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A61358 State tracts, being a farther collection of several choice treaties relating to the government from the year 1660 to 1689 : now published in a body, to shew the necessity, and clear the legality of the late revolution, and our present happy settlement, under the auspicious reign of their majesties, King William and Queen Mary. William III, King of England, 1650-1702.; Mary II, Queen of England, 1662-1694. 1692 (1692) Wing S5331; ESTC R17906 843,426 519

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against the Incroachments of Arbitrary Power In pursuance of which Great and Good Ends we shall always be ready as we are obliged to adhere to you our Honoured Representatives with the utmost hazard of our Persons and Estates City of Chichester the same Day After the Unanimous Choice of John Braman and Richard Farington Esquires who serv'd for that City in the late Parliament they had the Sence of that Eminent City delivered to them by a Worthy Person in the Name and by the Consent of the rest in the following Speech Gentlemen THe Faithful discharge of the like high Trust we formerly gave you is the true Inducement of our chusing you again And as we heartily thank you for your past worthy Behaviour in Parliament and in a particular manner for your being for the Bill of Exclusion for the Bill of Uniting all His Majesty's Subjects for Vindicating our almost lost Right of Petitioning for frequent Parliaments and for your endeavour to call those wretched Pensioners to an Account that betray'd the Nation in the late Long Parliament So we pray you to persevere in your faithful Service of us until the Nation be throughly secured against Popery and Arbitrary Power And since that Famous and Renowned Bulwark of the Protestant Religion the ever-to-be-honoured City of London have commanded their Sheriffs to present their Thanks to the true English and Noble Earl of Essex and by him to the rest of those Right Honourable Peers for their late Excellent Petition and Advice to His Majesty so we being willing to imitate so Good and Great an Example do desire you in our names to present in like manner our humble and hearty Thanks to the said Earl and those Noble Lords Borough of Colchester February 15. 1680 1. After the Election made a great Number of the Free-Burgesses of this Corporation agreed upon the following Address to be presented to their Representatives To the Honourable Sir Harbottle Grimston Baronet and Samuel Reynolds Esq now chosen Burgesses for our Corporation of Cochester in the County of Essex WE the Free-Burgesses of the said Corporation being deeply sensible of the unspeakable danger threatning His Majesty's Life and the Protestant Religion and the well established Government of this Kingdom from the Hellish Designs of the Papists and their wicked Adherents And that our Religion and Liberties can only under God be secured to us and our Posterity by wholsome Advice in Parliament Have now chosen you to represent us there in confidence of your Integrity and Courage to discharge so great a Trust in this time of Imminent Danger And we do desire you to allow us to speak our stedfast Resolution with utmost hazard of our Lives and Fortunes to shew our Approbation of what shall be resolved in Parliament for maintaining the Protestant Religion and our Liberties against Popery and Arbitrary Government And we hope you will endeavour to the utmost of your Power to disable James Duke of York and all other Popish Pretenders from Inheriting the Imperial Crown of this Realm And we shall pray for your good success Here we cannot but inform the Reader That the Notorious Thompson in his Popish Intelligence of the 15th of March would insinuate as if there were no such Address by Printing a Story That the Mayor Aldermen and some others of this Town being Assembled on February 28. 1680 1. A Printed Paper purporting to be the manner of the Election and containing also an Address made to the Members c. was read amongst them and that none of the Assembly would own his Consenting to or making that Paper or Address Touching which it must be Noted 1. That the Mayor and several of these Gentlemen were disobliged by being Out-Voted and much offended because they could not carry it for their Friend Sir Walter Clarges and so had no Reason to Address to the Members duly and fairly Elected because they had vigorously appeared for a contrary Party 2. That there are in that Pamphlet in relating the manner of the Election some galling Truths or if you please Reflections which possibly had better been spared and therefore no wise man would own the making it But for the Address it self 't is certain That it was agreed upon consented unto and will be Justified by the far greater part of the Electors of this Antient and Eminently Loyal Borough of which 't was thought fit here to give this brief Account for obviating any slanderous Objection that might be made on that occasion The Address of the Gentlemen and Free-holders of Bedford To the Right Honourable the Lord Russel and Sir Humphrey Munnox Elected Knights for that Shire on the 14th of February 1680 1. WHen it pleased His Majesty to summon His Peers and Commons of this His Realm to meet Him at Westminster in the last Parliament we accordingly then Chose You to Act on our behalf And being abundantly satisfied not only in Your Courage Integrity and