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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B01079 A briefe instruction, collected for the exercise of youth, and simple sort of people. / By Thomas Cobhead preacher.. Cobhead, Thomas. 1579 (1579) STC 5455; ESTC S96008 9,103 40

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He suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucifyed dead and buried hee descended into hell and the thirde day he rose againe from death He ascended into Heauen and sytteth on the ryght hande of God the Father almightie From thence shall he come to iudge bothe the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the holy Ghost The holy Catholike Church The Communion of Saints The forgeuenesse of sinnes The resurrection of the body And the lyfe euerlasting So be it Demaund Is thy fayth perfect assone as thou beleeuest Aunswer Not so but increaseth by hearing the word of God vsing praiers and Sacraments Demaund Thou sayest prayers is a helpe to increase thy fayth Aunswer Yea for it assures me that I shal haue all thinges that I aske for in Christes name agreeing to his wyll Demaund What thinges mayst thou pray for agrreeing to the wyll of God Aunswer For ioye and for the increase of loue betweene all degrees for heauenly wisedome for the holye ghoste To be delyuered from euyll in the tyme of temptation For to obtayne mercie of our heauenlye Father Demaund Is God content and pleased with euerie mans prayer Aunswer No for if we praye to him not agreeing to his wyll hee wyll ●o● heare vs. Demaund What thinges are not agreeing to his wyll that we maye not praye for Aunswer To praye to them that bee dead for any thing as to the virgin Marie or any other for any thing is not agreeing to his wyll For wee haue but onely one mediatour to praye for vs and that is Christ Demaund Doth them that bee deafe heare when they be prayed vnto Aunswer No for the Prophet Esay sayeth vnto the Lorde thou art our Father for Abraham knoweth vs not neyther is Israell acquainted with vs. Demaund Maye wee praye for them that be dead Aunswer No for it is not agreeing to the wil of god For Saint Iohn sayth there is a sinne vnto death I saye not that thou shouldest praye for it Demaund What sayest thou of them that liue in fylthie sinnes are their prayers heard Aunswer No for disobedience and wicked sinnes is the cause that God wyll not heare our prayers Demaund What is prayer Aunswer It is a peticion made vnto God for thinges that we haue neede of with the affection of the harte Demaund Howe many kynde of prayers be there Aunswer Two Inuocation and prayer Demaund What is Inuocation Aunswer It is wherby God is called vpon in any thing Demaund Howe many thinges be requyred in prayer Aunswer Fowre The commaundement of god The promise Fayth and the thinges desired Demaund What is the fyrst Aunswer The commaundement of GOD which commaundeth vs to pray and call vpon him and as it is sinne to sweare so it is synne not to praye Demaund What is the seconde Aunswer The promise of God which certifyeth vs that our prayers are heard in Christes name For Christe sayth whatsoeuer ye shal aske the Father in my name he wyll geue it you Demaund What is the thirde Aunswer Faith for we must beleeue that our sinnes are forgeuen vs when we pray with pensiue harts For Christe sayth what thing so euer when ye praye beleeue that ye receyue them and ye shal haue them Demaund What is the fowrth Aunswer The thing that is asked Demaund What things must we aske Aunswer For heauenly wisedome from aboue and we shall haue it In the tyme of trouble seeke for helpe from aboue and it shall be delyuered If any man be werie of the burden of sinne let him aske for mercie and he shall haue it Doth any man lacke loue from a pure hart toward God and man let him praye for it and God wyll geue it him Or whatsoeuer we haue neede of as we are taught in the Lordes prayer Demaund What is the Lordes prayer Aunswer It is a briefe forme of praying which Christ taught his disciples and all faithfull men saying When ye praye say thus OVr father which art in heauen Halowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wyll be done in earth as it is in heauen Geue vs this day our dayly bread And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue thē that trespasse against vs And leade vs not into temptation But delyuer vs from euyll For thine is the kingdome the power glorie nowe and for euer Amen Demaund How many Sacraments be there