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A17444 An A.B.C. or holy alphabet conteyning some plaine lessons gathered out of the word, to the number of the letters in the English alphabet, to enter young beginners in the schoole of Christ. E. C., fl. 1626.; Cancellar, James, attributed name. 1626 (1626) STC 4264.5; ESTC S114411 39,537 142

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AN A. B. C. OR Holy Alphabet Conteyning Some plaine Lessons gathered out of the Word to the number of the Letters in the English Alphabet to enter Young beginners in the Schoole of Christ 1 COR. 3.2 I haue fedde you with Milke and not with Meate for hitherto ye were not able to beare it neither yet now are yee able HEBR. 5.12 For when for the time yee ought to bee Teachers yet haue ye neede againe that one teach you what be the first principles of the Oracles of God and are become such as haue need of milke and not of strong meate LONDON Printed by I N. for William Shefford and are to be sold at his shop in Popes head alley 1626 The Authors Aduertisement to the Reader GRosse IGNORANCE accompanied with supine NEGLIGENCE in pursuite of sauing Knowledge I haue not without griefe obserued by experience now of twenty yeares exercise of my Ministrie still to remaine euen raigne both in the Country and Citie This hath made me willing in desire to become all to all 1 Cor. 9.22 and with an ayme of doing good chiefly to them of mine owne Country charge and younger people especially in whom my Ministry through Gods mercy hath euer most reioyced to collect this A. B. C. or Alphabet as I haue thought meete to terme it the * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Elementa prima Heb. 5.12 Apostles phrase sounding to such a title to initiate young beginners in the most necessarie grounds of godlinesse Which labour howsoeuer some perhaps may sleight it as too vulgar or meane a proiect or deeme not so necessary may I trust yeeld direction and encouragement by Gods blessing to some of his weaker seruants the matter hereof being for the most part onely plaine places and selected sentences seruing pregnantly for speciall purposes of holy Scripture wherein Saint Austin * In eis quae apertè in scriptura posita sunt continentur illa omnia quae cōtinent fidem moresque viuendi De doct Christ lib. 2. cap. 9. hath auouched to bee contayned all things concerning faith and manners and no weapon being like to this a Ephes 6.17 sword of the spirit b 2 Co. 10 4 mighty through God to cast downe holdes and to c Heb. 4.12 cut off sinne from the very soule Nor any d Psal 119.109 Lamp or Torch for conueying heauenly light to be compared with this which goeth vnder those glorious titles of e Psa 19.7 the perfect law of the Lord conuerting the soule and sure testimony making wise the simple Onely this I must adde that the promise seeme not more then the performance how it is not in the purpose or compasse of this Alphabet to meddle much with matters of Doctrine already established in our Christian Church nor yet to touch vpon all particulars of Christian Practise neither shall I seeke to digest these directions into any artificiall frame or method as others haue profitably endeauoured in their exact Treatises therein more accommodated to learned and iudicious Readers All here aymed at is answerable to the prefixed title to deliuer some rudiments that may yeeld instruction to poore ignorant people of whom the world is yet full for all our learned and elaborate preaching and set forward young beginners not capable for their weakenesse of the benefit of any artificiall method in that their holy course whereinto they are entred towards Gods heauenly Kingdome Which desired and hoped for fruit such I assure my selfe shall by Gods blessing not faile to finde that shall take paines both seriously to acquaint themselues with the directions in generall and in speciall tye themselues to commit to memory those mayne and Capitall places of holy Scripture laid downe as it were the Text in euery title and by the letter differenced frō the rest in euery section Since these in as much as they be the plaine words of Scripture being once made their owne will in such sort continually sticke by them and more then any the things of men preuaile with them as that thereby they shall still haue lodged within them grounds of Pietie and store of knowledge for their spirituall good and daily growth in those wayes of godlinesse which are the wayes to endlesse happinesse which God graunt E. C. 1 PET. 2.2 As new borne babes desire the sincere milke of the word that yee may grow thereby A short Table of the Titles and Texts of the seuerall Letters of this Alphabet A. A Christians charge or summe of Religion 1. Chro. 28.9 P. 1 B. The Sinners suite for dayly Deuotion Psalm 51. P. 3 C. Dauids blessed man or way to Life Psalm 1.1 2. P. 7 D. The Doctrine and vse of the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 11.23 24 c. P. 9 E. The forme force of Fasting Ioel 2.12 13 14. Pag. 15 F. Discouery of sinne by the Commanments 1 Iohn 3.4 P. 22 G. The Practise and power of true Repentance Prou. 28.13 14. P. 25 H. The Tenor of the New Couenant Ezech. 