ●lain o● from his body commaunded he to be fastened vpon the iudges seate and ordeined in steade of the deade iudge his so●●e called Ota●es and sat hym in the seate ●●diciall vpon this maner and condition that by the beholdyng of his fathers skynne he shuld beware lest he should be punished lykewyse This example warneth those that are in authorytye to remembre that God will not suffre wyckednesse to be vnreuenged Of Darius Kyng of the Persians WHan Cambyses was gone into Egypte the Magi rebelled agaynst him at Susa and one of the Magies toke the name of a kyng vpon him by gyle Magi are called y ● wyse men priestes of those contryes But whan Cambyses made him now ready to returne into the kyngdome that he might punish worthely those seditious Magies euen in his yourney by a mischaunce as we haue sayd before he dyed A●ter the death of Cambises the Magies beyng sla●●e y ● Peers of the realme toke the kingdome to them selues after that poyntyng a day of assembly they came to treate of restoringe one into the kingedome Persy for a certayn order The peers or Princes were seuen in nomber as in the Germ●ne empyre are seuen Electors those doutlesse were chosen and poynted by greate wysedome and counsell as the hyghest counsellers of the wh●le empyre of Persia Whan now these seuen prynces were come together to deuise for the commune health of the realme there rose controuersy in deuisynge and of thre thynges specially One Othan●s counselled to chose no more kynges but that the princes bounde by an aliaunce shuld rule a lyke libertye beynge retayned of ethersyde for it were euident ynough before and proued by example that one man lord of so many and great thynges becommeth lyghtely haut and presumpteous and to fall to tyranny as it was euident that Cambyses had done The seconde Megabysus refusynge that counsell sayde that such lybertye shoulde be worsse than tyranny for the princes and cityes yf they want a Lorde can not but misvse that libertye to priuate wylfulnesse But lest anye suche do happen it were good not to choyse one onely kynge but to orde●●e some princes by whome shoulde alwaye remayne the full power of a kynge The thyrd called Darius refelling the sentence of ether of them counselled one kyng to be chosen for though in thys poynt as in all other thynges of men myght befall great and many inconueniences yet is no royalme or dominion more surer than the Monarchy that is yf one raygne in whose power and handes the chefe poynt of the raygne do consist For though these thre counsels be a lyke honest and verye good yet if they be conferred together it is most euident there can no fayrer or more profytabler thynge be founde tha● a Monarchye namelye whych goeth nexte to a godly kingdome Moreouer it can not be that concorde can be kepte longe amonge fre princes or yf some princes be chosen to gouerne some myghtye realme in steade of a kyng and that for the diuersytye of moost weighty causes whych myght some tyme befall in so large a dominion in the whiche the princes coulde not allwaye agree together Besydes thys that there shoulde not want amongest the princes the endeuour of souerayntye and gouernaunce aboue the other ouer the which he shoulde procure to rule as ouer subiectes or inferiors These were the causes which Darius alleged vnto whom agreed the other foure princes and ordeyned to choyse a kyng after the costum●ble maner But lest any debate myght aryse amonge the princes of the royalme they determyned to committe the lot of the kynges eleccion to God They agreed that the princes shoulde come together very early on horses into a certayn place and whose horsse shuld neye fyrst the same should be kyng Darius beynge come home shewed thys cou●sell to the controller of hys court whych sayde he would easely brynge it to passe For before the euenyng of the appointed daye he dyd lead Darius horsse and a mare into the place appoynted and there letteth he go the horsse to the mare ▪ that in the mornynge the horsse comminge to the place myghte neye for the mare beyng absent And as the princes came together in the appointed a place at y ● set houre Darius horsse neyen fyrst lest they might dout whether it were Gods will that Darius should be their kinge sodenly at y ● same very tyme whan the horsse neyed was ther a lightening in an open and cleare ayer with thonderinge Forthwith the other princes lyghtynge from their horses dyd to Darius dew reuerence And by this occasion was Darius set vp in the hygh dignitie of the Persian empyre the which he gouerned after that with great praise He restored with great power the countries that were rebelled whan Cyrus dyed in Scythia to the empyre Babilon the citie also refusynge now the dominion of the Perses he recouered after longesiege and that by this meanes One zopyrus the sonne of Megabysus one of the seuen lordes or princes caused willinglye hys nose eares and lyppes to be cutt of maketh the kinge priuy of his counsell and falleth to the Babilonians as one that were fled he complayneth of the kinges cruelnesse whiche caused him to be of this wyse dismayde and toren because he gaue him counsell to forsake the cytie nother fayned he hymselfe otherwyse than to be the kynges enemy and that he were fled to the Babilonians for cause of counsel taking The Babilonians did frely receaue him and as he was made capitaine of them he slew some of Darius souldiours for so was he agreed with Darius that therby he might at the first augment the confidence of the Babilonians in
the C. xxvii byshop after Ioannes the .xi. Stephanus succeded Leo. After Stephanus was Ioannes the .xii. the. C xxix byshop Leo the .vii. succeded Ioannes the. xii Stephanus the ▪ viij a Germane the C. xxxi ▪ byshop succeded Leo. Otho the .i. the .x. Germane Emperoure OTho the fyrst the sonne of Henry the Fowler beganne hys domynyon the yeare of Christ .ix. C. xxxviii and raigned .xxxvi. yeares He toke the emperyall crowne at Aken of the byshop of Mentz In the begynnynge of Othes gouernaunce rose thre greate and daungerous vproures at one tyme. The doers of the fyrste vproure were Eberardus the Palatine and Giselbert prince of Lorain These because they were of the posteritie and linage of Charles the greate affirmed that the empyre came from the Saxons to the Frankes by right of succession and that such enterpryses myght seme to be more ryghtfull they drew on their syde Henry the elder brother of Otho vnder the pretence that by reason of the age he oughte to gouerne the empyre and not Otho Thys warre wyth the counte Palatine Eberardus and duke Giselbert lasted syxe yeares and many feldes were foughtē in the mean season Herman duke of Scwaben and Conradus duke of the Frankes toke the Emperours parte This Conradus of Worms called the wyse was cosyn to Eberardus These fought the last against y e enemies by Andernak with a great camp wherin Eberardus countye Palatine was slayne and duke Giselbert in the flighte was drowned in the Rene. It is a dreadfull example wherein we may be aduertised that the endeuoure of sedition remayneth not vnreuenged euen in greate princes also But whether thys Eberardus be he y t we haue sayde of before to haue broughte the Emperyall crowne to Henry the Fowler it is not specifyed for a trueth For the hystorye wryters of the Germanes were grosse and vnlearned men ignoraunt of these thinges whyche are necessary to be obserued in wrytynge of hystoryes But after thys victory was not the stryfe yet alayed which Otho the emperoure had wyth Henry his brother and besyde that wyth the byshop of Mentz Henry was besyeged at Mersburg but he seynge that hys interpryses were inuayne and that hys defence beganne to be feble he hymselfe came knelynge to y e Emperoure desyryng pardon for his offence was receaued to mercy by Otho and not long after the duke of Baier deceassynge wythout heyre male Otho the Emperoure gaue hys brother Henry the duchy of Baierland As for that Henry the Emperoure whyche is buryed at Bamberg was thys Henryes sonnes sonne as we shall shewe hereafter Afterwarde was Mentz besyeged and taken in by the Emperoure and the byshop taken also but shortly after was he letten louse agayn The thyrde rysynge agaynste Otho was many yeares after by his owne son Ludolfe by this occasion Otho had fyrste a quene out of Englande called Edyth or Ide which is buryed at magdeburg Of the same had he hys sonne Ludolphe After the same was deade toke he another quene of the Burgundyon bloud which thynge Ludolphe dyd not alow But what happened farther that is vnknowen