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A06347 An excellent and plaine discourse of the church, whereby the godlie may knowe and discerne the true Church, from the Romish Church, and all other false and counterfet churches, as well for matters of doctrine, as discipline, &c. Written in Frenche by M. Bartrand de Loque, a godlie minister of Dolphenine. And faithfully translated into English, by M.T.W. Seene and allowed; Traité de l'eglise. English Loque, Bertrand de.; T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1582 (1582) STC 16813; ESTC S103377 172,896 422

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GOD. It followeth then that Saint Peter was not an vniuersall Apostle nor a soueraigne and high bishoppe ouer all the Churche Otherwise Saint Paul shoulde haue done yll in so limiting and hedging in as it were the charge and office of his Apostleshippe yea that eighteene yeares after the death of Iesus Christ But I woulde wishe the Romish Catholikes to take some better viewe of and heede to this reason For if their Pope snatche and take vnto himselfe the primacie for this reason because hee is Saint Peters successour he must then exercise his primacie or popedome ouer the Iewes and preach vnto them the Gospell that he may gaine them and drawe them to Iesus Christ leauing vnto him whosoeuer he be that will take vppon him to be called the successour of S. Paul primacie ouer the Gentiles The fourth reason One wife hath but onely one husband which is her head But the Church is the spouse of Christ 2. Cor. 11.2 Ephe. 5.22 Reue. 21.9 2. Cor. 11.2 Ephesians 5.22 Reuelat 21.9 The Church then hath none other but Christe alone for her husband and head The fifth reason It is certaine that Saint Peter vsed the power and authoritie which Iesus Christe gaue him for otherwise hee shoulde haue neglected his charge and hidden his talent in the ground and so by consequent haue disobeyed his Maister not seruing him purely and faithfully But so it is hee neuer vsurped any primacie ouer the other Apostles or ouer the Churche for hee maketh him selfe equal to the other pastors naming himselfe a Pastor and an Elder with them 1. Pet. 5.1.21 c. and hee hath saide also that it is not lawfull at any hand for any man to haue Lordshippe ouer the Lordes inheritaunces Then it followeth that he receiued not any primacie or Lordshippe from Iesus Christ ouer the church of God The sixth reason Act. 8.14 Saint Peter was sent together with Iohn into Samaria by the other Apostles Nowe if hee had beene the head of the churche and had had rule and authoritie ouer the Apostles it had apperteined vnto him to sende others and not others to sende him The seuenth reason If Saint Peter had had the right of primacie to what ende woulde he haue suffered himselfe to haue beene reproued by S Paule and that before the people In sext decr de con cap. Licet distinct 19. ca. si Roman in Glossa de conces prae tit 8. ca. pro. posuit alibi for this was done euen then when hee both might and ought to haue shewed his authoritie and rule As at this day the Pope who saith that hee is aboue right neither is helde or bound by lawes that he may preferre through his interpretation equitie vnwritten before lawe written that wee ought to allowe or disallowe all that he alloweth or disalloweth that he is not subiect to any censure hauing all lawe and right in the coffer of his breste and stomacke Nowe Saint Peter did not alledge any whit or parte of all these blasphemies but tooke in good woorth Saint Paules censure and reproofe acknowledging himselfe his companion and fellowe and one that was ioyned with him and the other Apostles in felloweshippe of office yea inferiour to the whole bodye and subiect to the admonitions and censures of his brethren Luk. 22.24 c. The eight reason So it was that among the Apostles in the time that our Sauiour Christ was bodily conuersant with them there was a controuersie whiche of them shoulde bee esteemed or iudged the greatest but Christ laboureth to bring them to humilitie and to take from amongest them all ambition saying thus The kinges of the nations beare rule and they which exercise authoritie ouer thē are called Gratious lords but ye shall not bee so But let the greatest among you be as the least and the chiefest as hee that serueth And afterwardes hee setteth himselfe foorth for an example For who is greater he that sitteth at Table or he that serueth is not be that sitteth at the table And I am among you as he that serueth and yee are they which haue continued with mee in my temptations Lastly he concludeth Therefore I appoint vnto you a kingdome as my father hath appointed to me These are our principall reasons to declare that Saint Peter was not appointed Lorde ouer the Church and that hee had no more authoritie or preheminence in it than the other Apostles his companions and fellowes had Nowe let vs heare the contrarie reasons which the Romishe Catholikes make The first is this Iesus Christe hath saide to Saint Peter Thou art Peter Mat. 16 18. and vpon this rocke I will builde my Church It followeth then that Saint Peter is the foundation of the Churche and by consequent the heade thereof I aunswere that the holy spirite is not contrarie to it selfe but hee hath spoken plainely to the Corinthians That Iesus Christe alone is the onely foundation of the Church 1. Cor. 3 11. and that none can lay any other then that which is laide alreadie Therefore hee affirmeth not in that place of S. Matthewe the contrarie to this And mark this indeed Iesus Christ hath not said and vppon thee O Peter I will builde my Church but and vppon this rocke I will builde And what meaneth this vpon this rocke Let vs heare S. Augustine August in Iohan. tract 124 cap. 21. The Church sayth he is founded vpon the rocke of which rocke Peter hath taken his name for the rocke is not so called of Peter but Peter is so named of the rocke as Christ hath not taken his name of Christiās but Chhristians of Christ Therefore the Lord saith vpō this rocke I will build my Church because that Peter had confessed thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God He saith therfore vpon this rocke which thou hast confessed I will build my Church For the rocke was Christ vpō which foundatiō Peter also himselfe was builded Marke what S. Augustine saith S. Ambrose and S. Chrysostome vnderstande this to be spoken of the faith which is in Christe not as the Pope doth of the person of Peter Amb. in epl ad Ephe. cap. 2.20 S. Ambrose saith thus Iesus Christ saide to Peter vpō this rock I wil build my church that is to say vpon this confession of catholike faith I will establisshe the faithfull vnto eternall life Chrysostome sayth also Chryso Ser. 21. de Pentecost Iesus Christ saith Thou art Peter and vppon this rocke I will builde my Church Hee saith vppon this rocke and not vpon Peter For he hath founded or set his Church not vppon man but vpon the faith and confession of Peter And what was this fayth and confession Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God The seconde reason is Mat. 16.19 Iesus Christe hath giuen the keyes vnto Peter he hath therfore appointed him head of the Church I denie the consequent For by
and very often also of wicked life and this they doe through fauour mony robberies spoiles factions and other lewde and naughtie practises ouerthrowing all order and subuerting all good pollicie and discipline And yet notwithstanding the Canons which they attribute to the Apostles ordeyne and determine that euery bishoppe Elder or Deacon Can. Apost Can. 29. 30. that shall haue obteined his office by monie or giftes or by the fauour of the princes and potentates of this worlde shoulde not onely be deposed from their estates and offices but also excommunicated and cast out of the Churche and that not onely they them selues but also they which shall admit and receiue thē nto such charges and whiche shall shewe them fauour and shall communicate with them Nowe let men marke howe these Canons are at this day obserued and practised in the Romish Churche and by consequent howe right and lawfull the vocation is of the Bishoppes and priestes of that Church It is true that they vse indeed the imposition or laying on of hands but euerie one knoweth with howe many trifling toyes and superstitions it is accompanied And indeede this is the onely poynte whereof they can vaunt themselues which is not so necessarie but that we may verie well ouerpasse or little regard it as hauing no expresse commaundement touching the vse thereof For touching the two substantiall pointes Titus 2.7 they wante them wholy contrarye to the ordinaunce of Saint Paul Titus 2 7. But touching our vocation it is an easie matter for euerye one to iudge whether it be true and lawefull euen by the proceeding which they that chose vs keepe holde in the right examination diligent inquirie that they make as well of our doctrine sufficiencie meane and manner of teaching as of our life manners and conuersation also by the allowance and manifest consent of the people who do receiue vs after that they haue a certaine space heard and tryed vs. For wee holde and teach that none ought of himselfe to teach and haue charge in the Church vnlesse hee be lawfully called therevnto Mat. 9.38 It apperteineth to the Lorde of the haruest to sende foorth workemen into his haruest And S. Paul touching this matter asketh Howe shall they preach except they bee sent Rom. 10.15 And therefore in the Prophet Ieremiah they are taxed and reproued as false Prophets Iere. 14. 14.23.21 which did runne not being sent And Iesus Christ sayth also That they which enter not in by the dore into the sheepefolde Iohn 10.1 but climbe vp some other way are theeues and robbers But perhaps the Romishe Catholikes will not so much examine our calling as that of the firste reformers and restorers of our Churches and will demaunde of vs from whome it is that they receiued imposition of handes and finding in theyr owne iudgement as they suppose that they had not any certaine vocation therevppon they woulde inferre that then they coulde not chuse cal vs to our charges so by consequent our vocation shoulde bee none at all wherevnto we answere two thinges The first is that we ought to exercise our calling according to the visible state of the church which is either altogether corrupted or else abiding safe soūd If thē the state of the church abide in her puritie whiche is then when pure doctrine is kepte therein and the lawfull administration of Sacramentes with the right vse of the discipline we saye that an ordinarie calling that is to say the waye and manner of chosing Pastors prescribed by the woorde of God according to whiche wee haue beene called placed in our charge ought to bee obserued followed But if the state of the Church be altogether corrupted we say that then an extraordinarie vocation hath place euen according as it shall please God to rayse vp his seruauntes and to employe them to reforme the Church and to bring it to her olde puritie For God is not always bound to ordinary means which he vseth notwithstanding when it seemeth so good vnto himselfe And this was practised in former time euen then whē the ten tribes of Israel were altogether become bastardes and corrupted through their idolatries For God did extraordinarily stirre vp 1. Kin. 10.1.9 vnto them Eliiah to reforme them and to indeuour to bring them into good order touching his seruice yea I say Eliiah who was not a priest and had not in that respect any succession So likewise we holde and affirme that God hath dealt in our time in the choyse and sending of some of our ministers who were inspired and stirred vp by GOD to streatch out the hande vnto the Churche which in respecte of the outwarde and visible state was wholy almost beaten downe and ouerthrowen And these men neyther coulde not ought to looke to be sent from or to be approued by the Pope his people whose intollerable abuses and false doctrines they had in charge to reprooue no more then they that woulde take vppon them to reforme a companie of Women who had openly fallen to whoredom fornication c. ought to wait to be stirred vp or required therevnto eyther by altogether or some of them they pleasing them selues and being desirous to continue in their former dissolution and leudnes Here to alledge that for the making of an extraordinarie vocation certaine and approued some miracles are necessarie or else some certaine plaine and manifest places of Scripture is to no purpose at all or they say as much as if they saide nothing For as concerning places of Scripture wee are not destitute thereof Iesus Christ speaking in the Gospell to the Priestes who did not well and rightly execute their office in their charges demaundeth of them When the Lord of the vineyard shall come Mat. 21.40.41 what will he doe to these wicked husbandmen Vnto whome they answere condemning them selues He wil cruelly destroy these wicked men and will let out his vineyarde vnto other husbandmen which shall deliuer him the fruites in their seasons Now this was in deede iustly and faithfully accomplished For the Lorde tooke away his vineyarde that is to say the gouernment of his Churche from the Priestes Scribes and Elders of the people who did not yeeld him the fruits which did belong vnto him and committed the same vnto other husbandmen that is to his Apostles and their successours whiche haue yeelded him fruites in their seasons And euen in like manner hath the Lorde done in the Popedome beholding euill workemen in his vineyarde that is to say wicked and naughtie Pastors in his Church which did not at any hande their duetie and office he hath not destroyed his Churche but hath chaunged the state and condition thereof taking away her blinde guides and giuing vnto her others which see clearely It is also written in the Apocalips The holy citie shall they tread vnder foote two and fortie monethes Reu. 11.2.3 but I will giue power vnto my
of the Romish Churche are they condemned I aunswere that wee leaue the iudgement thereof vnto GOD for it belongeth not to vs to determine and iudge of that which is hidden from vs and which indeede passeth our knowledge and calling It is very true that the holy Scripture pronounceth Ioh. 3.18.36 that they whiche die without the faith of Christ are damned and we cannot but say amen and giue our consent to this Neither serueth it to any purpose to alleadge ignoraunce and to say that it excuseth the sinner before GOD For the scripture is plaine and manifest therein The seruant saith Iesus Christe that knew his masters wil Luke 12.47 48. prepared not him selfe neither did according to his will shall bee beaten with many stripes But he that knewe it not and yet did commit thinges worthie of stripes shall bee beaten with fewe stripes Also Math. 5.14 If the blinde lead the blinde they shall fall both into the ditche Saint Paule saith also As many as haue sinned without the lawe Rom. 2. 12. 2. Thes 1.6 shall perishe also without the law and as many as haue sinned within the law shal be iudged by the law And againe it is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you which are troubled rest and deliuerance with vs when the Lorde Iesus shall shewe himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels in flaming fire rēdring vengeance vnto them that doe not knowe God and which obey not vnto the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christ which shal be punished with euerlasting destruction c. These places doe openly enough declare what is the ende of those that die without faith although they bee ignorant for their ignorance cannot excuse them nor serue them for a cloake or couering to absolue and set them free from the iudgement of God For confirmation and proofe whereof wee may alleadge also and put downe that which is written in Leuiticus Leui. 4.2 touching the offering commaunded by God for the sins whiche were committed through ignorance Loe what wee haue to say for one point But to that which remaineth touching our fathers and predecessours God might well shewe mercy vpon them at the ende of their dayes making himselfe knowne vnto them by the secret vertue and power of his holy spirite and putting it into their harts to beleeue in Iesus Christ his sonne that so they might bee saued For God is almightie to saue his owne people yea without vsing any of these meanes which he is accustomed commonly and ordinarily to vse to plant faith in vs and to ingraue it in our hartes to our owne saluation And this is Saint Cyprian his answere Cypri lib. 2. epist 3 touching those that die in some false opinions If some one of our predecessours saith hee either by ignorance or through simplicitie hath not kept and held that which the Lorde hath taught vs to doe by his example and authoritie the mercy of the Lorde may pardon him But wee cannot helpe the same beeing admonished and instructed by him Behold what Saint Cyprian pronounceth herein It is true that he speaketh properly touching the matter of the holy supper but nothing letteth but that wee may applie his speech generally to the matter of al the other articles of the faith The IX CHAP. Of the degrees of Ministers in the Churche where mention is made of the order of the popish Clergie and of the offices and duties of true pastors VVE haue seene and heard heretofore Mat. 9.38 that it apperteineth vnto the Lord of the haruest to sende foorth workemen in to his haruest For it belongeth not to any what giftes soeuer he hath receiued frō the Lorde to thrust himselfe into the work of the ministerie vnlesse he be lawfully called thereto Now the Apostle Saint Paule writing to the Ephesians Ephe. 4.11 sheweth vs what workemen the Lorde hath sent into his haruest that is to say Apostles prophets Euangelistes pastours and doctours Apostles Touching the Apostles they were chosen immediatly from Christe and their office was to sowe and spreade the Gospell abroad throughout all the worlde neither had any one of thē any limits or borders set them or some certaine Churches appointed to them Mat. 28.19 Mat. 10.2 Gal. 2. ● but Christe would that in euerie part or place where so euer they came they should doe their message before all peoples and nations Such were the twelue named in the Gospell to whome Saint paule was added who was specially appointed to beare the name of Christe among the Gentiles Nowe because this degree of the Apostles was instituted and ordained by God for the establishing of churches those churches beeing planted and established this name of Apostle ought not any more to bee vsed among the ministers as to be giuen and communicated to them And yet we reade that sometime it is taken generally in the scripture for a Pastor and preacher of the Gospell As Epaphroditus is called the Apostle of the Philippians Barnabas is named an Apostle Philip. 2.25 Act. 14.14 Act. 14. Prophetes are distinguished into two sortes or o ders Prophetes Some were vnder the olde Testament and in that time who being instructed and taught by a speciall reuelation from God did foretell things to come The other were in the newe Testament who in the first place had an excellent gift and singular grace to interprete the Scripture 1. Cor. 11.4 also they were suche as were indued 1. Cor. 14. 1. c. with great wisedome and readinesse wel to prouide for the necessitie of the Church and to speake properly they were as interpreters of the will of God In this ranke or order were comprehended the Prophetes that had the gift to vnderstand foresee and reueale thinges to come Act. 11.28 such a one was Agabbs who by the holy Ghoste foretolde that a great famine should fall throughout all the worlde whiche also came to passe in the Emperour Claudius Caesars dayes also that Saint Paule should be bound at Ierusalem Act. 21.10 c. Act. 13.1 There is mention made also in the thirteenth of the Actes of certaine Prophetes of the Churche of Antioche to wit Barnabas and Simeon who was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene and Manahen which had been brought vp with Herode the Tetrarch and Saul And in the one and twentie mention is made of Phillips foure daughters which did prophesie Act. 21.9 These degrees or this office of Prophetes was ordained by God to indure but for a time only as the Apostles Euangelists Euangelistes generally are those whiche performe the office of an Euangelist that is to say which preache the Gospell Sometimes also this name Euangelist is referred to those foure who haue written the storie of the Gospell that is to say S. Matthew S. Marke S. Luke and S. Iohn But in this order of the Church the question is
off and cease at the least to strengthen them selues so muche with their succession and so often to oppose and set against vs their vocation and sending The end wher fore the lord sent his work men into his haruest Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.15 1. Cor. 11 23.24 Ioh. 12.15 Act. 20.28 But will we examine the end or whiche the Lord of the haruest hath sent forth his workemen into his haruest He him selfe hath declared it when he commanded thē to preache the Gospel and to minister the Sacramentes after his example Whiche in an other place is signified by the worde of feeding the sheep euen as Iesus Christ said vnto peter Peter louest thou mee feede my sheepe And Saint Paule speaking to the Bishop of Ephesus Take heed to your self saith hee and to all the flocke ouer which the holy Ghost hath made you Bishop or ouerseers to feede the Church of God Also S. Peter The elders which are amongst you I beseeche 1. Pet. 5.1.2 who am also a fellow elder feede the flock of Christ which is committed to you Wherefore cursing and woe is by the Lorde pronounced against the Pastors which feed themselues Ezech. 34.2 and feede not their flockes or sheepe And Saint Paule hauing regards thereto saith in his Epistle to the Romanes Rom. 1. 8. That hee was called and sent by Iesus Christe to preache the Gospell of God And to the Corinthians Necessitie saith hee to preache the Gospell 1. Cor. 6.17 is laide vpon mee and woe is vnto me if I preach not the Gospell because the dispensation thereof is committed vnto me In the Epistle to the Hebrewes it is saide Heb. 13.17 that the pastours and guiders of the Churche ought to watch for the soules of them that are committed vnto them as they that must giue account thereof And that is it that the worde bishop importeth and meaneth that is to say a watche man or an ouerwatcher bicause the pastors ought to bee as it were watches or watch men according to the Prophesie of Ezechiel Ezech. 3.15 33.3 that they maye watche ouer the flocke Saint Paule in other wordes setteth out this ende Eph. 4.11.12 when hee saith to the Ephesians That Iesus Christe hath giuen Apostles Prophetes Euangelistes Pastors and Doctors for the gathering together of the Saincts for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the body of Christe 1. Cor. 4.1.2 that is to say the Church And writing vnto the Corinthians hee saith in one worde That it is required of the Ministers of Christe who are the disposers of the secretes of God that euery man bee found faithfull behauing himselfe faithfully diligently and rightly in the execution of his charge and office Nowe according to this rule can the Popes Cardinals Byshops other priestes of the Romishe Church saye that they occupie themselues in their charges to feede the flocke of Christ to preache the Gospell to administer the sacraments to assemble the saints to giue ouer themselues wholy to the worke of the ministerie to edifie the Churche How doe they satisfie and answere the ordinance and commaundement of Iesus Christ Howe can they excuse them selues that they should not be almost all accursed according to the testimonie of Ezechiel and Saint Paule whereof we spake not long sithence what can they say or alledge for themselues that they should not be excommunicated and deposed if the canons which they attribute to the Apostles of whiche we spake in the fifth Chapter were well and rightlye obserued amongest them as they say they shoulde bee indeede But behold their vngodlynesse they say that they exercise and execute their foresaid offices and charges by their Vicars and deputies whom they haue substituted and appointed vnder them in their places ouer their parishioners Yea but whē Iesus Christ called sent foorth his Apostles did he say vnto them goe and bee the pastors of my Church teaching it and feeding by Vicars substituts and lieuetenants which you shal put in your places It is certaine that hee did not so but he gaue vnto them in their owne persons the speciall charge of his Churche and commaunded them in plaine and expresse tearmes to preach the Gospell them selues and to administer the Sacramentes Moreouer what sufficient Vicars or Deputies are they wont to haue and howe faithfull meete and able to doe the duetie of Pastours Such Bishops and persons such Vicars and Lieuetenants that is to say one of them as ignoraunt foolish and vnskilfull as the other But why doe they take vppon them the name and charge of an office which they will not exercise and execute why take they the hyre wages and reuenue of that labor and work which at no hand they doe neither in deed will doe For they haue no care to haue Vicars and Liefetenants but that thereby they may enioy prebendes and the reuenewes of their benefices and yet they will seeme to haue them as though it were to doe their duties Yea which is more then this they make accursed and more then profane diuision of their offices betweene them and their Friers vilanously separating that whiche Iesus Christe hath ioyned together For to whome was it that Iesus Christe committed the office to minister the Sacramentes but euen to them themselues and to them alone also whome hee inioyned and commaunded to preache the Gospel But these men to wit the Bishops parsons and other Priestes do reserue vnto themselues the administration of the sacraments such as they haue with the rents and reuenewes of their bishoprickes parsonages and other benefices and post ouer the charge and office of preaching the worde vnto the Friers leauing them the bagge wallet and staffe whatsoeuer by begging they can get for their hyre and wages But seeing that they leaue vnto the friers the office of preaching why doe they not leaue vnto them also the office and charge to administer the Sacramentes For these two offices are ioyned together and may not at any hand be separated or sundred one of them frō an other Notwithstanding there is in the popedom a plaine prohibition and forbidding that friers in as much as they are friers shoulde meddle with or take vppon them to administer any Sacrament except they bee such as haue charge or vnlesse they bee dispensed withall for the doeing of it But why then are they suffered to preach For this is to doe against the ordinaunce and institution of Christ and to deuide and sunder things which he hath ioyned together Or seeing that they are come so farre as to forbid friers to administer the sacraments why do they suffer them to say masse seeing that they all hold and affirme that the masse is the Sacrament of the holy supper which for this cause also they call The Sacrament of the altar Indeed to speake according to the truth making also an ende at the length of this matter these men cannot after any maner whatseouer vaunt or