Aunswer Two the Lordes Supper and Baptisme Demaund What is a Sacrame●● ▪ Aunswer It is a holy signe instituted of God to confyrme my fayth and to seale in my harte the promises of Gods mercie towardes mee for the forgeuenesse of my sinnes and saluation in Christe Demaund W●●● are Sacramentes in gene●●●● ▪ Aunswer They are visible signes whiche sygnifie vnto vs both grace and coniunction with Christe and seale vnto vs the promises of saluation for God delyuered vnto vs sacramentes as seales of his promises and when we haue receyued them they beare wytnesse that we belong vnto Christe Demaund Who gaue the sacraments Aunswer The author and geuer of the sacramentes is God the Father and his sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde Demaund Are there seuen sacramentes as the Bishop of Rome affyrmeth Aunswer No but two as we haue sayde before for the other sacramentes can be no sacraments because they want the manifest woordes of promise which shoulde by a visyble sygne be sealed and because there is no commaundement geuen of God wherby we are bounde to obserue them as sacraments Demaund What do you come to receyue Aunswer The holy sacrament of the body and blood of Christe Demaund Why doest thou come to receyue it Aunswer Because God hath commaunded mee saying doo this in remembrance of mee Demaund Of howe many partes consisteth a sacrament Aunswer Of two partes The outwarde Element being a visible signe and the inuisible grace Demaund What is the outwarde signe Aunswer Bread and Wine which the Lorde hath commaunded to be receyued Demaund What is the heauenly part Aunswer It is the body and blood of Christ which was broken for mee and shedde for mee which is eaten and dronken of the faythfull spirituallie Demaund Is the Breade and Wine chaunged into the bodye and blood of Christe Aunswer No for then the nature of the Sacrament were destroyed For God ordayned it to be receyued in the remembraunce of his death The breade sacramentally is the Lordes body and so lykewise the cuppe The cuppe naturallie is a cuppe of wine but sacramentally it is the cuppe of the Lordes blood newe Testament Christe called it his blood not that his blood shoulde be really in it but that it should be the Sacrament of his blood Demaund Was this Supper ordayned of Christe to be offered as a Sacrifice to God the Father for remission of sinnes Aunswer No truly for when Christe dyed vpon the Crosse he once fullye made that onely euerlasting
sacrifice for our saluation for euer The bread was delyuered to the Disciples as the sacrament of the Lordes body but the verie body it selfe shoulde be geuen vpon the crosse not to the Disciples but to God the father for the Disciples Demaund What is the Lordes Supper Aunswer It is the sacrament of my redemtion by the death of Christ Demaund What thinkest thou of the Lordes Supper Aunswer I beleeue that as my bodye is nourished with breade and wyne there broken and powred for thee that euen so my soule is nourished spiritually by Christes body broken and his bloodshed for the remission of my synnes Demaund Wherfore it is our duetie to geue thankes at the Lords supper And the Lorde gaue thankes therat Thirdlie it putteth vs in remēbraunce that as the bread which we eate is made of many graines one loafe and the grapes being many pressed together is made one wine so we being many are one bodye whereof Christe is the heade Seeing then that we are all one body we ought to helpe one another and to loue one another Demaund What is our duetie to doo that we maye come to the Lordes supper rightlie Aunswer To examine our selues whether wee be true members of Christe depending our faith wholie vpon him as our only sauiour Secondly to examine our selues whether wee bee in loue one with another and forgeue one another Thirdlie we must examine our selues what sinnes we haue committed and repent that wee maye with a cleare conscience come to the Lordes Table Demaund What is Baptisme Aunswer Baptisme is the Sacrament of our regeneration cleansing admission sanctifycation incorporation admission wherby they which do repent and professe the fayth and Religion of Christe are incorporated consigned vp to Christ and his Church Demaund Who dyd institute Baptisme Aunswer Our sauiour Christe Demaund What doth baptisme signifie Aunswer It declareth the washing away of my sinnes by Christes blood and my new byrth Demaund Can none assure them selues of saluation vnlesse they be Baptised Aunswer I saye not so Gods grace