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lord_n blood_n bread_n cup_n 12,142 5 9.7026 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13397 A catechisme or institution of the christen religion. Newely set forthe by Richard Tauerner Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575. 1539 (1539) STC 23709; ESTC S105103 28,747 144

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no lesse then yf he stode euen personally present to be sene as he is in his maiestie with our eyes to be felte with our handes yea and that with suche power and myght that not onely he bryngeth to our soules an vndoubted truste of euerlastynge lyfe but maketh vs sure also of the immortalitie of our flesh beyng quyckened of his immortall fleshe after a maner takynge part of his immortalitie Wherfore vnder the sygnes of bread and wyne be presented and ministred vnto vs the body and bloude to thintent we myghte lerne y ● they be not onely ours but also serue vnto vs for lyfe and nourysshyng Thus when we se this most sacred and mysticall bread anone we must cōceyue this similitude that lyke as breade nourysheth susteyneth and preserueth the lyfe of our natural body so is the body of Chryste the fode comfort and defence of our gostly lyfe When we se the forme of wine loke what profyte wyne bryngeth to mans bodye the same muste we recken spyritually to be brought vnto vs in Chrystes bloude Now this mystery as it is a proufe and declaratiō of the great bounty of God towardes vs so it ought to monysshe vs that we be not vnkynd for the same his goodnes and excedyng liberalitie shewed vnto vs but rather as oure duetie is auaunce the same w t prayses and magnifye it with thankesgyuyng And furthermore that we shulde embrace one of vs an other with suche an vnite as we se the membres of one body knyt and fastened amonges theym selues For there can be no quycker spurre to sturre brotherly loue amonges vs then whiles Chryste thus gyuynge hym selfe to vs doth not onely allure vs by his exemple euery one of vs frely to yelde and gyue hym selfe to other but also lyke as he maketh hym selfe commune amonges vs all so in hym he maketh vs all to be as one But wolde god we wolde lerne to measure to contemplate in our mynde the greatnes of this so hyghe a sacrament gyuen vs of god wolde god I saye we consydered howe fowle a synne ingratytude is how horrible peynes and punishemētes do ensue of the vnreuerent handlynge and ꝓhanation of this sacramēt Neither is it to be thought y ● those moste graue thretninges y ● s. Paule pronounceth be frustrat voyd For thus he saith Wherfore who so euer eateth this bread and dryncketh the cuppe of the lorde vnworthely shall be gyltie of the body and bloude of the lorde Let a man therfore examine hym selfe and so let hym eate of that breade dryncke of that cuppe For he that eateth and dryncketh vnworthyly eateth and dryncketh his owne damnation not decernynge the body of the lorde Of the Pastors and herdmen of the churche and of theyr power FOr as moche as the lorde wyll that bothe his worde and the Sacramentes be ministred by men vnto vs it behoueth Curates or herdmen to be set in offyce ouer the church which with pure doctrine may enforme the people bothe pryuely and apertly ministre Sacramentes and with good exemple instruct men vnto holynes and purenes of lyfe Who so despiceth this institution this order be vnruely and disobedient not agaynst men but agaynst god in that they factiously withdrawe them selues from the felowshyp of the churche which without this ministerie by no meanes can stande for that hath no lytell authoritie that the Lorde ones witnessed sayenge that he hym selfe is receyued when they be receyued and that he is caste oute when they be caste out And to thintent theyr office shulde be no vyle thynge ne vnregarded they be endowed with a special commaundement of byndynge and loosynge hauynge therto a promesse that what so euer in earthe they bynde or loose the same is bounde and loosed in heauen And Chryst hym self expounynge his worde declareth that to bynde is to holde synnes and to loose is to release them Nowe by what fasshyon they loose the apostle expouneth when he saythe that the gospell is a power to saue euery beleuer Agayne what waye they bynde he declareth when he saith that the Apostles haue a redy vengeaūce against all disobediēce For the summe of the gospell is that we be īeruauntes of synne and death that we be losed and made free through the raunsome whiche is in Chryst Iesu and as many as do not receyue hym for their redemer be bounde with newe bondes of