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B09115 Votes of the House of Commons perused and signed to be printed according to the order of the House of Commons / by Me William Williams, Speaker. England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.; Williams, William, Sir, 1634-1700. 1680 (1680) Wing E2766B; ESTC R175256 105,532 178

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Endeavours may produce Honour Safety and prosperity to your Majesty and your People His Majesties Gracious Answer to this Address That His Majesty will give Order for a Day of Humiliation as is desired Veneris 26 die Novemb. 1680. MR. Speaker acquaints the House that both Houses having attended his Majesty in the Banquetting house yesterday in the afternoon with the Address for a day of Humiliation His Majesty was pleased graciously to answer That his Majesty will give order for a day of Humiliation as is desired Ordered That the Cause concerning the Election of Members to serve in this present Parliament for the Burrough of Taunton be heard at the Bar of this House tomorrow morning at Ten of the Clock A Petition of the Master Wardens Assistance and Company of Felt-makers was Read Ordered That the Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee to whom the Bill for encouragement of the Woolen manufacture by the general wearing thereof is committed A Petition of Thomas Dare of Taunton a prisoner in execution for a Fine of 500 l. set upon him was Read Ordered That an humble Application be made to His Majesty from this House by such Members thereof as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council to desire His Majesty to Pardon and remit the said Fine A Message from the Lords Mr. Speaker The Lords have commanded us to acquaint you That the Lords out of their great care to expedite the Tryal of the Lord Viscount Stafford on Tuesday next having agreed upon some Rules and directions to be observed at the said Tryal which they thought fit to communicate to this House and delivered in a Paper containing the said Rules Mr. Secretary Jenkins acquaints the House That His Majesty had been attended by such Members of this House as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council with an address concerning the Protestant Dissenters and that His Majesties answer is That they shall be discharged and without Fees as far as may be done according to Law and that they shall be recommended to the Judges Mr. Treby acquaints the House That he had attended the Lords with a Message desiring their Lordships to appoint a Committee to joyn with a Committee of this House for adjusting the matters and circumstances relating to the Tryals of the Lords in the Tower That they would send an answer to this House by Messengers of their own Sir William Poultney reports from the Committee of Elections Priviledges that the said Committee having taken into consideration the matter touching the election and return of Members to serve in this present Parliament for the Burrough of Monmouth in the County of Monmouth had agreed upon Four several Resolves which he read in his place afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerks Table where the same being read are as followeth Resolved That the Election of a Burgess to serve in Parliament for the Burrough of Monmouth doth not belong to the Burgesses Inhabitants of the Borrough of Monmouth only Resolved That the Burgesses Inhabitants of the Burrough of Newport and Vske in the County of Monmouth have a Right by Vote in the Election of a Burgess to serve in Parliament for the said Burrough of Monmouth Resolved That Charles Lord Herbert is not duly Elected Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the said Burrough of Monmouth Resolved That John Arnold Esq is duly Elected Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the said Burrough of Monmouth To all which Resolves the House agreed Sir John Trevor Reports from the Committee of Elections and Priviledges that the Committee having taken into Consideration the matter touching the Election and Return for Westbury in the County of Wilts had agreed upon Four several Resolves which he read in his place and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerks Table where the same being read are as followeth Resolved That Henry Bertie Esq is not duly elected Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Burrough of Westbury in the County of Wilts Resolved That Richard Lewis Esq is not duly elected Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Burrough of Westbury in the County of Wilts Resolved That Richard Lewis Esq is not duly elected Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Burrough of Westbury in the County of Wilts Resolved That Will Trenchard Esq is duly elected Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Burrough of Westbury in the County of Wilts Resolved That Edward Norton Esq is duly elected Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Burrough of Westbury in the County of Wilts To all which Resolves the House agreed Ordered That the Clerk of the Crown do attend tomorrow morning at Ten of the Clock to amend the Return for the said Burrough of Westbury The House being informed from the Chairman of the said Committee of several Miscariages Misdemeanors committed by Samuel Gibbs late Mayor of the said Burrough of Westbury in the said election Ordered That the said Samuel Gibbs be sent for