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A23591 Here begynnys a schort [and] breue tabull on thes cronicles ...; Saint Albans chronicle. 1485 (1485) STC 9995; ESTC S106502 430,579 577

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assemled a gret host and agret pouer and went ouer vn to Rome and ther toke the cite and kylled all that ther wos in that wer of mysbeleue that he myght ther fynde And tho wos he made Emprour and was a good man and gouerned hym so well that all londes to hym wer attendaunt for to be vnder his gouernance ¶ And this duell ̄ tyrant Maxence that tyme wos in the land of Grece and herd this tydynge hee become wode and sodanly he died and so he endid his lyfe when Constātine went from this land vn to rome he toke with hym his moder Elyne for the moch wisdom that she coude and iij. other gret lordes that he most loued that on was called Hoell and an other was called Taberne and the thrid Morhin and toke all his lōd to kepe vn to the Erle of Cornwaill that was called Octauian ¶ And anone as this Octauian wist that his lord was duellyng at Rome he seised all the land in to his hand and ther with did all his will among hygh and law and they held hym for kīg whan this tydynges come to Constantine the Emprour he was wonder wroth toward the erle octauian and sent Taberne wyth xijM. men for to destruye the Erle for his falsenes and they ariued at portesmouth ¶ And when octauian wist that he assēled agret pouer of bretons and discōfited Taberne and taberne fled thens in to Scotland and ordened ther a gret pouer and com ayene in to this land an other tyme for to yef batell to Octauiā ¶ When octauian herd tell that he assemled a gret power and com ayen towardes Taberne as moch as he myght so that thos ij hostys metten to gedre vpō stanysmore and strongly smot to gedre and tho wos octauian discomfited and fled thens vn to Norway and Taberne seysed all the land ī to his hand tounes ̄ castelles as moch as they ther had And sith octauian come a yen fro norway with a gret pouer ̄ seised all the land ī his hand drofe out all the romans and wos tho made kyng and regned ¶ How Maximian that was the Emprours cosyn of Rome spoused Octauians doughter and wos made kyng of this land THis Octauian gouerned the land well and nobully but he had none heir saufe a doughter that was a yong chyld that he loued as moch as his lyfe and for as mych thatt he waxed seke and wos ī poynt of deth myght no longer regne he wold haue made one of his nepheus to haue ben kyng the wich was a nobull knyght and a strong man that wos called Conan meriedoke ̄ he shuld haue keped the kynges doghter ̄ haue maried hir whē tyme had bene but the lordes of the land wold not suffer it but yaf hir councell to be maried to sum hygh mā of gret honour and than might she haue all hir lust And the cōsell of thee Emprour Constantyne hir lord and at this counsell they accorded and chose tho Cador of cornwaill for to wende to the emꝑour for to do this message ̄ he toke the way ̄ went to rome tolde the emprour this tydyng well ̄ wysely ̄ the emꝑour sent in to this land with him his own cosyn that wos his vnkyll son a nobull knyght and a strong that wos called Maximian and he spoused Octauians doughter and wos crouned kyng of this land ¶ How Maximian that wos the emprours cosyn conquered the land of Amorican and yaf it to Conan meriedok THis kyng Maxmian becom so riall that he thoght to conquere the land of Amarican for the gret riches that he herd tell that wos in that land so that he ne left man that wos of worthines knyght squyer ne none othir man that he ne toke with him to gret damage to all the lond for he left at home behynde him no man to kepe the land bot toke them with hym fro this land xxx M knyghtes that wer doughty menys bodies and went ouer ī to the land of Amorican thor slew the kyng that was called Imball cōquered all the lond ¶ And whē he had so done he cald Conan ̄ said for as mich os kīg Octauian haue made yow kīg of bretō thurgh me ye werlett and distrobled that ye wer not kīg I yeue yow this land of amorican and yow ther of maketh the kynge ¶ And for as moch as ye ben a Breton I wyll that thys land haue the same name and no more be called Amorican but bi called litell bretan and the land fro whens we ben comen shall be called moch bretan ¶ And so shall men knaw that on bretan fro that other Conan meridok thanked him hendely and so wos he made kyng of lytell bretan ¶ And when all this was done Maximian went fro thens vn to Rome and was tho made Emprour after constantine and Conan meriedok duelled in lytell bretan with mych honour and ther let ordand ij M. plough men of the land for to erie the land to harow it and for to sowe it and ●effed hem richely after that they wer ¶ And for as miche os kyng Conan and none of his knyghtes ne none of his other pepull wold not take wyfes of the nacion of fraunce hee tho sent in to gret breten to the Erle of cornwaill that men cald Dionothe that he shuld che●e thurgh out all this land xiM. of madens that is to say viijM. for the mene pepull and iijM. for thee grettest lordes that shuld them spouse ¶ And whē Dionoth vnder stode this he made acōmandement thurgh out all the land of bretan and as mony os the nōbro come to he assemled to geder of maydens for ther wos no man that durst withstonde his commandmētes for as mich that all the land was take hym to warde and to kepe to done all thinge that him good liked ¶ And when thes maydens wer assemled he let them cum be fore iym att London and let ordan for them shippes hasteli ̄ os mich as thē neded to that vyage and toke his own doughter that wos called vrsula that wos the fayrest creature thot any man wyft and he wold haue sent hir to kyng Conan that shuld haue spoused hir ̄ made hir quene of the land but she had made preuali to god a vowe of chastyte that hir fadre not wyst ne no other man els that wos leuyng vpon ethr ¶ How vrsula and xi M. maydens that wer in hir company went toward litell bretan and all they wer martired at Coloyn THis vrsula chose vn to hir company xi M. maydens that of all other she wos ladie and mastresse and all they wēt in to shipp at on tyme in the water that is called thamse and cōmanded hir kyn and all hir frendis to almyghty god and sailed toward litele breton bot whē they wer comen in to the hygh see a strange tempaste arose