36.25 c. P. 27 I The Lesson of Sauing Grace Tit. 2.11 12 c. P. 30 K. The workes of the Flesh and fruits of the Spirit Gall. 5.19 c 22. c. P. 32 L. The Ladder of Blessednesse or 8. Beatitudes Math. 5.3 4 c. P. 34 M. The straitnesse of the Gate Way to Life Luke 13.23 24. Pag. 37 N. The Name of GOD proclaimed Exod. 34.6 7. P. 39 O. The power and efficacie of the Word Psal 119.9 11. P. 43 P. Reading the Word a meanes of blessednesse Reuel 1.3 P. 50 Q. Hearing of the Word another meanes Iam. 1.21 22. P. 54 R. The continual Christian watch or euery-daies Sabbath Psal 90.12 P. 56 S. The Religious obseruation of the Lords day or Christian Sabbath Isay 58.13 14. P. 63 T. The Essentiall properties of Christian Charity 1 Cor. 13.4 5 6 7. P. 67 V. Direction for discharge of particular callings 1 Cor. 7.20 24. P. 69 W. The Christian care required for nurture of Youth Prou. 22.6 P. 74 X. An Item against the excesse and abuse of sports Prou. 21.17 P. 77 Y. A Caueat against Drunkennes and excesse in drinking Luke 21.34 P. 80 Z. The difference of rewards for well-doing and ill Jsai 3 10 11. P. 85 or c. An Addition for Conclusion of some Rules for Knowledge and prescripts with formes of Prayer P. 90 An A. B. C. or holy Alphabet A. A Christians Charge conteined and with a powerful reason pressed in Dauids counsell to Salomon 1 CHRON. 28.9 And thou Salomon my Sonne know thou the God of thy Father and serue him with a perfect heart and with a willing minde For the Lord searcheth all hearts and vnderstandeth the imaginations of the thoughts if thou seeke him hee will be found of thee but if thou forsake him hee will cast thee off for euer See places suteable hereunto to force this Counsell farther Deut. 10.12.13 And now Israel what doth the
c. And thankes to God for the beleeuing Thessalonians 1 Thess 2.13 For this cause also thanke wee God c. Cornelius his profession of readiness Acts 10.33 Now therefore are wee all here present before God c. And Wisdomes encouragement to attendance Prou. 8.32.34 Heare instruction and be wise and refuse it not blessed is the man that heareth me c. All seruing abundantly to stirre vp and direct vs hereabout According to which grounds there is a little Booke translated into English written by Zepperus intituled the Art of hearing Sermons which prescribeth Rules both for praecedent Praeparation present Attention and after vse for profit as doe many other Treatises so sufficiently in this behalfe that I need to adde no more but onely counsel to take care that our obedience of heart and life doe so continually follow accompany this our hearing Ioh. 13.17 Iam. 1.25 that we may be blessed in our doing and so build on the Rocke Math. 7.24 that wee may remayne vnmoueable in times of triall And this also touching Hearing R. THE commendations giuen a Gen. 5.24 Henoch and condition of the Couenant made with b Gen. 17.1 Abraham in the Old Testament and counsell for wise and euen * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 precise walking with God giuen by the c Epes 5.15 Apostle in the New enforcing vpon vs a continuall wachfullnesse ouer our hearts and wayes doe necessarily bind vs to a prouident d Verse 16 Redeeming the time and therefore to an earnest seeking vnto God which wee may be guided vnto by that pithie Prayer made to that very purpose by Moses the man of God PSAL. 90.12 Teach vs O Lord so to number our dayes that we may apply our hearts to wisdome According whereunto that our Practise may be framed these short Rules may be obserued 1 For the time past euery one so to come back to his own hart saying a Ier. 8.6 What haue I done As that it may abundantly suffice vs as b 1 Pet. 4.3 Saint Peter warneth to haue mispent the time past according to the lusts of sensual men Vers 2. and resolue for the space remaining wholly to conforme our heart and wayes vnto the Will of God 2 For the time to come so wisely euery one to consider our latter ende Deu. 32.29 forecasting the vncertaine shortnesse of our life a Vapour quickly vanishing Iam 4.14 and the stricktnes of our account when euer we shall be called hence to Iudgement 1 Cor. 5.11 that we neuer sing to our soules the rich mans Requiem Luke 12.19 but rather with the Fiue wise Virgins Math. 25.4 continually nourish in our selues a watchfull expectation of the Bridgroomes comming 3 For the time present so euery one of vs with all diligence to improue our opportunities Gal. 6.10 Mat. 25.16 and employ our Talents as that we may doe the worke of him that hath