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A12974 An exposition vpon the CXII. Psalme The high way to euerlasting blessednesse. Written for the benefit of Gods church, by T.S. Stint, Thomas. 1621 (1621) STC 23269; ESTC S107442 67,502 220

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by his soueraignty It is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God fourthly by the latitude thou thy son thy daughter thy man seruant thy maid seruant the stranger that is within thy gates must sanctifie it fiftly by his example The Lord rested the seuenth day lastly by his benediction he blessed and sanctified it These sixe markes are like the sixe Water-pots in the second of Iohn Iohn 2.7 Let euery one of vs remember to sanctifie the Lords Sabbath that shall bee a pledge of the eternall Sabbath in the kingdom of Heauen fill them vp to the brim with a holy obseruation then draw out carry to the master of the feast euen to Iesus Christ the Lord of the new Sabbath therefore let vs remember to sanctifie the Lords Sabbath and that shall be vnto vs a pledge of the eternal Sabbath in the kingdome of Heauen which shal be a day without euening shal yeeld vs rest without labor ioy without ending Secondly behold a difference There is great difference betweene the godly and the wicked in their obedience whereby wee may try our selues betweene the wicked and the godly the one desires to draw in Gods yoke and yeeld obedience to the commandements and the other desires nothing more then to cast it of let vs examine then how our heart is affected doest thou finde this inward discontentment in obeying are Gods lawes as bonds and cords in thy esteeme and as a stomackful horse dost thou foame at the bit which is put into thy mouth an euident signe of a rebellious heart but one the other side art thou content to submit thy self to Gods commandements art thou desirous that thy nature would bee more conformable to Gods law art thou content to be restrained and if it were possible to haue the wicked inclination of thy heart abolished surely then thou needest not to want comfort thy state will affoord it goe on therefore constantly vnto the end Here is great comfort for all such as find vprightnes in their harts thogh they haue many imperfections Thirdly here is great consolation for all such as find these notes of vprightnesse in themselues and that they haue part in the commandements though they haue many corruptions and imperfections mixed with their best works yet seeing they haue pure hearts they are happy and blessed and shall find the good effects of their blessednesse true holinesse and true happinesse are neuer separated As for perfections God looks not for it at our hands if sinne hang on vs but wee would faine cast it off if we finde vnbeleefe but would most gladly get faith if wee bee troubled in our hearts with hardnesse but are desirous of softnesse if we be humbled for that we cannot be humbled sufficiently nor get such a large heart as we would to desire and exspect grace from heauen yet let vs not be discomforted for our defects and frailties for the Lord will spare vs and be gratious vnto vs in his beloued sonne according to that worthy prayer of good king Hezekiah 2. Chro. 30.18.19 The good Lord be mercifull toward him that prepared his whole heart to seeke the Lord God of his fathers though he be not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuarie Fourthly this serueth for comfort to the children of God Our good purposes shall be rewarded to let them see how highly God prizeth good purposes and desires accepting and rewarding them when they come to him as if they came accompanyed with the deedes themselues Dauid did but conceiue a purpose to build God a house 2. Sam. 7.16 God rewards it with the building and establishing of Dauids house hee did but conceiue a purpose to confesse his sinnes Gods eare was in his heart before Dauids confession could bee in his tongue Psal 32.5 The poore beggers that haue wanted food for themselues Christ yet shall say at the last day Ye haue fed mee when I was hungry onely in regard of their strong affection if they had had abilitie Luk. 15.20 the prodigall child when hee was but conceiuing a purpose of returning was preuented by his fathers first comming to him Isa 65.24 and as Isay sayth God will answer vs before we call that is in our purposes of prayer O sweete comfort when wee addresse our selues to prayer in our priuate meditations and bethinke our selues of our sundry wants we purpose with our selues to beg such and such things whereof yet happily wee forget some in the vocall prayer shall any good soule now thinke that the memories weakenesse shall any thing preiudice her in this case no thy purpose of asking the thing forgotten was a most effectuall asking of it Therefore when the Lord shall put any good motions into our mind let vs not delay but speedily put them in practise and vnto thee belongeth the comfort of that saying I will heare before they calll Therefore seeing the Lord doth so highly esteeme good purposes let vs not delay but speedily put then in practise Before the Iron coole it is good striking while the waxe is plyable it is good setting on the Seale doest thou then feele at any time that thy heart is warmed with good motions enlarged with good affections lift vp to heauen in spirituall meditations doest thou feele any sparkles of the heauenly fire take take thou the bellowes presently blow till the flame cherish in thee and make much of the smoking flaxe Eccles 5.31 and therefore what Salomon exhorteth in the case of vowes is generally to be practised in all holy purposes and motions bee not slacke to performe them they that know themselues know how fickle and vnconstant their hearts are now as we would deale with a variable and vnconstant man so let vs deale with these hearts of ours we would take such a one at his word and lay hold of the opportunity least within a short space he alter his minde our hearts are more vnconstant then any man is or can be let vs then learne this wisedome presently to lay hold of euery good motion and put it in practise do not stand debating the matter when God putteth any good thought into thy heart or rayseth vp any good purpose or desire within thee but presently proceed to execution make no long tarrying before thou doest put them in action there haue beene many who haue resolued to leaue such a sinne Delaying of time very dangerous or doe such a dutie and put in practise what they haue heard but by reason of their deferring vntill the next day or such a time those motions die and purposes vanish and come to nothing for want of speedy execution The right way to try our selues is to know that wee haue forsaken our sins And therefore let vs trye our selues if these good purposes haue wrought in vs a forsaking of sinne and a reformation of life if it bee thus then it is well for this it is
Christ neuer rest vntill you become strong in Christ nay if you bee in Christ you will not rest till you come to some perfection in him 2. Pet. 1.5 Ioyne therfore vnto your vertue faith with faith knowledge with knowledge temperance with temperance patience and with patience godlinesse and with godlinesse brotherly kindnesse for if these bee in you they will make you neither vnfruitfull nor vnprofitable Keepe then thy grace in an honest heart and it will encrease like the Widdowes oyle in the Cruise and meale in the Barrell till thou come to be a perfect man in Christ Iesus The markes of an vpright heart is vniuersall obedience Now wee are come to the last part of this blessed mans delight and that is said here to bee in the Commandements and therefore that we may make sure worke in this regard let vs try our sincerity by the good effects that doe euer accompany the same The first note therefore of a sound heart which wee should take for our tryall is to bee vniuersall in our desires and in our practise that wee haue respect to euery Commandement of God Psal 119.8 to the first table as well as to the second and to the second as well as to the first that we bee righteous towards men as well as religious towards