therfor god wold not that he shuld regne no longer than iiij yere died lieth at winchester Leo the sext a roman wos pope sex monethes Stephanus the vij a roman wos after him ij yer Iohn̄ the xi a roman wos pope iij. yere Stephanus the viij a germane was after hī viij yere Martin the thrid wos after him iij. yere and of thes sex popis is nothyng had in scriptur for what cause I canot tell Anno domini ixC.liiij AGapitus a roman wos pope after Martin ij yere viij monethes and nothyng of him is writtyn Iohannes the xij a roman wos pope after Agapite almost viii yere he had a fader that heght Alberyke wos a worthi man in the cete of rome He inducit the nobull men to swer that after the deth of agape they shuld chese Octouianū his sonne pope so it was done ̄ was named Iohn̄ and he was an hunter and a lecherus man so that opynli he kepid women wherfor certayn cardinals wrot to Otthoni the emprour of saxon that he shuld cum ●on to rome for to help to distruy the sklandir of the cherche this the pope persaued and the hand that wrot that pystyll he made to be cut of And mony timis he was warned by the ēprour the clarge that he shuld correc him self bot he nold not for nothing then he was deposed and Leo wos put in vn to his place wherfor the emprour wos anoyed and come ayen and beseged Rome so long tyll they toke Benedict to him restorid Leo. ¶ Of kyng Edgar that regned a bone the kynges of scotland and of wales and how that he was begyled thurgh the takyng of his wife ANd after this Edwyne regned Edgar his brother a mā that moch loued god and pees and holy cherche also And was a worthy man a gret lord of blod myghty ̄ mayntined well this lond in pees ¶ And this Edgar wos lord ̄ king aboue all the kynges of scotland and of wales from the tyme that Arthur was a gone ̄ neuer wos sithen kyng of his pouer And this edgare wos sent Edwardis fadre when edgares wif wos deid that wos sent edwardis moder ̄ entered he hard speke of the fairnes of Estrild that wos Orgarus doughter a baron of deuēshire that wos so farr a woman that all men did speke of hi● he called on of his knyghtes that he moch loued ̄ trustyd vpon ̄ told him Go quod he to the nobull baron Orgar of deuēshire se if that is doughter be so farr as men spekith of if it be soth I wyll haue hir vn to my wife ¶ This knyght that was called Edelwold went forth his way as the kyng him had sayd and come ther that the lady wos and when he saw hir so fair he thought to haue hir hīself to wife and therof spakē to Orgar hir fader ̄ hir fadre wos an old man and had no mo childre but only hir and saw that Edel wold wos a fair yong knyght and worthi and riche and wos well beloued with the kyng and thought his doughter shuld well be maried beset vpon him and granted hī is doughter if the good lord the kyng wold consent ther to ¶ Then thys Edelwold come ayene to the kyng and told him that she wos fair ynough vpon to see but she wos wonder lothly Tho ansuerd thee kīg said that he toke bot litell charge Sir qd edelwold tho she is hir fadres heir and I am not riche of landis and if ye wold cōsent and grant that I myght hir haue than shuld I be rich ynowghe In goodis name qd the kyng I consent ther to Edelwold thankid tho the kyng moch and went ayene in to Deuenshire and spoused the damisell in that cuntre he duelled ¶ And thꝰ it befell vpon a tyme that he told his counsell and all this thing vn to his wife howe and in what maner he had begiled his lord the kyng that wold haue had hir vn to wife And anone as she it wist she loued him neuer more afterward os she did before ¶ This lady consaued bi him a son and ●●hē tyme wos that the child shuld be borne Edelwold come to the kyng prayed hī to heue a son of his at fontstone the kyng him granted let call hī Edgar of his own name ¶ And when this wos done he thought that all was syker ynowgh for the kyng that he wold not taken his wife for as moch as his lord wos a ●oly mā an amerous ¶ How that kīg edgar weddid estrild after the deth of edelwold THus it befell that all men in kyng Edgarys court thospeken and sayed that edelwold was richely avaunced thurgh the mariege of his wife and yit they sayd he was a vaunced ▪ an hondreth fold more For he had spoused the fairast woman that euer was seyn And the kīg herd speke so moch of hir bewte he thoght that edelwold had him dessaued and begiled ̄ thought priuely in his hart that he wold gone in to deuēshire as it wer for till hūt for the hert ̄ for the hynde ̄ other wild bestis than he shuld se ther the lady or he deꝑted thens And this lady wos duelling at a maner place beside the forest ther that the king wold hūt and at that maner he wos herburghed all nyght and when tyme come that the kyng shuld sope and the sone shone the kyng asked after his gossip and after his godson and edelwold made hir to cū before the kyng And neuertheles if it otherwise myght haue bene she sh̄uld not haue comen in his sight by his will ¶ The lady welcōed the kyng and swetly him cussed and he toke hir by the hond ̄ tho next by him hir set so soppid they to gedre And ther was a custom ̄ an vsage in this land that tyme that when on dronke to an other the drinker shuld say wassayll and that other shuld ansuer say drinke haill and thus did the kyng the lady mony tymes ̄ also kyssed And after sopper when tyme was to go to●ed the kyng went to bed thynkyng hertely on the fairnes of that lady tho was ouer comen for hir loue that him thought that he shuld die bot if he had his wyll on hir vpon the morne the kyng aroos in the forest went him for to disport with hertis hyndes ̄ all other wild bestys of the hertis gret plente he sent to that lady thris he went to solacen speke with that lady whilles he duelled ther in that cūtre ¶ And after that the kyng remeued thens ̄ thought hī how he might best deliuer edelwold from his wyfe as he had him fryst dissaued ¶ And the kyng anone after viij days let ordeyn a parlament at Salesberi of all his baronage
cum at a certain day as in his letters were cōteyned to make a riall fest ¶ At wich day thider they cōen ̄ brought with hem amirallis princes ̄ dukes and nobull chiualrie The fest wos rialy arayed and ther they leued in Ioye ̄ myrthe ynough that it wos wonder to wit And it befeell thus that this Dioclisian thought to marie his doughtres among altho kynges that tho were at that solempnite ̄ so they spakene ̄ ded that albine his eldest doughter ̄ all hir sustres richely were maried vn to xxxiij kynges that were lordes of gret honour ̄ of pouer at this solempnyte And when the solempnite wos done euery kyng toke his wyf lad them in ther own cōtre ̄ ther maad hem quenes and it befell thus afterward that this dame albine bicome so stoute so sterne that she told lytell pris of her lord of hym had scorne and desspyt and wolde nat done his will butt she wold haue hir owne will in dyuerse matres and all hir other sustres euerychone bere them so euel ayenst ther lordes that it was wondyr to wytt for as moch as them thought that ther husbondes were nought of so hy ꝑage comen as ther fadre But tho kynges that were ther lordes wold haue chastized them with fair maner vpon all loue and frendshipp that they shold amend ther lith er ꝯdycions but all wos for nought for they diden ther own wyll ī all thyng that them liked had of poer wher for tho xxxiij kyngꝭ vpon a tyme often times