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A08064 A shorte catechisme of Cardall Bellarmine illustrated with the images.; Dichiarazione piu copiosa della dottrina cristiana. English. Abridgments Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint, 1542-1621.; Mayr, Georg, 16th cent.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632. 1614 (1614) STC 1843; ESTC S101600 10,094 124

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Apostles to proue vvith manie apparitions his true Resurrection mounted vp to the highest heauen there sitteth aboue all the quires of Angels at the right hand of the farher that is in glorie equall to the father as Lord and Gouernour of all creatures M. Declare the seuenth S. I beleeue that the same out Lord in the end of the vvoorld shall come from heauē vvith most great povver and glorie and shall iudgeall men giuing to euerie one the revvard or punishment that he hath deserued M. Declare the eight S. I beleeue in the holy Ghost vvho is the third person of the most blessed Trinitie and proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne and is in all and euerie thing equall to the Father and to the Sonne that is he is God Eternall Infinite Omnipotent Creator and Lord of all things as the Father and the Sonne M. Declare the ninth S. I beleeue also that there is a Church vvhich is the Congregation of all faithfull Christians that are baptized doe beleeue and confesse the faith of Christ ourd Lord and acknovvledge the high Bishop of Rome for Vicar of the same Christ in earth M. This Church vvhy is it called Holy and Catholike S. Holy because it hath the head vvich is Christ holy and for that it hath manie holy members and the Faith and Lavv and Sacraments holy and it is called Catholike that is Vniuersall M. What signifieth the Communion of Saincts S. It signifieth the participation of praiers and good vvoorks that are done in that Church euen as in a mans body all the members be partakers of the good of one member M. Declare the tenth S. I beleeue that in the holy Cuurch there is the true remission of sinnes by meanes of the holy Sacraments and that in the same men of children of the diuel and condemned to death become the children of God and heyres of Paradise M. Declare the eleuenth S. I beleeue that in the end of the vvoorld all men shall rise taking againe the same bodies vvich before they had and this by the povver of God to vvhom nothing is impossible M. Declare the last S. I beleeue that for good Christians there is life euerlasting full of all felicitie and free from all sort of euill as contrarie vvise for infidels and for euill Christians there is eternall death replenished vvith all miserie and void of all good M. What meane you by Amen S. I meane So is it in truth A DECLARATION OF THE Pater Noster and of the Aue Maria. M. HAuing spoken novv of that vvhich vve must beleeue let vs see yf yovv knovv that vvhich vve must hope for and of whome vve must haue hope Knovv you the Pater noster S. I knovv it right vvel for this is the first thing that I learned and I say it euerie morning and euening together vvith the Aue Maria and vvith the Creede M. Say then the Pater noster I. S. OVr Father vvhich art in heauen Halovved be thy name II. Thy kingdome come III. Thy vvill be donne in earth as it is in heauen IIII. Giue vs this daie our dailie bread V. And forgiue vs our debts as vve also forgiue our debters VI. And leade vs not into tentation VII But deliuer vs from euil Amen M. VVhoe made this praier S. CHrist our Sauiour made it and therfore it is the most excellent of all others M. VVhat is brieflie conteined in this praier S. All that we can demaund and hope for of God For there be seuen petitions In the first foure we demaund that he giue vs all good in the three folovving that he deliuer vs from all euill And concerning that which is good we first demaund the glorie of God Secondlie our greatest good Thirdlie grace to obtaine it Fourthlie the meanes to get and keepe the said grace Touching that which is euill we demaund that he deliuer vs first from euil past secondlie from euil to come thirdlie from euil present and so from all euil M. Declare those vvoords that goe before the first petition that is Our father which art in heauen S. This is a little preface in which is yealded the reason wherfore we haue couradge to speake vnto so great a Lord and hope he will graunt our request We s y then that God is our Father by Creation and Adoption and therfore as children we haue recourse to him and we add that he is in heauen as Lord of the vniuersall world And for this vve knovv that he can graunt our petition if it so please him as vve doe hope he vvill seing that he is our father M. Declare the first petition S. In the first petition vve demaund that God be knovvē of all the vvorld and that so his holy name be honoured glorified of all at is becometh M. Declare the second S. We demaund in the second that the kingdome vvhich he hath promised vs come speedilie vvhich is to say that the battailes ended vvhich vve haue vvith