Prudence in general but also in Your particular Care and faithful conscientious Endeavours 1. To assert our Right of Legal Petitioning for Redress of our just Grievances and to punish those who were studious to betray it 2. To secure the Meeting and Sitting of frequent Parliaments already by Law provided for for the preservation of our Lives Liberties and Estates and for the support of His Sacred Majesty and even of the Government it self 3. To Repeal the Act of the 35th of Elizabeth whereby all true Protestants might possibly in case of a Popish Successor from which God of his infinite Mercy defend us be liable to utter Ruine Abjuration and perpetual Banishment .4 To secure his Majesty's Royal Person the Protestant Religion and well Established Government of this Realm 5. To destroy and root out Popery 6. To use the most effectual means conducing to so good an End viz. The Exclusion of a a Popish Successor both by name and otherwise We have therefore now chosen you again to represent us in like manner in this Parliament called to be held at Oxford in full Trust and Confidence that with the same Courage and Integrity you will persevere in the same good Endeavours pursuing all things that by joynt consent of your Fellow-Members shall be found for our publick Good and Safety And in full assurance that you will not consent to the disposal of any of our Moneys till we are effectually secured against Popery and Arbitrary Power do resolve by Divine Assistance to stand by you therein The Address of the Gentry and Free-holders of the County of Suffolk to their Representatives Chosen the 14th of February 1680 1. presented to them by Sir Philip Skippon in the name and by consent of the rest of the Electors To the Honourable Sir Sam. Barnardiston and Sir Will. Spring Baronets Knights of the Shire for the County of Suffolk Gentlemen WE the Free-holders of this County having chosen you our Representatives in the last Parliament in which we had satisfactory Demonstration of your
and does hereby Dissolve it and from this time excuses your farther attendance here but with his repeated Thanks for your Service hitherto and with the assurance of his Satisfaction in you so far that he should not have parted with you but to make way for this new Constitution which he takes to be as to the Number and Choice the most proper and necessary for the uses he intends them And as most of you have Offices in his Service and all of you particular Shares in his Favour and good Opinion so he desires you will continue to exercise and deserve them with the same Diligence and good Affections that you have hitherto done and with confidence of his Majesty's Kindness to you and of those Testimonies you shall receive of it upon other occasions Therefore upon the present Dissolution of this Council his Majesty appoints and commands all those Officers he hath named to attend him here to morrow at Nine in the Morning as his Privy-Council together with those other Persons he designs to make up the number and to each of whom he has already signed particular Letters to that purpose and commands the Lord Chancellor to see them issued out accordingly which is the Form he intends to use and that hereafter they shall be signed in Council so that nothing may be done unadvisedly in the Choice of any Person to a Charge of so great Dignity and Importance to the Kingdom Names of the Lords of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy-Council HIS Highness Prince Rupert William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Heneage Lord Finch Lord Chancellor of England Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury Lord President of the Council Arthur Earl of Anglesey Lord Privy-Seal Christopher Duke of Albemarle James Duke of Monmouth Master of the Horse Henry Duke of Newcastle John Duke of Lauderdale Secretary of State for Scotland James Duke of Ormond Lord Steward of the Houshold Charles Lord Marquess of Winchester Henry Lord Marquess of Worcester Henry Earl of Arlington Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold James Earl of Salisbury John Earl of Bridgewater Robert Earl of Sunderland one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State Arthur Earl of Essex first Lord Commissioner of the Treasury John Earl of Bath Groom of the Stole Thomas Lord Viscount Falconberg George Lord Viscount Hallifax Henry Lord Bishop of London John Lord Roberts Denzil Lord Holles William Lord Russel William Lord Cavendish Henry Coventry Esq one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State Sir Francis North Knight Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Sir Henry Capell Knight of the Bath first Commissioner of the Admiralty Sir John Ernle Knight Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir Thomas Chicheley Knight Master of the Ordnance Sir William Temple Baronet Edward Seymour Esquire Henry Powle Esquire Whitehall April 11. 