For the Germane hystory wryters dyd in maner expresse no thynge wholye by theyr occasyons and circumstaunces nether ruely could they do it seyng they were monkes lyuynge in priuate idelnesse ▪ beynge somtyme farre from all thynges that be done in gouernynge the commune welthe I passe ouer that they were to s●outhfull also to search enquyre the causes and occasions of great matters of other men as y e duety of a true hystory wryter is to do Yet do they make mencion of this that Ludolfus kept an assemble at Salfelde to haue conspyred agaynst hys father and that place Salfeld is called a deadly place for counsels Ludolfus had neuerthelesse in the meane season most great princes y ● were partakers wyth hym in thys conspiracy and counsel among the which also was Conradus the wise duke of the Frankes But in y ● meane tyme that thys was in bruynge was the father in Italy who besieged hys sonne at Mentz so sone as he cameinto Germany Ludolfe escapyng fled vntyl Regenspurge but the father folowyng besyeged Regenspurg also straytly two moneths In that syege dyed not a few men among y e which was the chefe Arnolde the yonger duke of Bayer After hys deathe Ludolfe requyrynge peace frelye came barefooted knelynge befoore hys father and lyenge vpon the grounde he desyred pardon for hys trespasse very humblye Wherfore the father toke hym to mercy and a verye stronge peace was made No Emperoure in a maner dyd dispatche euer anye more greater and daungerous busynesses than the Emperour Otho so farr as I can marke But in all them was he in the meane season luckye not wythout the incredible fauoure of God For whyle he had these warres he ouercame the Bohemes the Hungarians and Frankes besyde that made he quyet the troublous state of Italy which thynge we shall brefely shewe He vanquyshed the Hungarians by Augsburge neare the floude Lycus and weakened he the strenght of them so that they durste neuer after come into Germany In thys battayll dyed Conrade the Wyse and. S. Udalricke byshop of Auguspurg was wyth the Emperoure in the hooste Moreouer whan Otho enuironned euery wherwith greate peryls the Frenchmen trusted easely to bryng the empyre to them agayn but here was it founde in Otho that it is inuayne for men to sett themselues agaynste him whome God fauoureth Innumerable enemyes had compassed Otho about the Bohemes the Frankes the Hungarians Italyans the Frenchemen but the power of all these coulde not breake and oppresse the vertue of thys good prince The Frenchemen threatened to brynge into Germanye so greate an hooste as neuer had ben sene afore Whereto it is reported Otho shuld haue aunswered That such vayn mynaces became not wyse princes seyng it is euident that y e victory fortun of warr is in Goddes hand He aunswered thys also that he wolde brynge so many couered with strawe hattes into Fraunce as they neuer had sene before and therefore had all they that were in the hooste strawe hattes whych hooste he broughte vntyll parys For Hugo prince of Fraunce had taken the kynge his lorde prisoner and entended to take to him Fraunce and the dignyty of the empyre Thyssame Hugo was taken of Otho in the citye of Paris and delyuerynge Lewis his brother in Lawe restored him to y ● realme of Fraunce agayne For Gerberga the syster of Otho was maryed to Lewys Otho restored than to to the Germane empyre lowe Germanye Lorain and Burgundye The Hungaryans had many skyrmyshes also in Italy but some Emperoures before Othoes tyme were so occupied in Germany that they could'not ayde Italy Whan now the princes of Italy were dryuen to extreme necessity for to resist the Hungarians it happened that Berengarius prince of Foroiulium gat hym a great wonderyng at his prowesse
and afterwarde coueted the gouernaunce of whole Italy And though other prynces dyd also stryue for the souerayntye of Italye yet dyd Berengaryus excellynge in power kepe Italye tyll the thyrde heyre The same toke vpon hym the tytle of Emperoure and vsed greate crueltye in Italye The Italyans requyred ayde and succoure of Otho agaynste hys tyrannye Wherefore Otho goynge into Italye he inuaded Lombardye and gat it Berengarius wyth yeldynge himselfe frely optained of Otho that grace that he shuld not wholy be dryuen out of Italy but should retayne a duchy to possesse After twelue yeares was Otho called into Italy agayne to defende or clayme the Italians wyth the clergye and byshop of Rome from the tyranny of Berengarius which thynge he also dyd valyauntly For whan he came agayne into Italy he toke Berengarius and hys sonne Alberte and bannished them for theyr disloyaltye the father wyth hys wyfe to Bamberge in Germany wher they spent theyr liues also as outlawes but the sonne sent he to Constantinople Otho entrynge into Rome in thys settynge forth was crow●ed of Ioannes the .xii. This Otho was the fyrste Emperour that made an othe to y e bishop of Rome wherof the maner and tenor is in y e canon lawes begynnynge Tibidomino Ioanni .iii. ce After that is Otho come the second tyme to Rome to rebuke Ioannes bish of Rome because he was accused of many fautes Wherfore the bishop knowynge himselfe gyltye fled for feare of Otho And therfore was Leo the .viij. made bishop in his stead But before that Otho went from Rome Ioannes commynge to Rome thrust Leo out agayne Leo fled to the Emperoure But the moost wyse Emperoure vsed greate policy lest he shoulde geue an occasion of debate He suffred Ioannes to vse the bishopryck so longe as he lyued But so sone as he was deade to take Leo as lawfully chosen bishop but the Romanes wolde not alowe it whych refusyage Leo chose another called Benedictus in spete of the Emperoure Otho than returnynge inuaded the possessyons of the Romyshe byshops and dyd much hurte He besyeged also the citye of Rome vntyl the cithesins constrayned by famine necessity opened the gates frely to Otho He than puttynge to death manye Romanes and banny shinge the Consuls restored Leo whan he had apeased al thynges returned into Germany leadynge wyth hym Benedictus who was kept at Hamborowe Otho goynge the thyrde tyme to Rome droue the Saracens and Grekes out of the farther coastes of Italy Than chosynge Otho hys sonne to be partener in the Empyre bringyng hym wyth hym commaunded to crowne hym and caused the Emperour of Constantinoples doughter to be geuen hym in mariage By all these thynges maye it easely be gathered that this Otho was one also of these princes which God hath now and than geuen to repayre the decayed state of the worlde For he set vp agayne the decayed empyre of Rome and set all Europa in quiet by hys succour hath he defended whole Italy and Germany He subdued the Hungarians and Frenchmen To be shorte he hath restored the maiestye of the empyre to hys former bryghtnesse and set it in order afterward dyed he at Quedelnburg in great quyetnesse It is written also that he found fyrst the syluer mines in Misen He gaue also muche good to the churche to maynteine religion and to promote the doctryne of godlynesse to which intent he made also not a fewe byshops as at Magdeburg Misen Brandenburg Mersburg and Ceitz Martinus the .iij. was the .cxxxij. byshop after Stephanus Agapetus the .ii. succeded Martinus Ioannes the .xiii. the C. xxxiiij bishopp was after Agapetus The same crowned Otho the fyrst afterwarde fled he from Rome fearynge leste for hys vnclennesse of lyfe he shulde be caste from the offyce by Otho Leo the .viii. was chosen in Ioannes steade But whan Ioannes was returned to Rome Leo fled to the Emperour but whan Ioānes was deade was Leo restored agayne Ioannes the .xiiii. and C. xxxvi bishop succeded Leo. Of hym was Otho the seconde crowned Otho the seconde the .xi. