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A16559 An exposition of the last psalme delivered in a sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the fifth of Nouember, 1613. By Iohn Boys, Doctor of Diuinitie. Boys, John, 1571-1625. 1613 (1613) STC 3464; ESTC S112973 19,487 30

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present among the Iewes and hereafter in the fulnes of time to be constituted among Christians vntill the worlds end For this clause may bee construed of the mysticall heauen and temple so well as of the materiall heauen and temple The good man I meane the true Christian is not only Gods house but also Gods temple yea Gods heauen as Augustine expounds the words of Christ Our Father which art in heauen that is in holy men of heauenly conuersation in whose sanctified hearts hee dwelleth as in his sanctuarie Archimedes in his conference with Hiero said Giue me a place where I may stand out of the world and I will moue the whole earth in like manner hee that will be reputed a Saint and so take vpon him to remoue men earthly minded from their worldlinesse must himselfe at the least haue one foote out of the world seeking as the blessed Apostle speakes the things aboue that other may see his good workes and glorifie God which is in heauen that is according to the true soule of our text praise God in his Saints which are his sacrarie his sanctuarie his house his heauen Heere then all the three diuers lines praise God in his Saints praise God in his sanctitie praise God in his sanctuarie meete in one centree namely God is to bee praised in his sanctuarie for his sanctitie conferred vpon his Saints whereby they shined as lights in this heauen on earth and now shine like starres in that heauen of heauen If I were not according to the text and the time foreward to prosecute the gunpowder men as the more dangerous enemies of God and his Gospell I might vpon this ground take vp the bucklers against idle Nouelists vtterly condemning the festiuals of holy Saints established in our Church by good order of law Their principall obiection is taken out of Pauls epistle to the Galathians chap. 4. vers 10. Ye obserue daies and moneths and times and yeares I am afraid of you lest I haue bestowed vpon you labour in vaine To which answere is made that there is a fourefold obseruation of daies Naturall Politicall Ecclesiasticall Superstitious Of all which onely the superstitious is condemned as Aretius and Illiricus and other Protestant Diuines vpon the place Now the superstitious obseruation is either Iudaicall or Idolatricall it is apparent that Paul meant the first hereof especially because the Galathians after they were conuerted vnto Christ were seduced by false teachers vnto the ceremonies of the Iewes as concerning the Sabbaths the new Moones and the like the which were figures of Christ and had their end in him Are ye so foolish that hauing begun in the spirit yee would now be made perfit by the flesh As for Idolatricall obseruing of times it is granted easily that the Pagans in dedicating feasts vnto false gods and in making differences of daies dismall and fortunate either by curious arts or by particular fansies or popular obseruations are worthily reputed superstitious And the Papists also solemnizing holy daies of the Saints in their Churches with idolatrous worshipping of the creatures and their Images and out of their Churches with Epicurelike belly-cheere reuelling and idlenes turne againe to the beggerly rudiments and fashions of the world but the festiuals of England celebrated according to the doctrine and Iniunctions of our Church are very farre from these and all other kindes of superstition for then is God truly worshipped in the publike congregation I say the true God is truly praised in his true Saints on our holy daies the sacraments are rightly ministred the Scriptures are fruitfully read the Word is faithfully preached all which are maine meanes to withdraw men not only from superstition and idolatrie but also from all sorts of error and impietie whatsoeuer Yea but the words of the Commandement are sixe daies shalt thou labour Ergo there should be no holie day besides the Lords day Protestant Diuines answere that the clause sixe daies shalt thou labour is a permission or a remission of Gods right who might chalenge to himselfe all our time for his worke and not a restraint for any man from seruing of God on any day For the Iewes beside the Sabbath had diuers other feasts as Easter the feast of vnleauened bread the feast of first fruits Whitsuntide the feast of blowing trumpets the feast of Tabernacles all which as we reade Leuiticus 23 they kept by Gods appointment holy notwithstanding these words of the law sixe daies shalt thou labour And so the Christian Church in all ages hath vpon iust occasions separated some weeke daies vnto the praising of the Lord and rest from labour Ioel 2. 