in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House to answer at the Bar of this House for the great Misdemeanors by him Committed in the said Election Ordered That Mr. Treby do make his Reports touching the Elections for the Burrough of Agmondesham in the County of Bucks and for the Burrough of Malborough in the County of Wilts on Munday morning next The Clerk of the Crown being called in Amended the Return for the Burrough of Monmouth by razing out the Name of Charles Lord Herbert and inserting the Name of John Arnold Esq instead thereof An Ingrossed Bill for the Repeal of an Act made in the 35th year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth was Read the third time Resolved That the Bill do pass and that the Title be an Act for the Repeal of a Statute made in the 35th year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth and that Sir Eliab Harvey do carry up the Bill to the Lords for their Concurrence William Rapley late Bayliff of the Burrough of Haslemere in the County of Surrey being brought to the Bar and there kneeling received the Censure of this House from Mr. Speaker and was discharged from the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms paying his Fees Ordered That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the better discovery of Settlements of Estates for Superstitious uses The House then resumed the adjourned debate relating to the Impeachment against Edward Seymour Esq a member of this House The Question being put That the Consideration of the Articles of Impeachment against Mr. Seymour be referred to a Committee It passed in the Negative Resolved Upon several Questions That there is matter sufficient in the four Articles to Impeach Mr. Seymour Resolved That Mr. Seymour be Impeached upon these Articles Ordered That a Committee be appointed to prepare the said Impeachments Ordered That it be referred to the same Committee to consider of Precedents
and manage the same at his Tryal Sir Richard Corbet Reports from the Committee appointed to prepare an Impeachment against Sir William Scroggs Knight Chief Justice of the Court of Kings Bench upon the former Report of the said Committee and the Resolutions of the House thereupon That the Committee having taken the matters to them referred into Consideration had agreed upon several Articles of Impeachment against the said Sir William Scroggs which he read in his place and afterwards delivered them in at the Clerks Table where the same were read The Question being proposed that the said Articles be engrossed Debate ar●sing in the Housethereupon Resolved That the Debate be adjourned till Wednesday morning next after ten of the Clock in a full House Martis 4. die Januarii 1680. THe Clerk of the Crown being called in amended the Return for the Borough of Stayning in the County of Sussex by taking off the Indenture wherein John Tufton Esq was returned and by rasing out the name of the said John Tufton and inserting the name of Philip Gell Esq in the other Indenture A Petition of Algernoon Sydney Esq touching the Election for the Borough of Agmondesham in the County of Bucks was Read Ordered That the Merits of the said Petitioner be heard at the Bar of this House upon Wednesday the 12th of this Instant January Sir William Temple delivered in a Message from His Majesty to this House which being Read by Mr. Speaker the House Resolved to take the said Message into Consideration upon Friday next after ten of the Clock in a a full House A Message from the Lords by Sir Timothy Baldwin and Sir Miles Cooke Mr. Speaker We are commanded to acquaint this House that the Lords have past a Vote viz. Die Martis 4 Januarii 1680. Resolved by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled That they do declare that they are fully satisfied that there now is and for divers years last past there hath been a Horrid and Treasonable Plot and Conspiracy contrived and carried on by those of the Popish Religion in Ireland for Massacring the English and Subverting the Protestant Religion and the ancient establish'd Government of that Kingdom to which their Lordships desire the concurrence of this House They have further commanded us to acquaint this House That their Lordships have agreed to the Bill sent from this House Entituled An Act for the Rectifying several Errors and Mistakes in the Marriage Settlement of Sir Charles Hoghton Baronet without any Amendments The House according to their Order proceeded to the calling over the Members thereof Ordered That such Members of this House whose default of attendance was entred this day be sent for in custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House and that they be not admitted to sit in the House before they shall have paid their Fees and have the leave of this House Resolved Nemine contradicente That such Members of this House who in this time of Imminent danger do absent themselves without the leave of the House are to be reputed Deserters of their Trust and Neglectors of that Duty they owe to this House and their Country Ordered That the Committee appointed to receive Informations touching the Popish Plot in Ireland do sit at four of the Clock this afternoon in the Speaker's Chamber Mercurii 5. Die Januarii 1680. A Bill to supply a defective Conveyance made by Roger Price of the Mannor of Westbury in the County of Bucks was Read a second time Resolved That the Bill be committed Ordered That such