called vs in that day which he giueth vs Ioh. 9.4 thereby preuenting our Sauiours teares and making proofe both to our selues and others that we are taught to know in this our day Luk. 19 41 42. those things that belong vnto our peace And now for a familiar helpe vnto this heauenly skill especially to those of younger yeares whose hearts God shall touch Eccles 12.1 to remember their Creator in the dayes of youth and to endeauour with that noble Courtier Obadiah 1. Reg. 18.3 12. by fearing God timely to feare him greatly Let me adde to aduise as a profitable course if hauing skill to write they be enabled thereunto the keeping of a Diarie or Journall a booke I meane of daily remembrance for spirituall reckonings such as are their owne failings in duty towards God needing humbling and Gods benefits whether publique or personall requiring thankes Which course though I vrge not on all as necessarie yet for them whose disposition and leasure suteth with it and who shall be prouidently carefull onely of setting down matters of secrecie with such abreuiations or characters of their owne framing as that themselues onely may be priuie to them it will be found I doubt not singularly profitable as sometimes it was to a young Noble-man of this Land The late Lord Harington testified in his Funeral Sermon made by M. R. S. and Printed anno 1614. whose example and gaine thereby may recommend it to all others for daily obseruation and right ordering of their wayes and especially for weekely preparation to Sabbath-exercises and furnishing themselues principally for priuate extraordinary humiliations Moreouer to the end that our whole time may be better bestowed and we our selues against all oppositions and impediments may be at all times better armed it shall not bee amisse to adnex for conclusion these two directions 1. For munition to see we be euer armed with the Panoplie or compleat armour of a Christian described by St. Paul Ephes 6 Eph. 6 13. in the seuerall pieces but marke no backe-piece to learne vs neuer to turne backe from our enemies such as are the girdle of truth Iam. 4.7 the breast-plate of righteousnesse the helmet of saluation the shield of faith and the rest M. Gouge M. Dounham Eph. 6.13 which hauing beene by diuers largely opened vnto vs I exhort onely with the Apostle that by feruent prayer they may bee daily buckled and girded vpon vs. 2. For meditation concerning which being the studie or serious musing of the minde and so a chiefe furtherance either to good or euill actions according to the obiects whereon it is exercised leauing the rules thereof to such as haue exactly Doctor Hall and at large discouered that Art vnto vs I will onely adde as generall heads whereon profitably to set on worke our vacant thoughts in such exercise sixe questions all found in seuerall places of Scripture in the very words wherein they are expressed viZ. 1. What is man Psa 8.4 ViZ. That hee should be so highly aduanced 2. Who am I 2. Sam. 7.18 ViZ. That I should be so greatly regarded 3. What haue I done Ierem 8.6 ViZ. For which I should be humbled 4. What shall I doe Act. 16.30 Viz That yet I may be saued 5. Whither shall I flee Psa 139.7 Viz. If sinne be committed 6. What shall I render Psa 116.12 ViZ. For benefits receiued And thus farre concerning the continuall Christian watch or eueryday-Sabbath which they certainly obserue best who are carefullest to keepe the Lords day as they should doe S. TOuching the which Lords day being to vs Christians in place of the former seauenth day or Sabbath the ordinary Sabbath or weekely day of holy rest founded on our Sauiours glorious resurrection Ioh. 20.1 Act 20.7 1 Cor. 16.2 and from the Apostles practise recorded in holy Scripture commended to the Church I see not why wee may not to raise vp our selues to the highest pitch of holy deuotion therein set before our eyes that religious
and spirituall obseruation of the Sabbath wherevnto as one maine branch of piety in those times put for the whole the Iewes were inuited by promise of rich reward from God ISAI 58. 13 If thou turne away thy foot frō the Sabbath that is as the words following shew from prophaning it whereto by corrupt nature all are carried from doing thy will on my holy day and shalt call the Sabbath a delight the holy of the Lord honorable and shalt honour him not doing thine owne wayes nor seeking thine owne pleasure nor speaking thine owne words 14 Then shalt thou delight thy selfe in the Lord and I will cause thee to ride vpon the high places of the earth and feede thee with the heritage of Iacob thy Father for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Some haue sought to antiquate and quite abolish now vnder the Gospell the authority of the fourth Commaundement as the Papists in their Catechismes expunge the second And Athiests and Blasphemers would