14. Blow the trumpet in Sion sanctifie a fast call a solemne assemblie Daies of publike fasting for some great iudgement dayes of publike reioycing for some great benefit are not vnlawfull but exceeding commendable yea necessarie Whosoeuer doubtes of the Churches libertie herein or of the practise of this libertie may peruse the ninth chapter of Ester in which it will appeare that Gods people by the commandement of Mordecai did euery yeare solemnize and keepe holy the fourteenth and fifteenth day of the moneth Adar in remembrance of their great deliuerie from the treason of Haman Vpon these grounds the last euer renouned Parliament enacted that wee should for euer spend the prime part of this present fifth of Nouember in praying and praising the Lord for his vnspeakable goodnes in deliuering our King Queene Prince and states of this realme from that hellish horrible bloody barbarous intended massacre by Gunpowder Now that I may for my part execute the will of the Parliament sparing the Nouelists and referring such as desire to bee further satisfied in this argument of holy dayes vnto the iudicious writings of my most honoured and honourable maister Archbishop Whitegift in the defence of his answere to the Admonition I proceede in the text praise him in his noble acts praise him according to his excellent greatnes Some reade laudate eum in virtutibus eius praise him in his powers other ob fortitudinem eius praise him in his power and according to these two diuerse translations I find two different expositions one construing it of Gods glorious Angels and the other applying it to Gods glorious acts for the first it is euident in holy writ that there bee certaine distinctions and degrees of Angles in the quier of heauen there be Seraphins Esay 6. 2. Cherubins Gen. 3. 24. Thrones dominions principalities and powers Coloss. 1. 16. in all which and for all which God is to be praised as being his ministring spirits for the good of such as shall bee heires of saluation as long as wee serue God all these serue vs euen the Cherubins and Seraphins Angels and Archangels I say so long as we serue the Lord these pages of his honour and parts of
Lord God of all power blessed be thy name which hast this day brought to nought the enemies of thy people so let all thine enemies perish O Lord that our mouthes may be filled with laughter and our tongue with ioy Sint diui modo non viui let England hang such although afterward Rome hallow such he that hath an eye to see without the spectacles of a Iesuit will affoord as good credit to the register at Tiburne as to the Calender of Tyber for if these be Martyrs I wonder who are Murtherers If these be Saints I pray you who are Scythians If these bee Catholikes who are Canibals I passe to the second exposition of these wordes O praise God in his sanctitie so Munster Pagninus Beza Tremelius and our old translation heere Praise God in his holinesse now God is holy formaliter effectiue holy in himselfe and making other holy the Lord is glorious in holinesse Exod. 15. 11. Wheras other Gods are famous for their vnholinesse Venus was a wanton Mercurius a theefe Iupiter a monsterous adulterer an ingenious man as Basile writes would blush to report that of beastes which the Gentiles haue recorded of their Gods If such imputations are true saith Augustine quàm mali how wicked are these Gods if false quàm malè how wretched and foolish are these men adoring the same things in the temple which they scoffe at in the theater in turpitudine nimium liberi in superstitione nimium serui so that their Gods are not as our God euen our enemies being Iudges Deut. 32. 31. there is none holy as the Lord 1. Sam. 2. 2. called often in holy Scripture the holy one yea thrice holy holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts Esay 6. 3. his name is holy his law is holy his spirit is holy his will holy his word holy righteous in all his waies and holy in all his workes Psalm 145. 17. making vs also which are his seruants an holy people Deut. 7. 6. an holy priest-hood 1. Pet. 2. 5. his holy temples 1. Cor. 6. 19. our bodies our soules our selues our whole seruice holy wherefore praise God in his holinesse Luther Caluin Vatablus your English-Geneua bibles our new translation haue praise God in his sanctuarie the which in holy scripture signifieth either heuen or the temple heauen is often called in sacred writ Gods sanctuarie for thus saith he that is high and excellent he that inhabiteth eternitie whose name is the holy one I dwell in the high and holy place Christ in comming to vs is said to breake the heauens Esay 64. 