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B00106 A short treatise, agaynst the prophanation of the Lord's day, especiallie by salmond-fishing thereon, in tyme of divine service. / By William Guild, D.D. minister in Aberdene, and chaplane to his Majestie.. Guild, William, 1586-1657.; Johnstoun, Arthur, 1587-1641. Epitaphium piscatoris. 1637 (1637) STC 12491; ESTC S92781 21,843 84

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over them who so prophane the LORD'S DAYE Pag. 57 FINIS Of the prophanation of the Lord's Day Especiallie By Salmond-Fishing thereon CHAP. I. Of the occasion of this short Treatise THE LORD as Hee testifieth by His Prophet hath sett His Servants as watchmen vpon the head of the watch-tower Ezek. 3● 7 to heare the word at His Mouth and to warne His People from Him And if they speake not to warne the wicked from his way that wicked man shall die in his iniquitie but his blood will the Lord requyre at their hands Therefore said the Lord to IEREMIE Speake vnto this people all that I command thee Ier. 15.10 and bee not dismayde at their faces lest I confound thee before them And to ISAI Crye aloude Isai 58.1 and spare not lift vp thy voyce as a trumpet and shew my people their transgression and the house of Iacob their sinnes The like necessitie of obedience and straytnesse of injunction lying in lyke-manner vpon vs who are the LORD'S Rememberancers in the Citie of ABERDENE moveth vs as we are commanded also Not to holde our peace Isai 62.6 not keepe silence but as wee would avoyd that Woe which is denounced agayns● them who doethe worke of the LORD negligentlie and eschew that dreadful punishment of vnfaithfull servants a● we would not lykwyse betray the soules of men by our fraudful silence and draw the guilt of their blood vpon our owne heads knowing therefore the weight of our Charge the terror of the LORD and straytnesse of our account and seeing men wilfullie agaynst cleare light walke in a bolde way of wicked transgression and an open prophanation of the LORD'S day by Salmond-fishing thereon in the time of divine Service we are inforced and by the conscience of our Calling Ier. 20.8 constrained to crye out with IEREMIE vpon violence spoyle even the violent spoyling of the Lord of the Day of His solemne publicke worship altho the word of the Lord should bee vnto vs as it was to him a reproach and in derision daylie For true it is that tho wee haue prevailed with some who haue promised to forbeare this prophanation yet of others hitherto wee haue had the lyke cause to crye our with ISAI Who hath believed our report and to whom is the arme of the LORD revealed And to regrate that sundrie come vnto vs Ezek. 33.31 as in EZEKIELS time they did to him and sit before vs as GODS people and heare our words but they will not doe them for their heart goeth after their covetousnesse Ier. 44.16 It is true lykewyse that others are so bolde as to say plainlie in this with those rebellious IEWES which dwelt in AEGYPT and PATHROS as they answered IEREMIE saying As for the word that thou hast spoken to vs in the Name of the LORD wee will not hearken to thee and lyke the people in AMOS time Amos 5.10 that they hate him that rebuketh in the gate and they abhorre him that speaketh vprightlie Yet this shal be our comfort that tho wee plow vpon the rocke and the bellowes bee burnt the lead consumed in the fire and the founder haue melted in vaine notwithstanding Ezek. 2.5 our worke shall bee with our GOD. And they whether they will heare or whether they will forbeare yet shall they know that there hath beene Prophets amongst them and wee shall haue this for our joy that wee may say with the Apostle and take men and Angels to record Act. 24.26 that we are free from the blood of all men And which thing the more amply also to witnes to the world and for evidenc● to future posteritie as by voyce we hau● frequentlie cryed out agaynst the haynousnesse of this bold iniquitie so now by writ I haue intended to cleare the equitie of our Challenge detect the greatnesse of this sinne fore-warne faithfullie of the danger enforce obedience on the conscience vse all meanes of reclayming and approue our selues to the conscience of all men but especiallie to our owne and to Him who is greater than the conscience that wee may haue joy in the day of our account CHAP. II. Of the state of the Question and first That the LORDS publick worship is Morall oblieging all men and That a certayne day hath beene observed holy for the same in all Ages FIrst then for stating the Question aright it is to bee observed that wee vrge not vpon anie such a strict observation of the Lords Day as the rigid tenets of some would exact nor as was the observation formerlie of the Iewish Sabboth Exod. whereon they might not kindle fire throughout their Generations Luke 23.56 neyther bake nor seethe nor burie or imbalme their dead but onelie thus farre wee affirme according to the generall equitie of Gods Commandement Apostolicall observetion practise of the Church in all Ages and the vnanimious consent of all judicious Divines that all servile labour intended meerlie for Gayne whereby Gods People are hindered and with-drawne from His publicke worship such religious exercises which ought to bee performed by them vpon the Lords Day for the spirituall edification and salvation of their soules is altogether vnlawfull and damnable And whosoever inforceth imployeth the irservantes so to transgresse they despyse God contemne His Church rob Christ of His honour poore soules of instruction the word of attendance the Ministerie of reverence giue scandall and offence and make themselues guiltie of the greatest blood-guiltinesse that can bee which is the blood of soules so that as the Apostle speaketh of some that their glorie was their shame so I may say justlie of these that their Gayne is their detriment Now to proue the trueth of our former Assertion and to remoue all weake shifts that might bee pretended for helplesse evasion these ensuing Positions are to bee considered First by the consent of all this is a maxime in Religion that the publick worship of GOD is a thing Morall eternae veritatis perpetuallie hitherto observed and to bee observed to the worlds ende so that whosoever would denye this were to proclayme himselfe a prophane Athest vnworthie of the name or societie of Christians as also an over-thrower of the publick Ministrie orders of the Church which for the edification of His bodie Christ hath appoynted and an enemie to that solemne homage which is the Lords due in the assemblie of His Saincts Next this beeing granted it will follow then that a certaine day or set time should be ordinarilie observed whereon the exercises of the said publick worship ought to bee performed and therefore the verie law of nature requyreth the sanctification of times no lesse than of persons and places For which cause as of the rest so also of times the Lord hath ever exacted some part by way of perpetuall homage therefore also sayeth AQUINAS Aquinas in ●cunda seūdae quast 21. art 4. that as there is a naturall