An excellent and plaine Discourse of the CHVRCH whereby the Godlie may knowe and discerne the true Church from the Romish Church and all other false and counterfet Churches as well for matters of doctrine as Discipline c. Written in Frenche by M. Bartrand de Loque a godlie Minister of Dolphenine And faithfully translated into English by M.T.W. SEENE AND ALLOWED Jmprinted at London for Thomas Man 1582. ¶ The summe of the Chapters conteined in this present Treatise Chapter 1 TOuching the diuers significations and takinges of this worde Church and how the Churche is commonlie distinguished Pag. 1. Chap. 2. Of the Catholik vniuersall Church which is one although there be diuers particulers thereof Pag. 7. Chap. 3. Of the visible Church and of the true marks thereof Pag. 14 Chap. 4. Whether the true markes of the Churche are to bee found amongest the Romish Catholikes Pag. 19. Chap. 5. Of the calling succession of pastors Pa. 24. Chap. 6. That the Church hath alwaies been from the beginning of the worlde is and shal be vnto the end thereof but yet the Churche must not bee regarded or acknowledged for the great numbers sake Pag. 55. Chap. 7. That Iesus Christe alone is the head of the Churche and not Saint Peter neither any Pope Pag. 68. Chap. 8. Whether the Church of Rome be the true and Catholike Church and whether wee doe well to withdrawe or separate our selues from it Pag. 102. Chap. 9. Touching the degrees of Ministers in the Church where also speeche is had of the orders of the Popes Cleargie and of the office and dueties of true Pastors Pag. 128. Chap. 10. Whether the ministerie of the word be alwaies necessary in the Church and howe muche men may attribute or giue thereto Pag. 160. Chap. 11. Of the sanctifie or holinesse of the Churche Pag. 184. Chap. 12. Whether the Churche may erre Pag. 197. Chap. 13. Whether the Church bee aboue the holy scripture that is to say whether the holy scripture depend on the iudgement and authoritie of the Church Pag. 213. Chap. 14. Of the Discipline of the Church Pag. 234. Chap. 15. Whether it belonge to the Churche to make lawes and if shee make some howe far the faithfull ought to obey her Pag. 25● Chap. 16. Concerning the afflictions and persecutions of the Church Pag. 274. ¶ To the most noble Lorde my Lorde Henrie de la Tour Vicount of Turenne Countie of Monfert Baron of Mongacon Oriergues Bonsolz Fey Seruissac Croc c. Captaine of fiue hundred men at armes of the kings armies MY Lorde Lactan. lib. 4 de vera sapient cap. 30. Lactantius hath very properly and fitly called the Church the fountaine of trueth the house and dwelling place of faith and the Temple of God adioyning withall that if there bee any whiche entreth not into this Temple or if there bee any that goe out thereof hee is shut out from the hope of life and from eternall saluation For euen as in the time of the vniuersall flood none could bee saued whiche were out of Noe his Arke Gene. 7.20.23 so without the Churche there is neither hope nor faith nor grace nor saluation Whiche thing also the Apostle Saint Paul did verie well declare and meane when beeing purposed to excommunicate some and to caste them out of the Churche 2. Cor. 5 3.5 1. Tim. 1.20 hee saide hee muste deliuer them vnto Satan For as Iesus Christ reigneth in the Churche so Satan reigneth without the same and as they whiche are in the Church hauing Iesus Christe for their head are in very good state blessed so they which are out of the Churche hauing the Diuell for their head cannot but be wicked and accursed And therfore it is said both in Isaiah in Ioel That in Sion and in Ierusalem there shal be saluation Isaia 46.13 Ioel. 2.32 There being meant by Syon and Ierusalem the Church of God as also by the worde heauen there is meant the same thing in the Apocalips when S. Iohn saith I hearde a great and lowde voice Reue. 12.10 saying Nowe is saluation in heauen On the other side wee reade that when God declareth that hee will vtterly roote out some from the heauenly life hee denounceth against them and threateneth Ezech. 13.9 That they shall not be in the counsell assemblie of his people neither written in the role of his seruantes And Dauid very well knewe and felt this when sometimes being in exile all griefes and aduersities were vnto him tollerable and as a man woulde say easie to beate excepting this that hee was depriued of and wanted the solemne assemblies wherein men made publike declaration and protestation of Gods religion and seruice Wherefore be wailing his condition because hee was excluded from the visible Churche hee beeing also shut out from accesse or comming to the Tabernacle by the crueltie and tyrannie of his enemies hee cryed out earnestly and saide O Lord of hostes how amiable are thy Tabernacles Psalm My soule longeth yea fainteth for the courtes of the Lorde for my hearte and my fleshe leape for ioy in the liuing God And a little after Blessed are they which dwell in thy house they will euer prayse thee For a day in thy courtes is better then a thousand other wheis I had rather bee a doore keeper in the house of my God then to dwell in the Tabernacles of the wicked For thereby hee hath declared that the condition of those men which bestowe their life yea although it were but a day long in the seruice of God in the middest of the Church among faithfull people is farre more blessed then theirs who liue though it were neuer so long out of Gods house and in the midst of those out of whose companie their religion is banished To which purpose also belongeth that which the same Prophete singeth in an other Psalme Psalm 27.4 One thing haue I desired of the Lorde that I will require euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the beautie of the Lorde and to visit his Temple And againe when hee saith Psal 106.45 Remember or haue mercie on mee O Lorde with the fauour and good will of the people and visite mee with thy saluation That I may set the good thinges of thy chosen ones and reioyce in the ioy of thy people and glory with thine inheritaunce And for this verie cause and occasion the Apostle to the Hebrwes commendeth praiseth Moses Heb. 11.24.25 when hee saith That by faith hee beeing come to age refused to bee called the sonne of Pharaoh his daughter chosing rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God then to inioy the pleasures of sinne for a short season Wherefore if wee woulde that GOD shoulde gouerne vs by his holy spirite to the ende to make vs inioy and possesse his spirituall and heauenly good thinges
whiche hee giueth not but vnto his children alone the members of Iesus Christ his sonne and by consequent if wee woulde bee saued and made blessed wee ought to hold and keepe our selues firme sure and well staied in the Churche so that there bee no force of tyrants no violence of stormes and tempestes no persecution of enemies no promises no threatnings nor to bee short any thing els which may turne vs away or cause vs to separate our selues from it But in the meane while wee see what controuersie and disputation there is at this day amongest men touching the point or matter of the Churche that beeing true whiche Lactantius saith to wit That euery companie of Heretikes supposeth that they are true Christians Lact. de vera sapien ca. 10 and their Church is the Catholike Church as wee knowe that Parmenianus the Donatist said That there was not a church but amongst his sort and companie insomuch that sundrie of this age suffer them selues to drop away and be deceiued by the feigned name and visardlike title of the Church abiding hardened in their superstitions and blinded in errours making no account August ad Catecum cap. 20. of Saint Augustine his aduertisement and counsell who speaketh thus This Catholike Church is our true mother yea shee is our faithfull and chaste mother decked within with the dignitie and worthinesse of her husbande and not coloured or painted without with lying and falshoode and afterwardes hee addeth Let vs looke well to our selues that the strange and false name of the Churche turne vs not away from this mother of ours and that the outwarde shewe or borowed bare title of the Churche doe not deceiue vs. There are some others who remaine astonished as it were and doubtfull not knowing to which parte to turne neither on which side to set themselues in order Seeing the Romishe Church armed with great force and authoritie mainteined and vpholden by great personages cloathed with diuers ornaments outward apparrell and followed of the greatest number On the other side beholding the reformed Church feeble and weake in outwarde shewe made and standing for the most part of the smalest and basest according to the world simple in deckings and ceremonies and followed of very fewe people But the doctrine of the trueth which is our principall light and chiefe guide giueth vs a good remedie and aide in this difficultie shewing vs that the true Churche ought to bee discerned from the false by her owne right and true marks which are the pure preaching of the worde and the true and right vse of the sacraments and not the great number of people nor pompes not outward ceremonies inuented deuised by men themselues You my Lorde haue sometimes seene what trouble and combates the very visarde bare name and shining shewe of the Romishe church hath brought to som mens consciences and spirites and that not only amongest the rudest and ignorant sort but euen in the rancke and order of those which made profession and tooke vpon them to teach others yea so farre it hath carried them that by reason there was nor in them a full resolutenesse they knew not of what companie they shoulde bee Notwithstanding as touching your selfe after that God had honoured you with his knowledge and called you into his Churche that you mighte bee comprehended within the sheepefolde of Iesus Christes his sonne hauing almost made open profession of his Gospell and cast away the beastes marke whatsoeuer shaking and staggering you perceiued in diuers others you notwithstanding haue alwayes continued through Gods grace grounding and setling your selfe vpon his assured and inuincible worde And in deede by what force and strength coulde the backe flydinges of some the Sophisticall disputations of other some astonishe your faith or beate downe your constancie so well mainteined and vpholden by the holy Ghoste How could these assaultes cracke your courage or change and make colde your zeale so hotte in the seruice of God Certainely this is a great matter that all the worlde hath an eye vpon you wondering at and louing the great and singular affection which you beare to the aduancement of Gods true religion and seruice But the question is nowe to continue in well doing and to proceede dayly from good to better For this is nothing to beginne well except a man perseuere and continue euen to the end And wee knowe what Iesus Christe saith to wit That hee which putteth his hande to the plough and looketh backe is not apte to the kingdome of God Luke 9.62 2. Tim. 2.5 And Saint Paule If any man saith hee striue for a mastrie hee is not crowned except hee striue as hee ought to doe There are some whiche say that this is enough for a man to haue some testimonie in his conscience that hee belongeth to God albeit hee make not any declaration or profession of his religion But by the testimonies heere aboue marked and put downe it is easie for vs to gather what neede wee haue to range and bring our selues into the true Churche that wee may therein liue Christianlie in the seruice of God seeing that any where els there is neither life nor light And also what assurance can they haue of their saluation which liue in this worlde as dogs and swine following the traine and steppes of Sardanapalus or of Epicurus to eate and drinke to laugh and reioyce to play and to giue themselues to pleasure without thinking any whit at all of God or remembring any religion Wherefore my Lorde euen as you haue well and blessedly begunne hauing had right knowledge to discern betweene the true and false Churche so it yet resteth that you perseuere and continue yea that yet you proceede and passe somewhat further to range and bring into order all your house in the feare of God that it may be vnto him a holy and chaste Churche in the middest whereof hee may take pleasure to dwell that thereby hee may blesse you and make you to prosper You knowe with what ardencie and zeale the Prophete Haggai reproued the Iewes of his time Haggai 1.4 lately returned out of Babylon because they builded many houses for themselues and did diligently feele and carue them but they had no regarde to builde vp the Lords Temple Hag. 2.3.22 And wee must note that the Prophet directeth not his speech only to the people and Priestes to moue them to doe their duetie for the furtherance and setting vp of this building but also vnto Zerubbabel the gouernour of Iudah Which serueth well to declare that great lords and Magistrates as well as ministers and the rest of the people ought with all their mighte and power to imploy themselues for the edification and aduancement of the Churche of God Rom. 13.4 Psalm 82.1 And thereuppon commeth it to passe that Sainte Paule calleth Magistrates the Ministers and seruants of God and that in another place They are called euen Gods to wit not
only in respect of ciuill iudgements and because they are the tutors mainteiners and defenders of publike good things and common wealth but also because the principall parte of their charge and office is to serue God in nourishing and mainteining his seruice as well outward as inward in causing pure doctrine and religion to florishe and in keeping the state of the Church safe and sound and whole in euery parte For whiche effect and cause they are also named in Isaiah Nurcing fathers Isaia 49.23 1. Tim. 2.24 and Nurces of the Church The Apostle writing vnto Timothie sheweth vs the selfe same matter when after he had exhorted them to pray for the kinges and for all those which are placed in authoritie hee addeth as a fitte reason and very strong for that purpose That vnder them wee may leade a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie For thereby hee euidently declareth that the Magistrates office is to haue care that the people whiche are committed to them shoulde liue not onely in honestie and in peace one of thē with another but also in all godlines and feare of God But if the holy scripture did not teache vs this yet wee might in some sort learne it out of prophane authours that is to say Philosophers and Heathen lawemakers For among the Philosophers Aristotle in his Politikes hath saide Aristot in Politicis That Godlinesse and religion are the matters whiche Magistrates ought to esteeme moste necessarie for the establishment of common weales Plato in Epinom And Plato in his Epinomis saith also That Princes shoulde not at any time bee persuaded that there is any thing more profitable and necessarie for mankinde then that vertue is which men call pietie and godlinesse that is to say religion and the seruice of God And as concerning lawemakers wee knowe that they hauing to prouide for necessarie thinges and to make ordinances and decrees therefore haue alwayes giuen the first and most honourable place to pietie or godlines and the seruice of GOD. And indeede because they woulde that their lawes shoulde be of greater authoritie and better receiued of their people as well agreeing with pietie and godlinesse Minos they haue made them beleeue that their Gods were authours thereof Minos the Lawemaker of the Cretenses gaue them to vnderstande that hee was Iupiters familiar friende and that hee spake often to him to the ende the people might beleeue that hee receiued from him the lawes which hee established amongest them Zoroastes Zoroastes giuing lawes to the Bactrians and Persians said that hee receiued them from Oromason whome they accounted for God authour of al goodnesse Trismegistus saide also Trismegistus that hee had receiued from Mercurius the lawes whiche he gaue to the Egyptians Carondas Carondas the lawemaker amongest the Carthaginenses referred and ascribed his lawes to Saturnus Licurgus Licurgus the lawemaker of the Lacedemonians referred the lawes which hee gaue to Apollo Solō Draco Solon and Draco the lawemakers among the Athenians referred their lawes to Minerua Xamolxis Numa Xamolxis the lawemaker among the Scithians ascribed his lawes to Vesta Numa to the ende he might get authoritie to his lawes amongest the Romans feigned that in the night season hee had great acquaintance or lay with the goodnesse Aegeria Wherefore this remaineth resolute and standeth sure that Princes and Magistrates to the end that they may in good policie and order gouerne their Lordships and frame the maners of their subiectes ought alwayes to beginne with pietie and the seruice of God as with the most necessarie matter and as without the which there is no regiment or gouernment in the worlde which can long subsist or stand And therefore for this cause specially is it that good kinges princes and lords are praised in the Scripture as Dauid Iosiah Hezekiah amongest kinges Ioseph and Daniell among the rulers and gouernours of prouinces for kings Moses Iehoshua and the Iudges amongst those who had the guiding and leading of people whiche were free Wherefore the flatterers of the courte doe villanously abuse and mocke the very Lordes and Princes when they blow this into their eares that the cause of religion concerneth them nothing at all and that they ought to bee content with this that they haue some care of politike matters committed vnto them and charge of their domesticall and housholde affaires and namely of their Horses Dogges Haukes Foules c. For warre for hunting hauking and for their other particular pleasures without trauelling and taking any more paine for all that or any part thereof whiche concerneth the good estate affaires of Gods Church Thankes bee to God my Lorde that you bee farre otherwise instructed in that which belongeth to the duetie of Christian lordes and magistrates than that which the courtiers brabble and prate not to suffer your selfe to bee distracted neither to goe astray from that which the truth hath once taught you And I hope yea I hope it very stedfastly that that great god who hath put and placed in you so good seede will giue it so good an increase that he will be thereby for euer glorified and that that true not counterfet profession of the religion which you haue will bring to passe that you shall bee more and more loued and honored of good honest people and feared reuerenced of the wicked and persecutors On mine owne parte that I might bring some aide and succour to the faithfull people to the end that they might learne by your example to put a difference betweene the true and false Church by the same meane to resolue to keepe and stay them selues vppon the true Church and that I might also giue some familiar and plaine order to all to knowe on which side the true Churche is I haue as diligentlye builded framed and prepared this present discourse as it was possible for mee wherein I intreate of the Churche and all the points and partes thereof that I thought meete and purposed to touch or could think vpon And therin I haue followed the most apt and cōuenient order that I coulde choose without confounding the matters therin declaring al that which wee ought to behold and beleeue of the church touching her estate forme guiding gouernment For I shewe therein what is the true Church whiche are her true and infallible markes which is the true succession calling of Pastors therin what is her spreading abrode increase of continuance who is the head thereof howe shee is holy whether she may erre what is her power and authoritie amongest whom it is what be the degrees and orders of her guiders what is her discipline whether the Ministerie bee necessarie in her And lastly I speake of her persecutions and afflictions in which point I am somewhat more large then in the rest because I knewe that the present neede and occasion required it to the end I might confirme and
