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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18158 A breefe catechisme so necessary and easie to be learned euen of the simple sort that whosoeuer can not or vvill not attaine to the same, is not to be counted a good Christian, much lesse to be admitted to the Supper of the Lorde. It standeth of three partes. 1. The first sheweth how miserable all men are of them selues. 2. The second, how happy they are that rightly beleeue in Christe. 3. The third, what duetyes they owe vnto God for his great mercy towards them in Christ Iesus. 1582 (1582) STC 4799; ESTC S120645 6,591 18

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¶ A breefe Catechisme so necessary and easie to be learned euen of the simple sort that whosoeuer can not or vvill not attaine to the same is not to be counted a good Christian much lesse to be admitted to the Supper of the Lorde It standeth of three parts 1. The first sheweth how miserable all men are of them selues 2. The second how happy they are that rightly beléeue in Christe 3. The third what duetyes they owe vnto God for his great mercy towards them in Christ Iesus ¶ Imprinted at London by Hugh Singleton dwelling in Creede lane at the signe of the gylden Tunne and are there to be sold 1582. 1. Peter 3.15.16 Sanctifye the Lord God in your harts and be ready always to giue an answer to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you And that with méekenesse and reuerence hauing a good conscience that when they speake euill of you as of euil doers they may be ashamed which blame your good conuersation in Christe The first parte Question ARt not thou a seruaunt vnto the almighty God and Lord of heauen and earth Answer I acknowledge myselfe for euer to be his seruaunt Exod. 20.2 Ios 24.15.24 Rom. 11.36 Question Hath God giuen forth any Lawes whereby seruaunts should be wel ruled gouerned Aunswer The holy Scriptures are Gods lawes wherin he declareth his will pleasure Hebru 11.2 Luk. 19.26 31. Deut. 4.13 the generall some and effect whereof is bréefely set foorthe vnto vs in the tenne Commaundements Question Rehearse the tenne Commaundements Aunswer The first Table i. God spake all these words and said I am the Lord thy God thou shalt haue none other Gods but me Exod. 20.3 ii Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen image nor the likenesse of anye thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the waters vnder the earth thou shalt not bow down to them nor woorship them for I the Lord am a ielous God and visite the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third fourth generatiō of them that hate me and shew mercy vnto thousand in thē that loue me and kéepe my commaundements iii. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vayne for the Lorde wyll not holde him guiltles that taketh his name in vaine iiii Remember that thou kéepe holye the Sabboth daye sixe dayes shalt thou labour and doe all that thou hast to doo but the seuenth day is the Saboth of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no maner of work thou nor thy son thy daughter thy man seruaūt nor thy maide seruant thy catel nor the straunger that is within thy gates for in sixe dayes the Lorde made Heauen and Earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seuenth day wherefore the Lorde blessed the seuenth day and hollowed it The second Table v. Honour thy father and thy mother that thy dayes may be long in the lande which the Lord thy God giueth thée vi Thou shalt doo no murder vii Thou shalt not commit adulterie viii Thou shalt not steale ix Thou shalt not beare false witnesse against thy neighbour x. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbors house thou shalt not couet thy neighbors wife nor his seruaūt nor his Oxe nor his Asse nor any thing that is his Question Art thou able to keepe all these lavves Answer Euery man is guiltye of the breache héereof not onely in respect of theyr originall or birthe sinne Psa 19.12 Eccle. 7.22 1. Iohn 1.8 but also otherwise in thought woord and déede Question What is the daunger of breaking anye of these lavves of almightie God Answer The iust punishment of breaking any of God his laws mat 5.19.22 Rom. 6.23 Gala. 3.10 Iam. 2.10 yea if it were but once in all my life it is losse of Gods fauour the purchasing of his heauy displeasure which bringeth euerlasting death bothe of soule and body ¶ The second part Question Hovv shall you escape this great daunger and feareful punishment of your sinnes Wil not your good deedes serue to make some amēds so deliuer you frō this punishment Aunswer My good déeds wil not helpe to saue me frō this punishment Ephess 2.9 Actes 4.12 Galat. 2.21 nor any thing els but only Iesus Christ hath deliuerd me Question How hath Iesus Christ saued and deliuered you frō this great punishment of your sins Aunswer Iesus Christ hath deliuered me frō the punishement of my sin 1. Tim. 3.10 Galat. 3.13 Esai 53.5 Lol. 1.19.20 1. Pet. 2.24 Rom. 4.25 Ioh. 3.16.18 Galat. 2.20 because he being both God and man hath suffered all the punishment which my sins deserued hath fulfiled the lawe of God perfectly for me and thereby hath restored me for euer to the loue and fauour of God Question Are all then saued by this suffering and death of Christ Aunswer Only they are saued by Christ Ioh. 20.28 who beleue that he hath done all thinges touching saluation not only for other but also euē for them selues the effect of which faith is contained in the Creede c Rom. 8.12 Question 2b. Mat. 1.21 Dan. 9.24.25 Reherse the Creede Aunswer I Beleeue 1.a Ioh. 14.1 Heb. 11.3 Math. 5.45 in God the Father almighty c. Act. 4.27 Heh 1.9 Act. 10.38 maker of heauen and earth And in 2 b Iesus c Christ his d Io. 1.14.18 onely son our e Ma. 28.18 1. Pe. 1.18.19 Lord. Which was conceiued f mat 1.8.20 by the holy ghost borne of the Virgin Mary Suffered g Luk. vnder Ponce Pilate h Mat. 27.46 Mat. 26.37 Lu. 22.44 was crucified dead and buried i Mat. 20.8 9. 