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lord_n day_n observe_v sabbath_n 17,846 5 10.0492 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05710 The new arival of the three gracis, into Anglia Lamenting the abusis of this present age. Batman, Stephen, d. 1584. 1580 (1580) STC 1584; ESTC S112724 36,047 48

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vppon all fléesh and your sons your daughters shal prophisie your old men shal dreame dreames and your young men shal sée visions yea in those dayes I wil poure out my spirit vppon seruantes and maydens I wil shewe wonders in heauen aboue and tokens in the earth be neath blood and fier and the vapour of smook the Son shalbe turnid into darknesse and the Moone into blood before that great and notable day of the Lord come And the tyme shall come that whosoeuer callith on the name of the Lord shalbe sauid And the Lorde sayd vnto Moyses speak vnto the children of Israel and say in any wise sée that you kepe my Sabboths for it is a Signe betwéen me and you in your generacions for to know that I the Lord am he that doth sanctifie you kéepe my Sabboths therfore for it is holy vnto me he that de●ileth it shalbe slayne for whosoeuer worketh therin the same soule shalbe rootid out from among his people Six dayes shall men work and in the seuēth day is the Sabboth of the holy rest of the Lord whosoeuer doeth any work on the Sabboth day shall dye Wherefore let the children of Israel kéepe the Sabboth that they obserue it throughout their generacions that it bée an appoyntement for euer for it is a Signe betwéen me and the children of Israel for euer Such wonderous Signes hath the Lorde shewed from tyme to tyme to the end that euery Christian man should haue dew regard to this so holy a commaūdement from Mount Sinai y e thundering voice was a signe of force which ought not to be brokē not a rest for man only but also the whole familie and cattaile The obseruacion of the Sabboth had his originall beginning of that that is sayd written God blessed the seuenth day and sanctified it bicause that in it he rested from all his workes the Isralites gathered the vi day a double quantitie of Manna bicause that on the Sabboth they should rest to the intent that man should labour to get the true rest And on the Sabboth day ther wer offered two lambes vpon the other dayes but one except in solom fea●ts The man that was taken gathering of stickes vppon the Sabboth day was by gods commaundement stoned to death of Nehemias the Gentiles Iudas Machabeus Nichanor with others Concerning the obseruacion of the Sabboth for farther proofe réede the auctorities The Pharises said vnto the disciples of Christ that did pluck and eat the eares of corne ye do that which is not lawful to doo on the Sabboth day but the lord said vnto them haue ye not read what Dauid did c. Then foloweth the sonne of man is also Lord of the Sabboth day there are diuers insamples why it was lawfull for Christ to heale the diseased on the Sabboth day for that being perfect God and man he did not only heale the festerid or putrified bodies but also their sowles The Sabboth day for vs Christians is moste apte and conuenient to heare the word and law of God and the Prophets The which are red euery Sabboth day Likewise our sauiour Christ in fulfilling the law gaue vs this commaundement saying which of you hauing an Oxe or an Asse fallen into a pit and wil not pul him out on y e Sabboth day Num licet Sabbato sanare they to whō Iesus spake which were y e Lawiers Pharises Answered nothing therfore as the sabboth ought to be kept holy from bodely workes so ought all men to eschue vicious thoughtes and craftie imaginacions And when any occasion of doing good by any maner of way ought to be shewed that then it be don with Christian endeuour and puritie of mind In which ●o doing the sabboth is both reuerently and holily obserued But the crabbed wayward natures of this time present haue so much presumed vpon this text and others that some hath and doth as blind baier●s not spared to labour and trauayle on the Sabboth day without any need or occasion at all aleaging notwithstanding that necessitie hath no law so that vnder the culler of necessitie they vse al daies a like Applying the text of the sacred scriptures not to the will and commaundement of god but after their owne carnall fancies for the which ther so great abusing of the reuerend Sabboth The Lord will show strang signes from heauen fier brimstone storme and tempest which shalbe the porcion for the wicked The Sonne and Moone shalbe darkenid and the starres shall withdraw their light the Lord shall rore out of Sion and crye out of Ierusalem that the heauens and the earth shall quake with all but the Lord shalbe a defence vnto his own people and a refuge for the children of Israel I haue rysen vp early I haue geuen you warning in season but you would