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A02638 The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng in metre, fro[m] the first begynnyng of Engla[n]de, vnto ye reigne of Edwarde ye fourth where he made an end of his chronicle. And from yt time is added with a co[n]tinuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme, now first emprinted, gathered out of diuerse and sondrie autours of moste certain knowelage [et] substanciall credit, yt either in latin orels in our mother toungue haue writen of ye affaires of Englande. Hardyng, John, 1378-1465?; Grafton, Richard, d. 1572? 1543 (1543) STC 12766.7; ESTC S103772 402,679 836

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¶ Symond the sōne of earle Symond Moūtfort Came oute of Fraunce for ferdnesse of that quene To kyng Henry whome he gaue great comforte He gaue hym then his man for ay to bene Of Leycester the earldome fayre and clene With the Stewarde of Englande in herytage Whiche is an offyce of greate priuelage ¶ And wed his doughter dame Elyanore To Willyam Marshall earle of Penbroke After whose deathe she auowed chastyte for euermore But he her maryed and her betoke For all her vowe as sayeth the booke To Earle Symond Mountfort to be his wyfe Notwithstandyng that she vowed chastyte her lyfe ¶ Tho dyed Lewelyn the prynce of Wales then Betwene his sonnes Gryffyth and Dauid grewe Greate discencyon and stryfe ay when and when And dame Beatryce the kynges doughter trewe To earle Symonde of Britayne wedded newe The yere of Chryste a thousand was accompted Two hundreth moo fourty and one amounted The C .xlv. Chapiter ¶ The 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 of Lancaster and of Leicester long after in the yere of his father one and thirty and in the yere of Christ M. iiC xli THe same yere then Edmond his soōne was At Lācastre that yere of Christ thē writē A thousand whole twoo C and fourty mo bore And one therto in Flores as is wryten And in the yere next after then ouersetten The kyng his doughter Margaret then maryed To Alexaunder kyng of Scotland notified ¶ At Yorke citee wher he then did homage For Scotland whole and Isles apperteinyng Then dyed ●hemperour full sage Wherfore the lordes of Almaignie variyng Some chose Rychard kyng Henryes brother beyng And some that kyng of Castile would haue algate But erle Rychard of Menske had all the state ¶ Then rose discorde betwene the kyng Henry And certain lordes of mighty greate power Symond Mountfort vpon hym toke boldly To bee cheftein to hold the feld full clere At Lewis faught of christ then was the yere A thousand twoo hundred and sixty accompted And foure also so muche more amounted ¶ This erle Symond had then the kyng Henry And his brother Rychard themperour In his kepyng and ward wer hold strongly But prince Edward was sette in Herford toure And erle Henry of Herford that was floure Themperours soonne at Herford with hym laye A myle about disported theim euery ●aye ¶ Fro whens at last with horse thei brake awa 〈…〉 And to Wigmour castell thei came in hie To sir Roger Mortymer wher he laye That theim receiued then full gladly And so thei assembled with greate hoste manfully And held the feld the lordes fast to theim drewe And at Euesham thei stroke a battaill newe ¶ In the yere of Christ a thousand was tho Twoo hundred mo sirty also and fiue When prince Edward faught with his foo Symond Moūtfort and raught hym fro his liue The feld discomfited there anone as bliue With help of erle Gilbert then called Clare And other lordes with hym that were thare ¶ He slewe many and some awaye exiled And some he held in prisone and distres He toke out then his father as is compiled His eme Rychard holden in greate dures And all his frendes of his hie worthynes He socoured euer and with his gold supported And wher it want with his woord theim cōforted The C .xlvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe Robert Ferrers erle of Darby was dishe rite and many other of their compaignie RObert Ferrers that erle was of Darby Disherite then for his insurreccion With many other at Chesterfeld in hie Faught with Edward of their presumpcion And fled awaye with greate confusion Vnto the Isle of Axholme and fro thens Vnto Lyncolne and spoyled the citezens ¶ Fro thens to Ely thei went anone Wher prince Edward thisle proudely assailed Thei fled fro it soone to Yorkeshire gan gone In freres clothis that were full long tailed Robbyng their fooes when thei of good failed And other some to Kilyngworth then fled To Henry Hastynges who then the castell had ¶ Wher then that kyng great siege laied all about But nought auailed so strongly thei defende And for ther was in euery shire throughout So greate robbery and nothyng amende The kyng was fain for lordes then to send By whose aduise he ordeined for that case That all disherite and exiled should haue grace ¶ All disherite should buye their landes again To paye for theim gold as thei might accorde With theowners so that no man should payen More then the land were worth by greate recorde In seuen yere whole and if thei might concorde For lesse money so it exceade a yere The value of the yerly rent full clere ¶ Robet Ferrers erle of Derby then The soonnes also of erle Symond exclude That perpetuall iudgement fully then Neuer to redeme their landes but been exclude So that theowners be not with theim delude Vnto a daye that fifty thousand pound Be paide of nobles whole and round ¶ Edmond the soonne of the same kyng Henry Was weddid first vnto dame Auelyn Erle Willyam his doughter of Almarle womāly None issue had neither male ne feminine Then was he wed to Blaunche that quene full fyne Of Nauerne and so of Lancaster create With Leicestre also therle denominate The C .xlvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Edward theldest soōne heire of kyng Henry the third and his brother erle Edmond of Lancaster and of Leicestre went to Ierusalē with greate power whiche twoo princes were coūted the semeliest of all the hoste of Christendome HIs brother Edward and he associate To Ierusalem their voiage thē auowed Two semely princes together adioynate In all the world was none theim like alowed So large faire thei were eche manne he bowed Edward aboue his menne was largely seen By his shulders more hie and made full clene ¶ Edmond next hym the comeliest prince aliue Not croke backed ne in no wyse disfugured As some menne wrote the right lyne to depryue Through great falsehed made it to bee scriptured For cause it should alwaye bee refigured And mencioned well his yssue to preuaile Vnto the croune by suche a gouernaile ¶ But prince Edward and he held fourth their waye To Ierusalem so did themperour Rychard his eme and Henry his soonne full gay To Cisile came by sea through many a shoure Edward with hym then had his wife that houre Elianour doughter of the kyng of Aragon A princesse faire at his eleccion ¶ The kyng Lewes also then thither went And in his waye dyed and expired Sainct Lewes nowe is named by all assent Of holy churche as it is well enquired Approued trewe as reason well required But Edward prince and Edmōd abode two yere With werres greate and mighty strong power ¶ For nacions all vnto prince Edward drewe And to Edmond his brother for their semelines And greate māhode whiche in theim that thei knewe Sir Charles that brother of king Lewes doubteles Kyng of Cisile of noble worthynes By the Soudan was chasid without beld Whome prince Edward socoured had the
of you beyng of my blod that other of my alies eche of you with other either of kynred or affinite whiche is that very spirituall affinitie kynred in christ as all ꝑtakers of that sacamentes of christes churche The weight of whiche cōsanguynite if we did beare as would to god we did then should we more be moued to spirituall charite then to fleshly cōsanguinyte Our lord forbid that you loue that woorse together for y● self same cause that you ought to loue y● better yet that oftē happeneth for no wher fynd we so dedly as emōgest theim whiche by nature lawe moost ought to agre together Suche a serpent is ambiciō desire of vanyne glory souere ingtie whiche emōgest estates when he is once entered he crepith foorth so ferre till with deuision varyaunce he turneth all to mischief First longyng to bee next to that best afterward egall with the beest at the last chief aboue that beest Of whiche immoderate appetite of woorship the debate discencion that grewe there by what losse what sorowe what trouble hath win these fewe yeres growen with in this realme I praye God as well to forget as we well remēbre whiche thyng if I could aswell haue forsene as I haue with my more pane thē pleasure proued by god des blessed lady that was his commō othe I would neuer haue wonne the curtesyes of mennes knees with the losse of so many heddes But sith thynges passed can not be called agayn muche more ought we to bee ware by what occasion we haue taken so great hurte before that we eftsones fall not into that occasion again Nowe bee these greues passed and all is quiet thanked bee God likely well to prosper in welthfull peace vnder your cousins my children if God send theim life and you loue and cōcord Of whiche .ii. thynges that lesse losse wer thei by whō all though God did his pleasure yet should this realme alwayes fynd kynges ꝑaduētur as good kynges as thei But if you emōgest your selfes in a childes reigne fall at debate many a good manne shall innocently perishe happely he you also or it is long fynd peace quiet again wherfore in these last woordes that euer I looke to speake to you I exhort and require you all for the loue that you haue borne to me and for that loue that I haue borne to you for the loue that our lord bereth to vs all Frō this tyme forward all greues forgottē eche of you loue other which I verely trust you wyll yf you any thyng regarde God or your kynges affinitee or kynred this realme your owne coūtre or your owne suretie wealthe And there with al the kyng for fayntnes no longer endurynge to syt vp layde hym downe on his right side his face toward theim And ther was none presente that could forbeare wepyng but that lordes cōfortynge hym with as good woordes as thei could answeryng for that tyme as they thought should stande with his pleasure And there in his presence as by theyr wordes appeared eche forgaue other and ioyned theyr hādes together when as it after appeared by theyr dedes there hartes were farre asōder And so with in a fewe dayes thys noble prynce dysceased at Westmynster the .ix. daye of Apryll in the yere of our Lorde a. M CCCC .lxxxiii. after that he had reygned .xxii. yeres one moneth and .viii. dayes was with great funeral pompe conueyed to Wyndsore leuyng behynd hym .ii. soonnes Edwarde the prynce of whom this story entreateth a chylde of xiii yeres of age Richarde duke of Yorke .ii. yeres yonger then the prince and fiue doughters Elizabeth which by goddes grace was maryed to kyng Henry the .vii. and mother to kyng Hēry the eyght Cycile not so fortunate as fayre fyrst wedded to the vycoūt Welles after to one Kyne and lyued not in great wealth Brydget professed her selfe a close nonne of Syon Anne was maryed to lorde Thomas Hauwarde after erle of Surrey and duke of Norffolke Katheryne that yōgest doughter was maryed to lorde Willyā Courtney sonne to that earle of Deuōshire which lōgtyme tossed in other fortune somtyme in welth after in aduersitee tyl that benignitee of her nephewe kyng Hērye the .viii. brought he● into a sure estate accordyng to her degre ꝓgeny This kyng Edward was suche a prince of gouernaunce and behaueour in the tyme of peace for in tyme of warre eche must be others enemye that ther was neuer any kyng in this realme in attaynyng the croune by warre and battayle so hartely beloued with the more substaunce of his people nor he hym selfe so specially fauoured in any parte of his life as at that tyme of his death whiche fauoure and affeccion yet after his death by the crueltie myschiefe trouble of the tempesteous world that folowed highlye towardes hym more encreased At suche time as he died the displeasure of those that bare hym grudge for kyng Henry that .vi. sake whō he deposed was wel assuaged in effect quenched within that space of .xxii. yeres which is a great part of a mans life and some wer reconsiled growen into his fauour of y● which he was neuer straūge when it was with true harte demaunded He was goodly of personage princely to beholde of hert couragious politike in councell and in aduersitee nothyng abashed in prosperitee rather ioyful then proude in peace iuste mercyfull in warre sharpe and fearce in the felde bold and hardie yet neuer thelesse no farther then reason and policie woulde aduenture whose warres whosoeuer circumspectly 〈◊〉 aduisedly considereth he shal no lesse cōmend his wisdome policie where he auoyded theim then his manhode where he vanquished theim He was of visage full faced louelie of bodie mightie stronge cleane made with ouer lyberall and wātō dyet he waxed somewhat corpulēt bourly but neuerthelesse not vncomely He was of youth greatly geuen to fleshely wantōnes from that which health of bodie in great prosperitee fortune with out an especiall grace hardlye refrayneth Thys faulte litle greued his people for neyther coulde any one mannes pleasure stretche or extende to the displeasure of veraye many nor a multitude bee greued by a priuate mannes fantesie or volupteousnesse whē it was doē wtout violēce And in his latter dayes he left al wild daliaūce fel to grauitee so that he brought his realme into a wealthie ꝓsperous estate al feare of outwarde enemies were clerely extinguished no warre was in hande nor none toward but suche as no mā looked for The people wer toward their prince not in a cōstrayned feare but in a true louyng and wylfull obedience emongest theimselfe and the commons wer in good peace The lordes whome he knewe at variaunce he in his death bed as he thought he brought to good concord loue and amytee And a lytle before his death he left gatheryng of mony of his subiectes
