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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12363 The lavviers question The answere to the lawiers question. The censure of Christ vpon the answere. By Henry Smith. Smith, Henry, 1550?-1591. 1595 (1595) STC 22679; ESTC S103005 28,698 73

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hart as with their mouth they doo confesse that after death their bodies shall rise again Therefore though this Lawier were to bee blamed because hee came with so bad a minde yet is he to be commended because he mooued so good a question Many nowe a daies are very curious in idle and vnprofitable questions As what God did before he made the worlde How long Adam stood in the state of innocencie Whether Salomon were saued or no with many such vaine and vnnecessary questions but fewe there are which will aske as this Lawier did what they must doo to inherit eternall life You shall see many very carefull and inquisitiue howe they may get riches where they may purchase lands and Lordshippes howe they may come to aduauncement and honour and by what meanes they may procure the Princes fauour But you shall see few or none inquisitiue concerning the meanes of their saluation you shall seldome heare any aske their Pastor what they must doo to bee saued or which way they may come to heauen It is not now as it was in Iohn Baptists time when the Publicans the souldiers and all sortes of people came vnto him with Master what shall we doo Luke 3.10 c. Nor it is not nowe as it was in the time of Christ when the people came and asked him what shall we do that we may worke the works of God Iohn 6.28 Nor it is not now as it was in Peters time when vpon the hearing of Peters Sermon the people came to Peter and to the other Apostles crying and saying Men and Brethren what shall we do Acts 2.37 But now euery mans minde is of his worldly profit or pleasure or preferment This is the drift of all their deuises this is the ende of all their practises how they may liue here in delight and ease and leaue behind them a rich posteritie As for that heauenly country whereunto they were borne that newe Ierusalem wherein they should dwell it is the furthest end of their thought and the least part of all their care how to inherit it how to inhabite it The Question is how hee may inherite eternall life wherein hee seemeth to confesse that there is an eternall life for thereof he makes no doubt only the question is howe hee may attaine vnto it Heere therefore it appeareth that this Lawier was not a Saducee which denied the resurrection of the dead Mathe. 22. Nor hee was not an Epicure which are of this opinion that after death there is neither ioy to bee looked for nor paine to be feared and therefore are woont to say Ede bibe lude c. or as it is 1. Cor. 15. Let vs eate and drinke for to morrow we shall die But this man was a Pharisee such a one as Paul was before his conuersion one that expounded the law of God vnto the people and liued after the straitest lawe of their religion Acts 26.5 in a word he was such a one as both for his life and learning was admired and honoured of the Iewes Though this Lawier were learned yet it was boldly done of him to tempt the Lorde But what is it which learning dare not attempt if it bee not tempered with the feare of God Christ Iesus found no greater aduersaries than the high Priests the Scribes Pharisees which were all learned men and the Church of Christ at this day is by none so much afflicted as by those that carrie the opinion of singuler learning For looke how many heresies are extant in the Church or howe many controuersies in religion they haue bin deuisd are maintaind by learned men Let learned men therefore learne to feare the Lord yea let them learne to know nothing so much as Christ Iesus and him crucified 1. Cor. 2.2 without the which knowledge all knowledge is ignorance all wisedome is foolishnes all learning is madnes and all religion is error or hipocrisie or superstition God hath not chosen many wise men nor many nightie men nor many noble men but God hath chosen the foolish thinges of the world to confound the wise and God hath chosen the weake things of the world to confound the thinges that are mightie and vile things of the world and things which are despised hath God chosen yea and thinges which are not to bring to nought things that are 1 Cor. 3.19 Our Sauior Christ in the choice of his Apostles called not one that was learned yet hath he not reiected all