Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

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lord_n day_n heart_n see_v 10,346 5 3.3489 3 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04520 The first and second part of the troublesome raigne of Iohn King of England With the discouerie of King Richard Cordelions base sonne (vulgarly named, the bastard Fawconbridge:) Also, the death of King Iohn at Swinstead Abbey. As they were (sundry times) lately acted by the Queenes Maiesties Players. Written by W. Sh.; Troublesome raigne of John, King of England. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616, attributed name.; Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593, attributed name. 1611 (1611) STC 14646; ESTC S106395 50,051 91

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joh._n brother_n of_o france_n what_o say_v you_o to_o the_o cardinal_n phil._n i_o say_v i_o be_o sorry_a for_o your_o majesty_n request_v you_o to_o submit_v yourself_o to_o the_o church_n of_o rome_n joh._n and_o what_o say_v you_o to_o our_o league_n if_o i_o do_v not_o submit_v phil._n what_o shall_v i_o say_v i_o must_v obey_v the_o pope_n joh._n obey_v the_o pope_n and_o break_v your_o oath_n to_o god_n phil._n the_o legate_n have_v absolve_v i_o of_o my_o oath_n then_o yield_v to_o rome_n or_o i_o defy_v thou_o here_o joh._n why_o philip_n i_o defy_v the_o pope_n and_o thou_o false_a as_o thou_o be_v and_o perjure_a king_n of_o france_n unworthy_a man_n to_o be_v account_v king_n give_v thou_o thy_o sword_n into_o a_o prelate_n hand_n pandulph_n where_o i_o of_o abbot_n monk_n and_o friar_n have_v take_v somewhat_o to_o maintain_v my_o war_n now_o will_v i_o take_v no_o more_o but_o all_o they_o have_v i_o will_v rouse_v the_o lazy_a lubber_n from_o their_o cell_n and_o in_o despite_n i_o will_v send_v they_o to_o the_o popc_n mother_n come_v you_o with_o i_o and_o for_o the_o rest_n that_o will_v not_o follow_v john_n in_o this_o attempt_n confusion_n light_n upon_o their_o damn_a soul_n come_v lord_n fight_v for_o your_o k._n that_o fight_v for_o your_o good_a phil._n and_o be_v they_o go_v pandulph_n thyself_o shall_v see_v how_o france_n will_v fight_v for_o rome_n and_o romish_a rite_n noble_n to_o arm_n let_v he_o not_o pass_v the_o sea_n let_v we_o take_v he_o captive_a and_o in_o triumph_n lead_v the_o k._n of_o england_n to_o the_o gate_n of_o rome_n arthur_n bestir_v thou_o man_n and_o thou_o shall_v see_v what_o philip_n k._n of_o france_n will_v do_v for_o thou_o blanch._n and_o will_v your_o grace_n upon_o your_o wedding_n day_n forsake_v your_o bride_n and_o follow_v dreadful_a drum_n nay_o good_a my_o lord_n stay_v you_o at_o home_n with_o i_o lew._n sweet_a heart_n content_v thou_o and_o we_o shall_v agree_v phil._n follow_v my_o lord_n lord_n cardinal_n lead_v the_o way_n drum_n shall_v be_v music_n to_o this_o wedding_n day_n exeunt_fw-la excursion_n the_o bastard_n pursue_v austria_n and_o kill_v he_o bast_n thus_o have_v k._n richard_n son_n perform_v his_o vow_n and_o offer_v austria_n blood_n for_o sacrifice_n unto_o his_o father_n everliving_a soul_n brave_a cordelion_n now_o my_o heart_n do_v say_v i_o have_v deserve_v though_o not_o to_o be_v thy_o heir_n yet_o as_o i_o be_o thy_o base_a beget_v son_n a_o name_n as_o please_v to_o thy_o philip_n heart_n as_o to_o be_v call_v the_o duke_n of_o normandy_n lie_v there_o a_o prey_n to_o every_o raven_a fowl_n and_o as_o my_o father_n triumph_v in_o thy_o spoil_n and_o tread_v thy_o ensign_n underneath_o his_o foot_n so_o do_v i_o tread_v upon_o thy_o curse_a self_n and_o leave_v thy_o body_n to_o the_o fowl_n for_o food_n exit_fw-la excursion_n arthur_n constance_n lewis_n have_v take_v q._n elinor_n prisoner_n const._n thus_o have_v the_o god_n of_o king_n with_o conquer_a arm_n disperse_v the_o foe_n to_o true_a succession_n proud_a and_o disturber_n of_o thy_o country_n peace_n constance_n do_v live_v to_o tame_v thy_o insolence_n and_o on_o thy_o head_n will_v now_o avenge_v be_v for_o all_o the_o mischief_n hatch_v in_o thy_o brain_n q._n elinor_n contemptuous_a dame_n unreverent_a duchess_n thou_o to_o brave_v so_o great_a a_o queen_n as_o elinor_n base_a scold_n have_v thou_o forget_v that_o i_o be_v wife_n and_o mother_n to_o three_o mighty_a english_a king_n i_o charge_v thou_o then_o and_o you_o forsooth_o sir_n boy_n to_o set_v your_o grandmother_n at_o liberty_n and_o yield_v to_o john_n your_o uncle_n and_o your_o king_n const_n it_o be_v not_o thy_o word_n proud_a queen_n shall_v carry_v it_o elin._n nor_o yet_o thy_o threat_n proud_a dame_n shall_v daunt_v my_o mind_n arth._n sweet_a grandam_n and_o good_a mother_n leave_v these_o brawl_n elian._n i_o will_v find_v a_o time_n to_o triumph_v in_o thy_o fall_n const_n my_o time_n be_v now_o to_o triumph_v in_o thy_o fall_n and_o thou_o shall_v know_v that_o constance_n will_v triumph_v arthur_n good_a mother_n weigh_v it_o be_v queen_n elinor_n though_o she_o be_v captive_a use_v she_o like_o herself_o sweet_a grandam_n bear_v with_o what_o my_o mother_n say_v your_o highness_n shall_v be_v use_v honourable_o enter_v a_o messenger_n mess_n lewis_n my_o lord_n duke_z arthur_z and_o the_o rest_n to_o arm_n in_o haste_n k._n john_n rely_v his_o man_n and_o gin_n the_o sight_n afresh_o and_o swear_v withal_o to_o loose_v his_o life_n or_o set_v his_o mother_n free_a lewis_n arthur_n away_o it_o be_v time_n to_o look_v about_o eli._n why_o how_o now_o dame_n what_o be_v your_o courage_n cool_v const_n no_o elinor_n my_o courage_n gather_v strength_n and_o hope_n to_o lead_v both_o john_n and_o thou_o as_o slave_n and_o in_o that_o hope_n i_o hale_v thou_o to_o the_o field_n exeunt_fw-la excursion_n elinor_n be_v rescue_v by_o john_n and_o arthur_n be_v take_v prisoner_n exeunt_fw-la sound_v victory_n enter_v john_n elinor_n and_o arthur_n prisoner_n bastard_n pembroke_n salisbury_n and_o hubert_z de_fw-fr burgh_n john_n thus_o right_a triumph_n and_o john_n triumph_v in_o right_a arth●r_n thou_o see_v france_n can_v bolster_v thou_o thy_o mother_n pride_n have_v bring_v thou_o to_o this_o fall_n but_o if_o at_o last_o nephew_n thou_o yield_v thyself_o into_o the_o guard_n of_o thy_o uncle_n john_n thou_o shall_v be_v use_v as_o become_v a_o prince_n arthur_n uncle_n my_o grandam_n teach_v her_o nephew_n this_o to_o bear_v captivity_n with_o patience_n may_v have_v prevail_v not_o right_o for_o i_o be_o king_n of_o england_n though_o thou_o wear_v the_o diadem_n q._n elin._n son_n john_n soon_o shall_v we_o teach_v he_o to_o forget_v these_o proud_a presumption_n and_o to_o know_v himself_o john_n mother_n he_o never_o will_v forget_v his_o claim_n i_o will_v he_o live_v not_o to_o remember_v it_o but_o leave_v this_o we_o will_v to_o england_n now_o and_o take_v some_o order_n with_o our_o popeling_n there_o that_o swell_v with_o pride_n and_o fat_a of_o lay_v man_n land_n philip_n i_o make_v thou_o chief_a in_o this_o affair_n ransack_v the_o abbey_n cloister_n priory_n convert_v their_o coin_n unto_o my_o soldier_n use_n and_o whatsoever_o he_o be_v within_o my_o land_n that_o go_v to_o rome_n for_o justice_n and_o for_o law_n while_o he_o may_v have_v his_o right_n within_o the_o realm_n let_v he_o be_v judge_v a_o traitor_n to_o the_o state_n and_o suffer_v as_o a_o enemy_n to_o england_n mother_n we_o leave_v you_o here_o beyond_o the_o sea_n as_o regent_n of_o our_o province_n in_o france_n while_o we_o to_o england_n take_v a_o speedy_a course_n and_o thank_v our_o god_n that_o give_v we_o victory_n hubert_n de_fw-fr burgh_n take_v arthur_n here_o to_o thou_o be_v he_o thy_o prisoner_n hubert_n keep_v he_o safe_a for_o on_o his_o life_n do_v hang_v thy_o sovereign_n crown_n but_o in_o his_o death_n consist_v thy_o sovereign_n bliss_n then_o hubert_n as_o thou_o short_o hear_v from_o i_o so_o use_v the_o prisoner_n i_o have_v give_v in_o charge_n hubert_n frolic_v young_a prince_n though_o i_o your_o keeper_n be_v yet_o shall_v your_o keeper_n live_v at_o your_o command_n arthur_n as_o please_v my_o god_n so_o shall_v become_v of_o i_o q._n elian._n my_o son_n to_o england_n i_o will_v see_v thou_o ship_v and_o pray_v to_o god_n to_o send_v thou_o safe_a ashore_o bastard_n now_o war_n be_v do_v i_o long_o to_o be_v at_o home_n to_o dive_v into_o the_o monk_n and_o abbot_n bag_n to_o make_v some_o sport_n among_o the_o smooth_a skin_v nun_n and_o keep_v some_o revel_n with_o the_o fanzen_z friar_n john_n to_o england_n lord_n each_o look_n unto_o your_o charge_n and_o arm_v yourselves_o against_o the_o roman_a pride_n exeunt_fw-la enter_v the_o king_n of_o france_n lewes_n his_o son_n cardinal_n pandolph_n legate_n and_o constance_n philip_n what_o every_o man_n attach_v with_o this_o mishap_n why_o frown_v you_o so_o why_o droop_v you_o lord_n of_o france_n i_o think_v it_o differ_v from_o a_o warlike_a mind_n to_o lower_v it_o for_o a_o check_n or_o two_o of_o chance_n have_v lymoges_n escape_v the_o bastard_n spite_n a_o little_a sorrow_n may_v have_v serve_v our_o loss_n brave_a austria_n heaven_n joy_v to_o have_v thou_o there_o card._n his_o soul_n be_v safe_a and_o free_a from_o purgatory_n our_o holy_a father_n have_v dispense_v his_o sin_n the_o bless_a saint_n have_v hear_v our_o orison_n and_o all_o be_v mediator_n for_o his_o soul_n and_o in_o the_o right_n of_o these_o most_o holy_a war_n his_o holiness_n free_a pardon_n do_v pronounce_v to_o all_o that_o follow_v you_o against_o english_a heretic_n who_o stand_v accurse_v in_o our_o