did kenne Wher Ethelfryde on Idell was downe slayne And Redwald the feld ther had with payn ¶ Kyng Cadwan then out of this worlde so died Thesame yere so dyd Austyne also And Laurens made fully and glorifyed Archebyshop of Caunterbury tho And Ethelbert of Kent to heauen dyd go Thus chaunged they theyr habitacion Some to payne and some to saluacion ¶ Cadwall then the sonne of kyng Cadwan After his father had reigned .xiii. yere Was crowned at Westchester as a man Of Britons all as clerely dyd appeare The yere of Christ .vi. C. and .xvi. cleare That reygned well full syxtye yere and one Aboue all kynges as souerayne of echeone ¶ But kyng Edwyn then of Northumberlande The sonne and heyre vnto kyng Ethelfryde Was crowned kyng at Yorke I vnderstande For whiche the kyng Cadwall hym defyed And made hym warre with Britons fortifyed And sente hym worde no crowne for to were And elles he should vnder it his hed of shere Which Edwyn then accompted at ryght nought But kepte estate full royall and condigne with crowne of gold at yorke ful freshly wrought Elfrydes sonnes of his wronge wyfe vndigne Goten and borne he felly dyd repugne Hym dyd exyle in Scotlande dyd abyde For his mother was exyled by Ethelfryde ¶ And Ethelfryde hym gate on his wrong wyfe And had exyled his owne wyfe truely wed Edwyns mother as knowen was full ryfe Full great with chylde with hym as Bede hath red Then made he welles in dyuerse countrees spred By the hye wayes in cuppes of copper clene For trauelyng folke faste chayned as it was sene ¶ And euery daye he rode withouten reste With trompettes lowde afore him where he rode That euery wyght myght suerly in hym truste That he wolde then of his ryghtwyshode Do euery man ryght without more abode All complayntes here as lawe wolde reforme So all his lyfe to rule he did confirme ¶ He sente vnto Ethilbalde kyng of kent His syster for to haue and wed her to wyfe Dame Ethelburge that was full fayre and gent But Ethelbalde then sent hym worde by lyfe It was not good but lykely to make stryfe That a christē woman to a Paynim shuld be wed And elles he sayde his message had be sped ¶ Edwyne then sent his message so agayne He wolde well she kepte her owne creaunce And bade hym sende with her a chapelayne And clerkes wyse without any varyaunce To kepe her in her fayth and in all suraunce And yf her fayth be better then is myne When it is knowen I wyll therto enclyne ¶ Kyng Ethelbald her sent with Paulyne That sacred was byshop of Yorke that tyme By Iusto archbyshop that was full fyne Of Caunterbury to kepe her true Bapteme And her beleue that none her fethers lyme With heresye to foule his owne creaunce Thus wedded he her at Yorke in all suraunce ¶ The yere of our Lorde .vi. hundreth .xx. tho And fyue therto as Bede hath clerely writen And in the yere .vi. hundreth and twenty so And syxe therto kyng Edwyn as is weten To westsex went where batayle sore was smyten Betwene hym and byshop Quychelyne King Kinigils sonne of westsex then so fyne ¶ Where then he slewe this manly Quichelyne For cause he had compassyd his death afore By pryuey wyse as he coulde ymagyne He put the lande then vnder trybute sore And Kynygell the kyng of westsex thore Became his man and helde of hym his lande At his byddyng to ryde with hym and stande The .xci. Chapiter ¶ Howe Cadwall fled and was dryuen from his realme by kynge Edwyn and helde it in subieccion and was baptyzed by saynt Pawlyn archbyshop of Yorke KYng Cadwallo then of all Brytons The yere of Chryste .vi. C. and eyghtene By wronge councell on Edwyns regions Great warres made but Edwyn then full kene Faught with hym there full sore as it was sene And to the flyght hym droue out of the felde All Britayne lande he conquered so and helde ¶ Cadwallo fled vnto lytell Britayne And dwelled there in heuynesse and in payne By dyuers yeres and durste not come agayne For power none he myght not yet obteyne The Britaynes durste hym not obeyne For kyng Edwyn had hole dominacyon Of theim and Saxons of the Scottyshe naciō ¶ And in the yere of Chryste .vi. C .xx. and .vi. Edwyns doughter that named was Eufled At Yorke was borne to whome men dyd complex Maydens twelue to take the chrystenhede That lordes doughters wer of great worthihed● Whiche saynt Paulyn archbyshop dyd baptyse In Yorke mynster in full holy wyse ¶ And in the yere of Chryste .vi. C .xx. seuen The chrysten lawe disputed amonge his lordes Was founde beste to wynne the blysse of heuen Wherfore Edwyn by good and hole concordes Both of his comons and also of his lordes With all his realme baptime toke as goddes mē Of saint Paulin that archbishop was then ¶ In that same yere byshoppe Honorius To Paulyn sent the palle of dignyte The kyng Edwin and this ylke Paulins Yorke mynster made newe of greate beaute And comons all full well so baptized he In Northumberlande in Swale Owse Trent And other ryuers in countrees where he went ¶ By thyrty dayes and sixe labored he thus And then he came to Lyncolne with Edwyn Where he conuerted Blecca as Bede sayth to vs The Mayre and all the cōmons by his doctryne And Lyndsey hole vnto the fayth deuyne And made the mynstre of Lincolne at his costage Of kyng Edwyn and also the colage ¶ And in the yere .vi. hundreth and thyrty moo Iusto dyed to whome Honoure dyd succede Of Caunterbury archbishop made was tho Whome saint Paulin as wryten hath sent Bede Dyd sacre then at Lyncolne so in dede In the mynster that he and Edwyn founde The kynges colage named that ylke stounde ¶ And in the yere .vi. hundreth thyrty and two Kynge Edwyne by holy doctryne Of saynt Felyx an holye preste that was tho And preachyng of the holy archbyshop Paulyn Of Chrystes worde and verteous discyplyne Conuerted Edordwolde of Estangle the kyng And all the realme where Felyx was dwellyng ¶ At Dōmok then was Felyx fyrste byshop Of Estangle and taught the chrysten fayth That is full hye in heauen I hope But then the kyng Edwyn as Bede sayth Had made the people stable in the chrysten layth To Yorke went home with hym also Paulyn To rule the lande after the lawe deuyne The .xcii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Cadwall and Penda slewe kyng Edwyn and reigned ouer Brytons agayne BVt in the yere .vi. hundreth thyrty thre Kyng Cadwall of Britaine that had been With king Penda of Merces great coūtre Assembled stronge with hostes fell and kene And Northumberlande brent as then was sene And slewe both wyfe and chylde olde and yinge Prestes and clerkes they spared there no thyng The churches all they brente and foule destroied Whome Edwyn met with power that he might At Hatfelde towne in herte
full fine That chaunged then mayden castell name To Edenbrough a towne of greate fame The C .j. Chapiter ¶ Cuthred kyng of Westsex protectonr of England and reigned sixtene yere CVthred was kyng crouned of al Westser And protectour of all Englāde that daye His kynges vnder hym that then wer full sixe Did hym homage anone withouten delaye Saue Ethelbald of Mers that saied hym naye For whiche he warred on hym then full sore That bothe their landes troubled were therfore ¶ Full oft thei mette faught with great power Some that one some tyme that other had Victorie in felde with strokes bought full dere But when that kyng Ethelbald was moste glad This kyng Cuthred that was nothyng a drad At Berford with hym mette in strong battaill And slewe hym then as Bede maketh rehersall ¶ Which Ethelbald in Mers one fourtye yere Had reigned hole and diuerse abbeys founded In Mers lande at Crouland one full clere Of Monkes blacke within the fennes groūded To whiche Turketyll his chaunceler founded Gaue sixe maniers to theyr foundacion And abbot there was made by installacion ¶ This Battayl was of Christes natiuitee Seuen hundreth and fyue and fyftye yere Wher Ethelbalde of Mers the kyng did dye To whom Borrede there was the kyng full clere But this Cuthrede of Westsex layed on here Was in the yere of Christes birth to weten Seuen hundreth hole and syxe and fyfty written ¶ To whome Segbert in all regalites His cousyn next of bloode by all recorde Was kyng crowned and had the dignitee But full he was of malice and discorde That with his kynges could no tyme wel accorde Wherfore they would no lenger of hym holde But droaue hym out of all his lande full bolde ¶ For lawe ne peace he did not well conserue But chaunged lawe euer after his deuise From good to euell eche other to ouerterue To spoyle and robbe his commons to supprise Thus in the lande he made full great partyes Wherfore the kynges and lordes did hym expell That but one yere he dyd in it excell ¶ And afterwarde exiled as he hym hyd Within a wood a swynherd made his ende Then with his staffe he slewe hym so betyd For all his hye estate thus was he spend A prouerbe is of olde was wysemen kend That wronge lawes make euer shorte lordes Whiche wysemen yet remembre and recordes The C .ii. Chapiter ¶ Kynulphe kyng of Westsex protectoure of Englande the whiche reigned .xxvi. yere KYnulphe succeded had the gouernaunce Of Westsex then with all to it appente Protectour was by all thordinaunce Of kynges all and the lordes assent As his elders afore had regimente The yere of Christ .vii. hundreth fyfty and seuen As Bede hath written and accompted full euen ¶ Of all the kynges and lordes of Englande He tooke feautee and royall hole homage As souerayn lorde honoured in all the lande And mightly mayntened his heritage His kynges all and all his baronage The peace and lawe he kepte by diligence Was none that would displease his excellence ¶ He reigned hole in all kyndes suffisaunce Sixe and twentye yere fully accoumpted In greate honoure and myghty great puysaunce Was none hym like nor none hym surmounted But death alone to his corps amounted Dryuyng his soule out fro the worldly nest To heauens blisse eternally there to rest ¶ At wynchester he was full fayre buryed The yere .vii. hundreth foure score and also thre Emong the people highly magnifyed As to suche a prince longeth of royaltee Right well beloued of his lordes and cōmontee In whose tyme Offa of Mers kyng Vnto the B. of Roome sent his letters prayeng ¶ To depriue Lambert of Cauntorbury Of primacy and also of the palle Whiche the byshop Adrian anone hastely Graunted hym then by bulles written papall Lambert depriuyng of his sea primall By whiche Aldulphe byshop then of Lychfelde Hye primate was and thestate there helde ¶ The pall he had and all the dignitee Lambert depryued without any delay Of primacie and of all souerayntee Of all the churche of Englande hole that day From Humber south to Aldulphe did obeye And Lychfeld then for metropolitan sea Was set aboue and had the dignitee ¶ But Egfryde then the sonne of Offa kyng Of Mers the pall and all the primacie Did well restore to Christes hye pleasyng To Award then byshop of Caunterburye Wher it abode euer after worthyly Vnto this daye with all the dignitee As of olde right it should haue souerayntee ¶ This tyme Kynot of Pyghtes was the kyng Fro forth to Carleile and from the Scottishe sea To Tyne that tyme his lordshyp was dwellyng The whiche he helde by homage and feautee Of the kyng then of Northumberlande in fee And was his man also in warre and peace As his elders had doen without leace ¶ In whose dayes tharchbyshop Egbert Of Yorke brother was as I can vnderstande To the kyng of Northumberlande Edbert The primacye and pall brought to Yorkes lande By the B. of Rome graunted without gaynstand Whiche from the death of the good kyng Edwyn Had ceased long from the tyme of saynt Paulyn ¶ About this tyme as well is expressed Vnguste the kyng of Pyghtes rode in Englande On warre wher then he was full sore distressed By the manly kyng of Northumberlande Where he auoiwed yf he came to his lande A churche to make of full great dignitee In worship of saynt Andrewe should it bee ¶ And at his home commyng one Regalo Fro Constantyne by reuelacion Brought certayn bones of saynt Andrewe tho To kyng Vngust where by his relacion He founded then a mynster of his fundacion Of saynt Andrewe wher his bones shryned been As there in dede I was and haue it seen The C .iii. Chapiter ¶ Brightryke kyng of Westsex protectour of Englande reigned .xvi. yere that began to reigne in the yere of our Lorde vii hundreth .iiii. score and three and died in the yere .vii. C. foure score and nynetene BRightrike cousyn that was nexte of bloode To kyng Kenulphe by hole intelligence Of Westsex was kyng full wise good And protectour of Englande in regence Whiche gouerned right well with great sapience The yere of Christ .vii. hundreth .iiii. score three When that he tooke on hym the dignitee ¶ He wedded Edburge kyng Offa his doughter fayre Of Mers for loue peace good accorde Betwene theyr landes with all theyr hole repayre The kyng Albert also of good accorde Only of purpose to make concorde Of Eastlande came to Offa for peace Betwene theyr lande the warres for to ceasse ¶ And his doughter to wed vnto his wyfe For more suertee of loue and good accorde Whom quene Eburge of Mers because of strife Afore had be betwene hym and hir lorde And for she would not vnto the mariage accorde Made hym to bee slayn in full priue wise Within his bed afore that he myght ryse ¶ For whiche Offa greatly was agreued And buried hym at
