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A02462 Tvvo fruitful sermons, needfull for these times whereof the one may be called, A mariage present; the other, A sickemans glasse. Compiled by Roger Hacket, Doctor in Diuinitie.; Two fruitful sermons, needfull for these times. Hacket, Roger, 1559-1621. 1607 (1607) STC 12592; ESTC S118993 30,700 42

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TWO FRVITFVL SERMONS NEEDFVLL for these times Whereof THE ONE MAY BE CALLED A Mariage Present THE OTHER A SICKE-mans Glasse Compiled by ROGER HACKET Doctor in Diuinitie AT LONDON Imprinted by FELIX KYNGSTON for Cuthbert Burby 1607. A MARIAGE PRESENT GENES 2.22 And he brought her to the man then the man said this now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh FOR the better opening and vnderstanding of this Scripture you may obserue first who brought her God which a little before had made her out of the rib of Adam Secondly whom he brought Eue the first of women Thirdly to whom God brought her to Adam the first of men the father of vs all Fourthly why hee brought her to bee Adams wife Genes 2.18 for God did not thinke it meete that Adam should be alone therefore he made Eue and gaue her to Adam to bee an helper meete for him Vers 20. Fifthly Adams accepting and taking her to be his wife this now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh In which words Adam doth not only shew that God made her of a fleshie rib that was taken from him but also that now they two were become one flesh being ioyned together in holy mariage by God and their mutuall consents Thus in these though briefely yet you may plainely see the meaning of this Scripture And he brought her to the man c. Whereas it hath bin an auncient and laudable custome Zanch. lib. 4. cap. 2. de Matrimo thes 2. de consecrat nupt as Zanchius obserueth out of Christs turning water into wine at the mariage of Canaan to grace the married couple with diuers presents I in steade of better things haue brought vnto the Bridgrome and his mate to this most Christian assemblie a few countrie flowers O let them find grace in your eyes they are gathered out of the garden of Eden out of the garden of the Lord. Of which the first is the Prime-rose take you al of this God giues Eue vnto Adam let all your mariages begin in the Lord The second is the Maydens-blush a flower for you maydens Eue comes not and giues her selfe this did not stand with her maydens modestie but God brings her and giues her to Adam So should you attend your parents pleasure till he bring and giue you vnto man The third is the sweete cooling cordial and low growing Violet for you the Bride and for all you women which either are or would bee ioyned in mariage with man When GOD saw that it was not meete for man to liue alone Genes 2 2● he made Eue and he gaue her to be an helper meete for man Remember ô ye daughters of Eue that you were made for man that you were giuen to man not to be hurters but to be helpers meere for them Shew by your obedience that you are low growing Violets by your louely carriage that you are sweete by your milde patience that you are cooling by your loyall faithfulnes that you are cordial by your gratious helpe that you are like this sweete cooling cordial and low growing Violet the flower that God heere commends vnto you The last is the Rosemary the flower of men for you the Bridegrome and for all you maried men that are ioyned in holy wedlocke with your wiues although the Rosemary ouertops all the flowers in the garden and thereby boasts his rule yet remember that Rosemary is good for the head rule with wisedome helpfull to the heart rule with loue that it is alway greene be alwaies louely and loyall to your wiues When God had giuen Eue to Adam Adam takes her and of her he faith this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh there is his loue he cleaues to his wife and they two become one flesh there is his loyaltie this God inspired in him there is his wisedome Smell sweet ô ye flowers in your natiue sweetnes be not adulterated with the water of this world ô shew your selues in your proper beauties The Prime-rose for all and be not gilded with the idle arte of man The first of these flowers is the Prime-rose of this let vs first speake and as in the first of the yeere the Prime-rose is desirously gathered of all so let this with the first be accepted of you all God gaue Eue to Adam let all your mariages begin in the Lord. Let God giue the woman to the man and ioyne man vnto the woman for if he ioyne not how can the maried couple look for a blessing of the Lord It should not be with you ô ye yong men and maydens as it is with the beasts that euery one should take his mate and after an vnseemely manner come together but God must giue Eue to Adam of you it should be said that God hath ioyned you together For what is the cause that the bed of many maried