a greater condemnation But we muste remembre that all this power which scripture gyueth to pastours and byshoppes is conteyned within the mynistery of the worde for Chryst gaue not properly this power to men but to his word ordeynynge men onely the mynisters thereof Wherefore in goddes worde whereof they be made disposers layers out boldely let them ieoparde euen all thynges and constreyne all the power glory and pryde of the worlde to stowpe and obeye vnto it by it let them cōmaund all men from the hyghest to the loweste let them buylde Chrystes house pull down Satans kyngdom fede the shepe staye the wolues teache and exhorte those that wyll lerne reproue the stubberne but all togyther in the worde from whiche word yf they swarue to theyr owne dreames and fanses they be no longer estemed for pastours and shepeherdes but rather for asmoche as they be pestilē wolues ought to be dryuen awaye and deposed For Chryste commaundeth none other to be hearde then suche as teache vs the thynges that they haue taken of his worde Of mens traditions SIthe we haue a generall sentence of Paule y t all thynges in thassembles churches should be done comely in good order ciuile ordinaūces wherby as with bondes an order and comly fasshyon is kepte in the companye of the Christians and a concorde thereby conserued ought not to be reckened amonges mens traditions but must rather be referred vnto the rule of the Apostle so that they be not beleued as thinges necessary to our saluation nor bynd the consciences to any superstition through them nor be kept as any worshyppynge of god nor that any holynes be reposed in them But such ordinaūces as vnder a tytle of spirituall lawes be thruste vpon vs to bynde oure consciences as thynges necessary to gods honour all suche lawes I saye ought we earnestly to resyste for they do not only ouerthrow the libertie whiche Christ purchased vs but also dymme the true relygion and defile gods maiesty who alone wol raygne in our consciences by his word Let this then abyde for a sure gron̄d that all thinges be ours and we Chrystes and that god in vayne is worshypped where be taught doctrines the commaundementes of men Of excommunication EXcōmunication is wherby notable horemongers aduouterers vsurers extortioners spoylers rouers pyrates brallers ryoters dronkardes seditious persons wasters after they haue ben admonished and do not amende be reiecte and banysshed from the company of the faythfull accordynge to the lordes cōmaundement not that the churche
brought to suche obedience we suffre our selues to be ordred at tharbitremēt of gods prouisiō easely we shal lerne to continue in prayer and referrynge oure requestes vnto the lorde pacyently to awayt his pleasure beynge assured that god is alway present with vs though it seme not so and that when he seeth his tyme he wol declare that he gaue no deafe eares to our praiers That yf after longe awaytyng our mynd cānot attayne what it hath profyted by prayer nor fele any frute goten therby yet our fayth shall certyfye vs of that that by felynge we coulde not perceyue euen how we haue obteyned that expedient was for vs. And thus shall faythe worke that in pouertie we maye possesse aboundance and in trouble comforte for yf all togyther go to wreck fayle vs yet shal god neuer fayle vs neuer forsake vs sithens he can not disapoynte the awaytynge and longe suffraūce of his him alone may we haue in steade of all thynges for he cōteyneth in hym all goodnes whiche without doubte in tyme to come he woll shewe vs all at large and most fully Of Sacramentes wherfore they properly serue SAcramentes be ordeyned that both before god and man they shulde be exercyses of our fayth Before the lorde they exercyse our faythe whyles they establysshe it in gods truthe for where as the Lorde perceyued it expedyent for the ignoraunt of our fleshe he dyd setforth heauēly mysteries to be beholden vnder carnall elementes Not that any suche powers be gyuen to the selfe natures of thynges as be propowned to vs in sacramentes but that by the lordes word they be signed hereunto For y ● promesse cōmeth alwaye afore whiche promes is conteyned in the worde then foloweth the token to strengthen seale the promesse to make it of more authoritie amonges vs euē as the Lorde forseech that it is expedient for the capacite of oure weakenesse For vndoubted so smal and weake is oure faithe that except it be propped vp on euery syde born vp by al meanes and wayes possible anone it wolle qwayle be shaken a peeces and ouerthrowē Nowe this fayth is also amonges mē exercised by sacramentes whyles