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A01566 A short instruction for all such as are to be admitted to the Lords Supper Gawton, Richard. 1612 (1612) STC 11692; ESTC S114903 8,887 30

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A SHORT INSTRVCTION FOR ALL such as are to be admitted to the Lords SVPPER LONDON Imprinted by William Hall for Iohn Hedgets 1612. TO THE PEOPLE of REDBVRNE in the Countie of Hartford BRrethren as heretofore I furnished you with a short Catechisme so now for your further profiting in the means of your saluation I haue reuiewed the same and added to it a briefe exposition of the ten Commandements of the Articles of the Faith and the Lords Prayer hoping that as my care is to do you good so you will endeuour to profite by my labours that as in mine old age my desire is to bring forth more fruits as one plāted in the house of God Psal 92.13 14. so I may see you to walke worthy of the Lord and please him in all things being fruitfull in all good works Colos 1.10 and encreasing in the knowledge of God And that when I shall examine you before you come to the Lords Table I may not find you so ignorant as formerly I found you your families but that I may see the care you haue had to shew your selues worthy of that fauour which God hath extended to you by the preaching of the Gospell hitherto Heb. 13.17 that so I watching ouer your soules as one that must giue accounts vnto God may doe it with ioy and not with griefe And albeit that honourable Lady the Lady Anne Bacon be since departed this life hauing finished her course 2. Tim 4 7. and fought that good fight kept the faith and now resteth with Christ yet you may acknowledge her Christian care to doe you good hath taken effect in some measure amongst you in placing mee ouer you as your Pastor by whose painefull labours you enioy that which many want And that when I am gone hence to the Lord as I attend dayly the time of my dissolution that worthy and right Noble Gentleman Sir Frances Bacon her sonne may shew the like care in placing ouer you a learned godly and painefull Pastor that may build you vp further till you grow to an holy Temple in the Lord. To whom with my continuall prayers for you to keepe you vnspotted of this wicked world I commit you all Redburn this 20. of March 1611. Your louing Pastor in Christ Iesus RICHARD GAWTON A SHORT INSTRVCTION FOR ALL SVCH AS are to be admitted to the Lords Supper WHat is the chiefest thing euery one should be most carefull of Ans How to serue God in this world Luke 1.75 Ephes 1.4 and to be saued at the day of iudgement Matt. 16.26 Luke 21.36 1. Pet. 1.9 Quest How shall we know these two things A. By the Law of God and the Gospell Rom. 3.20 c. 1. Tim. 1.19 Rom. 1.16 Q. Where haue wee a briefe summe of the Law A. In the Decalogue or ten commandements Q. Rehearse the ten commandements A. God spake all these words c. Exo. 20.2 Deut. 5.6 Q. How many parts are there of this morall law A. Two parts or tables Q. How many commandements are there in the first part A. Four which concerne our duties towards God Q How many in the second part A. Sixe which concerne our duties to our neighbour Q. Which is the first commandement A. I am the Lord thy God c. Exo. 20.2.3 Deut. 5.6.7 Q. How many things are contained in this first commandement A. Two Q. Which be they A. First a preface Ex. 20.2 declaring vnto vs who is the true and only God Q. Whereby doth he declare who is the true and onely God A. Saying I am the Lord thy God who chose the people of Israel to bee his people And secondly in putting them in mind how he had wonderfully deliuered them from Idolatrie and from the bodily seruitude they had endured vnder the tyranny of Pharo in Egypt Exod. 20.2 Deut. 5.6 Q. What is the second thing contained in this first commandement A. A prohibition in these words Thou shalt haue none other Gods before my face Exod. 20.3 Q. What is contained in this prohibition A. As hee forbids the seruice and worship of any other false God so hee commands vs to serue and worship him Q. Wherein standeth his seruice and worship A. Moses sheweth vs Deut. 6.4 Heare O Israel the Lord our God is Lord onely 5. And thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with al thine heart and with all thy soule and with all thy might Q. What is here required at our hands A. That all the powers and faculties both of our soules bodies should wholy bee dedicated to the seruice and worship of this our Lord God in all dutifull obedience Q. What is the second commandement A. Thou shalt make thée no grauen Image c. Deut. 5.8.9 Exod. Q. How many things are contained in this second commandement A. Two things First all making of Images or likenesses of God and the worshipping of them or of God by them is heere forbidden Secondly it sheweth how seuerely God will punish all false worshippers and their Idolatrie and how hee will blesse his true worshippers and their true worship Q. What is the third commandement A. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine for the Lord wil not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his name in vaine Ex. 20.7 Deut. 5.11 Q. How many things are contained in this third commandement A. Two First the abusing of Gods name is forbidden either in professing his religion and not liuing accordingly or to thinke or speake of God vnreuerently Mat. 15.18.19 Eccles 5.1 1. Chro. 13 1● Secondly a threatning that God will certainely punish the dishonouring of his name 1. Chron. 13.10 Q. What is the fourth commandement A. Remember the Sabbath to kéep it holy c. Ex. Deu. 5.12.13 c Q. How many things are contained in this commandement A. Two things First we are commanded to sanctifie the Sabbath day as peculiar vnto the Lord both I and all mine repayring to the publike assembly of Gods people and with them to heare the word of God preached and taught Act. 13.27 Act. 15.21 Act. 13.15.16 c. to ioine in praier with the rest of Gods people Act. 16.13 and at the times appointed to participate in the vse of the Sacraments Act. 20.7 and priuately to spend that day religiously in holy exercises Act. 2.42 and not to prophane that day Nehem. Secondlie to remember how God appointed the Sabbath day for vs to meditate in of his creation and gouernment of the world and to follow his example in ceasing from our works as God did from his Gen. 2.2 Hebr. 4.10 Q. What is the fifth commandement or first of the second Table A. Honor thy father thy mother that thy daies may be long c. Exod. 20.12 Deu. 5.16 Q. How many things are contained in this commandement A. Two things First the honoring of our naturall parents all such as are to vs in
stead of parents as Kings and inferiour Magistrates vnder them 1. Tim. 2.2 1. Pet. 2.17 our spirituall Pastors Teachers Heb. 13.8 17. our Masters and Rulers Ephes 6.5 Col. 3.22 and the ancient and gray headed persons is heere commanded Leuit. 19.32 Secondly a promise of reward with long life to them that are obedient a threatning of cutting off the daies of the disobedient Q. What is the sixth commandement A. Thou shalt not kill Exod. 20.13 Deut. 5.17 Gen. 9.6 Q. How many things are contained in this commandement A. Two things First all killing and murthering are forbidden Secondly we are commanded to cherish and preserue life Rom. 12.19.20 Prou. 25.21.22 Q. What is the seuenth cōmandment A. Thou shalt not commit adulterie Exod. 20.14 Deut. 5.18 Q. How many things are cōtained in it A. Two things First all vncleanesse of the flesh and all prouocations thereunto are forbidden as pride chambering wantonnesse idlenesse riot gluttony drunkennesse c. Rom. 13.13 Luk. 21.34 1. Thess Hebr. 13.4 Secondlie all chast and honest behauiour in thought word and déed is commanded Tit. 2.12 Q. What is the eight commandement A. Thou shalt not steal Ex. 20.15 De. 5.19 Q. How many things are cōtained in it A. Two things First all outward acts are forbidden wherby stealth is committed and all outward occasions of stealth as idlenesse and wastfull spending craft and cozening Secondly all inward stealth of the heart And wee are commanded to labor faithfullie in a lawfull calling and to be sparing of that wee get that wee may giue to others that want Ephes 4.28 Leuit. 19.11 Q. What is the ninth commandement A. Thou shalt not beare false witnes against thy neighbor Ex. 20.16 Deut. 5.20 Q. How many things are cōtained in it A. Two things First all periury and false witnesse bearing is forbidden all false reports lies slandering backbiting Pro. 14.5 25. Pro. 19.5 Deut. 19.16 17.18.19 Leu. 19.16 Secondly we are cōmanded to further righteous causes and to speak the truth frō our harts Pr. 31.8.9 Q What is the tenth commandement A. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbors house c. Exod. 20.17 Deut. 5.21 Q. How many things are cōtained in it A. Two First all purenes in nature and vprightnesse in heart are heere commanded Rom. 7.12 Deut. 6.5 Secondly all inward lusts and sinfull motions of the heart are forbidden Rom. 7.7 Q. Is any man able to keep these commandements A. No for by nature we are prone to hate God and breake all his Laws Rom. 7.15 23. Rom. 8.3 Gal. 3.11 Q. Will God in iustice require man to fulfill his law knowing it is not in his power to fulfill it And will hee yet condemn him for not doing of that which he is not able to doe A God in iustice doth not respect what man is now able to doe but what he was able to doe when God created him after his owne Image in righteousnesse and true holinesse and able to do what he willed him Gen. 1.26 Q. How comes our nature to bee so corrupted as no man is now able to keepe Gods commandements A. By Adams transgression whereby we are all of vs conceiued in sinne and carie about in vs carnall concupiscence and are bondslaues to sin Sathan Iob. 14.4 Psalm 51.5 Rom. 8.3 Iam. 1.14.15 Q. What punishment is there due to the breakers of Gods Law A. All plagues and miseries in this life and eternall damnation of soule and body in the last day Deut. 28.15 Gal. 3.10 Mat. 10.28 25.41 Q. How then shall you escape damnation since you breake Gods commandements daily A. Onely by Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour Rom. 8.1 10.4 Ioh. 1.17 Q. What hath Christ then done for you A. First hee béeing eternall God became also man for me Phil. taking my nature in the wombe of the Virgin Mary Luke 1.31 Rom. 1.3 that so hee might be the promised séed of the woman that should breake the head of the serpent that is the Diuell Gen. 3.15 Gal 3.16 Q. And what did hee heere in earth for thee A. First hee beeing conceiued by the holy Ghost Luk. 1.30 sanctified my nature in his owne person that by him it might bee purged from all naturall corruption Ioh. 17.19 and indued it with righteousnesse and holinesse And he fulfilled the whole Law for me that in him I may fulfill it Rom. 8.3.4 Q. And what did hee more here for you A. He willingly laid downe his life for you Iohn 10.17.18 and became a slaine sacrifice Heb. 10.12 2. Cor. 5.21 suffering the cursed death of the Crosse Gal. 3.13 to deliuer me from the curse of God and to make mee partakers of the blessing promised to Abraham and to his seed Gal. 3.14 Hee also conquered Sathan in his Kingdome as appeared by his rising againe from the dead the third day Iohn 2.19 Math. 28.6 Marke 16.9 And is ascended into Heauen Mar. 16.19 Act 1.9 and sits at the right hand of God Heb. 12.2 gouerning all things both in heauen and earth Mat. 28.18 Q. VVhat benefite haue you by his ascending into heauen A. First he appeares continually in the presence of God the Father as our Mediator Aduocate and Intercessor Heb. 9.24 And secondly by his holy spirit rules in the hearts of all his elect to bring them to eternall glory Eph. 3.17 1 Pet. 1.3 4 5. Q. Shall all men then bee saued by Christ as they were lost in Adam A. All that lay hold on Christ with a liuely faith shall be saued Iohn 3.16 18 36. Q. What call you a liuely faith A. A full perswasion of my heart grounded vpon the promises of God in the Scriptures of my saluation by Christ onely Heb. 11.1 Act. 16.14 Rom. Q. How come you by this faith A. The holy Ghost worketh it inwardly in my heart by the outward preaching of the Gospell Act. 16.14 1. Cor. 2.13 1. Cor. 12.9 Q. Rehearse the Articles of your faith A. I beleeue in God the Father c. Q. What is the sum of these Articles A. Two things First what I am to beleeue concerning God and secondlie concerning his Church Q. VVhat are you taught to beleeue concerning God A. First that there is but one true and eternall God and that in the Godhead are three distinct persons the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost Q VVhat are you taught to beleeue concerning God the Father the first person in the Godhead A. First that hee is an immortall and euerlasting Spirit Iohn 4.24 1. Tim. 1.17 who hy his onely word created the Heauens and the Earth Gen. 1.1 and all things therein contained Gen. 1.3 c. to the 26. verse And man after his owne Image Gen. 1.26.27 And secondly that by his diuine prouidence he vpholdeth ruleth and gouerneth all things according to his will Math. Q What are you taught to beleeue concerning the Sonne of God the second person in the God-head A. I am