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A catalogue of all the colledges [sic] in the famous university of Cambridge, with the names of the principal founders and benefactors, with the time of their foundation, and the names of the present masters and governours, with the number of students in every colledge.
Wing C1269; ESTC R171044
d._n d._n master_n xi_o christ-colledge_n be_v found_v 1505._o margaret_z countess_z of_o richmond_z and_o derby_n in_o testimony_n of_o her_o love_n to_o learning_n obtain_v licence_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o seven_o to_o erect_v a_o college_n without_o barnwell-gate_n in_o preacher-street_n of_o four_o message_n and_o garden_n belong_v to_o the_o abbot_n of_o tilti_fw-la and_o prioress_n of_o denny_n where_o king_n henry_n the_o six_o have_v found_v a_o house_n call_v god_n house_n dedicate_a the_o same_o to_o the_o honour_n of_o our_o saviour_n christ_n the_o lady_n margaret_n endow_v it_o with_o land_n and_o revenue_n for_o a_o master_n and_o 12_o fellow_n 47_o scholar_n and_o king_n edward_n the_o six_o add_v the_o 13_o fellow_n together_o with_o three_o more_o scholar_n since_o dr_n thompson_n dr_n hawford_n dr_n carey_n and_o dr_n bainbridge_n master_n dr_n patison_n sir_n walter_n mildmay_n sir_n john_n wentworth_n dr_n grindal_n archbishop_n of_o caterbury_n anthony_n watson_n bishop_n of_o chichester_n mr_n joseph_n mede_n edward_n king_n mr_n john_n and_o mr_n josias_n alsop_n sir_n thomas_n widderington_n dr_n gell_n henry_n montague_n earl_n of_o manchester_n sir_n sidney_n montague_n george_n earl_n of_o rutland_n sir_n justinian_n isham_n sir_n thomas_n willis_n dr_n honiwood_n dr_n grey_n dr_n shute_n all_o great_a benefactor_n give_v scholarship_n house_n money_n or_o book_n so_o that_o here_o be_v a_o master_n 13_o fellow_n 55_o scholar_n beside_o officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n with_o other_o student_n to_o the_o number_n of_o 206._o doctor_n ralph_n cudworth_n master_n xii_o st._n john-colledge_n be_v found_v 1508._o the_o aforesaid_a margaret_n countess_n of_o richmond_n and_o derby_n mother_z to_z king_n henry_n the_o seven_o obtain_v licence_n of_o her_o nephew_n king_n henry_n the_o eight_o to_o convert_v a_o house_n of_o regular_a canon_n found_v by_o nigellus_n second_o bishop_n of_o ely_n in_o an._n dom._n 1134._o afterward_o translate_v to_o a_o priory_n and_o dedicate_v to_o st_n john_n the_o evangelist_n in_o the_o jury_n by_o hugo_n de_fw-fr balsham_n ten_o bishop_n of_o ely_n now_o call_v st_n john_n college_n the_o perfect_a whereof_o she_o leave_v to_o her_o executor_n richard_n fox_n bishop_n of_o winchester_n john_n fisher_n bishop_n of_o rochester_n charles_n somerset_z lord_z herbert_z and_o other_o who_o most_o just_o perform_v the_o trust_v repose_v in_o they_o since_o it_o have_v be_v much_o enlarge_v by_o john_n morton_n bishop_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n and_z cardinal_z hugh_n ashton_n archdeacon_n of_o york_n roger_n lupton_n provost_n of_o eton_n sir_n robert_n wood_n dr_n dee_n bishop_n of_o peterborough_n sir_n ambrose_n cave_n stephen_n cardinal_n thomas_n tompson_n d._n d_o also_o john_n barwick_n dean_n of_o st_n paul_n a_o bountiful_a benefactor_n a_o fair_a court_n be_v build_v