Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

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lord_n bishop_n king_n year_n 10,666 5 5.0630 4 false
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Showing 1 to 100 of 928
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A47675 Lent-preachers appointed to preach before His Majesty for the year 1679/80 1680 (1680) Wing L1056A; ESTC R34968 528 2 View Text
A48665 A list of the lent-preachers appointed to preach before His Majesty, for the year 1680/81 Royal Chapel of Whitehall (London, England); Church of England. Diocese of London. Bishop (1675-1713 : Compton). Lent-preachers appointed by the Lord Bishop of London, to preach on Wednesdays and Fridays for the year 1680/81. aut 1681 (1681) Wing L2452B; ESTC R213690 556 2 View Text
A58483 A Remarkable passage, or, A vvitty discovrse between two citizens and the Bishop of Lincolne, concerning the Book of common prayer before the Lords of the Prliament House with the pleasant passages in their discourse worthy to be observed by the reader. 1641 (1641) Wing R921; ESTC R1072 1,396 8 View Text
A26119 At the Queens-house in East Greenwwich, in the county of Kent, the ninth day of March, in the fifth year of the reign of Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, &c. commissioners then present, the Right Reverend Fathers in God Henry Lord Bishop of London, Simon Lord Bishop of Ely, Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln, Richard Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Dr. Thomas Plume Arch-Deacon of Rochester ... 1693 (1693) Wing A4100; ESTC R38549 1,411 1 View Text
A55954 The proceedings of the Grand-jury of the city of Bristol, upon an indictment against Edward Flower, gentleman, for speaking words in derogation of His Majesty, and the high court of Parliament Flower, Edward, Gentleman. 1680 (1680) Wing P3585; ESTC R16107 1,423 2 View Text
A32360 A proclamation against the resset of the rebels, and for delivering them up to justice England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1679 (1679) Wing C3225; ESTC R1828 1,574 1 View Text
B05482 Ap roclamation [sic] against the resset of the rebels, and for delivering them up to justice England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.; Scotland. Privy Council. 1679 (1679) Wing S1614A; ESTC R183352 1,576 16 View Text
B05481 A proclamation against the resset of the rebels, and for delivering them up to justice Scotland. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1679 (1679) Wing S1614; ESTC R183351 1,610 1 View Text
A92654 A proclamation, against the resset of the rebels, and for delivering them up to justice; Proclamations. 1679-06-26 Scotland. Sovereign (1649-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1679 (1679) Wing S1616; ESTC R230219 1,630 1 View Text
A37388 A declaration of the peaceable Royallists Concerning the King, we are not so mad, nor so foolish as to endeavour to enslave our selves, and the whole nation under a tyrant. We know that King James had his faults, and King Charles had his faults, and the present King of Scots hath his failings, as all men are sinners too too [sic] bad God knows. ... 1659 (1659) Wing D736; ESTC R219482 1,784 1 View Text
A39438 At the court at Whitehall the 16th of February, 1680 Present, the Kings most excellent Majesty, His Highness the Prince Rupert Lord Bishop of London ... Whereas since the expiration of the Act of Parliament made in the 22d & 23d year of his Majesties reign, entitled, An Act for regulating the plantation trade; ...; Proclamations. 1681-02-16. England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1681 (1681) Wing E855; ESTC R215339 2,061 2 View Text
A39966 L. F. Lord Keeper his speech before the Kings Majesty and both Houses in the high court of Parliament concerning His Majesties reigne with the bishops, iudges, & peeres of the land : with the Kings Majesties speech or charge to the speaker.; Speech before the Kings Majesty and both Houses in the High Court of Parliament concerning his Majesties reigne with the bishops, judges & peeres of the land Finch of Fordwich, John Finch, Baron, 1584-1660.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 1641 (1641) Wing F1551C; ESTC R12996 2,309 7 View Text
A07730 To the most honorable assembly of the Commons House of Parliament a briefe of the petitioners cause. Morley, Caleb. 1621 (1621) STC 18114.5; ESTC S3366 3,045 1 View Text
A80239 A commission from the right honourable the lord high chancellor, the lord high treasurer, the lord bishop of London, and the dean of St. Pauls. To the right honorable the lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, Mr. Justice Hyde, Mr. Attorney Generall and others. Concerning the arrears of impropriations, and other ecclesiasticall livings, &c. granted by His Sacred Majesty to the said lord high chancellor, lord high treasurer, lord bishop of London, and dean of St. Pauls. For and towards the repair of the Cathedrall Church of St. Paul London. 1662 (1662) Wing C5551C; ESTC R174184 3,477 11 View Text