triumphant is the companie of blessed spirites who hauing gotten victory through Iesus Christ against their enemies the diuel the world the flesh sinne death and hell triumph at this present on high in heauen praising God and celebrating the glorie of his name with all ioyfulnesse We haue a goodly description of this Church in the Reuelation Reue. 7.9.10 Cap. 7.9.10 The Church militant is the assemblie of all the faithfull people who as yet on earth fight vnder the banner or standard of Iesus Christ their head against the foresaide enimies whose armours or weapons are set out by S. Paule in the Ephesians Eph. 6.13.14 c. chap. 6. For it is not the Lords will that so long as we are to walke here belowe we should bee without afflictions but hee will haue vs to be continually in the battell and alwayes troubled and tormented through the malice of men yea so much the more by howe much we shall earnestly indeuour to serue him in all godlinesse and holinesse Act. 14.22 this matter also being alreadie concluded that by many tribulatiōs we must enter into the kingdome of God Wherevnto doe appertaine also Ioh. 2. Tim. 3.12 the sentences of Iesus Christ and S. Paul Ioh. 15 20. Ioh. 16.2 2. Tim. 3.12 But hereafter we will speake more largely of the afflictions of the Church The second distinctiō is that the Church is called either Catholike that is to say vniuersall or generall being dispersed thoroughout the world and comprehending vniuersally all the faithfull and elect people of God or else particular whiche is a part of the vniuersall for wee vse to call them particular Churches or congregations whiche are limited within a certaine number and inclosed in certaine places being as it is saide before partes and members of the vniuersall suche in former time were the Churches of Corinthus Rome Ephesus such are at this day the Churches of Fraunce Germanie England Switzerland and other places of all which together consisteth the vniuersall which notwithstāding is but one as anon we shall see The third distinction is that the Church is sometimes said to be inuisible and sometimes visible The inuisible Churche is streitly and narrowly considered and is the verie same which before we called Catholike or vniuersall comprehending only the faithfull and elect in whiche number they also are to be accoūted that be alredy dead The visible Church is considered more largely and comprehendeth al them which are called by the preaching of the Gospell to be of Christes flock Augustine in Psal 64. S. Augustine vseth this distinction in his writings For writing vpon the 64. Psalm he saith that the church which is signified by Ierusalem tooke beginning from Abell and Babylon from Caine and yet notwithstanding in his booke of Baptisme against the Donatistes chap. 16. August Lib. 1 cont Donatist cap. 1 6. taking the Church in a more generall signification he saith that the same which begate ingendered and brought foorth Abell Enoch Noah Abraham and the Prophetes did also begette ingender and bring foorth Caine Ismaell Dathan and others such like But wee must more narrowly and deepely search this matter declare what it is which doth properly belong to the Churche as well Catholike and inuisible as to the other which I said was visible But first of the Catholike and inuisible Church CHAP. II. Of the Catholike and inuisible Church which indeede is but one albeit it haue manie particular partes and members BY that which hath bin said before it is an easie matter to gather make a good certaine definition of the Church Wherefore first we say that the Catholike and inuisible church is the cōpanie of al faithful people scattered throughout the whole world whō God hath chosen to euerlasting life With this definitiō agreeth that which may bee gathered out of that whiche Saint Paule saith to the Corinthians to witte that the Church is the companye of all those 1. Cor. 1.2 that beeing sanctified through Iesus Christe and called to bee Saintes doe call vpon the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe in euerie place The Church then is not an house of woode or of stone builded by mans hande but the congregation commonaltie and fellowship of all those whiche followe the trueth of faith Which matter also we may confirme by these reasons following Gal. 1.13 Act. 9.14 First S. Paul confesseth That he persecuted the Church of God Ananias saith that he had authoritie from the high Priestes to bind all those that called vppon the name of the Lorde that is to say Christians Here we see that Saint Paule calleth those the Church whome Ananias nameth Christians or such as did call vppon the name of the Lord. Eph. 1.23 1. Cor. 12.27 Secondarily the Church is called the bodie of Christe and the companie of faithfull people is also called the bodye of Christ wherevpon it followeth that the Church is no other thing but the companie of the faithfull Ioh. 10.16 Thirdlie Iesus Christ him selfe calleth the Churche a sheepfolde wherevnto sheepe apperteine and belong but by sheep are meant the elect as appeareth by that which is said Math. 25. The Churche then is nothing else Mat. 25 32.3● but the sheepefold or congregation of the elect Fourthly the auncient writers haue so declared it August in Psal 122. and set it out For behold howe Saint Augustine hath spoken therof All faithfull Christians saith he are the Church And Chrysostome Homil. 20. de expuls ipsius Lib. 7. de stroma The Churche saith hee consisteth not in walles but in the multitude of faithfull people Clemens Alexandrinus saith also I call the Church not the place or the temple but the congregation of the elect This Church is called Catholike or vniuersall for three reasons First in consideration of the place for it is not tyed to one certaine place as citie prouince or kingdome but is dispersed and scattered abrod throughout all the worlde Mat. 28.18 euen as Iesus Christ hath saide that hee hath receiued all power both in heauen and in earth and as the second Psalme sheweth that all nations and all the endes and coastes of the earth Psal 2.8 are by the Father appoynted to his Sonne for his inheritaunce and therefore also did Iesus Christe sende foorth his Disciples through out all the worlde to preache the Gospell and to minister the sacramentes Mat. 28.29 Wherefore Donatus erred when hee went about to tie the Church to a certaine corner of Affrica onely The Romishe Catholikes also doe at this day abuse themselues when they indeuour to tie it to Rome alone For though it were so that the Church of Rome were a true Churche wherof we will speake in a whole plaine chapter afterwardes yet it could not be but a particular Church at no hand the vniuersall churche wherof we speak They also are likewise deceiued who thinke to chase and
banish this Church out of the worlde For seeing that it is vniuersall it shall neuer want place but it shall alwayes bee gathered together receiued in some quarter or corner of the earth Secondlie it is called Catholike in consideration of the persons for it receiueth and containeth all the faithful of what estate sex or condition soeuer they bee as S. Paule sheweth when hee saith That there is neither Iewe nor Greeke Galat. 3.28 Collos 3. 11. bonde nor free man nor woman but that all are one in Christe Iesus And in the Apocalipse this Churche is described and set out in this behalfe as a certaine Citie hauing twelue Gates Reue. 21.13 three on the East side three one the North side three on the South side and three one the West side And therefore the Iewes are deceiued when they suppose that the church ought to bee restrained to the onely fleshlye race and linage of Abraham Thirdly in consideration of the time for it shal indure and continue in the world not as some doe imagine a hundred or two hundred yeares a thousande or two thousand yeares onely but euen as long as the worlde it selfe shall last as wee will declare more at large when wee shall speake of the perpetuitie or continuance of the Church Furthermore we holde that this Church is one euen as it is saide Cantic 6.8 Ioh. 10.16 2. Cor. 11.2 Reue 21.9 1. Cor. 12 1● that there is but one onely Doue perfecte and the onely Daughter of her Mother one sheepefolde one spouse of Christ one bodie And indeede this vnitie or onenesse of the Church doeth not consist in a common and bodilie dwelling together nor in certaine outwarde ceremonies but in a certaine verie spirituall vnitie and in an assured consent of doctrine and faith For amongest all those which truely beleeue in Christ there is one bodie and one spirit one hope one Lord one faith one baptisme one GOD and father of all which is aboue all and in all and through all and therevppon it is that Saint Paul saith of the whole church Eph. 4.4.5 Gal. 3.28 That wee are all one in Iesus Christe All the particular churches then whiche consent in true doctrine ought to be holden and esteemed for one onely Churche seeing that the Church is but one Wherevpon Saint Cyprian saide There is no more but one onely Church which is spreade abroade or stretched out farre and wide as there are manye beames in the Sunne De simplicit Praelat and yet the light thereof but one and in a tree there are manie branches or bowes and yet but one bodie which is stayed vpon his owne roote and from one onely fountaine runne manie riuers which no whitt at all hinder or let that the vnitie or onenesse should not abide in the fountaine Now herevpō it followeth that al Schismatiks which by factions sectes partakinges doe breake the vnitie of the Church doe sinne greeuously 1. Cor. as also S. Paule declareth the same writing vnto the Corinthians We say also that this Church is inuisible and that there is none but God alone who knoweth the same therefore Iesus Christ saith Ioh. 10.14 That he knoweth his sheepe and that he knoweth them whome hee hath chosen And Saint Paule The Lord saith hee knoweth those whiche are his Ioh. 13.18 And as concerning our selues wee beleeue it as wee protest confesse 2. Tim. 2.19 in the christiā articles of our beleefe whē that by outward signes we can not point it forth or marke it out For albeit we do not many times see behold the same yet it ceaseth not for all that to bee as it was declared vnto Elijah when hee cōplayned that he was alone making profession of the name of God 1. Kings 19. 10.18 Rom. 11.3.4 No no saith the Lorde vnto him I haue reserued vnto my selfe seauen thousande men whiche haue not bowed the knee to Baal But let vs marke that wee speake of the bodye of the churche generally and not of the members thereof particularly For there is no doubt but that wee may by signes and outwarde testimonies profitably iudge of election euen as men iudge the tree by the good fruite and yet this must bee vnderstoode singularly and specially when the question concerneth our selues For according to the testimony of S. Peter 2. Pet. 1.10 We make our calling election firme sure through good workes Moreouer this churche containeth also many persons whiche are not yet called vnto the visible church euen as our Sauiour Iesus Christ sheweth in S. Iohn when he sayth Ioh. 10.60 Other sheepe I haue also whiche are not of this folde them also muste I bring and they shall heare my voyce and there shall bee one sheepefolde and one sheepehearde And hereof wee haue an example in Saint Paul for when he persecuted the Churche it seemed verily that hee did not appertaine to the Churche beeing not yet called to be a sheepe of the visible sheepefolde of Christe Notwithstanding the Lorde saith vnto Ananias Goe thy way to him Act. 9.15 for hee is a chosen vessell vnto me to beare my name before the Gentiles and Kinges and the children of Israell Which is a matter worthie to be noted to the end that wee shoulde carefully looke vnto our selues that we take not vppon vs to iudge of any man rashly and before the time CHAP. III. Of the visible Church and of the true markes thereof THe visible Church is the cōpanie of al those who by the preaching of the Gospell are called to bee of Christes flocke as indeede they are supposed to be amongest whome notwithstanding manie are not of the number of the Elect as appeareth by the parable of the seede whereof Iesus Christ maketh mention in the 13 chapter of the Gospell according to S. Matthew and by that which he saith that all they which say vnto him Lord Lord Mat. 13.24 Mat. 7.21 Mat. 20.16 Rom. 9 6 shall not enter into the kingdom of heauen Also that many are called but fewe are chosen Also by that Saint Paule saith that all they whiche are of Israell are not therefore Israell And S. Iohn They went out from amongest vs Iohn 2.19 but they were not of vs for if they had beene of vs they woulde haue continued with vs. We haue an example hereof in Iudas as Iesus Christ him selfe witnesseth the same in Saint Ioh. Here then we haue to marke this Ioh. 6 70.13 18. that the outward profession of Christian religion is not sufficient to saluation Furthermore this Churche is knowen by her owne proper markes which are two verie principall and substantiall The first is the pure preaching of the woorde with a right and common consent thereto There was neuer yet any religion which was not vpholden maintained and pointed out by some doctrin So we se that the gētiles haue had their seruices hymnes songes praises vnto
their Gods The Iewes haue the barke or huske of the lawe and their owne Thalmude The Turkes haue the Alcoran of their Mahumet and the heretikes also boast them selues of the doctrin of the Gospell and yet all these are false signes or markes But the true churche hath for her first and principall marke the woorde of GOD purely preached to the whiche the churche consenteth conformeth her self as wee prooue it plainely by these places of Scripture Iesus Christ saith My sheepe heare my voyce Ioh. 10.27 and I knowe them and they follow mee And Saint Paule in his Epistle to the Ephesians you are saith he builded vppon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophetes Eph. 2.20 Iesus Christe himselfe beeing the chiefe corner stone And indeede if this be true as of necessitie it must needes bee that by the scriptures wee are brought to the knowledge of Christ as Christ him selfe affirmeth Search the Scriptures diligently for they are they which beare witnesse of mee Ioh. 5.39 ought wee not then by the same Scriptures to be guided and lead to the knowledge of the true and right Church This matter the auncient fathers respected when they taught that the true church ought to shewe and declare it selfe by the holy scriptures Contra Pitilia Cap. 2. as Saint Augustine saying There is great disputation betweene vs and the Donatistes to knowe where the Church is What is then that wee haue to doe herein Shal we search it out in our owne wordes or rather in the wordes of our Lord Iesus Christe the heade thereof verily we ought rather to seeke for it in the wordes of him that is trueth and knoweth very well his owne bodie 2. Tim. 2.19 For the Lord knoweth them that be his And againe I will not shew or declare the Church by the doctrine of men but by the worde of God Cont. Pitili cap. 3. Aug. epist 166. Also by the scriptures saith he we haue learned Christ by the scriptures likewise wee haue learned to know the Church Wee haue these scriptures common amongest vs wherefore then doe wee not retaine and holde in them both Christ and his Church And Chrysostome saith Supr Matth. exposit 2. Hom. 49. cap. 24. Lib. 2. de Iaco. cap. 7. Hee that will know whiche is the true Churche of Christ by what meane can he knowe it in suche and so great a confusion of outwarde shewe if it be not onely by the Scriptures Saint Ambrose saith also The true and Catholike Churche is there where GOD himselfe appeareth and speaketh to his seruantes by his owne worde The other marke of the Churche is the lawfull administration of sacraments Cont. Faustū Manich. lib. 9. cap. 11. Saint Augustine hath sometime sayde that men can not vnite or knit themselues together in any religion whatsoeuer bee it true or false but by the meanes of some sacramentes or visible signes So the Gentiles had their sacraments and sacrifices The Iewes had Circumcision and some other outward signes of their religion But the true Church hath for the second of her markes her owne sacraments instituted by Iesus Christe the head thereof that is to say baptisme and the holye supper And therevnto must bee referred that which Saint Augustine sayth Ad inquisit Ianuar. cap. 1 The Lorde hath vnited or knit together the newe people that is the people vnder the newe Testament by the sacramentes which are few in number easie in obseruation and very great in signification to wit by baptisme consecrated or administred in the name of the blessed Trinitie and by the communicating or partaking of his body and of his bloud Besides Saint Paule doeth in like sorte rightly teach vs this 1. Cor. 12.13 when hee saith first of baptisme that we are all baptised by one spirit into one body and afterward of the Supper we that are many 1. Cor. 10.17 are one breade and one body because we al are partakers of one and the selfe same breade meaning thereby that these two sacramentes are in suche sorte the two common signes of the Church that by the same we are visibly gathered together into the house of God that we may there be accounted in the number of his housholde seruants and contained in the vnitie of the body of the Church withall the faithfull and by consequent drawne taken and separated from all other people prophane nations CHAP. IIII. Whether these true markes of the Church are to be found amongest the Romish Catholiks THese then are the two certain infallible marks of the true church by which men must examine all assemblies that pretend the Name and Title of the Churche leaste otherwise they be seduced and deceiued Wherefore if a man will know whether the true Church be among the Romish Catholikes or no we neede not haue recourse to any other proofe or touchstone then this onely But it shall behooue vs to holde and to keepe in memorie one foundation or sure ground to wit that these two markes must alwayes be retained and kept in their puritie without being any manner of waye falsified or corrupted that is to say that the preaching of the doctrine must be pure and the administration of the sacramentes sound and lawfull For indeede in outward shewe they would make men beleeue that these two markes are to be found amongest the Romish Catholikes but when all shall be rightly and duely examined wee shall finde that the true Churche is not for all that on their side For as concerning the worde it is not preached by them rightly or purely but as S. Hilarie sayth they make a sense vppon the scriptures and take it not out of the scripture and make it as it were a leaden rule which men commonly call Regula Lesbia applying it to their owne intentes and purposes and not submitting their owne purposes to it Touching this matter it is needefull for vs to knowe that all exposition of holy scripture must bee referred to two principall heads or ends that is to say that it tend to the glory of God and that it bee conformable or agreable to the analogy proportion of faith For touching the first Iesus Christ sayth He that seeketh the glory of God Iohn 7.18 is true Now without doubt when the Romish Catholikes extol mans free will ascribe vnto man some merit for his works they snatch and as it were by violence pull away frō God some part of the glory which is due vnto him and so by consequent whē they serue them selues with certain peeces of the scriptures to proue that whiche they pretend they can not therein excuse them selues but that they corrupt and falsifie the scriptures declaring them selues hereby right heretikes indeede For as S. Ierome saith Who so euer expoundeth the scripture otherwise then the sense meaning of the holy Ghost requireth In epist ad Galat. although hee haue not withdrawne or separated himself from the
two witnesses and they shall prophecie a thousande two hundred and threescore dayes In which place S. Iohn foretelleth the generall corruption of the Church whiche shall come to passe in the last times yet so that withall hee giueth vs to vnderstande that God will not suffer his seruice to continue so corrupted and bastardly but that he will reforme it and bring it to her former perfection and soundnesse and that for this purpose hee will raise and stirre vp witnesses of his owne to prophecie and speake against so greeuous a corruption And howe shall this be done by vsing an extraordinarie maner Luk. 9.49 Wee may also verie well applie to this purpose the example of him who cast out Diuels in the name of Iesus Christ For the Apostles woulde haue hindred him because he did not followe Iesus Christe as they did But Iesus Christe sayeth vnto them Take heede that ye forbid him not or hinder him for fayth hee he that is not against vs is with vs. It is very true in deede that such an extraordinarie vocation ought not to be lightly approued but it is also as true that it ●ught not as lightly to be condemne But wee haue a certaine and manifest testimonie Act. 6.5 8.5 of this extraordinarie vocation in Philip. For hee being onely ordayned a Deacon at Hierusalem was afterwardes extraordinarily called by God to preach Iesus Christ Beside the first restorers of the Churche of our age or time who were extraordinarily called are not to be reproued or blamed for rashnesse For as in a citie besieged by the enemie or assaulted with fire when they whiche were ordinarily called for the safegarde and defence thereof and to giue order in the daunger of fyre shoulde be themselues the first enemies and putters to of fyre if it fall out that certaine Citizens hauing other charges or offices in the citie or else if they were but priuate and particular persons woulde come and set vp themselues and imploy them selues in running to the breach and fire to the ende that they might preserue the citie so farre of is it that they deserue or ought to be reprehended as traytors and vnfaithfull persons that on the other side for a facte so courteous gentle yea so profitable to the country they were greatly to be praised as very good citizens and true friendes and preseruers of the countrey so when the ordinarie sauegardes or keepers of Gods owne house haue declared them selues to be enemies thereof and putters too of fyre to ouerthrowe and marre all they that are afterwardes aduaunced and set forewardes them selues to resist them and to maintaine the right and estate of the sayde house yea although they haue had no manner of ordinarie vocation but in their owne consciences haue onely felt themselues extraordinarilye called for to execute such an office or charge so farre of is it that eyther they may or ought to be blamed that contrarywise they deserue honour and great prayse And yet this is here to be noted that albeit all are not inioyned or cōmanded to preach as well as all are commanded to oppose or set them selues against false prophets yet by consequent it followeth verie wel that if any doe aduaunce or set forward themselues to oppose or set them selues against false prophetes they haue done nothing against their vocation or calling Add also that euen those which in the beginning were extraordinarily called hauing faithfully acquitted and behaued them selues in their charges in preaching the trueth and being receiued and allowed of the people that vocation of theirs which before was extraordinarie hath ceased yea must cease and afterwards is become ordinarie And as concerning myracles wee will shortly aunswere thereto Let the Romishe Catholikes shewe what myracles Isaiah Amos Obadiah Nahum Zechariah and many other prophetes did whom God did extraordinarily stirre vp where they whiche had the order and gouernment in their owne handes abused the same Next let them consider Mat. 12.39 that it appertayneth to an euill adulterous generation to demaund and seeke signes as Iesus Christ saith Thirdly that miracles may seduce and deceiue For we read that false prophetes seducers Deut. 13.1 c. Mat. 24.24 and deceiuers haue sometimes done them thereby to deceiue men and to make approued their false doctrines 2. Thes 2.9 and to increase and strengthen their superstitions and idolatries And therefore we ought not by myracles to iudge of the vocation and doctrine but rather on the other side by the vocation and doctrine wee ought to iudge of myracles and signes The other thing whiche wee aunswere touching the vocation and calling of our first ministers is that wee may verie well stoppe the mouthes of the Romishe Catholikes if wee would alledge that those ministers them selues for the most parte had in respecte of them selues an ordinarie vocation being in deede called in their time by the Pope and by him established and set in their charges and therefore by consequent had authoritie and right to goe vp into the pulpit and to teache in the Church as Luther Zwinglius Oecolampadius Bucer and before them Wickliffe and Iohn Hus. Also that in Englande Sweden and Denmarke the right and lawfull succession of the chaire or place is on our side For there the ordinarie Bishoppes haue receiued the Gospell and preache it so that wee shall not neede to dispute of their vocation no more then for the calling of the Priestes which are at this present in the Romishe Chuch called by the Pope but euen only of their doctrine CHAP. VI. That the Church hath been alwayes from the beginning is nowe and shal be euen vnto the worlds end but that it ought not to be esteemed or acknowledged by the great number WE must not thinke that the Churche had her beginning when the Apostles began to preach the Gospell throughout all the world at which time the disciples were first named christians in Antiochia but that shee began to be in the world euen from the very time of our first parentes Adam and Heuah For in them and by them God began to be serued on the earth hauing blessed them and cōmended vnto thē his seruice and after their fall hauing preached vnto them repentaunce and assurance of victorie against the serpent through Iesus Christ his sonne But the world increasing the church also was augmēted seruing god For as S. Paul saith God created the world Act. 17 26. hath made of one blood al men that they might seeke and serue him And he himselfe saith in Isaiah This people haue I formed for my selfe they shall rehearse and shewe foorth my praise Isai 48 2● GOD then created in the worlde and that from the beginning a Churche thorough free adoption to this ende that his name might be duely praysed by conuenient fit and meete witnesses for so excellent a worke For this cause also the Church is called the planting of the Lorde that hee