1679. HIS Majesty being this day in Council did cause such of the aforementioned Lords and others who were then present to be Sworn Privy-Counsellors which being done they took their places accordingly His Majesty was also pleased to declare that he intended to make Sir Henry Capell Knight of the Bath Daniel Finch Esquire Baronets Sir Thomas Lee Sir Humphrey Winch Sir Thomas Meers Edward Vaughan and Edward Hales Esquires Commmissioners for the Execution of the Office of Lord High Admiral of England And his Majesty being afterwards come into the House of Peers in his Royal Robes and the House of Commons attending his Majesty was pleased to make this Speech My Lords and Gentlemen I Thought it requisite to acquaint you with what I have done now this day which is That I have Established a new Privy-Council the Constant number of which shall never exceed Thirty I have made choice of such Persons as are Worthy and able to Advise Me and am Resolved in all My Weighty and Important Affairs next to the Advice of my Great Council in Parliament which I shall very often Consult with to be Advised by this Privy-Council I could not make so great a Change without acquainting both Houses of Parliament And I desire you all to apply your selves heartily as I shall do to those things which are necessary for the good and safety of the Kingdom and that no time may be lost in it The Message from the King by Mr. Secretary Jenkins to the Commons on the 9th of November 1680. CHARLES R. HIs Majesty desires this House as well for the satisfaction of His People as of Himself to expedite such Matters as are depending before them relating to Popery and the Plot and would have them rest assured That all Remedies they can tender to his Majesty conducing to those Ends shall be very acceptable to him Provided they be such as may consist with preserving the Succession of the Crown in its due and legal course of Descent The Address to his Majesty from the Commons Saturday November 13. 1680. May it please your most Excellent Majesty WE Your Majesty's most Loyal and Obedient Subjects the Commons in this Present Parliament assembled having taken into our most serious Consideration Your Majesty's Gracious Message brought unto us the ninth day of this instant November by Mr. Secretary Jenkins do with all thankfulness acknowledge Your Majesty's Care and Goodness in inviting us to expedite such Matters as are depending before us relating to Popery and the Plot. And we do in all Humility represent to Your Majesty that we are fully convinced that it is highly incumbent upon us in discharge both of our Duty to Your Majesty and of that great Trust reposed in us by those whom we represent to endeavour by the most speedy and effectual ways the Suppression of Popery within this Your Kingdom and the bringing to publick Justice all such as shall be found Guilty of the Horrid and Damnable Popish Plot. And though the Time of our Sitting abating what must necessarily be spent in the choosing and presenting a Speaker appointing Grand Committees and in taking the Oaths and Tests enjoyned by Act of Parliament hath not much exceeded a Fortnight yet we have in this Time not only made a considerable Progress in some things which to us seem and when presented to Your Majesty in a Parliamentary way will we trust appear to Your Majesty to be absolutely necessary for the Safety of Your Majesties Person the effectual Suppression of Popery and the Security of the Religion Lives and Estates of Your Majesties Protestant Subjects But even in relation to the Tryals of the Five Lords impeached in Parliament for the Execrable Popish Plot we have so far proceeded as we doubt not but in a short time we shall be ready for the same But we cannot without being unfaithful to Your Majesty and to our Country by whom we are entrusted omit upon this occasion humbly to inform Your Majesty that our Difficulties even as to these Tryals are much encreased by the evil and destructive Councels of those Persons who advised Your Majesty first to the Prorogation and then to the Dissolution of the last
43. A Brief Account of particulars occurring at the happy death of our late Soveraign Lord K. Ch. 2d in regard to Religion faithfully related by his then Assistant Mr. Jo. Huddleston 280 44. Some Reflections on His Majesty's Proclamation of the Twelfth of Feb. 1686 7. for a Toleration in Scotland together with the said Proclamation 281 45. His Majesty's Gracious Declaration to all his Loving Subjects for Liberty of Conscience 287 46. A Letter containing some Reflections on His Majesty's Declaration for Liberty of Conscience Dated April 4. 1687. 289 47. A Letter to a Dissenter upon Occasion of His Majesty's Late Gracious Declaration of Indulgence 294 48. The Anatomy of an Equivalent 300 49. A Letter from a Gentleman in the City to his Friend in the Countrey containing his Reasons for not reading the Declaration 309 50. An Answer to the City Minister's Letter from his Countrey Friend 314 51. A Letter from a Gentleman in Ireland to his Friend in London upon ocasion of a Pamphlet entituled A Vindication of the Present Government of Ireland under his Excellency Richard Earl of Tyrconnel 316 52. A Plain Account of the Persecution laid to the Charge of the Church of England 322 53. Abby and other Church Lands not yet assured to such possessors as are Roman-Catholicks dedicated to the Nobility and Gentry of that Religion 326 54. The King's Power in Ecclesiastical matters truly stated 331 55. A Letter writ by Mijn Heer Fagel Pensioner of Holland to Mr. James Stewart Advocate giving an Account of the Prince and Princess of Orange's thoughts concerning the Repeal of the Test and the Penal Laws 334 56. Reflections on Monsieur Fagel's Letter 338 57. Animadversions upon a pretended Answer to Mijn Heer Fagel's Letter 343 58. Some Reflections on a Discourse called Good Advice to the Church of England c. 363 59. The ill effects of Animosities 371 60. A Representation of the Threatning Dangers impending over Protestants in Great-Britain With an Account of the Arbitrary and Popish ends unto which the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience in England and the Proclamation for a Toleration in Scotland are designed 380 61. The Declaration of his Highness William Henry by the Grace of God Prince of Orange c. of the Reasons inducing him to appear in Arms in the Kingdom of England for preserving of the Protestant Religion and for restoring the Laws and Liberties of England Scotland and Ireland 420 62. His Highnesses Additional Declaration 426 63. The then supposed Third Declaration of his Royal Highness pretended to be signed at his head Quarters at Sherborn-Castle November 28. 