A77390 A breif account of the Popes pretences of a civil right to the Crown of England, and the answer thereunto 1679 (1679) Wing B4513; ESTC R232458 3,727 1 View Text
A55952 Proceedings of the French clergy against the Court of Rome, or, Acts of the assembly of my lords the archbishops and bishops that were in Paris held by the kings order in the arch-bishoprick, on Thursday the thirtieth of the month of September, 1688. S.N. / translated from the French. Catholic Church. Assemblée générale du clergé de France (1688) 1688 (1688) Wing P3582; ESTC R33961 3,816 14 View Text
A54328 A Perfect catalogue of the peeres of the realm of England viz. Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, Viscounts, and Barons now sitting in this present Parliament, began at Westminster the 8th day of May in the 12th year of the reign of our Gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles the Second &c., 1661 : together with the auncient statute for placing the Lords in all Parliaments and other assemblies and conferences of councils. 1661 (1661) Wing P1475; ESTC R26870 4,049 12 View Text
A95572 Ranters of both sexes, male and female: being thirteen or more, taken and imprisoned in the gate-house at Westminster, and in the new-prison at Clerken Well. Wherein John Robins doth declare himself to be the great God of Heaven, and the great deliverer, and that his wife is with childe with Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. With divers other blasphemous opinions, here truely set forth. Maintained before the Right VVorshipful Justice Whittacre, & Justice Hubbert. / Written by John Taylor. There is a pamphlet in this kinde, written with too much haste, I know not by whom, with but few truths, which in this are more largely expressed. Taylor, John, 1580-1653. 1651 (1651) Wing T499; Thomason E629_15; ESTC R206443 4,205 8 View Text
A79224 His Majesties gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday, July 30. 1661. The day of their adjournment. : Together with the speech of Sir Edward Turnor, Knight, speaker of the honorable House of Commons, to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. Delivered on Tuesday the thirtieth day of Juy, 1661 at the adjournment of the Parliament. England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); Turnor, Edward, Sir, 1617-1676.; Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. 1661 (1661) Wing C3044A; ESTC R223297 4,526 14 View Text
A82351 An act for confirmation of judicial proceedings England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II); England and Wales. Parliament. 1660 (1660) Wing E1005; Thomason E1075_12; ESTC R208493 4,717 11 View Text
A22461 By the King a proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent, or on fish-dayes, appointed by the law, to be hereafter strictly obserued by all sorts of people. England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I); Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1628 (1628) STC 8879; ESTC S122729 4,876 3 View Text
A35032 A short narrative of the discovery of a college of Jesuits at a place called the Come in the county of Hereford which was sent up unto the Right Honorable the Lords assembled in Parliament at the end of the last sessions / by the Right Reverend Father in God Herbert, Lord Bishop of Hereford ... ; to which is added a true relation of the knavery of Father Lewis, the pretended bishop of Landaffe, now a prisoner in Monmouth gaol. Croft, Herbert, 1603-1691. 1679 (1679) Wing C6977; ESTC R31314 5,342 24 View Text
B08249 An account of the original of judging according to equity and how erroneous judgments in equity have been rectified, humbly represented to the King, Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, in order to a due establishment. England and Wales. Parliament. 1690 (1690) Wing A335CA; ESTC R214056 5,468 2 View Text
A66623 A winding-sheet for the Anabaptists & Quakers; or The death and burial of their fanatick doctrines Being a discovery of their dangerous designs, wicked practises, and malitious indeavours, to subvert all civil government, both in church and state. As also, the strong bulwark, and banners of loyalty; for all loyal subjects, against the fanatick gunpowder reformations, within these his gratious Majesties realms, and dominion. Likewise, a Christian summons to all persons whatsoever, to submit to the Church of England, and chearfully to comply with the rites and ceremonies of the vvorship of God, commended to, ... by our gratious soveraign Lord King Charles, whom God long preserve, being the Defender of the Faith. And the laws, orders, and statutes for the punishing all Anabaptists and sectaries that shall presume to meet, ... Ordered to be published throughout the several countyes in England and VVales. 1660 (1660) Wing W2979B; ESTC R221110 5,752 12 View Text
