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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16895 The preachers charge, and peoples duty about preaching and hearing of the Word : opened in a sermon, being the first fruits of a publike exercise, begun in the parish church of Lownd, for the benefit of the island of Louingland in Suffolke / by Iohn Brinsley ... Brinsley, John, 1600-1665. 1631 (1631) STC 3790.5; ESTC S1527 26,069 42

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not only seruent in the spirit but also hee spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord. Ministers in the dispensation of the Gospell are Gods seeds-men to sowe the seed of eternall life in the hearts of his chosen Now it is the seeds-mans charge giuen by the Preacher In the morning sowe thy seed and in the euening let not thine hand rest The Preaching of the Word must be a Ministers worke his daily worke not his recreation a continuall worke We are Gods Husbandmen his people are his tillage as Saint Paul maketh the comparison Now it is the Husbandmans portion redit labor actus in orbem his worke goeth round in a circle it is neuer at an end Spring Summer Autume Winter no vacation in any They that put their hands to Gods Plough must put on an indefatigable resolution to follow the worke with diligence It is the reason which the Apostles giue why they would haue Deacons chosen to take care of their poore because say they We will giue our selues continually to prayer and to Preaching of the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Insta●imus saith the vulgar Latine wee will be instant in it attend vnto it Thus must wee whom God hath honoured so farre as to make vs dispensers of his sacred mysteries we must 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 attend vpon the worke stand to it be instant in it first with Earnestnesse secondly with Diligence This in generall more particularly Be instant in season out of season 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I will bee briefe in both In season the word may be vnderstood two wayes 1. It may be taken for the ordinary set time appoynted and set apart for this exercise The ordinary time set apart by God himselfe for this duty is the Sabbath day the Lords day And then to Preach the Word is to Preach it in season The Sabbath was and the Lords day is a signe of sanctification vnto the people of God neuer are the meanes of sanctification so properly in season as then This season did our Sauiour and his Apostles vsually obserue Before his resurrection they went into the Synagogues and taught vpon the Sabbath dayes After his resurrection they met together euery first day of the weeke vpon the Lords day as at the day of Pentecost and at other times And this season the Ministers of the Gospell are to obserue after a speciall manner In this there is a difference betwixt the word of God and that Mannah which came downe from heauen in the wildernesse that fell vpon euery day of the weeke except the Sabbath this spirituall Mannah neuer falleth so seasonably as then 2. In season that is at such times and seasons when the Word may be most acceptable most profitable vnto the hearers There are certaine seasons when the Word is likely to finde better acceptance and entertainment to take place rather than at other times as viz. when men are humbled vnder the hand of God when the heart is broken vnder some great affliction or other whether present or feared that is a season when the Word is like to finde easier passage and to make a deeper impression So againe when the heart is warmed and melted with the fresh apprehension of some new mercy that is a season when the Word is likely to finde a wide and effectuall doore opened to it to let it into the soule So againe there are certaine seasons when some particular doctrin is more seasonable than others As to minister comfort and consolation to an afflicted deiected soule when the heart is pricked wounded when the spirit is broken vnder the apprehension of sinne and Gods wrath due to it then to preach comfort is like the powring in balsome into a bleeding wound or like a showre of raine falling vpon the new mowne grasse it is a word in season Now Ministers should obserue and watch and apply themselues to these seasons We know what commendation the Wiseman giueth of words thus spoken in season How good is a word in due season And againe A word spoken fitly Super rotissuis saith the originall spoken vpon his wheeles that is with a due concurrance and obseruation of all circumstances of time place person and the like which are as the wheeles vpon which our words and speeches should runne is like apples of gold with pictures of siluer both delectable profitable Herin should the wisdome of the Ministers of the Word be exercised in taking hold of these opportunities to improue them for the best aduantage that they may minister a word in due season They must be instant in season and a. Out of season What is the Word euer out of season that which seasoneth all other things is that euer vnseasonable Ans. In it selfe in truth it is not but in the opinion of