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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11863 Honor military, and ciuill contained in foure bookes. Viz. 1. Iustice, and iurisdiction military. 2. Knighthood in generall, and particular. 3. Combats for life, and triumph. 4. Precedencie of great estates, and others. Segar, William, Sir, d. 1633.; Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. 1602 (1602) STC 22164; ESTC S116891 203,415 258

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desiring both to honour her and please himselfe with her presence conuited all noble Ladies to behold a triumph at London to be there performed by the Nobles and Gentlemen of his Court This intention his Maiestie did command to be proclaimed in Fraunce Henault Flanders Brabant and other places giuing Passeport and secure abode to all noble strangers that would resort into England That done he sent vnto al Princes Lords and Esquiers of the Realme requiring that they with their wiues daughters and cosins should at the day appointed appeare at his Court. To this feast came William Earle of Henault and Iohn his brother with many Barons and Gentlemen The triumph continued 15. dayes and euery thing succeeded well had not Iohn the sonne and heire of Vicount Beaumount bene there slaine In this triumph also appeared the Earle of Lancaster and Henry his son The Earle of Darby The Lord Robert of Artoys The Erle of Richmount The Earle of Northampton The Earle of Glocester The Earle of Warwicke The Earle of Salisbury The Earle of Pembroke The Earle of Hartford The Earle of Arundel The Earle of Cornewall The Earle of Norffolke The Earle of Suffolke The Baron of Stafford with others In the raigne of the same King Edward a Royall Iust was holden at Lincoln● by the Duke of Lancaster where were present certaine Ambassadors sent by the King of Spaine for the Lady Ioane daughter to the King who should haue bene married vnto that King of Spaine but meeting her on the way she died A triumph was holden at Windsor before the same King Edward whereat was present Dauid King of Scots the Lord of Tankeruile and the Lord Charles de Valoys who by the Kings license was permitted to runne and had the prize Anno 1349. In Smithfield were solemne Iusts in the same Kings raigne where was present a great part of the most valiant Knights of England and France Thither came also noble persons of other Nations and Spaniards Cipriots Armenians who at that time humbly desired aide against Pagans An. 1361. A triumph before King Edward the fourth IVsts were againe holden in Smithfield where Anthony Wooduile Lord Scales did runne against the Bastard of Burgundie Anno 1444. A triumph before King Henry the sixt ONe other notable Action of Armes was personally performed in Smithfield betweene a Gentleman of Spaine called Sir Francis le Arogonoys and Sir Iohn Astley Knight of the Garter For after the said Sir Francis had wonne the honour from all the men at Armes in France he came into England and made a generall challenge but by the great valour of Sir Iohn Astley lost the same vnto him Triumphs before King Henry the seuenth AT Richmont was holden a solemne triumph which continued a whole moneth where Sir Iames Parker running against Hugh Vaughan was hurt and died 1494. One other triumph was in the same Kings daies performed in the Tower of London Anno 1502. Triumphs before King Henry the eight BVt farre exceeding all these was that magnificent Iust and Tournament at the meeting of the two excellent Princes King Henry the eight of England and Francis the French King who chusing vnto them fourteen others did challenge to run at the Tilt and fight both at the Tourney and Barrier with all commers The Challengers were the King of England the French King the Duke of Suffolke the Marquesse Dorset Sir William Kingston Sir Richard Ierningham Master Nicholas Carew and Master Anthonie Kneuet with their Assistants Sir Rowland and Sir Giles Capel with these were so many other French Gentlemen as made vp the number aforesaid For Defenders thither came Mounsieur Vandosme the Earle of De●onshire and the Lord Edmond Howard euery of them bringing in a faire band of Knights well armed This most noble challenge of these two mighty Kings accompanied with fourteene other Knights of either nation seuen they caused to bee proclaimed by Norrey King at Armes in England France and Germanie Anno 12 Henrici 8. One other most memorable Challenge was made by the same King who in his owne royall person with William Earle of Deuonshire Sir Thomas Kneuet and Edward Neuel Esquire answered all commers at Westminster The King called himselfe Caeur Loyal the Lord William Bon Voloir Sir Thomas