inclination in man to depute a time for everie necessarie thing as meat and sleepe or the lyke which concerneth his bodie even so seeing hee hath a soule also naturall reason would dyte that hee should also depute a time for the refreshment of his soule And therefore the deputing a time for attending divyne Worship and holie exercises onlie falleth vnder the Precept of the Morall Law In lyke manner sayth AUREOLUS it is the law of nature Aureolus in 3. Dist. 37. artic that sometyme wee should rest from servile worke that we may serue GOD and this is evident heereby because I am as much obliedged to GOD as to my selfe but the law of nature and reason also dytes that I should take a certaine time to procure my owne welfare and those things that are necessarie for mee Therefore I ought also take a time to attend GODS Worship and to remember His benefites which Hee hath bestowed on mee Now as for the proportion of this tyme which should bee so bestowed none I thinke can doubt but that proportion is fittest that can bee imagined which the Lord made choyse of for His owne people to wit the seaventh day And nature informed by God can not but acknowledge His goodnesse and wisedome in this His choyse and appoyntment that Hee hath so tempered it that neyther the long space betweene should suffer vs to forget our duetie to Him nor the too quicke returne thereof should hinder vs in our provyding the necessities of Nature for our selues Therefore sayeth learned HOOKER that wee are bound to to account the sanctification of one day in the seaven Hooker Eccles Pol. P. 379. a duetie which GODS immutable law doeth exact for ever And this wee see to haue beene practised before the Law vnder the Law and vnder the Gospell First before the Law was givē on Sinai and before the seaventh day was indicted by way of the fourth Precept of the first Table as the Lords Sabbath in memorie of the Creation wee find that the same day was observed as a day of holie rest vnto the LORD EXOD. 16.22.26 while the people were in the Wildernesse of SIN which is between ELIM and SINAI so consequently before they came to SINAI where the Law was given in that they did gather vpon the sixt day by the LORDS command twyse as much MANNA as they did vpon anie former day that so they might rest vpon the seaventh as a Sabbtah consecrate to the LORD who also did rest Himselfe from the worke of Creation that day so from the beginning did sanctifie and halow it Therfore sayth Saynct CHRYSOSTOME Chrysost in Gen. 2.3 vpon these wordes in GENESIS GOD blessed the seaventh day and halowed it From the beginning God intimateth vnto vs this doctrine sayeth hee instructing vs to separate and lay asyde one whole day to Himselfe in the compasse of everie weeke and to destinate it for spirituall and holie exercises Secondlie vnder the Law that the seaventh day after the creation was appointed to bee the Lord's Sabbath none can deny Deut. 5.14 who knoweth the ten Precepts of the morall Law Levit. 23.3 which the LORD ordayned straytlie to bee observed by all persons First Exod. 34.21 by a cessation from all servile work whatsoever tho in Seed-time and Harvest to obviate thereby as seemeth a pretended necessitie at sometymes importing great prejudice or danger if they laboured not vpon the Sabbath as in Harvest especiallie because of an irrecoverable season Secondlie the Lord appoynted it to bee halowed * Aug. de temp serm 251. Athanas in Math. 11.27 by a religious application of themselues to the works of His publicke worship and for the more peremptorie observation whereof Hee prefixed a Note of speciall rememberance beyonde all the rest fore-seeing as it were that some irreligious persons would eyther more careleslie neglect or audaciouslie breake this Commandement Neyther can any but most clearlie see a no lesse necessarie duetie incumbent vpon Christians to obserue a seaventh day holie to the Lord than was on the IEWES of olde of whom the LORD requyreth 1. No lesse proportion of service and thankfulnesse for a farre greater benefite than that of the Creation 2. In respect of the Christian Church which requyreth no lesse proportion of order and comelinesse 3. In regard of our soules which neede no lesse proportion of tyme and meanes to bee instructed and sanctified and 4 In respect of the bodies of servants and cattell which beeing inferiour in strength to those of former ages neede no lesse proportion of rest and refreshment Therefore vnder the Gospell from the verie Apostles dayes hitherto according to VINCENTIUS rule of CATHOLICISME semper vbique ab omnibus the whole Christian Church everie where and ever hitherto hath keeped as a Catholicke observation a seaventh day holie to the LORD to wit the day of the Lords Resurrection which was the first day of the IEWISH weeke that as the Sabbath vnder the Law was a note of difference betweene the IEWES and the GENTILES so the Lords day vnder the Gospell should bee a note of difference betweene Christians who belieue the Resurrection of Christ and incredulou● IEWES who denye the same And tha● this observation of the Lords day fo● the exercise of His publick worship was Apostolicall and Christianly Catholicke without controversie in all Ages none I hope is so bold as once to denye So that now as AUGUSTINE sayeth Hoc quin ita faciendum sit disputare Aug. Epist. 118. ad Iannar insolentissimae insaniae est that is To dispute now whether this were to bee observed or no it were nothing else but most insolent madnesse CHAP. III. The manie reason's first taken from Christs honouring the LORDS day why all true Christians haue ever and still should honour the same THE first and mayne reason then why our morall duetie commanded in the fourth Precept doeth now chiefelie appertayne to the LORDS Day and consequentlie why all Christians haue ever and still should obserue the Lords Day is Because our Saviour the Lord Iesus rose from death to lyfe that day and so victoriouslie triumphed over His and our enemies by vertue of which His Resurrection wee are raised spirituallie from sinne to grace heere and shall be raised corporally from the graue to glorie heereafter Therefore said IGNATIUS Bishop of ANTIOCH who lived in Sainct IOHNS time Ignat. ad Magnesian epist 3. Let every one who loveth CHRIST keepe holie the LORD'S Day renowned by His Resurrection which is the Queene of dayes wherein Death was over-come and Lyfe sprang vp in Christ againe And agayne sayth AUGUSTINE Domini resuscitatio promisit nobis aeternum diem Aug. de verb. Apostoli serm 15. consecravit nobis Dominicum diem that is The LORDS rysing from dead hath promised vnto vs an eternall Day of rest and hath consecrated vnto vs the LORDS Day Chrysost in Psal 118. serm 5. de resurr
See also Aug. l. 22. de civit Dei cap. 30. Qui propterea quod Dominus in eo ad vitam a morte redierit Dominicus appellatur sayth CHRYSOSTOME that is Which for this cause is called the LORDS Day because on it the LORD Himselfe returned from death to lyfe againe So that as the Lords owne resting the seaventh day which the IEWES kept Athanasius in Matth. 11.27 recommended their Sabbath to bee kept by them so the Lords owne rysing from death this seaventh day which Christians obserue Iustin Martyr Apol. 2. recommends justlie the Lords Day to bee kept by vs Sozom. l. 1. cap. 8. and whosoever wilfullie prophaneth the same as our Salmond-fishers doe in tyme of Divyne Service preferring Gaine to Godlinesse they show that they neyther loue Christ as Ignatius sayeth nor celebrate as they ought thankfullie the memorie of His blessed Resurrection Next as it is renowned by the Lords Resurrection so it is honoured by His Name which as an honourable stampe and impression the Spirit of GOD and Pen of the beloved Apostle hath fixed and set thereon Revel 1.10 calling it THE LORDS DAY So that as the Iewish Sabbath vnder the Law and which was consecrated to the Lords worship then was called by the Prophet HIS HOLIE DAY Isai 18 1● So justlie may the Lords Day vnder the Gospell which is now consecrated to His worship bee called CHRISTS HOLIE DAY Wherefore sayeth AUGUSTINE Qui vocatur Dominicus Aug. Serm. 15. de verbis Apostoli ipse videtur propriè ad Dominum pertinere quia in eo Dominus resurrexit that is That day which is called the LORD'S DAY appeareth properlie to belong to the LORD Himselfe because on it the LORD did aryse And agayne sayeth PROCOPIVS Procopius in Genes 1. Ab ipso DOMINO cognomen desumpturus erat ut diceretur dies Dominicus tanquam soli DOMINO consecratus that is It was to take the denomination from the LORD Himselfe to bee called the LORD'S Day because it is consecrated onlie vnto the LORD And therefore whosoever prophaneth the same neglecting His worship thereon and onelie giue themselues to their filthie Lucre whereas they should giue vnto GOD that which is GOD'S on the contrarie they are sacrilegious robbers of GOD which is the worst sort of Athiest And if they say with the Iewes in MALACHIE Whereof haue wee robbed Him Malac. 