God that wee looke to our hearts as well to our actions and to our actions as well as to our hearts Contrary to this rule is the dealing of those that will giue dispensations vpon themselues for many things so that they can make a shew of some things what if we be not so liberall to the poore say they yet we are no swearers nor blasphemers what if wee take a little liberty these are but trifles wee will not bee adulterers nor filthy speakers c this is a shrewd signe of a heart full fraught with guile and deceit The property of a good conscience is to bee willing and desirous in all things to walke honestly Heb. 13.18 if one be neuer so strickt in hearing Sermons and abstaining from swearing yet if he will helpe himselfe with a lye now and then for his commodity and if a man bee neuer so rigorous and seuere for matters of Iustice against others yet will dispense with himselfe in a corner thinking that the name of a Professor and reputation of the brotherhood will beare him out this is an argument of a false and dissembling heart therfore this must be taken heed of as being very dangerous Therefore that we may not deceiue our selues in this one tryall the sincere and honest heart as our Sauiour calls it is that which cherisheth hatred of all sin without exception and carrieth a constant purpose and resolution in nothing willingly to sinne against God but to endeauour it selfe to the vtmost in euery good way of Gods Commandements Whatsoeuer it shall know to be a sinnes it will not purposely and deliberately do it for al the world this note the Prophet Dauid giueth for hauing said Psal 119.3 Blessed are the vpright in their way hee teacheth vs to discerne them by this note Surely they doe no iniquity With my whole heart haue I sought thee saith Dauid Psal 119.10 suffer mee not to wander from thy Commandements Insinuating thereby that such as doe not seeke God with their whole hearts that is in singlenes of heart vnfainedly God will suffer them to wander in crooked blind wayes and that fearefully irrecouerably To the like purpose is that in the same Psalme Let my heart be vpright in thy statutes that I may neuer be ashamed And although Saint Iames say Iam. 3.3.2 In many things we offend all yet wee must resolue our selues to leaue all sin For if we liue lie but in one sin that one sin is sufficiēt to presse vs down to hel Can. 4.7 therfore the spouse is said to haue no spot in her for if she had but one spot then were she not beautiful in his eyes let the walls of the City bee neuer so strong if there be one breach the enemy will enter in and sacke the City if a strong ship do but leake in one place it will be drowned a beast which is caught in the snare but by one leg cannot escape one Flie falling into the Apothecaries boxe will spoyle the whole oyntment 2. Sam. 15. Let vs remember Saul and forget not our owne soules God cōmanded him vtterly to destroy the Amalekites he sparing but some of them was cast off from God his Kingdome rent from him our sinnes are the sinnes of the Amalekites which God cōmandeth vs to destroy we must kill them all and spare none lest God forsake vs so we lose a better Kingdom then euer Saul found For Iam. 2.10 Iam. 1.17 Heb. 12.1 Whosoeuer shal keep the whole Law yet offend in one point he is guilty of all for pure religion and vndefiled is to keep our selues vnspotted of the world Let vs therfore cast euery sin away which is as great weight This discouers many to be lewd and dissolute persons when the Commandements are distastfull vnto them and lay aside euery sin with which we are beset First this serueth for the discouery of many to be the sonnes of Beliall lawlesse lewd and dissolute persons to whom nothing is more grieuous then Gods gouernement and nothing more distastfull then the Commandements of the Lord Gods Word is like hard meate lying heauy vpon the stomacke that cannot easily bee digested those precepts giuen for the ordering of our waies Sweare not at all Mat. 5.34 sanctifie my Sabboth they are hard sayings who can endure them nay they could wish they were rased out of the booke and there were no such iniunction debar them from swearing you were as good sowe vp their lippes keepe them from their sports on the Sabbath day why then take away their liues nay they cannot nor will not bee so straight laced their sports they must follow their pleasures they must take and no day fitter then that thus Sampson like they break Gods Lawes like twind threds and say Depart from vs wee will none of thy wayes Let all such then know that pretend what they will they are but lawlesse persons children of Belial who desire nothing more then to be from vnder Gods Commandements and to cast his yoke from off their necks therefore I may truely say that where the Sabbath is not sanctified there is neither sound Religion nor a Christian conuersation How God esteemeth the sanctification of the Sabbath may appeare by the exact deliuery of the Commandements for he hath fenced it about like Mount Sinai Exod. 19.12 with markes and bounds at the deliuery of the Law that no prophanenesse might approach neere vnto you first by his watch-word Remember secondly Exo. 20.8 9 by his bounty sixe dayes thou shalt labour and doe all that thou hast to doe thirdly
amongst vs. Let it bee considered and let his knowledge support thee in euery good action And that we may the better attaine to these graces let vs vse feruent prayer vnto almighie God and that dayly humbly beseeching him of his infinite goodnesse and mercy to beget and worke this holy feare in our hearts I will put my feare in their hearts Ier. 32.39.40 that they shall not depart from me Heere we see it is a propper gift It is musike to God to heare Christians prayers and worke of God himselfe and we must not thinke to haue it vnlesse we vse the meanes of Prayer which God hath ordained to obtaine his blessings and graces as Saint Iames speaketh Wee haue not Iam. 4.2 because wee aske not Therefore saith Dauid Vnite my heart vnto thee Psal 86.11 that I may feare thy name And God is so well pleased with our Prayers when they come vnto him that there is no melodious harmony so pleasant in our eares as a Prayer proceeding from an humble and broken heart is in the eares of the Lord of Hosts let vs present our petitions with our soules full of griefe and our eyes full of teares vnto men and wee shall bee tedious and troublesome vnto them for the most part as the woman of Canaan was vnto the disciples Send her away say they to our Sauiour Math. 15.13 for she cryeth after vs. But Christ hath no greater ioy then to heare and releiue such worthy beleeuers as she was Now sith it is a thing so well pleasing vnto him he cannot but grant and satisfie the desires of such as faithfully and feruently call vpon him Therefore seeing the Lord is so pleased with penitent sinners whē they come vnto him The true penitent sinner feareth to displease God by cōmitting the least sinne let euery one of vs labour for true and sound repentance to bee humbled in the sight and knowledge of our sinnes with godly sorrow which may continually bring foorth in vs repentance to saluation neuer to be repented of 2. Cor. 7.11 and this will bring foorth feare Behold this godly sorrow what feare it hath wrought in you The penitent sinner feareth to displease God This feare of God must be durable not onely for a time but it must bee to the end of our dayes to disobey his word or to do any thing which he knoweth will not bee well pleasing in Gods sight and so out of his true loue vnto God is afrayde lest by committing the least sinne hee should procure the anger of God against him and this our repentance must continue all the dayes of our life according to Dauids saying The feare of the Lord which bringeth repentance endureth for euer And great reason it should be so for wee are commanded to bee constant and to perseuer in godlines euen to the end but this cannot be vnlesse the feare of God be in vs alwayes therefore saith God I will put my feare in their hearts that they shall not depart from mee Ier. 32.40 And it is the speciall commandement of God that we should feare the Lord our God for