A89705 No Parliament without a king: or, The soveraigns person is required in the great councels or assemblies of the state, aswell [sic] at the consultations as at the conclusions. 1643 (1643) Wing N1186; Thomason E87_3; ESTC R19245 6,191 15 View Text
A78468 Certaine considerations wherein the prelates doe acknowledge that they stand by the meer mercy of the King and Parliament; not having any foundation in Scripture. And that the King and Parliament may dispose of them, at their pleasure. 1642 (1642) Wing C1698; Thomason E131_17; ESTC R11567 6,280 8 View Text
A22176 A treatyse of the state and disposition of the worlde with the alteracions and chaunginges therof through the great coniunctions of the iii hyest planetes, called Maxima, Maior, Media, and Minor : declaringe the very tyme, the day, houre and minute, that God created the sonne, moone, and sterres, and the places where they were fyrst set in the heauens, and the beginning of their inouynges and so contynued to this day wherby the world hath receyued influe[n]ce as [s]hal be declared by example from the creation unto this present yere, and also to the yeare of our Lorde, M.D.LVIII. to come. Askham, Anthony, fl. 1553. 1550 (1550) STC 859.5; ESTC S646 6,622 26 View Text
A34726 A treatise, shewing that the soveraignes person is required in the great councells or assemblies of the state, as well at the consultations as at the conclusions written by Sir Charles Cotton. Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631. 1641 (1641) Wing C6503; ESTC R15895 6,751 16 View Text
A47475 The King's power in ecclesiastical matters truly stated 1688 (1688) Wing K605; ESTC R30485 6,852 12 View Text
A37401 A Declaration, or, Letters patents of the election of this present King of Poland, John the Third, elected on the 22d of May last past, Anno Dom. 1674 containing the reasons of this election, the great vertues and merits of the said serene elect, his eminent services in war, especially in his last great victory against the Turks and Tartars, whereof many particulars are here related, not published before / now faithfully translated from the Latin copy by John Milton. Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1674 (1674) Wing D779; ESTC R29345 7,420 15 View Text
A91836 The right of tithes asserted: by our old Saxon lavves. A discourse proving them to be neither popish nor antichristian. Wherein the patrons ancient interest is also briefly vindicated, and a word likewise added for universities. By one that hath no place in either of them: nor incumbency upon tithes. One that hath no place in either of them. 1653 (1653) Wing R1507; Thomason E712_9; ESTC R203391 7,565 11 View Text
A75504 An apology for purchases of lands late of bishops deans and chapters 1660 (1660) Wing A3547; Thomason 669.f.25[75]; ESTC R330 7,707 4 View Text
A54327 A Perfect catalogue of all the lords treasurers that have been in England to this present year, 1679 with particular observations on Thomas Earl of Danby. 1679 (1679) Wing P1474; ESTC R361 7,724 4 View Text
A90169 Orders establisht in the popish generall assembly, held (under the specious pretence of supreme authority, and being his Majesties good subjects) at the city of Kilkenny in Ireland. Wherein both root and branches of the English nation, as also the very essence of Protestant religion are wholly struck at. Ireland. General Assembly at Kilkenny. 1643 (1643) Wing O398; Thomason E60_19; Thomason E91_9; ESTC R353 7,751 16 View Text
A28358 An argvment of ivstification of the five members accused by His Majesty vvherin is proved that the raising of this present army by authority of Parliament, is not treason : by which it likewise appeareth, that never any king of England received losse or damage by any Parliament, from the first that ever was called to this present Parliament / by Peter Bland of Grays-Inne, Gent. Bland, Peter, of Gray's Inne. 1643 (1643) Wing B3161; ESTC R16874 8,204 18 View Text
A62792 To the nobility of England 1679 (1679) Wing T1577; ESTC R2151 8,414 1 View Text
A37642 Anno Regni Caroli Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo septimo, at the Parliament begun at Westminster the third day of November, Anno Dom. 1640 in the 16. year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lord, Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Parliament.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 1641 (1641) Wing E1246; ESTC R5264 8,420 13 View Text