couples is defiled that many husbands and wiues iarre as instruments that are out of tune and want the sweete content of that blessed estate God gaue not Eue to Adam they were maried but yet not in the Lord. Wherefore let this Prime-rose be in the prime of thy desires seeke for a wife at the hands of the Highest Prou. 19.14 seeke to be maried in the Lord. For surely as wise Salomon speaketh houses and riches are the inheritance of the fathers but an vnderstanding wife commeth from the Lord. Genes 24.9 This made aged Abraham to charge his seruant and that by oath to seeke a wife for his sonne Isaak not among the daughters of Canaan but among the people where he was borne Vers 12. This made his charged seruant to pray to the God of his maister Abraham for successe and God heard his prayer Vers 58. and so moued the heart of Rebecca to giue consent Vers 50. that her brother Laban and father Bethuel were enforced to confesse that it was proceeded of the Lord. In such manner offer vp your prayers to the Highest ô ye that desire to be maried that he would blesse you in this your weightie busines so shall you to your comfort find Toby 7.11 that your lot is fallen on a good ground that it is proceeded of the Lord Remember how Sara the daughter of Raguel was maried to seuē how euery of them that night they came in to her that night they died What was the reason Toby 8.7 God gaue not Sara in mariage to them After yong Toby marieth commeth in to her and liueth marke the reasons noted in the story Toby 8.4 he came not in to her for fornication but vprightly he prayed to the God of his fathers God gaue Sara a wife to him they were maried in the Lord. Wherefore accept of this sweete Prime-rose you that are in the prime and spring of your liues seeke by prayer and all good meanes that God may giue Eue to Adam a wife to you that you may be
maried in the Lord. The Maydēsblush for maydens The second flower is the Maydens-blush a flower for you maydens Eue comes not of herselfe nor giues her selfe to Adam this doth not stand with her maydens modestie but God brings Eue and God giues her to Adam euen so should you attend your fathers pleasure till he brings and giues you vnto man For you sweete maydens beare your fathers name he gaue you life and from him you haue whatsoeuer you seeme for to enioy will you then rob your father of his child and vnkindly despise the author of your life shall the flattering speeches and baynfull bates of one but a few daies knowne more preuaile with you than parents words than all that they haue done and are likely to doe for you hereafter Numb 30.5 If thou hadest made a vow to God yet vnlesse thy father approued it thou shouldest not performe it to the Highest shall God go from his right to maintaine thy fathers power and wilt thou to the wrong of thy father hurt of thy selfe keepe touch with thy supposed louer Exod. 22.16 that keepeth no touch and faith with God In the old Law it was said if a man had entised a mayden which was not promised and had sayne with her If the father would not giue her to him the offender was to giue a dowry to her whom he had humbled and he might not take her vnto wife Heare ô ye maydens your parents consent is not only required as Peter Lombard speaketh ad honestatē sed ad necessitatem not only to grace and honest your mariages Concil Lateran Can. 51. but to make them lawfull and good Therefore in the Councell of Lateran those priuie mariages which are made without the parents consent are pronounced as vnlawfull as they that are made within the prohibited degrees of consanguinitie affinitie Wherfore ô ye maydens take at my hands this sweet flower of the Maydens-blush it will grace your mayden-heads please your parents and make you be beloued both of man and God And when in your espousals it shall be asked Who giues this mayden vnto wife cause not thy aged father to withhold his hand but cause him rather to steppe forth with ioy and before God and his Church to performe for thee that blessed worke Now as to the parent God hath giuen power to bestow his daughter so also that he do it well and wifely Deut. 7.3 God requires at his hand God saith Thou shalt not giue thy daughter to a Cananite There he giues thee power to bestow thy daughter in mariage 1. Cor. 7.37 but yet no power to bestow her on a Cananite He that giueth his daughter in mariage doth well Vers 39. Eccles 7.25 the parent hath power to giue his daughter in mariage saith the Apostle but yet he must doe it well he must do it in the Lord. He that hath maried his daughter saith Iesus the sonne of Syrach hath performed a good work Thou hast power to marie thy daughter but withall performe a good worke giue her to a man of vnderstanding as in that place it followeth Marrie not thy daughter to wealth and worship but marry her vnto a man for a man may get wealth and worship but wealth and worship neuer gets a man For on thee thy modest daughters eyes are fastned thou art vnto her that piller of light when thou mouest she moueth when thou standest still shee standeth well perswaded of thy fatherly loue and prouident wisedome shee resigneth ouer her will to thine Chrysost in Epist ad Coloss Homil. 