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B15269 Letters conteyning sundry deuises touching the state of Flaunders and Portingall: written by Card. Granuelle and others, and lately intercepted and published. Granvelle, Antoine Perrenot de, 1517-1586. 1582 (1582) STC 19768; ESTC S101488 31,340 94

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draweth to some ende that at the leaste I may bee relieued with some good portion eyther in Burgondy or els where for the which I heartily thanke you as also of the assuraunce that you make mee of your good will together with my Lords your felow brethren in my behalf wherby I am greatly boūd to employ my selfe for the whole company especially for you in whatsoeuer occasion may graunt me opportunitie The resolution of the estates hath bin great and of great importaunce as that whereof the whole countrey I hope shal reap cōmoditie his Maiestie being resolued to accept of this good wil to sende aide for the assuraunce of the said Countreys against the French so to procure the rest and quiet which after so many mischiefes were thereto more then necessarie Thus most heartily cōmending my self to your good remembraunce I beseeche the Creator my L. Tresorer to graunt you your desires From Madrill this 16. of Apryll 1582. Your assured and olde friende Ant. Cardinall of Granuelle The superscription was To my L. Stercke high Tresorer of his Maiesties recepts in the Low countreys MY Lord To the L. of Billy I haue receiued your letters of the last of Februarie whiche my L. of S. Vastz deliuered mee at his comming hether from whence hee is nowe departed vpon his iourney I was glad to see him and wee haue often conferred together The resolution that hee bringeth from the estates deserueth that he bee very welcome especially for that hee hath so honourablie behaued himselfe therein as also in reconciling the estates of the Wallon Prouinces In truth he is a meete man and I am glad that I haue founde him affectionate towarde you Of your good will towarde mee I assure my selfe by reason of such offers as both by mouth and letters you haue often made mee And your selfe may be sure to finde me alwayes correspondent in like desire to employ my selfe in what soeuer concerneth you which certaynely both willingly and fauourablie I do perfourme in what I may Wherefore heartily commending me to your good grace I beseeche the Creator to graunt you your desires From Madrill this 15. of Aprill 1582. Your perfect good friende Ant. Cardinall of Granuelle The superscription was To my L. the L. of Billy c. Letters of A. Dennetiers MY Lorde To the L. of Rassenghiē I lately receiued the letters whiche it pleased your Lordeship to write vnto mee by the L. of Saint Vastz who was most honourably receiued and feasted by the most noble my L. of Granuelle and as I vnderstand shal so bee also by my L. Foncq at Lisborne where he is already arriued and was like speedily to be dispatched hauing such an host had not his dispatch by reason of the enteruiewe betweene the K. and the Empresse who was gone to see her at Almerin whether shee came to meete him bin stayed I haue and still will willingly do my L. of Vendegies all pleasure I may for besides his deserts and vertuous qualities there is in vs a certaine kinde of conformitie which maketh mee to loue reuerence and honor him reioycing and congratulating with your Lordeship for such a Lorde and friend such a nephew of whō I hope of much in time to come concerning the administration of the common wealth benefite of our countrey I woulde to God we had many such We can come to no ende with the widowe who is a foolish woman and hath euill counseile I hope neuerthelesse that time and friendes may mollifie her and teach her to knowe her wrong In the meane time my Lord of Secry waxeth so liuely and practise in the language and knowledge of spanish affaires that his emprisonment will not onely bee not vnprofitable to him but also most profitable As likewise to the aforesaid L. of Vendegies who hath dayly dealings with proctors and atturneys learning the phrase maner to proceede Of this mishappe wil redounde this benefite that they shall haue learned the speeche and customes of the kingdome It is supposed that his Maiesties soiourning at Lisbone is very fit for the reducing of the Hollenders Zealāders who haue learned vnderstood what the K. our M. is Also that herewithal the P. of Orēges death with is thought certayne may breede great alteratiō God graunt we may wel vse this opportunitie