1. and when he went from vs vnto his father a cloud tooke him vp into heauen Acts 1. and frō heauen he shal come againe to iudge the quicke and the dead 1. Thes. 4. 16. That his sanctuarie may be taken heere for heauen is gathered out of the very next clause praise him in the firmament of his power the which as Caluin other expositors haue well obserued is exegeticall and expoundes the former as if Dauid should haue said praise the Lord in his sanctuary that is in the firmament of his power for the heauens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handy worke Psalm 19. 1. let all people praise God our father in heauen especially such as dwell with him in heauen O praise the Lord all ye blessed Angels and Saints inhabiting his sanctuarie which is highest and holiest Other apply the word sanctuary to the Temple so termed for two respects especially 1. because God manifesteth his holines toward vs in that holy place more principally calling it expresly his house 2. a sanctuarie in regard of our holy seruice toward God for albeit euery day be to the good man a sabbath and euery place a temple yet the God of Order hath appointed certaine times and certaine places also wherein hee will bee worshipped publiquely saying Leuiticus 19. 30. Ye shall obserue my sabbaths and reuerence my sanctuary For our holines toward God concerneth vs one way in that we are men and another way in that we are ioyned as parts to that visible mystical body which is his Church as men wee are at our owne choyce both for time and place and forme according to the exigence of our owne occasions in priuate but the seruice which is to bee done of vs as the members of a publique body must of necessity bee publique and so consequently to bee performed on holy daies in holy places and for this doctrine the scriptures afford both patent and paterne the patent is reported by the Prophet Esay Chap. 56. vers 7. and repeated by Christ in three seuerall Euangelists my house shall be called an house of prayer for all people The paterns are manifold I will enter into thine house in the multitude of thy mercies and in thy feare will I worship toward thine holy temple saith our Prophet Psal. 5. 7. The Publican and the Pharisie went into the temple to pray Luke 18. Peter and Iohn went vp together into the temple at the ninth houre of prayer Acts 3. Anna fasted and prayed in the temple Luke 2. This one word sanctuarie teacheth vs how we should behaue our selues in the Church as in Gods presence Doest thou come to that holie place to receiue the blessed Supper of our Lord remember that the temple is sanctuarium non promptuarium a sanctuarie not a buttrie haue ye not houses to eate and drinke in despise yee the Church of God Doest thou come to pray take heede to thy foote when thou entrest into Gods house compose thy knees and eyes and hands and heart after such a deuout manner as that thou maist not onely praise God vpon the loud cymbals but as it is vers 5. praise him vpon the well tuned cymbals also Doest thou come to heare the sermon remember that the preaching of the Gospel is not the word of a mortall man but the power of the immortall God vnto saluation and albeit the Preacher be neuer so simple neuer so sinfull yet the word is holy the action holy the time holy the place holy ordained by the most holy to make thee holy Vpon whatsoeuer occasion thou commest into the temple remember alwaies that the ground is holy whereon thou standest it is a sanctuarie the habitation of God and place of his holinesse and therefore not to be prophaned with ordinarie though lawfull worlds businesse much lesse with vnlawfull pastimes and enterludes it is a place for praise not for playes O praise God in his sanctuarie Or as Martine Luther interprets it praise God in his sanctuarie that is for his sanctuarie for shewing his word vnto Iacob his statutes and ordinances vnto Israel for his adoption and his couenants and his promises and his seruice Rom. 9. 4. O praise the Lord for his true Church established for the
