Selected quad for the lemma: lord_n

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lord_n baron_n sir_n thomas_n 12,246 5 7.9519 4 false
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A91243 A plea for the Lords: or, A short, yet full and necessary vindication of the judiciary and legislative power of the House of Peeres, and the hereditary just right of the lords and barons of this realme, to sit, vote and judge in the high Court of Parliament. Against the late seditious anti-Parliamentary printed petitions, libells and pamphlets of Anabaptists, Levellers, agitators, Lilburne, Overton, and their dangerous confederates, who endeavour the utter subversion both of parliaments, King and peers, to set up an arbitrary polarchy and anarchy of their own new-modelling. / By William Prynne Esquire, a well-wisher to both Houses of Parliament, and the republike; now exceedingly shaken and indangered in their very foundations. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1648 (1648) Wing P4032; Thomason E430_8; ESTC R204735 72,921 83

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committee_n and_o proceed_n contrary_a to_o the_o rule_n of_o law_n and_o justice_n to_o right_a all_o grieve_a petitioner_n especial_o such_o who_o have_v wait_v at_o least_o seven_o year_n space_n at_o your_o door_n for_o reparation_n relieve_v poor_a starve_a ireland_n and_o raise_v up_o the_o almost_o lose_a honour_n power_n freedom_n and_o reputation_n of_o parliament_n by_o act_v honourable_o and_o heroical_o like_o yourselves_o without_o any_o fear_n favour_n hatred_n or_o selfe-end_n and_o confine_v yourselves_o &_o the_o commons_o house_n to_o the_o ancient_a bound_n and_o rule_n of_o parliamentary_a jurisdiction_n and_o proceed_n and_o to_o excel_v all_o other_o as_o far_o in_o justice_n goodness_n and_o public_a resolution_n as_o you_o do_v in_o greatness_n and_o authority_n which_o that_o you_o may_v effectual_o perform_v shall_v be_v the_o the_o prayer_n of_o your_o lordship_n in_o all_o humble_a service_n w._n prynne_n a_o plea_n for_o the_o lord_n or_o a_o short_a yet_o full_a and_o necessary_a vindication_n of_o the_o judiciary_n and_o legislative_a power_n of_o the_o house_n of_o peer_n and_o the_o hereditary_a just_a right_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o baron_n of_o this_o realm_n to_o sit_v vote_n and_o judge_v in_o the_o high_a court_n of_o parliament_n the_o treasonable_a and_o destructive_a design_n of_o divers_a dangerous_a anabaptist_n leveller_n agitator_n in_o the_o army_n city_n country_n and_o of_o lilburne_n overton_n their_o champion_n and_o ringleader_n in_o this_o seditious_a plot_n to_o dethrone_v the_o king_n unlord_v the_o lord_n new-modell_n the_o house_n of_o commons_o extirpate_v monarchy_n suppress_v the_o house_n of_o peer_n and_o subvert_v parliament_n the_o only_a obstacle_n to_o their_o pretend_a polarchy_n and_o anarchy_n be_v now_o so_o legible_a in_o their_o many_o late_a print_a petition_n libel_n pamphlet_n and_o visible_a in_o their_o act_n and_o public_a proceed_n that_o it_o rather_o require_v our_o diligence_n and_o expedition_n to_o prevent_v than_o hesitancy_n to_o doubt_n or_o dispute_v they_o they_o positive_o protest_v against_o and_o deny_v both_o king_n and_o monarchy_n in_o their_o condemn_v their_o a_o remonstrance_n of_o many_o thousand_o a●zens_n to_o their_o own_o house_n of_o commons_o p._n 6._o the_o just_a man_n justification_n p._n 10._o regal_a tyranny_n discover_v a_o declaration_n from_o his_o excellency_n and_o the_o general_n counsel_n of_o the_o army_n jan._n 11._o 1647._o p._n 7._o speech_n etc._n etc._n at_o a_o conference_n new_o publish_v by_o walker_n print_v verbatim_o out_o of_o dolman_n the_o jesuit_n his_o book_n condemn_v pamphlet_n and_o remonstrance_n with_o the_o power_n and_o judicature_n of_o the_o house_n of_o peer_n and_o their_o undoubted_a just_a hereditary_a right_n to_o vote_n act_n or_o sit_v in_o parliament_n because_o they_o be_v not_o elect_v by_o the_o people_n as_o knight_n and_o burgess_n be_v assert_v 204._o assert_v lilburnes_n just_a man_n in_o bond_n p._n 1_o 2._o a_o pearl_n in_o a_o dunghill_n the_o freeman_n freedom_n vindicated_n a_o anatomy_n of_o the_o lord_n tyranny_n his_o argument_n and_o plea_n before_o the_o committee_n against_o the_o lord_n authority_n his_o petition_n to_o the_o commons_o his_o letter_n to_o henry_n martin_n overton_n arrow_n of_o defiance_n shoot_v into_o the_o prerogative_n bowel_n of_o the_o house_n of_o lord_n his_o petition_n and_o appeal_v a_o defiance_n against_o arbitrary_a usurpation_n the_o agreement_n of_o the_o people_n and_o petition_n wherein_o it_o be_v present_v to_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o a_o alarm_n to_o the_o house_n of_o lord_n see_v m._n edward_n gangraena_fw-la part_n 3._o p._n 192._o to_o 204._o that_o they_o be_v no_o natural_a issue_n of_o our_o law_n but_o the_o exorbitance_n and_o mushroom_n of_o prerogative_n the_o wenn_n of_o just_a government_n the_o son_n of_o conquest_n and_o usurpation_n not_o of_o choice_n and_o election_n intrude_v upon_o we_o by_o power_n not_o make_v by_o the_o people_n from_o who_o all_o power_n place_n and_o office_n that_o be_v just_a in_o this_o kingdom_n ought_v to_o arise_v mere_a arbitrary_a tyrant_n usurper_n a_o illegitimate_a and_o illegal_a power_n and_o judicatory_a who_o act_n and_o vote_n in_o our_o affair_n but_o as_o intruder_n who_o ought_v of_o right_n not_o to_o judge_v censure_n or_o imprison_v any_o commoner_n of_o england_n even_o for_o libel_v against_o they_o refuse_v to_o appear_v before_o they_o revile_v and_o contemn_v they_o and_o their_o authòrity_n to_o their_o face_n at_o their_o very_a bar_n as_o lilburne_n overton_n boast_v and_o print_n they_o do_v or_o break_v any_o of_o their_o undoubted_a privilege_n and_o to_o accomplish_v this_o their_o design_n the_o better_a they_o endeavour_v by_o their_o most_o impudent_a flattery_n to_o engage_v the_o house_n of_o commons_o against_o the_o house_n of_o peer_n the_o better_a to_o pull_v they_o down_o still_v and_o proclaim_v they_o in_o their_o 204._o their_o overton_n petition_n and_o appeal_v to_o the_o high_a and_o mighty_a state_n the_o knight_n and_o burgess_n in_o parliament_n assemble_v england_n legal_a sovereign_a power_n the_o remonstrance_n of_o many_o thousand_o to_o their_o own_o house_n of_o commons_o a_o print_a petition_n now_o in_o agitation_n of_o many_o freeborn_a people_n to_o the_o only_a supreme_a power_n of_o this_o realm_n the_o commons_o in_o parliament_n assemble_v the_o anatomy_n of_o the_o lord_n tyranny_n a_o alarm_n to_o the_o house_n of_o lord_n see_v m._n edward_n gangraena_fw-la part_n 3._o p._n 154._o to_o 204._o petition_n and_o pamphlet_n the_o only_a supreme_a legal_a judicatory_a of_o the_o land_n who_o ought_v by_o right_n to_o judge_v the_o lord_n and_o their_o proceed_n from_o who_o they_o appeal_v for_o right_a and_o reparation_n against_o the_o house_n of_o peer_n affirm_v that_o in_o the_o commons_o house_n alone_o reside_v the_o formal_a and_o legal_a supreme_a power_n