gold_n i_o see_v do_v beat_v down_o nature_n law_n mother_n my_o gracious_a lord_n and_o you_o thrice_o reverend_a dame_n that_o see_v the_o tear_n distil_v from_o my_o eye_n and_o scald_a sigh_n blow_v from_o a_o rent_a heart_n for_o honour_n and_o regard_n of_o womanhood_n let_v i_o entreat_v to_o be_v command_v hence_o let_v not_o these_o ear_n here_o receive_v the_o hiss_a sound_n of_o such_o a_o viper_n who_o with_o poison_a word_n do_v macerate_v the_o bowel_n of_o my_o soul_n john_n lady_n stand_v up_o be_v patient_a for_o a_o while_n and_o fellow_n say_v who_o bastard_n be_v thy_o brother_n philip_n not_o for_o myself_o nor_o for_o my_o mother_n now_o but_o for_o the_o honour_n of_o so_o brave_a a_o man_n who_o he_o accuse_v with_o adultery_n here_o i_o beseech_v your_o grace_n upon_o my_o knee_n to_o count_v he_o mad_a and_o so_o dismiss_v we_o hence_o robert_n nor_o mad_a nor_o amaze_v but_o well_o advise_v i_o charge_v thou_o before_o this_o royal_a presence_n here_o to_o be_v a_o bastard_n to_o king_n richard_n self_n son_n to_o your_o grace_n and_o brother_n to_o your_o majesty_n thus_o blunt_o and_o elian._n young_a man_n thou_o need_v not_o be_v ashamed_a of_o thy_o kin_n nor_o of_o thy_o sire_n but_o forward_o with_o thy_o proof_n robert_n the_o proof_n so_o plain_a the_o argument_n so_o strong_a as_o that_o your_o highness_n and_o these_o noble_a lord_n and_o all_o save_o those_o that_o have_v no_o eye_n to_o see_v shall_v swear_v he_o to_o be_v bastard_n to_o the_o king_n first_o when_o my_o father_n be_v ambassador_n in_o germany_n unto_o the_o emperor_n the_o king_n lie_v often_o at_o my_o father_n house_n and_o all_o the_o realm_n suspect_v what_o befall_v and_o at_o my_o father_n back-return_n again_o my_o mother_n be_v deliver_v as_o it_o be_v say_v six_o week_n before_o the_o account_n my_o father_n make_v but_o more_o than_o this_o look_v but_o on_o philip_n face_n his_o feature_n action_n and_o his_o lineament_n and_o all_o this_o princely_a presence_n shall_v confess_v he_o be_v no_o other_o but_o king_n richard_n son_n then_o gracious_a lord_n rest_z he_o king_n richard_n son_n and_o let_v i_o rest_v safe_a in_o my_o father_n right_a that_o be_o his_o rightful_a son_n and_o only_a heir_n john_n be_v this_o thy_o proof_n and_o all_o thou_o have_v to_o say_v robert_n i_o have_v no_o more_o nor_o need_v i_o great_a proof_n john_n first_o where_o thou_o say_v in_o absence_n of_o thy_o sire_n my_o brother_n often_o lodge_v in_o his_o house_n and_o what_o of_o that_o base_a groom_n to_o slander_v he_o that_o honour_v his_o ambassador_n so_o much_o in_o absence_n of_o the_o man_n to_o cheer_v the_o wife_n this_o will_v not_o hold_v proceed_v unto_o the_o next_o q._n elin._n thou_o say_v she_o teem_v six_o week_n before_o her_o time_n why_o good_a sir_n squire_n be_v you_o so_o cunning_a grow_v to_o make_v account_n of_o woman_n reckon_n spit_v in_o your_o hand_n and_o to_o your_o other_o proof_n many_o mischance_n happen_v in_o such_o affair_n to_o make_v a_o woman_n come_v before_o her_o time_n john_n and_o where_o thou_o say_v he_o look_v like_o the_o king_n in_o action_n feature_n and_o proportion_n therein_o i_o hold_v with_o thou_o for_o in_o my_o life_n i_o never_o see_v so_o lively_a counterfeit_n of_o richard_n cordelion_n as_o in_o he_o robert_n then_o good_a my_o lord_n be_v you_o indifferent_a judge_n and_o let_v i_o have_v my_o live_n and_o my_o right_n q._n elinor_n nay_o hear_v you_o sir_n you_o run_v away_o too_o fast_o know_v you_o not_o omne_fw-la simile_n non_fw-la est_fw-la idem_fw-la or_o have_v read_v in_o hark_v you_o good_a sir_n it_o be_v thus_o i_o warrant_v and_o no_o otherwise_o she_o lie_v with_o sir_n robert_n your_o father_n and_o think_v upon_o king_n richard_n my_o son_n and_o so_o your_o brother_n be_v form_v in_o this_o fashion_n robert_n madame_fw-fr you_o wrong_v i_o thus_o to_o jest_v it_o out_o i_o crave_v my_o right_n king_n john_n as_o thou_o be_v king_n so_o be_v thou_o just_a and_o let_v i_o have_v my_o right_n john_n why_o foolish_a boy_n thy_o proof_n be_v frivolous_a nor_o can_v thou_o challenge_v any_o thing_n thereby_o but_o thou_o shall_v see_v how_o i_o will_v help_v thy_o claim_n this_o be_v my_o doom_n and_o this_o my_o doom_n shall_v stand_v irrevocable_a as_o i_o be_o king_n of_o england_n for_o thou_o know_v not_o we_o will_v ask_v of_o they_o that_o know_v his_o mother_n and_o himself_o shall_v end_v this_o strife_n and_o as_o they_o say_v so_o shall_v thy_o live_a paste_n robert_n my_o lord_n herein_o i_o challenge_v you_o of_o wrong_n to_o give_v away_o my_o right_n and_o put_v the_o doom_n unto_o themselves_o can_v there_o be_v likelihood_n that_o she_o will_v loose_v or_o he_o will_v give_v the_o live_n from_o himself_o it_o may_v not_o be_v my_o lord_n why_o shall_v it_o be_v john_n lord_n keep_v he_o back_o &_o let_v he_o hear_v the_o doom_n essex_n first_o ask_v the_o mother_n thrice_o who_o be_v his_o sire_n essex_n lady_n margaret_n widow_n of_o fauconbridge_n who_o be_v father_n to_o thy_o son_n philip_n mother_n please_v it_o your_o majesty_n sir_n rob._n fauconbridge_n rob._n this_o be_v right_a ask_v my_o fellow_n there_o if_o i_o be_v a_o thief_n john_n ask_v philip_n who_o son_n he_o be_v essex_n philip_n who_o be_v thy_o father_n philip._n mas_o my_o lord_n and_o that_o be_v a_o question_n and_o you_o have_v not_o take_v some_o pain_n with_o she_o before_o i_o shall_v have_v desire_v you_o to_o ask_v my_o mother_n john_n say_v who_o be_v thy_o father_n philip._n faith_n my_o lord_n to_o answer_v you_o sure_o he_o be_v my_o father_n that_o be_v near_o my_o mother_n when_o i_o be_v beget_v and_o he_o i_o think_v to_o be_v sir_n robert_n fauconbridge_n john_n essex_n for_o fashion_n sake_n demand_v again_o and_o so_o a_o end_n to_o this_o contention_n robert_n be_v ever_o man_n thus_o wrong_v as_o robert_n be_v essex_n philip_n speak_v i_o say_v who_o be_v thy_o father_n john_n young_a man_n how_o now_o what_o be_v thou_o in_o a_o trance_n elinor_n philip_n awake_v the_o man_n be_v in_o a_o dream_n philip._n philippus_n atavis_fw-la aedite_fw-la regibus_fw-la what_o say_v thou_o philip_n spring_v of_o ancient_a king_n quo_fw-la i_o rapit_fw-la tempestas_fw-la what_o wind_n of_o honour_n blow_v this_o fury_n forth_o or_o whence_o proceed_v these_o fume_n of_o majesty_n i_o think_v i_o hear_v a_o hollow_a echo_n sound_n that_o philip_n be_v the_o son_n unto_o a_o king_n the_o whistle_a leaf_n upon_o the_o tremble_a tree_n whistle_n in_o consort_n i_o be_o richard_n son_n the_o bubble_a murmur_n of_o the_o water_n fall_v record_v philippus_n regius_n filius_fw-la bird_n in_o their_o flight_n make_v music_n with_o their_o wing_n fill_v the_o air_n with_o glory_n of_o my_o birth_n bird_n bubble_n leaf_n and_o mountain_n echo_n all_o ring_n in_o my_o ear_n that_o i_o be_o richard_n son_n fond_a man_n ah_o whither_o be_v thou_o carry_v how_o be_v thy_o thought_n wrap_v in_o honour_n heaven_n forgetful_a what_o thou_o be_v and_o whence_o thou_o come_v thy_o father_n land_n can_v maintain_v these_o thought_n these_o thought_n be_v far_o unfitting_a fauconbridge_n and_o well_o they_o may_v for_o why_o this_o mount_a mind_n do_v soar_v too_o high_a to_o stoop_v to_o fauconbridge_n why_o how_o now_o know_v thou_o where_o thou_o be_v and_o know_v thou_o who_o expect_v thy_o answer_n here_o will_v thou_o upon_o a_o frantic_a mad_a vain_a go_v loose_v thy_o land_n and_o say_v thyself_o base_a bear_v no_o keep_v thy_o land_n though_o richard_n be_v thy_o sire_n what_o ere_o thou_o think_v say_v thou_o be_v fauconbridge_n john_n speak_v man_n be_v sudden_a who_o thy_o father_n be_v philip._n please_v it_o your_o majesty_n sir_n robert_n philip_n that_o fauconbridge_n cleave_v to_o thy_o jaw_n it_o will_v not_o out_o i_o can_v for_o my_o life_n say_v i_o be_o son_n unto_o a_o fauconbridge_n let_v land_n and_o living_n go_v it_o be_v honour_n fire_n that_o make_v i_o swear_v king_n richard_n be_v my_o sire_n base_a to_o a_o king_n add_v title_n of_o more_o state_n than_o knight_n beget_v though_o legitimate_a please_v it_o your_o grace_n i_o be_o king_n richard_n son_n robert_n robert_n revive_v thy_o heart_n let_v sorrow_n die_v his_o falter_a tongue_n not_o suffer_v he_o to_o lie_v mo._n what_o headstrong_a fury_n do_v enchant_v my_o son_n philip_n philip_n can_v repent_v for_o he_o have_v do_v john_n then_o philip_n blame_v not_o i_o thyself_o have_v lose_v by_o wilfulness_n thy_o live_n and_o thy_o land_n robert_n thou_o be_v the_o heir_n of_o fauconbridge_n god_n give_v thou_o joy_n great_a than_o thy_o desert_n q._n elia._n why_o how_o now_o
listen_v brave_a lord_n a_o fearful_a mourn_a tale_n to_o be_v deliver_v by_o a_o man_n of_o death_n behold_v these_o scar_n the_o dole_n of_o bloody_a mars_n be_v harbinger_n from_o nature_n common_a foe_n cite_v this_o trunk_n to_o tellus_n prison_n house_n life_n charter_n lording_n last_v not_o a_o hour_n and_o fearful_a thought_n forerunner_n of_o my_o end_n bid_v i_o give_v physic_n to_o a_o sickly_a soul_n o_o peer_n of_o england_n know_v you_o what_o you_o do_v there_o be_v but_o a_o hair_n that_o sunder_v you_o from_o harm_n the_o hook_n be_v bait_v and_o the_o train_n be_v make_v and_o simple_o you_o run_v dote_v to_o your_o death_n but_o lest_o i_o die_v and_o leave_v my_o tale_n untolde_a with_o silence_n slaughter_v so_o brave_a a_o crew_n this_o i_o aver_v if_o lewes_n win_v the_o day_n there_o be_v not_o a_o englishman_n that_o lift_v his_o hand_n against_o king_n john_n to_o plant_v the_o heir_n of_o france_n but_o be_v already_o damn_v to_o cruel_a death_n i_o hear_v it_o vow_v myself_o among_o the_o rest_n swear_v on_o the_o altar_n aid_n to_o this_o edict_n two_o cause_n lord_n make_v i_o display_v this_o drift_n the_o great_a for_o the_o freedom_n of_o my_o soul_n that_o belong_v to_o leave_v this_o mansion_n free_a from_o guilt_n the_o other_o on_o a_o natural_a instinct_n for_o that_o my_o grandsire_n be_v a_o englishman_n misdoubt_v not_o lord_n the_o truth_n of_o my_o discourse_n no_o frenzy_n nor_o no_o brainsick_a idle_a fit_n but_o well_o advise_v and_o wot_v what_o i_o say_v pronounce_v i_o here_o before_o the_o face_n of_o heaven_n that_o nothing_o be_v discover_v but_o a_o truth_n it_o be_v time_n to_o fly_v submit_v yourselves_o to_o john_n the_o smile_n of_o france_n shade_n in_o the_o frown_n of_o death_n lift_v up_o your_o sword_n turn_v face_n against_o the_o french_a expel_v the_o yoke_n that_o be_v frame_v for_o your_o neck_n back_o warman_n back_o embowel_v not_o the_o clime_n your_o seat_n your_o nurse_n your_o birth_n day_n breathe_v place_n that_o breed_v you_o bear_v you_o bring_v you_o up_o in_o arm_n ah_o be_v not_o so_o ingrate_a to_o dig_v your_o mother_n grave_n preserve_v your_o lamb_n and_o beat_v away_o the_o wolf_n my_o soul_n have_v say_v contrition_n penitence_n lay_v hold_v on_o man_n redemption_n for_o my_o sin_n farewell_o my_o lord_n witness_v my_o faith_n when_o we_o be_v meet_v in_o heaven_n and_o for_o my_o kindness_n give_v i_o grave_a room_n here_o my_o soul_n do_v fleet_n world_n vanity_n farewell_o sal_n now_o joy_n betide_v thy_o soul_n well-meaning_a man_n how_o now_o my_o lord_n what_o cool_v card_n be_v this_o a_o great_a grief_n grow_v now_o than_o erst_o have_v be_v what_o counsel_n give_v you_o shall_v we_o stay_v and_o die_v or_o shall_v we_o home_o and_o kneel_v unto_o the_o king_n pemb._n my_o heart_n misgive_v this_o sad_a accurse_a news_n what_o have_v we_o do_v fie_o lord_n what_o frenzy_n move_v our_o heart_n to_o yield_v unto_o the_o pride_n of_o france_n if_o we_o persevere_v we_o be_v sure_a to_o die_v if_o we_o desist_v small_a hope_n again_o of_o life_n salsb._n bear_v hence_o the_o body_n of_o this_o wretched_a man_n that_o make_v we_o wretched_a with_o his_o die_a tale_n and_o stand_v not_o wail_v on_o our_o present_a harm_n as_o woman_n wont_a but_o seek_v our_o harm_n redress_v as_o for_o myself_o i_o will_v in_o haste_n be_v go_v and_o kneel_v for_o pardon_n to_o our_o sovereign_a john_n pemb._n ay_o there_o be_v the_o way_n le_fw-fr we_o rather_o kneel_v to_o he_o than_o to_o the_o french_a that_o will_v confound_v we_o all_o exeunt_fw-la enter_v king_n john_n carry_v between_o two_o lord_n john_n set_a down_o set_v down_o the_o load_n not_o worth_a your_o pain_n for_o do_v i_o be_o with_o deadly_a wound_a grief_n sickly_a and_o succourless_a hopeless_a of_o any_o good_a the_o world_n have_v weary_v i_o and_o i_o have_v weary_v it_o it_o loathe_v i_o live_v i_o live_v and_o loathe_v myself_o who_o pity_v i_o to_o who_o have_v i_o be_v kind_n but_o to_o a_o few_o a_o few_o will_v pity_v i_o why_o die_v i_o not_o death_n scorn_v so_o vild_a a_o prey_n why_o live_v i_o not_o life_n hate_v so_o sad_a a_o prize_n i_o sue_v to_o both_o to_o