12. and yeeldeth her selfe to be disposed by thee Seeke therefore for a man for thy daughter as Chrysostom speaketh which in loue shall cherish her in wisedome shall rule her now thou art to resigne thy power of her Decret 25.26 Caus 31. Q. 2● cap. 3. which once resigned thou canst not reclaime now thou art on her tender selfe to set an head Wherefore do not as Vrban Bishop of Rome wrote to Sanctio a King of Arragon in Spaine either by thy fatherly authoritie ouer awe her or by the deceiuing reasons of wealth and worship seeke to perswade her Matth. 19 ● to like a man whō she cānot loue For although thou wast the father of her body yet God it was that gaue her her soule whose only it is in a true liking loue to ioyne mā wife together Do not therfore wrong God in his right in seeking to ioyne those together whom the Lord neither yet hath nor would haue ioyned for if thou doest thy daughter loath to giue any farther nay yeeldeth with her woe to thy desire thou hast not performed a good worke thou hast not done wel thou hast not maried her in the Lord thou must beare the blame of their after-varyings and whatsoeuer other their fouler faults Heare ô ye maydens how sweete this flower is of the Maydens-blush how in ioyning you in blessed mariage it requireth Gods fathers and also your consents Wherefore if your parents or they that are in place of parents Genes 24.57 will not call you as Bethuel did Rebecca and aske of you your free consents yet mayest thou in thy maydens modestie without offence giuen vnto thy father deny to like where thou canst not loue or to giue thy hand where thou canst not giue thy heart Marke 10.9 And with this must all parents rest contented for to ioyne the hearts of man and wife together is not the worke of man but of God Otherwise if contrarie to thy liking thou sufferest thy selfe to be ioyned to another it may boe ô ouer modest mayden thou wilt staine this Maydens-blush with thy wiuish teares thou wilt be the cause of thine owne future troubles which now may be staned but then cannot be remedied thou must eate the bread of discontent and he in the bed where thou wouldest not be your after-varyings if it proceed not to worse will be a trouble to your friends and griefe vnto your selfe Wherefore with you ô maydens let me leaue this flower it is the Maydens-blush As the father is to giue Eue to Adam so must he do it in the Lord and with Eues free consent The Violet for maried wiues first is helpfull The next flower that commeth to my hand is the sweet cooling cordial and low growing Violet This commends it selfe vnto the Bride and to euery of you that either are or would be maried wiues It is the sweetest flower in the garden of Eden Genes 2.18 Vers 20. and me thinkes it best beseemeth you When God saw that it was not meete for man to liue alone he made Eue and he gaue her to Adam to be an helper meete for him Forget not ô ye wiues why Eue was made why she was brought and maried to Adam sure not to be an hurter but to be an helper meet for man Of all the flowers in the garden none is so helpfull as is
Chrysostom speaketh that beautie was giuen to a woman lust vnto man sheweth nothing else but that this by the Almightie was therefore done that the wife might bee beloued of her man Wherefore as S. Paul speaketh to the Colossians so I to you Coloss 3.19 Husbands loue your wiues and bee not bitter vnto them For your bitter dealings nay speeches nay lookes for kindnes is killed by a bitter looke abates the sweetnes of a womans loue and maketh them hate where they are bound to loue Wherefore ô ye men as the Rosemary affecteth your heads and moueth you in wisedome for to rule so let it also affect your hearts and moue you in kindnes for to loue Remember of all the creatures God had made he found none worthy a mans best loue and that therefore he made the woman to be an helper meete for him Genes 2.20 Do not ouer much tote on their faults and please your discontented humors with their wants this beseemeth not your wisedome nor your loue For as Zanchius speaketh He truly loueth who when he findeth in his wife some things that do displease Zanch. in 5. ad Ephes not well beseeming her and scarse agreeing with his profit doth yet loue her and performe the duties of a good husband to her Chrysost in Epist ad Ephes Hom. 21. Which as Chrysostom speaketh hideth her wants and gratifieth her in her due desires which saith not to her this is thine and that is thine but which rather saith all is thine I am thine this is not the speech of him that flattereth but rather of him that wisely loueth Wherefore ô ye men although the high growing Rosemary sheweth