A00225 Articles to be enquired of in the generall visitation of the right vvorshipfull M. Robert White, Bachelour in Divinity, Arch-deacon of Norfolke, anno Domini 163[3?] Church of England. Archdeaconry of Norfolk.; White, Robert, Archdeacon of Norfolk. 1633 (1633) STC 10280.3; ESTC S2642 8,422 10 View Text
A08803 The allegeance of the cleargie A sermon preached, at the meeting of the whole clergie of the dyocesse of Rochester, to take the Oath of allegeance to his most excellent Maiestie, at Greenewich, Nouem. 2 1610. By Samuel Page, Doctor in Diuinitie. Page, Samuel, 1574-1630. 1616 (1616) STC 19088; ESTC S113755 8,460 22 View Text
A23117 The abregement of the statutes of Anno.xxxj. Henrici.viij; Laws, etc. England and Wales. 1541 (1541) STC 9542.3; ESTC S111910 8,836 18 View Text
A45999 Idem iterum, or, The history of Q. Mary's big-belly from Mr. Fox's Acts and monuments and Dr. Heylin's Hist. res. Foxe, John, 1516-1587. Actes and monuments.; Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. Ecclesia restaurata. 1688 (1688) Wing I33; Wing F2040_CANCELLED; ESTC R5327 8,878 8 View Text
A25493 Another out-cry of the innocent & oppressed being a true account of the unjust and illegal proceedings of Richard Rainsford and Roger Norwich and others against Thomas Allen, Francis Child, Richard Coe, and William Line, being such as are called Quakers, at the general Quarter Sessions holden at the castle in Northampton on the 12. and 13 days of the 10th moneth, 1665, where Rich. Rainsford sat in judgment and when Richard Rainsford saw that the plague was somewhat ceased, as Pharaoh did Exodus 9, 34, he hardened his heart, and those called justices joyned with him so their hearts were hardened that they attempted the second time unjustly to pass sentence to transport the servants of the Lord to the island of Barbados. 1665 (1665) Wing A3273; ESTC R16388 8,907 13 View Text
A64258 A loving exhortation to all kings, princes, potentates, bishops and people in the whole Christendom wherein is a distinction betwixt the true and false teachers ... / written by Thomas Taylor. Taylor, Thomas, 1618-1682. 1666 (1666) Wing T578; ESTC R17705 9,248 13 View Text
A59351 The triumphs of London performed on Monday Octob. 30th, 1693, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir William Ashurst, Knight, lord mayor of the city of London : containing a true description of the several pageants : with the speeches spoken on each pageant, all set forth at the proper costs and charges of the worshipful Company of Merchant-Taylors : together with the festival songs for His Lordship and the Companies diversion / by E.S. Settle, Elkanah, 1648-1724.; Merchant Taylors' Company (London, England) 1693 (1693) Wing S2723; ESTC R25618 9,503 23 View Text
A65573 The civil rights and conveniences of episcopacy with the inconvenience of presbytery asserted : as it was delivered in a charge to the grand jury at the general quarter sessions held at Nottingham Apr. 22, 1661 / by Pen. Whalley. Whalley, Penistone. 1661 (1661) Wing W1534; ESTC R27585 9,880 15 View Text
A18479 An edict or ordonance of the French King conteining a prohibition and interdiction of al preaching and assembling, and exercise of any other Religion, then of the Catholique, the Apostolique, and the Romaine Religion. Item an other edict of the same king, remouing al Protestants from bearing any office vnder the King, in the Realme of France. Nevvly translated out of Frenche into English.; Proclamations. 1568-09-28 France. Sovereign (1560-1574 : Charles IX) 1568 (1568) STC 5035; ESTC S111060 10,011 43 View Text
A97094 The bloody proiect, or a discovery of the new designe, in the present war. Being a perfect narrative of the present proceedings of the severall grandee factions, for the prevention of a just peace, and promoting of a causelesse warre, to the destruction of the King, Parliament & people. Whereunto is annexed several expedients for an happy accommodation tending to the satisfaction of all parties, without the further effusion of blood. / By W.P. Gent. Walwyn, William, 1600-1681. 1648 (1648) Wing W681; Thomason E460_4; ESTC R3843 10,073 16 View Text
A00250 Articles to be enquired of within the diocesse of Rochester in the first triennall visitation of the Right-Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Rochester holden in the yeere of our Lord God 1638, in the fourteenth yeere of the reigne of Our Most Gratious Soveraigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Brttaine [sic], France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Church of England. Diocese of Rochester. Bishop (1637-1666 : Warner); Warner, John, 1581-1666. 1638 (1638) STC 10321.5; ESTC S869 10,183 16 View Text
A18565 Jack vp Lande compyled by the famous Geoffrey Chaucer Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400, attributed name. 1536 (1536) STC 5098; ESTC S104967 10,438 36 View Text