that are learned for from heauen hee called his Apostle Paul a learned Lawier Acts 22.3 to be the Apostle and Preacher of the Gentiles Rom. 11.13 And there is no doubt but that in all ages and euen at this day hee calleth some in euery place and endueth them with excellent learning that they may serue to the gathering together of the Saints and to the exercising of the ministrie and to the edifying of the Church of God Ephe. 4.12 The Lorde Iesus so moderate our learning with his holy feare that wee may direct al our studies to the enlarging of his glorie and kingdome here on earth that when the chiefe shepheard shall appeare 1. Pet. 5.4 we that haue instructed other and turned many to righteousnes may shine as the brightnes of the firmament and as the staerres of heauen for euer Dan 12.3 Good Master what shall I doo to inherite eternall life Marke heere the discretion of the Lawier in asking this question As the man was a Lawier so there is no doubt but that hee had read the Lawe and the Prophets If you looke into the Law you shall not finde Cursed is hee that continueth not in all thinges that are written in the booke of the Law to know them If you peruse the Prophets you shall not finde Cease from doing of euill and learne to speake well But the Law saith Cursed is he that continueth not in all thinges that are written in the book of the law to do them Deu 27.26 Gal. 3.10 And the Prophets say Cease from doing of euill and learne to doe well Esay 1.16 Psal. 24.14 And therefore the Lawier saith not How much must I knowe nor what shall I beleeue but what shall I doo to inherite eternall life Wee haue beene taught too long that wee are saued by faith without the workes of the Law Which Doctrine though it bee most true and both soundly proued and flatly concluded Rom. 3.28 Yet being vnderstood amisse as Paules writings sometimes are 2. Pet. 3.16 it hath beene the decay of all good deedes and brought in Epicurisme and all vngodlines T is true indeede that eternall life is the gift of God through Iesus Christ Rom. 6.23 But yet this gift is bestowed onely vppon those for whom it is prepared Math. 20.23 which haue exercised themselues in the workes of mercie Math. 25.35 In respect of God our election standeth certaine from all eternitie For it hath this seale The Lord knoweth them that are his 2. Tim. 2.19
eternixed But howsoeuer men by such meanes may bee remembred after death yet this is not the way to get eternall life For this is life eternall to know the onelie true God the seauenteenth Chapter of Iohn and third verse And to beleeue in the sonne of God the third Chapter of Iohn and sixteenth verse But these knowers must be dooers for he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandements is a liar and the truth is not in him the first of Iohn the third Chapter and fourth verse And these beleeuers must be good liuers for this is a true saying and these things I will thou shouldst affirme that they that haue beleeued God should be carefull to shew forth good workes Titus third eight Therefore to the obtaining of eternall life two things are necessarie The first is to beleeue well the second is to liue well By the first we are iustified in the fight of God for hee respecteth our faith By the second wee are iustified in the sight of men for they regard our workes And thus are the Apostles Paul and Iames reconciled for when Paul maketh faith the cause of iustification Romanes third Chapter and twenty eight verse he meaneth such a saith as worketh by loue Galathians the fifth Chapter sixth verse whereby wee are iustified in the sight of God And when Iames maketh workes the cause of iustification Iames the second Chapter and twenty foure verse hee meaneth such workes as proceede from faith Iames the second Chapter the eighteenth verse whereby we are declared to be righteous before men The Scripture describeth this eternall life by diuers excellent names to shew the worthines and excellencie thereof it is called a Kingdome Luke the twelfth Chapter and thirty two verse but yet such a Kingdome as cannot bee shaken like the Kingdomes of this worlde Hebrewes the twelfth Chapter and twenty eight Verse for it is a heauenlie Kingdome Matthew the eighth Chapter and eleuenth verse It is called Paradise Luke the three twenty Chap. and forty three verse for it is more pleasant than the garden of Eden And Abrahams bosome Luke the sixteenth Chapter for it is a place of rest and comfort It is called the house of the father wherein there be