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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20173 The new creature A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, Ianuary 17. 1619. By Stephen Denison, minister of Gods word, at Katherine Kree Church, in the citie of London. Denison, Stephen, d. 1649 or 50. 1619 (1619) STC 6607; ESTC S120525 30,181 101

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vnlesse they repent Secondly it serues for exhortation to excite euery one of you and mine owne soule also to forsake all sin Let Ministers learne to beware of false doctrine and bad example lest many therby be defiled Let Lawyers learne to beware of bribes to peruert iudgement and iustice Let Magistrates learne to beware of too much seueritie towards some and of too much partialitie towards others Let tradesmen learne to breake off all fraud and deceit and all shamefull secret corruptions of their particular callings In a word let euery man and woman rich and poore yong old one and other learne to cast off all their transgressions whereby they haue transgressed And that we may obtaine the happie victory against our especiall corruptions these rules are to be obserued with all carefulnesse First we must daily examine our selues for thus saith the Lord of hoasts by the Prophet Consider your wayes and by his beloued Disciple Remember from whence thou art fallen Secondly we must daily confesse them and bemoane our selues daily for them to God yea we must condemne our selues for them and desire strength against them by prayer All this did Paul for the remouing of the messenger of Satan which was sent to buffet him 2. Cor. 12. 7. Thirdly we must daily renew our couenant with God vowing against our sins as Dauid did I haue sworne and will performe it that I will keepe thy righteous indgements A resolute vow and stedfast resolution are notable preseruatiues against all sinne Fourthly we must be very conuersant in the vse of Gods ordinances to wit of praying aduised reading frequent hearing prepared receiuing of the Lords Supper c. Diligence in these things is an especiall meanes with the helpe of Gods Spirit to mortifie any sinne Fiftly we must auoid the companie of such as haue bene the instruments of Satan formerly to allure vs to sin For in vaine shall we purpose to keepe the commandements of our God vnlesse with Dauid we say to our gracelesse companions Depart from me ye wicked Thirdly considering that all sinne must be cast off it may serue more particularly for the instruction both of Ministers and Magistrates Of vs Ministers we must hereby be excited to take diligent notice of the sinnes that reigne in this land and especially amongst that people of which God hath made vs ouerseers and let vs without respect of persons endeuour to subdue all sin Let vs not feare the rich not fauour our benefactors Let vs not desire to speak pleasing things but profitable things Let vs Cause Ierusalem to know all her abhominations Let vs deliuer our selues from bloud-guiltinesse by giuing warning and so When the chiefe Shepheard shal appeare we shall receiue the crowne of glorie which fadeth not away Secondly this may serue for the instruction of all such as are in authoritie either in Church or Common-wealth they must labour to suppresse to their power all sin but especially such sins as reigne in this Land and in this famous Citie of London Let Ecclesiastical power suppresse all heresie and schisme such as are Popery Arminianisme Anabaptisme Familisme deprauing of the Sabbath and such like Let the maintainers of these cursed sects be sharply censured and sought out and diligently enquired after Let these skulking foxes be taken for these are they that spoile this vine perswading vnstable soules to desperate separation Here likewise let the secular Magistrate learne to suppresse and punish the grosse abuses of the time such as are swearing Sabbath-breaking theft whoredome drunkennesse idlenesse and innumerable other For because sentence against an euill worke is not speedily executed therefore the heart of the sonnes of men is fully set in them to do euil Let Magistrates learne of Nebuchadnezzar to punish swearers and blasphemers for he though an heathen made a solemne decree That euery people nation and language which should speake any thing amisse against the God of Shadrach Meshech and Abednego should be cut in peeces and their houses should be made a dunghill Surely this heathen man may iustly rise vp in iudgement against vs professed Christians in that we suffer the glorious and fearefull Name of God and the precious bloud and sacred wounds of Iesus Christ so commonly and ordinarily to be profaned and blasphemed Let Magistrates learne of Nehemiah to be zealous for the Lords Sabbath that as he threatned to lay hands on all such as broke the Sabbath by their selling wares on that blessed day so they would take notice of the profanation of the Sabbath in euery kinde and labour to suppresse all abuses and not to giue the least tolleration at the request of any for any carnall libertie knowing the ill disposition of mans nature that if it haue an inch it will take an elne Let Magistrates therefore learne of Phinees to execute seuere iudgement vpon the adulterer and the whore Let them not winke at filthy houses nor streete and field adulteries but let them take with Phinees the iaueline of iustice and suppresse these grosse enormities for the which the land mourneth Let Magistrates learne to suppresse all deceit among tradesmen and let them not suffer the throate of the Common-wealth to be vnnaturally cut by her owne children nor by strangers Let Magistrates learne to suppresse that common and ordinarie sinne of drunkennesse and for the same purpose to suppresse the superfluous number of Tauernes and Alehouses which too ordinarily are houses of disorder and cages of vncleane birds and let them strengthen the hands of vnder-officers which may narrowly looke vnto the abuses and disorders of such places Let Magistrates learne to suppresse the Sodomiticall sinne of idlenesse and therefore let them endeuour to restraine those sturdy beggers which are able to worke and wil not and for this purpose let them remember the rule of the blessed Apostle If there be any that will not worke let him not eate And here I wish that a more Christian care might be taken of certaine poore children which take vp their lodging in the cold streets and many of them are found dead in the morning I pray God their bloud be not one day required at the hands of those that should see these things reformed In a word because time would be too short to enter vpon all particulars let Magistrates learne of Dauid to destroy all the wicked of the land that they may cut off all wicked doers from the Citie of the Lord. And for the same purpose let them haue an especiall care of the choise of vnder-officers for the bad choise of them is the bane of all iustice Fourthly and lastly considering that a true Conuert must cast away all his transgressions therefore let the profane stageplayer forsake his vnlawfull youth-polluting trade and betake himself to some lawfull calling remembring that euery Christian is bound to worke with his hands the thing which is good Let the