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christ .ix. C. lxxiiii raygned Otho y ● .ii. after hys fathers deceasse ten yeares against him was an vprour raysed also For Henry duke of Baier hys cosyn coueted y e empyre This Henry is not the brother of Otho the firste of whome is spoken before which conspiringe rose agaynst his brother Otho and afterward reconciled again to his brother gat the duchy of Baier Thys fyrst duke of Baier that was of the Saxons bloude dyed .xv. yeare before Otho But thys fyrste Henryes sonne is the same whyche set hymselfe agaynste Otho the seconde but Otho had soone tamed this newe enterpryser Afterwarde dyd the Frenchemen fall sodenlye vpon the Emperoure at Aken and he dyd searcely escape theyr intrap But Otho repayring an army went into Fraunce and spoyled euery where vntyl Paris constrained the Frenchmen to demaunde peace whyche dyd than bynd them wyth an othe that they wold neuer claime Lorain any more Whan he had set Germany at quyet he went into Italy There did he fight wyth the Grekes and Saracens in Apulia but hys hoost beyng vanquyshed he was taken by mariners as he fled But because he was vnknowen to the mariners by reason he could the greke language nether was he taken for a Germane prince he redemed himselfe with an easy price and comming to Rome he gouerned the empyre as he dyd before It is sayd that the Italians poisonned hym for his rigoure that he vsed in the gouernaunce Benedictus the .v. the C. xxxvii bysh of Rome was after Ioannes the .xiiii. Donus the .ii. succeded after Benedictus Bonifacius the .vii. the C. xxxix bysh succeded Donus Benedictus the vi succeded Bonifacius In his tyme became Otho the thyrde Emperour Otho the .iii. the .xii. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christ .ix. C. lxxxiiij raygned Otho the thyrd after hys fathers deceasse .xix. yeares He was yonge scarcely passed xii yeres whan hys father dyed wherefore Henry duke of Bayer cosyn to thys Otho caused him to be kept at Rome and beganne agayne to vsurpe the Empyre Some Italians counseled to make Crescentyus Emperoure that the emperyall maiestye myghte be broughte agayne to the Italyans But the Germane princes beynge loyall to theyr lorde called the yonge Otho agayne from Henry and made hym Emperoure wyth commune assent whereto Benedictus the byshop of Rome gaue his consent also The fyrste warre that he hadde was wyth the Frenchmen whyche forgettynge theyr othe that they had made inuaded Lorayne agayn takynge in many cityes but Otho dryuyng out the French men kept Lotharyng or Lorayn In the meane tyme a Romane prince called Crescentius takyng vpon hym the name of an Emperoure vsed great crueltye in Italy Wherefore Otho commynge to Rome enuyrouned wyth a greate army and takyng Crescentius cutt of hys nose and eares set hym arswarde vpon an asse caused
byshoprycke to one that was the thirde called Gregorius the .vi. And so did Benedictus geue place to hym but Syluester woulde contrarywyse defende hys ryght against Gregorius This controuersye dyd compell the Emperoure Henry the black to come to Rome who dyd worthely depose those thre monsters from the byshoprycke and ordeined in steade of them one Syndeger byshop of Bamberg who was called Clemens the .ii. the .clii byshop of whom Henry the blacke was crowned About this time began the name of Cardinals to be vsed whereby it may be supposed that this same dignitie in the church was not elder But for somuche as oftymes happened moste heuy contencions and stryfes of the diuersitie of wylles in makynge of the byshop of Rome Henry the Blacke made an ordinaunce that thenceforth no byshop of Rome should be chosen without the consent of the Emperour also his confirmacion This ordinaunce was afterwarde sore foughten against of the byshops of Rome insomuche also that most haynous warres are rysen thereof in the tymes of Hēry the fourth and fyfth Emperours Henry the thyrd surnamed the Black the .xv. Germane Emperoure THe yeare of Christe M.xl. beganne to raygne Henry the third called the Black and raygned seuentene yeres Fyrst inuaded he the Bohemes with warr but they beyng ayded of the Hungarians ouercame hym The yere after were the Bohemes so weried with warres of Henry that their prince constrayned by necessitie came to Regenspurg and made hymselfe tributary frely to the Emperour After that going into Hungaty warred thre yeares and takynge in certayne cities he compelled the Hungarians to demaunde peace He subdued also the duke of Lorain that he obeied the empire At Rome put he down thre byshops at once striuing for the see and made a Germane byshop to be byshop there whō they called Clement the .ii. Thēceforth ouercame he the Saracēs by Capua Afterward came he again into Germany kept a cōgregatiō at Mentz wherein was Leo the bysh of Ro. Cuno duke of Bayer whiche was after S. Hēry trustyng to the ayde and conspiracion of the Hūgarians set hym agaist the Emperoure for by that meanes entended he to drawe the possession of the kyngdome to hym But the Hungarians were ouercome the duke Cuno was driuen out and liued all his lyfe a bannyshed man in Hungary The land of Bayer was in the meane tyme wythout a duke and gouernoure Before Henry the Black dyed he caused hys sonne Henry fyue yeare of age to be chosen Emperour and was crowned at Aken to the intēt there shoulde be a certayne heade of the empyre nether should any rumour be for the election Wherefore the sonne raygned a certayn space vnder the mothers protection The mother of Honry the .iiij. was called Agnes borne in the county of Pisto in Fraunce After Clemens was Damasus the .ij. made the cliij byshop of Rome whiche optayned the byshopricke by force Leo the .ix. succeded Damasus The same was in the counsaill kept at Mentz and was conuersaunt wyth Henry the black a whyle afterwarde In his tyme Berengarius a deacon of Angewe in Fraunce taught that the true body and bloud of Christ were not in the breade and wyne according to Christes institucion Leo the byshop of Rome condempned this in the counsaill of Vercelli but the sedes of this doctrine that were left hath caused great persecucion to them that came after Victor the .ij. the .clv. byshop of Rome succeded Leo. The same was before byshop of Eichstet Stephanus the .ix. succeded Victor Benedictus the .ix. the .clvij. byshop of Rome succeded Stephanus Nicolaus the .ij. folowed after Benedictus The same deposed Benedictus and is sayde to haue ordeined fyrst that Cardinals shall haue aucthoritie to chose the byshop of Rome Berengarius was also condempned againe by hym and was compelled to reuoke that he had taught of the sacrament Alexander the .ij. the .clix. byshop of Rome succeded Nicolaus then also was greate strife for the delection Gregorius the .vij. before called Hiltebrande was the .clx. byshop of Rome after Alexander The same dyd excommunicate and persued Henry the iiij raisyng also fearce warres that he myght get obteyne that a byshop of Rome myght be chosen and confirmed wythout the Emperoures consent and confirmacion lest the Emperours shoulde clame any aucthoritie vpon the byshops of Rome to rule them whereof we shall speake more in Henry the fourth Henry the .iiij. the .xvi. Germane Emperour THe yeare of Christ M. lvij began Henry the .iiij. to reigne after that his father was deade beynge yet a chylde and raygned fyfty yeares In this man dyd not onely the vertue of suche kynde of Emperours fayle but the empyre of whole Germany began so to decaye that afterwarde it neuer coulde nether be brought to his olde state nor recouer his former strength Hiltebrand byshop of Rome was causer of this lamentable game who turned neare hād al Germany vp down with warres among the princes therof In Henry the Emperours chyldhode dyd Agnes his mother gouerne the empyre not without prayse she set Germany and Italy at peace and trāquilitie But the byshop of Colen dyd priuely leade away the chylde beyng now twelue yeares of age and ready to be gyn to beare rule and in the meane season he hymselfe ruled afterwarde the empyre It is saide also that he caused the Imperiall childe to be brought vp vnsemely It were longe to reherse here all the causes and circumstaunces I wyll onely reherse here brefely the most worthy of remēbraunce Henry the Black father to this Henry had made a constitucion of making a byshop of Rome by a most wyse aduise that y ● same should not be done without the knowledge and consent of the Emperoure But now that Hiltebrand was come into the see he made a decre cōtrary wyse that the confirmacion of a byshop shoulde not be demaunded of the Emperoure But the Emperoure woulde that this his fathers constitucion should beare effect Besydes that also had the Emperoure aucthoritie to geue the byshoprycks of the empyre but Hiltebrand would not suffre that also For it happened oft that when one byshop was dead another was made in his stead of the Emperoure and agayne another of the byshop of Rome whiche dyd then excommunicate the other Finally came the game to this ende that the Emperoure was not onely excommunicated but it was also cōmaunded that other greate Lordes of Germany should make another Emperoure And the maister of this game was the byshop of Halberstat in Saxony to do the byshop of Rome a pleasure Wherfore fell from the Emperoure Henry the fourth Otho duke of Saxony Rudolfus duke of Schwaben to whom was maried the Emperoures syster germane and certayne byshops specially Saxons On the Emperours syde were the Bohemies and the lordes Catuly whom the Emperoure gaue Baierlande driuyng out Otho the duke of Saxony and some byshops also whiche disalowed the byshop of Romes tyranny
