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lord_n day_n keep_v sabbath_n 47,166 5 10.4175 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18157 A breefe catechisme so necessarie and easie to be learned euen of the symple sort that whosoeuer can not or vvyll not attayne to the same, is not to be counted a good Christian, much lesse to be admitted to the Supper of the Lorde. It standeth of three partes. ...; Breefe catechisme so necessarie and easie to be learned even of the symple sort. 1576 (1576) STC 4798; ESTC S109782 3,948 16

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A breefe Catechisme so necessarie and easie to be learned euen of the symple sort that whosoeuer can not or vvyll not attayne to the same is not to be counted a good Christian much lesse to be admitted to the Supper of the Lorde It standeth of three partes 1. The first sheweth howe miserable all men are of them selues 2. The seconde howe happy they are that rightly beleeue in Christ 3. The thirde what duties they owe vnto God for his greate merye to wardes them in Christ Iesus 1576. AT LONDON Printed by Hugh Singleton 1. PETER 3.15.16 Sanctifye the Lorde God in your heartes and be ready alwayes to geue an aunswere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you And that with meekenesse and reacrence hauing a good conscience that when they speake euill of you as of euill dooers they may be ashamed which blame your good conuersation in Christe THE FIRST PART Question ARt thou not a subiect and a seruant vnto the Almyghtie God and Lord of Heauen and Earth Aunswere I acknowledge and yeeld my selfe for euer to be his subiect and seruaunt Question Hath God giuen foorth any lawes whereby his subiectes shoulde be wel ruled and gouerned Aunsvvere The holy scriptures are Gods statures and lawes wherein he declareth his wyll and pleasure the generall summe and effect whereof is breefely set foorth vnto vs in the tenne Commaundementes Question Rehearse the tenne Commaundementes Aunswere i. GOD spake all these wordes and sayd I am the Lorde thy GOD thou shalt haue none other gods but me ii Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneth or in the waters vnder the earth thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worship them for I the Lorde am a ielious God and will vifite the sinnes of the fathers vpon the chyldren vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shew mercie vnto thousandes in them that loue me and keepe my commaundements iii. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy GOD in vayne for the Lorde will not holde him giltles that taketh his name in vayne iiii Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabboth day sixe dayes shalt thou laboure and doe all that thou hast to doe but the seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lorde the GOD in it thou shalt doe no manner of worke thou nor thy sonne thy daughter thy man seruant nor thy maydseruant thy cattell nor the straunger that is within thy gates for in sixe dayes the Lorde made Heauen and Earth the Sea and all that in them is wherefore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day and hallowed it v. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy dayes may be long in the lande which the Lorde thy GOD geueth thee vi Thou shalt doe no murder vii Thou shalt not commit adulterie viii Thou shalt not steale ix Thou shalt not beare false witnesse agaynst thy neyghbour x. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours house thou shalt not couet thy neyghbours wyfe nor his seruaunt nor his mayde nor his Oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his Question Are you able to keepe all these lawes Aunsvvere Euery man daily breaketh them in thought word and deede Question What is the danger of breaking any of these lawes and commaundementes of Almyghty GOD. Aunsvvere The iust wages and punishmēt of breaking the least of Gods holy lawes yea if it were but once in all my life and in thought onely is the losse of Gods fauour the purchasing of his heauye displeasure which bringeth euerlasting death both of soule and body THE SECOND PART Question Howe shall you escape this great daunger and feareful punishment of your sinnes Wyll not your good deedes serue to make some amends to GOD for your il deedes and so deliuer you from this punishment Aunsvvere My good deedes will not helpe to saue me from this punishment nor any thing els but onely the deedes of Iesus Christ hath deliuered me Question How hath Jesus Christ saued and deliuered you from this great punishment of your sinnes Aunsvvere Iesus Christe hath deliuered me from the punishment of my sinne because he being both GOD and Man hath suffered all the punishment which my sinnes deserued and hath fulfilled the lawe of God perfectly for me and thereby hath restored me for euer to the loue and fauour of God. Question Are all then saued by this suffering death of Christ Aunsvvere Only they are saued by Christ who beleeue that he hath doone all thinges touching saluation not onely for other but also euen for them selues the effect of which faith is conteyned in the Creede Question Rehearse the Creede Aunsvvere I beleeue in God the Father Almighty maker of Heauen and Earth And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lorde Whiche was conceyued by the holy Ghost horne of the Virgin Marie Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buryed he descended into Hell. The third day he rose againe from the dead He assended into Heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almightie From thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beléeue in the holy Ghost The holy Catholicke Church The Communion of Saintes The forgeuenesse of sinnes The resurrection of the body And the life euerlasting Amen Question By what meanes haue we such a true fayth Aunsvvere It is the gyft of GOD. Question How dooth God woorke this fayth in vs. Aunsvvere By the preaching of the woord of God. Question Is this fayth fully framed and made strong in vs at the fyrst or in one houre Aunsvvere Fayth is increased by little and little and made strong in vs by the diligent hearing of the worde of God and by the vse of his Sacramentes Question How many Sacraments are there Aunsvvere There are two Sacraments Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord. Question What benifite haue you by Baptisme and to what end serueth it Aunsvvere By Baptisme the holy Ghost assureth me that as my bodye is sprinkled with water so my soule by the bloodshedding of Christ is sprinckled and washed from all the guilte and punishmēt of my sinnes and also herby I professe my selfe to dye with Christe as concerning sinne and liue in him as concerning righteousnesse Question To what ende serueth the Supper of the Lorde Aunsvvere In the Supper of the Lorde I am by the spirite of GOD assured that as the breade broken and the wine poured out be deliuered vnto me euen so was the body of Christ broken and his bloude shed as a full recompence to God for my sinnes THE THIRD PART Question For asmuch then as God of his infinite loue hath geuen his owne sonne to raunsome vs from the power of sinne death and hell to aduaunce vs