by_o mary_n countess_n of_o shrewsbury_n and_o the_o case_n of_o the_o library_n by_o john_n william_n bishop_n of_o lincoln_n and_z lord_z keeper_n sir_n ralph_n hare_n robert_n johnson_n and_o other_o good_a benefactor_n so_o that_o here_o be_v a_o master_n 52_o fellow_n 94_o scholar_n beside_o officer_n of_o the_o foundation_n with_o other_o student_n to_o the_o number_n of_o 372._o francis_n turner_n d._n d._n master_n xiii_o magdalen-colledge_n be_v found_v 15â9_n edward_z staf-ford_n last_o duke_n of_o buckingham_n of_o that_o name_n earl_n of_o stafford_n earl_n of_o heresord_n and_o northampton_n found_v this_o college_n by_o the_o name_n of_o buckingham_n college_n in_o a_o place_n where_o the_o priory_n of_o st_n giles_n have_v former_o be_v situate_v it_o be_v a_o hostile_a or_o hall_n inhabit_v by_o divers_a monk_n of_o several_a monastery_n to_o reside_v and_o study_v in_o afterward_o in_o 1542_o thomas_n audley_n baron_n of_o waltham_n and_o lord_n chancellor_n obtain_v licence_n of_o henry_n the_o eight_o to_o alter_v the_o name_n and_o call_v it_o st_n mary_n magdalen_n college_n unto_o which_o he_o give_v land_n and_o revenue_n the_o right_n honourable_a james_n earl_n of_o suffolk_n be_v now_o by_o inheritance_n patron_n thereof_o hugh_n dennis_n esq_n sir_n christopher_n wray_n chief_a justice_n and_z john_n spenluffe_n esq_n edmund_n grindal_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n thomas_n parkinson_n rector_n of_o wivelingham_n william_n roberts_n of_o norsolk_n esq_n john_n hugh_n chancellor_n of_o bangor_n thomas_n sutton_n esq_n founder_n of_o sutton_n hospital_n the_o honourable_a lady_n frances_n countess_n dowager_n of_o warwick_n john_n smith_z late_a fellow_n all_o great_a benefactor_n robert_n holmes_n merchant_n of_o exeter_n bear_v at_o wisbich_n james_n duport_n d._n d._n and_o other_o benefactor_n who_o have_v much_o increase_v this_o college_n so_o that_o there_o be_v a_o master_n 15_o fellow_n 31_o scholar_n beside_o officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n with_o other_o student_n be_v in_o all_o 120._o james_n duport_n d._n d._n master_n dean_n of_o peterborough_n fourteen_o trinity-college_n be_v found_v 1546._o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o after_o the_o suppression_n 1546._o unite_a kings-hall_n found_v by_o king_n edward_n the_o three_o michael_z house_n found_v by_o henericus_n de_fw-fr stanton_n chancellor_n of_o the_o exchequer_n to_o edward_n the_o second_o into_o one_o college_n and_o dedicate_v it_o to_o the_o undivided_a trinity_n which_o he_o endow_v with_o 1640_o per_fw-la an._n queen_n mary_n add_v to_o her_o father_n foundation_n the_o yearly_a revenue_n of_o 385_o increase_v the_o number_n of_o fellow_n and_o scholar_n by_o a_o three_o part_n found_v a_o choir_n and_o lay_v the_o foundation_n of_o a_o large_a chapel_n which_o after_o her_o death_n be_v finish_v by_o the_o society_n since_o thomas_n allen_n give_v two_o scholarship_n and_o land_n to_o other_o use_v sir_n edward_n stanhope_n give_v maintenance_n for_o a_o library_n keeper_n and_o a_o servant_n under_o he_o the_o lady_n ann_n bromley_n give_v five_o scholarship_n mr_n hope_n give_v the_o perpetual_a patronage_n of_o north-runcton_n dr_n nevil_n master_n of_o this_o college_n expend_v 