A17339 A brefe exhortation set fourthe by the vnprofitable seruant of Iesu christ, Paule Bushe late bishop of Brystowe, to one Margarete Burges wyfe to Ihon Burges, clotheare of kyngeswode in the Countie of Wilshere. Bush, Paul, 1490-1558. 1556 (1556) STC 4184; ESTC S118871 10,516 48 View Text
A67907 The foundation of the Universitie of Oxford, with a catalogue of the principall founders and speciall benefactors of all the colledges, and total number of students, magistrates and officers therein being. And how the revenews thereof are and have been increased from time to time, and by whom, with buildings, books and revenues as no universitie in the world can in all points parallel: these are the nurseries of religion, and seminaries of good literature. Langbaine, Gerard, 1609-1658. 1651 (1651) Wing L370; ESTC R202711 10,636 19 View Text
A34717 The forme of government of the kingdome of England collected out of the fundamental lawes and statutes of this kingdome : wherin is manifested the customary uses of the kings of England upon all occasions, either of marriage, peace or warre, to call their peeres and barons of the realme to be bartners [sic] in treatizes, and to give their judicious advice : the state and security of the whole kingdome depending upon such counsells and determinations : likewise the names of the kings and the times when such Parliaments were called, and the acts that passed upon those and the like occasions : Henry I, Iohn, Henry 3, Edward I, Edward 2, Edward 3, Richard 2, Henry 4, Henry 5, Henry 6, Edward 4, Henry 7, Henry 8 : published for the satisfaction of all those that desire to know the manner and forme of the government of the land, and the fundamentall lawes of the kingdome. Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631. 1642 (1642) Wing C6492; ESTC R21849 10,966 24 View Text
A63358 London's triumph, or, The goldsmiths jubilee containing a description of the several pageants and speeches, made proper for the occasion, together with a song, for the entertainment of His Majesty, who, with His Royal Consort, the Queen Dowager, Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, and the whole Court, honour His Lordship this year with their presence / by M. Taubman. Taubman, Matthew, d. 1690? 1687 (1687) Wing T243; ESTC R10412 11,440 16 View Text
A07889 The admirable deliuerance of 266. Christians by Iohn Reynard Englishman from the captiuitie of the Turkes, who had been gally slaues many yeares in Alexandria The number of the seuerall nations that were captiues follow in the next page. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1608 (1608) STC 18258; ESTC S112976 11,814 32 View Text
B07647 Articles, to be enquired of vvithin the dioces of London, in the third generall visitation of the reuerend Father in God, Richard, Bishop of London. Holden in the yeere of our Lord God 1604. In the second yeere of the raigne of our most gratious Soueraigne Lord Iames, by the grace of God of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, king, defender of the fayth; and of Scotland the thirtie eight, &c.. Church of England. Diocese of London. Bishop (1597-1604 : Bancroft); Bancroft, Richard, 1544-1610. 1604 (1604) STC 10255; ESTC S92374 12,178 17 View Text
A34707 The antiquity and dignity of parliaments written by Sir Robert Cotton. Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631. 1679 (1679) Wing C6481; ESTC R3568 12,822 16 View Text
A34708 The antiquity and dignity of parliaments written by Sir Robert Cotton. Cotton, Robert, Sir, 1571-1631. 1680 (1680) Wing C6482; ESTC R14588 12,856 16 View Text
A37590 An act for the uniformity of publick prayers and administration of sacraments and other rites and ceremonies and for establishing the form of making, ordaining and consecrating bishops, priests and deacons in the Church of England.; Laws, etc. England and Wales. 1662 (1662) Wing E1136; ESTC R29994 13,269 17 View Text
A04627 The true inquisition or The sad soules search Preached at Newport, May 29. 1632 in the primary visitation of the worshipfull Mr. Edvvard Burbye, Archdeacon of Winton. dBy W. Iones, B. of D. preacher to the Isle of Wight, and Vicar of Arreton. Jones, William, b. 1581 or 2. 1633 (1633) STC 14748; ESTC S119450 13,625 31 View Text
A87333 A true account of the whole proceedings of the Parliament in Ireland, beginning March 25, 1689, and ending the 29th of June following; : with the establishment of their forces there. Ireland. Parliament. 1689 (1689) Wing I654C; ESTC R178711 14,152 26 View Text
A83529 Two acts of Parliament, the one for the preventing of the inconveniences happening by the long intermission of Parliament. : And the other for regulating of the Privie Councell, and for taking away the court, commonly called, The Star-Chamber.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; England and Wales. Parliament. 1640 (1640) Wing E2382C; ESTC R230802 14,291 17 View Text