1. Cor. 15.4 12. he discended into hell the third daye hee rose againe from the dead He k Act. 1.9 ascended into heauen and l Act. 7.55.56 Lol. 3.1 sitteth at the righte hande of God the father Almighty From thence m 2. Lor. 3.10 shall he come to iudge both the quick and the dead I beleeue in 3.n mat 28.19 Act. 5.3 4. 1. Pet. 1.2 the holy ghost The 4.o 1. Tim. 3.15 1. Lor. 14.33 Mat. 28.18 19. holy Catholicke church The communion p 1. Lor. 12.12 of Saints The q Ro. 3.24.25 forgiuenes of sinnes The r 1. Lor. 15.53.45 Iob. 19.25.26 resurrection of the body And the s lyfe euerlastyng Amen Question By vvhat meanes haue vvee such a true faith Aunswer It is the gift of God Question Hovv dooth God vvorke this faith in vs Aunswer By the preaching of the word of God Question Is this faithfullie framed and made stronge in vs at the first or in one houre ſ 2. Lor. 1.3 Luk. 16.23 Answer Fayth is increased by little and little 1. Cor. 11.17 Gala. 4.19 Ephe. 4.11 12.13 1. Thessa 5.19.20 and made stronge in vs by the dilligent hearing of the woord of God
thy louing kindnes and vnspeakeable goodnes so aboun dantly declared tovvard vs in preseruing vs this daye past all our life hetherto in turning avvay from vs innu merable plagues vvhich vvee most iustly haue deserued in giuing vnto vs all māer of blessings cōforts pertaining vnto this life the life to come and namely vve praise thanke thy maiestie for creating vs according to thine one image for sauing vs from our sinnes thy wrath by the merits of thy sonne Iesus Christ for calling vs vnto the knovvledge of this thy infinite loue tovvard vs by the preaching of thy vvord and vvork of thy spirit for ayding and comforting vs so fatherlye at all tymes in all places against all our enemies vvhich haue sought by all meanes to turne vs from the earnest loue of thy Gospell and obedience of thy commaundemēts We confesse O Lord from the bottome of our hartes that vve are vtterly vnworthy of the least of these thy mercies that there is nothing to be found in vs to mooue thy maiesty thus boūtifully to deale with vs yea that our ma nifold sins and corruptions of our nature yet remaining in vs haue deserud the cōtrary To thee therfore O father vve rēder al thanks al praise glory for these thy benefits bestovved vpon vs the rest of our brethren And vvc most humbly besech thee to pardon al our coldnes vnthākfulnes vvith al the rest of our sins and to strike our stony harts yet more deepely vvith the force of thy spirit edg of thy vvord faithfully preached that we may more earnestly repent for our former iniquities loathing and abhoring all sin in our selues and others because it is so foule and odious in thine eyes And we also most humbly craue at thy hands more and more to roote out of our harts our owne natural corruptiōs of infidelity selfe loue pride enuie vaine glory maliciousnes all hipocrisy to renew in vs daily all thy graces and fruites of thy spirit in that thou in thy wisedome seest to be needful for vs for the better setting forrh of thy glory more fruitefull seruice to our brethren in those callings wherein thou haste placed euery one of vs. Let thy feare O deare father be alwaies so clearly before our eyes the most comfortable feeling of thy aboundant loue toward vs in Christ so strongly preuaile in our harts that we neuer presume to offend thy maiesty by wilfull breaking of thy lawes but be found alwaies cherful dilligent zealous in all good woorks which thou hast enioined commended vnto vs in thy holy word Let vs not O Lord be like the rude ignoraunt multitude who because they haue not knowne thy word nor effectually tasted of thy loue in heauenly things are caried with the rage of their owne carnall lusts worldly desires to al filthines of Idolatry vncleanesse of life couetous deceiptfull vnrighteous dealing for their owne gaine But as thou in mercy hast called vs from our selues out of this vaine world to serue thy Maiesty to be called and to be indeede thy chyldren heires of an immortall inheritance temples of thy spirit liuely mēbers of thy sonne our sauiour so graunt that our cōuersatiō behauiour vvhol life may ansvver to this high calling and glory of our profession a bounding in all spiritual knowledge in feruency of true zeale in detestation of all sinne in carefulnes to please thee in all things ioye of the spirit in peace of conscience in all Charitable iust and kinde dealing toward all men for thy sake And because all our labors in our callings are in vain without thy meruelous blessing voutchsafe to be alwayes present vvith vs not onely shevving vs by the light of thy vvoord vvhat vve should doo but also blessing and prospering vs by the povver of thy shielde in all that vve take in hand in such sort as soome vvoorthy fruite may rise therof to the comfort of our ovvne conscience the benefite of our brethren and the praise of thy holy name through Iesus Christe our Lord. Giue vs thy vvisedome from aboue vvhereby vve may vse the things of this vvorld as though vve vsed them not trauailing faythfully in our calling but yet depending of thy prouidence looking for all good successe at thy handes referring all to thy glory continually vvaiting for the comming of our Lord and sauiour Christ Iesus in vvhose name vve pray not onely for our selues c. HS GOD IS MY HELPER