3.8 He● will tell them in the day of their dreadfull account Of My Day dedicated to My holie Worship and of the solemne honour and worship due to Mee thereon and so of that which is most sacred ●n the highest degree as all things are which are so stamped with His Name and Superscription Thirdlie Hee honoured that Day also by His first apparition thereon after His victorious Resurrection vnto His Disciples being assembled together Iohn 20.19 at what tyme also He blessed them by breathing vpon them Hee gaue them the holie Ghost And in lyke manner vpon the same day being the Pentecost after His glorious Ascention into Heaven Act. 8.4 when His Apostles were all assembled together in one place Hee sent downe the holie Ghost in shape of ●eloven fyrie Tongues plentifullie vpon them whereby they were enabled miraculouslie to speake to everie nation according to their language And vpon which day also they first began the publicke exercise of their holie Ministrie which was crowned that daye with the conversion of three thousand soules Who-so-ever then will prophane wilfullie that day and spend the same onelie and whollie in persuing their vnlawfull gayne thereon it is evident that they are not led by that Spirit which came downe on the Apostles that day Rom. 8.14 And whosoever are not led by the Spirit of GOD they are not the sonnes of GOD as testifieth the Apostle Fourthlie Our Saviour graced that day of His Resurrection in lyke manner by revealing thereon vnto His beloved Disciple saynct IOHN those high and heavenlie Mysteries which make vp the propheticall part of the New Testament and are contayned in that transcendant Booke of the APOCALYPSE and Clausule of the whole Scripture From all which severall sortes of our Saviour's honouring His owne Daye therefore did the ancient Fathers giue it such honourable Titles Ignat. ad Magnes Chrysost Hom. 5. de Resurr Gregor Nazianz oratio 43. August de Temp. serm 251. as Ignatius calleth it the Queene of Dayes Saynct Chrysostome the Royall Daye Gregorie Nazianzene Higher than the highest and with admiration wonderfull amongst dayes even as the Virgine MARIE was blessed amongst Women And Augustine applyeth these wordes of the Psalme vnto it This is the Day which the LORD hath made Psal 118.24 let vs bee glad and rejoyce in it So that as the Palmist sayde of HIERUSALEM Glorious thinges are spoken of thee O Citie of GOD So in some sort wee may say the lyke of this Daye Glorious thinges are spoken of thee O thou Day of the LORD CHAP. IV. The Apostles their observation of the LORD'S Day in lyke manner and the lyke practise of all Christian Churches both in their tyme and after AS wee haue seene howe the LORD IESVS did honour this Day of His Resurrection so lykewyse wee may see how religiouslie the holie Apostles did obserue the same First By the forenamed practise of Saynct Peter Act. 2.41 the Apostle of the Iewes who vpon that day immediatelie after the descending of the holie Ghost began the publicke exercise of the holie Ministerie which was crowned with so happie and a plentifull successe Lykewyse By the practise of saynct Paull the Apostle of the Gentiles as may bee clearlie seene in that Storie of the Acts Act. 20 6.7 where it is sayde that having stayed seaven dayes at Troas hee is reported to haue assembled the Disciples Faythfull together on the seaventh day onelie which was the first day of the weeke and the LORD'S Day for hearing the Word and participating the Sacrament In lyke manner By Apostolicall direction vnto all Churches 1. COR. 16. wee may see that the Apostle ordayned everie first day of the weeke That there bee a Collection for the Saynctes The reason whereof that hee appoynted this Collection to bee on the LORD 'S Day saynct Chrysostome giveth to wit That the memorie of the benefits which on that day they obtayned by CHRIST'S Resurrection Chrysost in 1. Cor. 16. might make them the more liberallie to contribute to the necessities of their Brethren To which Sedulius joyneth this Sedul in 1. Cor. 16. Quia non est opus servile sayeth hee elemosynam congregare that is It is not a servile worke to collect Almes on that day And which also implyeth That no servile worke for gayne is to bee vsed thereon That this Collection was vsuall also to be ever amongst all Christians thereafter vpon the LORDS day when His religious worship and publicke meetinges were Iustine Martyr who lived shortlie after the Apostles showeth
Can. Eccl. cap. 13. wee shall finde that in those which are now in vse in the Church of ENGLAND all manner of persons are ordayned to keepe holie the Lord's daye commonlie called SVNDAY according to God's Will and Orders of the Church that is In hearing the Word of God read and taught in private and publicke Prayers in receaving the communion of the Bodie and Blood of CHRIST visiting the Poore and Sicke and in such holie Exercyses which are fitting for that day And last if wee come from Ecclesiasticall Canons to Civill Constitutions Ex Ina regis occid Sax. lib. cap. 3. in ENGLAND wee shall finde in the days of Ina king of the West-Saxons anno 688 that it is statuted by him That if a Servant worke on the Sunday at the commaundement of his master hee shall thence-foorth bee free and his master shall paye for his Fyne thirtie shillinges But if hee doe so without the commandement of his master hee shall bee scourged except hee redeeme himselfe by a pryce there-from And agayne In the raygne of King EADGAR about the yeare of GOD 966 it is statuted That everie one obserue the Sunday whollie from Saturndaye evening to Moondaye morning And latelie Queene Elizabeth her Injunctions Artic. 34. Anno 27. Henrici 6. cap. 5. King Iames proclamation also at Theobalds 1603. for keeping the LORDS DAY In the Religious Constitutions of that famous young Prince EDWARD THE SIXT and Queene ELIZABETH of ever-blessed memorie as in their Statutes of Parliament amplie may bee seene and in the Statutes of HENRIE THE SIXT before them wherein whatsoever may with-drawe men and their servantes from Divine Service is forbidden CHAP IX Howe the Lord's day is to bee observed and what workes are permissible or not permissible thereon And speciallie That the Salmond-fishing thereon is no wayes permissible or lawfull NExt to the former motiues for observation of the Lord's daye wee are to consider how it is to bee observed which is first By CESSATION as hath beene showne from all servile and laborious worke intended onelie for gayne And therefore in EXODVS this Cessation was appoynted both in Seed-tyme Exod. 34.21 and in Harvest Next Because to rest onlie from our ordinarie worke were to keepe the Lord's daye rather lyke a Beast than a Christian Therefore wee must knowe That this Cessation is commanded as Augustine sayeth Vt paratiores promptiores simus ad Divinum Cultum that is That wee may bee the more readie and fit for GOD'S holie Worship And labour or working thereon is therefore forbidden because of impeding or with-drawing thereby of men from the Lord's Worship No