Members who were ordered to be sent for in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms for not attending the service of this House at the Call of the same yesterday made And who were in town last night be admited to sit in the House without paying Fees Ordered That Dr. Burnet be desired to proceed with and compleat that good Work by him begun in writing and Publishing the History of the Reformation of the Church of England A Petition of Thomas Hobby Esq touching the Election for Great Marlow in the County of Bucks was Read Ordered That the Merits of this Cause be heard at the Bar of this House this day seven-night A Petition of Richard Thompson Clerk in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House was Read Ordered The said Serjeant at Arms be impowred to receive sufficient se●urity for the forth-coming of the said Richard Thompson to answer to the Impeachment against him A petition of Samuel Nash and others complaining against the African Company was Read Ordered That the Consideration of the said Petition be referred to the Committee to whom a former Petition of divers Merchants against the African Company was referred 'to examine the matter thereof and Report the same with their opinions therein to the House The House then according to their Order Resumed the adjourned Debate touching the Articles of Impeachment delivered in to the House against Sir Willi Scroggs Kt Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench. Upon the Debate thereof Resolved That the said Sir William Scroggs be impeached upon the said Respective Articles Resolved That the said Articles be engrossed Ordered That the Lord Cavendish do carry up the said Articles to the Lords Ordered That the Committee appointed to examine the Proceedings of the Judges in Westminster-hall and to prepare Impeachments against Sir Francis North Chief Justice-of the Court of Common-Pleas Sir Thomas Jones one of the Justices of the Court of Kings Bench and Sir Richard Weston one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer do bring in such Impeachments with all convenient speed Ordered That Mr. Macnamara Mr. Maurice Fitz Gerald and Mr. Murtogh Downy do attend this House tomorrow morning 10 of the Clock The House being informed that one Bowyer was upon Intimation given by the Committee appointed to prepare Evidence against the Popish Lords in Tower taken into custody Ordered That the said Bowyer be delivered into the hands of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House and that he be brought to the Bar of this House to Morrow morning at Ten of the Clock in order to his Examination Ordered That Richard Green and Woodhouse do attend to Morrow morning at Ten of the clock Ordered That the Committee appointed to receive Informations touching the Popish Plot in Ireland do sit this Afternoon in the Speakers Chamber and that the said Committee do make Report to the House of the Matters to them referred at Nine of the clock to Morrow morning Jovis 6 die Januarii 1680. A Bill for the more easie collecting the Duty of Hearth-mony was read a second time Resolved That the Bill be committed upon the Debate of the House A Bill for repealing an Act made in the 13th year of his now Majesties Reign Entitled An Act for the well governing of Corporations was Read the second time Resolved That the said Bill be committed upon the debate of the House Ordered That Mr. Speaker do suspend the issuing
to preserve and Support the Kings person and Government and the Protestant Religion both at home and abroad and that His Majesty returned His Gracious answer to this effect viz. Gentlemen I thank you very heartily for your Zeal for the Protestant Religion and I assure you there shall be nothing wanting on my part at home or abroad to preserve it Sir Francis Winnington Chairman to the Committee appointed to inspect the Journals of the Two last Parliaments relating to the horrid Popish plot made a Report from the said Committee of a general abstract of those proceedings taken out of the said Journals and he referring in the said Report to several Entrys in the said Journals which could not yet be Transcribed Ordered That the said Report be perfected by the said Committee and afterwards presented to the House to be Entred in the Journals of this House Ordered That the same Committee do inspect the Journals of the Lords House of the Two last Parliaments and make a Report of their Lordships proceedings relating to the horrid Popish plot and that the said Committee do Sit de Die in Diem Ordered That Mr. Treby do give this House Information to morrow morning of all the matters by him Reported in the last Parliament relating to the horrid Popish plot The House being Informed that one _____ Hardwich a Linen Draper at the Naked Boy in Henrietta-street Covent-garden did in breach of the Priviledges of this House commit certain misdemeanors against the said Seignior Francisco being a witness produced and examined at the Bar of this House touching the horrid Popish plot Ordered That the said Mr. Hardwich be sent for in Custody of the Serjeant attending this House to answer to this House for the same Ordered That Mr. Dugdale do attend this House on Thursday morning next at Ten of the Clock to make his further Discovery of the horrid Popish plot Martis 2. Novemb. 