I suppose that will be when the French is better known also that vntil then we shal haue enough to do and more then euer For a good firme peace a strong war is necessarie The vniforme resolution of the Wallon prouinces was hard very acceptablie god graūt it may be well vsed otherwise I am in the same feare with your Lordship Wherevpon I dare say his Maiestie will vse both wisedome and discretion Your L. doeth greatly binde mee in shewing so great fauour towarde me my kinsmen and friendes I hope God will giue me grace to deserue it toward your Lordshippe and yours according to my small habilitie in whatsoeuer I may vnderstande requisite to your honor welth and seruice A suppose that some of my yeeres pentions in title of a Lorde of the priuie counsell are yet behinde I am to craue your Lordships fauour in the payment thereof towarde the reliefe of my mother and other our wantes which are great by reason of the great losses whiche in our goods wee haue susteyned during these warres If your Lordeship woulde do mee this fauour to wishe mee some meanes how to be recompensed I thinke his Maiestie woulde haue some regarde of my seruices and losses The Admiralles sonne of Castile was lately by Alcaldes and Aguacilles ledde prisoner to the Castle of Alameda as guiltie of the death of a gentleman named Guttieres who was slayne by three or foure vnknowne Rebocados of whome there haue been some Gentlemen and others founde in Arragon and brought hither who being here racked the said Admiral and other great persons haue founde them selues grieued alleadging that it is against their priuiledges and as I vnderstande there haue bin a plaintiue request exhibited to his Maiestie wherevpon is great discoursing I am glad to heare of the recouerie of Lens out of the Frenches handes for if his leasure had serued that he might haue fortified it it might haue done muche mischiefe all ouer the flatte Countreye and bred great harme before it had been recouered Thus my L. most humbly commending me to your L. good grace I beseech the Creator to grant you the accomplishment of your most noble and vertuous desires From Madrill this 19. of Apryll 1582. Of your said Lordship the most humble and affectionate seruaunt A. Dennetieres The superscription was To my L. my L. the Baron of Rassenghien of the counsell of Estate and chiefe of the Catholik K. of Spaines recepts in his lowe Countreys Letters of the Abbot of Saint Vastz MY Lorde To counseller Richardot I suppose you haue receiued the letters I writte vnto you by the way Nowe that I am
these two dayes looke for the Prince Iohn Andrew Dorye who returneth toward Italy with his Galleyes and the Duke of Ossuna goeth with him who as your highnesse maye haue heard goeth as Viceroy to Naples His Maiestie and all his blood thanked be God are in good health and we waite what resolution they wil take after their Maiesties haue beene together who are to returne from Almarin to Lisbon where if I be not deceiued the Kinge hath yet enough to do for concerning iustice gouernment treasurie and suche like concerning surety I see nothing yet done to my lyking besides that I wote not how his Maiestie can without daunger leaue the Realme of Portingale Our Nauy is prouiding but slowly according to custome so as if wāt of monie had not hindred Don Anthony the Q. Mother of Frāce they had by this preuēted vs. The feare of the Turkes army hath caused the leuie of 6000. Almaines in Tirol who are to take shipping at Spetie but if the Turks armie commeth not yet shall we not want place where to vse them if I may be beleeued It is doubted whether the enterprise of Tercera shal be executed this yeere or whether they take any other order God put into his Maiesties hart that that may be for the best It is still said that the Imperiall diet shal be holdē at Auspburg but I cānot thinke it it began vpon Sunday last notwithstanding the purport of the letters of conuocation I suppose my L. the prince hath sent out of the lowe Countreys some one to supplie the place for the circuite of Burgondie at the least I gaue knowledge of it at the Court a good while since to the ende therevpon to write to him what was beste together with my opinion Your highnesse may haue heard howe it hath pleased his Maiestie to nominate to the Bishoppricke of Turney Morillon Prouost of Ayre Also that I haue graunted to discharge my selfe of the Archbishopricke of Malines as that I can not be there resident nominating thereto M. Iohn of Auchin deane of S. Gaule my officiall