beten ther wyfes for they wened that they wold amended ther tatches ther wilkednes bot of soche cōdicions they were that for fair speche warnyng they didden all the wors and for betynges eft sones mochel wers wher for the kyng that had wedded Albine wrot the taches ꝯdicions off his wyf● albin and the letter sent to Dioclision hir fadre whē the other kyngꝭ herd that Albines lord had sent a letter to Dioclisian anone they sent lettres enseled with ther seales the ꝯdicions taches of ther wyfes ¶ When the kyng dioclisian saw and herd so many playntes of his doughtres he wos sore ashamed become wonder angre wroth toward his doughtres thought bothe nyght and day yf he tho myght a mend it that they so misded and anone sent his lettres vn to the xxxiij kynges that they shold cū to hym bring with hem their wyfes euerychone at a certane day for he wold ther chastise hem of ther wikkednesse yf he myght in any maner of wise So that the kyngꝭ comen all at that tyme and day that tho wos sette bitwene hym and the kyngꝭ Dioclisian them vnder song with moche honour ̄ maad a solēpne feste to al that were vnder his lordshipp ̄ the thrid day after that solēpnite the kyng Dioclisian sent after his xxxiij doughtres that they shold cum ̄ speke with hym ī hys chambre ̄ when they war come he spake vn to them of ther wikkednes ̄ of ther cruelte ̄ spituesly hem reꝓued vndernam ̄ to hem he said that yf they wold nat be chastised they shold his loue lese for euer more And when the ladies herden all this they be comē abasshed and gretli aschamed to ther fadre they said that they wold make all amendes so they deꝑted out from ther fadres chambre dame Albine that wos the eldest suster lad hem all to hir chambre and tho made void all that wer theryn so that no lefe wos among hem but she and hir sustres yfere Tho sayd this Albine my faire sustres wel we know that the kyng our fadre vs hath reproued shamed and despyseed for enchesone to make vs obedient vn to owr housbandes but certes that shall I neuer whiles that I leue sith that I am come of a more hier kyngꝭ blod then myn housbond is ̄ whan she had thꝰ said all hir sustres said the same ̄ tho saied Albine full well I wot fair sustres that owr housbandes has plened vn to our fader vpō vs wherfor he hath vs thꝰ soule reproued ̄ despised wherfor sustres my counsell is that this nyght when our housbandes bene a bedde all we with one assent cutten hir throtes ̄ than we may bene in pees of hem ̄ better we moo doo this thing vnder our fadres power than ower where ells And anone all the ladis consented ̄ grāted to thys cōsell ̄ when nyght wos cōyn the lordd ̄ ladies went to bedde ̄ anone as ther lordes were in slepe they cutte all heir housbondes throtes ̄ so they flow them all when at Dioclisian the kyng her fadre herd of this thing he bicome hugeli wroth ayenst his doughtres ̄ anōe wold hem all haue brenet ¶ But al the barons ̄ lordes of sirrie coūceilled not so for to doo suche stretnes to his owne doughtres bot onli shold voyde the lond of them for euer more so that they neuer shuld com ayene and so he dyde ¶ And Dioclisian that wos ther fadre anōe cōmaunded them to gone in to shypp ̄ deliuered to hem vitailles for half a yere And whan this wos done all the sustren went in to the ship ̄ sailed forth ī the see bitoke all ther frendes to Appolyn that wos ther god· And so long thee sailed in the see till at the last they come ̄ arreued ī an yle that wos all wyldernesse ̄ when dame Albion wos come to that lond ̄ all hir sustres thys Albine went frest forth out of the shypp and saied to hir other sustres for as moche ꝙ she as I am the oldest suster of all this cōpany ̄ fyrst this land haue takē ̄ for as moche os my nam is Albine I will that this lond be called albiō after myn own name ̄ anōe al hir sustres grāted to hir with a good wyll Tho vēt out al the sustres of the ship tokē the lond albion as hir suster cald it And ther they went vp ̄ downe and fonde nether mā ne womā ne child but wyld bestes of diuerse kyndes and when ther vitalles war dispended and thei failled they fedde them wyth herbes ̄ frutes in seson of the yere and so they leued as they best myght and aftee that they token flessh of dyuerse bestes and bycame wonder fat and so they desired mannys compane and mānys kynde that hem failled and for hete they woxen wonder coragious of kynd so that they desired more mānys companie then eny othyr solace or myrthe whan the deuel that ꝑceuyd and went by dyuerse contreys and nōme bodi of the eir and likyng natures shad off men and come in to the lande of Albion and lay by thoo wymē and shad tho natures vpon them and they consaued after ̄ they broght forth Geantys of the wich
paralo Ioathas son of iehen regnit in israel .xvij. yere in whos days helise the ꝓphet d●●d and he began to regne the .xx. yere of ioas vide plura 4º regū Ioam son of Ioathas regnit ī israel xvij yere he trobuld ●zia plura vide 4. regū 13. ¶ Off kyng Leir son to bladud ̄ of the ansuer of his yongest doughter that graciousli was maried to the Kyng of fraunce AFter Kyng Bladud regned Leir his soon and this Leir made the toune of leycestre let call the toune after his name he gouernit the 〈◊〉 wele ̄ nobulli This king Leir had iij. doughteris the first ●d Gonorill the secunde Rigan ̄ the therde C●●d●●ll and 〈◊〉 yongest doughter was fairest and best of ꝯdicions The kyng hir fader became an old man ̄ wold that his doughteres were maried er that he died but first he thoght to assay wich of hem loued hym most ̄ best for she that loued him best shold best be maried he axed of the fyrst doughter how well she hym loued and she aunsuerd ̄ saied better then hir own lyffe Now certes quod hir fadre that is a gret loue Then axed he of the secūd doughter how moch she hym loued and she saied more and passing all the creaturs in the world ꝑ ma foy quod hir fader I ma no more axe and tho axed he of the thrid doughter how mych she hym loued certes fader quod she my sustres haue told you glosyng wordes but for so the I shall tell you trouth For I loue you os I aught to loue my fader and for to bring you more in certayn how I loue you I shall you tell as moche as ye bene worth so moch shall ye be loued ¶ The kyng hir fader went that she had skorned hym and become wonder wroth and suore by heuen ̄ erth she shold neuer haue good of hym bot his doughtres that loued hym so moch shold be well auaunced and maried And the fyrst doughter he maried to Maugles kyng of scotland and the second he marid to hanemos Erle of Cornewaell and so they ordined and spak bitwene them that they shold depart the Reame bitwene them two after the deth of kyng Leir ther fader so that Cordeill his yongeste doughter shold nothyng haue of his lond but this Cordeill wos wonder fair and of good condicions and maners that thee kyng off fraunce Agampe herd of hir speke and