the diuel vvith the vvorld and vvith the flesh vve may arriue to euerlasting felicitie vvhere vve shall raigne vvith God vvithout anny impediment M. Declare the third S. We demaund in the third the grace of God vvith vvhich vve may perfectlie obey his holy commaundements as the Angels doe alvvaies obey him in heauen Because the ladder to mount vp to heauen is the Obedience of his commaundements M. Declare the fourth S. We demaund in the fourth our dailie bread as vvel spirituall that is the vvoord of God and the Sacraments as corporall that is sustinance and apparel For the vvoord of God preached vnto vs by preachers and read by vs in spirituall bookes the holy Sacraments chieflie of Confession and Communion at most efficatious meanes of their part that is yf vve our selues be not in fault to obtaine and conserue the grace of God of vvhich vve haue spoken in the former petition Sustinance apparel is necessarie for vs to maintaine this life in the seruice of God M. Declare the fifth S. We demaund in the fifth that God deliuer vs from euils past that is from sinnes alreadie committed remitting vs the debt of the fault and of the paine vvhich for them vve haue incurred And vve add As vve forgiue our debters their debts that is as vve pardon the offenses of our enemies for that it is not a reasonable thing that God forgiue vs our sinnes vvhich ar most great offenses yf vve vvil not pardon the injuries donne vnto vs vvhich ar offenses of small importance M. Declare the sixth S. We demaund in the sixth that God deliuer vs from tentations vvhich ar euils to come or not permitting vs to be tented or giuing vs grace that vve be not ouercome M. Declare the seuenth S. We demaund in the seuenth that God deliuer vs from euil present that is from al affliction and miserie and also from all vail ne prosperitie and temporall aduancement yf he see that it be hurtfull to our sovvles saluation
A SHORTE CATECHISME Of Card.all Bellarmine illustrated with the IMAGES In Augusta VVith Licence of Superiours 1614. Lectori S. MAGNORVM Illustrium viro●um Augustanorum consilio atque subsidio nouae quaedam sacrarum maginum formae non ex●guis sumptibus comparatae sunt quibus Catechismus Catholicus siue Doctrina Christiana non vnâ duntaxat sed pluribus linguis procedente tempore Augustae in lucem edi posset Atque huic pio consilio non infeliciter rei euentus hactenus respōdit Nam intra vnius anni spatium quinque linguarum editiones Catechisticae Germanicae nimirùm Latinae Graecae Gallicae Italicae maximo exemplarium numero absolutae sunt quibus tamen necdum omnium desiderio satisfieri potuit Cùm autem eodem tempore à pluribus magni nominis viris pro pluribus aliis linguis ac nationibus eadem opera expeteretur non defuerunt in hac quoque vibe viri primarii qui Catholici Catechismi editionem A●glicanam cum ijsdem imaginibus suscipie●dam iudicarent Ex illa enim natione plutimi quoque reperiuntur qui Catholicam fidem Rom● naeque Ecclesiae authoritatē cum fuis tot seculorum laudatissimis Maioribus cum tot alijs Regnis ac Prouincijs quod verè dici potest cum maiore Orbis Christiani parte etiam nū integrè profitentur Nulla igitur idonea causa suppetit cur ab huius licet exigui beneficii tot aliis linguis ac nationibus praestandi cōmunione solos Anglos excludamus Bona autem fide exemplar Anglicanum ex Italico versum sequi conati sumus Quòd sicubi erratum fuerit facile ignoscet is quilibellum hunc non in Anglia sed in Germania à Germanis Christianae charitatis causa excusum meminerit Augustae 20. Septembris Anno 1614. Georg. Mayr S. GREGORIVS MAGNVS Anglorum Apostolus lib. 9. epistolarum lib. 9. QVod legentibus scriptura hoc idiotis praestat pictura cernentibus quia in ipsa etiam ignorantes vident quod sequi debeant in ista legunt qui literas nesciunt A BRIEFE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE TO BELEARNED BY HEART Of the end of a Christian and of the signe of the Crosse Maister ARE yovv a Christian Scholar I am by the grace of God M. What meane yovv by a Christian S. Him that maketh profession of the Faith and Lavve of Christ M. In vvhat doth the Faith of Christ chieflie consist S. In tvvo principall mysteries which are included in the signe of the holy † Crosse that is in the Vnitie Trinitie of God in the Incarnation death of our Sauiour M. VVhat meaneth Vnitie Trinitie of God S. It menaeth that in God there is one only Diuinitie or as we saie Essence and diuine nature which neuertheles is in three diuine persons that are called Father Sonne and holy Ghost M. Wherfore are there three diuine persons S. Because the Father hath no benning not proceedeth from another person The Sonne proceedeth from the Father and the holy Ghost from the Father and the Sonne M. Wherfore are these three persons one onlie God S. Because they haue one-self essence one-self power one self wisdome and one-self goodnes M. Wath meaneth incarnation and death of our Sauiour S It meaneth that de Sonne of God that is the second person of the most blessed Trinitie became man and died vppon the Crosse to saue vs. M. Hovv are these