oriental corner stretchyng her blasyng tayle towardes the southwest The second day of Nouember was there a great inundacion of water brokē in into Freeseland Holland Seeland and Flaunders which was very damageable to the said countreis and to thinhabiters therof Also Christerne kyng of Norway being retourned into his said kyngdome the yeare before from the parties of lowe Ducheland where he had kept hym selfe by the space of ten yeres was required by the counsayll of Denmarke to come to Copmanhauen otherwyse called Coppenhagen against kyng Fredericke whiche was put in there by the helpe of the towne of Lubeke when the said Christerne fled out of the Realme that he myght there receyue and take in possession the kyngdome of Denmarke but when he suspected no guyle relented and put away hys souldiours and came into Denmarke the Counsayll of the Lande toke hym prisoner not regardinge the promises and saulf conduit by them made vnto hym And so they kept hym in the castel of Sunderborough oute of the whiche he came neuer as yet So that after this kinge Frederick did peaceably enioye his kingdome vntyll he dyed At Lindowe by the sea coaste was in thys yeare borne a dubble calfe wyth two heades foure eares and eighte feete hanginge alltogether In the yere of our Lord M. ccccc xxxiij when y e Emperour namely Charles the fift had stablyshed vnity and concord among the Princes and Cities of Italy and Lumbardy he departed wyth a competent and wel appointed Armada or Nauye from Genua and hauynge a prosperous passage arryued within fewe dayes after in Spayne where he was receyued of hys subiectes wyth great ioye After this by the counsayll and instigation of themperours Maiestye the Shypmaiesters and maryners of Spayne founde oute certayne Indes or Ilandes in the sea beynge vnknowen before whyche do so excedynglye abounde in ryches of golde and syluer that it is vnspeakeable These toke they in by force of armes and subdued them vnder the subiection of the emperours Maiestye In thys yeare the Pope and Frauncys the Frenche kynge helde a solempne communycatyon together at Massylya whyche lyeth in the Prouynce of Fraunce where after manye and dyuers consultacyons it was concluded that Henry Duke of Orleans sonne to the sayde Frenche kynge shuolde marye Pope Clementes cosyne the doughter of Laurence Medyce Duke of Vrbyne wyth whome the Pope hadde promysed a ryche dowrye Thus hath thys Pope Clemente alwayes endeuoured hym selfe to allure and drawe vnto hym the hyghe Potentates and Rulers of the worlde by the helpe of whome he myghte extyrpate and roote oute the pore Chrystyans whome they call Lutheryans and Heretykes But God woulde not suffer it longe as it is wrytten There is no deuice nor counsayll agaynste the Lorde but it shall come to naughte In the same yeare the myghtye bond and confederatyon of the Germayne Natyon which was called the Euangelycall confederacyon or the bonde of the Gospell beynge kepte secrete of manye was at the prouocatyon of the Frenche kynge opened and disclosed There apeared also another Comete or blasynge starre from the ende of the moneth of Iune vnto the begynnynge of Auguste in the Northe and in the sygnes of Gemyny Taurus and Aryes thoroughe the whyche sygnes she made her course in her goynge backewarde hauyng her tayle extended towardes the South And thys was the thyrde Comete or blasynge starre that hadde appered wethyn those two yeres What they portended or sygnyfyed or what alteracyon of Estates and other thynges they broughte wyth them maye a dyscreete reader gather and perceyue by the Storyes herafter folowing For suche wonderfull workes of God althoughe they come by the course of nature yet are they not wythoute theyr specyall workynge It is sayde also that in this yeare of M. CCCCC xxxiii the Deuyl burned a lyttell Toune in Germanye called Shyltagh downe to the grounde by the meanes of a certayne wythche on maundy thursdaie The fyfte daye of October in the nyghte burned at Andwarpe the Churche called our ladye Churche beynge sodaynly sette on fyre At Nurrenboroughe and in manye other places of thempyre lyenge there aboute reygned thys yeare a greate Pestylence in so muche that at Nurrenboroughe onelye from S. Margretes daye vntyll S. Martins day folowinge dyed ten thousande persons The sixtene day of Nouember was a great earthquake and an horryble tempeste of wynde whyche plaged and troubled the Townes in hygh Germany verye sore namely Cu● Feldechurche S. Gall wyth other townes and vyllages lyenge nyghe vnto them by the Ryuer called the Rhene Thys yeare Henrye the eighte kynge of Englande c. for certayne consyderacyons hym therevnto mouynge was dyuorced from hys wyfe whiche had bene fyrste maryed to hys brother prynce Arthur and maryed another on wytsonday In the yeare of our Lorde M. CCCCC xxxiii in the moneth of Ianuary The Anabaptistes whyche had gathered them selues together out of Hollande and Freselande by preuy subteltyes and conspyracyes whych they had made with certayne burgeouses of the Cytye of Mynster in Westphale inuaded the same Cytye toke possessyon of it and expelled from thence al the Burgeoules and inhabytauntes therof that woulde not take parte wyth them and folowe theyr facultye They chose them also a kynge that was a Taylloure named Ihon of Leyden whyche ordeyned for hym selfe two specyall Counsayllours the one called Knypperdullynge and the other kreghtynge and in conclusyon they made suche a dysorder and confusyon whytin the sayde Cytye that not wythoute a cause all the people of Westephale dyd ryse agaynste them But when the ryghte noble Prynce Philyppe Landgraue of Hessen toke in hande to accorde the matter betwene the sayde Anabaptystes and the Byshoppe whome they had expelled he coulde nothynge preuayle so sore hadde the Deuyll blynded that Anabaptystycall generatyon Wherefore the sayde Byshoppe compassed the sayde Cytye wyth a greate power on euerye syede to thyntent he myghte ouercome and subdue them ether wyth the sworde or elles by famyne And althoughe there was greate scarcyte and lacke of vyctualles wythyn the saide Cyrye in so muche that at the laste they were sayne to eate lether and couerynges of bookes yet dyd they sustayne bearcoute prolonge and holde oute the sayde syege vntyll the next yeare folowynge wherof we shall speake more in place conuement In the meane season dyd Philip Landgraue of Hessen prepare hymselfe after the best maner to restore hys Vncle Duke Hulderyke of Wyrtenbergh agayne to hys Dukedome from whence he was expelled fyftene yeares before durynge the whyche tyme kynge Ferdynando had the gouernaunce and vse therof But fyrste because the sayde prince of Hessen woulde do nothynge presumptuously nor temeraryouslye he sente worde to themperoures Mayestye in Spayne and to the kynge in Austryche desyrynge them to restore hys said Vncle Duke Hulderyke to hys Landes agayn for so muche as he had nowe suffered sufficient punyshemente for hys
both them selues and the Castell vnto the Prynces Afterward was the Castel and the wholle lande sett in an order and the Gospell whyche before was kepte from it throughe that tyranne the Duke of Brunswycke ordeyned to be preached therinne And when they hadde ordeyned all thynges after the beste facyon and the Duke of Brunswycke appeared no where wyth any sowdyars and the Empyre requyred But the Emperoure coulde smell what the Pope meante Wherefore he vtterlye refused that councell and exhorted hym by wrytyng that he woulde rather see thatt the Frentch kyng kepte peace to thynthent that the Turcke myghte be wythstanded than to call a councel at suche an Vnmeete time which might be an hynderaunce to the other purpoose to make peace Afterwarde the Emperoures Mayestye prepared hymselfe after the beste facyon to wyth stand the Frentche kynge and hys partetakers Aboute thys tyme dyd the a boue mencyoned Prynces Duke Otho Henrycke and Phylyppe hys brother bothe countye palatynes on the rhyne and the cytyes Regensburgh and Swyneforthe receaue the Gospell for whyche thynge they were compelled to take muche harme and specyallye they of Regensburge to whome Duke Wyllyam of Bayer did al the hurte that the could and forbadde all hys suby●ctes that none of them shulde carye anye thynge to Regensburge or by or sell wyth