by the same it goeth opēlye to shewe her selfe to the worlde and is styrred vp to render due prayses to the Lorde What a sacrament is and how many there be A Sacramēt is therfore properly an outewarde signe wherin God representeth and wytnesseth his good wyll towardes vs to susteyne the weakenesse of our fayth Or an other waye more shorte also more playne A sacrament is a wytnesse of gods fauoure declared by an outwarde sygne Now there be dyuers holso me sacramentes in the church and namely seuen recounted of the fathers Matrimonie Baptisme Confirmation Penaunce Eucharistia comonly called the sacrament of the aultare Orders and extreme vnction Matrimonye god hym selfe did fyrste institute in paradyse and saynt Paule calleth it honorable in all thynges By penaūce we atteyne the hyghe benefite of absolution neyther oughte we to neglecte the power or keyes of the churche sythe to it Chryste sayeth Whose synnes so euer ye forgyue shalbe forgyuen whose synnes ye reteyne shalbe reteyned And agayn he saith Who heareth you heareth me The sacrament of orders is wherby by layeng on of y ● handes persons of suche qualities and condicions as Paule describeth to Timothie and Tite shulde be called and elected not only to ministre sacramentes but moche rather to preache gods worde purely syncerely to the people Confirmation and extreme vnction the auncient fathers of the churche takyng occasion and groundyng themselfes vpon the doynges and actes of thappostles haue receiued But of baptisme Eucharistia bycause they be the principall sacramentes in the new testament instituted expressely by Chryste hymselfe I intende somewhat more at large to intreate Of Baptisme BAptisme is gyuen vs of God bothe to serue oure faythe before hym and to serue our professiō before men Fayth hath eye to the promyse wherby the mercyful father offerethe vs the felawshyp of his Christe that we endowed with hym myghte be partakers of his goodes And two thinges it chiefly representeth vnto vs the clensynge whiche we haue in Christes bloude and the ●leynge of our fleshe whiche we haue obteyned throughe his deathe For the Lorde cōmaūded his to be baptised into remyssyon of synnes And Paule teacheth that the churche is halowed of Christ her spouse and washed in the lauer of water in the worde of lyfe Furthermore he declareth that we be baptysed into Christes deathe buryed with hym to thintēt we might walke in newnes of lyfe wherby it is not meaned that the cause or power of clensyng and of newe byrth is in the water but onely that in this sacrament is perceiued a knowledge of suche gyftes when we be accounted to take obteyne purchase that whiche we beleue to be gyuen vs of the Lorde whither we fyrste espye it or whyther it were knowen to vs afore and be here more certaynly enformed of the same Nowe as touchyng our profession before men this Sacrament also serueth for it is a marke or token wherby we openly professe that we wyll be accompted amonges the people of god that with all other godly personnes by lyke relygion we worshyppe that same one god Syth then in Baptysme the couenaunt of the lord is specyally made with vs therefore of good ryght we baptise also our infauntes in that they be felowes and partakers with vs of the euerlasting couenaunt wherein the Lorde promyseth hym selfe to be the God and graciouse lorde not to vs onely but to oure seede also Of the lordes souper or sacrament of the aultare UNto what ende the mystery of this sacrament whiche saynt Paule calleth the lordes souper is called of the fathers Eucharistia and Synaxis was ordeyned whervnto it serueth the promesse there added euydētly declareth which is to acertayne vs that the lordes body was ones so offered so betrayed for our sakes that now it is ours yea and euermore shall be and that his bloude was ones so sprynkled and shed for vs that it shulde be ours for euermore The bodyly eye seeth but the sygnes figures of bread and wyne but the inwarde eye of fayth vnder those signes seeth how the lord gyueth the true partakynge of his body and bloude For all thoughe he beynge now taken vp into heauen kepeth his residence in heauen and no longer in earthe I meane in personall and humayne lykenes yet no distaūce of place can let him to fede his faythefull with his owne selfe so to worke that they thoughe heauen earthe be neuer so far asunder shulde yet haue moste presente felowshyp and companye with hym And hereof haue we a lesson gyuen vs in this sacrament so certayne and manifeste that we muste fastly beleue that chryst with all his rychesse is here gyuen and presented vnto vs