tvvo mysteries included in the signe of the holy Crosse S. Because we make the signe of the holy Crosse putting our right hand first to the head saying In the name of the Father then vnder the breast saying And of the Sonne finallie to the lefth right shoulder saying And of the holy Ghost Amen M. Hovv then is heere shevved the first mystery of the most B. Trinitie S. Because this woord In the name signifies the Vnitie the other vvords signifie the Trinitie M. Shevv nevv the second S. The figure of the Crosse doth represent the death of our Sauiour who after he was made man and had taught the vvay of saluation vvith doctrine vvith example and vvith miracles died vppon the holy vvoode of the Crosse A declaration of the Creede M. WHich is the Rule of beleef S. It is the Symbole of the Apostles vvhich commonlie vve call the Creede M. Say the Creede I. S. I beleeue in God the Father almightie Creator of heauen and earth II. And in IESVS Christ his onlie Sonne out Lord. III. Whoe was conceiued by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie IV. Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried V. Descended into hel the third day he rose againe from death VI. Ascended into heauen sitteth at the rig hand of God the Father almightie VII From thence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead VIII I beleeue in the holy Ghost IX The holy Catolique Church the Communion of Saincts X. Remission of sinnes XI Resurrection of the flesh XII Life euerlasting Amen M. VVhoe made the Creede S. THe tvvelue Apostles therfore there be tvvelue articles M. What doe theese articles containe in summe S. All that vvhich principallie expressie vve must beleeue of God and of the Church his spouse because the eight first articles pertaine to God the foure last to the Church M. Declare the first article S. I firmlie beleeue in one onlie God vvhoe is the natural father of his onlie begotten sonne and is also father by grace of all good Christians vvhoe are therfore called the adoptiue sonnes of God finally he is father by creation of all other thinges And this God is Omnipotent because he can doe all that he vvill and hath created of nothing Heauen and Earth vvith vvathsoeuer is in them that is the vvhole vniuersal vvoorld M. Declare the second article S. I beleeue also in IESVS Christ vvho is the onlie begotten Sonne of God the Father because he vvas begotten of the same father eternallie and is God eternall infinite omnipotent Creator and Lord of vs and of all things as is the father M. Declare the third S. I beleeue that IESVS Christ is not onlie true God bud also true man because he hath taken mans flesh of the im̄aculate Virgin Marie by vertue of the holy Ghost so vvas borne in earth of mother vvithout father as in heauen he vvas borne of father vvithout mother M. Declare the fourth S. I beleeue that IESVS Christ to redeeme the vvorld vvith his pretious blood suffered vnder Pontius Pilate Gouernour of Iurie being scourged crovvned vvith thornes and put vppon the Crosse on the vvich he died and taken dovvne from the same vvas buried in a nevv Sepulchre M. Declare the fifth S. I beleeue that IESVS Christ as soone as he vvas dead vvent vvith his sovvle to the Limbo or place of holie Fathers the third daie vvhich vvas the Sundaie he rose glorious triumphant M. Declare the sixth S. I beleeue that IESVS Christ after he had fortie daies remayned vvith the holie
M. Say novv the Aue Maria. S. Haile MARIE full of grace Our Lord is vvith thee blessed art thou amongst vvomen And blessed is the fruite of thy vvombe IESVS Holy MARIE mother of God pray for vs sinners novv and in the hovver of our death Amen M. Of vvhome be theese vvoords S. They be partlie of the Archangel Gabriel partlie of S. Elizabeth and partlie of th Church M. Tho vvhat effect doe yovv say the Aue Marie afther the Pater noster S. Tho the end that by the intercession of the most blessed Virgin I may more easilie obtaine that vvhich I demaund of God beacuse shee is the Aduocatrice of sinners full of mercie and vvithall is in heauen aboue all the quires of Angels and most acceptable to God M. Haue not yovv recourse for help also to other Saincts S. I haue recourse to all the Saincts and in particular to the Sainct of my name and to my Angel guardian OF THE COMMAVNDEments of God M. LEt vs come novv to that vvhich vve must doe to loue God and our neighbour and say yovv the ten Commaundements S. I am the Lord thy God I. Thou shalt not haue any other God before me II. Thou shalt not take the name of God in vaine III. Remember that thou sanctifie the festes IIII. Honour thy father and mother V. Thou shalt not murder VI. Thou shalt not committ adulterie VII Thou shalt not steale VIII Thou shalt not beare false vvitnesse IX Thou shalt not desire thy neigbours vvife X. Thou shalt not couet thy neighbours goods M. VVhoe hath giuen theese commaundements S. GOd him-self in the old lavve and aftervvards Christ our Lord hath confirmed them in the nevv lavve M. VVhat doe theese commaundements conteine in breefe S. All that vvhich vve must