sent to the kyng Leir hir father for to haue hir vn to his wyfe and prayed hym therof and kyng Leir hir fader sent hym word that he had departed his land and yeffen it all vn to his two doughtres be for saied and he saied he had no more land wher wyth hir to mary ¶ And whā Agampe the kyng of fraunce herd this aunsuar he sent anone a yene to Leir and sayed that he axed no thyng withhir bot only hir clothyng and hir body And anone kyng leir sent hir ouer the see to the kīg of fraūce And he ressaued hir with moche worship and with solempnite he hir spoused made hir quene of fraunce ¶ How kyng Leir wos driuen out of his land thurgh his folke ̄ how Cordeill his yongest doughter helped him ī his nede THus it befell afterward that tho .ij. eldest daughtres wold not a bide tyll leir ther fader wos deid but wered vpon hym whilles that he wos on liue and did hym moch sorow ̄ sham wherfor they benōme hym holi the ream and bi twene them had or deyned that one of them shold haue kyng Leir to seiourne al his liue tyme with xl knyghtes and squyers that he myght wurship fulli go and ride whedder that he wold ī to what contre that hym liked to play and to solace ¶ So that Manacles kyng of scotland had kyng Leir with hym in the maner os is a boune saied and or other half yere wer passed Corneil that wos his eldest doughter and quene of Scotland was so a noyed of hym and of his pepull that anone she and hir lord speke to gedre wherfor his knyghtis half and his squers from hym wer gone and nomo left with him bot only xxx ¶ And when this wos done Leir bi gon for to make moch sorow for encheson that his estate wos empeired ̄ men had of hym more scorne and despiet then euer they had before wherfor he not wist for to done and at the last thoght that he wold weind in to Cornwaill to Rigan his other doughter And when he was come the Erle and his wife that wos Leirs doughter hym welcomed and with hym made moch Ioye and the er he dwelled with xxx knyghtis squyers And he had not duelled ther scarsly xij month that his doughter of hym was weri and his companye and hir lord and she of hym had gret scorne and despitte so thatt from xxx knyghtes they brought vn to .x. and afterward had he but .v. and so they left hym nomo ¶ Than made he sorow ynouh and saied sore wepyng Allas that euer he come in to that land and saied yit had me better to haue duelled with my fyrst doughter And anone he went thens to his fyrst doughter a g●ne bot anōe as she saw him come she suore by god and bi his holi name and by as moch as she myght that he shold haue nomo with hym but one knyght yf he wold ther a bied Then begon Leir ayene to wepe and made moch sorow ̄ said tho alas now to long haue I leued that this sorow and myschefe is to me now fallen for now am I pooer that sū tyme wos rich bot now haue I no frend ne kyn that me wyll do ony good ¶ But whē I was riche all mē me honoured and worshipped now euery mā hath of me scorne ̄ d●spite and now I wot well that Cordeill my yongest doughter saied me trought when she said as moch as i had so mych shuld i beloueid and all the while that i had good so long wos i loued and honoured for my riches but my two doughtres glosed me tho now of me thei set litell pris and soth told me Cordeill bot i wold nat beleue it ne vndiyrstond and therfor i let hir go fro me as a thyng that i set litell pris of and now wote i neuer what for to done sith my ij doughtre haue me thus dissaiued that i so moch loued and now most i nedes seche hir that is in an other land that lyghly i let hir gone fro me with out any reward or yeftes and she said that she loued me as mich os she aght to loue hir fader by all maner of reson and tho i shold haue axed hir nomore and tho that me other wise behightyn thurgh tber fals speche now haue me desauid in this maner Leir long tyme began to make his mone and at
the last he shop him to the see and passed ouer in to fraunce and asked and aspied wher the Quene myght be fonde and men told hym wher she was And whan he come to the Cite that she was in preualy he sent his squyer vn to the quene to tell hyr that hir fadre wos comen to hir for gret neides ¶ And when the squyer come to the quene he told hir euery dele of hir sustres from the begynnyng vn to the end· Cordeill the quene anone toke gold and siluer plente and toke it to the squyer in counsell that he shold go and bere it vn to hir fadre and that he shold go in to a certan Cite and hym aray and wasshen and than cum ayene to hir ̄ bring with hym an honest companye of knyghtes xl at the leyst with ther menye and than he shold send to hir lord the kyng and sayne that he were comen for to speke with his doughter hym for to seen and so he did ¶ And whan the kyng and the quene he●d that thei com with mych honour they hym rossayued And the kīg of fraunce tho let send thurgh all his reame and cōmanded that all mē shold bene al 's entendent to kyng Leir the Quens fadre in all maner of thynges as it war vn to hym self when kīg leir had duelled ther a moneth and more he tolde to the kyng and to the quene his doughter how his two eldest doughtres had hym serued Agampe anone let ordeyne a gret host of fraunce men and sent in to bretan with Leir the quenes fader for to comquer his land ayene and his kyngdom And cordeill also come with hir fader in to bretane for to haue the reame after hir fadres deth And anone they went to ship and passed the see and come in to bretan and foughten with the felous and them scomfited and kylled ̄ tho had he his lond ayene and after leued iij. yere and held his ream in pees and afterward died ̄ Cordeill his doughter hym let ētyr with mekell honour at Lecestre Anno mūdi iiij M iij C xlix Et an̄ xpī natītatē viij C liij AMasias son to Ioam regned on the Iues xxix yere after the wich the kyngdō of Iues wos with out kyng xiij yere This man worship the goddis of Seyr vt pꝪ patet 2º para 2● Ieroboam son to Ioam rened on isreell xli yere y● with was manly and victorius for he ouer come the kyng sirie ̄ restorid israell damaske after the word of Iono the ꝓphet bot he wos not good ther foor sayeth Austyn yf good men regne thay ꝓphet mony mē ̄ yf ill men regne they hurt mony men Anno mūdi iiij M iij C lxxxviij Et an̄ xpī natītatē viij C xi OZias or Azarias son to Amasie regned on the Iure lij yere the wich leued well a for our lord Off hym is no ill thyng wretyn bot that he vsurpit the dyngnyte of prest hoid vnder Azari the wich he for bed hym for the wich cause our lord strok hym with a leper vt pꝪ patet ●o. para Ozee bisshop and ꝓphet was this tyme the fyrst of the xij is send a yanes the x. tribis Iohell the secund of the xij ꝓphesied of iuda Anias the iij. ꝓphised agās mani peple ¶ Abdias the iiij of the xij ꝓphesied agayns edom Iacharias son to Ieroboā regned ī israell vi monethis the wich be gan to regne the xxxviij yere of Osias and wos