them or yf anye man dyd he muste nott come agayne in to hys lande and must leese all hys goodes Thys was a greate hyndraunce to the cytye of Regensburge For it lyeth in the myddes of the lande of Bayer Yeth hath God gracyously preserued it In the begynnynge of the herueste ther came oute of Ly●towe thorou the land of pole and through schlesye and vnto the land of myssen great multytudes of Grassehoppers flyinge and layed them downe in the aboue mencyoned landes by greate multytudes an hundreth dutch myle long and a●e vppe all that was grene in the felde and lo we medowes They were as greate as a mannes fynger and some of them greater they hadde scales as it hadde bene harnesse vpon them and as it were an hatte vpon theyr heades lyke an olde rowstye year on sallet and were harde lyke an horne so that a man coulde skante treade them in sonder They had four winges as it wer which wereread speckelde some of them were yellowe and gray and of other speckelde coloures And where so euer they layed them downe in the felde there they laye well a foate thycke from the grounde And specyallye in the lande of Pole they saye that they laye an halfe elne thick from the grounde When the sunne beganne to schyne then they flewe vppe by greate heapes in battell order so thycke to gether that they shadowed the sonne lyke a clowde They flewe also as swystlye as other birdes a wholl dutche myl befor they reasted In the lande of myssen they came as farre as to the water Mylda for ther they came nott Euerye man thoughte that then shoulde a greate deathe haue folowed in the same landes where as yet hyther to ther hath none bene hearde of Haplye it was a warnynge as certen learned men wryte that we should take hiede that we myght be able to withstande if the Turck came in wyth suche a multitude of people from whyche thynge God gracyously defende vs. In Italye vpon the .xiii. daye of Iune ther was a fearfull and an horryble Earthquake by Florence whyche threwe downe manye Chymneyes in Florence and almooste a wholle lytell towne lyinge not farre from it called Scharbarya and destroyed many men They wryte also that in Turckye a lytell towne lyinge not farre from Solonychyo from whence the Saffren cometh was destroyed wyth men and women and all that was ther in wyth an Earthquake They saye also that ther stode ouer Constantynople an horryble blasynge sterre .xl. dayes longe and that in the same dayes in Iune and Iulye there was there an horryble weether and an Earthquake They saye also that a Dragon burnt the Turckes Castell and treasure and that ther came a greate multitude of wolues rennynge into the cyty whyche dyd men muche harme And many suche wounders done at that tyme were wrytten oute of Constantynople wherof as me semeth some be but lyes Howe beit I lett euerye man thynck ther in as shal please hym and beleue what he wyll Let thys be ynoughe of thys yeare The Brabanters beyng prouoked of Marten van Rosheyme rusch et in to the lande of Gulyck ▪ and burne certen Castels lytel townes or robbe and make hauocke of them They manne Duren Gulycke ●yttard Sustern and Hynsberg which were yelded vp vnto them On the other syde the Duke of Cleue after he hath gathered an armye round aboute oure all places wythstandeth the power of the Brabanders Whyche after they had made Hensburg stronge entended also to Fence Duren entred into fyght wyth hys Enemyes Wherein when there were many kylled on both partyes the fyght was ended Syttard and Gulyck because the walles were ouerthrowen of the Brabanders the Duke of Cleue causeth to be strongly walled agayne and beseaged Duren and compelleth them to yelde vp the towne in the ende of December Thys yeare Iames the fyft kynge of Scottland beyng .xxxiij. yeare of age dyed in December leauyng but one onely doughter alyue of two yeare of age borne of hys second wyfe ouer whom he ordeyned tutors and gouerners of the Realme the Cardynall of S. Andrewes and the lorde Hamelton IN the yeare of our Lord 1543. euen in the begynnynge of the yeare was a conuocation or Counsell kept at Nuremburgh at the whyche conuocation was present kyng Ferdinandus wyth hys two eldest sonnes and besydes them the moost parte of the Ambassadours and deputies of the other princes of the Empyre And when all theyr actes and doynges were prolonged vntyll after Easter ther was another day appoynted to be kept at Spyer where the Emperours Mayestye shoulde personally appeare hym selfe In the moneth of Ianuary the Emperours maiesty sent out of spain a mighty army bothe on horsback on foot wherof the erle of Aultete was capitaine into y e land of the Mores called Mauritania ●●enge in the coastes and borders of Afryca ouer agaynste Spayne to inuade the kynge of the cytye of tremetz wherof also the kyngdome hath hys name because that by the helpe of the Moores he hadde proflygated and expelled hys brother vnto whome the gouernaunce of the kingdome by right dyd appertayne whyche soughte redresse and succour at the handes of themperours maiesty This armye arryued the .xxvii. daye of Ianuary at the cytye of Tybyda lyenge by the sea syde where they founde a greate multytude of Mores which soone auoyded and lefte y e cyty vnto the Spanyardes After thys they marched from Tybyda towardes tremetz and endamaged the Mores by the waye whyche were departed from Tybyda vntyll at the laste they tourned them selues again and made a conflycte
departed homeward to his owne syr Ierome Bomegardener a learned mā y ● feared god being sent to the said coūsail frō the towne of Nurrē myght haue ouercome subdued all Fraunce with out any notable losse of his men For the warriours of the Frenche kyng were become so faintharted y t they durst in no place resist their enemies To the which act themperour might haue ben greatly aduaunced by the meanes that the kyng of Englande saye also in Fraunce with a great power Howbeit through great intreataunce mediation of y e chiefe lordes of the parliamen at Paris the duke of Orleans the kinges sonne who did specially fauoure y e Emperour the matter was brought to a staye but on what cōdicion I haue no certaintie of knowledge as yet for somuch as some say one thing some another Wherfore I wil rather write nothing thē I shuld therof affirme any thing vncertaine In this yere chaunced foure horrible Eclpses or darkenings The first of the Moone the .x. daye of Ianuary about .vi. of the clock in y e morning which lasted .iii. houres .xxviii. minutes the Moone was hidden .xii. pointes .xlvi. minutes The second of the Sūne the .xxiiii. day of Ianuary about ix of the clock before noone lasting .ii. houres .vi. minutes ▪ the Sūne was darkened about .xi. pointes .xvii. minutes when this darkenes was at the hiest it was so darke euerywhere as it is cōmonly at night whē the Sunne is newely set insomuch that all fowles cattaile whiche were mery before became still sad as though they had mourned had compassion with the Sunne being darkened The third Eclipse was of the Moone the .xiiii. day of Iuly about half an houre after eight whiche lasted .iii. houres .xlii. minutes the Moone was darkened ▪ xvii ▪ pointes and .xxv. minutes The fourth was of the Moone the .xxix. day of december in the morning about half an houre befor seuen lasted .iii. houres .xxxvi. minutes the mone being depriued of her light by the shadowe of y e earth about .xiiii. pointes and .xviii. minutes But what effecte and operation the sayde Eclipses and darkenynges brought with them maye euery wyse man partely perceyue by the contentes of the Story of the yere next folowyng and partely by the dayly discourse and exercyse bothe of magistrates and of subiectes For without special alteration of earthely creatures suche constellacions are not wont to passe as experience doth sufficiently teache and declare This yere henry the eight king of England sent an armye into Scotlande in the moneth of May whiche landed at Lyth in Scotlande and so went burnyng and destroyeng the countrey about sparyng nether castel towne pyle nor vyllage vntyll they had ouerthrowen and destroyed many of thē as the borough and towne of Edenborough with the Abbey called Holy Rodehouse and the kynges Palice adioyned to the same The towne of Lyth also with the hauen and peyre The castell and vyllage of Cragmyller the Abbay of Newbottell and parte of Muskelborowe towne the Chappel of our lady of Lawret. Preston towne and the castell Harintowne wyth the Freres and Nunery and castell of Oliuer Sancklers the towne of Dunbar Laurestone wyth the Graunge with many other townes