but being ioyned with the Spirit it offereth grace and effecteth that in the harts of the elect in some measure which it doth require As we reade concerning Thomas Ioh. 20. 27. 28. Christs word cōmanded Thomas not to be infidelious but beleeuing and the same word wrought faith in him to beleeue so that he immediatly fell downe at Iesus feets and said vnto him Thou art my God and my Lord. Concerning the second question which is whether a man haue free will because it is said Why will ye die To this I answer a man or woman may haue a free choise in things ciuill and indifferent thus if any one be inuited to a feast he is at his own choise whether he will go or no and if he go he is at his owne choise of what dishes he wil taste or eate according to that in 1. Cor. 10. 27. If any one that beleeueth not bid thee to a feast and if thou wilt go c. But to make choise or to refuse to go to a feast or to make choise to feed moderately for conscience sake or for Gods glorie this is immediatly frō God the fountaine of all holinesse For we are not sufficient to thinke any thing as of our selues but our sufficiencie is of God Again that a Christian hath in some measure a freed will after conuersion though not an absolute free will we do not gainsay for Christ came to proclaime libertie to the captiues and the opening of the prison to them that are bound And where the Spirit of the Lord is there is libertie But to say that a man hath absolute freedome and that he hath power of himselfe without the Spirit to will that which is good and to nill that which is euil to affirme this we cannot For it is God which giueth both to will and to do of his good pleasure We haue not free will before conuersion For euery imagination of the thoughts of our hearts are onely euill continually And in vs that is in our flesh abideth nothing which is good Neither haue we free will after conuersion For without Christ can we do nothing And As the branch cannot beare fruite of it selfe except it abide in the vine no more can we except we abide in Christ And therefore we Christians haue iust cause to reiect the doctrine of Poperie as in other points fundamentall as namely in the doctrine of iustificaton by a mans owne merits and in the doctrine of praying or giuing diuine worship vnto Saints and Angels and in the doctrine of Purgatorie and in the doctrine of the Popes authoritie to dispense with sin or to forgiue sin in the doctrine of Transsubstantiation in the doctrine of the Popes power to dethrone Christian Kings c. As we haue I say iust cause to reiect these vaine inuentions with innumerable other Antichristian traditions so likewise we haue iust cause to dissent from the Papists and new vpstart Arminians in the doctrine of Free will And the doctrine of Free will in that sence as it is maintained by Papists and Arminians is so much the more to be abhorred first because it denieth the doctrine of the erernall truth of God concerning election and reprobation maintaining that one person is not elected more then another except it be for foreseene faith or foreseene workes Contrary vnto that in Rom. 9. 11. For the children being not yet borne neither hauing done any good or euill that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of workes but of him that calleth it was said vnto her The elder shall serue the yonger as it is written Iacob haue I loued and Esau haue I hated Secondly the doctrine of freewill is so much the more to be reiected because it derogates from the glorie of God and maketh a man his owne sauiour for if a man haue absolute power of himselfe by his owne will to be saued or damned then if he be saued he may thanke himselfe and not God Thirdly if the doctrine of freewill were receiued then we must also grant that there is no assurance of saluation in this life contrary to that in 2. Pet. 1. 10. Make your calling and election sure Yea we must grant also that a Christian might fall finally and totally from sauing grace contrary to that in Math. 16. 18. The gates of hell shall not preuaile c. and thus one grosse absurdity being granted a thousand would follow The reason therefore that God expostulates thus with his Church Why will ye die is not to implie any free-will in vs but rather to intimate a great frowardnesse in vs vnto that which is good and a desperate forwardnesse and pronenesse vnto that which is euill Why will ye die that is why will ye desperately resist the Spirit when he offers grace vnto you and why will ye wilfully rush into sinne as the horse into the battell and so incurre the danger of damnation when ye are sufficiently forewarned Thus much for the meaning of the words and matter Cast away from you all your transgressions I purpose not to collect all the doctrines which I might out of this text because the time would be too short for so large a discourse I will therefore if God will insist onely vpon such points as stand best with the scope of the holy Ghost in this text or portion of Scripture and which I think to be the most necessary doctrines concerning the time and place Cast away from you all your transgressions Where note that it is not said lay by all your transgressions for a time but cast them away Againe it is not said cast away some of your transgressions or such transgressions which you can best spare but cast away all euen to your very infirmities Whence obserue we That a true penitent sinner must not not fauour or allow himselfe in any sinne or transgression whatsoeuer but he must be content to part with all yea with his best-beloued sinnes he must cast away all his transgressions whereby he hath transgressed For the proofe of which point I commend vnto you these places of Scripture following Ezechiel 18. 30. Repent and turne your selues from all your transgressions so iniquitie shall not be your ruine Math. 18. 8. 9. Wherefore if thy hand or thy foote offend thee cut them off and cast them from thee it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed rather then hauing two hands or two feete to be cast into euerlasting fire And if thine eye offend thee plucke it out and cast it from thee it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye rather then hauing two eyes to be cast into hell fire 2. Cor. 7. 1. Hauing therefore these promises dearely beloued let vs cleanse our selues from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit perfecting holinesse in the feare of God Heb. 12. 1. Wherefore seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of