nought in his leuyng as his predicessurs war And zelluz kylled hym and regned a moneth And Manahen kyllid hym toke his kyngdom vt pꝪ patet 4º regū This manahen regned x. yere that wich be gon to regne the xxxix yere of Osias and he ruled him myscheuysly and our lord toke hym in the poer of the kyng of assuriorum ̄ he payed to hym M. talentis of siluer vt pꝪ patet 4 regū Phaseia son to manahen regned in israell ij yere And he bee gan to regne the .l. yere of Osias he wos noght ī his leuyng Phasee slew Phasaia regned xx yere And he be gan to regne the lij yer of Osias and did as other cursed men did plura vide 4º regū And after this israell wos with owttyn ony kyng viij yere ¶ How Morgan and Conedag that wos nevus to Cordeil werred wpon hir and put hir hir in to preson WHen that kyng Leir wos deid Cordeill his yongest doughter regned the x. yere of Osias kyng of Iuri And after hir ragned Conedage the xv yere of Osias And Cordeill that wos Leir yongest doughter after the deth of hir fader had all the lōd v. yere and in the meyn tyme died hir lord Agampe that was kyng of fraunce and after his deth she left wedo And ther come Morgan and Conedag that wer Cordeill sustre sonnys and to hir had enmite for as moch as ther aunt shold haue the land So that bitweyn them they ordeyned a gret pouer and vpon hir wered gretly and neuer they rest till they had hir taken ̄ put hir vn to deth and tho Morgan Conedag seysed ale the land ̄ deꝑtid it bitwene them And they held it xij yere ▪ and when tho xij yere were gone ther bi gane bitwene them a gret debate so that they wered strongly to gedre yfere euery of them did other moch disese for Morgan wold haue all the land fro beyond humbet that Conedage held but he come ayenst hym with a strong pouer so that Morgan durst not abide but fled awey in to wales and Conedage pursued hym ̄ toke hym and kylled hym And tho come conedage ayen and seysed all the lond in to his hand and held it ̄ regned after xxxiij yere tho he died ̄ lieth at new Troy ¶ And be cause the mater contennys most comediusly to geder of the kynges of bretan now called Enegland for the tyme of them is not certenly knawyn what tyme of the world thes kynges foloyng regned Therfor they shall be to geder tyll it be comen vn to Guentolen kyng of bretan now called Englond ¶ How Reignold that wos Cōadag son regned after his fader ̄ ī his tyme it reyned blode iij. dayes ī tokennyng of gret deth ANd after this Conedage regned Reignold his son that was a wise knyght and an hardy and curtes that well ̄ nobully gouerned the lond and wonder well made hym beleued of all maner of folke and in his tyme it rayned blode that lested iij. days as god wold and sone after ther come gret deth of pepull for hostes with out nombre of pepull foughten tyll that all myghty god therof toke mercy and pytty and tho gan it cese and this Reignold regned xxij yere ̄ died lieth at Yorke ¶ How Gorbodian regned in pees that wos reignold son after he died and lieth at yoik ANd after this
entre ther haue your will The kīg toke priueli all the host to gouerne ̄ lede to a knyght that he mich loued toke his way toward the castell with hī toke vlfȳ his chābirlayn ̄ merlin ¶ And when they come theder the porter went that it had bene hys owne lord ̄ when tyme come for to go to bede ¶ The kyng went to bede with Igerne the Erles wife dyd with hir all his will and bigat vpon hir a son that wos called arthur ¶ And vpō the morow the kyng toke his leue of the lady and went ayen to hys host ¶ And the same nyght that the kyng lay by Igerne in bedde that wos the Erles wife the kynges men yaf a gret assaut vn to the castell and the Erle and his men manli them defended But at the last it befell so that in the same assaut the Erle hym self wos slayn and the castell taken ¶ And the kyng a none turned ayen to Tyntagell and spoused Igerne with moch honor and made hir quene and sone after tyme come that she shuld be deliuered and beyr a child a son that wos called Arthur and after he gat a doughter that was called Amya ̄ when she come of age a nobull Baron that was called Aloth that wos lord of leons wed hir ¶ When vter long tyme had regned ther come vpon hī a gret sekenes as it wer a sorow ¶ And ī the meyn tyme tho that had to kepe Otta that wos Engist son and Ossa his brother that tho wer in prison they let them gone for gret yeftes that they hom yaf and went with them ¶ And when tho .ij. bretheren wer ascappid and come ayen in ther own cūtre They ordined an grert pouer and begon to were eftsones vpon the kyng ¶ How kyng vter chese Aloth to kepe the land of breton whiles that he wos seke for as moch as he myght not for his seknes ANd for as moch as kyng vter wos seke and myght nott help hym self he ordined Aloth son of Eleyn that tho was chosen for to be wardeyn and cheftayn of all his folke and so he anone and his bretans assemled a gret host and yaf batell to Otta to his folke but Otta at the last wos discomfitid ¶ Hitt befell thus afterward that thes bretons had dedignacion of Aloth wold not to hī be attendant wherfor the king wos anoid wonder s●re let put hym in a litter in the host emonges folke ¶ And they lad hī to veroloyn that tho was a fair cite ther that sent Albon wos martired after wos that cite destroied with paynīs thurgh were ̄ theder thei had sēt Otta Ossa ther peple entrid ī to the toune let make fast the yates ther thei held them ̄ the kīg come ̄ them beseged made a strōg assaute but tho that wei with in māli them defended ¶ The kīg let ordeyn his gōnes and his engynes for to brek the walles ̄ the walles wer so strōg that nothīg myght them mysdoo ¶ Otta ̄ his pepull had gret despite that a kīg liggyng ī a lytter had them beseged they toke concell a monges them for to stand vp ī the morow ̄ cū out ̄ yef batall to the kīg so they did ̄ ī that batall wer both Otta Ossa slayn all tho other that ascapped a lyue fled ī to scotland made Colegū ther chyftayn ̄ the saxons that wer on lyue ̄ ascaped fro the bataill brought ayan a gret strength emōges them they sayed that if kīg vter wer deid they shuld well cōquere the land amonges them they thought to enposin the kīg ordeyned mē for to do this dede and yaf them of yeftes gret plente this thyng to done and they ordined hem thiderward ther that the kīg was duellīg clothed hem ī pouer wede the better all for to sped therlyd purpose but neuertheles for all ther falsnes quātize they might neuer cū to nyghthe kīg ¶ But so at the last they aspied that the kīg drāknōe o th erlycour but only water of a cler wel that was negh beside ¶ And thes fals tratours vpō a day preuali wēt to the wel put therī poyson so that all the water was enpoysened and anōe after os the kīg had dronkyn of the water he begō to fuell ̄ sone after he died ̄ os mōy as dronk of that water died also ¶ And anōe as this wos aspied folke of the toune let