might be glorified Isaiah 61.3 Isai 61.3 Moreouer this Church notwithstanding the sharpe and harde persecutions which it hath suffered hath not yet ceassed alwayes to bee as it is at this present and shall be vnto the worldes ende For as Dauid sayth The Lorde hath chosen Sion that is to say Psal 132.13 c. the Church and hath desired it for his seat ●it hath been saith he my rest for euer Iesus Christe also hath promised his disciples Mat. 28.20 to bee with them alwayes euen vnto the ende of the worlde But chiefly Saint Paule hath declared and sette out the perpetuitie and continuaunce of the Church when hee assureth vs Ephes 3.21 that GOD shall be glorified in the Church through Iesus Christ throughout all generations for euer and euer They then are ouermuch past shame whiche limitte the continuance of the Churche to a certayne tyme Aug. de ciui tat Dei lib. 18. ca. 54 as those of whome Saint Augustine speaketh who durst boldely affirme that the christian religion should not last but 365. yeares They likewise doe abuse and deceiue themselues which thinke that by the assaultes which they giue vnto the Church they are able to beate it downe consume it wholy take it away out of the worlde For is it possible that God should be without a Church Psal 10. 1 c. hath not he himselfe promised that his sonne shall raigne and beare rule for euer ouer all his enimies Verily the Church which is the spouse or wife of Christ is become or made so mightie and stronge through her husbande that being euen one bodie with him she is more forcible and mightie in her weakenesse then al the world in his pride and hautines But as we haue alreadie saide once heretofore we will hereafter speake more amplie and largely of the Churches force and power in persecutions To bee shorte amongest so manye and so diuerse chaunges of the kingdomes of this worlde God alwayes preserueth his Churche and bringeth to passe that nothing in all the worlde is durable and perpetuall but shee not that shee is alwayes florishing or hath a continuance which followeth all by one threede that is commeth altogether but because that God not minding that his name should be put out in the worlde doeth alwayes in his Churche raise vp some of whome hee is sincerely and purely serued Nowe when the question is to discerne the true Church from the false some there are that stay themselues vpō the multitude and great number But they are very farre from their right reckoning or account For GOD measureth not his Church by the number He loueth his faithfull people and keepeth himselfe in the middest of them Mat. 18.20 although they be a verie small number on the other side he hateth those that doe dispise it and disdayneth them though the number of them be neuer so great And indeede on the side of the multitude and great number the false and bastardly Church is rather founde than the true and lawfull one And that it is so let vs first mark the places of scripture which withdrawe vs from the multitude and teach vs to stay cleaue to the little flocke Thou shalt not followe a multitude to doe euill Exod. 23.2 Mat. 7.13.14 neither agree in a controuersie to decline after many and to ouerthrowe the trueth Enter in at the straite Gate for it is the wide gate and broad way which leadeth to destruction many therebe which go in thereat because the gate is strait and the way narrowe that leadeth vnto life and fewe there bee that finde it Feare not little flocke Luke 12.32 for it is your fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome Wee see by these places that the greatest numbr is not alwayes the best neyther the soundest and that the Churche of God is founde rather amongest the small number then among the multitude Secondly let vs note the reasons following which are taken from examples that we finde in the scripture touching this verye matter On which side was the Church Gene. 7.1 Heb. 11.7 when Noah alone with his litle familie whiche was not in all but eight persons followed the true religion God approuing him by his faith condemning all the rest of the worlde On which side was the Churche 1 Kin. 19 10 when Elijah saide O Lord the children of Israel haue forsaken they couenant they haue destroyed thine Altars and slayne thy prophets with the sworde and I am left altogether alone and yet they seeke my soule to take it away On which side was the Church when the foure hundred prophetes deceiued Ahab 1. Kin. 22.8 and Michaiah being alone and contemned did yet notwithstanding resist thē and speake the truth On which side was the Church when Ieremiah was sent from God to say In that day the heart of the king shall perishe Iere. 4.9 and the heart of Princes and of the Priestes shall bee astonished and the Prophetes shall wonder and that therefore the Prophetes resisted him Iere 10.18 layed crimes vnto his charge and imagined mischiefe against him Math. 26.3 On which side was the Church when the chiefe Priestes and scribes and Elders of the people assembled themselues together into the Hall of the high Priest named Caiaphas and helde a Councell how they might take Iesus Christ by subtiltie put him to death Certainly by these examples it is plainely prooued that if it were sufficient to alledge the multitude the greatest number for to vnderproppe and vpholde a Churche the false and bastardly Churche shoulde euer preuaile in the matter and get the better in that respecte because that the number which cleaueth to it and followeth and maintayneth it is alwayes the greatest August in Psal 128. Let vs adde here a sentence of Saint Augustine From the time sayth hee that the Saintes haue begun to be the Church hath beene and is on the earth Somtimes it was in Abel alone who was slaine by his wicked brother Cain Sometime it was in Henoch alone who was reiected of the vngodlie Sometimes it was in the onely house of Noah and he bare with or suffered all them that perished in the floude and the Arke swimming vppon the floudes was saued and set vppon the drie land Sometime in one onely Abraham of whome we knowe thus much that hee suffered many thinges by the wicked Sometimes in Lott alone and in his onely house in the middest of the Sodomites whose iniquities and vngodlinesse he indured and suffered so long till God drewe him as it were by violence from among them Sometimes in the onely Israelites tormented by Pharaoh and the Egyptians By these wordes that appeareth verie well to be true and right which I haue sayd to wit that the Church ought not to be iudged or acknowledged by the great number The faythfull then shoulde not at this daye bee offended though they bee
the vse of the keyes is vnderstood not the rule or ouersight of the whole Churche but the power to binde and loose or else to pardon or not pardon sinnes as it is declared in the 18. Chapter of the Gospell after Saint Matthewe and Chap. 20. after S. Iohn Mat. 18.18 Iohn 20.23 Now seeing that so it is that power to remitte or to retaine sinnes was giuen not vnto Peter onely but equally vnto all the Apostles it followeth well that the vse of the keyes was not giuen to Saint Peter alone but also to all his companions fellowes by consequent if he were the head of the Church to whō the power of the keyes was giuen it woulde followe that the Churche had so many heads as it had then Apostles But some will say Iesus Christe speaketh onely to Peter It is true indeede Howe be it by the name of Peter is vnderstoode the whole Church For euen as Iesus Christ was willing to heare what iudgement not onely Peter but also all his fellowes had of him when he demaunded of them But whom say ye that I am Mat. 16.15.16 And that Peter alone in the name of all answered and made this confession Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God So on the other side Iesus Christ giuing the power of the Keyes vnto the Churche addressed his speeche vnto Peter alone although he meant to speake as well vnto all the rest Augu. in Iohan tract 50 And so doeth Saint Augustine vnderstande it for beholde howe hee speaketh Peter saith hee signifieth the whole Churche For if that in Peter there were not the figure of the Church Christ woulde not haue saide vnto him I will giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen And againe when Iesus Christ sayd vnto Peter I will giue vnto thee the keyes c. Hee ment without doubt the whole Church And the reason would be marked why Iesus Christe in the person of one spake vnto all that is to the ende hee might comend set out the vnity of the Churche euen as also the auncient writers haue marked and obserued the same Cypr. tract 3 de simpli praelat S. Cyprian saith thus Our Lorde in the person of one man hath giuen the keyes vnto all thereby to denote and set out the vnitie of al. The other were the same in deede that Peter was fellowes in equall honour and in equal power But Iesus began with one man to the ende to shewe that the Churche is one And Augustine August in Iohan. tract 11. So it was saith he that all were asked Peter alone answered him thou art Christ c. and to him was it said I wil giue vnto thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen as though power to bind loose had been giuen vnto him alone But as he answered for all so he receiued the keyes together withall bearing as it were the person of vnitie Wherefore he alone was named for all because there was vnitie among all 3 The third reason is Iohn 21.16 Iesus Christ commaunded Peter aboue all the rest yea that three times to feed his sheepe Hee then did constitute and make him an vniuersall Bishop and head of all Churches I aunswere that this consequent is false for there is a very great not onely difference but contrarietie betwene these two to haue charge to feede the sheepe of Christ and to haue a most high Empire and vniuersal rule ouer the whole Church Besides if to feede the sheepe of Christ bee no other thing but to minister and giue vnto them the spiritual food of their soules Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.15 by the preaching of the Gospel as it is in deede and seeing that it is most euident and plaine that Iesus Christe hath giuen this commission to al his Apostles generally it followeth very well that he hath not giuen it to Peter alone And indeed Peter himselfe doth well confesse the same 1. Pet. 1.5 c. when he exhorteth his fellowe ministers to feede the flocke of Christ which is committed vnto thē And Basil confirmeth the same saying Iesus Christ himselfe teacheth vs this to wit that he is the onely head of the Church who did constitute and appoint Peter the pastor of his Church after him For he saith Peter louest thou me feed my sheep consequently he hath giuen this very same power to all pastours and teachers and hereof this is a certayne signe and sure token that all binde and loose without any difference as well as hee The fourth reason S. Peter is diuers times in the scripture named the first among the Apostles Therefore he was chosen to haue rule aboue the other his fellowes yea aboue or ouer the whole Church I answere first that this argument is friuolous and vayne yea worthie to bee mocked and hissed at For be it that we confesse that S. Peter was the first and chiefe as it were amongst a fewe people that is to say amongst the twelue Apostles yet very farre set is this that it shoulde therefore followe that hee was the firste or chiefest ouer all Christians or that hee did beare rule ouer all the worlde Secondly if because that S. Peter is the first named he is therefore the first and chiefest among the Apostles wee must then say by the contrarie that the virgin Marie is the last and least of all women because in the first chapter of the Actes where also S. Peter is set the first in the catologue or nūber Act. 1.13.14 shee is set the last after others Which matter the Romishe Catholikes will not at any hande say or affirme which if they should it woulde be founde in deede a very absurde thing Thirdly we read in many places that S. Peter is not named first And S. Paule in the seconde Chapter of his Epistle to the Galathians Placeth Iames before him Gal. 2.9 Iames then by this reason shoulde haue authoritie ouer Peter because he is named before him Besides in the Councell of Hierusalem the speach and aduice of Iames which was had after that peter had giuen his Actes 15. 13 c. had such weight with it that al consented and agreed to his iudgement And this muche concerning the firste point Let vs come to the other which concerneth the Pope who sayth that he is Saint Peters successor and so by consequent the head of the Church First if it manifestly appeare by that which hath been said heretofore that Saint Peter was neuer established head of the Churche and that hee neuer had any suche preheminence and authoritie attributed vnto him by what title or right can or will the Pope who sayth that he is his successor pretende at this day any suche Lordshippe rule and authoritie Let vs also on the other side well marke this S. Peter dyed as they say vnder Nero and there succeeded him Linus Cletus and Clemens in the tyme of S. Iohn who
liued vnder Domitian and euen vnto Traian his dayes Nowe if they of the Church of Rome will say that the Popes whiche succeeded Saint Peter were the heads of the church to whom all the rest of the Bishoppes ought to bee subiecte they must of necessitie be driuen to confesse that S. Iohn was subiect to Linus to Cletus and to Clemens Moreouer if S. Peters successors be the heades of the Churche Clemens who succeeded him in the third place as they say was so likewise But let vs heare what hee himselfe saith in an Epistle which as some say he writ to Iames Bishop of Hierusalem The title or inscription is this Clemens Tom. 1. concil pag. 135. col 2. to Iames the Lordes brother Bishop of Bishops gouernour of the Churche of Hierusalem and of all other Churches which by the prouidence of God are throughout all the worlde If Clemens were the vniuersall Bishop why did hee spoyle him selfe of his owne titles to attribute ascribe and giue the same vnto Iames to whome they did not belong Furthermore who is hee that hath lifted vp the Pope into this goodly degree of honour Is it Iesus Christe or his Apostles No in deede for wee reade that Bonifacius the thirde of that name Bishop of Rome was by the Emperour Phocas ordayned the firste souereigne or chiefe of all Christendome and the Church of Rome established heade of all the Churches in the world and this was about the yere of Christ sixe hundred and foure This Phocas as the historie writers rehearse and record was a traitor and an vnfaithful murderer of the Emperor Mauritius his master for as the said Mauritius at a certaine time shewed him selfe ouer seuere and rigorous against his souldiers they being giuen to debate and contention chose Phocas for Emperour who in Calcedonia immediately caused to be cut off the forenamed Mauritius his owne heade his wiues also and his three sonnes named Theodorus Tiberius and Constantine But hee receiued his paiment and reward for it afterwards For hauing reigned eight yeares he was at the laste slaine by the common people in the yeare of Christ 612. Beholde and marke by whom the primacie of the Romish Church was established and the Romane byshoppe made an vniuersall bishop there beeing before not so muche as anye newes of it For as concerning a certain Edict or decree which they alledge by which Constantine the greate a Christian Emperor gaue vnto Siluester the bishop of Rome aboute the yeare of Christ 317 spirituall domination and gouernement ouer all the Churches of the whole worlde also the iewels and kingly ornaments yea the Empire it selfe and politike gouernement ouer all the West partes it is a writing found and forged for and at their pleasure ful of lyings also and falshoods which may be easily proued by these reasons There are none of all the approued historiographers during certaine ages which make mention thereof after any sorte as Eusebius Eutropius Ruffinus Socrates Theodoretus Beda Euagrius Paulus Diaconus Zonaras Nicephorus Orosius eyther other the like yea they whiche haue written the liues of the Emperours and Popes haue not any whitte at all spoken thereof No more haue the auncient Doctours Athanasius Basilius Saint Ambrose Gregorie Nissenus Gregorius Nazianzenus Optatus Mileuitanus Saint Augustine Chrysostome whiche is more the Bishops of Rome them selues haue not saide any thing thereof no not in Councelles when they haue taken vpon them the care and charge to maintaine their primacie whiche woulde notwithstanding haue been a good buckler and shield of defence for them If Constantine gaue to the Romane Bishop the primacie ouer Constantinople Antioch Alexandria Hierusalem and all other Churches what reason had he to suffer in the councel of Nice whereat hee him selfe was president that the contrary should there be determined and concluded Concil Nic. Can. 6. habetur tom 1. Concil pag. 342. For in that Councell it was concluded that the Bishop of Rome shoulde not bee preferred before the Bishop of Alexandria or of Antioch or of Hierusalem If the foresaid Emperour ordained that the Bishop of Rome shoulde bee helde and taken for the head of all the Churches of the worlde wherefore then did Bonifacius demaunde and seeke the same of Phocas whereas he shoulde rather haue required to haue kept the same to him selfe and his successors which was long before graunted by Constantine to his predecessors With what conscience woulde Constantine giue vnto Siluester lordshippe and gouernment ouer the Churches and the Empire hee him selfe beeing a Christian and therefore by consequent knowing very wel that there was a destinction and difference betweene the office of the Pastours of the Churche and the charge and duetie of Magistrates Eusebius euen as Eusebius witnesseth of him that hee was accustomed to say that the Lorde had giuen and committed the inwarde charge of the Churche to the elders ministers but the outwarde to him If wee woulde consider Siluester with what conscience also coulde hee accepte the sayde donation or gift the vse whereof as he well inough knewe Iesus Christe had forbidden him Luk. 22.25 Mat. 22.21 for hee was not ignorant of this sentence The kinges of the nations beare rule c. but it shall not bee so amongest you Also Giue vnto Caesar the thinges whiche are Caesars Wherefore seeing that Iesus Christ hath distinguished the offices of the Magistrates and the charges of the pastors of the Church Siluester did very yll to confounde and iumble them together in his owne person Yea also there is a certaine Canon to this purpose Distinct 96. Can. Quū ad Nico c. auouched and alledged vnder the name of a Pope that these offices are distinguished by Iesus Christ If so be that Constantine gaue the empire of the west partes to Siluester they must say that Siluester possessed the same and left it to his successors and that if his successors doe not any longer hold it they must say that they haue beene thrust and driuen out of the possession thereof But let them shewe if they can any matter touching this point in the histories Verilye so far is it that Siluester those which succeeded him euen vnto Hildebrande who was named Gregorie the seuenth and was created Pope about the yeare of Christe one thousande seuentie foure did holde the Empire of the West that indeede they had not rule or authoritie ouer the Citie of Rome but did peaceably and quietlye acknowledge the Emperors for their Lords and were subiect to their lawes neither was there at any time a Pope chosen or created without the authoritie of the Emperour The change came in in the time of the foresaide Gregorie It is about fiue hundred yeres agoe since the Popes haue by little little incroched vpon the Empire haue at the last brought into their subiection the Citie of Rome and since they did accomplishe that there is not passed aboue a hundred threescore and nine