1680. A Bill for prohibiting the Importation of Irish Cattle c. was read the first time Resolved That this Bill be read a second time Ordered That Mr. Harnage be brought to the Bar of this House tomorrow morning at Ten of the clock to answer to the Misdemeanors by him committed against Seignior Francisco Ferria in breach of the Priviledges of this House and that the said Seignior Francisco do then likewise attend this House Ordered That an humble address be made to His Majesty by such Members of this House as are of His Majesties Privy Council to desire His Majesty that he would be pleased to grant His Gracious Pardon to Mr. Dangerfield and that he would take Mr. Dangerfield Mr. Dugdale Mr. Praunce and Seignior Francisco Ferria into his Royal Care and protection Sir Francis Winnington Chairman to the Committee appointed to inspect the Journals of the House of Lords of the Two last Parliaments and to make a Report of their Lordships proceedings entred in the said Journals relating to the horrid Popish plot acquaints the House that the Committee had perused the said Journals and taken an abstract thereout which he reported to the House Ordered That the said Committee do perfect their Report of the abstract taken out of the Journals of the Lords House and do present the same in Writing to this House together with a perfect abstract of the Journals of the House of Commons of the Two last Parliaments relating to the said Popish plot Mr. Treby having according to the Order of the House made yesterday given an information to the House of all the matters by him Reported in the last Parliament relating to the Horrid Popish plot Resolved Nemine Contradicente That the Duke of York's being a Papist and the hopes of his coming such to the Crown hath given the greatest Countenance and Encouragement to the present Designs and Conspiracies against the King and Protestant Religion Resolved Nemine Contradicente That in Defence of the Kings Person and Government and of the Protestant Religion this House doth Declare That they will stand by His Majesty with their Lives and Fortunes and that if His Majesty shall come by any violent death which God forbid they will Revenge it to the utmost upon the Papists Resolved That a Bill be brought in to disable the Duke of York to Inherit the Imperial Crown of this Realm Ordered That a Committee be appointed to prepare the Bill Mercurij 3. die Novembris 1680. A Message from the Lords by Mr. Justice Wyndham and Mr. Baron Atkins Mr. Speaker The Lords have commanded us to acquaint you that they have passed a Bill Entituled An Act for the better Regulating the Tryals of the Peers of England to which they desire the Concurrence of this House An Engrossed Bill sent from the Lords Entituled an Act for the better Regulating of the Tryals of the Peers of England was Read the first time Resolved That the Bill be Read a second time on Munday morning next after Ten of the clock Ordered That the Committee appointed to prepare a Bill for Regulating Elections of Members to Serve in Parliament do present the said Bill to the House tomorrow morning Mr. Harnage being brought to the Bar and Seignor Francisco Ferria appearing and justifying his charge against him Ordered That Mr. Harnage be continued in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House during the pleasure of the House for his misdemeanor in Breach of the priviledges of this House Ordered That the Committee appointed to Inspect the Journals of the Two last Parliaments relating to the horrid Popish plot do look into and make Report of the Impeachments Exhibited in the Two last Parliaments against the Lords in the Tower and of the proceedings thereupon And the said Committee is to enquire into and prepare Evidence against the said Lords Resolved Nemine Contradicente That a bill be brought in for the better Uniting of all His Majesties Protestant Subjects Ordered That Sir Tho. Whitegrave Mr. Birch of Stafford Apothecary and Lieutenant Ells be sent for in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House to answer to the Charge given against them at the Bar of this House by Mr. Dugdale Ordered That Herbert Herring be sent for in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House for his Notorious Breach of priviledge by him committed against M. Colt a member of this House Ordered That Jeremiah Bubb be Summoned to appear at the Bar of this House tomorrow morning at Ten of the clock to answer for the Breach of priviledge by him committed against Mr. Colt a Member of this House A Bill for prohibiting the Importation of Irish Cattle was Read a Second time Resolved That the said Bill be committed with Instructions to the Committee to bring in a Clause to be added to the said Bill declaring That where any Irish Cattel shall be found amongst English Cattel all the said Cattel as well English as Irish shall be forfeited Ordered That leave be given to bring in a Bill for
