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lord_n blood_n body_n bread_n 35,000 5 8.1520 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09211 A short instruction vnto Christian religion briefly noting our profession, exercise, and obedience required of vs in this life. By Thomas Pearston. Pearston, Thomas. 1590 (1590) STC 19520; ESTC S100341 8,669 32

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was he crucifyed A. For our sinnes Q. Why did Christ die A. To deliuer the faithfull from eternall death Q. Why was he buried A. For an assurance of his death Q. VVho buried him A. Ioseph and Nicodemus Q. There were many called Ioseph as Ioseph foster father to Christ and Ioseph which dwelled at a place called Aramathea and diuers others which of these was he that did helpe to burie Christ A. Ioseph which dwelled at Aramathea Q. VVhat meaneth Christs descending into hell A. That he by humble suffering of torments ouercame hell Q. Is the wrath of Cod so fully contented and payed A. Yea. for God is welpleased in him Q. What was the cause of his rising againe the third day A. To iustifie vs. Q. And doth it not assure vs of the great tryumph and victorie ouer sinne death the diuell and the power of hell A. Yea forsooth Q. Why did Christ after his rising from death goe to heauen A. To prepare places for vs. Q. Hath God the father handes A. We may not so grosely imagine Q. Why then doest thou say that Christ sitteth at the right hand what doest thou confesse this hand to be A. The power of God Q. So then thou doest confesse that hée is God equall with the father A. Truth it is Q. Shall not Christ come againe in the end of the world A. Yes that I doe beléeue Q. What is the cause of his comming A. To iudge the quicke and dead Q. What will he say to the faithfull in that day A. Come blessed of my father Q. What will hee say to them that contemne his word and Sacraments A. Goe ye cursed Q. Whether doth he call the faithfull A. To heauen Q. Whether doth he send the wicked A. To hell Q. What is the holy Ghost A. The third person in Trinitie Q. Why is he called holy A. Because he maketh vs holy in the sight of God Q. What is the Catholike Church A. Those that beléeue in Christ of what nation soeuer they be Q. What are the saintes A. The beléeuers Q. What is this Communion A. Communion is fellowship Q. Wherein haue the beléeuers a felowshippe A. In the death of Christ Q. What signes and tokens he there of this fellowship in Christ his death A. Two signes and tokens Q. What be they onely called signes and tokens are they not also named Sacraments A. Yes that is the more apt name Q. What is a Sacrament A. A signe séene declaring Gods grace which we can not sée Q. Who ordayned these Sacraments A. Christ our Sauiour Q. VVhy did he ordaine them A. To declare Gods good will vnto vs. Q. God in his worde hath made many promises to his Church how are these promises sealed vnto vs A. By the vse of the Sacraments Q. VVhere must we lay vp this Iewell and treasure offered in the Sacramēts A. Io ur harts Q. VVhich be the two Sacraments A. Baptisme and the Lords supper Q. VVhat is the signe séene at Baptisme A. VVater Q. The vse of water is to wash but in the Sacrament the vse of it is not to wash but to signify the grace of God by some spirituall washing Tell me therefrre what this water signifyeth A. The washing away of our sinnes Q. How are our sinnes washed away A. By the sprinkling of the bloud of Iesus Christ once shedde for all Q. Must that signe of this sprinkling or washing be often done A. No but once for all Q. What is the signe séene at the Lords supper A. Bread and wine Q. Which is the grace which it declareth A. The body and bloud of Christ Q. Séeing the Lord hath giuen but one signe in Baptisme why hath he giuen vs two in the supper A. To declare that he féedeth not vs to the halfe meale but wholy Q. Then by this he is both our meat and drinke A. Euen so is he Q. You before did confesse that Christ went vp to heauen there to remaine vntil the day of iudgement how should he then be our meate and drinke is he carnall meat A. No truly Q. How then is hee meate or nourishment vnto vs A. By his word he nourisheth vs. Q. how doe we receaue him to bee our meat A. By faith to féede our soules Q. Who doth giue him vnto vs A. God the Father Q. How did God the Father giue him A. In sacrifice on the crosse for vs. Q. VVhat are wee that God gaue his sonne to be slaine in sacrifice for vs A. We are miserable wretched sinners Q. Should we therfore continue in sinne because the sacrifice is made for sinne A. God forbid Q. VVhat is then required of vs A. Faith and Repentance Q. Cannot faith be without repentance A. No if it be true faith Q. May repentance be without faith A. True repentance can not be without fayth Q. VVhat was Iudas repentance A. Desperation Q. VVhy was it desperation A. Because he hanged himselfe sought his owne death Q. Shall our bodies rise againe to life after they be dead and buried A. I beléeue they shall rise againe Q. How shall this our sinnefull body rise at the day of iudgement A. VVithout corruption Q. Why is this clause of life euerlasting set to the end of the beléefe A. To assure vs of immortalitie Q. What is meant by this word Amen in the end of the Créede A. By it I desire the increase of faith the subuersion of sinne in me Q. How commeth the knowledge of sin A. By the law Q. What is the lawe A. Our schoolemaster to driue vs to Christ Q. How did God deliuer this lawe vnto his seruant Moses A. Written in two tables of stone Q. How many cōmandements are there in the first table A. Foure Commandements Q. What doo these foure cōmandements teach vs A. Our dutie towards God Q. How many Commandements are in the second table A. Sixe Commandements Q. What doo these sixe commandements teach vs A. Our dutie to our neighbour Q. VVhy is the dutie to God set before the dutie to our neighbour A. Because wee should serue him aboue all things Q. And why art thou taught thy dutie to thy neighbour A. That it might be knowen whether I doe my dutie to God or no. Q. How many Cōmandemēts be there A. Ten. Q. Which be they A. God spake these wordes and sayd Q. Is this a commandement A. No. but a preface vnto them Q. What learnest thou by these wordes then A. I learne that God was the author of them Q. So then I perceiue thou doest confesse it to be Gods word A. Yea that doe I. Q. VVhat doest thou gather in those wordes I am the Lord. A. By this word Lord I gather that he is of power to punish the offenders Q. What comfort haue wee in these which brought thée out of the lande of Egypt out of the house of bondage A. I gather this comfort that God is the deliuerer of me and all the faithfull from hell as