of_o england_n who_o only_a be_v choose_v by_o the_o people_n and_o therefore_o in_o they_o only_a be_v the_o power_n of_o bind_v the_o whole_a nation_n by_o make_v alter_a or_o abolish_n law_n without_o the_o king_n or_o lord_n concurrent_a assent_n to_o who_o they_o now_o absolute_o deny_v any_o negative_a voice_n make_v the_o commons_o a_o complete_a independent_a parliament_n of_o themselves_o and_o therefore_o present_a all_o their_o petition_n and_o address_n to_o they_o alone_o without_o any_o acknowledgement_n or_o notice_n of_o the_o house_n of_o peer_n to_o who_o they_o deny_v any_o right_a or_o title_n to_o sit_v or_o vote_n in_o parliament_n unless_o they_o will_v first_o divest_v themselves_o of_o their_o peerage_n and_o baron_n right_a of_o session_n and_o submit_v to_o stand_v for_o the_o next_o knight_n and_o burgess_n place_n in_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o that_o shall_v fall_v void_a where_o if_o they_o may_v have_v any_o voice_n or_o influence_n the_o mean_a cobbler_n tinker_n weaver_n or_o waterman_n shall_v be_v elect_v a_o knight_n or_o burgess_n soon_o than_o the_o best_a and_o great_a peer_n and_o john_n of_o leyden_n prefer_v before_o king_n or_o prince_n charles_n sic_fw-la sceptra_fw-la ligonibus_fw-la aequanti_fw-la which_o petition_n and_o pamphlet_n of_o they_o have_v so_o puff_v and_o bladder_v up_o many_o novice_n and_o raw_a parliament-man_n in_o the_o commons_o house_n unacquainted_a with_o the_o bound_n proceed_n and_o original_a constitution_n of_o parliament_n and_o the_o law_n and_o custom_n of_o england_n that_o they_o begin_v to_o act_v vote_n and_o dispose_v of_o the_o army_n navy_n etc._n etc._n without_o and_o against_o the_o lord_n not_o expect_v their_o concurrence_n contrary_a to_o all_o former_a proceed_n of_o parliament_n the_o lord_n just_a privilege_n and_o their_o own_o solemn_a league_n and_o covenant_n to_o maintain_v they_o which_o may_v prove_v destructive_a to_o both_o house_n the_o parliament_n kingdom_n and_o oppressive_a to_o their_o representative_n the_o people_n who_o general_o dislike_v it_o if_o not_o timely_o redress_v and_o breed_v such_o a_o deadly_a feud_n between_o the_o house_n as_o may_v ruin_v they_o both_o and_o the_o kingdom_n to_o boot_v the_o end_n of_o these_o anabaptist_n leveller_n and_o lilburnians_n be_v only_o to_o demonstrate_v to_o see_v m._n edward_n gangraena_fw-la part_n 3._o where_o this_o be_v full_o demonstrate_v destroy_v the_o parliament_n by_o set_v both_o house_n at_o variance_n they_o inveigh_v as_o bitter_o against_o the_o power_n proceed_n ordinance_n vote_n power_n member_n undue_a election_n and_o unequal_a constitution_n of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o as_o the_o lord_n and_o therefore_o have_v so_o earnest_o press_v in_o their_o 204._o their_o lilburnes_n letter_n to_o a_o friend_n innocency_n and_o truth_n justify_v and_o his_o late_a letter_n to_o cromwell_n martin_n sir_n thomas_n fairfax_n and_o other_o england_n birthright_n england_n lamentable_a slavery_n another_o word_n to_o the_o wise_a comparata_fw-la comparandis_fw-la liberty_n against_o slavery_n the_o
to_o make_v such_o knight_n citizen_n and_o burgess_n lawful_a member_n of_o parliament_n and_o to_o represent_v the_o commons_o of_o england_n without_o any_o election_n of_o the_o people_n the_o law_n make_v by_o our_o ancestor_n in_o parliament_n etc._n see_v littleton_n fitz-herbert_n brut._n &_o ashly_n tit._n warranty_n obligat_fw-la covenant_n etc._n etc._n oblige_v their_o posterity_n while_o unrepealed_a as_o well_o as_o their_o warranties_n obligation_n statute_n feofement_n mortgage_n and_o alienation_n of_o their_o land_n as_o the_o objector_n must_v acknowledge_v therefore_o they_o must_v of_o necessity_n grant_v their_o present_a sit_v vote_v and_o judge_v too_o in_o parliament_n to_o be_v lawful_a because_o thus_o warrant_v by_o the_o law_n and_o custom_n of_o the_o realm_n 4._o if_o all_o power_n in_o government_n and_o right_a of_o sit_v judge_a and_o make_v law_n or_o ordinance_n in_o parliament_n be_v found_v upon_o the_o immediate_a free_a election_n of_o all_o those_o that_o be_v to_o be_v govern_v and_o of_o necessity_n that_o all_o those_o who_o be_v to_o be_v subject_a and_o they_o ought_v to_o be_v represent_v by_o those_o who_o have_v power_n in_o government_n the_o sum_n of_o 162._o of_o see_v m._n edward_n his_o gangraena_fw-la part_n 3._o p._n 142._o to_o 162._o lilburnes_n overton_n and_o the_o leveller_n reason_n against_o the_o lord_n jurisdiction_n than_o it_o will_v of_o necessity_n follow_v that_o the_o order_n vote_n ordinance_n and_o law_n make_v by_o or_o consent_v to_o by_o the_o knight_n citizen_n and_o burgess_n in_o parliament_n ought_v not_o to_o bind_v any_o minister_n woman_n child_n infant_n servant_n stranger_n freeholder_n citizen_n burgess_n artificer_n or_o other_o who_o can_v well_v or_o proper_o be_v represent_v but_o by_o person_n of_o their_o own_o sex_n degree_n trade_n and_o calling_n and_o so_o every_o sex_n trade_n call_v in_o each_o county_n and_o corporation_n in_o england_n shall_v send_v member_n of_o their_o own_o to_o parliament_n to_o represent_v they_o but_o only_a such_o freeholder_n and_o burgess_n who_o have_v voice_n in_o and_o give_v free_a consent_n to_o their_o election_n not_o any_o who_o have_v no_o voice_n by_o law_n or_o dissent_v from_o those_o elect_a and_o return_v yea_o than_o it_o will_v necessary_o follow_v that_o those_o county_n city_n and_o burrough_n who_o member_n have_v be_v injurious_o impeach_v suspend_v drive_v away_o or_o thrust_v out_o of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o by_o the_o objector_n and_o the_o army_n practice_v and_o violence_n contrary_a to_o all_o former_a precedent_n be_v absolute_o free_a exempt_v and_o not_o bind_v by_o any_o vote_n or_o ordinance_n make_v or_o tax_n impose_v by_o the_o commons_o house_n because_o they_o have_v no_o member_n to_o represent_v they_o reside_v in_o parliament_n and_o that_o those_o county_n and_o burrough_n who_o knight_n and_o burgess_n be_v dead_a or_o absent_a be_v no_o way_n oblige_v by_o any_o vote_n ordinance_n or_o grant_n in_o parliament_n and_o then_o how_o few_o in_o the_o kingdom_n will_v or_o aught_o to_o yield_v obedience_n to_o any_o the_o act_n ordinance_n or_o vote_n of_o this_o present_a parliament_n or_o to_o any_o mayor_n sheriff_n alderman_n or_o head_n of_o house_n make_v by_o their_o vote_n and_o authority_n usual_o make_v by_o election_n heretofore_o or_o to_o any_o judge_n justice_n governor_n general_n captain_n or_o other_o military_a officer_n make_v by_o their_o commission_n or_o appointment_n without_o the_o generality_n of_o the_o people_n vote_n or_o consent_n especial_o when_o above_o half_a or_o three_o full_a part_n of_o the_o member_n be_v absent_a or_o drive_v from_o both_o house_n by_o the_o objector_n violence_n and_o menace_n these_o answer_n premise_v i_o shall_v now_o proceed_v to_o the_o proof_n of_o the_o lord_n undeniable_a right_n and_o authority_n to_o sit_v vote_n and_o give_v judgement_n in_o