Kneuet Valiant desire and Edward Neuil Ioy●us Pensier The Defenders were THe Lord Gray Sir William a Parr Robert Morton Richard Blunt Thomas Cheyney Thomas Terrel Christopher Willoughby the Lord Howard Charles Brandon the Lord Marquesse Henrie Guilford the Earle of Wiltshir● Sir Thomas Bullin Thomas Lucie the Lord Leonard the Lord Iohn Iohn Melton Griffith Doon Edmond Howard Richard Tempest After this Challenge was ended the prize appointed for the Challengers partie was giuen vnto Caeur Loyal and among the Defenders to Edmond Howard Another solemne Challenge was proclaimed and perfourmed by certaine English Knights viz. Sir Iohn Dudley Sir Thomas Seimor Sir Francis Poynings Sir George Carew Anthony Kingston and Richard Cromwel Anno 1540. Another action of Armes published in the Chamber of Presence at VVestminster by a King of Armes 25. of Nouember in the 1. and 2. of P. and M. FOrasmuch as euer it hath bene a custome that to the Courts of Kings and great Princes Knights and Gentlemen of diuers Nations haue made their repaire for the triall of Knighthood and exercise of Armes And knowing this Royall Court of England to bee replenished with as many noble Knights as any kingdome in the world at this day It seemeth good to Don Fredericke de Toledo the Lord Strange Don Ferdinando de Toledo Don Francisco de Mendoca and Garsulace de la Vega That seeing here in this place better then in any other they may shew the great desire that they haue to serue their Ladies by the honorable aduentures of their persons They say that they will maintaine a fight on foot at the Barriers with footmens harnesse three pushes with a pike seuen strokes with a sword in the place appointed before the Court gate on Tuesday the 4. day of December from the twelfth houre of the day vntill fiue at night against all commers Praying the Lords the Earle of Arundell the Lord Clinton Gartilapez de Padilla and Don Pedro de Cordoua that they would be Iudges of this Triumph for the better performance of the conditions following First that he which commeth forth most gallantly without wearing on himselfe or furniture any golde or siluer fine or counterfeit wouen embroidered or of goldsmiths worke shall haue a rich Brooch He that striketh best with a Pike shall haue a Ring with a Rubie He that fighteth best with a Sword shall haue a Ring with a Diamond He that fighteth most valiantly when they ioyntly fight together shall haue a Ring with a Diamond He that giueth a stroke with a Pike from the girdle downeward or vnder the Barrier shall winne no prize Hee that shall haue a close gantlet or any thing to fasten his Sword to his hand shall winne no
so haue I long desired to do and no time more fit then now when the Constable and his company may be iudge Yet such is my hap as I haue no Armor at hand For supply of that want quoth Boucmelius I will take order that two Armors shal be brought vnto vs and of them the choise shal be yours with euery other thing fit for our purpose This agreement made they imparted the same vnto the Constable and obtained his license yet with condition that they should attend vpon him the next day at which time hee would with other noble men see what should be the euent of that Action About the houre appointed these Champions did appeare and at the first course Clifford with his Launce pearced through the Armor and body of Boucmelius of which hurt he presently died This accident much grieued the French and Clifford himselfe was not a little sory which the Constable perceiuing said vnto Clifford Be not dismayed for this is the fruite of like aduentures and if my selfe had beene in thy place I should haue done the same for better euer it is to doe then suffer at the hand of an enemy The Constable hauing ended his speech conuited Clifford with his company to dinner and then caused them to be conducted to the next towne in safety CHAP. 36. ¶ An other Challenge of a French Gentleman in Spaine IN the Army of the King of Castile there was a French Gentleman young of yeeres and in Armes of great reputation men called him Tristram de Roy. He seeing the warres ended betweene the Kings of Castile and Portugal determined to returne home Yet desirous by some means to gaine honor before his arriuall in France procured an Herauld to goe vnto the English Army and proclaime That if any Gentleman there would breake three Launces he would challenge him This challenge being heard in the English campe a braue young Gentleman named Miles Windesor accepted thereof hoping by that occasion to merit the honour of Knighthood The next day according to appointment he appeared in the field accompanied with Mathew Gorney William Beuchamp Tho Simons the L. Shandos