men in the eye of carnall reason in the iudgement of flesh and blood it seemeth sometimes to be out of season Out of season three wayes in three respects 1. In respect of the speaker 2. In respect of the hearer 3. In respect of both First in respect of the Speaker the Minister himselfe the Preaching of the Word seemeth to bee out of season when his ease his pleasures his profits his worldly imployments some vnnecessary auocations or other draw him another way When there is no constraint no necessity of Preaching the Law of the Land requires it not neither is there any benefit but perhaps danger likely to accrew to himselfe by Preaching as in times of persecution then it may seeme to him to bee out of season In respect of the Hearers when their Farmes their Oxen their particular calling domesticall imployments perhaps sports pastimes recreations draw them another way When they cannot repayre to the hearing of the Word without some paines without some hardship in respect of the season the weather as it falleth out this morning or otherwise then the Preaching and hearing of the Word seemeth to them to be out of season Thirdly to both Speaker and Hearers it may seeme out of season When it is preached not onely at the set ordinary times vpon the Sabbath the Lords day but also at other times vpon other occasions vpon the weeke day then flesh and blood will be ready to think it as a showre of raine in the midst of Haruest out of season Now at these times which to carnall reason may seeme vnseasonable must the Ministers of the Gospell stand vp to the worke of their ministery take all occasions all oportunities and aduantages of Preaching publikely of instructing priuately Thus did our Sauiour and his Apostles they went about Preaching as they went into the Synagogues on the Sabbath dayes so they tooke all other occasions on the weeke day to instruct the people publikely beside their teaching from house to house And here is our warrant for this religious exercise
will not load a Bee neither will one Sermon though neuer so excellent load the head and heart of a Christian to make him rich in grace And therefore be Instant as Earnest so Diligent This is the third Vse to draw towards an end in the fourth place Be instant in season And that 1. at the set ordinary times set apart for this Exercise the Sabbath day the Lords day then goe forth to gather this heauenly Mannah to make your prouision for the weeke ensuing Then may you expect a speciall blessing from God in attending vpon this holy exercise because as the exercise it selfe is Gods owne ordinance so the day also is set apart by the like ordinance for that exercise 2. Be instant in season viz. At those speciall times and seasons when the Lord is pleased to fit and to dispose you vnto the duty after a speciall manner There are certaine seasons certaine gales of grace as we may call them which the experience of euery Christian can informe vs of when the Lord is pleased to breath more kindly more sweetly more effectually vpon the heart and soule to the quickening and inlarging of it than at other times Sometimes when it is kindely humbled and broken vnder some affliction either outward or inward sometimes when it is warmed and suppled and melted with the fresh apprehension of some new mercy especially with a clearer glimpse of the light of Gods countenance a more full and rauishing apprehension of the vnspeakeable loue and fauour of God in Iesus Christ Sometimes againe it is after a secret and vnexpressable manner moued and inclined and moulded to a more chearefull a more acceptable performance of all dutie Now these are seasons which should be very pretious in the eyes of Christians which they should not let slip without a speciall improuement take hold of them make vse of them as for other duties so for this When the wind blowes whilst the Spirit of God breatheth vpon the soule with a fresher gale in sweet motions inclinations affections resolutions hoyse vp the sayle make vse of that aduantage in hearing and applying of the Word to heare it with more frequency with more power with more life with more intention of Spirit Thus in season 5. And lastly Be instant out of season And that 1. At other times beside the set the ordinary time set apart by God himselfe vpon the weeke day as well as vpon the Sabbath day when God shall offer a fit occasion The word in it selfe is not cannot bee out of season at any time The Word is the bread of life shadowed out amongst other mysteries by the Shew-bread vnder the Law which signified not onely Christ himselfe but all other spirituall repast which the Church hath with and before God and the meanes of their repast Now bread we know is neuer out of season All other meats almost haue their times and seasons when they are in season out of season but bread is alwayes in season The like we may say of this ordinance of God the Word preached it is neuer out of season Some other ordinances of God there are as holy and religious fasting and feasting humiliation and thanksgiuing they haue their times when they are in season and out of season But this exercise of Preaching of the Word it