3000_o in_o build_v the_o back-court_n dr_n john_n hacket_n late_a bishop_n of_o coventry_n and_o lichfield_n give_v 1200_o to_o erect_v a_o building_n by_o the_o name_n of_o bishop_n hostile_a the_o rent_n whereof_o be_v to_o remain_v a_o constant_a revenue_n to_o the_o library_n so_o that_o this_o college_n be_v one_o of_o the_o goodly_a and_o most_o uniform_a college_n in_o europe_n in_o this_o college_n be_v a_o master_n 60_o fellow_n 67_o scholar_n 3_o public_a professor_n 4_o conduct_n 13_o poor_a scholar_n a_o master_n of_o the_o chorister_n 6_o secular_a clerk_n 20_o beadsman_n beside_o exhibitioner_n officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n with_o many_o other_o student_n be_v in_o all_o above_o 400._o john_n north_n d._n d._n mr._n xv._o emanvel-colledge_n be_v found_v 1584._o sir_n walter_n mildmay_n chancellor_n of_o the_o exchequer_n and_o privy_a counsellor_n to_o queen_n elizabeth_n found_v and_o erect_v this_o college_n to_o be_v a_o nursery_n of_o divine_n in_o the_o place_n where_o former_o inhabit_v the_o black_a friar_n and_o constitute_v therein_o a_o master_n three_o fellow_n four_o scholar_n with_o inferior_a officer_n since_o it_o have_v be_v much_o increase_v by_o the_o noble_a bounty_n of_o queen_n elizabeth_n of_o famous_a memory_n as_o also_o by_o henry_n earl_n of_o huntingdon_n and_o his_o brother_n sir_n francis_n hastings_n sir_n samuel_n leonard_n sir_n robert_n jermin_n sir_n francis_n walsingham_n and_o other_o dr_n john_n well_n master_n of_o this_o college_n francis_n ash_n master_n of_o the_o muscovian_a company_n london_n have_v settle_v on_o this_o college_n 170_o yearly_a for_o divers_a charitable_a uses_n dr_n sudbury_n dean_n of_o durham_n have_v give_v 500_o to_o the_o college_n which_o be_v lay_v out_o in_o land_n and_o tenement_n dr_n benjamin_n whitchcot_n late_a fellow_n have_v give_v 1000_o which_o be_v lay_v out_o in_o land_n and_o tenement_n for_o four_o scholarship_n of_o the_o foundation_n the_o new_a chapel_n and_o library_n be_v first_o undertake_v by_o the_o encouragement_n of_o sir_n robert_n gay_a by_o his_o noble_a gift_n of_o a_o 1000_o other_o since_o have_v contribute_v to_o that_o good_a work_n as_o charles_n earl_n of_o westmoreland_n john_n cousin_n bishop_n of_o durham_n sir_n thomas_n rich_a sir_n samuel_n sterling_n late_a lord_n mayor_n of_o london_n dr_n william_n sandcroft_n present_a archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n dr_n clerk_n dean_n of_o winchester_n matthew_n pindar_n esq_n and_o other_o here_o be_v at_o present_a a_o master_n 14_o fellow_n 50_o scholar_n 10_o poor_a scholar_n beside_o officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n the_o whole_a number_n be_v about_o 170._o doctor_n holdbeach_n d._n d._n master_n xvi_o sidney_n sussex-colledge_n be_v found_v 1598._o frances_n sidney_n countess_n of_o sussex_n found_v this_o college_n by_o the_o name_n of_o the_o college_n of_o the_o lady_n frances_n sidney-sussex_n in_o a_o place_n call_v the_o grey_a friar_n which_o friary_n be_v build_v by_o henry_n the_o first_o suppress_v 1546_o by_o henry_n the_o eight_o and_o give_v to_o trinity_n college_n in_o cambridge_n and_o be_v since_o by_o act_n of_o parliament_n convey_v to_o the_o executor_n of_o the_o say_a countess_n