be_v retain_v of_o either_o but_o both_o be_v deaf_a i_o can_v be_v hear_v of_o neither_o nor_o death_n nor_o life_n yet_o life_n and_o near_o the_o near_a mix_v with_o death_n bide_v i_o wot_v not_o where_o phil._n how_o fare_v my_o lord_n that_o he_o be_v carry_v thus_o not_o all_o the_o awkward_a fortune_n yet_o befall_v make_v such_o impression_n of_o lament_n in_o i_o nor_o ever_o do_v my_o eye_n attaint_v my_o heart_n with_o any_o object_n move_v more_o remorse_n than_o now_o behold_v of_o a_o mighty_a king_n bear_v by_o his_o lord_n in_o such_o distress_a state_n joh._n what_o news_n with_o thou_o if_o bad_a report_v it_o straight_o if_o good_a be_v mute_a it_o do_v but_o flatter_v i_o phil._n such_o as_o it_o be_v and_o heavy_a though_o it_o be_v to_o glut_v the_o world_n with_o tragic_a elegy_n once_o will_v i_o breathe_v to_o aggravate_v the_o rest_n another_o moan_n to_o make_v the_o measure_n full_a the_o brave_a bowman_n have_v not_o yet_o send_v forth_o two_o arrow_n from_o the_o quiver_n at_o his_o side_n but_o that_o a_o rumour_n go_v throughout_o our_o camp_n that_o john_n be_v flee_v the_o king_n have_v leave_v the_o field_n at_o last_o the_o rumour_n scale_v these_o ear_n of_o i_o who_o rather_o choose_v as_o sacrifice_v for_o mars_n than_o ignominious_a scandal_n by_o retire_v i_o cheer_v the_o troop_n as_o do_v the_o prince_n of_o troy_n his_o weary_a follower_n against_o the_o myrmidon_n cry_v aloud_o s._n george_n the_o day_n be_v we_o but_o fear_n have_v captivate_v courage_n quite_o and_o like_o the_o lamb_n before_o the_o greedy_a wolf_n so_o heartless_a flee_v our_o war-man_n from_o the_o field_n short_a tale_n to_o make_v myself_o among_o the_o rest_n be_v fain_o to_o fly_v before_o the_o eager_a foe_n by_o this_o time_n night_n have_v shadow_v all_o the_o earth_n with_o sable_a curtain_n of_o the_o black_a hue_n and_o fence_v we_o from_o the_o fury_n of_o the_o french_a as_o io_n from_o the_o jealous_a juno_n eye_n when_o in_o the_o morning_n our_o troop_n do_v gather_v head_n pass_v the_o wash_v with_o our_o carriage_n the_o impartial_a tide_n deadly_a and_o inexorable_a come_v rage_v in_o with_o billow_n threaten_v death_n and_o swallow_v up_o the_o most_o of_o all_o our_o man_n myself_o upon_o a_o galloway_n right_o free_a well_o pace_v out_o strip_v the_o flood_n that_o follow_v wave_n by_o wave_n i_o so_o escape_v to_o tell_v this_o tragic_a tale_n john_n grief_n upon_o grief_n yet_o none_o so_o great_a a_o grief_n to_o end_v this_o life_n and_o thereby_o rid_v my_o grief_n be_v ever_o any_o so_o infortunate_a the_o right_a idea_n of_o a_o curse_a man_n as_o i_o poor_a i_o a_o triumph_n for_o despite_n my_o fever_n grow_v what_o ague_n shake_v i_o so_o how_o far_o to_o swinstead_n tell_v i_o do_v you_o know_v present_v unto_o the_o abbot_n word_n of_o my_o repair_n my_o sickness_n rage_v to_o tyrannize_v upon_o i_o i_o can_v live_v unless_o this_o fever_n leave_v i_o philip_n good_a cheer_n my_o lord_n the_o abbey_n be_v at_o hand_n behold_v my_o lord_n the_o churchman_n come_v to_o meet_v you_o enter_v the_o abbot_n and_o certain_a monk_n abb._n all_o health_n &_o happiness_n to_o our_o sovereign_a lord_n the_o king_n john_n nor_o health_n nor_o happiness_n have_v john_n at_o all_o say_v abbot_n be_o i_o welcome_a to_o thy_o house_n abbot_n such_o welcome_n as_o our_o abbey_n can_v afford_v your_o majesty_n shall_v be_v assure_v of_o philip_n the_o king_n thou_o see_v be_v weak_a and_o very_a faint_a what_o victual_n have_v thou_o to_o refresh_v his_o grace_n abb._n good_a stote_z my_o lord_n of_o that_o you_o need_v not_o fear_n for_o lincolnshire_n and_o these_o our_o abbey_n ground_n be_v never_o fat_a nor_o in_o better_a plight_n john_n philip_n thou_o never_o need_v to_o doubt_v of_o cate_n nor_o king_n nor_o lord_n be_v seat_v half_o so_o well_o as_o be_v the_o abbey_n throughout_o all_o the_o land_n if_o any_o plot_n of_o ground_n do_v pass_v another_o the_o friar_n fasten_v on_o it_o straight_o but_o let_v we_o in_o to_o taste_v of_o their_o repast_n it_o go_v against_o my_o heart_n to_o feed_v with_o they_o or_o be_v behold_v to_o such_o abbey_n groom_n exeunt_fw-la manet_n the_o monk_n monk_n be_v this_o the_o king_n that_o never_o love_v a_o friar_n be_v this_o the_o man_n that_o do_v contemn_v the_o pope_n be_v this_o the_o man_n that_o rob_v the_o holy_a church_n and_o yet_o will_v fly_v
force_n against_o these_o citizen_n pull_v their_o batter_a wall_n about_o their_o ear_n the_o town_n once_o win_v then_o strive_v about_o the_o claim_n for_o they_o be_v mind_v to_o delude_v you_o both_o citti._n king_n prince_n lord_n &_o knight_n assemble_v here_o the_o citizen_n of_o angiers_n all_o by_o i_o entreat_v your_o majesty_n to_o hear_v they_o speak_v and_o as_o you_o like_o the_o motion_n they_o shall_v make_v so_o to_o account_v and_o follow_v their_o advice_n john_n phil._n speak_v on_o we_o give_v thou_o leave_v cittiz._n then_o thus_o whereas_o the_o young_a and_o lusty_a knight_n incite_v you_o on_o to_o knit_v your_o kingly_a strength_n the_o motion_n can_v choose_v but_o please_v the_o good_a and_o such_o as_o love_v the_o quiet_a of_o the_o state_n but_o how_o my_o lord_n how_o shall_v your_o strength_n be_v knit_v not_o to_o oppress_v your_o subject_n and_o your_o friend_n and_o fill_v the_o world_n with_o brawl_n and_o mutiny_n but_o unto_o peace_n your_o force_n shall_v be_v knit_v to_o live_v in_o princely_a league_n and_o amity_n do_v this_o the_o gate_n of_o angiers_n shall_v give_v way_n and_o stand_v wide_a open_a to_o your_o heart_n content_a to_o make_v this_o peace_n a_o last_a bond_n of_o love_n remain_v one_o only_o honourable_a mean_n which_o by_o your_o pardon_n i_o shall_v here_o display_v lewis_n the_o dolphin_n and_o the_o heir_n of_o france_n a_o man_n of_o note_a valour_n through_o the_o world_n be_v yet_o unmarried_a let_v he_o take_v to_o wife_n the_o beauteous_a daughter_n of_o the_o king_n of_o spain_n niece_n to_o k._n john_n the_o lovely_a lady_n blanch_n beget_v on_o his_o sister_n elinor_n with_o she_o in_o marriage_n will_v her_o uncle_n give_v castle_n and_o tower_n as_o fit_v such_o a_o match_n the_o king_n thus_o join_v in_o league_n of_o perfect_a love_n they_o may_v so_o deal_v with_o arthur_n duke_n of_o britain_n who_o be_v but_o young_a and_o yet_o unmeet_a to_o reign_v as_o he_o shall_v stand_v content_v every_o way_n thus_o have_v i_o bold_o for_o the_o common_a good_a deliver_v what_o the_o city_n give_v in_o charge_n and_o as_o upon_o condition_n you_o agree_v so_o shall_v we_o stand_v content_a to_o yield_v the_o town_n arth._n a_o proper_a peace_n if_o such_o a_o motion_n hold_v these_o king_n bear_v arm_n for_o i_o and_o for_o my_o right_n and_o they_o shall_v share_v my_o land_n to_o make_v they_o friend_n q._n elian._n son_n john_n follow_v this_o motion_n as_o thou_o love_v thy_o mother_n make_v league_n with_o philip_n yield_v to_o any_o thing_n lewis_n shall_v have_v my_o niece_n and_o then_o be_v sure_a arthur_n shall_v have_v small_a succour_n out_o of_o france_n john_n brother_n of_o france_n you_o hear_v the_o citizen_n then_o tell_v i_o how_o you_o mean_v to_o deal_v herein_o const._n why_o john_n what_o can_v thou_o give_v unto_o thy_o niece_n that_o have_v no_o foot_n of_o land_n but_o arthur_n right_a lew._n by_o our_o lady_n citizen_n i_o like_v your_o choice_n a_o lovely_a damsel_n be_v the_o lady_n blanch_n worthy_a the_o heir_n of_o europe_n for_o her_o fere_n const_n what_o king_n why_o stand_v you_o gaze_v in_o a_o trance_n why_o how_o now_o lord_n accurse_n citizen_n to_o fill_v and_o tickle_v their_o ambitious_a ear_n with_o hope_n of_o gain_n that_o spring_v from_o arthur_n loss_n some_o dismal_a planet_n at_o thy_o birthday_n reign_v for_o now_o i_o see_v the_o fall_n of_o all_o thy_o hope_n k._n phil._n lady_n and_o duke_n of_o britain_n know_v you_o both_o the_o king_n of_o france_n respect_v his_o honour_n more_o than_o to_o betray_v his_o friend_n and_o favourer_n princess_n of_o spain_n can_v you_o affect_v my_o son_n if_o we_o upon_o condition_n can_v ageee_v bast_n 'swounds_o madam_n take_v a_o english_a gentleman_n slave_n as_o i_o be_v i_o think_v to_o have_v move_v the_o match_n grandam_n you_o make_v i_o half_o a_o promise_n once_o that_o lady_n blanch_n shall_v bring_v i_o wealth_n enough_o and_o make_v i_o heir_n of_o store_n of_o english_a land_n q._n elian._n peace_n philip_n i_o will_v look_v thou_o out_o a_o wife_n we_o must_v with_o policy_n compound_v this_o strife_n bastar_n if_o lewis_n get_v she_o well_o i_o say_v no_o more_o but_o let_v the_o frolic_a frenchman_n take_v no_o scorn_n if_o philip_n front_v he_o with_o a_o english_a horn_n john_n lady_n what_o answer_v make_v you_o to_o the_o k._n of_o france_n can_v you_o affect_v the_o dolphin_n for_o your_o lord_n blanch._n i_o thank_v the_o king_n that_o like_v of_o i_o so_o well_o to_o make_v i_o bride_n unto_o so_o great_a a_o prince_n but_o give_v i_o leave_v my_o lord_n to_o pause_v on_o this_o lest_o be_v too_o too_o forward_o in_o the_o cause_n it_o may_v be_v blemish_n to_o my_o modesty_n q._n elinor_n son_n john_n and_o worthy_a philip_n k._n of_o france_n do_v you_o confer_v awhile_o about_o the_o dower_n and_o i_o will_v school_v my_o modest_a niece_n so_o well_o that_o she_o shall_v yield_v as_o soon_o as_o you_o have_v do_v constance_n ay_o there_o be_v the_o wretch_n that_o broach_v all_o this_o ill_a why_o fly_v i_o not_o upon_o the_o beldame_n face_n and_o with_o my_o nail_n pull_v forth_o her_o hateful_a eye_n arthur_n sweet_a mother_n cease_v these_o hasty_a mad_a fit_n for_o my_o sake_n let_v my_o grandam_n have_v she_o will_n o_o will_v she_o with_o her_o hand_n pull_v forth_o my_o heart_n i_o can_v afford_v it_o to_o appease_v these_o broil_n but_o mother_n let_v we_o wise_o wink_v at_o all_o lest_o far_a harm_n ensue_v our_o hasty_a speech_n phil._n brother_n of_o england_n what_o dowry_n will_v thou_o give_v unto_o my_o son_n in_o marriage_n with_o thy_o niece_n john_n first_o philip_n know_v her_o dowry_n out_o of_o spain_n to_o be_v so_o great_a as_o may_v content_v a_o king_n but_o more_o to_o mend_v and_o amplify_v the_o same_o i_o give_v in_o mor_fw-mi i_fw-mi thirty_o thousand_o mark_n for_o land_n i_o leave_v it_o to_o thy_o own_o demand_n phil._n then_o i_o demand_v volquesson_n torain_n main_n poiteer_n and_o anjou_n these_o five_o province_n which_o thou_o as_o king_n of_o england_n hold_v in_o france_n then_o shall_v our_o peace_n be_v soon_o conclude_v on_o bast_n no_o less_o than_o five_o such_o province_n at_o once_o john_n mother_n what_o shall_v i_o do_v my_o brother_n get_v these_o land_n with_o much_o effusion_n of_o our_o english_a blood_n and_o shall_v i_o give_v it_o all_o away_o at_o once_o q._n elin._n john_n give_v it_o he_o so_o shall_v thou_o live_v in_o peace_n and_o keep_v the_o residue_n sans_o jeopardy_n john_n philip_n bring_v forth_o thy_o son_n here_o be_v my_o niece_n and_o here_o in_o marriage_n i_o do_v give_v with_o she_o from_o i_o and_o my_o successor_n english_a king_n volquesson_n poiteer_n anjou_n torain_n main_n and_o thirty_o thousand_o mark_n of_o stipend_n