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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03232 A short and plaine dialogue concerning the vnlawfulnes of playing at cards or tables, or any other game consisting in chance Offered to the religious consideration of all such as make conscience of all their waies. Balmford, James, b. 1556. 1593 (1593) STC 1335; ESTC S100766 4,445 18

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A SHORT AND PLAINE DIALOGVE CONCERNING THE vnlawfulnes of playing at Cards or Tables or any other game consisting in chance OFFERED TO THE RELIgious consideration of all such as make conscience of all their waies 1. THESSAL 5.21 Trie all things and keepe that which is good Imprinted at London for Richard Boile TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL MASTER LIONEL MADDISON Maior the Aldermen his Brethren and the godly Burgesses of Newcastle vpon Tine IAMES BALMFORD Wisheth the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse that other things may be ministred vnto them THat which heretofore I haue propounded to you right Worshipfull and beloued in teaching I doe now publish to all men by printing to wit mine opinion of the vnlawfulnes of games consisting in chance My desirets either information if I erre in iudgement or reformation of so leud a practise But whether I erre or no which yet I would gladly vnderstand * Rom. 3.7 for I ought not to teach an vntruth though to Gods glorie yet there is none zealous indeede against sin desirous from the heart to reclaime sinners and who deeply considereth the grieuous abuses which accompanie dicing and carding as horrible swearing dangerous quarelling losse I say not of good houres but of nights and daies and the pitifull vndoing of too too many but will remember that * 1. Cor. 6.12 all things are not expedient which are lawfull and therefore abstaine from such Heathenish pastimes that if by their example they cannot reforme they may be sure * 1. Cor. 8.9 they doe not confirme gamesters in their inordinate walking Which respect the 7. Iniunction forbidding Ministers to vse these vnlawfull games may be supposed to haue Now that which authoritie exacteth of Ministers doth Religion require of all true Professors For as the one are to be * 1. T it 5 3. ensamples to the flocke so the other are to be * Phil. 2.15 lights in the world And therefore as Paul saith * 1. Cor. 8.10.13 If meate offend my brother I will eate no flesh while the world standeth so euery true Christian should say and that with more resolution for Play is not so necessarie as meate If play offend my brother who seeing me hauing knowledge play is boldned to follow gaming I will not play while the world standeth Which care vnto edification if all who haue the * Psal 50.16.17 word in their mouthes and would not bee thought to hate to bee reformed would manifest in their sincere conuersation and if Magistrates who should not * Rom. 13.4 carrie the sword in vaine would doe what they may by * 33. H. 8. c. 9 5. E. 6. c. 25. law to banish these forbidden past times or rather lost-times I doubt not but that preaching and writing against them would more mightily preuaile and this good would come of it many would applie themselues to better exercises there would bee lesse time mispent in Ale-houses and God lesse prouoked to displeasure against vs. But these things I referre to the consideration of the wise and this my Dialogue to the iudgement of the godlie chiefly to you whose good I wish especially Farewell From my studie the first of Ianuarie 1593. A SHORT AND PLAINE DIALOGVE CONCERNING THE vnlawfulnes of playing at Cards or Tables or any other game consisting of chance Professor SIR howsoeuer I am perswaded by that which I reade in the common places of Peter Martyr par 2. pag. 525 b that Dice condemned both by the Ciuill lawes and by the Fathers are therefore vnlawfull because they depend vpon chance yet not satisfied with that which he writeth of Table-playing pag. 526. b I would craue your opinion concerning playing at Tables and Cards Preacher Sauing the iudgement of so excellent a Diuine so farre as I can learne out of Gods word Cardes and Tables seeme to mee no more lawfull though lesse offensiue than Dice For Table-playing is no whit the more lawfull because Plato compares the life of man thereunto than a theefe is the more iustifiable because Christ compareth his second cōming to Burglarie in the night Mat. 24.43.44 Againe if Dice be wholly euill because they wholly depend vpon chance then Tables and Cards must needes be somewhat euill because they somewhat depend vpon chance Therefore consider well this reason which condemneth the one as well as the other Lots are not to bee vsed in sport but games consisting in chance as Dice Cardes Tables are lots therefore not to be vsed in sport Prof. For my better instruction proue that Lots are not to be vsed in sport Preach Consider with regard these three things Ioh. 8.48 1. Cor. 11.16 First that wee reade not in the Scriptures that Lots were vsed but only in serious matters both by the Iewes Ios 18.10 and Gentiles Ion. 1.7 Secondly that a Lot in the nature therof doth as necessarily suppose the special prouidence and determining presence of God as an oth in the nature therof doth suppose the testifying presence of God Yea so that as in an oth so in a lot prayer is expressed or to bee vnderstoode 1. Sam. 14.41 Thirdly that the proper end of a Lot as of an oth Heb. 6.16 is to end a controuersie and therefore for your better instruction examine these reasons Whatsoeuer directly or of it sefe or in a speciall manner tendeth to the aduancing of the name of God is to be vsed religiously Mal. 1.6.7 and not to be vsed in sport as wee are not to pray or sweare in sport Exod. 20.7 Esa 29.13 Ier. 4.2 but the vse of Lots directly of it selfe and in a speciall manner tendeth to the aduancing of the name of God in attributing to his speciall prouidence in the whole and immediate disposing of the Lot and expecting the euent Pro. 16.33 Act. 1.24.26 Therefore the vse of Lots is not to be in sport Againe we are not to tempt the Almightie by a vaine desire of manifestation of his power and speciall prouidence Psal 78.18.19 Esa 7.12 Matth. 4.6.7 But by vsing Lots in sport we tempt the Almightie vainly desiring the manifestation of his speciall prouidence in his immediate disposing Therfore c. Lastly whatsoeuer God hath sanctified to a proper end is not to bee peruerted to a worse Matth. 21.12.13 But God hath sanctified Lots to a proper end namely to end controuersies Num. 26.55 Pro. 18.18 therefore man is not to peruert them to a worse namely to play and by playing to get away another mans money which without controuersie is his owne For the common saying is Sine lucro friget lusus No gaining cold gaming Profes God hath sanctified Psalmes to the praise of his name and bread and wine to represent the bodie and bloud of our crucified Sauiour which be holie ends and the children of God may sing Psalmes to make themselues merie in the Lord and feede vpon bread and wine not only for necessitie but to cheere themselues why then may not Gods children