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lord_n body_n bread_n cup_n 14,611 5 9.8387 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01468 An admonishion to the bishoppes of VVinchester, London and others &c. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1553 (1553) STC 11593; ESTC S102855 7,265 18

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the lighte and cōmeth not to the light that his dedes should not be reproued but he that doth the truth commeth to the light that hys deedes maye be knowen for they are done in god ▪ Christ ordeined the holy cōmunion that christen men shoulde together eate the holy bread and drinke the holy cuppe in the remembraūce of his body broken and his blood shed And S. Paule deliuered to vs the same that he receiued of the Lord commaundynge vs saying as oft as ye shal eate of thys bread and drincke of this cup ye shall shew the Lordes death vntil he come I prai you how is this obserued in your priuate masses wher your shauē prestes for the more parte can as well buylde Poules steple as fulfil Poules cōmaundemēt you haue not one word of scripture to maintaine this prophanation of christes institution And it is an horrible and fearful thing that euer man mortall should presume sutch great impietie against the immortal and euerliuīg god you rage sore agaynst maried priestes which haue for them gods woorde but you forget the vnchaste and detestable Sodomies incestes aduoutries fornications murdring of infants that hath bene foūd in the vnmaried sort of shaue linges which haue no word of god but this for sutche thinges sake commeth the wrath of god vpon the children of vnbeliefe and whore mongers and aduouterers shal not inherite the kingdōe of Christ. You bishops shoulde laye no snares to dampne mens soules but rather helpe them oute that be in sutche dampnable estate and that which gods word leaueth at libertie you ought not to bring into bōdage That you depriue the maried prestes of their offices liuinges it is very straunge and no word of god haue ye so to dooe And we nothing doubt it but thoughe god at this present exercises the patiēce of his seruantes yet he wil at last remember hys promise For the rroubles sake of the oppressed and because of the cōplaint of the poore I wil vp saith the Lorde I wyll helpe them and set them at rest And in Esai the lord saith wo be to the thou robber shalte not thou be robbed also thou that despisest other shalt not thou also be despised The lord wil doutles heare the sorowful wepings of the poore widdowes and fatherles children which by this robbery are dryuen to beggerie The lord heareth the praier of the oppressed saieth Sirach He wil not despise the praier of the fatherles nor the widdowe lamentably complainyng to hym Doth not god see the teares of the widdow and hear her exclamation against sutch as cause her to wepe from her cheke they ascend into heauen and the lorde that fauourablye heareth her wyll haue no pleasure in them For gods honor therfore and for feare of his iudgement cal these things to your minde and somewhat mitigate these hasty and rashe doinges whiche are against god his word For though the lord hath called you to be a scourge to other yet remember he cōmanudeth you to do nothing vnrighteouselye for he is a god that willeth none vnrighteousenes their may no vngodly persone dwell with him sutch as be cruell may not stand in his sight He is enemy vnto al wicked doers he destroieth the lyars and abhorieth the bloode thirstye and deceiteful And as you now are reysed to scourge others so if you vexe the innocent doutles the lord will throw you downe and rayse vppe them that shall scourge you againe and fulfill Christes worde with what measure ye meate to other the same shalbe measured to you againe Remember we besech you that as glory groweth so enuie against you groweth not of good but of euell men who thoughe they nowe lyke Echo rebound euer with pleasaūt soūd of your owne voice yet wil they if god a little withdrawe his hande from you be the first that shal reioyse at your fall God wil withdraw his hand from you if you repugne against his word if you seeke to deface his truth to cast aside Christes supper to condempne mariage to set vp againe idolatrie superstition and errour to bring in againe that sodomitical fained chastetie that drew infinite vnto eternal dampnation we neede not recite vnto you exāples what god hath done with princes and potentates that haue enterprised to resist his truthe or els to abuse it to their owne priuate lustes seing you haue not onely read but sene before your eyes Onelye we praye god you may remember what was said to S. Paule Saule Saule why persecutest thou me He saide Lorde who art thou The lord saide I am Iesus whom thou persecutest it shal be hard for the to kicke against the pricke It is the lord Iesus that in his members suffereth it is his worde that is hated and persecuted it is he that mercifullye calleth you to repentaunce and he is able inoughe to represse all violence done agaynste him but as he came from heauē to saue sinners so wolde he rather call Saule to repentance then cast Nero into destructiō But when al thinges shal declar you impenitent manifest rebellour against godes worde then without doubte the lord wil no more spare you thē he hath before time spared other For goddes sake therfore beware in dew time and take example at others least other here after take example at you Iudas betraying the truth purchased the blody feld for he hong himselfe and all his guttes burst forth Pharao persecuting the people of god got gods vengeaunce manifolde plages vpon Egipt and he that thirsted blood was drowned in the red sea Iamnes and Iambres his prophetes were at last compelled magre their hertes to acknowledge the finger of god How wel sped Hieroboam for erecting his golden calues at Bethell and berseba Looke for no better rewarde for erectiug your satisfactory sacrifice But how craftely do you cloine in this you wil commaunde no man but they shall say you gratifie the quene God graunt the quenes grace plainly to se your falshoode we are afraid you wil bring the wrath of god vpō her al this realm of England as the p̄stes ꝓphetes of Dan bethel brought it vpō the kings of Israel and Iuda you tel the quene the people is desirous of Masses and that they neuer fauoured the scriptures and you tell the people the quencs pleasure is that they receiue againe the masse and poperie Thus you cause no small number of harts to be withdrawen frō that harty loue and affectiō that thei ought to beare to the quenes highnes and as mutch as in you is sowe the sede of discention which the lord of heauen keepe from amonge vs and graunt you to take wiser wares The people doubtles was fully staied in conscience and quieted in the right way of gods word and wolde haue continued in the same if you and others had not wyth your dampnable perswasions craftie surrelties cruell hādlings c. gone