coin_n now_o citizen_n how_o like_v you_o of_o this_o match_n cittiz._n we_o joy_v to_o see_v so_o sweet_a a_o peace_n begin_v lewis_n lewis_n with_o blanch_n shall_v ever_o live_v content_a but_o now_o king_n john_n what_o say_v you_o to_o the_o duke_n father_n speak_v as_o you_o may_v in_o his_o behalf_n phil._n k._n john_n be_v good_a unto_o thy_o nephew_n here_o and_o give_v he_o somewhat_o that_o shall_v please_v you_o best_o john_n arthur_n although_o thou_o trouble_v england_n peace_n yet_o here_o i_o give_v thou_o britain_n for_o thy_o own_o together_o with_o the_o earldom_n of_o richmont_n and_o this_o rich_a city_n of_o angiers_n withal_o q._n elian._n and_o if_o thou_o seek_v to_o please_v thy_o uncle_n john_n shall_v see_v my_o son_n how_o i_o will_v make_v of_o thou_o john_n now_o every_o thing_n be_v sort_v to_o this_o end_n le_fw-fr we_o in_o and_o there_o prepare_v the_o marriage_n rite_n which_o in_o s._n mary_n chapel_n present_o shall_v be_v perform_v ere_o this_o presence_n part_n exeunt_fw-la manent_fw-la constance_n &_o arthur_n art_n madam_n good_a cheer_n these_o droop_a languishment_n add_v no_o redress_n to_o salve_v our_o awkward_a hap_n if_o heaven_n have_v conclude_v these_o event_n to_o small_a avail_n be_v bitter_a pensivenesse_n season_n will_v change_v and_o so_o our_o present_a grief_n may_v change_v with_o they_o and_o all_o to_o our_o relief_n const_n ah_o boy_n thy_o year_n i_o see_v be_v far_o too_o green_a to_o look_v into_o the_o bottom_n of_o these_o care_n but_o i_o who_o see_v the_o poise_n that_o weigh_v down_o thy_o weal_n my_o wish_n and_o all_o the_o willing_a mean_n wherewith_o thy_o fortune_n and_o thy_o fame_n shall_v mount_v what_o joy_n what_o ease_n what_o rest_n can_v lodge_v in_o i_o with_o who_o all_o hope_n and_o hap_n do_v disagree_v arth._n yet_o lady_n tear_n and_o care_n and_o solemn_a show_n rather_o than_o
reflect_a view_n let_v hell_n to_o they_o as_o earth_n they_o wish_v to_o i_o be_v dark_a and_o direful_a guerdon_n for_o their_o guilt_n and_o let_v the_o black_a tormentor_n of_o deep_a tartary_n upbraid_v they_o with_o this_o damn_a enterprise_n inflict_v change_n of_o torture_n on_o their_o soul_n delay_v not_o hubert_n my_o orison_n be_v end_v begin_v i_o pray_v thou_o reave_v i_o of_o my_o sight_n but_o to_o perform_v a_o tragedy_n indeed_o conclude_v the_o period_n with_o a_o mortal_a stab_n constance_n farewell_o tormenter_n come_v away_o make_v my_o dispatch_n the_o tyrant_n feast_v day_n hubert_n i_o faint_v i_o fear_v my_o conscience_n bid_v desist_v faint_a do_v i_o say_v fear_v be_v it_o that_o i_o name_v my_o king_n command_v that_o warrant_n set_v i_o free_a but_o god_n forbid_v and_o he_o command_v king_n that_o great_a commander_n countercheck_n my_o charge_n he_o stay_v my_o hand_n he_o make_v soft_a my_o heart_n go_v curse_a tool_n your_o office_n be_v exempt_a cheer_v thou_o young_a lord_n thou_o shall_v not_o loose_v a_o eye_n though_o i_o shall_v purchase_v it_o with_o loss_n of_o life_n i_o will_v to_o the_o king_n and_o say_v his_o will_n be_v do_v and_o of_o the_o langor_z tell_v he_o thou_o be_v dead_a go_v in_o with_o i_o for_o hubert_n be_v not_o bear_v to_o blind_v those_o lamp_n that_o nature_n polish_v so_o arthur_n hubert_n if_o ever_o arthur_n be_v in_o state_n look_v for_o amends_o of_o this_o receive_a gift_n i_o take_v my_o eyesight_n by_o thy_o courtesy_n thou_o lent_v they_o i_o i_o will_v not_o be_v ingrate_a but_o now_o procrastination_n may_v offend_v the_o issue_n that_o thy_o kindness_n undertake_v depart_v we_o hubert_n to_o prevent_v the_o worst_a exeunt_fw-la enter_v k._n john_n essex_n salisbury_n pembroke_n john_n now_o warlike_a follower_n rest_v aught_o undo_v that_o may_v impeach_v we_o of_o fond_a oversight_n the_o french_a have_v feel_v the_o temper_n of_o our_o sword_n cold_a terror_n keep_v possession_n in_o their_o soul_n check_v their_o overdare_a arrogance_n for_o buckle_v with_o so_o great_a a_o overmatch_n the_o arch_a proud_a title_a priest_n of_o italy_n that_o call_v himself_o grand_a vicar_n under_o god_n be_v busy_v now_o with_o trental_a obsequy_n mass_n and_o month_n mind_n dirge_n and_o i_o know_v not_o what_o to_o ease_v their_o soul_n in_o painful_a purgatory_n that_o have_v miscarry_v in_o these_o bloody_a war_n hear_v you_o not_o lord_n when_o first_o his_o holiness_n have_v tiding_n of_o our_o small_a account_n of_o he_o how_o with_o a_o taunt_n vaunt_v upon_o his_o toe_n he_o urgde_v a_o reason_n why_o the_o english_a ass_n disdain_v the_o bless_a ordinance_n of_o rome_n the_o title_n reverent_o might_n i_o infer_v become_v the_o king_n that_o erst_o have_v bear_v the_o load_n the_o slavish_a weight_n of_o that_o control_a priest_n who_o at_o his_o pleasure_n temper_v they_o like_o wax_n to_o carry_v arm_n on_o danger_n of_o his_o curse_n band_v their_o soul_n with_o warrant_n of_o his_o hand_n i_o grieve_v to_o think_v how_o king_n in_o age_n past_a simple_o devote_a to_o the_o sea_n of_o rome_n have_v run_v into_o a_o thousand_o act_n of_o shame_n but_o now_o for_o confirmation_n of_o our_o state_n sith_o we_o have_v prune_v the_o more_o than_o needful_a branch_n that_o do_v oppress_v the_o true_a well-growing_a stock_n it_o rest_v we_o throughout_o our_o territory_n be_v reproclaim_v and_o invest_v king_n pemb._n my_o liege_n that_o be_v to_o busy_a man_n with_o doubt_n once_o be_v you_o crown_v proclaim_v and_o with_o applause_n your_o city_n street_n have_v echo_v to_o the_o ear_n god_n save_o the_o king_n god_n save_o our_o sovereign_a john_n pardon_v my_o fear_n my_o censure_n do_v infer_v your_o highness_n not_o depose_v from_o regal_a state_n will_v breed_v a_o mutiny_n in_o people_n mind_n what_o it_o shall_v mean_v to_o have_v you_o crown_v again_o john_n pembroke_n perform_v what_o i_o have_v bid_v thou_o do_v thou_o know_v not_o what_o induce_v i_o to_o this_o essex_n go_v in_o and_o lording_n all_o be_v go_v about_o this_o task_n i_o will_v be_v crown_v anon_o enter_v the_o bastard_n philip_n what_o news_n how_o do_v the_o abbot_n chest_n be_v friar_n fat_a than_o the_o nun_n be_v fair_a what_o cheer_n with_o churchman_n have_v they_o gold_n or_o no_o tell_v i_o how_o have_v thy_o office_n take_v effect_n phil._n my_o lord_n i_o have_v perform_v your_o highness_n charge_n the_o ease-bred_a abbot_n and_o the_o barefoot_n friar_n the_o monk_n the_o prior_n and_o holy_a cloister_v nun_n be_v all_o in_o health_n and_o be_v my_o lord_n in_o wealth_n till_o i_o have_v tithe_v and_o tell_v their_o holy_a hoard_n i_o doubt_v not_o when_o your_o highness_n see_v my_o prize_n you_o may_v proportion_v all_o their_o former_a pride_n john_n why_o so_o now_o sort_v it_o philip_n as_o it_o shall_v this_o small_a intrusion_n into_o abbey_n trunk_n will_v make_v the_o popeling_n excommunicate_a curse_v ban_v and_o breathe_v out_o damn_v orison_n as_o thick_a as_o hailstone_n before_o the_o spring_n approach_n but_o yet_o as_o harmless_a and_o without_o effect_n as_o be_v the_o echo_n of_o a_o cannon_n crack_v discharge_v against_o the_o battlement_n of_o heaven_n but_o what_o news_n else_o befall_v there_o philip_n bast._n strange_a news_n my_o lord_n within_o your_o territory_n near_o pomfret_n be_v a_o prophet_n new_o spring_v up_o who_o divination_n volley_v wonder_n forth_o to_o he_o the_o commons_o throng_v with_o country_n gift_n he_o set_v a_o date_n unto_o the_o beldame_n death_n prescribe_v how_o long_o the_o virgin_n state_n shall_v last_v distinguish_v the_o move_n of_o the_o heaven_n give_v limit_n unto_o holy_a nuptial_a rite_n foretell_v famine_n abound_v plenty_n forth_o of_o fate_n of_o fortune_n life_n and_o death_n he_o chat_v with_o such_o assurance_n scruple_n put_v apart_o as_o if_o he_o know_v the_o certain_a doom_n of_o heaven_n or_o keep_v a_o register_n of_o all_o the_o destiny_n joh._n thou_o tell_v i_o marvel_n will_v thou_o have_v bring_v the_o man_n we_o may_v have_v question_v he_o of_o thing_n to_o come_v bastard_n my_o lord_n i_o take_v a_o care_n of_o had-i-wist_z and_o bring_v the_o prophet_n with_o i_o to_o the_o court_n he_o stay_v my_o lord_n but_o at_o the_o presence_n door_n please_v your_o highness_n i_o will_v call_v he_o in_o john_n nay_o stay_v awhile_o we_o will_v have_v he_o here_o anon_o a_o thing_n of_o weight_n be_v first_o to_o be_v perform_v enter_v the_o noble_n and_o crown_n king_n john_n and_o then_o cry_v god_n save_o the_o king_n john_n lording_n and_o friend_n supporter_n of_o our_o state_n admire_v not_o at_o this_o unaccustomd_a course_n nor_o in_o your_o thought_n blame_v not_o this_o deed_n of_o you_o once_o ere_o this_o time_n be_v i_o invest_v king_n your_o fealty_n swear_v as_o liegeman_n to_o our_o state_n once_o since_o that_o time_n ambitious_a weed_n have_v spring_v to_o stain_v the_o beauty_n of_o our_o garden_n plot_n but_o heaven_n in_o our_o conduct_n root_a thence_o the_o false_a intruder_n breaker_n of_o world_n peace_n have_v to_o our_o joy_n make_v sunshine_n chase_v the_o storm_n after_o the_o which_o to_o try_v your_o constancy_n that_o now_o i_o see_v be_v worthy_a of_o your_o name_n we_o crave_v once_o more_o your_o help_n for_o to_o invest_v we_o into_o the_o right_a that_o envy_n seek_v to_o wrack_n once_o be_v i_o not_o depose_v your_o former_a choice_n now_o twice_o be_v crown_v and_o applaud_v king_n your_o cheer_a action_n to_o install_v i_o so_o infer_v assure_v witness_n of_o your_o love_n and_o bind_v i_o over_o in_o a_o kingly_a care_n to_o render_v love_n with_o love_n reward_n of_o worth_a to_o balance_v down_o requital_n to_o the_o full_a but_o thank_v the_o while_n thanks_n lording_n to_o you_o all_o ask_v i_o and_o use_v i_o try_v i_o and_o find_v i_o you_o essex_n a_o boon_n my_o lord_n at_o vantage_n of_o your_o word_n we_o ask_v to_o guerdon_v all_o our_o loyalty_n pemb._n we_o take_v the_o time_n your_o highness_n bid_v we_o ask_v please_v it_o you_o grant_v you_o make_v your_o promise_n good_a with_o lesser_a loss_n than_o one_o superfluous_a hair_n that_o not_o remember_v fall_v from_o your_o head_n john_n my_o word_n be_v past_a receive_v your_o boon_n my_o lord_n what_o may_v it_o be_v ask_v it_o and_o it_o be_v you_o ess_n we_o crave_v my_o lord_n to_o please_v the_o commons_o with_o the_o liberty_n of_o lady_n constance_n son_n who_o durance_n darken_v your_o highness_n right_a as_o if_o you_o keep_v he_o prisoner_n to_o the_o end_n yourself_o be_v doubtful_a of_o the_o thing_n you_o have_v dismiss_v he_o thence_o your_o highness_n need_v not_o fear_n twice_o by_o consent_n you_o be_v proclaim_v our_o king_n pemb._n