1688. but was written by another Person tho yet unknown 427 64. The Reverend Mr. Samuel Johnson's Paper in the year 1686. for which he was sentenc'd by the Court of Kings-Bench Sir Edward Herbert being Lord Chief Justice and Sir Francis Wythens pronouncing the Sentence to stand Three times on the Pillory and to be whipp'd from Newgate to Tyburn which barbarous Sentence was Executed 428 65. Several Reasons for the establishment of a standing Army and Dissolving the Militia by the said Mr. Johnson 429 66. To the King 's Most Excellent Majesty the Humble Petition of William Archbishop of Canterbury and divers of the suffragan Bishops of that Province then present with him in behalf of themselves and others of their absent Brethren and of the Clergy of their respective Diocesses with His Majesty's Answer 430 67. The Petition of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal for the calling of a free Parliament together with His Majesty's Gracious Answer to their Lordships Ib. 68. The Prince of Orange's Letter to the English Army 431 69. Prince George his Letter to the King 432 70. The Lord Churchill's Letter to the King 432 71. The Princess Ann of Denmark's Letter to the Queen 433 72. A Memorial of the Protestants of the Church of England presented to their Royal Hignesses the Prince and Princess of Orange 433 73. Admiral Herbert's Letter to all Commanders of Ships and Seamen in His Majesty's Fleet. 434 74. The Lord Delamere's Speech 434 75. An Engagement of the Noblemen Knights and Gentlemen at Exeter to assist the Prince of Orange in the defence of the Protestant Religion Laws and Liberties of the People of England Scotland and Ireland 435 76. The Declaration of the Nobility Gentry and Commonalty at the Rendezvouz at Nottingham November 22. 1688. 436 77. His Grace the Duke of Norfolk's Speech to the Mayor of Norwich on the 1st of December in the Market-place of Norwich 437 78. The Speech of the Prince of Orange to some principal Gentlemen of Somersetshire and Dorsetshire on their coming to join his Highness at Exeter Novemb. 15. 1688. 437 79. The True Copy of a Paper delivered by the Lord Devonshire to the Mayor of Darby where he Quartered Novemb. 21. 1688. 438 80. A Letter from a Gentleman at Kings-Lynn Decemb. 7. 1688. to his Friend in London With an Address to his Grace the most Noble Henry Duke of Norfolk Lord Marshall of England Ibid. 81. His Grace's Answer with another Letter from Lynn-Regis giving the D. of Norfolk's 2d Speech there Decemb. 10. 1688. 439 82. The Declaration of the Lord 's Spiritual and Temporal in and about the Cities of London and Westminster Assembled at Guild-Hall Decemb. 11. 1688. Ibid. 83. A Paper delivered to his Highness the Prince of Orange by the Commissioners sent by His Majesty to treat with him and his Highness's Answer 1688. 440 84. The Recorder of Bristoll's Speech to his Highness the Prince of Orange Monday Jan. 7. 1688. 441. 85. The Humble Address of the Lieutenancy of the City of London to his Highness the Prince of Orange Decemb. 12. 1688. 442 86. The Humble Address of the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons of the City of London in Common-Council Assembled to his Highness the Prince of Orange 443 87. The Speech of Sir Geo. Treby Knight Recorder of the Honourable City of London to his Highness the Prince of Orange Decemb. 20. 1688. Ibid. 88. His Highness the Prince of Orange's Speech to the Scotch Lords and Gentlemen with their Advice and his Highness's Answer with a true Account of what past at their meeting in the Council Chamber at White-Hall Jan. 7. 1688 9. 444 89. The Emperor of Germany's Account of K. James's Misgovernment in joining with the K. of France the Common Enemy of Christendom in his Letter to K. James 446 90. The Declaration of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled at Westminster concerning the Misgovernment of K. James and filling up the Throne Presented to K. William and Q. Mary by the Right Honourable the Marquess of Hallifax Speaker to the House of Lords with His Majesty's Most Gracious Answer thereunto 447 91. A Proclamation Declaring William and Mary Prince and Princess of Orange to be King and Queen of England France and Ireland c. 449 92. The Declaration of the Estates of Scotland concerning the Misgovernment of K. James the 7th