parliament_n though_o not_o actual_o elect_v and_o call_v by_o the_o people_n as_o knight_n and_o burgess_n be_v 1._o it_o be_v evident_a by_o the_o history_n republike_n of_o most_o ancient_a and_o modern_a kingdom_n and_o republike_n in_o the_o world_n that_o their_o prince_n noble_n peer_n and_o great_a officer_n of_o state_n have_v by_o the_o original_a fundamental_a law_n and_o institution_n by_o right_a of_o their_o very_a england_n very_a 31._o h._n 8_o c._n 10_o see_v m._n selden'_v title_n of_o honour_n cassanaeus_n catalogus_fw-la gloriae_fw-la mundi_fw-la alanso_n lopez_n in_o nobiliario_n and_o other_o who_o write_v of_o nobility_n cambd._n brit._n of_o the_o nobility_n and_o court_n of_o justice_n in_o england_n nobility_n peerage_n and_o great_a office_n without_o any_o particular_a election_n of_o the_o people_n a_o just_a right_n and_o title_n to_o sit_v consult_v vote_n enact_v law_n and_o give_v judgement_n in_o all_o their_o general_n assembly_n of_o state_n parliament_n senate_n diet_n counsel_n as_o may_v be_v mainfested_a by_o particular_a instance_n in_o the_o kingdom_n republike_n parliament_n diet_n and_o general_n assembly_n of_o the_o jew_n egyptian_n grecian_n roman_n persian_n ethiopian_n german_n french_a goths_z vandal_n hungarian_n bohemian_o polonian_n russian_n swede_n scythian_n tartar_n moor_n indian_n spaniard_n portugall_n dane_n saxon_n scot_n irish_a and_o many_o other_o and_o to_o deny_v the_o like_a privilege_n to_o our_o english_a peer_n and_o noble_n which_o all_o noble_n peer_n in_o all_o other_o kingdom_n nation_n republike_v ancient_o have_v do_v and_o yet_o do_v constant_o enjoy_v without_o exception_n or_o dispute_n be_v a_o gross_a unjury_n injustice_n and_o oversight_n yea_o a_o great_a dishonour_n both_o to_o our_o nobility_n and_o nation_n second_o by_o and_o in_o the_o very_a primitive_a constitution_n of_o our_o english_a parliament_n it_o be_v unanimous_o agree_v by_o the_o kingdom_n and_o people_n general_a consent_n that_o our_o parliament_n shall_v be_v constitute_v and_o make_v up_o not_o of_o knight_n and_o burgiss_n only_o elect_v by_o 1._o by_o e._n h_o 6._o c._n 7._o 10._o h._n 6._o c._n 2._o 32_o h._n 6_o c._n 15._o crumpton_n jurisdict_n p._n 1._o 2._o 3._o cook_n 4_o instit_fw-la c._n 1._o freeholder_n and_o burgess_n not_o by_o the_o generality_n of_o the_o vulgar_a people_n who_o will_v now_o claim_v and_o usurp_v this_o right_n of_o election_n but_o likewise_o of_o the_o king_n the_o supreme_a member_n by_o who_o 5._o who_o cook_n instit_fw-la c._n 1._o n._n 1._o 10._o modus_fw-la tenendi_fw-la parliamentum_fw-la crompton_n jurisdiction_n of_o court_n tit._n parliament_n m._n selden'_v tit._n of_o honour_n par_fw-fr 2._o c._n 5._o writ_n the_o parliament_n be_v to_o be_v summon_v and_o by_o the_o lord_n peer_n baron_n ecclesiastical_a and_o civil_a and_o great_a officer_n of_o the_o realm_n who_o ought_v of_o right_a to_o sit_v vote_n make_v law_n and_o give_v judgement_n in_o parliament_n by_o virtue_n of_o their_o peerage_n baronry_n and_o office_n without_o any_o election_n of_o the_o people_n the_o commons_o themselves_o be_v no_o parliament_n judicatory_a or_o lawgiver_n alone_o without_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n as_o modus_fw-la tenendi_fw-la parliamentorum_fw-la sir_n edward_n cook_n in_o his_o 4._o institutes_n ch_n 1._o mr._n selden'_v title_n of_o honour_n part_n 2._o ch_z 5._o vowel_n camden_n sir_n thomas_n smith_n cowell_n minshaw_n crompton_n with_o other_o who_o have_v write_v of_o our_o english_a parliament_n assert_v and_o all_o our_o parliament_n roll_n statute_n and_o 33._o and_o 33._o h._n 6._o 16._o br._n parliam_fw-la 4._o 39_o e_o 3._o 7._o 35._o 11._o h._n 7_o 27._o br_n parl._n 107._o 4._o h._n 7._o 18._o 7_o h._n 7._o 14_o crumptons_n jurisd_v f._n 9_o co._n 4._o institutes_n n_z 15_o 35._o fit_a f._n 20._o dyer_n 92._o judge_n hutton'_v argument_n of_o mr._n hamdens_n case_n p_o 32._o 33._o law-booke_n resolve_v without_o who_o threefold_a concurrent_a assent_n there_o be_v or_o can_v be_v no_o act_n of_o parliament_n make_v three_o this_o right_n of_o they_o be_v confirm_v by_o prescription_n and_o custom_n from_o the_o very_a first_o beginning_n of_o parliament_n in_o this_o kingdom_n till_o this_o present_a their_z being_z no_o one_o precedent_n to_o be_v find_v in_o history_n or_o record_n of_o any_o one_o parliament_n hold_v in_o this_o island_n since_o it_o be_v a_o kingdom_n without_o the_o king_n personal_o or_o representative_o present_v by_o a_o protector_n custos_fw-la or_o regni_fw-la commissioner_n as_o he_o ought_v to_o be_v or_o without_o lord_n and_o peer_n ancient_o style_v alderman_n heretocke_n senator_n wiseman_n noble_n prince_n earl_n count_n duke_n etc._n etc._n by_o our_o historian_n who_o make_v mention_v of_o their_o resort_v to_o fit_v vote_v and_o judge_v in_o our_o parliament_n general_n assembly_n and_o counsel_n under_o those_o title_n without_o the_o people_n election_n long_o before_o the_o conqueror_n time_n in_o the_o ancient_v parliament_n and_o counsel_n we_o read_v of_o
hill_n unto_o the_o gallow_n at_o tyburn_n &_o there_o kenel_v &_o his_o bowel_n lay_v before_o he_o and_o after_o he_o shall_v be_v hang_v behead_v and_o quarter_v and_o his_o head_n send_v to_o calaye_n where_o the_o murder_n be_v commit_v and_o his_o quarter_n send_v to_o other_o place_n where_o the_o king_n shall_v please_v and_o thereupon_o command_n be_v give_v to_o the_o marshal_n of_o england_n to_o make_v execution_n according_o and_o it_o be_v so_o do_v the_o same_o day_n lo_o here_o the_o lord_n in_o parliament_n g●ve_v judgement_n against_o a_o commoner_n in_o case_n of_o a_o murder_n do_v at_o calaye_n and_o so_o not_o triable_a at_o the_o king_n bench_n but_o in_o parliament_n and_o pass_v a_o judgement_n of_o high_a treason_n on_o he_o for_o murder_v of_o a_o great_a peer_n only_o and_o which_o be_v most_o remarkable_a all_o the_o commons_o in_o this_o very_a parliament_n of_o 1_o h._n 4._o nu_fw-la 70._o nov_n 3._o make_v their_o protestation_n and_o further_o remonstrate_v to_o the_o king_n nota._n nota._n com_n les_fw-fr juggements_n dv_o parliament_n apeirteignent_fw-la soulement_n ave_fw-la roy_fw-fr et_fw-la as_o seigneiur_n et_fw-fr nient_a as_o commune_n how_o the_o judgement_n of_o the_o parl._n appertain_v only_a to_o the_o king_n and_o to_o the_o lord_n and_o not_o unto_o the_o commons_z except_o in_o case_n it_o shall_v please_v the_o king_n of_o his_o special_a grace_n to_o show_v unto_o they_o the_o say_v judgement_n purcase_o de_fw-fr eux_fw-fr que_fw-fr null_n record_v soit_fw-fr fait_fw-fr in_o parliament_n encoutreles_a ditz_fw-fr commune_v quill_n soit_fw-fr ou_fw-fr serront_fw-fr party_n ascune_n juggement_n donez_fw-fr ovadove_n en_fw-fr apres_fw-fr in_o parliament_n whereunto_o it_o be_v answer_v by_o the_o archbish_n of_o canterbury_n by_o the_o king_n command_n how_o the_o say_v commoner_n be_v petitioner_n and_o demander_n and_o that_o the_o king_n &_o the_o lord_n de_fw-fr tont_fw-fr temps_fw-fr ont_fw-fr eve_n et_fw-fr averont_fw-fr de_fw-fr droit_n les_fw-fr