the L. Newcastle the L. Bardolf and many others The French Challenger appeared likewise honourably graced with friends and thus both parties in readinesse to runne the Lord Souldichius bestowed the dignitie of Knighthood vpon the said Windsor Which done the one charged the other and the two first courses were perfourmed with great courage yet without any hurt But in the third course the armour both of the one and the other was pearced through yet by breach of the launces both of them escaped more harme CHAP. 37. One other notable Challenge in France Anno 1390. IN the reigne of King Charles the sixth three noble young men of great hope and much affecting the warre liued in that Court viz. Mounsier de Bouciquant the younger Mounsier Reynaut de Roye and Mounsier de S. Pye all Gentlemen of that Kings chamber In the same time also there was in England a Knight for valour and militarie vertue of great fame men called him Sir Peter Courtney He hauing obtained license passed the sea and trauelled to Paris After a few daies rest in that citie he challenged Mounsieur Trimoulie a noble Gentleman in great reputation who accepting the defie obtained license to answere appointing a day and place The time being come the King accompanied with the Duke of Burgundy and many other great Estates went to behold that conflict The first course was performed exceeding well and ether partie brake his launce with commendation But the second launce being deliuered into their hands the King inhibited more should be done seeming somewhat offended with the English Knight who had made sute that he might be suffered to doe his vttermost This Action by the Kings commaundement was stayed and Sir Peter Courtney therewith grieued thought good to abandon that Countrey and so desired he might doe The King well pleased he should depart sent vnto him an honourable gift and the Duke of Burgundie did the like The King also commaunded Mounsiuer de Clary a grea● Lord to accompany him to Callis By the way they visited the Earle of S. Paul who married King Richards sister of England The Earle in most courteous manner welcommed Sir Peter and the rather for that his Ladie had formerly bene married to the Lord Courtney his kinsman who died young This Sir Peter Courtney being well entertained the Earle and hee with their company supped together in which time as the custome is they communed of many matters Among which the Earle asked of Sir Peter how he liked the Realme of France and what conceit he had of the Nobilitie Whereunto Sir Peter with a sowre countenance answered That hee found in France nothing to be compared with the magnificence of England though for friendly entertainment hee had no cause to complaine yet saide Sir Peter I am not well satisfied in that matter which was the chiefe cause of my comming into France For I protest in the presence of all this Honourable company that if Monsieur de Clary beeing a Noble Gentleman of France had come into England and challenged any of our Nation he should haue beene fully answered but other measure hath ben offered to me in France for when Monsieur de Tremoulie and I had engaged our honour after one Lance broken the king commanded me to stay I haue therefore sayde and wheresoeuer I shall become will say that in France I was denyed reason and leaue to doe my vttermost These words much moued Mounsieur de Clary yet for the present hee suppressed his anger hauing charge to conduct Sir Peter safely vnto Calis Notwithstanding this heate quoth the Earle let mee tell you Sir Peter that in mine opinion you depart from France with much honour because the King vouchsafed to entreate you that the fight might stay whom to obey is a certaine signe of wisedome and praise worthy I pray you therefore Sir Knight haue patience and let vs proceede in our iourney Thus Sir Peter hauing taken leaue of the Earle passed forth towards Calice accompanied with Mounsieur de Clary who so soone as they were entred into the confines of the English Dominion Sir Peter most heartily thanked him for his company and courtesie But Clary hauing made an impression of such sowre speeches as Sir Peter had vttered in the Earles house said thus Hauing now fully performed the Kings commandement conducting you safe to your friendes I must before wee part put you in minde of your inconsiderate words in contempt of the Nobility of France And to the end you being arriued in England shall haue no cause or colour to boast that you were not answered in France Loe here I my selfe though inferiour to many others am this day or to morow ready to encounter ●ou not for malice to your person or gloriously to boast of my valour but for conseruation of the fame and honor