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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72013 Articles, whereupon it was agreed by the archbishoppes and bishoppes of both prouinces, and the whole cleargie, in the Conuocation holden at London in the yere of our Lorde God. 1562. according to the computation of the Churche of Englande for the auoiding of the diuersities of opinions, and for the stablishyng of consent touching true religion. Put foorth by the Queenes aucthoritie.; Thirty-nine Articles. English Church of England. 1571 (1571) STC 10038.9; ESTC S124523 8,937 29

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Confirmation Penaunce Orders Matrimonie and extreme Vnction are not to be compted for Sacramentes of the gospel being such as haue growen partly of the corrupt folowing of the Apostles partly are states of life alowed in the scriptures but yet haue not lyke nature of Sacramentes with Baptisme and the Lordes Supper for that they haue not any visible signe or ceremonie ordayned of God. The Sacramentes were not ordayned of Christ to be gased vpon or to be caryed about but that we should duely vse them And in such only as worthyly receaue the same they haue a wholesome effect or operation But they that receaue them vnworthyly purchase to them selues damnation as S. Paul sayth Of the vnworthynesse of the ministers which hinder not the effect of the Sacramentes ALthough in the visible Churche the euyl be euer myngled with the good sometime the euyll haue cheefe aucthoritie in the ministration of the worde Sacramentes yet forasmuch as they do not the same in their owne name but in Christes and do minister by his commission and aucthoritie we may vse their ministerie both in hearing the word of God in the receauing of the Sacramentes Neither is the effecte of Christes ordinaunce taken away by their wickednesse nor the grace of Gods gyftes diminished from such as by fayth ryghtly do receaue the Sacramentes ministred vnto them which be effectuall because of Christes institution and promise although they be ministred by euyll men Neuerthelesse it apparteyneth to the discipline of the Churche that enquirie be made of euyl ministers and that they be accused by those that haue knowledge of their offences and finally beyng founde gyltie by iust iudgement be deposed Of Baptisme BAptisme is not only a signe of profession and marke of difference whereby Christian men are discerned from other that be not christened but is also a signe of regeneration or newe byrth whereby as by an instrument they that receaue baptisme rightly are grafted into the Church the promises of the forgeuenesse of sinne of our adoption to be the sonnes of God by the holy ghost are visibly signed and sealed fayth is confyrmed and grace increased by vertue of prayer vnto god The baptisme of young children is in any wyse to be retayned in the Churche as most agreable with the institution of Christe Of the Lordes supper THE Supper of the Lord is not only a signe of the loue that Christians ought to haue among them selues one to another but rather it is a Sacrament of our redemption by Christes death Insomuch that to suche as ryghtlie worthyly and with fayth receaue the same the bread whiche we breake is a partrakyng of the body of Christe and likewyse the cuppe of blessing is a parttakyng of the blood of Christe Transubstantiation or the chaunge of the substaunce of bread and wine in the Supper of the Lorde can not be proued by holye writ but is repugnaunt to the playne wordes of scripture ouerthroweth the nature of a Sacrament and hath geuen occasion to many superstitions The body of Christe is geuen taken and eaten in the Supper only after an heauenly and spirituall maner And the meane whereby the body of Christe is receaued and eaten in the Supper is fayth The Sacrament of the Lordes Supper was not by Christes ordinaunce reserued caryed about lyfted vp or worshipped Of the wicked which do not eate the body of Christe in the vse of the Lordes Supper THE wicked and suche as be voyde of a liuelye fayth although they do carnally and visibly presse with their teeth as Saint Augustine sayth the Sacrament of the bodye and blood of Christ yet in no wyse are they partakers of Christe but rather to their condemnation do eate and drinke the signe or Sacrament of so great a thing Of both kindes THE cuppe of the Lorde is not to be denyed to the laye people For both the partes of the Lordes Sacrament by Christes ordinance and commaundement ought to be ministred to all Christian men alike Of the one oblation of Christe finished vppon the Crosse THE offering of Christ once made is the perfect redemption propiciation and satisfaction for all the sinnes of the whole worlde both originall and actuall and there is none other satisfaction for sinne but that alone Wherefore the sacrifices of Masses in the which it was commonly said that the Priestes did offer Christe for the quicke and the dead to haue remission of payne or gylt were blasphemous fables and daungerous deceites Of the mariage of Priestes BYshops Priestes and Deacons are not commaunded by Gods lawe eyther to vowe the estate of single lyfe or to abstayne from mariage Therefore it is lawfull also for them as for all other Christian men to mary at their owne discretion as they shall iudge the same to serue better to godlynesse Of excommunicate persons howe they are to be auoyded THat person whiche by open denuntiation of the Churche is ryghtly cut of from the vnitie of the Churche and excommunicated ought to be taken of the whole multitude of the faythfull as an Heathen and Publicane vntill he be openly reconciled by penaunce and receaued into the Churche by a iudge that hath aucthoritie thereto Of the traditions of the Churche IT is not necessarie that traditions and ceremonies be in al places one or vtterly like for at all times they haue ben diuerse and may be chaunged accordyng to the diuersitie of Countreys times and mens maners so that nothing be ordeyned against Gods worde Whosoeuer through his priuate iudgement wyllyngly and purposely doth openly breake the traditions and ceremonies of the Church which be not repugnaunt to the worde of God and be ordayned and approued by common aucthoritie ought to be rebuked openly that other may feare to do the lyke as he that offendeth agaynst the Common order of the Churche and hurteth the aucthoritie of the Magistrate and woundeth the consciences of the weake brethren Euery particuler or nationall Churche hath aucthoritie to ordaine chaunge and abolishe ceremonies or rites of the Churche ordeyned onlye by mans aucthoritie so that all thinges be done to edifiyng Of Homilies THE seconde booke of Homilies the seuerall titles wherof we haue ioyned vnder this article doth conteyne a godly and wholesome doctrine and necessarie for these tymes as doth the former booke of Homilies whiche were set foorth in the time of Edwarde the sixt and therefore we iudge them to be read in Churches by the Ministers diligently and distinctly that they may be vnderstanded of the people Of the names of the Homilies 1 Of the right vse of the Churche 2 Agaynst perill of Idolatrie 3 Of repayring and keping cleane of Churches 4 Of good workes first of fastyng 5 Agaynst gluttony and drunkennesse 6 Against excesse of apparell 7 Of prayer 8 Of the place and time of prayer 9 That common prayers and Sacramentes ought to be ministred in a knowen tongue 10 Of the reuerente estimation of Gods worde 11 Of almes doing 12