Read to the house by Mr. Speaker and is as followeth CHARLES R. HIs Majesty desires this House as well for the satisfaction of his people as of himselfe to Expedite such matters as are depending before them relating to Popery and the Plot and would have them rest assured That all Remedies they can tender to his Majesty conducing to those Ends shall be very acceptable to him Provided they be such as may consist with Preserving the Succession of the Crown in its due and legal Course of Descent Mr. Hambden acquaints the house That in the Entry made in the Journal of this house of the Report by him yesterday made from the conference had with the Lords it appears that in part of his Report which relates to the delivery of such papers relating to the Plot to the clerk of this house there is an omission of these words Received from the Clerks of the Council Ordered That the said words be added in the Entry of the said Report in the Journal Ordered That Mr. Richard Janeway be sent for in custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this house to Answer at the Bar of this house for the Breach of priviledge by him committed against Sir Edward Deering a member of this house Mr. Turbervill being called in gave Information at the Bar of this house of the Horrid Popish plot and delivered the same in writing Mr. Jennison being called in delivered his Information formerly given at the Bar of this house in writing Mr. Dangerfield being called in acquainted the House that he was advised That the Pardon now granted to him by His Majesty is in some particulars defective And humbly desired this House to represent the same to His Majesty Ordered That an humble application be made to His Majesty from this House by such of the members of this House as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council desiring His Majesty to grant to Mr. Dangerfield a full and general pardon of all Treasons misprisions of Treason Felonies and other crimes and misdemeanours and particular crimes to be specified by him committed to the time of his last Discovery made to this house of the Popish plot And that His Majesty would in like manner be Graciously pleased to grant to Mr. Edw Turbervill who hath this day given in Evidence at the Bar of this house relating to the horrid Popish plot a full and General pardon And that His Majesty would be pleased to take him into His Royal protection and care and grant him some allowanee for his subsistance Ordered That all the Informations already given in at the Bar of this House in writing relating to the Popish plot be Entred upon the Journal of this House And that all the said Informations be printed being first perused and Signed by Mr. Speaker and that Mr. Speaker Nominate and appoint the persons to Print the same And that Mr. Dangerfield have the Benefit of the Printing of his said Information Ordered That a Committee be appointed to consider of means to preserve the Evidence of Mr. Bedlow and others that have or shall give Evidence relating to the Popish plot Ordered That the Committee appointed to Inspect the Journals of the two last Parliaments and to make a Report of their proceedings as well relating to the Popish plot as of the Impeachment against the Lords in the Tower do present their reports to the House on Thursday morning next in writing Ordered That Mr. Treby do on Thursday morning next present to the House in writing the Information by him lately given to this House of the matters by him reported in the last Parliament relating to the horrid Popish plot Ordered That Joseph Thompson Clerk be sent for in custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House to answer at the Bar of this House for his high Misdemeanour against the priviledge of this House The Information of Mr. Murphy relating to the Popish plot in Ireland being Read Ordered That Mr. Hethrington do attend his House tomorrow morning at ten of the Clock to give his Evidence relating to the said plot Ordered That the rest of the Papers relating to the Popish plot in Ireland now in the hands of the clerk of this House be Read to morrow morning Mercurij 10. die Novembris 1680. A Bill for Regulating the Elections of members to serve in the Commons House of Parliament was Read the first time Resolved That the said Bill be Read a second time An Engrossed Bill for Prohibiting the Importation of Cattle from Ireland was Read a third time Resolved That the said Bill do pass and that the Title be An Act Prohibiting the Importation of Cattel from Ireland Ordered That Sir John Trevor do carry up the said Bill to the Lords for their concurrence And the same Bill was carried up to the Lords accordingly A message from the Lords by the Lord Chief Baron Mountague and Mr. Baron Atkins M. Speaker THe Lords have commanded us to acquaint you That they have passed an Act for Freeing the City of London and His Majesties Court and parts adjacent from Popish Inhabitants and providing against othèr Dangers which may arise from Papists To which their Lordships desire the concurrence of this House The House taking into consideration His Majesties Gracious Message now Read to the House and a Debate arising thereupon Resolved Nemine contradicente That a Committee be appointed to Draw up an Humble address to His Majesty upon the Debate of the House in answer to His Majesties Gracious Message Resolved Nemine contradicente That this House will proceed in the prosecution of the Lords in the Tower and will forthwith begin with William Viscount Stafford Ordered That Sir William Jones be added to the Committee appointed to Inspect the Journals to the two last Parliaments relating to the Popish plot and the Impeachments of the Lords in the Tower And the said Committee is to sit de die in diem Mr. Secretary Jenkins acquaints the House That according to the Order of the House Yesterday made His Majesty had been attended in Council with the address of this House And that His Majesty was pleased to return this answer That as to the Pardon for Mr. Dangerfield it should be not only for all Treasons and misprisions of Treason but also for all Felonies Outlawries and misdemeanours whatsoever And that He would grant the like Pardon to Mr. Turbervill and would consider of an allowance for his maintenance Jovis 11. die Novemberis 1680. Ordered THat Mr. Speaker do Issue out his 〈…〉 the Clerk of the Crown for a new Writ for the Electi●● 〈…〉 to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of Cricklade in the County of Wilts in the room of Hungerford Dunch Esq deceased A Petition of Mr. Richard Harnage was Read Ordered That Mr. Harnage be Discharged from the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House paying his fees A Bill to prevent the Offences of Bribery and Debauchery in the Election