as gladly haue the first and third ●azed out But both the deuotion and doctrine of our Church still directing vs to our ten Comandements * The same which God spake in Exod. 20. As see ●n our Church Catechisme and booke of Common Prayer viz in the Communion ministration of Baptisme and in particular to this * In the Homily of the time and place of Prayer sober minded Christians ought and will haue a due respect ther●unto and as we celebrate in steede of the passeouer the Eucharist as the new S●crament of the Gospell called for distinction from the former by St. Paul the a 1 Cor. 11.20 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lords Supper So likewise to obserue in place of the Sabbath this first day of the weeke as our Christian Sabbath and sanctified day of rest for holy worship called for like distinction by Saint Iohn b Reu. 1.10 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lords day In which as that blessed Apostle then in banishment was rauished in the spirit and saw heauenly visions and reuelations So should we also labour who haue receiued the spirit to be in what we may that day wholy spirituall and heauenly minded so withdrawing our mindes and hearts as farre as wee are able except in cases of more vrgent necessities from all distracting whatsoeuer businesses or delights as that wee deuote our selues and be wholy taken vp in publique more priuate seruices of Gods holy worship Psa 92.1 2 heau●nly contemplations and workes of Christian charity as in an holy festiuall of reioycing before the Lord. Of which particulars so much hauing been written In the Homily fore-alledged of the time place of prayer and in the Practise of Pietie c. Exod. 20.8 Nehe. 13.22 I spare to adde more but onely exhort that without either superstition or prophanenesse wee so remember before hand to prepare for it euer when it commeth as God would haue vs to keepe it holy that God may remember vs in mercy and we receiue the blessing And thus also briefely for the obseruation of the Lords day the more solemne Christian Sabbath or day of holy rest T. NExt for direction touching Charitie that common and perpetuall Debt of Christians Rom. 13 8 1 Pet. 1 22. Rom. 12.10 owed generally to all but with tender and brotherly affection to true Beleeuers professing and giuing proofe of their precious Faith and walking in Truth which St. Paul termeth the More excellent way 1 Cor. 12.31 Col. 31 4 Rom. 13.10 Ephes 4.4 Ioh. 13.34 Vers 35. the Bond of perfectnesse and fulfilling of the Law tying vs thereto by so many bondes which our Sauiour himself stileth his New Commandement maketh knowne as the chiefe cognizance of his Disciples take notice of the fifteene properties hereof set downe 1 COR. 13. 4 CHARITIE or Loue suffereth long and is kinde or bountifull Charity enuieth not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 charitie vaunteth not it selte or is not thwarting 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or doing frowardly it is not puffed vp 5 It doth not behaue it selfe vnseemely it seeketh not her owne things it is not easily prouoked it thinketh none euill 6 It reioyceth not in iniquity but reioyceth in the truth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 7 It beareth or couereth all things it beleeueth all things it hopeth all things it endureth all things By which properties the meaning well apprehended shall we try our hearts and liues as we may doe also in the mutuall good offices of the bodily members 1 Cor. 12.26 it may bee feared we shall finde in vs much want of Charity which since it argueth by Saint Johns rule weakenesse 1 Ioh 4.20 at least in our loue to God wee had the more neede to pray that God who is Charity it selfe Ver. 16. would by his spirit of loue bestow vpon vs and more and more heate and enflame in vs this quickning and working Grace V. FVrther yet the exercise and excellency of this grace of Charitie being most obseruable in Christians carriage about their speciall Callings rules in Scripture are not wanting shall men consult with these Counsellers to guide Christians in such personall duties according to that generall charge Psal 119.24 as the maine and speciall foundation laid by grace of good order in humane societie 1 COR. 7.20 24. Let euery man in the same vocation wherein hee is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 therein abide with God that is doing duties to men therein out of Conscience towards God More speciall directions of which kind applyed to those Domesticall subordinations wherein Families are established Ephes 5.21 that Each may submit to other in the feare of God according to his will we shall find 1 Of Husbands and Wiues the summe whereof comprised Coloss 3.18.19 And more vnfolded Ephes 5. and 1 Peter 3. consisting of feruent and faithfull loue in the Husband and due