is not tyed to externe Elementes we beleeue his promise and therefore doubte not but the chyldren of the faythfull are saued although they passe awaye in their mothers wombe for they are holye by vertue of the couenaunt And are sanctifyed in their mothers wombe For example Isaac which was borne the chylde of God by vertue of the promise Whereby it followeth that the promise is the fountayne of saluation and not the sacrament Another example the theefe that dyed with Christe asked for mercie and was saued where was he baptised Demaund Is it in our wyll to be baptised or not to be baptised Aunswer We are commaunded of Christe to be baptised and therfore he that maye be baptised and wyll not hee breaketh the commaundement of God and is cursed Demaund Maye one fall from grace after he is baptised Aunswer Yea verelie for whoremongers swearers and other wicked liuers do fall from the grace and as long as they remayne in sinne they are without God and cutte of from the vine Christ and can not be saued although they be baptised vnlesse they repent Saint Peter sayth Baptisme taketh not awaye the fylth of the flesh But in that a good conscience consenting to God by the resurrectiō of Iesus Christ And S. Paule sayth circumcision is nothing and vncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the cōmaundements of god So then Baptisme is no cause of our saluation For example Simon Magus which was baptised and yet remayned the chylde of the deuyll Demaund What deest thou promise when thou art Baptised Aunswer I promise to forsake the deuyll the worlde and the flesh and to bee Christes seruaunt all the dayes of my lyfe Demaund Dyddest thou neuer breake thys promise Aunswer Yea for if I sweare lye steale or doo any other thing contracie to the wyll of God I breake my promise made vnto God. Demaund Whose seruaunt art thou when thou hast broken thy promise the seruaunt of God Aunswer No verelie for Christe sayth he that committeth synne is the seruaunt of sinne Demaund What is the rewarde of this seruaunt for breaking his promise made in Baptisme Aunswer Dampnation for Saint Pa●● sayth the reward of sinne is death ▪ Demaund What is done of thee nowe seeing thou hast forsaken thy promise 〈…〉 to lyue styll in that state of dampnation Aunswer No but to remember my promise and returne vnto God for the remission of my sinnes and for his holy spirite to leade mee into newnesse of lyfe Demaund Doest thou thinke that God wyll receyue thee if thou repent seeing thou hast broken thy promise in Baptisme and lyued in fylthie sinne many yeares seruing the deuyll c. Aunswer Yea trulie for Christe sayth I came to call the synners to repentaunce I am a synner and if I repent and forsake sinne I beleeue I am become his seruaunt againe and all my sinnes forgeuen me ac●●rding to his promise Demaund What difference is 〈…〉 ●●crament and a sacrifi●● ▪ Aunswer A Sacrament is a signe or 〈…〉 of the promise of God that he geueth vnto vs a certaine thing So was circumcision a certaine token whereby he woulde c receyue the circumcised Baptisme is a token whereby God worketh with vs and b receyue vs vnto grace Sacrificium is a worke of ours which we geue vnto god Wherby we c honour him Demaund Howe many kindes of Sacrifices be there Aunswer Two the one is called Propitiatorium that is which obtayneth mercie and appeaseth the wrath of God. The other is called Eucharisticum that is to saye a thankesgeuing Demaund What is Sacrificium Propitiatorium Aunswer It is a worke deseruing remission of sinnes deliueraunce from euerlasting punishment and there is onelie one Sacrifice which deserueth remission of sinnes that is to saye the death and passion of Christe Demaund What is the Sacrifyce of thanksgeuing Aunswer It is a thankesgeuing vnto God the Father thorow Iesus Christe the remission of our synnes and for all other benefytes receyued of him Therefore whether we eate ●r drinke or whatsoeuer we doo let vs prayse God thorowe Iesus Christe our Lorde and saye Amen FINIS 1579. Gene. 1. 26. Gene. 2. 7. Eccl. 10. 7. Iere. 9. 23. Iere. 22. 29 Gene. 3. 19. Deut. 6. Esa. 44. 1. Cor. 8. Ephe. 4. Gene. 1. 26. Iohn 1. 1. cap. 10. 30. Mark. 16. Math. 3. Iohn 14. et 15. 1. Iohn 5. Ephe. 4. 6. Gene. 1. Iohn 1. Iohn 17. 5. cap. 6. 62. Coll. 1. 15. ●● 15. vs Math. 3. 16 Ioh. 14. 26. cap. 16. 7. Esai 44. 21 Iohn 4. 23 Iohn 8. 47 Esai 1. 19. Deut. 6. 1. Re. 15. 22 Psa 50. 15. Mat. 6. et 7 Luk. 18. Psa 141. 2. Psa 148. 13 Psa 51. 15. Rom. 12. 1. Hebr. 13. 1. Pete 2. 5. Psa