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B07675 A godly exhortation, by occasion of the late iudgement of God, shewed at Parris-garden, the thirteenth day of Ianvaris: where were assembled by estimation; aboue a thousand persons, whereof some were slaine; & of that number, at the least, as is crediblie reported, the thirde person maimed and hurt. Giuen to all estates for their instruction, concerning the keeping of the Sabbath Day. / by Iohn Field. Field, John. 1583 (1583) STC 10844.8; ESTC S92533 15,903 45

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or discommoditie that can let them Is not this thinke you to keepe the Sabboth the lawes of the land haue Godly prouided that all the people of all sortes shall repayre to the publique places of Gods worship then to be taught and instructed in the wholesome word of saluation and there is a penaltie set vpon it but how this is looked vnto thorowout the lande I leaue it to them to consider that are wyse and in authoritie The Lorde blessed the sabboth daye and sanctified it because in it hee rested from all the workes of his hande that hereby we might learne to rest from sinne and iniquitie and consecrate our selues to his spiritual seruice And this he instituted for mans commoditie that al flesh might come to worshippe before his face He gaue them double food in respect of this that it might abide with them and that none might come out of their place but might rest in his prouision and prouidence So that it appeareth he woulde not haue them occupied in making prouision for the bellie to gather stickes to treade the presse or to carry burthens either vppon their owne shoulders or vppon their beastes The commaundement for the obseruing of it is so often set downe in the scripture as nothing more The seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lord thy God Thou shalt do no maner of worke in it neither thou nor thy Sonne or Daughter thy man seruannt or thy mayde thy Cattle and the straunger that is within thy gates Keepe my sabboth for it is holy vnto you He that shall defile it shall dye the death He that shall worke on that daye his soule shall be cut off from the middest of his people Nowe to worke is to doe thinges of our owne that are prophane or wicked And because the commaundementes of God are morall the equity of this commaundement belongeth vnto vs. In deed there was some thinge peculiar to the Iewes in respect of the ceremonie and the day But there is yet a day to be kept because intermissions from the trauailes of this life are necessarie both for the soule and bodye That both the one and the other may be prouided for the Soule to be fedde and the bodye to rest our selues and our Seruanntes yea our very cattle are to be fauoured in this behalfe because of this solemne consecration to God And therefore the king of Niniuie commaunded that that solemne Fast shoulde be extended euen to the Oxe within the staule and to the Horse in the stable and to euery beast of the field Blessed saith I say is the man that Isay 56. 2. doth this and the Sonne of that man that layeth hold of this taking heed that be defile not my Sabboth and keeping his Isay 58. 13. handes that they doe no euyll If thou shalt turne thy foote from my Sabboth doe not that thou delightest in on my holy day If thou shalt call it thy delight holy to Iehouah and honorable and shall honour it not in exercising thine owne wayes not in performing that which thou delyghtest in not in speaking a vayn word then I wyl aduaunce thee delighting in the Lord vppon the hygh places of the Earth and thou shalt enioy the possession of Iacob thy father because the mouth of the Lorde speaketh it So God speaketh by the Prophet Iere. 17. 21. Ieremy also Take beede vnto your selues and bear not burdens vppon the Sabboth day neyther bring those thinges into the Ezec. 20. 20. gates of Ierusalem c. The Prophets are very vehemente in this behalfe therefore our sinne standeth at the dore that haue made no regarde of these thinges For we do worse then beare burdens Not onely oure carriers Poste vppe and downe but men trauaile all moste with oute conscience in euerye quarter yea wee doe thinges that are naught and therefore the wrath of God must néedes be powred out against vs. And yet God hath shewed vs within these fewe yeeres many fearfull signes and tokens of his heauye anger and displeasure and one iudgemente dothe euen ouertake another and yet nothing can mooue vs. Hee hathe spoken to vs from Heauen by Comettes Ecclypses and fiery impressions he hath set Starres in vnwoonted places sent vpon the world strange tempests He hath rumbled in the howels of the earth farre and wyde and hath losed the depest and strongest foundations The earthe hath quaked at his presence and the very creature hath sled from before his face He hath opened the windowes of heauen and couered the earth with his displeasure He hath made bare the rootes of the corne and fedde the foules with our nourishment Hee hath sent out the pestilence and burning fire from before his feete that they might wast and deuoure the inhabitauntes of the earth Many men haue receiued short summons to appeare before him to render account of their doinges They haue perished as Iob saith by the blast of his mouth and by the breath of his Iob. 4. 