his courts attend vs and pitch their tents about vs a doctrine very profitable very comfortable yet for as much as I hold it lesse pertinent to the present occasion I thus ouerpasse it and hast to that other exposition interpreting these words as our Church readeth of Gods noble acts Now the workes of God are of two sorts ad intra ad extra some be confined within himselfe other extended towards vs works of the sacred Trinitie within it selfe as that the Father begets and the Sonne is begotten and the holy Ghost proceeds from both are wonderfull acts of such an high nature that it is our dutie rather simply to adore then subtilly to explore them all his acts extended toward vs are summarilie reduced vnto two namely the works of creation and redemption The worke of creation is attributed in the Masse of the matter to God the Father in the disposition of the forme to God the Sonne in the preseruation of both to God the holy Ghost So likewise that of redemption in election vnto God the Father in the consummation vnto God the Sonne in the application vnto the holy Ghost all which are very noble acts and God is to be praised in them according to his excellent greatnesse The worke of creation is so mightie that none could bring it to passe but the Father almightie that God should haue nothing but nothing whereof wherewith whereby to build this high huge goodly faire frame is a principle which nature cannot teach and Philosophie will not beleeue The worke of redemption is of farre greater might and mercy for the making of the world was if I may so speke onely lip-labour vnto God he spake the word and it was done be commanded and it stoodfast Psalm 33. 9. but Christ in redeeming the world said many words and did many wonders and suffered also many wounds It is true that the least ake of his least finger is infiniti meriti sed non definiti meriti that is of an infinite merit yet not that determined ransome for the sinnes of the whole world It cost him more to redeeme soules he dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification hee suffered for vs and that death and that a violent death and of all violent deaths the most accursed death on the Crosse. The worke of sanctification is a noble act also for euery man if you rightly consider his making is a wonder I am saith our Prophet fearfully and wonderfully made but a good man if you consider his new making is a wonderfull wonder as Paul speakes a spectacle to men and Angles as the vulgar Latine runnes in the 68. Psalme at the last verse mirabilis deus in sanctis O God wonderfull art thou in thy Saints But Dauid here meaneth especially the valiant acts of God in gouerning garding his people from their enemies O come hither and behold the workes of God how wonderfull hee is in his doing toward the Children of men he turned the sea into drye land so that his people went on foot thorough the middest of the sea the waters were a wall vnto them on the right hand and on their left but the waues of the Sea returned and couered the chariots and horsemen euen all the hoast of Pharaoh that pursued them Almighty God raigned hailstones out of heauen vpon the cursed Amorites at Bethoran and they were more saith the text that dyed with the haile then they whom the Children of Israell slew with the sword And when Duke Iosua prayed Sunne stay thou in Gibeon thou Moone in the valey of Aialon the Sunne abode and the Moone stood still vntill the people auenged themselues vpon their enemies When Zenacherib and his innumerous hoast came to fight against Hezekiah King of Iuda Gods Angell in one night flew an hundred eighty and fiue thousand Assyrians 2. Kings 19. And vndoubtedly beloued there is no nation vnder the cope of Heauen hath had greater occasion to praise God in this kind then England the preseruation of the most illustrious princesse the Lady Elizabeth vnder the fiery triall of her vnkind sister Queene Marie was a noble act and the seminary of much happinesse vnto this kingdome for many yeares after and so much the more noble because Philip King of Spaine hath often confessed that he spared her life when wildy Winchester and bloodie Bonner had brought her into the snare not out of any pietie or pittie but onely out of policie Her exaltation to the Crowne was another noble act so noble that some Popish Prelats in their enuie burst a sunder and dyed for very griefe of heart Well might that good Lady sing and say with the blessed Virgine He that is mightie hath magnified me and holy is his name he hath put downe the mightie from their seat and hath exalted the humble and meeke her flourishing in health wealth and godlinesse more then 44. yeares in despite of all her foes abroad at home schismaticall hereticall open intestine was another noble act for after once the Bull of Pope Pius Quintus had roared and his fat Calues had begunne to bellow in this Island there passed neuer a yeare neuer a moneth neuer a weeke I thinke I might say neuer a day neuer an houre but some mischiefe was intended either against her person or her people the resisting of the rebellion in the Northerne parts of England was a noble act the discouering and so consequently the defeating of Campians treason a noble act of Parris treason a noble act of the Lupus Lopus his treason a noble act of Squires treason a noble act Her glorious victories against her fell and