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A09077 A double catechisme one more large, following the order of the common authorized catechisme, and an exposition thereof: now this second time published: the other shorter for the weaker sort: both set forth for the benefit of Christian friends and wel-willers. By Richard Bernard, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word at Worsop in Nottingham-shire.; Large catechisme Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. 1607 (1607) STC 1936; ESTC S113787 23,289 50

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Christ Papistrie wil-worship good intents without warrant our owne fantasies mens traditions worship of Images pilgrimages not to destroy errors heresies and monuments of idolatrie The contrarie is commaunded Q. VVhat is the third commaundement A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine c. Q. VVhat doth this commaundement teach you A. Not to bereaue God of his honour that is due vnto him but in all things to giue him his due glorie The occasion of this commanndement was our readinesse to abuse God his name word and workes Q. VVhat things are hereby forbidden A. To thinke or speake of God of his word or workes lightly or contemptuously without reuerence to sweare by any thing but by God or by him without a calling in our ordinarie talke where neither Gods glorie our brothers saluation nor magistrate requireth it to sweare falsely So blasphemie witchcraft coniuring and cursing to denie the knowne truth to professe pietie and liue wickedly the contrarie is commaunded Q. VVhat is the fourth commaundement A. Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath day c. Q VVhat doth this Commaundement teach you A. That euery day in the weeke I prepare my selfe to keepe the Lords day holy that when it comes it be not prophaned nor the publike worship of God letted but furthered by me and mine The occasion of this commaundement our aptnesse to fall from God without daily meanes be vsed Q. VVhat things are hereby forbidden A. To do vnnecessarie labours without godlinesse and charitie fayres iourneys or vaine sports eating and drinking that may hinder deuotion not to heare Gods word preached or to heare carelesly sleepily with wearinesse or without purpose to amend To omit meditation and conference For ministers to omit ordinarily the preaching of the word to preach in a strange language vaingloriously falsely hypocritically flatteringly or by constraint without cheerefulnesse for any to absent themselues negligently or wilfully from the Sacrament the contrarie is commaunded Q. VVhat is the fifth commaundement A. Honour thy father and thy mother c. Q. VVhat doth this commaundement teach you A. To preserue the dignitie of euery one by all meanes that is any way to be preferred either by his place age or gifts and that no waies I diminish the same The occasion of this commaundement was our proud and enuious nature that cannot abide to be vnder gouernment not to giue men their due Q. VVhat things are hereby forbidden A. Contempt of our betters vnreuerent behauiour towards them by word or deed to disobey their lawfull commaundements counsels or aduice All treason and rebellion The contratie is commaunded Q. VVhat is the sixt Commaundement A. Thou shalt do no murther Q. VVhat doth this Commaundement teach you A. I must neither hurt nor hinder either mine owne life or the life of my neighbour but by all meanes preserue the same The occasion of this commaundement was our impatiencie and vncharitable desire of reuenge Q. VVhat things are hereby forbidden A. Want of loue anger malice enuie g●udging a frowning countenance desire of reuenge contention rayling quarelling mocking offensiue ieasting oppression fighting murther any bodily hurt to neglect to vse meanes of health or to hinder the same to be contentious and not to seeke after peace The contrarie is commaunded Q. VVhat is the seuenth Commaundement A. Thou shalt not commit adulterie Q. VVhat doth this commaundement teach you A. I must not any way hurt or impaire the chastitie of my neighbour but euery way seeke to preserue the same The occasion of this commaundement was our lustfull and fleshly nature Q VVhat things are hereby forbidden A. Lustfull desires fornication adulterie with all occasions hereunto idlenesse wanton attire a rolling eye corrupt and vnhonest talke wanton songs lasciuious pictures vnchast playes mixt dauncing of men and women vnseemly gestures and acts and companying with wantons The contrarie is commaunded Q. VVhat is the eight commaundement A. Thou shalt not steale Q. VVhat doth this commaundement teach you A. That I must not any way hinder or diminish my neighbours goods but by all meanes preserue and increase the same The occasion hereof was our couerous nature discontent euer with our present estate Q. VVhat things are herely forbidden A. Pilfering and robberie any way to take or keepe that which is not ours vnlawfully all theft with all occasions thereunto Not to restore things found borowed or left onely to be kept of trust to giue what is not thine either in whole or part Not to liue contentedly all couetous desires idlenesse out of calling or lithernesse in it The contrarie is commaunded Q. VVhat is the ninth commaundement A. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour Q. VVhat doth this commaundement teach you A. That I must not diminish the good name or credit of my neighbour whither friend or foe knowne or vnknowne but carefully preserue the same The occasion of this commaundement was our seditious nature Q. VVhat things are herely forbidden A. Lying in ieast or earnest backbiting slandering reuealing secret infirmities and priuate offences before admonition false witnesse by adding or detracting in words or sense to take a doubtfull matter in the worst part also all occasions to this sinne as enuie disdaine anger selfe-loue to be too suspitious to be readie to receiue a false report against our neighbour The contrarie is commaunded Q. VVhat is the tenth commaundement A. Thou shalt not couer c. Q. VVhat doth this Commaundement teach you A. That I may not haue once an vnlawfull lust to that which is my neighbours but for euer thinke good towards him The occasion of Q. VVhat is prayer A. It is a right request made onely to God in the name of Iesus Christ by a true beleeuer for such things as be lawfull Q. VVhat rule haue you to direct you in your prayer aright A. The same which our Sauiour Christ taught his disciples called the Lords prayer Q. Let me heare it A. Our Father which art in heauen c. Q. Hovv many parts are thereof this prayer A. Foure I. a preface II. sixe petitions III. a confirmation IV. a conclusion Q. VVhich is the preface A. It is contained in these words Our Father vvhich art in heauen Q. VVhat learne you out of this A. 1. That a preparation must be made to pray 2. It shewes the properties of true prayer Q. VVhat must you aforehand prepare in going to God to pray A. 1. I must prepare these 6. things My mind to meditate of heauenly things before I set to pray and vnderstand that it is commaunded and promised what I purpose to aske 2. My heart withdrawing it from former passions a while to affect earnestly with feruencie that I will aske 3. My words to be vttered aptly with the heart agreeing with the matter 4. My behauiour to a holy reuerence considering Gods iustice and maiestie and my wickednesse and basenesse 5. My faith to apprehend as much as shall be
end appointed to man nor beast V. I must warily see to mine owne waies 1. My thoughts and heart must 1. be far from vnlawfull affection 2. vpon lawfull things on earth moderate and no more then needes 3. vpon God and heauenly things often feruently and reuerently 4 that I striue against selfe-loue thinking of my selfe basely and waxe by more and greater gifts the more humble and lesse enuious 5. On others I must thinke highly and charitably iudging wel without suspitions what I heare or see good in thē receiuing it with ioy and hoping of better what I see or heare to be ill in them taking doubtfull words or deeds from them in the better part II. My eyes must be shut against obiects to sinne that they let them not into my heart to stine vp ill motions but quicke to obserue euery good example and occasion to goodnesse III. My eares must be exercised in hearing the truth good counsels friendly admonitions and godly exhortations but shut against flatterie lyings slaunder filthie and wicked speeches IV. My tongue must keepe silent vnlesse iust cause and conuenient time and place be to speake In speaking the matter must 1. be gracious to profit the hearers and also necessarie to be vttered 2. in wisedome regarding circumstances 3. in sinceritie to speake it from the heart 4. speaking of God and his word it must be religiously and ioyfully of ourselues modestly of others louingly 5. to prayse moderately without contempt to disprayse meekely shewing loue to be constrained by necessitie rather then of will to speake of other mens faults expressing sorow in vttering 6. to speake well of men in absence what good we know of them and to defend them and in presence without flatterie 7. to vse few wordes and effectuall to the matter without tediousnesse 8. not to talke of needlesse matters or which concerne vs nor as busi-bodies neither of any thing against religion charitie common good or chastitie V. My behauiour 1. it must be lowly to superiours 2. gentle to inferiours and 3. louely to familiars VI. My apparell it must be first for necessitie and then for honest decencie as we are able and agreeing with our calling VII My diet must be 1. sparing ordinarily a kind of fasting rather then a feasting 2. taking my foode with hunger and thirsting 3. at seasonable howers 4. that thereby 1. my strength may be maintained