A50914 Nevvs from hell, Rome and the Innes of court wherein is set forth the coppy of a letter written from the devill to the pope : the true coppy of the petition delivered to the King at Yorke : the coppy of certaine articles of agreement betweene the devill, the pope, and divers others : the description of a feast, sent from the devill to the pope : together with a short advertisement to the high court of Parliament with sundry other particulars / by J. M. Milton, John, 1608-1674. 1642 (1642) Wing M42B; ESTC R23068 14,420 30 View Text
A14275 A tale of tvvo swannes VVherein is comprehended the original and increase of the riuer Lee commonly called Ware-riuer: together, with the antiquitie of sundrie places and townes seated vpon the same. Pleasant to be read, and not altogether vnprofitable to bee vnderstood. By W.V. Vallans, William. 1590 (1590) STC 24590; ESTC S111492 14,794 26 View Text
A16491 A sermon concerning decencie and order in the church Preached at VVood-Church, in the diocesse of Canterburie, April. 30. 1637. By Edward Boughen parson of Wood-Church. Boughen, Edward, 1587?-1660? 1638 (1638) STC 3406; ESTC S113532 15,437 30 View Text
A25628 An Ansvver to this quodlibetical question, whether the bishops make a fundamental and essential part of the English Parliament collected out of some memorials in a larger treatise for the information of some, the confirmation of others, and the satisfaction of all. 1661 (1661) Wing A3454; ESTC R22861 15,455 24 View Text
A67593 Historical collections of the church in Ireland during the reigns of K. Henry VIII, Edward VI and Q. Mary wherein are several material passages omitted by other historians concerning the manner how that kingdom was first converted to the Protestant religion and how by the special providence of God, Dr. Cole, a bloody agent of Q. Mary was prevented in his designs against the Protestants there : set forth in the life and death of George Browne, sometime Archbishop of Dublin, who was the first of the Romish clergy in Ireland that threw off the Popes supremacy and forsook the idolatrous worship of of [sic] Rome : with a sermon of his on that subject. Ware, Robert, d. 1696.; Browne, George, d. 1556. 1681 (1681) Wing W848; ESTC R12362 15,456 22 View Text
A45168 A sermon preach'd before the House of Lords, at the abbey-church of St. Peter's Westminster, on Thursday, the 30th of January, 1695/6 being the martyrdom of K. Charles I / by the right reverend Father in God, Humphrey, Lord Bishop of Bangor. Humphreys, Humphrey, 1648-1712. 1696 (1696) Wing H3721; ESTC R43273 16,128 29 View Text
A30986 That the bishops in England may and ought to vote in cases of blood written in the late times upon occasion of the Earl of Straffords case / by [a] learned pen ; with some answers to the objections of the then Bishop of Lincoln, against bishops voting in Parliament. Barlow, Thomas, 1607-1691. 1680 (1680) Wing W2677C; Wing B845; ESTC R17167 16,504 22 View Text
A68827 A treatise concernynge generall councilles, the byshoppes of Rome, and the clergy Alesius, Alexander, 1500-1565, attributed name. 1538 (1538) STC 24237; ESTC S119686 16,965 70 View Text
A67563 The case of Joram a sermon preached before the House of Peers in the Abby-church at Westminster, January 30, 1673/4 / by Seth, Lord Bishop of Sarum. Ward, Seth, 1617-1689. 1674 (1674) Wing W817; ESTC R19529 17,156 39 View Text
A08067 [A briefe cronicle and perfect rehearsall of all the memorable actions hapned not onelie in the Low Countries, but also in Germanie, Italy, Fraunce, Spaine, England, Turkie, and other countries since the yeare of our Lord 1500 to this present yeare 1598.] 1598 (1598) STC 18433; ESTC S119983 17,172 72 View Text
A63011 The Almighty his gracious token of love to his friend Abraham, or, A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Bristol, January 3, 1674 by Rich. Towgood ... Towgood, Richard, 1595?-1683. 1676 (1676) Wing T1975; ESTC R10564 17,548 33 View Text
A54704 The interest of England in the preservation of Ireland humbly presented to the Parliament of England / by G.P., Esq. Philips, George, 1599?-1696. 1689 (1689) Wing P2027; ESTC R1613 18,021 38 View Text
A67129 A short view of the life and death of George Villers, Duke of Buckingham written by Henry Wotten ... Wotton, Henry, Sir, 1568-1639. 1642 (1642) Wing W3652; ESTC R21346 18,072 31 View Text
A29084 A defence of the Kings authority and supremacy in the church & church-discipline and that he is supream head and governour over all persons, in all causes ecclesiastical : against these disciplinarians, the Pope and his clergy, the bishops and episcoparians, the Scottish and English Presbyterians, with the independents ... / by Theophilus Brabourne. Brabourne, Theophilus, b. 1590. 1660 (1660) Wing B4091; ESTC R25285 18,498 27 View Text
