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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06348 A Godly and short treatise vpon the Lordes prayer, the xii articles of the Christian faith, and the Ten commaundementes. Some, Robert, 1542-1609. 1580 (1580) STC 16814.5; ESTC S2219 13,019 45

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grauen Image nor the likenesse of any thing that is in heauē aboue or in the earth beneath or in the waters vnder the earth that is Thou shalt not make any Image either to represent god who cannot be seene Deu. cap. 4. ver 12.15 Acts. cap. 17. ver 29. Or to worship God by Rom. cap. 1. ver 23.25 for it is against this commandement Thou shalt not bowe downe to them nor worship thē that is thou shalt not shew so muche as outwarde reuerence vnto them no not the bowing of the body or any part therof Exo. cap. 34 ver 14. 2. Co. cap. 7. ver 1. Rom. cap. 11. ver 4. For Images are lying scholemaisters Ier. cap. 10. ver 8.14.15 Abac. cap. 2. ver 18. 3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine that is thou shalt neither sweare often and vainly Mat chap. 5. ver 34.37 Iam. chap. 5. ver 12. Much lesse blasphemously in thy cōmon talke Leuit. cap. 34. ver 15.16 Neither forsweare thy selfe Math. cap. 5. ver 33. Neither consent vnto them which offend in this or any other wicked sort Eph. cap. 5. ver 11.12 But bicause the name of God is holy Psa 103. ver 1. Thou shalt not defile it but vse it with great reuerence Leuit. chap. 19. ver 12. Is it lawfull to sweare at al it is for the testifiyng of a truthe whereby eyther Gods glory is promoted 1. Reg. cap. 22. ver 14. or controuersies ended amongest our neighbors Gen. cap. 31. ver 53. Heb cap. 6. ver 16. Is it lawful too sweare by Saints or any other creature No wee must sweare by God alone Deut. cap. 6. ver 13. Esay cap. 45. ver 23. And that in the cases before remembred for a lawfull othe is a part of Gods worship Esay cap. 19 ver 18. Ierem. cap. 12. ver 16. 4 Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabboth day that is thou shalt spend that day in hearing gods most holy worde in common prayers and such like to Gods glory and thine owne comforte Is it not lawfull to haue some other sette dayes for common and Christian assemblies yes no doubt if superstition that is to say the esteeming of one day more holy thē another be absent the Lord god sincerely honoured But the Lordes day which we call the Sunday is especially appointed because of our weakenesse by Gods church in steed of the Iewes Sabboth Actes chap. 20. ver 7. 1. Cor. cap. 16. ver 2. They which absent themselues from Christian meetings where God is truely serued either wilfully as Gods enimies do or for dispatch of busines which may be wel deferred as worldlings doe are guiltie the one sort of contēning God and his Church both which are highly to be esteemed Mat. cap. 18. ver 20. 1. Tim. chap. 3. ver 15. Ephe. chap. 5. ver 27. the other of preferring their greedie desires before the Lords vnspeakeable mercies Mat. cap. 22. ver 2.3.5 The second Table 5 HOnor thy Father and thy mother that is giue reuerence to thy father and mother Leuit. chap. 19. ver 3. Gen. cap. 46. ver 29. Col. chap. 3. ver 20. and help them if and wherein they haue neede as thou art able Gen chap. 45. ver 9.10.11 1. Sam. chap. 22. ver 3.4 And be alwayes humble and obedient vnto them in the Lord. Ephe. cap. 6 ver 1. but neuer against the Lorde Luke chap. 14. ver 26. Must wee honour none but our Fathers and Mothers Yes al those must be honoured whom God hath any waies set ouer vs as the Magistrate Rom. cap. 13. ver 1. Tit. cap. 3. ver 1. 1. Pet. cap. 2. ver 13.14 The Minister of Gods word Heb. ca. 13. ver 17. 1. Thess cap. 5. ver 12.13 1. Tim. cap. 5. ver 17. our bodily maisters 1. Tim. cap. 6. ver 1. Ephe. cap. 6 ver 5. and such like But yet euer in and neuer against the Lord. 6 Thou shalt not kill that is thou shalt neither vse any violence thy self nor be authour or consenting that any be vsed by other against thy neighbour Leui. cap 19. ver 16. Thou shalt neither be are hatred or malice against him Math. cap. 5. verse 22. 