and encreased 2. my meditation and deuotion nothing hindred 5. that we be prepared in the beginning may feele a necessitie and pray to God and in the end sufficient refreshing may thanke God VI. J must take heed what companie I keepe with 1. that J make my familiars none but honest and religious 2. that they be my equals in estate and place not superiours to auoid suspition of pride nor too much inferiour least it bring contempt 3. that of these not many but one of all I warily deliberately and with much triall chuse my secret friend 4. that in going or keeping with any J must euer purpose either to do good or receiue some VII At night the time of rest 1. I must call to mind Gods benefites receiued either by preuenting euill or by bringing good vpon me to thanke him 2. J must recount what I haue done either in euill to repent or what good I performed to iudge either of my increasing or decaying in grace sorowing more for the duties omitted and sinnes committed then ioyfull of any good done 3. In taking rest I must commit my selfe to God by a deuout and faithfull prayer as thinking no more to rise 4. to haue my last thoughts of heauenly things by committing or recalling somwhat to mind of I haue either heard or learned out of Gods word 5. that I take sleepe to refresh nature and not to satisfie slouthfull flesh VIII And last is that all the weeke long I remember so to labour in my calling and dispose of my ordinarie businesse that I be prepared for the Lords day to keepe it holy but especially at the end of the weeke so that when it comes I may neither by them breake it or be hindred Thus liuing to God holly to my neighbour charitably and towards my selfe soberly my conscience shall be comforted my weake brethren strengthened the strong confirmed the wicked made ashamed the diuell confounded and God greatly glorified FINIS
A Double Catechisme one more large following the order of the common authorized Catechisme and an exposition thereof now this second time published the other shorter for the weaker sort both set forth for the benefit of Christian friends and wel-willers By Richard Bernard Master of Arts and Preacher of Gods word at Worsop in Nottingham-shire 1. TIM 4. 1. 2. I charge thee before God and before the Lord Iesus Christ which shall iudge the quicke and dead at his appearing and in his kingdome preach the word be instant in season and out of season r. Pet. 2. 2. As new-borne babes desire that sincere milke of the word that ye may grow thereby CAMBRIDGE Printed by Iohn Legate 1607. To the right Worshipfull the towardly young Gentleman and of great good hopes M. William Cavendish sonne and heire to the right Honorable William Lord Cavendish increase of all true honour and happines is most hartily wished RIGHT Worshipfull it is written of one a kings sonne that he asked 3. things at Gods hands outward prosperitie inward comforts and such glorie as shold be neither false nor fained What more to be happy The first of these you haue by birth and your parents wealth honor the second Salomon tels you how you may haue by the getting keeping a good conscience which is a continual feast and the third is purchased for you by Christ if you by faith can take hold of him by whom which is the true and greatest glorie we are made the sonnes of God and coheires with him of the Paradise of God and the vnspeakable ioyes thereof All these three must concurre to make a man blessed no happinesse in the first without the second no soundnesse in the second to abide without the third Loose Christ a dew conscience comforts and outward goods and honour without inward health of grace is an estate carnally of estimation but indeed hopelesse of the Saints blessed condition Great wealth noble birth without the soules spirituall breath is as a shippe vnder full saile in a tempestuous Sea without sterne or Pylote a case most daungerous more like it is there should be shipwracke than that it should come in safety to the hauen Your ship is not yet at the sea you are but launching out hitherto you haue lyen in harbour ballance your soule with sound knowledge and holy affections before you aduenture take with you your prouision and be sure you season your flesh with the salt of Gods word lest it corrupt at sea and you want necessaries and be forced to go a shore before you come vnto your determined place Salomon telleth vs that the young man which cheareth his heart vp in the dayes of his youth to walke in the euill waies thereof and in the sight of his eyes must know that for these things God will bring him to iudgement and therefore he aduiseth him to remember his Creator in the dayes of his strength before the time come when he shall confesse that sinne hath as much left him as he it Surely Sir if you betimes as I hope you do remember the Lord and seeke him as Dauid said to the child Salomon he will be found of you which he of his mercy graunt but if