our good alwayes in our youth middle-age and old age euen vnto our death and not post it off till old-age as a number doe spending all their time in ryot and all manner of prophanenesse it is long ere they beginne yet at length they bethink themselues and so are afraid to sinne as they haue done but a number of such neuer leaue sinne till sinne leaues them whose cases are pittifull and lamentable It is true which is said better late then neuer Psal 72.5 so it is as true that large teares and late repentance is not alwayes true Dauid describing the time Pal. 119.8 saith They shall feare thee as long as the Sunne and Moone endures throughout al generations let vs therfore continually vse al good meanes to keepe vs in this feare that all of vs ioyntly and each one in particular may truly say with Dauid O Lord I am deuoted to thy feare Seuenthly Let vs not be discouraged though our repentance be but in a beginning yet if it be true God will meete it with mercy Rom. 7.19 here is great comfort to al weak Christians who are much discouraged with their weak proceedings in grace they feele not their hearts so broken as they desire They desire with all their hearts to turne vnto the Lord to leaue sin but still they fall and that foulely The good they would do they do not the euill they would not do that do they dayly well is it thus yet bee thou not discouraged for though thy repentance be but in a beginning yet if it bee true God will meete it with mercy Thou sayest thou desirest Is thy desire true and vnfained 2. Cor. 8.12 Doest thou desire to walke so as that God may be glorified Doest thou expresse thy desires by vsing of all good meanes And is not thy desire idle and art thou content to doe any labour take any paines for the obtaining of grace doest thou thirst after it as the Hart doth after the riuers of waters If it be thus assure thy selfe thy dedesire is highly pleasing vnto God and most acceptable vnto him the Lord he will not reiect it nor thee in regard of it hee will not breake the bruised reed nor quench the smoking flaxe Mat. 12.20 Till he bring forth iudgement vnto victory hee doth not contemne the least measure of his owne grace he hath bestowed on thee be it neuer so smal a quantitie if true it is his owne guift his gifts are without repentance Rom. 11.29 hee cannot despise that which himself hath giuen neither take that away for euer which hee hath once bestowed thy creeping is acceptable to God goe on with comfort constantly vnto the end Lastly here the Prophet saith Prou. 3.7 Let all men therfore examine their owne consciences whether they haue left their sins if they haue they may safely conclude they are such as feare God Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord Salomon he saith Feare the Lord and depart from euill for no man can depart from euill vnlesse he feare God so none feares God truely but he doth cease from sin therefore they that boast of their feare and yet liue in their former sinnes are lyers against the truth and deceiue their owne soules Let all men therefore seriously examin their owne conscience whether they haue left their sinnes and are become new creatures in Christ Iesus and whether they haue a full purpose and resolution of heart for time to come to hate that which is euill if they haue they may conclude to their euerlasting ioy and comfort that they are such as feare God if not then let them know they cannot approoue vnto their owne soules that they haue this feare for he that continueth in the practise of sinne without any penitency hath not
the true feare of God Psal 36.1 The wicked haue no feare of God before their eyes Let vs therefore keepe Gods Commandemēts and not only talke of them but practise them and doe them First this teaches vs to walke in the path of Gods Commandements not to talke of them only or to commend them but to practise them and doe them the Prophet Dauid therefore sheweth plainely who they are that feares God saying The mercy of the Lord is from euerlasting to euerlasting Psa 10● 17 18. Psa 128.1 Psa 119 63. Deut. 8.6 vpon them that feares him to such as keepe his Couenant and remember his Commandements to doe them and blessed is euery one that feareth the Lord and walketh in his wayes and Dauid saith I am a companion of all them that feare thee and keepe thy Commandements This must therefore teach euery one carefully to obserue and keep Gods Commandements according to the saying of God by Moses Thou shalt keepe the Commandement of the Lord thy God to walke in his wayes and to feare him In vaine therefore doe they boast of their feare seruice worship of God who instead of keeping Gods Comandements break them all delight thēselues in nothing more then in committing of sin transgressing the Law of God let vs therfore take Salomons counsell Eccle. 12.13 In all Gods children in whom the true feare of God is there must be vprightnesse and sincerity of heart Feare God and keepe his Commandements for this is the whole duty of man Secondly wee must get vprightnesse of heart in the whole course of Gods worship and seruice Hee that walketh in his vprightnes feareth the Lord. Iob was an vpright man and one that feared God Cornelius was a iust man and one that feared God with all his house Pro. 14.2 Iob. 1. Act. 10.22 Verse 2. and certainely in all Gods people in whom the true feare of God is there cannot but be vprightnesse of heart voyde of all hypocrisie and a true endeauour to approoue their hearts vnto God to bee true and sound in all things as knowing that God knoweth and beholdeth all and he who will iudge them all at the latter day To goe on constantly in grace vnto the end is a true signe of the holy feare of God Ier. 32.40 Pro. 24.24 Therefore let vs all get vprightnesse of heart and goe on constantly in the grace and fauour of God cleaning so fast vnto God as neuer to fall away from him for those that haue made some good beginnings and yet afterwards fall away from him do euidently declare that they neuer had this true feare of God for God doth so put his feare in the hearts of his Children that they shall neuer depart from him they may sometimes fall through infirmities but as Salomon saith They rise vp againe therefore they cannot finally fall away from God none can plucke him out of his hands Satan cannot Ioh. 10.29 because he that is in vs Iohn 4.4 is stronger then hee that is in the world Sinne cannot because grace will preuaile against it The world cannot 1. Iohn 5.4 because this is our victory whereby we ouercome the world euen our Faith And the Apostle concludeth generally for all other matters that Neither death nor life nor Angels Rom. 8.38 39. nor Principalities nor Powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. The excellency of this grace shuld be a speciall motiue to vs to feare the Lord. And to stirre vs vp to the performance of this duety whereby we may get the true feare of the Lord let vs remember the excellency of this grace and how it maketh all those in whom it is to be most excellent Mal. 3.16 For a booke of remembrance is written before God for them that feare the Lord and they shall be mine saith the Lord of Hosts Pro. 31.30 in that day when I make vp my Iewels Here we see God hath them in euerlasting remembrance neuer to forget them as being his Iewels and chiefest treasure The woman that excelleth all is shee that feareth the Lord Pro. 15.16 Psal 37.16 this Salomon describes the excellency of this feare aboue all other things Better is a little with the feare of the Lord then great Treasure and trouble therewith A little that a righteous man hath is better then the riches of many wicked men and of all people Psa 147.11 The Lord taketh pleasure in them that feare him Thirdly we learne from hence that this blessed man that feareth the Lord No good thing will the Lord withhold from them that feare him hath the promise of temporall blessings as riches honour preferment length of dayes blessing vpon our labours and all that wee haue Doest thou then desire riches Wouldest thou come to honour Wouldest thou liue long and see good dayes Then bee carefull to feare the Lord and bee thou sure thou shalt