is alwayes in season on the Sabbath day on the weeke day as the Shew-bread stood vpon the Table in the presence of God vpon the weeke day as well as vpon the Sabbath No time vnseasonable to appeare before the Lord in this ordinance of his 2. Out of season when it may seeme to flesh and blood to be something vnseasonable and that in respect of other occasions which may draw vs aside from it If those occasions be not important if they be such as may either bee neglected altogether without any great preiudice to our selues or others or such as may be dispatched sooner or deferred longer in this case let the lesser giue place to the greater If it be with some small detriment to thy selfe in outward respects yet remember what Dauid saith to Araunah he will not offer a sacrifice vnto God of that which cost him nothing Borrow a little from thy body thy estate thy worldly imployments to bestow it vpon thy soule Make bold a little with other occasions to purchase some time for God and his worship and seruice 3. And lastly Be instant out of season euen then when thou findest thy selfe vnfit indisposed vnto the duty yet euen then when thou findest a present indisposition hanging about thee attend vpon this ordinance of God It is a Word of life a quickening Word as well to put life into the soule and to stirre it vp when it is dead as to preserue and increase it It is an Anabaptisticall frenzie that Christians should neuer attend vpon this or any other duty but when the spirit moueth them Wee often see ships riding a long time in a road stead when they might bee in the hauen wherefore is it that they may bee in the winds way as we say to take the first oportunity that shall bee offered Euen thus should Christians anchor as it were in the house of God euen then when they seeme to be becalmed that they cannot stirre and moue themselues about holy duties as they were wont to doe yet euen then ride it out wait vpon God in the vse of this ordinance though vnfit for the present bemoane and bewayle thy vnfitnesse looke vp vnto God for life and seeke it from him in thy attendance vpon this ordinance This is Gods owne command as for vs to Preach so for you to Heare the Word to be instant in season out of season FINIS Diuis Doct. Verse 1. Mat. 23. 4. 1 Cor. 9. 161 Mar. 10. 7. Mark 16. 15. 1 Cor. 1. 17. What Preaching is Psal. 19. 1. Wherein the office of the Ministers of the Word consists 1 Sam. 12. 23. Ier. 15. 19. Neh. 8. 8. Preaching defined The signification of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Preach Ministers are Criers Heralds Mat. 3 3. 1 Tim. 2. 7. 2 Tim. 1. 11. They must deliuer the will of God to All. 2 King 18. 27. Marke 16. 15. Esay 55● 1. Reu. 1. c. 2● c. In the name of God Mat. 21. 9. Luk. ●●● 17. Mat. 7. 23. Boldly Ezek. 3. 8 9. Mat. 7. 29. Tit. 2. 15. Faithfully 1 Cor. 11. 23. Acts 20. 17. 1 King 22. 14. Plainly 2 King 18. 26 27. Neh. 8. 8. Act. 2. v. 6. Calu. in loc v. Esa. 40. 6. The Word taken two waies 1. For Christ himselfe Are in text Ioh. 1. 1. Gen. 3. 15. Ioh. 1. 18. 2. The Gospel Acts 15. 7. Ioh. 6 68. Ephes. 1. 13. Mat. 13. 19. Act. 13. 26. The subiect of Preaching is Christ and the Gospell Acts 8. 5. Acts 9. 20. 1 Cor. 1. 23. 1 Cor. 3. 2. Mark 1● 15. Mat. 3. To preach Christ and the Gospel of Christ consisteth in foure parts Luk. 24. 27. Act. 2. 22. to 37 2 Cor. 5. 19. 20 Rom. 10. 8. 1 Ioh. 3. c. ver 23. Act. 16. 31. Cal. 4. 19. Reas. Rom. 1. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 18. Ministers must be instant two wayes Earnest and that With themselues Reas. 1. Zach 3. 1. Ier. 20. 9. Vers. 10. Others Luk. 14. 33. Iude 23. Esa. 55. 1. Ministers must be diligent Acts 18 25. Eccles. 11. 6. 1 Cor. 3. ● Acts 6. 4. In season ta● he●● 2. wayes For the set time the Lords day Exod. 31. 13. Ezek. 20. 12. Mark 6. 2. Luk. 4. 16 c. Act. 13. 14. Act. 2. Act. 20. 7. Other special oportunities Prou. 15. 23. Prou 25. 11. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Out of season So the Word seemeth to be three wayes In respect of the Minister Hearer * A snowy morning To both Luk. 8. 1. vlt. Mark 20. * Luk. 19. 47. Act. 2. 46. Act. 12. 42. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 v d. Bezam in an not in margintransl Engl. The peoples duty in fiue parts Vse 1. Heare Rom 10. 17. Bezannot inl●cum Matth. 4. 4. Esa 53. 1. Vse 2. The Word without offence at the simplicity of it 1 Pet. 2. 2. 1 Cor. 1. 23. Gal. 3. 1. Vse 3. Be instant two wayes Earnest Gal. 4. 18 With themselues exciting them seues To the duty Reas. Why 1 Cor. 2. 14. In the duty Act. ●0 9. Cant. 5. 2. Col. 4. 2. Ma 〈…〉 Ma 〈…〉 Act. 16. 14. Mat. 11. 12. Be earnest with othe●● and that With God Amos 4. 7. For three things Mat. 9. 38. Col. 4. 3. 2 Thes. 3. ● Iosh. 15. 19. Be instant with men and that Ministers themselues to stirre them vp to their duty Col. 4. 17. Reu. 2. 4. Ion. 1. By Christian exhortations wherin three cautions 1 Tim. 5. 1. By incouragements chiefly reall in three things 2 Cor. 10 10. Be earnest with others Psal. 122. 1. Ioh. 11. Ioh. 4. Diligent P●ou 10. 4. Vse 4. In season 2. wayes 1 Cor. 16. 2. Vse 5. Out of season three waies 2 Sam. 24. 24.