this_o if_o you_o grant_v be_v all_o unto_o your_o good_a for_o simple_a people_n muse_v you_o keep_v he_o close_o joh._n your_o word_n have_v search_v the_o centre_n of_o my_o thought_n confirm_v warrant_n of_o your_o loyalty_n dismiss_v your_o counsel_n sway_v my_o state_n let_v john_n do_v nothing_o but_o by_o your_o consent_n why_o how_o now_o philip_n what_o ecstasy_n be_v this_o why_o cast_v thou_o up_o thy_o eye_n to_o heaven_n so_o there_o the_o five_o moon_n appear_v bast._n see_v see_v my_o lord_n strange_a apparition_n glance_v my_o eye_n to_o see_v the_o diadem_n place_v by_o the_o bishop_n on_o your_o highness_n head_n from_o forth_o a_o gloomy_a cloud_n which_o curtain-like_a display_v itself_o i_o sudden_o espy_v five_o moon_n reflect_v as_o you_o see_v they_o now_o even_o in_o the_o moment_n that_o the_o crown_n be_v place_v can_v they_o appear_v hold_v the_o course_n you_o see_v joh._n what_o may_v portend_v these_o apparition_n unusual_a sign_n forerunner_n of_o event_n presage_n of_o strange_a terror_n to_o the_o world_n believe_v i_o lord_n the_o object_n fear_v i_o much_o philip_n thou_o tell_v i_o of_o a_o wizard_n but_o of_o late_a fetch_v in_o the_o man_n to_o descant_v of_o this_o show_n pemb._n the_o heaven_n frown_n upon_o the_o sinful_a earth_n when_o with_o prodigious_a unaccustomed_a sign_n they_o spot_v their_o superficies_n with_o such_o wonder_n essex_n before_o the_o ruin_n of_o jerusalem_n such_o meteor_n be_v the_o ensign_n of_o his_o wrath_n that_o hasten_v to_o destroy_v the_o faultful_a town_n enter_v the_o bastard_n with_o the_o prophet_n john_n be_v this_o the_o man_n bast._n it_o be_v my_o lord_n john_n prophet_n of_o pomfret_n for_o so_o i_o hear_v thou_o be_v that_o calculate_v of_o many_o thing_n to_o come_v who_o by_o a_o power_n replete_a with_o heavenly_a gift_n can_v blab_v the_o counsel_n of_o thy_o maker_n will_n if_o fame_n be_v true_a or_o truth_n be_v wrong_v by_o thou_o decide_v in_o cypher_v what_o these_o five_o moon_n portend_v this_o clime_n if_o they_o presage_v at_o all_o breath_n out_o thy_o gift_n and_o if_o i_o live_v to_o see_v thy_o divination_n take_v a_o true_a effect_n i_o will_v honour_v thou_o above_o all_o earthly_a man_n pet._n the_o sky_n wherein_o these_o moon_n have_v residence_n present_v rome_n the_o great_a metropolis_n where_o sit_v the_o pope_n in_o all_o his_o holy_a pomp_n four_o of_o the_o moon_n present_v four_o province_n to_o wit_n spain_n denmark_n germany_n and_o france_n that_o bear_v the_o yoke_n of_o proud_a command_a rome_n and_o stand_v in_o fear_n to_o tempt_v the_o prelate_n curse_n the_o small_a moon_n that_o whirl_v about_o the_o rest_n impatient_a of_o the_o place_n he_o hold_v with_o they_o do_v figure_n forth_o this_o island_n albion_n who_o begin_v to_o scorn_v the_o sea_n and_o seat_n of_o rome_n and_o seek_v to_o shun_v the_o edict_n of_o the_o pope_n this_o show_v the_o heaven_n and_o this_o i_o do_v aver_v be_v figure_v in_o the_o apparition_n joh._n why_o then_o it_o seem_v the_o heaven_n smile_v on_o we_o give_v applause_n for_o leave_v of_o the_o pope_n but_o for_o they_o chance_v in_o our_o meridian_n do_v they_o effect_v no_o private_a grow_a ill_a to_o be_v inflict_v on_o we_o in_o this_o clime_n pet._n the_o moon_n effect_v no_o more_o than_o what_o i_o say_v but_o on_o some_o other_o knowledge_n that_o i_o have_v by_o my_o prescience_n ere_o ascension_n day_n have_v bring_v the_o sun_n unto_o his_o usual_a height_n of_o crown_n estate_n and_o royal_a dignity_n thou_o shall_v be_v clean_o despoil_a and_o dispossess_v joh._n false_a dreamer_n perish_v with_o thy_o witch_a news_n villain_n thou_o wound_v i_o with_o thy_o fallacy_n if_o it_o be_v true_a die_v for_o thy_o tiding_n price_n if_o false_a for_o fear_v i_o with_o vain_a suppose_n hence_o with_o the_o witch_n hell_n damn_a secretary_n lock_v he_o up_o sure_o for_o by_o my_o faith_n i_o swear_v true_a or_o not_o true_a the_o wizard_n shall_v not_o live_v before_o ascension_n day_n who_o shall_v be_v cause_n hereof_o cut_a off_o the_o cause_n and_o then_o the_o effect_n will_v die_v tut_o tut_o my_o mercy_n serve_v to_o maim_v myself_o the_o root_n do_v live_v from_o whence_o these_o thorn_n spring_v up_o i_o and_o my_o promise_n pass_v for_o his_o delivery_n frown_v friend_n fail_v faith_n the_o devil_n go_v withal_o the_o brat_n shall_v die_v that_o terrify_v i_o thus_o pembroke_n and_o essex_n i_o recall_v my_o grant_n i_o will_v not_o buy_v your_o favour_n with_o my_o fear_n nay_o murmur_v not_o my_o will_n be_v law_n enough_o i_o love_v you_o well_o but_o if_o i_o love_v you_o better_o i_o will_v not_o buy_v it_o with_o my_o discontent_n enter_v hubert_n how_o now_o what_o news_n with_o thou_o hub._n according_a to_o your_o highness_n strict_a command_n young_a arthur_n eye_n be_v blind_v and_o extinct_a joh._n why_o so_o than_o he_o may_v feel_v the_o crown_n but_o never_o see_v it_o hub._n nor_o see_v nor_o feel_v for_o of_o the_o extreme_a pain_n within_o one_o hour_n give_v he_o up_o the_o ghost_n joh._n what_o be_v he_o dead_a hub._n he_o be_v my_o lord_n joh._n then_o with_o he_o die_v my_o care_n essex_n now_o joy_n betide_v thy_o soul_n pemb._n and_o heaven_n revenge_v thy_o death_n essex_n what_o have_v you_o do_v my_o lord_n be_v ever_o hear_v a_o deed_n of_o more_o inhuman_a consequence_n your_o foe_n will_v curse_v your_o friend_n will_v cry_v revenge_n unkind_o rage_n more_o rough_a than_o northern_a wind_n to_o clip_v the_o beauty_n of_o so_o sweet_a a_o flower_n what_o hope_v in_o we_o for_o mercy_n on_o a_o fault_n when_o kinsman_n die_v without_o impeach_n of_o cause_n as_o you_o have_v do_v so_o come_v to_o cheer_v you_o with_o the_o guilt_n shall_v never_o be_v cast_v i_o in_o my_o tooth_n exeunt_fw-la joh._n and_o be_v you_o go_v the_o devil_n be_v your_o guide_n proud_a rebel_n as_o you_o be_v to_o brave_v i_o so_o saucy_a uncivil_a checker_n of_o my_o will_n your_o tongue_n give_v edge_n unto_o the_o fatal_a knife_n that_o shall_v have_v passage_n through_o your_o traitorous_a throat_n but_o hush_n breathe_v not_o bug_n word_n too_o soon_o abroad_o lest_o time_n prevent_v the_o issue_n of_o thy_o reach_n arthur_n be_v dead_a i_o there_o the_o corzie_z grow_v but_o while_o he_o live_v the_o danger_n be_v the_o more_o his_o death_n have_v free_v i_o from_o a_o thousand_o fear_n but_o it_o have_v purchase_v i_o ten_o time_n ten_o thousand_o foe_n why_o all_o be_v one_o such_o luck_n shall_v haunt_v his_o game_n to_o who_o the_o devil_n owe_v a_o open_a shame_n his_o life_n a_o foe_n that_o level_v at_o my_o crown_n his_o death_n a_o frame_n to_o pull_v my_o build_n down_o my_o thought_n harp_v still_o on_o quiet_a by_o his_o end_n who_o live_v aim_v shrewd_o at_o my_o room_n but_o to_o prevent_v that_o plea_n twice_o be_v i_o crown_v twice_o do_v my_o subject_n swear_v i_o fealty_n and_o in_o my_o conscience_n love_v i_o as_o their_o liege_n in_o who_o defence_n they_o will_v have_v pawn_v their_o life_n but_o now_o they_o shun_v i_o as_o a_o serpent_n sting_n a_o tragic_a tyrant_n stern_a and_o pitiless_a and_o not_o a_o title_n follow_v after_o john_n but_o butcher_n bloodsucker_n and_o murderer_n what_o planet_n govern_v my_o nativity_n to_o bode_v i_o sovereign_a type_n of_o high_a estate_n so_o interlace_v with_o hellish_a discontent_n wherein_o fell_a fury_n have_v no_o interest_n curse_v be_v the_o crown_n chief_a author_n of_o my_o care_n nay_o curse_v my_o will_n that_o make_v the_o crown_n my_o care_n curse_v be_v my_o birthday_n curse_v ten_o time_n the_o womb_n that_o yield_v i_o alive_a into_o the_o world_n be_v thou_o there_o villain_n fury_n haunt_v thou_o still_o for_o kill_v he_o who_o all_o the_o world_n lament_v hub._n why_o here_o be_v my_o lord_n your_o highness_n hand_n &_o seal_v charge_v on_o life_n regard_n to_o do_v the_o deed_n john_n ah_o dull_a conceit_a peasant_n know_v thou_o not_o it_o be_v a_o damn_a execrable_a deed_n show_v i_o a_o seal_n oh_o villain_n both_o our_o soul_n have_v sell_v their_o freedom_n to_o the_o thrall_n of_o hell_n under_o the_o warrant_n of_o that_o curse_a seal_n hence_o villain_n hang_v thyself_o and_o say_v in_o hell_n that_o i_o be_o come_v for_o a_o kingdom_n there_o hubert_n my_o lord_n attend_v the_o happy_a tale_n i_o tell_v for_o heaven_n health_n send_v satan_n pack_v hence_o that_o instigate_v your_o highness_n to_o despair_v if_o arthur_n death_n be_v dismal_a to_o be_v hear_v bandy_v the_o news_n for_o rumour_n of_o untruth_n he_o live_v my_o lord_n the_o sweet_a youth_n alive_a in_o health_n with_o eye_n sight_n not_o a_o hair_n amiss_o this_o heart_n take_v vigour_n from_o
this_o forward_a hand_n make_v it_o weak_a to_o execute_v your_o charge_n john_n what_o live_v he_o then_o sweet_a hope_n come_v home_o again_o chase_v hence_o despair_n the_o purveyor_n for_o hell_n hie_v hubert_n tell_v these_o tiding_n to_o my_o lord_n that_o throb_v in_o passion_n for_o young_a arthur_n death_n hence_o hubert_n stay_v not_o till_o thou_o have_v reveal_v the_o wish_a news_n of_o arthur_n happy_a health_n i_o go_v myself_o the_o joyful_a man_n alive_a to_o story_n out_o this_o new_a suppose_a crime_n exeunt_fw-la the_o end_n of_o the_o first_o part._n to_o the_o gentleman_n reader_n the_o changeless_a purpose_n of_o determine_a fate_n give_v period_n to_o our_o care_n or_o heart_n content_a when_o heaven_n fix_v time_n for_o this_o or_o that_o have_v end_n nor_o can_v earth_n pomp_n or_o policy_n prevent_v the_o doom_n ordain_v in_o their_o secret_a will_n gentle_n we_o leave_v king_n john_n replete_a with_o bliss_n that_o arthur_n live_v who_o he_o suppose_v slay_v and_o hubert_n post_v to_o return_v those_o lord_n who_o deem_v he_o dead_a and_o part_v discontent_n arthur_n himself_o begin_v our_o latter_a act_n our_o act_n of_o outrage_n desperate_a fury_n death_n wherein_o fond_a rashness_n murder_v first_o a_o prince_n and_o monkish_a falseness_n poison_v last_o a_o king_n first_o scene_n show_v arthur_n death_n in_o infancy_n and_o last_o conclude_v johns_n fatal_a tragedy_n the_o second_o part_n of_o the_o troublesome_a reign_n of_o king_n john_n contain_v the_o entrance_n of_o lewis_n the_o french_a king_n son_n with_o the_o poison_n of_o king_n john_n by_o a_o monk_n enter_v young_a arthur_n on_o the_o wall_n now_o help_v good_a hap_n to_o further_a my_o intent_n cross_v not_o my_o youth_n with_o any_o more_o extreme_n i_o venture_v life_n to_o gain_v my_o liberty_n and_o if_o i_o die_v world_n trouble_n have_v a_o end_n fear_v gin_n dissuade_v the_o strength_n of_o my_o resolve_n my_o hold_n will_v fail_v and_o then_o alas_o i_o fall_v and_o if_o i_o fall_v no_o question_n death_n be_v next_o better_a desist_v and_o live_v in_o prison_n still_o prison_n say_v i_o nay_o rather_o death_n than_o so_o comfort_n and_o courage_n come_v again_o to_o i_o i_o will_v venture_v sure_a it_o be_v but_o a_o leap_n for_o life_n he_o leap_v and_o bruise_v his_o bone_n after_o he_o be_v from_o his_o trance_n speak_v thus_o ho_o who_o be_v nigh_o some_o body_n take_v i_o up_o where_o be_v my_o mother_n let_v i_o speak_v with_o she_o who_o hurt_v i_o thus_o speak_v ho_o where_o be_v you_o go_v ay_o i_o poor_a arthur_n i_o be_o here_o alone_o why_o call_v i_o mother_n how_o do_v i_o forget_v my_o fall_n my_o fall_n have_v kill_v my_o mother_n son_n how_o will_v she_o weep_v at_o tiding_n of_o my_o death_n my_o death_n indeed_o o_o god_n my_o bone_n be_v burst_v sweet_a jesus_n save_o my_o soul_n forgive_v my_o rash_a attempt_n comfort_v my_o mother_n shield_v she_o from_o despair_n when_o she_o shall_v hear_v my_o tragic_a overthrow_n my_o heart_n control_v the_o office_n of_o my_o tongue_n my_o vital_a power_n forsake_v my_o bruise_a trunk_n i_o