when Iesus Christ ordained his twelue Apostles he ordained them for a time only and after them he hath not substituted or ordained others in their place to haue so ample and large a charge as theirs was Likewise we read not that the Apostles established other apostles in their steed but onely Elders auncients that is to say Pastors and Ministers who had their callings charges offices limitted Wherefore albeit S. Peter might well be an vniuersall Bishop yet so it is that those that came after him cānot rightly attribute vnto themselues such an office But to conclude by what markes can the pope bragge that he is the successor of peter whose office he doth not any maner of way execute and whom he followeth not in any thing whatsoeuer CHAP. VIII Whether the Church of Rome be the true and Catholike Church And whether wee doe well to separate and withdrawe our selues from it WHen wee call the assemblie of papists the Romish Churche wee meane not that wee hold or take the same for the true Church For we take the worde Church in his generall signification for a companie or fellowship or congregation And in deede wee holde and affirme that among the papists the true church is not but only some little tract or path of a Churche to the ende that that which S. Paul saith may be accomplished to wit 2. Thes 2.4 that Antechrist doth sit as god in the temple of God This being true much lesse can we say that the assembly which is amongest the papistes is the Catholike Church which point we proue by these resons following The first reason The true Church is foūded or builded vpon the doctrine of the prophetes and apostles as S. Paul saith Ephes 2.20 but the papacie or popedome hath not any suche foundatiō because that it hath ouerthrown the doctrine of the prophetes and apostles as may plainly appeare by the examination of their traditions The popedome therfore is not the true Church The second reason In the true Catholike Church the truth shold reigne beare sway for S. Paule saith 1. Tim. 3.7.15 the church is the piller and ground of truth but in the papacie truth reigneth not but on the contrarie side falshood lying as appeareth by the doctrine of the masse of Purgatorie of inuocation or prayer to Saints of idols of merites and other such matters Wherfore it followeth that the papacie or popedome is not the true Church 2. Cor. 11.2 Ephe. 5.22 The third reason The true Church is the spouse or wife of Christ But the Church of Rome is not the spouse of Christ For the spouse of Christe contenteth her selfe with Christ her only husband euen as an honest woman doth content herself with her only husband without admitting or suffering any other with or besides him which the Romish church doth not because she receiueth the Pope of Rome for her husband ioyneth him together with Iesus Christ Wherfore it followeth that the Romish church is not the true church The fourth reason The true Churche is the sheepfold of Iesus Christes sheepe Ioh. 10.16 But the popedome is not the sheepfold of Christes sheepe for it heareth not the voyce of Christ the true pastor or sheepheard but the voice of a strāger that is of the pope whose lawes it followeth and keepeth more then the lawes of Christ The papacie then or Popedome is not the ttue Church The fift reason The true Church is the body of Christ Ephe. 1.23 but the Romish Churche is not the body of Christ For the body of Christ contenteth it self with Christ the only head thereof otherwise it should be a mōster with two heads as we haue declared before in the seuenth chapter which thing the romish church doth not bicause it receiueth holdeth the pope for her head Wherfore it foloweth very wel that the Romish church is not the true church The sixt reason Though it were that the church of Rome were the true Church yet it could not be but a particular church euē as the Church of Corinthus Ephesus others whereupon it foloweth that it is not neither can be the Catholike and vniuersall church The 7. reason In the true Church these 3. markes are found without fayling that is to say the lawful calling of pastors the pure preaching of the word and the right administration of the sacraments But in the Romish church these 3. markes are not to bee found as it is easie to shew by the examination that a man might take thereof Wherof it followeth that the Romish church is not the true and right church Nowe seeing that wee haue sufficiently shewed that the churche of Rome is not the Catholike Churche neither yet the true Churche men must not deeme it straunge that wee cannot agree with it but that wee depart and separate our selues from it and that in so doing we ought not at any hand or any maner of way to be held and accoūted for Schismatiks because we do not forsake the ancient and Catholike Church no not the auncient Romane Church but do altogether agree with the same For would wee knowe what manner of Church the Church of Rome was in ancient time Tertullian teacheth it vs when he speketh therof after this maner A blessed Churche for which the Apostles haue spread abrode all the doctrine with their blood Tertul. de praescr haeretic where Saint Peter suffered such a death as the Lorde him selfe did where Paule was crowned with martyrdome where Iohn the Apostle was put into burning or flaming oyle and yet was taken out of the same without any hurt or blister and afterwardes sent into exile Let vs looke vpon that which shee learned and that which shee taught and what concorde and agreemente shee hath had with the Churches of Affrica Shee hath acknowledged confessed and allowed one onely God the Creator of all things and Iesus Christ the sonne of God borne of the Virgine Mary shee hath beleeued also the resurrection of the flesh shee hath receiued the law and the Prophetes with the writinges as well of the Euangelists as of the Apostles and from thence shee draweth or fetcheth faith she marketh hers with the Sacramente of Baptisme and shee clotheth them with the holy Ghoste she nourisheth them with the Sacrament of the Supper shee exhorteth by martyrdome and shee receiueth not any person against such instruction Behold Tertullian his woordes Wherefore we haue not forsaken this auncient churche of Rome but the newe and particular Romishe churche which since hath lifted vp her selfe whiche aduoucheth the pope for her head and alloweth him for the Vicar of Iesus Christe on earth which worshippeth him and obeyeth his lawes againste the lawes of GOD. For shee hath degenerated and gone out of kinde and hath loste all her authoritie euen as the cleargie of the saide Church hath sometimes foretolde writting to Saint Cyprian saying That the prayse that Saint Paule gaue to that
the Romish Church wee breake not the vnitie of the Churche bicause that in the Romish Churche there is no true vnitie For first of all it is not at vnitie in it selfe as appeareth by the seuerall sectes and rules which are amongst them one saying I am of the order of S. Augustine an other I am of Saint Dominick his order an other I am of S. Frauncis an other I am a Iesuite contrarie to that which S. Paul writ to the Corinthians 1. Cor. in the first chapter Secondly that Church is not vnited with God which vnion or vnitie is necessarilie ioyned with the former 1. Ioh. 1.3 as Saint Iohn declareth it And that this is true that it hath not any vnion or fellowship with god it is sufficiently plaine by this only reason that hee that hath vnion or fellowship with God ought by the testemonie of the holy spirit and by faith to be assured hereof that God dwelleth in him and he in God euen as the scripture teacheth vs. But the faith of papists is this that we must alwaies doubt whether wee be in the grace and fauour of God wherefore they can not haue vnion or fellowship with him Furthermore this is to bee marked that there is no vnion or agreement betweene the doctrine of papists and the worde of God wherevpon it followeth that they are not all vnited with him Which being cōsidered to what end and purpose would they haue vs to remaine abide in the vnitie of the Romishe Church seeing there is not in it any vnitie I meane holy vnitie and such as agreeth wel to good Christians and the true members of Iesus Chirst They will obiect further you hold indeede that baptisme ministred in the Romish Churche is true Baptisme why then doe you not holde this Church for the true Church I aunswere that this reason is verie weake For wee doe not acknowledge the assemblie of heretikes for the true Churche although wee cease not to allowe the baptisme ministred amongest them for true and profitable euen as the councell of Carthage decreed the same because that Baptisme is alwaies the Baptisme of Christ and not of heretikes although it bee ministred by heretikes who haue notwithstanding some vocation and allowaunce of the people Wherein let vs heare Saint Augustine Augu. lib. 3 cont Donatist cap. 10. The water saith hee ouer whiche the name of God is called vpon is not bastardly for neither the creature nor the name is prophane or bastardly Wherefore the Baptisme of Christ being sanctified and hallowed by the wordes of the Gospel is holy among the adulterous and in the adulterous although they them selues be shamelesse and vncleane And in an other place Aug cont Crescent lib. 3. cap. 6 The baptisme is such as is he by whose vertue it is administred and suche as bee by whose handes it is administred August de fide ad Pet. cap. 36. Also because it is manifest that in what so euer place where baptisme is administred it ought to be but once ministred this is to be marked that though it be administred by heretikes in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghoste it ought to be reuerently receiued and at no hand reiterated Wherfore we esteeme and take the baptisme of the Romish Church for true baptisme because it is ministred not in the name of the Pope but in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy ghoste and confesse that the infants which receiue it are truly baptised euen as they whiche were circumcised in the time of Ieroboam and of Caiaphas were helde for true circūcised persons although at that time the state of the churche was almost altogether peruerted and corrupted But yet this remaineth that albeit we haue receiued baptisme in the popish assemblie and that wee hold the same for true baptisme yet we are farre off from holding or accounting that assemblie for the true Church Caluine hath sufficiently answered this difficultie or doubt whose wordes I will bring in place heere contenting my selfe therewith Caluin lib. 4 Instit cap. 2. sect 11.12 As in the time of Ieroboam saith he there were certaine prerogatiues belonging to the Church which remained amongest the Iewes although at that time the seruice of God was very much corrupted so we denie not but that the Papists haue at this day som steps and pathes of the dissipation or scattering of the Church which through the grace of God haue remained with them For as Circumcision could not be so defiled by the vncleane hāds of the Iewes but that it was alwaies a signe a sacrament of the couenant of God for which cause god called the infants or children which were borne of this people his which could not any maner of way belong vnto him but by a certaine special blessing and priuiledge After the same maner also because hee hath once placed his couenant in France in Italie in Germanie other countries although that al that was afterwardes oppressed by the tyrannie of Antechriste yet to the ende that his couenant might remaine amongest them inuiolable and vnbroken it hath pleased him that baptisme shoulde there remaine for a testimonie witnesse of that couenant which bicause it is ordained hallowed by his owne mouth retaineth and keepeth her owne force notwithstanding the vngodlinesse of men Likewise hee hath by his prouidence brought to passe that there shoulde remaine amongest them other remnants also as the Lordes prayer the Apostles Creede the Commaundements of GOD c. leaste the Churche shoulde vtterly perishe And as sometimes buildings are pulled downe in such sort that the foundations remaine and some shewe of the ruines and destructions so the Lorde hath not suffered that his Churche shoulde be so rased or destroyed by Antichrist that nothing of the building shoulde remaine And although that he might take vengeance of the vnthankefulnes of men who despised his word he hath suffered such a horrible shaking and fal to be made yet it was his pleasure that some part or portion thereof should remaine as a signe token marke that the whole was not abolished Wherefore when we refuse simply to graunt vnto the Papistes the title of the Church wee doe not therfore vtterly deeme them that they haue not any Churches amongest them but we onely reason of the true and right estate of the Church which importeth a fellowship as wel in the doctrine as in al that which belōgeth to the profession of our Christianitie Daniel 9.27 2. Thes 2.4 Daniel and S. Paul haue foretold that Antichrist shall sit in the temple of God We say that the Pope is the head of that execrable abhominable and cursed kingdome at the least he is so in the West Churche Nowe seeing it is saide that the seat of Antichrist shall bee in the temple of GOD thereby is meant that his kingdome shall bee suche as shall not altogether
abolish the name either of Christ or of his church Hereby therfore it appeareth that we denie nor but that the Churches ouer whiche hee beareth rule by his tyrannie remaine Churches still but wee say that hee hath prophaned them by his vngodlinesse and so poysoned them by his false doctrines that there appeareth amongest them a picture or image of Babylon rather than of the holy citie of God To conclude we say that they be Churches first because that the Lord hath myraculously preserued amongest them the remnants of his people though they be poorely and thinly scattered abroad Secondly because there remaine amongest them some markes and rokens of the Church specially these tokens the power and effectualnesse whereof cannot be abolished neither by the craft of the Diuell neither by the malice of mē But on the other side because the markes which we haue principally to regard in this dispute or question bee blotted out there we say that there is not amongest them a right shewe and lawfull forme of a Church neither in any of their particular assemblies neither in the whole body And these are the woordes of Caluine But though we might in deede accorde and agree to this that the Romish Churche were the true Church in respect of the baptisme which it hath yet there should be no reason to inferre thereupon that we ought also to take and hold it for the true church in respect of the other points of doctrine for it is most manifest that for the moste parte they are altogether contrarie to the expressed word of God And as concerning baptisme albeit they adde many vaine and superstitious Ceremonies ministred in a tongue vnknowne to the people and not vnderstood of them yet so it is that notwithstanding the substance remaineth and that which is the principall or chiefe point of the forme as we haue shewed Nowe if one would demaund why then suffer wee not our infants to be brought to the Romish Church there to bee baptised seeing that the baptisme which is there ministred is good I aunswere that wee suffer it not because God hath giuen vs grace to knowe the superstition and idolatrie which is there committed 1. Cor. 10.14 1. Ioh. 5.21 to whiche wee may not at any hande sticke cleaue or consent whatsoeuer appearance and shewe of good wee suppose may come thereby either to vs or to our children For Saint Paule saith Rom. 3.8 That we ought carefully to looke vnto our selues not to doe euill that good may come thereof And also because that through Gods grace and goodnes we haue a meane and way opened to haue our foresaid children baptized in the refourmed Churches without any abuse error superstition or idolatrie They will say yet further that Iesus Christ ceased not to approue and allow the Church of Ierusalem in his time though it had in it store of errours which hee well declared when hee was there present at the sacrifices and feastes Wherefore then doe not wee approue also the Romishe church althogh it haue errors in it For if a church shall for some abuses faultes or errors loose the name of the true Churche where shall wee then finde one alone in the whole worlde I aunswere firste that wee holde not that a true Churche looseth the name of a true Church for some abuses or errors therein For S. Paule left not of to name the faithfull people of Corinthus the Church although he blamed and reproued them for many errors and corruptions not onely in respect of their manners but also concerning their doctrine And we shall see hereafter that particuler Churches are neuer so perfect in this worlde but that they bee oftentimes subiect to error and goe astray But wee rightly hold and affirme that the Romish Church ought to leese the name of a true Churche because shee hath degenerated and gone out of kinde from the auncient and Catholike Churche For the true auncient and Catholike Churche cleaueth to her only heade and husbande Iesus Christ shee beleeueth his worde and followeth him she is faithfull to him without committing adulterie with idols which the Romishe churche doeth not which thing we haue a little while agoe shewed Secondly as concerning that that Iesus Christ did approue the churche of Ierusalem in his time we say in the first place that there is very great difference betweene the estate of that church then as it was and the estate of the Romishe church such a one as we beholde it at this day For the abuse and corruption as well of doctrine as of Sacraments the manifest Idolatry which beareth sway at this present in the Romish church was not at that time in the church of Ierusalem Which is easie to proue because that Iesus Christ would not haue made much a doe to beat downe the idols and to reforme other abuses if they had had place there as hee ouerthrewe the tables of the money changers Ioh. 2.14 and cast out of the temple those that there sold openly sheepe and Doues Moreouer Iesus Christe woulde not reiect or disalowe the churche of Ierusalem because that the time was not yet come wherein hee shoulde put an ende vnto the ceremonies of the lawe Leuit. 17.3 Deut. 12..13 Wherefore for as much as the faithfull had the commandement of God whereby it was appointed them not to searche or seeke newe places to offer their sacrifices and oblations in but to come and to stay them selues within the Court of the tabernacle or of the temple Iesus Christe woulde not despise this place But wee knowe that whatsoeuer corruption was there no faithfull man was inforced to cleaue or sticke to any superstitious manner or custome whiche is not practised at this day in the Churche of Rome For as all there is full of superstition and manifest idolatrie so they will constraine and inforce the faithfull by fire and sworde to consent thereto and to pollute and defile themselues therewith against their owne consciences and Gods expresse forbidding Lastly to what point did Iesus Christe bring the Church of Ierusalem when the high Priestes Scribes and Pharisees shewed them selues great madde men not doeing their duties towardes it did hee not take his vineyard from these husbandmē who did not giue him the fruites which belonged vnto him and committed the same vnto others that is to his Apostles and their successours to yeeld him fruite in their seasons Euen so likewise hath the Lorde doone therewith in the Popedome Hee hath not destroyed his Churche but hath only chaunged the estate thereof taking it out of the hand and guiding of the Bishops and Popishe Priestes and placing it againe vnder the gouernement and charge of other guiders and leaders who can see more cleerely and bee of better trust as it is spoken in Saint Matthewe Mat. 22.40 vnder the similitude or parable of the vineyard To conclude if they aske what shall become then of our predecessours who dyed in the faith
boast thēselues to be true bishops pastors seeing they are not called by Christ to such offices that they doe not any maner of way exercise duties charges according to the ordinaunce and cōmandememt of the Lord of the haruest The X. CHAP. Whether the ministerie of the worde bee alwayes necessarie in the Church and howe much men ought to attribute or giue vnto it AFter that wee haue spoken of the diuers degrees of ministers in the church of their charges and offices it shall be very meete and requisite that wee declare whether the ministerie of the worde bee alwaies necessarie and needfull in the Church or no. For there are some which doe despise it and vtterly disallowe the same as though it were superfluous vnprofitable and vaine whose argumentes and reasons wee must first examine and afterwards we will alleadge and bring foorth our reasons and warrantes against them Their first argument is this The holy Ghost is our inward doctor 1. Iohn 1.20 Iohn 16.13 who teacheth vs all thinges and leadeth or bringeth vs to the knowledge of all truth It followeth then that we haue not any need of the outward ministerie neither that any doe teach vs with the liuely or liuing voice I aunswere that the consequent is false and that the argument is captious and sophistical by reason of the insufficient numbring or reckoning of causes For there are three very right causes by which wee are guided and ledde to the knowledge of the truth The first is the holy ghost the second is the outward ministerie of the worde The third is our wil but yet regenerated agreeing with these two Now of these three causes or means we are not to despise any one seeing that God by thē wil accomplish and bring to passe his owne worke in vs. Wherfore although it he the proper and peculiar office of the holy spirit to lighten vs within and to lead vs to the knowledge of the truth yet so it is notwitstanding that the outward ministerie of the worde is not vnprofitable because that god vseth the same as an inferiour or secondary meane for the aboue named effect and purpose And indeede the preaching of the worde and the administration of Sacramentes doe then shew and bring foorth their effect power when the holy ghost ioyneth his withall by the which only the eares are pearced the harts opened the affections touched and the wils disposed and prepared thereby to giue an entrance to the outward ministery insomuch that if this inward master or teacher do faile vs the outward ministerie can no more profite our soules than the light of the Sunne helpeth blind eyes or than a voyce which soundeth lowd profiteth deaf eares In the meane while the outward ministerie is not vnprofitable or vaine when the operation of the holy Ghoste is ioyned therwith working within but is full of vertue efficacie and power euen as it pleaseth God to blesse it The second argument is Those which knowe all things and haue not neede that any should teach them haue nothing to do with the outward ministerie but the faithfull know all thinges as S. Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 2.20.27 and haue no neede that any should teach them It followeth thē that the faithfull haue nothing to do with the outward ministerie I answere that the place of S. Iohn is very yll peruersly applyed For when he saith that the faithfull to whome hee writ knewe all things first this ought to bee referred to that which hee had before saide in the 14. verse to wit 1. Iohn 2.14 that they knew the father for he that knoweth the father certainely knoweth all because the father is knowne in his sonne in whome are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge Col. 2.3 as saith Saint Paul And therefore also the same Apostle declareth to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 2.2 that he esteemed not to know any thing among thē saue Iesus Christ and him crucified Secondly when he saith that they knew all things it is as if he had saide that they were not yong schollers rude ignorāt but expert well skilled in the matters which he propoūded set forth vnto thē and that therfore he did not set out these pointes to them as though they were altogether vnknowne to thē but that he did onely bring these things to their minds that they might remēber them As S. Peter writeth vnto the faithful 2. Pet. 1.12 I Will not bee negligent saith he to put you alwayes in remēbrance of these things though that ye haue knowledge and be established in the present truth Finally when he saith that they had no need that any shoulde teache them this ought not to be read alone by it selfe but ought to be ioyned with that which followeth to wit 1. Iohn 2. 27 but as the same annointing teacheth you of all things it is true and is not lying As if he would say you haue been taught of the holy ghost who is alwaies true and no maner of way a lyar You then haue not neede that any should teach you some other matter as they are wont to doe which teach for doctrine mans inuentions but if any doe teach you that he folow that which the holy ghost hath taught you in whose doctrine it behoueth you alwaies to abide The third argument the Lord saith thus And they shall teach no more euery man his neighbour Iere. 31.34 and euery man his brother saying Knowe the Lord for they shall all know me frō the least of them vnto the greatest of thē This promise must be referred to the state of the Church vnder the new Testament therefore it followeth that the ministerie of the worde ought not any more to haue place now in the church I answere that the application of the place of Ieremie is altogether contrary to the meaning intent and purpose of the holy ghost For first and formost the Lord making cōparison betweene the olde people and the new meaneth not any other thing but that vnder the Gospell he woulde sende vnto his people so great a light by the means of Iesus christ his sonne that his knowledge should bee common familiar to all wheras vnder the law he manifested and declared himselfe darkely and that vnder certaine shadowes figures As indeed the ancient people that is to say they which were in the time of the olde Testament were not so familiarly plainely and perfectly taught as we be at this day by reason whereof also the Prophet Malachie calleth Iesus Christ the sonne of righteousnesse Malac. 4. ● signifiyng therby that the fathers vnder the law had indeed som light but yet not such a light as we through his goodnes haue at this day Furthermore we must mark that the lord doth not say simplie They shall teache no more euery man his neighbour euery mā his brother but he addeth saying Know the Lord. By which