castels vyllages and pyles Also this yere thesayd kynges maiestie prepared an army into Fraunce thither he went his owne person beseged the strōg towne of Bullen in Fraunce and there wanne the watch toure otherwyse called the olde man the .xxviij. day of Iuly And the .xxix. day of the same moneth Basse Bullyn was wonne the .xiij. day of September the towne of hygh Bullyn was victoriously cōquered by the said kyng of England whiche after the entreaty humble peticion made of the French men gaue them licence to take bag bagage with them so departe the .xiiij. day of Septēber at .iii. of the clocke at after none y e towne gate was opened the people began to come out they helde on vntill .vij. of the clocke at night And there were in nombre of men women children iii● M. of them .xv. C. able mē of warre they had with them as muche as they could cary both men women children that was able to beare any thing and their horses kine were loded with as much stuffe as they could beare away And they had .lxxv. wagens laden with them IN the yere of our lord 1545. was another coūcell kept at Wormes where many thinges were discussed entreated as the breakyng vp of the same publyshed maketh mencion There was also cōcluded as touching matters of religion that a cōmunication disputacion shuld be kept at Rainsburgh the next yere whereunto y e estates of the Gospel or Euangelical princes shoulde appointe vii● learned men on their partie and likewise the Papistes eyght men on theyr syde whose mutuall agreementes and conclusyons shoulde bee propounded and declared vnto the Emperoure That afterwarde he might cōsulte vpon suche thinges as shuld seme to make for an vnitie concorde Whyle these and suche other matters were debated and determined at Wormes in the presence of the Emperoure and the kyng of the Romaines the ryght high and myghty Prince and lorde Frederike Palatine and Electour Imperiall by the Rene cōsideryng pondring the necessitie of his princely graces poore subiectes wherein they lay miserably captiuated and clogged vnder the yoke of that wicked and detestable Papacy and how many soules might be lost and brought to dampnacion or euer such vnitie as should be made at Raynsburgh could be brought to passe And also howe many consultacions and disputacions had bene kept before this tyme wherein alwaies the papisticall secte had bene conuinced and ouercome ▪ and yet neuertheles had alwayes persisted in their Idolatry and defended it the longer the more violently whereby it myght be easely perceiued and concluded what hope of amendement or agreement there was to be loked for He determined and cōcluded with hymselfe furth with to forsake all popysh abhomination and not to tarye the yssue or ende of the sayde conuocacion and disputacion but in asmuche as thorough the grace and mercy of God he had obtained knowledge of the truthe and lyght of the Gospell to canse the same without delay to be ministred and declared to his poore subiectes Wherefore he ordeyned and constituted in all his iurisdictions that the Popish abhominacion should be put downe and that in stede of the same the Gospell of Christ should be frely preached that his pore cōmons might be taught and brought into the right and true way of saluacion Our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christe preser●e hym and all the fauourers of his worde to procede and go forwarde in the settyng furth of hys wyll to the glory of his blessed name Amen This yere also died the doughter of kyng Ferdinando whiche was maried to Sigismunde the younge king of Pooles
gaue a newe onset and without any notable fyght discomfited the Scottes and obtayned the victory At this tyme were slayne of the Scottes betwene thirtene and fourtene thousand and not passyng an hundred Englyshemen After Mich●lmas a Parliament was holden in England wherein chaunteries were geuen into the kynges handes to be altered and disposed at hys pleasure It was also ordeined that the sacrament or communion should be receiued of all men vnder bothe kyndes of breade and wyne This yere also anone after the kynges coronatiō Maister Hughe Latimer a famous preacher who had bene long detayned in miserable captiuite for y e Gospels sake by the procurement of the Popishe by shoppes was deliuered and set at lybertie In this yere the last day of Marche Fraūcis the Frenche kyng ended his lyfe in the .xxxiii. yeare of his reigne after that he had admonyshed his onely sonne Henry of the thynges pertaining to his kingdome and commended hym to true officers and seruauntes After whome succeded the same Henry being the seconde of that name His body was caried after .x. dayes to the brydge of S. Clodoalde and from thence to the suburbes of Paris into the Churche called the virgine of the fieldes where by the commaundement of the kyng were brough the bodyes of Frauncis the Dolphyne Duke of Britaigne who dyed in the yere of 1536. before in the moneth of August And of Charles his brother Duke of Orleans whiche dyed in the yere of our lorde 15 45. in the moneth of September that they myght accompany the body of their father to his buriall And so were the sayde thre bodyes brought with great pompe and solempnitie into the Churche of the blessed virgin at Parys and from thence to S. Denis where they were buried the body of the father being layde betwene his sonnes This Frauncis the Frenche kyng was hyghly commended for diuers singular giftes bothe of the mynde and of the body wherewith he was endued but chiefly for his humanite and clemencie whiche he vsed towardes all men He was beneficiall to mē endued with vertue and liberall to men of lernyng For by his benefite were the Latine Greke and He brue tonges restored agayn to their puritie in Fraūce whereof he entertained norished publike professours ordeining for them most ample stipendes ▪ his other actes are here omitted to auoide prolix●●e In the moneth of December at Paris was S. Michaels bridge broken by the great power violence of the waters so that the East part thereof fel downe quite the houses which were built theron were ouer throwen with a great parte of them that were annexed vnto them IN the yere of our Lorde 1548. in the moneth of Iuly themperour sent an army of Spanyardes priuely to inuade the citie of Conitaunce ▪ while the legates of Constaunce that were sent to August vnto themperour to intreate for peace were not yet retourned homewarde For he intended quite to extinguish the citie because they professed y ● Gospell Wherfore the sixt day of August early in y ● mornyng the said army inuaded y ● citie ouercame the basse towne which ioyneth to y ● great bredge cōmonly called Peter housen When this was obtayned and ouercome at their first assaulte some fell to spoiling and rouing some to deflouring of virgin●s and honest matrones some gat thē to the bridge and there made a bartaill with the citesens whiche were constrained to re●ule back into the citie being ouerpressed with the multitude of their enemies vnto whō they barred y ● gates of the bredge The bridge was ful of Spanish warriours against whō the citesens could nothing preuayle vntil many peces of artillery whiche kept the bridge being losed by chaunce but yet not without the will of God per sed the gate ouerthrewe the enemies put thē in such feare y t they fled euerychone setting the bridge on fyre also Peterhousen least the citesens should haue folowed pursued after them So that Constaunce sawe in one daye y ● iuste punishmēt of pride the singular benefite of God towardes his electe would to God they had not vnthankefully forgotten this great benefite Themperour after that he had in Germany set all thinges in ordre propounded a certain fourme in religion after the prescripte whereof they should liue while a counsaille were decreed hauing committed the Landgraue of Hessen in safe custody re retourned into Flaunders bringing with hym the Duke of Saxon captiue Thither came Leonora Themperours sister late Quene to the Frenche king departed This yere Maximiliane the first sonne of Ferdinandus king of the Romaines toke to wife themperours daughter This yere also y ● king of Spayne leauing his brother Maximiliane as gouernour in his absence departed out of Spayn into Italy went frō thence to Trident into Germany so at y ● last came into Flaūders to his father thēperour The same yere towardes the spring time the first begottē sonne of y ● Turke which was gone ouer to y ● king of y ● Persiās because he thought his brother should be by his father promoted before hym to