subiection and reuerence in the Wife is vsefully read by order of our Church in Marriage Solemnities to make both parties and their Neighbours also more mindefull of their duties 2 Of Parents and Children the summe whereof grounded on the fifth Commandement being in Children Honour and thankefull Obedience to their Parents In Parents wise and due care for nurture and education of their Children and euery way towards them Loue and tender kindnesse is by the same Apostle also both in Coloss 3.20 21 briefely touched and Ephes 6.1 2 3 4. more fully opened and by the Legall Promise annexed to the Praecept powerfully perswaded 3 Of Masters and Seruants the summe of the Masters duty which is to doe that which is iust and equal to their Seruants Knowing that they also haue a Master in heauen that regardeth euery mans carriage and respecteth no mans person being deliuered Ephes 6.9 and Coloss 4.1 But more expressely and at large the duty of Seruants as needing in those times most to bee remembred set downe as in
by God to renew and confirme vnto his comfort the couenant made betwixt Christ and him in Baptisme 4. Q. What is that couenant A. That Christ will vndoubtedly saue vs if wee with a liuely faith working by loue shall cleaue vnto him 5. Q. If there be such gaine in comming what makes many so vnwilling to repaire often hereunto A. This is either for that being grosly ignorant they conceiue not rightly of the benefit or else being carnall and carelesse they are loath to take paines to fit themselues to come in that maner as Christ would haue them 6. Q. To passe then to the second consideration How would the Lord haue vs to come A. Not for fashion or custome as it may be feared many doe but in great reuerence and with a due preparation that wee may come worthily 7. Q. What preparation are we to vse that we may so come A. Euery one ought seriously to examine his owne soule whether he can finde in himselfe the graces by God required in worthy Communicants 8. Q What be those graces which God chiefely requireth A. 1. A true faith grounded vpon the knowledge of God and this holy Sacrament 2. Sound repentance accompanied with Christian loue both to God and man 9. Q. How should a man examine or trie his faith An. By well vnderstanding the Articles of the Creede with the doctrine of the Lords Supper set down by St. Paul 1. Cor. 11. he may come to know what hee should beleeue concerning God and this holy Sacrament which hee must labour to bring his heart vnto and withall heartily begge of God whose gift it is to worke and encrease this true faith in him 10. Q How is hee to trie his repentance and charity An. Labouring to finde out and bewaile his sinnes past and want of charity with earnest prayer to God for pardon and grace he is to resolue and purpose to leaue off his sinnes and henceforth to liue in obedience to all Gods commandements and in loue and charity with all men 11. Q. Being thus prepared how ought a Christian to come vnto the LORDS Table A. With great reuerence and a feeling remembrance of the Lords death for redeeming of his soule he ought in all thankfulnesse to resigne and giue vp himselfe wholly and for euer vnto the Lord. 12. Q. After so communicating at Christs Table what farther remaineth by a Christian to be performed A. His endeauour must bee to keepe still in a ioyfull memorie the promises so renewed and by Christs blood sealed betwixt him and the Lord in the holy Sacrament hereby to strengthen himselfe against sinne and to encrease faith and other graces in his soule vntill God please to call him to the like againe Adde here onely how for triall of our faith required in the ninth Question as wee are to haue recourse to the Doctrine of the Sacrament before set downe so it will be expedient to young beginners for the farther vnderstanding of the common Creede to acquaint themselues with the two other namely the Nicene Creede beginning thus I beleeue in one God c. And that of Athanasius Whosoeuer will be saued c. In which latter the two great mysteries of the blessed Trinitie and our Sauiours holy Incarnation are most excellently set forth and expressed E. THe forme and force of Religious fasting together with a briefe Instruction for farther explication and Christian practise IOEL 2. 