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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20904 An epistle of the Ladye Iane, a righte vertuous woman, to a learned man of late falne from the truth of Gods most holy word, for fear of the worlde read it, to thy consolacion : vvhereunto is added the communication that she had with Master Feckenham vpon her faith, and belefe of the sacraments : also another epistle whiche she wrote to her sister, with the words she spake vpon the scaffold befor she suffered, anno. M.D.Liiii. Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554.; Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1554 (1554) STC 7279; ESTC S1081 10,201 32

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possible that Christ by his power coulde make his bodye both to be eaten broken as to be borē of a womā without the sede of mā as to walke on the sea hauing a body other such like miracles as he wrought by his power only Iane. Yesvereli if god wold haue done at his supper a miracle he might haue don so but I say he minded no worke nor miracle but only to breake his bodi shed his blud on the crosse for our sins But I pray you answer me to thys one question wher was Christ whē he sayd Take eate this is my body was not he at the table when he said so He was at that time aliue and suffred not til the next daye well what tooke he but breade and what brake he but bread and what gaue he but breade Looke what he toke he brake and looke what he brake he gaue and looke what he gaue that did they eate and yet al this while he hym selfe was at supper before his disciples or els they were deceiued Feck You groūd your faith vpon suche authors as say vn say both with a breathe not vpon the church to whō you ought to giue credyt Iane. No I ground my faith vpon gods word not vpō the church For if the church be a good churche the faith of the churche must be tried by gods word not gods word by the church neither yet mi faith Shall I beleue the churche because of antiquitie Or shall I geue credit to that church that taketh awai from me that half part of the Lordes supper and wyl let no lai mā receiue it in both kindes but thēselues which thing if they denye to vs thei denie vs parte of our saluation and I say that is an euil church and not the spouse of Christ but the spouse of the diuel that altreth the Lordes supper both taketh from it and addeth to it To that churche I saye God wil adde plages frō that church wyll he take their parte out of the booke of lyfe Do you not learne that of S. Paul when he ministred it to the Corinthians in both kyndes Shall I beleue that churche God forbid Fecken That was done of a good intent of the churche to auoide an heresi that sprōg on it Iane. whi shal the church alter gods wil and ordinaūces for a good intent How did king Saul the lord define with these such like perswasions He wolde haue had me to haue leaned to the churche but it would not be Ther wer many mo thinges wherof we reasoned but these wer the chief Be me Iane Dudley These woordes were spoken openlye After this Master Feckenham tooke his leaue sayinge that he was sorie for her For said he I am sure we two shal neuer mete ▪ Trothe it is quoth she that wee shal neuer mete vnlesse god turne your hart ▪ For I am sure vnles you repent and turne to God you ar in an euyl case and I pray to god in the bowels of his mercie to sende you his holy spirite For he hath geuen you his great gift of vtteraunce if it please him to open the eyes of your hart to his truth And so she departed AN EXORTATION written by the Lady Iane the night before she suffered in the ende of the New-testament in Greke whiche she sent to her sister Lady Katetine I Haue here sent you good sister Katetine a booke which although it be not outwardly trimmed with gold yet inwardli it is more worth thē precious stones It is the boke deare Sister of the Lawe of the Lorde It is his testament and last will which he bequethed vnto vs wretches whiche shall leade you to the path of eternall ioye And if you with a good mynde read it and with an ernest desire folowe it it shal bring you to an immortal and euerlasting life It will teache you to liue and learne you to dye It shal winne you more then you should haue gained by the possession of your woful fathers landes For as if God had prospered him you should haue inherited his lādes so if you appli diligently this boke seking to direct your life after it you shal be an inheritour of sutche riches as neither the couetous shal withdtaw from you nether the theife shal steale neither yet the mothes corrupte Desire with Dauid good sister to vnderstād the law of the lotd your god Liue stil to dye that you by death maye purchase