the Empyre assembled an army of Persianes and made insurrection against his father and inuaded the borders of Turkie nere vnto the lande of Persia and had ouercome many places vntyll his father beyng armed with fyue hundred thousande souldiours came thither and caused the Persianes being striken with feare to recule But they hauyng set on fyre all the townes and villages by the whiche they fled the space of fyue dayes brought their enemy whiche folowed and pursued after them too greate pennury in so muche that an hundred thousande of his men being dead thorough pouertie famine and pestilence he was constrained of necessitie to returne thither agayne from whence he came ▪ A certayne king in Aphrica toke Argieres and the other places there about with certayne castels and strong holdes whiche themperoure vsed for the defence of Spayne and also certaine strong holdes in the coastes of Portingall towardes the sea occeane In Englande at Easter was there a great coniunction of rustikes in Cornuall by p●pysh priestes There was also great disputation in the Parliamēt that yere for putting downe of the masse And Images were put downe in al churches thorough out Englande to auoyde Idolatry This yere the last daye of Iuly Stephen Gardiner byshop of Winchester in Englande was committed to the Towre of London for papisme and this sedicious opinion that the kynges maiestie in his minoritie or none age coulde not make or ordeine any lawes in his Realme as did Iosias other godly vertues princes and gouernours in their dominions This yere the mariage of priestes was graunted lawfull in England by the Lawes of God to the vtter abolyshement of all Papisticall sodomitry This yere in august was a great insurrection of rustikes at Norwiche one kite a rustike beyng their
Maximilian d 〈…〉 th Maximilian warreth against the Venecians Lewis kyng of Fraunce Iulius the by shop of Rom. was discomfited in a battaill by the citie Rauennas vpon Easter daye What Electors chose Charles that now is Emperoure Martine Luther ▪ Charles y ● Frances the French king taken The commotion of vplan●y●h m●n Schapler Twelue articles of the sedicious rustikes Thomas Mynter Iohn Ocal●padius Huldrich Zwinglius renew the doctrine of Berengarius ●ndreas ●arolestadius Rome taken by Burbon With what an ●●ost Sol 〈…〉 yd be 〈…〉 ge ●iēn● Charles is crowned Emperour at Bonony by the bysh of Ro. The parliament of ●usborow An ouerflowyng at Ro. Clemens the vij is taken Ferdinande kyng of Hungary A Comete sene The Switzer warre within themselues The parliament holden at Regēspurg Prophecies of recouering Constantinople and of roting the Turkes out of Europa Laurentius Miniatensis an Astronomer A Comete sene Writers of Histories Cronicles What the mutacions of kyngdomes de signifye Agathias Ctesias The conuocation or counsaill holden at Ramsburgh The duke of Saxon agreeth not to the election of y e kyng of the Romaines The seconde breakyng in of Soliman into Germany Guns assaulted of the Turke by the space of .xij. daies The wall of 〈◊〉 falleth 〈…〉 e by it ●elfe Anthony de Leua Andrewe de Aurea The citie of Corona takē The Emperourre turned into Italy to the Pope The Pope meteth themperour at Bononia Battell moued in England against the Scottes The death of Iohn duke of Saxon. Iohn Frederick duke of Saxon. A Comete or blasing starre ●●●● A great in●●●cion of wat●● in Hollād Seeland c. Christerne k●n● of D●● 〈…〉 ke after h●● retur●●ta 〈…〉 oure 〈…〉 e 〈…〉 l. A mōstruous Calfe borne by y e sea coste aboute Lindowe The Emperour Charles retourneth from Genua into Spaine Newe Indes or Ilandes plentyfull of golde and siluer founde out by the Spāyardes A solēpne cōmunycacyon holdē at Massilia betwene y e Pope the French kinge The duke of Orleans marieth the Popes cosyn The Euangelycal bōd is opened by y e french kyng Another Comete or blasing starre apeared Shiltagh burned downe to y e ground A great Pestilence in Germany A great earthquake tempest of wind Kynge henry the .viii was d●uorsed frō hys fyrste wyfe maried to an other 1534. The Anabaptystes t●ke the Cytye of Mynster in Westphale The Anabaptystes make them a kyng Knypperdullynge c. kregh tynge Philip Landgraue of Hessen The Citie of Minster besieged by y ● bi●hop Scarcitye of victualles in Mynster The Anabaptistes eate lether couerynges of bookes Philip landgraue of Hessen goeth about to set his vncle into his owne land agayn Philip y ● palatine put to flyght and wounded Hulderike duke of wi●tēberg restored to his o●●● d 〈…〉 ō A peace graūted vnto y ● ●an●g●a ●e on them perours behalf The lādgraue retourneth into his owne lande A cōmēdatiō of liberalyty boldenes in y e landgraue a cōmēdatiō of pacience mekenes in thēperour y e kyng of Hungary The death of Frederike kyng of Dēmarke A straunge thing or tokē happened about y ● dead corps of the kynge The erle of Oldēboroughe ● y ● Lubekes inuade y ● dukedom of h●lsa●es The death of George weuer markes mayer A peace concluded betwene the towne of Lubeke and the dukedom of ho sure The captaynes of Lubeke desyrous to inuade dēmarcke A newe war ●● A wōderfull apparitiō in Dēmarke Henry king of Ingland excōmunicated by the pope The Pope hath ●● authority ouer Ingland king Hēnry forsaketh y t Pope A bokt sett furth vp kinge henry againste the primacpe of y e Pope King Henry ioined in cōfederatin̄ with y t Princes mayntainers of ● gospel Ireland rebe●●eth against their prince Pope Clement dyeth Paule y ● ▪ iii. chosen to be Pope Sophi p●in●● of y ● Persians ●●●●●beth y ● Turk Imbrai bassa Imbray bassa with hys host slayne The Turke cometh againste y ● sayde Sophy The turke cōpassed aboute of the Periyans The Turke escapeth ●a ro●e●● with a lewe Barbarossa inuabeth the kyngdome of Tunyse Barbarossa suodueth Affryca the lesse Kynge Altzachenus expelled from Tunyse The 〈◊〉 of Breda burned Great tempestes of wind Waters ryuers excedingly increassed ●● y ● ●ande of Pole The duke of Millā marieth y ● dough●●r 〈…〉 y ● kyng Denmarke Themperour prepareth an armada towardes Affrica The kingdō of Tunise rec●●●red b● the pe●our Barbarossa ex●●lled frō Tunise Kyng Altzachenus restored to hys kyngdome of Tunise The castell of Golleta reserued for themperour Themperour returneth frō Affrica Barbarossa inuadeth the Ile of Minorca The Affricanes attempte rebellion Andrewe ●e Aurea apointed to kepe y e Affricanes in awe The sect of the Anabaptistes in creas●eth The Anabaptistes ●●kem●●●w 〈…〉 ● go naked The Anabaptistes within 〈…〉 e ●pp●●lled The madnes of the Anabaptistes The Anabaptistes beleued that Minster was new Ierusalem A woman would conterfet Iudith The kynge 〈…〉 ing and knipperdulling taken The kyng of the ●●baptistes with his cōsellers put to death Christian duke of Holston chosen to be kyng in Denmarke The count of Hoya and the Erle of Teckelborough slayne Louedayes kept in Hungary The kyng of Poles maried the daughter of ●erd●●anto kyng of Bohemy The death of the Duke of Mylan The duke of ●a●er marieth the daughter of Denmarke ●ir Thomas more Chauncelour of England and y ● byshop of Rochester beheaded The monkes of the charter house A wonderful tempest Neuer suche a tēpest sene Quene Katherine dow●ger dieth Quene Anne Bullyn be headed Que. Iane Semour maried to the kyng of Enland The citie of Geneue besieged Preachers of the Gospel ordeyned ●● Sa●●● Iulius Lesar builded Clausa Rodani The French kyng claymeth the succession of Mila●e It is the condicion of an ap● to countr●faite all y ● is done in his ●●ght Aprai●● of the author The Emporoures complaynt to the Pope agaīst the Frenche kyng The Empeperoures request The Popes aunswere The Emperoures retourne from Rome A trap●one put to death at ●po●s The Count of Nassowe Perone besyeged The Euangelical bond The Synode or conuocatiō of Wittenborough Swinglius cōsenteth not with Luter in the opinion of the Sacramēt A new peace concluded betwene the sea townes of Eastlande Denmarke The citie of Copenhage beseged by y ● kyng D●g●es and 〈…〉 Coppenhagh yelded vp to● kyng Warborough taken Markes mayer taken and quartered Ag●●ly e●●ple for all kynges and conquerours The practise of papistes All the byshoys of Dēmarck deposed Iohn Bugen hagh Thepreachig of the gospell instituted in Denmarke xxiiij thousād parishes in Denmarch Norway furnyshed with preachers The coronation of Lhristiane siyng of Denmarck The vntuersitie of Luppenhaghe furnyshed with mēlearned in y ● scripturs Liuinges appointed for preachers ●●d●●s in Dē 〈…〉 Thimbassadours of England at Wittenbourgh Doctour ●●n●● An olde prophecy of Enland The Lorde Darcy with other Edwarde the sy●t borne The death