1. Iohn chap. 3. verse 15. Thou shalt neither secretly nor openly take away his good name Psalm 101. ver 5. Iam. chap. 4. ver 11. Thou shalt vse thy neighbour louingly both in woord and deed 1. Ioh. cap. 3. ver 18. And thou muste doe good euen vnto thy enimie Exod. cap. 23. ver 4.5 Math. cap. 5. ver 44. Rom. chap. 12. ver 20. Is it not lawful to put notable offenders to death it is not for priuate men whose handes the Lord hath bound Gen. chap. 9. ver 6. Matth. cap. 26. ver 52. But for the Magistrates whom God hath armed with the sword Prou. cap. 20. ver 26. Psal 101 ver 8 Rom. chap. 13. ver 4. If the Magistrate condeme vs vniustly must we obey we must euen to the abiding of death 1. Pet. cap. 2. ver 23. But yet commit our cause to God who iudgeth iustly 2. Chronic. chap. 24. ver 22. 1. Pet. chap. 2. ver 23. Rom. cap. 12. ver 19. And thinke our selues happy that we suffer for righteousnesse sake Mat. cap. 5. ver 10. 16. ver 25. 1. Pet. cap. 2. ver 19. 7 Thou shalt not commit adulterie that is thou shalt keepe thy minde free from lusting after strange flesh Mathew chap. 5. ver 28. 1. Cor. chap. 6. ver 20 And thy body and euery part thereof free from all wantonnesse whether it be the committing of any whoorishe and filthie deede 1. Cor. cap. 6. ver 18.19.20 Heb. cap. 13. ver 4. or corrupt talk 1. Cor. cap. 15. ver 33. Ephe. cap. 4 ver 29. Or light behauiour Iob. ca. 31. ver 1. They which haue not the gift of continencie may and ought to marry 1. Cor. chap. 7. ver 2.9 Heb cap. 13. ver 4. But they must ioyne with such as feare God Gen. cap. 24. ver 3.2 Cor. cap. 6. ver 14.15 And with the cōsent of their parents Gen. cap. 34. ver 4.1 Cor. cap. 7. ver 37. 8 Thou shalt not steale that is thou shalt be so far of from committing theft which the Princes lawes do punish with deeth that thou shalt neither by vsurie Ezech. cap. 18. ver 8.13 Psal 15. ver 5. colour of law 1. Cor. cap. 6. ver 9.10 by inclosures of commons whereby the poore either are or ought to be relieued Mich. chap. 2. ver 1.2.3 Deut. chap. 5. ver 21. or by any meanes whatsoeuer defraude or oppresse any man in any matter 1. Thes 5. ver 6. If thou haue sinned in any of these sorts thou must make restitution Nehe. ca. 5. ver 11.12.13 Eze. ca. 33. ver 15. steale no more but labour rather with thy hands in the thing which is good that thou maist haue to giue to him that needeth Eph. chap. 4 ver 28. If false
¶ A Godly and short Treatise vpon the Lordes Prayer the xii Articles of the Christian faith and the ten Commaundementes Printed in London at the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson for George Bishop 1580. ¶ Prayer is a lifting vp of the heart vnto GOD. The Lordes Prayer The Lordes prayer hath sixe petitions The three first concerne GOD The three last vs. OVr Father which art in heauē Two things must bee considered of vs when we bende our selues to praier First Gods loue conteyned in these woordes Our Father Secondly Gods power conteyned in these words Which art in heauē God is our father because we are his children Yf this be true howe is Christe the onely sonne of GOD both are true Christ is Gods sonne by nature Ioh. cap. 1. ver 14. we by adoption Rom. chap. 8. ver 15. Galat. cap. 4. ver 6. That which was his by nature is ours by grace We pray vnto God in the name of Christe alone for God is our father by the meanes of Christ If it be so then Christ is the alone Mediatour of intecession 1. Tim. chap. 2. ver 5. Rom. cap 8. ver 34. Heb. chap. 7. ver 25. So are Angelles and dead Sainctes barred from this office The sacrifice of Christs death and continuall intercession are necessarily linked together they are two parts of Christes Priesthood Heb. 5. 7. Chapters If we graunt Angels or dead Saincts to be Intercessours we giue vnto them the glory of Christes Priesthood Wee haue all one father therefore vnitie is required among vs. Math. cap. 5. ver 23.24 Ephesi chap 4. ver Vnitie I meane in Christe Rom. chap. 15. ver 5. Philip. chap. 4 ver 2. For without Christe it is accursed Better is godly discord then wicked concord GOD is our Father wee ought not therefore too dispayre of his mercy Our sinnes I confesse doe throwe vs downe to Hell Esay chap. 59. ver 2. Rom. chap. 6. ver 23. Though they be greeuous and many yet Gods mercy is aboue all Esay chap. 1. ver 18. Ezech. cap 18. ver 23. The earthly father cannot but be good to his vngracious childe if he returne from his lewdnesse Luke chap. 15. ver Gods