eternall life And trust not that the tēdernes of your age shal lēgthen your life For assone if God cal goth the yong as the olde And laboure alwaye to learne to die Deny the world defie the deuil and dispisethe flesh and delight your selfe only in the Lord. Be penitent for your sinnes and yet dispaire not Be strong in saith and yet presume not and desire with S. Paull to bee dissolued and to be with Christe with whom euen in death ther is life Be like the good seruaut and euen at midnight be wakig Least when death commeth and steale vppon you like a these in the nighte you be with the deuils seruaunt found sleping and least for lacke of oyle ye bee founde like the fiue folishe wemen and like him that had not on the wedding garment and thē you be cast out from the Mariage Reioyce in Christ as I trust ye do And seinge ye haue the name of a Christian as nere as ye can folow the steppes of your master Christ and take vp your crosse lay your sinnes on his backe and alwaies imbrace him And as touching my death reioice as I do good sister that I shal be deliuered of this corruption and put on vncorruption For I am assured that I shall for losing of a mortal life winne an immortal life The which I praye God graunt you sende you of his grace to liue in his feare and to die in the true Christian saith Frō the which in gods name I exhorte you that ye neuer swar ue neither for hope of life ner fear of death For if ye wil deny his truth to lēg then your life God wil deny you and yet shorten your daies And if ye wil cleaue to him he wil prolong your daies to your comforte and his glory To the which glory God bringe me nowe and you hereafter whan it shal please god to cal you Far well good sister and put your onlye trustin God who onely must helpe you Amen Your louing sister Iane Dudley The Lady Ianes wordes vpon the Scaffold GOod Christen people I am vnder a lawe and by a law I am coudempned to dye not for ani thing I haue offended the quenes Maiesti for I wil wash my hands giltles therof but only for that I cōsēted to the thing which I was inforced vnto Not withstāding I haue offended almyghtie god for that I haue felowed ouer much the lust of mi flesh and the pleasure of this wretched world and I haue not liued according to the knowledge that God hath geuen me whetfote God harh plaged me nowe wyth thys kinde of death and that worthelye accordyng to my desertes Howe be it I thancke him hartelie that he hath geuen me time to repent my syns here in this world wherfor good Christian people I shall desyre you all to pray with me for me while I am now aliue that god of his goodnes will forgeue me my sinnes And I pray you al to beare me witnesse that I here dye a true Christian woman and that I truste to be saued by the bloud of Iesus Christ and bi none other meanes and now I pray you al pray for me and with me so said the psalm of Miserere mei that don she saied Lorde saue my soule whyche now I commend into thy hādes and so prepared herselfe meekelie to the blocke Finis
kingdome wilt thou for a good entent pluk Christe oute of heauen and make hys deathe voyde and deface the tryumphe of hys crosse offeryng hym vp daylye VVylte thou eyther for feare of death or hope of life deny and refusethi God who enriched thi pouerti healed thine infirmitie yelded to this victori if thou couldest haue kept it Doth thou not consider that the thryde of lyfe hangeth vpon hym that made the who can as his wyll is either twine it hard to last the lōger or vntwine it againe to breake it the sooner Doest thou not remember the saying of Dauid a notable king which teacheth thee a myserable wretche in hys ciiii Psalme wher he sayth whē thou takest away thy spirite O Lorde from men they dye and ar turned againe to their dust but whē thou lettest thy breath go fourth they shal be made thou shalt renew the face of the earth Remember the saying of Christ in his Gospel who soeuer seeketh to saue hys lyfe shall loose it but whosoeuer wil lese it for mi sake shal find it And in another place whosoeuer loueth father or mother aboue me is not mete for me For he that wyll be my dysciple must for sake Father and Mother and him selfe take vp his crosse and folow me VVhat crosse the crosse of infamy shame of misery and pouerty of affliction persecution for hys names sake Let the oft faliing of those heauenly showres pearce thy stonye hart Let the two edged sword of gods holy word shere a sōder the sewed together sino wes of world ly respectes euen to the very mari of thi carnal hart that thou maiest once againe forsake thy self embrace Christ And like as good subiectes wil not refuse to hasard al in the defence of hys earthly temporall gouernour So flye not lyke a white hewred milke soppe from thy