who vnder the saide prouost of Morillon hath gouerned the sayd Archbishopricke many yeeres The fauour which it pleased your highnes to extend toward the said Morillon in testifiyng so wel of him to his Maiestie for the which I most humbly and hartily thanke you together with the commendation of my sayde Lorde Prince haue bin a good helpe to him herein and certaynely I hope that of the choyse which his Maiestie haue made of these two persons hee shall be well serued and that when your highnesse shall knowe the saide deane your selfe will bee of the same opinion It is aboue fifteene yeeres since I first sued to his Maiestie to discharge mee of the said Church of Mallines which as your highnesse knoweth I accepted full euill against my will For I sufficiently did foresee what woulde ensue as that by my absence his Maiestie coulde not reape the fruites whereto he pretended by vniting the Abbaies vnto the Byshoprickes whiche he did to the end the Bishops might haue some ouersight in dealing with the states of Brabant for withstanding the prince of Orenge and other of his faction that troubled the affayres and the better to trayne the Abbots who beeing abused by the saide Prince of Orenge haue giuen him opportunitie to hurt both them selues and the rest As for Iohn of Sermillan in whose behalfe your highnesse haue written concerning the Abey of Dane in your letter dated the 17. of Februarie I haue alreadie written to Prouost Foncq who hath returned me an answere that it is alreadie bestowed I wote not on whom without making his Maiestie priuie thereto whiche he imputeth to the Counsaylor of Assonuille so that if it be bestowed ther is no more to say I see no other matter at this time woorth the troubling of your highnesse then you vnderstande by my former Finally most humbly and heartilye commending me to your highnesse good grace I beseech the creator to sende you a good and long life From Madrill this 27. of Aprill 1582. Your highnesse moste humble and bounden seruant Ant. Cardinall of Granuelle The superscription was To my Lady to her highnesse owne handes Most noble and most excellent Lorde right honourable To the prince of Parma I Haue answered all your excellencies letters and since the blowe giuen to the Prince of Orenge here haue commen none of your newes By Englande wee haue perticularly hearde the whole successe of his hurt in that this Queenes agences remaining in Antwerpe haue bin diligent in giuing daily notice of all that haue been incident to his hurt and as we haue there learned he liued for the space of 14. dayes after the blowe in vehement torments by reason as well of the griefe of his wounde as also by the Anatomie which the Surgeons made by incisions as if it had been in dead flesh for the searching thereof and seeking to helpe it also by molesting him with fierye Cauteries endeuoring to stop the vaine which they coulde not bring to passe farther that the 14. day he was in such case as euen his owne familiars were past hope of life There is no speech in what state the affaires of Antwerpe remayned all the while sauing that Alencon oft visited him and that he made a short will It can not possibly be but that this happe will breede great alterations God graunt it be to our benefite His Maiestie trusteth that your excellencie will withou● fayle helpe by all means possible to procure some good effect by vsing such meanes as you were determined with the inhabitants of Antwerpe and other townes offering vnto them notwithstanding whatsoeuer their former committed offences all pardon and curtesie in case they will reclayme themselues as also that you will not omitte what so euer occasion to bee dooyng somewhat with suche small force as you haue if opportunitie may serue All sending of speedy succour is dayly called vpon and alreadie out of Naples Sicilie and Millan We heare that men bee prouiding farther that the Horsemen that were at Naples shoulde presently march to Millan The regiment of don Ferdinando of Tolete whiche as I write vnto you shall not go with the other troupe but rather Peter of Paz was yet at Colibre the 20. of this moneth through the vnreasonable flacknesse of Don Iohn of Cardoua who seeketh to sayle so sure The prouision of 40000. crowns appointed for victualing in Sauoy are alreadie in the handes of Sanctius of Padilia Also for feare of the turkish armie there are 6000. Almaines leuied and shall take shipping at Spetie which this feare past may serue some other where to whiche ende there are 76000. crownes already sent I doe by al meanes possible call vpon the prouision of coyne as I haue already written which as I hope will be with profite Don Antony being openly assisted by the Q. mother threatneth to departe towarde the coast of Portingall and thēce to the I