of Members to serve in the Commons House of Parliament was Read the first time Resolved That this Bill be read a second time on Munday morning next And that the Bill for Regulating Elections of members to serve in the Commons House of Parliament be read at the same time Mr. Treby Reports from the Committee of Elections and priviledges That the said Committee having taken into consideration the matter of Election and return for the Borough of Haslemere in the County of Surrey that the Committee had agreed upon three Resolves to be reported to the House which he read in his place and are as followeth viz. Resolved That Sir William Moore Baronet is not duly chosen a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of Haslemere in the County of Surrey Resolved That Denzil Onslow Esq is duly chosen for the same Resolved That Francis Dorrington Esq is duly chosen for the same Which report being delivered in at the Clerks Table the House did agree with the Committee in the said several and respective Resolves Ordered That the Clerk of the Crown and the Bailiff of the said Borough of Haslemere do attend the House tomorrow Morning at Ten of the Clock to amend the said return Ordered That William Rapley Bailiff of the said Borough of Haslemere be sent for in custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House to answer at the Bar of this House for the misdemeanours by him committed in the Election and return of Members to serve in this present Parliament for the Borough of Haslemere Ordered That Mr. Turbervill and Mr. Jennison have the leave of this House to Print their several Informations relating to the horrid Popish Plot. Ordered That an humble address be made to his Majestie by such Members of this House as are of His Majesties most honourable Privy-Council for a full Pardon to Mr. Jennison of all Treasons Misprisions of Treasons and other Misdemeanours by him committed to the time of the Discovery made by him to this House of the horrid Popish Plot. Mr. Hethrington Mr. Murphey M. John Fitz-Gerald and Mr. Daniel Fitz-Gerald being called in made a discovery at the Bar of the Popish plot in Ireland Ordered That all the Witnesses touching the Popish plot in Ireland do attend this House tomorrow morning at ten of the clock Sir William Jones Reports from the Committee appointed to draw up an address to his Majestie upon the Debate of the House in Answer to his Majesties Gracious Message An Address agreed upon by the Committee which he Read in his place and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerks Table where the same being read was upon the Question Agreed to by the House Ordered That such members of this House as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council be desired to know His Majesties pleasure when this house-shall attend him with the said Address An Engrossed Bill to disable James Duke of York to inherit the Imperial Crown of England and Ireland with the Dominions and Territories therunto belonging was Read a third time Resolved That this Bill do pass And that the Title be An Act for Securing of the Protestant Religion by Disabling James Duke of York to Inherit the Imperial Crown of England and Ireland the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging Ordered That the Lord Russel do carry up this Bill to the Lords for their Concurrence Veneris 12. die Novembris 1680. A Petition of Sir Robert Yeamans in custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House was read Ordered That the said Sir Robert Yeamans be brought to the Bar of this House tomorrow morning at ten of the clock A Petition of Richard Janeway in custody of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House was read Ordered That the said Richard Janeway be brought to the Bar of this House tomorrow morning at ten of the clock An ingrossed Bill sent from the Lords intituled An Act for Freeing the City of London and His Majesties Courts and parts adjacent from Popish Inhabitants and Providing against other Dangers which may arise from Papists was read the first time Resolved That the said Bill be read a second time after ten of the clock in a full House The Clerk of the Crown and the Bailiff of the Borough of Haslemere in the County of Surrey being called in amended the Return of the said Borough by taking off the Indenture whereby Sir William Moore Baronet and James Gresham Esq were Returned and by razing out the Name of Sir William Moore and inserting the Name of Francis Dorington Esq in the other Indenture Mr. Hobart Bourk Mr. Thomas Sampson Mr. John Macnamarra and Eustace Coning being severally called in gave an Account of some Proceedings relating to the Popish Plot in Ireland Ordered That an