greate meyne hym mette greate honour As if he had been of Roome themperour ¶ At his commyng again into England He gaue Norway vnto his soonne sir Swayne And to Herold his soonne as I vnderstand England he gaue of whiche he was full fain And to Harknowt Denmarke he gaue certain And so dyed in Christen whole creaunce At Shaftisbury buryed by his ordynaunce ¶ The yere of Christ a thousand so was than And thirty foure also truly written When he had reigned fro the tyme that he began Eightene yere whole as well it was wrytten With the darte of death whē that he was smitten In whose dayes the land was inquiet Full of riches and of welfare whole replete The C .xviij. Chapiter ¶ Herold kyng of England the soonne of kyng Kno wt reigned fiue yere and dyed in the yere a thousand and .xxxix. HErolde his soonne was crouned then in deede By Loofrike that duke of Leiscestre By Londoners in Flores as I reede By Danyshyr also as saieth the letter That strong werre then and of power greater Then other lordes of Englishe nacion At London made was this coronacion ¶ Alurede the soonne of kyng Ethelrede With fifty sailes landed at Southampton Wher kynge Herold with hoste hym met in deede Redy to fight with hym for the croune But certain lordes of Englondes region Betwene theim treated that Alurede went again To Normandy to duke Robert full plain ¶ But afterward as Alurede so rode Fro his mother vnto the kyng Herold The duke Goodwyn on Gyldismore hym bode With people greate of nombre manyfold And slewe his menne downe there as he would And led hym furth to Ely and hym slewe As traitour false that euer had bee vntrewe ¶ Some chronicle saieth he putte out bothe his eyen Fro whiche he dyed sone for pain and woo Some other sayin he slette his wombe full keen The lengest gut to a stacke he nayled tho Led hym about the stack ther with muche wo Till all came out that was his wombe within Thus sleugh thei hym with sobteltie and gyn ¶ His mother quene Eme Edward then sent To Normandy to duke Wyllyam anone That hir cousyn was to kepe he were not shent By kyng Herold of his cruelty alone Warnyng hym of the treasō that Herold had dooen For whiche cause Herold hir exild Out of England and Edward also hir child ¶ To Flaundres she fled then full sore amoued To erle Badwyn hir cousyn nie of bloodde Declaryng to hym howe Herold had distroyed Hir soonne Alurede that heyre of England stood And exiled hir without socour or good And Edward also hir soonne heire of England His brother children also awaye in vncouth land ¶ Wherfore therle to kyng Hardknowt then wrote All hir compleynt and of his socour prayed And he should help with all his might God wote It were amendid of that she was affrayed He came anone in warre full well aryed Into Flaundres his mother for to please Hir for to socour and sette hir hert in ease ¶ In whiche meane while the kyng Herold dyed At Westminster and buried was full feire After he had reigned as it is notified Fiue yere reigned without any heire Of his body gotten after hym to repeire England to gouerne wherfore the lordes by assēt To kyng Hardknowte then into Flaundres sente ¶ To bee their kyng sith Herold was a gone To please hym with and his mother to comfort Who came to England furth with anone And crouned was with all the whole disport That lordes conde as Flores dooeth report Thus kyng Hardknowt was kyng of Englande than Who worthily that tyme to reigne tho began ¶ This kyng began his brothers death to venge On erle Gowyn that erle was then of Kent That peased was for he should not reuenge With riche giftes whiche that he on hym spent With meekenesse lowe swore that he was sent To dooe that thyng on pein of high treson By kyng Herold charged without reason ¶ Through good and giftes mighty hie riches And of his kyn that meekely hym obeyed And by acquaintaūce that thei made then expresse Vpon the holy euangelis sworne vndelayed The kyng graūted hym his grace was well payed To make hym of his coūsell of gouernaūce Without more wrath or any discordaunce ¶ He maried then his sister Gunylde to Henry Themperour that falsly was accused Of synne and cryme vsed in auoutry With a young manne the whiche hir excused After the lawe of the land that was there vsed By battaill of his hand that then their flewe His accusour approuyng hym vntrewe ¶ For the whiche she would nomore come in his bed But lyued sole euer after so hir life For good ne gold for aught that he hir beed For loue ne threte for betyng ne for strife With hym dwellyng forthwarde as his wife In all thynges els euer at his gouernaunce Bothe daye and night in womanly pleasaunce ¶ Kyng Hardknowt then his doughter maryed Vnto a duke of the Danishrie At Lambirgh dyed at his feast magnified Emong his lordes and all his prelacie And putte hym whole in God his high mercye And charged theim his brother Edward to croūe To reioyse the land of Englandes region ¶ This was the yere of Christ then inscriued A thousand whole fourty also and one When that he had reigned as was subscribed The twoo yere whole whē he was thus wyse gone For whom was made that tyme full muche mone At Wynchester byside his father buryed With lordes all thither full well accompaignied The C .xix. Chapiter ¶ Kyng Edwarde the confessour kyng of Englād reigned twenty and foure yeres that began the yere of Christ a thousand fourty and one and dyed the yere a thousand sixty and fiue EDward his brother sōne of kīg Ethelrede was crowned then kyng of Englande The yere of Christ a M. then in dede Fourtye one as Flores could vnderstande To whom the kyng Swayn of Denmarke lande The tribute whiche he had fully relesed And warres all betwene theim ceassed ¶ To sende hym then the hole Englyshe nauy Agayn Magnus that kynge was of Norwaye That helde it so by wrong and tirannie Whiche Edwarde sente anone in great araye With lordes knightes and squiers freshe gaye With archers many by whiche he gate his lande Of Norwaye hole and seazed it in his hande ¶ Erle Eustace of Boleyn that had wed Edwardes suster on his mother syde To Edwarde came at Douer sore bested Where then his men a burges slewe that tyde Wherfore therle Goodwyn set full of pryde Asked the kyng to haue delyueraunce Of therls men to byde his ordynaunce ¶ Notwithstandyng that Burges slewe his knight For that same cause wherfore he it denyed But made peace then as he therle had hight Of Boleyne so his brother in lawe alied For whiche therle Goodwyn sore replied And warred sore vpon the kyng eche daye With his sonnes fyue in full great araye ¶ Not cōsideryng that kyng
that countre slewe doune right The kyng then made a lord that Awbryke hight Erle of that countre that durst not Scottes withstande Wherfore he gaue Robert Mowbray that lande ¶ And made hym erle of Northumberland The kyng then sent vnto euery shire Iustices to sitte throughout all the land Of all lordshipis and knightes fees enquere What temporales he had to knowe he had desire And what perteined vnto his royall croune And what the churche had of deuocion ¶ Vnto his soonne eldest then generate All Normandy he gaue in heritage And England whole to Wyllyam nominate His second soonne gaue with all thauauntage And to Henry his third soonne young of age Therldome gaue then of Gloucester sea With the honour of slede for euer in certente ¶ He dyed the yere a thousand four score and ten And of his reigne twenty yere and four tho At Cane buried in thabbey that hight then Sainct Stephēs abbey by Cane that stādeth so His doughter Ade afore had maried tho Vnto therle Stephē of Bloyes a prince of might Of warres wyse and a full manly knight The C .xxiij. Chapiter ¶ Wyllyam Rufus kyng of England reigned thirtene yere and began to reigne in the yere of our lorde a thousand four score and ten dyed that yere a thousand one hundred three HIs soōne Wylliam Rufus as he deuised Was crouned then with great solempnitee But after soone duke Robert was auised To clayme England by his priorite And Normandy also as for his proprete As he that was his eldest soone and heire With hoste full greate in England game repeire ¶ And made greate warre vpon his brother so Three yere all out betwene theim so continued Till at last thei bothe betwene theim twoo Did condiscende as well to theim perteined With whole herte and will nothyng feined The iudgement of kyng Philip of Fraunce To vndergo and bide his ordinaunce ¶ In whiche meane while his brother erle Hēry The castels all belongyng to the croune As high constable of England properly Then seazed had in his possession As his office by good dereccion Asked of right and of good consuetude To kepe theim sure to the crounes excelsitude ¶ The kyng Philip by his auised parliament Gaue iudgement betwene the brethren twoo As kyng Wyllyam their father full ment All Normandy Robert should haue euer moo And Wyllyam England frendes should bee so And liue in peace without any clayme And either other releace and whole disclayme ¶ Th erle Henry of England then constable Deliuered all the castels and citees right To kyng Wyllyam his brother enheritable As he was bound and fully so had hight Duke Robert then his brother a worthy knight To England came to sport hym with his brother At whiche tyme either was glad of other The C .xxiiij. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Malcolyn of Scotland warred in England for his wife 's right pretendyng that she was right heire of England and afterward he did homage to kyng wyllyam Rufus for the realme of Scotland His Malcolin of Scotlād greatly claimed T To haue England then by his wifes right Margarete suster of Edgar heire ꝓclamed Of England whole that expelled was by might Of kyng Wyllyam conquerour by vnright So for his right the Northland he destroyed And home he went again nothyng annoyed ¶ But then the kyng and his brethren twoo To Scotland rode and wasted sore the land Till Malcolyne came and did his homage By letter wrytten and sealed I vnderstand Whiche Hardyng gaue in to kyng Henryes hād Without reward or any recompence Of mayne labour his costagis and expence ¶ The duke Robert went home to Normandy And kyng Malcolyne his soonne then Edward Warred again Northumberland in hie But erle Robert that kepyng had and ward Of Northūberland with hym then faught full hard Byside Alnwike at Malcolyne well were slain There Malcolyne and Edward his soōne certain ¶ Whē quene Margret so of that tidynges knewe She eate neuer meate for sorowe dyed anone At Dunfermelyn buryed as then was dewe But nowe she is there shryned in fleshe and bone Workyng miracles as sayeth many one Entombed faire and in the firetree translate Of whiche abbey nowe is she aduocate ¶ The Scottes then made Dunwalde so their kyng Malcolynes brother that to it had no right But Dunkā sonne of Malcolyne that knowyng With helpe of kyng Wyllyam and royall might Of Scotlande so droaue hym awaye to flight And crouned was as chronicles vnderstande And homage made to wyllyam for his lande ¶ Sone after kyng Dunkan of Scotland slayn By treason was and Dunwall restitute Vnto the croune of Scotlande then agayne Whome Edgare then by succoure and refute Of kyng Wyllyam droue out all destitute Of any helpe and crouned was in Scotlande To kyng Willyam did homage for his lande ¶ Of whose homage Iohn Hardyng gaue that letter Full clerely made written well and sealed The whiche also with other letters better That by reason maye not be repeled The whiche yf he would haue enbeseled The kyng Iames vnto his waryson A M. marke hym hight of his discrecion ¶ And in his tyme Roes that Richarde hight The kyng of Wales in battayl strong was slayn Besyde the castell of Brekenham then full right Fro whiche tyme forthe theyr kynges seazed full playn And princes called they were soth to sayn The kyng with hoste on Robert Monbraye rode Who with the kyng faught of his traytourhode ¶ And discomfite helde Bamburgh castell then And the kyng enduryng full .vii. yere Consentyng with the lordes that so began For to depose the kyng of his croune clere And duke Robert his brother with great power To croune and make the kyng of all Englande With Normandy to ioyse I vnderstande ¶ The kynge exiled Anselme of Cauntorbury Tharchebyshop that withstode his wronges Doen to the churche and to the prelacie To the commons also that theim belonges Seuētene tounes with also many churches amōges And abbeys foure he wasted and confounde The newe forest in Hamshire for to founde ¶ He buylded the Newcastell vpon Tyne The Scottes to gaynstande and to defende And dwell therin the people to enclyne The towne to builde and walle as did append He gaue theim ground golde ful great to spend To buylde it well and wall it all aboute And fraunchised theim to paye a free rent out ¶ The rentes frutes to tharchbishop ꝑteinyng And to the byshoppes of Wynchester Sarum And also .ix. abbeys lyuelod conteynyng In his handes leazed and held all and some But for his workes buylynges held eche crome With whiche he made then westmynster hall And the castel of Newecastell withall ¶ That stādeth on Tyne therin to dwel in warre Agayne the Scottes the countree to defende Whiche as men sayd was to hym mekill deer And more pleasyng then otherwyse dispende And muche people for it did hym cōmende For cause he dyd the commen wealthe sustene Of marchers vnnumerable to mayntene The