with him besides the testimonie with his works already doe giue he seemeth in my opinion a very seruiceable person He shal procéede on his iourney to his Maiestie where hee shall finde part of that he hath in charge in a good forwardnesse by meanes of such diligence as haue been vsed I am to thanke you for such curteous offers as it pleaseth you by your letter to make vnto mee and for my part for requitall thereof you shall alwayes finde mee ready and willing to do for you as occasion shall serue whatsoeuer I may Finally most hartily commending mee to your good grace I beseeche the Creator my L. to graunt you the accomplishment of your desires From Madrill this 16. of Aprill 1582. Wholy ready to do you seruice Ant. cardinall of Granuelle The superscription was To my L. my L. Marquise of Roubais Gouernour of Artoys and Hesdin MY Lorde the Prelate of Saint Vastz hath deliuered your letter of the last saue one of February To the L. of Montigny In troth such are your desertes in that you haue so nobly imployed your selfe in his Maiesties seruice that your selfe neede not to speake thereof as being a thing manifest whereof his Maiestie is sufficiently enfourmed assuring you that notwithstanding it was needlesse yet I failed not to put him in minde vpon euery occasion And I perceiue he liketh you well and esteemeth of your valiancie and of that you haue vppon euery opportunitie that haue been offered so nobly and so often employed your owne person with suche manhood and honour whereby I hope that his saide Maiestie will omitte no occasion to let you vnderstande what accoumpt hee maketh of you also what curtesie you are to hope for of his greatnesse and liberalty As for the charges of Flanders I perceiue not that his Maiestie doeth yet goe about to take any resolution besides you know sir in what state Flanders matters doe yet stande howebeit I hope that if you haue not yet heard of it you shall shortly by my Lorde the prince vnderstande that he is carefull in employing you honourably And I can assure you that the good will whiche I haue perceiued in his Maiestie towarde you is such that in my opinion you can not wishe it better I am heere as you knowe farre from him at the least twelue dayes iourneys off and therefore can doe nothing but by letters which can not alwayes watch their times so as those that are present had neede to renewe the contents of the letters and I hope that my Lorde president Foncq who nowe is there through whose handes also the affayres of the lowe Countreys doe passe who in my opinion liketh you wel wil not faile to do whatsoeuer to your behoof hee may possible as also I assure you that for my part what so euer in me lieth you shal be remembred with all good and assured affection Wherevpon for an end hereof I commende mee to your good grace beseeching the Creator to graunt you the accomplishment of your desires From Madrill this 16. of April 1582. Your perfect friend to do you seruice Ant. Cardinall of Granuelle The superscription was To my Lord the Lorde of Montignye SIr To the L. of Capres the Lord of S. Vastz arriuinge heere in good helth this present daye gaue me cause of great contentation in that by him I vnderstood perticularlye besides what before I knewe the endeuors which your self together with other Lordes haue vsed for the common wealth of the countrey vpholding the religion and his Maiesties seruice wherein in troth your desert is great and I doe especially wishe that his Maiestie may effectually as occasion may serue declare how well he liketh thereof For my part I will not fayle but willingly testifie vnto his Maiestie and so farre rehearse the same alwayes as time may serue to the ende my endeuors may one day yeelde such fruits as may turne to your full contentation wherein you shall alwayes find me readie as also in whatso euer els I may to doe you pleasure and seruice Finally most heartily commending my selfe vnto your good grace I beseech the creator graunt to you the accōplishment of your desires From Madrill this 16. of Aprill 1582. Your good friende to vse Ant. Cardinall of Granuelle The superscription was To my L. my Lorde the Earle of Henninlietart L. of Capres MY Lorde of Gongnies To the L. of Gongnies the Prelate of Saint Vastz hath