stop the well for euer more ¶ When the king wos dred his folk bere hī to Stonhenge with gret solempnite of bisshoppis of barōs that werther hī to bery besides Aurilambros his brother after turned ayen tho euerychone send after Arthur his son ̄ they made him kīg of the land with moche reuerence after his fadres deth xvij yere of his regne ¶ How Arthur that wos the son of vter was crouned after his fadre deth and how he drofe Colegrin and the Saxons and Cheldrik of almayne out of this lond WHen Arthur wos made kyng of the lond he wos bot yong of age of xv yere but he wos fair and bold and doughty of body and to meke folke he wos good and curtas and large off spendyng and made hym wonderly well beloued among all men ther that it wos need ¶ And when he begone to regne he swore that the saxons neuer shuld haue pees ne rest till that he had driuē them out of the lond and assembled a gret host and faught with Colegrī the wich after the time that Otta wos deid the saxons mayntened this Colegrin wos discomfited fled vn to yorke toke the toune and ther hym held ¶ And the kyng beseged hī ther but he myght nothyng sped for the cite wos so strong and they with in the toune kepped the cite well and orpedly ¶ And in the meyn tyme Colegrin let the toune to Bladulf fled hym self to Cheldrik that wos kyng of Almayne for to haue of him socour ̄ the kyng assemblid agret pouer ̄ come ariued in scotlond with .v. C. shippis and whē arthur wist of this tidīg that he had not pouer ̄ strength y nough to fight ayens Cheldk he let be the sege went to london and sent anone his letters to the king of litill bretan that was called Hoel his nepheu his sustres son that he shuld cū to hī with all the pouer that he myght and he assemblid a gret host ariued at southinton ¶ And when kīg arthur it wist he wos glad i nough ̄ went ayens them them resaued with moch honour so that thos ij hostes met assembled them and toke ther way euen vn to Nichol that Cheldrik had beseged but it wos not taken ¶ And they come vpō cheldrik
the englisshmē wer discomforted ̄ sorowed in northhūberland ¶ For enchesō that kīg Edwardis son set by the scottis no force for the riot of Perys of Ganaston wherfore Alas wos the song thurgh out all englond for defaute of they re good werdeyn frō the I le of shepey vn to the I le of marcill the pepull made moch sorow for good kīg Edwardis deth ¶ For they wened that good kīg edward shuld haue gone ī to the holy land for that was holy his purpose vpon whos soule god for his high grace haue inci Anno domini M.CC.lxxxiiij CElestinus wos pope after Nicholas v. monethis and nothynh nobull of him is written bot that he wos a vertuus man Bonefacius the .viij. wos after him viij yere This Bonefaci wos a man ī thos thinges the wich ꝑteneth to court for he wos vere exparte in such maters And because he had no peer he put no mesurnesse to his prudens And toke so gret pride vpon him that he said he wos lord of all the world and mony thyngꝭ he did with his myght the wich failed wriechedly in the end he yaf a sampull to all prelatis that they shuld not be proude but vnder the forme of a veray schepard of god they shuld more study for to be loued of ther subiectis then to be drad This man is he of whome it is said that he entred as a fox he leued as a Lyon and died as a dog ¶ This tyme the yere of grace was ordeyned from an hondreth yere to an hondreth yere And the frist Iubile was in the yere of our lord Ihū crist a M.ccc.. Benedictus the xi was after Boneface xi monethis This mā wos an holi man of order of the frere prechours litill wile liued but decessid anone Adulphus wos emprour vi yere this mā was the erle of anoxone And wos not crouned by the pope for he wos slayn in bataill Albertus was emprour after him x. yere This man wos the duke of Anstrie and frist was repreued of the pope and after wos confirmed by the same pope for the male●● of the kyng of fraunce the wich wos an enmy vn to the chirche And to that Albert the same pope yaf the kyngdom of fraunce as he did other kyngdoms bot it profettid not for at the last he wos slayn of his nevu Clemens was pope after Benedictus almost ix yere And he was a gret bylder of castelles and other thinges and he dampned the order of templaries and he ordeyned the vij boke of the decretalis the wich be called the questions off Clementyns And anone after ī a counsell the wich he held at vienna he reuokid that same boke· the wich his successari Iohn̄ called ayen īcorporit it pupplicit it This Clemēt first of all popis translatid the popis seet fro rome to the Auīnon· wheder it was done bi the mocion of god or the boldenes of man diuerse mē merueleth Iohan the xxij was pope after him xviij yere This man was all glorious as for thos thynges that wer to be vsid thurgh the actyue liffe And he pupplishit the constitucōis of the Clementines and send them to all the vniuersites and mōy santis he canonised thes fat bisshopbriches he deuidid he ordined mony thinges ayens the pluralite of benefices and mōy heritikes he dampned bot wheder he wos saued or not oure lord wold not shew to thos he louyd veray well Henri the .vij. was emprour after Albert v. yere This Henri was a nobull man in were and he coueted to haue pees by land and water he wos a glorius mā in bataill And neuer ouercummyn with enmys And at the last he wos poysened of a frere when that he houselid him bi resauīg of the sacrament ¶ Of kyng Edward that wos kyng Edwardis son ANd after this kyng Edward regned Edward his son that was borne in Carnariuan and this Edward went him in to fraunce and ther he spoused Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce the xxv day of Ianiuer at the chirche of our ladi at Boloyn in the yere of our lord ihesu crist a M.ccc.vij And the xx day of Feuyer the next yere that come after he wos crouned solempli at westmynstre of the Erchebisshop Robert of wynchelse and of the erchebisshop off Cantorburi And ther wos so gret prece of pepull that sir iohan bakwell wos deid and mordred ¶ And anone as the good kyng Edward was deid sir Edeward his son kyng of englond sent after Pers of Ganastane in to Gascoyn and so moch loued him that he called him his broder And anone after he yaf vn to him the lordship of walyngforde and it wos not long after that he ne yaf him the erldom of Cornewaill ayens all the lordis wyll of the reame of englond ¶ And tho brought he sir Walter of Langton bisshop of Chestre in to prison in to the tour of london with two knaues allone him to serue For the kyng was wroth with him for because that sir walter made complaynte vpon him to his fader wherfor he was put in to prison in the tyme of Troilebaston ¶ And the forsaid Pers of Ganaston made so gret mastries that he went in to the kynges tresorie in the abbey of westmynster and toke the table of gold with the tristyls of the same mony other