action then is to bee done of that sort but such as whereby wee eyther blesse GOD or looke therein to receaue a Blessing from GOD. Seeing therefore the Salmond-fishing vpon the Lord's daye is a servile and toylsome worke intended onlie for gayne and that thereby such a number of soules are hindered and withdrawne from the Lord's Worship Howe dare people doe such a thing vpon that blessed daye wherevpon they can neyther looke vp to GOD to seeke a Blessing to their vse or expect a Blessing from His Hand But rather maye justlie feare a Curse heere and Condemnation heere-after But yee will saye Is no worke to bee done vpon the Lord's Daye I answere There are three sorts of workes not onelie permissible but lawfull vpon the Lord's daye which are Pietatis Charitatis Necessitatis Of Pietie towardes God of Charitie towardes our Neyghbour and of Necessitie towardes our selues First then Workes of Pietie are to be done vpon the Lord's day which eyther directlie concerne God's Worship tho performed by bodilie worke as the preaching of the Gospell nowe and other Ministeriall paynes vpon the Lord's daye and the Priestes vnder the Lawe their killing and dressing the Sacrifices on the Iewish Sabbath burning them on the Altar concerning whom our Saviour sayde that the Priestes brake the Sabbath Matth. 12. 5. and yet were blamelesse To wit They brake it in so farre as they rested not thereon or Quoad quietē but not in regard of the commandement of halowing the same or Quoad praeceptum For such workes are not forbidden by that Precept whereby wee serue GOD onelie or else they are such workes of Pietie as indirectlie concerne GOD'S Worship whereby the people are assembled to divine Worship as the blowing of Trumpets vnder the Lawe and ringing of Belles nowe vnder the Gospell The holie ende of all which workes doeth sanctifie the same as the Temple did the Golde or the Altar the Gift thereon And vpon the peoples part who assemble together their preparing of themselues duely traveling to their Parish-Churches diligentlie hearing the Word attentiuelie praying and praysing GOD devotelie and instructing their Families religiouslie All these and the lyke are the workes of Pietie which becommeth the LORD'S daye suteablie Next Workes of Charitie 1. Cor. 16. are to be done vpon the LORD'S Day and therefore the Apostle appoynted That the Collection for the Poore as is vsuall amongst vs should bee on that daye In lyke manner Marke 3.4 Our Saviour declareth That the lyfe eyther of Man or Beast ought to bee preserved vpon the Sabbath daye Matth. 12.1.11 eyther by delivering the same from danger or by necessarie support of Foode or the lyke The visiting also of the Sicke Marke 2.28 relieving the Poore curing the diseased and such lyke are the workes of Charitie suteable for the LORD'S daye For I will haue Mercie sayeth the Lord rather than Sacrifice Last Workes of Necessitie may bee performed vpon the LORD'S daye which are not for wordlie gayne or acquisition by servile toyle and labour of thinges to bee ours which before the employment in the sayde servile labour were not ours as the Salmond-Fishing is but which are for necessarie preservrtion in evident and imminent danger of that which is in our possession and wee haue right vnto alreadie Epist. Decret l. 2. c. 3. as to drawe our Oxe out of the myre beeing readie to drowne to flit our Cornes out of the lowe Valleyes when by inundation of neare adjoyning Waters they are in evident danger to bee carried away to quench in lyke manner houses that are on fyre such like Therefore beside our owne men so also sayeth SVAREZ Causa generalis inducens excusationē Suarez lib. ● de dicb fest tom 1. c. 32. est necessitas imminens quae praeveniri non potuit that is The generall cause which importeth an excuse is an imminent necessitie onlie which could not bee prevented In lyke manner for some Callings to exercise the practise thereof as Physicians in Pleurisies to let blood Chyrurgians to paunse and applye Cures Mid-wyues to helpe Women in travell Mariners to governe their Shippes on the Seas c. all which are for preservation of lyues Souldiours also if they bee assaulted vpon the LORD'S Day to defende themselues and fight as we reade the
A SHORT TREATISE Agaynst the prophanation of the LORD'S DAY Especiallie By Salmond Fishing thereon In tyme of Divine Service MATH xxij 21. Giue vnto GOD that which is God's EZEK xxiij 38. Moreover this they haue done vnto mee they haue prophaned my Sabbath By WILLIAM GUILD D. D. Minister in ABERDENE and Chaplane to his Majestie Printed in Aberdene by Edward Raban 1637. BON ACCORD Insignia Vrbis abredoniae TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL RELIGIOUS AND TRVE PATTERNE OF VERTVE Sr THOMAS BVRNET OF LEYES KNIGHT c. And to his moste Religious and worthie Ladie Dame IEANE MONCRIEF Grace and Blessings here Glorie and Beatitude hereafter RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL IT is not without cause that the observation of the LORDS Day is called THE KEY OF RELIGION which being neglected the same should quicklie decaye and quyte perish out of the hearts of men and so they should turne Athiestes and become without GOD in the World For preventing whereof the LORD praefixed a speciall Memento to the fourth Precept of His Morall Law enjoyning men to Remember to keepe holie the Sabbath Day and subjoyning a moste pithie reason thereof But alace men now vnder the Gospell are come to such a degree of impietie with vs that tho they haue a more forcible reason to obserue the LORRS DAY whereon our Saviour rose and brought vs from Death to Lyfe agayne and which from the beginning hitherto the Christian Church also everie where hath so religiouslie observed Yet these not through oblivion nor ignorance but agaynst knowne light and wilfullie as also both peartlie and publicklie to the high offence of GOD and scandall of His People prophane that Holie Daye consecrated to His Worship by Salmond-Fishing thereon in tyme of Divine Service whereby GOD is depryved of His Honour the Church of Reverence the Common-wealth of Order the Bodie of Rest the Soule of Edification the Life of Direction GOD'S Word of Audience and His Law of Obedience counting onelie their Gayne to bee Godlinesse and not as the Apostle sayeth Godlinesse to bee great Gayne 1. Tim. 6. ● and esteeming the Word of GOD in the mouthes of His Servantes because it crosseth their commoditie as it did Alexander the Copper-smith's even as Pharao called it in the mouth of MOSES for the lyke cause Exod. 5.9 Vayne wordes onlie not to be regarded tho one day they know they shall bee judged thereby Yea some are come to that hight of impietie hating to be reformed Psal 50.27 that they dare call in question the verie Institution and lawfulnesse of the observation thereof which Augustine declareth Aug. Epist. 