not heare Behould therefore the words of the Lord that are at hand to plage vs as he hath plagid others and that euery obstinate shalbe scatterid as dong vppon the earth Pray therefore to God to blesse his preachers that the Gospell may flourrish as it ought or els we perish ¶ Prophecis by perticuler VVHen thou art in tribulacion and when all these things that be here spoken of are come to passe thou shalt retourne agayn to the Lord thy God and be obedient vnto his word THis is the word that was openid vnto Esaie the son of Amos vppon Iuda and Ierusalem it will be also in the last days that the hill where the house of the Lord is buldid shalbe the chéefe amōg hils and exaltid aboue all little hils and al nacions shall pray vnto him the multitude of people shall goe speaking thus one to an other let vs go to the hill of the Lord and to the house of the God of Iacob HHare the word of the Lord O ye children of Israel for the Lorde must punish them that dwell in the land And whyle ther is no truth ther is no mercy ther is no knowledge of God in the land but swearing lyeng manslaughter thefte athoultry haue gotten the vpper hand and one bloud gyltinesse foloweth an other Therfore shall the land ●e in a miserable case and all they that dwell therin shalbe rootid out IN the later days it wil come to passe that the hil of the Lords house shallbe set op hygher then any mountayns or hils yea the people shall prese vnto it and the multitude of the gentils shall hast them thither saying come let vs go vp to the hill of the Lord to the house of the God of Iacob that he may teach vs his ways and that we may walk in his pats for the Law shall come ont of Sion and the word of God from Ierusalem and shall geue sentence among the multitude of the heathen and reforme the people of far countris FOr mark the day cometh that shall bourn as an ouen and all the proud yea and all
life we are in death but then to whom ought euery one to flée not to fancy not to carnall friend but vnto God and seing that in the midest of life there is none other help but in the crosse of Christ crucified by the which we are dead vnto the world and lyuing vnto God how much are wée bound to thanke him for the same felix quem faciunt aliena pericula cautum then all th●se deuouring godes would soone be ouerthrowen for as much as the dyuell vseth in diuers and sundry of his ministers dayly to poscesse and torment the minds of men therby to with draw them from God how much are those bound to the al mighty which geueth them warning in such liberall sort as in these our dayes is most manifestly sene the ensamples are many of y ● which I wil resit one Zacheus in distributing of his goods and making of restituciō was very large and liberall thus he sayd vnto our Lord behold Lorde the halfe of my goods I geue to the poore if I haue don any man wrong I restore foure fold a good exāple for these present dayes to euery such person whose consience dayly accuseth them for wrong gotten goods frō the poore from the fatherlesse widow to restore to euery one his owne then would God his kingdom increace and Sathan●s diminish consider what a speciall grace is geuen to euery one that is torne in the tyme of Christian lawe which is the Gospell And seing the innumerable fancis of men in the which they haue seperatid them selues from 〈◊〉 now through the bright shi●ning Gospell of Christ all these detestable fancis are 〈…〉 that dareth take the name of a Christian and 〈…〉 folow that which in the e●●erance of this 〈…〉 but to God some 〈…〉 ●hat at the tyme of his enterance he had neither 〈…〉 reason to performe thē may it be 〈◊〉 if he neuer heard the Gospell preachid thaught or réed if he aunswer no then apperith n●●ligence if yea then indigent or con●●ptions b●th are rewardid with death the one in that through negligence he did not the other in that to folow sensuall appetite he wold not therefore could not serue God Mamon which Mamon is the God of worldly delights as also Esculanus the God of mynes of gold siluer Pecunia of metals Fessoria of traualors and pilgrims to kepe them from wéerinesse Pelonia to dryue away enemies out of the lande Esculapius of sick men Spinensis to kepe corne frō thystels and such like Rubigo the vines Fortuna of fortunate successe with Silla Marius Muta Genoria Stimula Murcia with many others not worthy the rehearsall These people long tyme past were not more troubled in deuising gods for such their purposis as the most part in these dayes are by dayly practising how to begyle each other so that the craftiest marchaunt is counted the wisest man the common drunkerd the best felow the riotous Ruffian the best companion the filthy adoulterer the amorus louer The blasphemist swarer the truest dealer the most Ipocrit the perfectest Christian c the wicked in their generacions are wiser thē the childrē of lyght neuerthelesse they shall perish the wraught of