haue these blessings or at least as good in stead of them Pro. 22.4 Pro. 10.27 Pr. 9.10.11 Psal 128. By the feare of the Lord are riches honour and life the feare of the Lord prolongeth dayes and by it thy dayes shall bee multiplyed and the yeeres of thy life shall bee increased Blessed is euery one that feareth the Lord for thou shalt eate the the labour of thine hands happy shalt thou be and it shall be well with thee Loe thus shall the man bee blessed that feareth the Lord. Againe wouldest thou haue God to deliuer thee and saue thee from trouble then feare the Lord. For the Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that feare him Psal 34.7 and deliuereth them Wouldest thou haue plenty or at least a competent liuing to enioy Gods good blessings then feare God for their is no want to them that feare him The Lyons doe lurke and suffer hunger Psal 9.9.10 but they that feare God shall want to manner of thing that is good Wouldest thou haue thy hearts desire granted thee of God so far forth as shal be agreeable to his will Psal 37.4 Then delight thy selfe in the Lord and hee shall giue thee thine hearts desire yea he will fulfill the desires of them that feare him hee will heare their cry and will helpe them Wouldest thou haue all things to be well with thee then feare the Lord for he taketh pleasure in them that feare him Psal 147 11. Eccle. 8.12 And though a sinner doth euill an hundred times and his dayes be prolonged yet surely I know that it shall bee well with them that feare God which feare before him And though many troubles and manifold mischiefes are in the world though the righteous fall into manifold afflictions Yet as Salomon saith Eccle. 7.18 He that feareth God shall come forth of them
holy ministry of Gods word longing and thirsting after it Psal 42.1.2 with Dauid As the Hart panteth after the water brookes so panteth my soule after thee O God Thus euery good Christian must whet the appetite of his soule to delight in Gods law by conference meditation hearing reading praying preaching and dayly frequenting of holy assemblyes Psal 122.1 I was glad when they sayd vnto mee let vs goe into the house of the Lord. So was it prophesied of the christian church that many people should go and say Mich. 4.1 Esa 2.3 Esa 60.7 Come let vs goe vp to the mountaine of the Lord to the house of the God of Iacob and he will teach vs his wayes and we shal walke in his paths who are these that flie like a cloude and as Doues to their windoes Noting not onely the greatnesse of the number but diligence and zeale of such as should come to Christ and receiue his doctrine and Christ sayd Mat. 11.12 that from the time of Iohn Baptist hitherto the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence and the violent take it by force Thus the zeale of Gods house should eate vs vp The least danger or weaknesse doth put of such as are backward in Gods seruice Secondly this serueth to confute and reproue all such as are backeward and carelesse in this necessary duty being idle and vaine in their excuses or reasons to hinder their zeale and loue to the word any feare the least danger Prou. 22.13 Psa 119.51 Luk. and worldly businesse doth put them off There is a Lion in the way Some haue their oxen to prooue their Farme to see their wife to marry all these yet are inuited to come to the Feast though vnworthy of the same therefore God will fill his house with any others then with such euen those that sit in the high way and vnder hedges the most basest and vilest of men shall enter before them and bee saued Mat. 21.31.32 euen whores and harlots shall sooner be receiued then those that seeme children of the kingdome God will raise vp to Abraham sonnes of stones rather then these viperous serpents shall haue the name of his seed Mat. 3.9 Others there are that thinke if we should make conscience of religion begin to read the word to frequent sermons to haue prayer in our families and the like this would make vs to bee scoffed and mocked at but let such heare what the word saith that pronounces them blessed that delight in the law of the Lord Psalme 1. and meditate therein day and night and that seeke him with their whole hearts yea albeit they should meet with some disgrace and opposition in the world Psal 119. Math. 5. Blessed are yee saith Christ when men reuile you and persecute you and speake all manner of euill against you falsly for my names sakt Reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen is it not better to endure a little mocking from men for a time and that for well doing then to vndergoe the wrath of God for euer for ill doing Let vs consider in particular what benefit we may reape by the ministry of the Gospel Isai 5.3 Heare saith the Prophet Isaiah Iam. 1.21 thy soule shal liue receiue the word with meekenes saith Iames which is able to saue your soules Reu. 1.3 blessed is he that reades heares the words of this Prophesie saith the spirit in the Reuelation And on the other side Prou. 28.9 he that turneth away his eare from hearing the law his prayer shall bee abomination saith Salomon and againe the wisedome of God speaks thus because I haue called and ye refused Prou I haue stretched out my hand none would regard but yee haue despised all my counsell and would none of my correction I will also laugh at your destruction and mocke when your feare commeth These and the like places if wee could throughly consider of they would worke more powerfully with vs to cause vs to desire the word and to retaine and keepe our hearts still in loue and liking of it then all the reproches and persecutions in the world could to withdraw our affections from it God is to be heard before any Therefore they that come to receiue benefit by the ministery must not harken what reasons flesh and bloud can yeeld them against it but what reasons God can giue them for it for the diuell will haue much to say against goodnesse and our owne fleshly wisdome will haue haue as much the world will be as great a pulbacke vnto vs if we will giue it the hearing but if we can bend an attentiue eare vnto the Lord wee shall finde that hee will bring better arguments to perswade vs to goodnesse then all those our enemies can to disswade vs from it therefore it is that men are so often and so grossely deceiued because they heare what the one side can say to discourage and hinder them in actions of piety and godlinesse but not what the other can say to harten and draw them onward in good wayes for if they did bring a spirituall eare to receiue the proofes that are brought from the word they would be more forceable to bring them to God then al other means could be to allure them to forsake God Eph. 4.30 If wee cherrish in vs the gifts of Gods holy spirit it assures vs of deliuerance from the wrath to come and to embrace or hearken to the allurements of this present world therefore Paul writing to the Ephesians he saith thus grieue not the holy spirit of God nor that holy delight in the commandements he brings a forcible reason wherby you are sealed vnto the day of redemption This is the onely euidence wee haue of freedome from condemnation this is Gods marke and character set on vs and seizing vs for his owne this is like the blood that was stricken vpon the doore posts Exo. 12.22 which shall make the Lord to passe ouer vs and not suffer the destroyer to come neare vs when he goeth to smite the Egyptians By this wee are assured that the day of iudgement shall bee to vs no day of wrath but a day of redemption so then thus wee may take the Apostles meaning as you desire to retaine assurance of your deliuerance from the wrath to come and that the Lord should take notise of you for his in the day of that dreadfull separation so see that by all meaanes you cherish in you the gifts and operation of Gods holy spirit grieue it not by strangling and choaking of those holy motions and operations but let them be cherished and preserued without any the least abatement Thirdly Let vs beware of quēching the motions of the spirit for the sin is fearefull this serueth to condemne such as nip the bud so soon as euer it