consult their own good but he comes only at the time of Enacting bringing his Royal Authority with him as it were to set the Seal thereof to the Indenture already prepared by the People for the King is Head of the Parliament in regard of his Authority not in regard of his Reason or Judgment as if it were to be opposed to the Reason or Judgment of both Houses which is the Reason both of King and Kingdom and therefore do they as consult so also interpret Laws without him supposing him to be a Person replenished with Honour and Royal Authority not skilled in Laws nor to receive Information either of Law or Councel in Parliamentary Affairs from any saving from that supreme Court and highest Councel of the King and Kingdom which admits no counterpoise being intrusted both as the wisest Counsel and justest Judicature Fourthly either the choise of the People in Parliament is to be the Ground and Rule of the Kings Assent or nothing but his Pleasure and so all Bills tho' never so necessary for publick Good and Preservation and after never so much pains and consultation of both Houses may be rejected and so they made meer Cyphers and we brought to that pass as neither to have no Laws or such only as come immediately from the King who oft is a man of Pleasure and little seen in publick Affairs to be able to judge and so the Kingdoms great Councel must be subordinated either to his meer Will and then what Difference between a free Monarchy and an absolute saving that the one rules without Councel and the other against it or at the best but to a Cabinet Councel consisting commonly of Men of private Interests but certainly of no publick Trust Ob. But if the King must consent to such Laws as the Parliament shall chuse eo nomine they may then propound unreasonable things to him as to consent to his own Deposing or to the lessening his own Revenue c. Ans So that the issue is whether it be fitter to trust the Wisdom and Integrity of our Parliament or the Will and Pleasure of the King in this case of so great and publick Concernment In a word the King being made the Fountain of Justice and Protection to his People by the fundamental Laws or Constitution of this Kingdom he is therefore to give life to such Acts and Things as tend thereunto which Acts depend not upon his Pleasure but though they are to receive their greater Vigour from him yet are they not to be suspended at pleasure by him for that which at first was intended by the Kingdom for an honourable way of Subsistence and Administration must not be wrested contrrry to the nature of this Polity which is a free and mist Monarchy and not absolute to its Destruction and Confusion so that in case the King in his Person should decline his Duty the King in his Courts is bound to perform it where his Authority properly resides for if he refuse that Honour which the Republick by its fundamental Constitution hath conferred upon him and will not put forth the Acts of it for the end it was given him viz. for the Justice and Safety of his People this hinders not but that they who have as fundamentally reserved a Power of being and well-being in their own hands by the Concurrence of Parliamentary Authority to the Royal Dignity may thereby provide for their own Subsistence wherein is acted the Kings juridical Authority though his personal pleasure be withheld for his legal and juridical Power is included and supposed in the very being and consequently in the Acts of Courts of Justice whose being he may as well suspend as their Power of Acting for that without this is but a Cypher and therefore neither their being nor their acting so depend upon him as not to be able to act and execute common Justice and Protection without him in case he deny to act with them and yet both so depend upon him as that he is bound both in Duty and Honour by the Constitution of this Polity to act in them and they for him so that according to that Axiom in Law The King can do no wrong because his juridical Power and Authority is always to controle his personal Miscarriages London's Flames Revivd OR AN ACCOUNT OF SEVERAL INFORMATIONS Exhibited to a Committee appointed by PARLIAMENT September the 25th 1666. To Enquire into the BURNING of LONDON WITH Several other Informations concerning other Fires in Southwark Fetter-Lane and elsewhere UPon the Second of September 1666. the Fire began in London at one Farriner 's House a Baker in Pudding-Lane between the Hours of One and Two in the Morning and continued burning until the Sixth of September following consuming as by the Surveyors appears in Print Three hundred seventy three Acres within the Walls of the City of London and Sixty three Acres and Three Roods without the Walls There remains Seventy five Acres and Three Roods yet standing within the Walls unburnt Eighty nine Parish Churches besides Chappels burnt Eleven Parishes within the Walls yet standing Houses burnt Thirteen thousand and two hundred Per Jonas Moore Ralph Gatrix Surveyors UPon the 18th Day of September 1666. the Parliament came together And upon the 25th of the same Month the House of Commons appointed a Committee to enquire into the Causes of the late Fire before whom the following Informations were given in and proved before the Committee as by their Report will more clearly appear bearing date the 22th of January 1666. and upon the 8th of February following the Parliament was Prorogued before they came to give their Judgment thereupon Die Martis 25 Septembris 1666. 