of Quene Iane The kyng of Scottes marieth the daughter of Fraunce The cōquest of the kyng of Portingals Indes The Christē faith planted in the kyngdome of Cābaia The heath of Erasmus A preuy conspiracy in Germany against the Gospell Henry the younger duke of Brunswyke The death of George duke of Saxon Pop●r● abolyssed in the ●●nde of 〈◊〉 The ●●oole 〈…〉 gh rest●●●d Heding beseged taken The lady regēt inuadeth Picardy S. Paule beseged and destroyed Turwyne beseged 〈…〉 Iohn Crisp● 〈…〉 A● ho●●●ble 〈…〉 Misfortunes happened harmes done by the meanes of the tēpest A collection for the pore Frere Forest A cousi●lta●●on holden at Rome against the Turke The Emperours ●●●raun●●●●to ●ic● The entraunce of the Pope into Nice described the religious rabl● The Emperoure kisseth the Popes 〈…〉 e. A peace concluded betwene the Emperour Fraūce ▪ Leonora 〈…〉 N● 〈…〉 ded Barbarossa Bisana ta●en The shipwrach of Barbarossa The Castell N 〈…〉 urg ●●ylord Th● Marquea of Brādenburg The death of y e duke of Gelders Auarice punyshed The lorde marquish of ex●ter ● the ●●rd mōtacute beheaded Barbarossa robbeth y e ●e ●e●●ās Italians goodes vpō y e see Barbarossa b 〈…〉 th C● ▪ stel●ou● The dalmacians flye to y e Turckes betrai their felowe soudiars y e Castel Barbarossa wynneth Castel nouo The spaniat des Italyans feight māfully Theēperoures wi●dieth An insurrecciōat Gent ▪ Embassadoures out of Fraunce into Spayne The ●perour cōmeth into Flaūderstho ●ou Fraunce An ābassage out of ostēricke into beam Latine Wr●tislauya The Turcke carieth away lxxx thousād christē mē into turckye A blasynge sterre The laerned in Turcky acknowledg our Christen relligiō to be y ● best The ●urch headeth ▪ priestes A miracle The Emperour at paris The frēch kyng craftily seketh y e e●perour d●●t * or be rowed * or boote * stp●●an * or shippe The ●p r●rs cōplaint to y ● ●i●h of Ro. The Emperoure cōmeth to Gent. ● castel builded in Gent. Ferdinādus cometh to y ● Emperoure in to flaūders 〈…〉 A cōmunicacion at Wor Phil. Melā Ioh. Ecke Wheter ther remain sines in y t saintes Christiās after baptisme Rom. viii A day at haganouwe The Emperour● 〈…〉 ly forbedeth good bokes to be readde But what is wōne ●● persecutyon The marque s 〈…〉 ●●ādā 〈…〉 recea 〈…〉 y ● word ●● God God befenheth his flock The 〈…〉 of y ● burning mortherers 〈…〉 clipse 〈…〉 Wyne both 〈…〉 good cheape Vnderstand The true king of Hungary kynge Iohn The kyng of Hungary dyed * Latine B●da Ferdinandꝰ would take in the kyngdome of Hūgary The Emperour comith to Norenberg The parliament holden at Regensburg 〈…〉 D●●●s i●●ter 〈…〉 The Pope 〈…〉 hall One of his croked pi●pes hyndereth all that thegodly had go●e about ● greate while before and those me● of greate nobilitie besydes the excelent learned The prince● that receaue the worde of God after y e parliament holden at Regensburg Doctor Eckius vse ▪ h●he ●cuel his masters conning that is lying ▪ The beu●ls 〈…〉 ●●●al 〈…〉 ●owes 〈…〉 es 〈…〉 ●●●●● is pro●●d●●●r ▪ Money is geuen to sēd an armye against the Turke Iohn Weyda kynge of Hungary dy●●● The Turke● Bassa ●esegeth Pest * ●●● Alb● ▪ greca ▪ A notable 〈…〉 ordi 〈…〉 lost 〈…〉 Hungary Willyam of Rogendorpe 〈…〉 ▪ The Turke ▪ ●eweth lxxx Christians in peeces for a pastyme The Turke breaketh hys promesse and excercyseth tyranny 〈…〉 an 〈…〉 l yeare The turcke ●●●eth ▪ ●xx thousand mē 〈…〉 The Turke geueth ●alē tyne Te●eck his reward The Turke taketh certayn Castels in ▪ The Turke assaulteth the citie of fyuechurches The Turck hatha●arm● in Pelopo●e so The Emperour and the Pope to gether at Luke The Emperoures passage to Algier Duke Henry of Saxon dieth 〈…〉 s 〈…〉 r 〈…〉 〈◊〉 in Histr●● is taken in An armye against the Turck Pest is beseaged of our men Duke Maurice in Ieoperdy of takynge ●●e of Duke Maurice Ie 〈…〉 en 〈…〉 eth māfully to delyuer his master A sicknesse in the Camp The grenous●ie● of y e sicknes in Duga ●● Warre betwene y e Duke of Saxon Brunswick The duke of Brunswyke flyeth Woluenbutel is beseged Woluenbutel is vntapled for .iii. peares The mening was y ● they shuld at the length repēt them of their ioznep and go hom and winue no thing They fly out of the Castel ouer the walles ditches The Gospel is preached in the land of Brunswick 〈…〉 pr●nces and 〈…〉 〈…〉 the Gospell Duke William ●● Baier 〈…〉 th to v 〈…〉 Grassehoppers A earth●●a●e in 〈◊〉 An earthqua●e in 〈…〉 ye ●● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 ple The Bra 〈…〉 〈…〉 ll ●●to the land of Gulick The kyng of Scotland dyeth A Councell kept at Nure●burg Another counsel appoynted at Spyer An army sent by them p 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 land 〈◊〉 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 The city of Tremetz taken The French king and the Duke of 〈…〉 le●e pro 〈…〉 their marshial affaires The Ladye Mary sendeth an army againste the Duke of Cleue The Cleueuers approche towardes ▪ the Brabanders 〈…〉 nflict 〈…〉 e the C●eue●ers 〈…〉 ders The victory of the Cleueners The slepe of themperour The s 〈…〉 〈…〉 f the 〈…〉 e 〈…〉 he 〈…〉 e 〈…〉 nd 〈…〉 th 〈…〉 〈…〉 d● 〈…〉 de Hungary inuaded by the Turke The death of doctor 〈…〉 A wōderfull birth besides Basell ▪ Wonderfull visions sen● The interpretacion o● the vision The councel of ●p●re 〈…〉 〈…〉 With their ordinaunce The kyndnes of Switchers A counse●lour o● Nurrenburgh taken 〈…〉 Scotland ●●uaded by ●●g●●thmen Bullyn beseged 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The Palatine a fauorer of Goddes worde Popery pa●● downe the Gospel preached in the palatines iurisdiction 〈…〉 g 〈…〉 Poles 〈◊〉 〈…〉 p 〈…〉 o 〈◊〉 〈…〉 pro 〈…〉 〈…〉 d and 〈…〉 e. Henry duke of Brunswike goeth about to recouer his land The ●ount● of Deckelenbourgh inu●ded for the Golpell 〈◊〉 ●●ll beseged Philip Landgraue of Hessen Capitaine of the Euangelicall confederation Duke Maurice of Saxō Duke Maurice seketh ● ▪ meanes to make a peace 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 by 〈…〉 i 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 The Landgraue 〈…〉 qui●eth an othe of duke Hen 〈…〉 cōpany The lande of Brunswike taken in againe and sworne of newe to y e confederatiō The Erle of Shauēburgh deposed Rithbergh geuen vp 〈…〉 th of 〈…〉 che 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 The Ruler of 〈…〉 har● 〈…〉 ed by y e Marquis of Brandenburgh The fury o the Turke The death of the Duke of Orleans Wonderfull apparitions and visions A conuocatiō at Franke forth The death of Ma●ten Luter The buriall of doctor Martine Luter Alphonse dia si a trayterousmurther The good doctor Iohn Diasy murthered The Emp 〈…〉 com 〈…〉 Rai 〈…〉 sburgh The 〈…〉 ion beg 〈…〉 at Rainsburgh The begynnyng of the emperours warres agaynst the Germanes Duke Maurice prepareth 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 A cruel murther Duke Maurice ●●gm●●●● to 〈…〉 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 A peace betwene Englande and Fraunce The stewes put downe in London ☝ ☝ Anne Askewe Iohn Lassels burned Shaxton recanted Thomas duke of Northfolke Henry his sodne attainted A plague of locustes and grashoppers A godly commaundement A prodigious grape A wonderful miracle A wonderful ●ision The Erle of Surrey beheaded The death of kyng Henry the eight of England ▪ c. Edward the syxt byng of England Images and beades put downe abolysshed in England A recantaciō of Doctor Smith Processions l●●t in Englande An hoost of men sent out of Englande into Scotlād Chaunteries geuen to the ●●ng of England The Cōmumō ordeined to be receiued in both kindes Latimer set at libertie The death of the ●renche King 〈…〉 ▪ The Emperour retourneth out of Germany into Flaūders The Duke of Saxon captiue Leonora retourned to themperoure The sonne of Ferdinando marieth them perours daughter The eldest sonne of the Turke 〈…〉 keth insurr●●tion ag●ynst his father Argiers takē 〈…〉 A ●●m●●ociō●● cor●●●all The masse Images put downe in Englande The byshop of Winchester committed to thei our of ●o 〈…〉 The mariage of priestes graunted lawfull An insurrection at Norwiche The rebelles in Cornwal 〈◊〉 Deuonshere subdued The byshop of London deposed and cōmitted to prison The duke of Somerset cōmitted to the tour of Lōdō The death of the Pope A wonderful vision sene besydes Brunswyke Capitayne Gambold slayne 〈…〉 in 〈…〉 The duke of Somerset delyuered out of 〈…〉 A generall p 〈…〉 ●etmene Englande ● Frannce Bullayne delyuered 30 one Boocher A wonderful miracle oftor ue fallyng downe from the element A moste ●●●nnicall persecution A moste T●annicall persecution