juggement_n en_fw-fr parliament_n en_fw-fr manere_fw-la come_v i_o i_o les_fw-fr commune_v ount_n monstres_n have_v always_o have_v and_o shall_v have_v of_o right_n the_o judgement_n in_o parliament_n in_o manner_n as_o the_o commons_o themselves_o have_v declare_v except_o in_o make_v statute_n or_o in_o make_v grant_n and_o subsidy_n or_o such_o thing_n for_o the_o common_a profit_n of_o the_o realm_n wherein_o the_o king_n will_v have_v especial_o their_o advice_n and_o assent_v and_o that_o this_o order_n of_o proceed_v shall_v be_v hold_v and_o keep_v in_o all_o time_n to_o come_v by_o which_o record_n in_o parliament_n it_o be_v apparent_a by_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o own_o confession_n first_o that_o the_o judgement_n in_o parliament_n even_o in_o case_n of_o commoner_n appertain_v only_a to_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n in_o the_o affirmative_a second_o that_o they_o appertain_v not_o to_o the_o commons_z in_o the_o negative_a three_o that_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n have_v always_o have_v and_o enjoy_v the_o right_n of_o judgement_n in_o parliament_n four_o that_o they_o shall_v always_o hold_v and_o enjoy_v this_o right_n in_o all_o time_n to_o come_v five_o that_o the_o commons_o special_a advice_n and_o assent_n be_v and_o be_v require_v by_o the_o king_n in_o parliament_n only_o in_o make_v of_o statute_n grant_n and_o subsidy_n and_o such_o like_a thing_n for_o the_o common_a profit_n of_o the_o realm_n so_o full_a and_o punctual_a a_o parliamentary_a decision_n of_o the_o present_a controversy_n as_o be_v uncapable_a of_o any_o answer_n or_o evasion_n in_o the_o parliament_n roll_v of_o 17._o 22._o 17._o see_v cook_n 3_o instit_fw-la c._n 2._o p._n 22._o r._n 2._o num_fw-la 20._o 21._o john_n duke_n of_o gayen_n and_o of_o lancaster_n steward_z of_o england_n and_o thomas_n duke_n of_o gloucester_n constable_n of_o england_n the_o king_n uncle_n complain_v to_o the_o king_n that_o thomas_n talbot_n knight_n a_o commoner_n and_o no_o peer_n with_o other_o his_o adherent_n conspire_v the_o death_n of_o the_o say_a duke_n in_o divers_a part_n of_o cheshire_n as_o the_o same_o be_v confess_v and_o well_o know_v and_o pray_v that_o the_o parliament_n may_v judge_v of_o the_o faul●_n to_o wit_n whether_o it_o be_v treason_n according_a to_o the_o clause_n of_o the_o statute_n of_o 25_o e._n 3._o c._n 2._o it_o be_v accord_v that_o if_o any_o other_o case_n suppose_a treason_n which_o be_v not_o above_o specify_v do_v happen_v before_o any_o justice_n the_o justice_n shall_v tarry_v without_o any_o go_n to_o judgement_n of_o the_o treason_n till_o the_o cause_n be_v show_v and_o declare_v before_o the_o king_n and_o his_o parliament_n whether_o it_o ought_v to_o be_v judge_v treason_n or_o felony_n whereupon_o the_o king_n and_z the_o lord_n in_o the_o parliament_n without_o the_o commons_o though_o in_o case_n of_o a_o commoner_n adjudge_v the_o same_o fact_n to_o be_v open_a and_o high_a treason_n and_o thereupon_o they_o award_v two_o writ_n the_o one_o to_o the_o sheriff_n of_o derby_n to_o take_v the_o body_n of_o the_o say_a sir_n thomas_n retornable_a in_o the_o king_n bench_n in_o the_o month_n of_o easter_n than_o next_o follow_v and_o open_a proclamation_n be_v make_v in_o westminster_n hall_n upon_o the_o sheriff_n return_n and_o the_o next_o come_v in_o of_o the_o say_a sir_n thomas_n that_o the_o same_o thomas_n shall_v be_v convict_v of_o treason_n and_o incur_v the_o loss_n and_o pain_n of_o the_o same_o and_o that_o all_o such_o as_o shall_v receive_v he_o after_o the_o same_o proclamation_n shall_v incur_v the_o same_o loss_n and_o pain_n sir_n 22._o sir_n 3._o instit_fw-la p._n 22._o edward_n cook_n relate_v this_o judgement_n add_v his_o own_o opinion_n at_o the_o end_n that_o this_o judgement_n want_v the_o assent_n of_o the_o commons_o be_v no_o declaration_n of_o treason_n within_o the_o act_n of_o 25._o e._n ●_o because_o it_o be_v not_o by_o the_o king_n and_o his_o parliament_n according_a to_o this_o act_n but_o by_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n only_a but_o the_o record_n of_o parliament_n and_o the_o judge_n and_o commons_o then_o admit_v it_o to_o be_v good_a and_o process_n issue_v out_o and_o judgement_n be_v give_v according_o the_o party_n concern_v take_v no_o such_o exception_n to_o it_o 16._o see_v 21._o r._n 2._o n._n 15._o 16._o so_o that_o this_o record_n be_v a_o pregnant_a evidence_n that_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n be_v the_o sole_a judge_n in_o parliament_n in_o the_o case_n of_o commoner_n even_o in_o declare_v and_o judge_v what_o be_v or_o what_o be_v not_o treason_n within_o the_o statute_n of_o 25._o e._n 3._o because_o the_o commons_o be_v no_o judge_n in_o parliament_n and_o so_o can_v judge_v or_o declare_v unless_o in_o a_o legislative_a way_n by_o act_n of_o parliament_n what_o be_v treason_n or_o pelony_n but_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n alone_o to_o put_v this_o out_o of_o question_n i_o shall_v cite_v one_o notable_a record_n more_o to_o this_o purpose_n 10._o a_o cook_n 3._o instit_fw-la p._n 22._o etc._n etc._n 1._o p._n 10._o in_o the_o parliament_n of_o 5._o h._n 4._o 11._o 12._o on_o the_o 8._o of_o february_n the_o earl_n of_o northumberland_n come_v before_o the_o king_n lord_n and_o commons_o in_o parliament_n and_o by_o his_o petition_n to_o the_o king_n acknowledge_v that_o he_o have_v do_v against_o his_o law_n and_o allegiance_n and_o especial_o for_o gather_v of_o power_n and_o give_v of_o livery_n for_o which_o he_o put_v himself_o upon_o the_o king_n grace_n and_o pray_v pardon_n the_o rather_o for_o that_o upon_o the_o king_n letter_n he_o yield_v himself_o and_o come_v to_o the_o king_n at_o york_n whereas_o he_o may_v have_v keep_v himself_o away_o which_o petition_n by_o the_o king_n command_n be_v deliver_v to_o the_o justice_n to_o be_v examine_v and_o to_o have_v their_o counsel_n and_o advice_n therein_o whereupon_o the_o lord_n make_v a_o protestation_n que_fw-fr le_fw-fr juggement_n appertient_fw-fr aeux_fw-fr tout_fw-fr soulement_n that_o the_o judgement_n appertain_v only_a to_o they_o and_o after_o the_o say_a petition_n be_v read_v and_o consider_v before_o the_o king_n and_o the_o say_a lord_n as_o peer_n of_o parliament_n a_o queux_fw-fr tell_v ●uggementz_n apperteignent_fw-la de_fw-fr droit_n to_o who_o such_o judgement_n appertain_v of_o right_n have_v have_v by_o the_o king_n command_n competent_a deliberation_n thereupon_o and_o have_v also_o hear_v and_o consider_v as_o well_o the_o statute_n make_v in_o the_o 25._o year_n of_o king_n edward_n the_o king_n grandfather_n that_o now_o be_v concern_v the_o declaration_n of_o treason_n as_o the_o statute_n of_o livery_n make_v in_o this_o king_n reign_n adjudge_v that_o that_o which_o be_v do_v by_o the_o say_a earl_n contain_v within_o his_o petition_n be_v neither_o treason_n nor_o felony_n but_o trespass_n for_o which_o