mercy is more exceeding Esay cap. 49. ve 14.16 1. Timoth. chap. 1. ver If it be compared with the other it is as a great Sea vnto a litle Riuer Gods power is set foorth in these wordes Which art in heauen whereby is ment that all thinges whatsoeuer are vnder the gouernment of the eternall God and that al thinges are ordered by his Prouidence Psalme 115. ver 3. Though God be in heauen hee is not there shut vp Such thoughtes must bee farre from vs for the Heauen of Heauens cannot conteyne him 2. Chronicles chapt 2. ver 6. GOD by this speache is exempted from beeyng a Creature and wee are taught not too thinke basely of so mightie a GOD for hee is higher then all the worlde 1 Hallowed be thy name Wee desire that Gods name may be famous and reuerenced in all the earth yf it is to bee reuerenced then must we neuer speake or thinke of God without great reuerence it is too bee wished that all were thus affected but if none were God abideth faithful he cannot deny him selfe 2. Timoth cap. 2. ver 13. 2 Thy kingdome come Wee desire that the lustes of our fleshe wicked thoughtes and such like may be subdued that Gods spirit may rule in our harts This is brought to passe partly by the worde preached partly by the holy spirit who if hee touche not our heartes as the woorde doeth pearce our eares the worde is a shut booke Esay chap. 29. ver 11. and as a sealed letter vnto vs. We doe well in praying dayly Thy kingdome come for it is encreased by continuall goinges forwarde euen in the best men Philip. chap. 3. ver 12. Colossi chap. 1. ver 9.10 Wee are all in a race and short of the macke whilest wee are in the fleshe wee must goe from faith too faith and from vertue to vertue Prouerb cap. 4. ver 18. Ephesians chap. 4. ver 15. There must be no standing ●●il not to go forwarde in a godly life is to goe backewarde 3 Thy will be doone in earth as it is in heauen The wyll of God is of two sortes The fyrst secrete the seconde reuealed in his woorde None can withstande Gods secrete will Esay chap. 46. ver 10. Rom. cap. 9. ver 19. his reuealed wyl is meant in this place so that this is the meaning we desire that all creatures may bee obedient to Gods will reuealed in his woorde without muttering or resistaunce The Angels doe execute his wil. Psalm 103. ver 20. We must doe the like so neare as we can 4 Geue vs this day our dayly bread By Bread are vnderstanded al things necessary for this life as meate drinke and such like 2. Kinges chap. 6. ver 22.23 It is called our bread not because of right it is due vntoo vs but because by Gods good will it is appoynted for our vse Psalme 145. ver 15.16 If wee will bee fed of the Lorde wee must abstayne from other mens goods and bee content with our owne Prouerb chap. 5. ver 15. Gen. chap. 3. ver 19.2 Thess cap. 3. ver 12. The worde dayly signifieth suche prouision as may godly bee come by though it bee neuer so homely it taketh away all desire of delicates I neither doe nor dare condemne great fare dayntie prouision and suche like Gods giftes doe serue not onely for necessitie but also for pleasure Psalm 104. ver 15. we may vse them I say for pleasure wee may not abuse them They which thynke otherwyse do thinke amisse These wordes this day doe take away distrustfull care for the time to come which is condemned by Iesus Christ Math. chap. 6. ver Riche men haue Sellers full of Oyle Garners full of Wheate what need they to aske they haue enough alreadie I graunt they haue great store but all is nothing without Gods blessing Yf the staffe of bread be broken Leuit. chap. 26. ver 26. Ezech. chap. 9 ver 16. If God blowe vppon our corne Aggeus chap. 1. ver 9. It wil do vs no good Man liueth not by breade onely but by euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of God Deut chap. 8. ver 3. Wee pray for bread notwithstanding our praiers it is Gods gift Psa 145. ver 15.16 If the least things be Gods gifts then eternall life much more Rom. chap 6. ver 23. And forgiue vs our trespasses By Trespasses are ment sinnes Sinne is threache of Gods Lawe 1. Iohn chap. 3 ver 4. Eyther in word deede or thought None are free from sinne Prouerb cap. 24. ver 16. Luke chap. 1. ver 47. 1. Iohn cap. ver 8.10 Al haue neede of pardon for al desire forgeuenes of theyr sinnes If Gods children haue need to be pardoned they are