bare with Iueles full royall And clothes ryche that were well ordynaté For that ylke feste and state imperyall Fro South vnto the Septentrionall Where then none suche accompted of rychesse As there were then as wryten is expresse The C .xxxviii. Chapiter ¶ How kyng William of Scotland made homage for Scotlande and then after his coronacyon at Westmynster he went to Fraunce and so to Ierusalem by the assent of the Kynge Phylippe THe bishop of Duresme on his right hande The bishop also of Bathe on his left syde The kīg of Scottes Willyā for Scotlād Made hym homage and feaute leege that tyde Kyng Rychard then to Fraūce with muche pride Anone so yode tharchebishop Bawdewyne With hym then went worthy clerkes and fyne ¶ Sir Rauf Fulgence erle of Perche then also Robert Ferrers erle of Lecester then With erles fell and barons many moo Of all this land went many a worthy then Of England and Scotland many a manne Of Ireland Wales Guyan and Normandy Then with hym went in that voyage on hie ¶ The kyng Philip shippid his hoste at Iene The kyng Rychard tooke the sea at Marsile With all his hoste without other meene Within short tyme arriued vp in Cisile Wher he full faire receiued was that while By kyng Tancred soonne of Wyllyam Whiche Wyllyā wed his suster Iohan by name ¶ The kyng Rychard twoo Isles ther cōquered Byside Cisile to his suster theim gaue To hir lyuyng and bade hir not bee fered For he should se hir dower she should haue Longyng to the right that she should craue And at Meschyne kyng Rychard then did make A Bastell strong the Sarsyns for to wake ¶ And sailed furth to Cipres then hy sea Wher his mother hym mete with dame Barnage The kyng his doughter of Nauerne faire free Whom ther he wed in lawfull mariage At Lymosyn in his pilgremage A citee great full of all habundaunce Whiche by assaute he gate of his puysaunce ¶ The kyng Rychard rode then to Nichosie And gate the citee with force and might The citee also of Cheryn mightely Wher his doughter and heire he toke full right To Buffenet and Baffe that were full wight To Dendamour and Candor his citees He went anone with greate felicitees ¶ He gate theim all all the realme throughout And toke the kyng Isaak and hym slewe And wed his doughter vnto the kyng full stout Of Ierusalem whose wife was dedde then newe That Sibill hight that doughter was mēne knewe Of Almarike kyng of Ierusalem The brother of Geffrey of Angeou hir eme ¶ This kyng Rychard that realme of Cipris wāne To whome the lordes echeone did their homage And anone by sea with many a manne To Acres wher in that ilke voyage He toke a ship of high and greate auantage Of ablementes for warre and ordinaunce The whiche he had with hym in gouernaunce ¶ But fiftene Sarsyns there he dreyncte And twoo hundred he kept that ship to gnie To Acres then wher kyng Philip full feyn● Had sieged long without remedie But kyng Rychard of Acres toke in hie The stronger syde and gaue it greate affraies Late and erly bothe by nightes and dayes ¶ He gate it sone with his greate ordinaunce And on the walles his baners full hie he sette The kynges armes he sette vp also of Fraunce And kyng Guyes armes of Ierusalem well bette The duke of Oistrich Lympold without lette Set vp his armes after aboue theim all Whiche kyng Rychard did cast doūe ouer that wall ¶ With wages greate and riches manifold He ryched his mēne rode throughoute all Surry The citees all and castelles that he would He gate with force and came again in hie To castell Pilgrym whiche kyng Philip pleinly Beseged had full long and went his waye Whiche Rychard beseged in greate araye ¶ To the whiche there was no waye but one full straite On a cawsey with dikes depe and wyde Strongly walled with towres on to wayte With many drawe bridges wher none might go ne ryde Strongly cheined with barris on eche side Whiche castell then he gate in dayes ten With battaill sore wher he sleugh many menne ¶ The cheynes of yrone he stroke vp with his axe Bothe at Acres and at castell Pilgrym And brent theim all as thei had been of waxe Cheynes barres with muche might that tyme The Sarasyns also he slewe with muche gryme The kyng Philip fell sicke and home would gone To Fraunce anone and toke his menne echeone ¶ Vnto the duke of Burgoyn theim to lede To bide for hym vpon the warres there And home so went to Fraunce without drede Wher then he made greate warre and muche dere In Normandy and Guyan fouly hym bere Against his othe and his greate assuraūce At their passage by couenaunt and concordaunce The C .xxxix. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Rychard sold the realme of Cipres to Statyn once an other tyme to the kyng Guy● Lezinaunt to resorte to hym to his heires in de faute of issue of theim HE sold Cipresse to kyng Statyn of might An other tyme to Guy Lizenaūt full bold For great riches the resort again of right And for greate sommes of innumerable of gold His prisoners he raunsomed sore and sold But with his hoste full well he distribute All that he gate vnto their greate refute ¶ Ioppen he gate and it repaired newe He and the duke of Burgoyn full sore sought On the Soudan and felly did pursue To castell Assure fro whens he fled vnfought But kyng Rychard that of no perill rought Was hurt right ther with dartes venemous Fiue woundes sore mortall and perelous ¶ The droue hym then into Ierusalem And layed a sege about the citee rounde And kyng Rychard hard howe fro Egipt realme Came strong vitail and ryches in that stounde With full greate hoste the Christen to confounde By night he came and there theim discomfete With worship greate and farpassyng profite ¶ Gase he buylded full faire and Ascaloyn To the templers to whome afore thei longid He deliuered and made hym redy boun For to assayle the citee and haue fongid With might of menne laddirs full well hongid Engynes and gonnes greate stones for to cast Whiche to haue wonne thei were full like at last ¶ The Soudan out by night then stale awaye And Christen menne the citee gate anone And kyng Rychard with all the hoste his waye Toke to the Flum of Cedar on his foon He folowed fast with hoste as he might goon With the Soudan faught putte hym fro that feld And mightely fro hym he rest his sheeld The C .xl. Chapiter ¶ Howe the Soudā toke a trewce with kyng Rychard after he had putte hym to flight wonne his citee and castels in Surry Kyng Rychard gaue Ierusalem and that realme of Surry to his susters soonne Henry erle of Campanya with the heire Sibill to his wife and homewardwas takē prisoner in Oistrich but in his gift of Surrry 〈◊〉
Iohn of Gaūt in dede And his brother Edmond then faught full sore Were neuer twoo better knightes thē thei in dede That better faught vpon a feld afore It was but grace that thei escaped thore Thei putte theim selfes so ferfurth ay in prces That wounded wer thei bothe full sore no lees The C .lxxxv. Chapiter ¶ Howe prince Edward of Wales wedded dame Iohā doughter of Edmond Wodstoke erle of Kent he of that third degree and she of the second THese brethrē twoo with their Englishe power Set Iohn Moūtfort ī his whole ducherie With great honour manhode all in fere Erle Iohn of Kent dedde was afore sothely Erle Edmōdes soōne to whom dame Iohā truly His sister was heire whome therle Mountague Of Salisbury had wed of maiden newe ¶ And hir forsoke after repudiate Whom his styward sir Thomas Holand wed And gate on hir Thomas erle of Kent late And Iohn Holand hir other soonne she hed Thomas their father dyed of sickenes bested The prince hir vowid vnto a knight of his She saied she would none but hym self I wis ¶ For hir beaute all onely he hir tooke And wed hir so and to Guyan went The yere was then a thousand who so loke Three hundred also sixty and fiue extent Rychard his soonne whiles he was there regent In Burdaur borne was thē with great gladnes Supposyng then of hym greate worthynes ¶ The kyng Peter of Castell and Lyon To Burdeaux came ther prince Edward beheld To gette again his worthy region Fro whiche his brother bastard with full strong beeld Had putte hym out thought it for to weeld For whiche the prince with all his hole power Rode into Spain to helpe hym to conquer ¶ Wher thē he faught against the bastard strōg The third daye of Aprill accompted then In battaill sore ferfoughten ther full long In whiche were slain full many a Spanish māne The basterd fled the prince the feld there wan And sette the kyng Peter in his region In peace and rest without rebellion The C .lxxxvi. Chapiter ¶ Howe the lordes of Italy sent ambassiate to kyng Edward for sir Leonell of Andwarp to make hym kyng of Italy who was create erle of Vister by his wife doughter heire to Rychard erle of Vister of whom he gate dame Philip wedded to Edmond Mortimer erle of Marche whiche erle of Marche gate Roger erle of Marche and my lady Percy THe duke of Milayn that hight sir Bernabo The lord Mātowe the marques Ferrar The lord of Mountpollestrme then also The lordes of Iene of Pyse that then were The lordes of Venis and Florence there To kyng Edward sent ambassiate By commen assent of papall senate ¶ For Lionell his soonne with theim to send The duke his doughter of Melayn for to wed Promisyng hym then hym so to recommend That of Itale the rule sholde all be led By hym and his frendes of Italye bred And in short tyme to ioye and bere the croune Of all Italye the royal region ¶ His wife was dedde and at Clare was buried And none heire he had but his doughter faire Philp that hight as chronicles specified Whom quene Philip Christened for his heire Tharchbishop of Yorke for his compeire Hir godmother also of Warwyk the countesse A lady was of all greate worthynes ¶ The kyng his soonne sir Leonell create Duke of Clarence and to Melayn hym sent With chiualrie of fame well ordinate And squyers freshe galaunt and sufficient With officers and yomen as appent And with hym went that greate ambassiate At his costage to Melayn consociate The C .lxxxvii. Chapiter ¶ Howe sir Leonell when his wife Elionor was dedde was create duke of Clarence and weddid the dukes doughter of Melayn in Lumbardy and dyed ther had no childe with her and some saye he is buried there and some saye his boones were brought home and buried at Clare in Essex but in trouth of Clare he had his name and honoure of duke of Clarence for Clare is called Clarencia in Latyne and also Clarence in Frenche THis duke royall of Clarence excellent At Melayne wedded was thē in royal wise With that lady fayre and beneuolent Full royally as to suche a prince shuld suffice And all the rule he had by councell wyse Fro mount Godard vnto the citee of Florence And well beloued was for his sapience ¶ In citees all he helde well vnitees Greate iustes ay and ioyus tournementes Of lordes knightes he made great assemblees Through all the lande by his wyse regimentes They purposed hole by theyr commen assentes To croune hym kyng of all great Italie Within halfe a yere for his good gouernaly ¶ In all the world was then no prince hym like Of hie stature and of all semelynesse Aboue all men within his hole kyngrike By the shulders he might be seen doutlesse As a mayde in halle of gentilnesse And in all other places sonne to rethorike And in the felde a Lyon marmorike ¶ In whiche meane tyme his iustes his excesse His great riot and wynes delicacie His ghoste exiled out of his corps doutlesse Afore the daye set of his regence For whom was made great mone through Italie Some sayen he is buried at Melayn And other some saye at Clare certayn ¶ But chyldren had he noone but Philip heire By Elizabeth his first wyfe whiche the kyng Edwarde maryed to Emond Mortymer Th erle of Marche that was his warde fulying Who gate on hir Roger their derelyng And Elizabeth wed to Henry Percy Sonne and heyre vnto therle Henry ¶ Of Northumberland which two both father sonne Wer knightly men in warres ay occupied Beyonde the sea great worshyp had they wonne In many a realme full greatly magnified For marcyall actes by theim multiplied The whiche were long here to reporte For in theyr tyme they were of noble porte ¶ But of the prince Edwarde yet wold I saye Howe he fro Spayne departe then in dede The kyng Peter toke hym his doughters tweyn Thelder hight dame Constaunce as I rede To duke Iohn wedded his lyfe with her to lede The yonger hight dame Isabell by name The duke Edmōd of Yorke wedded of great fame ¶ And in the yere a thousande fully written Thre hundreth eke sixty and also fouretene The prince Edwarde died as well was weten At Kenyngton which was his palice clene And buryed was at Cauntorbury as I wene Betooke hym hole to goddes disposicion After his mercy to suffre his punycion ¶ And in the yere of Christes incarnacion A thousande hole and three hundreth signified The prince pereles by all informacion Sixty and seuentene clerely notified Great syckenesse so had hym victoried And droue hym out from all his region That neuer prince might haue dooē by persecuciō ¶ In Iune the .xxii. daye expresse Was when he died from this world expired That was the floure of earthly worthynes That to the height of knighthode had aspired His owne hande pereles as was
that dede being very sore moued therwith wēt to the dukes place coming before his grace stode lyke a man strykē with some sodeyn dysease very pale holding his head downe the duke maruayling at hym enquyred what the matter was To whom he sayde O moost noble duke my time is at hande thys palenes betokeneth death without remidy That I would God yt had come before this day then it should not haue greued me so much And thys all cometh to me through a deed that you haue done of late which wil ether cause me to lose my life or els to lyue in moost miserie wretchednes as one wery of thys present lyfe The noble actes that you haue doone moost noble prynce haue enhaunsed your fame glory to the fardest part of the world but this one thing me thynke I praye you pardōme what I saye is a great blemyshe to your dygnitee that forgetting the promyse that you made so faythfully haue geuen the innocēt erle of Richmounte to be destroyed pitefully killed emonge wretched knau es hangmen Wherfore they that loue you of whom I am one cannot but lamente ●o see you dyshonored by this great fault of periury Whē he had sayd the duke answered hold thy peace man I praye the ther is no such harme shal chaunce to him Edwarde the kinge woulde haue him to mary his daughter Then sayd Iohn Beleue me mooste excellente and redoubted prynce this Henry is nowe almoste famyshed and loste yf he once goo out of your countree he is but cast awaye and paste all recouerye At these wordes the duke was persuaded through the whych he commaūded one Peter Lādoson hys receauer to take the same Henry frō the ambassadours The sayd receauer pursued the Englyshe ambassadours to Maclonium and there holdyng theim wyth long cōmunication made him to be conueyed into a sētuary whych was then almost ded through that feuer and thought whych he was caste in And so after that he was emended broughte hym to the duke The ambassadours then beyng spoiled and deceaued both of theyr pread and mony that they brought desyred that same receauer that they might not goo home in that wyse whyche receauer promised that he woulde eyther kepe hym in sentuary or eles cause hym to be imprisoned at the duke his place so that they should neuer neede to feare hym In all thys tyme Edwarde beynge desyreous to knowe what became of the Earle was enfourmed that he was taken prysoner but after that escaped they re handes where at the kinge was verye angrye but when he knewe that he should bee kepte in holde was well pleased then dyd take no thought And liued after that most welthy sparing no expēses nor cost in kepyng his house neuertheles he dyd fall into one great offence in this time For sodēly he cōmaunded his brother the duke of Clarence to be killed drowned in an hogshhed of malmesey And the cause of hys death was as men report through a certaine prophecie which sayd the after kyng Edwarde one shuld reigne whose name begā wyth a. G. which prophecye some sayde was completed fulfilled when the duke of Glouceter the after hym had the kingdome dyd reigne Some holdeth another