peepeth foorth and quench euery sparke that at any time appeareth yea wilfully set themselues to repell all good motions hasting to their cursed company to chase away those sweet inspirements of Gods holy spirit Oh the cursed vnthankefulnesse of these men what vnkind ingrateful discourteous dealing is here with the spirit of grace thus shutting him out so soone as euer he begins to enter Reuel 3.20 wouldest thou deale so vnkindly with thy friend who commeth to thy doore why dealest thou then so vncourteously with Christ Iesus and his holy spirit Reuel 3.20 who standeth at the doore and dayly knockes but can get no entertainement Act. 7.15 beware of this resisting the holy Ghost the sinne is fearfull and discomfortable for hereby thy heart may grow more obdurat and thy life more brutish and abhominable Fourthly let euery one of vs beware how wee suffer that blessed heate to slacke This delight must shew it selfe by encreasing in spirituall graces which by Gods grace beginneth to bee inkindled in our hearts Suffer not that coale that holy motion which the Lord hath cast into thy bosome to die within thee but blow it vp lay on more fuell adde dayly more and more matter to it and tremble to lose the least measure of Gods gracious gift be frequent in spirituall exercises as in hearing reading meditation Christian conference prayer and the like Let no meanes be neglected that God hath ordained for the working of establishment And as thou layest on fuell so see thou giuest this holy Fire vent exercise and put these holy motions into practise much Wood piled on a Cole if vent be wanting doth soone smother it put it out see thē thou exercise the graces which God hath giuen thee Therefore when the Lord shall put any good motion into our hearts Good motions are-not to bee qvenched but cherished we are to nourish and cherrsh the same to one good motion wee must adde a second and to that a third and so fall to blowing and giue not ouer vntill at length they breake forth into a comfortable flame of godly practises 1. Thes 5.19 Quench not the Spirit saith Paul nor the gifts and motions of the holy Ghost hee vsed a Metaphor borrowed from fire whose heate and light when it is put out is said to bee quenched Thus also hee exhorts Timothy to stir vp the graces of God which bee in him 2. Tim. 1.6 Thus it is with them that liue the life of Grace there is a dayly seeking after foode for the preseruing of it Psal 1.2 a dayly vsing of the meanes as Prayer Reading Meditation and thus it is said of the blessed man In Gods Law hee doth exercise himselfe both day and night Many examples might bee brought for proofe of this Iob rose vp early to offer sacrifice this did Iob continually Iob. 1.5 and it was Daniels practise to pray three times a day and Dauids Euening Dan. 6.10 Psal 55.17 Psa 119.164 Gen. 24.63 Morning and Noone-tide will I pray vnto thee Yea we may heare him speaking of seuen times a day praysing of the Lord And Isaac went into the Field to pray and meditate in the Euening Let vs examine our selues in this duty how we perform it in our practises Therefore let euery Christian man and woman try and examine themselues in this duty For it is certainely true and cannot deceiue vs that our prayers are proportionable to our faith For hee that prayeth seldome hath but a weake faith he that prayes often hath a strong Faith and he that prayes not at all hath no faith For Rom. 10.10 with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation Let this be well considered of such as heare and reade and pray by fits and starts now and then as it were vpon rainy dayes Alas thousands there are in the World who reade not pray not from Sabbath to Sabbath nay nor then neither haue these any life of grace in them Sure I am naturall life must be dayly fed and shal be too and is there not as much neede for the spirituall be it therfore knowne vnto thee and certified to thy soule We should let no day passe without examination nor suffer our eyes to slumber nor our head to take any rest tell we haue made peace with our God that thou deceiuest thy selfe in thinking thou liuest the life of a Christian when there is no care had to a dayly performance of the excercise belonging to a Christian therefore let no day passe ouer without examination let vs call to mind what euils hath beene committed what good duties omitted which God hath required suffer not thy eyes to slumber nor the temples of thy head to take any rest till this taske bee performed Would Christians keepe this course and well consider of their carriages the day past they would soone find the excellent commodities of it to the vnspeakeable comfort of their soules for euermore Lastly Phil. 3.13 let this admonish euery one to grow in grace let vs forget that which is behinde and endeuour to that which is before let vs presse hard towards the marke for the prise of the high calling of God let vs not bee euermore as smoaking flaxe or bruised reeds or as new set Plants but let vs abound more and more Thes 4.1 At a stay we cannot stand iudge what wee will not to goe forward is to go backward not to encrease is to decrease like as the Sunne we are euermore in motion and as the Sea Gen. 19 26. Psal 114.3 Eccle. 1. ebbing or flowing and as the Angell on Iacobs Ladder ascending or descending therefore we must not looke backeward with Lots Wife but forward with Lot himselfe nor start backe as Iordan did but runne forward as other Riuers doe and trauell towards Canaan with Caleb and Iosua so that still we must profit in the way of godlinesse there must bee no growing downeward but growing vpward Luke 2.52 the Child Iesus grew not downeward but vpward in grace wisedome and stature they which will haue their growth in Christ and towards his Kingdome must grow vpward Psal 84.7 Let vs therefore proceede in sanctfication and goe from strength to strength Rom. 15.14 and labour euery day to abound more and more in all wisedome and in goodnesse If wee prayed once a day in priuate and that somewhat coldly at the first we must afterward pray twice or thrice or oftner in a day as occasion is offered and that more feruently and feelingly then wee did in the beginning if we did heare and meditate more seldome and with greater weakenesse and distraction at our first entrance into profession in our proceeding we must vse those exercises more frequently We must grow in grace and neuer rest vntill we come to perfection and performe them more seriously cheerefully So that if you bee in
must bee with euery true penitent True it is in the time of our impenitency like wilde and mad horses we gallop in the way of sinne yet in the day of our repentance the spirit of God as with a bit or bridle giueth vs a checke and turnes vs backe and setteth vs as fast a going the other way insomuch that our olde companions stand wondering at the matter admiring that wee so suddenly breake off company 1. Pet. 4.4 and runne not with them to the same excesse of ryot so great is the change that not onely our selues but others also see it admire it Now then thou that talkest of repentance and of thy obedience to the commandements is this change in thee assure thy selfe if thou hast repented it is and all the world may see it Canst thou with a good conscience say of thy selfe as Paul did of the Corinthians 1. Cor. 6.10.11 I was once a thiefe a drunkard an adulterer a reuiler an extortioner a couetous person and the like but now I am washed now I am sanctified yea iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of my God canst thou thus say of thy selfe and that in truth why then to thy comfort be it spoken this is a notable euidence of the truth of thy repentance but if it be otherwise thou mayest deceiue thy selfe for if no reformation followes these are not signes of true repentance for this is true repentance Augustine saith Augustine so to bewayle sinnes past as that we commit them no more which wee haue bewayled It is to no purpose then for vs to bewayle our former courses vnlesse there follow amendment let not then this deceiue thee For where the Lord giues repētance there he giues the grace of reuocation whereby they becom new creatures for thou