restriction or restraining it into a narrow roome he plainly declareth that hee promiseth to his children suche a knowledge that they shall not be any more learners of the A.B.C. neither young scholers in the doctrine of saluation For these words Know the Lord denote point out the first rudiments or instructions of faith and of the heauenly doctrine And indeed if we well weigh marke how rude grosse and ignorant the old fathers were we shall find that they were as it were litle children euen as S. Paul saith Gal. 4. 1. c. as yet in their A. B.C But God hath shewed vnto vs a far greater grace because that wee haue a more manifest cleere shining light to leade vs to the knowledge of God and of the misteries of our saluation For this cause Iesus Christe said Mat. 13.16.17 Luke 10.23 24. Blessed are your eyes for they see your eares for they heare For verily I say vnto you that many Kings Prophetes righteous men haue desired to see those things which ye see haue not seene them and to heare those things which you heare and haue not heard them In summe the Lorde promiseth heere that his people shall not be founde so grosse and ignorant vnder the newe conuenant or Testament that they shall haue need of the principles and beginnings of christian doctrin But if wee would not take this place in this sense how shall wee expound an other of Isaiah which seemeth to be contrary to this He saith It shall bee in the last dayes Isai 2.2 3. that the mountaine of the house of the Lord shal be prepared in the toppe of the mountaines and shall bee exalted aboue the hilles and all nations shall flowe vnto it and many people shall go and say Come and let vs goe vp to the mountaine of the Lorde to the house of the God of Iacob and he will teach vs his wayes It is certaine that he prophesieth euē as Ieremiah of the grace of God which should bee made manifest through Iesus Christe in the time of the Gospel Now one of them saith Euerie one shall not teach his neighbour for they shall all knowe the Lorde The other saith The people shall runne together and say Come Let vs goe vp to the mountaines of the Lorde and hee shall teach vs his wayes Howe shall wee make these two places agree seeing that both of them prophesie of one and the self same thing Verily Ieremiah meaneth that the people of God shall be in such sort lightened vnder the newe Testament by the light of the Gospell that they shall haue no more neede of the rudimentes or first instructions of religion neither to bee so taught as the olde people were by the shadowes ceremonies of the law And as touching Isaiah he meaneth that vnder the same Newe Testament the people shall though they be wel aduanced and instructed in the points of Christian doctrine notwithstanding diligently indeuour more more to aduaunce themselues grow forward therein that for that purpose they shall continually exhort one another to the end they may better profit in the knowlege of the law Ioel. 2.28 49. The fourth argumēt It is written in Ioel At that time that is to say in the time of the new Testament I will poure out my spirite vpon all flesh saith the Lord your sōnes your daughters shall prophesie your old men shall dreame dreames your young men shall see visions And also at that time I will powre our my spirite vppon the seruants vpon the maides Nowe by this promise the charge office to teach is without any differēce laid vpon al vpō fathers children vpō sonnes vpon daughters vpon old folke vpon young vpon seruants maides wherefore it foloweth that the ministery of the word is not necessarie in the Church I aunswere that there is nothing in this argument or reason but a meete cauil It is true that this prophesie ought to be referred to the kingdom and comming of Iesus Christ that the gift of prophesying shold then be common both to men women to old young to be short to all estates But in the first place this is to bee marked that the prophet speaketh heere by comparison vsing a figure commonly called Hyperbole that is to say a maner of speehe very excessiue because of our wearisomnes slacknesse and negligence for hee doth not presently promise that al vnder the Gospel from the first to the last shal be partakers of this gift but in respect of the olde people vnder the lawe For if wee compare the estate and condition of the olde Churche with the singular treasures which God hath powred out and giuen vnto his people after the manifestation and reuealing of Iesus Christe wee shall finde that in this latter time the Lorde hath spreade abroad and powred out the giftes of his spirite vppon all fleshe that is to say almost vppon all men when as vnder the lawe a very small number was partakers therof Wherfore when he saith That the Lord will powre out his spirite vpon all fleshe this particle or worde all is not heere taken in his proper signification as though it were simplie and altogether vniuersall but is indefinite and must bee referred to all estates and conditions of people and not to euery singular person as in this sentence of S. Paule where it is saide 1. Tim. 2.4 that God will haue all men to bee saued that is to say all persons of what qualitie and condition soeuer they be And in that place of Saint Matthewe where hee saith Mat. 4.23 that Iesus Christ being in Galilee healed all sicknesse and all diseases among the people That is to saye all sortes of sickenesses and diseases And indeede Saint Peter in the seconde Chapter of the Actes Act. 2.16.17 maketh this sense manifest and plaine vnto vs when hee saith that this prophesie was then accomplished when Iesus Christ sent his holy spirite vpon the Apostles Nowe we knowe that all fleshe that is to say all men were not at that time indued with the gift of prophesie Secondly The Prophet speaketh not heere of the publike office and charge to teache but of the particular dutie of euery one calling them generally Prophets who in the time of the Gospell shoulde bee indewed with so great light of doctrine that they might after a sort bee compared with the auncient prophetes Whereunto also must bee referred the place of Ieremiah Iere. 31. 34. which wee haue expounded in the former argument Mala. 4.2 Mat. 13.16.17 and likewise the place of Malachie and of Iesus Christe in the 13. of Saint Matthewe It is not then without cause that Ioel attributeth this tytle or name of Prophete to them who haue no publike charge or office to teache but are onely inlightened by the holy spirite and the preaching of the Gospell because that this
light is farre more excellent then the gift of Prophesie it selfe was in diuers who liued vnder the lawe 1. Thes 5.11 And also though wee are bounde to exhorte one another and to teach one another in the doctrine of godlinesse and the feare of God yet for all that the publike ministerie of the worde is not superfluous or vaine in the Churche For the selfe same God that hath commanded fathers to instruct their children and all vs to admonishe one an other hath also ordeyned the publike ministerie of the worde in the Church that it may bee there practised and exercised not for some fewe yeeres onely but euen vnto the ende of the worlde And thus muche touching the arguments of the aduersaries and such as set thē selues agāinst the ministerie of the Church Nowe let vs bring foorth our reasons to proue the contrarie The first reason is Iesus Christe hath commaunded that the Gospel should bee preached and the Sacraments administred in the Church vnto the ende of the worlde Then it followeth that the ministerie is alwayes requisite and necessarie in the Church I proue the Antecedent or former proposition by these wordes of Christ written in the last Chapter of Saint Matthewe Go and teach all nations Mat. 28.19.20 baptising them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost teaching thē to obserue whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you and behold I am with you vnto the worldes ende For after the commaundement to preache the worde and to administer Baptisme vnder which Sacrament the other also of the holy Supper is conteyned because the Disciples might doubt or feare their charge as being great in labour and harde to execute Iesus Christ addeth a promise of his assistaunce not for tenne or twentie yeeres onely but for alwayes euen vnto the ende of the worlde Wherein hee manifestly setteth out and declareth two thinges One that hee willeth and ordeineth that the ministerie bee exercised in the Churche not for one age onely but continually vnto the consummation and end of all thinges The other is that hee promiseth that although Satan subtillie deuise inuent and practise all that hee can to hinder the ministerie the work of Gods seruants and the tyrants by their practises and violences inforce thē selues to the vttermost of their power to ouerthrow to bring to naught the church of God yet hee will by his godly and heauenly power alwayes maintaine his truth in the worlde and preserue his Church therein by the ministerie and labour of his faithfull pastors The seconde reason Rom. 1● 17 The Apostle Saint Paul saith to the Romanes That faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the worde of God Whereby he declareth that God hath accustomed to plant faith in our heartes by the preaching of his worde It is true that the power of God is not tyed to this outwarde meane but that hee is able to beget faith in vs after some other fashion and by some other meane although it be to vs incomprehensible euen as it shall please him selfe but notwithstanding all this the ministerie of his word is the ordinary meane which hee vseth or serueth himselfe with to giue vs faith by so that they which will haue faith without the preaching and hearing of the worde doe as much as though they woulde liue without meates drinks which God hath ordeined for our bodilie life Now hereupon we take and frame our argument thus Faith is in all times and alwaies necessarie for men But faith is giuen vnto men from God by the ministerie of the worde Therefore it followeth that the ministerie of the worde is in all times and alwaies necessarie for men The third reason It is certaine that for as much as the Sacraments are ordeined by God to bee as it were seales of the worde to seale in our heartes that which is therein conteined alreadie that is to say the vnion fellowship and partaking which wee haue in Iesus Christe it followeth that where there is not the worde of God preached there wee cannot haue any Sacrament For as a seale is altogether vnprofitable yea is not allowed a seale vnlesse bee bound or set to some instrument or writing for the confirmation thereof euen so the Sacrament is altogether vnprofitable yea indeed is not a Sacrament if it be not ioyned with the worde of God preached to confirme the same vnto vs. Whereupon Saint Augustine hath sometimes saide Augu. sup Iohan. Hom. 13. Let the word bee ioyned to the Sacrament and there shal be made a Sacrament Of what worde speaketh hee verilie not of a worde mumbled vp murmured or whispered without vnderstanding ouer the Elements but of the worde of God preached to the faithfull receiued of them through faith as hee himselfe maketh it plaine wlien speaking of baptisme he addeth this is the word of faith which we preach by which baptisme is consecrated and hallowed 1. Cor. 11. ●● to haue power to make cleane Now from that which is aboue said we reason after this manner The administration of the holy Supper is alwayes necessarie in the Church euen vnto the end of the worlde for Iesus Christ hath commanded vs to celebrate it and by that meanes to preach or shewe foorth his death vntill his comming againe But the administration of the supper can not bee performed without the ministerie of the worde Therefore it followeth that the ministerie of the worde is alwayes necessarie in the Church The fourth reason Iesus Christ hath giuen and established the ministers of the worde Ephe. 14.11 for the worke of the ministerie till wee all meete together in the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the sonne of GOD vnto a perfect man and vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christ that is to say till that Christ be perfect in vs and haue in vs his ful grouth and increase But wee can not obtaine suche perfection vnto the ende of the worlde at what time GOD shall bee all in all For as Saint Paule saith Wee knowe in parte and wee prophesie in part But when that which is perfect is come 2. Cor. 13. 9.10 then that which is in part shal be abolished Wherefore it followeth that Iesus Christe hath giuen and placed the ministers of the worde for the woorke of the ministerie vntill the ende of the worlde and then God shall be all in all These reasons are sufficient for this present to teach and proue that the holy ministerie is continually requisite and necessarie in the Church as indeede the Lorde hath for our good saluation established the same to abide in all ages therein applying and framing himself to our weaknesse which is so great we being corrupted thorough sinne that without this means meet and agreeable to our nature we coulde not bee well instructed in the points of our saluation For if God should speake vnto vs in his maiestie wee coulde not at
Iesus Christ saith Luk. 10. 16. He that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent mee And Saint Paule writing to the Corinthians declareth right well in what authority reuerence and account wee ought to haue the ministerie of the worde when he saith That GOD hath committed vnto the Pastors and ministers of the Church 2. Cor. 5.18 the embassage or ministerie of reconciliation And writing to the Thessalonians 1. Thess 2. 13 Wee thanke God without ceasing that when yee receiued of vs the word of the preaching of God yee receiued it not as the word of man but as it is indeede the word of God which also worketh in you that beleeue It is for the verie self same reason that speaking vnto the Romanes of the word preached by the ministers hee saith Rom. 8.18 That the Gospell is the power of God to saluation to all that beleeue And to the Corinthians that Though the worde or preaching of the crosse be to them that perish foolishnesse 1. Cor. 1 1● yet it ceaseth not to be the power of God to vs which obtaine saluation Nowe the preaching of the word is so called by Saint Paule because it is the powerful and effectuall instrument which GOD vseth to saue vs. And for this cause it is called also by Isaiah Isa 53. 1. The arme of the Lorde In summe wee ought diligently to take heede to and to regard that which S. Paule saith vnto the Corinthians 1. Cor. 3 9● We together are Gods labourers yee are Gods husbandrie and Gods building in so much that wee alwaies set before vs two things when the question or dispute shal be touching the ministerie that is to say on the one side the minister that shal speake and preach vnto vs and minister the Sacrament vnto vs and on the other side God who worketh inwardly in our hearts and indeed accomplisheth and fulfilleth in vs that which the minister speaketh vnto vs and doth outwardly represent and shew vnto vs. As we haue a notable example thereof in the 16. of the Acts where it is said Act. 16. 14. that as S. Paul preached the word of God to Lydia a seller of purple God was hee alone which opened her heart that shee attained vnto and vnderstoode the things which Paule spake CHAP XI Of the holinesse of the Church VVE haue seene and heard heretofore that the Church is the companie of faithfull people which is also called the communion or fellowship of the Saints holy ones The Church therfore is holy because it is compacted or made of Saints or holy ones But here wee must marke foure points The first is howe and in what sense wee are called Saints or holy ones it is not as the idiots or ignorant people vnderstande it who by Saintes meane none other but those which are alreadie dead and so canonised by the Pope or els the Priestes and Friers clad in white or blacke and girded with a rope But by saints wee vnderstande them who being elected from before all euerlastingnes of time are in their time that is to say in the time which God hath appointed them before the foundations of the worlde were laid sanctified by GOD through Iesus Christ and clothed with true faith Now such are all true Christians and faithfull people The seconde that it is not of our selues that wee are Saintes or holy ones Psa 51.5 c Gen. 8.21 neither of our owne nature for by our owne nature all wee are altogether corrupted and the children of wrath But wee are saints Rom. 8.6 c Ephe. 2.3 Ioh. 17.19 because Iesus Christe hath sanctified vs as hee him selfe saith in Saint Iohn For their sakes I sanctifie my selfe that they also may be sanctified through the truth Nowe hee hath sanctified vs by the vertue and power of his holy spirite which by reason of this effecte is called the spirite of sanctification Rom. 1.4 And this is that which Saint Paule meaneth when hee saith Ephe. that Iesus Christe hath redeemed his Church and hath sanctified it that hee might make it vnto him selfe a glorious Church Nowe this sanctification of holinesse is brought to passe first by the imputation or account of Christes righteousnesse vnto vs for hee was giuen vnto vs by the Father 1. Cor. 1. to be our sanctification Secondly by the purging or cleansing of our filthinesses that is to say by the forgiuenesse of our sins in the blood of Iesus Christe as Saint Paule declareth it in the Corinthians when hee saith 1. Cor. Bee not deceiued neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor wantons nor buggerers nor theeues nor couetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall inherite the kingdome of God and such were some of you but yee are washed but yee are sanctified but yee are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirite of our God And indeede Saint Paule in an other place sheweth that filthinesse is opposed and set against sanctification and holynesse when he saith to the Romanes Rom. 6.19 As you haue giuen your members seruants to vncleannesse and iniquitie to commit iniquitie so now giue your members seruauntes vnto righteousnesse in holines Also to the Thessalonians 1. Thess 4. ● God hath not called vs vnto vncleannesse but vnto holinesse The thirde pointe is That the holinesse of the Churche is not at any time perfecte so long as shee trauelleth and fighteth in this worlde whiche maior I prooue thus First if the Church were without spot in this world in vaine hath our Sauiour Christ taught it alwayes to pray Mat. 6.12 forgiue vs our trespasses and sinnes But the Lorde Iesus hath not without good cause giuen vs such doctrine and instruction wherefore it followeth that the Churche is not in this worlde without spot yea rather that shee hath continuall need alwaies for to pray vnto God that shee may bee more and more sanctified and obteine the forgiuenesse of all her sinnes Secondly these which are without spot and wrinckle haue nothing to doe with any washing because they haue no neede thereof But the faithfull although they bee washed haue notwithstanding neede yet of washing still as Iesus Christ himselfe declareth it vnto vs Ioh. 13.10 when hee saith Hee that is washed needeth not saue to washe his feet For by the washing of the feete hee meaneth a continuall sanctification It followeth then that the faithful are not in this world without spot 1. Cor. 1.2 Thirdly Saint Paule ceaseth nor to adorne and bewtifie the Corinthians with the title of the Church who notwithstanding greeuously abused the holy supper of the Lorde and had amongest them diuisions and partakings which are not smal faultes yea indeede they were in doubt also touching the resurrection of the dead Gal. 1.2 Also he nameth the assembly of the Galathians the
manifest that he mindeth not to infer that the Gospell hangeth vppon the allowance and authoritie of the church but only that the Church hath great weight to induce and moue the miscreants and vnbeleeuers to beleeue the Gospel This holy Doctor then speaketh not of the foundatiō of his faith but of the beginning thereof that is to say of the occasion and outward meanes by which he was prouoked stirred vp to beleeue the Gospell when hee was a Manichean heretike and not as yet a Christian to wit because he sawe the good accorde consent and agreement of the Church in receiuing the Gospell In the fourth Chapter he confessed that in former time he maintained the Maniches part and that hee was very eger and sharpe therein and blinded in the doctrine of their sect Now hee speaketh thus Howe wilte thou proue that Manicheus is an Apostle of Christ shall this bee by the Gospell But if some one that beleeueth not the Gospel woulde say vnto thee I beleeue not the Gospel what hast thou to replie As if hee shoulde say wouldest thou not purpose put downe and shewe vnto him the authoritie and testimonie of the Church For as touching my selfe in the time that I was a Manichean I had not beleeued the Gospel if the authoritie and testimonie of the Catholike Churche had not driuen mee thereto As if againe he should say For as concerning my selfe when I was of your faction and sect I was so setled staied in your opinions and had hard them so attentiuely and diligently yea I beleeued them so stedfastly and did maintaine them with such courage and stomack this is that which hee speaketh in the fourth Chapter that very hardly I had euer forsaken and renounced them to beleeue the Gospell if the authoritie and testimonie of the Church had not induced mooued and prouoked mee thereto The fourth reason Hee that hath authoritie and power to take away or to change some thing in the worde of God hath also authoritie ouer it But so it is that the church hath authoritie and power to take away or to change something in the word of God It followeth therfore that the Church hath authoritie ouer and aboue it They thus proue the assumption whiche is the second proposition or sentence of the reason Saint Peter had authoritie and power to take away and to chaunge some thing in the worde of God for he changed the forme of baptisme prescribed by Iesus Christe as appeareth by this that Iesus Christe hauing commaunded to baptise in the name of the father and of the sonne Mat. 28.19 and of the holy Ghost Saint Peter changing this forme hath enioyned and commaunded men to bee baptized in the name of Iesus Christe onely Act. 2.38 As it is written in the second of the Actes verse 38. Nowe if Saint Peter haue had this authoritie and this power why also should not the whole church haue it as well as hee I answere first for the consequence that it is not necessarie and good For who is he that will yeelde to this that all that whiche was in former time permitted to the Apostles should nowe bee permitted to the Pastors and ministers of the Church who are their successors Secondly I say that that which is taken from Saint Peter as true and right is false For Saint Peter did in no case chaunge the forme of Baptisme and in the place of the Actes before alleadged it is not saide that they must be baptized in the name of Iesus Christ onely Act. 2.38 P●●●us Lomb●●● lob 4. d●● 3 sect B. 〈◊〉 de Cosecrat d●●t 4 ●●●in Sinod c. Act. 8.12 Act. 10.48 Ambr. lib. 1. de 〈◊〉 sanct cap. 3. but simplie saide thus and bee baptised euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ But let vs see how Peter Lombard the master of the sentences expoūdeth this place If any saith he be baptised without inuocation of the trinitie he is not a perfect christian vnlesse he be baptised in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy ghost yet we reade in the Acts of the Apostles that the Apostles baptized in the name of Christe but vnder this name as S. Ambrose expoundeth it is vnderstoode the whole Trinitie for when a man nameth Christ these are vnderstood to wit the father of whom the sonne was annointed and the sonne which was annoynted and the holy Ghost by whom or with whom hee was annointed Beholde the aduise and iudgement of the master of the sentences who doth not altogether satisfie vs though he speake much for vs. For whether wee regard the substance of the sacraments or els the forme thereof we holde that the Lords ordinance ought to be retained and followed in the whole and through the whole and that it doth not belong to any particular person no not to the church it self to alter or change any thing therein And in deede as I haue alreadie saide Saint Peter did not chaunge the forme of Baptisme● But marke this His intent purpose was to teach that the foundation accomplishment and fulfilling of baptisme is in Iesus Christe alone For to bee baptised in the name of Christe is taken and vsed by S. Peter for to bee receiued to grace and fauour in baptisme by the name of Iesus Christe So that this manner of speeche which Saint Peter vseth is not in any sort to bee referred to the forme of Baptisme but onely declareth that all the vertue power and efficacie of baptisme consisteth onely in Iesus Christe alone because that all that whiche baptisme doth represent and figure vnto vs 1. Ioh. 1.7 Rom. 6.4 is comprehended in him alone For by the blood of Iesus Christe wee are washed and purged from all our sinnes and by baptisme buried with him to the end that as he is raised vp from the dead by the glory of the father so wee also should walke in newnesse of life The fift reason The Church hath changed the Sabboth to the Lordes day or that which we call Sunday although that God by expresse writing commaunded the obseruation and keeping of the said Sabboth Wherfore thē it followeth that the church hath power and authoritie ouer the holy scripture I aunswere in the first place That the Church hath changed nothing at all of the commaundement touching the obseruation of the Sabaoth in or cōcerning the substance thereof but onely in or concerning the circumstance For the thing or matter abideth alwaies that is to say the substance of the commaundement seeing that one day of the weeke is reserued to be imploied and bestowed vpon the holy rest whiche thing is enioyned by the commandement as being indeede the veritie and truth therof So that the obseruation and keeping thereof is only chaunged in respect of the time which change doth not derogate any thing from the commandement neither altereth nor changeth any thing therein of that which God minded to commend