insolent enemies the Spaniards in Ireland in Flanders in France in their owne dominions of Portugal Indies and Spaine were noble acts It was a wonder of wonders that a Mayden Queene should at one time be both a staffe to Flanders and a stay to France a terror to Pope a mirror to Turke feared abroad loued at home Mistresse of the Sea wonder of the world Shee might truely bee called a Prince of Peace for shee was Crowned in Peace shee liued in Peace she dyed in Peace she was buried in Peace and when shee had slept with her Fathers it was another noble act of the Lord to send vs in the midst of all our feare so learned so meeke so pious a Prince as King Iames in such exceeding sweet peace that neuer a sword was drawn happily neuer a word spoken against him All these were noble acts and ought to be had in a perpetuall remembrance But of all other noble preseruations Our deliuerance from that intended mercilesse and matchlesse Massacre both in fact and fiction the fifth of Nouember in the yeare 1605. is most noblie noble King Iames on this day might haue said with King Dauid O Lord which art my rocke and my fortresse thou hast giuen me the necks of mine enemies that I might
a Colledge for a society of writers against the superstitious Idolatries of the Romane Synagogue the which happily might be like the Tower of Dauid where the strong men of Israel might haue sheildes and targets to fight the Lords battaile Is it time for your selues to dwell in your seiled houses and this houselye waste Remember I beseech you the words of Azariah vnto King Asa and the men of Iuda The Lord is with you while you are with him and if ye seeke him hee will bee found of you but if ye forsake him he will forsake you Bee not cold in a good cause flie not out of the field play not the cowards in the Lords holy wars for albeit happily your selues are like for your time to do wel enough in despite of the diuell and the Pope his darling yet your posterity will assuredly rue it and haue iust cause to curse their dastardly spirits and worthlesse progenitours I say no more concerning this point only I pray with our forefathers in the first english Letany set out in the dayes of King Henry the 8. from all sedition and priuie conspiracie from the tyrannie of the Bishop of Rome and all his detestable enormities from all false doctrine and heresie from hardnes of heart and contempt of thy word and commandement Good Lord deliuer vs. Where note by the way that the Popes abominable tyrannie is hedged in as it were on the one side with sedition and priuie conspiracy and on the other side with false doctrine and heresie I haue another prayer and for asmuch as it is in Latine I must entreat all such if any such here be present who loue Bonanentures psalter and the Romish seruice to ioyne with vs in this orison Papa noster qui es Romae maledicetur nomen tuum intereat regnum tuum impediatur volunt as tua sicut in Coelo sie et in terra Putum nostrum in Coena dominicada nobis hodie remitte nummos nostr●s quos tibi dedimus ob indulgentias sicut nos remittimus tibi indulgentias 〈◊〉 nos inducas in haeresin sed libera nos a miseria quoniam tuum est infernum pix sulphur in secula seculorum The word of God is a two edged sword sharp in a literal and sharp in an allegoricall exposition Hitherto you haue heard the history now there remaineth a mistery nihil enim hic ludicrum aut lubricum saith Augustine and therefore diuines vnderstand here by the sounding of the trumpet the preaching of the Gospell whose found went out thorow all the earth vnto the endes of the world at the seuenfold sounding of this trumpet the walles of sericho fal that is all the pompes and powers of this world are conquered brought to nought this trumpet is mightie thorough God to cast downe holdes and Imaginations and euery high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God 2. Cor. 10. 4. Other say that the Saints are these trumpets and harpes and Cymbals and that their members make this musicke to the Lord our eyes praise the Lord while they be lifted vp vnto their maker in heauen and waite vpon his mercy our tongues praise the Lord in singing Psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songs vnto the Lord our eares praise the Lord while they heare the word of God with attention our hands praise the Lord while they be stretched out vnto the poore and while they worke the thing that is good our feete praise the Lord when they bee not swift to shed blood but stand in the gates of Gods house ready to run the wayes of his commandements In Tympaeno sicca percussa pellis resonat in choro autem voces sociatae concordant said Gregorie the great wherefore such as mortifie the lusts of the flesh praise God in tympano