you forsake him he will forsake you which God of his goodnesse forbid The aduancement of Ioseph amongst Pharaoes Princes and Daniels honour aboue the great Bassaes of Babylon may shew you the truth of the one and that young mans miserable end beautifull Absolon and Dauids deare sonne may ratifie the certaintie of the other Gods fauour is the fountaine of blisse and in those onely he delighteth that feare him The good tokens of your good affectiō towards me and towards the preachers of Gods word the loue you do shew to further the passage of the Gospell both in word and liberall deeds hath mooued me to offer this my labour vnto you both to testifie my thankfulnesse and to manifest vnto the world our good hopes of you which I desire that you may daily occasion by holy fruites of obedience to be iustified of many to Gods glory and your owne welfare The Lord Almightie protect you and that honorable house whereof you are and enlarge the name thereof as with earthly renowne so euer much more with spirituall blessings that it wishing well to the Israel of God peace and mercie may be vpon it and the louing countenance of God now shine vpon all therein that hartily desire the welfare of Sion and the peace of Ierusalem for euer Amen Worsop the 28. of Nouember Your Worships euery way readie in all things in Christ Iesus Richard Bernard The Catechisme Q. HOVV many things are needfull for you to vnderstand that you may knovv both God and your selfe A. These 6. things I. rightly to conceiue of God what he is by his word and workes II. to vnderstand the creation III. mans miserie by the fall IV. our redemption V. our sanctification VI. the certaintie of our glorification Of God Q. VVho made yovv A. God Esa 42. 2. Gen. 26. 27. Q. VVhat a one is God A. God is a spirit Joh. 4. 24. Holy Exod. 15. 11. Iust Exod. 34. 6. and Mercifull Exod. 34. 7. Q. Hovv many Gods are there A. But onely one God Deut. 6. 4. yet three persons Mat. 3. 16. 1. Ioh. 5. 7. Q. VVhich are the three persons A. The Father begetting the Sonne begotten and the Holy Ghost proceeding 2. Cor. 13. 13 Mat. 28. 19. and these three are God Ioh. 1. 1. 1. Ioh. 5. 7. Act. 5. 3. 4. Q. VVhich of these three became man A. The second Person Iesus Christ both God and man Esa 9. 6. Heb. 2. 17. Of our Creation Q. Of vvhat did God make man A. His bodie was of dust the womans of Adams ribbe Gen. 2. 7. Q. VVhat a one did God make him A. Both good Gen. 2. 31. holy and righteous Gen 1. 26. Eph. 4. 28. Col. 3. 9. Q. VVhat vvas then mans estate and happines A. It was the state of innocencie without sin or miserie and to God was he acceptable Gen. 1 27. 31. 2. 25. 1. 28. Of mans fall and miserie Q. Are you novv such a one by birth as he vvas by creation A. Alas no I am by nature full of sinne Ps 51. 5. Iob. 25. 4. 5. 6. Rom. 3. from vers 9. to 19. and so most miserable Iob 14. 1. 2. Rom. 5. 14. Eph. 2. 1. 2. 3. Rom. 3. 23. 2. 8. 9. and to God detestable Psal 11. 5. Gal. 3. 10. Mat. 7. 23. 25. 41. Q. VVhat is sinne A. The breaking of Gods commandements by thought word or deed 1. Ioh. 3. 4. Q. Hovv many commaundements are there A. Tenne Deut. 10. 4. diuided into two Tables Deut. 4. 13. Q. VVhich be the commandements A. I am the Lord thy God c. Exod. 20. Deut. 5. 6. Q. Do these ten commaund or forbid but onely vvhat is there set dovvne in shevv A. No they commaund or
death till his comming againe Rom. 4. 11. 1. Cor. 11. 26. Q. VVhat ought you to do before you come A. Prepare my selfe by examination 1. Cor. 11. 28. Q. VVhat ought you to come vvith to the Sacrament A. With foure things 1. knowledge both of my miserie Gods mercie and the doctrine of the Sacrament 2. with faith in Iesus Christ Heb. 11. 6. 3. with repentance for all my sinnes Esa 1. 10. 11. 14. 15. 16. 4. with heartie loue vnto my neighbor Mat. 5. 23. Q. VVhat if you come vnprepared vvithout these A. I come vnworthily I am guiltie of the body and bloud of Christ 1. Cor. 11. 27. I do eare and drinke my owne damnation vers 29. God may punish me vers 40. and the diuell may enter into me as he did vnto Iudas and bring me to destruction of bodie and soule Ioh 13. 27. Of Prayer Q. VVhat is Prayer A. It is a right heartie and faithfull request made vnto God in the name of Iesus Christ 1. Ioh. 5. 14. Rom. 8. 26. Iam. 1. 6. Ioh. 14. 14. 15. 16. Mat. 3. 