9. 10. nostrils they are consumed By the roaring of the Lyon and by the voyce of the fierce Lyon and w●th the teeth of the Lyons whelpes they are ground to pouder And yet notwithstanding all these Iudgementes and manye more that I can not reckon vp who turneth to the Lord who leaueth his wickednes and forsaketh the companie of fooles Who is wise to vnderstand the plagues at home and the miseries that are abroade that he may be prepared to a better Kingdome Who looketh to the kéepinge of the Sabaoth and considereth this feareful example fallen out amongst vs But that it may be remembred the better to doo vs good that by the harmes of other we may make our profite I will set it downe as plainly as I can and as truely as can be gathered from the examination of those same common euidenses that haue fallen out waying some circumstances that shall teach thée that it was not the worke of any man but the finger euen of God himselfe to warne vs to turne and especially from these sinnes that we cōmit in that behalfe for prophaning of the Sabaoth which are too horrible You shall vnderstande therefore deare Christians that vpon the laste Lordes day being the thirtéen day of the first moneth that cruell and lothsome exercise of bayting Beares being kept at Parrisgarden in the after none in the time of common prayers and when many other exercises of Religion both of Preaching and Catechizinge were had in sundrie places of the Cittie diuers Preachers hauing not longe before also cried out againste such prophanatious yet the more pittie there resorted thether a greate company of people of all sortes and conditiones that the like nomber in euery respecte as they say had not béene séene there a long time before Being thus vngodlilie assembled to so vnholy a spectacle and specially considering the time the yearde standinges and Galleries beinge full fraught being nowe amiddest their iolitie when the Dogs and Beare
He that might haue been both iudge and accuser wil haue vs both to iudge and accuse our selues that we may vnderstande how greatly we haue displeased him And if our conscience pronounce againste vs is not God greater then our conscience If our owne heart condemne vs is not God greater then our heart We are wont to be partiall in our owne causes because our senses are dull to perceiue our own iniquities and yet he committeth this to our selues to the ende to drawe vs to speedy repentance True it is that our partialities though we would flatter our selues could be so impudent to do it that cannot stain his iudgementes but euen as he tooke away the hedge of his vineyard shewing him selfe a iust iudge in being auenged vpon their vnthankfulnes so he will deale with vs. That which he hath builded amongst vs he wil ouerthrow againe That which he hath compassed about from forrein force from oppression of enemies to keepe out vncleane beastes that he might haue receiued a large croppe he will lay open and waste The wall and tower shall be ouertourned within beastes dogges and hogges without shall fall vpon it deuour and trample it vnder their feete One stone shall bruise another the cloudes shall not raine to make it fruitful but to make it ranck with thorns briers O England repent thou that hast tasted of so many blessinges and yet hast prouoked God with so many sinnes O London repent thou that haste sit as a Lady Queen ouer thy neighbour Cities to whom the Lord hath giuen besides temporall blessinges these precious iewels sending thee many messengers to warne thee to preach vnto thee and to comfort thee but thou hast not regarded the day of thy visitation If thy hedge be taken awaye if thou be laide open and waste for thy horrible sinnes If the Lord plant his vineyeard in an other place a more fruitful soyle what shall be come of thee Is God more bound vnto thee then he was vnto his owne people Hast thou any greater priuiledge then they who were once so precious in his sight And if he spared not them will he spare thee that doest passe them in all abhominations they regarded not the holy commandementes of God to keep them and obserue them no more doest thou They were Idolaters and followed the Gods of the Nations euery one rearing vp an Idoll in his owne heart and following his owne will and so doest thou thou art as far from the true spirituall worshippe of God belonging to suche a maiestie euen as they were His precious name is prophaned abused euery where in swearing forswearing and lying thinking speaking and practising superstitiously wickedly of it And as for the Lordes Sabboth as in times past they did defile it did not consecrat it to God to reste from sinne and to followe his will but gaue him onely a ceremonial outward seruice defiled with following their owne willes euen so dost thou This day is the sabboth of the Lorde thy God that is to say a daye consecrated to his glorye wherein all solemne assemblies of Gods sayntes shoulde bee occupied in hearing his worde in giuing themselues to prayer in receiuing his sacraments in meditating of his wonderfull