henry_n grey_z earl_n of_o kent_n john_n lord_n harrington_n of_o exton_n in_o fee-farm_n for_o the_o building_n and_o perfect_v of_o this_o her_o college_n she_o give_v by_o her_o last_o will_n beside_o her_o good_n 5000_o wherewith_o her_o executor_n aforenamed_a build_v and_o endow_v it_o with_o land_n for_o the_o maintenance_n of_o a_o master_n 10_o fellow_n afterward_o reduce_v to_o 7_o and_o 20_o scholar_n which_o be_v increase_v by_o the_o accessary_a foundation_n of_o sir_n john_n hart_n leonard_n smith_n of_o london_n edward_n lord_n montague_n of_o boughton_n dr_n paul_n micklethwait_n sometime_o fellow_n of_o the_o college_n etc._n etc._n it_o have_v at_o present_a a_o master_n 13_o fellow_n 32_o scholar_n and_o for_o the_o further_o enlarge_n thereof_o sir_n francis_n clark_n have_v build_v 20_o chamber_n for_o student_n found_v 4_o fellowship_n with_o 8_o scholarship_n more_o and_o augment_v the_o stipend_n of_o the_o scholarship_n of_o the_o foundation_n since_o john_n lord_n harrington_n the_o young_a the_o lady_n lucy_n countess_n of_o bedford_n the_o lady_n ann_n harrington_n james_n montague_n bishop_n of_o winchester_n george_n lord_n goring_n sir_n john_n breerton_n john_n young_a d._n d._n sir_n richard_n wilmore_n francis_n comb_n esq_n richard_n dugard_a and_o charles_n pendrât_n b._n d._n and_o late_a fellow_n the_o whole_a number_n of_o student_n with_o officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n be_v 122._o richard_z minshal_v master_n d._n d._n the_o total_a number_n of_o all_o degree_n in_o this_o university_n that_o hauââ¦_n nââ¦nes_v in_o every_o particular_a college_n with_o the_o magistrate_n and_o daily_a officer_n thereunto_o belong_v beside_o divers_a young_a scholar_n that_o be_v relieve_v that_o have_v no_o naââ¦_n in_o any_o of_o the_o college_n aforesaid_a be_v near_o three_o thousand_o finis_fw-la a_o catalogue_n of_o all_o the_o college_n in_o the_o famous_a university_n of_o cambridge_n with_o the_o name_n of_o the_o principal_a founder_n and_o benefactor_n with_o the_o time_n of_o their_o foundation_n and_o the_o name_n of_o the_o present_a master_n and_o governor_n with_o the_o number_n of_o student_n in_o every_o college_n the_o learned_a antiquary_n have_v diverse_o write_v about_o the_o foundation_n of_o this_o university_n of_o cambridge_n sââ¦_n affirm_v it_o be_v found_v by_o cantaber_n a_o prince_n of_o spain_n brother_n to_o partholinus_fw-la king_n of_o ireland_n son_n in_o lââ¦_n to_o gurguntius_n king_n of_o great_a britain_n but_o the_o chief_a conclude_v that_o sigebert_n king_n of_o the_o east-angleââ¦_a be_v the_o principal_a founder_n thereof_o about_o the_o year_n 630_o or_o 636_o who_o assign_v divers_a hostle_n and_o house_n for_o student_n to_o inhabit_v in_o give_v they_o large_a privilege_n and_o charter_n whereof_o some_o be_v yet_o extant_a procure_v also_o great_a imââ¦ties_n from_o pope_n honorius_n the_o first_o which_o sergius_n the_o first_o confirm_v much_o honour_n this_o place_n have_v receive_v bââ¦_n the_o son_n and_o nephew_n of_o king_n be_v earl_n thereof_o viz._n william_n brother_n to_o ranulph_n earl_n of_o chester_n ãâã_d earl_n of_o henaultvncle_n to_o philip_n le_fw-fr beau_n king_n of_o france_n william_n marquess_z of_o juliers_n edmund_n of_o langââ¦_n