18 Car. 2. Resolved c. THat a Committee be appointed to enquire into the Causes of the late Fire and that it be referred to Sir Charles Harbord Mr. Sandys Col. Birch Sir Robert Brook Sir Thomas Littleton Mr. Prin Mr. Jones Sir Solomon Swale Sir Thomas Tomlins Mr. Seymour Mr. Finch Lord Herbert Sir John Heath Mr. Milward Sir Richard Ford Mr. Robert Milward Sir William Lowther Sir Richard Vatley Sir Rowland Beckley Sir Thomas Allen Mr. Whorwood Mr. Coventry Serj. Maynard Sir John Talbot Mr. Morley Mr. Garraway Sir Francis Goodrick Col. Strangeways Sir Edward Massey Sir Edmond Walpool Sir Robert Atkins Sir Thomas Gower Mr. Trevor Sir Thomas Clifford Sir Henry Caesar Sir John Monson Sir John Charleton Lord Ancram Mr. Pepis Sir Richard Everard Mr. Crouch Mr. Merrel Sir William Hickman Sir Richard Brown Mr. Maynard And they are to meet to Morrow at Two of the Clock in the After-noon in the Speaker's Chamber and to send for Persons Papers and Records William Goldsbrough Cler. Dom. Com. October 9. 1666. Ordered that these Members following be added to the Committee appointed to Enquire into the Causes of the late Fire viz. Sir John Pelham Mr. Hugh Buscowen Mr. Giles Hungerford Sir William Lewis Sir Gilbert Gerrard Sir John Brampstone Mr. Milward Mr. Buscowen
found this following Paper which immediately either by himself or a Relation of his was delivered to Sir William Morrice one of his Majesties Principal Secretaries of State The Contents of the Paper are as follows A Warning to Protestants I Who have been a Papist from my Infancy till of late and in Zeal for their horrid Principles had too great a share in the Firing of the City and did intend to do further Mischief to the Protestants of which I am now and ever shall be a Member do upon Abhorrence of that Villany and Religion that hath moved me to it declare to all Protestants the Approach of their sudden Ruine that it may be prevented if it be not too late When I together with other Papists both French Irish and English fired the City others were imployed to Massacre the Protestants we thinking thereby to destroy the Heads of your Religion but the Massacre was disappointed by the Fear of him who was the chief Agent in this Villany And the Fire not having done all its Work they have often endeavoured to fire the remaining part They intend likewise to land the French upon you to whose Assistance they all intend to come and for that purpose are stored with Arms and have so far deceived the King that they have the Command of most part of the Army and the Sea-Ports The French intend to land at Dover that Garison being most Papists And the Papists in England have express Command from Rome to hasten their Business before the next Parliament and to dispatch Therefore as you love your Lives and Fortunes prevent your Ruine by disarming all the Papists in England especially C. L. from the Tower and the L. D. and all his Adherents and Souldiers from Dover and by disarming all Papists I have such an Abhorrence that I would willingly undergo any Punishment for it and declare my self openly were I not assured that I could do you more good in concealing my Name for the present Delay not from following these Directions as you love your Lives and be not deceived by any Pretences whatsoever An Impartial Account of some Informations taken before several Justices of the Peace concerning the several Fires happening of late in and near the City of London ABout the latter end of June and in July one Joseph Harrison came several times to the Greyhound-Inn in Holborn pretending to enquire for Letters for himself and about the beginning of July comes into the said Inn and meeting Mr. Atkins the Master of the said Inn He the said Harrison asked him for a Can of Beer whereupon Mr. Atkins ordered his Man to draw two Cans drinking one himself and giving the other to Harrison After which the said Harrison took Mr. Atkins by the Hand and lead him out of his own Yard into Holborn and by the Rails in the Street the said Harrison advised the said Atkins to put off his House and dispose of his Goods as soon as he could for within Three Weeks or a Month there would be great and dreadful Fires in and about London Mr. Atkins asked him How he knew so The said Harrison replied If you will not believe me you may chose and so left him One Monday July the 25th Mr. Atkins his Wife hearing of the Fire at the George-Inn in Southwark went to her Mother at the Talbot-Inn in Southwark the back-part of which said Inn is adjoyning to the George-Inn and was likewise on Fire and being there she espied the aforesaid Joseph Harrison in the Yard and remembring the aforesaid Advice to her Husband desired some Persons that were next her to lay hold on him which being done he was conveyed to a Foot-Company that stood in Arms near the said Inn judging that the nearest place to secure him After which Sir John Smith one of the Sheriffs of London was acquainted with the whole matter Upon which he with the L. C. went to the said Company and in the hearing of several gave Charge to the Captain of the said Company to keep him safe until they had time to examine him After the Fire was put out some went to enquire after the Prisoner and the Captain told them The L. C. had dicharged him The next Day being Tuesday a Person was informed that the said Harrison taught School in Thread-Needle Street and that he boasted of his Deliverance and said That the L. C. was pleased to honour him so far as to take him in his Barge with him to White-hall and bad him but be patient a while and he should have Satisfaction from the Persons that had troubled him But hearing where to find him Endeavours were used to retake him and accordingly was accomplished on Wednesday July 27. and had before the Worshipful Sir John Frederick who sent him to Bishopsgate and ordered him to be brought before the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen the next day to be examined Before whom were these following things proved against him upon Oath 1. THat he hath had frequent Correspondency with Jesuits and Papists 2. That he hath spoken to several of his Acquaintance to go with him to Popist Meetings declaring that he knew of many 3. That he hath been perswaded to turn Mendicant Fryer and hath been offered a Stipend to turn to the Romish Religion 4. That he knew there would be divers great and dreadful Fires in and about London within a Month. 