riche Iewels that sum tyme wer the nobull and good kīg Arthurs ̄ toke thē to a marchand that was called Aymeri of Friscombaand For he shulde bere them ouer see ī to Gascoyne and so he went thens and they come neuer ayen after wherfore it wos a gret loose vn to this land ¶ And when this Pers wos so richeli auaunced he be come so proud and so stout wherfor all the gret lordis of the reame had him ī dispite for his gret bering wherfore sir Hēri the laci erle of Nicholl and syr Guy erle of warrewik the wich good lordis the goode kyng Edward sir Edwardis fader kyng of Englond charged that Peris of Ganaston shuld not cum in to englond for to bring his son Edward in to riot ¶ And all the lordis of Englond assemled them a certayn day at the freris prechours at London and ther they spekyn of the dishonour that kyng Edward did vn to his reame and to his croune ¶ And so they assentid all bothe erles and barons and all the commyns that the foresaid Pers of Ganastone shuld be exiled out of Englond for euer more and so it wos done for he forswore Englond and went in to Irlond and ther the kyng made hym chiuetayn and gouernour of the land by his commission and theer this pers was cheuetayne of all the land and did ther all that hī liked and had pouer what he wold and that tyme wer the templars exiled thurgh all cristinte for encheson that men put vpon them that they shuld done thynges ayens the faith and good beleue·
cite And ordeyned made gret rialte ayens his comyng to londō for to haue hys grace good lordship also ther liberties fraūchies graūtid vn to them ayen as they wer wont to haue afore tyme ¶ And thoru gret instance ̄ prayr of the quene and of othhir lordis and ladies the kyng graūtid them grace this wos don at shene ī sutherei ¶ And thā the kyng with in ij dais after com to londō And the maire of the cite with shereues aldermē all the worthy mē of the cite afterward ridden ayens him in good aray vn to the heth on this side the maner of shene submyttyng them hūb●ly and mekely with all maner obeissaunce vn to him as they ought to do ¶ And thus they brought the kyng ̄ the quene to londō And than the kyng come to the yate of thee brugge of londō ther they presented him with a mylke white stedesadiled brideled trapped with cloth of gold rede ꝑtied to gedre And the quene a palfrey all white in the same aray trappid with white and rede all the condites of london ranne with wyne both white and rede for all maner pepull to drinke that wold ¶ And bitwen sent poules the crosse in cheppe ther was made a stage a riall standīg vpon high ̄ therin wer mony angels with diuerse melodies ̄ songe ¶ And than an Angell come doune frō the stage an high by a vise and set a croūe of gold pight with rich perle and precious stonys vpō the kyngꝭ hede and an othir vpō the quenes hede And so the citisens brought thee kyng and the quene vn to west mynstre ī to ther palais And than on the morne after the mayre and the shereues and the aldermen of london come vn to the kīg in to his palays at westminstre and presentid him with ij basīs of siluer and ouer gilted full of coyned gold the soum of xx hondreth pound prayng him of his high merci and grace and lordship and speciall grace that they myght haue his good loue with the liberties and fraūcheses like wise as they wer wond for to haue be fore tymes ̄ by his lettres patentis and his chartri confermed ¶ And the quene othir worthy lordis ladies fell on knees besought the kyng of grace to cōferme this ¶ Than the kyng toke vp the quene ̄ graūted hir all hir askīg ̄ than they thankid the kyng the quene went home ayen ¶ And in the xvi yere of kyng Richardis regne certayn lordis of scotlond come in to englond for to get worship as be feet of armes Thes wer the ꝑsons the erle of Marre he chalēgid the erle Marchall of englond to iust with him certayn pointes on horsbake with sh̄arp speris ̄ they riden to geder as ij worthi knyghtis lordis certayn courses but not the full chalenge that the scottis erle mado for he was cost both hors and man ij of his ribbes broken with that fall and so he was borne then out of smygthefeld hom vn to his yn And with in a litell tyme after he wos caried homward ī a litter and at yorke ther he died And sir willm Darell knyght tho the baner of scotland than made an other chalenge with Sir Pers courtayn knyght and the kyngꝭ banerer of englond of certaī courses yit on hors bake in the same feld ̄ when he had riden certayn curses ̄ assayd he myght not haue the better he yaf it ouer wold no more of his chalenge with sir Pers courtayn knyght and the kynges baner of englond and turned his hors rode home vn to his own yn ¶ And one Cokkeborne a squier of scotland chalenged sir Nicholl hawbarke knyght of certayn courses yet with sharp speris on horsbake ̄ riden v. courses to geder ̄ at euery course the scot wos casten doune both hors and man thus our english lordis thankid be god had the feld ¶ And ī the xvij yere of kyng Richardes regne died the good gracious quene Anne that wos wife to kyng Richard in the maner of shene in the shire of furre vpō witsonday and than wos she brought to londō so to westmynstre and ther ●os she beried worthely entered beside sent edwardis shrine on whos soule almyghty god haue pitte and in his merci amen ¶ How kyng Richard spoused dame Isabell the kyngꝭ doughter of fraunce ī the toune of Calais brought hir in to englōd let hir be croūed quene ī the abbey of sent Petres of westmynstre IN the xx· yere of kyng richardis regne he went him ouer see vn to Calais with Dukis Erles Lordis and Barons and mony other worthy squiers with gret aray comune pepull of the reame ī good aray as lōged to such a kīg ̄ p̄nce of his nobley of his own ꝑson to do hī reuerence ̄ obseruaūce as ought to be done to ther liege lord so mighti a kīg ̄ emꝑour ī his own to abide resaue ther that worthy gracious lady that shuld be his wyfe a yong creature of xix yere of age dame Isabell the kingꝭ doughter of fraunce and mony othir worthy lordis of gret name both barons and knyghtis with moch other pepull that comen vn to the toune of Grauenyng and ij dukis of fraunce that on was the duke of Burgoyn and that othir the duke of Barre that wold no ferther lesse than they had plegges for them ¶ And thā the kyng Richard deliuered ij plegges for them to go sauf and cum sauf his two worthi vncles the duke of Gloucestre the duke of yorke ¶ And thes two went ouer the water of Grauenyng and abeden ther as for plegges vn to the time that the mariage the fest was done that thes ij dukis of fraunce wer comen ayen vn to Grauenyng water ¶ And when thes ij worthy dukis comen ouer the water at grauenyng and so to Calays with this worsshipfull lady Dame Isabell that wos the kynges doughter of fraūce and with hir come mony a worthy lord eke lady and knyghtes and squiers in the best aray that myght be And ther they met with our menay at Calais the wich welcomed hir hir meny with the best honor and reuerence that myght be and so brought hir ī to the toune of Calais ¶ And ther she wos resaued with all the solempnite and worship that myght be done vn to such a lady And than they brought hir vn to the kyng the kyng toke hir ̄ welcomed hir and all hir fair companie and made ther all the solempnite that myght be done ¶ And than the kyng and his coūncell askit of the frensh lordis whethir al the couenaūtes forwardes with the composicion that wer ordeyned made on both parties shuld be trewly keped and hold bitwen them ¶