your rule yet let it remember you to rule in wisdome to rule in loue And yet before I leaue this scepter of your rule with you consider in the third place that the Rosemary in summer and winter is alway greene euen so should men alway continue true and loyall to their wiues the same in loue and loyaltie at the last the which vnto them they were at first they should in summer and winter be alwaies greene Man should not onely forsake father and mother and all strange flesh Genes 2.24 Prouerb 5.15 but euen to the last still he should cleaue vnto his wife Vers 20. As the Wiseman speaketh he should content himselfe with the water of his owne well of strange waters he should not drinke For when God made woman he tooke not two but one ribbe from man neither did he ioyne in mariage two but one woman vnto man and of them two hee said hee spake not of more they shall be one flesh Genes 2.24 Matth. 19.6 Those whom God hath ioyned together thou seekest to sunder and transgressest the holy ordinance of the highest in that thou couplest thy bodie to another and defilest the bed that should bee vndefiled But yet feare howsoeuer thou canst beguile and blind the world thou canst not God Hebr. 13.4 Fornicators and adulterers God will iudge If thy wife should walke after thee in that sinfull way and should beare for thee strange children which although thou fatherest yet thou didst not beget to sit at thy fires and to inherit thy goods thou shewedst her the way by thy ill example and with vncleannes God hath iustly punished thy vncleane selfe Wherefore despise not O man the wife of thy youth nor let her first loue bee euer forgotten keepe thy vowed faith with her Prouerb 5.18 of which both God and his Church are witnes Genes 2.23 Honour the holy ordinance of the highest he hath ioyned thee to one Marke 10.7 and not to many he hath willed thee to cleane to one and to forsake all other he hath said that you two are but one flesh Vers 8.1 Cor. 7.3 that thou hast not power ouer thine owne bodie but thy wife Thou maist not therefore with the wreck of thy faith breach of Gods ordinance to the wrong of thy wife hurt of thy soule ill example of other defile the bed which should be vndefiled and pollute thy bodie with other women which onely belongeth to thy wife Be therefore true and loyall to your wiues O ye married men you are their heads thereby you shall teach them to bee loyall to you Let this ros marinus this flower of men ensigne of your wisedome loue and loyaltie bee carried not only in your hands but in your heads and harts that by this your wiues may vnderstand how much they are beholding and endebted to you Thus haue I scattered my flowers the Prime-rose amongst you all let God giue Eue to Adam let all your mariages begin in the Lord. Amongst you maidens the Maidens-blush Eue is brought and giuen vnto Adam so should you by your parents bee giuen vnto men it doth not stand with a maidens modestie for to goe and giue her selfe Amidst you maried wiues the sweete cooling cordiall and low-growing Violet although God made Eue subiect yet hee made her an helper meete for man And lastly among you men the Rosemary the flower of men although God hath giuen you to rule ouer your wiues yet rule them in wisedome you are their heads respect them in loue they are bone of your bones and flesh of your flesh and in loyaltie euer cleaue to them for with them you are become and so should remaine distasting all other one flesh Now what remaineth but that we beseech our heauenly Father to plant these sweete flowers in the garden of your hearts and to water them from aboue with the sweete dewes of his heauenly grace that you may daily reape the fruites of all happie content to your mutuall comforts in this life and encrease of blisse in the life to come The which the Lord giue you for his Sonne Christ Iesus sake to whom with the Father and the blessed Spirit be all power maiestie and dominion both now and euermore Amen FINIS A SICK MANS GLASSE ISAIAH About that time was Hezechiah sicke vnto the death And the Prophet Isaiah the sonne of Amos came vnto him saying Thus saith the Lord set thy house in order for thou must die and shalt not liue Then Hezechiah turned his face to the wall and besought the Lord saying Now I pray thee Lord remember how I haue walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and haue done that which is pleasing in thy sight and Hezechiah wept sore THis Scripture diuides it selfe into two principall parts whereof the first is the message done to Hezechiah whilest he was sicke contained in the first verse About that time c. The second is the behauiour of Hezechiah when he had heard the message remembred in the two next verses Then Hezechiah turned his face c. In the message we are to obserue these fiue points first the time when it was done About that time Secondly the person to whom it was done to Hezechiah that was sicke Thirdly