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lord_n day_n remember_v sabbath_n 12,562 5 10.2797 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12162 A compendious form and summe of Christian doctrine, called The testimonie of a true faith meete for well disposed families, for the more knowledge [in] God, and better nourishing vp, and confirming of all such, as loue saluation in Iesus Christ. Gathered, corrected, and newly augmented, by Christopher Shutte, Maister of Arte, seene and allowed. Shutte, Christopher, d. 1626. 1579 (1579) STC 22468; ESTC S100084 27,860 76

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whilest by the preaching of the Lawe I am brought to the feeeling of my sinnes and raysed vp with the comfortable promises of the Gospel receyued by faith My harte is lightned purified and gouerned by the holy Ghost my will and minde reformed the Image of God renued againe in me 10. Question Why did God regenerate thee and not raither get him selfe glory by condemning thee according to thy sinnes Answeare Although the Lorde might iustly haue condemned all Adams posteritie by reason of their sinnes yet notwithstanding some of them according to his iust iudgementes he leaueth in their owne corruption deuoid of all grace and Vessels of his wrath vnto damnation Othersome he embraceth in his great loue vnto saluation whome hee accepteth in mercy without any deserts of their own Of which number my conscience dooth perswade me that I am one And therefore he hath regenerate me first to declare his great loue mercy euerlasting kindnes towardes me whom he chose in his sonne Christ to saluation And therefore in an happie tyme he hath called me by the preaching of his woord and iustified me by my onely faith in Christes death Secondly that I being thus borne anewe may bring foorth the fruites of righteousnes to glorifie him withall Thirdly that all the end of my regeneration is life euerlasting so at the Lordes good time I may receiue the same among his Saintes 11. Question Shew me what be the meanes wherby thy saluation is wrought Answeare The ordinarie meanes commonly are two that is to say the woorde of God and faith 12. Question What is the woorde of God Answeare It is those Canonicall scriptures written by the spirite of God commended to man both in the olde and newe Testament wherein are conteined all thinges necessarie to our saluation according to the which the Lord will haue all his religion measured without either adding or diminishing 13 Question How canst thou knowe the true religion in so many sundrie opinions of the same as be in the worlde Answeare First I trie the religion taught me by the woorde of God and by his spirite geuen me to vnderstande the same Secondly I knowe this spirite to be a right spirit because it confesseth Christ to be come in the fleshe that is to say ascribeth the whole worke of my saluation to him and to no other thing Thirdly I expounde one place of Scripture as it is not contrarie to another And thus I trie the truth making the worde of GOD to iudge and determine what I ought to followe 14. Question What is the cause why the word of God is preached to many and yet taketh place but in few Answeare The causes are manie first manns owne disobedience and contempt of the worde through want of faith Secondly the malice of Sathan who blindeth and hardeneth the hearts of the vnfaithfull that they shoulde not see and beleeue the truth Thirdly the iust iudgement of God Who because they refuse to receiue and beleeue the truth doth giue them vp into a reprobate minde and sendeth strong delusion among them that as they doe delight in lies and m vnrighteousnesse so the same may be their destruction 15. Question How is the worde of GOD deuided Answeare Into the Lawe and the Gospel 16. Question What is the Lawe Answeare It is the ten commaundementes of God requiring of euerie one most pure perfect and perpetuall obedience promising saluation to them which fulfill the same threatning death and damnation to the transgressours thereof 17. Question Rehearse the same to me Answeare 1 Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me 2 Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the waters vnder the earth thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worship them for I the Lorde thy God am a ielous God and visiteth the iniquities of the fathers vpon the children vnto the thirde and fourth generation of them that hate me and shewe mercie vnto thousandes in them that loue me and keepe my commaundementes 3 Thou shalte not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine for the Lord will not holde him guilteles that taketh his name in vayne 4 Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabboth day sixe dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to doe but the seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lorde thy GOD in it thou shalt doe no manner of worke thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruaunt and thy mayd seruaunt thy cattel the stranger within thy gates for in sixe dayes the Lord made heauen and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth day wherefore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day and hallowed it 5 Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may be long in the lande which the Lord thy God geueth thee 6 Thou shalt not kill 7 Thou shalt not commit adulterie 8 Thou shalt not steale 9 Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour 10 Thou shalt not couet thy neighboures house thou shalte not couet thy neighboures wife nor his seruaunt nor his maide nor his Oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his 18. Question What sayest thou of the first commaundement Answeare The Lorde therein requireth true obedience to his woorde the feare and loue of his name a sure faith and trust in his promises the right inuocation vppon his name with thankesgeuing for his benefites whereby his true worshippe may be knowen aright whiche thinges as he doth commaunde so doeth he forbidde all manner of superstition and idolatrie the contempt and denial of his woorde the lacke of feare faith and loue towardes him calling vppon other creatures and finally whatsoeuer polluteth his seruice or our consciences in whose presence all our doinges doe appeare 19. Question What sayest thou of the seconde Thou shalt not make c. Answeare God doth therein declare how he wil be worshiped For seeing that his true worship is worke or seruice commaunded in his woord proceeding of faith and tending to his glory as he is a spirite so he will be woorshiped in spirit and truth without any mixture of Idolatrie or superstition And therefore he forbiddeth the making of Images to expresse him by all manner deuotion or reuerence geuing to them eyther in looking at them or in bowing the knee before them in prayer he is the Lorde our God and will not haue his power to be contemned he is ielous ouer vs and will not suffer eyther our soules or bodies to be defiled with any filthinesse of Idolatrie which if we doe he will reuenenge the same to the third and fourth generation Briefly he forbiddeth hereby all representations and tokens of Idolatrie all