the_o say_a earl_n ought_v to_o make_v fine_a and_o ransom_n at_o the_o will_n of_o the_o king_n whereupon_o the_o say_a earl_n most_o humble_o thank_v our_o lord_n the_o king_n and_o the_o say_a lord_n his_o peer_n of_o parliament_n for_o their_o rightful_a judgement_n and_o the_o commoner_n for_o their_o good_a affectious_a and_o diligence_n use_v and_o show_v in_o this_o behalf_n and_o the_o say_a earl_n further_o pray_v the_o king_n that_o in_o assurance_n of_o these_o matter_n to_o remove_v all_o jealousy_n and_o evil_a suspicion_n that_o he_o may_v be_v swear_v a_o new_a in_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o king_n the_o lord_n and_o commons_o in_o parliament_n and_o the_o say_a earl_n take_v a_o oath_n upon_o the_o crosier_n of_o the_o archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n to_o be_v a_o faithful_a and_o loyal_a lige_v to_o our_o lord_n the_o king_n the_o prince_n his_o son_n and_o to_o the_o heir_n of_o his_o body_n inheritable_a to_o the_o crown_n according_a to_o the_o law_n of_o england_n whereupon_o the_o king_n out_o of_o his_o grace_n pardon_v he_o his_o fine_a and_o rausome_a for_o the_o trespass_n aforesaid_a after_o which_o numb_a 17._o the_o lord_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a humble_o thank_v the_o king_n sit_v in_o his_o royal_a throne_n in_o the_o white_a chamber_n for_o his_o grace_n and_o pardon_n to_o the_o say_a earl_n of_o his_o fine_a and_o ransom_n and_o likewise_o the_o commons_o thank_v the_o lord_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a for_o the_o good_a and_o just_a judgement_n they_o have_v give_v as_o peer_n of_o parliament_n to_o the_o say_a earl_n from_o this_o memorable_a record_n i_o shall_v observe_v first_o that_o though_o this_o declaration_n of_o this_o earl_n case_n be_v make_v by_o his_o petition_n in_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o king_n lord_n and_o commons_o in_o parliament_n according_a to_o the_o statnte_n of_o 25._o e._n 3._o yet_o the_o lord_n only_o by_o protestation_n in_o presence_n of_o the_o king_n and_o commons_o claim_v to_o be_v the_o sole_a judge_n of_o it_o as_o peer_n of_o parliament_n and_o belong_v to_o they_o of_o right_n s●condly_o that_o this_o claim_n of_o they_o in_o this_o case_n be_v acknowledge_v and_o submit_v to_o both_o by_o the_o king_n and_o commons_o and_o thereupon_o the_o lord_n only_o after_o serious_a consideration_n of_o the_o case_n and_o statute_n whereon_o it_o depend_v give_v the_o definitive_a sentence_n and_o judgement_n in_o this_o case_n that_o it_o be_v neither_o treason_n nor_o felony_n but_o trespass_n only_o etc._n etc._n three_o that_o the_o earl_n thank_v the_o king_n only_o for_o his_o grace_n the_o lord_n for_o their_o just_a judgement_n and_o the_o commons_o only_o for_o their_o good_a heart_n and_o diligence_n have_v no_o share_n in_o the_o judgement_n though_o give_v by_o the_o lord_n both_o in_o the_o king_n and_o their_o presence_n and_o that_o the_o commons_o themselves_o return_v special_a thanks_o to_o the_o lord_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a on_o parliament_n for_o their_o good_a and_o just_a judgement_n four_o that_o this_o judgement_n of_o the_o lord_n only_o be_v final_a and_o conclusive_a both_o to_o the_o king_n and_o commons_o who_o aquiesce_v in_o it_o all_o that_o can_v be_v object_v to_o evade_v this_o precedent_n object_n object_n be_v that_o this_o judgement_n be_v give_v in_o case_n of_o a_o peer_n wherein_o the_o lord_n only_o be_v the_o judge_n by_o magna_fw-la charta_fw-la c._n 29._o but_o not_o of_o a_o commoner_n which_o be_v the_o question_n i_o answer_v answ_n answ_n that_o though_o this_o judgement_n of_o they_o be_v in_o case_n only_o of_o a_o earl_n who_o be_v a_o peer_n &_o triable_a 29._o triable_a see_v cook_n 2._o inslit_v on_o ma●na_fw-la charta_fw-la c._n 29._o only_o by_o his_o peer_n yet_o the_o king_n &_o lord_n in_o this_o parliament_n the_o very_a same_o day_n give_v judgement_n of_o high_a treason_n against_o henry_n and_o thomw_o peircy_n one_o of_o they_o no_o peer_n and_o other_o who_o be_v in_o their_o company_n who_o be_v but_o commoner_n and_o no_o peer_n for_o levy_v war_n against_o the_o king_n and_o that_o without_o the_o commons_o as_o be_v evident_a by_o the_o parliament_n roll_v of_o 5._o h._n 4._o nu_fw-la 15._o et_fw-fr anxy_n mesme_fw-fr le_fw-fr vendreay_n aiugges_n par_fw-la le_z roy_fw-fr et_fw-fr seigneiur_n en_fw-fr parliament_n que_fw-fr levy_a de_fw-fr guerre_fw-fr fait_fw-fr per_fw-la les_fw-fr ditz_fw-fr mounsieur_fw-fr henry_n &_o mounsieur_fw-fr thomas_n furont_n tenuz_fw-fr pour_fw-fr treason_n &_o ceo_fw-la si_fw-la bien_fw-fr de_fw-fr eux_fw-fr mesme_n come_v de_fw-fr auter_n qui_fw-fr fueront_fw-fr en_fw-fr lour_v compaigne_n au_fw-fr temps_fw-fr de_fw-fr dit_fw-fr lever_n which_o quite_o take_v off_o this_o objection_n verbatim_o se●_n mr._n prynnes_n doom_n of_o cowardice_n and_o treachery_n p._n 2._o 3._o 4._o 5._o etc._n etc._n where_o these_o record_n be_v cite_v at_o large_a verbatim_o to_o put_v all_o out_o of_o question_n i_o shall_v instance_n in_o some_o few_o ancient_a prefident_n more_o which_o be_v full_a and_o punctual_a in_o the_o parliament_n of_o 1._o r._n 2._o num_fw-la 38._o 39_o 40._o the_o commons_o pray_v that_o all_o those_o captain_n who_o have_v render_v or_o lose_v castle_n or_o town_n through_o default_n may_v be_v put_v to_o answer_v it_o in_o this_o parliament_n and_o severe_o punish_v according_a to_o their_o desert_n by_o award_n or_o judgement_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o baron_n to_o eschew_v the_o evil_a example_n they_o have_v give_v to_o other_o governor_n of_o town_n and_o castle_n whereupon_o sir_n alexander_n de_fw-fr buxton_n constable_n of_o the_o tower_n be_v command_v to_o bring_v before_o the_o lord_n in_o parliament_n william_n de_fw-fr weston_n and_o lord_n of_o gomyne_n both_o of_o they_o commoner_n on_o friday_n the_o 27._o of_o november_n to_o answer_v such_o article_n as_o shall_v be_v surmise_v against_o they_o on_o the_o king_n behalf_n be_v bring_v before_o the_o lord_n in_o full_a parliament_n they_o be_v several_o article_v against_o at_o the_o command_n of_o the_o lord_n by_z sir_n richard_z le_z scrop_a knight_n steward_z of_o the_o king_n house_n and_o their_o several_a article_n and_o answer_n to_o they_o in_o writing_n be_v read_v before_o the_o lord_n which_o do_v the_o constable_n be_v command_v to_o bring_v they_o again_o before_o the_o lord_n on_o saturday_n next_o ensue_v be_v the_o 20._o of_o november_n on_o which_o day_n it_o be_v show_v unto_o they_o several_o by_o the_o say_a steward_n by_z the_o lord_n command_n that_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o parliament_n who_o name_n be_v particular_o mention_v in_o the_o roll_n have_v meet_v together_o and_o consider_v of_o their_o respective_a answer_n and_o that_o it_o seem_v to_o the_o lord_n aforesaid_a that_o the_o say_v william_n have_v deliver_v up_o the_o castle_n of_o outherwycke_n to_o the_o king_n enemy_n without_o any_o duresse_n or_o want_v of_o victual_n contrary_a to_o his_o allegiance_n and_o undertake_v safe_o to_o keep_v it_o and_o