saying note him by a letter and haue no companie with him that hee may bee ashamed Also speaking of the incestuous person 1. Cor. 5. 5. I haue determined saith he that hee shoulde bee deliuered to Satan for the destruction of the fleshe that the spirite may bee saued in the day of the Lord Iesus These three ends are very largely laid out and at length discoursed vpon in the fourth booke of M. Caluines Institution cap. 12. Sect. 5. Calu. lib. 4. Inst cap. 12. sect 5. Wherof the summe is that in corrections and censures men must regarde and looke to three ends that is to say the glorie of God the edification of the Churche and the repentance and conuersion of sinners The fift consideration is that men in the reprehensions and censures of the Church looke well to this that they haue not such cōsideration regard or respect to the outward appearance and shewe of mens persons that they tread the little ones or poore people vnder their feete and support ayde and hearten the great and rich Deut. 10. 17. Gala. 3.28 For as God accepteth no mans person and in the Church there is neither Iewe nor grecian bonde nor free male nor female but all are one in Iesus Christe so the gouernours of the Church ought alwayes to walke with an vpright and equall foote without turning aside any maner of way in receiuing and allowing some and in refusing and disallowing others It is very true that corrections ought alwayes to bee tempered measured and accompanied with gentlenesse softnes and courtesie to the ende as Saint Paule saith that hee that is reproued or blamed 2 Cor. 2. ● may not be swallowed vp with ouer much heauinesse For otherwise wee shall turne the remedie into poyson and hurte And therefore the same Apostle doth exhorte vs Gal. 6.1 That wee should restore with the spirite of meekenesse such as be fallen into or ouertaken with some fault 1. Tim. 5.12 And againe Rebuke not saith hee an Elder vnreuerently but admonishe or exhort him as a father the young men as brethren the elder women as mothers the younger as sisters with all purenesse and chastitie Wee must therefore moderate with gentlenesse and meekenesse the rigour or hardnesse of the discipline least we hurt rather then profite But so farre off is it that they ought to spare any man that the corrections must be equally and indifferently applied and administred to all them which shall haue neede thereof whether they be men or women whether they bee great or small whether they be masters or seruants whether they bee Gentlemen or of the common sort Wee knowe with what earnestnesse and heate Chrysostome was angrie against the Pastours in his time who for feare of great and rich men durst not reiect or put from the supper any of them when they offred them selues thereto not before they were admitted thereto Chryso hom 3. in Mat. The blood saith hee of these men shall bee required at your handes If you feare mortall men for their greatnesse and riches verily men shall mocke you but if so be that you feare the liuing God he will bring to passe that euen men themselues shall haue you in honour and estimation And those which are lifted vp to dignitie An admonition to great men not to reiect or despise the discipline ought not to refuse to submit themselues and to make them selues as it were subiect to the discipline and they ought not to refuse the corrections of their Pastours and Elders seeing that by this meanes the Lorde will set them againe vpon their feete after they are fallen There is I knowe not what manner of pride in manie whiche hindereth them from submitting them selues vnto the discipline There is besides I know not what manner of foolish and filthie shame whiche when it hath once seised or taken holde of them they loue rather to continue in their vices than to bee aduertised or admonished thereof to the end that they may keepe themselues there from But the Emperor Theodosius was better aduised and of a more godly minde For we reade that when Saint Ambrose had excommunicated him Ambr. lib. 1. epist 8. in oratio Theodosu by reason of much innocent blood which was spilt and shead at his commandement he tooke suche a censure in good part and so far off was it that hee was stubborne and selfe willed againste his Pastor and his Elders to recoyle backe againe or to with drawe himselfe from the Churche that on the other side approuing the same correction and censure hee vnclothed himselfe of his kingly ornaments and openly bewailing his sinne in the Churche hee did with teares gronings and sighes demaund and aske forgiuenesse thereof Certainly this is not in vaine that Iesus christ hath said to the pastors of his church Whatsoeuer yee shall bind or loose in earth shal be bound or loosed in heauen Mat. 18. 18. For thereby hee hath authorised his church in the vse of the keyes by the worde of God to condemne the peruerse stubborne and vngodly and by the same word to reconcile and receiue to mercie all true penitent sinners Which authoritie of the Churche is not restrained or hedged in to bee exercised and executed among the common people only but also vpon Lordes and Magistrates Whereupon it followeth that none can distract or withdrawe himselfe therefrom but hee renounceth and forsaketh the meane of his saluation The conclusion is this that seeing God hath ordeined correction and discipline to the end that wee should profite grow vp in his doctrine that we shoulde not be hardned in our sins but rather that they might be reproued to the end they might not ingender and worke in vs an vncurable rottennesse or infection It followeth that they which flie and refuse the admonitions and censures of the Church which are made and giuen them in the name of God refuse God himselfe despise their owne saluation Beholde this is that which wee haue heere to note and marke as touching the discipline of the Churche For concerning the lawes which shee may establishe and set vp according to the authoritie giuen her of GOD wee will speake thereof in the Chapter following The fifteene Chapter Whether it belong to the Church to make lawes and if she make some how farre the faithfull ought to obey her WHen the question is of the lawes of the Church wee knowe that som concerne the doctrine vnder which wee comprehende the Sacramentes also and other the discipline or pollicie and order that is to say the fashion and maner of doing The lawes which concerne doctrine touch the conscience and in the knowledge and practise of them standeth the seruice worship of God our own saluation Of this sort are al the points articles of doctrine conteined in the Scripture which we must beleeue and obserue without adding any thing thereto or diminishing therfrom in changing it
Those which concerne the discipline are to bee referred to the order and honestie which ought to be kept in the church and cōsist in a maner fashion of doing altogether outward and these may a man call indifferent which a man may vse either well or euill of this sort are ordinaunces touching the places the times the seasons the houres set for preachings ministration of the Sacraments the celebration of marriages fasts publik praiers such like things yet notwithstanding this must be knowne that no man may appoint in the practise and perfourmance of these matters the seruice of God or our saluation neither must any man thinke that of themselues they concerne the conscience Nowe the difference and disputation that some moue and make in the Church touching this matter is not as concerning this laste kinde of Lawes apperteining only to the discipline or pollicie So euery one knoweth and cōfesseth that the church cannot want her pollicie order and that to the end shee may abide vnited and tyed together shee hath neede of certain outward bonds wherfore the church may without any difficulti or doubt make lawes apperteining only to the outwarde discipline and take them away or change them according as she shal iudge them to be expedient profitable hauing alwaies speciall respect to the times places and persons As for example the church may ordeine appoint some day of the week for publike praiers whether the prayers be ordinary or extraordinary the Churche also may chose a certaine day or a certaine houre to giue thankes vnto God when it shall haue pleased him to haue deliuered out of some greate daunger either the whole Churche or the Countrie or the Magistrate or some other members placed in authoritie the Churche also may publish a fast so often as necessitie and occasion shall require It may take order also that Baptisme be ministred at a certaine time after the preachings that the holy Supper be celebrated and ministred so often in a yeere and at those seasons which they shall iudge expedient and meete that the as kings or publishing of the banes of marriage shoulde bee as it were proclaimed or declared three seuerall Sundaies And lastly that the saide marriages should bee celebrated at the Sermons or preachings either in the morning or euening that the consistories for the maners of the people and the assemblie or company which haue care for the poore assemble and meete together so often in a moneth as shall bee found expedient and profitable Wherefore the Churche may establish these lawes and other such like which the faithful ought to obey to the ende that there may not be any disorder or any confusion among the people of God But the question is of lawes concerning doctrine and the Sacraments or els other lawes touching the discipline by which they woulde binde consciences inclose and comprehende therein simplie the seruice of God that is to say whether it belong to the Churche to make Lawes thereof or no The Romish Catholikes say they may and wee affirme the contrarie and these are their reasons following The first reasō is this The Church hath authoritie to teach wherefore she hath also authoritie to make lawes belonging to the doctrine or teaching But this argument may be ouerthrown in two wordes if we denie the cōsequence For these be matters very much differing to wit to haue authoritie to teache and to haue authoritie to make Lawes belonging to the doctrine Iesus Christe hath in deede giuen the first of these to his church but so hee hath not the seconde And as God hath expressely forbidden to add any thing vnto his law Deut. 4.2 12.32 so Iesus Christ hath cōmāded his disciples to teach only the doctrine which they had heard and receiued of him The second reason The church hath the vse of the keies can bind and loose absolue and excōmunicate Wherfore it followeth that shee hath also authorie to establishe lawes apperteining to the doctrine I answere in one worde that the consequēce is false as it was in the argument last before going for a Lorde or Ruler will in deed giue power and authoritie to his officers to absolue to condemne according to the lawes ordinances but yet it will not folow for al that that he giueth them power of thēselues to make new lawes ouer his people to iudge by them according to their own fantasie So Iesus Christ hath in deed giuen vnto his apostles disciples this power to binde to loose according to his lawes but this is ill concluded to say that therefore he hath giuē thē this power this authoritie of thēselues to make lawes to establishe them in his Church and thereby to binde mens consciences The third reason Iesus Christ hath said Mat. 23.2.3 The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seat all therefore whatsoeuer they bid you obserue that obserue do Heb. 13.17 And the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrwes Obey thē that haue the ouersight of you and submit your selues to thē Wherfore it followeth that we ought to obey the Pastors of the Church in keeping and obseruing their lawes I answere that when wee are commanded to obey our Pastors this ought to be vnderstood so farre foorth as their commandements proceede and come out of Moses chaire that is to say out of the word of God For otherwise the Lord protesteth and openly witnesseth that hee is worshipped in vain when men set out and preach for doctrine the commandemēts of men Matth. 15.9 And he himself doth straightly cōmand vs earnestly to take heed beware of the leauen of the Pharises Saduces Touching which matter Mat. 16.6 August in Iohn Tracta 46. Cap. 10. let vs heare Sainte Augustine The Scribes saith hee and the Pharisees sitte in Moses seate doe that therefore which they shall shew vnto you For being set in the chaire or seate of Moses they teach the law of God and so God teacheth by them But if they would teach any thing of their owne heare them not and doe not that which they will say for they seek their owne profite and gaine and not Christes profite In summe then if the Churche make ordeine for vs commaundements drawen and taken from the word of god it is our duetie to receiue them and to yeelde our selues obedient thereto otherwise not For it is not the Churches dutie to goe beyond the boundes of Gods worde in making lawes of her owne head and authoritie inuenting new fashions and maners to serue God by And the rule of our obedience ought alwaies to be the very selfe same worde of God as Cornelius saide vnto Saint Peter Acts. 10.33 Now are we al heere present before God to heare all thinges which are commaunded thee of God The fourth reason wee must obey the voice of the Churche Mat. 18.17 Luke 10.16 as wee haue a commandement giuen vs
therfore in these places Mat. 18. Luk. 10. But the lawes commandements of the church are the churches voice wherefore it followeth that we must obey the lawes cōmandemēts of the church I aunswere as aboue is aunswered that wee must obeye the voyce of the Church when it commeth out of Moyses chaire and seate that is to say when her commaundementes shal be taken and set from the word of God and when also the question shall bee of thinges indifferent which shee shall ordeine and establish to keepe good order to serue for edification and the maintenance and vpholding of the discipline For in the things which are contrarie to Gods worde and in those also which of them selues are indifferent but yet become and made euill thorowe superstition to wit because that in them they would place the seruice of God and that they would think by them to deserue Gods grace and the forgiuenes of sinnes in these thinges I say we ought not at any hand to obey Acts. 4.19 5.29 but in such commaundementes of the Church wee ought to say that it is better to obey God then men The fift reason Ester 9.26 27 As in Ester it was ordeined that besides the feastes commaunded in the lawe they should celebrate euerie yeare the feast of lottes which was called Purim 1. Macha 4.59 and in the historie of the Machabees the feast of the dedication called in Greeke by Saint Iohn Iohn 10.22 Encaenia So the Christian church may well at this day ordeine feastes as shall seeme vnto her to be expedient and profitable for the glorie of God and the edification of the people as it hath in time heretofore ordeined the feastes and holie dayes of saint Peter of saint Anthonie of saint Marcellus of saint Margaret and all the rest I answere that there is no likenesse at all betweene the feastes of Purim or lots and of the dedication and these of saint Peter saint Anthonie and such others I deny not but that those two first were in former time established by the church besides the feastes ordeined in the lawe but let vs marke I pray you howe and to what ende Certeinly this was for the glorie of God to bring to their remembrance his great benefites towardes his church that they also might giue him thanks therfore For in Ester it is saide that the feast of Purim or lottes was ordeined by the church for remembraunce of this that the people was deliuered from the cursed conspiracie of Haman And Iudas Machabeus with the consent of the whole church ordeined the feast of the dedication otherwise called Encaenia in remembraunce of the deliueraunce of the people and of the repairing and hallowing againe as it were of the Temple which had beene polluted by Antiochus And wee deny not but that Synodes may ordein certain dayes and solemnely keepe them to the end that the people may cease from their own workes to fast to pray vnto God and to yeeld him thankes according as things shall fall out occasion be ministred so that it be don without superstition idolatrie or euill example But how can we by the examples of the two feastes aforesaide approue or allowe the feastes of the Papacie or Popedome First they were but two onely But in the Popedom there is an infinit number For what measure did they euer keepe in the number thereof Secondly the two aboue spoken of were instituted to the name of God and at no hande to the name of any dead Saints But these are ordeined to the name of creatures and not to the name of God as we heare they cal them the feastes of S. Anthony of S. Frauncis of Saint Vincent of Saint Sebastian of Saint Agathon of the virgine Mary and so of others Thirdly those had their foundation and beginning for the seruice of God and alwayes serued to edification for they were established and appointed as hath beene said to thank God to giue him praise for the benefits which hee had bestowed vpon his Church These had no foundation or beginning but in superstition and idolatrie serue to no other purpose or matter either more or lesse than the feastes and holie dayes of the Paganes and Ethnickes For wherfore is it that the Papistes giue the names of Saintes to their feastiuall dayes but because they meane to sanctifie the saide feastes in the honour of those Saintes as they call them whose name they beare And in so doing do they not set vp the Saintes in Gods place because they serue giue that honour vnto thē which apperteineth to him alone as in olde time the Paganes did in the celebration of their feastes and diuine seruices These are the principall reasons vpon which the Romishe Catholikes grounde them selues thereby to proue that it belongeth to the Church to make lawes to tye mens consciences withall Nowe it remaineth that wee shewe and set downe our reasons to proue the contrarie The first is this It is written in Isaiah Isaiah 33.22 The Lord is our Iudge the Lord is our lawe giuer the Lord is our King Iam. 4. 12. And in Saint Iames. There is one lawe giuer which is able to saue and destroy whereby it is verie clearely seene that it belongeth to God alone to make Ecclesiasticall lawes apperteining to his seruice The second reason There is none but God alone that can institute and ordeine a lawfull seruice which may be agreeable to himselfe and acceptable in his sight for this cause he him selfe saieth Deut. 12.8.32 Yee shall not doe after all these thinges that yee doe heere this day that is euery man whatsoeuer seemeth good in his owne eyes but whatsoeuer I commaund you take heed yee do it thou shalt put nothing thereto nor take ought therefrom And in Ieremiah Ier. 7.22 23. I spake not saieth he vnto your fathers nor commaunded them whē I brought them out of the land of Egypt concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices but this thing I commanded them saying Obey my voice and I will be your God and yee shal be my people and walke yee in all the wayes which I haue commaunded you that it may be well vnto you He saieth also by his Prophet Samuell 1. Sam. 15.22 Thinkest thou that the Lord hath as great pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as when his voice is obeyed Behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken is better then the fatte of Rammes Wee may read many such or the lyke sentēces but specially this is notable and excellent that the sonnes of Aaron were horribly burned and consumed with the fire which was sent out from the Lord Leuit. 10.1 c. because they offered straunge fire and which in deede was not commaunded them But wee adde that the lawes which concerne doctrine and by which mens consciences are tied apperteine to the seruice of God And therfore it foloweth that there is none but God
