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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72749 A forme of prayer to be publikely vsed in churches, during this vnseasonable weather, and aboundance of raine. Set forth by authoritie.. Church of England.; Dyson, Humphrey, d. 1633. 1613 (1613) STC 16539; ESTC S123409 3,602 17

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FIDES HVMILITAS A FORME of Prayer to be publikely vsed in Churches during this vnseasonable Weather and aboundance of Raine ¶ Set forth by Authoritie HOSEA 5.15 In their affliction they will seeke me early ¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker Printer to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie 1613. ¶ A forme of Prayer to be publikely vsed in Churches during this vnseasonable weather and abundance of Raine At Morning Prayer after the 95. Psalme O come let vs sing vnto the Lord c. Read the 105. Psalme and the 10. Psalme For the first Lesson the 6. and 7. of Genesis For the second Lesson the 17. of Luke or the 24. of Matthew After the Collect O Lord our heauenly Father Almighty and euerlasting God c. Say this Prayer MOst gracious God and mercifull Father forasmuch as wee are taught by thy holy Word Leuit. 26. that thou wilt breake the pride of our power bring vpon vs burning Agues to consume vs make our hearts heauie And that thou wilt suffer vs to sow our Seed in vaine and breake the staffe of our Bread when we despise thy sacred Ordinances and walke stubbornly against thee in that thou hast partly visited partly threatned vs with thy dreadfull punishments thou doest thereby graciously admonish vs of our manifold sinnes and wilfull transgressions against thy most sacred Maiestie Wee haue a long time securely stumbred in the senselessenes of our iniquities and it hath pleased thy Gracious goodnesse by these thy chastisements mercifully to awaken vs. Wherefore we see the grieuousnes of our impietie and beholding it our hearts are filled with sorrow and our eyes are watered with penitent teares We do humbly acknowledge and confesse our great vnthankefulnesse for the continuall multiplying of thy blessings vpon vs. For the more thou hast heaped on vs thy Mercies the more haue we wretched sinners by our transgressions prouoked thy Iustice and therefore most iustly hast thou laid thy heauie hand vpon vs in smiting some of vs with a lingering sicknesse by vnseasonable wether menacing dearth and further scarcity These extraordinarie afflictions are infallible signes of thy wrath anger kindled against vs yet because we know thee not onely to be a iust and righteous but likewise a mercifull God in thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ through his mediation wee presume to prostrate our selues before thy Throne of grace most humbly beseeching thy Fatherly goodnesse to wash away the vncleane pollutions of our sinnes with his precious blood and to cast them into the bottome of the Sea that their lowd crie may no longer pearce the Heauens and thence pluck downe thine irefull indignation vpon vs but wee being receiued into thy fauour and henceforth walking in pietie obedience temperance sobriety and bringing forth fruits worthy of amendment of life may to our comfort enioy thy temporall blessings in this life and in that which is to come eternall glory for Christ his sake our onely Aduocate and Mediatour Amen ¶ Then reade the Letanie where after the Prayer Almighty and euerlasting God which onely workest great marueiles c. say this Prayer O Most Omnipotent Creator who by thine infinite power hast framed the whole world and all things therein contained of nothing and out of thine vnspeakable loue towards man hast placed glorious lights in the firmament to shine vpon the earth and to be signes for Seasons for Dayes and for Yeeres hast appointed the Heauens to shed down fruitful showres and the earth to bring foorth euery greene and liuing thing in due season for this thine inestimable goodnesse we are incessantly bound to dedicate our selues our soules and bodies yea all our thoughts and endeauors to be perpetuall sacrifices of thankefulnesse vnto thy holy Name and euermore to praise and magnifie the riches of thy mercy towards vs. But wee like a disobedient and sinfull people haue bin altogether vnmindfull of thy great clemencie and made thy gracious blessings instruments of horrible ingratitude against thy diuine Maiestie abusing them to pride wantonnesse surfetting drunkennesse and all kind of riot and excesse wherewith wee most iustly haue prouoked thy fearefull wrath and indignation against vs. And as we by the multitude of our sinnes haue frequently violated thy diuine ordinances and Statutes so hast thou of late commanded the heauens the earth and the times and seasons depending on them to breake and alter their course so to punish vs for these sinnes with an vnusuall disease and with feare of future famine if out of thy bottomlesse mercy thou stretchest not out thy sauing hand to stop the streame of thy fury like to be powred downe vpon vs. We haue sinned we haue sinned O Lord and in the immoderate showres vnnaturall seasons of the yeere and long lingring sicknesse continuing yet amongst vs We haue felt the weight of thy heauie displeasure But now from the ground of our hearts We grieue and are sorry We mourne and lament for these our transgressions Lord then let thy heauie displeasure cease and be no longer angry with vs. We doe vnfainedly repent vs of all our iniquities and through the gracious assistance of thy holy spirit doe most seriously purpose to turne vnto thee Lord then turne vnto vs and let the light of thy countenance shine vpon vs in vouchsafing vnto vs moderate showres healthfull seasons and the fruitfull increase of the earth Blesse vs O Lord that we may blesse thee giue vnto vs strength and health that we may praise thy sauing health graunt vnto vs seasonable weather and with it thy plenty and aboundance that so we may be taught to magnifie the abundance of thy mercies through all generations to our euerlasting saluation and thy endlesse honor and glory through Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour Amen At Euening prayer Reade the 78. Psalme in stead of the Psalmes appointed for the day For the first Lesson reade Deut. 28. For the second Lesson reade the Epistle of S. Iude or 1. Cor. 10. vnto the end of the thirteenth verse Before the Collect Lighten our darkenes c. reade this Prayer ETernall God whose perfect holinesse being euery where present cannot suffer the wilfull encrease of wickednes and sinne and therefore by thy manifest and visible iudgments thou declarest vnto grieuous sinners both the greatnesse of thine indignation and the weightinesse of their offences we miserable wretched sinners being admonished by the apparent signes of thy displeasure now vpon vs into what danger wee haue brought our selues by sinne doe here humbly confesse our multiplied transgressions against thy diuine Maiestie earnestly desiring thy singular goodnes to respect vs with the eye of mercy and to grant vnto vs vnfained repentance that so the course of thy deserued anger may bee stayed against vs. O Lord we behold and acknowledge thy hand powring vpon vs this chastisement of immoderate raine and waters and the long continuance of this vnseasonable weather hath wrought vpon our cōsciences which are not so sensible