abstinence of were for a certayn tyme in the name of the Duchesse not of duke because he had gon frō his othe legeaunce that he had made to kyng Henri therfore the kyng neuer wold write ne oppointe ne haue to do with hī after bot al in the duchesse name ¶ Also this same yere quene Iane died the secund day of Iule wich had bene kyng Henri the fourthis wife and wos caried fro Bermondsey vn to Cauntorberi wher she lieth beried bikyng Henri the iiij hir housbond ¶ This same yere died all the lions in the toure of london the wich had not ben seyn mony yeres before out of mynde ¶ How Owayn a squier of wales that had weddid quene Katerine wos arestid And of the scisme bitwen Eugenie ̄ felix IN the xvi yere of kyng Henri died Sigismond Emprour of Almayn knyght of the garter whos terment the kyng keped at sent poules in london rialli wher was made a riall heerse and the kyng in his astate clad in blew wos at euen at dirige and on the morow at masse c. ¶ And after him wos elect and chosin Albert duke of Ostrich wich had weddid Sigismōdꝰ doughter for to be ep̄rour This mā wos taken resaued to be kīg of beme vngari be cause of his wife that was sigismondꝰ doughter wich left after him none othir heir ¶ This Albert wos emprour but on yere for he wos poysened so died sum saieth he died of a flix bot he wos a vertuus man petifull so moch that all the pepull that knew him said that the world wos not worthy to haue his presens ¶ This same yere on Owayn a squier of walis a man of law byrth wich had mony a day before secretly weddid quene Katerine and had by hir iij. sonnys and on doughter wos taken ̄ commaūdid to newgate to prison be my lord of Gloucestre ꝓtectour of the reame ¶ And this yere he brake prison by the meyn of a prest that wos his chapelayn and after he was takī ayen by my lord Bemond and brought ayen to newgate wich afterward wos deliuered at large And on of his sonnys afterwarde was made erle of richemond and an othir erle of penbroke ̄ the thrid a monke of westmynstre wich monke died sone after This same yere also on Newyeres day at baynardis castell fell doune a stake of wod sodenli at afternone slew iij. mē mischeuisli and foule hurt othir Also at bedford on a shrireday wer xviij men murtherid with out stroke by fallīg doune of a stair as they com out of ther comune hall mony foule hurt ¶ In the xviij yer sir Richard Beauchamp the good erle of werwike died at Roon he beyng that tyme leuetenaunt of the kyng in Normandie from thens his body wos brought to warwike wher he lieth worsshipfully in a new chapell on the south side of the quere ¶ Also this yere wos a gret derth of corne in all englond for a busshell of whete wos worth xl pens in mony places of englōd yit men myght not haue y nough wherfor Steuen broune that tyme mare of londō sēt ī to pruce broght to londō certain shippis ladē with rie wich did moch good to the poer pepull for corne wos so scarce ī englōd that ī sū places of englōd poer pepull made them bred of fern rotes ¶ This yere the generall councell of Basilie deposid eugenye And they chose Felix wich wos duke of Sauoye And than began the scisme wich endurid vn to the yere of our lord ihū crist M. cccc.xlviij This felix wos a deuoute prīce ̄ sawe his sonnys son after leued an holi life wos chosin pope of the councell of Basile Eugenye deposed And so the scisme wos long time and this Felix had not moch obedience be cauce of the neutralite for the most parte and well nygh all cristyndome obeied reputid Eugenye for veray pope god knawoth who was veray pope of them both for both occupied during the life of Eugeny ¶ This same yere sir Richard wiche vecarie of hermettesworth wos degratid of his presthode at Poules brint at toure hill as for on heritike on sent Botulphus day how well at his deth he died a good cristyn man wher for after his deth moch pepull come to the place wher he wos brent and offrid made a heppe of stonys ̄ set vp a crosse of tre ̄ held him for a sent till the maire sheriues by the kyngꝭ commaūdemēt ̄ of bisshoppis destruyed it made ther an dong hill ¶ Also this same yere the shireues of london set out of sent Martins the graūt the sentorie v. ꝑsons wich afterward wer restorid ayen to the sentorie by the kīgꝭ Iustices ¶ After albert the thrid Frederike wos chosin Emprour This Frederik duk of Osterik wos long Emprour ̄ differid for to be crouned at rome because of the scisme but after that vnite wos had he wos crouned with imꝑiall diademe with gret glorie and triumphe of pope Nicholas the iiij This wos a pesabull man quiet and of sīgular paciens not hating the chirch he weddid the kyng of Portingales doughter c ¶ How the duchesse of gloucestre wos arestid for treson committed to ꝑpetuall prison in the I le of mā And of the deth of mastir Roger Bolingbroke IN this yere Elinour Cobham duchesse of gloucestre was arestid for certayn pointes of treson laid ayen hir wher vpō she was examined in sent Stephenys chepell at westmynster before the Erchebisshop of Cantorburi And ther she wos enioyned to open penaunce for to go thurgh chepe bering a taper in hir hand and after to ꝑpetuall prison in the I le of man vnder the kepyng of sir Thomas stanley ¶ Also that same tyme wos arestid master Thomas southwell a chanon of westmynster mastir Iohan Hume a chapelayn of the said lady mastir Roger bolingbroke a clarke vsing nigromancie on mariorie Iurdemayn called the wicch of Eye beside westmynstre Thes wer arestid as for beyng of councell with the said duchesse of gloucestre And as for mastir Thomas southwell he died ī the toure the nyght before he sh̄uld haue be reyned on the morne For he him self sayd that he shold die ī his bed not by Iustices ¶ And ī the xx yere maistir Iohn̄ hume and mastir Roger bolingbroke wer brought to the gild hall in london and ther before the mair the lordis chief iustices of englond wer rayned and dampned both to be drowen hanged quartired but master iohn̄ hume had his chartre and wos ꝑdoned by the kyngo· bot mastir Roger wos drawen to Tyburne wher he confessid that he died giltles neuer had trespasid in that he died fore Notwithstondyng he wos honged hedid quartired on whos soule god haue mercy ¶ And margeri iurdmain wos brent in smythfeld ¶ Also this yere wos a