doest but mocke and not indeed repent when thou still doest that whereof thou hast repented this is true repentance so to repent that thou hast sinned as that thou doest so no more till therfore thou doest cease from sinne and reforme thy wayes vntill thou doest find this change in thy selfe so that thou canst truely say I was thus and thus but now the case is altered thou canst haue no comfort in thy repentance nor in the commandements for asure thy selfe that repentance and continuance in the old wicked courses can neuer stand together Lastly this may serue for the comfort of all such as doe finde this change in themselues who can say with that blinde man who had his sight restored one thing know that whereas I was blinde now I see Ioh. 9.25 whereas I was filthy and vncleane I am now washed and cleansed Oh happy is the condition of such a one thrise blessed is the estate of that man onely manifest this change vnto the world that others may also say How is this man cbanged from what he was that as others haue beene witnesses of thy sinne so they may bee also witnesses of thy repentance This may serue for reproofe Loose professors reprooued as being farre from keeping the commandements against our loose and leud hypocrites masked vnder the name of pure professors promising to thēselues though liuing and lying in their sins far frō keeping the cōmants the reward of glory no as thou sowest thou must reape as thou bruest thou must drinke if thou sowe tares neuer looke to reape wheate if thou Brue with crabs neuer looke to drinke milde Beere Can men gather figges of thorns or grapes of thistles so I comparing our workes to trees their rewards to the fruits say the like thinke you euer of the thorns and thistles of couetousnes pride vncleannes blasphemy swearing profanation of the Sabaoths euer to gather the sweet figges or pleasant grapes of glory and happines will this gall and wormewood euer make pleasant drinke● will these wilde and sower grapes euer yeeld sweete wine Oh that wee could seriously lay this to heart that wee must all appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ 2. Cor. 5.10 11. to receiue according to that which we here haue done whether good or euill that hee that soweth of the flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption Gal. 6.8 and hee that soweth of the spirit shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting then would we presently begin to reason with our selues Alas how poore how how barren am I in good workes how fruitfull in ill it is true indeed that according to the quality of our works we shall be iudged alas what other works can I present the Lord withal besides the works of death and darknes if these had the promise of reward then were my case good let vs examine our hearts herein and thinke euer with our selues thus long haue I liued but what good haue I done eyther to my selfe or others where are my prayers fastings humiliations meditations well spent Sabaoths well gouerned children and seruants where are the workes of mercie to my brethren either to their soules in holy admonition reprehension exhortation or bodies in ministring reliefe to their necessities how can I look for the penny that hath stood idle in the market place all the day long for the crown that refused to runne Rom. 2.7 for a good crop in haruest that would not sowe in seed time let vs no longer deceiue our selues no glory honor and immortality can be found of any but such as seeke it by continuance in well doing and in keeping the commandements and delighting therein Seeing then the greater our zeal paines and trauell hath beene in Gods cause the greater shall bee weight of our glory the twelue Apostles shall haue twelue special thrones at the day of iudgement and whereas otherwise men shall but shine with the brightnesse of the firmament Dan. 12 3. they that turne others from their euill wayes with brightnesse of the starres Phil. 4.17 hee that soweth liberally shall reape liberally and euery good worke added to the number of the former helpeth to further our reckoning in the day of the Lord. Mat. 12. And here for our comfort let vs remember that God rewards euery one according to his worke for he will reward the least good worke euen a cup of cold water an t 5.1 eating not onely of our honey but of our hony-combe yea at the last day notice will bee taken of inferiour sorts of workes as giuing a peece of bread or a peece of cloath God forbid then that any should say with those in Malachy It is in vaine to serue the Lord therefore let vs feare Gods saying Behold I come quickely and my reward is with me When Mordecay had performed a worthy seruice to Ahashuerosh in discouery of a dangerous treason Est 6.10 hee had not his reward presently but yet his seruice was registred and so afterward when the king looked vppon the records it was royally recompenced Malachy teacheth vs that there are books of
and dost thou not rest in Negatiues abstaining only from what is forbidden but hast thou also regard to affirmatiues doing what God hath enioyned to bee done esteeming this latter as necessary as the former Surely if it bee thus thou mayst haue comfort that thy obedience to the Commandements is sound and good but yet a little further thou abstainest from grosse euils and art seuere and sore against others that fall into them such such sinnes thou dost not commit but what is the ground of thy abstaining Is it the law of the Magistrate feare of Gods wrath or shame of the World or is it because thou wantest ability or opportunity if this be the ground let me tell thee this is a false ground will deceiue thee in the end But dost thou leaue these H s 3.5 Psal 130.4 because they are euill and displeasing to the Lord Dost thou feare the Lord and his goodnesse and tremble to offend him because of his mercy Why then it is an euident signe of a sanctified soule Oh that we would deale truely with our selues that we would now at the last learne to be wise and not gull our soules as most doe and therefore consider with thy selfe and be thou better aduised cast of all profainenes follow holines and piety for without it no man shal euer see God to his comfort Seeing therfore examination is so necessary for euery one Examination so necessary that without it no state of life can bee rightly ordered let vs goe one step further in this tryall of our selues Hast thou felt by thine owne experience this great worke of regeneration and change wrought vpon thy soule Hath the powerfull Word by the inward and effectuall working of his Spirit broken and bruised thy hard stony heart Hath it pierced and purged the very closest and vnsearchable corners thereof hath it humbled it with the sight of thy sinnes hath it filled it with fearefull terrours remorse and true sorrow for thy life past hath it after quieted and refreshed it with a sure faith in Christ Iesus and a delight in heauenly things hath it mortified thy inward corruptions broke the heart of thy sweet sin hath it planted a holy moderation in all thy affections that whereas heretofore they haue beene enraged with lust with immoderate anger with ambition with insatiable desire for the inlargement of thy possessions greatnesse and with hatred of Gods dearest seruants and their holinesse are they now inflamed with zeale for Gods honor truth seruice with a feruent loue vnto the Lord and his Saints with Christian courage to oppose against the sinnes of the time to defend goodnesse good causes to contemne the lying slanders and profane scoffes of worthlesse men hath it begot in thy will an hunger and thirst after the spirituall foode of thy soule the Word and Sacraments so that thou hadst rather part with any worldly good then not enioy the incomparable benefit of a conscionable and constant ministery are thy thoughts which hertofore did wander vp downe at randome wickedly idly wantonly are they now bounded within a sacred compasse and spent vpon holy things and the necessary affaires of thy honest lawfull calling Is thy vnderstanding informed acquainted with the mistery of saluation which the world the wise men thereof account nothing but madnes and