opinion of this his death saiyng that at what time the olde malice dyd breke out bewixt thē both the duke through his sisters councel woulde haue maried lady Mary that duke of Burgoyn his only daughter which mariage the kyng did infringe stoppe as one enuiyng of his brothers felicitee or good chaunce After that they both beryng in theyr mindes mortall hatred one of the sayde duke hys seruauntes was accused of wichcraft charming for which offence he was put to death The duke 〈…〉 g that could not but speake resist againste the 〈…〉 g his cōmaundement and therfore was com 〈…〉 ted to prison ther beyng was killed and procla 〈…〉 d after as a traytour to the kyng for whose 〈…〉 that the king was verye sory and whan any 〈…〉 kneled to hym and asked pardon 〈…〉 der he would saye O infortunate bro 〈…〉 that noman would aske thy pardon And this duke had .ii. children one lady Margarete that was after maried to Richard Pole an other Edward whome the kyng made earle of Warwyke but this childe folowyng the fate and destenie of his father was after putte in prisone there priuely put to death And these thinges were doone in the yere of oure Lorde a thousand foure hundreth and foure score and the .xix. yere of the reigne of kyng Edward And two yeres then after folowing the kyng died before the whiche yeres he beganne to bee very harde and couetouse in getting monye and also very diligent in marking attaching his lordes that did offend In this time the kyng of Scottes willed his soōne Iamy to be maried to the kynges doughter lady Cicile which was the yonger that should haue been maried to Charles the kyng his soonne of Fraunce But it chaunced not thorow Lewes the kyng that brake his promise bothe in geuing his seruice and payeng his raunsome the laste yere of his reigne Likewise the kyng of Scottes seing that Lewes the kyng was false of his promise he thoughte he might bee so bolde too and so breaking league of amite sette vpon the Englishe men At the which Edward was sore vexed and entended batayl against hym yet after that he knewe the it was not by his wyll but thorowe the councell and euell disposed mindes of his lordes woulde haue borne it in good worthe had not kyng Iames owne brother streight vpon that prouoked hym to fighte Furthermore suche was the nature of the Scottishe kyng that when he had sette his minde vpon a thing no manne coulde turne hym and because that no manne mighte reproue hym in any thing he promoted laye people menne of basse bloude to his counsell putting to deathe or banishyng euermore the nobilitee Emong whom this duke of Albanie his brother consydering the condicyons of the king fled to the kyng of Englād at what time he was sent into Fraūce ther counsailed the kyng to fight against hym The king willing to reuēge his olde iniuries vpon many consideraciōs gathered entēded no lesse by the helpe of the saied duke of Albany then to kepe open warre So that he did send the duke of Gloucestre the erle of Northumberlād syr Thomas Stanley this duke of Albany with a great power of men against the Scottes The king knowing of their cōming went to Barwyke with his army to kepe theim from the borders but perceiuing that he was not hable so resist their great power fled backe in the night to Edinbrough ther taryed for his enemies And the duke of Gloucestre folowing burned and spoyled all the way when he was somewhat nighe his enemies perceiuing also that none of the Scottishe lordes came to the duke of Albanye mistrusted that some deceyte or crafte was
wherof cannot be wel perceaued excepte we report some thynges longe before done aboute kynge Edwardes maryages After king Edwarde the .iiii. had deposed king Henry the .vi. was in peasyable possession of the realme determyning him selfe to mary as was requisite both for him self and for the realme he set the earle of Warwike and diuerse other noble mē in ambassade to the Frenche kynge to entreate a maryage betwene that kyng and Bona syster to the Frenche kyng In whych the Earle of Warwike founde the parties so towarde and wyllinge that he spedely wythout anye dyfficultie according to hys instruccyons broughte the matter to a good conclusion Nowe happened yt in the meane season there came to make a sute to the kynge by petycyon dame Elyzabeth Greye whyche after was hys quene then a wyddowe borne of noble blood specyallye by her mother whyche was Duchesse of Bedforde and she was maryed to syr Rychard Wooduyle Lorde Ryuers her father Howebeit thys Elyzabeth beynge in seruyce wyth quene Margarete wyfe to kynge Henrye the syxt was maryed to one Ihon Greye Esquyre whome kynge Henrye made knyghte at the last hattayle of Saynte Albons but lytle whyle he enioyed hys knyghtehoode for at that feelde he was slayne Afterwarde that kynge Edwarde was kynge the Earle of Warwyke being on his ambassad this poore ladye made sute to the kyng to be restored to such small landes as her husbande had geuen her in ioyntour whom when the kyng beheld and heard her speake as she was bothe fayre and of a good fauoure moderate of nature well made and very wyse he not alonlye pytied her but also wexed enamored on her and takynge her secretly a syde beganne to enter into talkynge more famylyerly whose apetite when she perceaued she vertuoslye denyed him but that dyd she so wyselye that with so good maner wordes so wel set that she rather kyndled hys desyre then quenched it And fynally after manye a metynge and muche wowynge and manye great promyses she well espyed the kynges affeccyon towarde her so greatelye encreased that she durstesomewhat the more boldly say her mynde as to hym whose hearte she perceaued more feruently set then to fall of for a word And in cōclusiō she shewed hym playn that as she wyst her self to sīple to be his wife so thought she her selfe to good to be hys concubyne The kyng much maruelyng of her constancy as he that had not bene wont elles where so styfly sayd nay so much estemed her continencye chastitee that he set her vertue in stead of possessiō and rychesse And this taking councel of his owne desyre determyned in hast to mary her And after that he was thus apoīted had betwene thē twayn ēsured her thē asked he the coūcel of his secret frēdes that in such maner that they myght easly perseaue that it boted not to say nay Notwythstandīg the duches of york his mother was so sore moued ther with that she diswaded that mariage as much as she possible might Alledgyng that it was his honour profite suretie to marye in some noble progenie oute of the realme wherupon depended greate strength to his estate by that affinitee and greate possibilite of encreace of his dominions And that he could not well otherwise dooe consideryng the erle of Warwike had so ferfoorth entered into the matter all readie whiche was not like to take it well if all his voyage were in suche wise frustrate his apointment deluded And she saied ferther that it was not princely to marye his owne subiect no greater occaciō ledyng therunto no possessions nor other commodyte dependyng therupon but only as a riche mā would mary his maydē onely for a litle wāton dotage vpon her persone In whiche maryage many menne commende more the maydens fortune then the mannes wysedome and yet she saied that there was more honestye then honoure in this maryage forasmuche as there is not betwene a marchaunt and his mayde so greate a dyfference as betwene a kyng and his subiect a great prince and a poore wydowe In whose persone although there were nothyng to bee mislyked yet was there saied she nothyng so excellent but that it might bee founde in dyuerse other that were more metely ꝙ she for your estate yee and maydens also the onely wydowhead of dame Elizabeth Grey although she were in all other pointes and thynges conuenient for you should suffise as me thynketh to refrayne you frō her maryage sith it is an vnsittyng thyng and a greate blemishe to the sacred maiestie of a prince that ought as nere to approche prestehoode in clennesse as he dooth in dignitee to bee defiled with bigamy ī his first mariage The kyng made his mother an aūswere parte in earnest parte in plaiemerely as he that wist hym self oute of rule albeit he would gladly that she should take it well yet was he at apoynct in his awne mynde tooke she it well or otherwise Howbeit somewhat to satisfie her he saied that albeit maryage beyng a spirituall thyng ought rather to bee made for the respecte of God where his grace enclineth the parties to loue together as he trusted it was in his case rather then for that regard of any tēporall aduaūtage yet neuer thelesse hym semed this maryage well consydered not to bee vnprofitable for he reconed the amytee of no earthely nacion to bee so necessary for hym as that frendship of his owne whiche he thought lykely to beare hym somuche that more hartie fauoure in that he disdayned not to mary with one of his awne land yet if outward aliaunce were thought so requisite he would finde the meanes to enter therunto muche better by other of his kinne where all that parties could bee contented then to marye hym selfe wherein he should neuer happely loue for the possibilite of possessiōs lese that fruyte pleasure of this that he had alreadie For small pleasure taketh a māne of all that euer he hath besyde if he bee wiued against his appetite and I doubte not ꝙ he but ther be as you saie other that bee in euery poinct comparable with her therfore I let not theim that like theim to mary theim no more is it reason that it mislike any manne that I marye where it liketh me And I am sure that my cousyn of Warwike neither loueth me so litle to grudge at that that I loue ner is so vnreasonable to look that I should in choise of a wife rather bee ruled by his yie then by myne owne as though I were a warde that were boūdē to mary by a garden I would not bee a kyng with that cōdicion to forbeare myne owne libertie in choyse of myne awne maryage as for possibylyte of more inheritaunce by newe affinite in straūge landes is ofte that occasiō of more trouble thē proffite And we haue already title by that meanes as lustiseth to get kepe well in one mannes daye That she is a
widowe hath already children By goddes blessed ladye I am a bacheler haue some too so eche of vs hath a proofe that nether of vs is like to be barren And therfore madame I praie you bee cōtēt I trust to God she shall bryng foorth a yoūge prince that shall please you And as for the bigamy let the bisshop hardely laie it to my charge whē I come to take ordres for I vnderstād it is forbiddē a preest but I neuer wist that it was forbidden a prince The duches with these woordes nothing apeased seyng that kyng so set on that she could not plucke hym backe so highly she disdeined it that vnder pretext of her dutye to Godwarde she deuised to dysturbe this maryage and rather to helpe that he should mary one dame Elizabeth Lucye whom the kyng not long before had gotten with chylde wherfore the kyng his mother obiected openlye against this maryage as it were in dyscharge of her conscyence that the kyng was sure to dame Elizabeth Lucye and her housbande before God by reason of whiche woordes suche obstacle was made in that matter that either the bysshoppe durste not or the kyng woulde not proceade to the solempnisacion of the mariage till this fame were clerly purged and the truth well and openly testified wherupon dame Elizabeth Lucye was sent for and albeit she was by the kynges mother and many other put in good comforte to affirme that she was assured to the kyng yet when she was solemply sworne to saie the truthe she confessed that thei were neuer ensured Howbeit she said his grace spake suche louyng woordes to her that she verely hoped that he would haue maryed her and that if suche kynde woordes had not been she would neuer haue shewed suche kyndenesse to hym to let hym so kyndely to gette her with childe This examynacion solemply taken it was clerely proued that there was no impedyment to lette the kyng to marye wherfore he shortlye after at Grafton beside Stonye stratforde maryed the ladye Elizabeth Grey verey priuelye whiche was his enemyes wife and had prayed hartely for his losse in the whiche God loued her better then to graunte her bone for then had she not been his wife And alter that she was crouned quene and her father was created Erle Riuers and her soonne created Marques Dorset But when the Erle of 〈…〉 arwike vnderstoode of this maryage he tooke it so highly that therof ensued muche trouble and 〈…〉 ate blooddshed as is declared before in the storye of Edward the fourth I haue rehersed this mariage somewhat the 〈…〉 at length because it might therby the better 〈…〉 vpon howe fleight aground the protectoure 〈…〉 coloure by whiche he pretended kyng 〈…〉 ldren to bee bastardes but the in 〈…〉 le as it was lyked theim to whom it suffyseth to haue somwhat to saye whyle they were sure to bee compelled to no larger proffe then theim selues lyst to make Nowe to retourne where I lefte as I beganne to shewe you it was by the protectoure his councell concluded that this doctour Shaa shoulde in a sermond at Paules crosse signifie to the people that neyther kyng Edward hym selfe ner the duke of Clarence were lawfullye begotten nor were the very children of the duke of Yorke but begotten vnlawfullye by other personnes by aduoutrye of the duches theyr mother And dame Elizabeth Lucye was the very wyfe of kyng Edwarde so prynce Edward all the chyldren begotten on the quene were bastardes And accordyng to this deuyce doctor Shaa the sōday after at Paules crosse in a greate audience as alwaye a greate nombre assembled to his preachyng came into the pulpet takyng for his Theme Spuria Vitulamina non dabunt radices altos Sapiencie quarto that is to saye Bastarde slyppes shall neuer take depe rootes whereupon when he had shewed the great grace that God geueth and secretlye infoundeth in right generacion after the lawes of matrymony Then declared he that those chyldren commenlye lacked that grace and for the punyshement of their parentes were for the moste parte vnhappye whiche were gotten in baste and speciallye in aduoutrye of whiche thoughe some by the ignorauncye of the worlde and the