the Lorde shall consume them for their delicate fare in the world they shal suffer hunger of soule for their oppression payne for their easy lyues most horrible ends come Lord Iesu for the dayly oppression of the faythfull is great and ease them from out of this misery when and at such tyme as thy Godly wisedome shall apoynt ¶ Significacions of the later day to bee at hand with approuid prophises auouching the same taken out of the holy scripture by auctorites as followeth W● vnto thée O Ariel Ariel thou Citie that Dauid dwelt in goe on from yere to yere let the Lambs be s●ayne I wil lay séeg● vnto Ariel so that ther shalbe heuy●es and sorow in it and it shallbe vnto me euē as an aulter of slaughter I wil beséege thée round about and fight against thée through a bulwark and will reare vp diches against thee thou shalt be brought down shalt speake out of the ground and thy spéech shall goe lowe out of the dust thy voyce also shall come out of the ground like the voyce of a witch and thy talking shall whisper out of the dust more ouer the noyse of thy ●●raing enemies shallbe like thinne dust and the multitude of tyrants shallbe as dry straw that cannot tarry euen sodenly and in hass shall ther blast go thou shalt be visited of the Lord of Bosts with thunder earthqua● and with a great noyse with storm tempest and with the flame of a consuming fier and the multitude of all nacions that fyght agaynst the Ariel shalbe as a dream euen so shall all they be that make warre against it and strong houldes to ouercome it and that lay any séege to it in conclusion it shalbe euen as when a hungry man dreameth that he eating and when he awaketh his soule is empty Or as when a thirsty man dreameth that he is drinking and when he waketh he is yet faynt and his soule hath appetit euen so shall the multitude of all nacions that feyght against Sion pon●er these things once in your mynds and wonder blinded are they themselues and y e blynd gyds to other that are dronk but not with wine they are vnstable but not through strong drink for the Lord hath couerid you with a ●umbering spirit and hath closid your eyes your Prophets also and your rulars that should sée thē hath he couerid And the vision of all the Prophets is become vnto you as the words of a book that is sealid vp which mē deliuer vnto one that is learnid saying read thou it and he sayeth I cannot for it is sealid And the book is geuen vnto him that is not learnid saying read thou it and he saieth I am not learned Therfore thus hath y e Lord sayd for so much as this people when they be in trouble doo honour me with their mouths and with their lips but ther hart is farre from me And the fear which they haue vnto me proceadeth of a commandiment that is taught of men therfore will I do maruayles amōg the people euen merueylous things I say and a wonder and when thy sonne asketh thée in tyme to come sayng what meaneth these witnesses ordinācis and Lawes which the Lord our God hath commandid you Then thou shalt say vnto thy sonne we were Pharaos bondme● in Egipt and the Lord brought vs out of Egipt with a mighty hand and the Lord showed signes and wōders for the deliuery of his people Israel therfore sayeth the Prophet Ioel Ye shall wel know that I am in the midest of Israel and that I am the Lord your God yea and that ther is none other and my people shall no more be brought to confusion after this wil I powre out my spirit
such as do wickednes shalbe as straw and the day that is for to come shal bou●n them vp saieth the Lord of Hostes so that it shall not leaue them nether roote nor branch But vnto you that fear my name shall the Sonne of righteousnesse arise health shalbe vnder his wings IEsus went out and departid from the Temple And his Disciples came to him for to shew him the bulding of the Temple in Ierusalem and Iesus sayd vnto them sée ye not all these things Verely I say vnto you ther shall not be left here one stoue vppon an other that shal not be cast down And as he sat vppō the mount Oliuet his Disciples came vnto him saying tell vs when these things shalbe and what signe shallbe of thy comming and of the ende of the world Iesus aunswerid sayd vnto them take head that no man deceyue you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceyue many and ye shal here of warres of the rumors of warres but sée that ye be not troublid for all these things must come to passe but the end is not yet For nacion shall rise against nacion and realm agaynst realm and ther shalbe Pestilence hunger and earthquaks in certeyn quarters all these are the beginning of sorows Then shall they put you to trouble and shall kill you and ye shalbe hated of all nacions for my names sake then shal many be offendid shall betraye one an other and shall hate one an other and many false Prophets shall aryse and shall diceyue many and because iniquite shall haue the vpper hand the loue of