A11433 Fortunes fashion pourtrayed in the troubles of the Ladie Elizabeth Gray, wife to Edward the fourth. Written by Tho. Sampson. Sampson, Thomas, poet. 1613 (1613) STC 21686; ESTC S104563 18,630 48 View Text
B10268 The reformation of the Church of Ireland, in the life and death of George Browne some time Arch-bishop of Dublin, being the first of the Romish clergy that adhered here in Ireland, to the reformation of the Protestant Church of England; being then reformed within this realm of Ireland. Anno 1551. Ware, Robert, d. 1696.; Browne, George, d. 1556. 1681 (1681) Wing W851A; ESTC R230801 18,741 24 View Text
A38520 Epistola Medio-Saxonica, or, Middlesex first letter to His Excellency, the Lord General Cromwell together with their petition concerning tithes and copy-holds of inheritance, presented to the supreme authority, the Parliament of England : wherein the tortious and illegal usurpation of tithes, contrary to Magna Charta, is discovered, the blemished dignity of copy-holders revived, and how lords of manors have formerly incroached upon their liberties, by imposing arbitrary fines, and multiplying of heriots : whereunto is annexed two additional cases concerning the unreasonable exactions of fines and heriots, contrary to law, in these latter times ... Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658.; Wingfield, Augustus. Vindiciae Medico-Saxonicae. 1653 (1653) Wing E3170; ESTC R5296 18,776 30 View Text
A39441 An Abridgement of the statutes made in the thirteenth year of the reign of King Charles the Second alphabetically digested under apt titles and heads for the ready finding out of the matter. England and Wales. Laws, etc. 1661 (1661) Wing E860; ESTC R6329 18,777 46 View Text
A38873 An exact account of the whole proceedings against the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry, Lord Bishop of London, before the Lord Chancellor and the other ecclesiastical commissioners Compton, Henry, 1632-1713.; England and Wales. Ecclesiastical Commission (1686) 1688 (1688) Wing E3591; ESTC R5368 18,930 34 View Text
A49585 Large and sure foundations 1693 (1693) Wing L437; ESTC R16686 19,344 15 View Text
A56480 A Particular account of the late and present great sufferings and oppressions of the people called Quakers upon prosecutions against them in the Bishops courts humbly presented to the serious consideration of the King, Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled. Mead, William, 1628-1713.; Penn, William, 1644-1718. 1680 (1680) Wing P581; ESTC R19015 19,580 51 View Text
A88083 Erastus Junior. Or, A fatal blovv to the clergies pretensions to divine right. In a solid demonstration, by principles, forms of ordination, canon-laws, acts and ordinances of Parliament, and other publique acts, instruments, records, and proceedings, owned by themselves, that no bishop, nor minister, (prelatical, or Presbyterian) nor presbytery (classical, or national) hath any right or authority to preach, ... in this nation, from Christ, but onely from the Parliament. In two parts: the one demonstrating it to an episcopal, the other to a Presbyterian minister. By Josiah Web, Gent. a serious detester of the dregs of the Antichristian hierarchy yet remaining among us. Lewgar, John, 1602-1665. 1660 (1660) Wing L1831; Thomason E1010_11; ESTC R202720 19,588 24 View Text
A26252 An Authentical account of the formalities and judicial proceedings upon arraigning at Westminster, a peer of the realm before a Lord high-steward 1680 (1680) Wing A4264; ESTC R25898 19,733 37 View Text
A62230 Summus angliæ seneschallus, or, A survey of the Lord High-Steward of England his office, dignity, and jurisdiction, particularly the manner of arraigning a peer indicted of treason, or felony : in a letter to the Lords in the Tower ... Saunders, Edmund, Sir, d. 1683. 1680 (1680) Wing S745; ESTC R9936 19,870 38 View Text
A08886 A short relation, of the life, virtues, and miracles, of S. Elizabeth called the peacemaker. Queen of Portugall Of the third rule of S. Francis. Canonised by Pope Vrban the VIII. the 25. of May. Anno 1625. Translated out of Dutch; by Sister Catharine Francis, Abbess of the English Monasterie of S. Francis third rule in Bruxelles.; Leven van de H. Elizabeth van Portugael. English Paludanus, François, d. 1631.; Greenbury, Catharine, 1596-1642. 1628 (1628) STC 19167; ESTC S120727 20,106 84 View Text
A44541 A book of some of the sufferings and passages of Myles Halhead of Mount-Joy in Underbarrow in the county of Westmorland as also, concerning his labour and travel in the work of the Lord ... Halhead, Miles, 1613 or 14-1689 or 90. 1690 (1690) Wing H285; ESTC R5882 20,571 26 View Text