12. Therefore also now saith the Lord Turne ye euen vnto mee with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning 13. And rent your hearts and not your garments and turne vnto the Lord your God for hee is gracious and mercifull slow to anger and of great kindnesse and repenteth him of the euill 14. Who knoweth if hee will returne and repent and leaue a blessing behinde him euen a meate offering and a drinke offering vnto the Lord our God THe Instruction concerning Fasting deliuered also in Twelue short Questions 1. Quest What doth the Scripture teach concerning Fasting A. Religious Fasting for furtherance of Piety is found commanded by God and commended vnto vs by the frequent vse of the best of Gods seruants in the holy Scriptures 2. Q. What difference is there to be put betweene Prayer and Fasting A. Prayer is of daily and ordinary vse as the washing of plate or vessell continually to keepe them cleane but Fasting is a thing lesse ordinarie and at times onely to be vndertaken as the scowring of such plate or vessell sometimes to make them bright 3. Qu. When are Christians enioyned to Fast A. The Gospell hath not prescribed any set dayes or times for this exercise but then are Christians to betake themselues thereunto when either they are enioyned by lawfull authority or when God shall by the occasions of extraordinarie humiliation as by his owne voyce call and sammon them so to doe 4. Qu. What occasions be there of so humbling our selues before God A. Either 1. When as for sinne wee feare or begin to feele Gods iudgements falling on vs Or 2. When we desire or expect to receiue some speciall and extraordinarie good at the hands of God as when wee come to the holy Sacrament to renew our couenant with the Lord. 5. Qu. Who are bound to the performance of this duty A. First if the Fast for publique occasions bee by authority enioyned it concerneth all except in case of necessity to haue a due respect thereof Secondly for priuate Fasting it ought to be by well-taught Christians vndertaken as they haue warrant from the practise of the best of Gods holy seruants still vpon the like particular occasions 6. Qu. How are Christians rightly to performe this duty A. As in the fourth Commandement touching the Sabbath there are two things enioyned 1. Rest from labour 2. Sanctifying of that Rest euen so in this worke of Fasting two things also are required 1. The one outward respecting the body 2. The other inward or spirituall vnto which the outward is to be referred 7. Qu. What is the outward thing required in Fasting A. 1. Abstinence from foode either altogether or as farre as may be with preseruation of health as also from other delights and outward comforts for humbling of the flesh 2. Rest from labour so far as with conueniencie wee may during that time of abstinence that wee may the better intend the inward duty required in Fasting 8. Quest What is the inward substance chiefely required A. An extraordinary humbling of our soule Ezr. 8.21 and seeking after God by earnest Prayer and in the serious practise of true repentance 9. Qu. How should wee in the day of fasting exercise our selues in the serious practise of true repentance An. By diligent examination of our hearts and liues by the rule of Gods Law the ten Commandements our labour must be to get a thorow sight of our sinnes and sinfull corruptions displeasing God and deseruing wrath for which therefore we must desire and
through Christ Iesus our blessed Lord and alone Sauiour In whose holy Name wee continue to call on thee and recommend our selues vnto thee in that perfect prayer which himselfe did teach vs saying Our Father which art in heauen c. A Grace or blessing before Meate GOod Lord forgiue vs all our sinnes that make vs vnworthy of any of thy blessings and remooue from vs all thy Iudgements which are vpon vs or due vnto vs for the same blesse and sanctifie vs euer for thy seruice and thy good creatures at this present for our vse giue them strength to nourish vs and giue vs grace for them and all thy mercies to bee thankefull to thee and to receiue them as tokens of thy loue towards vs through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A Thankesgiuing or Grace after meate O Lord wee giue thee humble thankes for all thy blessings bestowed vpon vs both for our soules and bodies in regard of this life present that to come and in particular for refreshing vs at this present with thy good creatures We beseech thee continue thy fauour vnto vs and keepe vs euer in thy feare Blesse thy whole Church this Land the King Queene and all the Royall Family our friends and all that are deare vnto vs. Grant thy Gospell a free and a fruitfull passage comfort all thine aflicted seruants and guide vs in the right way to euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer for a Family in the Euening O Lord God gracious and mercifull by whose watchfull prouidence wee thy poore and vnworthy seruants haue been this day preserued and with thy rich and vndeserued fauours many wayes comforted and blessed wee returne to render vnto thine holy Maiestie all humble and hearty thanks for these and all thy benefits and blessings out of the euer-flowing fountaine of thy loue towards vs in Iesus Christ aboundantly powred downe vpon vs. O Lord we doe confesse wee be not worthy of the least fauour nay hauing beene sinners from the wombe we deserue wrath and daily goe on to prouoke