deliuered mee your letter dated the 22. of Februarie The goodwill and loue which heretofore I haue offered vnto you is not onely not diminished but rather dayly encr●●seth vnderstanding the duty with in what you may you do vse toward the vpholding of religion his Maiesties seruice as also by reason of such good will as you haue borne towarde me and doe nowe againe offer Neyther haue I omitted often to testifie your desertes and still will be readie vpon all occasions to renew the same and will sende vnto my Lord the prouost Foncq your request to the ende he may make report thereof to his Maiestie into whose handes the same which you procured to bee exhibited whereof this that nowe you sende mee is the copie may by this time be deliuered desiring him to put his Maiestie in minde of my former suite which willingly I will renewe earnestly wishing him to take such order therin as may be to your full contentation Thus most hartily commending my self to your good remēbrāce I besech the Creator to graunt you your desires From Madrill this 16. of Aprill 1582. Your good friende Ant. Cardinall of Granuelle The superscription was To my L. the L. of Gongnies MY L. tresorer generall To Tresorer Stercke the prelate of S. Vastz ariuing here this day haue among others deliuered me your letters bearing date the 15. of Februarie by the contents whereof I gladly vnderstoode that his Maiesties grant signed with his owne hande for confirming you in your estate was made to your liking The testimonie of your loyall seruice is due vnto your woorkes in that continually you haue so well employed your selfe I am very glad that your age and disposition can beare it so well to tende dayly to the masters affaires which considering in what state they nowe remayne doe neede some great assistance I heartily thanke you for your offer which at the request of my L. the prouost of Ayre you made to assist my pretence for the payment of my wages and pentions that haue so many yeeres bin due and I perceiue you know that I haue great reason and that I haue borne my selfe modestly in vsing no importunacie notwithstanding I haue so long stayed But the losses which on all sides I haue susteined together with my expences in my iourneys for our masters seruice as also my seruing purely and with out interest do nowe force mee to be earnest By the said prouost of Ayres letters I vnderstand that by your good furtheraunce the matter
opiniō to build a perpetuall chantry of 2. chapleyns Also to buy for the yong mans father mother or his nerest kinsman 3. or 400. duckets of rent for them ioyntly to enioy that they and their successors might bee Lordes of the sayde chantrie and tombe c. Now I say the Chamber hath procured to learne of my Father who the yong man was and of whence therefore if they shoulde also require to see the demonstration that your Lordeship maketh of your affayres it were meete you declared at large and discretely whatsoeuer concerneth the same I said also that if you coulde you shoulde procure the perfecte picture of the saide young man to be sent hither which your Lordeship may easely doe considering the good nature wherewith it hath pleased God to endue you and so you shoulde satisfie manie that are desirous to knowe him My cousin Peter gaue mee warning that your Lordships creditors determined to molest my Lady your mother purposing to take away her goods for your debt Also that he had written vnto her to sende some docket whereby to auoide this trouble and so incontinently I gaue my father notice wishing him with all speede to get forth two scedules which for this purpose as also for preferring you before all the creditors of Peter Martinez of Arbalu he had craued of his Maiestie in your name and that wee will procure to bee done notwithstanding the king seeketh to delay for a fewe dayes the ouerplus of suche gratification as he oweth you Whereupon as also concerning other articles presētly vppon tydinges of Orenges death I wrote a letter the copie whereof I sente to your Lordshippe and doe hope that you haue receaued it For default wherof I wil sēd another to the end you may see with what goodwil and seruice I haue do employ my selfe in your seruice not that I deale any whitt of my owne interest but only of your Lordshippe and of your house vntill I haue by Gods helpe brought and set thē cleare I writ likewise in my last that because it had been capitulated I say by woordes concluded with the _____ that the billes of 80000. shoulde bee dispatched in my name it were