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A18020 Time complaining, giueth a most godly admonition, and very profitable instruction to England in this our dangerous tyme Whereunto is added a comfortable prayer to be vsed in this tyme. By Iohn Carpenter. Carpenter, John, d. 1621. 1588 (1588) STC 4668; ESTC S104893 8,884 32

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TIME Complaining giueth a most godly admonition and very profitable Instruction to England in this our dangerous Tyme Whereunto is added a comfortable prayer to be vsed in this Tyme By IOHN CARPENTER Eccl. 3. 1. Euerie thing hath a Tyme yea all that is vnder the Heauen hath his conuenient season NON SOLO PANE VIVET HOMO Luke 4 Verbum Dei manet in aeternum I W Imprinted at London by Thomas Orwin To the Worshipfull mine especiall good friends John VVal rond of Bouy Esquire to Mistris Iane W. his wife the blessing of of God be multiplied and continued THE great desire and godlie delight which J knowe to be in you both to heare reade and meditate in the Law of GOD with that blessed man whom Dauid describeth the bringing vp of your children with Abraham in the way of the Lord and the exercising of your family in godlines with your worthie examples vnto others and vertues thereunto correspondent besides your manifolde friendshippes towards me your poore neighbour haue often times moued me to praise GOD for you and to commend your happie lot And at this time to vnfold some parte of my gratefull good will by sending vnto you this little token the complaint of Tyme I beseech you to accept it gladly at my handes in regarde of my good will chiefly in respect of the thing itselfe which though as briefe a Jonas Sermon to Niniue expresseth greate matter for instruction admonition exhortation commination and consolation in all pietie The Lord make vs thankefull for his gratious benefites and so to vse the happie Time of our peace that our great prosperitie beyond other Nations may rather further vs than hinder vs in that good course of godlines which we haue begonne to the attaining of eternall life in Christ Iesu And that howsoeuer all the world be affected we may fully resolue to serue the Lorde as Josua did with our families and not forget to pray vnto GOD with Hester and her Maidens Then shall wee enioy the benefite of our blessed time with Hezekias and obtaine that safete iagainst our enemies which other godlie haue obtayned by the mercie and louing kindnes of our good GOD. To whose blessed protection I commend you and yours London this last of June 1582. Your W. Poore Neighbout and friend in Christ Iesu Iohn Carpenter To all true English heartes faith peace thankefulnes and all godlinesse is wished in the Lord our Sauiour THE greater your benefites are which ye haue receiued from the Lord deere brethren the more shoulde bee your thankfulnes vnto him and hauing much forgeuen you ye should with Mary also loue much ye haue enioyed a most blessed long time of peace and prosperitie vnder our most gratious godlie and soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth whom GOD long preserue and through her Christian gouerment such excellent blessings both for the bodie and the Soule as the like no nation vnder Heauen at this day doeth enioy for which the Lord expecteth your thankful heartes and faithfull loue towards him But alas your long peace prosperitie hath brought too many men into such a carelesse security contempt of the true Religiō so long vsed amongst you that thereby the opportunitie of so blessed a time is iustlie occasioned to lament and to wishe rather an ende of her course than that her continuance should yeeld long Libertie to such men so to abuse the Lord his creatures by their horrible sinnes and iniquities As the old Israelites recompenced their long peace with al kinde of vngodlines so haue Englishe men rewarded the Lorde euill for good to the great griefe of his Soule the sorow of the true Englishe heartes and abuse of his blessings The benefit of their time also they either doe not knowe or haue forgotten it for they endeuour not to vse her but euery way to abuse her and wast out the time in their worldlie vanities which being once let gon is neuer recalled againe Neyther may you thinke that only the Lorde is greued your selues are sory and Time lamenteth but that also all the Creatures of GOD as Paule testifieth Ro. 8. which senie for mans vse feeling how monstruously they are abused by thē which shoulde in godlines vse them with thankfulnes doe altogether in one