workes and putting in practise of holy duties but we contrarywise euen from the highest to the lowest break this Sabboth of the Lord our God whither we come or do not come to the place appointed For if we come wee come with prophane minds deuided from God for custom and fashions sake without any preparation for so spirituall a seruice there hearing we heare not to make any conscience to learne our duties to grow in knowledge and carefully to practise holy doctrines wee come as they did in the Prophets times with lame sacrifices hauing serued first our selues as they did in their solemne fasts We bowe down our heads like Bull rushes and perhaps haue torn garmentes wee put on the countenance of sorrowe and our faces are not annointed but there is in vs no sorrow that leadeth to repentaunce nor hearty turning vnto our God Wee come to sit before the ministers as the people then did before the prophets to heare the word preached as some pleasaunt song but when they haue sayde they haue done we go our wayes and they passe through our iudgementes but the worde is passed as a dreame And if these sinns be found in al sorts of our commers what shall we think of them that come not at all who through couetousnes and prophanation dispise these holy assemblies eyther following their wordly chaffaire and busines or else thinking that the sabboth is well ynough kept if they giue God some little peece thereof othersome i● they bee idle following their pleasures and wicked pastimes with al gréedines O Lord what shall become of these loose and sinnful dais Howe manye prophane persons are there in this realme both in City and Country that hauing taken a muster of all the holidays in the yeare vrge the keeping of them and wil loose no iot of tune that they may follow their vayn delights and yet know not truly how to keepe one holy or Sabboth day to the prayse and honour of God Both in Sommer and Winter they can finde occasions to bereaue themselues of spirituall comfortes eyther to runne out into the countrie with their bagges and bottels or els beeing at home to follow wicked exercises Euery dore hath his stake and the streetes are full of blazers of iniquitie There is gadding to al kind of gaming and there is no Tauerne or Alehouse if the drinke be strong that lacketh anye company There is no dycing house bowling alley or Theater that can be found emptie Those flagges of defiaunce against God and trumpets that are blowne to gather such company will sooner preuaile to fill those places then the preaching of the holy worde of God the Catechizing and instructing of Children and Seruauntes canne be to fill Churches Nothing can stoppe them from the same neyther feare of daunger losse of tyme corruption of maners infection of diseases expence of money suspi●ion of honestie and suche like But to the other where to they should come with great ioye and cheerefully as to the house of the Lord nothing in a maner can allure or draw them neyther theire owne necessitie the sweetnes and comforte of true doctrine the reformation of maners the holynesse and obedience that by the grace of God is wrought in his Children by such exercises nor the hope and assuraunce it selfe of fayth and saluation Here three pence sixe pence a shilling or two a quarter is a great matter and a wonderfull burthen much humming and hawing about it but poundes and hundreds can be well ynough afforded in following these least plesures euery dore hath a payment and euery Gallerie maketh a yearely stipend Euery dog hath a coller euery Beare a prise Here is no feare of infection nor anie inconuenience
A godly exhortation by occasion of the late iudgement of God shewed at Parris-garden the thirteenth day of IANVARIE where were assembled by estimation aboue a thousand persons whereof some were slaine of that number at the least as is crediblie reported the thirde person maimed and hurt Giuen to all estates for their instruction concerning the keeping of the Sabboth day By Iohn Field Minister of the word of God Exodus 20. 8. Remember the Sabboth day to keepe it holier Exodus 31. 14. Yee shall therfore keepe the Sabboth for it is holy vnto you he that defileth it shall die the death therefore whosoeuer woorketh therein shall be euen cutoff from among his people Published by Authoritie GOD IS MY HELPE Psal 7. 11. GOD IS MY HELPER AT LONDON Printed by Robert Walde-graue dwelling without Temple-barre and Henry Carre in Paules Churchyard 1583. TO THE RIGHT honorable the Lorde MAIOR OF THE CITIE OF London to the worshipfull M. VVILLIAM FLEETEVVOOD Esquire Sergeant at the Law Recorder of the honorable Citie of London and one of the Queenes Maiesties Iustices of Peace and Quorum within her highnes said Citie and Counties of SVRRIE and MIDLESEX and to the worshipfull Aldermen of the said City Iohn Field wisheth increase of grace and constancie in the blessed truth of God to the end of their liues Amen YOu vvill perhaps maruell right honourable and vvorshipfull in Christ that I taking occasion to speake somevvhat by this late and fearefull example of Gods iudgement do dedicate this pore suddain labor vnto you as though it should more concern you then