truthe hid from knowledge haue enheryted for a season other mennes landes yet God alwaye so prouydeth that it contynueth not in their bloodde longe but the truthe commyng to lyght the rightfull enheritoures be restored and the bastard slyppes plucked vp or it can bee rooted depe And when he had layd for the proofe and confirmacion of this sentence examples taken out of the olde testamente and other auncient historyes then beganne he to discende to the prayse of lorde Richarde duke of Yorke callyng hym father of the protectoure and declared his tytle to the croune by inherytaunce and also by an entayle autorysed by parliament after the death of kyng Henry the syxte Then shewed he that the lorde protectoure was onlye the right heire of his body lawfullye begotten then declared he that kynge Edward was neuer lawfully maryed to the quene but his wife before God was dame Elizabeth Lucye and so his chyldren were bastardes And besydes that that neyther kyng Edwarde hym selfe nor the duke of Clarence amongest theim that wer secrete in the duke of Yorkes houshold were neuer reconed surelye to bee the chyldren of the noble duke as those that by their fauoures more resembled other knowen menne then hym from whose verteous condicions he sayde also that kyng Edwarde was farre of But the lorde pretectoure ꝙ he that veray noble prince the specyall patrone of knightly prowes aswell in all princely behaueour as in the lyniamentes and fauoure of his vysage representeth the veraye face of the noble duke his father This is ꝙ he the fathers owne fygure this is his owne countenaunce that very print of his vysage the sure vndoubted ymage that playn expresse likenesse of that nobble duke Now was it before deuysed that in the speakyng of these wordes the protectour shuld haue come in amongest the people to the sermond ward to th ende that these woordes so metyng with his presence might haue bene taken amongest the herers as though the holye ghoste had put theim in the preachers mouthe shoulde haue moued the people euen there to haue cryed kyng Richard that it might haue bene after sayde that he was specially chosen by God and in maner by myracle but this deuyce quayled eyther by the protectoures neglygence or the preachers ouer hasty dilygence For whyle the protectoure founde by the waye tariynge leaste he shoulde haue preuented these woordes the doctoure fearynge that he shoulde come or his sermon coulde come to those wordes hastyng his matter thereto he was come to theim paste theim and entred into other matters or the protectoure came whome when he behelde cōmyng he sodenly left the matter whiche he had in hande and without any deduccion therunto out of al ordre and out of all frame beganne to
and also to arme theim selfes spedelye agaynste theyr enemies And so to come to our purpose agayn kyng Richard thorough the aforesaide tydynges beganne to bee more carelesse and rechelesse as who saye he had no power to withstand the desteny that honge ouer his hedde Suche is the prouydent iustyce of God that a manne dooeth leste knowe prouyde beware when the vengeaunce of God is euen at hande for his offences And to go forth at the tyme when Henry the earle of Richemounte remayned in Fraunce entretyng and suyng for ayde helpe of the Frenche men many of the chiefe noble men which had the realme in gouernaunce because of the young age of Charles the kyng fel somewhat at dissencion of the whiche variaunce Lewes the prynce of Orlyaunce was the chiefe and hedde whiche because he had maryed Iohanne the kynges syster looked to haue bene chiefe gouernoure of all the realme By the which meanes it came to passe that no one man had the princypall gouernaunce of the realme And therefore Henry the erle was constraigned to sue vnto all the nobles seuerallye one after another desyrynge and praiynge theim of aide and helpe in his purpose and thus the matter was prolonged In the meane tyme Thomas the Marques of Dorcet of whome we spake afore was preuely sent for to come home by his mother partely mystrustynge that Henrye should not preuayle and partly for the greate and large promesses that kyng Richard had made to her for hym before Whiche letters when the sayd Marques had receaued he beleuyng all thynges that his mother wrote vnto hym and also thynkyng that Henry should neuer preuayle and that the Frenchemen did but mocke and daylye with hym he sodeynly in the night tyme conueyed hym selfe out of Parys and with great spede made towardes Flaūders The whiche thyng when the erle and other of the Englishe lordes heard of thei wer sore astonned amased with all spede purchased of Charles the kyng a lycence and commaundement that the Marques might by steyed whersoeuer he wer found with in the dominion of Fraūce chiefly for that he was secrete of their councel and knewe all there purpose The cōmaundemēt was quickly obteyned postes made forth euery waye emōgest whom one Humfrey Cheyncy plaiyng the parte of a good blooddehounde so truely smelled out and folowed the trace that by and by he found out and toke the Marques and so handled persuaded hym with gentle and good woordes that shortely after he was content to retourne Then Henry beyng delyuered of this chaunce thought it best to prolonge the matter no farther least he should loose both the present oportunytee and also wery his frendes that looked for hym in Englande Wherfore he made haste and set forewarde with a small army obteyned of the Frenche kyng of whom he also borowed some money and some of other of his frendes for the whiche he left the Marques and Ihon Burchere behynde for a pledge And so setting forward came to Roan and whyle he taryed there and prepared shippyng at the hauen of Seyne tydynges cam to hym the kyng Richardes wyfe was deade purposed to mary with the lady Elysabeth kyng Edwardes eldest doughter being his nice that he had maried Cycile her syster to a mannes sonne of the lāde far vnderneth her degre At the whiche thyng Henry was sore amased and troubled thynkyng that by this meanes al his purpose was dashed for that there was no other waye for hym to come to the kyngdome but only by the maryage of one of kyng Edwardes doughters And by this menes also he feared least his frendes in Englande would shrynke frō hym for lacke of an honest title But after thei had consulted vpon the matter thei thought it best to cary a lytle to proue if they might gette more helpe and make mo frendes And among all other they thought it best to adioyne the lord Harbarte vnto theim whiche was a mā of great power in Wales and that should be brought to passe by this meanes for that the lorde Harbarte had a syster maryable whō Henry would be content to mary if he would take their part And to brīg al this matter to passe messengers were sent to Henry the erle of Northhumberlande whiche had maryed the other syster so that he should bryng this matter about but the wayes were so beset that the messengers could not come to hym And in the meane season came veray good tydynges from Ihon ap Morgan a temporall lawyer whiche signified vnto theim that syr Ryce ap Thomas a noble and valiaunt man and Ihon Sauage fauoured his parte earnestlye and also syr Reynolde Braye had prepared a greate summe of mony to wage battayl on his parte and to helpe hym and therfore he woulde they should make hast with all that euer they could and make towarde Wales Then Henry spedely prepared hym selfe because he would lynger his frendes no lenger And after that he had made his prayer vnto almightye God that he might haue good successe in his iourney only with two thousande menne and a fewe shyppes in the calendes of August he sayled from the hauen of Seyne and the seuēth daye after whiche was the .xxii. daye of August he aryued in Wales aboute sonne set lāded at Wilforde hauen in the parte whiche is called the Dale where he hearde that there was dyuerse layde in wayte for hym to kepe hym backe From thence in the mornyng betymes he remoued towarde a towne called Harford with in tēne myle of the Dale where he was very ioyfully receyued Here he had contrarye tydynges brought to that he hearde in Normādy afore that syr Ryce ap Thomas and Ihon Sauage wythal that euer they coulde make were of kyng Richardes parte Notwithstandynge they had suche tydynges sent theim frō the menne of Pembruche by a valiaūt gentlemā whose name was Arnold Butteler that it reioysed all their heartes whiche was that yf all former offences might bee remitted they woold bee in a redynesse to sticke vnto there owne Gespare the erle Then Henryes company by this meanes beeyng encreased departed frō Harforde fyue myle towarde Cardygane and then while he refreshed his menne sodenly came a rumoure vnto hym that the lorde Harbarte whiche dwelled at Carmerdyne was nye at hande with a greate armye of menne At the whiche rumoure there was a greate sturre amongeste theim euerye manne tooke hym selfe to his weapon and made theim selfes redye if nede were to fight and a lytle while they were all afrayed tyl such tyme as Henrye had sent out horsemen to trye the truthe whiche when thei came agayn declared that all thynges was quiet and that ther was no suche thyng But moste of all master Gryffythes a verye noble man did conforte theim and gladden their heartes whiche although before he had ioyned hym self to the lorde Harberte at that very tyme he cleued to Henry with suche companye as he had although they were but
great fauour wyth the kinges sonne Henrye the eyght but shortly after whan he beganne to exercyse hym selfe agayne in marciall feates of warre he sickened of a dysease called Plureses and died therewith whyche because it was straunge and vnknowen to the phisiciās it was incurable He lefte one sonne behynde hym alyue to vphold the name of that auncetree The other Wyllyam brother to Edmunde the earle of Suffolke had also greater fauoure showed hym in pryson then he had before And as for Iames Terel and Ihō Wyndham because they were traytours and manifestly accused of the same wer put to death and behedded But when the earle of Suffolke heard of thys he was in great despayre wyth hym selfe that he should neuer frame hys matters wel and so wente all aboute Germanye and Fraunce for ayde and socour prouyng yf he coulde fynde any helpe at their handes whom when he perceaued to showe no token of loue towardes him in that behalfe he made hym subiect to that prynce of Flaūders but hys brother Rychard beyng an experte man dyd so wysely order and behaue hym selfe in that businesse that he was not greatlye founde gyltie in any poynt of that matter The kyng not yet beyng out of all feare of his enemyes perceauyng that many sanctuary men loked for a fayre daye desired of Alexander byshop of Roome that all traytours and banished men should not be saued by any sanctuary and that such as were ther in holde should take theim herafter as no refuge and socoure to them yf thei once gooe out whych thyng after the byshoppe had graunted it was to the ease and quietnes of al the realme When the kynge had all hys busines so well ended and broughte in a good staye Prynce Arthure dyed halfe a yeare or lesse after that he had maried ladie Katheryn for whose death ther was great lamentynge It is reported also that ladye Katherine feared suche lyke chaunce euermore for because that after she had taken her leaue of her parentes and sayled towardes England she was tossed lōg in the sea wyth the violence of the water the wynd ere the shyppe coulde haue any lādyng Not longe after the quene was broughte ni bedde with a doughter and died vppon the same which daughter also taried but for a season after her mother Ther departed also within short space after Reynalde Bray a man for iustice so commēdable that yf any thyng had bene done agaynste good lawe or ryght he would streyghte reproue the kyng for it Of the same vertue was Ihon Mortō bishoppe would do in al thinges as he did in reprouing the kinge for the reformation of thinges amisse which bishop died .ii. yeres before About the tyme also dyed Henry bishop of Cāterbury whose roome Williā Warrā bishop of Lōdon supplied and in the byshop of Londons place was elected William Barons after whose deathe succeded Rychrde Fiziames byshop of Chichester In this yere which was the .xvi. of hys reygne and of our lorde M ccccc and .ii. yeres the kynge dyd kept his parliament wherin manye thynges were dereed and made for the publike commodytee and emong other thynges it was determyned that theues and murderers duly conuicted by the lawe to dye should be burned in that hand and quit yf thei could read on the booke any one worde Furdermore it was decreed that the people should paye certain mony to the kyng and that the goodes of theim that were banished and fled should be disparsed and set to sale Also the preestes were commaunded to pay mony for the maintenaunce and sustentacion of the common weale And now the kyng drawyng nigh to age and consideryng the great battayles that he had in tymes past which as it was thought came of ouer muche welthines prouided a remedy ryght shortly for it And to the entent that menne shoulde not thynck that he would oppresse them or do thē wrong for of all people he hated oppressours therfore he deuised with hym selfe by what honeste meane he might do it thus deuising called to minde that English mē dyd litle passe vpō the obseruaciō of any lawes that were made in so much the yf such a thynge should be called to accompte he thoughte manye men as well lordes as other of the lay fee would bee founde fautie And so searchyng ouer the statutes that he had made punished them a lytle by the pursse that had transgressed theim After that he appoynted two commyssioners to receaue the forfeictes the one Richarde Hempson and the other Edmunde Dudley booth lawers of the temporaltee whiche personnes for the desire to please their king had no respect how thei got the monye so thei myght haue it ether by ryght or wrong Albeit the kyng hauyng pitee of his people after that he perceaued they were sore punyshed and polled vnknowyng to hym restored to them their mony of whom it was exacted vniustlye and depryued thē of their offyce that had so vniustly executed it In this yere dyed quene Elisabeth of Castell wyfe to Ferdinand kyng of Aragone without any yssue of mā chyld so that the heritage dyd fall to lady Iohan her eldest daughter by Ferdinand whiche after was maried to the Earle of Flaunders thē made by this mariage also chiefe gouernoure ouer all that countree Shortly after about the .xiii. day of Ianuary which was the yere of our lord M ccccc and fyue thys Earle hauyng a nauye prepared sayled out of Flaunders with his wyfe to Spayne but he had not set forth longe ere the wether beganne to chaunge and tempestes to ryse so that at the last fearsenes of the wynde dyd dryue them to the coastes and borders of Englande wher he landed at an hauē or porte called Wynmouth sore againste the mynd and consent of all his companie which knewe well that the same landyng should bee the occasion of long tariyng there When it was kno●n that he was thus landed there came agreate nomber of harnissed men to proue yf he were the kynges frende or no whiche when thei perseaued hym to bee his frende and entended nothing but loue and frendeshippe Thomas Trencharde the chiefe of that compaignie went to the kyng desyring hym yf it would witesalfe hym to take a lodging at his house whiche was euen nigh at hand trusting therby to haue thāke of the kynges master whom he certifyed in al the haste of his commyng Also Iohn Caroe desired hym that he woulde not gooe vntyll suche tyme that he had spoken with the kyng his louing and feithfull frende consideringe that he was within two or thre dayes iourney of hym So that at length although he layde many excuses to haue been gooen and departed at their instance taried there with theim And when the kyng was enfourmed of his cōminge he reioyced highly and sente certaine of his nobilitee to bring hym where he was Wherfore this Erle seing no remedy but that he must nedes tary he went streight to Windesore where the kyng