and they who keepe the vnity of the spirit in the bond of peace praise God in choro the Brownist in separating himselfe from the Church though he seeme to praise God in tympano yet hee doth not praise God in choro and the carnall gospeller albeit he ioyne with the Church in chere yet he prayseth not God in tympano they praise God in well-tuned Cymbals who tune their soules before they preach or pray whosoeuer desires to bee a sweete singer in Israel must bee learned in the schoole before hee be lowd in the temple the heart likewise must be prepared for praying as the harpe for playing if our instruments of praise be not in tune then our whole deuotion is like the sounding brasse or as the tinckling Cymbal in Gods quier there is first tune well and then sound well if once we can say with Dauid O God mine heart is ready mine heart is ready then our lute and harpe will awake right early let thy soule praise the Lord and then all that is either without or about thee will instantly doe the same Let euery thing that hath breath praise the Lord that is omne spirans omnis spiritualis omnis spiritus let euery creature praise the Lord for his estate of confection euery Christian praise the Lord for his estate of refection euery blessed spirit loosed out of the worldes misery praise the Lord for his estate of perfection let euery creature man aboue all the Creatures and the foule of man aboue all that is in man praise the Lord. Omnis spiritus i. totus spiritus all the heart all the soule all the mind as the psalmist elsewhere I will thanke thee O Lord my God with all mine heart euen with my whole heart or omnis spiritus the spirit of euery man in euery place for this saying is propheticall insinuating that God in time to come shall not only be worshipped of the Iewes at Ierusalem with outward ceremonies in the sound of the trumpet and vpon the lute and harpe but in all places of all persons in spirit and truth as Christ expounds Dauid in the 4. of Saint Iohns Gospell at the 23. verse whereas vnbeleeuing Iewes are the sonnes of Abraham according to the flesh only beleeuing Gentiles are the seed of Abraham according to the spirit and heires by promise more Israel saith Augustine then Israel it selfe The sonnes of Abraham as Christ tels vs in the Gospell 〈◊〉 they who doe the workes of Abraham and Abrahams chiefe worke was faith Abraham beleeued saith the text and it was imputed to him for righteousnes Ergo the true beleeuer is a right Isralite blessed with saithfull Abraham Galat. 3. 9. some stretch this further applying it not onely to the spirits of men in the Church militant but also to the blessed Angels and Saints in the triumphant for this Psalme consists of a threefold apostrophe 1. Dauid inuiteth all the Citizens of heauen O praise God in his sanctuarie praise him in the firmament
they likewise say Maria consolatio infirmorum redemptio captiuorum liberatio damnatorum salus vniuersorum Giselbertus in lib. altercationis Synagogae et ecclesiae cap. 20. Maria quasi maria saith Augustinus de Leonissa sermon 5 vpon Aue maria for as all riuers come from the seas and returne to the seas againe Ecclesiastes 1. 7 so forsooth if you will vndertake to beleeue him all grace is deriued from Mary and ought to be returned again to Mary We finde so much in Rosario Mariae reparatrix saluatrix desperantis animae c. That which is worse their owne Pope who cannot as they teach erre in a poynt of doctrine as Pope calleth her expresly Deam Pet. Bembus in his epistles written in Pope Leo 10. name lib. 8. epist. 17. printed at Strasburg an 1609. that which is worst of all in their most approued Bible they translate Gen. 3. 15. ipsa conteret caput tuum she shall breake thine head although as their owne Iesuit Ribera confesseth honestly the Hebrew text the Chaldee paraphrase the translation of the Septuagint and all good Latin copies reade ipse conteret he shall bruise the serpents head applying it to Christ according to that of Paul The God of peace shall tread downe Satan vnder your feete Rom. 16. 