humble Address be made to His Majesty by such Members of this House as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council to desire His Majesty to grant a full and effectual Pardon to Edmond Murphy Hobart Bourke Thomas Sampson John Macnamarra John Fitz-Gerald and Eustace Coning who have made a considerable Discovery to this House of the Popish Plot in Ireland for all Treasons Misprisions of Treason Crimes and Offences by them committed to the time of their making their respective Discoveries to this House And that His Majesty would likewise be pleased to take them into His Royal Protection and Care Mr. David Fitz-Gerald being called in gave in a further Information to the House relating to the Popish Plot in Ireland Resolved That a Message be sent to the Lords to acquaint them with the Resolution of this House to proceed to the Trial of the Lords in the Tower and forthwith to begin with William Viscount Stafford and to desire their Lordships to appoint a convenient Day for the Tryal of the said William Viscount Stafford And likewise to desire their Lordships That the Lords in the Tower may be confined and kept from holding Correspondence with one another as persons impeached and committed for High Treason by Law ought to be And That Sir William Jones do go up with this Message to the Lords Sir Francis Winnington reported and delivered in at the Table the Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Two last Parliaments as well relating to the Popish Plot as to the Impeachments against the Lords in the Tower Sir William Jones acquaints the House That he had according to the Order of the House attended the Lords with the Message and that their Lordships were pleased to return Answer by him to this effect viz. That as to that part of the Message relating to the Confinement of the Lords and their Correspondence they had already given Order therein as desired by this House That as to the other part of the Message relating to the appointing of a Day for the Tryal of William Viscount Stafford their Lordships have appointed Tuesday come fortnight for the said Tryal Ordered That a further Address be made to His Majesty
by such Members of this House as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council humbly to desire His Majesty That all Papers Letters Examinations Writings and other Evidences relating to the Horrid Popish Plot which have been delivered in to the Clerks of the Council or the Secretaries of State since the Dissolution of the last Parliament may be transmitted to this House Ordered That Mr. Serjeant Maynard Mr. George Pelham and Mr. Paul Foley be added to the Committee appointed to prepare Evidence against the Lords in the Tower Ordered That an humble Address be made to his Majesty by such Members of this House as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council to desire His Majesty to give Orders for the issuing out a Sum of money for defraying the Charges of Summoning the Witnesses and other Expences incident to the Prosecution and Tryals of the Lords in the Tower Ordered That such Moneys as His Majesty shall be pleased to direct to be issued for the Uses aforesaid be deposited in the hands of Mr. Charles Clare Sabbati 13 die Novembris 1680. A Petition of Richard Whitehead Esq touching the Election for the Borough of Linnington in the County of Southampton was Read Ordered That the said Petition be Refered to the Committee of Elections and Priviledges to Examine the Matter thereof and to Report the same with their Opinions therein to the House Richard Janeway in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms being called in acquainted the House That the Pamphlet by him published for which he stands Commited was Printed by _____ Everingham _____ Bradwell and Thomas James Samuel Lee and Thomas Simons Stationers and that the Copy by which the same was Printed was delivered by Mr. Andrew Tarington Ordered That the said Mr. Yarington Mr. James Mr. Everingham Mr. Bradwell Mr. Simons and Mr. Lee be summoned to Attend at the Bar of this House on Munday Morning next at ten of the Clock to Answer the said Charge to the House concerning the Printing and publishing of the said phamphlet Mr. Secretary Jenkins acquaints the House That such Members thereof as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council had attended His Maiesty pursuant to Five several Orders of Address from this House to His Majesty and that His Majesties Answer to the several Addresses was to this effect That as to the First Address whereby the House desired to know His Majesties Pleasure when this House should attend him His Majesty was pleased to Appoint three of the clock this afternoon for the House to attend Him in the Banqueting-House That as to the second Address whereby this House did make humble Application to His Majesty for the pardon of Mr. Jenison His Majesty was pleased to Answer That He will Grant Him a pardon for all Treasons misprisions of Treason Felonies and Outlawries for Felonies That as to the third Address relating to money to defray the Incident charges in the profecution of the Lords in the Tower His Majesty was pleased to Answer That he had Directed 100 l. to be Issued out to such persons as is or shall be Appointed by this House for that purpose That as to the Fourth Address Desirng that all such papers Letters Examinations Writings and other Evidences relating to the Popish plot as were delivered