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lord_n commandment_n day_n sabbath_n 21,308 5 10.2371 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02987 A short catechisme contayning the princples [sic] of religion : verie profitable for all sorts of people. Ball, John, 1585-1640. 1630 (1630) STC 1313.3; ESTC S4126 15,536 48

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an increase of k faith loue and all sauing graces abounding more and more in weldoing k Pro. 4.18 Ezek. 47.12 Q. What order hath the Lord lefe in his Church to keepe this ordinances from contempt A. The vnruly should be l admonished the obstinate m excommunicated and the penitent after their fal restored n comforted l 1. Thes 5.14 m 1. Cor. 5.5 n ● Cor. 2.6 7. Q. Besides the forenamed meanes are there not some other profitable for the increase of faith A. Yes o reading or hearing the Scriptures read in p publique and in q priuate r meditation and s conference o Reu. 1.3 p Act. 13.15 q Act. 8.30 r Luke 2.51 s Heb. 3.13 Ioh. 4.52 Q. Hitherto of the ordinary meanes wherby faith is increased Be there not also some extraordinary meanes A. Yes and those bee holy a fasting holy b feasting and religious c vowes a Luke 5.35 b Ester 9.17 c Psal 50.14 Q. What is an holy Fast A. A religious d abstinence from all the labours e of our calling and f comforts of this life so farre as comelines and necessitie will permit that we might bee more seriously g humbled before God and more feruent in prayer d Ester 4.16 e Leuit. 23.28 f Exod. 35.5 g Dan. 9.9.11 Leui. 23.27 Q. When ought we to fast A. When we feele or h feare some grieuous calamitie vpon vs or hanging ouer our heads want some speciall blessing are pressed with some speciall sinne or goe about some i weighty matter h Ester 4.16 Ezra 8.21 i Acts 13.2 Q. What is an holy Feast A. An extraordinary k thanksgiuing for some notable deliuerance out of some desperate danger testified with feasting before God with ioy and gladnesse sending presents to our friends l portions to the needy k 1. Chron. 16.8 29 10 11 l Neh. 8.10 Hest 9.22 Q. What is a Religious vow A. A solemne m promise vnto God made by a fit person of some lawfull thing which is in his choise to testifie his loue n and thankfulnesse m Deut. 23.21.22 n Psal 116.12 Q. Can faith being wrought and confirmed in vs be fruitlesse and vnprofitable A. No for it worketh o by loue o Gal. 5.6 Q. VVhat is the principall worke of faith A. It purifieth the heart Acts 15.9 Q. VVhat followeth thereupon A. A fighting and combating against sinne and corruption Gal. 5.17 Q. VVhat else A. Renouncing p of all euill in affection and of grosse q sinne in life and conuersation p Acts 38. q Acts 19.18 19. Q. VVhat is a third thing that followeth hence A. Loue r and delight in that which is good ioyned with a sincere desire purpose end euour s daily to amend what soeuer is amisse and to lead a life t according to the law of God r Psal 119.97 s Phil. 3.13 14. Acts 11.23 t Psal 119.6 Q. Wherein is the summe of the law contained A. In the tenne Commaundements Deut. 10.4 Q. How are they diuided A. Into two Tables Deut. 5.22 and 10.1 2. Q Which are the Commandements of the first Table A The foure first they teech the duty which we owe vnto God immediately Q. Which are the Commandements of the second Table A. The sixe last which instruct vs in our dutie towards our neighbour Q Which is the first Commandement A. I am the Lord thy God c. Thou shalt haue c. Q Which is the generall dutie required in this Commandement A. That in mind will affections and the effects of these wee take the true God in Christ to be our God Q. What is the generall sin here forbidden A. All falling to giue God that foresaid honour which is due vnto him or else in whole or in part giuing it to any other Q. VVhat is the second Commandement A. Thou shalt not make to thy self c. Q. VVhat is the generall dutie which this Commandement requireth A. That we doe worship the true God purely according to his will Q. What is the generall sinne forbidden A. All omission of Gods true worship when it is required and al false worship either inuented by others or taken vp of our owne heads Q. Which is the third Commandement A. Thou shalt not take the name c. Q. What is the generall dutie required in this Commandement A. That we should vse the titles properties works ordinance of the Lord with knowledge faith reuerence ioy sincerity in thought word cōuersatiō Q. What is the generall sinne forbidden A. Omitting the dutie here required vsing the Lords name when we ought not or otherwise then we should Q. When is the name of God taken otherwise then it should A. When it is vsed ignorantly superstitiously without faith rashly not to a right end hypocritically falsly against conscience and when men name themselues Christians but liue scandalously Q. Which is the fourth Commandement A. Remember the Sabbath day c. Q. What is the general dutie here required A. That the whole Sabbath or Lords day be set apart from al common vses as holy to the Lord both publikely priuately in the practise of the duties of necessitie holinesse and mercie Q. What is the general sin here forbidden A. All neglecting of the duties of that time or prophaning of that day by need lesse workes words or thoughts about our callings or recreation Q. Which day is to be set apart as holy to the Lord A. It is morrall and perpetuall to keepe one day in seuen as holy from the creation to the resurrection of Christ the seuenth day was instituted after Christ his resurrection the first day of the weeke was ordained and is to be kept for euer Q. What is the fift Commandement A. Honour thy father and thy mother c. Q. Who are to bee vnderstood by father and mother A. Not onely naturall parents but also all superiours in office age and gifts Q. What is it to honour A. To acknowledge the excellencie that is in men by vertue of their place and to carrie our selues accordingly towards them Q. Are only the duties of Inferiors here intended A. No but of Superiors equals also Q What then is the maine dutie of this Commandement A. That we carefully obserue that order which God hath apointed amongst men and doe the duties which wee owe vnto them in respect of their places degrees Q. What is the dutie of Inferiors A. They must be subiect reuerent and thankful to their superiors bearing with their wants and couering them in loue Q. VVhat is the dutie of Superiours A. To carrie themselues grauely meekly and after a seemely manner towards their inferiours Q. VVhat is the dutie of equals A. To regard the dignitie and worth each of other modestly to beare themselues one toward the other and in giuing honour to goe one before another Q. VVhich is the sixt Commandement A. Thou shalt doe no Murther Q What is the generall dutie of this Commandement A. That by all meanes lawfull we desire and studie to