doe to loue God our neighbour Because the first three commaundements teache vs hovv vve ought to behaue our selues tovvards God vvith hart vvith mouth vvith vvoorcks The other feuē doe learne vs to doe good to our neighbour and not to hurt him in his person in his honour in his goods neither in deedes nor in vvoords nor in thought And so the end of all the cōmaundements is the commaundement of Charitie vvhich doth cōmaund vs loue God aboue all things and our neighbour as our selues M. Declare the first commandement S. In the beginning God doth admonish vs that he is our true and supreame Lord and therfore vve are obliged to obey him vvith all diligence Next he cōmaundeth vs that vve must not acknovvlegde any other for God vvherin the Infidels doe sinne vvho vvoorship the creatures in steede of the creator and also vvitches and Inchanters vvho take the diuel for their God M. Declare the second commaundement S. The second cōmaundement forbiddeth blasphemies vvhich are most grieuous sinnes false or not necessarie oathes breaking of vovves and all other dishonour that is donne to God vvith vvoords M. Declare the third S. The third doth cōmaund the keeping of feastes vvhich doth consist in abstaining from seruile vvoorcks so to haue time to occupie our selues in considering the benefits of God visiting the Churchs praying reading spirituall bookes hearing diuine seruice sermons dooing such other like spirituall and holy vvoorcks M. Declare the fourth S. The fourth ordaineth that vve honour our father mother not onlie vvith reuerence of vvoords of vncouering our head to thē but also vvith helping and fauouring them in their necessities And that vvhich vve say of father and mother vve ought also to obserue tovvards other our neighbours although there be not so great obligation as to father and mother vvho haue giuen vs our being and haue brought vs vp vvith their great paine M. Declare the fifth S. In the fifth it is cōmaunded that vve kill no boddie vniustlie nor doe them other harme in their person I say vniustlie because Iudges vvho condemne malefactours to death and the ministres of Iustice vvho put them to death as also souldiars in iust vvarre doe not sinne vvhilest they vvound and kill M. Declare the sixth S. The sixth cōmaundeth that vve cōmit not adulterie that is sinne vvith the vvife of other men and it is also vnderstoode that vve commit not fornication nor anie other carnall sinne M. Declare the seuenth S. The seuenth cōmaundeth that no man take avvay the goods of others secreatlie vvhich is called Theft nor manifestlie vvhich is called Robberie not cōmit annie deceite in selling bying and like contracts and finallie doe no harme to his neighbour in his goods M. Declare the eigth S. In the eigth is forbidden false vvitnesse murmuring detracting flattering lying and all other hurt vvhich is donne to our neighbour vvith the tongue M. Declare the tvvo last S. God cōmaundeth in the thvvo last precepts that none desire the vvife nor goods of others because he that seeeth our hearts vvill haue vs holy cleane not onlie outvvardlie but also invvardlie that so vve may be entierlie and trulie iust Of the Commaundements of the Church and of Counsels M. ADd to the Commaundements of God those fevve vvhich the Church hath added S. The Commaundments of the holy Church are six 1. Tho heare masse vppon all the Sundaies Holie daies of commaundement 2. To fast Lent Vigills commaunded Ember-daies not to eat flesh on fridaies Satturdaies 3. 4. To confesse at the lest once a yeare To receaue at the lest at Easter 5. To paye tithes 6. Not to celebrate marriage in time forbidden that is from the first Sundaie of Aduēt vntill Tvvelfday from the first day of Lent to Lovv-sundaie inclusiue M. Besides the Commaundments vvhich vve all are bound to keepe be there annie Counsels of Perfection S. There be three Counsels by our Sauiour Christ giuen to thoase that desire to attaine to perfection M. VVhich be theese Counsels I. S. Voluntarie Pouertie II. Perpetuall Chastitie III. Obedience in euerie thing that is not sinne OF THE SACRAments M. We haue alreddie treated of all that which vve must beleeue hope for dooe it remaineth that vve speake of the holie Sacraments by vvhose meanes vve obtaine the grace of God Say therfore hovv manie be the Sacraments S. They be seuen I. Baptisme II. Confirmation III. Eucharist IIII. Penance V. Extreme Vnction VI. Ordre VII Matrimonie M. VVhoe ordained them S. Christ IESVS our Lord. M. What effect doth Baptisme vvorck S. It maketh a man become the child of God and heire of Paradise it blotteth out all sinnes and filleth the soule with grace and spirituall gifts M. What effect doth Confirmation or Chrisme vvoorck S. It fortifieth a man that he be not afraid to confesse the faith of Christ our Lord and so it maketh vs become the true souldiars of our Sauiour M. What effect vvoorcketh the Eucharist S. It nourrisheth Charitie vvhich is the life of the sovvle doth dailie increase it more And therfore it is giuen vnder the forme of bread though trulie it be not bread but the