5. That he advised Friends to rid their Hauds of all their Concerns in and about London for there would be a great Consumption of houses there 6. That when he was in the Custody of the Foot-Company aforesaid Mr. Atkins aforesaid affirming to swear the former Article he threatned him if he did it should cost him the best House he had 7. That he said there were forty thousand French Papists lately come over to his Knowledge besides many that were amongst us already 8. The Lord Mayor asking him Who perswaded him to turn Catholick He answered The King's Under-Barber Phillips After which he told the Court That when he was apprehended for these things my L. C. discharged him and took him with him in his Barge to White-hall He further told the Court That he was some time an Assistant to Mr. Lovejoy Schoolmaster at Canterbury and that he had Letters Testimonial of his good Behaviour from the Dean of Canterbury Upon which my Lord Mayor remembring that he had seen him with Mr. Lovejoy and said that Mr. Lovejoy told him That he was an idle Rogue And so he was committed to Newgate On Saturday the 30th of July it was further deposed upon Oath by Thomas Roe before Sir John Frederick as follows The Information of Thomas Roe of Bernard-Inn Gent. taken the 3th of July 1670. by Sir John Frederick Alderman one of His Majesties Justices of Peace in the City of London upon Oath as followeth THomas Roe saith that he hath for at least twelve or thirteen Years last past been acquainted with one Joseph Harrison who was
of that Town 2. Your Subjects are sometimes upon slight and sometimes upon no grounds imprisoned and often kept Prisoners many Months and years nothing being objected to them and are required to enter themselves Prisoners which is contrary to Law It was in the former Article expressed that many of these Persons declared incapable of publick Trust did also suffer Imprisonment and besides these instances Lieutenant General Drummond whose eminent Loyalty and great Services are well known to your Majesty was required to enter himself Prisoner in the Castle of Dunbarton where he was kept one year and a half and was made a close Prisoner for nine months of that time and yet nothing was ever objected to him to this day to justifie that Usage The Lord Cardross was for his Ladies keeping two Conventicles in her own House at which he was not present fined 110 l. and hath now been kept prisoner four years in the Castle of Edenburg where he still remains although he hath often petitioned for his Liberty and Sir Patrick Holme hath been now a second time almost one year and nothing is yet laid to his charge Besides these illegal Imprisonments the Officers of your Majesties Forces frequently carry Warrants with them for apprehending persons that are under no legal Censure nor have been so much as cited to appear which hath put many of your Subjects under great fears especially upon what was done in Council three years ago Captain Carstairs a man now well enough known to your Majesty did intrap one Kirkton an outed Minister into his Chamber at Edenburgh and did violently abuse him and designed to have extorted some money from him The noise of this coming to the Ears of one Baily Brother-in-law to the said Kirkton he came to the house and hearing him cry Murder Murder forced open the Chamber door where he found his Brother-in-law and the Captain grapling the Captain pretended to have a Warrant against Kirkton and Baily desired him to shew it and promised that all obedience should be given to it But the Captain refusing to do it Kirkton was rescued This was only delivering a man from the hands of a Robber which Nature obligeth all men to do especially when joyned with so near a Relation The Captain complained of this to the Council and the Lord Hatton with others were appointed to examine the Witnesses And when it was brought before the Council the Duke of Hamilton Earls of Mereton Dumfrize and Kinkarden the Lord Cocheren and Sir Archibald Primrose then Lord Register desired that the Report of the Examination might be read but that not serving their ends was denyed And thereupon those Lords delivered their Opinion that fithence Carstares did not shew any Warrant nor was cloathed with any publick Character it was no opposing of your Majesties Authority in Baily so to rescue the said Kirkton yet Baily was for this fined in 6000. Marks and kept long a Prisoner Those Lords were upon that so represented to your Majesty that by the Duke of Lauderdale's procurement they were turned out of the Council and all command of the Militia And it can be made appear that the Captain had at that time no Warrant at all against Kirkton but procured it after the Violence committed And it was ante-dated on design to serve a turn at that time This manner of Proceedings hath ever since put your subjects under sad apprehensions There is one particular further offered to your Majesties consideration concerning their way of using Prisoners There were 14 men taken at a Field Conventicle who without being legally Convict of that or any other crimes were secretly and in the night taken out of Prison upon a Warrant signed by the Earl of Lynlythgo and the Lord Hatton and Collington and were delivered to Captain Maytland who had been Page to the Duke of Lauderdale but was then a French Officer and was making his Levies in Scotland and were carryed over to the service of the French King in the year 1676. 