die_v i_o die_v heaven_n take_v my_o fleet_a soul_n and_o lady_n mother_n all_o good_a hap_n to_o thou_o he_o die_v enter_v pembroke_n salisbury_n essex_n essex_n my_o lord_n of_o pembroke_n and_o of_o salisbury_n we_o must_v be_v careful_a in_o our_o policy_n to_o undermine_v the_o keeper_n of_o this_o place_n else_o shall_v we_o never_o find_v the_o prince_n grave_n pemb._n my_o lord_n of_o essex_n take_v no_o care_n for_o that_o i_o warrant_v you_o it_o be_v not_o close_o do_v but_o who_o be_v this_o lo_o lord_n the_o wither_a flower_n who_o in_o his_o life_n shine_v like_o the_o morning_n blush_n cast_v out_o a_o door_n deny_v his_o burial_n right_a a_o prey_n for_o bird_n and_o beast_n to_o gorge_v upon_o salisb._n o_o ruthful_a spectacle_n o_o damn_a deed_n my_o sinew_n shake_v my_o very_a heart_n do_v bleed_v essex_n leave_v childish_a tear_n brave_a lord_n of_o england_n if_o water-flood_n can_v fetch_v his_o life_n again_o my_o eye_n shall_v conduit_n forth_o a_o sea_n of_o tear_n if_o sob_n will_v help_v or_o sorrow_n serve_v the_o turn_n my_o heart_n shall_v volley_v out_o deep_a pierce_a plaint_n but_o bootless_a be_v it_o to_o breathe_v as_o many_o sigh_n as_o may_v eclipse_v the_o bright_a summer_n sun_n here_o rest_v the_o help_n a_o service_n to_o his_o ghost_n let_v not_o the_o tyrant_n causer_n of_o this_o dole_n live_v to_o triumph_v in_o ruthful_a massacre_n give_v hand_n and_o heart_n and_o englishman_n to_o arm_n it_o be_v god_n decree_n to_o wreak_v we_o of_o these_o harm_n pemb._n the_o best_a advice_n but_o who_o come_v post_v here_o enter_v hubert_n right_o noble_a lord_n i_o speak_v unto_o you_o all_o the_o king_n entreat_v your_o soon_o speed_n to_o visit_v he_o who_o on_o your_o present_a want_n do_v ban_v and_o curse_v his_o birth_n himself_o and_o i_o for_o execute_v of_o his_o strict_a command_n i_o see_v his_o passion_n and_o at_o fit_a time_n assure_v he_o of_o his_o cousin_n be_v safe_a who_o pity_n will_v not_o let_v i_o do_v to_o death_n he_o crave_v your_o company_n my_o lord_n in_o haste_n to_o who_o i_o will_v conduct_v young_a arthur_n straight_o who_o be_v in_o health_n under_o my_o custody_n essex_n in_o health_n base_a villain_n be_v it_o not_o i_o leave_v the_o crime_n to_o god_n revenge_n to_o who_o revenge_n belong_v here_o shall_v thou_o perish_v on_o my_o rapier_n point_n call_v thou_o this_o health_n such_o health_n betide_v thy_o friend_n and_o all_o that_o be_v of_o thy_o condition_n hub._n my_o lord_n but_o hear_v i_o speak_v and_o kill_v i_o then_o if_o here_o i_o leave_v not_o this_o young_a prince_n alive_a maugre_o the_o hasty_a edict_n of_o the_o king_n who_o give_v i_o charge_n to_o put_v out_o both_o his_o eye_n that_o god_n that_o give_v i_o live_v to_o this_o hour_n thunder_n revenge_n upon_o i_o in_o this_o place_n and_o as_o i_o tender_v he_o with_o earnest_a love_n so_o god_n love_v i_o and_o then_o i_o shall_v be_v well_o sal_n hence_o traitor_n hence_o thy_o counsel_n be_v herein_o exit_fw-la hu._n some_o in_o this_o place_n appoint_v by_o the_o king_n have_v throw_v he_o from_o this_o lodging_n here_o above_o and_o sure_o the_o murder_n have_v be_v new_o do_v for_o yet_o the_o body_n be_v not_o full_o cold_a essex_n how_o say_v you_o lord_n shall_v we_o with_o speed_n dispatch_v under_o our_o hand_n a_o packet_n into_o france_n to_o bid_v the_o dolphin_n enter_v with_o his_o force_n to_o claim_v the_o kingdom_n for_o his_o proper_a right_n his_o title_n make_v lawful_a strength_n thereto_o beside_o the_o pope_n on_o peril_n of_o his_o curse_n have_v bar_v we_o of_o obedience_n unto_o john_n this_o hateful_a murder_n lewis_n his_o true_a descent_n the_o holy_a charge_n that_o we_o receive_v from_o rome_n be_v weighty_a reason_n if_o you_o like_v my_o reed_n to_o make_v we_o all_o persevere_v in_o this_o deed_n pemb._n my_o lord_n of_o essex_n well_o have_v you_o advise_v i_o will_v accord_v to_o further_o you_o in_o this_o salisb._n and_o salisbury_n will_v not_o gainsay_v the_o same_o but_o aid_n that_o course_n as_o far_o forth_o as_o he_o can_v essex_n then_o each_o of_o we_o send_v straight_o to_o his_o ally_n to_o win_v they_o to_o this_o famous_a enterprise_n and_o let_v we_o all_o yclad_a in_o palmer_n weed_n the_o ten_o of_o april_n at_o s._n edmund_n bury_v meet_a to_o confer_v and_o on_o the_o altar_n there_o swear_v secrecy_n and_o aid_n to_o this_o advice_n mean_a while_n let_v we_o convey_v this_o body_n hence_o and_o give_v he_o burial_n as_o befit_v his_o state_n keep_v his_o month_n mind_n and_o his_o obsequy_n with_o solemn_a intercession_n for_o his_o soul_n how_o say_v you_o lording_n be_v you_o all_o agree_v pemb._n the_o ten_o of_o april_n at_o s._n edmund_n bury_v god_n let_v not_o i_o will_v not_o fail_v the_o time_n essex_n then_o let_v we_o all_o convey_v the_o body_n hence_o exeunt_fw-la enter_v k._n john_n with_o two_o or_o three_o and_o the_o prophet_n joh._n disturb_a thought_n foredoomer_n of_o my_o ill_a distract_v passion_n sign_n of_o grow_a harm_n strange_a prophecy_n of_o imminent_a mishap_n confound_v my_o wit_n and_o dull_a my_o sense_n so_o that_o every_o object_n these_o my_o eye_n behold_v seem_v instrument_n to_o bring_v i_o to_o my_o end_n ascension_n day_n be_v come_v john_n fear_v not_o then_o the_o prodigy_n this_o prattle_a prophet_n threat_n it_o be_v come_v indeed_o ah_o be_v it_o full_o pass_v then_o be_v i_o careless_a of_o a_o thousand_o fear_n the_o dial_n tell_v i_o it_o be_v twelve_o at_o noon_n be_v twelve_o at_o midnight_n past_a then_o may_v i_o
vaunt_v false_a seer_n prophecy_n of_o no_o import_n can_v i_o as_o well_o with_o this_o right_a hand_n of_o i_o remove_v the_o sun_n from_o our_o meridian_n unto_o the_o moonest_z circle_n of_o the_o antipode_n as_o turn_v this_o steel_n from_o twelve_o to_o twelve_o again_o then_o john_n the_o date_n of_o fatal_a prophecy_n shall_v with_o the_o prophet_n life_n together_o end_n but_o multa_fw-la cadunt_fw-la inter_fw-la calicem_fw-la supremaque_fw-la labra_fw-la peter_n unsay_v thy_o foolish_a dote_a dream_n and_o by_o the_o crown_n of_o england_n here_o i_o swear_v to_o make_v thou_o great_a and_o great_a of_o thy_o kin_n peter_n king_n john_n although_o the_o time_n i_o have_v prescribe_v be_v but_o twelve_o hour_n remain_v yet_o behind_o yet_o do_v i_o know_v by_o inspiration_n ere_o that_o fix_a time_n be_v full_o come_v about_o king_n john_n shall_v not_o be_v king_n as_o heretofore_o john_n vain_a buzzard_n what_o mischance_n can_v chance_v so_o soon_o to_o set_v a_o king_n beside_o his_o regal_a seat_n my_o heart_n be_v good_a my_o body_n pass_v strong_a my_o land_n in_o peace_n my_o enemy_n subdue_v only_o my_o baron_n storm_v at_o arthur_n death_n but_o arthur_n live_v i_o there_o the_o challenge_n grow_v be_v he_o dispatch_v unto_o his_o long_a home_n then_o be_v the_o king_n secure_a of_o thousand_o foe_n hubert_n what_o news_n with_o thou_o where_o be_v my_o lord_n hub._n hard_a news_n my_o lord_n arthur_n the_o lovely_a prince_n seek_v to_o escape_v over_o the_o castle_n wall_n fall_v headlong_o down_o and_o in_o the_o curse_a fall_n he_o break_v his_o bone_n and_o there_o before_o the_o gate_n your_o baron_n find_v he_o dead_a and_o breathless_a quite_o joh._n be_v arthur_n dead_a then_o hubert_n without_o more_o word_n hang_v the_o prophet_n away_o with_o peter_n villain_n out_o of_o my_o sight_n i_o be_o deaf_a be_v go_v let_v he_o not_o speak_v a_o word_n now_o john_n thy_o fear_n be_v vanish_v into_o smoke_n arthur_n be_v dead_a thou_o guiltless_a of_o his_o death_n sweet_a youth_n but_o that_o i_o strive_v for_o a_o crown_n i_o can_v have_v well_o afford_v to_o thy_o age_n long_a life_n and_o happiness_n to_o thy_o content_n enter_v the_o bastard_n joh._n philip_n what_o news_n with_o thou_o bast_n the_o news_n i_o hear_v be_v peter_n prayer_n who_o wish_v like_o fortune_n to_o befall_v we_o all_o and_o with_o that_o word_n the_o rope_n his_o late_a friend_n keep_v he_o from_o fall_v headlong_o to_o the_o ground_n joh._n there_o let_v he_o hang_v and_o be_v the_o raven_n food_n while_o john_n triumph_v in_o spite_n of_o prophecy_n but_o what_o be_v the_o tiding_n from_o the_o popeling_n now_o what_o say_v the_o monk_n and_o priest_n to_o our_o proceed_n or_o where_o be_v the_o baron_n that_o so_o sudden_o do_v leave_v the_o king_n upon_o a_o false_a surmise_n bast_n the_o prelate_n storm_n and_o thirst_n for_o sharp_a revenge_n but_o please_v your_o majesty_n be_v that_o the_o worst_a it_o little_o skill_v a_o great_a danger_n grow_v which_o must_v be_v weed_v out_o by_o careful_a speed_n or_o all_o be_v lose_v for_o all_o be_v level_v at_o joh._n more_o fright_n and_o fear_n what_o ere_o thy_o tiding_n be_v i_o be_o prepare_v then_o philip_n quick_o say_v mean_v they_o to_o murder_v or_o imprison_v i_o to_o give_v my_o crown_n away_o to_o rome_n or_o france_n or_o will_v they_o each_o of_o they_o become_v a_o king_n worse_o than_o i_o think_v it_o be_v it_o can_v be_v bast._n not_o worse_a my_o lord_n but_o every_o whit_n as_o bad_a the_o noble_n have_v elect_v lewis_n king_n in_o right_a of_o lady_n blanch_n your_o niece_n his_o wife_n his_o land_n be_v expect_v every_o hour_n the_o noble_n commons_z clergy_n all_o estate_n incite_v chief_o by_o the_o cardinal_n pandulph_n that_o lie_v here_o legate_n for_o the_o pope_n think_v long_o to_o see_v their_o new_a elect_a king_n and_o for_o undoubted_a proof_n see_v here_o my_o liege_n letter_n to_o i_o from_o your_o nobility_n to_o be_v a_o party_n in_o this_o action_n who_o under_o show_n of_o feign_a holiness_n appoint_v their_o meeting_n at_o s._n edmund_n bury_v there_o to_o consult_v conspire_v and_o conclude_v the_o overthrow_n and_o downfall_n of_o your_o state_n joh._n why_o so_o it_o must_v be_v one_o hour_n of_o content_n match_v with_o a_o month_n of_o passionate_a effect_n why_o shine_v the_o sun_n to_o favour_v this_o consort_n why_o do_v the_o wind_n not_o break_v their_o brazen_a gate_n and_o scatter_v all_o these_o perjure_a complice_n with_o all_o their_o counsel_n and_o their_o damn_a drift_n but_o see_v the_o welkin_n roll_v gentle_o on_o there_o be_v not_o a_o lower_a cloud_n to_o frown_v on_o they_o the_o heaven_n the_o earth_n the_o sun_n the_o moon_n and_o all_o conspire_v with_o those_o confederate_n my_o decay_n then_o hell_n for_o i_o if_o any_o power_n be_v there_o forsake_v that_o place_n and_o guide_v i_o step_v by_o step_n to_o poison_v strangle_v murder_n in_o their_o step_n these_o traitor_n oh_o that_o name_n be_v too_o good_a for_o they_o and_o death_n be_v easy_a be_v there_o nothing_o worse_o to_o wreak_v i_o on_o this_o proud_a peacebreaking_a crew_n what_o say_v thou_o philip_n why_o assist_v thou_o not_o bast_n these_o curse_n good_a my_o lord_n fit_v not_o the_o season_n help_v must_v descend_v from_o heaven_n against_o this_o treason_n joh._n nay_o thou_o will_v prove_v a_o traitor_n with_o the_o rest_n go_v get_v thou_o to_o they_o shame_n come_v to_o you_o all_o bast_n i_o will_v be_v loath_a to_o leave_v your_o highness_n thus_o yet_o you_o command_v and_o i_o though_o grieve_v will_v go_v joh._n ah_o philip_n whither_o go_v thou_o come_v