folly is thy memory which hath heretofore bin stuffed with trash and toyes vanities and follies now capable and greedy of diuine knowledge are thy words which heretofore haue bin full of profanenes worldlines now directed to glorifie God to giue grace to the hearers Nay yet further besides this reuocation of the faculties of thy soule hath the power of grace sanctified all thy outward actions Dost thou order in euery particular all the businesses of thy vocation religiously conscionably by direction out of the Word of God Dost thou now heare the Word of God not only of course and custome but of zeale conscience to reforme thy selfe by it to liue after it Do not the weekdaies duties and worldly cares drown thy mind on the sabbath dost thou exercise daily with fruit feeling prayer that precious cōfort of the faithfull Christian Thou being conuerted dost thou labor the cōuersion of others especially of those which are committed any way to thy charge and for whom thou must giue a more strickt account as if thou be a master of a family dost thou pray with them instruct them in the doctrine of saluation wayes of godlinesse dost thou now not only sticke at and forbeare great and grosse sinnes but dost thou euen hate the garment spotted of the flesh and all appearance of euill Thes 15.22 doth the tendernes of thy conscience check thee for the least sin make thee feareful to offend thogh it be but in a wandring cogitation after euery fal into infirmities art thou carefull to renew thy repentance learn wisedom watchfulnes to auoid thē afterwards dost thou feele thy selfe profit grow increase in these fruits effects of grace hast thou such a gracious taste of the glory of God of eternal life that thou art euen willing desirous to meete thy Sauior in the clouds not so much to bee rid out of the miseries of this life as to be freed from the heauy burden of Heb. 12.1 sin which hangs on so fast to enioy his presence in the heauens for euer in a word as thy soule giues life spirit motion to thy whole body euery part thereof doth the Spirit of God euen so inspire thy soule and body and all thy actions with the life of grace why then thou art possest of the state of true blessednes Here is great comfort for all such as can find this vprightnesse in themselues they neede not feare thogh the earth should bee mooued yet they shall abide and be safe in the Day of the Lord. thou art then happy that euer thou wast borne thy life is certainely the way of life and I can assure thee and I dare boldly speake it that thou art already out of the reach of all the powers of Hell Satan is chained vp for euer doing thee any deadly hurt all the creatures are reconciled vnto thee at league with thee thou hast filled the angels with ioy at thy conuersion they will for euer gard thee thou shalt neuer more be afraid for any ill tidings though the earth bee moued Psal 46.2 and though the mountains fal into the middest of the sea thy heart shall abide strong vnshaken and comfortable when thou fallest downe vpon thy bed of sickenesse thou shalt finde no mortall pryson in thy flesh no sting in death no darkenesse in the graue no amazement at that great and fearful day for all the merits and sufferings of Christ are thine all the comforts of Gods children are thine all the blessings in the booke of God
light were not so great the times the nations had not sinne who amongst vs is so ignorant but hee knowes that Idolatry swearing stabbing whoring and excessiue drinking are sinnes and that for these things comes the anger of God Is any so simple that hee knowes not the ten Commandements and the sum of the Gospel yet how desperately doe men rush on the pikes carelesly wittingly willingly seeing the gulfe and yet leaping into it Vpon this therefore doe I wish Christians would set prices and spend their studies euen about the art of doing the Conmandements But here some may aske how shall wee attaine this facility and faculty of doing I answer to wish it Good desires is the best halfe especially when it breeds praier for the dead and heartily to desire it is halfe yea and the best halfe of the worke for a man or woman to effect goodnesse aboue cunning is a good signe and a good helpe and step to bee such an one especially when this desire breeds prayer for power to doe knowing that without Christ wee can doe iust nothing therefore let euery one of vs do that we should do and blessed are we If we know that Baal be God if Rome be the true Church let vs turne to it againe if wee know that swearing dicing swaggering and foolish fashion following be good things let vs all fall to doe those things but if God hath giuen vs the truth and the light let vs walke in it and worke by it while it is to day lest if we play reuell and riot by it the Candlesticke be remoued and the light put out if purity sanctitie and sobrietie be knowne to vs to be good things and pleasing to God to keepe the Commandements and delight therein O happy then thrise blessed are we if we doe them Therefore to conclude though I confesse my selfe vnworthy to write The consideration of the blessednesse of that man that delighteth in the commandemēts shuld moue vs to get our part therein yet I beseech you let my counsell be acceptable to the Reader that is let euery one of vs get some part in the Cōmandements for the which the Lord may remember vs and the remembrance whereof may bee a comfort to vs at the houre of death let vs prouide with Ioseph in the time of plenty against the day of scarcity Iohn 92 the night commeth when no man can worke God loues a liuing sacrifice and a chearfull giuer therfore let vs thinke with Titus Vespasian wee haue lost thay day wherein wee haue not done some good O what a blessed houre shall that be wherein our soules shall expire with Hezekias words Esa 38.3 I beseech thee O Lord remember how I haue walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and haue done that which is good in thy sight Iud. 5.21 Then may wee say with Deborah O my soule thou hast marched valiantly Psal 116.7 Yea then may wee say with Dauid Return vnto thy rest O my soule for the Lord hath rewarded thee Death is the worlds strict doore keeper and will see 1. Tim. 6.7 that as wee brought nothing into the world so we shall carry foorth nothing againe yet can he not hinder vs from that blessednesse which the Oracle of heauen hath proclaimed to all those that delight in the Commandements Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord they rest from their labours and their works follow them Reu. 14.13 Let vs consider that onely our good workes will be our companions to heauen they shall bee our honour in life our comfort in death and our crowne at the last resurrection beseeching him to enable vs with grace for the performance of all thy Commandements for thy truth and for thy names sake Amen VERSE 2. His seed shall bee mighty vpon earth the generation of the righteous shall be blessed HAuing spoken of the blessednesse of that man that feareth the Lord and delighteth in his Commandements Now in this Verse the Prophet Dauid sheweth the happy successe of this blessed man His seed shall bee mighty vpon earth c. That is they shall not onely haue spirituall grace but also right vnto and the right vse of all the benefites of this life True obedience bring outward prosperity for true obedience to Gods Commandements though it bee not perfect brings the blessing of God vpon vs for outwards things as well as for inward This is promised in Deuteronomie where Moses speaketh thus vnto the people of Israel Deu. 28.2 c. If thou shalt obey diligently the voyce of the Lord thy God and obserue and doe all his Commandements which I command thee this day then the Lord thy God will set thee on high aboue all the nations of the earth and all those blessings shall come to thee c. Belssed shalt thou be in the citie and blessed also in the field 2. Cor. 9.7 c. Shewing that true and faithfull obedience is that which bringeth all manner of blessings for body and soule for name and estate yea and for seed and posteritie also and therefore the Apostle telleth Timothy 1. Tim. 6.5 that godlinesse is great