17. Q. Can or doth euery one pray that vttereth vvords and vseth a forme of prayer A. It is a speciall gift to Gods children and such onely pray as haue knowledge what to aske a hearty desire in asking and faith to beleeue Q. VVhat direction of prayer haue you A. The same which our Sauiour Christ taught his disciples Our Father vvhich art in heauen hallovved be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy vvill be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as vve forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill Amen Q. VVhat desirest thou of God in this prayer A. I desire my Lord God our heauenly Father who is the giuer of all goodnesse to send his grace vnto me and to all people that we may worship him serue him and obey him as we ought to do And I pray vnto God that he will send vs al things that be needfull both for our soules and bodies and that he will be mercifull vnto vs and forgiue vs our sinnes and that it will please him to saue and defend vs in all dangers ghostly and bodily and that he will keepe vs from all sinne and wickednesse and from our ghostly enemie and from euerlasting death And this I trust he will do of his mercie and goodnesse through our Lord Iesus Christ and therefore I say Amen So be it The first part of Catechisme Of new birth Q. WHat is your name A. Channauel God is gracious to vs. Benalleuel Loue wholy the Lord with the heart Q. VVho gaue you this name A. My Godfathers and my Godmothers who with my father brought me to the Minister into the congregation to be baptized and were especiall witnesses of the same and professours of my faith and obedience to God for me Q. VVhy vvere you baptized A. That I might receiue a badge of my Christian religion and be admitted into the Church to liue amongst the professors of Christs name to be receiued of them and accounted as a mēber of Christ the child of God and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen vntill I shew the contrarie Q. VVhereby may you novv be certaine that you are such a one indeed A. If I do what my Godfathers and Godmothers did make profession of for me Q. VVhat did your Godfathers and Godmothers make profession of for you A They did professe three things in my name the first was the forsaking of the diuell and al his workes the pompes and the vanities of this wicked world and all the sinfull lusts of the flesh Q. VVhat vvere you then bound to them that you haue promised to forsake them A. Yea verily I am a bondslaue to Sathan by the corruption of my nature prone to all vice hauing the seed of all sinne in me and do hate both God and my neighbour Q. Hovv can you then forsake this vvofull state and cease from any euill being thus bound and prone thereunto A. Not by any naturall power in or of my selfe but onely by the grace of God when it is giuen vnto me Q. Are you sure you haue forsaken them are you not deceiued A. I am not deceiued for I hate vnfainedly the workes of the diuell the worlds vanitie all the vngodly manners of euery man and I labour by all good meanes to die to all sinne daily louing the word of God following it and all godly examples indeauoring to kill speedily euery ill motion but cherishing the good in my heart by meditation vowes fasting and prayer Q. But can you tell me vvhat are the vvorkes of the diuell the vvorlds vanitie and the ill motions of the heart A. Whatsoeuer I or any other do thinke speake or do against the will of God reuealed in his word written Q. VVhat hath mooued you to forsake the diuel the vvorld and the flesh A. For that I haue learned and do well perceiue by knowledge from the word and mine owne experience that these three be the onely malicious spirituall powerfull subtill and continuall enemies of my eternall felicitie Q. VVhat are the other things that your Godfathers and Godmothers promised for you A. Secondly was the beleeeuing of all the twelue articles of my christian faith and the third was the learning diligently of Gods holy will and commaundements and an obedient walking in the same all the dayes of my life Q VVhere is this vvill of God to be learned A. Not from mine owne fantasie mans wisedome traditions or examples of men but onely out of the Scripture which is the word written by his Prophets and Apostles in the bookes of the old and new Testament which is sufficient to teach vs all things necessarie that we need to beleeue for our saluation Q. VVhat reasons haue you to persvvade your selfe that this Scripture vvhich vve hold is the true vvord of God and none other A. First from the pen-men being many and most of them simple and plaine persons who doe mutually consent setting downe their own faults without partialitie Secondly from the matter aboue naturall mens reach of mans creation resurrection last iudgement and of the Trinitie in vnitie prophecies also fulfilled in all circumstances Thirdly from the manner of speaking peremptorily reproouing or allowing without sinister respects Fourthly from the effect binding conscience conuerting men to hate euen life it selfe for Gods glorie Fifthly the miraculous preseruation thereof with punishment of such as seeke to ouerthrowe either it or the professours thereof Lastly that it ascribes all glorie to God the maine end which it aymeth at Q. VVhat meanes must you vse to come to the sauing knovvledge of this vvord A. 1. Daily reading 2. Learning the Catechisme the grounds of religion 3. Hearing the word with mind and affection both read and preached publikely by Gods ministers 4. Meditation in mind to