dyd lye And shortlye after folowed his wife quene Iohan. After they two had cōmoned of many thinges together at the laste they beganne to treate of a league and perpetuall amitee to bee had And firste Kynge Henrye desired to haue Edmonde Poole banished man vnder his captiuitee and bondage To whome the Earle aunswered saied that it was not in his power to restore hym yet after muche entreating and praiyng the kyng graunted at the laste that he shoulde hee sente to hym righte shortly After thus for prolonginge of time that he might haue his desyre he brought Philyp the Earle to London and there shewing hym his citie retourned frome thence with hym Then Edmonde Poole seyng that there was no more hope to bee had in foren Princes and trusting that kyng Henry would put hym at libertee came to Englande willingly to proue his gentlenes that yf vpon this expectacyon and hope he were deceiued yet he might at the laste dye and be buryed in his natiue countree weare when he had receyued this garment he did send Balthesar Castillio a Mantuan borne vnto kyng Henry whiche receiued of the knightes a garter in token that he should be a knight of the same ordre When this busines was dooen Lewes the Frenche kyng mistrustyng that he shoulde neuer haue manchild maryed his eldest doughter Lady Anne to Frances Valese Dolphine Duke of Engosye which was sure a litle before to Charles the kyng of Castell And when kyng Henry knewe of this he thought beste to mary his doughter Lady Mary to this Charles kyng of Castell which mariage was confirmed and made at Calise by the byshop of Winchester the ambassadours of Flaunders the Ladye beyng but .x. yeres of age And now were the thre yeres expired at whiche tyme kyng Henry thought his fatal daye to draw nyghe Therfore to the entente that the people myghte wyshe and praye for hym after his deathe for his kindnesse that he shewed to theim he caused a generall pardon to bee geuen vnto all offendours sauinge onely theues and murderers because that they dyd not offende hym but another manne For this goodnesse shewed to the people processyon was in euerye place of the Realme for the safegarde of the kyng Neuerthelesse his time was come the God would haue hym so that he died the .xxi. daye of Apryll in his palaice of Richemoūde the whiche was the yere of oure Lorde a thousand fyue hundreth and eyght His corps was buryed at Westminster in a chappell the whiche he caused to bee buylded He reigned thre and twentye yeres and more then seuē monethes liued .lii. Also he had by his wife the quene .viii. children .iiii. menchildren .iiii. women children of the whiche .iii. remained aliue Hēry prince of Wales ladie Margaret ladie Marie He was a manne of bodie but leane spare albeit mightie strong therwith of personage stature some what higher then the meane sorte of menne be of a wondrefull beautie and faire complexion through al his bodie of a merie laughyng countenaunce especially in his cōmunicaciō thinne tethed thinne heared of witte in all thynges like Salomon of a princely redoubted stomake and in greate affaires and matters of weightie importaunce verie wittie For suche thynges as he went aboute he did theim warely not without greate deliberacion breathyng Besides this he was sobre moderate buxome bounteouse without all pride highnes of stomake in so muche that he was hard rough with theim the were noted of that crime for no man had so great autorite with him that either durst or could dooe any thyng as his owne fātasie did serue hym without the consent agrement of other Yea he kept this point so wel that he would not suffre his owne mother to haue her will For this was his saiyng * that a kyng was a ruler that should rule not be ruled He was also verie iust defended the matters causes of many poore people frō the power of greate menne And so liuyng all his tyme in vertue renowne glorie and valiauntnes of merciall prowesses gaue vp his ghoste at the laste whiche vndoubtedly is in that place where euerlastyng ioye and gladnes remaineth for euer and euer ¶ Henry the eyght OVRE MOSTE GRACIOVS souereigne lorde kyng Henry the eyght the soonne of Henry the seuenth beganne his reigne the .xxiiii. daie of Appryll in the yere of our Lorde M ccccc ix was crouned at Westminster in the feast of the natiuite of sa●net Ihon Baptist then nexte folowyng Aboute the midle of the moneth of Iuyn the 〈…〉 nges highnes was maried and the .xxi. daie of thesame moneth he came frō Grenewiche by land so roade through Graschurch strete to the towre with whom came many noblemen and gentlemen well apareled but specially the duke of Buckyngham̄ whiche roade in a goune of goldsmythes woorke a thyng of greate richesse and so the kyng ●ested there from Thursdaie till Saterdaie in the whiche season he created certain knightes of the Bathe And vpon Saturdaie aboute foure of the clocke at after noone the kyng came ridyng through cornehill in moste honourable wise before whom roade thesaid knightes of the Bathe in blewe lōg gounes with hoodes vpō their shoulders spreade after the maner of masters of arte and tasselles of white and blewe silke fastened vpon one of their shouldres The duke of Buckyngham̄ roade next before the kyng except the mayre of London certain sergeauntes and herauldes The whiche duke roade in a long goune of nedle woorke right costly and riche bare a litle white staffe of siluer in his hand in signe and token that he was high and chief steward of the feast of coronacion And thesaid duke had aboute his necke a broade and flat close chein of a newe deuise not before vsed fret with precious great rubies and other stones of greate value And ouer the kyng was borne a riche canapie by the foure barones of the foure portes and there folowed seuen foloers wherof the first was trapped in the armes of sainct Edwarde the second in the armes of sainct Edmond the third in the armes of S. George the fourth in the armes of Englād the fifth in the armes of Fraūce the sixth the. vii in sondry trappors of riche cloth of gold with costely deuices After the foloers came a gentlemā ledyng a spare horsse moste richely garnisshed And after hym sir Thomas Brandon then maister of the kynges horsse right well goodly apointed and well horssed and richely trapped the whiche horsse with the apparell was to the kyng belongyng And when the cōpaignie was thus with all honoure passed ymediatly ensued a goodly compaignie of gentlemen well apointed And after theim came the quene sittyng in a horsse litter alone clothed in a riche mantell of tissue in her heare with a circulet of silke golde and perle aboute her head But whē her grace was a litle passed
people on bothe parties wer distressed and taken prisoners and aboue the nombre of thirty M. slaine In the .iiii. yere was Edmond de la Poole behedded and aboute the moneth of Auguste Syr Thomas Kneuet beynge chyefe capytaine of the kynges greate shippe called the regent and a few shyppes mo sette vpon a great Caricke and other shippes of the Frenche kyngs liyng then nere vnto a toune of Britaine named Brest where after a longe and cruell fight thesaide Caricke regent being clasped together with hookes and cheynes as the maner of fyghtinge vpon the see betwene enemies is sodeynly thesaied shippes with other were set on fyre and brent so feruently that before they mighte bee losed or disseuered the shippes with the men vpon bothe parties were consumed with violence therof so that fewe escaped whiche were of the poraill But thesaide sir Thomas Kneuet with many other gentlemen of this land and also of fraunce were brent on whose soules Iesu haue mereyt This yere also after haruest wheate roase sobeinly of pryce for where for the more parte of the yere it was not solde aboue sixe shillīges .viii. d. a quarter After haruest for so muche as wheat was so sore blasted and striken was of so smal yelde it was solde for .xii. s. and .xiii. s .iiii. d. a quarter In the .v. yere the kyng besieged Turwin and discomfited the power of Fraunce at Boemy and tooke the citees of Turwyn and Turney But in the meane season the kyng of Scottes espiyng his tyme inuaded Englande with an hoste of an hundred thousande menne with whome the Earle of Surraye beynge the Kynges Leuetenaunte encountred and by the helpe of the Lorde Hawarde his soonne slewe the sayde kynge with a leuen Earles and wanne the felde For the whiche noble facte the kynge created hym afterwarde Duke of Norffolke and his soonne Earle of Surrey In the .vi. yere a peace was concluded betwene Englande and Fraunce And on saincte Denis daye the Frenche kyng maried the Lady Mary the kynges sister And he died on newe yeres daye after And therfore the kyng sente for her againe by the duke of Suffolke and other In this yere in the moneth of Februarye was borne Lady Mary the kynges doughter at Grenewiche In Aprill the Frenche Quene came in to Englande and was maryed to Lorde Charles duke of Suffolke This yere Ladye Margarete quene of Scottes and syster to the kynge fledde into Englande and laye at Harbottell And she was deliuered of a doughter named Margaret And came to London in Maye and taried there a hole yere In this yere was suche a froste that all menne myghte passe with cartes betwene Westmynster and Lambeth This yere on Maye euen was an insurreccyon of younge persones against Aliens of whiche diuers were put to execucion and the residue came to Westmynster Halle with halters aboute their neckes and were pardoned And the .xviii. daye of Mayeyquene of Scottes retourned into her countree againe This yere in Octobre the admiral of Fraunce came into England and Tourney was deliuered to the Frenche kyng In this yere at Frankforde Charles the fyfte was chosen Emperoure And the Earle of Surrey was sent to Ireland In this yere the kyng and the Frenche kynge met at the campe betwene Arde Guines where were greate triumphes And after the kynge and the Emperoure mette and the kyng went to Graueling with the Emperoure And the Emperoure came to Caleys with the kyng had greate chere and the kyng retourned This yere the duke of Buckyngham was beheaded at the toure hyll the .xvii. daye of Maye And in Iune the Cardinall wēt to Calays to entreate a peace betwene themperoure the French kyng and ●aried there to Decembre without any thinge concluded This yere the fridaye before Penthecoste that is to wytt the sixte daye of Iune Charles the emperoure was honourably receiued into the Cytee of London of the Maire Aldermenne and cominaltye oure saied soueraigne Lorde accōpaignieng hym And fro London he went to Windesore and sat in his stall of the Garter And from thens went to Hampton and sayled into Spaine Duringe whiche tyme the Earle of Surrey Lorde Admirall brent Morleys in Brytaine and after landed at Caleys and entred Picardye and brent tounes and castelles and besyeged Hesdyn but because of wynter he reysed his syege and retourned This somer the duke of Albany was entring England with a greate armye but when he heard that the Earle of Shrewisburye was comminge to fyghte with hym he tooke a truce for vi monethes In this .xiiii. yere Christian Kynge of Denmarke came into Englande in Iune Also the Earle of Surrey brent Iedworth and many other townes in Scotlande This yere also the Turke besieged the Rhodes and on Christmas daye he tooke it The Duke of Suffolke wente into Fraunce with ten thousand menne and passed the water of Som̄e withoute battayle and tooke and destroyed many townes and in Decembre retourned The same yere the duke of Albanye besieged the castell of Warke and hearing of therle of Surreys comming with a greate armye he cowardely sledde In the .xvi. yere there came oute of Scotlande the byshop of Dunkell and other ambassadours vnto that kynges maiestie And on saynt Mathews daye was the French kyng taken by themperour A mutyng in Norffolk and Suffolke for paymēt of mony A peas concluded betwene Englād and Fraunce And the French kyng was deliuered in Marche This yere was the coyne enhaunced In the .xviii. yeare the citee of Roome by the viceroy of Naples and the duke of Burbon the same dake beinge fyrste slaine was taken and almost distroied And Clemēt the .vii. than byshop of Rome diuers Cardinalles there found were taken and broughte in captiuitee and vnder the rule of Charles the Emperoure This yere also the Cardinall went into Fraunce with greate pompe In October the great master of Fraunce came to London with great triumphe In this xix yere was the sweatyng sickenesse for the which cause ther was no watch at midsomer In the .xx. yere was the Cardinall deposed of the chauncellourshyp and a peace betwene the Emperour and the kyng concluded In the .xxi. yere was holden a parlyament wher was refourmed diuerse enormitees of the clargye In the .xxii. yere was a man boyled in Smith feeld for poysoning The cardinal dyed on saynct Andrewes euen In the .xxiii. yere Gryffeth Rice was behedded for treason In October the kyng wente ouer the sea and met the Frenche kyng at Caleis In the .xxv. yere in Apryll was a Nonne called the holy mayde of Kent ii Monkes and two Freers hanged and behedded for treasō blasphemye and ypocrysie This yere a peace was concluded wyth Scotlande In this xxvi yere was holden a Parlyamente at Westminster wherin emong other moost godly and necessary statutes it was ther decreed and enacted that the kynges maiestie should be from thensforth