good for the accomplishing thereof that the sayde Instruction which I require were sent me to the end I might worde by worde accomplish it according as your lordship should appoint And I saide vnto _____ that it was requisite to haue _____ the order that _____ had obserued This writtē in Cyphers and hee _____ in the same vntill wee vnderstoode howe they had taken _____ in the estates _____ and other parties and I immediatly aduertized my father that it could not be as hauing shewed _____ the letter which _____ writte to him and to sundry other the diuers copies disagreeing together with that which _____ writ to Peter Lopes are dispersed in this court but all might be excused if there were any order taken Howebeit presuppose the aforesaide so to bee yet I writte to my father that if it pleased _____ to publishe mee to haue been the partie that had giuen the _____ I woulde with all my heart to do him seruice do it but I knowe not what resolution they will take This I thought good to imparte vnto you that you might vnderstande it There is a naughtie man in this Towne who with excessiue libertie in my absence hath medled in your Lordships affaires Especially one day among the rest in the presence of Ladye Frauncis of Aratia who is heere who also as shee is not troubled with the pippe paide him home agayne presently in suche wise as they had gone together by the eares had not one of the Kinges Secretaries wiues in whose presence this argument begunne stepped betweene them All was about Orenges death c. And the same honest man toulde a verye friende of myne but yesterday that hee knewe by some of credite that _____ was in the disgrace of _____ for certaine causes whiche there were not to bee spoken of of him and his affayres whiche when hee coulde not beare he sayde By the habitte of Saint Peter and S. Paule if I coulde catche him hee shoulde pay mee This likewise I thought good to certifie your Lo. to the ende If this bee amisse wee might deale warily with this man But if it bee otherwise and wee may knowe that this wretche hath inuented it as he hath done other things also that you be sure that neither by word nor writing you haue not saide any thing agaynst the _____ then that you consider whether it were good that you writ one letter vnto him also that the prince writ him another to certifie him the you are his faithfull seruaunt and therein your Lo. may say that this hath bin published and giuen out by reason of some displeasure conceaued against _____ natiue of _____ for that is the cause why I tell you this wretches name and no other for now it is no time to make enemies especially if heerein this man hath reported the trueth Sende me woorde whether you made any Bargaine with the Mansleyer For this wretch here saith that he was a cutlers sonne of Bilbao and that hee will cause his father to repayre to the king for the rewarde which his Maiestie by his last edict offered to him that shoulde stay Orenge In case he should haue audience they might bring our pretence in question This is the cause why I speak but if your Lo. woulde presently let me vnderstand who or of whence this young man was wee woulde enter acquaintaunce with his father and mother or his nighest kindred and so compounde with them that they shoulde not disturbe or hinder your Lo. rewarde And admitte they can not haue it yet will they still trouble vs. For although the king woulde not doe as I say yet might hee commaunde your Lordshippe to giue the youngmans father or neerest kinsman part of that belongeth to you Your Lordshippe must therefore well consider hereof and sende me worde of your minde to the ende by good counsayle we may order this matter which is of so great importance By reason of the pleasure that the reuerent father Peter of Olaue hath done in helping me in so fitte a time vnto 200. crownes I trust God willing this day seuennight to depart homeward toward my house where your worshippe may write to mee and commaunde mee Also if your habilitie coulde beare it to helpe mee as I haue requested with 500. Duckets toward the reparations of my house your worshippe might greatly binde me to your seruice but if you doe it not I will impute it to your want Thus commending my selfe to Sir Olaue I wil ad no more but that I send this by meanes of the Lorde embassador Iohn Babtista Tassus whom I beseeche carefully to send it to Sir Olaue I also pray your worship to let me vnderstād of your receipt hereof whose noble parson and estate our Lorde God keepe and preserue as