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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14251 The olde fayth of greate Brittaygne, and the newe learnynge of Inglande wherunto is added a symple instruction, concernynge the Kinges Maiesties procedinges in the co[m]munyon. Compyled by R.V. R. V., fl. 1549. 1549 (1549) STC 24566; ESTC S119007 13,729 40

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soeuer wyl not harken to my woordes whiche he shall speake in my name of hym wyll I require it O ye papistes why wyll ye not harken to the wordes of Chryst the great prophet which he spake of his communion in Mathew Marke and Luke And also to the ministraciō of Paul 1. Cor. 11. Who sayth as often as ye eate thys bread and drynke thys cuppe ye shall shew the lordes death tyll he come Here we se howe in eatyng and drinkīg through fayth is declared vn to vs how that Chryst offered his bodye and shedde hys Bloude vppon the Crosse for the Remyssyon of Synnes ones for all Paule sayth not as often as the pryest lyfteth the breade and wyne aboue his shauen crowne for the Papysts to gale at ye shall shew the lordes death tyll he ●om but he sayth as often as ye eate of thys breade and drinke of this cuppe / ye shall shew the lordes death tyll he come And thys is also the mynde of the auncient catholyk fathers to receaue it as a memoryall of hys death and not to eate it thinkyng or beleuing him to be there ryallye as he was borne of the virgin mary For. Sayncte Austen in hys Booke intituled the christian diuinitie alleagynge the fyrste Epystle and the fyrste chapter of Paule to Timot. He is sayth he immortall for so much as he can not dy But ouer all where as the scripture of the one parte and of the other / in the canonicall bokes setteth furth the mouing of the soule in God tyther the humayne mēbres / that is to say the head the eares the eyes and other lyke / they ought not to be vnderstande carnally after the storye as they are vnderstande of the Iewes and diuerse other heretikes sauouryng carnally which esteme God to be corporall and locall But all thinges ought spiritually vnderstande and confessed of hī If any beleue that in God are humayne Members eyther mouynge of the Soul without doubte he forgeth ydolles in hys harte Item s Bedain hys recolectyon also S. Austen in his sermon made to the people at the communyon My brethren saye they Herefore are these thynges called Sacramentes / for so muche as in them there is one thynge seem and an other vnderstand That which is sene is a corporall thynge / But that thynge whych is vnderstand hath a spyrytuall frute The sayd Austen in his .xxx. treatise vpon S. Iohn sayth The body of Chryste is rysen from death and must be in one place Also in hys boke agaynst Adamantum the xij Chapter sayth these thre thynges The bloude ys sprete This is my body ād the stone was Chryste / He teacheth these thynges to be spoken as though he spake by a fygure in Signe and sygnyfiynge and amonge other thynges sayth these woordes I maye expound thys commaundemēt to be a token for the lord doubted not to saye thys is my body when he gaue the signe of his body / Also SAYNCTE Ambrose vpon the fyrste Epystell the Aleauenth Chappyter to the Corinthians sayeth In so much as we are delyuered by the death of the lorde / hauing remembraunce of the same in eating and drinking signifieth the body and bloude whyche hathe been offered for vs. Also S. Ciprianin the seconde boke of hys Epystle the iij. chapter sayth for so much as in al sacrifices we make mēciō of the passion of Christ For the lordes passion is the sacrifice that we offer We ought not to do otherwyse thē he hath done For the scripture sayth as often as ye eate this breade and drynke this chalyce ye anounce or declare the death of Christ tyll he come Then as often as we offer the chalyce in the remembraunce of the lorde and of hys passion we do that which apeareth to haue been done of the lorde Good Reader here haue ye sufficient Aucthours both of the scryptures and also of the Catholyke doctoures agaynste the transubstancyon and the abuse of the masse whych if God permyt ye maye see no lesse abused then was y● brasen serpēt for euen as the wicked prye stes of the Israelytes senced the brasen serpent geuyng it a new name callyng it Nehu sthan geuyng the ISRAELYTS to vnderstande that by it / they receaued theyr health Euen so hath the pope and papystes inuented the transubstanciation in our kynde geuing the Christyās to vnderstand that CHRIST is wholy in that kynde which is hanged ouer the alter euen as he was borne of hys Blessed mother the virgyn mary And therfore do the papistes knele to it put of theyr cappes to it knock theyr brestes befor it / and their priestes sence it But trulye assured I am that the popish pryestes haue euen so good scriptures to proue this as the Israelites had to proue theyr Nehusthan Wherfore let no man murmer agaynst the Kynges maiesties procedinges For his grace hath the scryptures for hym / where the aduersaryes haue none And that maye be well gathered by theyr seking of insurrections / and in styrring the scottes and frenchmenagaynst the Kynges maiestie Thys is no new but an Aunciynt Practyse of theyrs as ye may well perceaue in Tindals practyse of prelates But by Gods helpe his grace wyth his honourable counsell in that they go about to set furth the glory of God in restoryng y● cōmuniō according to the first insti●ucion set furth by Chryst as it apeareth in the scriptures not seking tēporall possessyons which the papistes thorow theyr masse / haue gotten contrary to the worde of God in muche greater abundaunce then the scriptur permitteth them The kinges grace I say in so doyng shall obteyne no lesse prayse for euer then Ecclesiasticus setteth furth of the foresayd kīges in the latter chapter of his boke And to the contrarye all they that murmer or grudge agaynst his maiesties procedinges without doubt God shall confounde them as he dyd the Ennemies of Dauid / Ezechias ād Iosias with many other I pray you what a goodly prayse setteth Ecclesiasticus forth in his 44. chapter of Iosias Sayth he not the remēbraunce of Iosias is lyke as whē the apothecary maketh many precious swetesmellyng thinges together his remēbraunce shal be swete as hony in all monethes as y● playing of musyke by y● wyne he was appoynted to turne the people agayne and to take away all abhominacions of the vngodly He derected his harte vnto the lord and in the time of the vngodly he set vp the worshyppe of GOD agayne All Kynges excepte Dauid Ezechias and Iosias cōmited wickednes for euen the kinges of Iuda also forsoke the law of God Oh God I wold the papistes wolde remembre this saying and search whether the Chrystian kynges haue forsaken the lawes of God or not I dare wel wryte that they can not deny but that they haue Wherefore if such to whom the kinges maiestie and his honorable coū sell shall commyt the reformatyon of hys graces procedynges agaynst the abuses of Gods word do seke the worlds