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lord_n day_n keep_v sabbath_n 47,166 5 10.4175 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07480 A short and faythful instruction, gathered out of holy Scripture composed in questions and answeres, for the edifyeng and comfort of the symple Christianes, whych intende worthely to receyue the holy supper of the Lorde.; Claer bewiis, van het recht gebruyck des nachtmaels Christi Micronius, Marten, d. 1559.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556, attrib. trans. 1556 (1556) STC 17864; ESTC S104495 6,813 20

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A short and faythful Instruction gathered out of holy Scripture composed in Questions and Answeres for the edifyeng and comfort of the symple Christianes whych intende worthely to receyue the holy Supper of the Lorde 1. Corin. xi ¶ Who so euer shall eate of thys Bread drinke of the Cuppe of the Lorde vnworthely shalbe gylty of the body and bloud of the Lorde 2. Corin. 4. ¶ I beleue and therfore I speake ¶ To the faythful congregacion of the Dutch Churche at London Grace and peace from God the father and from our Lorde Jesus Christe FOrasmuche as our Lorde Jesus Christ hath cōmaunded all true Christiās to obserue holde and vse hys holy Supper in remembraunce of hym tyl his cōmyng agayne seyng also that al they whiche accordyng to the rule of holy scripture neither do examyn trye nor proue them selues ryghtly before y e recept of the sayd holy supper neither yet do truly iudge discerne the difference of it frō other prophane bankettes are gyltie of the body bloude of Christ and seyng also that no man can accordyngly other trye proue hymselfe or ryghtly iudge discerne the body of the Lorde except he first knowe and vnderstande the foūdacion groūde of the christen fayth and religion Therfore haue we as they whych are carefull for the health of your soules wryttē this brefe shorte sūmary of the moste nedefull and principall partes of the christen religion to your moste profytable instruction comforte to thentent that no mā other through ignoraunce shulde despise that cōmaundement of Christ or els thorough stubburnes shuld 〈◊〉 not regarde the recepte of that holy ●upper or in any wyse slaunderously or vnworthely abuse it In consideracion wherof we humbly beseche you of charitie and for Christ Jesus sake that you wyll thankfully take thys my labour and wyth all diligēce imbrace it to the further aūce of your owne saluaciō and our ioye in the daye of the Lorde Gyuen in London by your welwyllyng Minister Marten Micron 8. Decemb. 1552. Question Welbeloued brother or syster N. seyng that thou intēdest to receaue with vs the holy Supper of the Lorde Jesus Christe so before all thynges yf otherwyse thou wylt not make thy selfe gyltie of hys bodye and bloud thou muste be a christian therfore we aske of thee Wherby knowest thou that thou arte a Christian. Answere Two maner of wayes Fyrste bycause the holy ghost by the witnesse of fayth certifieth me in myne herte sealeth my conscience that I am the chylde of God alonly through the merite of Jesus Christe Secondarely because that I thorowe the same spirite as touching the inwarde man am moued wyllyngly and gladly to the due obedience of goddes holy cōmaundementes Question Whych are the cōmaūdemētes Answere Those whych God hymselfe cōmaūded Moses in the .xx. Cha. of Exo. wrote in maner and forme folowyng ¶ The. ten cōmaundementes I Am the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the lande of Egypte out of the house of bondage Thou shalte haue none other Goddes but me commandment 2 Thou shalt not make vnto thy selfe any grauen ymage nor the lykenesse of any thinge that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneth nor in the water vnder the earth thou shalt not bowe downe to thē nor worship them For I the Lorde thy God am a gelouse God and viset the sinnes of the fathers vpon the chyldren vnto the thyrd fourth generacion of them that hate me shewe mercy vnto thousandes in them that loue me and kepe my commaundementes commandment 3 ¶ Thou shalte not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne For the Lorde wyll not holde hym gyltlesse that taketh hys name in vayne commandment 4 ¶ Remember that thou kepe holy y e Sabboth daye Sixe dayes shalt thou labour and do all that thou haste to do but-the seuenth daye is the sabboth of the Lorde thy God In it thou shalt do no maner of worke thou and thy sonne thy doughter thy man seruaunt and thy mayd seruaunt thy cattel and the straunger that is wythin thy gates for in syxe dayes the Lorde made heauen and earthe the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth daye Wherfore the Lorde blessed the seuenth daye and halowed it commandment 5 ¶ Honour thy father thy mother that thy dayes maye be longe in the lande whych the Lorde thy God gyueth the. ¶ Thou shalt do no murther commandment 6 ¶ Thou shalt not cōmitte adultery commandment 7 ¶ Thou shalt not steale commandment 8 ¶ Thou shalt not beare false wytnesse agaynst commandment 9 thy neyghbour ¶ Thou shalt not couet thy neyghbours commandment 10 house y u shalt not couet thy neyghbours wyfe nor hys seruaunt nor hys mayde nor hys Oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is hys Question Howe are these cōmaundementes deuyded Answere Into two tables wherof the first pertayneth to God and the other to oure neyghbour Question What learnest thou in the foure fyrst cōmaundementes whyche belonge alonly vnto God Answere That I shall set my fayth truste and confidence vpon no creature but vp on God alone And hym not wyth ymage seruice or any other counterfayt worshippyng but alone in spirite and truthe shall worship and serue shall also daylye prayse hys holye uame and exercyse my selfe diligently not onely in hearyng hys holy worde but also in the vse of his Sacramentes Question What learnest thou in the sixe cōmaundementes folowynge whyche belonge to our neyghbour Answere That I shalbe obediēt vnto thē whome God hathe set ouer me and that I shal by no maner of meanes be hurtfull to my neyghbour in hys body wyfe famylie goodes honour name fame or estimacion no not so muche as w t any euel luit but in al godly and honest thinges shalbe to hym an helpe furtherāce Question Haste thou these cōmaundementes in all pointes so perfytlye fulfylled that y u art able to stande in the iudgemēt Answere Och naye for seyng that y ● lawe is spiritual and I am carnal I can not but confesse my selfe in many thynges agaynst that holy lawe to haue offended not onlye in leauyng vndone that that is therin cōmaunded but also-in doynge that that is therin forbydden Question Seyng that man because of one synne by the sentence of the lawe is condemned and excluded out of the kyngdōe of God howe shalt thou then be saued for asmuche as in many thynges thou haste synned and because that no man can entre into Goddes kyngdom vnlesse he be cleane from all synne Answere My saluacion dependeth onely of mere mercy and grace thorow Jesus Christ whyche wythout al my deseruing hath taken and accepted me for one of hys members also hath made me partaker of all hys gracious merites good dedes because wyth a repentaunt herte I beleue vndoutedly to be saued thorow hym Question Seyng the