gaine and that it hath the promises of this life and of the life to come In which regard Dauid saith I haue beene yong and now am old yet haue I not seene the righteous forsaken ●sal 4 ● 25. nor his seed begging bread therfore Dauids speech is well to be obserued for he doth not say the righteous is neuer forsaken How to vnderstand Dauids wordes but I neuer saw it speaking there of his own experience and obseruation hee had seene and so may wee that children of great men haue broken foorth into many horrible sinnes and so haue beene brought to a strange and miserable and violent death many wofull straits extremities before their death but he neuer saw neither shall wee see the godly seed of godly men forsaken of God and men and left as vagabonds to beg their bread but God hath euer had and still will haue a speciall care of them and euer made all necessary prouision for them either hee himselfe by a more particular prouidence of his casteth sufficency of these outward things vpon thē or blesseth their labours so that they are made a meanes of maintenance vnto them or if they fayle that way hee mooueth the hearts of some other of his seruants to pittie them and to supply their wants so that whatsoeuer their necessities bee they are freede from that curse that is denounced against the seed of the wicked to wit that they should wander vp and downe as vagrants begging their bread and making a trade of that vile wretched course of life Nothing that is needfull shall be wanting when Gods fauour is not Teaching vs this much that nothing that is needful shall be wanting to those that are in the fauour of the Lord such as haue
his fauour shall haue all good blessings flowing to them and following of them Dauid doth notably confirme this in many of his Psalmes as in the three and twentieth Psalme where professing God to bee his shepheard maketh this inference therupon Therefore I shall not want Psal 23.1.6 but doubtlesse kindenesse and mercie shall follow mee all the dayes of my life Psa 34 9.10 and againe the Lyons doe lacke and suffer hunger but they which seeke the Lord shall want nothing that is good Psal 84.11 also Dauid sayth the Lord God is a sunne and a shield vnto vs the Lord will giue grace and glory and no good thing will hee withhold from them that walke vprightly And is not this the blessing that is promised to such as feare the Lord that all good things should flow vnto them from heauen and earth that they shall be hlessed in the house in the field in their basket in their store in the fruite of their bodyes in the encrease of their cattle and in the aboundance of all things Let no man doubt of this truth for God is the Gouernor of heauen earth and the di●●oser of all things thus wee see that where Gods fauour is there is want of nothing that is needfull And there is cause why we shuld rest fully resolued of this point that none of Gods household shall euer want necessary releefe because all will yeeld that God is the Gouernour of heauen and earth and the disposer of all things in them both and then they must grant further that those that are best and doe best shall speede best because God loueth them most and how then can we make question whether or no the Lord will bestow vpon them a competent measure and a comfortable vse of these earthly blessings seeing all is in his hand and he wisheth so well vnto his owne people especially seeing hee hath straightly charged vs not to care what wee shall eate or drinke Mat. 6.25 or what wee shall put on but first to seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse promising vs faithfully that if wee doe so all other things shall be cast vpon vs. And as he hath promised this so hath hee from time to time performed it If we will prosper in our outward estate wee must thriue in pietie as wee may obserue throughout the booke of Iudges of Samuel and of the Chronicles for there it is to be seene that when godlinesse prospered in the soules of Gods people they prospered their outward estate whē sinne on the other side had made hauocke in their soules then the Madianites and the Philistims and other enemies made hauocke in their countrey when they and their kings thriued in pietie and did grow in the knowledge of God and zeale of his glory then it went well with them for outward plenty and aboundance but when Idolatry and impietie beganne once to thriue in their hearts and in their land they neuer had long nor settled prosperitie but their enemies hands and swords preuayled against them for taking away of their liues and the ruinating of their estates Sinful courses can neuer prosper First here is matter of terrour for all wicked worldlings that thinke to aduantage and aduance themselues by sinnefull and and naughty courses that is an ill way to rise for the riches of iniquitie shall not prosper Pro. 10.2 Iere. 22.23.24 though they build their houses neuer so high and aduance their nests vnto the starres yet the Lords hand shall pull them thence and cast them downe into the very dust they thinke their houses their names and their substance shall remayne for euer and that they shall make themselues and theirs by ioyning house to house and land to land by oppressing the poore and needy and by defrauding the fatherlesse and widow and such as cannot right themselues but alas they little consider in the meane while that God is the Iudge of the world and that hee will reward euery man according to his workes they imagine their estate shall be according to their wealth and so it might bee indeede if God were not the gouernour of the world but sith he is so it shall goe with euery one according to that he is and not according to that hee hath and therefore as God would haue it proclaimed to the godly Isa 3.10 say yee surely it shall goe well with the iust for they shall eate the fruite of their workes so he would haue this denounced against the vngodly Wo be to the wicked it shall bee euill with him for the reward of his hands shall bee giuen him Esa 3.11 they shall reape that which they haue sowed It were and absurd thing for one that hath sowne nothing but cockle and fitches to exspect a good crop of wheat and as contrary to all reason is it for thē that sowe iniquity to think they shall reape any thing but affliction they may delude themselues with vaine hopes but they shall neuer obtaine any happinesse and prosperity from the Lord nay surely he hates both thē and their practises and therefore they their wicked seed shall be rooted out as wee may see it verified in many of the kings of Israel as in Ieroboam Ahab Baasha c. And most notably in that place of Ieremie concerning Iehoiakim the sonne of Iosiah woe vnto him sayth the Lord that buildeth his house by vnrighteousnesse Ier. 22.13.89 and his Chambers without equity hee vseth his neighbour without wages and giueth him not for his works c. Shalt thou raigne because thou closest thy selfe in Cedar did not thy Father eate and drinke and prosper when he executed Iudgement and Iustice c. Where is declared in the example of Iosiah Ios 11.23 No certaine way to prosper in but in the practise of godlines for that bringeth all true honor and prosperity the godly Father on the one side that the true knowledge of God and the practise of godlines and righteousnesse bringeth all true honour and prosperity and on the other side in the example of Iehoiakim the wicked sonne is shewed that impiety ioyned with oppression and cruelty with fraud and deceit and iniurious dealing man liues a base and dishonourable life and dyes a shamefull and Ignominious death as wee see it many times comes to passe that while he is in the World he shall liue vndesired and when he goeth out of the World he shall die vnlamented The best way to thriue in all the world is to get Religion into our hearts Therefore let this encourage men if they would haue good things either in right or in possession to labour to get Religion into their hearts and to be as much afraid of sinne as of misery and as desirous of grace as they are of prosperity which if we could do we should find Gods eyes open to consider of vs and his hand to relieue vs continually in all