118. ad Ian. Insolentissmae esse insaniae or an expression a fit of a most insolent audacious madnesse not worthie of anie modest answere For due informing and reclayming of whom if they bee not lyke Babell which would not bee cured I haue taken these paynes in all loue and care of their salvation and shall count it my greatest joye and most happie bestowed travells if heereby besides my preaching and daylie prayers for them I may fish by the Nette of the Gospell but one Soule amongst them to bee obedient to the LORD and lyke Noah in his age by their practise to oppose the speat of wicked and common Example But if not wee that are their Pastoures must not bee quyte discowraged because wee see neyther our paynes nor preaching to prevayle seeing that Noah in cxx years both by preaching and building the Arke lykewyse converted not one soule of the whole world to fayth and repentance and that the Lord's Prophets haue beene commanded to preach and yet it hath beene told them before-hand Ezek. 3.4 that they should not bee heard yea moreover Isai 6.10 that their doctrine should harden the heartes of the hearers But this wee shall doe 1. Sam. 15.35 As Samuell mourned for Saull whom he could not mende and as the Apostle bewayled those that sinned 2. Cor. 12.21 and had not repented So our soules shall not ceasse to mourne for them in secret and in the meane whyle our worke shall be with our God And whether our labours bee vnto lyfe or death to our hearers to convert or convince them we shall bee vnto God a sweete savour in Christ 2. Cor. 2.15 both in them that are saved and in them that perish These paynes then Sir I haue dedicated to Your Worship for sundrie respectes and diverse obliegementes mooving mee but especiallie in regarde of that religious disposition and zealous affection Yee haue to the Trueth and hatered agaynst such enormous abuses as this or anie lyke wilfull grosse violation of Gods holy Cōmandements with which disposition both evidently eminently is conjoyned a patterne in Your person of an assiduous vertuous inclination that so for Religion Policie your W. is famous both in Church Commonwealth even as it was wished of Boaz that hee might doe worthilie in Ephratha and bee famous in Bethlehem With the constancie of which worthie imitable parts Ruth 4.1 I shall also wish the continuance of all true happinesse both with your self your most religious Ladie honorable House all Your hopefull Posteritie as one who shall ever approue himselfe Your Worships in all due and addebted affection WILLIAM GUILD THE CONTENTS Chapter I. Of the occasion of this short Treatise Pag. 1 Chapter II. Of the state of the Question and first That the Lord's publicke Worship is Morall oblieging all men and That a certayne daye hath beene observed holie for the same in all ages Pag. 5 Chapter III. The manie reasons first taken from Christ's honouring the Lord's day Why all true Christians haue ever and still should honour the same Pag. 13 Chapter IV. The Apostles their observation of the Lord's daye in lyke manner and the lyke practise of all Christian Churches both in their tyme and after Pag. 19 Chapter V. The holie speaches and religious exhortations of the ancient Fathers both Greeke and Latine or of the Easterne Westerne Church for the due keeping holie of the LORD'S Day Pag. 25 CHAP. VI. The Decrees of Councels as also of Godlie Emperours and Princes for the due observation of the Lord's Daye Pag. 28 CHAP. VII The Ancient and Moderne Constitutions both of our owne Church and Kingdome of Scotland for due observation of the LORD'S DAY Pag. 33 CHAP. VIII The Ancient and Moderne Constitutions both of the Church and Kingdome of ENGLAND for due observation of the LORD'S DAY Pag. 36 Chapter IX Howe the Lord's day is to bee observed and what workes are permissible or not permissible thereon And speciallie That the Salmond-fishing thereon is no wayes permissible or lawfull Pag. 39 CHAP. X. What are the manie and great evills which the prophaning of the LORD'S DAY by Salmond-Fishing produceth Pag. 49 CHAP. XI The CONCLUSION by way of a faythfull Warning from the head of the Watch-Towre for exoneration at least of our owne Soules whom GOD hath set
can ●● Wee ordayne vpon the LORD'S Day that landward or countreye labour such as plowing or reaping of Cornes or whatsoever belongeth vnto Husbandrie no man presume to doe The reason whereof the Councell of Paris holden in the 550 yeare of CHRIST Consit Paris can 50 and tyme of Pelagius the first giveth thus saying that those who doe any servile labour on this day decus Christianitatis obfuscant c. that is they obscure the honour of Christianitie furnish to those who blaspheme the Name of CHRIST more matter of blaspheming the same Wherefore it becommeth say they a Christian vpon that day to bee exercised in divine prayse and not in servile workes Yea such a cessation should bee sayeth the Councell of Arles holden in the 805 yeare of CHRIST Council Ar●lat cap. 1. and tyme of LEO the first His solummodo peractis quae ad DEI cultum fervitium pertinere noscuntur that is That those thinges onelie bee performed which are knowne to belong to GOD'S worship and service The reason whereof vvhy wee should onelie applye our selues on that day to the LORD'S service allanerlie Concil Matisc●n 2. can 1. celebratum anno 590. the Councell of MATISCON giveth saying Wee ought to keepe holie the Lord's daye whereon wee were begotten of anew delivered from our sinnes and wherein wee were made to bee what wee were not before For wee were say they the servantes of sinne but are made by it the sonnes of Righteousnesse Therefore let our eyes and handes all that whole day bee lifted vp to GOD. Concerning the religious observation lykewyse of the Lord's day Novel 4. Leon. c. 54. thus sayeth the Imperiall Constitution seconding those holie Councels Wee ordayne as it hath also pleased the holie Ghost and them who are appoynted by Him that all men vpon that holie day whereon our integritie and libertie was restored rest from labours and neyther Husbandman nor anie others enterpryse vpon that daye anie worke the same beeing vnlawfull For if they who did obserue the shadow and figure so much reverenced this Sabbath that thereon they abstayned from all worke whatsoever what equitie is it that they who professe the trueth of those figures and the light of grace See Aug. serm de tempore 251. serm 154 should not reverence that day which was so greatlie honoured by the LORD Himselfe and delyvered vs from shamefull destruction Sozom. l. 1. cap. 8. Sozomen also maketh mention of a law that Constantin made for the observation of the LORDS day rendering this reason Because the LORD IESVS did ryse thereon and raysed vs from our fall in Adam sayeth hee Pipinus Rex in Concil For●juliensi c. 13 Lykewyse sayeth Pipinus Wee command That on that Day all abstinence bee from sinfull workes and all workes of the flesh and from all earthlie labour and that men attende nothing else but Prayer and to assemble themselues in the Churches with great devotion of mynde and with charitie and loue that they blesse the LORD CHAP. VII The Ancient and Moderne Constitutions both of our owne Church and Kingdome of Scotland for due observation of the LORD'S DAY NExt from beyond Sea to come nearer home In SCOTLAND we find an ancient Coūcell to haue beene holden in the yeare 1203 and tyme of Pope Innocent the third wherein the manner of the religious observation of the LORD'S Day was at length set downe as wee haue the same in the third Tome of the Generall Councels set foorth by Binius the second part fol. 668 to wit That the same shall bee by cessation from servile workes and from selling or buying and That men devotelie should continue in Prayers and doing of charitable deedes one Eustachius an Abbot there giving this as a reason thereof Quia CHRISTVS nativitate sayeth hee resurrectione sua adventusao missione Spiritus Sancti in Discipulos suos sibi hunc diem quem Dominicum vocamus illustravit celeberrimum dedicavit that is Because CHRIST by His Birth and Resurrection also by His comming and sending the holie Ghost vpon His Disciples hath honoured this Day which wee call THE LORD'S DAY and dedicated the same vnto Himselfe as a most excellent and holie Day As also in the late Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticall of the Church of SCOTLAND it is set downe That The publick meetings on the LORDS Daye Constit Can. Eccles cap. 9. and other tymes appoynted by the Church beeing a speciall externall meane to entertayne the communion of the Saynctes