the eyes of thy Maiestie to displeasure by our manifold sinnes and sinfull corruption still vnto this day remaining in vs and oft-times euery day breaking out vpon vs to thy dishonour We acknowledge O good Lord our ignorance and much want of desire endeauour after the sauing knowledge of thy blessed will reuealed to vs in thy holy word and wee haue iust cause to bewaile the prophanenesse and stubborne pride and disobedience of our hearts which make vs daily to rebell against thy most righteous lawes both by leauing vndone the duties which thou enioynest and aduenturing vpon those euill courses which thou forbiddest yea O Lord our vile hypocrisie in our best seruices our wretched vnthankfulnesse for thy cōtinuall blessings our murmuring impatience vnder thy fatherly chastisements and tryals our contempt and abuse of thy sacred Gospell our blaspheming of thy glorious and fearefull name and prophaning of thy blessed Sabbaths our selfe-love and high-mindednes our worldlinesse and wicked couetousnesse our wantonnesse voluptuousnesse and other vncleane and sinfull lusts our wrathfulnesse and maliciousnesse our vnmercifulnesse and impenitencie and hard-heartednes and earthly mindednes and a whole world of wickednesse notwithstanding all the meanes of grace vouchsafed still abounding in vs How doe they testifie against vs to our face and in thy sight that wee are most wretched and miserable sinners deseruing in thy iustice shouldst thou enter into iudgement with vs tenne thousand deaths and euen damnation in hell for euer Howbeit since we perceiue euen hereby that it is of thine owne free goodnesse and gracious mercy that we are not consumed because thy compassions faile not but are towards thine renewed euery morning and doe continue with them to the euening We are emboldned to looke vp to thee and in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ in whom alone thou art well pleased to beseech thee for his sake to forgiue vs all our sinnes to wash vs cleane in his bloud and to assure our conscience by the witnesse of thine holy Spirit of the full discharge and pardon of them all Mercifull Father wee most humbly pray thee for his sake to put them all euery one of them great and small out of thy sight and withall by thy blessed Spirit purge them more and more out of our hearts O Lord giue vs grace euery day more and more our selues to see them and the vilenesse of them and how base and filthy they make vs in thy sight and giue vs hearts to bee vnfainedly sorrie that wee haue by them offended thee our so gracious God and grieued thine holy Spirit whereby wee are sealed to the day of redemption Worke in vs an hatred and detestation of all sinnes whatsoeuer giue vs grace for the time to come to striue and labour against them those especially whervnto we are by age education complexion company or any other occasion most enclined as against the deadliest enemies of our soules Yea O Lord God graunt that for this purpose wee may carefully shunne all occasion of euill such as are idlenesse ill company prophanenesse wantonnesse and the like and may more conscionably entertaine and vse all good meanes of grace such as are the hearing reading and meditating in thy holy Word the often calling vpon thy holy name the keeping of thy holy Sabaths the receiuing of thy blessed Sacraments the ioyning our selues in familiarity and fellowship with thy faithfull children and the like that by thy blessing hereupon wee may encrease and grow together with our yeares and age in faith patience and humility in meekenesse temperance and sobriety in loue vnto thee and to thy truth and to other for thy sake in a contempt of this wretched world which will shortly leaue vs and a longing after the ioyes to bereuealed in thy Kingdome and all good fruites of thy sanctifying Spirit which may fa●ther our reckoning and seale vp our saluation vnto the day of Christ Meane while wee continue our prayers most mercifull God for thy whole Church and all the rest of thy chosen children who are our fellow heires of future glory whersoeuer they be scattered especially all those who being in misery whether in their soules or bodies doe want thy more speciall comfort O Lord instruct them that yet are ignorant conuert those that are prophane raise vp the fallen strengthen them that stand and keepe vs that we neuer fall but that our end may bee better then our beginning and our workes better and more at the last then at the first Be gracious and good vnto all Christian Churches that professe thy Truth restore peace if it be thy blessed will in thy good time to them which are troubled and continue peace and the light of thy Gospell for euer vnto this wherein wee liue Blesse herein wee beseech thee our Gracious King and giue him an heart to feare thee and seeke thy glory to knowe thee and serue thee with a