many shall abate but he that indureth vnto the ende the same shalbe safe MOreouer when ye sée the abhominacion of desolacion whereof is spoken by Daniel the Prophet Stand where it ought not let him that readeth vnderstand then let them that be in Iuery flée to the mountayns and let him that is on the house top not decend down into the house let him that is in the féeld not tourn back agayn vnto the things that he left behind him for to take his clothes with him wo shalbe to them that are with child and to them that geue luck in those dayes but pray that your flyght be not in the Winter for ther shalbe in those dayes such tribulacion as was not frō the beginning BUt before all these they shal lay their hands on you and persecute you deliuering you vp to the Sinagoges and into prisons bring you before Kings and Rulers for my name sake c. Yea ye shalbe betrayd of your fathers and mothers and of your brethren and kinesmen and friends and some of you shall they put to death and hated shall ye be of all men for my names sake yet ther shall not one heare of your heads perish by your paciens possesse your souls after these and other things ther shalbe signes in the Sonne and in the Moone and in the Starres and in the Earth the people shallbe in such perplexite that they shal not tell which way to tourne them selues the Sea and the waters shall rore and mens hearts shal fayle them for fear and for loking after those things which shall come on the earth for the powers of heauen shall moue and then shall they sée the sonne of man come in a cloud with power and great glory when these things beginne to come to passe then loke vp and lift vp your heads for your redempsion draweth neygh VErely verely I say vnto you hereafter shall ye sée heauen open And the Angels of God ascending and descending vnto the sonne of man These things haue I sayd vnto you because you should not be offendid They shall excōmunicate you yea the tyme shall come that whosoeuer killeth you wil think that he doeth God seruice and such things will they doo vnto you because they haue not knowen the father nether yet me but these things haue I told you that when that houre is come ye might remember them that I told you THe spirit speaketh euidently that in the later tymes some shall depart from the faith shal geue héede vnto the spirits of errour and diuelish doctrine of men which speak false through Ipochrisi c. THis vnderstand that in the last dayes shall come perelous times for mē shalbe louers of their owne selues couetous bostars proud cursed speakers disobedient to father and mother vnthankful vnholy vnkind trucebreakers stobberen false accusers riotous ferce dispisers of them which are good traytours heady hie minded gredy vppon volupteousnesse more then the louers of God hauing a similitude of godly lyuing but haue denyed the powre therof and such abhore THis first vnderstand that ther shal come in the laterdays mokers which will walk after their own lusts and say where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers died all things continue in the same estate wher in they were at the beginning for this they know not and that willengly how that the heauens a great while a goe were and the earth that was in the water aperid vp out of the water by the word of god by the which things the world that then was perished ouerflowid with y e water but the heauins verely the earth which are now are kéept by the same word in store reseruid vnto fier against the day of Iudgment perdicion of vngodly men BEhold the Lord shal come with thowsands of Saincts to geue iudgemēt against al men to rebuke al that are vngodly among thē of all their vngodly déeds which they haue vngodly committed of al their cruel speakings which vngodly sinners haue spokē against him VNto him that louid vs and wasshid vs from sinnes in his own blood and made vs kings and prestes vnto god the father be glory and dominion for euer and euer Amen ¶ Ane aduised prophesie ¶ In Anno 1041. this picture was found in the temple of the Iacobines in Geneua against the wicked gouernement of papall dignite This picture was made by Iacobus Iaquiri de C ui tate Taurini 1041. Iudicabit iudices iudex generalis Hic mihi proderit dignitas papalis Siue sit Episcopus siue Cardinalis Reus cōdamnabitur nec dicetur quales Hic nibil proderit quinquam allegare Neque exciperere neque replicare Nec ad apostolicum sedem appellare Reus codamnabitur nec dicetur quare Cogitate miseri qui vel quales estis Quid in hoc iudicio dicere potestis Idem e●it dominus iudex actor testis The substance of the Latin h●rce THe mighty Ioue the iudge of all which fitteth in throne aboue Shall iudge each Papal dignite the rable whole remoue Such as the one the other is and Cardinals like wise For their deformid flattery the Lord wil them dispise And iudge of al both quick and dead whē Popes shal boyle in bulles of lead AS from