A48068 A letter from Major General Ludlow to Sir E.S. [i.e. Sir Edward Seymour] comparing the tyranny of the first four years of King Charles the martyr, with the tyranny of the four years reign of the late abdicated King : occasioned by the reading Doctor Pelling's lewd harangues upon the 30th of January, being the anniversary or General Madding-day. Ludlow, Edmund, fl. 1691-1692. 1691 (1691) Wing L1489; ESTC R3060 20,681 33 View Text
A00089 Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall; treated upon by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, presidents of the convocations for the respective provinces of Canterbury and York, and the rest of the bishops and clergie of those provinces; and agreed upon with the Kings Majesties licence in their severall synods begun at London and York. 1640 ...; Constitutions and canons ecclesiastical Church of England. 1640 (1640) STC 10080; ESTC R212834 20,991 54 View Text
A90689 Englands season for reformation of life. A sermon delivered in St. Paul's Church, London. On the Sunday next following His Sacred Majesties restauration. By Tho. Pierce, rector of Brington. Pierce, Thomas, 1622-1691. 1660 (1660) Wing P2183; Thomason E1027_17; ESTC R203182 21,118 38 View Text
B23311 The history of Waltham-Abby in Essex, founded by King Harold by Thomas Fuller. Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. 1655 (1655) Wing F2442 21,484 23 View Text
A47854 The free-born subject, or, The Englishmans birthright asserted against all tyrannical vsurpations either in church or state L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704. 1679 (1679) Wing L1248; ESTC R16045 23,037 38 View Text
A39971 The Forfeitures of Londons charter, or, An impartial account of the several seisures of the city charter together with the means and methods that were used for the recovery of the same, with the causes by which it came forfeited, as likewise the imprisonments, deposing and fining the lord being faithfully collected out of antient and modern historys, and now seasonably published for the satisfaction of the inquisitive, upon the late arrest made upon the said charter by writ of quo warranto. 1682 (1682) Wing F1557; ESTC R18801 24,150 37 View Text
A33327 The life & death of William, surnamed the Conqueror, King of England and Duke of Normandy, who dyed Anno Christi, 1087 by Samuel Clarke ... Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1671 (1671) Wing C4534; ESTC R19248 24,316 47 View Text
A28457 Animadversions upon Sr. Richard Baker's Chronicle, and its continuation wherein many errors are discover'd, and some truths advanced / by T.B., Esq. Blount, Thomas, 1618-1679. 1672 (1672) Wing B3327; ESTC R6294 24,738 120 View Text
A09846 A blowe for the Pope Touching the Popes prerogatiues. Extracted word for word out of the Booke of martyres.; Actes and monuments. Selections Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1631 (1631) STC 20110; ESTC S105126 25,856 50 View Text
A54690 A plea for the pardoning part of the soveraignty of the kings of England Philipps, Fabian, 1601-1690. 1682 (1682) Wing P2012; ESTC R9266 26,002 72 View Text
A51586 Symplegades antrum, or The rumpant story impartially relating their tyrannical dealings, and clymacterical downfall. Together with a congratulation of his most sacred Majesty in his most happy reign. By John Mullinax Dr. in Physick. Mullinax, John. 1660 (1660) Wing M3058B; ESTC R213888 26,024 62 View Text
A50383 Unity restor'd to the Church of England by John Mayer. Mayer, John, 1583-1664. 1661 (1661) Wing M1426; ESTC R28824 26,506 53 View Text
A88240 The prisoners plea for a habeas corpus, or an epistle writ by L.C. Joh. Lilburne prerogative prisoner in the Tower of London the 4. of Aprill, to the Honourable Mr. W. Lenthall Speaker of the House of Commons. In which is fully proved, that the judges are bound by law and their oaths to grant a habeas corpus to any prisoner ... and to deny it ... is to forsweare themselves, for which they may be in law indicted for perjury, and upon conviction, are for ever to be discharged of their office, service and councell. In which is also declared the usurpation of Mr. Oliver Crumwell, who hath forcibly usurped unto himselfe the office of L.G. in the Army, for almost 12. moneths together, and thereby hath robbed the kingdome of its treasure, under pretence of pay, which he hath no right nnto [sic], and by the power of the said office hath tyrannized over the lives, liberties, and estates of the freemen of England ... all which John Lilburne will venture his life according to the law of the land to make good, unto which he hath annexed his epistle which he writ to the prentices of London the 10th of May 1639 ... Lilburne, John, 1614?-1657. 1648 (1648) Wing L2165; Thomason E434_19; ESTC R202789 26,710 17 View Text