alone which can make and establish such lawes The third reason Lawes concerning doctrine and such as binde mens consciences ought to bee vnto vs a testimony pledge of the wil of God But God alone by his word can giue vnto vs this testimony and at no hand or by no meanes men as of them selues Isaiah 40.13 c. Rom. 11.34 For who hath instructed the spirite of the Lord or was his Counsellor or taught him as the scripture saith It followeth thē that God alone may make establish lawes concerning doctrine and which shal serue to binde mens cōsciēces The fourth reason If it belong to the Church to make lawes concerning doctrine the seruice of god this must needs be that she hath receiued the prerogatiue and authoritie from God him self for mē haue not here in their life any power so to doe But so it is that the Church hath not receiued from God this prerogatiue authoritie For cōtrariwise God hath expresly plainly forbidden them to ioyne or adde any thing to his lawe Deut. Wherefore it followeth that it doeth not apperteine to her to make lawes touching doctrine and the seruice of God The fift reason It is necessary that they which make lawes shoulde haue Lordship rule authoritie ouer thē to whom they giue those lawes But the church hath no Lordship or rule ouer the consciences of the faithful 1. Pet. 5.3 for S. Peter speketh with a loud voice plainly That the Pastors Bishops haue not any Lordshippe ouer the Lordes inheritance that is to say ouer the faithful of whō the church is composed made 2. Cor. 1.4 And S. Paul plainly protesteth touching himself that hee hath not any dominion ouer the faith of the Corinthians Wherefore it followeth that the Church may not make or establish lawes to binde the consciences of faithfull people Mat. 15.9 The sixt reason The Lorde saieth In vaine they worship mee teaching for doctrine mens precepts and commaundements 1. Tim. 4.1 c. And S. Paul calleth lawes traditiōs touching forbidding of marriage and vse of meats the doctrine of Deuils Collos 2.16.18 Also he saieth Let no man condemne you in meate and drinke or in respect of an holy day c. Let no mā at his pleasure beare rule ouer you by humblenes of minde and worshipping of Angels By these sentences it is most plaine and euident that the Church ought not nor may not establish any such lawes to binde tye or restraine mens consciences The seuenth reason The lawes which take away from vs that Christian libertie which Christ hath gotten and purchased for vs ought not in any case to be established or tollerated For S. Paule exhorteth vs Galat. 5.1 to stande fast in the libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free and that we should not be intangled againe with the yoke of bondage But the lawes giuen by men not from God him selfe touching matters which are commended vnto vs with an opinion of necessitie and which are required of vs as workes meritorious or as the seruice of God take away from vs the christian libertie and freedome which Christe hath purchased for vs of this sort are the lawes made touching the obseruation and keeping of Lent celebration or keeping holy of certaine feasts not to eate fleshe vpon Friday Saturday and certaine other dayes and such like things Wherfore it foloweth that such lawes ought not in any case to be established set vp tollerated or borne withall But wee wil make or put an ende to this Chapter with two sentences which make altogether for vs are altogether againste the Romishe Catholikes Tho. Aqu●● in summae part 3. in addititio 46. Artic 6 The one is Thomas of Aquine his owne saying thus Because that the Church is founded alreadie and grounded in the faith and in the sacraments it doth not belong to the Ministers of the Churche to make newe Articles of faith or newe Sacraments or to take away those which are alreadie made and established For this is the excellencie and power which belongeth onely vnto Iesus Christe who is the foūdation of the church The other sentēce is of Alphōsus de Castro his own conteining these wordes Alphons de Cast aduers omnes haere lib. 1. cap. 8. It may not at any hand bee either done or suffered that the Church should establishe a newe article of faith but that which was in former time the true faith and which notwithstanding was hidden from vs the Church bringeth to passe by her testimonie and witnes that the same is made knowne vnto vs. And the Abbot is very much deceiued in the decretals expounding the chapter which beginneth Cum Christus that is when Christ c. in the title of Heretikes when he saith that the Pope may make newe articles of faith Hee knew not nor vnderstood not what it was which hee spake and therefore erred was deceiued as a Shoomaker should be if hee woulde take vpon him some matter ouer and besides his occupation THE XVI CHAP. Of the afflictions and persecutions of the Church THere are diuers whiche woulde fayne haue a Church of Sugar or of veluet as you would say that is to say that in seruing God they might bee exempted from all afflictions Suche were Zebedeus his sonnes Iames and Iohn who beeing couetous and greedie of worldlie honours and desiring to liue at their ease and rest demaunded of Iesus Christe Mark 10. 35. c. That hee woulde graunt vnto them to sit in his glory the one at his right hande and the other at his left But the scripture teacheth vs altogether the contrarie that is to say that so long as wee haue to walke heere belowe it standeth vs in hand to battell or fight yea to passe thorowe the thornes and to bee tormented by the malice of the Diuell and wicked men his instruments yea so much the more by howe much we shall indeuour and labour sincerely to serue God Which thing also Iesus Christe hath well and sufficiently declared to the abouesaide sonnes of Zebedeus when he answered them Mark 10. 38 Yee knowe not what yee aske Can yee drinke of the Cup that I shall drinke of bee baptized with the baptisme wherewith I shal be baptized Meaning thereby that the common state and condition of Christians is this that they shoulde bee exercised in this world by the crosse tribulations before that they can be crowned And this is the cause wherefore the church is called militant or warfaring so long as it is heere belowe on the earth euen as wee haue seene and hearde in the first Chapter And for this very selfe same cause also Mark 4.36 c. it is compared to a little ship altogether tossed vp and downe in the midst of the billowes or surges and of the tempests of the Sea also Ps 129.3 to grounde continually ploughed ouer and thorowe whiche
and in steede of the vowe of martyrdome which their predecessours had they haue vsurped another verie trimme haunt they thēselues making themselues in steede of the Pagane Emperours Tyraunts and persecutors of the Churche But yet notwithstanding there were also certaine cruell Emperours vnder whom or in whose dayes the Church suffered very much Iulian the Apostata Iulian the Apostata about the yeere of Christe 363. reigned Emperour about two yeeres Hee ordeined that the Christians shoulde not bee receiued to warfare and that they shoulde not haue any temporall office touching criminall iudgemente meaning thereby any authoritie to iudge touching life and death saying hee indeed mocking them that by their lawe it was forbidden to vse the sword He made a law by which the goods of the Galileans for so hee called the Christians shoulde bee confiscate saying that Christ had commanded them pouertie Hee ordeined and set a certaine punishmente by money vppon them which woulde not offer Sacrifice and therby founde the meane to get and catche a great summe of money and when the christians complained thereof it belongeth to you woulde he say to suffer euils for your Galilean hath so commanded you Socrates lib. 3. cap. 13. 1● Valens Socrates reciteth all this in his Ecclesiasticall history lib 3. cap. 13. 14. Valens beeing created Emperor about the yeere of Christe 366. reigned fifteene yeere Hee sente many Bishops Elders and Deacons into exile and caused them to bee greeuously tormented and vsed great crueltie against the Christian Church Touching whiche wee will note and put downe a historie meete to bee remembred which fel out about the yeere of Christ 380 whereof Socrates the Historiographer Socrat. lib. 4. cap. 18. Sozom. lib. 16. 8. and Sozomen both make mention There was say they in the Citie of Edessa in Mesopotamia a temple of S. Thomas whereto the Christians did commonly come and where in they had their ordinary assēblies whiche thing the Emperour Valens seeing and knowing that this multitude detested his heresie hee gaue the Prouost of the Citie a blow with his hand because he had not giuen order to driue from thence the saide Christians Now this Prouost hauing receiued that blow and being readie and at the point to execute the Emperours commandement against his will and affection not willing also to commit so great a murther against so great a multitude secretly aduertised them and gaue them intelligence to withdrawe themselues that they might not bee founde but none woulde yeelde to his counsell not fearing any threatening insomuch that on the morrowe all assembled themselues and met together in the aforesaide place as they were accustomed Then as the Prouost of that Citie wente with a greate companie of souldiers to the saide Temple to put in execution the Emperors commandement a poore woman holding a litle childe of hers by the hand made hast to goe to martyrdome with her brethren and with the hast which shee made shee brake the ranckes and rowes of the souldiers Wherewith the Prouost beeing angrie and much moued caused the said woman to come vnto him to whom he said O cursed woman whither runnest thou so vnorderly thither saith shee whither all the other make hast to go Doest not thou saith hee vnderstande that the Prouost goeth thither to murther and kill all those that he shall finde there I vnderstood it saith shee very well and therefore I make hast that I may bee founde with them And whither leadest thou this little childe said he The woman saide thither also to the ende that he likewise may receiue the crowne of martyrdome When the foresaid Prouost vnderstoode these things he maruelled at the courage and boldnesse of the Christians and returned towardes the Emperour declaring vnto him that all were prepared and readie to indure and suffer death for their faith and that it was not reasonable or meete to put to death in so little time so great a multitude of people By which word hee persuaded Valens to moderate and stay his wrath and so the aforesaid faithfull people of Edessa escaped death Notwithstanding it is said in another place that they were afterwardes throwne out of the Citie and sent into banishment Wee might indeede easily bring foorth in this place many other examples of persecutions vnder the Emperours but then this Discourse or Treatise woulde bee ouerlong And also it is certaine that the greatest persecutions haue sithence the abouenamed fallen vpon the poore Churche by them that pretended themselues to bee the gouerners thereof who had on their side worldly Kings and Princes who also gaue them all and shewed them al fauour as the histories of the Martyres both in former ages and also in our time doe yeelde sufficient credite and witnesse thereof so that it is not needefull to insert or alleadge in this place any examples thereof Points to bee marked touching the persecution of the church But touching this matter of the persecutions of the Churche wee haue to obserue and marke certaine points The first point is that persecutions and afflictions come not without the prouidence and appointment of God To this ende are to bee referred these places I am the Lorde that forme the light Isaiah 45.7 create darknesse I make peace and create euill I the Lorde doe all these thinges Amos. 3.6 this is in Isaiah And Amos saith Shall there bee euill in a citie Psalm 39.9 and the Lord hath not done it And Dauid I should haue beene dumbe and not haue opened my mouth 1. Pet. 4 19. bicause thou diddest it So doth Saint Peter conclude Let them that suffer according to the will of God commit their soules vnto him in wel doing as vnto a faithful Creator Heereunto Iob had regard also when he said Iob. 1.21 The Lorde hath giuen and the Lord hath taken it blessed bee the name of the Lord. Psal 39.9 And Dauid saying as I haue ere while alleadged I should haue been dumbe and not haue opened my mouth because thou diddest it Also when he was reuiled railed vpon and as it were cursed by Shimei Suffer him saith hee to curse Dauid 2. Sam. 16.10 for hee curseth euen because the Lorde hath bidden him curse Dauid who dare then say wherfore hast thou done so Heereunto likewise Iesus Christe had regarde Iohn 9. 11. when hee saide vnto Pilate Thou couldest haue no power at all against mee except it were giuen thee from aboue Nowe this point or matter conteineth three argumentes and reasons to comfort vs in the middest of our crosses and troubles The first is that we are not in or vnder the power of fortune or of men but of God The second that God doth iustly and for good causes afflict vs for as he is faithfull and righteous in all his workes so hee doth not send or lay vpon vs any affliction but that which we haue indeede deserued Mat. c. Psalm 33.4
first and formost because our sinnes are the cause thereof Isaia 59 1. 2. Behold saith the prophet the Lords hand is not shortened that it cannot saue neither his eare heauie that it cannot heare But your iniquities haue separated betweene you and your God and your sinnes haue hidden his face from you that hee will not heare Secondly because that serueth for the aduauncement of God his glory and for the augmenting and increase of our faith as appeareth by that whiche is written touching the sicknesse and death of Lazarus the brother of Martha and Marie Iohn 11.14 15. This sicknesse saith Iesus Christe is not to death but for the glory of God that the sonne of God might bee glorified thereby and afterwardes Lazarus is dead saith he and I am glad for your sake that I was not there that yee may beleeue And to this last point is referred that which S. Paul saith Wee receiued the sentence of death in our selues 2. Cor. 1.9 because we should not trust in our selues but in God which raiseth the dead The fift point that afflictions and dangers increase euen then when the deliuerance is nigh examples heereof are set out vnto vs in the Scripture The Israelites were meruellously tormented in Egypt all the while that they were kept captiues and prisoners there Exod. 14. throughout but they neuer had so great an occasion to feate neither were they at any time so pressed yea oppressed as when God brought them out of their captiuitie and bondage to make them passe thorow the redde Sea and to guide them in the wildernesse as we may see in the foureteeneth Chapter of Exodus Dauid before he came to the enioying of the kingdom which was promised him by God 1. Sam. 27. 1 c. was constrained to depart out of the Countrie and to seeke a place of refuge and comforte amongest the Philistines his enemis yea in the Courte of king Achish Isaih 37. throughout Where hee founde himselfe in extreeme danger yea more great then at any time before hee had escaped Then was the angel of the Lorde sent from him to remoue the siege of Zennacherib from beefore the Citie of Ierusalem and so by that meanes to deliuer king Ezekias and the people whiche were within when for the great oppression thereof they were held kept in so narrowly short that they were at the point or very nighe to see the Citie rendred and deliuered to the Assyrians pitie Mark 6.47 c. and mercie Iesus Christe did very wel behold that his Disciples were in great danger in the shippe which was tossed to and fro with the outrage or violence of the windes and tempestes but yet notwithstanding hee came not vnto them to succour them but about the fourth watch of the night Wherefore let vs not loose our courage and stomacke in the midst of the greatest persecutions and afflictions which can come For when all the meanes of help and ayde on mens side or in respect of thē do faile vs and that it seemeth that all were done with vs and that the Church shoulde bee altogether worne out consumed and beaten down euen then will God perform his owne worke hee alone succouring vs to the end that vnto him alone also the glory of our deliuerance may be wholy and absolutely referred The sixt point that God through his power keepeth and defendeth his Church against the violences assaults of tyrants and persecutors and deliuereth the same out of their hands when time is therefore Thereto tend and belong these promises The Lorde knoweth to deliuer the godly out of temptation 2. Pet. 2.9 to reserue the vniust vntill the day of iudgement to bee punished For the oppression of the needie Psal 12. 5. and for the sighes of the poore I will vp saith the Lorde and will set at liberty him whom the wicked hath snared The Angel of the Lord pitcheth round about them Psal 34.7.17 19.20.22 that feare him and deliuereth them The righteous crie and the Lord heareth them deliuereth them out of al their troubles Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth him out of them all He keepeth al his bones not one of them is broken The Lord redeemeth the soules of his seruants and none that trust in him shall perish Call vpon mee saith the Lorde in the day of trouble Psal 50. 15. Psal 9 14.15 so will I deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And againe because he hath loued me therefore will I deliuer him I will exalt him because he hath knowne my name Hee shall call vpon me and I will heare him I will be with him in trouble I will deliuer him and glorifie him Psal 125.2 As the mountaines are about Ierusalem so is the Lord about his people from hence foorth and for euer Mat. 16.18 Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shal not ouercome it Luke 12.32 Feare not litle flock for it is your fathers pleasure to giue you the kingdome Exod. 14. throughout Dan. 3. Daniel 6. throughout Isaiah 37. throughout Acts. 12.7 Actes 5.19 And wee haue many examples heerof in the Scripture as when God brought the Israelites out of Egypt by the Ministerie of Moses when he deliuered Daniel out of the Lions denne and Shadtach Meshach Abednego out of the burning flame and ouen when hee deliuered from death Susanna already condemned when he set Ierusalem at libertie when hee brought Saint Peter out of prison and the other Apostles by the ministerie of an angel And at this day although we see not angels visibly rounde about vs yet for all that wee ceasse not by experience to feele Gods aide and succour and that after many sortes yea extraordinarie Wee know also that which is spoken in Zacharias Zacha. 2.8 to wit Hee that toucheth you shal touch the apple of mine eie saith the Lorde For indeed Iesus Christ accounteth the persecutions which men bende againste his Churche as bente againste his verie owne person which appeareth by the reproofe that hee gaue Saint Paule saying Saule Saule Acts. 4.9 wherefore doest thou persecute mee who would euer haue looked for such assistance and helpe as God hath bestowed vpon his Church in our time were there at any time more furious and raging persecutions was the pride of the enemies of gods Churche euer greater They spare not wisdome nor counsell nor power nor diligence nor men nor money to the end that the poore Church might be altogether cast downe and made ruinous But behold the prudencie the counsell the might and the wisdome of God is farre aboue all that which setteth it selfe against his greatnesse yea hee worketh myraculously by hidden close and secrete meanes insomuch that all the height of the worlde is confounded ouerthrowne For as the wise man sayeth There is no wisedome neither
because hee serueth him selfe with Princes tyrants and wicked Magistrates and vseth them that hee may by them punishe the vngodlinesse and vnthankefulnesse of his people Wherefore Isaiah speaketh excellently well That our iniquities haue made a diuision or separated betweene God and vs. Isaiah 59.2 And therefore when wee are afflicted and persecuted wee ought to confesse and acknowledge that God by that meane punishe vs as wee indeede haue rightly deserued it Yet all this notwithstanding wee haue to consider and weigh an other cause for which the worlde persecuteth vs whiche ought to be a great comfort vnto vs in the middest of our Crosse and Martyrdome For in the first place the worlde in persecuting vs looketh not to our sinnes but to that religion which wee make profession of which religion indeede the world reiecteth and persecuteth because it knoweth not the authour thereof and because it is altogether contrary to his maners and peruerse and wicked orders of life and conuersation euen as Iesus Christe hath foretolde the same and made his Disciples to see it Ioh. 3.19 20. when he said vnto them This is the condemnatiō that light is come into the world and men loued darknesse rather then the light because their deedes were euill For euery man that euill doth hateth the light neither commeth to light Iohn 15.20 21. least his deedes should bee reproued Also if they haue persecuted me they will persecute you also But all these thinges will they doe vnto you for my names sake because they haue not knowne him that sent me And againe Iohn 17.14 Father I haue given them thy word the world hath hated them because they are not of the world as I am not of the worlde Hereby we may see that the right and verie cause of the persecutiōs of the church is the plaine profession of the trueth righteousnes worde of God as S. Paul saith That That all they whiche will liue in the feare of God or godly in Christe Iesus 2. Tim. 3.12 shall suffer persecution And also what shoulde bee our consolation and comforte in the middest of the crosse if this point were not Socrates The answere which Socrates made to his wife was very apt and fit for the purpose shee lamented because they put him to death wrongfully but hee beeing somewhat moued answered That it was better for him to die an innocent without cause than if he had offēded But how much greater matter and iust cause haue wee of comfort and ioy seeing wee knowe that God of his vnspeakeable gentlenesse goodnesse mercy burying all our sins giueth vs ouer and leaueth vs but for a time to suffer vniust persecutions to the end that we bearing the Crosse with Iesus Christ shoulde communicate also and bee made partakers of glory with him The punishment Saint Augustine hath saide maketh not a Martyre but the cause August And the Diuell hath as well his witnesses and Martyrs as Iesus Christ hath his In former times there were Heretikes whiche bragged much and boasted wonderously vnder the shadow colour that men persecuted them And at this day the Anabaptists do in that behalfe the very selfe same thing yea and that so farre that by this meanes they account them selues blessed and happie But we must marke what the scripture saith Mat. 5.10 Blessed are they thus saieth Iesus Christe whiche suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kingdom of heauē Luke 6.22 Blessed are you when men hate you whē they separate you reuile you put out your names as euill for the sonne of mās sake If yee bee railed vpon for the name of Christ saith Saint Peter 1 Pet. 4. 14.15 ●6 Blessed are yee For the spirite of glory and of God resteth vpon you which on their part is euill spoken of but on your part is glorified But let none of you suffer as a murtherer or as a theefe or as an euill dooer or as a couetous person of other mens goods or as a busie bodie in other mens matters But if any man suffer as a Christian let him not bee ashamed but let him glorifie God in this behalfe And this is the marke or badge by which the scripture discerneth the Lordes true Martyres from others that suffer For the wicked men and vngodlye persons doe in deede suffer persecution but in the meane season it so falleth out that they cannot boast thē selues for all that to bee true Martyres neither by consequent that they are blessed for they suffer not for righteousnesse sake neither to maintaine Gods truth as doe the Martyres and witnesses of Iesus Christ Moreouer wee ought to marke that our good God sheweth vs great grace aduaunceth vs to singular honour when hee vouchsafeth vs meete and worthie to suffer any thing for his names sake when as he might very iustly if he would haue pursued vs with rigour nay if hee woulde haue proceeded against vs by iustice haue punished vs with all kindes and sortes of afflictions sending them to vs and laying the same vpon vs wherein he dealeth with vs as if a king should take from the Gibbet or Gallows some man who had rightly deserued to be bound thereto and hanged thereon and yet would set and appoint him among the chiefe Captaines of his orders that he might goe to warre and imploy him for the maintenance and defence of his crowne of his kingdom For who or what are wee Poore wormes of the earth dwelling heere in filthinesse and corruption and infected with so many spottes as nothing more than we yea wee are abhominable sinners who haue rightly deserued not onely by tyrantes in this life to bee persecuted in our goods and bodies but also to bee for euer lost drowned and swallowed vp in the Diuels possession in hell and yet notwithstanding that God hath vouchsaued vs worthie of this honour to vse our life and our death to withstande his enemies and to mainetaine and aduaunce his glorie by our Martirdome If wee had but so muche as one drop of good iudgement and were pushed on forwarde with as little right zeale as may bee to serue our God shoulde not this kindle and inflame vs in a singuler and wonderfull desire to imploy bestow our selues in the maintenance of his honour whatsoeuer assaultes should bee set before vs and to keepe our selues strong and stedfast in the middest of persecutions that we might suffer abide the same couragiously and chearfully for the name of Christ The ninth point What bee the endes which God respecteth and regardeth in the persecutions and afflictions of his Church and of his faithful people wherof wee will marke and put downe eight First that the glorie of God might bee aduaunced For it is said Prou. 16.4 The Lord hath made all thinges for his owne sake and glory yea euen the wicked for the day of euil When the Disciples asked Iesus Christ