with the good spirit of God that my whole delight may be reposed where true ioyes are to be sought that whan I shall finish this mortal race I may end the same in the faith and true profession of Iesus Christ my onely redeemer and sauiour To whom with the father and the holy ghost three distinct persons and one eternal God be al glorie praise for euer So be it A prayer to be sayde before the receiuing of the Lordes Supper O Most mercifull God whiche of thine euerlasting kindnesse haste wroght our redemption by the mediation of thy onely sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ and also sealed the same vnto vs for the more confirmation of our faith by the heauenly and misticall banquet of his last supper instituted and ordeined as a pledge of his endles loue towardes vs that we in vsing the same from tyme to time might keepe a continuall remembraunce of his death and passion and testifie our thankefulnesse for our redemption We most humbly beseeche thee in thy tender mercies to looke vpon vs and to pardon vs all our iniquities our incredulitie and hardnes of hart and to poure into vs thy heauenly grace that wee being watred with the same and purified by faith in thine euerlasting promises may be arayed and clothed with the excellent righteousnes of Iesus Christ to the end hauing vpon vs our wedding garment we may be welcome ghuests by thy grace to thy holy table Where our soules may be nourished with the precious merits of thy sonne our Sauiours death and passion and that we also through faith in the same by thy grace may be fedde vnto immortallitie and lyfe O Lorde wee beseech thee to nourish and sustaine our hungry soules with the spiritual graces of thy sōne quēch the thirst of our harts with the dew of thy holy spirit that we may feele our sinnes clearely to be forgiuen vs and our consciences assured by faith of all the benifites of thy sonnes suffrings euen so fully to be doone for vs as if wee had doon the same our selues Good Lord for his sake geue vs grace to proced from faith to faith and more and more to bee confirmed in the way of our saluation by the reuerent and godly vse of these thy holy misteries giue vs a right iudgment and vnderstanding thereof and euer hold vs from all Popish corruptions of the same vnite vs more and more through thy grace vnto thy Sonne that hee maye dwell in vs and wee in him that he may be one with vs we with him to the end that being graffed and planted in him we may be thankefull and bring foorth the fruites of all holines of lyfe to the honour and glory of thy holy name through Iesus Christ our lord So be it 1. Cor. 11.28 Let a man examen himselfe and so let him eate of this breade and drink of this Cuppe For he that eateth and drinketh vnwoorthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnation because he discerneth not the Lordes body ¶ The forme of the confession of the Christian faith meete for all well goueruerned housholdes and necessarie for euery one to confesse which sincerely professe Christ and his truth I Beleeue and confesse my Lorde God the onely true eternal and almightie God incōprehensible infinit righteous and mercifull being but one in nature and substance but distinct in three persons the father sonne and holie Ghost Which God by his wisedome and almightie power made heauen and earth and all thinges therein and nowe by his fatherly prouidence gouerneth and preserueth the same I beleue confesse that Iesus Christ the sonne of God equall to the father and the holy Ghost at the time appointed of the father became perfect man yet without sinne borne of the virgin Mary the Godhead and manhood being vnited and ioyned together Who in mine owne nature sanctified by his grace fulfilled the Lawe of God for me and suffered in his body and soule the punishmentes due to my sinnes and made full satisfaction and payment for the same with his sacrifice vppon the crosse doone once for all And deliuered me from the curse of the Lawe from sinne hell death and damnation reconciled me to God the Father washed me from my sinnes cloathed me with his righteousnes and renued mee to righteousnes of lyfe And as by his death my sinnes are taken away and I set in the fauour God so by his resurrection death was conquered and righteousnesse restored vnto me wherein the victorie of my faith consisteth I beleeue and confesse that Iesus Christ ascended into heauen with my fleshe where he hath takē possessiō for me where he maketh intercession for me And yet neuerthelesse is present with me and all his elect by his spirit and grace and at the end of the world shall visibly come to iudgement I beleeue the holy Ghost equall with the father and the sōne who regenerateth and sanctifieth me from my vncleannes to liue holilie and righteously in this worlde assuring my conscience that I am the childe of God and heire with Iesus Christ of life euerlasting I beleeue and acknowledge the vniuersall Church of Christ euen al the companie of the elect agreeing together in the vnity of spirit and truth which church is not seene to the eyes of man but onely knowen to God of which number I am perswaded that I am one I acknowledge also a visible Church of God in this world wherein first the sacred woord of God is taught vnto his people being sufficient to instruct them in all thinges necessarie to saluation Wherwith together with the ministerie of the spirit he ruleth the same Secondly in this Church the two Sacramentes of Baptisme and the Lords Supper are rightly and sincerely ministred Wherin as by Baptisme I am regenerate and receiued into the houshold and felowship of Christians my sinnes being washed away through faith in Christes blood So by the Supper of the Lorde wherein spiritually by faith my soule is fed with the graces and benefits of Iesus Christ I am nourished and sustayned in the church being one with Christ and Christ with me dwelling also in him and hee in mee Thirdly there is in this Church due punishment and correction for offences the end whereof is excommunication by the consent of the Church Lastly I beleeue and confesse that onely in this Church there is saluation and free forgiuenes of sinnes to mee al the elect of God through faith in Christ by whose obedience we be made righteous and by whom we are chosen to an inheritance immortall and euerlasting in heauen Which I most humbly beseeche my Lord God to confirme and strengthen in me and shortly to make an ende of these sorrowful daies to translate me to euerlasting glory through Iesus Christ my redeemer and Sauiour Amen O Lorde increase our faith 1. Re. 2.1 Pro. 4.1 2. Re. 23.1 1. Luc. 214. Deut. 4.4 Psal. 89. 132. 1. Reg. 2.1 Fox Pag 125 Rom. 11.17 Eph.