therefore_o the_o lord_n above_o name_v sit_v in_o full_a parliament_n adjudge_v you_o to_o death_n &_o that_o you_o shall_v be_v draw_v and_o hang_v but_o because_o our_o lord_n the_o king_n be_v not_o inform_v of_o the_o manner_n of_o the_o judgement_n the_o execution_n of_o it_o shall_v be_v respite_v till_o the_o king_n be_v thereof_o inform_v a●ter_v which_o judgement_n give_v it_o be_v show_v to_o the_o say_v john_n lord_n of_o gomyne_n by_o the_o 〈◊〉_d steward_n how_o the_o say_v lord_n have_v assemble_v and_o consider_v of_o his_o answer_n and_o that_o ●●●●●eemed_v to_o the_o lord_n sit_v in_o full_a parliament_n that_o without_o duresse_n or_o default_n of_o victual_n or_o other_o necessary_n for_o the_o defence_n of_o the_o town_n or_o castle_n of_o arde_n and_o without_o the_o king_n command_n he_o have_v evil_o deliver_v and_o surrender_v they_o to_o the_o king_n enemy_n by_o his_o own_o default_n against_o all_o appearance_n of_o right_n or_o reason_n against_o his_o undertake_n safe_o to_o keep_v the_o same_o wherefore_o the_o lord_n aforesaid_a here_o in_o full_a parliament_n adjude_v you_o to_o death_n and_o because_o you_o be_v a_o gentleman_n and_o a_o baronet_n and_o have_v serve_v the_o king_n grandfather_n in_o his_o war_n and_o be_v no_o leige●man_n of_o our_o lord_n the_o king_n you_o shall_v be_v behead_v without_o have_v other_z judgement_n and_o because_o that_o our_o lord_n the_o king_n be_v not_o yet_o inform_v of_o the_o manner_n of_o this_o judgement_n the_o execution_n thereof_o shall_v be_v put_v in_o respite_n until_o our_o lord_n the_o king_n be_v inform_v thereof_o loe_o here_o two_o express_a judgement_n give_v in_o parliament_n by_o the_o lord_n alone_o without_o king_n or_o commons_o in_o case_n of_o treason_n even_o against_o commoner_n themselves_o and_o a_o express_a acknowledgement_n of_o the_o commons_o of_o the_o lord_n
right_a to_o award_v judgement_n in_o these_o case_n without_o the_o king_n or_o they_o than_o which_o a_o full_a and_o clear_a proof_n can_v be_v desire_v in_o the_o selfsame_a parliament_n 1._o r._n ●_o num_fw-la 41_o 42_o 43._o dame_n alice_n piers_n be_v bring_v before_o the_o lord_n and_o charge_v by_o sir_n richard_n le_fw-fr scrope_n with_o sundry_a misdemeanour_n which_o she_o deny_v hereupon_o divers_a witness_n be_v examine_v against_o she_o whereupon_o judgement_n be_v give_v by_o the_o lord_n against_o her_o that_o she_o shall_v be_v banish_v and_o forfeit_v all_o her_o land_n good_n and_o tenement_n whatsoeuèr_v to_o this_o judgement_n neither_o king_n nor_o commons_o be_v party_n but_o the_o lord_n only_o to_o these_o i_o may_v add_v the_o case_n of_o transcribe_v of_o see_v the_o doom_n of_o 〈◊〉_d and_o treachery_n 〈◊〉_d 14_o 15._o where_o the_o record_n be_v transcribe_v sir_n william_n de_fw-fr eleuham_n sir_n thomas_n trivet_n sir_n henry_n de_fw-fr ferrier_n and_o sir_n william_n farnden_n knight_n and_o robert_n fitz_n ralph_n esquire_n rot._n parl._n 7._o r._n 2._o num_fw-la 24._o sentence_v and_o condemn_v by_o judgement_n of_o the_o lord_n in_o parliament_n pronounce_v by_o the_o chancellor_n for_o sell_v the_o castle_n of_o burbugh_n with_o the_o arm_n and_o ammunition_n in_o it_o to_o the_o king_n enemy_n without_o the_o king_n licence_n 21._o r._n 2._o parl._n rot._n plac._n coronae_fw-la num_fw-la 27._o where_o sir_n robert_n pleasington_n be_v adjudge_v a_o traitor_n after_o his_o death_n by_o the_o king_n by_o assent_n of_o the_o lord_n and_o numb_a 15._o 16._o sir_n thomas_n mortimer_n case_n num_fw-la 17._o sir_n john_n cobham_n case_n ●8_o case_n 31._o h._n 6._o n._n 45._o 64._o 65._o ●_o 3._o n._n 16._o to_o ●8_o and_o numb_a 28._o henry_n bonoit_n case_n condemn_v in_o like_a manner_n of_o treason_n by_o the_o lord_n with_o hundred_o of_o precedent_n more_o i_o shall_v only_o cite_v three_o more_o at_o large_a which_o be_v punctual_a in_o the_o parliament_n of_o 8._o r._n 2._o n._n 12._o walter_n sibyl_n of_o london_n be_v arrest_v and_o bring_v into_o the_o parliament_n before_o the_o lord_n at_o the_o suit_n of_o robert_n de_fw-fr veer_v earl_n of_o oxford_n for_o slander_v he_o to_o the_o duke_n of_o lancaster_n and_o other_o noble_n for_o maintenance_n walter_n deny_v not_o but_o that_o he_o say_v that_o certain_a there_o name_v recover_v against_o he_o the_o say_v walter_n and_o that_o by_o maintenance_n of_o the_o say_a earl_n as_o he_o think_v the_o earl_n there_o present_v protest_v himself_o to_o be_v innocent_a and_o put_v himself_o upon_o the_o trial_n walter_z thereupon_o be_v commit_v to_o prison_n by_o the_o lord_n and_o the_o next_o day_n he_o submit_v himself_o and_o desire_v the_o lord_n to_o be_v a_o mean_a for_o he_o say_v he_o can_v not_o accuse_v he_o whereupon_o the_o lord_n convict_v and_o fine_v he_o five_o hundred_n mark_v to_o the_o say_a earl_n for_o the_o which_o and_o for_o his_o fine_a and_o ransom_n he_o be_v commit_v to_o prison_n by_o the_o lord_n a_o direct_a case_n in_o point_n in_o the_o second_o parliament_n in_o 7._o r._n 2._o num_fw-la 13._o to_o 19_o john_n cavendish_n a_o fishmonger_n of_o london_n accuse_v michael_n de_fw-fr la_fw-fr pool_n knight_n lord_z chancellor_z of_o england_n first_o before_o the_o commons_o and_o afterward_o before_o the_o lord_n for_o bribery_n and_o injustice_n and_o that_o he_o entere●●●nto_fw-mi a_o bond_n of_o x._o l._n to_o john_n ottard_n a_o clerk_n to_o the_o say_a chancellor_n which_o he_o be_v to_o give_v for_o his_o good_a success_n in_o the_o business_n in_o part_n of_o payment_n whereof_o he_o br●ught_v herring_n and_o sturgeon_n to_o ottard_n and_o you_o be_v delay_v a●d_v can_v have_v no_o justice_n at_o the_o chancellor_n h●nds_n and_o upon_o hear_v he_o cause_n and_o examine_v wi●●_n o●fes_v upon_o oath_n before_o the_o lord_n the_o chancellor_n be_v clear_v the_o chancellor_n thereupon_o require_v reparation_n for_o so_o great_a a_o slander_n the_o lord_n be_v then_o trouble_v with_o other_o weighty_a matter_n let_v the_o fish-monger_n to_o bail_v and_o refer_v the_o matter_n to_o be_v order_v by_o the_o judge_n who_o upon_o hear_v the_o whole_a matter_n condemn_v cavendish_n in_o three_o thousand_o mark_n for_o his_o slanderous_a complaint_n against_o the_o say_a chancellor_n and_o adjudge_v he_o to_o prison_n till_o he_o have_v pay_v the_o same_o to_o the_o chancellor_n and_o make_v fine_a and_o ransom_n to_o the_o king_n also_o which_o the_o lord_n confirm_v in_o the_o parliament_n of_o 15._o r._n 2._o nu_fw-la 21._o john_n stradwell_n of_o begsteed_n in_o the_o county_n of_o sussex_n be_v commit_v to_o the_o fleet_n by_o judgement_n of_o the_o lord_n there_o to_o remain_v during_o the_o king_n pleasure_n for_o that_o he_o inform_v the_o parliament_n that_o the_o archbishop_n of_o canterbury_n have_v excommunicate_v he_o and_o his_o neighbour_n wrongful_o for_o a_o temporal_a cause_n appertain_v to_o the_o crown_n and_o common_a law_n wh●ch_n be_v adjudge_v by_o the_o lord_n upon_o examination_n and_o hear_n to_o be_v vntrve_v these_o three_o eminent_a precedent_n to_o which_o many_o more_o may_v be_v add_v of_o the_o lord_n fine_v and_o