it is therefore ordayned that the same shall be carefullie observed by all persons of what condition soever both in haunting to Divine worship and vsing all due reverence in tyme thereof and giving all quiet and diligent attendance thervnto Lykewyse for Civill Constitutions wee find it a Statute of King ALEXANDER the second as wee haue in the Booke of Majestie concerning Salmond-Fishing in particular That the water should bee free Regiam Majest Tit. Lex aquarum c. 16. So that no man sayeth the Statute should take fishes therin from Saturnday at night till Moonday at Sunne-rysing And in the most happie Reygne of our late dread Sovereygne king IAMES of ever-blessed memorie Iam. 6. parliam 6. c. 70 it is statuted in Parliament That no handie-labour nor working bee vpon the LORD'S Day nor anie wilfull remayning from divine Worship thereon In both which our Salmond-Fishers notoriouslie transgresse and so are rebellious both to Divine and Humane Authoritie and to the Lawes both Ancient and Moderne of Church and Common-wealth CHAP. VIII The Ancient and Moderne Constitutions both of the Church and Kingdome of ENGLAND for due observation of the LORD'S DAY NExt if wee view the Ancient Constitutions of that Famous and Neyghbour-Church and Kingdome of ENGLAND wee shall finde that in a Canon of a Councell holden by Egbert Arch-bishop of Yorke anno 784 That the Gospell is ordayned to be preached to the people everie Lord's day and That they duelie convene of all sorts to the hearing thereof The verie same beeing enacted a few yeares before by Cutbbert Arch-bishop of Dorobermia anno 747 ordayding Concil Cloveshoniae c. 14. That this day bee Cultui divino tantummodo dicatus that is That the same may bee dedicated onlie vnto God's worship As also in another Councell holden by the commandement of King Ethelred Aelfeagus beeing Arch-bishop of Dorobermia C●●il Aemanense Pambrebritannicum c. 15. and Vulstane Arch-bishop of Yorke it was decreed anno 1009 That the Lord's daye and solemnitie thereof should bee with great honour celebrated Nec quicquam in eadem operis agatur servilis that is And that no servile labour bee done therevpon Constit Eccles c. 15. Canutus lege 14. Which was also decreed in the Church Constitutions of ENGLAND and in the reygne of Canutus the Dane anno 1026 by a Statute Next from Ancient Ecclesiasticall Canons to come to such as are later Constit
MACHABEES did 1. Machab. 2.41 when they were set vpon on the Sabbath Daye to entrinch and fortifie themselues also vpon the approach of the Enemie stell their Pieces cut Bridges or doe the lyke all which is lawfull Because as SVAREZ sayeth Necessitas Reipublicae conservationis suae hoc exigit Suarez loco quo supra And the Lawe is Quod non est licitum in Lege necessitas facit licitum that is The necessitie of the Common-wealth and of their owne preservation requyreth this and what is not lawfull in lawe necessitie maketh lawfull otherwise Some actions also which tende not to the preservation of liues in evident danger otherwyse but to the preservation also of such thinges as tende to the necessitie of lyfe and good of the whole Common-wealth beeing in imminent and evident danger otherwyse are lawfull and thought permissible vpon the LORD'S Daye As the keeping of Cole-heughes dry which might otherwyse fill with water and perish to the detriment of a whole Countrey The sloaking or quenching of Mosses that haue taken fyre in droughtie weather and are in perill to bee consumed themselues and to consume the Cornes neare vnto them both which are workes of necessitie not for acquisition of new gayne for Servants work not in Cole-heughes on the LORD'S Daye nor in Peat-mosses but for preservation of that which is ours alreadie beeing in evident danger and the losse whereof would import great prejudice to the Common-wealth and whole Countrey As for keeping in of fyre onelie in Glasse-Fornaces but not making anie Glasses on the LORD'S DAY and also in Salt-pannes it is accounted by sundrie a necessarie preservation onlie neyther is it a toylsome worke nor Labor multorum to avocate manie from divine Worship And of such SVAREZ sayeth this is the Rule Quando inchoatum opus non potest intermitti sine dispendio personae Communitatis in die Festo Suarez lib. 2 de Fest dicb cap. 32. licitum putatur that is When a begun worke can not be left off without the hurt of the person and of a whole Communitie such a worke is thought lawfull vpon the Holie Day But of Salmond-Fishing vpon the LORD'S DAY hee sayeth expresslie Piscatio in die Festo propter lucrum lib. 2. de fest dies cap. 19. pag. 209. est opus servile prohibitum that is But fishing for gayne vpon the Holie Day is a servile worke and altogether forbidden Neyther can it bee anie wayes accounted a worke of Necessitie 1. Beeing onelie for making worldlie gayne and acquisition by servile and laborious toyle of thinges to bee theirs which before the employment in the sayde servile worke was not theirs 2. If the pretence of making gayne or acquyring were a necessitie on the LORD'S DAY then no Aartizane especiallie of the poerer sort but might alleadge also his working on the LORD'S DAY to bee a worke of necessitie And those in lyke manner who are Whyte-Fishers might justlie alleadge their Fishing on the LORD'S DAY to bee a worke of necessiitie because of their povertie for the moste parte and That they haue not always Fishing-weather on the Sea and What they slipped that daye they would not attayne agayne Others lykewyse might pretende Their severall necessities and so in ende cast all Religion loose 3. But the trueth is Without anie necessitie it hindereth and with-draweth men from a worke which is indeede of the greatest necessicie that can bee which is The Worship of GOD and Salvation of their owne Soules So that I may say justlie in the wordes of the PROPHET IEREMIE Ierem. 2.34 That In their Skirts is found the verie Blood of the Soules of men Which cannot but crye lowder agaynst them than the blood of ABELL did agaynst CAIN And which beeing bought by so precious a pryce as the Blood of the Sonne of GOD What may they expect as their judgement who make their gayne thereby and their Houses an Aceldama or a Field of Blood CHAP. X. What are the manie and great evills which the prophaning of the LORD'S DAY by Salmond-Fishing produceth HAving now looked vpon this forbidden Tree let vs consider what Fruite it bringeth foorth Surelie nothing but lyke the Prophet's wilde gourdes 2. King 4.40 which made Death to bee in the Potte or such whereof the LORD complayneth ISAIAH 5. That His Vine-yarde brought foorth even sowre Grapes vvhich will once set their teeth on edge For 1. This prophanation of the LORD'S DAY robbeth the LORD of His due Worship which those should giue vnto Him who are employed in place of GOD'S Service to serue man and according to NATHAN'S parable When wee haue manie dayes of the weeke as ours or for our service and will not be contented there-with but will robbe GOD of that one day which He hath for His Service and Worship vvhat fearfull Sentence can such expect That their owne mouth lyke DAVID'S shall bee made one daye to pronounce agaynst themselues 2. Their Servantes who thus prophane the LORD'S DAY by their servile employment are wofullie defrauded of their Soules Foode and Spirituall Edification So that whyles themselues should bee caught by the Nette of the Gospell to bee brought vnto CHRIST they are catching vnlawfull Gayne to bring vnto their Masters Lyke that Damosell in the ACTS possessed with a spirit of Divination which brought her Masters also much Gayne by Sooth-saying Act. 16.16 before her dispossession Whose case as it was moste wofull whyle shee was doing so