duke_n of_o york_n edward_z duke_z of_o york_n richard_z earl_n of_o cambridge_n richard_z duke_z of_o york_n james_n marquââ¦_n âamilton_fw-mi earl_n of_o arran_n his_o successor_n james_n marquis_n of_o hamilton_n master_n of_o the_o horse_n to_o king_n charles_n the_o ãâã_d the_o illustrious_a henry_n stewart_n duke_n of_o gloucester_n four_o son_n of_o king_n charles_n the_o first_o since_o charles_n duke_n of_o cambridge_n james_z and_z edgar_z duke_n of_o cambridge_n all_o son_n to_o the_o most_o illustrious_a prince_n james_n duke_n of_o yorââ¦_n his_o highness_n james_n duke_n of_o monmouth_n be_v present_a chancellor_n thereof_o with_o allowance_n march_n 6._o 1678._o ro._n l'estrange_n
i._o st_n peter_n college_n or_o house_n be_v found_v 1256._o hugo_n de_fw-fr balsham_n prior_n of_o ely_n in_o the_o year_n 1256._o place_v a_o master_n and_o scholar_n in_o the_o hostile_a of_o st._n john_n in_o cambridge_n in_o the_o year_n 1284._o he_o being_n bishop_n of_o ely_n separate_v they_o from_o the_o master_n and_o friar_n of_o st._n john_n hostile_a and_o seat_v they_o in_o two_o hostle_n adjoin_v to_o st._n peter_n church_n now_o call_v little_a st._n maries_n without_o trumpington-gate_n in_o the_o place_n of_o which_o then_o he_o then_o found_v this_o college_n endow_v it_o and_o place_v in_o it_o a_o master_n and_o 14_o fellow_n since_o which_o time_n by_o the_o liberality_n of_o simon_n de_fw-fr langham_n john_n de_fw-fr fordham_n bishop_n of_o ely_n john_n laceby_n william_n irby_n thomas_n de_fw-fr castro_n bernardi_n master_n of_o this_o college_n william_n nonion_n dr_n holbrooks_n dr_n lant_n dr_n warkworth_n dr_n denham_n dr_n hornby_n dr_n bârgoine_n dr_n edmond_n dr_n shirton_n archbishop_n whitgist_n dr_n pern_n john_n blyth_n fellow_n dr_n richardson_n master_n dr_n hale_o master_n john_n cofin_v bishop_n of_o darham_n master_n and_o other_o benefactor_n this_o college_n or_o house_n be_v the_o first_o that_o be_v build_v in_o this_o university_n there_o be_v in_o it_o a_o master_n 22_o fellow_n 45_o scholar_n a_o bible-clerk_n beside_o officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n with_o other_o student_n in_o all_o about_o ninety_o dr_n joseph_n beaumond_n master_n margaret_z professor_n ii_o clare-hall_n found_v 1326._o richard_z badew_o bear_v at_o great_a badew_n in_o essex_n by_o licence_n from_o edward_n the_o second_o found_v this_o college_n in_o milnstreet_n near_o st._n zacharies_n church_n place_v there_o a_o principal_a under_o who_o the_o first_o 16_o year_n the_o student_n live_v at_o their_o own_o charge_n after_o walter_n thaxted_n principal_n with_o the_o consent_n of_o the_o say_v richard_n badew_o richard_n ling_n chancellor_n of_o the_o university_n anno_fw-la 1340_o resign_v the_o first_o foundation_n into_o the_o hand_n of_o elizabeth_n grandchild_n to_o edward_n the_o first_o second_o daughter_n and_o coheir_n of_o gilbert_n earl_n of_o clare_n from_o who_o it_o bear_v the_o name_n clareball_n she_o rebuilt_a and_o endow_v the_o same_o which_o many_o other_o benefactor_n have_v since_o increase_v as_o walter_n worleigh_n ralph_n scrivener_n tho._n cave_n thomas_n paske_n benjamin_n oley_n arthur_n l_o d_o capel_n peter_n gunning_n l_o d_o b_o p_o of_o ely_n dr_n hacket_n bishop_n of_o coventry_n