many Mansions Iohn the fourteenth Chapter The ioy of the Lord whereinto euery faithfull seruant must enter in Matthew 22. Chapter and all to expresse and declare vnto vs the beauty excellencie and glorie of that life which is eternall And yet as glorious excellent as it is such is the loue and fauour of God vnto vs that he hath appointed it to be our inheritance as here the Lawyer termeth it Inheritance is a kinde of tenure whereby a man in his own right holdeth or possesseth any thing as his own as when a lawfull heyre doth inherite his Fathers landes Euen so the kingdome of God belongeth vnto vs as our lawfull inheritance because we are the Sonnes of God It is a great prerogatiue to bee the Sonnes of God Iohn the first Chapter and third verse But to bee Heyres and Heyres with Christ Rom. the eight Chapt of that heauenly inheritance is a wonderfull priuiledge How are wee bound vnto Almightie God that where as hee might haue made vs stones or trees or beasts or such insensible and vnreasonable creatures it pleased his diuine Maiestie to make vs men the vndoubted heyres of eternall happines Behold deare brother and consider that heauen is thine inheritance eternall glorie is thy patrimony thou art borne to a kingdome thou hast a title to it when thou doest depart this life thou shalt bee sure to finde it If before thou departe this life thou doe not loose thy right and title by thy sinfull life Let euerie one therefore as hee tendereth the saluation of his owne soule forsake his wicked waies and nowe begin to walke in the waies of the Lorde If heretofore thou hast prophaned the Lords Saboath remember that henceforth thou sanctifie it If thou hast beene a Blasphemer of the name of God see that henceforth thou vse it with al reuerēce If thou hast beene malicious from henceforth be charitable If thou hast beene contentious now learne to bee peaceable If thou hast beene incontinent now begin to be chast If thou hast beene a drunkard from henceforth be sober in a worde If thou hast beene inclined to any sin bee sorrie for it and forsake it If thou hast neglected anye good worke now begin to doe it that in so dooing thou maiest inherite that eternall life which is promised and prepared for them that knowe the will of God and doo it as it is written in Luke the eighth Chapter and twentie one verse The Lord in mercie graunt that you bee not forgetfull hearers but dooers of the word Here endeth the first Sermon Printed at London for Thomas Gosson and are to bee solde at his Shop by London Bridge Gate 1595. THE LAVVGIVERS Answere to the Lawiers Question By HENRY SMITH LONDON Printed for Thomas Gosson and are to be sold at his shop by London Bridge Gate THE LAVVGIVERS Ansvvere to the Lavvyers Question Luke 10. And he saide vnto him what is written in the law how readest thou c. YOV haue heard the Question propounded Now you shall heare the Question answered And he saide vnto him what is written in the law how readest thou As if hee should haue saide I marueile that thou beeing a Doctor of the Lawe which should bee able to instruct others in matters of Religion art ignorant of that vvhich it behooueth euery man to knowe by what meanes hee may inherite eternall life Wherein hast thou bestowed thy study wherein hast thou imployed thy w●● and howe hast thou spent thy time Thou seemest to bee a Lawyer Tell me what doth the Law require of thee Thou seemest to haue read the Scriptures let me see how thou hast profited by thy reading Thus doth our Sauiour send this Lawier to the Lawe to learne his dutie and setteth him to schoole that thought himselfe too good to learne Hee came to tempt Christ by asking the question but nowe himselfe must make the answere vnlesse he will bewray his owne ignorance If hee be a Lawier let him looke what the lawe saith concerning this question because the lawe is able to resolue euery doubt second Timothie the third Chapter sixteene and seauenteene verses Therefore the Prophet Esay sendeth vs to the lawe and to the testimonie Esay the eighth Chapter and twenty verse And our Sauiour Christ biddeth vs search the scriptures Iohn 5. And telleth vs that the ignorance of them is the cause of all errour Matthew twelue Chapter If then thou wouldest know the will of God studie the scriptures there hee hath reuealed his will vnto thee If thou desire to please the Lord looke into his worde there hee hath shewed thee what his pleasure is Finally if thou wouldest haue thy works to prosper consider what is written in the lawe aske