So is theirs in lyke manner whyle as sterving in their Soules and gayning earthlie thinges to others they become a prey to that craftie Fisher Satan and lose heavenlie thinges which they should gayne to themselues 3. Whereas the LORD hath appoynted a bodilie rest to bee vpon the seaventh day from all servile work for refreshing of Man who hath beene labouring the sixe dayes of the weeke as Hee hath lykewyse pittie and willeth vs to haue on the verie beast yet cruellie contrarie to GOD'S appoyntment the bodies of their Servantes are toylsomlie wrought and wearied vpon the LORD'S DAY as well as the rest of the dayes of the weeke without anie intermission or cessation whatsoever and so are made altogether vnfit all that Season for GOD'S Worship publicke or private 4. Thorow the long dissuetude of resorte to GOD'S Service and prophanation of the LORD'S DAY those Servantes of theirs as wee finde by wofull experience become altogether neglectiue of the LORDS DAY at all other tymes of the yeare when Salmond-Fishing is not and can neyther by Admonition nor Discipline be made to halowe the same And so being indured thorowe their fore-named custome they remayne altogether ignorant in mynde most prophane in lyfe and vtterlie carelesse of their souls as if they had none at al. Of which induration ignorance and prophanitie howe fearfull a thing it is to bee the cause and drawe vpon them such guiltinesse let anie sensible Christian seriouslie consider 5. Not onelie are those their
Servantes detayned by that servile employment from GOD'S Holie Worship but lykewyse manie others are everie LORD'S DAY of all sortes of people with-drawne from the same going thither to bee spectators of those Fishinges in the verie tyme of GOD'S publicke Servic and assemblie of His people and who in respect of their multitude can not bee gotten curbed As those then are happie who stirre vp people saying as DAVID professeth Let vs goe vp to the House of the LORD and as the Disciples did one the other who drawe Men to GOD Iohn 1. 41. So vnhappie maye they justlie judge themselues vvho giue such an occasion for their private gayne of hindering people and drawing so manie from GOD. 6. What Scandall 〈◊〉 and grievous offence is given to all good Christians heere where this prophanation is committed Ierem. 9. their querimonies which wee often heare beare sufficient witnessing and what griefe of heart they giue to vs their Pastours as the stubbornnesse of the Iewes gaue to their Prophets HEE that knoweth the heart can beare vs record So that with Ieremie Wee wish our head were waters and our Eyes a Fountayne of Teares that wee might weepe day and night for the gransgression of our people How-so-ever with open impietie they joyne not onelie impenitencie but impudencie in sinning 7. A great stumbling blocke lykewyse they are to the weake who by their example thinke it no transgression to violate and prophane the LORD'S DAY manie wayes in the Countrey especiallie and are so hardened in their sinne that when their Pastours accuse or rebuke them for the same and command Abstinencie they strayght-way replye Let the Salmond Fishing bee as well discharged then on the Sundaye and then they shall cease 8. If also the Angels rejoyce at the conversion of a Sinner howe then are they contristated as it were and zealouslie incensed at such a peart and publicke practise of sinne in prophaning that Holie Daye of their LORD'S Worship whereof by those so vngratelie and sacrilegiouslie Hee is robbed 9. But moste and worst of all Amongst other crying sinnes of the Land which incense the wrath of the LORD agaynst the same this as one of the greatest doeth kindle the Fyre of His indignation procureth His judgement and His hand to bee stretched out still For as Hee for the prophanation of His Sabbath threatned the Iewes before by His Prophet IEREMIE That Hee should kindle a Fyre in the gates of their chiefe Citie Hierusalem Ierem. 17 2● which should consume the Palaces thereof and it should not bee quenched And as good NEHEMIAH declared to the Princes of IVDAH seeing for this transgression and guiltinesse the LORD had performed and put the same to execution agaynst them in wasting of their Land destroying of their Citie and killing and captivating the persons All which as to one mayne cause hee attributeth to the prophaning of the LORD'S SABBATH saying What evill thing is this that yee doe Nehem. 13.17 and prophane the SABBATH DAY Did not your Fathers thus And did not our GOD bring all this evill vpon vs and vpon this Citie And yet ye would bring more wrath vpon Israell by prophaning the SABBATH DAYE Much more then maye Christians See Theatre of GOD'S Judgements Tom 3. of the Generall Councils 2. part p. 669. and Practise of Pietie 368. who liue in a cleare Light and haue no lesse obligation to sanctifie the LORD'S DAY expect for the prophanation thereof temporall punishmentes heere as sundrie haue found inflicted and eternall punishmentes heere-after which are most justlie threatned CHAP. XI The CONCLUSION by way of a faythfull Warning from the head of the Watch-Towre for exoneration at least of our owne Soules whom GOD hath set over them who so prophane the LORD'S DAYE AS Reuben said therefore to his Brethren Gen. 42.2 Did not I fore-warne you saying Doe not sinne agaynst the Chylde and yee would not heare Therefore beholde his blood is requyred So wee may saye whom the LORD hath set over you who are guiltie of this Sinne Haue not wee fore-warned you both by word and nowe by writ That yee sinne not agaynst your owne Soules and the Soules of others whom yee impede and with-drawe from the LORD'S Worship and Meanes of their Salvation on the LORD'S DAY And if ye will not heare as IOSEPH'S Brethren would not REVBEN'S advise beholde assuredly your blood and the blood of those that perish thorowe your default the LORD shall requyre at your handes True it is that wee would often tymes haue taken IEREMIE'S Resolution Ierem. 20.9 Not to speake anie more of this sinne of yours in the LORD'S Name vnto you perceaving sundrie of you to bee so incorrigible were not that His Word was within vs as a burning fyre shut vp in our bones we were wearie with forbearing and could not stay except wee would haue beene treacherous both to GOD who had entrusted vs and you whom we should haue fore-warned But seeing wee that are PASTORS haue so frequentlie shotte IONATHAN'S Arrowes to fore-warne you to escape from the wrath to come wee are free from your Blood if yee perish thorowe your rebellion and shall finde our owne Approbation wee hope in the DAY of the LORD And if with SAMVELL wee can not mende you wee shall moane at least as hee did for rebellious Saul in RAMAH and mourne for you in secret and with IEREMIE lament That our Mother hath borne vs men of stryfe and contention with those for whose good wee powre out our verie Soules in secret before the LORD in our daylie Prayers That To the Glorie of HIS NAME the joye of our Heartes and Salvation of your Soules wee may yet see the Happie Daye of your Conversion and Amendement heere-in That so yee may bee in the daye of our Common Compearance before the LORD our Crowne and our joye and attayne with vs to the happie Rest of that ETERNALL SABBATH in the HEAVENS conquessed to vs by the Bloode of CHRIST To Whom bee ever all Prayse and Glorie AMEN Epitaphium Piscatoris HIc recubat dominus vicini gurgitis auras Dum traheret dominus nō tamē ipse sui Non sibi sed soboli vixit labor improbus omnis Nullaque lux vivo festa vel hora fuit Venturi securus erat coelique penates Infernasque domos credidit esse pares Sunt coelo pisces sunt orco flumina praedae Materiem functo spondet vterque locus Arth. Ionstonus M. R.