in to the Clerks of the Council since the Dissolution of the last Parliament might be Transmitted to this House his Majesty was pleased to return this answer That upon the first sitting of the Committee of Examinations of the House of Lords upon the Plot his Majesty had Directed That all such papers Letters Examinations Writings and other Evidences relating to the Plot as were delivered in to the Clerks of the Council since the Dissolution of the last Parliament to be Transmited to the said Committee of Lords where they now still remain That as to the last Address desiring a pardon for Edmond Murphy Thomas Sampson John Macnamarra Hobart Bourke John Fiz-Gearld and Eustace Coning his Majesty was pleased to Answer That he would Grant a pardon to all the said several persons for all Treasons misprisions of Treason Felonies and Outlawries for Felonies Ordered That a Committee be appointed to Inspect the Laws concerning paving and Repairing of the Streets and Regulating of Hackney Coaches and to inquire into the proceedings of the Two last Parliaments relating to Hackney Coaches and to report the same with their Opinions therein to the House to prepare and bring in a Bill for Regulating of hackney coaches repairing paving and cleansing of streets and opening of passages in and about the Cities of London and Westminster Sir Robert Yeamans being according to the Order Yesterday made brought to the Bar of this House did acknowledge the Offence by him committed and humbly begg'd the pardon of the House And being withdrawn Ordered That Sir Robert Yeamans be again brought to the Bar of this House and do receive the Censure of this House upon his knees from Mr. Speaker and be then discharged from the Custody of the Serjeant at Arms paying his Fees And Sir Robert Yeamans being accordingly brought to the Bar and there kneeling Mr. Speaker after having given him the Censure of the House acquainted him that he was discharg'd paying his Fees Mr. Norris being called in gave an Information in Writing relating to the Popish plot which was Read at the Clerks Table Ordered That a Committee be appointed to receive Informations concerning the Popish plot and to inquire into the same and to Report the same to the House as often as they shall see occasion And the Committee is Impowered to send for persons papers and Records And that the Information this day given at the Bar by Mr. Norris be referred to the consideration of the said Committee who are to Examine the matter thereof and to report the same with their Opinions there in to the House A Message from the Lords by Sir Timothy Baldwyn Sir John Hoskins Mr. Speaker THe Lords have commanded us to acquaint you that they have agreed to the Bill sent from this House Intituled An Act Prohibiting the Importation of Cattel from Ireland without any Amendment Ordered That the report made and delivered Yesterday by Sir Francis Winnington be read to the house on Munday morning next at Nine of the clock Mr. Trenchard Reports from the Committee to whom the Petition of divers Citizens of London against Sir George Jeffereys Recorder of the said City was referred That the said Committee had taken the same into consideration and had heard the Evidence of the petitioners and of the said Sir George Jeffereys and had agreed upon a Vote to be reported to the House which he read in his place and afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerks Table and is as followeth Resolved That this Committee is of Opinion That by the Evidence given to this Committee it does appear that Sir George Jeffereys Recorder of the City of London by traducing and obstructing Petitioning
bring in a Bill for continuing of two Acts One to prevent the Planting of Tobacco in England and Regulating the Plantation Trade The Other for Exporting of Beer Ale and Mum. A Bill to the same purpose being presented to the House was Read the First time Resolved That the Bill be Read a Second time Resolved That a Committee be appointed to prepare a further Address to His Majesty upon the Debate of the House humbly to desire His Majesty to Pardon and Remit the Fine set upon Benjamin Harris for which he continues in Prison Mr. Sachaverel Reports from the Committee to whom it was referred to prepare and bring in a Bill for the Repeal of One Act made in the 35th Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth ch 1. A Bill agreed upon by the Committee which he delivered in at the Clerks Table The Bill being Read the First time Resolved That the Bill be Read a Second time to Morrow morning Sir Francis Russel Reports from the Committee Appointed to draw up an humble Address to his Majesty to desire his Majesty to appoint a day for a Solemn Fast and Humiliation to be kept throughout the Kingdom An Address agreed on by the Committee which he read in his place And afterwards delivered the same in at the Clerks Table where the same being Read was upon the Question agreed to Resolved That the Lords Concurrence be desired to the said Address And that Sir Francis Russed do attend the Lords with the same and desire their concurrence A Petition of Ann Bedlow Widdow and Relict of Captain William Bedlow Deceased was Read Resolved That an Humble Application be made to His Majesty from this House by such Members thereof as are of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council to desire His Majesty to take into His consideration the condition of the said Mrs.