and_o lichfield_n dr_n heaver_n and_o other_o there_o be_v in_o it_o a_o master_n 18_o fellow_n 41_o scholar_n beside_o officer_n of_o the_o foundation_n and_o other_o student_n to_o the_o number_n of_o 100_o dr_n dillingham_n master_n iii_o pembroke-hall_n be_v found_v 1343._o mary_n de_fw-fr st_n paul_n countess_n of_o pembroke_n have_v first_o build_v and_o endow_v denny_n abbey_n in_o this_o county_n she_o procure_v a_o licence_n from_o king_n edward_n the_o three_o in_o the_o 17_o of_o his_o reign_n and_o then_o found_v this_o college_n or_o hall_n of_o mary_n de_fw-fr valentia_n after_o pembroke-hall_n in_o which_o as_o it_o now_o stand_v be_v the_o ancient_a hostle_n of_o the_o university_n and_o s._n thomas_n knaptons_n bolton_n and_o cousin_n place_n with_o part_n of_o the_o chantry-house_n of_o little_a st._n maries_n and_o endow_v the_o same_o with_o land_n impropriation_n and_o patronage_n plate_n jewel_n and_o other_o ornament_n since_o it_o have_v be_v much_o enlarge_v by_o the_o bounty_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o 6_o by_o the_o donation_n of_o john_n langton_n bishop_n of_o st._n david_n laurence_n booth_n archbishop_n of_o york_n edmund_n grindal_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n lancelot_n andrews_n bishop_n of_o winchester_n benjamin_n laney_n late_a bishop_n of_o ely_n dr_n mark_n frank_n sir_n philip_n booth_n sir_n roger_n l'estrange_n all_o of_o this_o college_n beside_o other_o who_o have_v settle_v land_n or_o give_v sum_n of_o money_n as_o sir_n william_n hussey_n lord_n chief_a justice_n of_o england_n mr_n thomas_n watts_n thomas_n james_n thomas_n hobbs_n esq_n william_n marshal_n john_n holmes_n with_o other_o who_o not_o long_o since_o repair_v the_o old_a court_n of_o this_o college_n and_o new_a building_n be_v erect_v by_o sir_n robert_n hitcham_n sometime_o of_o this_o house_n richard_z ball_n fellow_n d._n d._n and_o now_o master_n of_o the_o temple_n william_n quarles_n late_a precedent_n also_o a_o fair_a new_a chapel_n be_v build_v and_o endow_v and_o furnish_v by_o matthew_n wren_n sometime_o fellow_n president_n and_o late_a lord_n bishop_n of_o ely_n the_o master_n fellow_n and_o scholar_n with_o other_o student_n officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n be_v about_o 100_o dr_n coga_fw-la d._n d._n master_n iu._n corpus-christi_a college_n be_v found_v 1351._o henry_n of_o monmouth_n surname_v torto_fw-la collo_fw-la son_n and_o heir_n of_o henry_n of_o lancaster_n lord_n of_o monmouth_n and_o pontefract_n earl_n of_o lancaster_n leicester_n derby_n and_o high-steward_n of_o england_n succeed_v his_o father_n in_o all_o his_o honour_n and_o be_v by_o king_n edward_n the_o 3_o create_v earl_n of_o lincoln_n and_o one_o of_o the_o knight_n of_o the_o first_o foundation_n of_o the_o most_o noble_a order_n of_o the_o garter_n duke_n of_o lancaster_n etc._n etc._n of_o the_o fraternity_n or_o guild_n of_o corpus_fw-la christi_fw-la and_o bless_a mary_n the_o virgin_n near_o unto_o luthborn-lane_n and_o the_o hostile_a of_o st._n bernard_n in_o the_o east_n whereof_o himself_o be_v then_o alderman_n found_v this_o college_n in_o the_o year_n 1351_o among_o other_o thing_n appropriate_v unto_o the_o same_o the_o perpetual_a patronage_n of_o st._n benedict_v