harmony consent grone sigh for speedy deliuerance not willing as it were to serue any longer to the benefite of ingratefull men And that were it not for your sakes which trust in your Lorde as in Iosua his house vnder so gratious a princesse which praie heartely to the Lorde euen in the night when others sleep which performe true fidelitie and obedience to GOD and your Soueraigne it coulde not otherwise bee but that the treacheries conspired and horrible plagues threatned against vs would take effect which yet the vngodly consider not and therefore they endeuour neither repentance nor holines of life nor vse time nor to take time therunto Howbeit I beseech you for the tender mercies of Christ that you hold on as ye haue begonne in faithfulnes and true obedience to GOD and your Queene to liue in vnitie and loue within your selues and to fight against your enemies with that Spirituall Armor which Saint Paule hath appointed you Then shal ye be stronger than your enemies Eph. 6. be they neuer so manie and be able to beate downe the verie hammer of the earth to his shame confusion Then shall Goliath fall downe before Dauid Senacherib before Hezekias yea Sisara shall perish before Deborah Haman before Hester and proud Holofernes shal be slaine by a womans hand The Lord giue vs his grace to redeeme the time because the dayes are euill to know the time of our visitation and what belongeth to our peace to seeke the Lord whiles he may be found and praie vnto him now whiles he is neare that wee may thereby enioy the benefite of our happie time that the true hearted may reioyce in spirite that the Creatures may be willing to serue for our comfort and that the Lorde may bee moued thereby the sooner to lead vs to his euerlasting peace through Christ Iesus our Lord Amen Rather yours then mine owne in Christ I. C Tyme complaineth for that she is so vainely consumed of worldly men as wearie of continuance WHen high Iehoue did men embrace In Paradize with great good wil Then Ladie Tyme had pleasant face And did with him reioyce her fill But when man fell and sinned sore She wysht to die and liue no more O worthie power that me began And framed man a Saint of ioy But oh alas to sinfull man That did procure his owne annoy Which caused Time to loath his lore And wish to end and be no more Yea though the Lord hath proffered peace In Christ his sonne for all his crime Yet Lo alas men still encrease Their faithlesse facts and wast out Time And should not Time then wish therefore To leaue her life and liue no more
nor strength shall saue me from a fall Then they that would not learne by lawes by wisdom threats and scholes Shall learne at length by painfull proofe the rodde of froward fooles And finallie then shall I crie as forced thereupon With tired Time to vtter forth my Cairopenthicon That is the complaint of peereles time But seeing thy mercy O good God Dan. 9. 9 in goodnes thou hast ment Vnto the sinner that returnes in time and doth repent Lette me reteine a faithfull hope of mercie I thee praie And graunt thy grace and healthfull Time in peace with me to stay Oh let thy Candle giue me light and banish night away Oh let my Princesse raigne in peace and let her foes decay Oh giue her ioye and comfort me that Time no more may sing Her heauie Chronopenthicon but praise thee heauenly King Amen ❧ That Praier is necessarie in this our dangerous time WHen that proud Senacherib had sent to blaspheme the God of Israell to the greate discomfort and horror of godly king Hezekias and his people Hezekias notwithstanding the ordinary meane of defence by the calling of his strong men together and fortifieng the walles of Jerusalem knowing that the strength of the Lord is farre aboue the might of man and hee guideth euerie battell as pleaseth himself repaireth vnto the Lord humbleth himselfe proclaimeth a fast and praieth before the Lord with a faithfull heart and hereby hee found the shining beames of Gods mercie on himself and his people By this example let vs bee moued in this time of extremitie when all our enemies conspire together against vs to runne vnto our good God and craue the ayde of his hand to help and defend vs. For as he was to Hezekias so to the godly now as hee might say then so wee say now the Lord is our God our rock our defender in whom wee trust by whome we escape death And turning vnto him with faithfull hearts and repentance let vs pray vnto him in this maner ❧ A Godlie and comfortable Praier O Most gratious God and merciful Sauior we pray and beseech thee to bee