again_o bast_n my_o lord_n these_o motion_n be_v as_o passion_n of_o a_o mad_a man_n joh._n a_o mad_a man_n philip_n i_o be_o mad_a indeed_o my_o heart_n be_v maze_v my_o sense_n all_o foredo_v and_o john_n of_o england_n now_o be_v quite_o undo_v be_v ever_o king_n as_o i_o oppress_v with_o care_n dame_n elinor_n my_o noble_a mother_n queen_n my_o only_a hope_n and_o comfort_n in_o distress_n be_v dead_a and_o england_n excommunicate_v and_o i_o be_o interdict_v by_o the_o pope_n all_o church_n curse_v their_o door_n be_v seal_v up_o and_o for_o the_o pleasure_n of_o the_o romish_a priest_n the_o service_n of_o the_o high_a be_v neglect_v the_o multitude_n a_o beast_n of_o many_o head_n do_v wish_v confusion_n to_o their_o sovereign_n the_o noble_n blind_v with_o ambition_n fume_n assemble_v power_n to_o beat_v my_o empire_n down_o and_o more_o than_o this_o elect_v a_o foreign_a king_n o_o england_n be_v thou_o ever_o miserable_a king_n john_n of_o england_n see_v thou_o miserable_a john_n it_o be_v thy_o sin_n that_o make_v it_o miserable_a quicquid_fw-la delirunt_fw-la reges_fw-la plectuntur_fw-la achivi_fw-la philip_n as_o thou_o have_v ever_o love_v thy_o king_n so_o show_v it_o now_o post_n to_o s._n edmund_n bury_v dissemble_v with_o the_o noble_n know_v their_o drift_n confound_v their_o devilish_a plot_n and_o damn_a device_n though_o john_n be_v faulty_a yet_o let_v subject_n bear_v he_o will_v amend_v and_o right_o the_o people_n wrong_n a_o mother_n though_o she_o be_v unnatural_a be_v better_a than_o the_o kind_a stepdame_n be_v let_v never_o englishman_n trust_v foreign_a rule_n then_o philip_n show_v thy_o fealty_n to_o thy_o king_n and_o amongst_o the_o noble_n plead_v thou_o for_o the_o king_n bast._n i_o go_v my_o lord_n see_v how_o he_o be_v distraught_a this_o be_v the_o curse_a priest_n of_o italy_n have_v heap_v these_o mischief_n on_o this_o hapless_a land_n now_o philip_n have_v thou_o tully_n eloquence_n then_o may_v thou_o hope_v to_o plead_v with_o good_a success_n exit_fw-la joh._n and_o be_v thou_o go_v success_n may_v follow_v thou_o thus_o have_v thou_o show_v thy_o kindness_n to_o thy_o king_n sirrah_n in_o haste_n go_v greet_v the_o cardinal_n pandulph_n i_o mean_v the_o legate_n from_o the_o pope_n say_v that_o the_o king_n desire_v to_o speak_v with_o he_o now_o john_n bethink_v thou_o how_o thou_o may_v resolve_v and_o if_o thou_o will_v continue_v england_n king_n then_o cast_v about_o to_o keep_v thy_o diadem_n for_o life_n and_o land_n and_o all_o be_v level_v at_o the_o pope_n of_o rome_n it_o be_v he_o that_o be_v the_o cause_n he_o curse_v thou_o he_o set_v thy_o subject_n free_a from_o due_a obedience_n to_o their_o sovereign_n he_o animate_v the_o noble_n in_o their_o war_n he_o give_v away_o the_o crown_n to_o philip_n son_n and_o pardon_v all_o that_o seek_v to_o murder_v thou_o and_o thus_o blind_a zeal_n be_v still_o predominant_a then_o john_n there_o be_v no_o way_n to_o keep_v thy_o crown_n but_o fine_o to_o dissemble_v with_o the_o pope_n that_o hand_n that_o give_v the_o wound_n must_v
give_v the_o salve_n to_o cure_v the_o hurt_n else_o quite_o incurable_a thy_o sin_n be_v far_o too_o great_a to_o be_v the_o man_n to_o abolish_v pope_n and_o popery_n from_o thy_o realm_n but_o in_o thy_o seat_n if_o i_o may_v guess_v at_o all_o a_o king_n shall_v reign_v that_o shall_v suppress_v they_o all_o peace_n john_n here_o come_v the_o legate_n of_o the_o pope_n dissemble_v thou_o and_o whatsoever_o thou_o say_v yet_o with_o thy_o heart_n wish_v their_o confusion_n enter_v pandulph_n pand._n now_o john_n unworthy_a man_n to_o breath_n on_o earth_n that_o do_v oppugn_v against_o thy_o mother_n church_n why_o be_o i_o send_v for_o to_o thy_o curse_a self_n john_n thou_o man_n of_o god_n vicegerent_n for_o the_o pope_n the_o holy_a vicar_n of_o s._n peter_n church_n upon_o my_o knee_n i_o pardon_v crave_v of_o thou_o and_o do_v submit_v i_o to_o the_o sea_n of_o rome_n and_o vow_v for_o penance_n of_o my_o high_a offence_n to_o take_v on_o i_o the_o holy_a cross_n of_o christ_n and_o carry_v arm_n in_o holy_a christian_a war_n pand._n no_o john_n thy_o crouch_a and_o dissemble_v thus_o can_v deceive_v the_o legate_n of_o the_o pope_n say_v what_o thou_o will_v i_o will_v not_o credit_n thou_o thy_o crown_n and_o kingdom_n both_o be_v take_v away_o and_o thou_o be_v curse_v without_o redemption_n john_n accurse_a indeed_o to_o kneel_v to_o such_o a_o drudge_n and_o get_v no_o help_n with_o thy_o submission_n unsheathe_v thy_o sword_n and_o slay_v the_o misproud_a priest_n that_o thus_o triumph_v over_o thou_o a_o mighty_a king_n no_o john_n submit_v again_o dissemble_v yet_o for_o priest_n and_o woman_n must_v be_v flatter_v yet_o holy_a father_n thou_o thyself_o do_v know_v no_o time_n too_o late_o for_o sinner_n to_o repent_v absolve_v i_o then_o and_o john_n do_v swear_v to_o do_v the_o uttermost_a what_o ever_o thou_o demand_v pandulph_n john_n now_o i_o see_v thy_o hearty_a penitence_n i_o rue_v and_o pity_v thy_o distress_a estate_n one_o way_n be_v leave_v to_o reconcile_v thyself_o and_o only_o one_o which_o i_o shall_v show_v to_o thou_o thou_o must_v surrender_v to_o the_o sea_n of_o rome_n thy_o crown_n and_o diadem_n then_o shall_v the_o pope_n defend_v thou_o from_o the_o invasion_n of_o thy_o foe_n and_o where_o his_o holiness_n have_v kindle_v france_n and_o set_v thy_o subject_n heart_n at_o war_n with_o thou_o then_o shall_v he_o curse_v thy_o foe_n and_o beat_v they_o down_o that_o seek_v the_o discontentment_n of_o the_o king_n john_n from_o bad_a to_o worse_o or_o i_o must_v loose_v my_o realm_n or_o give_v my_o crown_n for_o penance_n unto_o rome_n a_o misery_n more_o pierce_a than_o the_o dart_n that_o break_v from_o burn_a exhalation_n power_n what_o shall_v i_o give_v my_o crown_n with_o this_o right_a hand_n no_o with_o this_o hand_n defend_v thy_o crown_n and_o thou_o what_o news_n with_o thou_o enter_v messenger_z please_v it_o your_o majesty_n there_o be_v descry_v on_o the_o coast_n of_o kent_n a_o hundred_o sail_n of_o ship_n which_o of_o all_o man_n be_v think_v to_o be_v the_o french_a fleet_n under_o the_o conduct_n of_o the_o dolphin_n so_o that_o it_o put_v the_o country_n in_o a_o mutiny_n so_o they_o send_v to_o your_o grace_n for_o succour_n k._n joh._n how_o now_o lord_n cardinal_n what_o be_v your_o best_a advice_n these_o mutiny_n must_v be_v allay_v in_o time_n by_o policy_n or_o headstrong_a rage_n at_o least_o o_o john_n these_o trouble_n tire_v thy_o weary_a soul_n and_o like_v to_o luna_n in_o a_o sad_a eclipse_n so_o be_v thy_o thought_n and_o passion_n for_o this_o news_n well_o may_v it_o be_v when_o king_n be_v grieve_v so_o the_o vulgar_a sort_n work_v prince_n overthrow_v card._n k._n john_n for_o not_o effect_v of_o thy_o plight_a vow_n this_o strange_a annoyance_n happen_v to_o thy_o land_n but_o yet_o be_v reconcile_v unto_o the_o church_n and_o nothing_o shall_v be_v grievous_a to_o thy_o state_n joh._n on_o pandulph_n be_v it_o as_o thou_o have_v decree_v john_n will_v not_o spurn_v against_o thy_o sound_a advice_n come_v le_fw-fr we_o away_o and_o with_o thy_o help_n i_o trow_v my_o realm_n shall_v flourish_v and_o my_o crown_n in_o peace_n enter_v the_o noble_n pembroke_n essex_n chester_n bewchampe_n clare_n with_o other_o pemb._n now_o sweet_a s._n edmund_n holy_a saint_n in_o heaven_n who_o shrine_n be_v sacred_a high_a esteem_v on_o earth_n infuse_v a_o constant_a zeal_n in_o all_o our_o heart_n to_o prosecute_v this_o act_n of_o much_o weight_n lord_n bewchampe_n say_v what_o friend_n have_v you_o procure_v bewch._n the_o l._n fitz_n water_n l._n percy_n and_o l._n rosse_n vow_v meet_v here_o this_o day_n the_o leventh_o hour_n essex_n under_o the_o cloak_n of_o holy_a pilgrimage_n by_o that_o same_o hour_n on_o warrant_n of_o their_o faith_n philip_n plantagenet_n a_o bird_n of_o swift_a wing_n lord_n eustauce_n vescy_n lord_n cressy_n and_o lord_n mowbrey_n appointed_n meet_v at_o s._n edmund_n shrine_n pemb._n until_o their_o presence_n i_o will_v conceal_v my_o tale_n sweet_a complice_n in_o holy_a christian_a act_n that_o venture_n for_o the_o purchase_n of_o renown_n thrice_o welcome_a to_o the_o league_n of_o high_a resolve_n that_o pawn_v their_o body_n for_o their_o soul_n regard_n essex_n now_o want_v but_o the_o rest_n to_o end_v this_o work_n in_o pilgrim_n habit_n come_v our_o holy_a troop_n a_o furlong_n hence_o with_o swift_a unwoonted_a pace_n may_v be_v they_o be_v the_o person_n you_o expect_v pemb._n with_o swift_a unwoonted_a gate_n see_v what_o a_o thing_n be_v zeal_n that_o spur_v they_o on_o with_o fervence_n to_o this_o shrine_n now_o joy_v come_v to_o they_o for_o their_o true_a intent_n and_o in_o good_a time_n here_o come_v the_o war-man_n all_o that_o sweat_n in_o body_n by_o the_o mind_n disease_n hap_v and_o hearts-ease_n brave_a lording_n be_v your_o lot_n enter_v the_o bastard_n philip_n etc_n etc_n amen_o my_o lord_n the_o like_a betide_v your_o luck_n and_o all_o that_o travel_n in_o a_o christian_a cause_n essex_n cheerly_o reply_v brave_a branch_n of_o kingly_a stocko_n a_o right_a plantagenet_n shall_v reason_v so_o but_o silence_n lord_n attend_v our_o come_n cause_n the_o servile_a yoke_n that_o pain_v we_o with_o toil_n on_o strong_a instinct_n have_v frame_v this_o conventicle_n to_o ease_v our_o neck_n of_o servitude_n contempt_n shall_v i_o not_o name_v the_o foeman_n of_o our_o rest_n which_o of_o you_o all_o so_o barren_a in_o conceit_n as_o can_v level_v at_o the_o man_n i_o mean_v but_o lest_o enigma_n shadow_n shine_v truth_n plain_o to_o paint_v as_o truth_n require_v no_o art_n the_o effect_n of_o this_o resort_n import_v this_o to_o root_v and_o clean_o extirpate_v tyrant_n john_n tyrant_n i_o say_v appeal_n to_o the_o man_n if_o any_o here_o that_o love_v he_o and_o i_o ask_v what_o kindship_n lenity_n or_o christian_a reign_n rule_n in_o the_o man_n to_o bar_v this_o soul_n impeach_v first_o i_o infer_v the_o chester_n banishment_n for_o reprehend_v he_o in_o most_o unchristian_a crime_n be_v special_a notice_n of_o a_o tyrant_n will_n but_o be_v this_o all_o the_o devil_n shall_v be_v save_v but_o this_o the_o least_o of_o many_o thousand_o fault_n that_o circumstance_n with_o leisure_n may_v display_v our_o private_a wrong_n no_o parcel_n of_o my_o tale_n which_o now_o in_o presence_n but_o for_o some_o great_a cause_n may_v wish_v to_o he_o as_o to_o a_o mortal_a foe_n but_o shall_v i_o close_v the_o period_n with_o a_o act_n abhor_v in_o the_o ear_n of_o christian_a man_n his_o cousin_n death_n that_o sweet_a unguilty_a child_n untimely_o butcher_v by_o the_o tyrant_n mean_n here_o be_v my_o proof_n as_o clear_a as_o gravel_n brook_v and_o on_o the_o same_o i_o further_o must_v infer_v that_o who_o uphold_v a_o tyrant_n in_o his_o course_n be_v culpable_a of_o all_o his_o damn_a guilt_n to_o show_v the_o which_o be_v yet_o to_o be_v describe_v my_o lord_n of_o pembroke_n show_v what_o be_v behind_o only_o i_o say_v that_o be_v there_o nothing_o else_o to_o move_v we_o but_o the_o pope_n most_o dreadful_a curse_n whereof_o we_o be_v assure_v if_o we_o fail_v it_o be_v enough_o to_o instigate_v we_o all_o with_o earnestness_n ofsprite_n to_o seek_v a_o mean_a to_o dispossess_v john_n of_o his_o regiment_n pemb._n well_o have_v my_o lord_n of_o essex_n tell_v his_o tale_n which_o i_o aver_v for_o most_o substantial_a truth_n and_o more_o to_o make_v the_o matter_n to_o our_o mind_n i_o say_v that_o lewis_n in_o challenge_n of_o his_o wife_n have_v title_n of_o a_o uncontrolled_a plea_n to_o all_o that_o long_v to_o our_o english_a crown_n short_a tale_n to_o make_v the_o sea_n apostolic_a have_v offer_v dispensation_n for_o the_o fault_n if_o any_o be_v as_o trust_v i_o