church_n this_o college_n since_o have_v be_v much_o beautify_v with_o building_n and_o increase_v with_o revenue_n by_o the_o lady_n elizabeth_n brotherton_n duchess_n of_o norfolk_n thomas_n cambridge_n and_o sir_n john_n cambridge_n give_v stone-hall_n towards_o the_o augmentation_n of_o the_o same_o john_n meers_n esq_n beadle_n matthew_n parker_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n sir_n nicholas_n bacon_n lord_n keeper_n of_o the_o great_a seal_n roger_n manor_n earl_n of_o râtland_n lord_n roos_n of_o hamlake_n belvoir_n and_o trusbut_n etc._n etc._n roger_n manor_n his_o great_a uncle_n william_n benedict_n leonard_n causton_n give_v 18l._o 3s_o 4d._o for_o maintenance_n of_o 3_o scholarship_n and_o mr_n john_n booth_n b._n d._n sometime_o fellow_n of_o this_o college_n give_v 3l._o per_fw-la annum_fw-la beside_o divers_a other_o benefactor_n here_o be_v at_o present_a a_o master_n 12_o fellow_n 37_o scholar_n beside_o officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n with_o other_o student_n to_o the_o number_n of_o 150._o john_n spencer_n d._n d._n master_n and_o dean_n of_o ely_n v._o trinity-hall_n be_v found_v 1350._o william_n bateman_n bear_v in_o norwich_n doctor_n of_o the_o civil_a law_n after_o 18_o year_n bishop_n of_o that_o sea_n for_o the_o exchange_n of_o certain_a parsonage_n in_o the_o 24_o of_o king_n edward_n the_o three_o anno_fw-la 1350._o obtain_v a_o ancient_a hostile_a near_o adjoin_v to_o the_o university_n house_n where_o in_o former_a time_n student_n live_v at_o their_o own_o charge_n he_o make_v thereof_o a_o college_n or_o hall_n and_o dedicate_v it_o to_o the_o honour_n of_o the_o holy_a and_o bless_a trinity_n endow_v the_o same_o with_o land_n and_o possession_n for_o student_n of_o the_o civil_a law_n since_o richard_n ling_n d._n d._n chancellor_n of_o this_o university_n archibald_n of_o norwich_n simon_n de_fw-fr rekenhall_n and_o walter_n elverton_n give_v four_o tenement_n robert_n stratton_n john_n trunch_n walter_n baketon_n walter_n de_fw-fr aldersey_n and_o peter_n de_fw-fr bittering_n give_v two_o message_n and_o seven_o piece_n of_o ground_n one_o call_v drake_n entry_n since_o john_n de_fw-fr botisham_n bishop_n of_o rochester_n richard_n nix_n bishop_n of_o norwich_n stephen_n gardner_n bishop_n of_o winchester_n lord_n chancellor_n of_o england_n matthew_n parker_n archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n dr_n mouse_n dr_n harvey_n dr_n cowel_n doctor_n of_o law_n and_o king_n professor_n sir_n george_n newman_n thomas_n eden_n dr_n of_o law_n chancellor_n of_o ely_n george_n gaell_n and_o by_o other_o benefactor_n this_o college_n have_v be_v much_o enlarge_v so_o that_o here_o be_v a_o master_n 12_o fellow_n 14_o scholar_n beside_o officer_n and_o servant_n of_o the_o foundation_n with_o other_o student_n to_o the_o number_n of_o 70._o sir_n tho._n exton_n master_n vi_o gonvill_n and_o caiazzo_n college_n be_v found_v 1348._o edmond_n de_fw-fr gonvill_n young_a brother_n of_o sir_n nicholas_n gonvill_n and_o rector_n of_o rushworth_n and_o terington_n in_o norfolk_n obtain_v of_o edward_n the_o three_o licence_n to_o convert_v his_o three_o message_n with_o a_o garden_n and_o the_o appurtenance_n situate_v in_o the_o parish_n of_o st._n botolph_n and_o