saying That vpon Sundaye Iustin Martyr Apol. 2. pro Christianis in sine when Christians both in the Town Country do assemble together after the reading of the word publicke exhortation by the Pastor after Prayer and celebration of the Sacrament of Christ's Bodie and Blood then those who are able pro sua quisque voluntate conferunt sayeth hee collecta deponuntur apud praepositum isque subvenit pupillis viduis propter morbum aliamve necessitatem egentibus that is Then everie one as he pleaseth contributeth and what is collected is layd down beside him who hath the charge thereof who helpeth the Orphanes and Widowes and others who by sicknesse or anie other necessitie are poore and indigent And hee subjoyneth saying Conventus autem bos die Solis facimus quoniam hac die primum DEVS depulsis tenebris formataque materia mundum creavit IESVS CHRISTVS quoque noster Servator eadem die resurrexit à mortuis that is These Assemblies we make them on Sunday because on that day the Lord driving away darknesse having formed a matter He created the world as also our Saviour IESVS CHRIST on that same daye arose from the dead So that wee see our Christian or Lord's Day abrogateth not the memorie of the Creation but beeing the first of the Creation and the day of CHRIST'S Resurrection it putteth vs in mynde both of the making of the Worlde and the redeeming of the same Iustin Martyr Apol. 2. Aug. de tempor serm 251. or of a visible olde creation and an invisible newe one as witnesseth both Iustine Martyr as also holie Augustine The same observation of the day of the Lord's Resurrection wee may see also to haue beene the constant and catholicke practise of all Christian Churches after the Apostolicke tymes by the witnessing of other ancient Fathers Therefore sayeth Clemens Romanus Clem. Rom. Co●stit Ap. l. 2. c. 63. Wee Christians assemble our selues together with great diligence vpon the LORD'S Day to prayse Him c. And Tertullian Tertull. apol c. 39. 16. c. 14. de Idolo●atr●a Vpon that day sayeth hee wee who are Christians meete together carefullie in the holie Assemblies And agayne in his Apologeticke hee showeth That the honouring of this day beeing called after the Heathnish denomination Dies Solis and assembling together for publicke worship thereon was the occasion why the Paganes gaue it out That Christians did worship the Sunne So lykewyse sayeth Basil and Isichius Basil de Sp. Sancto c. 27 Et Isichius in Levit. cap. 9. See Aug. de tempore serm 151. That following the doctrine and direction of the Apostles the Christians everie where did sequester the LORD'S Day for their holie Assemblies Those therefore who contrarie to Apostolicall observation and direction and contrarie also to the constant practise of the whole Christian Church ever there-after will so boldlie irreligiouslie contemne such Authoritie and holie examples and prophane the Lord's day for their filthie lucre as they depart heerein from so holie a practise heere so they may justlie feare except they repent and amende a dreadfull departure from Him who is Lord of that day and a separation from the societie of those Saynctes heere-after CHAP. V. The holie speaches and religious exhortations of the ancient Fathers both Greeke and Latine or of the Easterne Westerne Church for the due keeping holie of the LORD'S Day FIrst then to begin with the Grecian Fathers and intending for brevities cause to bring but a few Ignatius Martyr who lived in the Apostles owne tyme adjureth everie one Ignatius 〈◊〉 Magnes by the loue of CHRIST to halow that day saying Let everie one who loveth CHRIST keepe holie the LORD'S Day renowned by His Resurrection which is the Queene of dayes So that the prophanation of this daye and the loue of CHRIST can not consist together and are alwayes incompatible Next Saynct Chrysostome a most famous and holie Bishop Chrysost hom 10. in Genes 2. showeth That from the verie beginning the LORD hath requyred that one day in everie weeke constantlie and whollie should bee set a-part by His Church to bee entierlie appropriated applyed for Spirituall exercyses tending to the good of the soules as the rest of the dayes of the weeke are applyed by vs for corporall and servile labour tending to the good of the bodie and mayntaynance of the naturall lyfe Saynct AUGUSTINE also that great Light of the Westerne Church Aug. serm 215. vrgeth the religious and entiere observation of the Christian Sabbath by comparing the same with the observation of the Jewish Sabbath saying If the vnhappie Iewes doe with so great devotion celebrate their Sabbath so that vpon the same they will doe no earthlie worke how much more should Christians vpon the LORD'S Daye much more attende His Worship and for the salvation of their soules assemble themselues together in the Church of GOD GREGORIE the Great also wryting to the Citizens of ROME Greg. l. 11. epist. 3. showeth both where-from wee should rest and howe wee should whollie employ our selues on the Lord's day laying Vpon the LORD'S Day a cessation should bee altogether from earthlie labour and men should whollie giue themselues to insist in Prayer that what by negligence the sixe dayes of the weeke hath beene committed by Prayer vpon the LORD'S Day the same may hee expiated Seeing therefore this day so manie wayes hath beene honoured by Christ stamped with His Name celebrated by His Apostles observed by the Church and recommended vnto vs by the Fathers whosoever with an high hand of rebellion agaynst God and His Church will wilfullie prophane the same hee sinneth grievouslie agaynst his own soule and the soules of others and as learned Hooker sayeth The voluntarie scandalous contempt of resting from labour on that Day whereon the LORD is publicklie served can not bee too severelie brydled and corrected CHAP. VI. The Decrees of Councels as also of Godlie Emperours and Princes for the due observation of the Lord's Daye FIrst then wee will set downe those Canons of ancient and famous Councels which declare what is forbidden on the Lord's daye and next those which showe what is commanded Synod 6. c●p 8 The sixt Generall Councell then forbiddeth all bodilie worke except that which is for the refreshment of nature that day Thus also sayeth the Councell of Rhemes holden in the 8●3 yeare of CHRIST Concil Rhemens can 35. and tyme of LEO the third Vpon the LORD'S Daye secundùm DOMINI Praeceptum that is according to the LORD' 's owne commandement let no man doe anie servile worke Next the Councell of Cabilon holden in the 653 yeare of CHRIST and tyme of Eugenius more particularlie speaketh of such works as having but a short season and are subject to sundrie dangers both of wnde rayne and are for the sustentation of the whole Countrey yet say the Fathers of this Councell Concil Cabilen