england_n be_o i_o not_o too_o bold_a with_o your_o highness_n john_n not_o a_o whit_n all_o friend_n and_o fellow_n for_o a_o time_n monk_n if_o the_o inward_o of_o a_o toad_n be_v a_o compound_n of_o any_o proof_n why_o so_o it_o work_v john_n stay_v philip_n where_o be_v the_o monk_n bastard_n he_o be_v dead_a my_o lord_n john_n then_o drink_v not_o philip_n for_o a_o world_n of_o wealth_n ba._n what_o cheer_n my_o liege_n your_o colour_n begin_v to_o change_v john_n so_o do_v my_o life_n o_o philip_n i_o be_o poison_v the_o monk_n the_o devil_n the_o poison_n begin_v to_o rage_n it_o will_v depose_v myself_o a_o king_n from_o reign_n bast._n this_o abbot_n have_v a_o interest_n in_o this_o act_n at_o all_o adventure_n take_v thou_o that_o from_o i_o there_o lie_v the_o abbot_n abbey_n lubber_n devil_n march_v with_o the_o monk_n unto_o the_o gate_n of_o hell_n how_o fare_v my_o lord_n john_n philip_n some_o drink_n oh_o for_o the_o freeze_a alps_n to_o tumble_v on_o and_o cool_v this_o inward_a heat_n that_o rage_v as_o the_o furnace_n sevenfold_a hot_a to_o burn_v the_o holy_a tree_n in_o babylon_n power_n after_o power_n forsake_v their_o proper_a power_n only_o the_o heart_n impugn_v with_o faint_a resist_v the_o fierce_a invade_v of_o he_o that_o conquer_v king_n help_v god_n o_o pain_n die_v john_n o_o plague_n inflict_v on_o thou_o for_o thy_o grievous_a sin_n philip_n a_o chair_n and_o by_o and_o by_o a_o grave_n my_o leg_n disdain_v the_o carriage_n of_o a_o king_n bast._n a_o good_a my_o liege_n with_o patience_n conquer_v grief_n and_o bear_v this_o pain_n with_o kingly_a fortitude_n john_n i_o think_v i_o see_v a_o catalogue_n of_o sin_n write_v by_o a_o fiend_n in_o marble_n character_n the_o least_o enough_o to_o loose_v my_o part_n in_o heaven_n i_o think_v the_o devil_n whisper_v in_o my_o ear_n and_o tell_v i_o it_o be_v in_o vain_a to_o hope_v for_o grace_n i_o must_v be_v damn_v for_o arthur_n sudden_a death_n i_o see_v i_o see_v a_o thousand_o thousand_o man_n come_v to_o accuse_v i_o for_o my_o wrong_n on_o earth_n and_o there_o be_v none_o so_o merciful_a a_o god_n that_o will_v forgive_v the_o number_n of_o my_o sin_n how_o have_v i_o live_v but_o by_o another_o loss_n what_o have_v i_o love_v but_o wrack_n of_o other_o weal_n when_o have_v i_o vow_v and_o not_o infringe_v my_o oath_n where_o have_v i_o do_v a_o deed_n deserve_v well_o how_o what_o when_o and_o where_o have_v i_o bestow_v a_o day_n that_o tend_v not_o to_o some_o notorious_a ill_n my_o life_n replete_a with_o rage_n and_o tyranny_n crave_v little_a pity_n for_o so_o strange_a a_o death_n or_o who_o will_v say_v that_o john_n decease_v too_o soon_o who_o will_v not_o say_v he_o rather_o live_v too_o long_o dishonour_n do_v attaint_v i_o in_o my_o life_n and_o shame_n attend_v john_n unto_o his_o death_n why_o do_v i_o escape_v the_o fury_n of_o the_o french_a and_o die_v not_o by_o the_o temper_n of_o their_o sword_n shameless_a my_o life_n and_o shameful_o it_o end_v scorn_v by_o my_o foe_n disdain_v of_o my_o friend_n bast._n forgive_v the_o world_n and_o all_o your_o earthly_a foe_n and_o call_v on_o christ_n who_o be_v your_o late_a friend_n john_n my_o tongue_n do_v falter_v philip_n i_o tell_v thou_o man_n since_o john_n do_v yield_v unto_o the_o priest_n of_o rome_n nor_o he_o nor_o he_o have_v prosper_v on_o the_o earth_n curse_v be_v his_o blessing_n and_o his_o curse_n be_v bliss_n but_o in_o the_o spirit_n i_o cry_v unto_o my_o god_n as_o do_v the_o kingly_a prophet_n david_n cry_v who_o hand_n as_o i_o with_o murder_n be_v attaint_v i_o be_o not_o he_o shall_v build_v the_o lord_n a_o house_n or_o root_v these_o locust_n from_o the_o face_n of_o earth_n but_o if_o my_o die_a heart_n deceive_v i_o not_o from_o out_o these_o loin_n shall_v spring_v a_o kingly_a branch_n who_o arm_n shall_v reach_v unto_o the_o gate_n of_o rome_n and_o with_o his_o foot_n tread_v down_o the_o strumpet_n pride_n that_o sit_v upon_o the_o chair_n of_o babylon_n philip_n my_o heart_n string_n break_v the_o poison_n flame_n have_v overcome_v in_o i_o weak_a nature_n power_n and_o in_o the_o faith_n of_o jesus_n john_n do_v die_v bastard_n see_v how_o he_o strive_v for_o life_n unhappy_a lord_n who_o bowel_n be_v divide_v in_o themselves_o this_o be_v the_o fruit_n of_o popery_n when_o true_a king_n be_v slay_v and_o shoulder_v out_o by_o monk_n and_o friar_n enter_v a_o messenger_n mess_n please_v it_o your_o grace_n the_o baron_n of_o the_o land_n which_o all_o this_o while_n bare_a arm_n against_o the_o king_n conduct_v by_o the_o legate_n of_o the_o pope_n together_o with_o the_o prince_n his_o highness_n son_n do_v crave_v to_o be_v admit_v to_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o king_n bast_n your_o son_n my_o lord_n young_a henry_n crave_v to_o see_v your_o majesty_n and_o bring_v with_o he_o beside_o the_o baron_n that_o revolt_v from_o your_o grace_n o_o pierce_a sight_n he_o fumble_v in_o the_o mouth_n his_o speech_n do_v fail_v lift_v up_o yourself_o my_o lord_n and_o see_v the_o prince_n to_o comfort_v you_o in_o death_n enter_v pandulph_n young_a henry_n the_o baron_n with_o dagger_n in_o their_o hand_n prince_n o_o let_v i_o see_v my_o father_n ere_o he_o die_v o_o uncle_n be_v you_o here_o and_o suffer_v he_o to_o be_v thus_o poison_v by_o a_o damn_a monk_n ah_o he_o be_v dead_a father_n sweet_a father_n speak_v bastard_n his_o speech_n do_v fail_v he_o haste_v to_o his_o end_n pandulph_n lord_n give_v i_o leave_v to_o joy_v the_o die_a king_n with_o sight_n of_o these_o his_o noble_n kneel_v here_o with_o dagger_n in_o their_o hand_n who_o offer_v up_o their_o life_n for_o ransom_n of_o their_o foul_a offence_n then_o good_a my_o lord_n if_o you_o forgive_v they_o all_o lift_v up_o your_o hand_n in_o token_n you_o forgive_v salis_n we_o humble_o thank_v your_o royal_a majesty_n and_o vow_v to_o fight_v for_o england_n and_o her_o king_n and_o in_o the_o sight_n of_o john_n our_o sovereign_a lord_n in_o spite_n of_o lewes_n and_o the_o power_n of_o france_n who_o hitherward_o be_v march_v in_o all_o haste_n we_o crown_v young_a henry_n in_o his_o father_n stead_n henry_n help_v help_v he_o die_v ah_o father_n look_v on_o i_o legat_n k._n john_n farewell_n in_o token_n of_o thy_o faith_n and_o sign_n thou_o die_v the_o servant_n of_o the_o lord_n lift_v up_o thy_o hand_n that_o we_o may_v witness_v here_o thou_o die_v the_o servant_n of_o our_o saviour_n christ_n now_o joy_n betide_v thy_o soul_n what_o noise_n be_v this_o enter_v a_o messenger_n mess_n help_v lord_n the_o dolphin_n make_v hitherward_o with_o ensign_n of_o defiance_n in_o the_o wind_n and_o all_o our_o army_n stand_v at_o a_o gaze_n expect_v what_o their_o leader_n will_v command_v bast._n let_v we_o arm_v ourselves_o in_o young_a k._n henry_n right_a and_o beat_v the_o power_n of_o france_n to_o sea_n again_o legate_n philip_n not_o so_o but_o i_o will_v to_o the_o prince_n and_o bring_v he_o face_n to_o face_n to_o parley_v with_o you_o bast._n lord_n salisbury_n yourself_o shall_v march_v with_o i_o so_o shall_v we_o bring_v these_o trouble_n to_o a_o end_n king_n sweet_a uncle_n if_o thou_o love_v thy_o sovereign_n let_v not_o a_o stone_n of_o swinstead_n abbey_n stand_v but_o pull_v the_o house_n about_o the_o friar_n ear_n for_o they_o have_v kill_v my_o father_n and_o my_o king_n exeunt_fw-la a_o parley_n sound_v lewes_n pandulph_n salisbury_z etc_n etc_n pand._n lewes_n of_o france_n young_a henry_n england_n king_n require_v to_o know_v the_o reason_n of_o the_o claim_n that_o thou_o can_v make_v to_o any_o thing_n of_o he_o king_n john_n that_o do_v offend_v be_v dead_a and_o go_v see_v where_o his_o breathless_a trunk_n in_o presence_n lie_v and_o he_o as_o heir_n apparent_a to_o the_o crown_n be_v now_o succeed_v in_o his_o father_n room_n henry_n lewes_n what_o law_n of_o arm_n do_v lead_v thou_o thus_o to_o keep_v possession_n of_o my_o lawful_a right_n answer_v in_o fine_a if_o thou_o will_v take_v a_o peace_n and_o make_v surrender_v of_o my_o right_n again_o or_o try_v thy_o title_n with_o the_o dint_n of_o sword_n i_o tell_v thou_o dolphin_n henry_n fear_v thou_o not_o for_o now_o the_o baron_n cleave_v unto_o their_o king_n and_o what_o thou_o have_v in_o england_n they_o do_v get_v lewes_n henry_n of_o england_n now_o that_o john_n be_v dead_a that_o be_v the_o chief_a enemy_n to_o france_n i_o may_v the_o rather_o be_v induce_v to_o peace_n but_o salisbury_n and_o you_o baron_n of_o the_o realm_n this_o strange_a revolt_n agree_v not_o with_o the_o oath_n that_o you_o on_o bury_v altar_n late_o swear_v sal_n nor_o do_v the_o oath_n your_o highness_n there_o do_v take_v agree_v with_o honour_n of_o the_o prince_n of_o france_n bast._n my_o lord_n what_o answer_v make_v you_o to_o the_o king_n dolphin_n faith_n philip_n this_o i_o say_v it_o boot_v not_o i_o nor_o any_o prince_n nor_o power_n of_o christendom_n to_o seek_v to_o win_v this_o island_n albion_n unless_o he_o have_v a_o party_n in_o the_o realm_n by_o treason_n for_o to_o help_v he_o in_o his_o war_n the_o peer_n which_o be_v the_o party_n on_o my_o side_n be_v flee_v from_o i_o then_o boot_v not_o i_o to_o fight_v but_o on_o condition_n as_o my_o honour_n will_v i_o be_o content_v to_o depart_v the_o realm_n henry_n on_o what_o condition_n will_v your_o highness_n yield_v lew._n that_o shall_v we_o think_v upon_o by_o more_o advice_n bast._n then_o king_n &_o prince_n let_v these_o broil_n have_v end_n and_o at_o more_o leisure_n talk_v upon_o the_o league_n mean_a while_n to_o worster_n let_v we_o bear_v the_o king_n and_o there_o inter_v his_o body_n as_o beseem_v but_o first_o in_o sight_n of_o lewes_n heir_n of_o france_n lord_n take_v the_o crown_n and_o set_v it_o on_o his_o head_n that_o by_o succession_n be_v our_o lawful_a king_n they_o crown_v young_a henry_n thus_o england_n peace_n begin_v in_o henry_n reign_n and_o bloody_a war_n be_v close_v with_o happy_a league_n let_v england_n live_v but_o true_a within_o itself_o and_o all_o the_o world_n can_v never_o wrong_v she_o state_n lewes_n thou_o shall_v be_v brave_o ship_v to_o france_n for_o never_o frenchman_n get_v of_o english_a ground_n the_o twenty_o part_n that_o thou_o have_v conquer_v dolphin_n thy_o hand_n to_o worster_n we_o will_v march_v lord_n all_o lay_v hand_n to_o bear_v your_o sovereign_n with_o obsequy_n of_o honour_n to_o his_o grave_n if_o england_n peer_n and_o people_n join_v in_o one_o nor_o pope_n nor_o france_n nor_o spain_n can_v do_v they_o wrong_n finis_fw-la