imprison_v mere_a commons_o only_o for_o slander_v peer_n of_o parliament_n even_o by_o false_a accusation_n against_o they_o in_o parliament_n by_o way_n of_o complaint_n will_v ●●stify_v the_o lord_n proceed_n against_o lilburn_n and_o ou●rton_n for_o their_o profess_a libel_n both_o against_o their_o person_n and_o jurisdiction_n too_o to_o proceed_v to_o latter_a time_n in_o parliament_n of_o 18._o and_o 21._o jacobi_n and_o 3._o car._n not_o only_o the_o lord_n 23._o lord_n cook_n 4._o instit_fw-la p._n 23._o chancellor_n bacon_n and_o the_o earl_n of_o middlesex_n lord_n treasurer_n upon_o complaint_n of_o the_o commons_o be_v censure_v and_o judge_v by_o the_o lord_n alone_o but_o likewise_o sir_n giles_n mompesson_n sir_n john_n michael_n and_o dr_n manwer_v all_o commoner_n judicial_o sentence_v &_o doctor_n pocklinton_n and_o doctor_n bray_n even_o for_o erroneous_a book_n and_o sermon_n be_v sentence_v this_o parliament_n by_o the_o lord_n alone_o since_o these_o master_n clement_n walker_n esquire_n be_v imprison_v in_o the_o tower_n and_o fine_v by_o the_o lord_n for_o some_o word_n pretend_v to_o be_v speak_v against_o the_o lord_n say_v and_o within_o these_o few_o month_n on●_n morrice_n and_o four_o or_o five_o more_o of_o his_o confederate_n be_v censure_v fine_v and_o imprison_v by_o the_o lord_n alone_o for_o forge_v a_o act_n of_o parliament_n upon_o sir_n adam_n littleton_n complaint_n with_o all_o the_o commons_o privity_n or_o consent_n and_o above_o one_o hundred_o commoner_n more_o have_v be_v imprison_v by_o they_o or_o fine_v this_o very_a session_n of_o parliament_n for_o breach_n of_o privilege_n contempt_n or_o misdemeanour_n by_o the_o lord_n alone_o without_o the_o commons_o yet_o no_o demurrer_n nor_o exception_n be_v take_v by_o they_o or_o the_o commons_o to_o their_o jurisdiction_n who_o applaud_v this_o their_o justice_n in_o some_o of_o these_o case_n from_o all_o these_o clear_a confession_n of_o the_o commons_o themselves_o in_o parliament_n and_o punctual_a precedent_n in_o print_n in_o former_a late_a parliament_n and_o in_o this_o now_o sit_v it_o be_v undeniable_a that_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n joint_o and_o the_o lord_n several_o without_o the_o king_n have_v a_o indubitable_a right_n of_o judicature_n without_o the_o common●_n vest_v in_o they_o not_o only_o of_o peer_n themselves_o but_o likewise_o of_o commoner_n in_o all_o extraordinary_a case_n of_o treason_n felony_n trespass_n and_o other_o misdemeanour_n triable_a only_a in_o parliament_n which_o have_v be_v constant_o acknowledge_v practise_v and_o submit_v to_o without_o dispute_n much_o more_o than_o have_v they_o such_o a_o just_a and_o rightful_a power_n in_o case_n of_o breach_n of_o their_o own_o privilege_n of_o 15._o of_o cook_n 4_o instit_fw-la p._n 15._o which_o none_o be_v or_o can_v be_v judge_n but_o themselves_o alone_o and_o to_o deny_v they_o such_o a_o power_n be_v to_o make_v the_o high_a court_n of_o judicature_n in_o the_o realm_n inferior_a to_o the_o king_n bench_n and_o all_o other_o court_n of_o justice_n who_o have_v power_n to_o judge_v and_o try_v the_o person_n and_o cause_n of_o commoner_n and_o to_o commit_v and_o fine_v they_o for_o contempt_n and_o breach_n of_o privilege_n as_o our_o imprisonment_n our_o see_v brooke_n and_o ash_n table_n tit._n contempt_n fines_n pur_fw-it contempt_n &_o imprisonment_n law_n book_n resolve_v and_o every_o man_n experience_n can_v testify_v the_o lord_n right_a of_o judicature_n be_v thus_o full_o evict_v against_o the_o false_a and_o ignorant_a pretence_n of_o illiterate_a sectary_n altogether_o unacquainted_a with_o our_o history_n and_o record_n of_o parliament_n
commons_o a_o attendant_a on_o sir_n tho._n brooke_n choose_v one_o of_o the_o knight_n to_o serve_v in_o parliament_n for_o the_o county_n of_o somerset_n be_v grievous_o beat_v by_o one_o john_n savage_a be_v upon_o a_o petition_n of_o the_o commons_o relieve_v against_o this_o breach_n of_o privilege_n by_o *_o ordinance_n or_o act_n of_o parliament_n 14._o 8._o h._n 4._o 23._o 14._o make_v by_o consent_n of_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n which_o be_v print_v in_o 5._o h._n 4._o c._n 6._o and_o in_o like_a manner_n richard_n strode_n burgess_n of_o plimton_n be_v relieve_v against_o breach_n of_o his_o privilege_n as_o a_o parliament_n man_n by_o a_o special_a act_n of_o parliament_n assent_v unto_o by_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n upon_o the_o commons_o petition_n an._n 4._o h._n 8._o c._n 6._o the_o commons_o alone_o be_v then_o unable_a to_o relieve_v they_o or_o punish_v these_o breach_n by_o their_o own_o authority_n as_o of_o late_o they_o presume_v to_o do_v without_o king_n or_o lord_n quo_fw-la jure_fw-la have_v not_o the_o power_n of_o judicature_n vest_v in_o they_o i_o be_o yet_o to_o learn_v be_v contrary_a to_o the_o practice_n and_o precedent_n of_o all_o ancient_a parliament_n before_o our_o present_a age_n and_o the_o statute_n of_o 11._o h._n 6._o c._n 11._o provide_v for_o this_o very_a purpose_n which_o present_v another_o remedy_n out_o of_o parliament_n and_o not_o in_o only_a the_o commons_o house_n in_o the_o parliament_n of_o 16._o r._n 2._o n._n 6._o the_o wednesday_n after_o the_o parliament_n begin_v sir_n philip_n courtenay_n return_v by_o the_o sheriff_n of_o devon_n for_o one_o of_o the_o knight_n for_o that_o county_n come_v before_o the_o king_n in_o full_a parliament_n and_o say_v that_o he_o understand_v how_o certain_a people_n have_v accuse_v and_o slander_v he_o to_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n as_o well_o by_o bill_n as_o by_o mouth_n of_o heinous_a matter_n and_o therefore_o pray_v to_o be_v discharge_v of_o the_o say_a employment_n until_o the_o say_a accusation_n and_o complaint_n be_v try_v and_o find_v true_a or_o not_o true_a and_o because_o his_o say_a prayer_n seem_v honest_a to_o the_o king_n and_o the_o lord_n the_o king_n grant_v he_o his_o request_n and_o discharge_v he_o in_o full_a parliament_n and_o the_o monday_n follow_v at_o the_o instance_n and_o prayer_n of_o the_o commons_z the_o king_n grant_v that_o he_o shall_v be_v restore_v and_o remit_v to_o his_o place_n according_a to_o the_o return_n of_o the_o say_a sheriff_n for_o to_o counsel_n and_o do_v that_o which_o belong_v unto_o his_o office_n and_o after_o because_o he_o have_v be_v good_a and_o treatable_a with_o those_o who_o have_v complain_v upon_o he_o and_o condescend_v to_o a_o good_a treaty_n he_o be_v restore_v in_o full_a parliament_n to_o his_o good_a same_n the_o charge_n against_o he_o be_v express_v in_o the_o same_o parliament_n rol_n num_fw-la 13._o 14._o where_n two_o petition_n prefer_v against_o he_o to_o the_o king_n and_z lord_n in_o parliament_n for_o put_v thomas_n peutyngdon_n forcible_o out_o of_o possession_n of_o the_o manor_n of_o bygelog●_n without_o just_a cause_n &_o richard_n somestre_n out_o of_o other_o land_n &_o detain_v they_o from_o they_o he_o be_v so_o powerful_a in_o the_o county_n that_o no_o poor_a man_n dare_v to_o sue_v he_o which_o