feld ¶ And with the Soudan faught in bataill sore Discomfit hym and putte hym to the flight Wher Edward then was hurt and woūded thore Of woundes fiue that mortall werre to sight His brother Edmond also wounded in that fight But as Edward in his bedde sicke then laye A Sarasyne came to hym vpon a daye ¶ To leche his hurtes with salues many one But false he was for with a knife full sore He strake hym foule as thei were then alone But yet that prince the knife fro hym gate thore And slewe hym then with it for euermore At Acres laye he then with woundes fele With medicyns to lech and to hele ¶ The lech so false was by the Soudan sent Hym to haue slain in any maner wyse For cause he had discomfite hym and shent And when he was all whole that he might ryse Message he had fro all the lordes wyse Of England then of his father dedde That praied hym home to come been their hede ¶ Kyng Henry had then made the minster faire Of Westminster as it is nowe at this daye The remnaunt he left vnto his heire To edifie and make in like araye Or els a some of money for to paye The whiche he graunted to the edificacion At his death then bequeth and assignacion ¶ Edward then toke a trewce for tenne yere With the Soudan and to Cisile saylid And landed at Rome wher thē he had good chere Bothe of the bishop and cardinalles not failed That sore had mourned and greately bewailed That curssed sore syr Guy Mountforte eche daye For the slaughter of Henry his cousyn gaye ¶ The sonne that was of Richarde themperoure Erle of Cornwayle whome at Veterbe he slewe Right in the churche for olde wrath and rancoure In Englande dooen his fathers death to renewe At masse knelyng horrybly hym all to hewe Fro Acres as he came as goddes knight Without cause of reason or of right ¶ But price Edward Edmoūd his brother dere To Sauoye cā where iustes wer made tournamēt And ther desired thei their knightes in fere With the duke of Sauoye and his there presente To iuste and proue eche other in good entente Theyr knightes younge to learne as dyd suffice In marcyall fete knighthode to exercyse ¶ Wher he foriust the duke full manly His brother also the dukes neuewe And bare hym downe both horse and man egerly And euery knight with other euer iusted newe Daye by daye whyles echeone other knewe By .xiiii. dayes enduryng and conteyned With feast solempne by the duke susteyned ¶ An hundreth ladyes of worthy good estate Were set on hye aboue within a tente By the duke of Sauoye well ordinate To geue the gree and thanke by iudgement Whiche then awarde playnely by hole assent To prince Edwarde erle Edmound his brother That had foriust the duke and many other ¶ The duke hym gaue gyftes of great honoure And to his brother gyftes of hye pleasaunce And to his knightes giftes of great valoure And conueyed hym into the lande of Fraunce Where of the kyng with worthy gouernaunce Receaued he was as prince full excellente And homage made to hym in good entente ¶ For his landes lyeng beyonde the sea The whiche was true as chronicles witnesse And home he came with great felicitee Of whose cōmyng the people had great gladnesse Hym to receaue in all kynde of worthynesse And of his brother Edmound also in feer They were full glad at all theyr hole power ¶ But kyng Henry was gone to God afore The yere of Christ a thousande hole accompted Two hundreth hole syxty and thirtene more On saynt Edmondes daye when he amounted This worlde leuyng full of trouble accompted Vnto the blysse of heauen for euer to reste Emong good soules where Christe so liked best The C .xlviii. Chapiter ¶ Howe kyng Edwarde of Englande the first after the conqueste called Edwarde with the longe shankes beganne to reigne on the morowe after saynt Edmondes daye that kyng in the yere a. M CC. and .lxxiii. died the yere M CCC and .vii. the eyght daye of Iulye and the .xxxiiii. yere of his reygne EDwarde his sonne heire first generate With all honour by all the baronage Crouned was in all royall estate And of thestates receyued hole homage Kyng Alexander for his heritage Of Scotlande hole and ysles apperteynyng His homage did right then vnto the kyng ¶ The duke also of Britayne made homage For Britayn hole and there became his man Whiche princes two had wed in mariage His susters two Margarete and Beatrice then Margarete to Scotland Beatrice to Britayne Both two maried and wed in hye estate By their father full wysely ordinate ¶ A marchaunt toke the wife of prince Lewlyn Erle Symonds doughter of Leycester that had ben And to the kyng hir brought full femenyn Wherfore the prince by heste as then was seen To be his man and homage did full clere And led his wyfe to Wales in good entent By the kynges grace and by hole assent ¶ The kyng then did great right and iustice Vpon clippers and peirers of the coyne And newe money made that then might suffice Of syluer plate made out of Boloyne The grote half grote all in newe coyne He coyned fast peny halfpeny and ferthyng For porayll to bye with theyr leuyng ¶ That same tyme he made a newe statute That no man should graunt lande ne tenement To the churche ne geue nor constitute No maner grounde nor no maner rente Without licence of the lorde and his assent Of whome it is holden aboue in chiefe And els that church this realme had put in mischiefe ¶ The prince Lewlyn and of Dauid his brother Made warre vpon the kyng in greate araye The Marche brent and many harmes other In Englande did wherfore the kyng his waye To Wales held in all the haste he maye The lorde Mortimer toke then the prince Lewlyn And to the kyng hym brought for to enclyne ¶ The kyng hym headed and to the toure it sent The Walshemen made Dauid his brother then Prince of Wales by theyr commen assent Wherfore the kyng to warre on theim began And of the Walshemen slewe full many a man And had Dauid vnto his presence brought Hanged and drawen as then he had it sought ¶ Then seazed he Wales for euer into his hande And ordeyned that no prince therin should be But he or els his heyre I vnderstande And that no man of Wales hole countre One night shulde lye in castell nor cytee But voyde out fro sunne to sunne thē euery night Thus kept he Wales his tyme by royall might The C .xlix. Chapiter ¶ Howe Gladowys Dewy the doughter of Dauyd prynce of Wales was wedded to syr Raufe Mortymer of whom came the Earles of Marche GWenlyan that doughter was of Lewlyne Without chylde dyed a vyrgyne aye In a ●onnery of the order of Gylbertyne And Gladowys Dewy Dauyds doughter gaye Yonge freshe and lusty
as the rose in Maye To Raufe was wed that was lorde Mortymer Of whome that earles of Marche become full clere ¶ Then went the kyng and quene to Gasc●yne And Gwyan to set that lande in pees And so forth then he went to Aragon To sporte them with theyr father there no lees To Gwyan then agayne for his encrees He came anone and set in peace that lande And so came agayne to Englande The C .l. Chapiter ¶ Howe the kyng dyd atteynt his Iustices and sette enquery of peace breakers ryouters oppressours extorcyoners and of the vsurye of Iewes HIs Iustyces all by lawe he dyd attaynt For wrong domes false iudgement For couetyse that false were then faynt To helpe the poore cōmons to theyr entent He set Iustyces in heyre by all assent That called was that tyme Troilebaston For to enquere of all extorcyon ¶ Of Ryouters fyghters and baratours Of market beters that raysed greate debates Of peace breakers and all the susteynours That were with theim of preuy assocyates Of oppressours of all the pore estates And all that were then founde culpable Emprysoned were or by theyr pursse excusable ¶ Of Iewes within this lande that was abidyng Great plaintes were made of Okoure and vsury Howe they dyd waste the folke by suche winning And preuy bondes made without measure In payne of double or elles forfeture The king thē voided for whiche that church a disme Hym graunted so dyd the cōmons a quindecyme ¶ Rys Ap Madoke a warre in Wales gan take Agayne the kyng that great warres had sustened And prynce hym called of Wales without make Who then at Yorke by lawe full wel mainteyned On galous hye as to hym well apperteyned Was drawen and hanged his hed vpon the towre was set anon as rebell and traytoure The C .li. Chapiter ¶ Howe Edmonde Earle of Lancaster and of Leycester kept Gwyan and wed quene Blaunche of Nauerne the kynges syster of Fraunce and therfore he bare the labell in his armes for dyfference fro the kynges of Englonde euer after KYng Edward sent his brother thē ful dere To kepe Guyā and with him strōg chiualry Who gouerned there that land without pere To hye honoure as made is memorye In Fraunce sore dred amonge the aduersarye And other landes lyeng there all aboute Aboue all men he was there moste bedoute For euer he put them to the worse in felde In armes ay he had the victorye And in Parys at Iustes vnder shelde Far passyng was and dyd ay notably That for his manhode and famous chyualrye In so ferforth that all landes hym commende For his manhode whiche so in hym they kende ¶ He wed dame Blaunche of Nauerne that was quene King Philip sister that was ful good faire Of whome he gate Thomas of Lācaster I wene And Henry his brother that afterwarde was heire And earles both they were without dispayre Of Lancaster and also of Leycestre As Flores hath expressed well by lettre ¶ For whiche weddyng and noble alyance He and his heyres bare for a difference Englande armes with labell hole of Fraunce By whiche all men maye haue intellygence That Edmonde was yonger in existence Then kyng Edward though some say that cōtrary And from the truth yet haue they wyll to vary The C .lii. Chapiter ¶ Howe the fyue portes toke the nauy of Fraunce on the se● in batell THe kyng of Fraūce a nauy great then sē● Vpon Englande to warre in great aray Which that .v. portes toke on the sea shent And people greate there slewe dreynt that daye Theyr shyppes all by batayl and affraye Were take and brought then into Englande With capitaynes many and lordes of that lande ¶ Kyng Philyp then at Parys in parlyament Somonde Edwarde afore hym to appere Surmittyng hym of robbery felonoment Vpon his flete so done by tymes sere For faute of aunswere foreiuged hym there Destroyed his land in eche place where he might But kyng Edwarde then went to Fraunce ryght ¶ And gate agayne his landes euerychone And sought ay where vpon the kyng of Fraūce But he fled euer and batayle wolde geue none Sone after so Philyp by ordynaunce A trewce toke by good ordynaunce For all his landes beyonde the sea To set in peace with all tranquilyte The C .liii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Morgan and Madoke his brother were sette in the towre for rebellyon in Wales made by comforte of kynge Phylip of Fraunce IN Wales Morgan made war great distaunce And Madoke also his brother ful vntrew For whiche the kyng with all his ordenaūce To Wales went faught with them all newe At straytes great whiche tho traytours knewe Yet were they take and put in sore pryson Within the towre for theyr rebellyon ¶ The kyng Philyp had sent then golde to wa● On England then with sir Thomas Turbiruile Who was espyed by sotell meanes afferre And heded was anon for all his guyle His wyt not holpe hym then ne yet his wyle He dyed with shame repreef and vilany Engendred all of mede and surquedrye The C .liiii. Chapiter ¶ Howe Earle Edmonde was Leuetenaunt of Guyan and warred vpon the kyng of Fraunce and defyed hym by letter for he brake the promyse made to Edwarde his brother kynge of Englande SIr Edmōd erle of Lancaster thē ful trewe Leuetenaūt then of Guian all throughout On whom that king Philip then rode al new And brake the trewce with hostes great and stout Wherfore he went to hym without doubte To se howe that it myght be well defende He bade hym thus set to his knee and amende ¶ Wherfore in ire he gaue hym vp homage The whiche he ought for his lande that he helde And aunswered hym agayne of great corage From hens forwarde I shall you holde the felde And at my power eche daye vnder shelde Proue howe ye do vnto my lorde greate wronge The whiche I shall amende or it be longe And so departed withoute more langage And into Guyan came with all his myght And to his brother wrote made hym knowlage And bade hym come with power for to fyght With spere and bowe for other writ of ryght Maye not be got within the courte of Fraunce For to recouer his hye enherytaunce ¶ Eche day thēce forth with bāners hole displeyed He helde the felde and kyng Philyp warred And leters sent hym defyals and vmbrayde Of hys suraunce and othe that he had erred And castelles gate f●ll many not differred Kyng Edward sent his brother then suppowaile The Frenche partye to warre and assayle The C .lv. Chapiter ¶ Howe syr Roger Mortymer was made Earle of Marche at Kyllyngworthe and set the rounde table of a thousande knyghtes and as many ladyes ANd in the yere a. M. was full then Two hundreth also syxty and nyntene When syr Roger Mortymer so began At Kelyngworth the rounde table as was sene Of a thousande knyghtes for disciplyne Of yonge men after he coulde deuyse Of turnementes and iustes to