standynge wherein thy chief captaine Christ hath set the in a rai of this life Viriliter age cōfortetur cortuum sustine Dominum Fight manfullye come lyfe come death the quarel is gods vndoubtedly the victorye is ours But thou wilt say I wil not break vnitye what not the vnitie of Sathan and his members Not the vnitie of darknes the agreement of Antichrist and hys adhearentes Nay thou deceiuest thy self with fond imaginations of suche an vnitie as is amonge the enemyes of Christ were not the false prophetes in an vnitie were not Iosephs brethren and Iacobs sonnes in an vnitie wer not the heathen as the Amelechites the Feresites and Iebusites in an vniti I kepe no order but rather looke to mi matter wer not the Scribes and Phariyses in an vnitie Doth not king Dauid testefie Conuenerunt in vnū aduersus Dominum Yea theeues and murtherers conspyratours haue theyr vnitie But marke my frende ye frend if thou be not Gods enemy Ther is no vnitye but wher Christ knitteth the knotte among such as be hys Yea be you wel assured that where his truthe is resident the● it is verefyed that he sayeth Non veni mittere pacem in terram sed gladium That is Christe came to set one against another the sonne against the father the daughter against the mother Deceiue not thi selfe therfore with the glysteryng and gloryous name of vnitye For Antichrist hath his vnitie yet not in deede but in name The agreement of euery man is not an vniti but a conspiracie Thou hast heard some threateninges some curses and some admonishions oute of the Scripture to those that loue themselues aboue Christ Thou hast heard also the sharpe and byting wordes to those that denye him for loue of life Saieth he not that he that denieth me before men I wyl denie hym before my father in heauen And to the same effecte wryteth Sainte Paule Hebru vi It is impossyble saieth he that they which be once lightned and haue tested of the heauenly gyfte and be partakers of the holy gost and haue tasted of the good worde of God if they fal and slide away it is impossible that they shuld be renewed againe by repentaunce crucifiynge againe to them selues the sōne of God and making him a mocking stocke And again saieth he if we shal willinglie sinne after we haue receined the knowledge of the truthe there is no oblation left for sinne but the terrible expectation of iudgement fire which shal deuour the aduersaries Thus S. Paule writeth and this thou readest And dost thou not quake and tremble well yf these terrible thundring threat ninges cannot stur thee to cleaue vnto Christ forsake the worlde yet let the swete consolaciōs and promises of the scriptures let the example of Christ his Apostles holi Martirs and Confessours encourage the to take faster hold by Christ Harken what he saith blessed are you when men reuile you persecute you for my sake Reioyce be glad for great is your reward in heauen For so persecuted thei the prophets before you Heare what Esay saith Feare not the cursse of men be not afraid of theyr blasphem●es reuylynges for wormes and mothes shal eate them vp like clothe wol but my rightousnes shal endure for euer and my sauing health from generation to generation VVhat art thou then saith he that featest a mortal man the chylde of a man that fadeth away as doth the flower and forgettest the Lord that made the that spread out the heauens and laid the foundations of the earth I am the Lord thy God that maketh the sea to tage and to be styl who is the lord of hosts I shal put my word in thy mouth and defend the with the turning of a hand And our sauiour Christ saith to his disciples They shall accuse you and brynge you befote the princes and rulers for mi names sake And some of you thei shal persecute kil but feare you not saith he neither care you not what you shal say for it is mi spirit that speaketh in you the hand of the highest fhal defēd you for the heates of your head are nombred and none of them shall pearish I haue layed vp treasure for you saith he wher no theefe can steale nor moth corrupt and happye are you if you endure to the end Feare not them saith Christ that haue power ouer the bodi only but feare him that hath power both ouer the bodi and soule The world loueth her owne and if ye wer of the world the world wold loue you but you ar mine therfore the worlde doth hate you Lette these and suche like consolacions out of the Sctyptures strengthen you to Godward Let not the ensamples of holy men wemen go out of your minde as Daniel the teast of the prophetes of the thre Childrē of Eleazarus that constāt father of the vii of the Machabes Children of Peter Paule Steuen other Apostles and holi Martirs in the beginning of the church As of good Simeō Archbishop of Seloma and zetrophone with