20. by this euidence you may see that the gunpowder crue praise not God in the saints nor the saints in God but on the contrarie the saints as God Againe these S. Peter men and as I haue warrant to terme them on this day Salt Peter men erre from the true meaning of our text because they doe not praise God in sanctis eius in his saints but dishonour God in sanctis eorum in saints of their owne making vsually praying vnto some who were no men and to many who were not holy men It is doubted by the two great lights in their glorious firmament Bellarmine and Baronius whether there were euer any such man as S. George or such a woman as S. Catharine Cardinall Bellarmine lib. de beatitudine sanct cap. vlt. § respondeo sanctorum doth acknowledge that they worship certaine saints whose stories are vncertaine reputing the legend of S. George apocryphall according to the censure of Pope Gelasius and Cardinall Baronius ecclesiast annal Tom. 2. ad an 290. according to the impression at Rome fol. 650. as also de Martyrologio Romano cap. 2. confesseth as much of Quiriacus and Iulitta declaring plainely that their acts are written either by fooles or heretikes and in his annotations vpon the Romane Martyrologie 23. Aprill he taketh vp Iacobus de Voragine for his leaden Legend of our English S. George concluding in fine that the picture of Saint George fighting with a Dragon is symbolicall and not historicall If the Scripture be true whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne then assuredly these men as Paul speaks are damned of their owne selues in their owne conscience who notwithstanding all their doubts pray still in their publike seruice Deus qui nos beati Georgij martyris tui meritis intercessione laetificas Concede propitius c. An Idoll as Paul affirmes 1. Cor. 8. 4. is nothing Ergo the Papists in worshipping S. George which is nothing commit euen themselues being Iudges abominable Idolatrie As they worship some who were no men so many who were not holy men as a reuerend Doctor of our Church accutely Non matyris domini sed mancipes diaboli the Souldiour who peirced Christs holy side was a Pagan neither doth any storie which is authenticall speake of his conuersion and yet they worship him vnder the name of S. Longinus or Longesse March 15. Papias as Eusebius and Hierome report held the heresie of the Millenarians and yet he is honoured as a saint in the Romane Calender vpon the 22. of Februarie Becket was a bad subiect in his life and no good Christian at his death in that hee commended himselfe and the cause of his Church vnto S. Denys and our Lady Yet S. Thomas of Canterburie was honoured at Canterburie in the daies of popish ignorance more then either the worlds Sauiour or the blessed Virgine his mother in which relation I appeale to the records of that Church as also to the very stones vnder his shrine worne with the knees and hands of such as came thither to worship him Boccace reporteth how one Sir Chappelet a notorious Italian Vsurer and Cousoner came to be honoured as a Saint in France Sanders among them is a saint albeit he liued in plotting and dyed in acting rebellion against his gracious Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth of famous and blessed memorie Nay Dauus is Diuus Saul is among the Prophets pater personatus father Parsons all the daies of his life was a perpetual Martyr as his fellow Ribadeneira termeth him and yet one who sometime was his inner man and knew him as I presume better then euer did Ribadeneira transposing the letters of Robertus Pársonius Iesuita found this anagramme Personatus versuti oris abi the wit-foundred drunkard Henry Garnet who did not according to the Counsell of Paul vse vino modico but as Paulinus pretily modio that lecherous treacherous Arch-priest Arch-traitor Arch-diuell in concealing if not in contriuing in patronizing if not in plotting the powder intended massacre is returned a Saint from beyond the seas with à sancte Henrice intercede pro nobis his action is iustified his life commended his death honoured his miracles and memorie celebrated by that Ignatian spirit portentum nominis portentum hominis hauing a great deale of name though a very little modestie Andreas Eudaemon Ioannes Cydonius but notwithstanding his apologie the saintship of Henry Garnet is so buffeted by the replies and antilogies of our accuratlie learned diuines as that his straw face will hereafter hardly be worth a straw Catesbie Winter Rookwood and the rest of the Cole-saints and hole-saints who laboured in the diuels mine by the Popes mint are numbred among the holy ones also Babilon and Egypt praise God in them and for them I haue heard much of roaring gentlemen in London and Canterburie but if the Lord himselfe had not watched ouer his Church if the Lord himselfe had not written England in the palmes of his hands if the Lord himselfe had not kept King Iames as the apple of his eye if the Lord himselfe had not been on our side now may Gods Israell in England say if the Lord himselfe had not been on our side when they rose vp against vs if the Lord himselfe had not out of his vnspeakeable goodnesse toward vs and our posteritie broken their snares and deliuered our soules out of that horrible gunpowder pit these bellowing Buls of Basan and Canon-mouthed hell-hounds would haue made on this day such a roare that all Christendome should haue felt it and the whole world haue feared it O