3. The Council hath upon many occasions proceeded to most unreasonable and Arbitrary Fines either for slight offences or for offences where the Fine is regulated by Law which they have never considered when the persons were not acceptable to them So the Lord Cardross was Fined in 1111 l. for his Ladies keeping two Conventicles in his house and Christning a Child by an outed Minister without his knowledge The Provost formerly mentioned and Baily with many more were also fined without any regard to Law The Council hath at several times proceeded to the taking of Gentlemens Dwelling-houses from them and putting Garrisons in them which in time of peace is contrary to Law In the year 75. It was designed against twelve of your Majesties Subjects and was put in Execution in the houses of the Earl of Calender the Lord Cardrosse the Lady Lumsden c. and was again attempted in the year 78. the Houses belonging to the Leirds of Cosnock Blagan and Rowal and were possessed by Souldiers and declared Garrisons Nor did it rest there but Orders were sent from the Council requiring the Countries about those Houses to furnish them for the Souldiers use and to supply them with necessaries much contrary to Law It was against this that Sir Patrick Holme came to desire a remedy and common Justice being denied him he used a legal Protestation in the ordinary Form of Law and was thereupon kept for many Months a Prisoner and declared incapable of all publick trust c. There is another particular which because it is so odious is unwillingly touched yet it is necessary to inform your Majesty about it for thereby it will appear that the Duke of Lauderdale and his Brother have in a most solemn manner broken the publick faith that was given in your Majesties name One Mitchel being put in Prison upon great suspicion of his having attempted to murder the late Arch Bishop of St. Andrews and there being no Evidence against him Warrant was given by the Duke of Lauderdale then your Majesties Commissioner and your Council to promise him his life if he would confess Whereupon he did confess and yet some years after that person who indeed deserved many deaths if there had been any other Evidence against him was upon that confession convicted of the Crime and the Duke of Lauderdale and his Brother being put to it by him did swear that they never gave or knew of any assurance of life given him And when it was objected that the promise was upon Record in the Council books the Duke of Lauderdale did in open Court where he was present only as a Witness and so ought to have been silent threaten them if they should proceed to the Examination of that Act of Council which as he then said might infer perjury on them that swore and so did cut off the proof of that defence which had been admitted by the Court as good in Law and sufficient to save the Prisoner if
Factious Design with which they were charged by the said Letter This being through the Influence of the Lord Hatton refused by the Privy Council they dispatched a Gentleman to the Duke of Lauderdale with Letters and Instructions full of Respect and Submission to his Grace The Gentleman at his first arrival found Duke Lauderdale very kind and was made believe he should be quickly dispatched with Answers according to his Desire but some Delays having fallen in the Duke of Lauderdale fell likewise upon thoughts of getting Money from the Town upon this occasion and therefore pretending still more and more kindness to the said Gentleman he did first by some Insinuations let fall to him his expectation and at last flatly asked him if he had not brought a heavy Purse with him which when he understood he was not to expect he changed his Method and grew harsher and having detained him Five or Six Weeks he the said Duke entered into Consultation with his old Friend Sir Andrew Ramsey how to order the Affair By his Advice he did write a Letter and sent Proposals to the said Town That they should give Bond and Security That the Townsmen should live regularly as to all matters Ecclesiastical in the largest extent as the same is determined by the late Acts of Parliament and to keep the Town free of all sorts of Tumults either of Man or Woman Judging that this was impossible for them to perform and unfavourable to attempt and that therefore it would oblige them to make offers of Money This Letter was all the Gentleman could obtain and having gone back to Scotland and delivered it to the Magistrates they were so far from being carried in the Design that they were glad of that opportunity to witness their Zeal to serve Your Majesty for they did very heartily comply with