others I professe that I do it aduisedly and my reason is because it most concerneth you such as are in authoritie For vvho are more specially bounde to looke vnto the obseruation of the lavves of God then the magistrates vvho are set vp as conductors and leaders of the people in steede of God And although you may say that this thing happened out of your iurisdiction whereby you might seeme to be cleared yet forasmuch as they that resorted vnto this prophane spectacle and vvere iustly punished vvith their ovvn transgression vvere of your citie you did not restraine them being vnder your commandement this transgression must needs also reach to you Is it not a lamentable thing that after so long preaching of the Gospell there should bee so gteat prophanation amongst vs that Theaters should be full and churches be emptier that the streetes should be replenished and the places of holy exercises left destitute I vvrite not this simplie but in respect and by comparison For I knovv that Churches thanks be to God are frequented But vvhat is this in respect of the multitude VVhy shoulde not holy places in respect of their holy exercises be more frequented then these places of abuse that vndoubtedly prouoke Gods heauy displeasure For admit that the thing it selfe vvere a recreation lavvfull by the vvorde of God yet vvho vvill graunt it vpon the Lordes Sabboth vpon that day of rest vvherein our exercise should be in spirituall and holy vvorkes If you say that this thing belongeth not vnto you because that Parris garden is out of your iurisdiction yet vvhy are these men suffered to bring their Beares into the citie that thereby they may gather your company vnto them It vvere duety in you to hinder these and to take order that none of the citie should repaire vnto such places Nay further you oughte to prouide that at the time when by the law of the lande all are commanded to resort to publique praiers and reading of the vvord of God in the church the same word may be also expounded vnto them so shoulde you both keep the people committed to you of God vnder her maiesty frō vvicked abuses of his holy Sabboths which prouoke his wrath against the Citie and also procure them to be godly exercised to their encrease in all obedience to her maiestie and to your own authority But I would to God your selues vvere not examples of this disorder For if there be any market or peece of a Fayre falling out vpon the Sabboth or on the saterdaye afore any other tryumph Shooting or shew of actiuity to be shewed in it you spare not to doe it lesse vpō this day then vpon any other And though preachers haue cried out frō time to time for the reformation of such prophanation yet there hath beene litle of no amendment at al. But I beseech you euen in the bovvells of Christ as you haue receiued the glad tidings of your saluation do make profession of it so learne novv at length to put it in practise Be not vnprofitable hearers of the worde of God any longer nor dull beholders of Gods iudgements neither shut your eares vvhen God crieth oute by them so loudly that their sound goeth not onely throughout the land but also euen throughout the vvhole vvorld least you be made also to feel them God hath spoken to vs many wais his frowning coūtenāce hath appeared by this long lingering visitation both here and elsevvhere by this vnseasonable wether and by this present iudgement that is yet so green and fresh in memorie I am sure if you lacke anye necessary help and assistance for so good and godly a vvorke you may be and shal be supported to the vttermost But hither to neither the vvorde of God by the ministery and voice of the preachers the godly and noble aduise of their honours the vnspeakable benefite comfort of youre selues your Citie and all youre vviues and children nor the sundry iudgementes of God following one another and threatning more to come could yet be able to stirre you vp to any such worthy duetie in this behalfe as the Lorde no doubt requyreth at your haundes VVherefore I beseeche you in time euen in Gods feare consider vvhat belongeth vnto your peace and according to the places wherein God hath set you be vigilant and diligent for your owne good It shall be no profit vnto others the gaine shall be yours many disorders shall be stopped manye ignoraunt erring mindes instructed and reclaimed God shall bee serued the prince better honored your selues obeied euery one ranged to keep a happy course towardes heauen Novv the Lorde Iesus establish your hearts in his trueth and giue you a svveete feeling and taste of his exceeding mercye that vvith true iudgement you maye discerne his iudgements truely turning vnto him fearing vnder his hande that in the end you may be saued Amen Fare you vvell this eyghteenth of January 1583. Your humble and bound in Christ ●ohn Feild The Lord Iesus open our hearts and giue vs true vnderstanding that we may feare his iudgements and profite vnder his hand to tourne from our sinnes till faith and assuraunce be wrought in our heartes of that euerlasting kingdome which he hath freely by his owne bloud purchased for vs. Amen THere is no man wil deny as I suppose dearelibeloued in Christe