mercifull to our sinnes according to thy greate mercie as thou hast forgeuen vs euen from our bondage in Egipt vntill now Geue vs not ouer O Lord our most gratious father leaste the heathen which despise thee behold our miserie and say in derision loe where is now their God in whome they trust And although when a man putteth away his wife and she goeth from him and marieth with another then the question is should he resort to her any more after that And the land is vnpure and defiled committing fornication with many louers yet Ier. ●1 turne vs againe O GOD and we shal be turned And because thou art mercifull and of long suffring louing and gentle to them that offende not willing the death of a sinner but rather that hee should conuerte and liue represse the vehement heate of thy fire with godly pitie stay thine hand from our destruction and looke fauourably vnto our Soueraigne Princesse Elizabeth thy seruant as thou diddest vnto Dauid Hezekias and Iosia and so to the whole land And send vs peace yea an happie peace Blesse vs al with thy spirite defend vs with thy right hand shrowd vs vnder thy wings against our enemies that so we may serue thee in holines and righteousnes al the daies of our liues Let it not be sayed how long shall the land mourne and all the herbs of the fielde perish for the wickednes of them that dwell therein let not the creatures haue such cause for vs to desire to leaue vs let not Time say of vs these be they that greue me waste mee out riotouslie make me complaine and wish to rest and rise no more But let it bee saied beholde the Lorde liueth for euer worthie of praise because hee hath bin mercifull vnto sinners causing them to beleeue repent and turne vnto him and be saued And though thou once spakest to Ier. 15. 1. Ieremie against thy owne people being disobedient vnto thee saying Though Moses and Samuel stoode before mee yet haue I no heart vnto this people driue them away that they may goe out of my sight some vnto death some to the sword some to hunger and some to captiuitie yet we knowe O our good Lord that when Ephraim was heard lamenting praying Ier. 31. 18. of 6. 1. Io. 2. 10. heartilie vnto them in his distresse thou thoughtest vpon mercy as a father pitying his owne children And though Ionas cried out destruction destruction against Niniuie yet seeing them to turne from their euill waies thou didst repent layed not that euill vppon them Let vs therefore presume on GOD to call for mercie vppon repentaunce and let vs heare that sounding in our eares which Hezekias proclaymed in all his prouinces saieng be not you stiffnecked like as were your fathers but yeld your selues vnto the Lord 2. Chro. 30 8. and enter into his holy place which hee hath sanctified for euer serue the Lord your God the fearcenesse of his wrath shal be turned away from you Let vs not only heare this but obey this that we may find the comfortable commoditie thereof Graunt vs grace O father to forsake our euill waies our own imaginations Isa 55. and turne hartilie vnto thee Oh graunt it that wee may put displeasure betimes Eccles 1 and. 12. out of our hearts and in season remoue euill from our bodies that we may not any longer delight in Childhood and youth which are vanities that we may fruitfully remember thee in these our tender yeres while we haue libertie to goe where wee list before the Time of trouble come and the dayes approach wherein wee shall crie out oh these daies be euill they doe not delight vs. Graunt O good Lord that thy grace may guide vs that we may not contemne but most gratefullie entertaine our faithfull Iacob if for nothing els yet in regard of these our present commodities whereof his departure wil shortlie depriue vs if we continue vnthankfull That wee may reteine him as good Abraham and Lot did the Angels as Rahab did the Spies of Iosuah as the widows did the prophets Elias Elizeus as Zacheus and Martha did our sauiour Christ and as Lidia did the Apostles that so wee may obtaine thy mercy enioy thy fauour abound with blessings bee encreased in our treasures defended in thy faith and preserued from our enemies whome wee beseeche thee either to conuert and bring home to thee or else to cast downe before vs that wee being in peace vnder our vines and 1 King ● 25. 2. 2. King 17. figge trees may freelie serue thee to thy glorie Graunt wee pray thee O good Lord that though the ramping Lyons of Samaria seeke to spoile vs wee may not haue any iust cause to feare because by faith in thee we shall sodainly resist them thy feare O father shall