petition_n be_v refer_v by_o consent_n in_o parliament_n to_o certain_a arbitrator_n to_o determine_v from_o which_o record_n it_o be_v evident_a first_o that_o member_n of_o the_o commons_o house_n may_v be_v complain_v and_o petition_v against_o for_o misdeameanour_n and_o put_v to_o answer_v before_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n in_o parliament_n and_o there_o fine_v and_o judge_v not_o before_o the_o commons_o house_n and_o that_o this_o be_v the_o ancient_a way_n of_o proceed_v second_o that_o the_o commons_o can_v suspend_v or_o discharge_v any_o of_o their_o fellow-commoner_n or_o knight_n from_o sit_v in_o parliament_n but_o only_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n in_o full_a parliament_n in_o who_o the_o power_n of_o judicature_n rest_v much_o less_o than_o can_v they_o expel_v or_o eject_v any_o of_o their_o member_n by_o their_o own_o authority_n without_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n concurrence_n and_o consent_n three_o that_o the_o power_n of_o restore_v and_o readmit_v a_o suspend_v member_n of_o the_o commons_o house_n belong_v not_o to_o the_o commons_o themselves_o but_o to_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n to_o who_o the_o commons_o themselves_o in_o this_o case_n address_v themselves_o by_o petitinn_n for_o courtneys_n readmission_n unto_o his_o office_n after_o his_o submission_n of_o the_o complaint_n against_o he_o to_o the_o arbitrament_n of_o those_o member_n to_o who_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n refer_v the_o same_o in_o the_o parliament_n of_o 17._o r._n 2._o n._n 23._o it_o be_v accord_v by_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n at_o the_o request_n of_o the_o commons_o that_o roger_n swinerton_n who_o be_v indict_v of_o the_o death_n of_o one_o of_o their_o companion_n john_n de_fw-fr ipstones_n knight_n of_o the_o say_a parliament_n for_o the_o county_n of_o stafford_n slay_v in_o come_v towards_o the_o say_a parliament_n by_o the_o say_v roger_n shall_v not_o be_v deliver_v out_o of_o prison_n wherein_o he_o be_v detain_v for_o this_o cause_n by_o bail_n mainprize_n or_o any_o other_o manner_n until_o he_o have_v make_v answer_n thereunto_o and_o shall_v be_v deliver_v by_o the_o law_n the_o commons_o alone_o by_o their_o own_o power_n have_v no_o authority_n to_o make_v such_o a_o order_n even_o for_o the_o murder_n of_o one_o of_o their_o own_o member_n without_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n who_o make_v this_o order_n at_o their_o request_n in_o the_o parliament_n of_o 35._o eliz._n when_o sir_n edward_n cook_n be_v speaker_n of_o the_o commons_o house_n there_o fall_v out_o some_o question_n in_o the_o commons_o house_n about_o the_o amendment_n of_o a_o mistake_n in_o the_o return_n of_o the_o burgess_n of_o southwark_n etc._n *_o 5._o r._n 2._o c._n 4_o 8._o h._n 4._o c._n 14._o 11._o h._n 4._o c._n 16._o h._n 6_o c._n 4._o 8._o h._n 6._o c._n 7._o 32._o h._n 6._o c._n 15_o ploud_o tol_fw-mi 11._o 8_o etc._n etc._n and_o after_o long_a debate_n it_o be_v resolve_v that_o the_o house_n can_v not_o amend_v it_o but_o the_o lord_n keeper_n in_o chancery_n where_o the_o return_n be_v of_o record_n if_o he_o think_v it_o amendable_a by_o law_n and_o that_o masten_n speaker_n shall_v wait_v upon_o the_o lord_n keeper_n about_o it_o which_o he_o do_v who_o advise_v with_o the_o judge_n concern_v it_o as_o appear_v by_o the_o journal_n and_o the_o statute_n make_v for_o redress_n of_o abuse_n of_o election_n of_o knight_n and_o burgess_n be_v make_v by_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n upon_o the_o commons_o petition_n as_o appear_v by_o 8._o h._n 4._o n_o 83_o 1_o 9_o 11._o h._n 4._o n._n 54._o neither_o of_o all_o which_o statute_n give_v the_o house_n of_o commons_o alone_o any_o power_n of_o judicature_n to_o judge_v the_o right_n of_o election_n or_o punish_v abuse_n commit_v in_o they_o but_o leave_v they_o to_o the_o lord_n judicature_n as_o at_o first_o and_o give_v the_o party_n injure_v a_o action_n at_o law_n against_o the_o sheriff_n and_o ●others_n for_o false_a return_n second_o sir_n edmund_n cook_n word_n extend_v only_a matter_n of_o misdemeanour_n of_o any_o member_n of_o the_o house_n of_o commons_o commit_v in_o or_o against_o the_o house_n itself_o of_o which_o the●_n now_o though_o not_o ancient_o be_v the_o sole_a judge_n without_o the_o lord_n which_o he_o prove_v by_o arthur_n hall_n case_n three_o to_o breach_n of_o privilege_n of_o the_o commons_o house_n alone_o in_o strike_v or_o arrest_v any_o of_o the_o member_n or_o their_o privilege_a servant_n which_o he_o prove_v by_o munctons_n case_n and_o 11._o h._n 6._o c._n 11._o 5._o h._n 4._o c._n 6._o the_o two_o latter_a prove_v the_o contrary_a yet_o in_o this_o case_n of_o breach_n of_o privilege_n even_o in_o arrest_v the_o commons_o member_n and_o servant_n the_o commons_z house_n be_v no●_n ancient_o the_o sole_a judge_n as_o now_o in_o the_o parliament_n of_o h._n 6._o n._n 25._o 26._o 27._o 28._o thomas_n thorp_n chief_a baron_n be_v choose_v speaker_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o after_o his_o election_n and_o before_o the_o parliament_n which_o be_v prorogue_v he_o be_v arrest_v and_o take_v in_o execution_n at_o the_o suit_n of_o the_o duke_n of_o york_n whereupon_o some_o of_o the_o commons_o be_v send_v up_o by_o the_o house_n to_o the_o king_n and_o lord_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a sit_v in_o parliament_n desire_v that_o they_o may_v enjoy_v all_o their_o ancient_a and_o accustom_a privilege_n in_o be_v free_a from_o arrest_n and_o propound_v the_o case_n of_o thomas_n thorp_n
th●●r_v speaker_n to_o they_o desire_v his_o enlargement_n whereupon_o the_o say_a lord_n spiritual_a and_o temporal_a not_o intend_v to_o hurt_v or_o impeach_v the_o privilege_n of_o the_o commons_o but_o equal_o after_o the_o court_n of_o law_n to_o administer_v justice_n and_o to_o have_v knowledge_n what_o the_o law_n will_v weigh_v in_o that_o behalf_n declare_v to_o the_o justice_n the_o premise_n and_o ask_v of_o they_o whether_o the_o say_v thomas_n ought_v to_o be_v deliver_v from_o prison_n by_o force_n and_o virtue_n of_o the_o say_a privilege_n of_o parliament_n or_o not_o to_o the_o which_o question_n the_o chief_a justice_n in_o the_o name_n of_o all_o the_o justice_n aforesaid_a communication_n and_o mature_a deliberation_n have_v among_o they_o answer_v and_o say_v that_o they_o ought_v not_o to_o answer_v to_o that_o question_n for_o it_o have_v not_o be_v use_v aforetime_o that_o the_o justice_n shall_v in_o any_o wise_a determine_v the_o privilege_n of_o this_o high_a court_n of_o parliam_fw-la for_o it_o be_v so_o high_a and_o mighty_a in_o his_o nature_n that_o it_o may_v make_v that_o law_n which_o be_v not_o and_o that_o that_o be_v law_n it_o may_v make_v no_o law_n and_o the_o determination_n and_o knowledge_n of_o that_o privilege_n belong_v to_o the_o lord_n of_o the_o parliament_n and_o not_o to_o the_o justice_n but_o as_o for_o declaration_n of_o proceed_n in_o the_o low_a